A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: ǣrest

Number of occurrences in corpus: 113

Genesis A 30b / þe þone unrǣd on·gann || ǣrest fremman, / wefan and weċċan,
Genesis A 112a earþ || wuldor-cininges. / Her ǣrest ġe·sċōp || ēċe drihten,
Genesis A 129b līfes brytta. || Lēoht wæs ǣrest / þurh dryhtnes word || dæġ
Genesis A 138a an, || sċieppend ūre, / ǣfen ǣrest. || Him earn on lāst, / þrang
Genesis A 1059a er wolcnum || weall-fæstenna / ǣrest ealra || þāra þe æðeling
Genesis A 1061b hēton. / Þonan his eaforan || ǣrest wōcon, / bearn fram brȳde, ||
Genesis A 1079b anc / hēr-būendra || hearpan ǣrest / heandum sīnum || hlynn ā·w
Genesis A 1085b urh mōdes ġe·mynd || manna ǣrest, / sunu Lāmehes, || sulh-ġe·w
Genesis A 1136a nemde God || niþþa bearna / ǣrest ealra, || siþþan Ādam stō
Genesis A 1149b þā cenned wearþ || Cāinan ǣrest / eafora on ēðle. || Siþþan
Genesis A 1521b -drēore. / Ǣlċ hine selfa || ǣrest be·grindeþ / gāstes duĝuþu
Genesis A 1529b æs tō Godes / anlīċnesse || ǣrest ġe·sċeapen. / Ǣlċ hafaþ m
Genesis A 1577a c || līfes ēðel. / Þā cōm ǣrest || Cām inn sīðian, / eafora
Genesis A 1634a ones || breĝu-rīċes fruma, / ǣrest æðelinga; || ēðel-þrymm
Genesis A 2712b ġesa wǣre, || þā iċ hēr ǣrest cōm. / For·þon iċ þeġnum
Genesis A 2776a s þraĝe bād, / siþþan him ǣrest || þurh his āĝen word / þon
Daniel 133a wīsdōm bude, / ġif þū his ǣrest ne meaht || ōr ā·reċċan?
Daniel 185b c-mæġen, || swā hira frēa ǣrest, / unrǣd efnde, || (him þæs a
Christ and Satan 20a uþe and ġe·þēode, / Ādam ǣrest, || and þæt æðele cynn, / en
Christ and Satan 322b æs hira ealdor, || þe ðǣr ǣrest cōm / forþ on fēðan, || fæ
Christ and Satan 471a || meahte ġe·worhte, / Ādam ǣrest || and þæt æðele wīf. / Þ
Christ and Satan 24a mb-hwyrft || ealne cunne, / and ǣrest ā·met || ufan tō grunde, / a
Andreas 12b dēum on·gann || gōd-spell ǣrest / wordum wrītan || wunder-cræ
Andreas 132b don, / hwelcne hīe tō ǣte || ǣrest mihton / aefter frist-mearce ||
Andreas 756a weorðode, || wordum sæġde / ǣrest Habrahame || æðeles ġe·þ
Andreas 1020a elled. || Þā worde on·gann / ǣrest Andreas || æðelne ġe·fēr
Andreas 1100a || tān% wīsian / hwelcne hira ǣrest || ōðrum sċolde / tō fōdor
Soul and Body I 118a arpran. || Se ġe·nydde tō% / ǣrest ealra || on þǣm eorþ-sċr
Dream of the Rood 19b ǣr–ġe·winn, || þæt hit ǣrest on·gann / swǣtan on þā swī
Elene 116b , / siþþan hēo earh-fære || ǣrest mētton. / On þæt fǣġe folc
Christ A 133a | swā hit enġel ġe·cwæþ / ǣrest on Ebresċ. || þæt is eft%
Christ A 225b nen% mid folcum || æt fruman ǣrest / ġe·worden under wolcnum, ||
Christ A 355a and his þeġnunga, / þā þū ǣrest wǣre || mid þone ēċan fr
Christ C 1151b ende, || þā wæs ġe·boren ǣrest / ġe·sċeafta sċīr-cyning.
Christ C 1237a cum || willan hēoldon. / An is ǣrest || or-ġiete ðǣr / þæt hīe
Christ C 1337b odum / tō þām ēadĝostum || ǣrest mæðleþ%, / and him swæslī
Christ C 1380a þeċ man || mīnum heandum / ǣrest ġe·worhte || and þē andġ
Widsith 38b remede, / ac Offa ġe·slōh || ǣrest manna, / cniht-wesende, || cyne
Maxims I 4b wrixlan. || God sċeall mann ǣrest herġan / fæġere, fæder ūse
Maxims I 82b and bēaĝum; || bū sċulon ǣrest / ġeofum god wesan. || Gūþ s
Maxims I 89b ġhwǣr / eodor æðelinga% || ǣrest ġe·ġrētan, / forman fulle |
Soul and Body II 113a ran. || Sē ġe·nēðeþ tō / ǣrest ealra || on þām eorð-sċr
Guthlac A 179b tsode, / him tō æt-stealle || ǣrest ā·rǣrde / Crīstes rōde, ||
Guthlac A 455b and earm / on þis or-leġe || ǣrest cōme, / þā þū ġe·hēte |
Guthlac A 562a sēċan on·ġinnaþ / inn-gang ǣrest || on þæt atole hūs, / niðe
Guthlac A 607a || þe god ġe·sċōp / englum ǣrest || and eorð-warum; / and iċ b
Guthlac B 826a Fæder wæs ā·cenned / Ādam ǣrest || þurh ēst godes / on neorxn
Riddles 35 2b frēoriġ, / of his innoþe || ǣrest cende. / Ne wāt iċ mec be·wo
Riddles 40 7b þā hē þisne ymb-hwyrft || ǣrest sette, / hēt mec wæċċende |
The Wife's Lament 6a wann || mīnra wræc-sīða. / Ǣrest min hālford ġe·wāt || heo
Riddles 83 5b / eorðan brōðor, || sē mē ǣrest wearþ / gumena tō gyrne. || I
The Phoenix 235a on sċæde weaxeþ, / þæt hē ǣrest biþ || swelċe earnes bridd,
The Phoenix 281a æt frymþe wæs, / þā hine ǣrest god || on þone æðelan wang
Juliana 164b r. / hīe þā sē æðeling || ǣrest grēte, / hire brȳd-guma, || b
Juliana 403b ng ġe·openod, || þonne iċ ǣrest him / þurh earh-fære || inn o
Juliana 430b m āg·lǣċa: || ‘Þū mē ǣrest saĝa, / hū þū ġe·dyrstiġ
Beowulf 6b / eġesode eorlas. || Siþþan ǣrest wearþ% / fēa-sċeaft funden,
Beowulf 616a liċ wīf || full ġe·sealde / ǣrest East-Dena || ēþel-wearde, / b
Beowulf 1697b d ġe·worht, / īrena cyst, || ǣrest wǣre, / wriðen-hilt and wyrm-
Beowulf 1947b e, / inwitt-nīða, || siþþan ǣrest wearþ / ġiefen gold-hroden ||
Beowulf 2157a sume worde hēt / þæt iċ his ǣrest þē || ēst ġe·sæġde. / Cw
Beowulf 2556b / frēode tō friclan. || Fram ǣrest cōm / oroþ āĝlæċan || ūt
Beowulf 2926b a-wudu, / þā for anmēdlan || ǣrest ġe·sōhton / Ġēata lēode |
Judith 14b ance, / ides ælf-sċīenu, || ǣrest ġe·sōhte. / Hīe þā tō þ
The Paris Psalter 104:15 1b m snoterne be·foran || sende ǣrest / full wīsne || wer tō sċeal
The Paris Psalter 104:15 4b uĝuþe; || ðǣr hine grame ǣrest / hæfdon tō hæfte, || oþ·
The Paris Psalter 104:21 1b rtan hē on·gann || hwierfan ǣrest, / þæt hēo his folc || fēoda
The Paris Psalter 106:3 1b samnode. / / # / Fram up-gange || ǣrest sunnan / oþ·þæt hēo ġe·w
The Paris Psalter 112:3 1b eorolde. / / # / Fram up-gange || ǣrest sunnan / oþ·þæt hēo wende
The Paris Psalter 113:18 1b īewaþ. / / # / Israhela hūs || ǣrest on drihten / helpe ġe·hoĝodo
The Paris Psalter 118:103 1b ·þon þū mē ǣ-be·bod || ǣrest settest. / / # / Mē is on gamum
The Paris Psalter 118:162 1a liġ word / on þīnum eġesan ǣrest || æðelu tredde. / / # / Iċ bl
The Paris Psalter 118:171 3b ymenas elne, || ġif þū mē ǣrest wilt / þīne sōþfæstnesse |
The Paris Psalter 121:2 3b æs, / on Hierusālem || ġāra ǣrest. / / # / Hierusālem, || ġāra þ
The Paris Psalter 126:4 4b r mannum bēoþ / of innoþe || ǣrest cende. / / # / Swā sēo strǣle
The Paris Psalter 131:14 2b him tō earde ġe·ċēas || ǣrest æt frymþe. / / # / Þis is min
The Paris Psalter 135:6 1b / Hē eorðan aefter wæter || ǣrest sette. / / # / Hē% lēoht-fatu |
The Paris Psalter 138:1 4a elċe on·cnēowe, / and mīnne ǣrest || aefter ġe·cȳðdest. / / #
The Paris Psalter 147:4 2b endlīċe / on þās eorðan || ǣrest sendeþ, / and his word ierneþ
The Paris Psalter 70:16 2b ihten; / þū mē āra, god, || ǣrest lǣrdest / of ġuĝuþhāde; ||
The Paris Psalter 73:2 2a þū, mehtiġ god, / æt fruman ǣrest || fæġere ġe·worhtest. / / #
The Paris Psalter 77:2 1b n. / / # / Iċ on anlīcnessum || ǣrest on·tȳne / mīnes selfes mūþ
The Paris Psalter 77:11 1b āwiht. / / # / Effremes bearn || ǣrest on·gunnon / of boĝan strǣle
The Paris Psalter 77:26 2a || windas of heofonum, / Auster ǣrest || and þā Affrīcum. / / # / Hi
The Paris Psalter 78:9 2b s% ġe·unwendness || wēnan ǣrest / þāra hēan handa || hālĝa
The Paris Psalter 81:6 1a || eorðan staðolas. / / # / Iċ ǣrest cwæþ: || ‘Ġē sind uppe
The Paris Psalter 86:4 1b dor Sion || ‘mann’ cwæþ ǣrest, / and hire mǣre ġe·wearþ ||
The Paris Psalter 93:9 1a æt on·cnāwan. / / # / Sē þe ǣrest ealdum || ēaran worhte, / hū
The Paris Psalter 94:2 1b an. / / # / Wuton his ansīene || ǣrest sēċan, / þæt we andettan ||
The Paris Psalter 98:4 1b ū ġe·ġearwodest || ġāra ǣrest, / þæt þū recene, god, || ri
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 2b , / ā·tēo of þǣm æcere || ǣrest sōna / fearn and þornas || an
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 25b / ġif þū up ā·tīehsþ || ǣrest sōna / and þū ā·wyrtwalast
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 30a litan, || ryn, grymetian, / and ǣrest ā·bīt || hire āĝenes / hū
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 77a hēo ǣror wæs; / þonne hēo ǣrest sīe || ūtan be·hwierfed, /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 1b āgan, || þonne sċeall hē ǣrest tilian / þæt hē his selfes |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 14a sāwle tō līċe / æt fruman ǣrest, || folc under wolcnum / efen-æ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 25a der-þīeded, / hē for­·lǣt ǣrest || līfes frumsċeaft / and his
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 10a sne middan-ġeard / fram fruman ǣrest || forþ oþ ende / tīdum tō
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 53b ra ǣr / ealla ġe·sċeafta || ǣrest ġe·sċēope / swīðe ġe·l
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 5b niġ eorðliċ þinġ, || hē ǣrest sċeall / sēċan on him selfum
The Rune Poem 67a e ġīemeþ%. / //NG// Ing wæs ǣrest || mid Ēast-Denum / ġe·sewen
Solomon and Saturn 81a ġe·brenġan, / ġif þū him ǣrest on ufan || ierne ġe·brenġe
Solomon and Saturn 14b nēat%. / Þanon ātor-cynn || ǣrest ġe·wurdon / wīde on·wæcned
The Menologium 58a mannum tō frōfre, / dryhtnes ǣrest; || þonne drēam ġe·rist / w
The Creed 55a ġe·hwelċes, / and iċ þone ǣrest || ealra ġe·trēowe, / flǣs
The Seasons for Fasting 106a d || lēoda nemnaþ, / and hit ǣrest on·gann || eorl sē gōda, / m
The Leiden Riddle 2b frēoriġ, / of his innoþe || ǣrest cende. / Ne% wāt iċ mec be·w
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 5a er cweþ, man sċeall singan, ǣrest on þæt wynstre || / ēare,
Metrical Charm 5: For Loss of Cattle 1a oss of Cattle / / Þonne þe man ǣrest seċġe þæt þīn ċēap s
Metrical Charm 5: For Loss of Cattle 2a losod, þonne || / cweþ þū ǣrest, ǣr þū elles hwæt cweðe:
The Battle of Finnsburh 32a || Gārulf ġe·crang, / ealra ǣrest || eorð-būendra, / Gūðlāfe
The Battle of Maldon 5b m. / Þā% þæt Offan mǣġ || ǣrest on·funde, / þæt sē eorl nol
The Battle of Maldon 186b / Þǣr wearþ% Oddan bearn || ǣrest on flēame, / Godrīċ fram gū