A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: eorðan

Number of occurrences in corpus: 473

Genesis A 113b helm æl-wihta, || heofon and eorðan, / rodor ā·rǣrde, || and þis
Genesis A 143a | dryhtnes willan, / ēċe ofer eorðan || þā cōm ōðer dæġ, / l
Genesis A 149a t sē rīċa ā·hōf / up fram eorðan || þurh his āĝen word, / fr
Genesis A 166a de, || þā sē wuldor-cyning / eorðan nemde. || Ġe·sette ȳðum h
Genesis A 197a nd weaxaþ, || tūdre fyllaþ / eorðan æl-grēne, || incre cynne, / s
Genesis A 219b e of ānum, || þā hē þās eorðan ġe·sċōp, / wætere wlite-be
Genesis B 311a hēo on wierse lēoht / under eorðan niðan, || æl-mehtiġ God, / s
Genesis B 365b Ādam sċeall, || þe wæs of eorðan ġe·worht, / mīnne stranglica
Genesis B 522b dam maðelode || ðǣr hē on eorðan stōd, / self-sċeafte guma: ||
Genesis B 682a nis wihte ġe·līċ / elles on eorðan, || būtan swā þēs ār sæ
Genesis A 907b stum bearm tredan || brādre% eorðan, / faran fēðelēas, || þenden
Genesis A 933a on þū winnan sċealt / and on eorðan þē || þīne andlifne / selfa
Genesis A 958b ǣm sīn-hīewum || sǣs and eorðan / tūdor-tēondra || teohha ġe
Genesis A 972a ġe·brōðor. / Ōðer his tō eorðan || elnes tilode, / sē wæs ǣr
Genesis A 1003b ealdor / Cāin, hwǣr Ābel || eorðan wǣre. / Him þā sē cystlēas
Genesis A 1031a s blōd ā·ġēat, / drēor on eorðan. || Þū tō dæġe þissum / ā
Genesis A 1097b noses, / ord-banan Ābeles, || eorðan sealde / wæl-drēor weres. ||
Genesis A 1124a || mǣġ-burg sīne / Ādam on eorðan; || ealra hæfde / niĝun-hund w
Genesis A 1208b od hira / ǣhta and æt-wist || eorðan ġe·strēona / inn ġe·nimeþ
Genesis A 1271b hwæt wæs manna || mānes on eorðan / and þæt hīe wǣron || wamm
Genesis A 1280b / eall ā·īeðan || þæt on eorðan wæs, / for·lēosan līċa ġe
Genesis A 1292b n wolde; / ġe·seah unrihte || eorðan fulle, / sīde sǣl-wangas || s
Genesis A 1305b setl / ǣlcum aefter āĝnum || eorðan tūdre. / Ġe·sċiepe% sċielf
Genesis A 1313a fæsten || wōcor ġe·lǣded / eorðan tūdres; || earc sċeall þȳ
Genesis A 1322b hlīfian, / innan and ūtan || eorðan līme / ġe·fæstnod wiþ flō
Genesis A 1339b ā. / Swelċe þū of eallum || eorðan wæstmum / wiste under wǣġ-bo
Genesis A 1350b te / wæll-reġn ufan || wīdre eorðan. / Fēowertiġ daĝa || fǣhþe
Genesis A 1389a d on sund ā·hōf / earce fram eorðan || and þā æðelu mid, / þā
Genesis A 1402b yft, / þā sē ēaĝor-here || eorðan tūdor / eall ā·cwealde, || b
Genesis A 1440b fēngon / and æðelum ēac || eorðan tūdres / sunu Lāmeches || swe
Genesis A 1454a eta || dæl ǣniġne / grēnre eorðan || of·ġiefen hæfde. / Hēo w
Genesis A 1488b angan / ūt of earce, || and on eorðan bearm / of þǣm hēan hofe ||
Genesis A 1513b ġe·fēan friðu; || fyllaþ eorðan, / eall ġe·īeċaþ. || Ēow i
Genesis A 1533a , || wilna brūcaþ, / āra on eorðan; || æðelum fyllaþ / ēowre fr
Genesis A 1557a um || hām staðolian / and tō eorðan him || ǣtes tilian; / wann and
Genesis A 1596a hleo-māĝa þēow, / Chām on eorðan; || him þā cwide siþþan / an
Genesis A 1614b ġe·fylled / unlȳtel dæl || eorðan ġe·sċeafta. / Swelċe Chāme
Genesis A 1921b ēawian / be Iordane, || grēne eorðan. / Sēo wæs wæterum weaht || a
Genesis A 2141a || þe heofona is / and% þisse eorðan || āĝend-frêa, / wordum mīn
Genesis A 2148a ill-ġe·steallum, / ēadiġ on eorðan || ǣr-ġe·strēonum / Sōdoma
Genesis A 2207b d-land maniġ, || ġe·seted w eorðan , / eorðan sċēatas || oþ Euf
Genesis A 2323b e·āĝnod mē, || oþþe of eorðan / þurh fēondsċipe || feorr
Genesis A 2339a ā || ofstum leġde / hlēor on eorðan, || and mid husce be·wand / þ
Genesis A 2555b on / tō axan and tō yslan, || eorðan wæstma, / efene swā wīde ||
Genesis A 2706a in || sweostor wǣre / ǣghwǣr eorðan || ðǣr wit earda lēas / mid
Exodus 26a ld worhte || wītiġ drihten, / eorðan ymb-hwyrft || and up-rodor, /
Exodus 76a der-wolcen || wīdum fæðmum / eorðan and up·rodor || efene ġe·d
Exodus 403a tō siġe-tībre, / āngan ofer eorðan || ierfe-lāfe, / fēores frōf
Exodus 430a n mæġe || foldan sċēatas, / eorðan ymb-hwyrft || and up-rodor, / g
Exodus 437a || rīm ne cunnon, / ieldu ofer eorðan, || ealle cræfte / tō ġe·se
Exodus 441a ealle ġe·rīman / stānas on eorðan, || steorran on heofonum, / sǣ-
Daniel 30a þæt hīe% langung be·swāc / eorðan drēamas || ēċes rǣdes, / þ
Daniel 115a | rēðe sċolde ġe·limpan, / eorðan drēamas, || ende weorðan. /
Daniel 381a || þā þeċ blētsie! / Eall eorðan grund, || ēċe drihten, / hyll
Daniel 516a truman% || þæs wudu-bēames / eorðan fæstne, || oþ·þæt eft cy
Daniel 668a lm ġe·sċōd, / swā him ofer eorðan || andsaca ne wæs / gumena ǣn
Daniel 762b r·ġeaf, / unsċendne blǣd || eorðan rīċes, / and þū līeġnest
Christ and Satan 5a unnan and mōnan, / stānas and eorðan, || strēam ūt on sǣ, / wæter
Christ and Satan 16a e and sette || on siex daĝum / eorðan dǣles, || up on heofonum, / an
Christ and Satan 56a lles ġe·weald, / heofones and eorðan, || wǣre hāliġ God, / sċiepp
Christ and Satan 244a ǣr up be·cōm, / and hine on eorðan || ǣr ġe·līefde%. / Þā þ
Christ and Satan 266a ðǣr sēċaþ up, / ēadġe of eorðan || ǣfre ġe·hrīnan%, / ac i
Christ and Satan 289a bearn Godes, / ġif we þæt on eorðan || ǣr ġe·þenċaþ, / and ū
Christ and Satan 298a n cȳðan þæt! / Dēman we on eorðan, || ǣror libbend, / on·lūcan
Christ and Satan 302a f þider mōton, / and þæt on eorðan || ǣr ġe·wyrċaþ. / For·þ
Christ and Satan 355b ēoþ þā ēadĝan || þe of eorðan cumaþ, / bringaþ tō bearme |
Christ and Satan 494b d / ufan fram ēðle, || and on eorðan ġe·bād / tin-treĝan fela% |
Christ and Satan 557a tela þenċeþ. / Þā% wæs on eorðan || ēċe drihten / fēowertiġ
Christ and Satan 596a is cūðre līf / þonne we on eorðan mæġen || ǣfre ġe·strēon
Christ and Satan 657b ma%, / engla ord-fruma%, || and eorðan tūdor / up ġe·lǣddest% || t
Andreas 7b æt wǣron mǣre || menn ofer eorðan, / frame folc-toĝan || and fyrd
Andreas 328a || ānes cræfte, / heofon and eorðan, || hālĝum meahtum, / siĝora
Andreas 332b / ‘Faraþ nū ġond ealle || eorðan sċēatas% / efene swā wīde |
Andreas 460a teþ || libbende god / eorl on eorðan, || ġif his ellen dēah.’ / S
Andreas 604b r wealdend þīn || wunder on eorðan, / þā hē ġe·fremede || neal
Andreas 731b þæt þēos an·līċness || eorðan sēċe, / wlitiġ of wǣĝe ||
Andreas 748a e grund and sund, / heofon and eorðan || and hrēo wǣĝas, / sealte
Andreas 798a rumsċeafte || furðum tēode / eorðan eall-grēne || and up-heofon,
Andreas 970a ā·drēah fela / iermþa ofer eorðan. || Wolde iċ ēow on þon / þu
Andreas 1255b u-þancum be·seted. || Snāw eorðan band / winter-ġe·weorpum. ||
Andreas 1501a der ġe·sēoþ / heofonas and eorðan || herġa mǣste / on middan-ġ
Andreas 1525b ġe wealcan / mid ǣr-dæġe || eorðan þeahton, / miċelode mere-flō
Andreas 1540a sċrafum || drohtaþ sēċan, / eorðan andwist. || Him þæt enġel
Andreas 1595a || on for·wyrd sċacan / under eorðan grund. || Þā wearþ ācol-m
The Fates of the Apostles 19a | þēod-cininges, / ǣnġes on eorðan, || ac him ēċe ġe·ċēas / l
The Fates of the Apostles 28b s cyning, / engla ord-fruma, || eorðan sōhte / þurh fǣmnan hrif, ||
The Fates of the Apostles 94b tan% mē on lāste || līċ, eorðan dæl, / wæl-rēaf wunian || wy
The Fates of the Apostles 99a nde standeþ, / eorlas þæs on eorðan brūcaþ%. || Ne mōton hīe
Soul and Body I 18a | tō hwon drehtest þū mē, / eorðan fullness || eall for·wīsnod
Soul and Body I 24b ġe·ēodest%, || hū þū on eorðan sċealt / wyrmum tō wiste. ||
Soul and Body I 77b e / þonne þē wǣron ealle || eorðan spēda, / (būtan þū hīe ġe
Soul and Body I 80a þþe fisċ on sǣ, / oþþe on eorðan nēat || ǣtes tilode, / feld-g
Soul and Body I 125a þonne wyrma ġiefel, / ǣt% on eorðan. || Þæt mæġ ǣġhwelcum / me
Dream of the Rood 37a || þā iċ bifian ġe·seah / eorðan sċēatas. || ealle iċ meaht
Dream of the Rood 42b orste iċ hwæðre būgan tō eorðan, / feallan tō foldan sċeatum,
Dream of the Rood 74a an fiellan on·gann / ealle tō eorðan. || þæt wæs eġes·liċ wyr
Dream of the Rood 137a ryhtnes rōd, / þe iċ hēr on eorðan || ǣr sċēawode, / on þissum
Dream of the Rood 145a hten frēond, / sē þe hēr on eorðan || ǣr þrōwode / on þām ġe
Elene 153a || oþ ende forþ. / Hē is for eorðan || æðeles cynnes, / word-cræ
Elene 184b lle / eard mid englum || and on eorðan līf, / siĝor-lēan on sweġel
Elene 289a nes wuldres meaht / heofon and eorðan || and holm-þræce, / sǣs sī
Elene 390b trēo, / elnes ān-hyġdiġ, || eorðan delfan / under turf-haĝan, ||
Elene 397b -daĝum / ārlēasra sċeolu || eorðan be·þeahton, / Iūdēa cynn%.
Elene 439b īfe be·lidenes% || līċ on eorðan, / unlibbendes || and up ā·hō
Elene 670b nearu-searwe, || næġlas on eorðan. / Þā cōm samnunga || sunnan
Elene 787a mǣrost bēama / þāra þe of eorðan || up ā·wēoxe, / ġe·loden
Christ A 200a cipe || monnes ower / ænges on eorðan || ac me eaden wearð / geongre
Christ A 255a h ðin sylfes gong / eaðmod to eorðan || us is ðinra arna ðearf / h
Christ A 276b es / seo clæneste || cwen ofer eorðan / ðara ðe gewurde || to widan
Christ A 329a ðe waldend frea / æne on ðas eorðan || ut siðade / ond efne swa ð
Christ A 411b eannessum / ece hælo || ond in eorðan lof / beorht mid beornum || ðu
Christ B 523b blican / wile eft swa ðeah || eorðan mægðe / sylfa gesecan || side
Christ B 608b eofoncondelle || hæleðum on eorðan / dreoseð deaw ond ren || dugu
Christ B 621a ældum to sorge / ic ðec ofer eorðan geworhte || on ðære ðu sce
Christ B 626a || ðonan wites fyr / of ðære eorðan scealt || eft gesecan / hwæt u
Christ B 639b s fugles flyht || feondum on eorðan / dyrne ond degol || ðam ðe d
Christ B 648a ðone maran ham / hwilum he to eorðan || eft gestylde / ðurh gæstes
Christ B 688a alwihta || cræftum weorðað / eorðan tuddor || swylce eadgum blæd
Christ B 772a us beorgan ða / ðenden we on eorðan || eard weardien / utan us to f
Christ B 780a n || deofla strælas / ænig on eorðan || ælda cynnes / gromra garfar
Christ B 805a a wita || bið se wyn scæcen / eorðan frætwa || ur wæs longe / lagu
Christ B 814a guman heoldan / ðenden him on eorðan || onmedla wæs / forðon ic le
Christ B 828a yning leanað / ðæs ðe hy on eorðan || eargum dædum / lifdon leaht
Christ B 840a e || gefrægen wurde / æfre on eorðan || ðær bið æghwylcum / synw
Christ C 879b dan sceatum / ðam ytemestum || eorðan rices / englas ælbeorhte || on
Christ C 946b ca weard / ðurh egsan ðrea || eorðan mægðe / sylfa geseceð || weo
Christ C 967a a lig || sæs mid hyra fiscum / eorðan mid hire beorgum || ond upheo
Christ C 1004b rne aseceð / innan ond utan || eorðan sceatas / oððæt eall hafað
Christ C 1128a | gesegun ða dumban gesceaft / eorðan ealgrene || ond uprodor / forht
Christ C 1137b all forbærst || ðæt hit on eorðan læg / on twam styccum || ðæs
Christ C 1146b clomme bræc / up yrringa || on eorðan fæðm / ge on stede scynum ||
Christ C 1180b fte / ða ðe æðelast sind || eorðan gecynda / ond heofones eac || h
Christ C 1501b ðam æhtum || ðe ic eow on eorðan geaf / earmra hulpen || earge g
Vainglory 68a rum || ungelice / se ðe her on eorðan || eaðmod leofað / ond wið g
Widsith 2b e monna mæst || mægða ofer eorðan / folca geondferde || oft he on
The Fortunes of Men 65a lice || meahtig dryhten / geond eorðan sceat || eallum dæleð / scyre
The Fortunes of Men 96a gesceapo ferede / æghwylcum on eorðan || eormencynnes / forðon him n
Maxims I 7b eal in wuldre || mon sceal on eorðan / geong ealdian || god us ece b
Maxims I 25b mid gebyrdum || beam sceal on eorðan / leafum liðan || leomu gnorni
Maxims I 33b æs magutimbres || gemet ofer eorðan / gif hi ne wanige || se ðas w
Maxims I 74a r helm wegan || wundrum lucan / eorðan ciðas || an sceal inbindan / f
Maxims I 114b d mete fedan || morðor under eorðan befeolan / hinder under hrusan
Maxims I 167a tro / swa monige beoð men ofer eorðan || swa beoð modgeðoncas / æl
Maxims I 199b on wæpna gewin || wide geond eorðan / ahogodan ond ahyrdon || heoro
The Order of the World 39b ah hordes weard || heofon ond eorðan / sæs sidne grund || sweotule
The Order of the World 66a nd his brucan mot / æghwylc on eorðan || ðe him eagna gesihð / sigo
The Panther 48b dubledum / eallum æðelicra || eorðan frætwum / ðonne of ceastrum |
The Panther 68b ngon / geond ealne ymbhwyrft || eorðan sceata / swa se snottra gecwæ
Soul and Body II 18a a || to hwon dreahtest ðu me / eorðan fylnes || eal forweornast / lam
Soul and Body II 72b le / ðonne ðe wæran ealle || eorðan spede / butan ðu hy gedælde |
Soul and Body II 75a || oððe fisc on sæ / oððe eorðan neat || ætes tiolode / feldgon
Soul and Body II 120a ð ðonne wyrmes giefl / æt on eorðan || ðæt mæg æghwylcum / men
Guthlac A 2b ge sawl || ofgiefeð hio ðas eorðan wynne / forlæteð ðas lænan
Guthlac A 15a ðe his domas her / æfnað on eorðan || he him ece lean / healdeð o
Guthlac A 43a || swa hit nu gongeð / ealdað eorðan blæd || æðela gehwylcre / on
Guthlac A 119a | mongum tidum / oðer him ðas eorðan || ealle sægde / læne under l
Guthlac A 220a sorge dreogað / ne motun hi on eorðan || eardes brucan / ne hy lyft s
Guthlac A 333a sawla gehwylcre / ðonne he to eorðan || on ðam anade / hleor onhyld
Guthlac A 381a ond blod || bu-tu geweorðen / eorðan to eacan || min se eca dæl / i
Guthlac A 388a his modsefan || mare gelufian / eorðan æhtwelan || ðonne his anes
Guthlac A 428a || to ðam leofestan / earde on eorðan || ðæt he eft gestag / beorg
Guthlac A 525a a he lustum dreag / eaðmod on eorðan || ehtendra nið / forðon is n
Guthlac A 647b afað in hondum || heofon ond eorðan / ðæt ge mec mid niðum || n
Guthlac A 712a er onsende / geseah ðæt ge on eorðan || fore æfstum / on his wergen
Guthlac A 728b nes cempa / to ðam onwillan || eorðan dæle / hy hine bæron || ond h
Guthlac A 755a tweogan ne ðearf / ænig ofer eorðan || ælda cynnes / ac swilc god
Guthlac A 795a on hyra lifes tid / earniað on eorðan || ecan lifes / hames in heahð
Guthlac B 933a wæs gewinnes ða / yrmða for eorðan || endedogor / ðurh nydgedal |
Guthlac B 1102a a he of deaðe aras / onwald of eorðan || in ða eastortid / ealra ðr
Guthlac B 1127a æniges monnes lar / wera ofer eorðan || him ðæt wundra mæst / ges
Guthlac B 1366b osan / eardes on upweg || nu se eorðan dæl / banhus abrocen || burgum
Guthlac B 1377a s lichoman || leofast mægða / eorðan biðeahte || nu ðu ædre con
Riddles 1 7b fer hrōfum. || Hlin% biþ on eorðan, / wæl-cwealm wera, || þonne i
Riddles 16 3a cce || ðonne ic secan gewite / eorðan yðum ðeaht || me bið se e
Riddles 2 2b n, / under ȳða ġe·þræc || eorðan sēċan, / gārseċġes grund.
Riddles 27 8a ingere || sona weorpe / esne to eorðan || hwilum ealdne ceorl / sona
Riddles 27 16a | frige hwæt ic hatte / ðe on eorðan swa || esnas binde / dole æfte
Riddles 29 12b c to heofonum || deaw feol on eorðan / niht forð gewat || nænig si
Riddles 3 68a || ðragum winne / hwilum under eorðan || hwilum yða sceal / hean und
Riddles 35 11b hwæðre seðeah || wide ofer eorðan / hatan for hæleðum || hyhtli
Riddles 4 1b ece is se scyppend || se ðas eorðan nu / wreðstuðum wealdeð || o
Riddles 4 4b ryht cyning / ealra anwalda || eorðan ond heofones / healdeð ond wea
Riddles 4 21a an || segnberendra / ænig ofer eorðan || nymðe se ana god / se ðisn
Riddles 4 25b cels || oððe rose sy / || on eorðan tyrf / wynlic weaxeð || ic eom
Riddles 4 40a | dyre bihealdan / eac ic under eorðan || eal sceawige / wom wraðscra
Riddles 4 50a || ðe her aworpen ligeð / ic eorðan eom || æghwær brædre / ond w
Riddles 4 82a winde || wæweð on lyfte / ic eorðan eom || æghwær brædre / ond w
Riddles 40 1b sē sċieppend, || sē þās eorðan nū / wreð-stuþum wealdeþ% |
Riddles 40 4b ht cyning / ealra an-wealda, || eorðan and heofones, / healdeþ and we
Riddles 40 21a || seġn-berendra / ǣniġ ofer eorðan, || nemþe sē ana god / sē þi
Riddles 40 25a els || oþþe rōse sīe, / on eorðan turf || / wynliċ weaxeþ; ||
Riddles 40 40a e be·healdan; / ēac iċ under eorðan || eall sċēawie / wōm wrāð
Riddles 40 50a hēr ā·worpen liġeþ. / Iċ eorðan eom || ǣġhwǣr brǣdre, / and
Riddles 40 82a inde || wǣweþ on lyfte. / Iċ eorðan eom || ǣġhwǣr brǣdre / and
Riddles 41 6a efean agen / ne magon we her in eorðan || owiht lifgan / nymðe we bru
Riddles 5 1a # Riddles 5 / / wiga is on eorðan || wundrum acenned / dryhtum to
Riddles 50 1a # Riddles 50 / / Wiĝa is on eorðan || wundrum ā·cenned / dryhtum
Riddles 6 3b ic cwice bærne / unrimu cyn || eorðan getenge / næte mid niðe || sw
The Wife's Lament 33b omsið frean || frynd sind on eorðan / leofe lifgende || leger weard
The Judgment Day I 42a ricgan / ealles ðæs ðe we on eorðan || ær geworhtan / godes oððe
The Judgment Day I 46a tungul || ac bið tyr scæcen / eorðan blædas || forðon ic a wille
The Judgment Day I 61a as ond wif || woruld alætað / eorðan yrmðu || seoð ðonne on ece
Resignation 2b en || ðu gesceope heofon ond eorðan / ond wundor eall || min wundor
Resignation 67a me fela sealde / arna on ðisse eorðan || ðe sie ealles ðonc / meord
Resignation 85a on frymðe gelomp / yrmðu ofer eorðan || ðæt ic a ðolade / geara g
Azarias 36a eryce || cenned wurde / yced on eorðan || ðæt swa unrime / had to he
Azarias 76b ttor wæter / ond eal mægen || eorðan gesceafta / bletsige ðec soðf
The Husband's Message 46a || ne meododreama / ænges ofer eorðan || eorlgestreona / ðeodnes doh
Riddles 66 8b wide ræce / ofer engla eard || eorðan gefylle / ealne middangeard ||
Riddles 67 13a enlice || ðenden menn bugað / eorðan sceatas || ic ðæt oft gesea
Riddles 77 2b eahte / ond mec yða wrugon || eorðan getenge / feðelease || oft ic
Riddles 83 5a gefælsad || nu me fah warað / eorðan broðor || se me ærest wear
Riddles 84 1a # Riddles 84 / / an wiht is on eorðan || wundrum acenned / hreoh ond
Riddles 84 18b ter ne mæg || / oðer cynn || eorðan / || ðon ær wæs / wlitig ond
Riddles 84 42b e / ðæt wafiað || weras ofer eorðan / ðæt magon micle || /sceafte
Riddles 88 18a || eom ic gumcynnes / anga ofer eorðan || is min agen bæc / wonn ond
Riddles 88 24a min broðor || on wera æhtum / eorðan sceata || eardian sceal / se me
Riddles 95 10a ær word sprecað / ænig ofer eorðan || ðeah nu ælda bearn / londb
The Phoenix 43a ddangeard || mereflod ðeahte / eorðan ymbhwyrft || ða se æðela w
The Phoenix 131a woruld staðelode / heofon ond eorðan || bið ðæs hleoðres sweg /
The Phoenix 136a | ne hæleða stefn / ænges on eorðan || ne organan / sweghleoðres g
The Phoenix 154b ra / gomol gearum frod || grene eorðan / aflyhð fugla wyn || foldan g
The Phoenix 207b encum / ond ðam æðelestum || eorðan bledum / siteð siðes fus ||
The Phoenix 243b nlice / swa mon to ondleofne || eorðan wæstmas / on hærfeste || ham
The Phoenix 249b st ond snaw / mid ofermægne || eorðan ðeccað / wintergewædum || of
The Phoenix 331b onne wundriað || weras ofer eorðan / wlite ond wæstma || ond gewr
The Phoenix 349a ðonne duguða wyn / of ðisse eorðan tyrf || eðel seceð / swa se g
The Phoenix 460a nd his cneo bigeð / æðele to eorðan || flyhð yfla gehwylc / grimme
The Phoenix 487b ealdor anra gehwæs || ond in eorðan fæðm / snude sendeð || sawlu
The Phoenix 506a londwelan || lig eal ðigeð / eorðan æhtgestreon || æpplede gold
The Phoenix 629b res / uppe mid englum || ond on eorðan somod / gefreoða usic frymða
The Phoenix 638b re / eades ongyn || ðeah he on eorðan her / ðurh cildes had || cenne
Juliana 44a an || hyrsta unrim / æhte ofer eorðan || heo ðæt eal forseah / ond
Juliana 95a te || in sefan minum / ange for eorðan || minra eagna leoht / iuliana
Juliana 101a betra ðonne ðu / æðelra for eorðan || æhtspedigra / feohgestreona
Juliana 112a e ðe leoht gescop / heofon ond eorðan || ond holma bigong / eodera ym
Juliana 293a ond wæter || bu-tu ætgædre / eorðan sohtun || ða gen ic herode / i
Juliana 510a rulde || fira cynne / eorlum on eorðan || ne wæs ænig ðara / ðæt
Juliana 513b ænig ðæs modig || mon ofer eorðan / ðurh halge meaht || heahfæd
The Wanderer 106b n andan / eall is earfoðlic || eorðan rice / onwendeð wyrda gesceaft
The Wanderer 110a her bið mæg læne / eal ðis eorðan gesteal || idel weorðeð / swa
The Gifts of Men 30a || londbuendum / sumum her ofer eorðan || æhta onlihð / woruldgestre
The Gifts of Men 97a nne || wordgeryno / nis nu ofer eorðan || ænig monna / mode ðæs cr
The Seafarer 32b hrusan bond || hægl feol on eorðan / corna caldast || forðon cnys
The Seafarer 39b is ðæs modwlonc || mon ofer eorðan / ne his gifena ðæs god || ne
The Seafarer 61a æles eðel || hweorfeð wide / eorðan sceatas || cymeð eft to me / g
The Seafarer 81b nd gewitene / ealle onmedlan || eorðan rices / næron nu cyningas || n
The Seafarer 89a h bisgo || blæd is gehnæged / eorðan indryhto || ealdað ond seara
The Seafarer 93b is iuwine / æðelinga bearn || eorðan forgiefene / ne mæg him ðonne
The Seafarer 105a estaðelade || stiðe grundas / eorðan sceatas || ond uprodor / dol bi
Beowulf 92b cwæð ðæt se ælmihtiga || eorðan worhte / wlitebeorhtne wang ||
Beowulf 248a re ic maran geseah / eorla ofer eorðan || ðonne is eower sum / secg o
Beowulf 266b witena welhwylc || wide geond eorðan / we ðurh holdne hige || hlafo
Beowulf 752a he ne mette || middangeardes / eorðan sceata || on elran men / mundgr
Beowulf 802a | ðone synscaðan / ænig ofer eorðan || irenna cyst / guðbilla nan
Beowulf 1532b n / yrre oretta || ðæt hit on eorðan læg / stið ond stylecg || str
Beowulf 1730b cynnes / seleð him on eðle || eorðan wynne / to healdanne || hleobur
Beowulf 1822a wel dohtest / gif ic ðonne on eorðan || owihte mæg / ðinre modlufa
Beowulf 2007a || grendeles maga / ænig ofer eorðan || uhthlem ðone / se ðe lenge
Beowulf 2415a goldmaðmas heold / eald under eorðan || næs ðæt yðe ceap / to ge
Beowulf 2727a dæghwila || gedrogen hæfde / eorðan wynne || ða wæs eall sceace
Beowulf 2822b um / earfoðlice || ðæt he on eorðan geseah / ðone leofestan || lif
Beowulf 2834b hta wlonc / ansyn ywde || ac he eorðan gefeoll / for ðæs hildfruman
Beowulf 2855a wiht ne speow / ne meahte he on eorðan || ðeah he uðe wel / on ðam
Beowulf 3049b ge ðurhetone || swa hie wið eorðan fæðm / ðusend wintra || ðæ
Beowulf 3099b d weorðfullost || wide geond eorðan / ðenden he burhwelan || bruca
Beowulf 3138a egiredan || geata leode / ad on eorðan || unwaclicne / helmum behongen
Beowulf 3166b on / forleton eorla gestreon || eorðan healdan / gold on greote || ð
Judith 65a fde ða his ende gebidenne / on eorðan unswæslicne || swylcne he æ
The Paris Psalter 101:12 3b stīðlīċe || stānum and eorðan / eallum æt·gædere || ǣr mi
The Paris Psalter 101:17 3b ·seah of heofonum || hēr on eorðan. / / # / Hē þā ġe·hīerde ||
The Paris Psalter 101:22 2a ū, || drihten, ġe·worhtest / eorðan frætwe || and up-heofon; / þ
The Paris Psalter 102:14 3b īeġe / ǣġhwǣr anlīċe, || eorðan blōstman, / swā his līf-daĝ
The Paris Psalter 103:6 2a æstnode || foldan staðolas, / eorðan eardas; || ne sēo ǣfre nū /
The Paris Psalter 103:9 5a e·gangan, / þæt hīe þisse eorðan || āwiht habban. / / # / Oft of
The Paris Psalter 103:11 1a wīde flōweþ. / / # / Of þǣm eorðan dēor || ealle drincaþ, / bīd
The Paris Psalter 103:12 4a stmum || weorca þīnra / eall eorðan ċīþ || ufan biþ ġe·fyll
The Paris Psalter 103:14 1a e manna. / / # / Ēac þū him of eorðan || ūt ā·lǣdest / hlāf tō
The Paris Psalter 103:25 5a , || ēċe drihten, / ǣtes on eorðan || ēac wilniaþ. / / # / And% hi
The Paris Psalter 103:28 3a d || and þū ēac sċieppest / eorðan ansīene || ealle swelċe. / / #
The Paris Psalter 103:30 1a lde drihten. / / # / Hē on þās eorðan || ealle locaþ, / dēþ hīe f
The Paris Psalter 103:33 2a or·weorðaþ, / þā on þisse eorðan sint, || ealle snēome, / þæt
The Paris Psalter 104:7 3a dēore and mǣre / ġond þisse eorðan || ǣġhwelcne dæl. / / # / Hē
The Paris Psalter 104:14 1a e settan. / / # / Cōm þā ofer eorðan || iermþu and hungor, / wurdon
The Paris Psalter 104:19 3b Iacob siþþan / eft eardode || eorðan Khanaan. / / # / Hē þæt ēadġ
The Paris Psalter 104:26 1a or·wurdon. / / # / Sende on hira eorðan || ealle swelċe / toscan tēon
The Paris Psalter 105:20 1b a. / / # / Ne% hīe for āwiht || eorðan cyste / þā sēlestan || ġe·
The Paris Psalter 106:33 1b / Hē þā weaxendan || wende eorðan / on sealtne mersċ || for synn
The Paris Psalter 106:34 2a | on wīdne mere, / and swelċe eorðan || ēac būtan wætere / on ūt
The Paris Psalter 107:5 3a n || wīde swelċe / ofer þās eorðan || ealle mǣre, / and þīne þ
The Paris Psalter 107:6 3b hālĝum spreceþ || hēr on eorðan: / ‘And iċ blissie, || bū ġ
The Paris Psalter 107:11 2b r·þon hǣlu biþ || hēr on eorðan / manna ġe·hwelċes || mæġe
The Paris Psalter 108:15 3a ĝie || dōme ealne / of þisse eorðan || āwa tō fēore. / / # / Næs
The Paris Psalter 109:6 1b ġe·weorðeþ || wīde ġond eorðan. / / # / Þā þe on weġe weorða
The Paris Psalter 111:2 1a bealde mid willan. / / # / Hē on eorðan biþ || ēadiġ and spēdiġ,
The Paris Psalter 112:5 1a hafen his wuldor. / / # / Hē of eorðan mæġ || þone unaĝan / weċċ
The Paris Psalter 118:19 1a worhtest ǣr / / # / Iċ eom on eorðan || earm be·genġa; / ne dō þ
The Paris Psalter 118:51 3a fremmaþ, / oþ·þæt hīe on eorðan || ealle for·weorðaþ; / iċ
The Paris Psalter 118:91 2a e, drihten. / / # / ­Þū þās eorðan || ealle worhtest, / swā hēo
The Paris Psalter 118:119 3a || ealle ġe·tealde, / þā on eorðan hēr || yfele wǣron, / for·þ
The Paris Psalter 131:10 4b nes þæs hālĝan || hēr on eorðan. / / # / Þæs dēopne āþ || dri
The Paris Psalter 134:6 2b heofon-rīċe || and hēr on eorðan, / on sīdum sǣ || swelċe on e
The Paris Psalter 134:7 1a ndas. / / # / And hē fram þisse eorðan || ende lǣdeþ / wolcen wræcl
The Paris Psalter 135:6 1a || hæleþa andġiet. / / # / Hē eorðan aefter wæter || ǣrest sette
The Paris Psalter 135:22 1a || on Basane. / / # / Sealde hira eorðan || on ierfe-land. / / # / And% þ
The Paris Psalter 137:5 1b d. / / # / Ealle þē andettan || eorðan cyningas%, / for·þon þe hīe
The Paris Psalter 137:6 1b n% wuldor% is || wīde ġond eorðan / miċel and mǣre, || ofer mid
The Paris Psalter 137:6 5b st / on heofon-hāme || hēr on eorðan. / / # / Þēah þe iċ on middle
The Paris Psalter 138:5 2b īnne andwlitan be·flēon || eorðan dǣles? / / # / Ġif iċ on heofo
The Paris Psalter 138:13 4b þrāĝe / on niðer-dǣlum || eorðan wunie. / / # / Ēaĝan% þīne ġ
The Paris Psalter 139:11 2a su-sprǣċe, / ne biþ sē ofer eorðan || ġe·reaht āhwǣr; / unsō
The Paris Psalter 139:11 4a ġe·cnysseþ%, / oþþe hē on eorðan || eall for·weorðeþ. / / # / I
The Paris Psalter 142:3 3b ġe·hnǣġed || hēanne tō eorðan / and min līf swelċe || ġe·
The Paris Psalter 142:6 3a wle || sette mid mōde, / swā eorðan biþ || ansīen wæteres; / ġe
The Paris Psalter 144:18 2a n his selfes weĝum / eallum on eorðan || and hē aefter þon / on his
The Paris Psalter 145:3 2a | ġearwe on·wendeþ / on þā eorðan || þe hīe of cōmon; / of þ
The Paris Psalter 146:6 3a ġere || and firenfulle / wiþ eorðan niðer || ealle ġe·hnæġe
The Paris Psalter 147:4 2a er || spōwendlīċe / on þās eorðan || ǣrest sendeþ, / and his wo
The Paris Psalter 148:7 1b dracan swelċe || drihten of eorðan, / and ealle neowelnessa || her
The Paris Psalter 148:11 4a r sindon, / and ealle þe þās eorðan || āhwǣr dēmeþ. / / # / Bēon
The Paris Psalter 148:13 4b ofer miċelum || heofone and eorðan. / / # / Hē horn hefeþ || holdes
The Paris Psalter 149:9 3b hāliġra wuldor% || hēr on eorðan.
The Paris Psalter 56:7 1a || wīde and sīde / ofer þās eorðan || ealle mǣre. / / # / Fōtum h
The Paris Psalter 56:13 3b iġ drihten; / is ofer ealle || eorðan swelċe% / þīnes wuldres wlit
The Paris Psalter 57:10 4a c || simle lǣste;’ / hīe on eorðan god || ealle ġe·dēmeþ.
The Paris Psalter 58:13 3b anna cynnes / and ealra ēac || eorðan ġe·mǣru. / / # / Hīe on ǣfen
The Paris Psalter 59:2 1a s wurde || and eft milde. / / # / Eorðan% þū on·hrērdest, || ealle
The Paris Psalter 59:10 2b r·þon hǣlu biþ || hēr on eorðan / manna ġe·hwelċes || mæġe
The Paris Psalter 60:1 3a dd || holde mōde. / Nū iċ of eorðan || ūt-ġe·mǣrum / clipie tō
The Paris Psalter 64:6 2a eart hiht ealra / þe on þisse eorðan || ūtan sindon / oþþe feorr
The Paris Psalter 64:9 3a dēman || drihten healdeþ; / eorðan þū ġe·fyllest || ēċum w
The Paris Psalter 65:2 2b n wundorlīċe || wīde ġond eorðan, / and ēac on meniġu || mæġe
The Paris Psalter 65:5 5b id fōte meaht / on treddian || eorðan ġelīċe. / / # / His mæġen we
The Paris Psalter 66:2 1a blīðe. / / # / And we þæs on eorðan || andġiet habbaþ, / ūre we
The Paris Psalter 66:6 4b e; / hæbbe his eġesan eall || eorðan ġe·mǣru.
The Paris Psalter 70:19 6a | niðan ā·līesdest / þisse eorðan, || þe we on būaþ. / / # / Þǣ
The Paris Psalter 71:6 3a ā fǣġer dropa / þe on þās eorðan || uppan drēopaþ. / / # / On hi
The Paris Psalter 71:8 4a styreþ him eallum / oþ þisse eorðan || ūt-ġe·mǣru. / / # / Hine%
The Paris Psalter 71:16 1b / Þonne æðele ġe·trym || eorðan weardaþ, / biþ sē beorht ā
The Paris Psalter 71:16 5a || blōstmum fæġere / swā on eorðan hīeġ || ūte on lande. / / # /
The Paris Psalter 71:18 1a onne mōna. / / # / And him biþ eorðan cynn || eall ġe·blētsod; / e
The Paris Psalter 72:7 2b nd hira tungan || tuĝon ofer eorðan. / / # / For·þon min folc hider
The Paris Psalter 72:20 2b iċ fram þē || wyrċan ofer eorðan? / / # / Mē is heorte and flǣsċ
The Paris Psalter 73:11 3a re, || wīse hǣlu / on þisse eorðan || efen-midre. / / # / Þū on þ
The Paris Psalter 73:15 3b ; / ealle þū ġe·worhtest || eorðan ġe·mǣru, / sumor þū and le
The Paris Psalter 73:18 3b ū deorce bēoþ || daĝas on eorðan / þǣm þe unryhtes || ǣġhw
The Paris Psalter 75:6 1b of heofonum dōm || hider on eorðan / mid ġe·sċote sendest, ||
The Paris Psalter 75:6 4a ten ā·rīseþ, / þæt hē on eorðan dō || ealle hāle / þe hē mi
The Paris Psalter 76:12 3b n cōmon, / eall ymb·hwyrft || eorðan on·hrērdon. / / # / Wǣron weĝ
The Paris Psalter 77:40 3a brōhton, / ā·weahton hine on eorðan || oft būtan wætere. / / # / Of
The Paris Psalter 77:68 2b t / his hālġe hūs || hēr on eorðan / ġe·timbrode; || hēt þæt
The Paris Psalter 79:3 2b / and ūs hāle dō || hēr on eorðan. / / # / Ġe·hweorf ūs, mæġena
The Paris Psalter 80:10 2b e% ġāra þē / of Æġypta || eorðan ā·lǣde. / / # / On·tȳn þīn
The Paris Psalter 81:5 3b ēodon; / ealle ā·bifodon || eorðan staðolas. / / # / Iċ ǣrest cw
The Paris Psalter 82:8 5b hlimme; / wurdon% þā earme || eorðan tō meoxe. / / # / Sete hira eald
The Paris Psalter 84:8 4a u || and him hēr sileþ / ūre eorðan || æðele wuldor. / / # / Him ga
The Paris Psalter 84:10 1a swelċe clyppeþ. / / # / Upp of eorðan cōm || æþelāst sōða, / be
The Paris Psalter 88:10 2a wealdest, || hrūsan swelċe; / eorðan ymbe-hwyrft || eall þū ġe
The Paris Psalter 88:33 5b t / his hāliġnesse || hēr on eorðan. / / # / Ealle þū his weallas ||
The Paris Psalter 88:38 2b ġe·settest || sorĝliċ on eorðan. / / # / Þū his daĝena tīd ||
The Paris Psalter 89:2 2b n-ġeard / oþþe ymb-hwyrft || eorðan wǣre / oþþe weorold wǣre, |
The Paris Psalter 92:3 1b de / / # / And þā ymb-hwyrft || eorðan ġe·trymede, / swā folde stō
The Paris Psalter 93:2 1b / # / A·hefe þē on ellen, || eorðan dēma, / ġield ofer·hyġdĝum
The Paris Psalter 95:9 5a n ūre; || dōme hē siþþan / eorðan ymb-hwyrft || ealle ġe·sett
The Paris Psalter 95:12 6a cyne-þrymme, / þæt hē þās eorðan || ealle dēmde. / / # / Þonne%
The Paris Psalter 95:13 1b / # / Þonne% hē ymb-hwyrft || eorðan folca / sōðe and rihte || si
The Paris Psalter 97:8 1b for·þon hē ēadiġ cōm || eorðan tō dēmanne. / / # / Hē ymb-hwy
The Paris Psalter 97:9 2b manne. / / # / Hē ymb-hwyrft || eorðan dēmeþ / sōðe and rihte || a
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 17a s nearwan || nǣniġe þinga / eorðan sċēatas; || is þæt unnytt
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 58a wierse nū, / þæt ġond þās eorðan || ǣg·hwǣr sindon / hira ġe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 3a d-ġe·sċeafta, / heofones and eorðan || and hēare% sǣ / and ealra
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 30a tū || be·fangen / heofon and eorðan || and eall holma be·gang. / S
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 64b eaft. / Hæfþ sē ilca god || eorðan and wætere / mearce ġe·sette
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 66a || Mere-strēam ne dēar / ofer eorðan sċēat || eard ġe·brǣdan /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 68b afe, / ne hēo ǣfre ne mōt || eorðan þerscwold / up ofer-steppan, |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 53b hwelcne bōh || bȳġe wiþ eorðan, / hē biþ up-weardes, || swā
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 68a onne hit mæġ. / Nis nū ofer eorðan || ǣnĝu ġe·sċeaft / þe ne
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 73a æl-mehtiġ god. / Nis nū ofer eorðan || ǣnĝu ġe·sċeaft / þe ne
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 12b metod% || ġe·sċōp menn on eorðan, / and ġe·samnode || sāwle t
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 83a īne ġe·frǣġe, / fȳres and eorðan. || Fela manna wāt / þætte yf
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 85a ealra ġe·sċeafta / fȳr ofer eorðan, || folde niðemest. / Is þæt
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 106a nū weorðaþ oft / axe ġond eorðan || eall tō·blāwen. / Ne meah
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 107a blāwen. / Ne meahte on ðǣre eorðan || āwuht libban, / ne wihte þ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 123a ĝor-strēames%, / wæteres and eorðan || and on wolcnum ēac, / and e
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 138a hwierfeþ, / and þēah ðǣre eorðan || ǣfre ne oþ·rineþ, / ne h
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 163a uldor-cyning, || wundorlīċe / eorðan swā fæste || þæt hēo on
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 235b heofon-cundan || hider wiþ eorðan, / sāwla wiþ līċe; || siþþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 242a hama || lāst weardian / eft on eorðan, || for·þǣm hē ǣr of hire
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 23 1a : Metre 23 / / Sīe þæt lā on eorðan || ǣlċes þinġes / ġe·sǣl
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 2b flēoĝan mæġ || feorr fram eorðan / ofer hēane hrōf || heofones
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 36b d wer-þēoda / ealra ōðra || eorðan cyninga, / sē mid his brīdle
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 38b d% hafaþ / ymb-hwyrft ealne || eorðan and heofones. / Hē his ġe·we
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 41b hræd-wæġne || heofones and eorðan. / Sē ān dēma || is ġe·stæ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 58b ðe ġe·sēon / unrihtwīse || eorðan cyningas / and þā ofer·mōda
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 2b ofer·mōdum / unrihtwīsum || eorðan cyningum, / þā hēr nū mani
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 58b ld-ġe·cynde. / Unrihtwīse || eorðan cyningas / ne maĝon ǣfre þur
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 10b spyreþ / aefter ǣġhwelcum || eorðan tūdre, / dīerum and fuĝolum?
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 1a oethius: Metre 28 / / Hwā is on eorðan || nū unlǣrdra / þe ne wundr
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 16a nan || samod mid rodore / under eorðan grund, || hē ana stent. / Nis
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 68a lda metod || manna bearnum / on eorðan fēt || eall þætte grōweþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 90a le ġe·sċeafta / heofones and eorðan || hæbben ġe·mǣne, / þæt
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 3a līċe || maneĝa wuhta / ġond eorðan faraþ || unġelīċe; / habba
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 7b snīcaþ, / eall līċ-hama || eorðan ġe·tenġe, / nabbaþ hīe æt
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 9a aĝon hīe mid fōtum gangan, / eorðan brūcan, || swā him ēaden w
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 14b rold wlīteþ, || wilnaþ tō eorðan, / sume nīed-þearfe, || sume n
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 2a sċīrra tungla, / heofones and eorðan. || þū on hēah-setle / ēċum
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 25a ðran wind. / Ēalā hwæt, on eorðan || ealla ġe·sċeafta / hīera
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 31b ċend, / āra þīnum earmum || eorðan tūdre, / manna cynne, || þurh
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 5a oþ ā·þīestrod / ealle ofer eorðan || ōðre steorran, / for·þǣ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 16a u bēateþ. / Ēalā, þæt on eorðan || āuht fæstlīċes / weorces
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 5a e ield || fold-būendum / ġond eorðan sċēat || ǣg·hwǣm dohte, /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 19b ǣton simle / on ǣfen-tīd || eorðan wæstmas, / wudes and wyrta, ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 40a || oþþe wolde god / þæt on eorðan nū || ūssa tīda / ġond þā
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 59b n weorolde, || wætere oþþe eorðan.
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 43b ā norðmestan || næssan on eorðan; / eall þæt Nērone || nīede
The Death of Edgar 1b of Edgar / / Hēr ġe·endode || eorðan drēamas / Ēadgār, Engla cyni
The Death of Edgar 37b hwǣm / īeġ-būendra || þurh eorðan wæstm.
The Death of Edward 17b wræc-lāstum || wīde ġond eorðan, / siþþan Cnut ofer·cōm || c
The Death of Edward 27a dēore ġe·nam / æðelne of eorðan; || englas feredon / sōþfæste
The Rune Poem 62b sīne / þæt earme flǣsċ || eorðan be·tǣcan. / //L// laĝu biþ
The Rune Poem 77a um brȳċe. / //A// āc biþ on eorðan || ielda bearnum / flǣsċes f
Solomon and Saturn 14a ēċan’. / ‘Unlǣde biþ on eorðan, || unnytt līfes, / wēste wīs
Solomon and Saturn 69a ðǣre foldan || fīra ǣniġ / eorðan cynnes, || ǣr·þon iċ hine
Solomon and Saturn 86a rīmes’. / ‘Ieldu bēoþ on eorðan || ǣġhwæs cræftiġ; / mid h
Solomon and Saturn 109b eft fealwiaþ, || feallaþ on eorðan / and for·weorniaþ, || weorð
Solomon and Saturn 161a līċ. / Ōðer biþ unlǣde on eorðan, || ōðer biþ ēadiġ, / swī
Solomon and Saturn 272a þisse foldan || fīra ǣniġ / eorðan cynnes, || þāra þe man ā
The Menologium 176b we weorðiaþ || wīde ġond eorðan / hēah-engles tīd || on hærf
Maxims II 2b weorc, || þā þe on þisse eorðan sindon, / wrǣtliċ weall-stān
Maxims II 34b blōwan. || Beorh sċeall on eorðan / grēne standan. || God sċeal
Maxims II 47b strēamas. || Feoh sċeall on eorðan / tȳdran and tīeman. || Tungo
The Judgment Day II 14b æs dimman cyme || deaðes on eorðan / ic ondræde me eac || dom ðo
The Judgment Day II 16b lan / for mandædum || minum on eorðan / and ðæt ece ic eac || yrre
The Judgment Day II 31b nd minne lichaman || lecge on eorðan / and geearnade sar || ealle ic
The Judgment Day II 72a g cymeð || ðonne demeð god / eorðan ymbhwyrft || ðu ana scealt / g
The Judgment Day II 87b sylfum demst || for synnum on eorðan / ne heofenes god || henða and
The Judgment Day II 98b nd cristes cyme || cyðað on eorðan / eall eorðe bifað || eac swa
The Judgment Day II 140b ystrum scræfum || ðinga on eorðan / eal ðæt hwæne sceamode ||
The Judgment Day II 188a || spellum areccan / ænegum on eorðan || earmlice witu / fulle stowa
The Rewards of Piety 23a || eall gesylle / ðæt ðu on eorðan || ær gestryndes / goda gehwyl
The Rewards of Piety 79a san / ðænne scealt ðu hit on eorðan || ær geðencan / and ðu ðe
The Lord's Prayer II 61a fonrice || heah casere / and on eorðan || ealra cyninga / help and hea
The Gloria I 6a || swa ðu wealdan miht / eall eorðan mægen || and uplyfte / wind an
The Gloria I 18b h halige miht || heofonas and eorðan / eardas and uplyft || and eall
The Lord's Prayer III 11b rðe gelæsted / on eardunge || eorðan rices / swa hluttor is || in he
The Lord's Prayer III 23b we forlætað || leahtras on eorðan / ðam ðe wið us || oft agylt
The Creed 3a ft || sceope and worhtest / and eorðan wang || ealne gesettest / ic ð
The Creed 6b lifes frea / engla ordfruma || eorðan wealdend / and ðu garsecges ||
The Creed 24b æt acenned wæs || crist on eorðan / ða se pontisca || pilatus we
Fragment of Psalm 64 2a eart hiht ealra / ðe on ðisse eorðan || utan syndon / oððe feor on
The Kentish Hymn 5b or / uppe mid ænglum || and on eorðan sibb / gumena gehwilcum || good
The Kentish Hymn 13b st on gewealdum || hiofen and eorðan / an ece fæder || ælmehtig go
A Prayer 11b nge / se byð earming || ðe on eorðan her / dæiges and nihtes || deo
A Prayer 16b ce / se byð eadig || se ðe on eorðan her / dæiges and nyhtes || dri
A Prayer 26b waldest || / ana ofer ealle || eorðan and heofonas / syddra gesceafta
Aldhelm 16b him drihten gyfe || dinams on eorðan / [fortis factor] || ðæt he f
The Seasons for Fasting 83b ða nigoðan tyd || nan is on eorðan / butan hine unhæl || an geðr
The Seasons for Fasting 89a æt ðu gebann sceole / her on eorðan || ænig healdan / ðæs ðe mo
Cædmon's Hymn, West-Saxon Version 5b onstealde / he ærest sceop || eorðan bearnum / heofon to hrofe || ha
The Leiden Riddle 11b re% swā þēah || wīde ofer eorðan / hātan mith hæleþum || hyht
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 11b n / ðurh halga bec || hider on eorðan / geond manna mod || missenlice
Metrical Charm 7: For the Water-Elf Disease 6b ge / ne ace ðe ðon ma || ðe eorðan on eare ace
Metrical Charm 8: For a Swarm of Bees 1a Swarm of Bees / / Wiþ ymbe nim eorðan, ofer-weorp mid þīnre swīð
Metrical Charm 8: For a Swarm of Bees 5b sitte ge sigewif || sigað to eorðan / næfre ge wilde || to wuda fl
Instructions for Christians 157b on cwæð / Far nu ymbe æll || eorðan rices, / sec and smeage, || sw
Instructions for Christians 205b r, / forþon geond eall is || eorðan rices, / heofon-rices gast ||
Instructions for Christians 226b heah-cræftig || heofonas and eorðan, / weoruldes waldend, || wæter
The Battle of Maldon 107b earn ǣses ġeorn; || wæs on eorðan ċierm. / Hīe lēton þā of f
The Battle of Maldon 126b id wǣpnum; || wæl fēoll on eorðan. / Stōdon stede-fæste; || stih
The Battle of Maldon 157b nn ġe·wōd, || þæt sē on eorðan læġ / þe his þēoden ǣr ||
The Battle of Maldon 233a re þēoden liġeþ, / eorl on eorðan. || Ūs is eallum ðearf / þæt
The Battle of Maldon 286b ne sǣ-lidan, || þæt hē on eorðan fēoll, / and ðǣr Gaddes mǣ
The Battle of Maldon 303b um wērġe. || Wæl fēoll on eorðan. / Ōswold and Ēadwold || ealle