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The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17
Old English
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The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17

Met17 1. hwæt eorþwaran || ealle hæfden Hwæt%, eorð-waran || ealle hæfden,
Met17 2. foldbuende || fruman gelicne fold-būende, || fruman ġe·līċne;
Met17 3. hi of anum twæm || ealle comon hīe of ānum twǣm || ealle cōmon,
Met17 4. were and wife || on woruld innan were and wīfe, || on weorold innan,
Met17 5. and hi eac nu get || ealle gelice and hīe ēac ġīet || ealle ġe·līċe
Met17 6. on woruld cumaþ || wlance and heane on weorold cumaþ, || wlance and hēane.
Met17 7. nis þæt nan wundor || forþæm witan ealle Nis þæt nan wunder, || for·þǣm witan ealle
Met17 8. þæt an god is || ealra gesceafta þæt ān god is || ealra ġe·sċeafta,
Met17 9. frea moncynnes || fæder and scippend frēa mann-cynnes, || fæder and sċieppend.
Met17 10. se þære sunnan leoht || seleþ of heofonum ðǣre sunnan lēoht || seleþ of heofonum,
Met17 11. monan and þyssum || mærum steorrum mōnan and þissum% || mǣrum steorrum.
Met17 12. se milda metod || gesceop men on eorþan milda% metod% || ġe·sċōp menn on eorðan,
Met17 13. and gesamnade || sawle to lice and ġe·samnode || sāwle līċe
Met17 14. æt fruman ærest || folc under wolcnum æt fruman ǣrest, || folc under wolcnum
Met17 15. emnæþele gesceop || æghwilcne mon efen-æðele ġe·sċōp || ǣġhwelcne mann.
Met17 16. hwy ge þonne æfre || ofer oþre men Hwȳ ġē þonne ǣfre || ofer ōðre menn
Met17 17. ofermodigen || buton andweorce ofer-mōdien || būtan and-weorce,
Met17 18. nu ge unæþelne || nænigne metaþ ġē unæðelne || nǣniġne% metaþ?
Met17 19. hwy ge eow for æþelum || up ahebben Hwȳ ġē ēow for æðelum || up ā·hebben,
Met17 20. nu on þæm mode biþ || monna gehwilcum on þǣm mōde biþ || manna ġe·hwelcum
Met17 21. þa rihtæþelo || þe ic þe recce ymb þā right-æðelo || þe þe reċċe ymb,
Met17 22. nales on þæm flæsce || foldbuendra nealles on þǣm flǣsċe || fold-būendra?
Met17 23. ac nu æghwilc mon || þe mid ealle biþ Ac ǣġhwelċ mann || þe mid ealle biþ
Met17 24. his unþeawum || underþieded his unþēawum || under-þīeded,
Met17 25. he forlæt ærest || lifes frumsceaft for­·lǣt ǣrest || līfes frumsċeaft
Met17 26. and his agene || æþelo swa selfe and his āĝene || æðelu swā selfe,
Met17 27. and eac þone fæder || þe hine æt fruman gesceop and ēac þone fæder || þe hine æt fruman ġe·sċōp.
Met17 28. forþæm hine anæþelaþ || ælmihtig god For·þǣm hine an-æðelaþ || æl-mehtiġ god,
Met17 29. þæt he unæþele || a forþ þanan þæt unæðele || ā forþ þonan
Met17 30. wyrþ on weorulde || to wuldre ne cymþ wierþ on weorolde, || wuldre ne cymþ.