A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: folc

Number of occurrences in corpus: 137

Genesis A 233b o fēorþe, || þā nū ġond folc maniġ / weras Eufraten || wīd
Genesis A 1215a m ieldestan || eaforan lǣfde / folc, frum-bearne; || [V] and siext
Genesis A 1232b V] hund ēac; || hēold þæt folc teala, / bearna strīende, || h
Genesis A 1296b : / ‘Iċ wille mid flōde || folc ā·cwellan / and cynna ġe·hw
Genesis A 1382a Mere swīðe grāp / on fǣġe folc || fēowertiġ daĝa, / nihta
Genesis A 1553a dda. || Fram þǣm gum-rincum / folc ġe·ludon || and ġe·fylled
Genesis A 1650b a lǣdan, / feoh and feorme. || Folc wæs ān-mōd; / rōfe rincas |
Genesis A 1653a cōmon || corðrum miċelum, / folc fērende, || ðǣr hīe fæst
Genesis A 1730b ā mid cnōsle || ofer Caldea folc / fēran mid feorme || fæder A
Genesis A 1909a | þeġnum and ġe·siþþum, / folc Cananēa || and Feretia, / rōf
Genesis A 2022b r·sleġen swīðe || Sōdoma folc, / lēoda duĝuþe || and Lōthe
Genesis A 2293b ce. / Of þǣm frum-gāran% || folc ā·wæcniaþ%, / þēod unmǣt
Genesis A 2335a | Of þǣm lēod-fruman / brād folc cumaþ, || breĝu-wearda fela
Genesis A 2508b ȳre ġe·sellan || and þās folc slêan, / cynn on ċeastrum ||
Exodus 45a āþ-sīþ || lēode grētan; / folc fērende, || fēond% wæs be
Exodus 50b a, / eald-wēriġe, || Ēġypta folc, / þæs þe hīe wīde-ferhþ |
Exodus 72b āliġ God / wiþ fǣr-bryne || folc ġe·sċielde, / bælċe ofer-b
Exodus 106b aefter / fōron flōd-weġe. || Folc wæs on sālum, / hlūd% herġe
Exodus 169b htum, / flēah fǣġe gāst, || folc wæs ġe·hǣġed. / Hwīlum of
Exodus 217a n ūht-tīd || ǣrnum bēmum% / folc samnian, || frecan ā·rīsan
Exodus 350b re wearþ, / on forþ-weĝas || folc aefter wolcnum, / cynn aefter c
Exodus 447a fæder, || folca sēlost’. / Folc wæs ā·fǣred, || flōd-eġ
Exodus 567b don), / on fæġerne swēġ; || folc wæs on lande, / hæfde wuldres
Daniel 10a im beorht wela. / Þenden þæt folc mid him || hira fæder wǣre /
Daniel 227b līeġe, || þā hē% þider folc samnode, / and ġe·bindan hēt
Daniel 697a ra nīþ, / þēah þe fēonda folc || fēran cōme / herġa ġe·r
Daniel 743b ċ wiþ feoh-sċeatum || ofer folc bere / dryhtnes dōmas, || nē
Christ and Satan 7a || on% þīnes selfes% dōm% / folc and foldan. || Foh hider tō
Andreas 430a m stiĝon, / þæt ġē on fara folc || feorh ġe·lǣddon, / and fo
Andreas 653a e·samnodon || sīde herġas, / folc unmæte, || tō frēan dōme,
Andreas 804b -weorca fæder. || Þā þæt folc ġe·wearþ / eġesan ġe·ācl
Andreas 1023b ra manna: || ‘Nū is þis% folc on luste, / hæleþ hider on / ġ
Andreas 1196a iðer·mēda || wordum lǣrde / folc tō ġe·feohte, || fēondes
Andreas 1506a ū hrǣdlīċe / on þis frǣte folc || forþ on·sende / wæter wī
Andreas 1556b gann, / fēasċeaft hæleþ, || folc gadrian, / hēan, hyġe-ġōmor
Andreas 1664a ·cwæþ, || weoroda drihten: / ‘folc of firenum? || Is% him fūs h
Dream of the Rood 140b eofonum, || ðǣr is dryhtnes folc / ġeseted tō simble, || ðǣr
Elene 117a rest mētton. / On þæt fǣġe folc || flāna sċūras, / gāras of
Elene 362a Israhela || ǣfre ne woldon / folc on·cnāwan, || þēah iċ fe
Elene 433a . || Þā ðǣr meniġu cōm, / folc unlȳtel || and ġe·farenne
Elene 849b e dǣleþ / on fȳres fēng || folc ānra ġe·hwelċ, / þāra þe
Christ B 484b ġe·lēafan, / and fulwiaþ || folc under rodorum. / Hweorfaþ tō
Christ B 526b e / þāra þe ġe·fremedon || folc under rodorum.’ / Þā wæs w
Christ B 579b lȳtle, / fyrn-weorca fruma, || folc ġe·lǣdan / on drēama drēam
Christ B 588b frēode and ġe·friðode || folc under wolcnum, / mǣre metodes
Christ B 764a en, || þonne wrōht-bora / on folc godes || forþ on·sendeþ / of
Christ C 889b || Þǣr man mæġ sorĝende folc / ġe·hīeran hyġe-ġōmor, |
Christ C 1025b rd-berende / of fold-grafum, || folc ānra ġe·hwelċ, / cuman tō
Christ C 1222a swīðran hand / þā clǣnan folc, || Crīste selfum / ġe·corene
Christ C 1231a wā fūle swā gǣt, / unsȳfre folc, || ārna ne wēnaþ%. / Þonne
Christ C 1300b eorc beraþ, || on þæt þā folc sēoþ. / Wǣre him þonne bete
Christ C 1373a hē ierrunga / on þæt frǣte folc || firene stǣleþ / lāðum wo
Christ C 1378a ealle mæneþ, / firen-synniġ folc, || frēa æl-mehtiġ: / ‘Hwæ
Christ C 1517a res fulne, / ofer þæt fǣġe folc || forþ for·lǣteþ, / cwiþ
Guthlac A 285b maĝon / fōtum ā·fiellan; || folc inn% þriceþ% / mēara þrēat
Deor 22b e ġe·þōht; || āhte wīde folc / Gotena rīċes. || Þæt wæs
The Judgment Day I 100b n, / fēores aefter foldan. || Folc biþ ġe·bannen, / Adames bear
Pharaoh 2b n Farones fyrde, || þā hīe folc godes / þurh fēondsċipe || f
Juliana 163b e / on ðǣre fǣmnan wlite, || folc eall ġeador. / hīe þā sē
Juliana 639a ǣran || and tō lofe trymman / folc of firenum || and him frōfre
Beowulf 463b hē ġe·sōhte || Sūð-Dena folc / ofer ȳða ġe·wealc, || Ār
Beowulf 522b u-burh fæġre, || ðǣr hē folc āhte / burh and bēaĝas. || B
Beowulf 693a -lufan || ǣfre ġe·sēċan, / folc oþþe frēo-burh, || ðǣr h
Beowulf 911b / fæder-æðelum on·fōn, || folc ġe·healdan, / hord and hleo-b
Beowulf 1179a u || and þīnum māĝum lǣf / folc and rīċe, || þonne þū fo
Beowulf 1422b tton. / Flōd blōde wēoll || (folc tō sāwon), / hātan heolfre.
Beowulf 2948a | wīde ġe·sīene, / hū þā folc mid him || fǣhþe tō·weaht
Judith 162b Wiþ þæs fæsten-ġeates || folc ōnette, / weras wīf samod, ||
Judith 262a owlan. || Mæġen nēalǣhte, / folc Ebrea, || fuhton þearle / hear
Judith 292a eaht on lāst, / mæġen-ēacen folc, || oþ sē mǣsta dæl / þæs
The Paris Psalter 101:16 3a || cȳðed sindon, / þæt hē folc ġe·sċōp; || fæġere drih
The Paris Psalter 101:20 1a awost and mǣrost. / / # / Cumaþ folc siþþan || feorran tō·gæd
The Paris Psalter 104:11 5a ǣron, / oþ·þæt hēo ōðer folc || eġesan ġe·­þȳwdon. / /
The Paris Psalter 104:20 1a hanaan. / / # / Hē þæt ēadġe folc || ēhte swīðe, / and hēo of
The Paris Psalter 104:21 2a ierfan ǣrest, / þæt hēo his folc || fēodan swīðe / and his es
The Paris Psalter 104:23 5b þ·þæt hīe ġe·fōron || folc Khananea. / / # / Hē hīe mid þ
The Paris Psalter 104:32 1a lċe. / / # / And his þæt gōde folc || golde and seolfre / ġe·weo
The Paris Psalter 104:33 2b ðe, / siþþan hīe on fore || folc sċēawodon, / for·þon him ð
The Paris Psalter 104:38 1a is āĝenum hyse. / / # / And his folc lǣde || fæġere on blisse / a
The Paris Psalter 105:19 3a mæġene ne hulpe; / hē þæt folc for·stōd || fēonda mæġen
The Paris Psalter 106:32 2b t sette, || ðǣr hē sāriġ folc / ġe·þȳwde þurste || þā
The Paris Psalter 115:8 4a ore sindon, / ðǣr hit ēaĝum folc || eall sċēawiaþ, / and on H
The Paris Psalter 116:1 3a herġan wordum, / and hine eall folc on efn || æðelne herġan. / /
The Paris Psalter 120:4 3a e sċeall healdan nū / Israela folc || ūtan wiþ fēondum. / / # /
The Paris Psalter 134:10 1a ædere. / / # / Sē slōh þēode folc || þearle maniġe, / and ēac
The Paris Psalter 134:14 1a m standeþ. / / # / For·þon his folc dēmeþ || fæġere drihten, /
The Paris Psalter 135:16 2a stenn  eft / his þæt lēofe folc || lǣde swelċe. / / # / Hē of
The Paris Psalter 143:3 3a hæbbe fæste, / þæt þū mē folc maniġ || fæġere under·þ
The Paris Psalter 143:19 1a ðum%. / / # / Ēadiġ biþ þæt folc, || ōðre hātaþ, / þe him sw
The Paris Psalter 143:19 3a e limpeþ; / ēadiġ biþ þæt folc || þe æl-mehtiġ wile / driht
The Paris Psalter 52:5 3a tes || elne wierċaþ / and min folc fretaþ || swā fǣlne hlāf,
The Paris Psalter 52:7 3a þe selfa god, / þonne hē his folc || fæġere ā·līeseþ / of h
The Paris Psalter 55:6 5a nāwiht hǣle; / on ierre þū folc || eall ġe·þrēatast. / / # /
The Paris Psalter 61:8 1a lċe. / / # / Hyċġe him hāliġ folc || hǣlu tō drihtne; / dōþ
The Paris Psalter 66:3 1a e hǣlu || healdan motan. / / # / Folc þē andette; || þū eart f
The Paris Psalter 66:5 1a ūende || ealle healdest. / / # / Folc þē andetten || fǣlne% drih
The Paris Psalter 67:8 1b geþ || for his þæt glēawe folc, / oþþe% ġond westenna || wī
The Paris Psalter 71:2 1a healde. / / # / Dēm þū þīn folc || dīere mid sōðe, / heald
The Paris Psalter 72:8 1a er eorðan. / / # / For·þon min folc hider || fæġere hweorfeþ, /
The Paris Psalter 73:16 4a aþ || fǣcne drihtne, / unwīs folc ne wāt || þīnne wierðne n
The Paris Psalter 76:13 4a n spor || inn tō findan. / / # / Folc þīn þū feredest || swā f
The Paris Psalter 77:1 1a m 77 / / # / Ġe·heald þū, min folc, || mīne fæste ǣ; / ā·hield
The Paris Psalter 77:22 2a wihte mæġe / mid hlāfe þis folc || hēr ā·fēdan.’ / / # / Si
The Paris Psalter 77:52 1a lce Chāmes. / / # / Þā hē his folc ġe·nam || swā fǣle sċēa
The Paris Psalter 77:61 2a ġe·sealde / and hira fǣġer folc || on fēondes hand. / / # / Seal
The Paris Psalter 77:62 1a nd. / / # / Sealde þā his swǣs folc || swurde under eċġe, / and h
The Paris Psalter 77:70 1b e. / / # / Hē þonne fēdeþ || folc Iacobes / and Israhela || ierfe
The Paris Psalter 80:11 2a iċ hine tela fylle; / nele min folc mīne stefne || ǣfre ġe·h
The Paris Psalter 80:13 1a iċelum. / / # / Þǣr min āĝen folc, || Israhela cynn, / mē mid ġe
The Paris Psalter 84:5 4a Crīst æl-mehtiġ, / and þīn folc on þē || ġe·fēo swīðe.
The Paris Psalter 86:3 2a remde cynn || foran of Tyrum, / folc Siġel-wara || naman ðǣr f
The Paris Psalter 88:13 2b wlitan; || þæt biþ ēadiġ folc / þe can naman þīnne || nīe
The Paris Psalter 93:5 1a iaþ, || wyrċaþ unryht. / / # / Folc hīe þīn, drihten, || fǣcn
The Paris Psalter 93:12 2a þ || drihten ūre / his āĝen folc, || ne his ierfe þon mā / on e
The Paris Psalter 94:4 2a || drihten ūser / his āĝen folc || ǣfre æt þearfe; / hē þ
The Paris Psalter 94:7 2a ma ūser; / wǣron we his fǣle folc || and his fæġere sċēap, /
The Paris Psalter 97:9 3b and rihte || and his syndriġ folc / on rihtnesse || rǣde ġe·br
The Paris Psalter 98:1 1b aþ drihten || and hē rēðe folc / healdeþ on ierre || unġemet
The Paris Psalter 98:2 2b d mǣre || ofer eall hæleþa folc. / / # / Wē andettaþ þīnum ||
The Paris Psalter 99:3 1a nd we his sindon. / / # / Wē his folc sindon || and his fǣle sċē
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 14b līċe / æt fruman ǣrest, || folc under wolcnum / efen-æðele ġ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 60a ðre rīċan / þe þis wērġe folc || wierst tūciaþ, / þæt hī
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 63b þā īlcan || þe þis earme folc / sume hwīle nū || swīðost
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 39a ē hālford þā / þæt dysġe folc || on ġe·dwolan lǣdde, / oþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 66b ·hwelċe, || ac þæt dysġe folc / æs hit seldnor ġe·sihþ ||
Metrical Psalm 93:12 2a || drihten ūre / his āĝen folc || nē his ierfe þon mā / on
Metrical Psalm 94:4 2a || drihten ūser / his āĝen folc || ǣfre æþ þearfe / hē þ
Metrical Psalm 94:7 2a ēma ūser / werum we his fele folc || and his fæġere scēap /
The Menologium 6a selfan tīd || sīde herġas, / folc unmǣte, || habbaþ foreweard
The Menologium 9b tūne, / forma mōnaþ; || hine folc miċel / Ianuarius || ġe·rūm
The Menologium 182a þæt sē tēoða mōnaþ / on folc fereþ, || frōde ġe·þeaht
The Kentish Hymn 25b e, / fēond ġe·flīemdest, || folc% ġe·neredes, / blōde ġe·boh
The Seasons for Fasting 1b s on eald-daĝum || Israheala folc / þurh Moysen, || mǣrne lār
The Battle of Maldon 22a en nā. / Þā hē hæfde þæt folc || fæġre ġe·trymmed, / hē
The Battle of Maldon 45b þū, sǣ-lida, || hwæt þis folc sæġeþ? / Hīe willaþ ēow t
The Battle of Maldon 54a des eard, || ealdres mīnes, / folc and foldan. || Feallan sċulo
The Battle of Maldon 241b rþon wearþ hēr on felda || folc totwǣmed, / sċield-burh tobro