Number of occurrences in corpus: 40
Daniel 382a | || ēċe drihten, / hyllas and | hrūsan | || and hēa beorĝas, / sealte |
Elene 218a | wuldres bēam, / hāliġ under | hrūsan, | || hȳded wǣre, / æðel-cinin |
Elene 187a | rodor-cininges, / hāliġ under | hrūsan, | || þe ġē hwīle nū / þurh |
Elene 404a | cen ġe·seah%, / hāliġ under | hrūsan. | || Hē mid heandum be·fēng / |
Elene 653a | yning æl-mehtiġ, / hord under | hrūsan | || þæt ġe·hȳded ġīen, / |
Christ B 658a | mæġena þrymm, / hāliġ fram | hrūsan, | || ā·hafen wurde. / Þā ūs |
Maxims I 115a | an be·fēolan, / hinder under | hrūsan, | || þe hit for·helan þenċe |
Riddles 2 9b | / holm-mæġene be·þeaht, || | hrūsan | styrġe, / sīde sǣ-grundas. | |
Riddles 27 11b | þæt hē hryċġe sċeall || | hrūsan | sēċan, / ġif hē unrǣdes || |
Riddles 40 55b | oru-grymma, || þonne hē tō | hrūsan | cymeþ; / iċ% eom% Ulcanus || |
Riddles 7 1b | min swīĝaþ, || þonne iċ | hrūsan | trede, / oþþe þā wīċ bū |
The Ruin 8a | e, ġe·leorene, / heard-grīpe | hrūsan, | || oþ hund cnēa / wer-þēoda |
The Ruin 29a | | Bētend crungon / herġas tō | hrūsan. | || For·þon þās hofu drēo |
Riddles 84 36a | de snotor || meniġu wundra. / | Hrūsan | biþ heardra, || hæleþum fr |
Riddles 84 47a | ed weall, || / þrymm[]ed, || / | hrūsan | hrīneþ, || h[] / []etenġe, | |
The Wanderer 23a | ġe·ō || gold-wine mīnne% / | hrūsan | heolstre be·wrāh || and iċ |
The Wanderer 102b | nyssaþ, / hrīþ hrēosende || | hrūsan% | bindeþ, / wintres wōma, || þ |
The Seafarer 32a | ua, || norðan snīwde, / hrīm | hrūsan | band, || hæġl fēoll on eor |
Beowulf 772b | aðu-dēorum, || þæt hē on | hrūsan | ne fēoll, / fǣġer fold-bold; |
Beowulf 2276a | e·sēċan sċeall / hord% on% | hrūsan%, | || ðǣr hē hǣðen gold / war |
Beowulf 2279a | þrīe-hund wintra / hēold on | hrūsan% | || hord-ærna sum, / ēacen-cr |
Beowulf 2411a | e || ǣnne wisse, / hlǣw under | hrūsan | || holm-wielme nēah, / ȳþ-ġ |
Beowulf 2831a | a || wundum stille / hrēas on | hrūsan | || hord-ærne nēah. / Nealles |
The Paris Psalter 113:23 2b | , / þǣm þe heofon worhte, || | hrūsan | swelċe; / heofonas healdeþ || |
The Paris Psalter 120:2 2b | ne, / sē þe heofon worhte, || | hrūsan | swelċe. / / # / Ne selle hē þ |
The Paris Psalter 123:7 5b | , / þæs þe heofon worhte, || | hrūsan | swelċe. |
The Paris Psalter 133:4 3b | fe, / sē þe heofon worhte, || | hrūsan | swelċe. |
The Paris Psalter 143:18 1a | te. / / # / Ne hrēosaþ hīe tō | hrūsan | || hearde ġe·bīeġed, / ne |
The Paris Psalter 145:5 1b | / # / Sē þe heofon worhte, || | hrūsan | swelċe / and sīdne sǣ || sam |
The Paris Psalter 67:9 2b | htnes / heofonas droppetaþ; || | hrūsan | forhtiaþ / for Israela godes | |
The Paris Psalter 88:10 1b | # / Heofonas þū wealdest, || | hrūsan | swelċe; / eorðan ymbe-hwyrft |
The Paris Psalter 95:11 1b | . / / # / Heofonas% blissiaþ, || | hrūsan | swelċe / ġe·fēoþ fæstlī |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 43b | n, / on hwelcum hīe% hlǣwa || | hrūsan | þeċċen? / Hwǣr is nū sē r |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 52a | liġeþ him be·hindan / hefiġ | hrūsan | dæl, || þēah hit hwīlan% |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 62b | m / swelċe haĝol and snāw || | hrūsan | leċċaþ / on wintres tīd, || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 13a | a ġe·hwelċ / on·hniġen tō | hrūsan, | || hnipaþ of dūne, / on weoro |
The Death of Edgar 35a | de ġe·frǣġe, / hungor ofer | hrūsan; | || þæt eft heofona weard / ġ |
The Rune Poem 33b | , / hāliġ heofones cyning, || | hrūsan | sellan / beorhte blǣda || beor |
The Rune Poem 36a | || un-smēðe trēow, / heard, | hrūsan | fæst, || hierde fȳres, / wyrt |
The Rune Poem 92b | ·ġinneþ, / hrǣw cōlian, || | hrūsan | ċēosan / blāc tō ġe·bedda |