Number of occurrences in corpus: 174
Genesis A 97b | ah on heofonum. || For·þǣm | hāliġ | God / under rodoras fenġ, || r |
Genesis A 124b | ah-cininges hǣs; || him wæs | hāliġ | lēoht / ofer wēstenne, || swa |
Genesis A 201b | and heofon-fuĝla. || Inċ is | hāliġ | feoh / and wilde dēor || on ġ |
Genesis B 240b | earf him þā tō heofonum || | hāliġ | drihten, / stīþ-ferhþ cyning |
Genesis B 247b | -cynna / þurh hand-mæġen, || | hāliġ | drihten, / tīene% ġe·trymede |
Genesis B 251b | his heandum ġe·sċeōp, || | hāliġ | drihten. / Ġe·sett hæfde hē |
Genesis B 642b | / heofon-rīċe for·ġeaf, || | hāliġ | drihten, / wīd-brādne welan, |
Genesis A 860b | īe on heolstre, || þā hīe | hāliġ | word / dryhtnes ġe·hīerdon, |
Genesis A 946b | a and wynna / hyhtfulne hām || | hāliġ | enġel / be frēan hǣse || fȳ |
Genesis A 1290a | r·þon him breĝu sæġde, / | hāliġ | æt hlēoðre, || helm æl-wi |
Genesis A 1396b | an / hǣste hrīnan, || ac hīe | hāliġ | God / ferede and nerede. || Fī |
Genesis A 1404b | d heofona frēa, || þā hine | hāliġ | God / ēċe up for·lēt || ēa |
Genesis A 1678b | leþ mid handa. || Þā cōm | hāliġ | God / wera cnēo-rissa || weorc |
Genesis A 1796b | ġe·hāt, || þā him þurh | hāliġ | word / siĝora self-cyning || s |
Genesis A 1953a | || þenden hē eardes brēac, / | hāliġ | and hyġe-frōd. || Nǣfre hl |
Genesis A 2389b | asne hleahtor, || þā cwæþ | hāliġ | God: / ‘Ne wile Sarran || sō |
Genesis A 2781a | swǣsendum || sǣton bū tū, / | hāliġ | on hyġe, || and hira hīwan |
Exodus 71b | hātum heofon-colum. || Þǣr | hāliġ | God / wiþ fǣr-bryne || folc |
Exodus 416a | ht fæder || bearn æt-niman, / | hāliġ | tīber, || ac mid handa be·f |
Daniel 12b | God, / heofon-rīċes weard, || | hāliġ | drihten, / wuldres wealdend. || |
Daniel 98b | hyġe-cræft hēane, || þurh | hāliġ | mōd, / þā sē beorn be·bēa |
Daniel 280a | | inn-ġe·þancum / hleoðrode | hāliġ | || þurh hātne līeġ, / drēa |
Daniel 292b | nd, / and þurh hyldu% help, || | hāliġ | drihten, / nū we% þeċ for þ |
Daniel 340a | ē þone līeġ tō·sċēaf, / | hāliġ | and heofon-beorht, || hātan |
Daniel 402b | leþa helpend, || and þeċ, | hāliġ | gāst, / weorðiaþ% in wuldre, |
Daniel 404b | ihten! / Wē þeċ herġaþ, || | hāliġ | drihten, / and ġe·bedum brēm |
Daniel 457a | iþþan hīe rodera wealdend, / | hāliġ | heofon-rīċes weard, || wiþ |
Daniel 533a | || Him wæs gāst ġe·seald, / | hāliġ | of heofonum, || sē his hyġe |
Christ and Satan 56b | eofones and eorðan, || wǣre | hāliġ | God, / sċieppend selfa. || Nū |
Christ and Satan 81b | Iċ wæs ġō in heofonum || | hāliġ | enġel, / drihtne dēore; || h |
Christ and Satan 564a | . || Þā cōm wolcna swēġ, / | hāliġ | of heofonum. || Mid wæs hand |
Christ and Satan 585b | ft. / Siteþ him on heofonum || | hāliġ | enġel, / wealdend mid wītĝum |
Christ and Satan 591b | oht, / ðǣr his% hīred nū || | hāliġ | eardaþ, / wunaþ in wynnum, || |
Andreas 14a | tan || wunder-cræfte. / Þām | hāliġ | god || hlȳt ġe·tēode / ūt |
Andreas 89a | wordum || cōm wuldres tācen / | hāliġ | of heofonum, || swelċe hādr |
Andreas 91a | ǣr ġe·cȳðed wearþ / þæt | hāliġ | god || helpe ġe·fremede, / þ |
Andreas 195a | l þīn || ēaþ ġe·fēran, / | hāliġ% | of heofonum || can him holma |
Andreas 243a | rhtost || ofer brimu snīwan, / | hāliġ | of heolstre. || Heofon-candel |
Andreas 461b | dēah.’ / Swā hleoðrode || | hāliġ | cempa, / þēawum ġe·þancol. |
Andreas 542b | h ġē feorr || is þīn nama | hāliġ, | / wuldre ġe·wliteĝad || ofer |
Andreas 1010a | ġele || swǣsne ġe·fēran, / | hāliġ | hāliġne. || Hyht wæs ġe· |
Andreas 1018a | e. || Hīe lēoht ymb·sċān / | hāliġ | and heofon-torht. || Hreðer |
Andreas 1144a | etan. || Hine god for·stōd, / | hāliġ | of hīehþu, || hǣðnum folc |
Andreas 1252a | ōde. || Him wæs lēoht sefa / | hāliġ | heortan nēah, || hyġe untȳ |
Andreas 1418b | æt ġe·hēte || þurh þīn | hāliġ | word, / þā þū ūs twelfe || |
The Fates of the Apostles 53b | ġe on·hierded, || þurh his | hāliġ | word. / Siþþan collen-ferhþ |
Elene 218a | e || hwǣr sē wuldres bēam, / | hāliġ | under hrūsan, || hȳded wǣr |
Elene 187a | rōd wunie || rodor-cininges, / | hāliġ | under hrūsan, || þe ġē hw |
Elene 241b | eþum tō helpe, || þæt mē | hāliġ | god / ġe·fielle, frēa mehti |
Elene 301a | unge || þīnre ġe·settest, / | hāliġ | and heofonliċ. || Þāra on |
Elene 312a | | (þām is ceruphīn% nama): / | 'Hāliġ | is sē hālĝa || hēah-engla |
Elene 319a | fes trēo || līeġene swurde / | hāliġ | healdan. || Heard-eċġ% cwac |
Elene 404a | siþþan bēacen ġe·seah%, / | hāliġ | under hrūsan. || Hē mid hea |
Elene 446a | sēo þridde wæs / ā·hafen | hāliġ. | || Hrǣw wæs on an-bīde / oþ |
Elene 497b | eþ hilde-dēor, || (him wæs | hāliġ | gāst / be·folen fæste, || f |
Elene 537a | | þāra þe sīþ oþþe ǣr / | hāliġ | under heofonum || ā·hafen w |
Elene 648a | || þurh þāra næġla cyme, / | hāliġ | of hīehþa. || Nū þū hrǣ |
Elene 706a | || and þā wīċ be·hēold / | hāliġ | heofonliċ gāst, || hreðer |
Elene 756a | m. || Biþ þæt bēacen gode / | hāliġ | nemned || and sē hwæt-ēadi |
Christ A 379a | | weorðmynda full, / hēah and | hāliġ, | || heofoncund þrīness, / brā |
Christ A 403a | eafta: / ‘Hāliġ eart þū, | hāliġ, | || hēah-engla breĝu%, / sōþ |
Christ A 404b | res frēa, || simle þū bist | hāliġ, | / dryhtna drihten. || Ā þīn |
Christ B 653a | n || meahta spēde, / hēah and | hāliġ, | || ofer heofona þrymm.’ / Ne |
Christ B 658a | īew || ofer mæġena þrymm, / | hāliġ | fram hrūsan, || ā·hafen wu |
Christ B 760a | ne. || Hē his āras þonan, / | hāliġ | of heahðu, || hider on·send |
Christ B 789a | fæðm || frēo-bearn godes, / | hāliġ | of hīehþu. || Huru iċ wēn |
Christ C 1009b | meþ, / heofon-engla cyning, || | hāliġ | sċīeneþ, / wuldorliċ ofer w |
Christ C 1426b | e bealu, || þæt þū mōste | hāliġ | sċīnan / ēadiġ on þām ē |
Christ C 1557b | hrēowe on mōde || þæt him | hāliġ | gǣst / losie þurh leahtras || |
Christ C 1623a | ne || synna tō wīte. / Þonne | hāliġ | gǣst || helle be·lūceþ, / m |
Guthlac A 34a | | ānra ġe·hīeran, / ġif we | hāliġ | be·bodu || healdan willaþ; / |
Guthlac A 106a | um. || Hine weard% be·hēold / | hāliġ | of heofonum, || sē þæt hl |
Guthlac A 361b | s be·hōfaþ, || sē þe him | hāliġ | gǣst / wīsaþ on willan || an |
Guthlac A 456b | ū ġe·hēte || þæt þeċ | hāliġ | gǣst / wiþ earfoþum || ēað |
Guthlac A 513b | aldeþ.’ / Swā hleoðrode || | hāliġ | cempa; / wæs sē martire || fr |
Guthlac A 545b | ōdon, / ac sē hearda hyġe || | hāliġ | wunode, / oþ·þæt hē þā b |
Guthlac A 559a | mæċġas, || wuldres cempan, / | hāliġ | hūsel-bearn, || æt hell-dor |
Guthlac A 582a | weorcum || wēl ġe·cȳðed, / | hāliġ | on heortan. || Nū þū on he |
Guthlac A 685a | || þā cōm dryhtnes ār, / | hāliġ | of heofonum, || sē þurh hl |
Guthlac A 789a | und-bora, || mehtiġ drihten, / | hāliġ | hīerde, || heofon-rīċes we |
Guthlac B 938a | ǣ-bodan || ufan on·sended, / | hāliġ | of hīehþu. || Hreðer innan |
Guthlac B 1060a | dēmed wæs. / On·ġeat gǣsta | hāliġ | || ġōmor-mōdes / drūsendne% |
Guthlac B 1088a | orlēase, || lēan unhwīlen, / | hāliġ | on hīehþu. || Þǣr min hih |
Guthlac B 1283a | . || Þā cōm lēohta mǣst, / | hāliġ | of heofonum || hǣdre sċīna |
Riddles 26 28b | re, / hæleþum ġīfre || and | hāliġ | self. |
Azarias 2a | | inn-ġe·þancum / hleoðrode | hāliġ | || þurh hātne līeġ, / drēa |
Azarias 13b | end, / and þurh hyldu help, || | hāliġ | drihten, / nū we þeċ for þe |
Azarias 56a | ē þone līeġ tō·sċēaf, / | hāliġ | and heofon-beorht, || hātan |
The Phoenix 183b | er, / hlūtor heofones ġimm || | hāliġ | sċīeneþ, / bēoþ wolcen tō |
The Phoenix 626a | ġenes strengþu%, / hēah and | hāliġ. | || Heofonas sindon / fæġere |
The Phoenix 641b | spēd / hēah ofer heofonum || | hāliġ | wunode, / dōm unbryċe. || Þe |
Juliana 241b | stre be·helmod. || Hire wæs | hāliġ | gǣst / sīn-gāl ġe·sīþ. | |
Juliana 263a | ungen || and tō þē sended, / | hāliġ | of hīehþu. || Þē sind hea |
Juliana 512a | ste, || swā þū% nū-þā, / | hāliġ | mid heandum, || hrīnan dorst |
Juliana 536a | ·bryrded, || bendum fæstne, / | hāliġ | hǣðenne. || On·gann þā h |
Juliana 560b | eredon on hīehþu || and his | hāliġ | word%, / sæġdon sōðlīċe | |
Beowulf 381b | e / heaðu-rōf hæbbe. || Hine | hāliġ | god / for ār-stafum || ūs on |
Beowulf 686b | god / on swā hwæðre hand, || | hāliġ | drihten, / mǣrþe dēme, || sw |
Beowulf 1553b | mede, / here-nett hearde || and | hāliġ | god / ġe·wēold wīġ-siĝor; |
The Paris Psalter 100:2 2b | an / þurh þīn hūs middan || | hāliġ | ēode. / / # / Ne sette iċ mē f |
The Paris Psalter 102:18 1b | efnan. / / # / On heofon-hāme || | hāliġ | drihten / his hēah-setl || hr |
The Paris Psalter 104:15 5b | ō hæfte, || oþ·þæt hine | hāliġ | god / þurh his worda || wīsd |
The Paris Psalter 104:37 2a | a worda || wēl ġe·myndiġ, / | hāliġ | heofones weard, || þe hē hl |
The Paris Psalter 105:36 1b | on. / / # / Dō ūs hāle nū, || | hāliġ | drihten, / and ūs, sē gōda g |
The Paris Psalter 107:1 1b | / / # / Is min heorte ġearu, || | hāliġ | drihten, / ġearu is min heorte |
The Paris Psalter 107:5 1b | n þū eart ofer heofonas, || | hāliġ | drihten; / is wuldor þīn || w |
The Paris Psalter 113:23 3b | swelċe; / heofonas healdeþ || | hāliġ | drihten, / sealde þās moldan% |
The Paris Psalter 117:21 3b | orden is / hwamma hēaĝost; || | hāliġ | drihten / tō wealles wrāðe | |
The Paris Psalter 118:149 2b | / Ġe·hīer mīne stefne, || | hāliġ | drihten, / aefter þīnre ðǣr |
The Paris Psalter 118:161 4b | rte forht, || ðǣr iċ þīn | hāliġ | word / on þīnum eġesan ǣres |
The Paris Psalter 118:166 2b | # / Iċ þīnre hǣlu bād, || | hāliġ | drihten, / and þīne be·bodu |
The Paris Psalter 120:5 1b | ndum. / / # / Ġe·healde þē || | hāliġ | drihten, / and þīn mund-bora |
The Paris Psalter 120:6 3b | orðe, / ac þē ġe·healde || | hāliġ | drihten / wiþ yfela ġe·hwǣm |
The Paris Psalter 125:4 1b | ·hweorf ūre hæft-nīed, || | hāliġ | drihten, / swā sūþ-healde || |
The Paris Psalter 126:1 1b | 26 / / # / Nemþe hūs timbrie || | hāliġ | drihten, / on īdel ġielp || |
The Paris Psalter 126:2 1b | # / Nemþe ġe·healde ēac || | hāliġ | drihten / ċeastre mid cynnum, |
The Paris Psalter 132:4 1b | / For·þon hēr be·bēad || | hāliġ | drihten / līfes blētsunga || |
The Paris Psalter 133:3 2b | e·hwelcre / ēowre handa || on | hāliġ | lof / and blētsiaþ || bealde |
The Paris Psalter 139:6 2b | / ġe·hīer min ġe·bedd, || | hāliġ | drihten, / nū iċ stefne tō |
The Paris Psalter 143:6 1b | / A·hield þīne heofonas, || | hāliġ | drihten, / on·hrīn þissum mu |
The Paris Psalter 144:14 2b | allum his weorcum || wīs and | hāliġ. | / / # / A·hefeþ hāliġ god || |
The Paris Psalter 144:15 1a | s and hāliġ. / / # / A·hefeþ | hāliġ | god || þā þe hrēosaþ ǣr |
The Paris Psalter 144:18 3b | on his weorcum is || wīs and | hāliġ. | / / # / Nēah is drihten || niþ |
The Paris Psalter 144:20 1b | a. / / # / Ealle ġe·healdeþ || | hāliġ | drihten / þe lufan wiþ hine | |
The Paris Psalter 52:3 1b | / Þā of heofonum be·seah || | hāliġ | drihten / ofer manna bearn, || |
The Paris Psalter 52:7 4b | līeseþ / of hæft-nīede, || | hāliġ | drihten? / / # / Þonne Iacob bi |
The Paris Psalter 54:1 1b | / Ġe·hīer min ġe·bedd, || | hāliġ | drihten, / ne for·seoh ǣfre | |
The Paris Psalter 56:6 2b | A·hefe þe ofer heofonas, || | hāliġ | drihten; / is wuldor þīn || w |
The Paris Psalter 56:13 2b | n þū eart ofer heofonas, || | hāliġ | drihten; / is ofer ealle || eor |
The Paris Psalter 58:1 1a | r: Psalm 58 / / # / A·hrede mē, | hāliġ | god, || hefiġes nīðes / fēo |
The Paris Psalter 59:5 2a | imle% hālne; / ġe·hīer mē, | hāliġ | god. || Hwæt, þū holdlīċ |
The Paris Psalter 60:1 1a | ter: Psalm 60 / / # / Ġe·hīer, | hāliġ | god, || hræðe mīne bēne, / |
The Paris Psalter 60:4 1b | þon þū ġe·hīerdest, || | hāliġ | drihten, / hū min ġe·bedd t |
The Paris Psalter 61:7 3a | in || and wynn miċel; / mē is | hāliġ | hiht || on hine swelċe. / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 61:8 1a | hine swelċe. / / # / Hyċġe him | hāliġ | folc || hǣlu tō drihtne; / d |
The Paris Psalter 63:1 1b | / Ġe·hīer min ġe·bedd, || | hāliġ | drihten, / nū mē costunge% || |
The Paris Psalter 64:2 1b | / Ġe·hīer min ġe·bedd, || | hāliġ | drihten, / for þe sċeall ǣl |
The Paris Psalter 65:12 1b | dest. / / # / Iċ on þīn hus || | hāliġ | gange / and ðǣr tīdum þē | |
The Paris Psalter 67:6 1b | ten is on his stōwe || dēma | hāliġ, | / sē þe eardian dēþ || āne |
The Paris Psalter 70:20 6b | an, / Israela god, || ēċe and | hāliġ. | / / # / Mīne weleras ġe·fēoþ |
The Paris Psalter 72:13 4b | oþ·þæt iċ on his hūs || | hāliġ | gange / and iċ þā nīehstan |
The Paris Psalter 77:23 1b | / Si//an þæt ġe·hīerde || | hāliġ | drihten, / hē ielde þā ġīe |
The Paris Psalter 77:59 1b | # / Þā þæt ġe·hīerde || | hāliġ | drihten, / hē hīe for·hoĝod |
The Paris Psalter 80:15 2b | te and huneġe, || þæt him | hāliġ | god / sealde of stāne, || oþ |
The Paris Psalter 83:4 2b | ardiaþ / on þīnum hūsum, || | hāliġ | drihten, / and þē on weorolda |
The Paris Psalter 83:7 1b | / Ġe·hīer min ġe·bedd, || | hāliġ | drihten, / þū eart mǣre god, |
The Paris Psalter 84:7 1b | iċ ġe·hīere, || hwæt mē | hāliġ | god / on mīnum mōd-sefan || m |
The Paris Psalter 85:1 1b | / A·hield mē þīn ēare, || | hāliġ | drihten; / for·þon iċ eom w |
The Paris Psalter 85:2 1b | īne sāwle, || for·þon iċ | hāliġ | eom; / hǣl þīnne sċealc, || |
The Paris Psalter 85:11 3b | an hyġe, || þæt þū eart, | hāliġ | god, / nemned drihten || and we |
The Paris Psalter 88:4 1b | n. / / # / Heofonas andettaþ, || | hāliġ | drihten, / hū wunder þīn || |
The Paris Psalter 88:12 2b | / ā·hafen ofer hæleþas; || | hāliġ | sēo swīðre is, / þīnes set |
The Paris Psalter 89:15 1b | hweorf ūs hwæt-hweĝa%, || | hāliġ | drihten; / wes þīnum sċealcu |
The Paris Psalter 90:9 1b | ē eart sē hīehsta hiht, || | hāliġ | drihten; / þū mē friþ-stōl |
The Paris Psalter 92:6 4a | wundorliċ || wealdend ūser / | hāliġ | drihten || on hēahnessum. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 92:8 1b | ēowed. / / # / Hūse% þīnum || | hāliġ | ġe·dafenaþ, / drihten ūser |
The Paris Psalter 95:5 2b | ul; / heofonas þonne worhte || | hāliġ | drihten. / / # / Is on þīnre ġ |
The Paris Psalter 98:3 3a | m is || miċel and eġesliċ, / | hāliġ | on helpe || hæleþa bearnum, |
The Paris Psalter 98:5 4a | rþ weorðiaþ; / for·þon hē | hāliġ | is || hæleþa bearnum. / / # / M |
The Paris Psalter 98:9 1b | / Þū ġe·hīerdest hīe, || | hāliġ | drihten, / and him, mehtiġ god |
The Paris Psalter 98:10 4a | for·þon his meahte sint / and | hāliġ | is || heofon-rīċes weard. |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 46b | īehste gōd. || Hwæt, þū, | hāliġ | fæder, / aefter þīnum willan |
Metrical Psalm 92:6 4a | wundorliċ || wealdend ūser / | hāliġ | drihten || on hēanessum. |
The Rune Poem 33a | na hiht, || þon God lǣteþ, / | hāliġ | heofones cyning, || hrūsan s |
The Gloria I 13b | , / hēah hyġe-frōfor% || and | hāliġ | gāst. / Swā wæs on fruman || |
The Lord's Prayer III 2a | , || frōfres iċ þē bidde, / | hāliġ | drihten, || þū þe on heofo |
The Creed 18a | | firen æt ġiftum, / ac ðǣr | hāliġ | gāst || hand-ġift sealde, / |
The Kentish Hymn 36b | ū eart sōðlīċe || simle | hāliġ, | / and þū eart ana% || ēċe d |
The Seasons for Fasting 127b | bāt / ǣr hē on Horeb dūn || | hāliġ | fērde. / Uton þæt ġe·rȳne |
The Seasons for Fasting 134b | ēana; / nū is helpes tīd, || | hāliġ | drihten, / hū we munt þīnne |
The Seasons for Fasting 153a | || þæt ūs nerġend Crīst, / | hāliġ | heofones weard, || healp and |
The Seasons for Fasting 173b | n hinder sċrīþ || and þē | hāliġ | / englas ǣrfæste || ǣġhwǣr |
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 8b | on heofon-rīċe, || þæt is | hāliġ | gǣst. / Þonan hine hlōdon || |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 38a | e·sċop || wītiġ drihten, / | hāliġ | on heofonum, || þā hē hang |