Number of occurrences in corpus: 99
Genesis A 1017a | | ac hēo wæl-drēore swealh / | hālġe | of heandum þīnum; || for· |
Genesis A 1531b | la / þāra þe healdan wile || | hālġe | þēawas. / Weaxaþ and wrīda |
Genesis A 2166b | selfa / heofona hēah-cyning || | hālġe | sprǣċe, / trymede til-mōdiġ |
Genesis A 2369a | wǣre || mīne ġe·lǣstan%, / | hālġe | hyġe-trēowa%, || and him ho |
Genesis A 2401b | n / of þam hlēoðor-stede, || | hālġe | gāstas, / lāstas leġdon, || |
Genesis A 2458b | an ūt / of þǣm hēan hofe || | hālġe | āras, / weras tō ġe·wealde, |
Exodus 89b | ·seah / hū ðǣr hlīfodon || | hālġe | seġlas, / lyft-wunder lēoht; |
Exodus 357b | a manna / hēah-fædera sum, || | hālġe | þēode, / Israēla cynn, || on |
Exodus 366b | e. / Hæfde him on hreðere || | hālġe | trēowa; / for·þon hē ġe·l |
Exodus 382a | || ēac þon nēah and feorr% / | hālġe | hēapas || in ġe·hield be· |
Exodus 388a | undon, || wuldor-ġe·sāwon, / | hālġe | hēah-trēowe, || swā hæle |
Exodus 486a | || þā sē mihtĝa slōh / mid | hālġe | hand, || heofon-rīċes weard |
Exodus 518b | æġde, / hēah-þungen wer, || | hālġe | sprǣċe, / dēop ǣrende. || D |
Exodus 561b | e, / ġif ġē ġe·healdaþ || | hālġe | lāre, / þæt ġē fēonda ġe |
Exodus 569a | bēam || weorod ġe·lǣded, / | hālġe | hēapas, || on hild Godes. / L |
Daniel 26b | nde, / heofon-rīċes weard, || | hālġe | gāstas, / þā þǣm weorode | |
Daniel 235a | þæt maniġe ġe·fruĝnon, / | hālġe | him ðǣr help ġe·tēode, | |
Daniel 472b | wæs: / ‘On·hyċġaþ nū || | hālġe | meahte, / wīse wunder Godes! | |
Christ and Satan 221a | la fēðan || and ēadiġra%, / | hālġe% | heofon-þrēatas || herġaþ |
Christ and Satan 347b | d / hīred heofona || and þæt | hālġe | seld. / Nis nǣniġ swā snotor |
Christ and Satan 458b | ōfon hine mid him || heandum | hālġe | / wītĝan pp tō ēðle, || Ab |
Christ and Satan 678b | an ende, / on heofon-rīċe, || | hālġe | drēamas’. / Þā hē mid hea |
Andreas 875b | . / Wē ðǣr hēah-fæderas || | hālġe | on·cnēowon / and martira || m |
Andreas 885a | eġnodon || þrymm-sittende, / | hālġe | hēah-englas. || þām biþ h |
Andreas 1520a | e eall ġimma cynn. / Þurh his | hālġe | hǣs || þū sċealt hræðe |
The Fates of the Apostles 63b | þæt ġe·hīerdon || þurh | hālġe | bēċ, / þæt mid Siġel-warum |
Soul and Body I 68b | orfan on han-crǣd, || þonne | hālġe | menn / libbendum Gode || lof-sa |
Soul and Body I 127b | biþ hyhtlicre || þæt sēo | hālġe | sāwl / færeþ tō þǣm flǣs |
Elene 107b | ban heoru-cumbol || and þæt | hālġe | trēo / him be·foran ferĝan | |
Elene 128b | s / Hūna lēode, || swā þæt | hālġe | trēo / ā·rǣran hēt || Rōm |
Elene 333b | hīeraþ, hyġe-ġlēawe, || | hālġe | rūne, / word and wīsdōm. || |
Elene 355a | | þām iċ blǣd for·ġeaf, / | hālġe | hyġe-frōfre, || ac hīe hie |
Elene 364b | þæt ġe·hīerdon || þurh | hālġe | bēċ / þæt ēow drihten ġea |
Elene 429a | eldan ne weorðen / hwǣr þæt | hālġe | trēo || be·heled wurde / aeft |
Elene 4b | þū ġe·hīere || ymb þæt | hālġe | trēo / frōde friġnan || and |
Elene 232b | t, we þæt hīerdon || þurh | hālġe | bēċ / hæleþum cȳðan || þ |
Elene 263b | s ġe·nīðlan. || Iċ þæt | hālġe | trēo / lustum cȳðe, || nū i |
Elene 282b | e ġe·hīened, || hwǣr sēo | hālġe% | rōd, / þurh fēondes% searu | |
Elene 402b | e on·hierded, || þurh þæt | hālġe | trēo, / in·bryrded brēost-se |
Elene 414b | t, we þæt hīerdon || þurh | hālġe | bēċ / tācnum cȳðan, || þ |
Elene 573b | þum tō helpe, || ðǣr sēo | hālġe | rōd / ġe·meted wæs, || mǣr |
Elene 730b | tnes word / on hyġe healde, || | hālġe | rūne, / cwēn sēleste% || and |
Elene 785b | e·hyġdum, || on þām sēo | hālġe | rōd / ġe·meted wæs, || mǣr |
Christ B 692b | þ / þæt ā·hæfen wǣren || | hālġe | ġimmas, / hādre heofon-tungol |
Christ B 866a | e·rȳmde || rodera wealdend, / | hālġe | on hīehþu, || þā hē heof |
Christ C 944b | ēac / hrēð-eadiġ hēap. || | Hālġe | sāwle / mid hira frēan faraþ |
Christ C 1012a | tan || æðel-duĝuþ betast, / | hālġe | here-fēðan, || hlūtre blī |
Christ C 1017b | de on·drǣde, || þonne sēo | hālġe | ġe·cynd, / hwīt and heofon-b |
Christ C 1193a | ·witt, || wītĝan dryhtnes, / | hālġe | hyġe-ġlēawe, || hæleþum |
Soul and Body II 63b | eorfan on han-cred, || þonne | hālġe | menn / gode libbendum || lof-sa |
Guthlac A 617a | n helle, || nealles herenesse / | hālġe | habban || heofon-cininges. / I |
Guthlac B 1290a | s sē lēohta glǣm / ymb þæt | hālġe | hūs, || heofonliċ candel, / f |
Guthlac B 1302a | e hē his ēaĝan on·tȳnde, / | hālġe | hēafdes ġimmas, || be·seah |
Guthlac B 1310a | þæt bēacen wæs / ymb þæt | hālġe | hūs, || heofonliċ lēoma, / f |
The Judgment Day I 70b | ē ġe·hierweþ full% oft || | hālġe | lāre, / briġdeþ on bismer. | |
The Phoenix 73a | um, || ðǣr nā waniaþ% ā, / | hālġe | under heofonum, || holtes fr |
The Phoenix 447b | is sē hēa bēam || on þām | hālġe | nū / wīċ weardiaþ, || ðǣr |
The Phoenix 476b | æs þe hīe ġe·hēoldon || | hālġe | lāre / hāte æt heortan%, || |
The Phoenix 539b | ðeþ. / Þonne hlēoðriaþ || | hālġe | gæstas, / sāwla sōþfæste, |
The Phoenix 619a | ēġa mǣste / hādre ymb þæt | hālġe | || hēah-seld godes, / blīðe |
Juliana 15b | on, / hōfon hǣðen-ġield, || | hālġe | cwielmdon, / brēoton bōc-cræ |
Juliana 29a | ianan. || Hēo on gǣste bær / | hālġe | trēowe, || hoĝode ġeorne / |
Juliana 315b | ra hete-þanca.’ || im sēo | hālġe | on·cwæþ / þurh gæstes ġie |
Juliana 345a | sōhte.’ / Þā ġīen sēo | hālġe | on·gann || hæleþa ġe·win |
Juliana 514a | ġ || mann ofer eorðan / þurh | hālġe | meaht, || hēah-fædera ān / n |
Juliana 533a | e || ūt ġe·lǣdon / on hyġe | hālġe% | || hǣðnum tō sprǣċe / tō |
Juliana 567b | heoru-ġiferne, || ðǣr sēo | hālġe | stōd, / mæġeþa bealdor, || |
Juliana 589b | herġes. || þā ġīen sēo | hālġe | stōd / un-ġe·wemde wlite. || |
Juliana 604a | || þurh sweord-bite / on hyġe | hālġe, | || heafde be·nēotan / Crīste |
Juliana 656b | ēow / healdaþ æt heortan, || | hālġe | rūne / þurh mōdes myne. || |
Juliana 696a | mē ðearf miċel / þæt sēo | hālġe | mē || helpe ġe·fremme, / þo |
Juliana 716a | na be·ðearf, / þæt mē sēo | hālġe | || wiþ þone hīehstan cynin |
The Gifts of Men 21a | æt him folca weard / þurh his | hālġe | ġiefe || hider on·sende / wī |
Judith 56b | an cȳðan || þæt wæs sēo | hālġe | mēowle / ġe·brōht on his b |
Judith 160b | īe ġe·hīerdon || hū sēo | hālġe | spræc / ofer hēanne weall. || |
The Paris Psalter 104:35 3b | an, / and hīe heofon-hlāfe || | hālġe | ġe·fylde. / / # / Hēt him of s |
The Paris Psalter 104:40 1b | . / / # / Þǣr hīe hēoldan% || | hālġe | dōmas / and his sōþfæst wor |
The Paris Psalter 106:39 1b | iþþan hīe for·hoġodon || | hālġe% | lāre; / hira ealdor-menn || ea |
The Paris Psalter 118:36 2b | d mīne heortan, || þæt iċ | hālġe | nū / on þīne ġe·witnesse | |
The Paris Psalter 118:64 1a | on·drǣdaþ þē, / and þīne | hālġe | be·bodu || healdaþ ġeorne. |
The Paris Psalter 137:2 2a | pel || tīdum weorðie, / þæt | hālġe | hūs, || holde mōde, / and ð |
The Paris Psalter 77:68 2a | an% || ealra ġe·līcost / his | hālġe | hūs || hēr on eorðan / ġe· |
The Paris Psalter 86:1 1b | # / Healdaþ% his staðolas || | hālġe | beorĝas; / lufode Sione duru | |
The Paris Psalter 88:18 2a | || Dauid ġe·mēte / and hine | hālġe | ele% || heandum smierede. / / # |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 25a | n unwillum || ēðel-weardas, / | hālġe | āðas. || Wæs ġe·hwæðer |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 4b | hwearfest || and þurh þīne | hālġe | meaht / tunglu ġe·nīedest || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 38b | ð-rīċu / on hēah-setlum, || | hālġe | þrīċcaþ / under hira fōtum |
Solomon and Saturn 33b | ter / heofonas on·tīeneþ, || | hālġe | ġe·blissaþ, / metod ġe·mil |
The Menologium 68a | / on circule || cræfte findan / | hālġe | daĝas. || Sċulon we hwæðr |
The Menologium 74a | quias || rǣran on·ġinneþ, / | hālġe | ġe·hyrste; || þæt is hēa |
The Judgment Day II 285b | ·tweox hēah-fæderas || and | hālġe | wītĝan, / blissiendum mōdum, |
The Gloria I 18a | d, || ana ġe·wrohtest / þurh | hālġe | meaht || heofonas and eorðan |
The Gloria I 29a | cunnon || Crīstene þēawas, / | hālġe% | heort-lufan || and þæs hīe |
The Gloria I 36b | hēte. / Ealle þē herġaþ || | hālġe | drēamas / clǣnre stefne || an |
The Kentish Hymn 22b | eofonliċ lēoht || and þæt | hālġe | lamb, / þe þū% mān-sċylde |
The Kentish Hymn 27b | þū ā·hōfe || þurh þæt | hālġe | trēow / þīnre þrōwunga% || |
Psalm 50 91b | willan / and tō healdenne% || | hālġe | dōmas, / and þū rihtne gāst |
Psalm 50 137b | / hǣlend manna; || hēo þæt | hālġe | ċealf / on wīġbed þīn || w |
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 9b | gǣst. / Þonan hine hlōdon || | hālġe | and ġe·corene, / siþþan hin |