Number of occurrences in corpus: 375
Genesis A 132a | eaft%. || Wēl līcode / frēan | æt | frymþe || forþ-bǣru tīd, / |
Genesis B 266b | īew-beorht. || Ne meahte hē | æt | his hyġe findan / þæt hē% G |
Genesis B 284b | atas, || þā ne willaþ mē | æt | þǣm strīðe ġe·swīcan, / |
Genesis B 301a | ēan stōle. / Hēte hæfde hē | æt | his hearran ġe·wunnen, || h |
Genesis B 564a | rian, || swa iċ þē wīsie. / | Æt | þisses ofetes. || Þonne wur |
Genesis B 592b | am lārum. || For·þon hēo | æt | þǣm lāðan on·fenġ / ofer |
Genesis B 599a | cōm. / Hēo þā þæs ofetes | æt, | || æl-wealdan bræc / word and |
Genesis B 636b | on heandum bær, || sum hire | æt | heortan læġ, / æppel unsǣl |
Genesis B 717b | endan tō hire willan. || Hē | æt | þǣm wīfe on·fēng / helle a |
Genesis B 724a | hit him on innan cōm, / hrān | æt | heortan, || hlōh þā and pl |
Genesis B 826b | e hrēowan || þonne hit mē | æt | heortan dēþ’. / Hire þā |
Genesis A 874b | e sċamiende? || Þū sċande | æt | mē / furðum ne% on·fenge, || |
Genesis A 902b | on bearwe || and þā blǣda | æt’. | / Þā nǣdran sċōp || nerġe |
Genesis A 954a | an || ārna of·tēon, / fæder | æt | frymþe, || þēah þe hīe% |
Genesis A 980a | | Þæt wæs torn were / hefiġ | æt | heortan. || Hyġe-wielm% ā· |
Genesis A 1290a | n him breĝu sæġde, / hāliġ | æt | hlēoðre, || helm æl-wihta, |
Genesis A 1400a | || þæt is mǣru wyrd. / Þǣm | æt | nīehstan || wæs nan tō ġe |
Genesis A 1688a | n || meahtum spēdġe, / teoche | æt | torre, || ġe·talum miċelum |
Genesis A 1954a | frōd. || Nǣfre hlēow-lora% / | æt | ed-wihtan || ǣfre weorðeþ / |
Genesis A 1998a | Gōmorre, || goldes bryttan, / | æt | þǣm lind-crodan || lēofum |
Genesis A 2034a | . || Him þā brōðor þrīe / | æt | sprǣċe ðǣre || spēdum mi |
Genesis A 2059a | ċe drihten, || ēaðe% mihte / | æt | þǣm spere-nīðe || spēde |
Genesis A 2109a | aĝum || þe þe æsċa tīr / | æt | gūðe for·ġeaf. || Þæt i |
Genesis A 2116a | ac hīe God flīemde, / sē þe | æt | feohtan || mid frum-gārum / wi |
Genesis A 2150b | ūðe lǣdan, || þe iċ þē | æt | hilde ġe·slōh, / ealle būto |
Genesis A 2154b | n, / ac hīe mē full ēodon || | æt | ǣsċ-þræce, / fuhton þe aef |
Genesis A 2392b | þ steallian || swā iċ þē | æt | frymþe ġe·hēt. / Sōþ iċ |
Genesis A 2428a | | Sōdoma ċeastre. / Hīe þā | æt | burh-ġeate || beorn ġe·mit |
Genesis A 2639a | s || idese ġe·nāme, / brȳde | æt | beorne. || Þē ā·breġdan |
Genesis A 2780a | || Ismael pleĝan, / ðǣr hīe | æt | swǣsendum || sǣton bū tū, |
Exodus 37b | fene. / Hæfde mān-sċaðan || | æt | midre niht / frecne ġe·fielle |
Exodus 128a | | oþþæt sǣ-fæsten / landes | æt | ende || lēod-mæġene% for· |
Exodus 267b | ġe ferhð-locan, || frist is | æt | ende / lǣnes līfes. || Ēow i |
Exodus 467a | ðre, || cyre swīðrode / sǣs | æt | ende. || Wīġ-bord sċinon / h |
Daniel 17b | æt hīe wlenċu on·wōd || | æt | wīn-þeġe / dēoful-dǣdum, | |
Daniel 31a | || ēċes rǣdes, / þæt hīe | æt | sīðestan || selfe for·lēt |
Daniel 35a | þe ǣhte ġeaf. / Wīsode% him | æt | frymþe, || þā þe on fruma |
Daniel 523b | ǣpe on·wōc, || (swefn wæs | æt | ende), / eorðliċ æðeling, | |
Daniel 547a | ðere sōþ on·ġeat, / Daniel | æt | þǣm dōme, || þæt his dri |
Daniel 695a | | Godes frāsode%. / Sǣton him | æt | wīne || wealle be·locene, / n |
Daniel 751a | ǣr Israela || in ǣ hæfdon / | æt | Godes earce, || oþ·þæt h |
Christ and Satan 97a | eom fāh wiþ ġod. / ‘Ēċe% | æt | helle duru || dracan eardiaþ |
Christ and Satan 337b | ihte ġe·hīeran, || sē þe | æt | helle wæs / twelf mīlum nēah |
Christ and Satan 536b | ðod? / Wē þē ġe·sāwon || | æt | sumum ċierre, / þeċ% ġe·le |
Christ and Satan 661a | ðǣr is þrymm miċel, / sang | æt | selde, || is self cyning, / eal |
Andreas 221b | æġe, / efene tō morĝene, || | æt | meres ende / ċēol ġe·stīĝ |
Andreas 403b | don / þæt hīe for·lēton || | æt | lides stefnan / lēofne lārēo |
Andreas 412a | simble ġe·lǣste / hlāforde | æt | hilde, || þonne hand and ran |
Andreas 414a | wange || billum for·grunden% / | æt | nīþ-pleĝan || nearu þrōw |
Andreas 553a | itte || and word-cwīdum. / Iċ | æt | efen-ealdum || ǣfre ne mētt |
Andreas 797a | þām folce ġe·cȳðan / hwā | æt | frumsċeafte || furðum tēod |
Andreas 908a | Þǣr is% help ġearu, / milts | æt | mǣrum, || manna ġe·hwelcum |
Andreas 1130a | eapen || āre findan, / friðe | æt | þām folce, || þe him fēor |
Andreas 1325a | aldre be·snyðede, / for·cōm | æt | campe || cyning Iūdēa, / rī |
Andreas 1330a | hīe þē hnǣġen, / ġiengran | æt | gūðe. || Lǣtaþ gāres ord |
Andreas 1353a | on ēaðe, || eorla lēofost, / | æt | þām secg-pleĝan || sēlre |
Andreas 1356a | man, || weald, hū þe sǣle / | æt | þām ġeġn-sleġe. || Ūtan |
Andreas 1436a | þ þæt ġe·cȳðeþ / maniġ | æt | mæðele || on þām miċelan |
Andreas 1658a | -salu || and him brim-þīsan / | æt | sǣs faroþe% || sēċan wold |
Andreas 42a | . || Þǣr maniĝum wæs / hāt | æt | heortan || hyġe weallende. / H |
Andreas 43b | e. / Hīe þā ġe·brōhton || | æt | brimes næsse / on wæġ-þele |
The Fates of the Apostles 59a | ce || feorh ġe·sealde, / sīn | æt | sæċċe. || Sweord-rǣs for |
Soul and Body I 6b | an / þæt sē gāst nimeþ || | æt | Gode selfum / swā wīte swā w |
Soul and Body I 79a | tne selfum), / ðǣr þū wurde | æt | frymþe fuĝol || oþþe fis |
Soul and Body I 94a | lċes, || heofona sċieppend, / | æt | ealra manna ġe·hwæs || mū |
Soul and Body I 100a | || þonne rēðe biþ / drihten | æt | þǣm dōme. || Ac hwæt dō |
Soul and Body I 157b | wit bēoþ ġe·gæderode || | æt | Godes dōme. / Mōton wit þonn |
Soul and Body I 160b | þurfon wit bēon ċearie || | æt | cyme dryhtnes, / ne ðǣre ands |
Soul and Body I 163a | ere%, || ac wit selfe maĝon / | æt | þǣm dōme ðǣr || dǣdum |
Homiletic Fragment I 27a | līċe þenċaþ, / þonne hīe | æt | nīehstan || nearwe be·swīc |
Dream of the Rood 8a | . || ġimmas stōdon / fæġere | æt | foldan sċeatum, || swelċe |
Dream of the Rood 63b | weriġne, || ġe·stōdon him | æt | his līċes heafdum, / be·hēo |
Elene 137b | m / on laĝu-strēame || līfes | æt | ende. / Þā wæs mōdiġra || |
Elene 146a | antīno || cyning æl-mehtiġ / | æt | þām dæġ-weorce, || dōm-w |
Elene 191b | m Siluestre / lǣrde wǣron. || | Æt | þām sē lēod-fruma / fulwiht |
Elene 231b | sōhte. / Þǣr wlanc maniġ || | æt | Wendel-sǣ / on stæðe stōdon |
Elene 251a | ēca land. || Ċēolas lēton / | æt | sǣ-faroþe, || sande be·wre |
Elene 399a | rn-daĝum || fæderas cūðon / | æt | godes earce, || ne we ġeare% |
Elene 190a | (him wæs ġōmor sefa, / hāt | æt | heortan || and ġe·hwæðres |
Elene 526a | | bēġa ġe·hwæðeres, / ġe | æt | ðǣre ġe·sihþe || þæs s |
Elene 555b | st / ġe·worden on weorolde || | æt | þām will-spelle, / hliehhende |
Elene 739a | ard || mǣre weorðan, / þonne | æt | sæċċe mid þȳ || ofer·sw |
Elene 743b | þ wiþ wrāðum. || Hē āh | æt | wīġe spēd, / siĝor æt sæ |
Elene 744a | āh æt wīġe spēd, / siĝor | æt | sæċċe || and sibbe ġe·hw |
Elene 745a | ċe || and sibbe ġe·hwǣr, / | æt | ġe·feohte friþ, || sē þe |
Elene 747a | lancan, || þonne beadu-rōfe / | æt | gār-þræce, || guman ġe·c |
Elene 750a | ċe || unoferswīðed / wǣpen | æt | wīġe. || Be þām sē witĝ |
Elene 778a | ġōmre, || simle hǣlu ðǣr / | æt | þām bisċope, || bōte fund |
Christ A 153a | | Is sēo bōt ġe·lang / eall | æt | þē ānum || […] ofer-þea |
Christ A 223a | hte, || hū þē rodera weard / | æt | frymþe ġe·nam || him tō f |
Christ A 225b | n / ġe·frugnen% mid folcum || | æt | fruman ǣrest / ġe·worden und |
Christ A 273a | ofostlicor, || ēċe drihten, / | æt | þām lēod-sċaðan, || libb |
Christ A 366a | | Is sēo bōt ġe·lang / eall | æt | þē ānum, || ēċe drihten. |
Christ A 418a | || milde sċieppend / on·fēng | æt | fǣmnan || flǣsċ unwemme, / a |
Christ B 500a | || Him wæs ġōmor sefa / hāt | æt | heortan, || hyġe murnende, / |
Christ B 539a | || wæs sēo trēow-lufu / hāt | æt | heortan, || hreðer% innan w |
Christ B 615a | ā iermþu || eft on·ċierde / | æt | his% up-stiġe || þe we ǣr |
Christ B 674a | Sumum% wīġes spēd / ġiefeþ | æt | gūðe, || þonne gār-ġe·t |
Christ B 786a | d. || Ūs seċġaþ bēċ / hū | æt | ǣrestan || ēad-mōd ā·st |
Christ B 823a | e be·cōm || meahta wealdend / | æt | ǣrestan || þurh þæs engle |
Christ C 869a | ela dæġ || meahtan dryhtnes / | æt | midre niht || mæġene be·hl |
Christ C 1029a | weorðeþ fold-ræste / eardes | æt | ende. || Sċeal þonne ānra |
Christ C 1190b | meahtum, / æl-wealda god. || Þ | æt | æt ǣrestan / fore-þancle men |
Christ C 1397a | e || ān-for·lǣte, / hū þū | æt | ǣrestan || yfele ġe·hoĝde |
Christ C 1493a | þā mec þīn wēa swīðost / | æt | heortan ġe·hrēaw, || þā |
Christ C 1579a | , || sē þe āĝan wile / līf | æt | metode, || þenden him lēoht |
Christ C 1618a | ende || ā·sċiered weorðan / | æt | dōm-dæġe || tō dēaðe ni |
Christ C 1636a | rætwe. || Hira blǣd leofaþ / | æt | dōm-dæġe, || āĝan drēam |
Vainglory 15a | s || wīn-burgum inn, / sittaþ | æt | simble, || sōð-ġiedd wreca |
Widsith 49a | for·bīeġdon, / for·hēowon | æt | Heorote || Heaðo-beardna% þ |
The Fortunes of Men 34a | m || gālĝan rīdan, / seomian | æt | swylte, || oþ·þæt sāwol- |
The Fortunes of Men 78a | | hæleþum cwēman, / blissian | æt | bēore || benċ-sittendum; / ð |
The Fortunes of Men 80b | a. / Sum sċeall mid hearpan || | æt | his hlāfordes / fōtum sittan, |
Maxims I 5b | rne, || for·þon þe hē ūs | æt | frymþe ġe·tēode / līf and |
Maxims I 63b | ste ēða standan. || Fǣmne | æt | hire bordan ġe·rīseþ; / wī |
Maxims I 136a | þæt we inn libbaþ, / and eft | æt | þām ende || eallum wealdeþ |
The Riming Poem 78a | bēoþ þā bān || ān, / and | æt | nīehstan nan || nefne sē n |
The Whale 15b | setlaþ sǣ-mēaras || sundes | æt | ende, / and þonne on þæt eġ |
The Whale 37a | oþ·þæt hīe fæste ðǣr / | æt | þām wǣr-loĝan || wīċ ġ |
The Whale 73a | hafaþ, || bealwes cræftiġ, / | æt | þām ed-wielme || þā þe h |
Soul and Body II 6b | an / þæt sē gǣst nimeþ || | æt | gode selfum / swā wīte swā w |
Soul and Body II 74a | tne selfum), / ðǣr þū wurde | æt | frumsċeafte fuĝol || oþþe |
Soul and Body II 87a | n self || dǣda ġe·hīeran, / | æt | ealra manna ġe·hwǣm || mū |
Soul and Body II 93a | || þonne rēðe biþ / drihten | æt | dōme. || Ac hwæt dō wit un |
Guthlac A 1b | ana fæġerost || þonne hīe | æt | frymþe ġe·metaþ, / enġel a |
Guthlac A 33a | aþ. || Wē þæs riht maĝon / | æt | ǣġhwelcum || ānra ġe·hī |
Guthlac A 258a | -weġ. || Iċ mē friþ wille / | æt | gode ġe·ġiernan; || ne sċ |
Guthlac A 312b | cum wealdeþ. || Nis mē wiht | æt | ēow / lēofes ġe·lang, || ne |
Guthlac A 443a | e, || þæt him fēondes hand / | æt | þām ȳtmestan || ende ne s |
Guthlac A 559b | pan, / hāliġ hūsel-bearn, || | æt | hell-dore, / ðǣr firenfulra | |
Guthlac B 889a | r || Wæs sē drohtaþ strang / | æt | þām godes cempan || ġearwe |
Guthlac B 922a | frame || on þām siġe-wange / | æt | þām hālĝan þēowan% || h |
Guthlac B 982a | te Ādame || Eue ġe·biermde / | æt | fruman weorolde. || Fēond by |
Guthlac B 1009a | þæt inn ġe·fēoll / hefiġ | æt | heortan. || Hyġe-sorĝe wæ |
Guthlac B 1052a | || mōd-sorĝe wæġ, / hefiġe | æt | heortan. || Hreðer innan swe |
Guthlac B 1174a | re iċ lufan sibbe, / þēoden, | æt | þearfe || þīne for·lǣte / |
Guthlac B 1209a | | ġīehþa ġe·manode, / hāt | æt | heortan, || hyġe gnornende / n |
Guthlac B 1216a | || ōðerne mid þeċ, / þeġn | æt | ġe·þeahte. || Iċ þæs þ |
Guthlac B 1336a | . || Gnorn-sorĝe wæġ / hāte | æt | heortan, || hyġe ġōmorne, / |
Riddles 20 16a | Oft iċ ōðrum sċōd / frecne | æt | his frēonde; || fāh eom iċ |
Riddles 21 4b | ord min / wōh færeþ || weard | æt | steorte, / wriĝaþ on wange, | |
Riddles 3 14a | wīsaþ || sē mec wrǣde inn / | æt | frumsċeafte || furðum leġd |
Riddles 31 12a | orlum on ġe·maniġe, / siteþ | æt | simble, || sǣles bīdeþ, / hw |
Riddles 31 15a | r wiht þiġeþ / þæs þe him | æt | blisse || beornas habbaþ%. / D |
Riddles 34 3a | fela tōða; / nebb biþ hire | æt | nytte, || niðerweard gangeþ |
Riddles 35 7a | u || þrǣd mene hlimmeþ, / ne | æt | mē hrūtende || hrīsel sċr |
Riddles 40 6b | Hē mec wrætlīċe || worhte | æt | frymþe, / þā hē þisne ymb- |
Riddles 40 34b | ā mē lēof fæder || lǣrde | æt | frymþe, / þæt iċ þā mid r |
Riddles 42 16a | dum? || Nū is undierne / werum | æt | wīne || hū þā wihte mid |
Riddles 43 6b | þ-fæte, || hīe ġe·sunde | æt | hām / findaþ witode him || wi |
Riddles 46 1a | # Riddles 46 / / Wer% s | æt | æt wine || mid his wīfum tw |
Riddles 54 9a | esne, || tīerode hwæðere / | æt | stunda ġe·hwǣm || strang |
The Wife's Lament 45b | n-sorgna ġe·drēah, || sīe | æt | him selfum ġe·lang / eall his |
The Judgment Day I 2b | ofer foldan; || fēores biþ | æt | ende / ānra ġe·hwelcum. || O |
The Judgment Day I 105a | þām mǣstan dæġe, / rincas | æt | ðǣre rōde, || seċġaþ þ |
Resignation 48a | ēaden, || hæbbe iċ þonne / | æt | frēan frōfre, || þēah þe |
Resignation 57a | Crīst. / Ġe·luĝon hīe him | æt | þām ġe·lēafan; || for· |
Resignation 110b | ā·bolĝen, || is sēo bōt | æt | þē / ġe·lang aefter [lī]fe |
The Descent into Hell 8a | leþ wǣron mōdġe, / þe hīe | æt | þām beorĝe || blīðe% fun |
Riddles 60 2a | sande%, || sǣ-wealle nēah, / | æt | mere-faroþe, || mīnum ġe· |
Riddles 78 6b | [] || swā iċ him[] / [] || ne | æt | hām ġe·sæt / [] || flote cw |
Riddles 88 31a | || iċ ġe·wendan ne mæġ. / | Æt | þām spore findeþ || spēd |
The Phoenix 104b | a. / Swā sē æðela fuĝol || | æt | þām ǣ-springe / wlitiġfæst |
The Phoenix 110b | ngum / brim-ċeald beorĝeþ || | æt | baða ġe·hwelcum. / Siþþan |
The Phoenix 239b | m ġe·frætwod, || swylc hē | æt | frymþe wæs, / beorht ġe·bl |
The Phoenix 262a | byrĝe, || sē drēoseþ oft / | æt | middre nihte; || be þon sē |
The Phoenix 280b | and feðer-hama, || swā hē | æt | frymþe wæs, / þā hine ǣres |
The Phoenix 328b | on þām fuĝole, || swā him | æt | fruman sette / siĝora sōþ-cy |
The Phoenix 477a | oldon || hālġe lāre / hāte | æt | heortan%, || hyġe weallende / |
The Phoenix 538a | æt him wuldor-cyning / mehtiġ | æt | þām mæðele || milde ġe· |
Juliana 81a | rh·sōð godu, / swā iċ āre | æt | him || ǣfre finde, / oþþe, |
Juliana 82a | fre finde, / oþþe, þēoden, | æt | þē || þīne hyldu / wīn-bur |
Juliana 239a | mle hēo wuldor-cyning / herede | æt | heortan, || heofon-rīċes go |
Juliana 274b | ap / þe þū, fæder engla, || | æt | fruman settest, / þæt þū m |
Juliana 397a | || beorman mīne, / ā·gǣlan | æt | gūðe. || Þēah hē godes h |
Juliana 442a | eall || willan mīnes, / hyhtes | æt | hālĝum, || swā mē hēr ġ |
Juliana 656a | | and sibbe mid ēow / healdaþ | æt | heortan, || hālġe rūne / þu |
Juliana 659a | || ðǣr ġē frōfre% āgon / | æt | mæġena gode, || mǣste þea |
The Wanderer 111b | ōde, || ġe·sæt him sundor | æt | rūne. / Til biþ sē þe his t |
The Gifts of Men 74b | fle. / Sum biþ ġe·wittiġ || | æt | wīn-þeġe, / bēor-hīerde g |
The Gifts of Men 78a | Sum biþ folc-wita. / Sum biþ | æt | þearfe% || þrīst-hyġdiġr |
The Seafarer 7b | be·ġeat / nearu niht-wacu || | æt | nacan stefnan, / þonne hē be |
Beowulf 32a | d-fruma || lange āhte. / Þǣr | æt | hȳðe stōd || hrīnġed-ste |
Beowulf 45a | , || þon þā dydon / þe hine | æt | frum-sċeafte || forþ on·se |
Beowulf 81a | ah, || bēaĝas dǣlde, / sinċ | æt | simble. || Sele hlīfode, / hē |
Beowulf 175b | . / Hwīlum hīe ġe·hēton || | æt | hearh-trafum% / wīġ-weorðung |
Beowulf 224a | þā wæs sund liden, / eoletes | æt | ende. || Þonan up hræðe / We |
Beowulf 500a | , || Eċġ·lāfes bearn, / þe | æt | fōtum sæt || frēan Sċield |
Beowulf 517b | ofon niht swuncon; || hē þe | æt | sunde ofer·flāt, / hæfde mā |
Beowulf 584a | ĝan. || Breca nǣfre ġīet / | æt | heaðu-lāce, || ne ġe·hwæ |
Beowulf 617b | wearde, / bæd hine blīðne || | æt | ðǣre bēor-þeġe, / lēodum |
Beowulf 629b | þeah, / wæl-hrēow wiĝa, || | æt | Wealh·þēon, / and þā ġied |
Beowulf 882a | nefan, || swā hīe ā wǣron / | æt | nīða ġe·hwǣm || nīed-ġ |
Beowulf 930a | iċ lāðes ġe·bād, / gryna | æt | Grendle; || ā mæġ god wyr |
Beowulf 953a | e || hnaġran rinċe, / sǣmran | æt | sæċċe. || Þū þe self ha |
Beowulf 1073b | m wearþ / be·loren lēofum || | æt | þǣm lind-pleĝan%, / bearnum |
Beowulf 1089a | bearn || āĝan mōston, / and | æt | feoh-ġiftum || Folc·wealdan |
Beowulf 1110a | rinca || wæs on bǣl ġearu. / | Æt | þǣm āde wæs || ēað-ġe |
Beowulf 1114b | gon. / Hēt þā Hilde·burh || | æt | Hnæfes āde / hire selfre sunu |
Beowulf 1147b | eat / sweord-bealu slīðen || | æt | his selfes hām, / siþþan gri |
Beowulf 1156a | eorþ-cininges, / swelċe hīe | æt | Finnes hām || findan meahton |
Beowulf 1166a | welċe ðǣr Un·ferþ% þyle / | æt | fōtum sæt frēan Sċielding |
Beowulf 1168a | ē his māĝum nǣre / ārfæst | æt | eċġa ġe·lācum. || Spræc |
Beowulf 1248a | ron || ān-wīġ-ġearwe, / ġe | æt | hām ġe on herġe, || ġe ġ |
Beowulf 1267b | / heoru-wearh heteliċ, || sē | æt | Heorote fand / wæċċendne wer |
Beowulf 1337b | ne / wanode and wierde. || Hē | æt | wīġe ġe·crang / ealdres sċ |
Beowulf 1377a | Nū is sē rǣd ġe·lang / eft | æt | þē ānum. || Eard ġīet ne |
Beowulf 1460b | heaðu-swāte; || nǣfre hit | æt | hilde ne swāc / manna ǣngum | |
Beowulf 1477a | t wit ġō sprǣcon, / ġif iċ | æt | þearfe || þīnre sċolde / ea |
Beowulf 1525a | ēo eċġ ġe·swāc / þēodne | æt | þearfe; || þolode ǣr fela / |
Beowulf 1535a | sċeall man dôn, / þonne hē | æt | gūðe || ġe·ġan þenċeþ |
Beowulf 1588a | swā him ǣr ġe·sċōd / hild | æt | Heorote. || Hrǣw wīde spran |
Beowulf 1618b | wæs on sunde || sē þe ǣr | æt | sæċċe ġe·bād / wīġ-hryr |
Beowulf 1659a | c god sċielde. / Ne meahte iċ | æt | hilde || mid Hruntinġe / wiht |
Beowulf 1665a | ġe·bræġd. / Of·slōh þā | æt | ðǣre sæċċe, || þā mē |
Beowulf 1914a | on lande stōd. / Hræðe wæs | æt | holme || hȳð-weard ġeara / s |
Beowulf 1916a | ge tīd || lēofra manna / fūs | æt | faroþe || feorr wlātode; / s |
Beowulf 1923b | e·lāc Hrēðling, || ðǣr | æt | hām wunaþ / selfa mid ġe·s |
Beowulf 2041a | ra selfra feorh. / Þonne cwiþ | æt | bēore || sē þe bēah ġe· |
Beowulf 2149b | e·īewan. || Ġīen is eall | æt | þē / lissa ġe·lang; || iċ |
Beowulf 2258b | elċe sēo here-pād, || sēo | æt | hilde ġe·bād / ofer·borda |
Beowulf 2270a | ·þæt dēaðes wielm / hrān | æt | heortan. || Hord-wynne fand / e |
Beowulf 2353a | ġ secg, || sele fǣlsode / and | æt | gūðe for·grāp || Grendles |
Beowulf 2374a | feasċeafte || findan meahton / | æt | þǣm æðelinge || ǣnġe þ |
Beowulf 2429b | aldₒr, / frēa-wine folca, || | æt | mīnum fæder-ġe·nam; / hēol |
Beowulf 2491a | || þe hē mē sealde, / ġeald | æt | gūðe, || swā mē ġiefeþe |
Beowulf 2526a | unc furður% sċeall / weorðan | æt | wealle, || swā unc wyrd ġe |
Beowulf 2575a | m wyrd ne ġe·sċrāf / hrēþ | æt | hilde. || Hand up ā·bræġd |
Beowulf 2585a | gūþ-bill ġe·swāc, / nacod | æt | nīðe, || swā hit nā sċol |
Beowulf 2612b | , / suna Ōht·heres%. || þǣm | æt | sæċċe wearþ, / wreċċan% w |
Beowulf 2629a | ne his mǣġes lāf / ġe·wāc | æt | wīġe; || þæt% sē wyrm on |
Beowulf 2659a | | gnorn þrōwian, / ġesīĝan | æt | sæċċe; || ūrum sċeall sw |
Beowulf 2681a | ġling for·bærst, / ġeswāc | æt | sæċċe || sweord Bēow·ulf |
Beowulf 2684a | enna || eċġe meahton / helpan | æt | hilde; || wæs sēo hand tō |
Beowulf 2694a | swāt ȳðum wēoll. / Þā iċ | æt | þearfe ġe·fræġn% || þē |
Beowulf 2709a | ċ sċolde secg wesan, / þeġn | æt | þearfe. || Þæt þǣm þēo |
Beowulf 2790a | , || drēoriġne fand / ealdres | æt | ende; || hē hine eft on·gan |
Beowulf 2803b | ċan / beorhtne aefter bǣle || | æt | brimes nōsan; / sē sċeall t |
Beowulf 2823b | ah / þone lēofostan || līfes | æt | ende / blēate ġe·bǣran. || |
Beowulf 2860a | nū ġīen dēþ. / Þā wæs | æt | þǣm ġungan% || grimm andsw |
Beowulf 2878a | || lȳtle meahte / æt-ġiefan | æt | gūðe || and on·gann swā- |
Beowulf 3013a | rymme ġe·ċēapod%, / and nū | æt | sīðostan || selfes fēore / b |
Beowulf 3026b | an, / earne seċġan || hū him | æt | ǣte spēow, / þenden hē wiþ |
Judith 3a | þā ġearwe funde / mund-byrd | æt | þǣm mǣran þēodne, || þ |
Judith 123a | n || fore-mǣrne blǣd / Iudith | æt | gūðe, || swā hire god ūð |
Judith 175b | m burĝ-lēodum, || hū hire | æt | beadwe ġe·spēow. / Spræc þ |
Judith 197a | || and ġē dōm āĝon, / tīr | æt | tohtan, || swā ēow ġe·tā |
Judith 217a | p. || Him þæt hearde wearþ / | æt | þǣm ǣsċ-pleĝan || eallum |
Judith 272b | nde. || Þā wæs hira tīres | æt | ende, / ēades and ellen-dǣda. |
Judith 288a | sċulon nīede% losian, / samod | æt | sæċċe for·weorðan. || H |
Judith 345b | þǣm eall-mihtĝan; || hūru | æt | þǣm ende ne twēode / þæs l |
The Paris Psalter 101:7 1a | non. / / # / For·þon iċ anliċ | æt | || æscan hlāfe, / and iċ mī |
The Paris Psalter 101:22 1a | ġear || āwa tō fēore. / / # / | Æt | fruman þū, || drihten, ġe |
The Paris Psalter 103:20 3a | sēċaþ, / þæt him grǣdĝum | æt | || god ġe·dēme. / / # / Siþþ |
The Paris Psalter 103:32 1b | / / # / Wese him hereness min || | æt | heortan wēðe, / iċ mīnne dr |
The Paris Psalter 104:24 1b | īestrum on·gann || þrēan | æt | frymþe, / for·þon hīe word |
The Paris Psalter 109:7 2b | weġe weorðaþ, || wæteres | æt | hlimman / dēopes on·drincaþ; |
The Paris Psalter 111:3 1b | im% wuldor and wela || wunaþ | æt | hūse, / biþ his sōþfæstnes |
The Paris Psalter 111:4 5b | nd hē is sōþfæst || simle | æt | þearfe. / / # / Glæd man glēaw |
The Paris Psalter 113:19 3b | m fultum ġe·stōd || fæste | æt | þearfe. / / # / Þā þe ā weġ |
The Paris Psalter 113:20 4b | him sċieldend biþ || simle | æt | þearfe. / / # / Weorþ þū ūre |
The Paris Psalter 117:16 3b | htnes / ā·hōf hrǣdlīċe || | æt | heah-þearfe. / / # / Ne swelte i |
The Paris Psalter 117:20 2b | on þū mē ġe·hīerdest || | æt | hēah-þearfe / and mē þā ġ |
The Paris Psalter 117:24 3a | an || dǣdum mǣrum%; / we ēow | æt | godes hūse || ġeare blētsi |
The Paris Psalter 117:27 2b | on þū mē ġe·hīerdest || | æt | hēah-þearfe, / and þā wurde |
The Paris Psalter 118:53 1a | rihten, / þæt iċ on weorolde | æt | þē || wurde ā·frēfred. / / |
The Paris Psalter 118:62 2a | | hēolde and lǣste. / / # / Iċ | æt | midre niht || mǣla ġe·hwel |
The Paris Psalter 118:77 1b | ēte / þīnum āĝenum || esne | æt | þearfe. / / # / Cumen mē þīne |
The Paris Psalter 118:114 3b | n / and andfenġa% || ǣġhwǣr | æt | þearfe, / and iċ on þīn wor |
The Paris Psalter 118:170 3b | þīnre ġe·sihþe || simle | æt | þearfe; / aefter þīnre sprǣ |
The Paris Psalter 118:174 1b | e·bodu ġe·ċēas || bealde | æt | þearfe. / / # / Iċ þīnre hǣl |
The Paris Psalter 120:1 2b | ǣr iċ fultum fand || fǣlne | æt | þearfe. / / # / Is min fultum ē |
The Paris Psalter 120:2 1b | Is min fultum ēac || fǣġer | æt | drihtne, / sē þe heofon worht |
The Paris Psalter 120:5 3b | þā swīðran hand || simle | æt | þearfe. / / # / Ne þē sunne on |
The Paris Psalter 121:5 1b | īe ðǣr on seldum || sǣton | æt | dōmum; / þū eart þonne dēm |
The Paris Psalter 121:9 3a | dīerum sēċe, / þæt iċ god | æt | him || be·ġietan mōte. |
The Paris Psalter 128:1 4a | ĝuþe, / ne mihton hīe āwiht | æt | mē || ǣfre ġe·wyrċan. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 130:4 1a | e ġe·fēonde. / / # / Swā man | æt | mēder || biþ miċelum fēde |
The Paris Psalter 131:2 1a | ċele and gōde. / / # / Swā iċ | æt | frymþe ġe·swōr || ferhþe |
The Paris Psalter 131:14 2b | earde ġe·ċēas || ǣrest | æt | frymþe. / / # / Þis is min ræs |
The Paris Psalter 133:4 2b | hten / of Sion-beorĝe || simle | æt | þearfe, / sē þe heofon worht |
The Paris Psalter 136:5 4b | te min sēo swīðre || simle | æt | þearfe; / æt·fēole min tung |
The Paris Psalter 136:6 3b | ne for·sette þē || simle | æt | frymþe; / ac iċ on Hierusāle |
The Paris Psalter 138:6 4a | || hwierft ǣniġne, / þū mē | æt | bist || efne rihte. / / # / Ġif |
The Paris Psalter 140:8 3a | l līciendlīċe / sindon hīe | æt | strangum || stāne for·swol |
The Paris Psalter 143:2 1b | Hē% is mild-heortness || min | æt | þearfe, / friþ and fultum, || |
The Paris Psalter 58:4 5b | / and Israela god || ǣġhwǣr | æt | þearfe. / / # / Be·heald holdl |
The Paris Psalter 58:6 1a | ht || elne wyrċaþ. / / # / Hīe | æt | ǣfne eft || inn ġe·ċierra |
The Paris Psalter 58:17 2a | ġhwǣr% wǣre / and iċ helpe | æt | þē || hæfde simle, / þonne |
The Paris Psalter 60:1 5a | nū mē cearu bēateþ / heard | æt | heortan, || help min nū-þā |
The Paris Psalter 61:1 3a | ċe || gode under·þēodan; / | æt | him is hǣlu min || hēr eall |
The Paris Psalter 62:1 2a | min, || iċ þē ġearwe tō / | æt | lēohte ġe·hwǣm || lustum |
The Paris Psalter 62:8 4b | o swīðre on·fenġ || simle | æt | þearfe. / / # / For·þon hīe o |
The Paris Psalter 63:1 4b | sāwle ġe·sċield || simle | æt | þearfe. / / # / Þū mē oft ā |
The Paris Psalter 65:13 1b | id mūðe ā·spræc || mīne | æt | þearfe, / ðǣr mē costunge | |
The Paris Psalter 67:5 3b | þe widewum sīen || wrāðe | æt | dōme / oþþe stēop-ċildum w |
The Paris Psalter 67:20 3a | nd god || helpe ūser / and ūs | æt | dēaðe ēac || drihten ġe· |
The Paris Psalter 68:3 3a | don || gōman hāse; / biþ mē | æt | þǣmēarum || ēaĝan wiþ· |
The Paris Psalter 68:7 5a | e eard nimaþ. / / # / Ne sċulon | æt | mē || ǣnġe habban / sċame s |
The Paris Psalter 68:8 2b | t mæġena god; || ne sċeall | æt | mē / ǣnġe unāre || āhwǣr |
The Paris Psalter 68:11 1a | es hūses || heard ellen-wōd / | æt | or-mǣte || and mē ēac fela |
The Paris Psalter 69:1 3b | ðe siþþan / ġe·fultuma || | æt | feorh-þearfe. / / # / Þonne bē |
The Paris Psalter 70:4 2b | on ġuĝuþe hiht || glēaw | æt | frymþe. / / # / Iċ of mōdor hr |
The Paris Psalter 70:6 2b | eart fultum strang || fæste | æt | þearfe. / / # / Sīe min mūþ a |
The Paris Psalter 73:1 2a | , ēċe god, || ǣfre woldest / | æt | ende fram þē || āhwǣr dr |
The Paris Psalter 73:2 2a | , || þæt þū, mehtiġ god, / | æt | fruman ǣrest || fæġere ġe |
The Paris Psalter 75:3 2b | þ, / and sweord and sċield || | æt | ġe·sċot-feohta. / / # / Þū w |
The Paris Psalter 77:2 3b | on weorold-rīċum || wǣron | æt | frymþe. / / # / Ealle% þā we o |
The Paris Psalter 77:34 2b | hira / fǣle fultum, || frēond | æt | þearfe; / wæs hēa god || hir |
The Paris Psalter 77:69 2a | erne esne, / and ġe·nam hine | æt | īewde || ūte be sċēapum, / |
The Paris Psalter 78:10 1a | worda ġe·myndiġ, / þæt hē | æt | fruman wunder || fǣġer ġe |
The Paris Psalter 79:11 2a | || þe him of hlīdaþ, / þū | æt | sǣ-strēamas || sealte ġe· |
The Paris Psalter 79:14 5b | þīn sēo swīðre || sette | æt | frymþe, / and ofer mannes sunu |
The Paris Psalter 88:37 2a | t || fāĝan sweordes, / nafaþ | æt | ġe·feohte || fǣlne helpend |
The Paris Psalter 90:1 1a | ter: Psalm 90 / / # / Mē eardaþ | æt | || æðele fultum / þæs hīeh |
The Paris Psalter 90:1 3a | heofon-rīċes weard, / þe mē | æt | wunaþ || āwa tō fēore. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 93:15 2b | r, / ġe·fultumode || fæġere | æt | þearfe, / wēninga min sāwol |
The Paris Psalter 94:4 2b | ser / his āĝen folc || ǣfre | æt | þearfe; / hē þās hēah-beor |
The Paris Psalter 98:4 4a | ū on Iacobe || gōde dōmas / | æt | fruman weorolde || fæġere s |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 69a | bbe || hæleþa ǣniġ, / guma | æt | þǣm ġielpe, || ġif hine |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 38a | ȳne || eft ġe·ċierran / þe | æt | frymþe || fæder ġe·tēode |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 77b | mid / his āĝen weorc || eall | æt | frymþe, / (þæt is wiðer-wea |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 13a | þe him% cyning engla, / fæder | æt | frymþe, || fæste ġe·tēod |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 14a | samnode || sāwle tō līċe / | æt | fruman ǣrest, || folc under |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 27b | ēac þone fæder || þe hine | æt | fruman ġe·sċōp. / For·þǣ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 155a | æt hit fēolan ne mæġ / eft | æt | his ēðle, || ðǣr þæt ō |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 14a | | lyfte and rodore, / swā% him | æt | frymþe || fæder ġe·tēode |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 19a | an || and þonne sam-tenġes / | æt | þǣm æl-ċealdan || ānum s |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 7a | ġe·wenede || wuldres ealdor / | æt | frum-sċeafte || þæt sēo f |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 37a | wīðe ġe·þwǣre, / swā him | æt | frymþe || fæder ġe·teohho |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 8a | an ġe·tenġe, / nabbaþ hīe | æt | fiðerum fultum, || ne maĝon |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 23b | ðan. / Ēac hit ġe·sǣlde || | æt | sumum ċierre / þæt sē ilca |
Metrical Psalm 93:15 2b | er / ġe·fultumod || fæġere | æt | þearfe / wēninga min sāwl | |
The Battle of Brunanburh 4a | dor-langne tīr / ġe·slōĝon | æt | sæċċe || sweorda eċġum / y |
The Battle of Brunanburh 8b | cnēo-māĝum, || þæt hīe | æt | campe oft / wiþ lāðra ġe·h |
The Battle of Brunanburh 42a | | on folc-stede, / be·slæġen | æt | sæċċe || and his sunu for |
The Battle of Brunanburh 44a | wundum for·grunden%, / ġungne | æt | gūðe. || Ġielpan ne þorft |
Durham 18a | lāra wēl ġe·nam. / Eardiaþ | æt | þǣm ēadġe || on on þǣm |
Solomon and Saturn 97b | d. || Hūru him biþ æt biþ | æt | heortan wā, / þonne []e hangi |
Solomon and Saturn 126a | t ġielp brecaþ. / Þonne hine | æt | nīehstan || nearwe stilleþ / |
Solomon and Saturn 152b | ġe·hefeĝaþ || þonne hē | æt | hilde sċeall / wiþ lāþ weor |
The Menologium 46b | ·þon wealdend God || worhte | æt | frymþe / on þȳ selfan dæġe |
The Judgment Day II 18b | ē / and synfulra ġe·hwǣm || | æt | selfum Gode, / and hū mehtiġ |
The Judgment Day II 81b | ster, / līfes lǣċedōmes || | æt | līfes frēan? / Nū þū sċea |
The Judgment Day II 122b | fō || / dōm be his dǣdum || | æt | drihtne selfum. / Iċ bidde, ma |
The Creed 17b | s ðǣr ġe·fremmed || firen | æt | ġiftum, / ac ðǣr hāliġ gā |
The Kentish Hymn 20b | olca ġe·hwæs, || swā þū | æt | fruman wǣre / efen-ēadiġ bea |
Psalm 50 9b | ē dryhtnes þēowa || Dāuid | æt | wīġe / sōþ siġe-cempa, || |
Psalm 50 43b | ac synna ġe·hwǣr || selfum | æt | ēaĝan, / firen-dǣda ġe·þr |
Psalm 50 58a | m% be·ġēaton, / swelċe þū | æt | dōme, || drihten, ofer·swī |
The Seasons for Fasting 99a | || ēstum fylĝaþ%. / Swā hē | æt | þǣm setle || selfa ġe·dē |
The Seasons for Fasting 152a | || ēðel sēċaþ. / Nū wæs | æt | nīehstan || þæt ūs nerġe |
The Seasons for Fasting 172b | mierċels% næfþ || mānes | æt | ēaĝum, / ac hē on hinder sċ |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 2b | est, / hwæt þū reġnodest || | æt | Reġenmelde. / Una þū hātest |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 24b | , / hwæt þū ġe·endodest || | æt | Alorforda; / þæt nǣfre for |
The Battle of Finnsburh 16a | hira sweord ġe·tuĝon, / and | æt | ōðrum durum || Ordlāf and |
The Battle of Finnsburh 31a | n || (burh-þelu dynede), / oþ | æt | ðǣre gūðe || Gārulf ġe |
The Battle of Finnsburh 37b | n iċ nǣfre weorðlīcor || | æt | wera hilde / siextiġ siġe-beo |
Waldere B 17a | s%. || Feta, ġif þū dyrre, / | æt | þus heaðu-werĝan || hāre |
The Battle of Maldon 10a | þæt sē cniht nolde / wācian | æt | þām% wīġe%, || þā hē t |
The Battle of Maldon 39b | þ frēode || and niman friþ | æt | ūs, / we willaþ mid þām sċ |
The Battle of Maldon 48b | þā here-ġeatwe || þe ēow | æt | hilde ne dēah. / Brīm-manna b |
The Battle of Maldon 55a | n. || Feallan sċulon / hǣðne | æt | hilde. || Tō hēanlīċ mē |
The Battle of Maldon 81a | mōdġe twēġen, / þā noldon | æt | þām forda || flēam ġe·wy |
The Battle of Maldon 104a | Þā wæs feohte% nēah, / tīr | æt | ġe·tohte. || Wæs sēo tīd |
The Battle of Maldon 119a | wenġes ne wiernde, / þæt him | æt | fōtum fēoll || fǣġe cempa |
The Battle of Maldon 123a | n || stīþ-hiċġende / hyssas | æt | hilde, || hoĝodon ġeorne / hw |
The Battle of Maldon 145b | urh þā hrinġ-locan, || him | æt | heortan stōd / ǣtterne ord. | |
The Battle of Maldon 201a | % || maneĝa sprǣcon / þe eft | æt | þearfe% || þolian nolden. / |
The Battle of Maldon 212b | nan% þā mǣla || þe we oft | æt | medu sprǣcon, / þonne we on b |
The Battle of Maldon 223a | n ealdor liġeþ / for·hēawen | æt | hilde. || Mē is þæt hearma |
The Battle of Maldon 268b | nama. / Hē ne wandode nā || | æt | þām wīġ-pleĝan, / ac hē f |
The Battle of Maldon 285b | ng / gryre-lēoða sum. || Þā | æt | gūðe slōh / Offa þone sǣ-l |
The Battle of Maldon 288a | d ġe·sōhte. / Hræðe wearþ | æt | hilde || Offa for·hēawen; / h |
The Battle of Maldon 307a | ordum bǣdon / þæt hīe ðǣr | æt | þearfe || þolian sċolden, / |