Number of occurrences in corpus: 151
Genesis A 233b | s seo feorþe || þa nu geond | folc | monig / weras eufraten || wide |
Genesis A 1215a | am yldestan || eaforan læfde / | folc | frumbearne || fif and syxtig / |
Genesis A 1232b | d fif hund eac || heold þæt | folc | teala / bearna strynde || him b |
Genesis A 1296b | cwæþ / ic wille mid flode || | folc | acwellan / and cynna gehwilc || |
Genesis A 1382a | || mere swiþe grap / on fæge | folc | || feowertig daga / nihta oþer |
Genesis A 1553a | ridda || from þam gumrincum / | folc | geludon || and gefylled wear |
Genesis A 1650b | hta lædan / feoh and feorme || | folc | wæs anmod / rofe rincas || soh |
Genesis A 1653a | ie becomon || corþrum miclum / | folc | ferende || þær hie fæstlic |
Genesis A 1730b | þa mid cnosle || ofer caldea | folc | / feran mid feorme || fæder ab |
Genesis A 1909a | ste || þegnum and gesiþþum / | folc | cananea || and feretia / rofum |
Genesis A 2022b | de / forslegen swiþe || sodoma | folc | / leoda duguþe || and lothes s |
Genesis A 2293b | nþræce / of þam frumgaran || | folc | awæcniaþ / þeod unmæte || g |
Genesis A 2335a | se || of þam leodfruman / brad | folc | cumaþ || bregowearda fela / ro |
Genesis A 2508b | ige / fyre gesyllan || and þas | folc | slean / cynn on ceastrum || mid |
Exodus 45a | yfed laþsiþ || leode gretan / | folc | ferende || feond wæs bereafo |
Exodus 50b | missera / ealdwerige || egypta | folc | / þæs þe hie wideferþ || wy |
Exodus 72b | r halig god / wiþ færbryne || | folc | gescylde / bælce oferbrædde | |
Exodus 106b | men æfter / foron flodwege || | folc | wæs on salum / hlud herges cyr |
Exodus 169b | um nihtum / fleah fæge gast || | folc | wæs gehæged / hwilum of þam |
Exodus 217a | las on uhttid || ærnum bemum / | folc | somnigean || frecan arisan / ha |
Exodus 350b | mære wearþ / on forþwegas || | folc | æfter wolcnum / cynn æfter cy |
Exodus 447a | obearn fæder || folca selost / | folc | wæs afæred || flodegsa becw |
Exodus 567b | as stodon / on fægerne sweg || | folc | wæs on lande / hæfde wuldres |
Daniel 10a | him beorht wela / þenden þæt | folc | mid him || hiera fæder wære |
Daniel 227b | e fyres lige || þa he þyder | folc | samnode / and gebindan het || b |
Daniel 697a | orlegra niþ / þeah þe feonda | folc | || feran cwome / herega gerædu |
Daniel 743b | ic wiþ feohsceattum || ofer | folc | bere / drihtnes domas || ne þe |
Christ and Satan 6a | elle || on þines seolfes dom / | folc | and foldan || foh hider to me |
Christ and Satan 7a | || on% þīnes selfes% dōm% / | folc | and foldan. || Foh hider tō |
Andreas 430a | holm stigon / þæt ge on fara | folc | || feorh gelæddon / ond for dr |
Andreas 653a | t gesamnodon || side herigeas / | folc | unmæte || to frean dome / þæ |
Andreas 804b | rumweorca fæder || þa þæt | folc | gewearþ / egesan geaclod || þ |
Andreas 1023b | htan fara monna || nu is þis | folc | on luste / hæleþ hyder on # | |
Andreas 1196a | e wiþermeda || wordum lærde / | folc | to gefeohte || feondes cræft |
Andreas 1506a | þu hrædlice / on þis fræte | folc | || forþ onsende / wæter widry |
Andreas 1556b | n ongann / feasceaft hæleþ || | folc | gadorigean / hean hygegeomor || |
Andreas 1664a | d gecwæþ || weoruda dryhten / | folc | of firenum || is him fus hyge |
Dream of the Rood 140b | heofonum || þær is dryhtnes | folc | / geseted to symle || þær is |
Elene 117a | ærest metton / on þæt fæge | folc | || flana scuras / garas ofer ge |
Elene 362a | e israhela || æfre ne woldon / | folc | oncnawan || þeah ic feala fo |
Elene 432a | eted || þa þær menigo cwom / | folc | unlytel || ond gefærenne man |
Elene 433a | . || Þā ðǣr meniġu cōm, / | folc | unlȳtel || and ġe·farenne |
Elene 848b | reo dæleþ / in fyres feng || | folc | anra gehwylc / þara þe gewurd |
Elene 849b | e dǣleþ / on fȳres fēng || | folc | ānra ġe·hwelċ, / þāra þe |
Christ B 484b | htne geleafan / ond fulwiað || | folc | under roderum / hweorfað to h |
Christ B 526b | wylce / ðara ðe gefremedon || | folc | under roderum / ða wæs wuldre |
Christ B 579b | ne lytle / fyrnweorca fruma || | folc | gelædan / in dreama dream || |
Christ B 588b | f / gefreode ond gefreoðade || | folc | under wolcnum / mære meotudes |
Christ B 764a | wyrcen || ðonne wrohtbora / in | folc | godes || forð onsendeð / of h |
Christ C 889b | an || ðær mon mæg sorgende | folc | / gehyran hygegeomor || hearde |
Christ C 1025b | reordberende / of foldgrafum || | folc | anra gehwylc / cuman to gemote |
Christ C 1222a | ða swiðran hond / ða clænan | folc | || criste sylfum / gecorene bi |
Christ C 1231a | || swa fule swa gæt / unsyfre | folc | || arna ne wenað / ðonne bið |
Christ C 1300b | nweorc berað || on ðæt ða | folc | seoð / wære him ðonne betre |
Christ C 1373a | ne he yrringa / on ðæt fræte | folc | || firene stæleð / laðum wor |
Christ C 1378a | re ealle mæneð / firensynnig | folc | || frea ælmihtig / hwæt ic ð |
Christ C 1517a | sares fulne / ofer ðæt fæge | folc | || forð forlæteð / cwið to |
Guthlac A 285b | as wic magun / fotum afyllan || | folc | in ðriceð / meara ðreatum || |
Deor 22b | wylfenne geðoht || ahte wide | folc | / gotena rices || ðæt wæs gr |
Riddles 7 6a | e wide || wolcna strengu / ofer | folc | byreð || frætwe mine / swoga |
The Judgment Day I 100b | onfon / feores æfter foldan || | folc | bið gebonnen / adames bearn || |
Pharaoh 2b | es / on farones fyrde || ða hy | folc | godes / ðurh feondscipe || fyl |
Juliana 163b | de / on ðære fæmnan wlite || | folc | eal geador / hy ða se æðelin |
Juliana 639a | læran || ond to lofe trymman / | folc | of firenum || ond him frofre |
Beowulf 463b | ðanon he gesohte || suðdena | folc | / ofer yða gewealc || arscyldi |
Beowulf 522b | eoðoburh fægere || ðær he | folc | ahte / burh ond beagas || beot |
Beowulf 693a | t eardlufan || æfre gesecean / | folc | oððe freoburh || ðær he a |
Beowulf 911b | colde / fæderæðelum onfon || | folc | gehealdan / hord ond hleoburh | |
Beowulf 1179a | medo || ond ðinum magum læf / | folc | ond rice || ðonne ðu forð |
Beowulf 1422b | lan metton / flod blode weol || | folc | to sægon / hatan heolfre || ho |
Beowulf 2948a | s weora || wide gesyne / hu ða | folc | mid him || fæhðe towehton / g |
Judith 162b | m / wið ðæs fæstengeates || | folc | onette / weras wif somod || wor |
Judith 262a | s meowlan || mægen nealæhte / | folc | ebrea || fuhton ðearle / heard |
Judith 292a | mon feaht on last / mægeneacen | folc | || oð se mæsta dæl / ðæs h |
The Paris Psalter 101:16 3a | sum || cyþed syndan / þæt he | folc | gesceop || fægere drihten / he |
The Paris Psalter 101:20 1a | eawast and mærust / / # / cumaþ | folc | syþþan || feorran togædere |
The Paris Psalter 104:11 5a | nde wæran / oþþæt hio oþer | folc | || egsan geþiwdan / / # / ne let |
The Paris Psalter 104:20 1a | n chanaan / / # / he þæt eadige | folc | || ehte swyþe / and hio ofer h |
The Paris Psalter 104:21 2a | hwyrfan æryst / þæt heo his | folc | || feodan swyþe / and his esnu |
The Paris Psalter 104:23 5b | godum / oþþæt heo geforan || | folc | chananea / / # / he hi mid þystr |
The Paris Psalter 104:32 1a | swylce / / # / and his þæt gode | folc | || golde and seolfre / geweorþ |
The Paris Psalter 104:33 2b | bliþe / syþþan hi on fore || | folc | sceawedan / forþon him þær e |
The Paris Psalter 104:38 1a | his agenum hysse / / # / and his | folc | lædde || fægere on blisse / a |
The Paris Psalter 105:19 3a | || mægene ne hulpe / he þæt | folc | forstod || feonda mægene / for |
The Paris Psalter 106:32 2b | fæst sette || þær he sarig | folc | / geþewde þurste || þa bliss |
The Paris Psalter 115:8 4a | deore syndan / þær hit eagum | folc | || eall sceawiaþ / and on hier |
The Paris Psalter 116:1 3a | herigan wordum / and hine eall | folc | on efn || æþelne herigan / / # |
The Paris Psalter 120:4 3a | þe sceal healdan nu / israela | folc | || utan wiþ feondum / / # / gehe |
The Paris Psalter 134:10 1a | ætgædere / / # / se sloh þeode | folc | || þearle manige / and eac acw |
The Paris Psalter 134:14 1a | nnum standeþ / / # / forþon his | folc | demeþ || fægere drihten / and |
The Paris Psalter 135:16 2a | uh westen eft / his þæt leofe | folc | || lædde swylce / / # / he of st |
The Paris Psalter 143:3 3a | || hæbbe fæste / þæt þu me | folc | mænig || fægere underþeodd |
The Paris Psalter 143:19 1a | worþum / / # / eadig biþ þæt | folc | || oþre hataþ / þe him swa o |
The Paris Psalter 143:19 3a | gre limpeþ / eadig biþ þæt | folc | || þe ælmihtig wile / drihten |
The Paris Psalter 52:5 3a | htes || elne wyrceaþ / and min | folc | fretaþ || swa fælne hlaf / ne |
The Paris Psalter 52:7 3a | ymþe sylfa god / þonne he his | folc | || fægere alyseþ / of hæftny |
The Paris Psalter 55:6 5a | r || nowiht hæle / on yrre þu | folc | || eall geþreatast / / # / ic nu |
The Paris Psalter 61:8 1a | ne swylce / / # / hycge him halig | folc | || hælu to drihtne / doþ eowr |
The Paris Psalter 66:3 1a | re hælo || healdan motan / / # / | folc | þe andette || þu eart fæle |
The Paris Psalter 66:5 1a | buende || ealle healdest / / # / | folc | þe andetten || fælne drihte |
The Paris Psalter 67:8 1b | ngeþ || for his þæt gleawe | folc | / oþþe geond westena || wide |
The Paris Psalter 71:2 1a | soþ healde / / # / dem þu þin | folc | || deore mid soþe / heald þin |
The Paris Psalter 72:8 1a | ofer eorþan / / # / forþon min | folc | hider || fægere hweorfeþ / þ |
The Paris Psalter 73:16 4a | itaþ || fæcne drihtne / unwis | folc | ne wat || þinne wyrþne nama |
The Paris Psalter 76:13 4a | n spor || inn tō findan. / / # / | Folc | þīn þū feredest || swā f |
The Paris Psalter 76:17 1a | in spor || on to findanne / / # / | folc | þin þu feredest || swa fæl |
The Paris Psalter 77:1 1a | Psalm 77 / / # / geheald þu min | folc | || mine fæste æ / ahyldaþ eo |
The Paris Psalter 77:22 2a | he wihte mæge / mid hlafe þis | folc | || her afedan / / # / syþþan þ |
The Paris Psalter 77:52 1a | | folce chames / / # / þa he his | folc | genam || swa fæle sceap / læd |
The Paris Psalter 77:61 2a | ean gesealde / and heora fæger | folc | || on feondes hand / / # / sealde |
The Paris Psalter 77:62 1a | hand / / # / sealde þa his swæs | folc | || sweorde under ecge / and his |
The Paris Psalter 77:70 1b | raþe / / # / he þonne fedeþ || | folc | iacobes / and israhela || yrfel |
The Paris Psalter 78:14 1a | || ealle hæfdon / / # / we þin | folc | wærun || and fæle sceap / eow |
The Paris Psalter 80:11 2a | ic hine teala fylle / nele min | folc | mine stefne || æfre gehyran / |
The Paris Psalter 80:13 1a | num miclum / / # / þær min agen | folc | || israhela cynn / me mid gehyg |
The Paris Psalter 84:5 4a | e || crist ælmihtig / and þin | folc | on þe || gefeo swiþe / / # / æ |
The Paris Psalter 86:3 2a | fremde cynn || foran of tyrum / | folc | sigelwara || naman þær fæs |
The Paris Psalter 88:13 2b | andwlitan || þæt biþ eadig | folc | / þe can naman þinne || neode |
The Paris Psalter 93:5 1a | ldiaþ || wyrceaþ unriht / / # / | folc | hi þin drihten || fæcne geh |
The Paris Psalter 93:12 2a | ifeþ || drihten ure / his agen | folc | || ne his yrfe þon ma / on eal |
The Paris Psalter 94:4 2a | eþ || drihten usser / his agen | folc | || æfre æt þearfe / he þas |
The Paris Psalter 94:7 2a | ema usser / wærun we his fæle | folc | || and his fægere sceap / þa |
The Paris Psalter 97:9 2b | and rihte || and his syndrig | folc | / on rihtnesse || ræde gebring |
The Paris Psalter 97:9 3b | and rihte || and his syndriġ | folc | / on rihtnesse || rǣde ġe·br |
The Paris Psalter 98:1 1b | ixaþ drihten || and he reþe | folc | / healdeþ on yrre || ungemete |
The Paris Psalter 98:2 2b | d mære || ofer eall hæleþa | folc | / / # / we andetaþ þinum || þa |
The Paris Psalter 99:3 1a | and we his syndon / / # / we his | folc | syndan || and his fæle sceap |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 14b | to lice / æt fruman ærest || | folc | under wolcnum / emnæþele gesc |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 60a | | oþre rican / þe þis werige | folc | || wyrst tuciaþ / þæt hi sym |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 63b | e þa ilcan || þe þis earme | folc | / sume hwile nu || swiþost ond |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 39a | a se hlaford þa / þæt dysige | folc | || on gedwolan lædde / oþþæ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 66b | ra gehwilce || ac þæt dysie | folc | / þæs hit seldnor gesihþ || |
Metrical Psalm 93:12 2a | feð || drihten ure / his ægen | folc | || ne his yrfe ðon ma / on eal |
Metrical Psalm 93:5 1a | # Metrical Psalm 93:5 / / | Folc | hi þin drihten || fæcne geh |
Metrical Psalm 94:4 2a | eð || drihten usser / his agen | folc | || æfre æð ðeærfe / he þ |
Metrical Psalm 94:7 2a | dema usser / werum we his fele | folc | || and his fægere sceæp / þ |
The Menologium 6a | sylfan tiid || side herigeas / | folc | unmæte || habbaþ foreweard |
The Menologium 9b | to tune / forma monaþ || hine | folc | mycel / ianuarius || gerum heto |
The Menologium 182a | t || þæt se teoþa monþ / on | folc | fereþ || frode geþeahte / oct |
Fragment of Psalm 27 1a | t of Psalm 27 / / # / hal do ðin | folc | || halig drihten / and ðin yrf |
The Kentish Hymn 25b | e, / fēond ġe·flīemdest, || | folc% | ġe·neredes, / blōde ġe·boh |
The Seasons for Fasting 1b | æs on ealddagum || israheala | folc | / ðurh moysen || mærne lareow |
Instructions for Christians 126a | ulus ongan / geond eal cristen | folc | || cyðan and læran, / þæt |
The Battle of Maldon 21a | htedon na / þa he hæfde þæt | folc | || fægere getrymmed / he lihte |
The Battle of Maldon 22a | en nā. / Þā hē hæfde þæt | folc | || fæġre ġe·trymmed, / hē |
The Battle of Maldon 43b | rst þu sælida || hwæt þis | folc | segeþ / hi willaþ eow to gafo |
The Battle of Maldon 45b | þū, sǣ-lida, || hwæt þis | folc | sæġeþ? / Hīe willaþ ēow t |
The Battle of Maldon 52a | elredes eard || ealdres mines / | folc | and foldan || feallan sceolon |
The Battle of Maldon 54a | des eard, || ealdres mīnes, / | folc | and foldan. || Feallan sċulo |
The Battle of Maldon 239b | orþan wearþ her on felda || | folc | totwæmed / scyldburh tobrocen |
The Battle of Maldon 241b | rþon wearþ hēr on felda || | folc | totwǣmed, / sċield-burh tobro |