A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry


Riddles 27
Old English
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Riddles 27

Ridd27 1. ic eom weorð werum || wide funden eom weorþ werum, || wīde funden,
Bliss Scansion: 2C2b xxS|~x || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: C3 xx / | ~ x || N/A / x | / x

Syntax: NNt || as

hs: w, aa: D, da: D
Ridd27 2. brungen of bearwum || ond of burghleoðum brungen of bearwum || and of burĝ-hliðum,
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || d3b xxS~x
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 xx / | ~ x

Syntax: sP || NC

hs: b, aa: D, da: D
Ridd27 3. of denum ond of dunum || dæges mec wægun of denum and of dūnum. || Dæġes mec wǣĝon
Bliss Scansion: 1A1b x~+|xxSx || 1A1a ~+|xSx
Sievers Scansion: B2 x ~+ | xx ~+ || N/A ~+ x | / x

Syntax: PcP || NV

hs: d, aa: D, da: D
Ridd27 4. feðre on lifte || feredon mid liste feðere on lyfte, || feredon mid liste
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || 1A*1a ~+x|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || N/A ~+ xx | / x

Syntax: NP || VP

hs: f, xa: flfl, aa: Q
Ridd27 5. under hrofes hleo || hæleð mec siððan under hrōfes hleo. || Hæleþ mec siþþan
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSx|S || 1A1a ~+|xSx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x / || N/A ~+ x | / x

Syntax: NgN || Na

hs: h, aa: D, da: D
Ridd27 6. baðedan in bydene || nu ic eom bindere baðodon on bydene. || eom bindere
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a ~+x|x~+x || d1c xxxSxx
Sievers Scansion: A1 ~+ xx | ~+ x || 0 xxx / | ~ x

Syntax: VP || ivN

hs: b, aa: Q, da: D
Ridd27 7. ond swingere || sona weorpe and swingere, || sōna weorpe%
Bliss Scansion: d1a xSxx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: C3 x / | ~ x || N/A / x | / x

Syntax: NC || aV

hs: s, aa: 1
Ridd27 8. esne to eorðan || hwilum ealdne ceorl esne% eorðan, || hwīlum ealdne ċeorl.
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 xx / | x /

Syntax: NP || AN

hs: V, lab: V, aa: D, da: D
Ridd27 9. sona ðæt onfindeð || se ðe mec fehð ongean Sōna þæt on·findeþ, || þe mec fēhð on·ġēan,
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || 2B1a xxxS|xS
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || 0 xxx / | x /

Syntax: aV || da

hs: f, lab: V, aa: 1
Ridd27 10. ond wið mægenðisan || minre genæsteð and wiþ mæġen-þisan || mīnre ġe·nǣsteþ,
Bliss Scansion: N/A xx~+~x || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: C2 xx ~+ | / x || N/A / xx | / x

Syntax: NC || AV

hs: m, aa: 1
Ridd27 11. ðæt he hrycge sceal || hrusan secan þæt hryċġe sċeall || hrūsan sēċan,
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSx|$ || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x / || N/A / x | / x

Syntax: NV || NI

hs: h, ac: hr, law: s, aa: 1
Ridd27 12. gif he unrædes || ær ne geswiceð ġif unrǣdes || ǣr ne ġe·swīceþ,
Bliss Scansion: d1b xxSxx || 1A1b S|xxSx
Sievers Scansion: C1 xx / | / x || N/A / xx | / x

Syntax: NC || aV

hs: V, law: s, aa: 1
Ridd27 13. strengo bistolen || strong on spræce strenġu be·stōlen, || strang on sprǣċe,
Bliss Scansion: N/A Sx|x~x || 1A1a S|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | ~ x || N/A / x | / x

Syntax: Nts || AP

hs: st, ac: str, law: sp, aa: D, da: D
Ridd27 14. mægene binumen || nah his modes geweald mæġene be·numen; || nāh his mōdes ġe·weald,
Bliss Scansion: N/A ~+x|x~x || 3B*1c xxSx|xS
Sievers Scansion: N/A ~+ xx | ~ x || 0 xx / | xx /

Syntax: Nts || NgN

hs: m, aa: 1
Ridd27 15. fota ne folma || frige hwæt ic hatte fōta ne folma. || Friġe hwæt hātte,
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || 1A1b ~+|xxSx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || N/A ~+ xx | / x

Syntax: NcN || VV

hs: f, aa: D, da: D
Ridd27 16. ðe on eorðan swa || esnas binde þe on eorðan swā || esnas binde,
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSx|S || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x / || N/A / x | / x

Syntax: Pa || NV

hs: V, aa: 1
Ridd27 17. dole æfter dyntum || be dæges leohte dole aefter dyntum || be dæġes lēohte.
Bliss Scansion: 1A1b ~+|xxSx || 2C1a x~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 ~+ xx | / x || 0 x ~+ | / x

Syntax: AP || NgN

hs: d, aa: D, da: D