Number of occurrences in corpus: 151
Genesis A 184b | / frēolice% fǣmnan. || Feorh | inn | ġe·dyde%, / ēċe sāwla%. || |
Genesis B 464b | t ðǣr ieldu bearn || mōste | inn | ċēosan / gōdes and yfeles, | |
Genesis B 687a | āða boda, / leġde him lustas | inn | || and mid listum spēon, / fyl |
Genesis A 1041b | / ealdre be·nēoteþ, || hine | inn | cymeþ / aefter ðǣre synne || |
Genesis A 1043b | r weorce’. || Hine wealdend | inn, | / tīrfæst metod, || tācen se |
Genesis A 1052a | wīc ġe·ċēas / ēast-landum | inn, | || ēðel-stōwe / fæder-ġear |
Genesis A 1209a | wist || eorðan ġe·strēona / | inn | ġe·nimeþ || and hira aldor |
Genesis A 1490b | ōcre || þe iċ wǣġ-þrēa | inn | / līðe% nerede || þenden la |
Genesis A 1577b | el. / Þā cōm ǣrest || Cām | inn | sīðian, / eafora Nōes, || þ |
Genesis A 1585b | e stōpon, / hira andwlitan || | inn | be·wriġenum / under loðum li |
Genesis A 1755b | rēteþ, || iċ hine wierhþu | inn | / mīne sette || and mōd-hete, |
Genesis A 2105b | Abraham ārlīċe, || and him | inn | sette / Godes blētsunge, || an |
Genesis A 2291b | ĝum sīnum; || hine maniġe | inn | / wrāðe winnaþ || mid wǣpen |
Genesis A 2447a | sē Ebrisċa || eorl wīsode, / | inn | under eodoras. || Þǣr him s |
Genesis A 2489a | ste, || clammum ā·bruĝdon / | inn | under eodoras, || and þā of |
Genesis A 2502b | þissum idesum || þe we hēr | inn | wlītaþ, / ā·lǣde of þisse |
Genesis A 2551b | grēnes fand || gold-burgum | inn, | / swelċe ðǣr ymb·ūtan || u |
Genesis A 2768a | || Īsaac nemde. / Hine Abraham | inn | || mid% his āĝne hand / bēac |
Exodus 67b | ġenes mǣste || mearc-landum | inn. | / Nearwe ġe·nīedon || on nor |
Exodus 278b | wæt, ġē nū ēaĝum tō || | inn | lōciaþ, / folca lēofost, || |
Exodus 491a | rseċġ wēde, / up ā·tēah, | inn | slēap. || Eġesan stōdon, / w |
Daniel 418b | sum / þæt we ðǣr ēaĝum || | inn | lōciaþ. / Ġe·þenċ, þē |
Christ and Satan 66b | wordum / hira ealdor-þeġn || | inn% | reordodon, / on ċearum cwidum. |
Andreas 362b | ah-ġe·strēonum. || Hæleþ | inn | sǣton, / þēodnas þrymfulle, |
Andreas 990b | / Hæfde þā sē æðeling || | inn | ġe·þrungen, / Crīstes cempa |
Andreas 1058b | Ġe·wāt him þā Andreas || | inn | on ċeastre / glæd-mōd gangan |
Andreas 1199b | / Þæt is Andreas, || sē mē | inn | fliteþ / wordum wrætlicum || |
Andreas 1331b | ord, / earh ātre ġe·mǣl, || | inn | ġe·dūfan / on fǣġes ferhþ |
Andreas 1588b | ċræf eġesliċ || and ðǣr | inn | for·lēt / flōd fæðmian, || |
Elene 122b | ǣcon bord-hrēoðan, || bill | inn | dufon, / þrungon þræc-hearde |
Elene 407b | estas / ēodon, æðelingas, || | inn | on þā ċeastre. / A·setton |
Elene 840b | nd ēac swā same || þe hire | inn | wurdon / ā·tȳdrede, || tēon |
Christ A 327b | da þā / mid ēaĝum ðǣr || | inn | wlātode. / Þū eart þæt wea |
Christ A 399b | lihte lacan || friþ-ġeardum | inn. | / Lofiaþ lēoflīċne || and o |
Christ B 570b | lcan þrēat || þe ġē hēr | inn | stariaþ. / Wile nū ġe·sēċ |
Christ B 577a | || Ġeatu, on·tȳnaþ. / Wile | inn | tō ēow || ealles wealdend, / |
Christ B 768b | , / þȳ læs sē attres ord || | inn | ġe·būĝe, / biter bord-ġe· |
Christ B 854b | ða ofer-mǣta || þe we hēr | inn | lācaþ / ġond þās wācan we |
Christ C 1075b | n / of þām ēðle || þe hīe | inn | lifdon. / Þonne bēoþ bealde |
Christ C 1155b | eorðe ā·ġeaf || þā hire | inn | lāĝon. / Eft libbende || up |
Christ C 1240a | || ofer burga ġe·setu. / Him | inn | sċīnaþ || ǣr-ġe·wyrhtu, |
Christ C 1244a | ton || wealdendes ġiefe, / and | inn | sēoþ, || ēaĝum tō wynne, |
Christ C 1504a | e under ēowrum þæce mosten / | inn | ġe·būĝan || and him ǣghw |
Vainglory 14b | wīġ-smiðas || wīn-burgum | inn, | / sittaþ æt simble, || sōð- |
The Fortunes of Men 62b | and medu-full || mǣġ-burĝe | inn, | / þæs þe ǣniġ fīra mæġe |
The Fortunes of Men 87b | orðeþ; || dēþ hē wyrplas | inn, | / fēdeþ swā on feterum || fi |
Maxims I 97b | n æt-ġeofa || and hēo hine | inn | lāðaþ, / wǣsċeþ his wāri |
Maxims I 135b | s eall for·ġeaf || þæt we | inn | libbaþ, / and eft æt þām en |
The Order of the World 90b | þonne ēadġe || þā ðǣr | inn | wuniaþ, / hyhtliċ is þæt he |
The Order of the World 94a | | hira selfra cyning, / ēaĝum | inn | wlītaþ, || habbaþ ǣġhwæ |
The Panther 10b | frēa-mǣrne || feorr-landum | inn | / eard weardian, || ēðles nē |
The Whale 25a | ftiġ / þæt him þā fērend | inn | || fæste wuniaþ, / wīċ wear |
The Whale 58b | ġe·wīteþ%. || Hīe ðǣr | inn | faraþ / unware weorode, || oþ |
The Whale 73b | ām ed-wielme || þā þe him | inn | clifiaþ, / gyltum ġe·hrodene |
The Whale 79b | t-sīþ ǣfre, || þā ðǣr | inn | cumaþ, / þon mā þe þā fis |
Guthlac A 19b | m fore iermþum || þe ðǣr | inn | wuniaþ / līf ā·springeþ, | |
Guthlac A 256b | issum earde || þe ġē hēr | inn | standaþ, / flēoþ on feorr-we |
Guthlac A 285b | n / fōtum ā·fiellan; || folc | inn% | þriceþ% / mēara þrēatum || |
Guthlac A 373b | s eorðe eall || þe iċ hēr | inn | stande. / Þēah ġē mīnne fl |
Guthlac B 863b | l, / dēopra firena. || Dēaþ | inn | ġe·þrang / fīra cynne, || f |
Guthlac B 940a | -sīþ. || Him fǣringa / ādl | inn | ġe·wōd. || Hē on elne sw |
Guthlac B 995b | e hēanra, || ac hine rǣseþ | inn | / ġīfrum grāpum. || Swā wæ |
Guthlac B 1005a | rēow ġe·corenne, / and þā | inn | ēode || ēadĝum tō sprǣċ |
Guthlac B 1008b | / ādl-wēriġne; || him þæt | inn | ġe·fēoll / hefiġ æt heorta |
Guthlac B 1024b | þ up ġe·tēon; || wæs him | inn | boĝen / biter bān-coða. || B |
Guthlac B 1028a | t mē sār ġe·hrān, / wærc | inn | ġe·wōd || on þisse wannan |
Guthlac B 1142b | um andweard, || þæs þe him | inn | ġe·sanc, / hāt, heortan nēa |
Riddles 3 13b | mec wīsaþ || sē mec wrǣde | inn | / æt frumsċeafte || furðum l |
Riddles 32 11a | | folcsċipe drēoĝeþ, / wist | inn | wiġeþ || and werum ġielde |
Riddles 55 15b | s / andsware īewe, || sē hine | inn | mede / wordum seċġan || hū s |
Riddles 6 7b | frēfre || þā iċ ǣr winne | inn | / feorran swīðe; || hīe þæ |
The Judgment Day I 72b | les andġiet, || ǣr hit hine | inn | fealleþ. / Hē þæt þonne on |
Resignation 4a | min wunder-cyning, / þe% ðǣr | inn | sindon, || ēċe drihten, / mi |
The Descent into Hell 40b | of þām ċeastrum; || cyning | inn | oþ·rād, / ealles folces frum |
The Descent into Hell 71b | / siþþan þū end tō mē || | inn | sīðodest, / þā þū mē ġe |
Riddles 80 4b | hwīlum / hwīt-loccedu || hand | inn | leġeþ, / eorles dohtor, || þ |
Riddles 85 6a | sċeall iernan forþ. / Iċ him | inn | wunie || ā þenden iċ libbe |
Riddles 88 11a | wæs þȳ weorðra || þe wit | inn | stōdon, || / hyrstum þȳ hī |
Riddles 93 26a | | w[]b[]be·fæðme / þæt mec | inn | fealleþ || ufan ðǣr iċ st |
The Phoenix 2a | is feorr heonan / ēast-dǣlum | inn | || æðelost landa, / fīrum ġ |
The Phoenix 97b | under waðuman || west-dǣlas | inn, | / be·dīeglod on dæġ-red || |
The Phoenix 362b | ielle-strēama || wudu-holtum | inn, | / wunian on wange, || oþ·þæ |
Juliana 83a | || þīne hyldu / wīn-burgum | inn, | || ġif þās word sind sōþ |
Juliana 404b | rest him / þurh earh-fære || | inn | onsende / on brēost-sefan || b |
Precepts 49a | dēah hyġe, / wunaþ wīsdōm | inn | || and þū wāst ġeare / and |
Beowulf 1037a | ed-hlēore || on flett têon, / | inn | under eodoras. || Þāra ānu |
Beowulf 1300a | ow·ulf ðǣr, / ac wæs ōðer | inn | || ǣr ġe·teohhod / aefter m |
Beowulf 1371b | , / ealdor on ōfre, || ǣr hē | inn | wille / hafolan hȳdan%. || Nis |
Beowulf 1502b | olum clammum. || Nā þȳ ǣr | inn | ġe·sċōd / hālan līċe; || |
Beowulf 1644a | medu-wangas træd. / Þā cōm | inn | gān || ealdor þeġna, / dǣd- |
Beowulf 2152a | e·lāc, þeċ.’ / Hēt þā | inn | beran || eofor-hēafod-seġn, |
Beowulf 2190b | es. / Hēt þā eorla hlēow || | inn | ġe·fetian, / heaðu-rōf cyni |
Beowulf 2552b | tearc-heort styrmde; || stefn | inn | be·cōm / heaðu-torht hlynnan |
Beowulf 3090a | slīċe || sīþ ā·līefed / | inn | under eorð-weall || Iċ on o |
Judith 129b | awum ġe·þungen, || þider | inn | lǣdde, / and hit þā swā heo |
Judith 150b | gān, / and hīe ofostlīċe || | inn | for·lǣton% / þurh þæs weal |
Judith 170b | ċe / hīe mid ēað-mēdum || | inn | for·lēton. / Þā sēo glēaw |
The Paris Psalter 105:35 2a | e || sōna miltse, / ðǣr hīe | inn | ġe·sāwon || ealle æt·gæ |
The Paris Psalter 106:3 5b | mittan, / þe hīe eardunge || | inn | ġe·naman. / / # / Hæfde hīe h |
The Paris Psalter 106:6 3b | þ·þæt hīe cūðlīċe || | inn | be·cōmon / tō hira ċeastre |
The Paris Psalter 106:33 3b | þāra eardendra, || þe hire | inn | lifdon. / / # / Wēsten hē ġe· |
The Paris Psalter 108:1 3b | ynfulra / inwitfulra mūðas || | inn | gānian. / / # / Hīe þā inwitt |
The Paris Psalter 108:7 3a | ǣfre ġe·wurðe / þæt ðǣr | inn | ġe·wunie || āwiht libbende |
The Paris Psalter 113:17 2b | e / and ǣġhwelcum, || þe him | inn | trīewaþ. / / # / Israhela hūs |
The Paris Psalter 117:4 2a | þæt || unforcūðe, / þe him | inn | standeþ || eġesa dryhtnes; / |
The Paris Psalter 117:19 2a | fæstra ēac, / ðǣr iċ gange | inn, | || gode andette; / sōþfæste |
The Paris Psalter 118:46 3b | mōte, / ðǣr hīe ēaĝum || | inn | lōcian, / hū mē þīn ġe·w |
The Paris Psalter 123:1 3a | e nū-þā, / nemþe ūs eardie | inn | || āwa drihten. / / # / Þonne |
The Paris Psalter 139:9 3b | , / him þæt īlce sċeall || | inn | ġe·sittan. / / # / Eac hīe fea |
The Paris Psalter 141:4 1b | ēnan weġe, || þe iċ gange | inn, | / mē ofer-hyġdġe || ǣġhwǣ |
The Paris Psalter 142:2 1b | gā þū mid þīnum esne || | inn | tō dōme, / for·þon on þīn |
The Paris Psalter 142:4 5a | hreðeres, / and mē is heorte | inn | || hearde ġe·drēfed. / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 145:5 3a | dere, / and ealle þā þe him | inn | || āhwǣr sindon. / / # / Hē hi |
The Paris Psalter 56:8 3b | wīdne, / ðǣr iċ ēaĝum || | inn | lōcade, / and hīe on þone ī |
The Paris Psalter 57:6 4a | || oþ·þæt bitre eft / ādl | inn | seteþ, || swā his ġe·earn |
The Paris Psalter 58:6 1b | þ. / / # / Hīe æt ǣfne eft || | inn | ġe·ċierraþ, / þonne hīe h |
The Paris Psalter 62:4 2b | lǣne līf || þe we līfiaþ | inn; | / weleras þe mīne || wynnum h |
The Paris Psalter 63:4 2a | amnunga || sċearpum strǣlum / | inn | sċotiaþ, || eġesan ne habb |
The Paris Psalter 63:8 1b | sind ġe·drēfde || þe hīe | inn | sêoþ; / sċeall him manna ġe |
The Paris Psalter 68:1 2a | ēoh wæter / tō mīnum fēore | inn | || flōweþ and gangeþ; / eom |
The Paris Psalter 68:11 2b | ac fela / þīnra ed·wīta || | inn | ġe·fēollon. / / # / Þonne iċ |
The Paris Psalter 68:36 2b | lōdas || and þā him sindon | inn. | / / # / Þǣr hīe ierfe-stōl || |
The Paris Psalter 70:8 2b | dor, / þonne mē ielde tīd || | inn | ġe·sīġe; / þonne mē mæġ |
The Paris Psalter 76:13 3b | biþ ðǣr eþe þīn spor || | inn | tō findan. / / # / Folc þīn þ |
The Paris Psalter 77:13 3b | e ǣr, / þāra hira ieldran || | inn | locodon. / / # / Hē on Æġypta |
The Paris Psalter 83:1 3b | æfde, || þet iċ him wunode | inn. | / / # / Heorte min and flǣsċ || |
The Paris Psalter 86:5 3b | , / eallum swelċe, || þe hire | inn | wǣron / / # / Swā ūre ealra bl |
The Paris Psalter 87:7 2a | ed, / and þū mē ofer-hyġde | inn | || ealle ġe·lǣdest. / / # / Fe |
The Paris Psalter 87:11 4b | mlande / þe ofer-ġietness || | inn | eardie. / / # / Cwīst þū, on· |
The Paris Psalter 88:3 7b | te seld, || þæt hīe sǣten | inn. | / / # / Heofonas andettaþ, || h |
The Paris Psalter 89:17 3a | and for þǣm ġēarum þe we | inn% | ġe·sāwon || yfela fela. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 95:8 1b | þ ēow ārlīċe lāc || and | inn | gangaþ / on his wīċ-tūnas; |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 15b | ǣr Sicilia || sǣ-strēamum | inn, | / īeġ-land miċel, || ēðel |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 4b | and ealra þāra || þe ðǣr | inn | wuniaþ, / unġesæwenlicra% || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 6b | same / þāra þe we ēaĝum || | inn | lōciaþ, / ealra ġe·sċeafta |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 20b | n mæġ / ēaĝum andweardum || | inn | lōcian, / and hē% ēac on·ġ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 97b | or þǣm earfoþum || þe him | inn | sǣton. / Hwæt, þā dyseĝan |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 19b | tan, || for·þǣm him lungre | inn | / swift wind swāpeþ. || Ne bi |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 51b | n gǣle, || þonne him grymme | inn | / weorold-sǣlþa wind || wrā |
The Death of Alfred 2a | ðelrǣdes / sunu cynges, hider | inn | and wolde tō his mēder, þe |
The Rune Poem 72b | ǣr rihtes% || and ġe·risne | inn | / brūcan on bolde% || blēadum |
The Rune Poem 83a | ihte hilt, / þēah him feohtan | inn | || fīras maniġe. / //// ȳr b |
Solomon and Saturn 53b | ine him sċyle eall þēod || | inn | ġe·næman / wǣpna eċġum; | |
Solomon and Saturn 254b | t sindon þā ūsiċ feohtaþ | inn. | / For·þon is witena ġe·hwǣ |
The Judgment Day II 63a | ġeat || and help recene, / and | inn% | ġe·fōr || þā ǣnlican ġ |
The Gloria I 55a | || mann ġe·worhtest / and him | inn | dydest || oroþ and sāwol, / s |
The Seasons for Fasting 37a | || rǣdum fylĝan. / Nā ðǣr | inn | cumeþ || atole ġe·fylled, / |
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 19a | de, / þe hēo[] ġe·mynd hēr | inn | || ġe·mearcode sindon, / and |
Metrical Charm 10: For Loss of Cattle 3b | ātte sēo burh || þe Crīst | inn | ġe·boren wæs, / sēo is ġe |
The Battle of Maldon 58b | feorr hider / on ūrne eard || | inn | be·cōmon. / Ne sċule ġē sw |
The Battle of Maldon 157a | || faran eft on·ġēan; / ord | inn | ġe·wōd, || þæt sē on eo |