Number of occurrences in corpus: 81
Genesis B 342b | | Wearp hine on þæt morðor | innan, | / niðer on þæt nēo-bedd, || |
Genesis B 353b | rd wurðian. || Wēoll him on | innan | / hyġe ymb his heortan, || hā |
Genesis B 589b | t unryht, || oþþæt hire on | innan | on·gann / weallan wyrmes ġe· |
Genesis B 677a | ē on hyġe lēohte / ūtan and | innan, | || siþþan iċ þæs ofetes |
Genesis B 715b | ġe·hēt, / oþþæt Ādame || | innan | brēostum / his hyġe hwierfde |
Genesis B 723b | t unfǣle. || Swā hit him on | innan | cōm, / hrān æt heortan, || h |
Genesis B 839b | || Uton gān on þisne weald | innan, | / on þisses holtes hleo’. || |
Genesis A 909a | en þe feorh% wunaþ / gāst on | innan. | || Þū sċealt grēot etan / |
Genesis A 1322a | sa mǣst || ġearu hlīfian, / | innan | and ūtan || eorðan līme / ġ |
Genesis A 1366a | aldend, || and seġnode / earce | innan | || āĝnum spēdum / nerġend |
Daniel 237a | ālĝan. / Enġel in þone ofen | innan | be·cōm || ðǣr hīe þæt |
Daniel 244a | esnas maniġe / wurpon wudu on | innan, | || swā him wæs on wordum ġ |
Daniel 258a | on swā hīe cūðon / ofene on | innan, | || ealdre ġe·nerede. / Guman |
Daniel 718b | rode, / eġesliċ for eorlum || | innan | healle, / þæt hē for lēodum |
Christ and Satan 578b | r·ġeald / earm āġ-lǣċa || | innan | helle. / Siteþ nū on þā sw |
Andreas 1018b | and heofon-torht. || Hreðer | innan | wæs / wynnum ā·wielled. || |
Andreas 1174b | feorne weġ / æðelinga sum || | innan | ċeastre, / ell-þēodiġra, || |
Andreas 1235b | ĝon, / enta ǣr-ġe·weorc, || | innan | burgum, / strǣte stān-fāĝe. |
Andreas 1241b | an% heolfre. || Hæfde him on | innan | / ellen untwēonde%, || wæs þ |
Andreas 1547b | ll. / Þǣr wæs ēaþ-fynde || | innan | burgum / ġōmor-ġiedd wrecen. |
Soul and Body I 33a | e wītum. / Eardode iċ þē on | innan. | || Ne meahte iċ þē of cuma |
Homiletic Fragment I 29b | ne sibb-cwide || and on sefan | innan | / þurh dēofles cræft || dier |
Elene 618b | lce / tō bisċope || burgum on | innan, | / þurh gāstes ġiefe || tō g |
Christ B 469b | tĝena word || ġond weorold | innan | / þurh his þrōwinga. || Þe |
Christ B 539b | hāt æt heortan, || hreðer% | innan | wēoll, / beorn% brēost-sefa. |
Christ C 1004a | ċe, || ġeorne ā·sēċeþ / | innan | and ūtan || eorðan sċēata |
Christ C 1329a | er-cofan || heortan ēaĝum, / | innan% | uncyste. || Wē mid þām ō |
Vainglory 24b | ringeþ%, || þrinteþ him on | innan | / un-ġe·medemod mōd; || sind |
The Panther 4b | wīde sind || ġond weorold% | innan | / fuĝla and dēora || fold-hr |
Soul and Body II 30a | e wītum. / Eardode% iċ þe on | innan. | || Nā iċ þē of meahte, / fl |
Guthlac B 883b | aefter burgum || ġond Bryten | innan, | / hū hē maniġe oft || þurh |
Guthlac B 938b | liġ of hīehþu. || Hreðer | innan | born, / ā·fȳsed on forþ-sī |
Guthlac B 979b | t and heoru-grimm. || Hreðer | innan | wēoll, / born bān-loca. || Br |
Guthlac B 1052b | fiġe æt heortan. || Hreðer | innan | swearc, / hyġe hrēow-ċeariġ |
Guthlac B 1065a | t, || þēah þēos ādl mē / | innan | ǣle. || Nis mē earfoþe / tō |
Guthlac B 1271a | īerde þā ġīenā / ellen on | innan. | || Oroþ stundum tēah / mæġe |
Guthlac B 1367b | -hūs ā·brocen || burgum on | innan | / wunaþ wæl-ræste || and sē |
Riddles 17 2b | eorde, / eodor-wīrum fæst, || | innan | ġe·fylled / dryht-ġe·strēo |
Riddles 28 7b | rum dryhta. || Drēam biþ on | innan | / cwicra wihta, || clenġeþ, l |
Riddles 9 3a | feorh þā ġīen, / ealdor on | innan. | || Þā mec ān% on·gann, / w |
The Judgment Day I 22b | an hit is enġe || and hit is | innan | hāt; / nis þæt betliċ bold% |
Alms-Giving 1b | iþ þām eorle || þe him on | innan | hafaþ, / rēðe-hyġdiġ wer, |
Riddles 88 29b | ungon. / Nū% mec unsċeafta || | innan | slītaþ, / wyrdaþ mec be wamb |
The Phoenix 200a | self bireþ / on þæt trēow | innan | || torhte frætwe; / ðǣr sē |
The Phoenix 301a | e ġimm, || ġeaflas sċīene / | innan | and ūtan. || Is sēo ēag-ġ |
Juliana 691b | it ġe·brōhton || burgum on | innan, | / sīd-folc miċel. || Þǣr si |
The Seafarer 11b | n / hāt ymb heortan; || hungor | innan | slāt / mere-wērġes mōd. || |
Beowulf 71a | re ġe·frugnon, / and ðǣr on | innan | || eall ġe·dǣlan / ġungum a |
Beowulf 774a | ; || ac hē þæs fæste wæs / | innan | and ūtan || īren-bendum / sea |
Beowulf 1017b | r and Hrōð·ulf. || Heorot | innan | wæs / frēondum ā·fylled; || |
Beowulf 1740a | e ne cann), / oþ·þæt him on | innan | || ofer-hyġda dæl / weaxeþ a |
Beowulf 1968b | ngₑn·þēowes || burgum on | innan, | / ġungne gūþ-cyning || gōdn |
Beowulf 2089a | acan fellum. / Hē mec ðǣr on | innan | || unsynniġne, / dēor dǣd-fr |
Beowulf 2214b | , / ieldum uncūþ. || Þǣr on | innan | ġēong / nīða% nāthwelċ, | |
Beowulf 2244a | earu-cræftum fæst. / Þǣr on | innan | bær || eorl-ġe·strēona / hr |
Beowulf 2331b | itere ġe·bulĝe. || Brēost | innan | wēoll / þēostrum ġe·þancu |
Beowulf 2412b | / ȳþ-ġe·winne; || sē wæs | innan | full / wrǣtta and wīra. || We |
Beowulf 2452b | ō ġe·bīdanne || burgum on | innan | / ierfe-weardas, || þonne sē |
Beowulf 2715a | bealu-nīðe% wēoll / ātor on | innan. | || Þā sē æðeling ġēong |
Beowulf 2719b | fæste / ēċe eorð-reċed || | innan | healde. / Hine þā mid handa | |
Judith 312b | ðer-trod, || wæl-sċiell on | innan, | / rēocende hrǣw. || Rūm wæs |
The Paris Psalter 118:140 2b | / # / Is þīn āĝen spræc || | innan | fȳren, / self swīðe hāt || |
The Paris Psalter 142:4 4b | ldan; / is mē ǣnġe% gāst || | innan | hreðeres, / and mē is heorte |
The Paris Psalter 147:2 4a | || bearna ǣġhwelċ% / þe on | innan | þē || āhwǣr wǣren. / / # / H |
The Paris Psalter 54:22 2b | e / þæt him īeðende mōd || | innan | hreðere; / þū ārlēase || e |
The Paris Psalter 86:4 2b | mǣre ġe·wearþ || mann on | innan, | / and hē hīe þā hīehstan | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 3a | fes || on sefan āĝe / anweald | innan, | || þȳ læs hē ǣfre sīe / h |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 4b | were and wīfe, || on weorold | innan, | / and hīe ēac nū ġīet || e |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 120b | ǣsċan || þæt þæt him on | innan | sticaþ / fȳres ġe·fēġed | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 8b | æt siþþan || on his sefan | innan, | / and for·lǣte ān, || swā h |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 14a | hit mæġ findan / eall on him | innan | || þæt hit oftost nū / ymb· |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 30 13a | ġ || ealla ġeond·līehtan / | innan | and ūtan. || Ac sē æl-miht |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 15b | iþ his eardes, || oþ him on | innan | felþ / muntes mæġen-stān || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 41b | ōt / þissa yfela hwæðer, || | innan | swenċan. / For·þǣm þā tw |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 44b | æt hit sēo ēċe ne mōt || | innan | ġeond·sċīnan / sunne for þ |
The Death of Edward 28b | feredon / sōþfæste sāwle || | innan | sweġeles lēoht. / And sē fr |
Maxims II 43a | eall on fenne ġe·wunian / ana | innan | lande. || Ides sċeall dierne |
The Judgment Day II 1b | ay II / / Hwæt. Iċ ana sæt || | innan | bearwe, / mid helme be·þeaht, |
The Judgment Day II 6a | wyrta || wēoxon and blēowon / | innan | þǣm ġe·mange || on ǣnlic |
The Gloria I 42a | || wunaþ and rīcsaþ / cyning | innan | wuldre || and his þā ġe·c |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 8b | ta mōdor, / ēastan openu%, || | innan | mihtĝu; / ofer þe% crætu% cu |