A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: his

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Number of occurrences in corpus: 1211

Genesis A 49b ·lēah, || siþþan wealdend his, / heofona hēah-cyning, || hand
Genesis A 57a uþe, || and drēame be·nam / his fēond, friðu || and ġe·f
Genesis A 58b n ealle, / torhte tīre, || and his torn ġe·wræc / on ġe·sacum
Genesis A 64a de; || æðele be·sċierede / his wiðer-brecan || wuldor-ġe·
Genesis A 80a frēa eallum lēof, / þēoden his þeġnum; || þrymmas wēoxon
Genesis A 149b hōf / up fram eorðan || þurh his āĝen word, / frēa æl-mehti
Genesis A 158a de. || Frēa engla hēt / þurh his word wesan || wæter ġe·mǣ
Genesis A 207a sċēawode || sċieppend ūre / his weorca wlite || and his wæst
Genesis A 207b ūre / his weorca wlite || and his wæstma blǣd, / nīewra ġe·s
Genesis B 241b tīþ-ferhþ cyning. || Stōd his hand-ġe·weorc / samod on sand
Genesis B 245a ron lēof Gode / þenden% hēo his hāliġe word || healdan wold
Genesis B 249a ġe·truwode wēl / þæt hīe his ġungorsċipe || fyliġan wol
Genesis B 250a e || fyliġan wolden, / wyrċan his willan, || forþon hē him%
Genesis B 251a ġe·witt for·ġeaf / and mid his heandum ġe·sċeōp, || hāl
Genesis B 253a e·worhtne, / swa mihtiġne on his mōd-ġe·þōhte || hē lēt
Genesis B 255a e·worhtne, / swā wynliċ wæs his wæstm% on heofonum || þæt
Genesis B 257a wyrċan, / dīeran sċolde hē his drēamas on heofonum, || and
Genesis B 257b s on heofonum, || and sċolde his drihtne þancian / þæs lēane
Genesis B 258b sċerede || þonne læte% hē his hine lange wealdan. / Ac hē ā
Genesis B 262a m be·dierned weorðan% / þæt his enġel on·gann || ofer-mōd
Genesis B 263a ōd wesan, / ā·hōf hine wiþ his hearran%, || sōhte hete-spr
Genesis B 265a Gode þēowian, / cwæþ þæt his līċ wǣre || lēoht and sċ
Genesis B 266b -beorht. || Ne meahte hē æt his hyġe findan / þæt hē% Gode
Genesis B 272b ofer-mōdes. || Þōhte þurh his ānes cræft / hū hē him stre
Genesis B 274b ofonum; || cwæþ% þæt hine his hyġe spēone% / þæt hē west
Genesis B 282b e. || Hwȳ sċeall iċ aefter his hyldu þēowian, / būĝan him
Genesis B 291b nġum. || Ne wille iċ lenġ his ġungra wurðan.’ / Þā hit
Genesis B 293a a || eall ġe·hīerde, / þæt his enġel on·gann || ofer-mōde
Genesis B 294a -mōde miċel / ā·hebban wiþ his hearran || and spræc hēalī
Genesis B 296b s ġe·dǣlan, || and sċolde his wīte habban, / ealra morðra m
Genesis B 298a þ manna ġe·hwelċ / þe wiþ his wealdend || winnan on·ġinne
Genesis B 301a stōle. / Hēte hæfde hē æt his hearran ġe·wunnen, || hyldu
Genesis B 301b ġe·wunnen, || hyldu hæfde his for·lorene, / gram wearþ him
Genesis B 302a / gram wearþ him sē gōda on his mōde. || For·þon hē sċol
Genesis B 304a end. / A·cwæþ hine þā fram his hyldu || and hine on helle we
Genesis B 306a ēofle wearþ, / sē fēond mid his ġe·fērum eallum. || Fēoll
Genesis B 309b dēoflum. || For·þon hēo his dǣd and word / noldon weorðia
Genesis B 339b / hwītost% on heofone% || and his hearran lēof, / drihtne dīere
Genesis B 350b wīt on heofone%, || oþ hine his hyġe for·spēon / and his ofe
Genesis B 351a ine his hyġe for·spēon / and his ofer·mēttu || ealra swīðo
Genesis B 354a Wēoll him on innan / hyġe ymb his heortan, || hāt wæs him ūt
Genesis B 396a fþ mann ġe·worhtne / aefter his an-līċnesse. || Mid þǣm h
Genesis B 399a ġif we ǣfre mæġen, / and on his eaforum swā same, || andan
Genesis B 402a ge nēotan%, / þæs ēades mid his engla cræfte. || Ne maĝon w
Genesis B 404b ton, || ġe·dōn þæt hīe his hyldu for·lǣten, / þæt hīe
Genesis B 405a æt on·wendon þæt hē mid his worde be·bēad. || Þonne we
Genesis B 406a on mōde, / ā·hwet hīe fram his hyldu. || Þonne sċulon hīe
Genesis B 413b īne ġiefe ġieldan, || ġif his ġīen wolde / mīnra þeġna h
Genesis B 430a ran bēoþ. / Ġif hīe brecaþ his ġe·bodsċipe, || þonne hē
Genesis B 432b d hearm-sċearu. || Hyċġaþ his ealle, / hū ġē hīe be·swī
Genesis B 456b wīslīċe ġe·worht, || and his wīf samod, / frēo fæġroste,
Genesis B 473b wesan / lungre on lustum || and his līf āĝan%, / hyldu heofon-ci
Genesis B 486b / Lȳtle hwīle || sċolde hē his līfes nēotan, / sēċan þonn
Genesis B 497b m, up tō Gode? || Iċ eom on his ǣrende hider / feorran ġe·f
Genesis B 508a īne dǣd and word / lofian on his lēohte || and ymb þīn līf
Genesis B 510a || þæt on þis% land hider / his bodan bringaþ. || Brāde sin
Genesis B 515b re, / gumena drihten, || ac hē his ġingran sent / tō þīnre spr
Genesis B 518a ǣran. || Lǣste þū ġeorne / his ambihtu, || nim þē þis ofe
Genesis B 519a þē þis ofett on hand, / bīt his and byrie%. || Þē weorþ on
Genesis B 526a || and mē hēr standan hēt, / his be·bodu healdan, || and mē
Genesis B 530b healdan sċolde || sē þe bi his heortan wiht / lāðes ġe·lǣ
Genesis B 537a ehst ġe·seah; / hē hēt mē his word weorðian || and wēl he
Genesis B 538a || and wēl healdan, / lǣstan his lāre. || Þū ġe·līċ ne
Genesis B 539a ū ġe·līċ ne bist / ǣngum his engla || þe iċ ǣr ġe·sea
Genesis B 544b -mihtĝan Gode || þe mē mid his earmum worhte, / hēr mid heand
Genesis B 545b m sīnum. || Hē mæġ mē of his hēan rīċe / ġeofian% mid g
Genesis B 546b a ġe·hwelcum, || þēah hē his ġungranne sende.’ / Wende hi
Genesis B 557b incre andsware; || ne mæġ his ǣrende / his boda bēodan; ||
Genesis B 558a ware; || ne mæġ his ǣrende / his boda bēodan; || þȳ iċ āt
Genesis B 561a || wordum hīeran, / þū meaht his þonne rūme || rǣd ġe·þe
Genesis B 567b earran þīnes, || and habban his hyldu forþ. / Meaht þū Ādam
Genesis B 569a eft ġe·stīeran, / ġif þū his willan hæfst || and hē þī
Genesis B 602b ga be·drōh, || þe hire for his dǣdum cōm, / þæt hire þūh
Genesis B 616b wīt of heofonum; || nū þū his hrīnan meaht. / Sæġe Ādame
Genesis B 621b ā wōm-cwidas, || þēah hē his wierðe ne sīe / tō ā·lǣte
Genesis B 625b an hearm-cwide || and% habban his hyldu forþ. / Þā ġieng% tō
Genesis B 635b hine ne warnaþ || þonne hē his ġe·weald hafaþ. / Sum hēo h
Genesis B 645a | þe þæt lāðe% trēow / on his bōĝum bær, || bitere ġe·
Genesis B 649b ōht, || þæt hēo on·gann his wordum trūwian, / lǣstan his
Genesis B 650a his wordum trūwian, / lǣstan his lāre, || and ġe·lēafan na
Genesis B 654a cen || and trēowa ġe·hēt, / his holdne hyġe. || Þā hēo t
Genesis B 657b / Godes enġel gōd, || iċ on his ġearwan ġe·sēo / þæt hē
Genesis B 659b hearran, / heofon-cininges. || His hyldu is unc betere / tō ġe·
Genesis B 660b e / tō ġe·winnenne || þonne his wiðer·mēdu. / Ġif þū him
Genesis B 664b nes hearran bodan? || Unc is his hyldu ðearf; / hē mæġ unc
Genesis B 669a e·sċōp; / ġe·sēo iċ him his englas || ymbe hweorfan / mid f
Genesis B 678a etes on·bāt. / Nū hæbbe iċ his hēr on handa, || hearra sē
Genesis B 680a fram Gode cōme, / brōht fram his bȳsne, || þæs mē þēs bo
Genesis B 701b wlitiĝost, || þæt hēo on his willan spræc. / wæs him% on h
Genesis B 706a || oþ þǣm þeġne on·gann / his hyġe hweorfan, || þæt hē
Genesis B 716a æt Ādame || innan brēostum / his hyġe hwierfde || and his heo
Genesis B 716b tum / his hyġe hwierfde || and his heorte on·gann / wendan tō hi
Genesis B 730b witod, || nū hīe word-cwide his, / lāre for·lēton. || For·þ
Genesis B 733b sweartan sīþ. || Swā þū his sorĝe ne þearft / beran on þ
Genesis B 748a folca mǣste, / and mid heandum his || eft on heofon-rīċe / rihte
Genesis B 764b n helle ġe·hliðu, || ðǣr his hearra læġ / sīman ġe·sǣl
Genesis B 770a sǣton; || selfe for·stōdon / his word on·wended. || Þæt wī
Genesis B 781a || and hine bǣdon / þæt hīe his% hearm-sċeare || habban moste
Genesis B 829a s || willan cūðe, / hwæt iċ his tō hearm-sċeare || habban s
Genesis B 833b trēam þæs miċel, || þæt his o min mōd ġe·twēode, / ac i
Genesis A 856b ser, / bilewit fæder, || hwæt his bearn dyde; / wiste for·worhte
Genesis A 865a recene tō || rīċe þēoden / his sunu gangan. || Him þā self
Genesis A 972a || will-ġe·brōðor. / Ōðer his tō eorðan || elnes tilode, /
Genesis A 984b lōh, / brōðor sīnne, || and his blōd ā·ġēat, / Cāin Ābel
Genesis A 1012b nċ, / brōðor þīnne, || and his blōd tō mē / clipaþ and ċ
Genesis A 1030b e, / brōðor-cwealmes. || Iċ his blōd ā·ġēat, / drēor on e
Genesis A 1061a nde, || settan hēton. / Þonan his eaforan || ǣrest wōcon, / bea
Genesis A 1090a tende, || brūcan wīde. / Þā his wīfum twǣm || wordum sæġd
Genesis A 1107b nama. / Sē wæs ēadiġ || and his ieldrum þāh / freoliċ tō fr
Genesis A 1132a || þā hē% furðum on·gann / his mǣġ-burĝe || menn ġe·īe
Genesis A 1165b eaf / and tīene ēac, || þā his tīd-dæġe / under rodera rūm
Genesis A 1173a brōhte. || Sē maĝa wæs / on his mǣġþe, || mīne ġe·frǣ
Genesis A 1183a st hæleþ, / and sē frum-gār his || frēo-māĝum lēof. / Fīf
Genesis A 1187a sēo sǣl ġe·wearþ / þæt his wīf sunu || on weorold brōh
Genesis A 1190a n. || Fæder hēr þā ġīet / his cynnes forþ || cnēo-rīm ī
Genesis A 1212b ran% / on þǣm ġearwum || þe his gāst on·fēng / ǣr hine tō
Genesis A 1221a c. || Worn ġe·strīende / ǣr his swylt-dæġe || suna and doht
Genesis A 1362b tiġ / weoroda drihten || þurh his word ā·bēad. / Him on hōh b
Genesis A 1505b ē Nōe / ġe·blētsode || and his bearn samod, / þæt hē þæt
Genesis A 1545a cumen || flōde on lāste / mid his eaforum þrymm, || ierfes hie
Genesis A 1563a , || þæt sē ēadĝa wer / on his wīcum wearþ || wīne drunce
Genesis A 1567a lȳt on·ġeat / þæt him on his inne% || swā earme ġe·lamp
Genesis A 1578b ðian, / eafora Nōes, || þæt his ealdor læġ, / ferhþe% for·s
Genesis A 1580a || Þǣr hē frēondlīċe / on his āĝnum fæder || āre ne wol
Genesis A 1593b r on mōde, || on·gann þā his selfes bearn / wordum wierġan,
Genesis A 1597a | him þā cwide siþþan / and his fram-cynne || frecne sċōdon
Genesis A 1602a hē forþ ġe·wāt. / Siððan his eaforan || ēad bryttedon, / be
Genesis A 1625b e / dōmas sæġde, || oþþæt his dōĝra wæs / rīm ā·runnen.
Genesis A 1661b / Þā ðǣr mann maniġ || be his mǣġ-wine, / æðeling ān-mō
Genesis A 1696a þþan metod tō·brǣd / þurh his meahta spēd || manna sprǣċ
Genesis A 1738b id wīfum. || On þǣm wīcum his / fæder Abrahames || feorh ġe
Genesis A 1771b eard, / wealdend ūser || þurh his word ā·bēad, / ċēapas fram
Genesis A 1775b an, / swǣse ġe·beddan || and his suhtrian / wīf on willan. || W
Genesis A 1800b en. / Beorn blīðe-mōd || and his brōðor sunu / forþ ofer·fō
Genesis A 1808a īeġde, || tiber on·sæġde / his līf-frēan, || him þæs lē
Genesis A 1809b ealles hnēawlīċe% || þurh his hand metend, / on þǣm glēd-s
Genesis A 1822b hte blīcan. || On·gann þā his brȳd frêa, / wīs-hyġdiġ we
Genesis A 1857a an hēt || lēofliċ wīf tō / his selfes sele. || Sinċes brytt
Genesis A 1866b adne / breĝu Ēġyptu, || and his brȳd ā·ġeaf, / wīf tō ġe
Genesis A 1884a m þe Abraham || ǣror rǣrde / his wealdende || þā westan cōm
Genesis A 1949b ufum and lissum; || for·þon his lof seċġaþ / wīde under wol
Genesis A 1959a ·witte, || wīse þance, / oþ his ealdor-ġe·dāl || ō-leċċ
Genesis A 2029b de, / sorĝa sārost, || þæt his suhterĝa / þēow-nīed þolod
Genesis A 2032a s || rǣd ā·hyċġan, / þæt his hylde-mǣġ || ā·hreded% wu
Genesis A 2037b rēowa sealdon, || þæt hīe his torn mid him / ġe·wrǣcon on
Genesis A 2039b on%. / Þā sē hālĝa hēt || his heorð-weorod / wǣpna on·fōn
Genesis A 2047b hira folc-ġe·trume%; / wolde his mǣġ hūru, / Lōth ā·linnan
Genesis A 2052b e·faren hæfdon. || Þā hē his frum-gāran, / wīs-hyġdiġ we
Genesis A 2071a , || nealles wunden gold, / for his suhterĝan, || slōh and fiel
Genesis A 2302b / swā sē enġel ǣr || þurh his āĝen word, / fǣle friðu-sċ
Genesis A 2372a -tācen || be frēan hǣse / on his selfes sunu, || hēt þæt se
Genesis A 2373b n% / hēah ġe·hwelcne, || þe his hīna wæs / wǣpned-cynnes, ||
Genesis A 2377b ·fēng / torhtum tācne. || Ā his tīr metod, / dōmfæst cyning,
Genesis A 2381a ē on fære || furðum meahte / his wealdendes || willan fremman.
Genesis A 2431a e || ġunge þūhton / menn for his ēaĝum. || A·rās þā meto
Genesis A 2443b ræste and ġe·reorda || and his reċedes hlēow / and þeġnung
Genesis A 2510a trum || mid cwealm-þrêa / and his torn wrecan. || Þǣre tīde
Genesis A 2540a | under burh-locan / in Sǣĝor his. || Þā sunne up, / folca friþ
Genesis A 2578b tōd / ðǣr wordum ǣr || wiþ his wealdend spræc / frōd frum-g
Genesis A 2594b ·wāt / of byrġ gangan || and his bearn samod / wæl-stōwe fierr
Genesis A 2599b of, / dæġ-rīmes worn || and his dohtor twā. / Hie dydon swā;
Genesis A 2623a bimēlech || ǣhte lǣdan / mid his hīwum. || Hæleþum sæġde /
Genesis A 2624a Hæleþum sæġde / þæt Sarra his% || sweostor wǣre, / Abraham wo
Genesis A 2625b re, / Abraham wordum || (bearh his ealdre), / þȳ hē wiste ġear
Genesis A 2628a nda hæfde. / Þā sē þēoden his || þeġnas sende, / hēt hīe%
Genesis A 2718b old-ġe·strēonum || and him his wīf ā·ġeaf. / Sealde him t
Genesis A 2719b m tō bōte, || þæs þe hē his brȳd ġe·nam, / gangende feoh
Genesis A 2736b / Abraham fremede || swā hine his ealdor hēt, / on·fenġ frēon
Genesis A 2740a be || ġe·sǣliġ drēah / and his sċieppende || under sċeade
Genesis A 2750b tōd, / oþþæt sē hālĝa || his hlāforde / Abraham on·gann ||
Genesis A 2768b mde. / Hine Abraham inn || mid% his āĝne hand / bēacen sette, ||
Genesis A 2776b / siþþan him ǣrest || þurh his āĝen word / þone dæġ-willa
Genesis A 2793a || þæt hē on wræc drīfe / his selfes sunu, || þā cōm sō
Genesis A 2801b el, / cniht of cȳþþe. || Iċ his cynn ġe·dō / brād and bræs
Genesis A 2804b t’. / Þā sē wer hīerde || his wealdende, / drāf of wīcum ||
Genesis A 2806b d tū, / idese of earde || and his āĝen bearn. / ‘Sweotol is a
Genesis A 2842b te, / wēoh-bedd worhte, || and his wealdende / on þǣm glēd-sted
Genesis A 2862b engla / word on·drysne || and his wealdend% lēof. / Þā sē ēa
Genesis A 2867b stum wunode. || On·gann þā his esolas bǣtan / gamol-ferhþ go
Genesis A 2869b n mid sīðian. || Mǣġ wæs his āĝen þridda / and hē fēor
Genesis A 2871a Þā hē fūs ġe·wāt / fram his āĝnum hofe || Īsaac lǣdan
Genesis A 2880b r. / Þā Abraham spræc || tō his ambihtum: / ‘Rincas mīne, ||
Genesis A 2885b him þā sē æðeling || and his āĝen sunu / tō þæs ġe·me
Genesis A 2898a diġ || stēape dūne / up mid his eaforan, || swā him sē ēċ
Genesis A 2906b eord be ġe·hiltum, || wolde his sunu cwellan / folmum sīnum, |
Genesis A 2921b n || þæt þē wæs lēofre% his / sibb and hyldu || þonne þī
Genesis A 2925b ġe·blissod, || þā hē him his bearn for·ġeaf, / Īsaac cwic
Genesis A 2931b ·hōf / ofstum miċelum || for his āĝen bearn. / A·bræġd þā
Exodus 9b en, / sōþfæst cyning, || mid his selfes meaht / ġe·weorðode,
Exodus 17b , / mōdĝum maĝu-rǣswan%, || his māĝa feorh, / on-wist ēðles
Exodus 27b e·sette siġe-rīċe, || and his selfes naman, / þone ieldu bea
Exodus 146a || ymbe% antwiġ; / þā hēo% his mǣġ-winum || morðor fremed
Exodus 177a || wæl-hlencan% sċōc, / hēt his here-cyste || healdan ġeorne
Exodus 314a || on% uncūþ% ġe·lād / for his mǣġ-winum. || Swā him meht
Exodus 335b e·trum / ēode unforht. || Hē his ealdor-dōm / synnum ā·swefed
Exodus 363b , / þrymfæst þēoden, || mid his þrymm sunum, / þone dēopesta
Exodus 402a ǣl-blæse || beorna sēlost, / his swǣsne sunu || tō siġe-tī
Exodus 428a an mæġ || heofon and eorðe / his wuldres word, || wīdra% and
Exodus 434b / sōþfæst siĝora, || þurh his selfes līf, / þæt þīnes cy
Exodus 502a duĝuþ Ēġypta, / Faraon mid his folcum. || He on·fand% hræ
Daniel 21a ċipe, || swā nā man sċyle / his gāstes lufan || wiþ Gode d
Daniel 47b rēa, / Babilones breĝu, || on his burh-stede, / Nabochodonossor,
Daniel 133a t || wīsdōm bude, / ġif þū his ǣrest ne meaht || ōr ā·re
Daniel 157a odes || eall ā·sæġde / swā his mann-drihten || ġe·mǣted w
Daniel 167b eahte, / Babilonie weard, || in his brēost-locan. / Nā hwæðere
Daniel 225b orum || for­·þǣm þe hīe his cræftas on·sōcon. / Þā hē
Daniel 230a Godes spell-bodan. / Hēt þā his sċealcas || sċūfan þā hy
Daniel 268b þ-mōd cyning%, || þā hē his sefan on·trēowde, / wunder on
Daniel 323b in% ēare% gryndeþ, || þæt his unrīm% ā% / in wintra worn ||
Daniel 334b de wæs / metodes miltse || and his meahta spēd / reahte þurh reo
Daniel 337b ded, / wlite-sċīene wer || on his wuldor-haman, / sē him cōm t
Daniel 449b m lēodum, || þæt sē wǣre his ealdre sċyldiġ, / sē þæs o
Daniel 452a ·līesde. / A·ġeaf him þā his lēoda lāfe || þe ðǣr ġe
Daniel 475b lācende līeġ, || þǣm þe his lof bǣron; / for·þǣm hē is
Daniel 478b spōwende spēd, || þǣm þe his spell beraþ. / For·þon wīte
Daniel 480b aniġ / hālĝum gāstum || þe his hield curon. / Cūþ is þæt m
Daniel 512b ēac þā fuĝolas, || þonne his fiell cōme. / Hēt þonne be·
Daniel 521a ledne || in sūsl dôn, / þæt his mōd wīte || þæt mihtiġra
Daniel 533b , / hāliġ of heofonum, || sē his hyġe trymede. / On þǣm driht
Daniel 547b iel æt þǣm dōme, || þæt his drihten wæs, / gumena ealdor,
Daniel 558b bēon, / wēsten wunian, || and his wyrt-truman / foldan be·fōlen
Daniel 593b / Nā þæs fela Daniel || tō his drihtne ġe·spræc / sōðra w
Daniel 596b / middan-ġeardes weard, || ac his mōd ā·stāh, / hēah fram he
Daniel 600b weorc%, / Babilone burh, || on his blǣde ġe·seah, / Sennera fel
Daniel 629a || heortan ġe·tenġe. / Þā his gāst ā·hwearf || in Godes
Daniel 656b ċolde / earfoþ-sīðas || for his ofer-mēdlan. / Swā hē ofstl
Daniel 671a | hêa rīċe. / Siþþan ðǣr his eaforan || ēad bryttodon, / we
Daniel 675b n ðǣre þēode% ā·wōc || his þæt þridde cnēow. / Wæs Ba
Daniel 714a | Gode on andan, / cwæþ þæt his herġas || hīerran wǣron / an
Daniel 721a esan || enġel dryhtnes / lēt his hand cuman || in þæt hêa s
Daniel 756b te / Israela ġe·strēon || in his ǣhte ġe·weald, / ac þæt of
Christ and Satan 6b / wæter and wolcen%, || þurh his wundra meaht. / Dēopne ymb-lȳ
Christ and Satan 13b selfa hē ġe·sette || þurh his sōðan meaht. / Swā sē wyrht
Christ and Satan 14b aht. / Swā sē wyrhta || þurh his wuldres gāst / sierede and set
Christ and Satan 126a erĝa gāst || wordum sæġde / his earfoþu || ealle æt-samne, /
Christ and Satan 190b wæs, / Godes andsaca; || dydon his ġungran swā%, / ġīfre and g
Christ and Satan 241b / dōĝra ġe·hwelcne, || and his sē dēora sunu, / gasta sċiep
Christ and Satan 282b ġ ġe·hyċġan, || sē þe his heorte dēah, / þæt hē him
Christ and Satan 325a stliċ þrēat; / ac sċeoldon his þeġnas || ðǣr ġe·wunian
Christ and Satan 359b / and hīe ġe·seġna. || mid his swīðran hand, / lǣdeþ% tō
Christ and Satan 375a elle || hnīĝan sċolde, / and his hīred mid hine, || in hīen
Christ and Satan 390b . / Wile nū ūre witu || þurh his wuldres cræft / eall tō·weor
Christ and Satan 543b selfne be sīdan || ðǣr hē his swāt for·lēt; / fēollon tō
Christ and Satan 547b ē on bēame ā·stāh || and his blōd ā·ġēat, / God on ġe
Christ and Satan 548b / God on ġeālĝan%, || þurh his gāstes mæġen. / For·þon me
Christ and Satan 571a niht || twelf apostōlas / mid his gāstes ġiefe, || ġungran
Christ and Satan 579b n þā swīðran hand || sunu his fæderes; / dǣleþ dōgra ġe
Christ and Satan 584b / wyrhta and wealdend || þurh his wuldres cræft. / Siteþ him on
Christ and Satan 587a ĝum. || Hafaþ wuldres bearn / his selfes seld || sweġel be·to
Christ and Satan 588b s þider tō lēohte || þurh his lǣċedōm, / ðǣr we mōton s
Christ and Satan 591a ban þæt īlce lēoht, / ðǣr his% hīred nū || hāliġ eardaþ
Christ and Satan 614b , / and hēo ġe·senað || mid his swīðran hond / cyning æl-wih
Christ and Satan 621b n Godes / dēman wille || þurh his dǣda spēd. / Wēnaþ þæt h
Christ and Satan 666b , / metod mann-cynnes, || þurh his miltsa spēd. / Þā ġe·wear
Andreas 50b te, / hæleþ hell-fūse || and his hēafdes seġl / ā·brēoton m
Andreas 60a wēpende || wērĝum tēarum / his siġe-drihten || sarĝan reor
Andreas 94b ēġ / mǣres þēodnes. || Hē his maĝu-þeġne / under hearm-loc
Andreas 164b cen liðu-bendum, || þe oft% his lufan ā·drēah / for Ebreum |
Andreas 237b rīste on ġe·þance || and his þeġnas mid, / gangan on grēo
Andreas 249b d, / ēċe eall-mehtiġ, || mid his englum twǣm. / Wǣron hīe on
Andreas 323b , / þēoden þrymfæst. || Wē his% þeġnas sint / ġe·coren tō
Andreas 365b , / ēċe eall-mehtiġ, || hēt his enġel gān, / mǣrne maĝu-þe
Andreas 460b god / eorl on eorðan, || ġif his ellen dēah.’ / Swā hleoðro
Andreas 525b wearþ / engla ēðel || þurh his ānes meaht. / Forþon is ġe·
Andreas 575b , / gumena lēofost, || hū hē his ġief cȳðde / ġond weorold w
Andreas 585b la / cyne-rōf cȳðde || þurh his cræftes meaht. / Hē ġe·hāl
Andreas 651a m || on wera ġe·mōte / þurh his selfes mūþ || simble ġe·h
Andreas 685b ċild-ġung ā·cenned || mid his cnēo-māĝum. / Þus sindon h
Andreas 757a ðeles ġe·þingu, / þæt of his cynne || cenned sċolde / weor
Andreas 779b orde / bēodan Habrahame || mid his eaforum twǣm / of eorð-sċræ
Andreas 834a bīdan || burĝ-wealle nēah, / his nīþ-hatum, || niht-langne f
Andreas 855b wealdend wer-þēode%. || Iċ his word on·cnēow, / þēah hē h
Andreas 856a s word on·cnēow, / þēah hē his mæġ-wlite || be·miðen hæ
Andreas 1030a lĝa || on þām hearm-locan / his god grētte% || and him ġēo
Andreas 1109a ċeareĝan reorde, / cwæþ hē his selfes sunu% || sellan wolde /
Andreas 1207b etod mihtum swīþ || sæġde his maĝu-þeġne: / ‘Sċealt þ
Andreas 1327b alh, / þæt hē on ġalĝan || his gǣst on·sende. / Swā iċ nū
Andreas 1336b ðolfæst stīerend, || þurh his strangan meahtmeht. / Siþþan
Andreas 1338a nēowon || Crīstes rōde% / on his mæġ-wlite, || mǣre tācen,
Andreas 1346b are, / fāh fyrn-sċaða || and his fæder on·cwæþ: / ‘Ne maĝ
Andreas 1358a endum fæstne, / oþ·witan him his wræc-sīð. || Habbaþ word
Andreas 1449b ġe·hrodene, || swā hē ǣr his blōd ā·ġēat. / Þā worde
Andreas 1466b nes, / līfes lārēow, || hēt his līċ-haman / hāles brūcan: |
Andreas 1477b meaht / lof lǣdende || and on his līċe trum. / Hwæt%, iċ hwī
Andreas 1520a onne eall ġimma cynn. / Þurh his hālġe hǣs || þū sċealt
Andreas 1521a alt hræðe cȳðan / ġif þū his andġietan || ǣnġe hæbbe.
Andreas 1582b e / folde fram flōde, || swā his fōt ġe·stōp. / Wurdon burĝ
Andreas 1613a tela hyċġaþ.’ / Sende þā his bēne || fore bearn godes, / b
Andreas 1653a rīste be·bēad / þæt hīe% his lāre || lǣston ġeorne, / feo
Andreas 1654b eorh-rǣd fremedon || Sæġde his fūsne hyġe, / þæt hē þā
Andreas 51a e·sċeafta. / Is his meaht and his ǣht || ofer middan-ġeard / br
Andreas 52b rd / brēme ġe·bletsod || and his blǣd ofer eall / on heofon-þr
The Fates of the Apostles 33b / beorhtne bold-welan. || Næs his brōðor læt, / sīðes sǣne,
The Fates of the Apostles 53b , / hyġe on·hierded, || þurh his hāliġ word. / Siþþan collen
The Fates of the Apostles 120b þ / lēan unhwīlen. || Nū ā his lof standeþ, / miċel and mǣr
The Fates of the Apostles 121b deþ, / miċel and mǣre || and his meaht seomaþ, / ēċe and ed-
Soul and Body I 2a hæleþa ǣġhwelċ / þæt hē his sāwle sīþ% || selfa ġe·
Soul and Body I 28b rum / sāwle on·sende || þurh his selfes hand, / metod æl-mehti
Soul and Body I 29b and, / metod æl-mehtiġ, || of his mæġen-þrymme, / and þē ġe
Homiletic Fragment I 6a fācen swā% þēah / hafaþ on his heortan, || hord unclǣne. / Bi
Dream of the Rood 49b īdan, || siþþan hē hæfde his gāst onsended. / fela iċ on
Dream of the Rood 63b ġne, || ġe·stōdon him æt his līċes heafdum, / be·hēoldon
Dream of the Rood 92a ċes weard! / swelċe swā hē his mōdor ēac, || mārian selfe
Dream of the Rood 102a wæðre eft drihten arās / mid his miċelan meahte || mannum tō
Dream of the Rood 106b selfa, / ælmihtiġ god, || and his englas mid, / þæt hē þonne
Dream of the Rood 156b , / æl–mehtiġ god, || ðǣr his ēðel wæs. /
Elene 147b īċe under roderum, || þurh his rōde trēo. / Ġe·wāt þā h
Elene 162b oldes brytta, || ‘Þē þis his bēacen wæs / þe mē swā lē
Elene 193a nd þæt forþ ġe·hēold / on his daĝena tīd, || drihtne tō
Elene 214b þæt mǣre trēo || and þā his mōdor hēt / fēran fold-weġe
Elene 295b þe ēow of wierhþe || þurh his wuldres% meaht, / fram līeġ-c
Elene 42a h hē sume hwīle / on ġalĝan his || gāst on·sende, / siġe-bea
Elene 49b ·rās, / þēoden engla || and his þeġnum hine%, / sōþ siĝora
Elene 55b ġeald hē yfel yfele, || ac his eald-fēondum / þingode þroht
Elene 387b tan blinne. || Sint on bōcum his / wunder þā hē worhte || on
Elene 478b ġe nū / rihte spōwan%. || Is his rīċe brād / ofer middan-ġea
Elene 597b rīewe, / līf-wearde lēof. || His ġe·lēafa wearþ / fæst on f
Elene 627b des / fēt þurh·wōdon || and his folme swā same, / mid þām on
Elene 727b hte / tō ġe·lǣstenne || and his lāre ġe·ċēas / þurh þēo
Elene 736b cyninga / burĝ-āĝendra || on his briġdels dōn, / mēare tō m
Christ A 21b itiĝan will-sīðes, || ġif his weorc ne dēah. / Huru we for
Christ A 91b naþ, / sunu Solimæ% || samod his dohtor? / Friċġaþ þurh fyr-
Christ A 141b lāra lǣdend, || þām lange his / hyhtan hider-cyme, || swā hi
Christ A 206b htes tīr-fruman%. || Nū iċ his tempel ēam / ġe·fremed būta
Christ A 210b rum metodes sunu || þæt iċ his mōdor ġe·wearþ, / fǣmne fo
Christ A 218b der / ċild ā·cenned || þurh his cræft and meaht. / Nis ǣniġ
Christ A 295a r­·þon hēt siĝores fruma / his hēah-bodan || hider ġe·fl
Christ A 296a an || hider ġe·flēoĝan / of his mæġen-þrymme || and þē m
Christ A 354b es þrȳð-ġe·steald || and his þeġnunga, / þā þū ǣrest
Christ A 392a for·ġeaf, / þæt hīe mōton his æt-wiste || ēaĝum brūcan /
Christ A 425b fremede / manna cynne || þurh his mōdor hrif. / And swā forþ-g
Christ A 427a þ-gangende || folca nerġend / his forġiefnesse || gumum tō he
Christ B 457b ania, / þēoden þrymfæst, || his þeġna ġe·dryht / ġe·laðo
Christ B 470a || ġond weorold innan / þurh his þrōwinga. || Þeġnas hered
Christ B 567a m, || hilde ġe·fremede / wiþ his eald-fēondum || ānes meahtu
Christ B 581a ē on dēoflum ġe·nam / þurh his selfes siĝor. || Sibb sċeal
Christ B 587a | hū þæt hǣlu-bearn / þurh his hider-cyme || heals eft for·
Christ B 615a ermþu || eft on·ċierde / æt his% up-stiġe || þe we ǣr druĝ
Christ B 652a up hafen || engla fæðmum / on his þā miċelan || meahta spēd
Christ B 665a ord-laðe || wīse sendeþ / on his mōdes ġe·mynd || þurh his
Christ B 665b his mōdes ġe·mynd || þurh his mūðes gǣst, / æðele andġi
Christ B 682b ūs, / god-bearn on grundum, || his ġiefe bryttaþ%. / Nyle hē ǣ
Christ B 685a s him ġielp sċieþþe / þurh his ānes cræft || ofer ōðre f
Christ B 691a || engla and manna; / swā hē his weorc weorðaþ. || Be þon s
Christ B 718a as and cnollas / be·wrīþ mid his wuldre, || weorold ā·līese
Christ B 738a hē tō heofonum ā·stāh / on his eald-cȳþþe. || Þā wæs e
Christ B 759b rodorum / æl-mihtiġne. || Hē his āras þonan, / hāliġ of heah
Christ B 765a godes || forþ on·sendeþ / of his bræġd-boĝan || biterne str
Christ B 821a Sċyle gumena ġe·hwelċ / on his ġār-daĝum || ġeorne be·
Christ C 941b atne. / Wile æl-mehtiġ || mid his engla ġe·dryht, / mæġen-cyn
Christ C 943b fæst þēoden. || Biþ ðǣr his þeġna ēac / hrēð-eadiġ h
Christ C 968a || and up-heofon / torhtne mid his tunglum. || Tēon-līeġ samo
Christ C 1034b m, / godes oþþe gāles, || on his gǣste ġe·hlōd, / ġēara ga
Christ C 1098a weorðe, || þe nā wōm dyde / his līċ-hama || leahtra firena,
Christ C 1111a nd þā hālĝan fēt, / and of his sīdan swā same || swāt for
Christ C 1120b yspton hearm-cwidum || and on his hlēor samod / hira spatl spēo
Christ C 1125a || ond fȳstum ēac, / and ymb his hēafod || heardne ġe·bīe
Christ C 1151a tungol-ġimmum; / for·þon hē his bodan sende, || þā wæs ġe
Christ C 1168a n. || Ēah-strēam ne dorste / his frēan% fēt || flōde be·se
Christ C 1216b e, / þonne Crīst siteþ || on his cyne-stōle, / on hēah-setle,
Christ C 1335a welċ || wuldre sċīeneþ / of his hēah-setle || hlūtran līe
Christ C 1521b fȳr / þæt wæs Satane || and his ġe·sīðum mid, / dēofle ġe
Christ C 1552b nū ne ġīemeþ || hwæðer his gǣst sīe / earm þe ēadiġ,
Christ C 1573b / findan mōte, || sē þe nū his fēore nille / hǣlu strīenan
Christ C 1580b ǣst / samodfæst sēon. || Hē his sāwle wlite / ġeorne be·gang
Christ C 1586a ēose || on þās lǣnan tīd / his drēames blǣd || and his da
Christ C 1586b īd / his drēames blǣd || and his daĝena rīm, / and his weorces
Christ C 1587a || and his daĝena rīm, / and his weorces wlite || on wuldres l
Christ C 1617a || þæt hē fāh sċyle / fram his sċieppende || ā·sċiered w
Vainglory 11a þās lǣnan tīd / ā·mierran his ġe·myndum || mōdes gǣlsan
Vainglory 12a ndum || mōdes gǣlsan / and on his dæġ-rīme || druncen% tō r
Vainglory 28b þ hē and bælceþ, || bōþ his selfes / swīðor miċele || þ
Vainglory 30a sella mann, / þenċeþ þæt his wīse || wēlhwǣm þynċe / ea
Vainglory 36b hþe ġe·fremede, || fēoþ% his beteran / eorl fore æfstum, ||
Vainglory 70b deþ / frēode% on folce || and his fēond lufaþ, / þēah þe hē
Widsith 13a rum || ēðle rǣdan, / sē þe his þēoden-stōl || ġe·þēon
The Fortunes of Men 28b r-weĝas / nīede gangan || and his nest beran, / tredan ūriġ-lā
The Fortunes of Men 32a || lāþ biþ ǣġhwǣr / fore his wan-sċeaftum || winelēas h
The Fortunes of Men 39b āðum lyft-sċaðan, || biþ his līf sċæcen, / and hē felel
The Fortunes of Men 50b / were wīn-sadum; || biþ ǣr his worda tō hrǣd. / Sum sċeall
The Fortunes of Men 53a e·met ne cann / ġe·mearcian his mūðe || mōde sīne, / ac sċ
The Fortunes of Men 59a uĝuþe || mid godes meahtum / his earfoþ-sīþ || ealne for·s
The Fortunes of Men 80b um sċeall mid hearpan || æt his hlāfordes / fōtum sittan, ||
The Fortunes of Men 91a wielisca || wǣdum and dǣdum / his æt-ġiefan || ēað-mōd weo
The Fortunes of Men 98a seċġe, / þæs þe hē fore his miltsum || mannum sċrīfeþ.
Maxims I 35a rold tēode. / Dol biþ sē þe his drihten nāt, || tō þæs of
Maxims I 37a ihte. / Ēadiġ biþ sē þe on his ēðle ġe·þiehþ, || earm
Maxims I 37b ġe·þiehþ, || earm sē him his frīend ġe·swīcaþ. / Nǣfre
Maxims I 38a caþ. / Nǣfre sċeall sē him his nest ā·springeþ, || nīede
Maxims I 39b ēas heorte. || Blind sċeall his ēaĝna þolian, / of·tiġen b
Maxims I 41b an; || þæt him biþ sār on his mōde, / onġe þonne hē hit a
Maxims I 96a | þonne flota standeþ; / biþ his ċēol cumen || and hire ċeo
Maxims I 98a hine inn lāðaþ, / wǣsċeþ his wāriġ hræġl || and him si
Maxims I 99b / liġþ him on lande || þæs his lufu bǣdeþ. / Wif sċeall wi
Maxims I 171a | hearpan grētan; / hafaþ him his glēowes ġiefe, || þe him G
Maxims I 186b elne for·lēose, || drūgaþ his ār on borde. / Lot sċeall mid
Maxims I 196b bealu-blanden nīþ. || Slōh his brōðor% swǣsne / Cāin, þon
The Order of the World 28b æt hē mæġe on hreðre || his hēah ġe·weorc / furður ā·
The Order of the World 48b raþ / dryhtnes duĝuþe || and his dǣda þrymm, / līexende lof |
The Order of the World 56a lǣdeþ% || līfes āĝend / on his ānes fæðm || ealle ġe·s
The Order of the World 65b ireþ / branda beorhtost || and his brūcan mōt / ǣġhwelċ on eo
The Order of the World 77a || þæs frōd leofaþ / þæt his mæġe ǣ-springe || þurh hi
The Order of the World 77b is mæġe ǣ-springe || þurh his ǣĝne spēd witan%, / hū ġon
The Riming Poem 53a , || sorĝum ċīneþ, / blǣd his blinneþ, || blisse linneþ%,
The Panther 34a būtan þām ātor-sċaðan, / his fyrn-ġe·flitan, || þe iċ
The Whale 40b hwelċ / hæleþa cynnes || on his hringe biþ / fæste ġe·fǣġ
The Whale 43b , / wlancum and hēanum, || þe his willan hēr / firenum fremmaþ,
The Whale 55a s; || cymeþ wynsum stenċ / of his innoþe, || þætte ōðre þ
The Whale 63a na ġe·hwǣm, / sē þe oftost his || unwǣrlīċe / on þās lǣn
The Whale 74b e·hrodene || and ǣr ġeorne his / on hira līf-daĝum || lārum
Soul and Body II 2a hæleþa ǣġhwelċ / þæt hē his sāwle sīþ || selfa be·wī
Soul and Body II 25b rum / sāwle on·sende || þurh his selfes hand, / metod æl-mehti
Soul and Body II 26b and, / metod æl-mehtiġ, || of his mæġen-þrymme, / and þē þ
Guthlac A 14b man mid drihten, || þā þe his dōmas hēr / efnaþ on eorðan
Guthlac A 24b / lǣraþ and lǣstaþ || and his lof rǣraþ; / ofer·winnaþ þ
Guthlac A 27b oþþe aefter, || þonne hē his ǣnne hēr / gǣst be·gange, |
Guthlac A 36b e brūcan / gōdra tīda || and his gǣste forþ / weġes willian.
Guthlac A 55b aþ / hwǣr þā eardien || þe his ǣ healden; / ġe·sihþ hē þ
Guthlac A 58b / þā hē ġe·sette || þurh his selfes word. / Hē fela findeþ
Guthlac A 92b ēan ā·leġeþ || þām þe his lufan ā·drēoĝeþ. / Maĝon
Guthlac A 95a ġe·cȳðed, / hū Gūð·lāc his || on godes willan / mōd ġe·
Guthlac A 102b n / beorh-seþel būĝan || and his blǣd gode / þurh ēað-mēdu
Guthlac A 112a me, || hwonne Gūð·lāce / on his andġietan || enġel sealde /
Guthlac A 118a e·līċe || lāre bǣron / on his mōdes ġe·mynd || maniĝum
Guthlac A 124b eorne ġieldeþ, || þām þe his ġiefe willaþ / þiċġan tō
Guthlac A 156b under hine% weorðiaþ || and his wīsdōmes / hlisan healdaþ, |
Guthlac A 163b h / līfes snytru, || þæt hē his līċ-haman / wynna for·wiernd
Guthlac A 193a eorĝe || beornan sċolde / and his līċ-haman || līeġ for·sw
Guthlac A 194a | līeġ for·swelĝan, / þæt his earfoþu || eall ġe·lumpe / m
Guthlac A 197b lde / selfa ġe·sēċan || and his sibbe riht / mid mann-cynne ||
Guthlac A 238a || māran cōme, / þā þe for his līfe || lȳt sorĝodon. / Gū
Guthlac A 294b / Ne wand hē for worde, || ac his wiðer-brecum / sorĝe ġe·sæ
Guthlac A 338a weorolde || wynna þorfte / mid his līċ-haman || lǣsost brūca
Guthlac A 341a d for·sæt / þæs þe hē for his drihtne || drēoĝan sċolde,
Guthlac A 344b Swā sċeall ōretta || ā on his mōde / gode campian || and his
Guthlac A 345b his mōde / gode campian || and his gǣst beran / oft on andan ||
Guthlac A 362b ǣst / wīsaþ on willan || and his weorc trymaþ, / laðaþ hine l
Guthlac A 366a || eft on·ċierran / mōd fram his metode. || Hū sċeall min cu
Guthlac A 387a ċeall sē dryhtnes þēow / on his mōd-sefan || māre ġe·lufi
Guthlac A 388b / eorðan ǣht-welan || þonne his ānes ġe·met, / þæt hē his
Guthlac A 389a his ānes ġe·met, / þæt hē his līċ-haman || lāde hæbbe.
Guthlac A 424a || lȳtle hwīle, / þæt hīe his līċ-haman || lenġ ne mōst
Guthlac A 439b e / blīðe on beorĝe, || wæs his blǣd mid god. / Þūhte him on
Guthlac A 441b nnes / ēadiġ wǣre || sē þe his ānum hēr / fēore ġe·friðo
Guthlac A 516b oĝan, || þēah þe drihten his / wītum weolde%. || Hwæt, þ
Guthlac A 522b eard / selfa ġe·sōhte || and his swāt ā·ġēat / on banena ha
Guthlac A 529a a || þe ūs bēċ fore / þurh his wundra ġe·weorc || wīsdōm
Guthlac A 535b um / selfa ġe·sette, || ðǣr his sāwol wearþ / clǣne and ġe
Guthlac A 537b / ġond middan-ġeard || þæt his mōd ġe·þeah / on godes will
Guthlac A 594b oroda wealdend, || þæt ġē his wer-genġan / on þone lāðan
Guthlac A 599a de Crīst. / Eom iċ ēað-mōd his || ambieht-hīera, / þēow ġe
Guthlac A 601b n sċeall / ǣġhwǣr ealles || his ānne dōm, / and him ġeornlī
Guthlac A 622a ċe ġe·lǣded, / þām þe on his weorcum || willan ræfnaþ. / S
Guthlac A 706a ǣlde || and him hīersume / on his selfes dōm || siþþan wǣro
Guthlac A 713a n eorðan || fore æfstum% / on his wer-genġan || wīte leġdon.
Guthlac A 714b Is þæt min brōðor, || mec his bisiĝu ġe·hrēaw. / Iċ þæ
Guthlac A 717b ine / healdan wille, || nū iċ his helpan mōt, / þæt ġē min a
Guthlac A 719a n || oft sċēawiaþ. / Nū iċ his ġe·neahhe || nēosan wille;
Guthlac A 720a lle; / sċeall iċ his word and his weorc || on ġe·witnesse / dri
Guthlac A 721b tnesse / drihtne lǣdon. || Hē his dǣde cann.’ / Þā wæs Gū
Guthlac A 764b ā / snytrum swelġen, || þæt his sōþ fore ūs / on his ġiefen
Guthlac A 765a | þæt his sōþ fore ūs / on his ġiefena ġield || genġe weo
Guthlac A 772b ces / daĝas and dǣde || þurh his dōm ā·hōf. / Wæs sē fruma
Guthlac A 775b ȳt / wǣre ġe·wanode, || oft his word gode / þurh ēað-mēdu |
Guthlac A 777a -mēdu || up on·sende, / lēt his bēn cuman || on þā beorhta
Guthlac B 843b on / beorht on brēostum || and his be·bodu lǣstan, / efnan on ē
Guthlac B 846a ldendes || willan lǣsten, / ac his wīf ġe·nam || wyrmes lāru
Guthlac B 882a nd mund-byrd. || Mǣre wurdon / his wundra ġe·weorc || wīde an
Guthlac B 949a || þe him on weorcum hēr / on his daĝena tīd || dǣdum ġe·c
Guthlac B 951a || þā sē æl-mihtĝa% / lēt his hand cuman || ðǣr sē hāl
Guthlac B 959b e, / metod fore miltsum. || Hē his mōd-sefan / wiþ þām fǣr-ha
Guthlac B 967b þās lǣnan tīd, || þēah his līċ and gǣst / hira sam-wist
Guthlac B 1007b mæðel-cwida. || Fande þā his mann-drihten / ādl-wēriġne;
Guthlac B 1010b mōd-ċeare. || On·gann þā his maĝu friġnan: / ‘Hū ġe·w
Guthlac B 1051a | Hē þæs fǣr-spelles / fore his mann-drihtne || mōd-sorĝe w
Guthlac B 1053b hrēow-ċeariġ, || þæs þe his hālford ġe·seah / ellor-fūs
Guthlac B 1110b an bisiĝum. || On·gann þā his mōd staðolian / lēohte ġe·
Guthlac B 1114a ȳnum || on godes temple, / and his þeġne on·gann, || swā þ
Guthlac B 1116b eċġan siĝor-tācnum || and his sefan trymman / wundrum tō wul
Guthlac B 1151b tīd / on midne dæġ, || wæs his mann-drihtne / ende-dōĝor ||
Guthlac B 1159a h meahta sċieppend, / ġif hē his word-cwida || wealdan meahte,
Guthlac B 1161b ġe worda gangum, || hū hē his wīsna trūwode, / drohtes on
Guthlac B 1202a On·gann þā ofostlīċe / tō his wine-drihtne || wordum mæðl
Guthlac B 1223b urh cwide þīnne, || hwonan his cyme sindon.’ / Þā sē ēad
Guthlac B 1294b s ġe·myndiġ, || spræc tō his ambiht-þeġne, / torht tō his
Guthlac B 1295a his ambiht-þeġne, / torht tō his trīewum ġe·sīðe: || ‘T
Guthlac B 1300a swīðe fūs.’ / A·hōf þā his handa, || hūsle ġe·reorded
Guthlac B 1301b elan ġiefle, || swelċe hē his ēaĝan on·tȳnde, / hālġe h
Guthlac B 1303b ġeofona lēanum || and þā his gǣst on·sende / weorcum wliti
Guthlac B 1337b ēðne mōd-sefan, || sē þe his mann-drihten, / līfe be·liden
Guthlac B 1352b wǣman sariġ-ferhþ, || wāt his sinċ-ġiefan / holdne be·helo
Guthlac B 1376a æs% sīðes fūs, / þæt þū his līċ-haman, || lēofost mæ
Riddles 15 15b ; / hine beraþ brēost. || Iċ his bīdan% ne dearr, / rēðes on
Riddles 20 16a iċ ōðrum sċōd / frecne æt his frēonde; || fāh eom iċ wī
Riddles 27 14b , / mæġene be·numen; || nāh his mōdes ġe·weald, / fōta ne f
Riddles 35 2a ang, || wundrum frēoriġ, / of his innoþe || ǣrest cende. / Ne w
Riddles 37 4b t% hit felde, || flēah þurh his ēaĝe. / Ne swilteþ hē simle
Riddles 40 13a ġeard || mehtiġ drihten / mid his an-wealde || ǣġhwǣr styre
Riddles 40 39a , || hāteþ mec hēah-cyning / his dēaĝol þinġ || dīere be
Riddles 43 9a īm, || ċeare, ġif sē esne / his hlāforde || hīereþ yfele, /
Riddles 44 4b þ gōdne; / þonne sē esne || his āĝen hræġl / ofer cnēo hef
Riddles 44 6a || wile þæt cūðe hol / mid his hangellan || heafde grētan /
Riddles 46 1b 46 / / Wer% sæt æt wine || mid his wīfum twǣm / and his twēġen
Riddles 46 2a e || mid his wīfum twǣm / and his twēġen suno || and his twā
Riddles 46 2b / and his twēġen suno || and his twā dohtor, / swǣse ġe·sweo
Riddles 50 4a þone on tēon wiġeþ / fēond his fēonde. || For-strangne% oft
Riddles 53 9a | Nū hē fǣcnum weġ% / þurh his hēafdes mæġen% || hilde-ġ
Riddles 54 3b ōr hæġ-steald-mann, || hof his āĝen / hræġl heandum up, ||
Riddles 54 6a || stīðes nāthwæt, / worhte his willan; || waĝodon būta. / Þ
Riddles 55 13a || þæt oft wǣpen ā·bæd / his mann-drihtne, || māðum on h
Riddles 59 8a a. || Him torhte on ġe·mynd / his dryhtnes naman || dumba brōh
The Wife's Lament 46a æt him selfum ġe·lang / eall his weorolde wynn, || sīe full w
The Judgment Day I 4a || Oft mæġ sē þe wile / on his selfes sefan || sōþ ġe·þ
The Judgment Day I 26a be full oft / tō·mǣldeþ mid his mūðe. || Ne cann hē þā m
The Judgment Day I 28a standeþ / þām þe ðǣr for his synnum || on·sæġd weorðe
The Judgment Day I 83a || wuldres ealdor, / þām þe his synna nū || sāre ġe·þen
The Judgment Day I 88a ġōmor wearþ, / sāriġ fore his synnum. || Ne sċeall sē tō
Resignation 92a him wrāþ metod, / gnornaþ on his ġuĝuþe, || / and him ǣlċe
Resignation 94a || menn fullestaþ, / īeċaþ his iermþu || and hē þæt eall
The Descent into Hell 25b iġ tō ðǣre meniġy || ymb his mæġes[]: / Hæfde mē ġe·h
The Descent into Hell 57b ore ðǣre meniġu || and tō his mæġe spræc / and þā will-c
The Descent into Hell 67a e || ellen habban, / þonne hē his hlāfordes || hyldu ġe·līe
The Descent into Hell 83a || hwonne we word godes / þurh his selfes mūþ || seċġan hīe
Azarias 50b de wæs / metodes miltse || and his mōd-sefan / reahte þurh reord
Azarias 53b ded, / wlite-sċīene wer || on his wuldor-haman, / cōm him þā t
Azarias 167b ācol-mōd, || þæt hē ofer his ealdre ġe·stōd. / A·bēad
Riddles 63 7a lm[]grum þȳþ, || / wyrċeþ his willa[]ð l[] || / []fullre, |
Riddles 70 4b ċearp on ġe·sċieldrum. || His ġe·sċeapu drēoĝeþ% / þe
Riddles 73 9b isiĝu[] / []dlan dæl, || ġif his ellen dēah, / oþþe aefter d
Riddles 88 27b anne; / nǣfre uncer āwþer || his ellen cȳðde, / swā wit ðǣr
The Phoenix 211b wlīteþ, || þonne weorðeþ his / hūs on·hǣted || þurh hād
The Phoenix 262b nihte; || be þon sē mōdĝa his / feorh ā·fēdeþ, || oþ·þ
The Phoenix 267b ull, || þonne hē of grēote his / līċ liðu-cræftiġ, || þ
The Phoenix 277b fe, / clamm be·clyppeþ || and his cȳþþu eft, / sun-beorht ġe
The Phoenix 282b ang / siĝorfæst sette. || Hē his selfes ðǣr / bān ġe·brinġ
The Phoenix 321a e·wīteþ || wangas sēċan, / his ealdne eard, || of þisse ē
The Phoenix 351a ǣlĝa || aefter swylt-hwīle / his eald-cȳþþe || eft ġe·nē
The Phoenix 356b t, / cyning æl-mehtiġ, || hū his ġe·cynde biþ, / wīfhādes
The Phoenix 394b / worhte wer and wīf || þurh his wundra spēd, / and hīe þā
The Phoenix 421a þ·þæt wuldor-cyning / þurh his hider-cyme || hālĝum tō·
The Phoenix 435b ēaðe, / ed-ġung wesan || and his eald-cȳþþu, / sun-beorht ġe
The Phoenix 459b / clǣnum ġe·hyġdum || and his cnēo bīġeþ / æðele tō eo
The Phoenix 468a weġle || sīde and wīde / tō his wīc-stōwe, || ðǣr hē wun
The Phoenix 515a ēo. || Cyning þrymlīċe / of his hēah-setle || hālĝum sċī
The Phoenix 530a || mid þām sē wilda fuĝol / his selfes nest || be·seteþ ūt
The Phoenix 536b liċ and ed-ġung, || sē þe his āĝnum hēr / willum ġe·wyr
The Phoenix 572a ōd, || godes spell-boda, / ymb his ǣriste || on ēċe līf, / þ
The Phoenix 637b nd / forþ būtan ende. || Næs his frymþ ǣfre, / ēades anġinn.
The Phoenix 640b n middan-ġeard, || hwæðere his meahta spēd / hēah ofer heofo
The Phoenix 651a || helpe% ġe·fremede / þurh his līċes ġe·dāl, || līf b
The Phoenix 652b , / swā sē fuĝol swēotum || his fiðeru tū / and wynsumum || w
Juliana 8b lōd, / riht-fremmendra || Wæs his rīċe brād, / wīd and weorð
Juliana 26b / miċelne and mǣrne. || þā his mōd on·gann / fǣmnan lufian,
Juliana 48b fast and ġe·līefest || and his lof rǣrest, / on·ġietest gǣ
Juliana 162a t || aefter lēohtes cyme / tō his dōm-setle. || Duĝuþ wāfod
Juliana 252b ylt, / glēaw-hyċġende || and his godum cwēman. / Wes þū on of
Juliana 259b rīste ġe·cwēme, || hwonan his cyme wǣre. / Hire sē wræc-m
Juliana 285a te ġe·heald. / oþ·þæt hē his sīþ-fæt || seċġe mid rih
Juliana 286b e, / ealne% fram orde, || hwæt his æðelu sīen.’ / Þā wæs
Juliana 310a bēam, / þæt hē of gālĝan his || gǣst on·sende / on wuldres
Juliana 331a || ne durran we siþþan / for his ansīene || ǣġhwǣr ġe·f
Juliana 534a || hǣðnum tō sprǣċe / tō his dōm-setle. || Hēo% þæt d
Juliana 560b | / heredon on hīehþu || and his hāliġ word%, / sæġdon sōð
Juliana 595b and hyġe-ġrimm, || on·gann his hræġl teran, / swelċe hē gr
Juliana 598b rymetade% ġealĝ-mōd || and his godu tǣlde, / þæs þe hīe n
The Wanderer 13a in·drihten þēaw, / þæt hē his ferhþ-locan || fæste binde,
The Wanderer 14a ocan || fæste binde, / healde% his hord-cofan, || hyċġe swā h
The Wanderer 35b e, / hū hine on ġeoĝuþe || his gold-wine / wenede tō wiste. |
The Wanderer 37b þon wāt sē þe sċeall || his wine-dryhtnes / lēofes lār-cw
The Wanderer 41b eþ him on mōde || þæt hē his mann-drihten / clyppe and cysse
The Wanderer 112a r æt rūne. / Til biþ sē þe his trēowe ġe·healdeþ, || nē
The Wanderer 112b aldeþ, || nē sċeall nǣfre his torn tō recene / beorn of his
The Wanderer 113a his torn tō recene / beorn of his brēostum ā·cȳþan, || nem
The Gifts of Men 21a | þæt him folca weard / þurh his hālġe ġiefe || hider on·s
The Gifts of Men 79a þrīst-hyġdiġra / þeġn mid his þēodne. || Sum ġe·þyld h
The Gifts of Men 105b nne / ġielpes stīereþ || and his ġiefe bryttaþ, / sumum on cys
The Gifts of Men 111a || wīde tō·sāweþ / drihten his duĝuþe. || Ā þæs% dōm
The Gifts of Men 113a ē ūs þis līf ġiefeþ / and his milde mōd || mannum cȳðeþ
Precepts 15a gode trymmen.’ / Fæder eft his sunu || frōd ġe·ġrēte / ō
Precepts 22b guma / brēost-ġe·hyġdum || his bearn lǣrde: / ‘Ne ġe·wuna
Precepts 33b gann / brēost-ġe·þancum || his bearn lǣran: / ‘Druncen beor
Precepts 44b þurh blīðne ġe·þōht || his bearn lǣran: / ‘On·ġiet ġ
Precepts 52b e god.’ / Seofeþan sīðe || his sunu lǣrde / fæder, frōd gum
Precepts 56a ldon || drȳmeþ sorhfull / ymb his forþ-ġe·sċeaft, || nefne
Precepts 60a īðe || eald fæder on·gann / his maĝu manian || mildum wordum
The Seafarer 40a anc || mann ofer eorðan, / nē his ġiefena þæs gōd, || nē o
The Seafarer 41a uþe tō þæs hwæt, / nē on his dǣdum tō þæs dēor, || n
The Seafarer 41b m tō þæs dēor, || nē him his drihten tō þæs hold, / þæt
The Seafarer 42a tō þæs hold, / þæt hē ā his sǣ-fōre || sorĝe næbbe, / t
The Seafarer 69a m || þinga ġe·hwelċe, / ǣr his tīd% daĝa%, || tō twēon w
The Seafarer 78a a bearn || aefter herien, / and his lof siþþan || libbe mid eng
The Seafarer 92b / gamol-feax gnornaþ, || wāt his ġū-wine, / æðelinga bearn,
The Seafarer 98a e || golde strēġan / brōðor his ġe·borenum, || byrġan be d
The Seafarer 106a p-rodor. / Dol biþ sē þe him his drihten ne on·drǣdeþ; || c
The Seafarer 108b aþolaþ, || for·þon hē on his meahte ġe·līefeþ / Stīeran
The Seafarer 115a e on bǣle || for·bærnedne / his ġe·worhtne wine. || Wyrd bi
Beowulf 65b es weorð-mynd, || þæt him his wine-māĝas / ġeorne hīerdon
Beowulf 79a ċōp him Heort naman / sē þe his wordes ġe·weald || wīde h
Beowulf 169b ste, / māðm for metode, || ne his myne wisse. / Þæt wæs wræc
Beowulf 250b m ġe·weorðod, || nefne him his wlite lēoĝe, / ǣnliċ ansīe
Beowulf 349a þæt wæs Wendla lēod; / wæs his mōd-sefa || maniĝum ġe·c
Beowulf 357b sæt / eald and an-hār% || mid his eorla ġe·dryht; / ēode ellen
Beowulf 360b . / Wulf·gār maðelode || tō his wine-drihtne: / ‘Hēr sindon
Beowulf 373a cūðe || cniht-wesende. / Wæs his eald-fæder || Eċġþēow h
Beowulf 375b Ġēata / āngan dohtor; || is his eafora% nū / heard hēr cumen,
Beowulf 380b es / manna mæġen-cræft || on his mund-grīpe / heaðu-rōf hæbb
Beowulf 385a Iċ þǣm gōdan sċeall / for his mōd-þræce || māðmas bēo
Beowulf 434a d || þæt sē ǣĝlǣċa / for his wan-hyġdum || wǣpna ne reċ
Beowulf 475b þ / hīenþu on Heorote || mid his hete-þancum, / fǣr-nīða ġe
Beowulf 521a hte || swǣsne ēðel%, / lēof his lēodum, || land Brandinga, / f
Beowulf 532a ecan sprǣċe, / sæġdest fram his sīðe. || Sōð iċ talie, /
Beowulf 573b eþ / unfǣġne eorl, || þonne his ellen dēah. / Hwæðre mē ġe
Beowulf 662b Hrōð·gār ġe·wāt || mid his hæleþa ġe·dryht, / eodor S
Beowulf 672b n, / helm of hafolan, || sealde his hyrsted sweord, / īrena cyst,
Beowulf 730b e, / maĝu-rinca hēap. || Þā his mōd ā·hlōh; / mynte þæt h
Beowulf 756b ofla ġe·dræġ; || ne wæs his drohtoþ ðǣr / swelċe hē on
Beowulf 764b flēon on fenn-hopu; || wisse his fingra ġe·weald / on grames g
Beowulf 793a man || cwicne for·lǣtan, / ne his līf-daĝas || lēoda ǣngum /
Beowulf 805b ġa ġe·hwelcre. || Sċolde his ealdₒr-ġe·dāl / on þǣm d
Beowulf 822a ; || wisse þe ġeornor / þæt his ealdres wæs || ende ġe·gan
Beowulf 841b wian, / lāðes lāstas. || Nā his līf-ġe·dāl / sārliċ þūh
Beowulf 881a hwæt || seċġan wolde, / êam his nefan, || swā hīe ā wǣron
Beowulf 905b mas / lemede tō lange ; || hē his lēodum wearþ, / eallum æðel
Beowulf 923b e, / cystum ġe·cȳðed || and his cwēn mid him / medu-stīġe m
Beowulf 966b ċġan līf-bisiġ, || būtan his līċ swice. / Iċ hine ne meah
Beowulf 970b nd on fēðe. || Hwæðre hē his folme for·lēt / tō līf-wræ
Beowulf 1007a ndra || ġearwe stōwe, / ðǣr his līċ-hama || leġer-bedde f
Beowulf 1147b / sweord-bealu slīðen || æt his selfes hām, / siþþan grimne
Beowulf 1166b ieldinga; || ġe·hwelċ hira his ferhþe trīewde, / þæt hē h
Beowulf 1167b ōd miċel, || þēah þe hē his māĝum nǣre / ārfæst æt e
Beowulf 1276b on, / mann-cynnes fēond || and his mōdor þā-ġīet, / ġīfre a
Beowulf 1317a ōre || fyrd-wierðe mann / mid his hand-sċole || (heall-wudu dy
Beowulf 1385a ēlre biþ ǣghwæm / þæt hē his frēond wrece, || þonne hē
Beowulf 1528b þ / dēorum māðme, || þæt his dōm ā·læġ. / Eft wæs ān-
Beowulf 1536b þ / lang-sumne lof, || nā ymb his līf cearaþ. / Ġe·fēng þā
Beowulf 1683b ca, / morðres sċyldiġ || and his mōdor ēac, / on ġe·weald ġ
Beowulf 1733b s, / sīde rīċe, || þæt hē his selfa ne mæġ / for% his unsny
Beowulf 1734a t hē his selfa ne mæġ / for% his unsnytrum || ende ġe·þenċ
Beowulf 1808b n / sunu Eċġ·lāfes, || hēt his sweord niman, / lēofliċ īren
Beowulf 1963b t him þā sē hearda || mid his hand-sċole / self aefter sande
Beowulf 2013a -sefan || mīnne cūðe, / wiþ his selfes sunu || setl ġe·tǣh
Beowulf 2157a || sume worde hēt / þæt iċ his ǣrest þē || ēst ġe·sæ
Beowulf 2325b d / snūde tō sōðe, || þæt his selfes hām%, / bolda sēlest,
Beowulf 2433b e, / beorn on burgum, || þonne his bearna hwelċ / Here·beald and
Beowulf 2438a æþ·cynn || of horn-boĝan, / his frēa-wine, || flāne ġe·sw
Beowulf 2439b cte, / miste mierċelses || and his mǣġ of·sċēat, / brōðor
Beowulf 2445b le / tō ġe·bidanne, || þæt his byre rīde / ġēong on gālĝa
Beowulf 2447b ce, / sāriġne sang, || þonne his sunu hangaþ / hræfne tō hro
Beowulf 2455b e·siehþ sorh-ċeariġ || on his suna būre / wīn-sele wēstne,
Beowulf 2481a ǣġe wæs, / þēah þe ōðer his || ealdre ġe·bohte, / heardan
Beowulf 2572b le / mǣrum þēodne || þonne his myne sōhte, / ðǣr hē þȳ f
Beowulf 2579a ne, || bāt unswīðor / þonne his þēod-cyning || þearfe hæf
Beowulf 2604b ġ Ælf·heres; || ġe·seah his mann-drihten / under here-grīm
Beowulf 2608b lc-rihta ġe·hwelċ, || swā his fæder āhte. / Ne meahte þā
Beowulf 2614b % bana / mēċes eċġum || and his māĝum æt-bær / brūn-fāĝn
Beowulf 2617a | þæt him Anela for·ġeaf, / his gædelinges || gūð-ġe·wǣ
Beowulf 2619a ǣhþe spræc, / þēah þe hē his brōðor bearn || ā·bredwod
Beowulf 2621b ill and byrnan, || oþ·þæt his byre meahte / eorlsċipe efnan
Beowulf 2622b ahte / eorlsċipe efnan || swā his ǣr-fæder; / ġeaf him þā mi
Beowulf 2627a || þæt hē gūðe rǣs / mid his frēo-drihtne || fremman sċo
Beowulf 2628b ealt him sē mōd-sefa, || ne his mǣġes lāf / ġe·wāc æt w
Beowulf 2675b / ac sē maĝa ġunga || under his mǣġes sċield / elne ġe·ēo
Beowulf 2676b ield / elne ġe·ēode, || þā his āĝen wæs% / glēdum for·gru
Beowulf 2698b mōdġes mannes, || ðǣr hē his mǣġes% healp, / þæt hē þo
Beowulf 2703a īen self cyning / ġe·wēold his ġe·witte, || wæl-seaxe ġe
Beowulf 2722a n unġemete til / wine-drihten his || wætere ġe·lafode, / hilde
Beowulf 2723b ·lafode, / hilde sædne || and his helm% on·spēon. / Bēow·ulf
Beowulf 2861b -be·ġīete || þǣm þe ǣr his elne for·lēas. / Wīġ·lāf
Beowulf 2869a || helm and byrnan, / þēoden his þeġnum, || swelċe hē þr
Beowulf 2949b āt him þā sē gōda || mid his gædelingum, / frōd, fela-ġō
Beowulf 2978b eġn / brādne% mēċe, || þā his brōðor læġ, / eald-sweord e
Beowulf 2982b n. / Þā wǣron maniġe || þe his mǣġ wriðon, / recene ā·rǣ
Beowulf 2987b n, / heard sweord hilted || and his helm samod, / hāres hyrste ||
Beowulf 3065a onne lenġ ne mæġ / mann mid his māĝum% || medu-seld būan. /
Beowulf 3068a | selfa ne cūðe / þurh hwæt his weorolde ġe·dāl || weorða
Beowulf 3173b n; / eahtodon eorlsċipe || and his ellen-weorc / duĝuþum dēmdon
Beowulf 3175a it ġe·dēfe% biþ / þæt man his wine-drihten || wordum herġe
Judith 16b ō wīn-ġe·drince, || ealle his wēa-ġe·sīðas, / bealde byr
Judith 31a wīman lǣĝon, / ofer·drencte his duĝuþe ealle, || swelċe h
Judith 36a æġeþ || ofostum fetian / tō his bedd-ræste || bēaĝum ġe·
Judith 57a ālġe mēowle / ġe·brōht on his būr-ġe·telde. || Þā wear
Judith 63a umena þrēate || / bealu-full his beddes nēosan, || ðǣr hē
Judith 63b nēosan, || ðǣr hē sċolde his blǣd for·lēosan / ǣdre binn
Judith 64b n ānre nihte; || hæfde þā his ende ġe·bidenne / on eorðan
Judith 68a ne swā druncen / sē rīċa on his ræste middan, || swā hē ni
Judith 279a on bedde || blācne liċġan / his gold-ġiefan || gāstes gǣsn
Judith 281b oriġ tō foldan, || on·gann his feax teran, / hrēoh on mōde |
Judith 282b teran, / hrēoh on mōde || and his hræġl samod, / and þæt word
Judith 349b sweġeles drēamas, || þurh his selfes miltse.
The Paris Psalter 101:14 2b / and ġe·sette Sion || þurh his selfes meaht, / ðǣr wæs ġe
The Paris Psalter 101:14 3b ht, / ðǣr wæs ġe·sīene || his sēo sōðe spēd. / / # / Oft h
The Paris Psalter 101:17 2a æstlīċe || forþ locode / of his% þǣmhēan || hālĝan setle;
The Paris Psalter 101:19 2a d || sōþ nama dryhtnes, / and his lof swelċe, || lēoda bearnu
The Paris Psalter 101:21 2b a / on weġe weorolde, || ðǣr his% ġe·wīs% mæġen / fæste sta
The Paris Psalter 102:1 2b hten, / and eall min inneran || his þone ēċan naman. / / # / Blēt
The Paris Psalter 102:7 1a || tēonan þolian%. / / # / Hē his weĝas dyde || wīse and cū
The Paris Psalter 102:7 3a n || on maniġe tīd, / swelċe his willan ēac || werum Israhela
The Paris Psalter 102:13 1b fæder þenċeþ || fæġere his bearnum / milde weorðan, || sw
The Paris Psalter 102:14 4a e, || eorðan blōstman, / swā his līf-daĝas || lǣne sindon. /
The Paris Psalter 102:17 1a e% on·drǣdaþ him. / / # / Swā his sōþfæstness || swelċe sta
The Paris Psalter 102:17 2b er þāra bearna bearn || þe his% be·bodu healdaþ%, / and þæs
The Paris Psalter 102:17 4a | miċele habbaþ, / þæt hēo his wīsfæst word || wynnum efna
The Paris Psalter 102:18 2a ofon-hāme || hāliġ drihten / his hēah-setl || hrōr timbrode,
The Paris Psalter 102:19 1a | eallum wealdeþ%. / / # / Ealle his englas || ēċne drihten / blē
The Paris Psalter 102:19 3b , / mæġen and meahta, || þā his mǣre word / habbaþ and healda
The Paris Psalter 102:20 1b / # / Blētsian drihten || eall his bearna mæġen / and his þeġn
The Paris Psalter 102:20 2a | eall his bearna mæġen / and his þeġna þrēat, || þe þæt
The Paris Psalter 102:20 3a þæt þenċe nū, / þæt hīe his willan || wyrċan ġeorne. / / #
The Paris Psalter 102:21 1a || wyrċan ġeorne. / / # / Eall his āĝen ġe·weorc || ēċne d
The Paris Psalter 102:21 2a e·weorc || ēċne drihten / on his āĝenum stede || ēac blēts
The Paris Psalter 102:21 3a e || ēac blētsie, / ðǣr him his eġesa, || an-weald, standeþ
The Paris Psalter 103:5 1a eþ || fiðeru winda. / / # / Hē his englas dēþ || æðele gāst
The Paris Psalter 103:5 2a dēþ || æðele gāstas / and his frame þeġnas || fȳr byrnen
The Paris Psalter 103:24 1a fta, || sċieppend mǣre. / / # / His is miċel sǣ || and on ġe·
The Paris Psalter 103:25 3a hīewodest, || hēte siþþan / his bismere || brāde healdan; / ea
The Paris Psalter 103:29 3a || wunie siþþan, / blissie on his weorcum || bealde drihten. / / #
The Paris Psalter 103:30 2a ealle locaþ, / dēþ hīe for his eġesan || ealle bifian; / ġif
The Paris Psalter 103:30 3a || ealle bifian; / ġif hē mid his meahte || muntas hrīneþ, / h
The Paris Psalter 104:1 1b / / # / Andettaþ drihtne || and his ēċne naman / ċīeġaþ cȳml
The Paris Psalter 104:1 3a īċe || and cwice% seċġaþ / his wunder-weorc || ofer ealle we
The Paris Psalter 104:2 2a e || and sallettaþ / seċġaþ his wunder eall || wīde mǣru. / /
The Paris Psalter 104:3 1a || wīde mǣru. / / # / Herġaþ his naman || nīede swelċe; / heor
The Paris Psalter 104:4 3a ull trume ǣġhwǣr; / sēċaþ his ansīene || simle ġeorne. / / #
The Paris Psalter 104:5 3a ċe, || wunder unlȳtel, / and his mūðes ēac || mǣre dōmas.
The Paris Psalter 104:6 1b t, hē Abrahames cynn, || þe his esne wæs, / ġe·weorðode ||
The Paris Psalter 104:7 2a ten || dǣdum spēdiġ; / earon his dōmas || dēore and mǣre / ġ
The Paris Psalter 104:9 5a tō fēore || Israheles cynn / his ġe·witnesse || wēl ġe·h
The Paris Psalter 104:15 6a þæt hine hāliġ god / þurh his worda || wīsdōm ā·hōf. / /
The Paris Psalter 104:17 1a sette. / / # / Hē sette hine on his hūse || tō hlāf-wearde, / ea
The Paris Psalter 104:17 2a | tō hlāf-wearde, / ealra him his ǣhta || an-weald be·tǣhte.
The Paris Psalter 104:18 1a ald be·tǣhte. / / # / Þæt hē his ealdor-menn || ealle lǣrde, /
The Paris Psalter 104:18 2a enn || ealle lǣrde, / swā hē his selfes mōd || ġe·seted hæ
The Paris Psalter 104:21 2a | hwierfan ǣrest, / þæt hēo his folc || fēodan swīðe / and h
The Paris Psalter 104:21 3a s folc || fēodan swīðe / and his esnum ēac || inwitt fremedon
The Paris Psalter 104:22 2a þone mǣran || Moyses sende, / his selfes sċealc, || samod æt
The Paris Psalter 104:32 1a hira frēan swelċe. / / # / And his þæt gōde folc || golde and
The Paris Psalter 104:37 3b hleoðrode / tō Abrahame, || his āĝenum hyse. / / # / And his fo
The Paris Psalter 104:38 1a || his āĝenum hyse. / / # / And his folc lǣde || fæġere on bli
The Paris Psalter 104:38 2a de || fæġere on blisse / and his þone ġe·corenan || hēap c
The Paris Psalter 104:40 2a oldan% || hālġe dōmas / and his sōþfæst word || swelċe ġ
The Paris Psalter 104:40 3a word || swelċe ġeorne, / and his ǣ-be·bod || āwa tō fēore
The Paris Psalter 105:1 3a ne gōdne wāt; / for·þon hē his mild-heortnysse || mannum cȳ
The Paris Psalter 105:2 3a n, || oþþe spēdlīċe / eall his lof-mæġen || lēode ġe·h
The Paris Psalter 105:2 4a en || lēode ġe·hīeran / and his ġe·hīernesse || hēr on·c
The Paris Psalter 105:11 1a spell-boda. / / # / Siþþan hīe his wordon || wēl ġe·līefdon /
The Paris Psalter 105:11 5a ra; || nā hīe wēl siþþan / his ġe·eahtunge || āhwǣr hēo
The Paris Psalter 105:19 4a a mæġene; / for·þon hē him his ierre || of ā·ċierde, / þæ
The Paris Psalter 105:20 3a stan || ġe·sēon woldan, / ne his wordum ēac || woldan ġe·l
The Paris Psalter 105:20 5a || and grame sprǣcon, / noldon his wordum || wēl ġe·hīeran. /
The Paris Psalter 105:21 1a || wēl ġe·hīeran. / / # / Hē his handa ā·hōf || and hīe hr
The Paris Psalter 105:25 5a m, || swā hē oftor wæs, / on his gāste gram; || ne meahte him
The Paris Psalter 105:25 6a e meahte him godes willan / mid his welerum || wīsne ġe·tǣċa
The Paris Psalter 105:29 3a arþ || ēċe drihten / and hē his ierfe || eall for·hoĝode. / /
The Paris Psalter 105:34 1a ġe·hīerde. / / # / Þonne hē his word-ġe·bēot || wēl ġe·
The Paris Psalter 105:34 3a hīe hīenþa druĝon, / aefter his miltsa || meniġu godes. / / # /
The Paris Psalter 106:1 3a on iċ hine glēawne wāt; / is his mild-heortness || miċel% tō
The Paris Psalter 106:7 3a ēac seċġaþ / miċel wunder his || manna bearnum. / / # / For·þ
The Paris Psalter 106:10 2b e / ǣġhwæs ǣ-ġīepe || and his ġe·þeaht swelċe / þæs% h
The Paris Psalter 106:14 3a nd ēac cweðen / miċel wunder his% || ofer manna bearn. / / # / For
The Paris Psalter 106:20 3a rþ || manna cynne; / miċel is his wunder || ofer manna bearn. / /
The Paris Psalter 106:21 2a es lof || lustum bringan, / and his weorc wynsum || wīde seċġa
The Paris Psalter 106:23 2a c || dēaĝol ġe·sāwon / and his wundra wearn || on wæter-gru
The Paris Psalter 106:30 3a þ || manna cynne; / mǣre sind his wunder || ofer manna bearn. / /
The Paris Psalter 106:41 4a lċ || eft on·ċierreþ% / and his selfes mūþ || simle hemneþ
The Paris Psalter 107:7 2a || ġeare Mannases, / is Effrem his || āĝen brōðor / efne hēah
The Paris Psalter 108:6 2a dēope ġe·hīened, / and him his ġe·bedd || hweorfe tō fire
The Paris Psalter 108:7 1b e·wurðe him wēste || eall his on-wunung / and on his eardung-
The Paris Psalter 108:7 2a || eall his on-wunung / and on his eardung-stōwe || nǣfre ġe
The Paris Psalter 108:8 2a || and dimme and fēawe, / and his bisċophād || brūcan fēond
The Paris Psalter 108:9 1a rūcan fēondas. / / # / Weorðen his āĝene bearn || ealle steop-
The Paris Psalter 108:9 2a earn || ealle steop-ċild / and his wīf wierðe || widewe hrēow
The Paris Psalter 108:10 1a widewe hrēowliċ. / / # / Sīen his bearn swelċe || tō·boren w
The Paris Psalter 108:10 3a rme þearfan, / þonne hīe tō his hūse || hlēowes wilnian. / / #
The Paris Psalter 108:11 1a | hlēowes wilnian. / / # / Ealle his ǣhta || unholde fīend / rīċ
The Paris Psalter 108:11 3a ann || recene ġe·dǣle, / and his feoh on·fōn || fremde handa
The Paris Psalter 108:12 2a ǣr wese || ǣniġ fultum, / ne his stēop-ċildum || stande tō
The Paris Psalter 108:13 1a e tō helpe. / / # / Gangan ealle his bearn || on ēċe for·wyrd, /
The Paris Psalter 108:13 3a cnēowe || eall ġe·wierðe / his nama nīehsta || nīede ā·d
The Paris Psalter 108:14 1b / / # / Eall þæt unryht || þe his ealdras ǣr / mānes ġe·freme
The Paris Psalter 108:14 5a wesan || deorce firene, / þā his mōdor ǣr || māne fremede. /
The Paris Psalter 108:18 3a ræstum ġe·tēode, / and sēo his innaþ || īeðde% swelċe / wa
The Paris Psalter 110:2 1a yhtnes weorc. / / # / Swelċe iċ his willan || wille ġeorne / swī
The Paris Psalter 110:2 3a ċan, || samod andettan, / hū his mæġen-þrymmes% || miċelli
The Paris Psalter 110:2 4a s% || miċelliċ standeþ / and his sōþfæstness wunaþ || siml
The Paris Psalter 110:3 3b leþ eallum mete || þǣm þe his eġe habbaþ. / / # / And hē on
The Paris Psalter 110:4 2a orolde || wearþ ġe·myndiġ / his ġe·witnesse, || þe hē wē
The Paris Psalter 110:4 4b ġerum ġe·fylde || and tō his folce cwæþ, / þæt hē him w
The Paris Psalter 110:5 1a || eall ġe·sellan. / / # / Is% his hand-ġe·weorc || hyġe sō
The Paris Psalter 110:5 3a þā hē rǣran wille; / wǣron his be·bodu || ealle trīewfæst
The Paris Psalter 110:6 4a e on ēċnesse || ā siþþan / his ġe·witnesse || wēl ġe·h
The Paris Psalter 110:6 5a sse || wēl ġe·hēoldon / and his þone hālĝan naman || hæfd
The Paris Psalter 111:1 3a || fæste ġe·standeþ, / and his be·bod healdeþ || bealde mi
The Paris Psalter 111:2 2a || ēadiġ and spēdiġ, / and his cnēo-risse biþ || cynn ġe
The Paris Psalter 111:3 2a ela || wunaþ æt hūse, / biþ his sōþfæstness || swelċe mǣ
The Paris Psalter 111:5 2b / seteþ sōðne dōm || þurh his selfes word, / sē on ēċnesse
The Paris Psalter 111:6 2a ynde || ǣġhwelċ þāra / þe his sōðe and riht || simle heal
The Paris Psalter 111:7 1a || yfeles siþþan. / / # / Biþ his heorte ġearu || hyhte tō dr
The Paris Psalter 111:8 1a ġhwǣr ġeorne. / / # / Sē þe his ǣhta || ealle tō·streġde
The Paris Psalter 111:8 3a rfendum || þā ġe·dǣleþ, / his sōþfæstness wunaþ || siml
The Paris Psalter 111:8 4a unaþ || simle oþ ende; / biþ his horn wended || hēr on wuldor
The Paris Psalter 112:4 3b er heofonas ēac || ā·hafen his wuldor. / / # / Hē of eorðan m
The Paris Psalter 112:5 5a ealdor-dōm || up ā·settan / his folces fruman || on fǣġer l
The Paris Psalter 113:8 3b elċe / wæteres wiellan || mid his ġe·wealdendre hand. / / # / Nea
The Paris Psalter 113:11 3a and hē eall ġe·dēþ, / swā his willa biþ, || on weorold-rī
The Paris Psalter 115:5 2a fǣġer || bēacen drihtne / on his ġe·sihþe || swylt hāliġr
The Paris Psalter 115:8 2a ·hāt || hālĝum drihtne / on his ġe·tȳnum || tīdum ġielde
The Paris Psalter 116:2 1a ðelne herġan. / / # / For·þon his mild-heortness || is miċel o
The Paris Psalter 117:1 3a || iċ hine glēawne wāt; / is his mild-heortness || miċel tō
The Paris Psalter 117:2 3a da god || and ġearu standeþ / his mild-heortness || mǣre tō w
The Paris Psalter 117:3 3a da god || and ġearu standeþ / his mild-heortness% || mǣre tō
The Paris Psalter 117:4 4a da god || and ġearu standeþ / his mild-heortness% || mǣre on w
The Paris Psalter 118:2 2a elċe, || þā þe ā wyllaþ / his ġe·witnesse || wīse smēa
The Paris Psalter 118:3 2a wyrhtan || mæġene fēran / on his mǣrne weġ, || mihtĝan dryh
The Paris Psalter 118:24 4a t, || þæt iċ forþ heonan / his sōþfæstnesse || sēċe ġe
The Paris Psalter 118:137 2b ryhten is sōþfæst; || sind his dōmas ēac / rēðe mid rǣde
The Paris Psalter 118:146 1a e, || hyldu cūðe, / þæt iċ his sōþfæstnesse || sōhte ġe
The Paris Psalter 121:4 4a nesse || wǣron Israelas, / þe his naman || nīede sċoldon% / him
The Paris Psalter 122:2 3a e biþ, || þonne on·drysnum / his hlāforde || hereþ and cwēm
The Paris Psalter 126:6 2a þe ā þenċeþ, / þæt hē his lust on þon || lēofne ġe·
The Paris Psalter 126:6 4b onne hē on gatum grēteþ || his grame fēondas.
The Paris Psalter 127:1 2b d / drihten on·drǣdaþ || and his ġe·dēfne weġ / on hira līf
The Paris Psalter 127:5 3a an || þe him metodes eġe / on his dǣdum || drihten forhtaþ. / /
The Paris Psalter 128:5 3a māwe || miċele elne; / ne mid his sċēafe ne mæġ || sċēat
The Paris Psalter 128:6 1b And þæt ne cweðen, || þā his cwide weolden / on ofer-ġeate
The Paris Psalter 128:6 4b en / and ofer ēow wese || ēac his blētsung; / we ēow nīedlīċ
The Paris Psalter 131:1 2a en, || mǣrne Dauid / and ealle his mann-þwǣrnesse || miċele a
The Paris Psalter 131:7 1a || on wudu-feldum. / / # / Wē on his sele-ġe·sċot || swelċe ga
The Paris Psalter 131:7 3a stōwe || stede āriaþ / ðǣr his fōtas ǣr || fæste ġe·st
The Paris Psalter 131:12 2a e || wæstm ġe·sette / þe of his innoþe || āĝenum cōme, / of
The Paris Psalter 131:16 1a iċ hīe ǣr ġe·ċēas. / / # / His widewan iċ || wordum blētsi
The Paris Psalter 131:17 1a m || hlāf tō fylle. / / # / Iċ his sācerdas || swelċe mid hǣl
The Paris Psalter 131:17 3a e·ġierwe || and gōde ēac / his þā hālĝan hēr || habbaþ
The Paris Psalter 131:19 1a ċ hine cūðne wāt. / / # / Iċ his fēondas ēac || facne ġe·
The Paris Psalter 132:2 3a rōre stenċe, / mid þȳ Aaron his beard || oftost% smierede. / / #
The Paris Psalter 132:3 1b / Sēo niðer ā·stāh || on his rēafes fnæd / swā æðele d
The Paris Psalter 133:1 2a nū || blīðe drihten / ealle his āĝene || ambiht-sċealcas. /
The Paris Psalter 134:1 2a | nīede swelċe / herġen hine his sċealcas || swīðe ealle. / /
The Paris Psalter 134:3 3a || fira ǣġhwǣm; / weorðiaþ his naman, || for·þon hē wier
The Paris Psalter 134:8 2a lǣdeþ || fæġere windas / of his gold-hordum || gōdra maniĝu
The Paris Psalter 134:9 4a nes || folce ġe·cȳðde / and his sċealcum || samod æt·gæde
The Paris Psalter 134:12 2b ahelum / and hira ierfe || ēac his folce. / / # / Æs þīn nama, dr
The Paris Psalter 134:14 1a ynnum standeþ. / / # / For·þon his folc dēmeþ || fæġere drih
The Paris Psalter 134:14 2a ere drihten, / and hē biþ on his esnum || āĝenum frēfrend. /
The Paris Psalter 135:3 4a | and iċ ġearwe wāt, / þæt his mild-heortness || is miċel t
The Paris Psalter 135:15 1b r Pharaon ġe·fēoll || and his fǣġe weorod / on þǣm rēada
The Paris Psalter 135:16 2a īċe || þurh wēstenn  eft / his þæt lēofe folc || lǣde sw
The Paris Psalter 135:23 2a æt ierfe || on Israele, / þe his esnas || āĝene wǣron. / / # /
The Paris Psalter 135:28 2a | ġeare andettaþ, / for·þon his mild-heortness || is miċel t
The Paris Psalter: Psalm 136 2a e nimeþ || and ēac seteþ% / his āĝen bearn || on þone æð
The Paris Psalter 137:8 2a for mē || dōme ġielde%, / is his% mild-heortness || miċel on w
The Paris Psalter 141:2 2a ne bēne || bealde swelċe / on his ġe·sihþe || simle ā·ġē
The Paris Psalter 143:5 2a aft, || meahtum īdel; / bēoþ his daĝas swelċe || dēmde ġe
The Paris Psalter 144:3 3a mōde || herġan swīðe; / nis his miċel-mōdes || mæġenes en
The Paris Psalter 144:9 3a || milde and blīðe; / sindon% his miltsa || ofer ūs mǣre weor
The Paris Psalter 144:14 2a um ġe·trīewe / and on eallum his weorcum || wīs and hāliġ. /
The Paris Psalter 144:18 1b / Sōþfæst is drihten || on his selfes weĝum / eallum on eorð
The Paris Psalter 144:18 3a an || and hē aefter þon / on his weorcum is || wīs and hāli
The Paris Psalter 144:19 3a | sēċaþ and ċīeġaþ / and his willan hēr || wyrċaþ ġeor
The Paris Psalter 144:19 4a hēr || wyrċaþ ġeorne / and his eġe% swelċe || elne ræfna
The Paris Psalter 144:21 4a e·hwelċ || þurh fǣle word / his þone hālĝan naman || hēr
The Paris Psalter 145:4 3a || ġeare fultumiend, / and ǣr his hiht on god || hæfde fæste.
The Paris Psalter 145:6 1a nn || āhwǣr sindon. / / # / Hē his sōþfæst word || swelċe ġ
The Paris Psalter 145:6 2a e·healdeþ, / and on weorolde his || wīse dōmas / dēþ ġe·d
The Paris Psalter 146:5 2a ūre || mehtiġ drihten, / and his mæġen is miċel || and meah
The Paris Psalter 146:5 3a el || and meahtum strang; / ne his snytru mæġ || seċġan ǣni
The Paris Psalter 146:12 3a || dǣdum and wordum, / and on his milde mōd || mæġene ġe·w
The Paris Psalter 147:4 1a ynnes || holde lynde. / / # / Hē his sprǣċe hider || spōwendlī
The Paris Psalter 147:4 3a orðan || ǣrest sendeþ, / and his word ierneþ || wundrum snēo
The Paris Psalter 147:6 1a || wīde swā ǣscan. / / # / Hē his cristallum || cynnum sendeþ /
The Paris Psalter 147:7 1a dan || stīðe mōde. / / # / Hē his word sendeþ || þurh windes
The Paris Psalter 147:8 1a || weorðeþ snēome. / / # / Hē his word ēac || ǣr mid wīsdōm
The Paris Psalter 147:8 3b sæġde, / and Israhele || ēac his dōmas. / / # / Ne dyde hē āhw
The Paris Psalter 147:9 2a ieldran cynne, / þæt hē him his dōmas || dīegle ġe·cȳðd
The Paris Psalter 148:2 2b s, / lofie hine swelċe || eall his lēod-mæġen. / / # / Herġen hi
The Paris Psalter 148:8 3a ȳste, || ealra gāstas% / þe his word willaþ || wyrċan ġeor
The Paris Psalter 148:13 1a mid nīed-lofe. / / # / For·þon his ānes nama || ofer ealle is /
The Paris Psalter 148:13 3b þa ealra; / is up ā·hafen || his andetness / hēah ofer miċelum
The Paris Psalter 148:14 5a e || and hīe forþ heonan / on his nēawiste || nīede wunian.
The Paris Psalter 149:1 3a ang || nū þā singaþ; / wese his hereness || on hāliġra / clǣ
The Paris Psalter 149:3 1a ðost ealra. || / / # / Herġen his naman || nīede on þrēatum,
The Paris Psalter 149:4 1a aþ ġeorne. / / # / For·þon on his folce is || fæġere drihtne /
The Paris Psalter 150:1 1b / Herġaþ on þǣmhālgum || his holdne drihten, / herġaþ hine
The Paris Psalter 150:1 2a dne drihten, / herġaþ hine on his mæġenes || mǣre hǣlu. / / #
The Paris Psalter 150:2 1b / Herġaþ hine swelċe || on his hēah-meahtum, / herġaþ hine
The Paris Psalter 150:2 2b herġaþ hine aefter mōde || his mæġen-þrymmes. / / # / Herġa
The Paris Psalter 52:1 1a aris Psalter: Psalm 52 / / # / On his heortan cwæþ || unhyġdiġ
The Paris Psalter 52:3 2b ofer manna bearn, || hwæðer his meahta þā / andġiet ǣniġ |
The Paris Psalter 52:7 3a nemþe selfa god, / þonne hē his folc || fæġere ā·līeseþ
The Paris Psalter 54:10 1a | ealle wealde. / / # / Nǣfre on his weorðie || wēa ā·springe,
The Paris Psalter 54:19 3b / Hēo be·smītaþ || swelċe his selfes / þā ġe·witnesse, ||
The Paris Psalter 54:19 7a sēon ǣfre, / forþon hit wæs his heortan || ġe·hyġde nēah.
The Paris Psalter 56:4 2b don. / / # / Sende mehtiġ god || his milde ġe·hyġd / and his sō
The Paris Psalter 56:4 3a d || his milde ġe·hyġd / and his sōþfæst mōd || samod æt
The Paris Psalter 57:6 3a | eorðe for·swelġeþ; / swā his boĝan bendeþ, || oþ·þæt
The Paris Psalter 57:6 4b eft / ādl inn seteþ, || swā his ġe·earnung biþ. / / # / Swā w
The Paris Psalter 57:9 3a || ealle for·weorðaþ, / and his handa þwēahþ || on hǣðen
The Paris Psalter 57:10 1b And þonne man cweþeþ || on his mōd-sefan: / ‘Þis is wæstm
The Paris Psalter 57:10 3a stm || wīses and gōdes, / þe his sōþfæst weorc || simle lǣ
The Paris Psalter 60:5 2a iþ ġe·dēfe cyning; / bēoþ his winter ēac || wynnum īeced,
The Paris Psalter 61:12 4a t hē manna ġe·hwǣm / aefter his āĝenum || earnungum% dēme
The Paris Psalter 63:8 4a c godes || wīde mǣrsian / and his weorc on·ġietan || mid wīs
The Paris Psalter 64:4 3a nd hine clǣne hafaþ, / and on his eardung-stōwum || eardaþ si
The Paris Psalter 65:1 3a slicum || wīde herġan, / and his naman seċġaþ || nīede mid
The Paris Psalter 65:2 1b # / And gode seċġaþ, || hū his þā gōdan weorc / sindon wund
The Paris Psalter 65:4 2b weorc / drihten worhte; || sint his dōmas ēac / swīðe eġeslī
The Paris Psalter 65:6 1a ian || eorðan ġelīċe. / / # / His mæġen wealdeþ || ofer eall
The Paris Psalter 65:15 1a e || mīnre sāwle. / / # / Þurh his meahte iċ || mūðe clipie / o
The Paris Psalter 65:18 3a ne || bealde ġe·hīerde, / ne his milde mōd || mē dyde fremde
The Paris Psalter 66:6 4a god || ēac blētsie; / hæbbe his eġesan eall || eorðan ġe·
The Paris Psalter 67:1 2a rīse god, || recene weorðe / his fēonda ġe·hwelċ || fæste
The Paris Psalter 67:1 3a | fæste tō·worpen; / flēoþ his ansīene, || þā þe hine f
The Paris Psalter 67:4 2a || sealmas ġe·nēahhe, / and his naman swelċe || nīede herġ
The Paris Psalter 67:5 1a d drihten. / / # / Wesaþ ġē on his ġe·sihþe || simle blīðe,
The Paris Psalter 67:5 2a hþe || simle blīðe, / and on his ansīene wesan || ealle ġe·
The Paris Psalter 67:6 1a e fæderas. / / # / Dryhten is on his stōwe || dēma hāliġ, / sē
The Paris Psalter 67:7 1a aldeþ blisse. / / # / Sē þe on his mæġenes || meahte ġe·lǣd
The Paris Psalter 67:8 1b / # / Þonne god gangeþ || for his þæt glēawe folc, / oþþe%
The Paris Psalter 70:10 3b e we hine for·grīpen || and his ġeare ehtan; / siþþan hē ne
The Paris Psalter 71:4 1a ac || sōðum dǣdum. / / # / On his sōþfæstnesse || swelċe d
The Paris Psalter 71:7 1a an || uppan drēopaþ. / / # / On his āĝenum daĝum || ypped weor
The Paris Psalter 71:9 2a l-waras || sēċaþ ealle / and his fēondas || foldan liċġaþ.
The Paris Psalter 71:14 3a le || sōfte ā·līesde%; / is his nama for him || nīede ġe·b
The Paris Psalter 71:16 3b p%; / ofer Libanum || liċġaþ his ȳða, / and on burgum bēoþ |
The Paris Psalter 71:17 1a te on lande. / / # / Þonne biþ his nama || ofer eall% nīða bea
The Paris Psalter 71:17 3a eþ ġe·blētsod; / ǣr sunnan his nama || sōþfæst standeþ, /
The Paris Psalter 71:17 4a || sōþfæst standeþ, / biþ his setel ǣr || swelċe þonne m
The Paris Psalter 71:19 4a miċel || wyrċeþ ana; / sīe his meahta nama || mōde ġe·bl
The Paris Psalter 71:20 2a e || eall ġe·fylled, / þurh his wuldres meaht. || Wese swā,
The Paris Psalter 72:13 4a lde gangan, / oþ·þæt iċ on his hūs || hāliġ gange / and iċ
The Paris Psalter 73:13 2a can || meahtum for·cōme / and his þæt hearde || hēafod ġe·
The Paris Psalter 75:1 2a ra cūþ || mid Iūdēum, / and his æðele nama || mid Israelum.
The Paris Psalter 75:2 1a mid Israelum. / / # / Is on sibbe his stōw || sōðe be·healden, /
The Paris Psalter 76:7 3b weorpan / ne ūs witnian || for his wēl-dǣdum, / oþþe wiþ ende
The Paris Psalter 76:7 5a þ ende || ǣfre tō weorolde / his milde mōd || mannum ā·fier
The Paris Psalter 76:8 4a þþe on ierre || ǣfre wille / his milde mōd || mannum diernan.
The Paris Psalter 77:5 2a simle || lēofum drihtne / and his þā miċelan meaht, || mani
The Paris Psalter 77:9 2a hiht || tō gode hæfdon, / and his weorð·licu || weorc ġe·mu
The Paris Psalter 77:12 2b dryhtnes / ġe·witnesse, || ne his weorca ǣ / āwiht wīslīċe |
The Paris Psalter 77:23 4a lēded fȳr || on Iacobe / and his ierre barn || on Israhelas. / /
The Paris Psalter 77:31 2a m || ēhton synne, / and noldon his wundrum || wēl ġe·līefan.
The Paris Psalter 77:42 1b Nā ġe·mynd hæfdon, || hū his sēo miċele hand / on ġe·win
The Paris Psalter 77:52 1a | folce Chāmes. / / # / Þā hē his folc ġe·nam || swā fǣle s
The Paris Psalter 77:54 2b byriġ / and hāliġre, || þā his hand be·ġeat. / / # / And hē m
The Paris Psalter 77:56 3b od / ġe·bismerodon, || noldon his be·bodu / fæste healdan. || /
The Paris Psalter 77:58 1a and ċierdon. / / # / Swā% hīe% his% ierre% || oft% ā·weahton, /
The Paris Psalter 77:60 2a ·sōc || snytru-hūse, / wæs his āĝen hūs, || ðǣr hē ear
The Paris Psalter 77:62 1a ēondes hand. / / # / Sealde þā his swǣs folc || swurde under e
The Paris Psalter 77:62 2a c || swurde under eċġe, / and his ierfe ēac || eall for·hoĝo
The Paris Psalter 77:66 1a | wīne druncen. / / # / Hē þā his fēondas slōh || and him æt
The Paris Psalter 77:68 2a hornan% || ealra ġe·līcost / his hālġe hūs || hēr on eorð
The Paris Psalter 77:71 2a acne || fēdeþ siþþan, / and his folmum siþþan || hīe% for
The Paris Psalter 78:7 2a e Iacob || ġāra ǣton, / and his wīċ-stede || weston ġe·l
The Paris Psalter 79:9 2a foran || worhtest rihtne, / and his wyrt-truman || wrǣstne sette
The Paris Psalter 79:10 1a arþ || eall ġe·fylled. / / # / His sē brāda sċua || beorġas
The Paris Psalter 79:10 2a ċua || beorġas þeahte, / and his tanas ā·stiĝon || godes ċ
The Paris Psalter 79:12 1b tō·wurpe || weall-fæsten his? / Wealdeþ his wīn-byriġ || e
The Paris Psalter 79:12 2a | weall-fæsten his? / Wealdeþ his wīn-byriġ || eall þæt on
The Paris Psalter 79:14 6b ofer mannes sunu, || þe þū his meahte ǣr / under þē ġe·tr
The Paris Psalter 79:16 2b and ofer mannes sunu; || þū his meahta þē / ġeagnodest, || e
The Paris Psalter 84:7 3a an || mǣlan wille; / sibbe hē his folces || sēċeþ ġeornost,
The Paris Psalter 84:8 2a ðe nēah / þām% þe eġesan his || elne healdaþ, / hǣleþ mid
The Paris Psalter 86:1 1a alter: Psalm 86 / / # / Healdaþ% his staðolas || hālġe beorĝas
The Paris Psalter 88:3 5a e || ǣr be·nemde, / þæt iċ his cynne || and cnēow-māĝum / o
The Paris Psalter 88:8 2a sǣs || wealdest mihtum; / þū his ȳðum meaht || ana ġe·stī
The Paris Psalter 88:21 1a || ǣniġ sċieþþan. / / # / Of his ansīene || ealle iċ ā·ċe
The Paris Psalter 88:21 3a ēondas || fǣcne sindon, / and his ēhtendas || ealle ġe·flīe
The Paris Psalter 88:22 4a aman mīnum || nīede swelċe / his horn biþ% ā·hafen, || hēa
The Paris Psalter 88:23 1a ēane on meahtum. / / # / And iċ his swīðran hand || setton þen
The Paris Psalter 88:32 3b ēoġe, / þæt on ēċnesse || his āĝen cynn / wunaþ on wīcum;
The Paris Psalter 88:33 5a īnes; || ealle ġe·wēmdest / his hāliġnesse || hēr on eorð
The Paris Psalter 88:34 1a r on eorðan. / / # / Ealle þū his weallas || wīde tō·dǣldes
The Paris Psalter 88:34 2a dǣldest, / tō·wurpe fæsten his || for folc-eġesan. / / # / Hine
The Paris Psalter 88:36 2a ah ēhtendra, / ġe·brōhtest his fēondas || fǣcne on blisse.
The Paris Psalter 88:38 2a || clǣne ā·līesdest, / setl his ġe·settest || sorĝliċ on
The Paris Psalter 88:39 1a orĝliċ on eorðan. / / # / Þū his daĝena tīd || deorce ġe·s
The Paris Psalter 88:42 3b þe hwelċ manna is, || þæt his āĝene / fram helle locum || s
The Paris Psalter 90:4 1a earmum worde. / / # / Hē mē mid his ġe·sċuldrum || sċeade% be
The Paris Psalter 90:11 1a ċieþþan. / / # / For·þon hē his englum be·bēad, || þæt h
The Paris Psalter 90:16 1b / Iċ hine ġe·nerġe || and his naman swelċe / ġe·wuldrie ||
The Paris Psalter 91:1 2b re andette / and nīedlīċe || his naman ā·singe, / þone hīehs
The Paris Psalter 91:2 3a de wearþ || manna cynne, / and his sōðe || seċġe nihtes. / / #
The Paris Psalter 91:12 2a on godes hūse, / þæt ġē on his wīcum || wēl ġe·blōwen. /
The Paris Psalter 93:9 6a ldeþ || eallum þēodum, / and his þrēa ne sīe || ðǣr for
The Paris Psalter 93:12 2a iþ·drīfeþ || drihten ūre / his āĝen folc, || ne his ierfe
The Paris Psalter 93:12 2b n ūre / his āĝen folc, || ne his ierfe þon mā / on ealdre wile
The Paris Psalter 93:19 3a ġe·staðelod; / is mē fultum his || fæst on drihtne. / / # / Þon
The Paris Psalter 94:2 1a yldu% ġe·bēodan. / / # / Wuton his ansīene || ǣrest sēċan, /
The Paris Psalter 94:4 2a þ·drīfeþ || drihten ūser / his āĝen folc || ǣfre æt þea
The Paris Psalter 94:5 2a | and hē sette þone; / worhte his folme ēac || foldan drīġe.
The Paris Psalter 94:7 2a od, || dēma ūser; / wǣron we his fǣle folc || and his fæġer
The Paris Psalter 94:7 2b ron we his fǣle folc || and his fæġere sċēap, / þā hē% o
The Paris Psalter 94:7 3a æġere sċēap, / þā hē% on his edisċe || ǣr ā·fēde. / / #
The Paris Psalter 95:2 1b # / Singaþ nū drihtne || and his sōðne naman / bealde blētsia
The Paris Psalter 95:3 2a dryhtnes hǣlu. / / # / Seċġaþ his wuldor || ġond siġe-þēode
The Paris Psalter 95:3 3b ode, / and on eallum folcum || his fæġere% wunder. / / # / Hē is
The Paris Psalter 95:8 2a e lāc || and inn gangaþ / on his wīċ-tūnas; || weorðiaþ d
The Paris Psalter 95:8 3a nas; || weorðiaþ drihten / on his ðǣre hālĝan || healle ġe
The Paris Psalter 95:9 1a healle ġe·nēahhe. / / # / For his ansīene sċeall || eorðe bi
The Paris Psalter 95:10 2a riht || folcum dēmeþ / and on his ierre || ealle þēode. / / # / H
The Paris Psalter 97:9 3b meþ / sōðe and rihte || and his syndriġ folc / on rihtnesse ||
The Paris Psalter 98:5 3a ne god || ellen-cræfte%, / and his% fōta sċamol || forþ weorð
The Paris Psalter 98:6 3a | Samuhel þridda, / þā gōde his naman || nīede ċīeġdan. / /
The Paris Psalter 98:8 2a sse || wēl ġe·hēoldon / and his be·bodu || beorhte efnodon, /
The Paris Psalter 98:10 3b / mǣrum beorĝe; || for·þon his meahte sint / and hāliġ is ||
The Paris Psalter 99:2 3b hē ūs ġe·worhte || and we his sindon. / / # / Wē his folc sind
The Paris Psalter 99:3 1a || and we his sindon. / / # / Wē his folc sindon || and his fǣle
The Paris Psalter 99:3 1b # / Wē his folc sindon || and his fǣle sċēap, / þā hē on hi
The Paris Psalter 99:3 2a is fǣle sċēap, / þā hē on his edisċe || ealle ā·fēde; / g
The Paris Psalter 99:3 3a ealle ā·fēde; / gāþ nū on his doru, || god andettaþ%, / and
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 58a ra āra || and eald-rihta / þe his eldran mid him || āhton lang
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 39a þȳ ēþ || ǣnne wreċċan / his cræftes be·niman, || þe ma
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 41a and þisne swīftan rodor / of his right-ryne || rinca ǣniġ. / H
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 23a e ġe·sċeafta / ġe·bæt mid his brīdle, || hafaþ būtū ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 28a || þonne him% siĝora weard / his ġe·weald-leðer || wille on
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 32a d || heofon-rīċes weard / mid his an-wealde || ealle ġe·sċea
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 53b bban under heofonum, || þæt his hyġe durre / ġe·metgian, ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 77a dla || þe hē ġe·bǣte mid / his āĝen weorc || eall æt frym
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 28a || swā swā landes ċeorl / of his æcere lȳcþ || yfel-wēod m
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 3a lla% ġe·sċeafta / bryrþ mid his brīdlum, || bȳġþ þider h
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 4a | bȳġþ þider hē wile / mid his an·wealde, || ġē ende-byrd
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 8a e·sċeafta, / ġe·rǣped mid his racentan, || þæt hīe ā·r
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 67a e || eft simle on·lȳt, / wiþ his ġe·cyndes || cymþ tō, þo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 14 2a eĝan || weorold-ġītsere / on his mōde þe bet, || þēah hē
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 14 8a nnan || sūþ, west and ēast / his anwealde || eall under-þīed
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 15 6a lde || witena ġe·hwelcum / on his līf-daĝum || lāþ and unwe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 15 8a Hwæt, sē fēond swā þēah / his dīerlingas || duĝuþum stī
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 2a l hē ǣrest tilian / þæt hē his selfes || on sefan āĝe / anwe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 4a , || þȳ læs hē ǣfre sīe / his unþēawum || eall under·þ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 5a l under·þīeded, / ā·dō of his mōde || mislicra fela / þāra
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 20a ll || āĝan mōte, / hwȳ biþ his anweald || āuhte þȳ māra,
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 21b ra, / ġif hē siþþan nāh || his selfes ġe·weald / inn-ġe·þ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 24a ċ mann || þe mid ealle biþ / his unþēawum || under-þīeded,
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 26a est || līfes frumsċeaft / and his āĝene || æðelu swā selfe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 30a þīn āĝen, / for·þǣm hit his ūtan || ne cōm āuht tō þ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 143a || þe we ymb sprecaþ / hafaþ his āgenne || eard onsundran, / bi
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 155a hit fēolan ne mæġ / eft æt his ēðle, || ðǣr þæt ōðer
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 160a || wilnaþ þider-weard / ðǣr his mæġþe biþ || mǣst æt·g
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 8b . / Sēċe þæt siþþan || on his sefan innan, / and for·lǣte
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 12b ġe, / ealle tō þǣm ānum || his inn-ġe·þanc, / ġe·sċeġe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 13a inn-ġe·þanc, / ġe·sċeġe his mōde% || þæt hit mæġ fin
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 18a t || eall þæt hē hæfde / on his inn-cofan || ǣror lange / efe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 21b n, / and hē% ēac on·ġiet || his inn-ġe·þanc / lēohtre and b
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 47a || ġif hē āwuht nafaþ / on his mōd-sefan || miċeles ne lȳ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 59a nde; || hē mæġ siþþan / on his rūn-cofan || rihtwīsnesse / f
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 63b ðost, / and mid hefiġnesse || his līċ-haman, / and mid þǣm bi
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 37a a || eorðan cyninga, / sē mid his brīdle || ymbe·bǣted% hafa
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 39a || eorðan and heofones. / Hē his ġe·weald-leðer || wēl ġe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 21a || þe him ānra ġe·hwelċ / his tīr-wina || tō fultemaþ. /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 29b ersa ne biþ, || ne wēne iċ his nā beteran. / Ġif him þonne
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 53a ; || him þæt eall ġe·hǣt / his rēċelīest, || rihtes ne s
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 57a epra ǣlċ || ā wilnode / for his āĝenum || eald-ġe·cynde. /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 9a Retie || rīċes hierde. / Wæs his frēa-drihtnes || folc-cūþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 66a n sefan lufode, / þæt hē tō his earde || ǣnġe niste / mōdes
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 88a ere, || swelcum hē ǣror / on his līf-daĝum || ġe·līcost w
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 95b ; / hæfde ānra ġe·hwelċ || his āĝen mōd, / þæt wæs þēa
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 17a s þæt earmliċ þinġ / þæt his ġe·bīdan ne maĝon || burh
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 32a e mannan || mōde lufian, / and his unþēawas || ealle hatian / an
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 63b erreþ / īs-mere ǣnliċ || on his āĝen ġe·cynd, / weorðeþ t
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 69a e·hwǣm || wunder þynċe / on his mōd-sefan || miċele lǣsse.
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 28b nder weorolde. || Wer-þēoda his / naman on·wendaþ || þonne n
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 82b ra. / Ealla ġe·sċeafta || on his% ǣrendu / heonane hē% sendeþ,
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 3 5a gunga, || þonne hit winnende / his āĝen lēoht || ān for·lǣ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 30 15a hta || weorolde ġe·sċeafta / his āĝen weorc || eall ġeond·
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 1b ū meaht on·ġietan, || ġif his þe ġe·man list, / þætte mi
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 17a || metodes ġe·sċeafta / mid his andwlitan || un on ġe·rihte
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 18b þȳ is ġe·tācnod || þæt his trēowa sċeall / and his mōd-
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 19a þæt his trēowa sċeall / and his mōd-ġe·þanc || mā up þo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 20b ō heofonum, || þȳ læs hē his hyġe wende / niðer swā ðǣr
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 15a | rihte flōweþ, / irneþ wiþ his eardes, || oþ him on innan f
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 20a , || brōc biþ on·wended / of his riht-rȳne, || rīðum tō·f
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 1b Þā on·gann sē wīsdōm || his ġe·wunan fylgan, / glēo-word
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 32a wlite, || wyrċe him siþþan / his mōdes hūs, || ðǣr hē mæ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 47b ġe·healdeþ / anwuniendne || his āĝenum / mōdes ġe·sǣlþum
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 37b orþ on weorolde, || ġif man his willan on·ġeat / yfelne mid e
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 3b te, / Rōm-wara cyning, || þā his rīċe wæs / hēahst under heo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 10b ærnan / Romana buriġ, || sēo his rīċes wæs / ealles ēðel-st
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 22a hē wolde || ofer wer-þēode / his ānes hūru || an-weald cȳð
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 29a uppan || āĝene brōðor / and his mōdor mid || mēċa eċġum,
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 30b m, / billum of·bēatan. || Hē his brȳde of·slōh / self mid swu
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 51a e·rǣdan || and be·rēafian / his an-wealdes || þurh þā ēċ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 52a þā ēċan meaht, / oþþe him his yfeles || elles ġe·stīeran
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 57b lra þāra hæleþa || þe on his tīdum / ġond þās lǣnan weo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 60a n unsċyldgum || eorla blōde / his sweord selede || swīðe ġe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 63b des / ġif sē wēl nele || þe his ġe·weald hafaþ.
Metrical Psalm 91:1 2b e andette / and nēodlīċe || his naman æsinge / þone heæhest
Metrical Psalm 91:12 2a on Godes hūse / þæt ġē on his wīcum || wēl ġe·blōwen.
Metrical Psalm 91:2 3a de wearþ || manna cynne / and his sōðe || sege neæhtes.
Metrical Psalm 93:12 2a þ·drīfeþ || drihten ūre / his āĝen folc || nē his ierfe
Metrical Psalm 93:12 2b ūre / his āĝen folc || nē his ierfe þon mā / on ealdre wil
Metrical Psalm 93:19 3a ġe·staðolod / is mē fultum his || fæst on drihtne.
Metrical Psalm 93:9 6a ldaþ || eallum þēodum / and his þrēa ne sīe || þā for ā
Metrical Psalm 94:4 2a ·drīfeþ || drihten ūser / his āĝen folc || ǣfre æþ þe
Metrical Psalm 94:5 2a | and hē sette þone / worhte his folme ēac || foldan drīġe.
Metrical Psalm 94:7 2a God || dēma ūser / werum we his fele folc || and his fæġere
Metrical Psalm 94:7 2b werum we his fele folc || and his fæġere scēap / þe hē% on
Metrical Psalm 94:7 3a fæġere scēap / þe hē% on his edisce || ǣr ā·fēdde.
The Battle of Brunanburh 2b n, / beorna bēah-ġiefa || and his brōðor ēac, / Ēad·mund æ
The Battle of Brunanburh 38a frōda || mid flēame cōm / on his cȳþþe norþ, || Costan·t
The Battle of Brunanburh 40b ċa ġe·mānan; || hē wæs his māĝa sċeard, / frēonda ġe
The Battle of Brunanburh 42b slæġen æt sæċċe || and his sunu for·lēt / on wæl-stōwe
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 12a | oþ hīe ā·lȳsde eft / for his weorþsċipe || wīġendra hl
The Death of Edgar 10b eorna bēah-ġiefa. || Fēnġ his bearn siþþan / tō cyne-rīċ
The Death of Edgar 23b , / rodera rǣdend, || þā man his riht tō·bræc. / And þā wea
The Death of Alfred 2a nges, hider inn and wolde tō his mēder, þe on Win- || / ċeas
The Death of Alfred 7a and hine on hæft sette, / and his ġe·fēran hē tō·drāf ||
Durham 17b uþe / lǣrde lustum || and hē his% lāra wēl ġe·nam. / Eardiaþ
The Rune Poem 28b e ġe·hwæðre, || ġif hīe his hlystaþ ǣror. / //I// īs bi
The Rune Poem 59b M// mann% biþ on myrĝþe || his maĝan lēof; / sċeall þēah
Solomon and Saturn 47b tō be·gangenne || þǣm þe his gāst wile / meltan wiþ morðr
Solomon and Saturn 95a || hē ne be·sċēawaþ nā / his limona liþ, || ne biþ him l
Solomon and Saturn 154a s tilian; / ā·wrīteþ hē on his wǣpne || wæl-nota hēap, / be
Solomon and Saturn 159b sċeall singan, || þonne hē his sweord ġe·tēo, / Pāter Nost
Solomon and Saturn 162b fe / feorh and folme, || þonne his fēond cyme’. / ‘swīce, ||
Solomon and Saturn 171b an ġe·fēred; || nǣfre ǣr his ferhþ ā·hlōh. / Hwæt. || I
Solomon and Saturn 17a || inn-gang rȳmaþ. / Ġīet his sweord sċīeneþ% || swīðe
Solomon and Saturn 61b ere, / swīðe swingeþ || and his searu hringeþ, / ġielleþ ġ
Solomon and Saturn 62b ielleþ ġōmorlīċe || and his gryn sefaþ, / wielleþ hine on
Solomon and Saturn 65a seldlīċe; || seldum ǣfre / his lēoma liċġaþ. || Langaþ
Solomon and Saturn 155a wāt || on weorold-rīċe / on his mǣġ-winum || māran āre’
Solomon and Saturn 170a orĝe, || siþþan drēoĝeþ / his earfoþu || orleġ-stunde. / H
Solomon and Saturn 186a rl || ēaðe ġe·ċēosan / on his mōd-sefan || mildne hālford
Solomon and Saturn 194a mōt || stillan nēahtes’. / ‘His līfes fæðme. || Simle hit
Solomon and Saturn 194b es fæðme. || Simle hit biþ his lāreowum hīersum; / full oft
Solomon and Saturn 211a cunnaþ hwonne mōte / fȳr on his frumsċeaft || on fæder ġea
Solomon and Saturn 212a | on fæder ġeardas, / eft tō his ēðle, || þanon hit ǣror c
Solomon and Saturn 236a ē biþ mōdes glēaw / and tō his frēondum wile || fultum sē
Solomon and Saturn 247a and þæs ofer-mōdan; / Ōðer his drihtne hīerde, || ōðer hi
Solomon and Saturn 248b rnan, || cwæþ þæt hē mid his ġe·sīðum wolde / hȳðan ea
Solomon and Saturn 250b ðan dǣle, || oþ·þæt hē his tornes% ne% cūðe / ende þurh
Solomon and Saturn 274a ǣr sē dæġ cyme / þæt sīe his cālend-cwide || ā·runnen / a
Solomon and Saturn 278b ē sċeall be·healdan || hū his hyġe wille%; / grǣdiġ% grōw
Solomon and Saturn 286b healde, / metodes miltse || and his mǣĝa rǣd, / ōðer hine tyht
Solomon and Saturn 289b ġe·mynda || and þurh þæt his mōd hweteþ, / lǣdeþ hine an
Solomon and Saturn 291a ond land spaneþ, / oþ·þæt his eġe biþ, || æf-þuncum ful
Solomon and Saturn 298a e || on weġ faran / enġel tō his earde || and þæt eall saĝa
The Menologium 31a || þēodum ġe·wēl-hwǣr / his cyme kālend || ċeorlum and
The Menologium 50a eorlas healdaþ, / hēah-enġel his, || sē hǣlu ā·bēad / Marian
The Menologium 172a w, || gāst on·sende / Matheus his || tō metod-sċeafte, / on ē
The Menologium 217a ele Andreas || up on rodorum / his gāst ā·ġeaf || on Godes w
The Menologium 225b um beorn-wiĝan || blētsunga his. / Þonne ymb fēower niht || þ
The Menologium 227a niht || þætte fæder engla / his sunu sende || on þās sīdan
The Judgment Day II 20b eþ and tō·dēmeþ || þurh his dēaĝlan meaht. / Iċ ġe·mun
The Judgment Day II 49a on·bindan, / ne mid swīðran his || swīðe nele brȳsan / wan-h
The Judgment Day II 60a ēah, || dēaðe ġe·hende, / his bēna be·bēad || brēost-ġ
The Judgment Day II 62a wordum || ac ġe·lēaffullum / his hǣle be·ġeat || and help r
The Judgment Day II 120b hte, / ǣġhwanum cumene || tō his an-sīene, / þæt ġe·hwelċ
The Judgment Day II 122a hwelċ under·fō || / dōm be his dǣdum || æt drihtne selfum.
The Judgment Day II 252a d blīðe || on weorold ealle / his þēodne ġe·þēon || and
The Judgment Day II 279a etle || hēan ġe·reġnaþ%. / His sunu blīðe, || siĝores bry
The Gloria I 42b þ / cyning innan wuldre || and his þā ġe·corenan, / hēah-þry
The Creed 36b rūnum ā·rētte || and þā his rīċe be·gann, / þone uplica
Psalm 50 19a t, || selfum ġe·cȳðan / ymb his wamm-dǣda || wealdendes dōm
Psalm 50 20b ōm, / þæt sē fruma wǣre || his fēores sċyldiġ, / for þǣm
Psalm 50 25a || þe hē Godes ierre / þurh his selfes weorc || sōna on·fun
Psalm 50 28a nd tō drihtne ġe·bæd, / and his synna hord || selfa on·tȳnd
A Prayer 13a nihtes || dēofle campaþ / and his willan wyrcþ; || wā him ð
A Prayer 18a es || drihtne hīeraþ / and ā his willan wyrcþ; || wēl him þ
Aldhelm 15a ethia || biddan ġeorne / þurh his mōdes ġe·mynd || micro on
The Seasons for Fasting 5a ning, || hēr on līfe / þurh% his selfes word || sette for lēo
The Seasons for Fasting 35b and ġe·hāteþ, || ġif we his willaþ / þurh rihtne sefan ||
The Seasons for Fasting 113a ft, || bǣle be·hlǣned, / of his hālĝan || handa ġe·sċrif
The Seasons for Fasting 164a e·myndiġ, / þæt hē strǣla his || stellan meahte / on þǣm l
The Seasons for Fasting 196a gian || þrēale hwelcum / wiþ his ār-wesan, || ġif hē him ǣ
Bede's Death Song, Northumbrian Version 3b e / tō ymbhyċġgannae || āer his hiniongae / hwæt his gāstæ |
Bede's Death Song, Northumbrian Version 4a e || āer his hiniongae / hwæt his gāstæ || godaes aeththa yfl
Bede's Death Song, The Hague Version 3b / tō ymbhyċġgannae% || āer his hiniongae / hwet his gāste ||
Bede's Death Song, The Hague Version 4a e% || āer his hiniongae / hwet his gāste || godes oþþe yfles /
Bede's Death Song, West Saxon Version 3b e / tō ġe·hyċġenne || ǣr his heonan-gange / hwæt his gāste
Bede's Death Song, West Saxon Version 4a || ǣr his heonan-gange / hwæt his gāste || gōdes oþþe yfele
The Leiden Riddle 2a ang, || wundrum frēoriġ, / of his innoþe || ǣrest cende. / Ne%
The Metrical Preface to the Pastoral Care 12b worda ġe·hwelċ || and mē his writerum / sende sūþ and nor
The Metrical Preface to the Pastoral Care 14b ðǣre bȳsene, || þæt hē his bisċopum / sendan meahte, || f
The Metrical Preface to the Pastoral Care 15b an meahte, || for·þǣm hīe his sume þorfton, / þā þe Læde
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 25a || dryhtnes welle. / Fylle nū his fǣtels, || sē þe fæstne h
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 8b mann be·ġietan, || sē þe his mōd-ġe·þanc / æl-tǣwe bi
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 9b ǣwe biþ || and þonne þurh his inn-ġe·hyġd / tō þissa hā
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 23a ċes ġe·we[], / and ēac swā his bēah-ġiefan, || þe him þ
The Metrical Epilogue to MS. 41, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge 7b mundum sīnum / ġe·endian, || his ealdre tō willan, / and him þ
The Metrical Epilogue to MS. 41, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge 10a | þæt hē on riht mōte / oþ his daĝa ende || drihten herġan
Metrical Charm 10: For Loss of Cattle 1a is man sċeall cweðan þonne his ċēapa hwelcne% man for- ||
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 8a denman tō and ho hit on || / his swēoran, and dō man swā þ
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 10a || on spiderwiht%, / hæfde him his haman on handa, || cwæþ þ
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 10b n handa, || cwæþ þæt þū his henġest% wǣre, / leġde% þe%
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 14b an þrymm nihtum || cunne iċ his meahta, / his mæġen and his m
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 15a his meahta, / his mæġen and his meahta || and his mund-cræft
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 15b mæġen and his meahta || and his mund-cræftas. / Eall hē weorn
The Battle of Finnsburh 13b laden þeġn, || ġierde hine his swurde. / Þā tō dura ēodon
The Battle of Finnsburh 40b eldan / þonne Hnæfe guldon || his hæġ-stealdas. / Hīe fuhton f
The Battle of Finnsburh 44a n wæġ gangan, / sæġde þæt his byrne || ā·brocen wǣre, / he
The Battle of Finnsburh 45b orp% unhror% || and ēac wæs his helm þȳrel%. / Þā hine sōn
The Battle of Maldon 11b Ēac him wolde Ēad·rīċ || his ealdre ġe·lǣstan, / frēan t
The Battle of Maldon 16a e·læste / þā hē æt-foran his frēan || feohtan sċolde. / Þ
The Battle of Maldon 24a him lēofost wæs, / ðǣr hē his heorð-weorod || holdost wiss
The Battle of Maldon 51b stent unforcūþ || eorl mid his weorode, / þe wile ealĝian ||
The Battle of Maldon 76a āten Wulf·stān, / cāfne mid his cynne, || þæt wæs Ċēolan
The Battle of Maldon 77b / þe þone forman mann || mid his francan of·sċēat / þe ðǣr
The Battle of Maldon 89b Þā sē eorl on·gann || for his ofer-mōde / ā·līefan landes
The Battle of Maldon 115a ġ; || hē mid billum wearþ, / his sweostor sunu, || swīðe for
The Battle of Maldon 118a || ānne slōĝe / swīðe mid his swurde, || swenġes ne wiernd
The Battle of Maldon 120a ll || fǣġe cempa; / þæs him his þēoden || þanc ġe·sæġd
The Battle of Maldon 140b s sē fyrd-rinċ; || hē lēt his francan wadan / þurh þæs hys
The Battle of Maldon 158a æt sē on eorðan læġ / þe his þēoden ǣr || þearle ġe·
The Battle of Maldon 189b hlēop þone eoh || þe āhte his hālford, / on þām ġe·rǣdu
The Battle of Maldon 191a || þe hit riht ne wæs, / and his brōðru mid him || bēġen
The Battle of Maldon 228a on foldan læġ / forweġen mid his wǣpne. || On·gann þā wina
The Battle of Maldon 242b burh tobrocen. || A·brēoðe his anġinn, / þæt hē hēr swā
The Battle of Maldon 244b Leof·sunu ġe·mǣlde || and his linde ā·hōf, / bord tō ġe
The Battle of Maldon 276b s, / ofer bæc būĝan, || þā his betera leġ. / Hē bræc þone
The Battle of Maldon 278a beornas feaht, / oþ·þæt hē his sinċ-ġiefan || on þām sǣ
The Battle of Maldon 289b ah ġe·forþod || þæt hē his frēan ġe·hēt, / swā hē b
The Battle of Maldon 290b swā hē bēotode ǣr || wiþ his beah-ġiefan / þæt hīe sċol