Number of occurrences in corpus: 99
Genesis A 122b | engla hēt, / līfes brytta, || | lēoht | forþ cuman / ofer rūmne grund |
Genesis A 124b | ges hǣs; || him wæs hāliġ | lēoht | / ofer wēstenne, || swa sē wy |
Genesis A 127b | wealdend / ofer laĝu-flōde || | lēoht | wiþ þīestrum, / sċade wiþ |
Genesis A 129b | bām naman, / līfes brytta. || | Lēoht | wæs ǣrest / þurh dryhtnes wo |
Genesis A 144a | an || þā cōm ōðer dæġ, / | lēoht | aefter þīestrum. || Hēt þ |
Genesis B 265b | æþ þæt his līċ wǣre || | lēoht | and sċīene, / hwīt and hīew |
Genesis B 310b | for·þon hē hēo on wierse | lēoht | / under eorðan niðan, || æl- |
Genesis B 564b | ne wurðaþ þīn ēaĝan swa | lēoht | / þæt þū meaht swā wīde | |
Genesis B 614b | mīne. || Nū sċīeneþ þe | lēoht | fore / glædliċ on·ġēan || |
Genesis B 772b | r·lǣten, || þā hēo þæt | lēoht | ġe·seah / ellor sċrīðan || |
Genesis A 1923a | stmum þeaht, / laĝu-strēamum | lēoht, | || and ġe·līċ Godes / neorx |
Exodus 90a | hālġe seġlas, / lyft-wunder | lēoht; | || lēode on·ġēaton, / duĝu |
Exodus 251a | -boda || sǣ-strēamum nēah / | lēoht | ofer lindum || lyft-eodoras b |
Exodus 546a | as, || on up-rodor, / ðǣr is% | lēoht | and līf, || ēac þon lissa |
Daniel 375b | d þeċ landa ġe·hwelċ, || | lēoht | and þīestru, / herġe on hād |
Christ and Satan 28b | sorĝe, || nealles sweġles% | lēoht | / habban% in heofonum || hēah- |
Christ and Satan 68b | dǣlde%. || Hæfdon dryhtnes | lēoht% | / for ofer-hyġdum || ufan% for |
Christ and Satan 105b | des sċīman, || sċieppendes | lēoht. | / Ġō% āhte iċ% ġe·weald | |
Christ and Satan 140b | wiersa% || þæt iċ wuldres | lēoht | / uppe mid englum || ǣfre cū |
Christ and Satan 251b | d, || āĝan ūs þis wuldres | lēoht, | / eall tō ǣhte. || Þis is ī |
Christ and Satan 310b | eþ holdlīċe || in heofones | lēoht, | / ðǣr hēo mid wuldor-cyninge |
Christ and Satan 387b | be·foran fereþ || fæġere% | lēoht | / þonne we ǣfre ǣr || ēaĝu |
Christ and Satan 447b | m wērġe. || Nealles wuldres | lēoht | / habban mōton, || ac in helle |
Christ and Satan 555b | wunian mōton. / Ūs is wuldres | lēoht | / torht on·tȳned, || þǣm þ |
Christ and Satan 590b | englum, || habban þæt īlce | lēoht, | / ðǣr his% hīred nū || hāl |
Christ and Satan 616b | ll-cuman! || Gāþ in wuldres | lēoht | / tō heofona rīċe, || ðǣr |
Christ and Satan 648b | nden, || þǣm þe in wuldres | lēoht | / gangan mōten || tō Godes r |
Christ and Satan 677a | | siĝores āĝend, / libbendum | lēoht, | || lēan būtan ende, / on heof |
Andreas 77a | ō āre, || eall-mehtiġ god, / | lēoht | on þissum līfe, || þȳ læ |
Andreas 124b | tō·glād, / lungre lēorde || | lēoht | aefter cōm, / dæġrǣd-wōma. |
Andreas 1017b | ġen / lēofe on mōde. || Hīe | lēoht | ymb·sċān / hāliġ and heofo |
Andreas 1251b | h / lēof on mōde. || Him wæs | lēoht | sefa / hāliġ heortan nēah, | |
Andreas 1611b | ·wyrhtum. || Ēow is wuldres | lēoht | / torht on·tȳned, || ġif ġ |
The Fates of the Apostles 20b | e·ċēas / langsumre līf, || | lēoht | unhwīlen, / siþþan hilde-hea |
The Fates of the Apostles 61b | r weorodum, || þonan wuldres | lēoht | / sāwle ġe·sōhte || siĝore |
Homiletic Fragment I 44b | hyhtan, || þæt we heofones | lēoht | / uppe mid englum || āĝan mō |
Elene 7a | mennisċ hīew, / sōþfæstra | lēoht. | || Þā wæs siexte ġēar / Co |
Elene 94b | āþ weorod.’ || Þā þæt | lēoht | ġe·wāt, / up sīðode || and |
Elene 163a | his bēacen wæs / þe mē swā | lēoht | oþ·īewde || and mīne lēo |
Elene 173b | e / lǣrde wǣron, || (him wæs | lēoht | sefa, / ferhþ ġe·fēonde, || |
Elene 298b | ndwlitan || þe ēow ēaĝena | lēoht, | / fram blindnesse || bōte ġe |
Elene 307b | gunnon / lyġe wiþ sōðe, || | lēoht | wiþ þīestrum, / æfēst wiþ |
Elene 48a | riddan dæġ / ealles lēohtes | lēoht | || libbende ā·rās, / þēode |
Elene 606a | wod || sē þe ǣr fela tīda / | lēoht | ġearu || / in·bryrded brēos |
Elene 684b | / mid lēasungum. || Nū is on | lēoht | cumen, / on·wriġen, wyrda be |
Christ A 27b | aþ, / hwonne ūs līf-frēa || | lēoht | on·tȳne, / weorðe ūssum mō |
Christ A 227b | iġ god, / līfes ord-fruma, || | lēoht | and þīestru / ġe·dǣlde dry |
Christ A 231a | forþ || ā tō wīdan fēore / | lēoht, | līexende ġe·fēa, || libbe |
Christ B 592a | s mǣrþu, / swā þæt lēohte | lēoht | || swā þā lāðan niht, / sw |
Christ C 1036b | īċ and sāwle. || Sċeal on | lēoht | cuman / sīnra weorca wlite || |
Christ C 1579b | f æt metode, || þenden him | lēoht | and gǣst / samodfæst sēon. | |
Widsith 142a | || oþ·þæt eall sċæceþ, / | lēoht | and līf samod; || lof sē ġ |
Maxims I 94a | led, || sċield ġe·bunden, / | lēoht | linden bord, || lēof will-cu |
The Order of the World 64b | ssum; / libbendra ġe·hwǣm || | lēoht | forþ bireþ / branda beorhtost |
The Riming Poem 1b | ē līfes on·lah || sē þis | lēoht | on·wrāh, / and þæt torhte |
Guthlac A 8b | sindon wēðe || and wuldres | lēoht | / torht on·tīened. || Eart n |
Guthlac A 486b | meahte. || Wæs mē sweġles | lēoht | / torht on·tȳned, || þēah i |
Guthlac A 583b | ·dūfan, || nealles dryhtnes | lēoht | / habban on heofonum, || hēah- |
Guthlac B 1308b | fd under lyfte. || Þā ðǣr | lēoht | ā·sċān, / bēama beorhtost. |
Guthlac B 1332a | h-salu. || Brim-wudu sċynde, / | lēoht, | lāde fūs. || Laĝu-mearh sn |
Guthlac B 1369b | res dæl / of līċ-fæte || on | lēoht | godes / siĝor-lēan sōhte || |
Riddles 94 6a | -ry[] || / lēofre þonne þis | lēoht | eall, || lēohtre þon% w[]. |
The Phoenix 288b | n seġn%, || þonne swēġles | lēoht, | / ġimma gladost, || ofer gārs |
The Phoenix 317b | nell and swift || and swīðe | lēoht, | / wlitiġ and wynsum, || wuldre |
The Phoenix 508b | / landes frætwe. || Þonne on | lēoht | cymeþ / ældum þisses || on |
Juliana 95b | or eorðan, || mīnra ēaġna | lēoht, | / Iuliana. || Þū on ġēaðe |
Juliana 111b | lufie mid lācum || þone þe | lēoht | ġe·sċōp, / heofon and eorð |
The Gifts of Men 84a | a ġiefe || for gum-þeġnum, / | lēoht | and liðu-wāc. || Sum biþ l |
Precepts 92b | uþe, / ac bēo lēof-wende, || | lēoht | on ġe·hyġdum / ber brēost-c |
Beowulf 569b | līðende / lāde ne letton. || | Lēoht | ēastan cōm, / beorht bēacen |
Beowulf 648a | inġed, / siþþan hīe sunnan | lēoht | || ġe·sēon ne meahton, / oþ |
Beowulf 727b | stōd / līeġe ġe·līcost || | lēoht | unfæġer. / Ġe·sēah hē on |
Beowulf 1570b | feah. / Līexte sē lēoma, || | lēoht | inne stōd, / efene swā of heo |
Beowulf 2469b | um-drēam of·ġeaf, || godes | lēoht | ġe·ċēas, / eaforum lǣfde, |
The Paris Psalter 111:4 1a | de || wunaþ ǣniġ dæl. / / # / | Lēoht | wæs on lēodum || lēofum ā |
The Paris Psalter 118:106 1a | e, / and þæt is þæt strange | lēoht | || stīġe mīnre. / / # / Iċ ā |
The Paris Psalter 126:3 2a | ealle ā·rīsaþ, / ær·þon | lēoht | cume || lēoda bearnum? / A·r |
The Paris Psalter 148:3 2b | steorra || and þæt æðele | lēoht. | / / # / Heofenas hine heofona || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 10a | sċieppend. / Sē ðǣre sunnan | lēoht | || seleþ of heofonum, / mōnan |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 42b | metanne || wiþ þæt miċele | lēoht | / godes æl-mihtġes; || þæt |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 51a | -rodor || æl-beorhta līeġ, / | lēoht | on% lyfte; || liġeþ him be |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 3 5a | onne hit winnende / his āĝen | lēoht | || ān for·lǣteþ, / and mid |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 25a | ū wēl mæġe, / þæt sōðe | lēoht | || sweotole on·cnāwan, / lēo |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 7b | ettanne || wiþ ðǣre sunnan | lēoht. | / Þonne smolte blǣwþ || s |
The Death of Edgar 2b | cyning, || ċēas him ōðer | lēoht, | / wlitiġ and wynsum || and þi |
The Death of Edward 28b | ste sāwle || innan sweġeles | lēoht. | / And sē frōda swā þēah || |
The Rune Poem 75a | dēore mannum, / mǣre metodes | lēoht, | || myrĝþ and tōhyht / ēadĝ |
Solomon and Saturn 70b | pe. / Lamena hē is lǣċe, || | lēoht | wincendra, / swelċe hē is dē |
Solomon and Saturn 113a | þ him tō·ġeġnes, / habbaþ | lēoht | speru, || lange sċeaftas, / sw |
Solomon and Saturn 204a | daĝa || simble-ġe·reordu. / | Lēoht | hafaþ hēow and hād || hāl |
The Menologium 97a | þætte drihten nam / on ōðer | lēoht | || Aĝustinus, / blīðne on br |
Maxims II 51b | līf sċeall wiþ dēaðe, || | lēoht | sċeall wiþ þīestrum, / fyrd |
The Judgment Day II 219a | ċan wītu; / ðǣr lēohtes ne | lēoht | || lȳtel spearca / earmum ǣni |
The Kentish Hymn 22a | fæder. / Þū eart heofonliċ | lēoht | || and þæt hālġe lamb, / þ |
A Prayer 21a | drēoĝeþ. / Ēalā, lēohtes | lēoht. | || ēa-lā, līfes wynn. / Ġe |
A Prayer 50a | bendne God / and on þæt ēċe | lēoht | || uppe on rodorum. / Þīn mæ |
Thureth 4b | and tō weorðe, || þǣm þe | lēoht | ġe·sċōp. / Ġe·myndiġ is |
Latin-English Proverbs 4b | olaþ, / lēof ā·lāðaþ, || | lēoht | ā·þīestraþ. / Senescunt om |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 28a | theus% helm, || Marcus byrne, / | lēoht, | līfes rōf, || Lucos min swe |