A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: ærest

Number of occurrences in corpus: 106

Genesis A 30b mod / þe þone unræd ongan || ærest fremman / wefan and weccean ||
Genesis A 112a ewearþ || wuldorcyninges / her ærest gesceop || ece drihten / helm e
Genesis A 129b an / lifes brytta || leoht wæs ærest / þurh drihtnes word || dæg g
Genesis A 138a sciman || scippend ure / æfen ærest || him arn on last / þrang þy
Genesis A 1059a der wolcnum || weallfæstenna / ærest ealra || þara þe æþelinga
Genesis A 1061b n heton / þanon his eaforan || ærest wocan / bearn from bryde || on
Genesis A 1079b geþanc / herbuendra || hearpan ærest / handum sinum || hlyn awehte / s
Genesis A 1085b d þurh modes gemynd || monna ærest / sunu lamehes || sulhgeweorces
Genesis A 1136a e nemde god || niþþa bearna / ærest ealra || siþþan adam stop / o
Genesis A 1149b m þa cenned wearþ || cainan ærest / eafora on eþle || siþþan e
Genesis A 1521b sawldreore / ælc hine selfa || ærest begrindeþ / gastes dugeþum ||
Genesis A 1529b n wæs to godes / anlicnesse || ærest gesceapen / ælc hafaþ magwlit
Genesis A 1577a beleac || lifes eþel / þa com ærest || cam in siþian / eafora noes
Genesis A 1634a babylones || bregorices fruma / ærest æþelinga || eþelþrym onho
Genesis A 2712b ges / egesa wære || þa ic her ærest com / forþon ic þegnum || þi
Genesis A 2776a þæs þrage bad / siþþan him ærest || þurh his agen word / þone
Daniel 133a ft || wisdom bude / gif þu his ærest ne meaht || or areccan / þa hi
Daniel 185b e folcmægen || swa hyra frea ærest / unræd efnde || him þæs æf
Christ and Satan 20a || duguþe and geþeode / adam ærest || and þæt æþele cyn / engl
Christ and Satan 322b wæs heora aldor || þe þær ærest com / forþ on feþan || fæste
Christ and Satan 471a h mine || mihte geworhte / adam ærest || and þæt æþele wif / þa
Christ and Satan 23a e ymbhwyrft || alne cunne / and ærest amet || ufan to grunde / and hu
Andreas 12b mid iudeum ongan || godspell ærest / wordum writan || wundorcræft
Andreas 132b unedon / hwylcne hie to æte || ærest mihton / æfter fyrstmearce ||
Andreas 756a um weorþode || wordum sægde / ærest habrahame || æþeles geþing
Andreas 780b orum twæm / of eorþscræfe || ærest fremman / lætan landreste || l
Andreas 1020a um awelled || þa worde ongan / ærest andreas || æþelne geferan / o
Andreas 1100a m || taan wisian / hwylcne hira ærest || oþrum sceolde / to foddurþ
Soul and Body I 118a le scearpran || se genydde to / ærest eallra || on þam eorþscræf
Dream of the Rood 19b / earmra ærgewin || þæt hit ærest ongan / swætan on þa swiþran
Elene 116b ing / syþþan heo earhfære || ærest metton / on þæt fæge folc ||
Christ A 133a hel || swa hit engel gecwæð / ærest on ebresc || ðæt is eft ger
Christ A 225b gnen mid folcum || æt fruman ærest / geworden under wolcnum || ð
Christ A 355a || ond his ðegnunga / ða ðu ærest wære || mid ðone ecan frean
Christ C 1151b dan sende || ða wæs geboren ærest / gesceafta scircyning || hwæt
Christ C 1237a orcum || willan heoldon / an is ærest || orgeate ðær / ðæt hy for
Christ C 1337b lðeodum / to ðam eadgestum || ærest mæðleð / ond him swæslice |
Christ C 1380a t ic ðec mon || minum hondum / ærest geworhte || ond ðe ondgiet s
Widsith 38b ype fremede / ac offa geslog || ærest monna / cnihtwesende || cyneric
Maxims I 4b ddum wrixlan || god sceal mon ærest hergan / fægre fæder userne |
Maxims I 82b unum ond beagum || bu sceolon ærest / geofum god wesan || guð scea
Maxims I 89b æghwær / eodor æðelinga || ærest gegretan / forman fulle || to f
Soul and Body II 113a scearpran || se geneðeð to / ærest ealra || on ðam eorðscræfe
Guthlac A 179b bletsade / him to ætstælle || ærest arærde / cristes rode || ðær
Guthlac A 455b an ond earm / on ðis orlege || ærest cwome / ða ðu gehete || ðæt
Guthlac A 562a ale || secan onginnað / ingong ærest || in ðæt atule hus / niðer
Guthlac A 607a fena || ðe god gescop / englum ærest || ond eorðwarum / ond ic blet
Guthlac B 826a c || fæder wæs acenned / adam ærest || ðurh est godes / on neorxna
Guthlac B 983a uman worulde || feond byrlade / ærest ðære idese || ond heo adame
Riddles 4 7b e / ða he ðisne ymbhwyrft || ærest sette / heht mec wæccende || w
Riddles 40 8b e, / þa he þisne ymbhwyrft || ærest sette, / heht mec wæccende ||
The Wife's Lament 6a wite wonn || minra wræcsiða / ærest min hlaford gewat || heonan o
Riddles 83 5b rað / eorðan broðor || se me ærest wearð / gumena to gyrne || ic
The Phoenix 235a ne on sceade weaxeð / ðæt he ærest bið || swylce earnes brid / f
The Phoenix 281a he æt frymðe wæs / ða hine ærest god || on ðone æðelan wong
Juliana 164b geador / hy ða se æðeling || ærest grette / hire brydguma || blið
Juliana 403b / ingong geopenad || ðonne ic ærest him / ðurh eargfare || in onse
Juliana 430b ingade / earm aglæca || ðu me ærest saga / hu ðu gedyrstig || ður
Beowulf 6b eah / egsode eorlas || syððan ærest wearð / feasceaft funden || he
Beowulf 616a a freolic wif || ful gesealde / ærest eastdena || eðelwearde / bæd
Beowulf 1697b sweord geworht / irena cyst || ærest wære / wreoðenhilt ond wyrmfa
Beowulf 1947b remede / inwitniða || syððan ærest wearð / gyfen goldhroden || ge
Beowulf 2157a | sume worde het / ðæt ic his ærest ðe || est gesægde / cwæð ð
Beowulf 2556b rst / freode to friclan || from ærest cwom / oruð aglæcean || ut of
Beowulf 2926b refnawudu / ða for onmedlan || ærest gesohton / geata leode || guðs
Judith 14b on geðonce / ides ælfscinu || ærest gesohte / hie ða to ðam symle
The Paris Psalter 113:18 1b treowaþ / / # / israhela hus || ærest on drihten / helpe gehogedan ||
The Paris Psalter 118:102 2b ade / forþon þu me æbebod || ærest settest / / # / me is on gomum ||
The Paris Psalter 118:161 4a n halig word / on þinum egesan ærest || æþelu tredde / / # / ic blis
The Paris Psalter 118:171 2b taþ / ymnas elne || gif þu me ærest wylt / þine soþfæstnesse ||
The Paris Psalter 121:2 3b wæs / on hierusalem || geara ærest / / # / hierusalem || geara þu w
The Paris Psalter 126:4 4b er mannum beoþ / of innaþe || ærest cende / / # / swa seo stræle by
The Paris Psalter 131:14 2b en / and him to earde geceas || ærest æt frymþe / / # / þis is min r
The Paris Psalter 135:6 1b / he eorþan æfter wæter || ærest sette / / # / he leohtfatu || leo
The Paris Psalter 147:4 2b powendlice / on þas eorþan || ærest sendeþ / and his word yrneþ |
The Paris Psalter 70:16 2b ble drihten / þu me ara god || ærest lærdest / of geoguþhade || nu
The Paris Psalter 73:2 2a æt þu mihtig god / æt fruman ærest || fægere geworhtest / / # / þu
The Paris Psalter 76:9 2b ann / þas geunwendnes || wenan ærest / þara hean handa || haligan d
The Paris Psalter 77:2 1b yran / / # / ic on anlicnessum || ærest ontyne / mines sylfes muþ || s
The Paris Psalter 77:11 1b n awiht / / # / effremes bearn || ærest ongunnan / of bogan stræle ||
The Paris Psalter 77:26 2a || windas of heofenum / auster ærest || and þa affricum / / # / him
The Paris Psalter 81:6 1a n || eorþan staþelas / / # / ic ærest cwæþ || ge synd uppe godu / e
The Paris Psalter 86:4 1b / / # / modor sion || man cwæþ ærest / and hire mære gewearþ || ma
The Paris Psalter 93:9 1a ope þæt oncnawan / / # / se þe ærest ealdum || earan worhte / hu se
The Paris Psalter 94:2 1b eodan / / # / wutun his ansyne || ærest secean / þæt we andettan || u
The Paris Psalter 98:4 1b / # / þu gegearwadest || geara ærest / þæt þu recene god || rihte
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 2b lond / atio of þæm æcere || ærest sona / fearn and þornas || and
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 25b iþþan / gif þu up atyhsþ || ærest sona / and þu awyrtwalast || o
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 30a slitan || ryn grymetigan / and ærest abit || hire agenes / huses hir
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 77a ær hio æror wæs / þonne hio ærest sie || utan behwerfed / þonne
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 1b nwald agon || þonne sceal he ærest tilian / þæt he his selfes ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 14a e || sawle to lice / æt fruman ærest || folc under wolcnum / emnæþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 25a um || underþieded / he forlæt ærest || lifes frumsceaft / and his a
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 10a ysne middangeard / from fruman ærest || forþ oþ ende / tidum totæ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 53b geara ær / ealla gesceafta || ærest gesceope / swiþe gelice || sum
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 5b u / ænig eorþlic þincg || he ærest sceal / secan on him selfum ||
The Rune Poem 67a || bridles ne gymeþ / ing wæs ærest || mid eastdenum / gesewen secg
Solomon and Saturn 86a fleonde gebrengan / gif þu him ærest on ufan || ierne gebrengest / p
Solomon and Saturn 19b oldan neat / þanon atercynn || ærest gewurdon / wide onwæcned || þ
The Creed 55a eahtra gehwylces / and ic ðone ærest || ealra getreowe / flæsces on
The Seasons for Fasting 106a ntid || leoda nemnað / and hit ærest ongan || eorl se goda / mære m
Cædmon's Hymn, West-Saxon Version 5a ce drihten || or onstealde / he ærest sceop || eorðan bearnum / heof
Instructions for Christians 13a nd beon metodes þeing. / An is ærest || þæt he ofte do / wop and
The Battle of Finnsburh 32a guþe || garulf gecrang / ealra ærest || eorþbuendra / guþlafes sun
The Battle of Maldon 4b godum / þa þæt offan mæg || ærest onfunde / þæt se eorl nolde |
The Battle of Maldon 184b n / þær wearþ oddan bearn || ærest on fleame / godric fram guþe |