Number of occurrences in corpus: 54
Genesis A 86a | wosan || heofon of·ġēafon, / | lēohte | be·lorene. || Him on lāste |
Genesis A 210b | um forþ-weardum. || Fæġere | lēohte | / þæt līðe land || laĝu ie |
Genesis B 258a | lēanes þe hē him on þǣm | lēohte | ġe·sċerede || þonne læte |
Genesis B 508a | e dǣd and word / lofian on his | lēohte | || and ymb þīn līf sprecan |
Genesis B 676b | fonum. || Wearþ mē on hyġe | lēohte | / ūtan and innan, || siþþan |
Genesis B 851a | sē gōda, / hū hīe on þǣm | lēohte | forþ || libban sċolden. / Þ |
Christ and Satan 177a | īran dryht, / ā·lǣded fram | lēohte | || in þone lāðan hām. / Ne |
Christ and Satan 360a | swīðran hand, / lǣdeþ% tō | lēohte, | || ðǣr hīe līf āĝon / ā |
Christ and Satan 588a | den%. / Lǣdaþ% ūs þider tō | lēohte | || þurh his lǣċedōm, / ðǣ |
Dream of the Rood 5b | cre trēow / on lyft lǣdan, || | lēohte | be·wunden, / bēama beorhtost. |
Elene 92a | afum ā·writen%, / beorhte and | lēohte: | || ‘Mid þȳs bēacne þū / |
Elene 295b | nne, / þe ġond lyft faraþ || | lēohte | be·wundene, / miċele mæġen- |
Elene 527b | ġe·lēafan || þe hēo swā | lēohte | on·cnēow, / wuldorfæste ġie |
Elene 677a | f nearwe || niðan sċīnende / | lēohte | līexton. || Lēode ġe·fǣ |
Elene 698a | illa. || Hēo on cnēow sette / | lēohte | ġe·lēafan, || lāc weorðo |
Christ A 400b | ofiaþ lēoflīċne || and on | lēohte | him / þā word cweðaþ || and |
Christ B 504b | don%, / lofodon līf-fruman, || | lēohte | ġe·fǣĝon / þe of þæs hǣ |
Christ B 592a | heofones mǣrþu, / swā þæt | lēohte | lēoht || swā þā lāðan n |
Christ C 1118b | wode. / Maĝon lēoda bearn || | lēohte | on·cnāwan / hū hine līegned |
Christ C 1238b | r / þæt hīe fore lēodum || | lēohte | blīcaþ, / blǣde and byrhte | |
Christ C 1463b | t lange līf || þæt þū on | lēohte | siþþan, / wlitiġ, wamma lēa |
Christ C 1642b | aþ, / lēofne līfes weard, || | lēohte | be·wundne, / sibbum be·sweðe |
Maxims I 66b | sċade hweorfan, || sċīr on | lēohte | ġe·rīseþ. / Hand sċeall h |
The Order of the World 59b | līf ġe·sċōp || and þis | lēohte | beorht / cymeþ morĝna ġe·hw |
Guthlac A 652a | ēase. || Eom iċ sōðlīċe / | lēohte | ġe·lēafan || and mid lufan |
Guthlac A 768b | rȳmeþ / līðe līf-weĝas || | lēohte | ġe·rǣhte. / Nis þæt hūru |
Guthlac B 1111a | gann þā his mōd staðolian / | lēohte | ġe·lēafan, || lāc on·sæ |
Riddles 27 17b | e aefter dyntum || be dæġes | lēohte. | |
The Judgment Day I 20a | ðǣr nǣfre dæġ sċīeneþ / | lēohte | of lyfte, || ac ā be·locen |
Resignation 111b | ang aefter [lī]fe. || Iċ on | lēohte | ne mæġ / būtan earfoþum || |
Azarias 78a | cyning, || sunne and mōna%, / | lēohte | lēoman, || libbende god, / hā |
Riddles 63 11a | þȳ mīðan, [] || / []ān on | lēohte | || / [] || / swelċe ēac biþ |
The Phoenix 479a | nd nihtes || drihten lufiaþ, / | lēohte | ġe·lēafan || lēofne ċēo |
The Phoenix 596b | þan, / ac ðǣr libbaþ ā || | lēohte | weorode, / swā sē fuĝol feni |
The Phoenix 607a | ·hwone || seldliċ glenġeþ / | lēohte | on līfe, || ðǣr sē langa |
The Phoenix 661a | || metode bringaþ, / on þæt | lēohte | līf. || Sīe him lof simle / |
Juliana 653a | dum. || Ġe mid lufan sibbe, / | lēohte | ġe·lēafan, || tō þām li |
Beowulf 95a | sunnan and mōnan / lēoman tō | lēohte | || land-būendum / and ġe·fr |
The Paris Psalter 103:2 3b | ēawlīċe / swā lim-wǣdum || | lēohte | ġe·ġierwed. / / # / Heofon þ |
The Paris Psalter 118:135 3a | īne ansīene || esne þīnum / | lēohte | and lēofe; || lǣr mē siþ |
The Paris Psalter 138:7 1b | eru ġe·fō, || fleoĝe ǣr | lēohte, | / oþ·þæt iċ be·ūtan wese |
The Paris Psalter 138:11 1b | ĝum gæþ || þīestru wiþ | lēohte, | / for·þon þū hīe settest | |
The Paris Psalter 55:10 8b | gode līcode / on libbendra || | lēohte | eallum. |
The Paris Psalter 62:1 2a | , || iċ þē ġearwe tō / æt | lēohte | ġe·hwǣm || lustum wacie. / / |
The Paris Psalter 66:1 2b | / ġe·blētsa nū; || beorhte | lēohte | / þīnne andwlitan || and ūs |
The Paris Psalter 77:33 2a | ne hīe sōhton hine, / and ǣr | lēohte | tō him || lustum cōmon. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 88:14 1a | herġan. / / # / Þā on þīnum | lēohte | || leofaþ and gangaþ / þe hi |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 268a | || ūsses mōdes / mid þīnum | lēohte, | || līfes wealdend, / for·þǣ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 8a | | þurh þīne meaht. / Blācum | lēohte | || beorhte steorran / mōna ġe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 26a | oht || sweotole on·cnāwan, / | lēohte | ġe·lēafan, || þū for·l |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 13a | æt fȳr meahte / līexan swā | lēohte | || and swā lange ēac, / rēad |
Solomon and Saturn 23b | lēofre || þonne eall þēos | lēohte | ġe·sċeaft, / ġe·goten fram |
Solomon and Saturn 198a | d oþ·glīdeþ, / þā hē be | lēohte | ġe·sihþ, || lūteþ aefter |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 34b | þfæt gōdne, || smylte and | lēohte | / windas% on% wāroþum%. || Wi |