Number of occurrences in corpus: 83
Genesis A 184b | te God / frēolice% fǣmnan. || | Feorh | inn ġe·dyde%, / ēċe sāwla% |
Genesis A 908b | n fēðelēas, || þenden þe | feorh% | wunaþ / gāst on innan. || Þ |
Genesis A 1385b | s / ȳða wrǣcon || ārlēasra | feorh | / of flǣsċ-haman. || Flōd ea |
Genesis A 1524b | ġe·þance, || ac iċ mannes | feorh | / tō slaĝan sēċe% || swīð |
Genesis A 1618a | ātne wǣron, / full frēoliċe | feorh, | || frum-bearn Chāmes. / Chūs |
Genesis A 1739b | īcum his / fæder Abrahames || | feorh | ġe·sealde, / wǣrfæst hæle; |
Genesis A 1999b | -ġe·steallum. || Ġe·witon | feorh | hira / fram þǣm folc-styde || |
Genesis A 2065a | sċearpe gāras, / and fēonda | feorh | || fēollon þicce, / ðǣr hli |
Genesis A 2512a | | Ġe·wit þū nerġan þīn / | feorh | fold-weġe. || Þē is frēa |
Genesis A 2526a | unde maĝon || sǣles bīdan, / | feorh | ġe·nerġan’. || Him þā |
Exodus 17b | maĝu-rǣswan%, || his māĝa | feorh, | / on-wist ēðles, || Abrahames |
Exodus 571a | þā hīe oþ·lǣded hæfdon / | feorh | of fēonda dōme, || þēah |
Daniel 233b | es līeġe, || hwæðere hira | feorh | ġe·nerede / mehtiġ metodes w |
Daniel 354a | odon, || and sē enġel mid, / | feorh | nerġende, || sē ðǣr feor |
Andreas 154b | e, / fǣġes flǣsċ-haman. || | Feorh | ne be·murndon, / grǣdġe gū |
Andreas 216b | fore ġe·fēran || and þīn | feorh | beran / on gramra grīpe, || ð |
Andreas 282b | , / þā þe feorran þider || | feorh | ġe·lǣdaþ, / and þū wilnas |
Andreas 430b | n, / þæt ġē on fara folc || | feorh | ġe·lǣddon, / and for dryhtne |
Andreas 954b | n flōde blōd. || Hīe þīn | feorh | ne maĝon / dēaðe ġe·dǣlan |
Andreas 1117b | ec guma, || ymb þæs ġungan | feorh | / brēostum on·bryrded. || Tō |
Andreas 1134b | n folme, / fȳr-mǣlum fāh, || | feorh | ācsian. / Þā þæt Andrea || |
Andreas 1288b | þæt ġe·fremme, || þenden | feorh | lēofaþ, / min on moldan, || |
Andreas 1371b | ellen-weorcum / unfyrn faca || | feorh | æt-þringan. / Hwelċ is þæs |
Andreas 1383b | ðeþ. || þū sċealt wīdan | feorh | / īeċan þīne iermþu. || Þ |
Andreas 1616b | e ǣr / þurh flōdes fæðm || | feorh | ġe·sealdon, / þæt þā gæs |
Andreas 1629b | gre ǣr / þurh flōdes fær || | feorh | ā·lēton. / on·fengon fullwi |
The Fates of the Apostles 12b | byriġ, / frame, fyrd-hwate, || | feorh | of·ġēafon / þurh Nerones || |
The Fates of the Apostles 37a | Herode || ealdre ġe·dǣlan, / | feorh | wiþ flǣsċe. || Philipus w |
The Fates of the Apostles 58b | nama, / and þā þǣm folce || | feorh | ġe·sealde, / sīn æt sæċċ |
Christ A 439a | iþþan eardaþ, / ealne wīdan | feorh | || wunaþ būtan ende. || Ame |
Guthlac A 90a | ·myndġe, / healdaþ hāliġra | feorh, | || witon hira hiht mid drihte |
Guthlac A 243a | aðe ġe·sċieldan; / hē min | feorh | frēoðaþ. || Iċ ēow fela |
Guthlac A 817b | wuldorfæst, || ealne% wīdan | feorh | / on libbendra || landes wynne. |
Guthlac B 1036b | st-ġe·mearces, || þæt min | feorh | heonan / on þisse eahtoþan || |
Guthlac B 1058b | ne meahte / on fǣĝum lenġ || | feorh | ġe·healdan, / dēore frætwe, |
Riddles 10 6a | wuda || līċe mīne. / Hæfde | feorh | cwicu, || þā iċ of fæðmu |
Riddles 12 3a | nden iċ gǣst bere. / Ġif mē | feorh | losaþ, || fæste binde / swear |
Riddles 13 3a | nd hira sweostor mid; / hæfdon | feorh | cwicu. || Fell hangodon / sweot |
Riddles 15 19b | . / Ēaðe iċ mæġ frēora || | feorh | ġe·nerġan, / ġif iċ mæġ- |
Riddles 39 16a | re. / Ne hafaþ hīo sāwle ne | feorh, | || ac hēo sīðas sċeall / ġ |
Riddles 9 2b | er and mōdor; || ne wæs mē | feorh | þā ġīen, / ealdor on innan. |
Azarias 186b | / ac ēodon of þām fȳre, || | feorh | unwemme, / wuldre ġe·wliteĝo |
The Phoenix 192a | es wielm || wendan tō līfe, / | feorh | ġung on·fōn. || Þonne feo |
The Phoenix 223b | cymeþ / aefter frist-mearce || | feorh | ed-nīewe, / siþþan þā ysla |
The Phoenix 263a | e; || be þon sē mōdĝa his / | feorh | ā·fēdeþ, || oþ·þæt fy |
The Phoenix 266b | ġe / fuĝol feðerum deall. || | feorh | biþ nīewe, / ġung, ġeofona |
The Phoenix 280a | nd. || Eall biþ ġe·nīewod / | feorh | and feðer-hama, || swā hē |
The Phoenix 371a | ġ-þræce || līf ed-nīewe, / | feorh | aefter fylle%, || þonne fram |
The Phoenix 558b | iefe / swā sē fuĝol fenix || | feorh | ed-nīewe / aefter ǣriste || |
Juliana 119b | æt ġe·fremme, || ġif min | feorh | leofaþ / ġif þū unrǣdes || |
Juliana 477b | owdon, / þæt hīe fǣringa || | feorh | ā·lēton / þurh ǣdra wielm. |
The Seafarer 71b | -hete / fǣġum fram-weardum || | feorh% | oþ·þrinġeþ / For·þon þ |
The Seafarer 94b | sċ-hama, || þonne him þæt | feorh | losaþ, / nē swēte for·swelg |
Beowulf 439b | / fōn wiþ fēonde || and ymb | feorh | sacan, / lāþ wiþ lāðum; || |
Beowulf 796b | āfe, / wolde frēa-dryhtnes || | feorh | ealĝian, / mǣres þēodnes, | |
Beowulf 851b | ēama lēas / on fenn-friðe || | feorh | ā·leġde, / hǣðne sāwle; | |
Beowulf 1210b | arf þā on Francna fæðm || | feorh | cininges, / brēost-ġe·wǣdu |
Beowulf 1370b | ran ġe·flīemed, || ǣr hē | feorh | seleþ, / ealdor on ōfre, || |
Beowulf 1849b | lces hierde || and þū þīn | feorh | hafast, / þæt þe Sǣ-Ġēata |
Beowulf 2014b | wynne; || ne seah iċ wīdan | feorh | / under heofones hwealf || heal |
Beowulf 2040b | e·sīðas || and hira selfra | feorh. | / Þonne cwiþ æt bēore || s |
Beowulf 2123b | -here, / frōdan fyrn-witan, || | feorh | uð-genġe. / Nāðer hīe hine |
Beowulf 2141a | m eċġum, || unsōfte þonan / | feorh | oþ·ferede. || Næs iċ fǣ |
Beowulf 2424a | īċe, || nā þon lange wæs / | feorh | æðelinges || flǣsċe be·w |
Beowulf 2655b | æġen / fāne ġe·fiellan, || | feorh | ealĝian / Wedra þēodnes. || |
Beowulf 2668a | n-hyġdiġ, || ealle mæġene / | feorh | ealĝian; || iċ þe full-lǣ |
Beowulf 2706b | iddan. / Fēond ġe·fieldon || | feorh | ellen wræc, / and hīe hine þ |
Beowulf 2856b | wēl, / on þǣm frum-gāre || | feorh | ġe·healdan, / ne þæs wealde |
Beowulf 2981b | ng, / folces hierde, || wæs on | feorh | drepen. / Þā wǣron maniġe | |
The Paris Psalter 106:4 2b | yrded, / ðǣr him frecne on || | feorh | ā·þolode. / / # / And hīe þ |
The Paris Psalter 87:3 2b | fæste ġe·fylled; || is min | feorh | swelċe / tō hell-dore || hiel |
The Paris Psalter 93:16 4b | / ġe·fultumode, || þæt iċ | feorh | āhte. / / # / Æfter ðǣre meni |
Metrical Psalm 93:16 4b | / ġe·fultumode || þæt iċ | feorh | āhte. |
The Battle of Brunanburh 36b | e·wāt / on fealone flōd, || | feorh | ġe·nerede. / Swelċe ðǣr ē |
Solomon and Saturn 103b | le / fremdne flǣsċ-haman, || | feorh | ne be·murnaþ%. / Þonne //S// |
Solomon and Saturn 162a | isse, || þæt him bū ġiefe / | feorh | and folme, || þonne his fēo |
The Menologium 81b | ran, / Philippus and Iacob, || | feorh | ā·ġēafon, / mōdġe maĝu- |
The Menologium 133b | m Iacobus / ymb fēower niht || | feorh | ġe·sealde / and% twentiĝum, |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 25b | æt nǣfre for ġe·floġe || | feorh | ne ġe·sealde / siþþan him m |
The Battle of Finnsburh 19a | erde% / þæt hē swā freoliċ | feorh | || forman sīðe / tō ðǣre h |
The Battle of Maldon 125b | ost meahte / on fǣġan menn || | feorh | ġe·winnan, / wiĝan mid wǣpn |
The Battle of Maldon 142b | hē on þām fǣr-sċaðan || | feorh | ġe·rǣhte. / Þā hē ōðern |
The Battle of Maldon 184b | / þā on·efen hira frēan || | feorh | ġe·sealdon. / Hīe buĝon þ |