A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry


Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm
Old English
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Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm

MCharm2 1. gemyne ðu mucgwyrt || hwæt ðu ameldodest Ġe·myne þū, muċġ-wyrt, || hwæt þū ā·meldodest,
Bliss Scansion: a2d xxxxSs || d1c xxxSxx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / \ || 0 xxx / | / x

Syntax: VN || iV

hs: m, lab: m, aa: Q
MCharm2 2. hwæt ðu renadest || æt regenmelde hwæt þū reġnodest || æt Reġenmelde.
Bliss Scansion: d1b xxSxx || d1a x~+xx
Sievers Scansion: C1 xx / | / x || 0 x ~+ | / x

Syntax: iV || NC

hs: r, lab: m, aa: 2
MCharm2 3. una ðu hattest || yldost wyrta Una þū hātest, || ieldost wyrta.
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || N/A / x | / x

Syntax: NV || ANg

hs: V , aa: 1
MCharm2 4. ðu miht wið ðreo || and wið ðritig þū meahtmeht wiþ [III] || and wiþ [XXX],
Bliss Scansion: N/A xxxS || a1b xxSx
Sievers Scansion: FALSE xxx / || 0 xxSx

Syntax: VP || P

hs: X, ac: þr, aa: X
MCharm2 5. ðu miht wið attre || and wið onflyge þū meahtmeht wiþ ātre || and wiþ on-flyġe,
Bliss Scansion: a1c xxxSx || d3b xxS~x
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxx / x || 0 xx / | ~ x

Syntax: VP || NC

hs: V , law: f, aa: 2
MCharm2 6. ðu miht wið ðam laðan || ðe geond lond færð þū meahtmeht wiþ þǣm% lāðan || þe ġond land færþ.
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || N/A xxS|S
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || 0 xxS|S

Syntax: VP || PV

hs: l, law: f, aa: 2
MCharm2 7. ond ðu wegbrade || wyrta modor And þū, weġ-brāde, || wyrta mōdor,
Bliss Scansion: d2b xxSsx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: C1 xx / | / x || N/A / x | / x

Syntax: NC || NgN

hs: w , law: m, aa: 1
MCharm2 8. eastan openo || innan mihtigu ēastan openu%, || innan mihtĝu;
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|~+x || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | ~+ x || N/A / x | / x

Syntax: aA || aA

hs: V , law: m, aa: D
MCharm2 9. ofer ðe crætu curran || ofer ðe cwene reodan ofer þe% crætu% curran, || ofer þe% cwēne rēodan,
Bliss Scansion: d2c xxx~+|Sx || 3B1c xxxSx|~+
Sievers Scansion: C2 xxx ~+ | / x || 0 xxx / | x ~+

Syntax: NV || NV

hs: c, aa: D
MCharm2 10. ofer ðe bryde bryodedon || ofer ðe fearras fnærdon ofer þe% brȳde brȳdedon, || ofer þe% fearras fnærdon.
Bliss Scansion: a1c(2A1a) xxxSx|~+x || hyp. xxxSx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: hA1 xxx / x | ~+ x || 0 xxx / x | / x

Syntax: NV || NV

hs: X, ac: br, aca: br, aa: D
MCharm2 11. eallum ðu ðon wiðstode || and wiðstunedest Eallum þū þon wiþ·stōde || and wiþ·stunodest;
Bliss Scansion: a1e xxxxxSx || a1b xx~+x
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxxx / x || 0 xx~+x

Syntax: AV || VU

hs: w , aa: 2
MCharm2 12. swa ðu wiðstonde || attre and onflyge swā þū wiþ·stande || ātre and on-flyġe
Bliss Scansion: a1c xxxSx || N/A Sx|xS~+
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxx / x || 0 Sx|xS~+

Syntax: iV || NcN

hs: X, law: f, aa: Z
MCharm2 13. and ðæm laðan || ðe geond lond fereð and þǣm lāðan || þe ġond land fereþ.
Bliss Scansion: a1b xxSx || 2C2b xxS|~x
Sievers Scansion: A3 xx / x || 0 xx / | ~ x

Syntax: dA || PV

hs: l, law: f, aa: 2
MCharm2 14. stune hætte ðeos wyrt || heo on stane geweox Stune hætte þēos wyrt, || hēo on stāne ġe·weox;
Bliss Scansion: N/A ~+|xxxS || 3B*1c xxSx|xS
Sievers Scansion: E ~+ \ xx | / || 0 xx / | xx /

Syntax: NN || PV

hs: st, ca: st, law: w, xa: stwstw, aa: Q
MCharm2 15. stond heo wið attre || stunað heo wærce stand hēo wiþ ātre, || stunaþ hēo wǣrce.
Bliss Scansion: 1A1b S|xxSx || 1A1a ~+|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || N/A ~+ x | / x

Syntax: VP || VN

hs: st, ca: st, law: w, aa: 1
MCharm2 16. stiðe heo hatte || wiðstunað heo attre Stīðe hēo hātte, || wiþ·stunaþ hēo ātre,
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || 1A1a x~+|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 x ~+ x | / x

Syntax: NV || NNt

hs: st, ca: st, law: V, aa: 1
MCharm2 17. wreceð heo wraðan || weorpeð ut attor wreceþ hēo wrāðan, || weorpeþ ūt ātor.
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a ~+|xSx || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A1 ~+ x | / x || N/A / xx | / x

Syntax: VA || VN

hs: w , ac: wr, aca: wr, acc: wr, ca: w, law: V, aa: D
MCharm2 18. ðis is seo wyrt || seo wið wyrm gefeaht Þis is sēo wyrt || sēo wiþ wyrm ġe·feaht,
Bliss Scansion: N/A xxxS || 2B1b xxS|xS
Sievers Scansion: FALSE xxx / || 0 xx / | x /

Syntax: dvN || PV

hs: w , ca: w, law: f, aa: 2
MCharm2 19. ðeos mæg wið attre || heo mæg wið onflyge þēos mæġ wiþ ātre, || hēo mæġ wiþ on-flyġe,
Bliss Scansion: a1c xxxSx || d3c xxxS~x
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxx / x || 0 xxx / | ~ x

Syntax: VP || VP

hs: m, law: f, aa: Q
MCharm2 20. heo mæg wið ðam laðan || ðe geond lond fereð hēo mæġ wiþ þǣm% lāðan || þe ġond land fereþ.
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || 2C2b xxS|~x
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || 0 xx / | ~ x

Syntax: VP || PV

hs: l, law: f, aa: 2
MCharm2 21. fleoh ðu nu attorlaðe || seo læsse ða maran Fleoh þū nū, ātor-lāðe, || sēo lǣsse þā māran,
Bliss Scansion: hyp. xxxSx|Sx || 1A*1a xSx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: hA1 xxx / x | / x || 0 x / xx | / x

Syntax: AC || AA

hs: X, aa: 2
MCharm2 22. seo mare ða læssan || oððæt him beigra bot sy sēo māre þā læssan, || oþ·þæt him bēġra bōt sīe.
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a xSx|xSx || N/A xxxSx|Ss?
Sievers Scansion: A1 x / xx | / x || 0 xxxSx|Ss?

Syntax: AA || ANV?

hs: X, aa: Z
MCharm2 23. gemyne ðu mægðe || hwæt ðu ameldodest Ġe·myne þū, mæġþe, || hwæt þū ā·meldodest,
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || d1c xxxSxx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || 0 xxx / | / x

Syntax: VN || iV

hs: m, aa: Q
MCharm2 24. hwæt ðu geændadest || æt alorforda hwæt þū ġe·endodest || æt Alorforda;
Bliss Scansion: d1c xxxSxx || d1a x~+xx
Sievers Scansion: C1 xxx / | / x || 0 x ~+ | / x

Syntax: iV || NC

hs: V , aa: 2
MCharm2 25. ðæt næfre for gefloge || feorh ne gesealde þæt nǣfre for ġe·floġe || feorh ne ġe·sealde
Bliss Scansion: e1e xxxxx~+ || 1A1b S|xxSx
Sievers Scansion: N/A xxxxx ~+ || N/A / xx | / x

Syntax: aP || NV

hs: f, aa: 2
MCharm2 26. syððan him mon mægðan || to mete gegyrede siþþan him man mæġ.an || mete ġe·ġierede.
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || N/A x~+|x~+x
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || 0 x~+|x~+x

Syntax: iN || PV

hs: m, aa: 2
MCharm2 27. ðis is seo wyrt || ðe wergulu hatte þis is sēo wyrt || þe wergulu hātte;
Bliss Scansion: N/A xxxS || 2C1a xSxx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: FALSE xxx / || 0 x / xx | / x

Syntax: dvN || NV

hs: w , law: h, aa: 2
MCharm2 28. ðas onsænde seolh || ofer sæs hrygc þās on·sende seolh || ofer sǣs hryċġ
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSx|S || N/A xxS|S
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x / || 0 xxS|S

Syntax: VN || NgN

hs: X, law: h, aa: D
MCharm2 29. ondan attres || oðres to bote andan attres || ōðres bōte.
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sx || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || N/A / xx | / x

Syntax: NNg || AP

hs: V , lab: V, aa: D
MCharm2 30. ðas nigun magon || wið nygon attrum Þās [VIIII] maĝon% || wiþ niĝon ātrum.
Bliss Scansion: 2C1a x~+|~x || 2C1a x~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: N/A x ~+ | ~ x || 0 x ~+ | / x

Syntax: AV || AN

hs: n, lab: V, aa: 1
MCharm2 31. wyrm com snican || toslat he man Wyrm cōm snīcan, || tō·slāt hē% man%;
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a S|xSx || N/A xS|x$
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 x / | x /

Syntax: NI || VN

hs: s, aa: 2
MCharm2 32. ða genam woden || nigun wuldortanas þā ġe·nam Woden || [VIIII] wuldor-tānas,
Bliss Scansion: 2C1b xxS|Sx || 1D2 ~+|Ssx
Sievers Scansion: C1 xx / | / x || N/A ~+ | / \ x

Syntax: VN || AN

hs: n, aa: Q
MCharm2 33. sloh ða ða næddran || ðæt heo on nigun tofleah slōh þā þā nǣdran, || þæt hēo on% [VIIII] tō·flēah.
Bliss Scansion: a1c xxxSx || 2B1c xxx~+|xS
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxx / x || 0 xxx ~+ | x /

Syntax: aN || PV

hs: n, aa: 2
MCharm2 34. ðær geændade || æppel and attor Þǣr ġe·endode || æppel and ātor,
Bliss Scansion: d1b xxSxx || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: C1 xx / | / x || N/A / xx | / x

Syntax: aV || NcN

hs: V , aa: Q
MCharm2 35. ðæt heo næfre ne wolde || on hus bugan þæt hēo nǣfre ne wolde || on hūs būĝan.
Bliss Scansion: a1e xxxxxSx || 2C1a xS|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxxx / x || 0 x / | / x

Syntax: NV || PI

hs: h, aa: 1
MCharm2 36. fille and finule || felamihtigu twa Fille and finule, || fela-mihtiĝu twā,
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|x~+x || 3 E2 ~+sx|S
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | ~+ x || N/A ~+ \ x | /

Syntax: NcN || AA

hs: f, aa: D
MCharm2 37. ða wyrte gesceop || witig drihten þā wyrte ġe·sċop || wītiġ drihten,
Bliss Scansion: 2B1a xSx|xS || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B2 x / | xx / || N/A / x | / x

Syntax: NV || AN

hs: w , aa: 1
MCharm2 38. halig on heofonum || ða he hongode hāliġ on heofonum, || þā hangode;
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|x~+x || d1b xxSxx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | ~+ x || 0 xx / | / x

Syntax: AP || iV

hs: h, aa: Q
MCharm2 39. sette and sænde || on seofun worulde sette and sende || on [VII] weorolde
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || 2C1a x~+|~+x
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 x ~+ | ~+ x

Syntax: VcV || AN

hs: s , aa: D
MCharm2 40. earmum and eadigum || eallum to bote earmum and ēadĝum || eallum bōte.
Bliss Scansion: N/A Sx|xSxx || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: D*2 / xx | / ~ x || N/A / xx | / x

Syntax: AcA || AP

hs: V , lab: V, aa: D
MCharm2 41. stond heo wið wærce || stunað heo wið attre Stand hēo wiþ wǣrce, || stunaþ hēo wiþ ātre,
Bliss Scansion: 1A1b S|xxSx || 1A1b ~+|xxSx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || N/A ~+ xx | / x

Syntax: VP || VP

hs: st, lab: V, aa: 1
MCharm2 42. seo mæg wið ðreo || and wið ðritig sēo mæġ wiþ [III] || and wiþ [XXX],
Bliss Scansion: N/A xxxS || a1b xxSx
Sievers Scansion: N/A xxx / || 0 xxSx

Syntax: VP || P

hs: þ, aa: X
MCharm2 43. wið feondes hond || and wið færbregde wiþ fēondes hand || and wiþ fǣr-breġde%,
Bliss Scansion: 3B1a xSx|S || d2b xxSsx
Sievers Scansion: B1 x / | x / || 0 xx / | / x

Syntax: NgN || NC

hs: f, aa: 1
MCharm2 44. wið malscrunge || manra wihta wiþ malsċrunge || mānra% wihta.
Bliss Scansion: d1a xSxx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: C1 x / | / x || N/A / x | / x

Syntax: NC || NgN

hs: m, aa: 1
MCharm2 45. nu magon ðas nigun wyrta || wið nygon wuldorgeflogenum maĝon þās [VIIII] wyrta || wiþ niĝon wuldor-ġe·floĝenum,
Bliss Scansion: 2C1d xxxx~+|Sx || N/A x~+|Sx|~+x
Sievers Scansion: C2 xxxx ~+ | / x || 0 x~+|/ x | ~+ x

Syntax: AN || Ags

hs: n, ca: n, law: fl, aa: Q
MCharm2 46. wið nigun attrum || and wið nygon onflygnum wiþ [VIIII] ātrum || and wiþ niĝon on·flyĝnum%,
Bliss Scansion: 2C1a x~+|Sx || N/A xx~+|Ssx
Sievers Scansion: C2 x ~+ | / x || 0 xx~+|Ssx

Syntax: AN || AN

hs: n, ca: n, law: fl, aa: Q
MCharm2 47. wið ðy readan attre || wið ðy runlan attre wiþ þȳ rēadan ātre, || wiþ þȳ% runolan ātre,
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSx|Sx || 3B1b xxSx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: hA1 xx / x | / x || 0 xx / x | / x

Syntax: AN || AN

hs: r, law: V, xa: rVrV, aa: Q
MCharm2 48. wið ðy hwitan attre || wið ðy wedenan attre wiþ þȳ hwītan ātre, || wiþ þȳ wedenan ātre,
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSx|Sx || N/A xx~+x|Sx
Sievers Scansion: hA1 xx / x | / x || 0 xx~+ x | / x

Syntax: AN || AN

hs: V , law: V, lab: V, xa: wVwV, aa: 1
MCharm2 49. wið ðy geolwan attre || wið ðy grenan attre wiþ þȳ ġeolwan ātre, || wiþ þȳ grēnan ātre,
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSx|Sx || 3B1b xxSx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: hA1 xx / x | / x || 0 xx / x | / x

Syntax: AN || AN

hs: g, law: V, lab: V, xa: gVgV, aa: Q
MCharm2 50. wið ðy wonnan attre || wið ðy wedenan attre wiþ þȳ wannan ātre, || wiþ þȳ wedenan ātre,
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSx|Sx || N/A xx~+x|Sx
Sievers Scansion: hA1 xx / x | / x || 0 xx~+ x | / x

Syntax: AN || AN

hs: w , law: V, xa: wVwV, aa: Q
MCharm2 51. wið ðy brunan attre || wið ðy basewan attre wiþ þȳ brūnan ātre, || wiþ þȳ baswan ātre,
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSx|Sx || N/A xx~+x|Sx
Sievers Scansion: hA1 xx / x | / x || 0 xx~+ x | / x

Syntax: AN || AN

hs: b, law: V, lab: b, xa: bVbV, aa: Q
MCharm2 52. wið wyrmgeblæd || wið wætergeblæd wiþ wyrm-ġe·blæd, || wiþ wæter-ġe·blæd,
Bliss Scansion: N/A xSxs || N/A x~+xs
Sievers Scansion: B1 x / | x / || 0 x~+xs

Syntax: NC || NC

hs: w , law: bl, lab: b, xa: wblwbl, aa: Q
MCharm2 53. wið ðorngeblæd || wið ðystelgeblæd wiþ þorn-ġe·blæd, || wiþ þistel-ġe·blæd%,
Bliss Scansion: N/A xSxs || 2B1a xSx|xS
Sievers Scansion: B1 x / | x / || 0 x / | xx /

Syntax: NC || NC

hs: þ, law: bl, xa: þblþbl, aa: Q
MCharm2 54. wið ysgeblæd || wið attorgeblæd wiþ īs-ġe·blæd%, || wiþ ātor-ġe·blæd,
Bliss Scansion: N/A xSxs || 2B1a xSx|xS
Sievers Scansion: B1 x / | x / || 0 x / | xx /

Syntax: NC || NC

hs: V , ca: V, law: bl, xa: VblVbl, aa: Q
MCharm2 55. gif ænig attor cume || eastan fleogan ġif ǣniġ ātor cume% || ēastan flēoĝan
Bliss Scansion: 3B1c xxxSx|~+ || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xxx / | x ~+ || N/A / x | / x

Syntax: ANV || aI

hs: V , ca: V, aa: D
MCharm2 56. oððe ænig norðan || cume oþþe ǣniġ norðan || cume
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || a1d xxxxSx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || A3 xxxx / x

Syntax: Aa || V

hs: X, ca: V, aa: X
MCharm2 57. oððe ænig westan || ofer werðeode oþþe ǣniġ westan || ofer wer-þēode.
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || d2b xxSsx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || 0 xx / | / x

Syntax: Aa || NNg

hs: V , aa: Q
MCharm2 58. crist stod ofer adle || ængan cundes Crīst stōd ofer ādle% || ǣngan cundes.
Bliss Scansion: 1A1c S|xxxSx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xxx | / x || N/A / x | / x

Syntax: NP || AN

hs: V , aa: Q
MCharm2 59. ic ana wat || ea rinnende ana wāt || êa rinnende
Bliss Scansion: 3B1a xSx|S || 1D1 S|Sxx
Sievers Scansion: B1 x / | x / || N/A / | / ~ x

Syntax: AV || NA

hs: V , aa: 1
MCharm2 60. ðær ða nygon nædran || nean behealdað ðǣr% þā niĝon nǣdran || nēan% be·healdaþ;
Bliss Scansion: 2C1b xx~+|Sx || 1A1a S|xSx
Sievers Scansion: C2 xx ~+ | / x || N/A / x | / x

Syntax: AN || aV

hs: n, aa: D
MCharm2 61. motan ealle weoda nu || wyrtum aspringan motan ealle wēoda || wyrtum ā·springan,
Bliss Scansion: 3B1d xxxxSx|S || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xxxx / | x / || N/A / xx | / x

Syntax: ANa || NI

hs: w , lab: w, aa: 2
MCharm2 62. sæs toslupan || eal sealt wæter sǣs tō·slūpan, || eall sealt wæter,
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a S|xSx || 2C2a xS|~x
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 x / | ~ x

Syntax: NI || AN

hs: s , lab: w, aa: D
MCharm2 63. ðonne ic ðis attor || of ðe geblawe þonne þis ātor || of þē ġe·blāwe.
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || 1A1a S|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || N/A / x | / x

Syntax: aN || PV

hs: þ, aa: 1