The Paris Psalter: Psalm 86
PPs86:1 1. | healdaþ his staþelas || halige beorgas Healdaþ% his staðolas || hālġe beorĝas; |
PPs86:1 2. | lufude sione duru || symble drihten lufode Sione duru || simle drihten |
PPs86:1 3. | ofer iacobes wic || goode ealle ofer Iacobes wīċ || gōde ealle. |
PPs86:2 1. | wærun wuldurlice wiþ þe || wel acweþene Wǣron wuldorlīċe% wiþ þē || wēl ā·cweðene, |
PPs86:2 2. | þæt þu si cymast || ceastra drihtnes þæt þū sīe cȳmost || ċeastra dryhtnes; |
PPs86:2 3. | eac ic gemyndige || þa mæran raab ēac iċ ġe·myndie || þā mǣran Raab |
PPs86:2 4. | and babilonis || begea gehwæþeres and Babilonis || bēġa ġe·hwæðeres. |
PPs86:3 1. | efne fremde cynn || foran of tyrum Efne fremde cynn || foran of Tyrum, |
PPs86:3 2. | folc sigelwara || naman þær fæstne eard folc Siġel-wara || naman ðǣr fæstne eard. |
PPs86:4 1. | modor sion || man cwæþ ærest Mōdor Sion || ‘mann’ cwæþ ǣrest, |
PPs86:4 2. | and hire mære gewearþ || mann on innan and hire mǣre ġe·wearþ || mann on innan, |
PPs86:4 3. | and he hi þa hehstan || her staþelade and hē hīe þā hīehstan || hēr staðolode. |
PPs86:5 1. | drihten þæt on gewritum || dema sægde Dryhten þæt on ġe·writum || dēma sæġde |
PPs86:5 2. | þam þe frumsprecend || folces wæron þǣmþe frum-sprecend || folces wǣron, |
PPs86:5 3. | eallum swylce || þe hire on wæron eallum swelċe, || þe hire inn wǣron |
PPs86:6 1. | swa ure ealra bliss || eardhæbbendra Swā ūre ealra bliss || eard-hæbbendra |
PPs86:6 2. | on anum þe || ece standeþ on ānum þē || ēċe standeþ. |