Number of occurrences in corpus: 8
Genesis B 806b | san, / ġif hēr wind cymþ, || | westan | oþþe ēastan, / sūðan oþþ |
Genesis A 1884b | rǣrde / his wealdende || þā | westan | cōm. / Þǣr sē ēadĝa eft | |
Elene 577b | wā, / siþþan wine-māĝas || | westan | brōhton / ofer laĝu-fæsten | |
Christ C 885a | ðan and norðan, / ēastan and | westan, | || ofer ealle% ġe·sċeaft. / |
The Phoenix 325a | an and norðan, / ēastan% and | westan, | || ēorod-cystum, / faraþ feor |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 22a | trēowum sēlest / sūðan and | westan, | || þā ǣr sē swearta storm |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 8b | smolte blǣwþ || sūðan and | westan | / wind under wolcnum. || Þonne |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 57a | norðan || cume / oþþe ǣniġ | westan | || ofer wer-þēode. / Crīst s |