Number of occurrences in corpus: 149
Genesis A 79b | fægre freoþoþeawas || frea | eallum | leof / þeoden his þegnum || |
Genesis B 306a | arþ / se feond mid his geferum | eallum | || feollon þa ufon of heofnu |
Genesis B 550a | cwæþ þæt sceaþena mæst / | eallum | heora eaforum || æfter siþ |
Genesis A 875b | rþum ne anfenge || ac gefean | eallum | / for hwon wast þu wean || and |
Genesis A 1339a | a || ælces twa / swilce þu of | eallum | || eorþan wæstmum / wiste und |
Genesis A 1499a | eþran || and recene genam / on | eallum | dæl || æhtum sinum / þam þe |
Exodus 261b | ide hergas / eorla unrim || him | eallum | wile / mihtig drihten || þurh |
Exodus 370a | feorhgebeorh || foldan hæfde / | eallum | eorþcynne || ece lafe / frumcn |
Daniel 396a | aþ liffrean || lean sellende / | eallum | eadmodum || ece drihten / annan |
Daniel 505b | | wilddeor scylde / ane æte || | eallum | heolde / swylce fuglas eac || h |
Daniel 564a | || swa þu hæleþum eart / ana | eallum | || eorþbuendum / weard and wis |
Daniel 578b | elyfest / þæt sie an metod || | eallum | mannum / reccend and rice || se |
Christ and Satan 243a | a scyppend || god seolfa wæs / | eallum | andfeng || þe þær up becom |
Christ and Satan 247b | ana wiþ englum || and to him | eallum | spræc / ic can eow læran || l |
Andreas 568a | to hroþre || hæleþa cynne / | eallum | eorþwarum || æþelinge weox |
Andreas 1091b | uþegnum wearþ / in ane tid || | eallum | ætsomne / þurh heard gelac || |
Andreas 1292b | aþan wæpnum / ece eadfruma || | eallum | þinum / ne læt nu bysmrian || |
Soul and Body I 23b | ohtest || þa þu lustgryrum | eallum | / ful geeodest || hu þu on eor |
Dream of the Rood 154a | ihtig || englum to blisse / ond | eallum | þam halgum || þam þe on he |
Elene 648a | f hiehþa || nu þu hrædlice / | eallum | eaþmedum || ar selesta / þine |
Elene 649a | hþa. || Nū þū hrǣdlīċe / | eallum | ēaþ-mēdum, || ār sēlesta |
Elene 661a | es mihtum || to gode cleopode / | eallum | eaþmedum || bæd him engla w |
Elene 662a | s meahtum || tō gode clipode / | eallum | ēaþ-mēdum, || bæd him eng |
Elene 780b | s fus / eft to eþle || ond þa | eallum | bebead / on þam gumrice || god |
Elene 781b | s / eft tō ēðle || and þā | eallum | be·bēad / on þām gum-rīċe |
Christ A 216b | ælmihtig / hu ðu ær wære || | eallum | geworden / worulde ðrymmum || |
Christ A 245b | ltse her / arfæst ywe || us is | eallum | neod / ðæt we ðin medrencynn |
Christ B 607b | ond mona / æðelast tungla || | eallum | scinað / heofoncondelle || hæ |
Christ B 723a | m || ðæt to frofre gewearð / | eallum | eorðwarum || wæs se oðer s |
Christ B 845b | herga fruma / æðelinga ord || | eallum | demeð / leofum ge laðum || le |
Christ C 1195b | bearn / ðæt se earcnanstan || | eallum | sceolde / to hleo ond to hroðe |
Christ C 1400a | giefen hæfde / ond ðe on ðam | eallum | || eades to lyt / mode ðuhte | |
Christ C 1407b | æsta eðel / earg ond unrot || | eallum | bidæled / dugeðum ond dreamum |
Christ C 1651a | s seo dyre || dryhtnes onsien / | eallum | ðam gesælgum || sunnan leoh |
The Fortunes of Men 65b | ryhten / geond eorðan sceat || | eallum | dæleð / scyreð ond scrifeð |
Maxims I 136b | gað / ond eft æt ðam ende || | eallum | wealdeð / monna cynne || ðæt |
The Panther 48a | ta blostmum || ond wudubledum / | eallum | æðelicra || eorðan frætwu |
The Panther 56a | dryhten god || dreama rædend / | eallum | eaðmede || oðrum gesceaftum |
Soul and Body II 83b | n ðam miclan dæge || ðonne | eallum | monnum beoð / wunde onwrigene |
Riddles 29 8a | t || ofer wealles hrof / seo is | eallum | cuð || eorðbuendum / ahredde |
Riddles 4 101b | / ac mec bescyrede || scyppend | eallum | / nu me wrætlice || weaxað on |
Riddles 40 101b | c be·sċierede || sċieppend | eallum; | / nū mē wrætlīċe || weaxa |
Riddles 40 105b | / ac mec bescyrede || scyppend | eallum; | / nu me wrætlice || weaxað on |
Riddles 51 7b | ð / ofer fæted gold || feower | eallum | |
The Judgment Day I 113b | am ærende || ðæt he to us | eallum | wat / oncweð nu ðisne cwide | |
The Phoenix 132a | || bið ðæs hleoðres sweg / | eallum | songcræftum || swetra ond wl |
Beowulf 145a | | ond wið rihte wan / ana wið | eallum | || oððæt idel stod / husa se |
Beowulf 767b | eah / dryhtsele dynede || denum | eallum | wearð / ceasterbuendum || cenr |
Beowulf 823b | ongen / dogera dægrim || denum | eallum | wearð / æfter ðam wælræse |
Beowulf 906a | lange || he his leodum wearð / | eallum | æðellingum || to aldorceare |
Beowulf 913b | e / eðel scyldinga || he ðær | eallum | wearð / mæg higelaces || mann |
Beowulf 1057b | ond ðæs mannes mod || metod | eallum | weold / gumena cynnes || swa he |
Beowulf 1417b | dreorig ond gedrefed || denum | eallum | wæs / winum scyldinga || weorc |
Beowulf 2268a | d || giohðo mænde / an æfter | eallum | || unbliðe hwearf / dæges ond |
Judith 8b | inhatan wyrcean georne || ond | eallum | wundrum ðrymlic / girwan up sw |
Judith 176b | / spræc ða seo æðele || to | eallum | ðam folce / her ge magon sweot |
Judith 217b | wearð / æt ðam æscplegan || | eallum | forgolden / assyrium || syðða |
The Paris Psalter 101:12 4a | iþlice || stanum and eorþan / | eallum | ætgædere || ær miltsadest / |
The Paris Psalter 101:21 1b | þan / / # / he him andwyrdeþ || | eallum | sona / on wege worulde || þær |
The Paris Psalter 102:3 1b | þinum mandædum || miltsade | eallum | / and þine adle || ealle gehæ |
The Paris Psalter 102:6 2b | ihta strange / drihten domas || | eallum | þe deope her / and ful treafli |
The Paris Psalter 102:18 3b | brade / þanon he eorþricum || | eallum | wealdeþ / / # / ealle his englas |
The Paris Psalter 104:16 3b | am leodum þa / to ealdormen || | eallum | sette / / # / he sette hine on hi |
The Paris Psalter 106:5 2b | nd he hi of þam earfeþum || | eallum | alysde / / # / hi þa gelædde || |
The Paris Psalter 106:12 2b | nd he hi of þam earfoþum || | eallum | alysde / / # / and he hi of þam |
The Paris Psalter 106:18 2b | nd he hi of þam earfoþum || | eallum | alysde / / # / he him wisfæstlic |
The Paris Psalter 106:27 2b | tne / and he hi of earfeþum || | eallum | alysde / / # / he yste mæg || ea |
The Paris Psalter 106:29 3b | st / and he hig of earfoþum || | eallum | alysde / / # / hi andettan || eal |
The Paris Psalter 108:24 4b | nded / eom ic to edwitstæfe || | eallum | geworden / / # / swa hi me gesawo |
The Paris Psalter 110:3 3a | odig || mihtig drihten / syleþ | eallum | mete || þam þe his ege habb |
The Paris Psalter 110:7 3b | and þæt byþ andgit good || | eallum | swylce / þe hine wyllaþ well |
The Paris Psalter 115:3 2a | to gode || gyldan dryhtne / for | eallum | þam godum || þe he me ærur |
The Paris Psalter 117:22 3a | t geworhte || wera cneorissum / | eallum | eorþtudrum || eadgum to blis |
The Paris Psalter 118:130 3a | and þu bealde sylest / andgit | eallum | || eorþbuendum / / # / muþ ic o |
The Paris Psalter 118:131 1a | d þū bealde silest / andġiet | eallum | || eorð-būendum. / / # / Mūþ |
The Paris Psalter 121:1 1b | 121 / / # / ic on þyssum eom || | eallum | bliþe / þæt me cuþlice to | |
The Paris Psalter 134:6 3b | an / on sidum sæ || swylce on | eallum | / þær he dyrne wat || deorce |
The Paris Psalter 136:9 3a | e || ǣr for·ġēafe / and ūs | eallum | || ēac ġe·sealdest. / / # / Ē |
The Paris Psalter: Psalm 136 2a | ealdre || ær forgeafe / and us | eallum | || eac gesealdest |
The Paris Psalter 138:7 2b | te / oþþæt ic beutan wese || | eallum | sæwum / / # / hwæt me þin hand |
The Paris Psalter 144:9 1a | þearle mildheort / / # / swylce | eallum | is || ure drihten / manna cynne |
The Paris Psalter 144:13 2b | d þu woruldricum || wealdest | eallum | / is þin anweald eac || ofer e |
The Paris Psalter 144:14 2a | dum || dædum getreowe / and on | eallum | his weorcum || wis and halig / |
The Paris Psalter 144:18 2a | rihten || on his sylfes wegum / | eallum | on eorþan || and he æfter |
The Paris Psalter 144:19 1b | / # / neah is drihten || niþum | eallum | / þe hine mid soþe hige || se |
The Paris Psalter 148:9 3a | stm || mannum bringaþ / and on | eallum | cedrum || ciiþ alæded / / # / d |
The Paris Psalter 53:7 2b | lifes ealdor / of earfoþum || | eallum | symble / ealle mine fynd || eag |
The Paris Psalter 55:10 8b | icode / on lifigendra || leohte | eallum | |
The Paris Psalter 58:5 5a | re on mode || milde weorþest / | eallum | þe unriht || elne wyrceaþ / / |
The Paris Psalter 68:11 3b | æt ic him wæfersyn || wære | eallum | / / # / me wiþerwearde || wæron |
The Paris Psalter 68:13 1b | iċ him wæfer-sīen || wǣre | eallum. | / / # / Mē wiðer-wearde || wǣr |
The Paris Psalter 70:17 3a | strencþe || þisse cneorisse / | eallum | þam teohhe || þe nu toweard |
The Paris Psalter 71:8 3b | am streamracum || styreþ him | eallum | / oþ þysse eorþan || utgemæ |
The Paris Psalter 76:10 2a | | mænigra weorca / hu ic me on | eallum | þam || eaþust geheolde / on e |
The Paris Psalter 76:10 3a | m þam || eaþust geheolde / on | eallum | þinum weorcum || ic wæs sme |
The Paris Psalter 77:31 1a | ahela || eac forwurdan / / # / in | eallum | hi þissum || ihtan synne / and |
The Paris Psalter 78:4 2a | gewordene || wera cneorissum / | eallum | edwitstæf || ymbsittendum / þ |
The Paris Psalter 78:11 4a | niġra weorca, / hū iċ mē on | eallum | þǣm || ēaðost ġe·hēold |
The Paris Psalter 78:12 1a | || ēaðost ġe·hēolde; / on | eallum | þīnum weorcum || iċ wæs s |
The Paris Psalter 82:9 3b | salmanaa / and heora ealdrum || | eallum | swylce / ealle þa on an || ær |
The Paris Psalter 84:2 1b | ned / / # / unriht þu forlete || | eallum | þinum folce / and heora fyrene |
The Paris Psalter 85:4 3a | de mod || mycel and genihtsum / | eallum | þam þe þe || elne cigeaþ / |
The Paris Psalter 86:5 3a | frumsprecend || folces wæron / | eallum | swylce || þe hire on wæron / |
The Paris Psalter 93:9 3b | rde / and him eagena gesyhþ || | eallum | sealde / and he scearpe ne mæg |
The Paris Psalter 93:9 5b | an / and se þe ege healdeþ || | eallum | þeodum / and his þrea ne si | |
The Paris Psalter 95:2 2a | or || geond sigeþeode / and on | eallum | folcum || his fægere wundor / |
The Paris Psalter 95:3 3a | | ġond siġe-þēode, / and on | eallum | folcum || his fæġere% wunde |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 13a | s gesette || sido and þeawas / | eallum | gesceaftum || unawendende / sin |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 21b | im rodera weard / endebyrdes || | eallum | gesette / hæfþ se alwealda || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 55b | orþe / hæfþ se ælmihtiga || | eallum | gesceaftum / þæt gewrixle ges |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 50b | geador / welwynsum sanc || wudu | eallum | oncwyþ / swa biþ eallum treow |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 51a | wudu eallum oncwyþ / swa biþ | eallum | treowum || þe him on æþele |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 126a | || frumstol on riht / eard ofer | eallum | || oþrum gesceaftum / gesewenl |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 180b | þ / anum fingre || þe hire on | eallum | biþ / þæm lichoman || forþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 33b | eberhteþ / and æfter þæm || | eallum | wealdeþ / nele se waldend || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 24a | ungl || yfemest wandraþ / ofer | eallum | ufan || oþrum steorrum / siþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 24b | er / swegeltorht sunne || samad | eallum | dæg / is se forrynel || fæger |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 64b | re / forþæm eorþe onfehþ || | eallum | sædum / gedeþ þæt hi growa |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 43b | eorhte cræftas / unrihtwise || | eallum | tidum / habbaþ on hospe || þa |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 27a | searolice || ac hi simle him / | eallum | tidum || ute slepon / under bea |
Metrical Psalm 93:9 3b | de / and him eægana gesihð || | eallum | sealde / and he scarpe ne mæge |
Metrical Psalm 93:9 5b | an / and se ðe ege healdað || | eallum | ðeodum / and his ðrea ne sio |
The Coronation of Edgar 6b | micel / on þam eadgan dæge || | eallum | geworden / þone niþa bearn || |
The Rune Poem 76b | d tohiht / eadgum and earmum || | eallum | brice / ac byþ on eorþan || e |
Solomon and Saturn 1a | ardum || / swylce ic næfre on | eallum | þam fyrngewrytum || findan n |
Solomon and Saturn 131b | dæġe, || þonne hē dēmeþ | eallum | ġe·sċeaftum?’ / ‘Hwā de |
Solomon and Saturn 154b | mes dæge || þonne he demeþ | eallum | gesceaftum / salomon cwæþ # | |
The Menologium 62a | st worhte || wera cneorissum / | eallum | eorþwarum || eadigum to blis |
The Judgment Day II 135a | | geteald wæron awiht / ðonne | eallum | beoð || ealra gesweotolude / d |
The Judgment Day II 143a | pte oððe cyðde / ðonne bið | eallum | || open ætsomne / gelice alyfe |
The Rewards of Piety 25a | ode cweman / ne mihtu mid ðæm | eallum | || sauwle ðine / ut alysan || |
The Lord's Prayer II 34b | o frofre / swa ðu engla god || | eallum | blissast / gewurðe ðin willa |
The Creed 57b | htan tid / ðær ðu ece lif || | eallum | dælest / swa her manna gehwylc |
Fragment of Psalm 102 2b | ðinum mandædum || miltsade | eallum | / and ðine adle || ealle gehæ |
A Prayer 48a | re byrig || beornum to frofre / | eallum | to are || ylda bearnum / ðam |
The Seasons for Fasting 34b | hte / eard mid englum || and us | eallum | ðone / hyht and gehateð || gy |
The Seasons for Fasting 75b | s cyninge / in ða ylcan tid || | eallum | gemynde / ðeodne deman || ðin |
The Seasons for Fasting 115b | and tæcan / elda orðancum || | eallum | to tacne / ðæt we mid fæsten |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 20b | / clipige ic me to are || wið | eallum | feondum / hi me ferion and fri |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 37a | ter || simble gehælede / wið | eallum | feondum || freond ic gemete w |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 11a | || ofer ðe fearras fnærdon / | eallum | ðu ðon wiðstode || and wi |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 40b | worulde / earmum and eadigum || | eallum | to bote / stond heo wið wærce |
Instructions for Christians 80b | ne goda, / and eac swa some || | eallum | leoda; / þonne ðu geearnost |
Instructions for Christians 108b | / eft on ænglisc, || þæt he | eallum | scyle / clæne sellan; || he b |
Instructions for Christians 191b | risten / þe ðe æfre wile || | eallum | gelice / mild-heortnesse || mo |
The Battle of Maldon 214b | e sy / ic wylle mine æþelo || | eallum | gecyþan / þæt ic wæs on myr |
The Battle of Maldon 216b | e. / Iċ wille mīne æðelu || | eallum | ġe·cȳþan, / þæt iċ wæs |
The Battle of Maldon 231b | liþ / eorl on eorþan || us is | eallum | þearf / þæt ure æghwylc || |
The Battle of Maldon 233b | , / eorl on eorðan. || Ūs is | eallum | ðearf / þæt ūre ǣg·hwelċ |