Number of occurrences in corpus: 52
Genesis A 1198a | r-dōm ā·hōf, / friðu-spēd | folces | wīsa, || nealles feallan lē |
Genesis A 1669b | ld, / swā þā fore-mihtġe || | folces | rǣswan, / þā ieldestan || of |
Genesis A 2316b | num fram-cynne. || Iċ þæs | folces | bēo / hierde and healdend, || |
Genesis A 2412a | for·þon wǣr-loĝona sint, / | folces% | firena hefiġe. || Iċ wille |
Genesis A 2491a | e·hwelcum || ymb·standendra / | folces | Sōdoma || fæste for·sǣton |
Genesis A 2615b | ēte. / Of þǣm frum-gārum || | folces% | unrīm, / þrymfæste twā || |
Genesis A 2667a | ā slǣpe tō·bræġd / forht | folces | weard. || Hēt% him fetian t |
Andreas 29a | tan sōhte. / Swelċ wæs þæs | folces | || friðulēas tācen, / unlǣd |
Andreas 619b | ðe oft / be·foran fremede || | folces | rǣswum / wunder aefter wundre |
Andreas 662b | frēa mehtiġ. || Næs ðǣr | folces | mā / on sīþ-fæte, || sīnra |
Andreas 1068a | e·samnedon || sīde herġas, / | folces | frum-gāras. || Tō þām fæ |
Andreas 1086b | niġ / for þām fǣr-spelle || | folces | rǣswa, / hēan, hyġe-ġōmor, |
Andreas 1301a | nniġne || ofer selfes mūþ, / | folces | ġe·winnan. || Nū tō fela |
Andreas 1570b | ete wearþ / on ferhð-locan || | folces | ġe·bǣru, / ðǣr wæs mōdi |
Andreas 1596b | -mōd, / forht-ferhþ maniġ || | folces | on lāste. / Wēndon hīe wīfa |
Elene 157b | þæs friċġan on·gann || | folces | ealdor, / siġe-rōf cyning, || |
Elene 61b | tō cwale maniġe || Crīstes | folces | / dēmde tō dēaðe. || Swā |
Elene 656b | on·bryrded, || bisċop þæs | folces. | / Glæd-mōd ēode || gumena þ |
Christ B 569b | mǣste / of fēonda byriġ, || | folces | unrīm, / þisne īlcan þrēat |
Christ C 1647a | beorhte mid lisse, / frēoĝaþ | folces | weard. || Fæder ealra ġe·w |
The Descent into Hell 29a | [...] || siex mōnaþ, / ealles | folces | fruma. || Nū [...]sċæcen. / |
The Descent into Hell 41a | cyning inn oþ·rād, / ealles | folces | fruma || forþ ōnette, / weoro |
The Descent into Hell 49b | na þrēat, / fela fǣmnena, || | folces | unrīm. / Ġe·sēah þā Iohan |
Riddles 64 6b | // and //SP// || selfes þæs | folces. | |
Beowulf 610a | | ġe·hīerde on Bēo·wulfe / | folces | hierde || fæst-rǣdne ġe· |
Beowulf 1124a | e ðǣr gūþ for·nam / bēġa | folces; | || wæs hira blǣd sċacen. / |
Beowulf 1582a | sweofote, || slǣpende frǣt / | folces | Deniġa || fīf-tīene menn / a |
Beowulf 1832a | || þēah þe hē ġung sīe, / | folces | hierde, || þæt hē mec frem |
Beowulf 1849a | þe īren || ealdor þīnne, / | folces | hierde || and þū þīn feor |
Beowulf 1932a | || Mōd-þrȳðo wæġ, / fremu | folces | cwēn, || firen andrisne. / Nǣ |
Beowulf 2513a | e; || ġīet iċ wille, / frōd | folces | weard, || fǣhþe sēċan, / m |
Beowulf 2644b | ōhte / tō ġe·fremmanne, || | folces | hierde, / for·þǣm hē manna |
Beowulf 2981a | l; || þā ġe·bēah cyning, / | folces | hierde, || wæs on feorh drep |
Judith 12a | ǣm rīċan þēodne / fēran, | folces | rǣswan. || Þæt wæs þȳ f |
The Paris Psalter 105:4 2b | ōd-sefan / forþ hyċġende || | folces | þīnes, / and ūs mid hǣlu || |
The Paris Psalter 106:31 1b | ine on ċiriċan || crīstnes | folces | / hēan ā·hebbaþ || and him |
The Paris Psalter 112:5 5a | dor-dōm || up ā·settan / his | folces | fruman || on fǣġer līf. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 148:14 1b | / # / Hē horn hefeþ || holdes | folces, | / hē lofe līehteþ || lēofe |
The Paris Psalter 77:56 2a | || ǣhte ġe·sǣton / hrōres | folces, | || þā hīe hēanne god / ġe |
The Paris Psalter 84:7 3a | | mǣlan wille; / sibbe hē his | folces | || sēċeþ ġeornost, / and sw |
The Paris Psalter 86:5 2b | de / þǣmþe frum-sprecend || | folces | wǣron, / eallum swelċe, || þ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 49b | ġeorna / and sē fæstrǣda || | folces | hīerde, / sē wæs ūð-wita | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 70a | an, || ne þā ebban þon mā / | folces | mearce || ofer·faran mōton. |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 52b | htor dīer-boren, || dysiġes | folces, | / gum-rinca gyden; || cūðe g |
The Battle of Brunanburh 67a | s īġ-lande || ǣfre ġīeta / | folces | ġe·fielled || be·foran þi |
Solomon and Saturn 73b | es seld, / flōdes ferġend, || | folces | nerġend, / ȳða ierfe-weard, |
A Prayer 8b | de. / Ēalā, frēa beorhta, || | folces | sċieppend. / Ġe·miltsa þīn |
The Seasons for Fasting 202a | duĝuþum healdan, / nū þā, | folces | mann, || firena ne% ġīeme / |
The Seasons for Fasting 212b | daþ / þe him fylĝan wille || | folces | manna. / sōna hīe on morĝen |
The Battle of Finnsburh 9a | rīsaþ wēa-dǣda / þe þisne | folces | nīþ || fremman willaþ. / Ac |
The Battle of Finnsburh 46b | %. / Þā hine sōna fræġn || | folces | hierde, / hū þā wīġend hir |
The Battle of Maldon 202b | wearþ ā·feallen || þæs | folces | ealdor, / Æðel·rēdes eorl; |