Number of occurrences in corpus: 343
Genesis A 233a | lēde, || Assirie% be·līþ. / | Swelċe | is sēo fēorþe, || þā nū |
Genesis B 325b | brand and brāde līeġas, || | swelċe | ēac þā biteran rīeċas, / |
Genesis B 713b | wordum || þe hēo þǣm were | swelċe | / tācen oþ·īewde || and tr |
Genesis A 1082a | nde swēġ, || sunu Lāmehes. / | Swelċe | on ðǣre mǣġþe || māĝa |
Genesis A 1339a | ra ōðerra% || ǣlċes twā. / | Swelċe | þū of eallum || eorðan wæ |
Genesis A 1432b | langode, / wǣġ-līðende, || | swelċe | wīf hira, / hwonne hīe of nea |
Genesis A 1615a | æl || eorðan ġe·sċeafta. / | Swelċe | Chāmes sunu || cende wurdon, |
Genesis A 1637a | -būendum || ān ġe·mǣne. / | Swelċe% | of Cāmes || cnēo-risse wōc |
Genesis A 2552a | nes fand || gold-burgum inn, / | swelċe | ðǣr ymb·ūtan || unlȳtel |
Daniel 501a | fode% || tō heofon-tunglum, / | swelċe | hē ofer-fæðmde || foldan s |
Daniel 506a | / āne ǣte || eallum hēolde, / | swelċe | fuĝolas ēac || hira feorh-n |
Daniel 512a | an% dēor% || on weġ flêon, / | swelċe | ēac þā fuĝolas, || þonne |
Christ and Satan 321a | . || Wæs sēo% meniġu ðǣr / | swelċe | on·ǣled; || wæs þæt eall |
Christ and Satan 426b | um strang, / wītum wēriġ, || | swelċe | him wuldor-cyning / for an-mēd |
Christ and Satan 665a | þrōwode, || þēoden engla. / | Swelċe | hē fæste || fēowertiġ da |
Andreas 89b | ācen / hāliġ of heofonum, || | swelċe | hādre seġl% / tō þām carc- |
Andreas 166a | / for Ebreum || and Israhelum; / | swelċe | hē Iūdēa || gāldor-cræft |
Andreas 247b | -bāte / sittan sīþ-frame, || | swelċe | hīe ofer sǣ cōmon. / Þæt w |
Andreas 584b | dēaðe / worde ā·weahte. || | Swelċe | hē ēac wundra fela / cyne-rō |
Andreas 589a | || on þā beteran ġe·cynd. / | Swelċe | hē ā·fēdde || of fiscum t |
Andreas 621a | undre || on wera ġe·sihþe, / | swelċe | dēaĝollīċe || drihten gum |
Andreas 704a | e god || ealra ġe·sċeafta. / | Swelċe | hē ōðerra || unrīm cȳðd |
Andreas 712a | e, || ðǣr hīe tō sǣĝon. / | Swelċe | hē wrætlīċe || wunder ā |
Andreas 881a | st cumen, || cyning Israhela. / | Swelċe | we ġe·sǣĝon || for suna m |
Andreas 1029a | ra bēne || fore bearn godes. / | Swelċe | sē hālĝa || on þām hearm |
Andreas 1036b | ēontiġ || ġe·teled rīme, / | swelċe | fēowertiġ, / ġe·nerede fram |
Andreas 1257b | / heardum hæġel-sċūrum, || | swelċe | hrīm and forst, / hāre hild-s |
Andreas 20a | rolda || wuldor-ġe·stealda. / | Swelċe | sē hālĝa || herġas þrēa |
The Fates of the Apostles 16a | weorðod || ofer wer-þēoda. / | Swelċe | Andreas || on Achaġia / for E |
The Fates of the Apostles 50a | || þonne þās lēasan godu. / | Swelċe | Thomas ēac || þrīste ġe· |
Dream of the Rood 8b | ġere æt foldan sċeatum, || | swelċe | ðǣr fīfe wǣron / uppe on þ |
Dream of the Rood 92a | udu, || heofon-rīċes weard! / | swelċe | swā hē his mōdor ēac, || |
Elene 3a | þrīe || ġe·teled rīmes, / | swelċe | [XXX] ēac, || þinġ-ġe·me |
Elene 32b | mǣst, / herġum tō hilde, || | swelċe | Hūna cyning / ymb-sittendra || |
Elene 365a | stōwe || stēam up ā·rās / | swelċe | rīeċ under rodorum. || Þǣ |
Elene 594b | findaþ, / godcunde ġiefe. || | Swelċe | Iudas on·fēng / aefter frist- |
Elene 674b | n, / þā ðǣr of heolstre, || | swelċe | heofon-steorran / oþþe gold- |
Christ A 60a | || þās sīdan ġe·sċeaft, / | swelċe | rodores hrōf || rūme ġeond |
Christ A 80b | æt þū on sundor-ġiefe || | swelċe | be·fēnge, / ne we ðǣre wyrd |
Christ A 145a | fælsian || foldan mǣġþe, / | swelċe | grundas ēac || gæstes mæġ |
Christ A 282a | lestan || swēġles bryttan. / | Swelċe | þā hīehstan || on heofonum |
Christ B 688b | weorðaþ / eorðan tūdor; || | swelċe | ēadĝum blǣd / seleþ on swe |
Christ C 1140b | hūses, / self slāt on tū, || | swelċe | hit seaxes eċġ / sċearp þur |
Christ C 1437a | n·fēng, || mān-fremmendra. / | Swelċe | hīe mē ġe·blendon || bite |
Widsith 70a | Glammum || and mid Rumwalum. / | Swelċe | iċ wæs on Eatule || mid Æl |
The Riming Poem 23a | old%, || stepe-gangum wēold / | swelċe | eorðe ōl, || āhte iċ eald |
The Whale 9a | e·līċ || hrēofum stāne, / | swelċe | wōrie || be wædes ōfre, / sa |
Guthlac A 166a | ra setla || and simble-daĝa, / | swelċe | ēac īdelra || ēaĝena wynn |
Guthlac B 1119b | þ / ǣfre tō ealdre || ōðre | swelċe | / on þās lǣnan tīd || lāre |
Guthlac B 1273b | e cōm / swæċċa swētast. || | Swelċe | on sumeres tīd / stincaþ on s |
Guthlac B 1301b | ōd þȳ æðelan ġiefle, || | swelċe | hē his ēaĝan on·tȳnde, / h |
Guthlac B 1311b | iċ lēoma, / fram foldan up || | swelċe | firen torr / riht ā·rǣred || |
Wulf and Eadwacer 1b | adwacer / / Lēodum is mīnum || | swelċe | him mann lāc ġiefe; / willaþ |
Riddles 15 4a | || Mē on bæce standaþ / hēr | swelċe | swe on hlēorum%. || Hlifiaþ |
Riddles 20 3b | . / Byrne is min blēo-fāh, || | swelċe | beorht seomaþ% / wir ymb þone |
Riddles 24 8a | sitte. || //G// mec nemnaþ, / | swelċe | //Ā// and //R// || //O// ful |
Riddles 40 29a | | iċ eom betere þonne hēo; / | swelċe | iċ nardes stenċ || iede ofe |
Riddles 40 60a | brēad || blende mid huneġe; / | swelċe | iċ eom wrāðre || þonne we |
Riddles 40 95a | iċ eom swīðre þonne hē, / | swelċe | iċ eom on mæġene || mīnum |
Riddles 6 9a | || hīe þæs fēlaþ þēah, / | swelċe | þæs ōðres, || þonne iċ |
The Wife's Lament 43b | heard heortan ġe·þōht, || | swelċe | habban sċeall / blīðe ġe·b |
The Judgment Day I 106a | ġaþ þonne rihta fela, / eall | swelċe | under heofonum ġe·wearþ || |
The Descent into Hell 47b | s, || / hēah-fædera fela, || | swelċe | ēac hæleþa ġe·mōt, / wīt |
The Descent into Hell 116a | fōn || eall folca ġe·setu, / | swelċe | þū meaht ġe·rīman, || r |
The Descent into Hell 118a | tu, || sēlost ealra cyninga. / | Swelċe | iċ þe% hālsie, || hǣlend |
The Descent into Hell 135a | e mōde || ealle burĝ-waran, / | swelċe | ġit Iohannis || on Iordane / m |
Azarias 151a | ēowas%, || þēoda hīerde, / | swelċe | hāliġra || hlūtre sāwle, / |
Riddles 63 13a | / []ān on lēohte || / [] || / | swelċe | ēac biþ sōna || [] / []r[]te |
Riddles 64 4a | ndes hiht || //H// and //Ā// / | swelċe | þrȳða dæl, || //Þ// and |
Riddles 84 10b | lle be·wāt / ōr and ende, || | swelċe | ān sunu, / mǣre metodes bearn |
Riddles 89 10b | þan u[] || / [] swǣsendum || | swelċe | þraĝe. |
The Phoenix 233a | eþ wyrm, || wundrum fǣġer, / | swelċe | hē of ǣĝrum || ūt ā·lǣ |
The Phoenix 235b | eþ, / þæt hē ǣrest biþ || | swelċe | earnes bridd, / fǣġer fuĝol- |
The Phoenix 305b | þ. / Is ymb þone swēoran, || | swelċe | sunnan hrinġ, / bēaĝa beorht |
Juliana 51a | wāclīċe || willan þīnes. / | Swelċe | iċ þē seċġe, || ġif þ |
Juliana 307a | d mihtiġne || mīnum lārum. / | Swelċe% | iċ Eġias || ēac ġe·lǣrd |
Juliana 596a | | on·gann his hræġl teran, / | swelċe | hē grennode || and grist-bit |
Precepts 20a | Hē þe mid wīte ġieldeþ, / | swelċe | þām ōðrum || mid ēad-wel |
Precepts 55a | guma || sorĝlēas blissaþ, / | swelċe | dol seldon || drȳmeþ sorhfu |
The Seafarer 53a | weĝas || feorr ġe·wītan%. / | Swelċe | ġēac manaþ || ġōmran reo |
The Seafarer 83b | cāseras / nē gold-ġiefan || | swelċe | ġō wǣron, / þonne hīe mǣs |
Beowulf 113a | s and ielfe || and orc-nēas, / | swelċe | ġīĝantas, || þā wiþ God |
Beowulf 293a | e·wǣdu; || iċ ēow wīsie. / | Swelċe | iċ maĝu-þeġnas || mīne h |
Beowulf 757a | || ne wæs his drohtoþ ðǣr / | swelċe | hē on ealdₒr-daĝum || ǣr |
Beowulf 830a | lēod || ġielp ġe·lǣsted, / | swelċe | ancȳþþe || ealle ġe·bēt |
Beowulf 854a | ·witon || eald-ġe·sīðas, / | swelċe | ġung maniġ || of gamen-wā |
Beowulf 907a | ingum || tō ealdₒr-ċeare; / | swelċe | oft be·mearn || ǣrran mǣlu |
Beowulf 920b | ēan / searu-wundₒr sêon; || | swelċe | self cyning / of brȳd-būre, | |
Beowulf 1146a | mid Ēotnum || eċġe cūðe. / | Swelċe | ferhþ-frecan || Finn eft be |
Beowulf 1152b | ll roden% / fēonda fēorum, || | swelċe | Finn slæġen, / cyning on cor |
Beowulf 1156a | e·steald || eorþ-cininges, / | swelċe | hīe æt Finnes hām || finda |
Beowulf 1165b | ǣghwelċ ōðrum trīewe. || | Swelċe | ðǣr Un·ferþ% þyle / æt f |
Beowulf 1249a | e ġe·hwæðer þāra, / efene | swelċe | mǣla || swelċe hira mann-dr |
Beowulf 1249b | āra, / efene swelċe mǣla || | swelċe | hira mann-drihtne / ðearf ġe |
Beowulf 1347b | rde / þæt hīe ġe·sāwon || | swelċe | twēġen / miċele mearc-stapan |
Beowulf 1427a | sǣ-dracan, || sund cunnian, / | swelċe | on næss-hliðum || nicoras l |
Beowulf 1482a | ellum, || ġif mec hild nime; / | swelċe | þū þā māðmas || þe þ |
Beowulf 1797b | ·witode / þeġnes þearfe, || | swelċe | þȳ dōĝre / heaðu-līðende |
Beowulf 2459b | swēġ, / gamen on ġeardum, || | swelċe | ðǣr ġō wǣron. / Ġe·wīte |
Beowulf 2767a | ian, || hȳde sē þe wille. / | Swelċe | hē seomian ġe·seah || seġ |
Beowulf 2824b | / blēate ġe·bǣran. || Bana | swelċe | læġ, / eġesliċ eorð-draca |
Beowulf 2869b | an, / þēoden his þeġnum, || | swelċe | hē þrȳþlicost / ǣġhwǣr f |
Beowulf 3150a | on, || mann-dryhtnes cwealm%; / | swelċe | ġōmor-ġiedd || Ġēatisċ% |
Beowulf 3164a | don || bēah and siġlu, / eall | swelċe | hyrsta, || swelċe on horde |
Beowulf 3164b | ġlu, / eall swelċe hyrsta, || | swelċe | on horde ǣr / nīþ-hyġdġe m |
Judith 18b | aefter benċum ġe·lōme, || | swelċe | ēac bunan and orcas / fulle fl |
Judith 31b | rencte his duĝuþe ealle, || | swelċe | hīe wǣron dēaðe ġe·slæ |
Judith 337b | weord and swātiġne helm, || | swelċe | ēac sīde byrnan / ġe·reġno |
Judith 343b | / mǣrþe on moldan rīċe, || | swelċe | ēac mēde on heofonum, / siĝo |
Judith 348b | rodoras and rūme grundas, || | swelċe | ēac rēðe strēamas / and swe |
The Paris Psalter 101:3 4a | n, || þæs þe mē þynceþ, / | swelċe | hīe on cōcer-pannan || cōc |
The Paris Psalter 101:19 2a | þ nama dryhtnes, / and his lof | swelċe, | || lēoda bearnum, / on Hierus |
The Paris Psalter 102:7 3a | ǣmmǣran || on maniġe tīd, / | swelċe | his willan ēac || werum Isra |
The Paris Psalter 102:17 1b | # / Swā his sōþfæstness || | swelċe | standeþ / ofer þāra bearna b |
The Paris Psalter 103:7 2b | him% tō ġe·wǣde || worhte | swelċe%; | / standaþ ofer mannum || munta |
The Paris Psalter 103:10 2b | ellan, / and of middle || munta | swelċe | / wæter ā·wealleþ, || wīde |
The Paris Psalter 103:12 3a | ð-wæstme || ealle grōwaþ, / | swelċe | of wæstmum || weorca þīnra |
The Paris Psalter 103:13 1a | || ufan biþ ġe·fylled. / / # / | Swelċe | þū of foldan || fōder nēa |
The Paris Psalter 103:16 1a | ymeþ || heortan% mannes. / / # / | Swelċe | þū ġe·fyllest || fæġeru |
The Paris Psalter 103:16 5b | lfa ġe·settest; || on þǣm | swelċe | nū / mid hira spēdum || spear |
The Paris Psalter 103:20 1b | And lēon hwelpas || lange || | swelċe | / grymettaþ gnorne; || ġeorne |
The Paris Psalter 103:26 1b | / # / And% him ġe·samnodum || | swelċe | wille / þīne þā hālĝan || |
The Paris Psalter 103:27 4a | ðeþ || ġeorne ā·fierred; / | swelċe | tēonlīċe || ġe·tīeriaþ |
The Paris Psalter 103:28 3b | est / eorðan ansīene || ealle | swelċe. | / / # / Wuldor sīe wīde || weor |
The Paris Psalter 104:2 1a | wer-þēode. / / # / Singaþ him | swelċe | || and sallettaþ / seċġaþ h |
The Paris Psalter 104:3 1b | / Herġaþ his naman || nīede | swelċe; | / heorte hyġe-clǣne || hlūtr |
The Paris Psalter 104:25 1a | cnēowon. / / # / And hira wæter | swelċe | || wende tō blōde, / on þǣm |
The Paris Psalter 104:26 1b | ende on hira eorðan || ealle | swelċe | / toscan tēonlice, || þā til |
The Paris Psalter 104:28 1b | / Sette him reġnas || rēþe | swelċe, | / hāte of heofonum || haĝol b |
The Paris Psalter 104:31 3b | nd frum-cynnes || hira frēan | swelċe. | / / # / And his þæt gōde folc |
The Paris Psalter 104:40 2b | as / and his sōþfæst word || | swelċe | ġeorne, / and his ǣ-be·bod | |
The Paris Psalter 105:10 3b | / and of fēoġendra || folmum | swelċe, | / and hira fēondas || flōd ā |
The Paris Psalter 105:14 1b | e on þǣm wīcum || wrāðe | swelċe | / mǣrne Moyses || mā bysmrian |
The Paris Psalter 105:16 1b | Þǣr fȳr ā·barn || frecne | swelċe | / on hira ġe·mētinge || and |
The Paris Psalter 105:17 1a | ·bærnde. / / # / Hīe on Choreb | swelċe | || ċealf on·gunnon / him tō |
The Paris Psalter 105:27 3a | a and dohtor; / ā·guton blōd | swelċe | || bearna fela, / þā unsċyld |
The Paris Psalter 106:10 2b | īepe || and his ġe·þeaht | swelċe | / þæs% hīehstan him || hæfd |
The Paris Psalter 106:16 1b | Hē hīe of unrihtum || ealle | swelċe | / þǣmwrāðan weġe || wīs |
The Paris Psalter 106:34 2a | worhte || on wīdne mere, / and | swelċe | eorðan || ēac būtan wæter |
The Paris Psalter 106:35 2b | ode, / and ðǣr ġe·setton || | swelċe | ċeastre, / ðǣr hīe eard nā |
The Paris Psalter 107:2 3b | þē on hlēoðre || hearpan | swelċe | / on ǣr-morĝen || ēac ġe·c |
The Paris Psalter 107:5 2b | ten; / is wuldor þīn || wīde | swelċe | / ofer þās eorðan || ealle m |
The Paris Psalter 107:6 1b | ō mē þīn swīðre hand || | swelċe | hālne / and mē ġe·hīere, | |
The Paris Psalter 107:8 2b | on mē Moabitingas || māĝas | swelċe; | / iċ Idumea || ealle cenne / and |
The Paris Psalter 108:5 2b | im on þā swīðeran hand || | swelċe | dēoful. / / # / Gange of dōme |
The Paris Psalter 108:10 1a | ēowliċ. / / # / Sīen his bearn | swelċe | || tō·boren wīde, / and hē |
The Paris Psalter 108:15 1b | n hīe wiþ drihtne || dǣdum | swelċe, | / and hine ā·dīlĝie || dōm |
The Paris Psalter 108:16 4b | rnost%, / hū hē mid searwe || | swelċe | ā·cwealde. / / # / Hē wolde wi |
The Paris Psalter 108:18 3b | d sēo his innaþ || īeðde% | swelċe | / wann wætere ġelīċ || and |
The Paris Psalter 108:28 2b | nes / ealle andette || and ēac | swelċe | / hine on middle || manna herġ |
The Paris Psalter 108:29 2b | a tilode; / hē mīne sāwle || | swelċe | ġe·healde / wiþ ēhtendra || |
The Paris Psalter 110:2 1a | || miċel dryhtnes weorc. / / # / | Swelċe | iċ his willan || wille ġeor |
The Paris Psalter 110:4 2b | e·witnesse, || þe hē wēl | swelċe | / meahtum miċelum% || and mǣr |
The Paris Psalter 110:6 2b | e / sōðe on·sende || and him | swelċe | be·bēad, / þæt hīe on ēċ |
The Paris Psalter 110:7 3b | biþ andġiet gōd || eallum | swelċe | / þe hine wyllaþ wēl || wyr |
The Paris Psalter 111:3 2b | e, / biþ his sōþfæstness || | swelċe | mǣre, / þenden þisse weorold |
The Paris Psalter 113:8 2b | d clifu ċierreþ || on cwicu | swelċe | / wæteres wiellan || mid his |
The Paris Psalter 113:14 1a | e·sēon. / / # / Ēaran habbaþ | swelċe | || and opene nose, / ne maĝon |
The Paris Psalter 113:23 2b | þe heofon worhte, || hrūsan | swelċe; | / heofonas healdeþ || hāliġ |
The Paris Psalter 115:2 1a | de || unġemete swīðe. / / # / | Swelċe | iċ selfa cwæþ, || þā mē |
The Paris Psalter 115:6 2a | n || esne, drihten, / and þīn | swelċe | eom || sċealc ambihte / and þ |
The Paris Psalter 116:2 3b | n-cynne, / and sōþfæstnes || | swelċe | dryhtnes / wunaþ ēċe% || āw |
The Paris Psalter 117:16 2b | re, / and mē sēo swīðre || | swelċe | dryhtnes / ā·hōf hrǣdlīċe |
The Paris Psalter 118:2 1a | re gangaþ / / # / Ēadġe bēoþ | swelċe, | || þā þe ā wyllaþ / his ġ |
The Paris Psalter 118:8 1b | iċ þīne sōþfæstnesse || | swelċe | mōte / on hyġe healdan, || þ |
The Paris Psalter 118:14 1a | dōmas. / / # / And iċ on weġe | swelċe | || wynnum gange, / ðǣr iċ |
The Paris Psalter 118:27 2b | mē sōþfæstnesse weġ || | swelċe | ġe·tācna, / þæt iċ on þ |
The Paris Psalter 118:34 3b | īne / smēaġe mid sōðe, || | swelċe | healde / on ealre mīnre heorta |
The Paris Psalter 118:38 2b | / Sete þīnum esne || ōðer | swelċe, | / þæt hē þīne sprǣċe || |
The Paris Psalter 118:40 3b | wille ġe·gan; || wēne iċ | swelċe, | / þæt þū mē on rihtes || r |
The Paris Psalter 118:65 1b | e sōþfæstnesse || þū mē | swelċe | lǣr. / / # / Þū ymb þīnne es |
The Paris Psalter 118:68 2b | eart%, drihten || and mē god | swelċe | / on þīnum tile ġe·lǣr, || |
The Paris Psalter 118:82 2a | e·trīewde. / / # / Ēaĝan mē | swelċe | || ēac tēorodon, / ðǣr on |
The Paris Psalter 118:91 1b | forþ / þīn sōþfæstnes || | swelċe, | drihten. / / # / Þū þās eor |
The Paris Psalter 118:96 2b | # / Iċ sōþ ġe·seah || and | swelċe | wāt, / ealre þisse weorolde | |
The Paris Psalter 118:98 2b | mē snoterne ġe·dydest || | swelċe | ofer mīne / fēondas on foldan |
The Paris Psalter 118:109 1b | dōmas ā·lǣr, || drihten, | swelċe. | / / # / Is sāwol min || simle on |
The Paris Psalter 118:124 2b | / Dō þīnum āĝenum || esne | swelċe | / miċel milde mōd || and mē |
The Paris Psalter 118:133 2a | fodon. / / # / Ġe·rece þū mē | swelċe, | || þæt iċ on rihtne weġ / a |
The Paris Psalter 118:143 1a | || āwa tō fēore; / is þīn | swelċe | æðelness% || and ǣ sōþf |
The Paris Psalter 118:147 2b | ipe fore·cōm || and hræðe | swelċe | / ċeare clipode; || þū mē c |
The Paris Psalter 118:159 2a | e || spēd ġe·healdan. / / # / | Swelċe | iċ self ġe·seah, || þæt |
The Paris Psalter 120:2 2b | þe heofon worhte, || hrūsan | swelċe. | / / # / Ne selle hē þīnne fōt |
The Paris Psalter 120:6 5b | ġeorne / and þīne sāwle || | swelċe | ġe·healde%. / / # / Ūt-gang þ |
The Paris Psalter 121:8 2b | mīne þā nīehstan || nemne | swelċe, | / þæt we sibbe on þē || sim |
The Paris Psalter 122:4 2a | | mehtiġ drihten, / miltsa ūs | swelċe, | || for·þon we maniĝum sint |
The Paris Psalter 123:7 5b | þe heofon worhte, || hrūsan | swelċe. | |
The Paris Psalter 124:4 1b | le. / / # / Ne hē sōþfæste || | swelċe | lǣteþ, / þæt hīe tō unrih |
The Paris Psalter 125:3 4a | e seldliċ; / ġe·miċela þē | swelċe, | || mehtiġ drihten, / þæt þ |
The Paris Psalter 127:4 1a | htsum%. / / # / Sind þīne bearn | swelċe | || samod anlīcost, / swā ele- |
The Paris Psalter 127:6 1b | . / / # / Þe% of Sion-beorĝe || | swelċe | drihten / bealde blētsie || an |
The Paris Psalter 128:6 6a | edlīċe || on naman dryhtnes / | swelċe | blētsiaþ || blīðe mōde. |
The Paris Psalter 129:2 2b | nd be·healdende || mid hyġe | swelċe | / on eall ġe·bed || esnes þ |
The Paris Psalter 131:7 1b | Wē on his sele-ġe·sċot || | swelċe | gangaþ, / and ðǣre stōwe || |
The Paris Psalter 131:10 1b | / For þīnum āĝenum || esne | swelċe. | / dēorum Dauide. || Þū ne d |
The Paris Psalter 131:11 2b | swōr / and þone mid sōðe || | swelċe | ġe·trymede, / þæt hē hine |
The Paris Psalter 131:13 1b | ǣre. / / # / Þonne hira suna || | swelċe | mōton / ā þisse weorolde || |
The Paris Psalter 131:17 1b | lle. / / # / Iċ his sācerdas || | swelċe | mid hǣlu / ġeorne ġe·ġierw |
The Paris Psalter 132:1 1b | ū glædliċ biþ || and gōd | swelċe, | / þætte brōðor on ān || b |
The Paris Psalter 133:4 3b | þe heofon worhte, || hrūsan | swelċe. | |
The Paris Psalter 134:1 1b | aþ naman dryhtnes, || nīede | swelċe | / herġen hine his sċealcas || |
The Paris Psalter 134:6 3b | on eorðan, / on sīdum sǣ || | swelċe | on eallum, / ðǣr hē dierne w |
The Paris Psalter 134:18 3a | | gōdes āwiht; / habbaþ fēt | swelċe, | || ne maĝon fela% gangan. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 134:21 2b | n / blētsien bealde, || biddan | swelċe | / þæt Aarones hūs || ēċne |
The Paris Psalter 135:3 1a | gōdne wāt. / / # / Andette iċ | swelċe | || þǣm þe ealra is / dryhtna |
The Paris Psalter 135:12 2b | / and on eall-meahte || earmes | swelċe. | / / # / Hē rēadne sǣ || recene |
The Paris Psalter 135:16 2b | is þæt lēofe folc || lǣde | swelċe. | / / # / Hē of stān-clife || ste |
The Paris Psalter 135:18 1a | ǣde || on lēofne þanc. / / # / | Swelċe | hē ā·cwealde || cyningas m |
The Paris Psalter 135:21 1a | | an-weald hæfde. / / # / And Og | swelċe, | || þe ǣror wæs / swīðe br |
The Paris Psalter 138:1 3b | ēawe mōde; / þū min setl || | swelċe | on·cnēowe, / and mīnne ǣres |
The Paris Psalter 138:9 1b | Iċ on mōde cwæþ || mīnum | swelċe: | / ‘Wēn is, þæt mē þīest |
The Paris Psalter 138:11 2b | or·þon þū hīe settest || | swelċe, | drihten; / canst mīne ǣdre || |
The Paris Psalter 139:4 2b | nd wiþ firenfulles || folmum | swelċe, | / and fram þǣm mannum || þe |
The Paris Psalter 139:5 2b | ē / and mīnne gang || ġeorne | swelċe, | / for·hȳdon ofer-hyġde mē | |
The Paris Psalter 140:3 1a | īfre || glēda bærnaþ. / / # / | Swelċe | is% ā·hafenes || handa mīn |
The Paris Psalter 140:4 1b | # / Sete% swǣse ġe·heald || | swelċe, | drihten, / mūðe mīnum, || ne |
The Paris Psalter 141:1 2b | d iċ mid strangere || stefne | swelċe | / eam biddende || bealde drihte |
The Paris Psalter 141:2 1b | / # / Iċ mīne bēne || bealde | swelċe | / on his ġe·sihþe || simle |
The Paris Psalter 141:5 5b | rt þū on libbendra || lande | swelċe | / sē ġe·dēfa dæl, || driht |
The Paris Psalter 141:8 1b | d mē of carc-ernes || clūse | swelċe | / mīne sāwle, || þæt iċ si |
The Paris Psalter 142:3 4a | anne tō eorðan / and min līf | swelċe | || ġe·lȳtlod is. / / # / Hīe |
The Paris Psalter 143:5 2a | htum īdel; / bēoþ his daĝas | swelċe | || dēmde ġe·līċe, / swā |
The Paris Psalter 143:7 3b | ind þīne strǣle || strange | swelċe, | / and þū hīe ġe·drēfed ha |
The Paris Psalter 143:14 1a | āwa tilian. / / # / Þāra bearn | swelċe | || bōĝum% æðelum / settum b |
The Paris Psalter 143:17 1b | . / / # / Hira sċēap wǣron || | swelċe | tȳdred / and on sīþ-fatum || |
The Paris Psalter 144:6 1a | e mǣre. / / # / And hīe mæġen | swelċe | || mǣre and eġesliċ / þīnr |
The Paris Psalter 144:9 1a | c, || þearle mild-heort. / / # / | Swelċe | eallum is || ūre drihten / man |
The Paris Psalter 144:19 4a | yrċaþ ġeorne / and his eġe% | swelċe | || elne ræfnaþ; / hē hira b |
The Paris Psalter 144:20 3b | healdeþ, / and hē synfulle || | swelċe | tō·drīfeþ / ġond wīd-weĝ |
The Paris Psalter 145:5 1b | þe heofon worhte, || hrūsan | swelċe | / and sīdne sǣ || samod æt· |
The Paris Psalter 145:6 1b | # / Hē his sōþfæst word || | swelċe | ġe·healdeþ, / and on weorold |
The Paris Psalter 145:6 5a | e ġe·þolodon; / sileþ mete% | swelċe | || þe hēr murcne ǣr / hungor |
The Paris Psalter 145:7 3a | rn || þe ǣr man ġe·bræc, / | swelċe | þā ġe·fetrodan || fæġer |
The Paris Psalter 145:7 7b | hteþ; / sōþfæste drihten || | swelċe | lufode. / / # / þā ell-þēodĝ |
The Paris Psalter 147:1 2a | rne drihten, / here þū, Sion, | swelċe | || þīnne sōðne god%. / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 148:2 2a | | engla þrēatas, / lofie hine | swelċe | || eall his lēod-mæġen. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 148:3 1a | od-mæġen. / / # / Herġen hine | swelċe | || sunna and mōna, / ǣġhwel |
The Paris Psalter 148:4 2a | ġan ġeorne, / and þā wæter | swelċe | || þe ofer wolcnum sint / on h |
The Paris Psalter 148:7 1a | hēoldon. / / # / Herġen dracan | swelċe | || drihten of eorðan, / and ea |
The Paris Psalter 148:11 1b | Eorþ-cyningas% ēac || ealle | swelċe | / þe folcum hēr || fore wīsi |
The Paris Psalter 149:6 3b | ūcaþ, / and sweord habbaþ || | swelċe | on folmum. / / # / Mid þȳ hīe |
The Paris Psalter 150:2 1a | ǣre hǣlu. / / # / Herġaþ hine | swelċe | || on his hēah-meahtum, / her |
The Paris Psalter 53:6 2b | / and naman þīnne || nīede% | swelċe | / ġeare andette, || for·þon |
The Paris Psalter 54:12 5b | / and on godes hūse || gangan | swelċe | / mid ġe·þeahtunge || þīne |
The Paris Psalter 54:19 3b | rǣdaþ. / Hēo be·smītaþ || | swelċe | his selfes / þā ġe·witnesse |
The Paris Psalter 55:4 2a | || wordum herġe, / and on god | swelċe | || ġeorne ġe·līefe, / þæt |
The Paris Psalter 55:4 4b | wæs ealne dæġ; || ēac iċ | swelċe | / on god drihten || ġearwe ġe |
The Paris Psalter 55:6 3b | min sāwol bād || þæt þū | swelċe | hēo / for nāhwæðer || nāwi |
The Paris Psalter 55:9 2a | || ġeorne herġe, / and on god | swelċe | || ġeorne ġe·līefe, / and i |
The Paris Psalter 56:9 3b | min heorte || þæt iċ gode | swelċe | / sealmas singe, || sōþ-word |
The Paris Psalter 56:13 1b | as, / is þīn sōþfæstnes || | swelċe | wiþ wolcnum. / / # / A·hafen þ |
The Paris Psalter 56:13 3b | ten; / is ofer ealle || eorðan | swelċe% | / þīnes wuldres wlite || wīd |
The Paris Psalter 59:8 2b | lum be·worhte? || Hwā wille | swelċe | mē / on Idumea || ēac ġe·l |
The Paris Psalter 61:7 3b | ē is hāliġ hiht || on hine | swelċe. | / / # / Hyċġe him hāliġ folc |
The Paris Psalter 62:3 1b | / On westenne || and on weġe | swelċe | / and on wæter-flōdum || wēn |
The Paris Psalter 62:5 2b | ċ on naman þīnum || nīede | swelċe | / mīne handa þwēa || hālĝu |
The Paris Psalter 62:6 3b | rwes; / weleras mīne || wynnum | swelċe | / þīnne naman nū-þā || nī |
The Paris Psalter 64:7 2a | te sċulon || muntas hīeran, / | swelċe | þū ġe·drēfest || dēope |
The Paris Psalter 65:5 3b | strangan mæġ || strēamas | swelċe | / ġe·feterian, || þæt þū |
The Paris Psalter 65:10 1a | fȳre. / / # / Þū ūs on grame | swelċe | || gryne ġe·lǣdest, / and ū |
The Paris Psalter 67:4 2a | s ġe·nēahhe, / and his naman | swelċe | || nīede herġaþ; / dōþ sī |
The Paris Psalter 67:24 5b | ulone / and Neptalim || nīede% | swelċe. | / / # / Be·bēod þīnum mæġen |
The Paris Psalter 68:18 1b | a þīnra / ġe·seoh on mē || | swelċe, | drihten. / / # / Ne ā·ċierr þ |
The Paris Psalter 68:25 2a | an āwiht; / weorðe hira bæc | swelċe | || ā·bīeġed ēac. / / # / A· |
The Paris Psalter 68:32 2b | d hine mid lof-sange || lǣde | swelċe. | / / # / Iċ þǣmlēofan gode || |
The Paris Psalter 68:35 1a | r·hyċġan. / / # / Herġe% hine | swelċe | || heofon and eorðe, / sīde s |
The Paris Psalter 70:22 1a | þā þū self līesdest. / / # / | Swelċe | min tunge || tīdum mǣrde / þ |
The Paris Psalter 71:4 1b | / # / On his sōþfæstnesse || | swelċe | dēmeþ / on folce || fyrhte þ |
The Paris Psalter 71:4 3a | / on folce || fyrhte þearfan, / | swelċe | hē þearfena bearn || þrīs |
The Paris Psalter 71:5 2b | eþ, / sē mid sunnan wunaþ || | swelċe | mid mōnan, / þurh ealra weoro |
The Paris Psalter 71:13 1b | / / # / Hē helpeþ þearfan, || | swelċe | ēac wǣdlan, / and hē þearfi |
The Paris Psalter 71:17 4b | andeþ, / biþ his setel ǣr || | swelċe | þonne mōna. / / # / And him bi |
The Paris Psalter 72:23 2a | || mihtĝum drihtne; / gōd is | swelċe, | || þæt iċ on god drihten / m |
The Paris Psalter 73:7 3b | % habban / and simble-daĝas || | swelċe | dryhtnes / on eorð-weġe || ea |
The Paris Psalter 73:12 2b | spēdum / sǣ ġe·settest, || | swelċe | ġe·brǣce / þæt dracan hēa |
The Paris Psalter 73:15 2a | settest || and deorce niht, / | swelċe | þū ġe·settest || sunnan a |
The Paris Psalter 73:15 4b | ru, / sumor þū and lencten || | swelċe | ġe·worhtest. / / # / Wes þū |
The Paris Psalter 75:2 2b | healden, / and hē on Sione || | swelċe | eardaþ. / / # / Þǣr hē horn-b |
The Paris Psalter 77:27 3b | on ġe·fiðrode% || fuĝolas | swelċe. | / / # / And on middan þā wīċ |
The Paris Psalter 77:48 1b | / # / Sealde hira nēat ēac || | swelċe | hæġlum, / and hira ǣhta || e |
The Paris Psalter 78:2 3a | % æppel-bearu || āne cytan; / | swelċe | hīe setton || swylt þīnum |
The Paris Psalter 78:12 2a | rcum || iċ wæs smēaġende, / | swelċe | iċ on þīnum ġe·hylde || |
The Paris Psalter 82:6 4a | on and Ammalech, || Aĝareni, / | swelċe% | Ġebal || and grame maniġe / f |
The Paris Psalter 82:7 1b | / / # / Cwōm samod mid þǣm || | swelċe | Assur; / ealle on weĝum || ǣ |
The Paris Psalter 82:8 2b | daĝum Madiane / and Sisare, || | swelċe | Iabin; / ealle þā nāmon || |
The Paris Psalter 82:9 3b | a, / and hira ealdrum || eallum | swelċe; | / ealle þā on ān || ǣr ġe |
The Paris Psalter 84:9 3b | sōþ, / and hine sibbe lufu || | swelċe | clyppeþ. / / # / Upp of eorðan |
The Paris Psalter 85:12 2b | ten, / and þū mīne sāwle || | swelċe | ā·līesdest / of hell-warena |
The Paris Psalter 86:5 3a | cend || folces wǣron, / eallum | swelċe, | || þe hire inn wǣron / / # / Sw |
The Paris Psalter 87:1 3b | d on niht fore þē || nīede | swelċe. | / / # / Gange min inn-ġe·bedd | |
The Paris Psalter 87:3 2b | ġe·fylled; || is min feorh | swelċe | / tō hell-dore || hielded ġe |
The Paris Psalter 88:10 1b | nas þū wealdest, || hrūsan | swelċe; | / eorðan ymbe-hwyrft || eall |
The Paris Psalter 88:11 4b | aþ / þīnne swīðran earm || | swelċe, | drihten. / / # / Wesan hēa meaht |
The Paris Psalter 88:14 3b | nd on naman þīnum || nīede | swelċe | / bēoþ ealne dæġ || ēac on |
The Paris Psalter 88:22 3b | and on naman mīnum || nīede | swelċe | / his horn biþ% ā·hafen, || |
The Paris Psalter 89:17 1a | e blisse. / / # / Wē ġe·fēoþ | swelċe | || for þon fæġerum daĝum, |
The Paris Psalter 90:12 1b | And þē on folmum || feredon | swelċe, | / þe læs þū fræcne% on st |
The Paris Psalter 90:16 1b | ġe·nerġe || and his naman | swelċe | / ġe·wuldrie || ġond% ealle |
The Paris Psalter 90:16 4a | m līf-daĝas || lange selle, / | swelċe | him mīne hǣlu || holde æt- |
The Paris Psalter 91:10 4b | de / efne þīn āĝen || ēare | swelċe. | / / # / Sē sōþfæsta || samod |
The Paris Psalter 91:13 1b | īet sindon maniġe || manna | swelċe, | / þe him ieldu ġe·bidon || |
The Paris Psalter 93:1 1b | god || and þū meaht wrecan | swelċe, | / ana ġe·frēoġan || ǣġhwe |
The Paris Psalter 94:4 3b | ās hēah-beorgas || healdeþ | swelċe. | / / # / Ēac hē sǣs wealdeþ || |
The Paris Psalter 95:11 1b | ofonas% blissiaþ, || hrūsan | swelċe | / ġe·fēoþ fæstlīċe || an |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 62a | eċeþ. || Reġn aefter þǣm / | swelċe | haĝol and snāw || hrūsan l |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 6a | þæt hīe þē tō hīeraþ. / | Swelċe | sēo sunne || sweartra nihta / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 13a | nēahsne || nīede weorðaþ. / | Swelċe | þone mǣran || morĝen-steor |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 42a | weorold || wǣren ǣg·hwæs / | swelċe | under sunnan. || Ac hit is s |
Metrical Psalm 90:16 4a | f-dæġes || and lange selle / | swelċe | him mīne hǣlu || holde æt |
Metrical Psalm 91:10 4b | e / efne þīn āĝen || ēare | swelċe. | |
Metrical Psalm 94:4 3b | s hēah-beorĝes || healdeþ | swelċe. | |
The Battle of Brunanburh 19b | erna / ofer sċield sċoten, || | swelċe | Sċyttisċ ēac, / wēriġ, wī |
The Battle of Brunanburh 30b | nge, / sweordum ā·swefede, || | swelċe | seofone ēac / eorlas An·lāfe |
The Battle of Brunanburh 37a | flōd, || feorh ġe·nerede. / | Swelċe | ðǣr ēac sē frōda || mid |
The Battle of Brunanburh 57a | ra·land%, || ǣwisċ-mōde. / | Swelċe | þā ġe·brōðor || bēġen |
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 7b | Lincylene / and Snotingaham, || | swelċe | Stanford ēac / and% Dēoraby. |
Solomon and Saturn 4a | n·locen || Libia and Grēca, / | swelċe | ēac istoriam || Indea rīċe |
Solomon and Saturn 1a | || / || M ses% heandum. || / | Swelċe | iċ nǣfre on eallum þǣm fy |
Solomon and Saturn 36a | fȳr, || dryhtnes on·ǣleþ. / | Swelċe | þū meahtmeht mid þȳ beorh |
Solomon and Saturn 71a | lǣċe, || lēoht wincendra, / | swelċe | hē is dēafra duru, || dumbr |
Solomon and Saturn 111a | eġn || swīðe ġe·stilled. / | Swelċe | hine //G// Q and //V// V || c |
The Menologium 15b | n Brytene, / on foldan hēr. || | Swelċe | ymb% fēower wucan / þætte So |
The Menologium 29b | hæfde, / werum tō wīcum. || | Swelċe | ēac is wīde cūþ / ymb [III] |
The Menologium 40b | wǣre, / brēme on Brytene. || | Swelċe | Benedictus / ymbe niĝon niht |
The Menologium 44b | ēow / rincas reĝolfæste. || | Swelċe | ēac rīm-cræftiġe / on þā |
The Menologium 54b | wyrd, / folcum ġe·frǣġe. || | Swelċe | ymb fēower and þrīe / niht- |
The Menologium 75b | dæġ, / bēn-tīd brēmu. || | Swelċe | on burh ræðe / ymbe% siex% ni |
The Menologium 87b | gealĝan / be fæder lēafe. || | Swelċe | ymb frist wucan / būtan ānre |
The Menologium 91b | ræðe / blōstmum blōwaþ, || | swelċe | bliss% ā·stīhþ / ġond midd |
The Menologium 128a | worhte || ġond wǣr-þēoda, / | swelċe | hīe% aefter þǣm || un-rīm |
The Menologium 148a | -fæder || weorca tō lēane. / | Swelċe | þæs ymb fīf niht || fæġe |
The Menologium 156b | hēr, / wyrd% wēl-þungen. || | Swelċe | ēac wīde biþ / eorlum ġe·y |
The Menologium 186b | d Seaxe, / weras mid wīfum. || | Swelċe | wiĝena tīd / ymb twentiġ þ |
The Menologium 221b | ryhta bearnum, / ǣrra Iula. || | Swelċe | ymb eahta and twelf / niht-ġe |
The Judgment Day II 12a | | on·hefde mid sange, / eall | swelċe | þū cwǣde, || synna ġe·mu |
The Judgment Day II 23a | liġra || on heofonan rīċe, / | swelċe | earm-sċapenra || yfel% and w |
The Judgment Day II 249b | t, / sē þe mid ġe·syntum || | swelċe | cwieldas / and wītu% mæġ || |
The Judgment Day II 271a | d, / wuldor and weorðmynd, || / | swelċe | lof and līf || and lēofliċ |
Psalm 50 58a | ē || langsum% be·ġēaton, / | swelċe | þū æt dōme, || drihten, o |
A Prayer 29a | ofer ealle || eorð-būende, / | swelċe | on heofonum up || þū eart h |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 14a | nde. / Abrame and Isace || / and | swelċe | menn, || Moyses and Iacob, / an |
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 1a | iman [VII] lȳtle of·lǣtan, | swelċe | || / man mid ofrað, and writa |
The Battle of Finnsburh 36a | rūn. || Sweord-lēoma stōd, / | swelċe | eall Finnesburh || fȳrenu w |