A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: ealra

Number of occurrences in corpus: 175

Genesis A 4a ē is mæġena spēd, / hēafod ealra || hēah-ġe·sċeafta, / frēa
Genesis B 297a and sċolde his wīte habban, / ealra morðra mǣst. || Swā dēþ
Genesis B 314a n ǣfen || un-ġe·met lange, / ealra fēonda ġe·hwelċ, || fȳr
Genesis B 337b des / and þurh ofer·mēttu || ealra swīðost. / Þā spræc sē of
Genesis B 351b pēon / and his ofer·mēttu || ealra swīðost, / þæt hē ne wolde
Genesis B 393a be·sċierede, / be·worpen on ealra wīta mǣste. || Ne maĝon we
Genesis B 488b ondum þēowian, || ðǣr is ealra frēcna mǣste / lēodum tō la
Genesis B 670b hweorfan / mid feðer-haman, || ealra folca mǣst, / weoroda wynsumos
Genesis A 952b / Nō hwæðere æl-mehtiġ || ealra wolde / Ādame and Ēuan || ār
Genesis A 1059a num || weall-fæstenna / ǣrest ealra || þāra þe æðelingas, / sw
Genesis A 1124b rg sīne / Ādam on eorðan; || ealra hæfde / niĝun-hund wintra / and
Genesis A 1136a God || niþþa bearna / ǣrest ealra, || siþþan Ādam stōp / on gr
Genesis A 1140b nd dohtra / and% eahta-hund. || Ealra hæfde / [XII] and niĝun-hund,
Genesis A 1163b ġe·īehte / Ēnoses sunu. || Ealra niĝun-hund / wintra hæfde ||
Genesis A 1191b ehte, / eaforan% eahta-hund; || ealra hæfde / [V] and siextiġ, ||
Genesis A 1508b ǣr ġe·earnod || þæt% him ealra wæs / āra ēste || æl-mehti
Genesis A 2092b hira māĝum. || Nǣfre mann ealra / libbendra hēr || lȳtle weor
Genesis A 2935a , || sæġde lēana þanc / and ealra þāra sǣlþa% || þe hē hi
Daniel 760b ðde, / þæt hē wǣre ana || ealra ġe·sċeafta / drihten and wea
Christ and Satan 60a | þæt þū weorold āhtest, / ealra an-weald, || and we englas mi
Christ and Satan 202b hten, / ēċne in wuldre || mid ealra ġe·sċefta ealdre%. / ċēosa
Christ and Satan 203b san ūs eard in wuldre || mid ealra cyninga cyninge, / sē is Crīs
Christ and Satan 223a | Hira wlite sċīeneþ / ġond ealra weorolda weorold || mid wuldo
Christ and Satan 440b God% / and% ēċe ord-fruma || ealra ġe·sċeafta’. / Lēt þā u
Christ and Satan 583b um cūþ / þæt hē ana is || ealra ġe·sċeafta / wyrhta and weal
Christ and Satan 662a æt selde, || is self cyning, / ealra ealdor%, || in ðǣre ēċan
Andreas 68b umban neat. / Þū ana canst || ealra ġe·hygdu, / metod mann-cynnes
Andreas 326b or-þrymmes, / ān ēċe god || ealra ġe·sċeafta, / swā hē ealle
Andreas 703b or-þrymmes, / ān ēċe god || ealra ġe·sċeafta. / Swelċe hē ō
Andreas 978a hālĝa || heofonas sēċan, / ealra cyninga cyning, || þone clǣ
Andreas 50b þus: / ‘Ān is ēċe god || ealra ġe·sċeafta. / Is his meaht a
Soul and Body I 94a s, || heofona sċieppend, / æt ealra manna ġe·hwæs || mūðes r
Soul and Body I 118a || Se ġe·nydde tō% / ǣrest ealra || on þǣm eorþ-sċræfe, /
Dream of the Rood 125b fȳsed on forðweġe, || fela ealra ġe·bād / langunghwīla. || i
Elene 187b dēaðe ā·rās, || drihten ealra / hæleþa cynnes || and tō he
Elene 370b þone sċīran || sċieppend ealra, / dryhtna% drihten || and ġe·
Elene 422a rōwode || þēoda wealdend, / ealra gnyrna% lēas, || godes āĝe
Elene 37b ngon, helm wera, || hālford ealra / engla and ielda, || æðelost
Elene 45a ·hæfen || rodera wealdend, / ealra þrymma þrymm, || þrīe nih
Elene 81b n || / þæt ġe·þrōwade || ealra þrymma god / līfes lāttēow,
Elene 207a feald || on ġe·mynd witon, / ealra tācna ġe·hwelċ || swā Tr
Elene 211b ġe·reċċan, || hwæt ðǣr ealra wæs / on mann-rīme || morðor
Elene 330a æs hē on iermþum sċeall, / ealra fūla fūl, || fāh þrōwian
Elene 377b e·cȳðed and ā·cenned || ealra cyninga þrymm, / þæt þū m
Elene 455b r and þanc / ā būtan ende || ealra ġe·sċeafta. / þā wæs þā
Elene 847a wā same || wedd ġe·sellan, / ealra unsnytro || ǣr ġe·sprecenr
Christ A 136a | Swā þæt gamole ġe·fyrn / ealra cyninga cyning || and þone c
Christ A 215a ū sōða || and þū sibsuma / ealra cyninga cyning, || Crīst æl
Christ A 287b . / For·þon þū þæt ana || ealra manna / ġe·þohtest þrymlī
Christ A 402b ldriaþ / æðelne ordfruman || ealra ġe·sċeafta: / ‘Hāliġ ear
Christ B 516a | mid þās engla ġe·dryht, / ealra folca fruma, || fæder ēðel
Christ B 520a d þās blīðan ġe·dryht%, / ealra siġe-bearna || þæt sēlest
Christ B 726a hīew || clāðum be·wunden, / ealra þrymma þrymm. || Wæs sē
Christ C 925a þonne hē frēan ġe·sihþ / ealra ġe·sċeafta || andweardne f
Christ C 1647b ĝaþ folces weard. || Fæder ealra ġe·weald / hafaþ and healde
Widsith 15b e sēlost, / and Alexandreas || ealra rīcost / manna cynnes || and h
Widsith 36b wæs þāra manna || modgast ealra, / nā hwæðere hē ofer Offan
The Order of the World 58a de-feorh || wuldor standeþ, / ealra dēmena || þām ġe·dēfest
The Panther 73b ehtiġ, / and sē ānga hiht || ealra ġe·sċeafta, / uppe ġe niðe
Soul and Body II 87a lf || dǣda ġe·hīeran, / æt ealra manna ġe·hwǣm || mūðes r
Soul and Body II 113a Sē ġe·nēðeþ tō / ǣrest ealra || on þām eorð-sċræfe; / h
Guthlac A 17a ofonum, || ðǣr sē hīehsta / ealra cyninga cyning || ċeastrum w
Guthlac A 68a sē ēðel% || ēċe bīdeþ / ealra ðǣre meniġu || þe ġond m
Guthlac A 528a men, || seċġen drihtne lof / ealra þāra bȳsena || þe ūs bē
Guthlac A 606a þyncþum || and him þancian / ealra þāra ġiefena || þe god ġ
Guthlac A 638b fruman, / ēċne on·wealdan || ealra ġe·sċeafta, / þæt hē mec
Guthlac B 832a þām lande || libban mōste / ealra leahtra lēas, || lange nēot
Guthlac B 892a n mæġe || oþþe rīm wīte / ealra þāra wundra || þe hē on w
Guthlac B 1103a ðan || on þā Ēaster-tīd, / ealra þrymma þrymm, || þrēata m
Riddles 13 1b ah turf tredan, || [X] wǣron ealra, / [VI] ġe·brōðor || and hir
Riddles 33 13a æt sēo on foldan sċeall / on ealra landa ġe·hwǣm || lissum st
Riddles 39 14b þ / þæt sēo sīe earmost || ealra wihta, / þāra þe aefter ġe
Riddles 40 4a reccend || and on riht cyning / ealra an-wealda, || eorðan and heo
Riddles 40 88b eorold-līfe; / iċ eom ufor || ealra ġe·sċeafta, / þāra þe wor
Riddles 46 6b ðeres mid, / êam and nefa. || Ealra wǣron fīfe / eorla and idesa
The Judgment Day I 95a || swā sē wealdend cwæþ, / ealra cyninga cyning. || For·þon
The Descent into Hell 36b ġinnan rēafian, || rēðost ealra cyninga. / Ne rohte hē tō ð
The Descent into Hell 93a -drihten god, / bimengdes[]gust ealra cyninga. || / [] || nū ūs% m
The Descent into Hell 117b , / sǣs sand-grotu, || sēlost ealra cyninga. / Swelċe iċ þe% hā
The Phoenix 177b frǣġe, / þæt sē ana is || ealra bēama / on eorð-weġe || up-l
The Phoenix 628a ylled, || fæder æl-mehtiġ, / ealra þrymma þrymm, || þīnes wu
Juliana 289a | Hēo þæt dēoful ġe·nam / ‘ealra cyninga cyning || tō cwale s
Juliana 697b mē ġe·dǣlaþ || dēorost ealra, / sibbe tō·slītaþ || sīn-h
The Wanderer 63a . || Swā þēs middan-ġeard / ealra dōgra ġe·hwǣm || drēose
The Gifts of Men 14b um, / þȳ læs or-mōd sīe || ealra þinga, / þāra þe hē ġe·w
Beowulf 1727b rd and eorlsċipe; || hē āh ealra ġe·weald. / Hwīlum hē on lu
Beowulf 3170b -dēore, / æðelinga bearn, || ealra twelfe%, / woldon ċeare% cwī
Judith 81b / be naman nemnan, || nerġend ealra / weorold-būendra || and þæt
The Paris Psalter 100:4 5b ·hōfon; / þāra iċ ēhte || ealra mid nīðe. / / # / Ofer-hyġdĝu
The Paris Psalter 102:2 3a fer-ġietel || ǣfre weorðan / ealra gōda, || þe hē þē ǣr dy
The Paris Psalter 102:16 2a ess || mehtiġ drihten, / þurh ealra weorolda weorold || wīsliċ
The Paris Psalter 103:24 2b m wīd, / ðǣr is unrīm on || ealra cwicra / miċelra and mætra; |
The Paris Psalter 104:17 2a is hūse || tō hlāf-wearde, / ealra him his ǣhta || an-weald be
The Paris Psalter 108:27 4b ra selfra sċamu || swīðost ealra. / / # / Iċ on mīnum mūðe || m
The Paris Psalter 110:5 4a odu || ealle trīewfæste, / on ealra weorolda weorold || wurdan s
The Paris Psalter 118:14 3a || wāt full clǣne, / swā iċ ealra welena || willum brūce. / / # /
The Paris Psalter 118:15 3a ne weorðe || worda þīnra / ealra ofer-ġietel || āwa tō fēo
The Paris Psalter 118:84 2b # / Hwæt sint þīnum esne || ealra daĝena, / þe þū mīne ēhte
The Paris Psalter 122:2 1b # / Efne mīne ēaĝan sint || ealra ġe·līcost / þonne esne biþ
The Paris Psalter 134:8 4a æðele frum-bearn / ǣġhwelċ ealra || oþ þā nīetnu. / / # / Hē
The Paris Psalter 134:13 3a mynd, || mehtiġ drihten, / on ealra weorolda weorold || wynnum st
The Paris Psalter 135:2 2a andette || þǣm þe ēċe is / ealra godena god, || for·þon iċ
The Paris Psalter 135:3 1b ette iċ swelċe || þǣm þe ealra is / dryhtna drihten || dǣdum
The Paris Psalter 135:28 1a hēah eardiende. / / # / And ġē ealra godena gode || ġeare andetta
The Paris Psalter 137:1 5b eðe, / and on þīnra engla || ealra ġe·sihþe / iċ þe singe ||
The Paris Psalter 137:6 4b drihten; / þū ēad-mōdra || ealra lōcast / on heofon-hāme || h
The Paris Psalter 144:16 1b ocene. / / # / Ēaĝan on þē || ealra, drihten, / wīsra ġe·wēnaþ
The Paris Psalter 144:17 2a || and hīe hræðe fyllest, / ealra wihta ġe·hwǣm || wīs blē
The Paris Psalter 148:8 2b llen snāw, / īs and ȳste, || ealra gāstas% / þe his word willaþ
The Paris Psalter 148:13 2b hafen hēalīċe || hæleþa ealra; / is up ā·hafen || his andetn
The Paris Psalter 149:2 3a arn || simle hyhtan / swīðost ealra. || / / # / Herġen his naman ||
The Paris Psalter 52:2 2b gōd wiste, / ne ān furðum || ealra wǣre. / / # / Þā of heofonum b
The Paris Psalter 52:3 3b eahta þā / andġiet ǣniġ || ealra hæfde, / oþþe god wolde ||
The Paris Psalter 52:4 4b e wierċan; / ne ān furþum || ealra wǣre. / / # / Ac ġē þæs eall
The Paris Psalter 58:5 3a e·nēosian || nīða bearna / ealra þēoda || ǣġhwǣr landes; /
The Paris Psalter 58:13 3a an-ġeard || manna cynnes / and ealra ēac || eorðan ġe·mǣru. / /
The Paris Psalter 64:6 1b ǣlend god, || þū eart hiht ealra / þe on þisse eorðan || ūta
The Paris Psalter 68:27 3a ardiendes. / / # / For·þon hīe ealra || ēhtan on·gunnon, / þe þ
The Paris Psalter 71:5 3a || swelċe mid mōnan, / þurh ealra weorolda weorold || wunaþ hi
The Paris Psalter 74:9 1a es gode || ġeorne singe. / / # / Ealra firenfulra || feohte-hornas / i
The Paris Psalter 77:13 1a ċe || woldon be·gangan. / / # / Ealra god-dǣda || hīe for·ġiete
The Paris Psalter 77:68 1b . / / # / Hē þā ān-hornan% || ealra ġe·līcost / his hālġe hūs
The Paris Psalter 81:8 2b þon þū eart ierfe-weard || ealra þēoda.
The Paris Psalter 86:6 1a hire inn wǣron / / # / Swā ūre ealra bliss || eard-hæbbendra / on
The Paris Psalter 88:7 2a || mehtiġ drihten; / nis þē ealra ġe·līċ || āhwǣr on spē
The Paris Psalter 88:25 2b sette / ofer eorð-cyningas || ealra heahstne. / / # / Iċ% him tō w
The Paris Psalter 91:9 1b hton. / / # / Þonne ān-horna || ealra ġe·līcost, / min horn weorð
The Paris Psalter 93:8 2b e on folce nū / unwīseste || ealra sindon; / dysġe hwæt-hweĝu |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 4a orðan || and hēare% sǣ / and ealra þāra || þe ðǣr inn wunia
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 7a e we ēaĝum || inn lōciaþ, / ealra ġe·sċeafta. || Sē is æl-
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 8b tan ealle / þæt ān god is || ealra ġe·sċeafta, / frēa mann-cyn
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 28b e. / Ac þæt is earmlicost || ealra þinga / þæt þā dyseĝan si
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 4b m. / Hwæt, þū, ēċe god, || ealra ġe·sċeafta / wundorlīċe ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 21a d-ðearf || næs ǣfre ġīet / ealra þāra weorca || þe þū ġe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 84b na wāt / þætte yfemest is || ealra ġe·sċeafta / fȳr ofer eorð
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 135a or·þǣm% hēo þraĝe stōd / ealra ġe·sċeafta || under niðem
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 259b spēd, / ǣ-wielm ġe·sēon || ealra gōda, / þæt þū eart selfa
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 272a ræst, || fæder æl-mehtiġ, / ealra sōþfæstra. || Hwæt, þū
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 274a ġe·sēon mōten. / Þū eart ealra þinga, || þēoda wealdend, /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 10b m þæt is sēo ān ræst || ealra ġe·swinca, / hyhtlicu hȳþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 17a stōw || and sēo frōfor ān / ealra ierminga || aefter þissum / we
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 20b m steorran, / sē yfemest is || ealra tungla, / þone Saturnus || sun
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 33b rum up / and under swā same || ealra ġe·sċeafta, / weorolde weald
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 36a wealdeþ || ġond wer-þēoda / ealra ōðra || eorðan cyninga, / s
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 79b lċes, / ǣ·wielm and fruma || ealra ġe·sċeafta, / wyrhta and sċ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 30a ċa || and þū æl-mihtĝa, / ealra ġe·sċeafta || sċieppend a
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 57a swīeran || sīnra þeġna, / ealra þāra hæleþa || þe on his
Distich Psalm 17:51 2a id Iudeum || on ġār-daĝum / ealra cyninga ġe·hwelċ || Crīst
Solomon and Saturn 1b / ‘Hwæt. Iċ īeġ-landa || ealra hæbbe / bōca on·bierġed ||
Solomon and Saturn 29b / ‘Ac hwā mæġ ēaðost || ealra ġe·sċeafta / þā hālĝan d
Solomon and Saturn 69b , / staðole strengra || þonne ealra stāna grīpe. / Lamena hē is
Solomon and Saturn 90a e yflaþ, || swā hē ā wile / ealra fēonda ġe·hwone || fæste
Solomon and Saturn 140a cwide || gumena ġe·hwelcum / ealra fēonda ġe·hwone || flēond
The Menologium 199b es. / And þȳ īlcan dæġe || ealra we healdaþ / sancta simble ||
Maxims II 46b t-helm and laĝu-flōd || ymb ealra landa ġe·hwelċ, / flōwan fi
The Judgment Day II 135b wiht. / Þonne eallum bēoþ || ealra ġe·sweotolode / dēaĝle ġe
The Judgment Day II 273a all þis || ēċe drihten / him ealra gōda ġe·hwelċ || glædlī
The Judgment Day II 297a ndan rīċu, / ġe·blētsodost ealra, || þæs brēman fæder, / be·
The Lord's Prayer III 29b de, / þȳ læs we ārlēase || ealra þīnra miltsa / þurh fēonds
The Creed 55b ċes, / and iċ þone ǣrest || ealra ġe·trēowe, / flǣsċes on fo
The Kentish Hymn 38b drihten, / and þū ana bist || ealra dēma / cwicra ġe· dēadra, |
Psalm 50 59a || drihten, ofer·swīðdest% / ealra synna cynn, || sāwla nerġen
Psalm 50 95b da drihten, / fram an-sīene || ealra þīnra miltsa, / ne þone gōd
A Prayer 6b r·þon þū ēðest meaht || ealra lǣċa / þāra þe ġe·wurde
A Prayer 42a | mehtiġ and mæġen-strang, / ealra cyninga cyning, || Crīst lib
A Prayer 43a cyning, || Crīst libbende%, / ealra weorolda sċieppend, || weald
A Prayer 44a ċieppend, || wealdend engla, / ealra duĝuþa duĝuþ, || drihten
A Prayer 46a æðela || þe on ǣr-daĝum / ealra fǣmnena wynn || fæġere ā
A Prayer 59b stranga / and sē ēad-mōda || ealra gōda / and sē ēċe cyning ||
A Prayer 60b gōda / and sē ēċe cyning || ealra ġe·sċæfta, / and iċ eom s
The Seasons for Fasting 133b es blisse / on þǣm ānette || ealra ġe·fēana; / nū is helpes t
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 25b rytta, / Ælfred mid Englum, || ealra cyninga / þāra þe hē sīþ
Metrical Charm 8: For a Swarm of Bees 4b . / Hwæt, eorðe mæġ || wiþ ealra wihta ġe·hwelċe / and wiþ a
The Battle of Finnsburh 32a gūðe || Gārulf ġe·crang, / ealra ǣrest || eorð-būendra, / Gū
The Battle of Maldon 174a e% þē, || þēoda wealdend, / ealra þāra wynna || þe iċ on we