A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: ær

Number of occurrences in corpus: 510

Genesis A 35b d þam werode wraþ || þe he ær wurþode / wlite and wuldre ||
Genesis A 78a gode winnan / þa wæs soþ swa ær || sibb on heofnum / fægre fre
Genesis B 321b rþ / heofonrices hehþe || þe ær godes hyldo gelæston / lagon
Genesis B 322b þre fynd on þam fyre || þe ær swa feala hæfdon / gewinnes wi
Genesis B 338b æc se ofermoda cyning || þe ær wæs engla scynost / hwitost on
Genesis B 349b / gieman þæs grundes || wæs ær godes engel / hwit on heofne ||
Genesis B 357b þe / þam oþrum ham || þe we ær cuþon / hean on heofonrice ||
Genesis B 539b t / ænegum his engla || þe ic ær geseah / ne þu me oþiewdest |
Genesis B 607b ode ymb þa sawle || þe hire ær þa siene onlah / þæt heo swa
Genesis B 637b æppel unsælga || þone hire ær forbead / drihtna drihten || de
Genesis B 803b n breostum || þæs wit begra ær / wæron orsorge || on ealle ti
Genesis B 844a þa habban ne moston / þe him ær forgeaf || ælmihtig god / þa
Genesis A 857b de / wiste forworhte || þam he ær wlite sealde / gewitan him þa
Genesis A 937b l unliþe || þe þu on æple ær / selfa forswulge || forþon þ
Genesis A 1147b de her / wintra hundnigontig || ær he be wife her / þurh gebedsci
Genesis A 1158b hæfde / efne hundseofontig || ær him sunu woce / þa wearþ on e
Genesis A 1213a earwum || þe his gast onfeng / ær hine to monnum || modor broht
Genesis A 1221a reama breac || worn gestrynde / ær his swyltdæge || suna and do
Genesis A 1235b tan / noæ nemde || se niþþum ær / land bryttade || siþþan lam
Genesis A 1262b e feond / folcdriht wera || þa ær on friþe wæron / siþþan hun
Genesis A 1508a n geogoþhade || godum dædum / ær geearnod || þæt him ealra w
Genesis A 1642b worn afeded / freora bearna || ær þon frod cure / wintrum wælre
Genesis A 1663b d / þæs hie him to mærþe || ær seo mengeo eft / geond foldan b
Genesis A 1840b usser / an ælmihtig || swa he ær dyde / lengran lifes || se us
Genesis A 1977a þa wintra twelf / norþmonnum ær || niede sceoldon / gombon giel
Genesis A 1994b nde / eorle orlegceap || se þe ær ne wæs / niþes genihtsum || n
Genesis A 2046a | and þa eorlas þry / þe him ær treowe sealdon || mid heora f
Genesis A 2129a || hafa þe wunden gold / þæt ær agen wæs || ussum folce / feoh
Genesis A 2266b yfel and ondlean || þæs þe ær dyde / to sarran || ac heo on s
Genesis A 2302a nu weox and þah / swa se engel ær || þurh his agen word / fæle
Genesis A 2471a re synne || ic eow sylle þa / ær ge sceonde || wiþ gesceapu f
Genesis A 2533b godes / swebban synnig cynn || ær þon þu on sægor þin / bearn
Genesis A 2578a t he eft gestod / þær wordum ær || wiþ his waldend spræc / fr
Genesis A 2601b druncnum eode / seo yldre to || ær on reste / heora bega fæder ||
Genesis A 2648b se / to þe seceþ || me sægde ær / þæt wif hire || wordum self
Genesis A 2744b sarrai / and wiþ abrahame || ær gefremede / þa he gedælde ||
Genesis A 2766a of bryde || þone brego engla / ær þy magotudre || modor wære /
Genesis A 2879a an || hea dune / swa him sægde ær || swegles aldor / þa abraham
Genesis A 2935b ælþa || þe he him siþ and ær / gifena drihten || forgifen h
Exodus 28b fes naman / þone yldo bearn || ær ne cuþon / frod fædera cyn ||
Exodus 138b lastweard || se þe him lange ær / eþelleasum || onnied gescraf
Exodus 141b / þeah þe se yldra cyning || ær ge/ / þa wearþ yrfeweard || i
Exodus 285b med / ealde staþolas || þa ic ær ne gefrægn / ofer middangeard
Exodus 458b an beleac / wyrd mid wæge || þ ær ær wegas lagon / mere modgode
Daniel 35b frymþe || þa þe on fruman ær þon / wæron mancynnes || meto
Daniel 116b an / þa onwoc wulfheort || se ær wingal swæf / babilone weard |
Daniel 166a de || swefen cyninge / þæt he ær for fyrenum || onfon ne meaht
Daniel 482b swefnes / soþ gesæde || þæt ær swiþe oþstod / manegum on mod
Daniel 556b æded / foran afeallan || þæt ær fæste stod / and þonne mid de
Daniel 587b ra hleo / þinga for þeodne || ær þam seo þrah cyme / þæt he
Daniel 591b oldon sylfe / fyrene fæstan || ær him fær godes / þurh egesan g
Daniel 627b odan gewittes || þær þe he ær wide bær / herewosan hige || h
Daniel 654b sl awunnen / dom gedemed || swa ær daniel cwæþ / þæt se folcto
Daniel 687b msittende / meda aldor || þæt ær man ne ongan / þæt he babilon
Daniel 705a u halegu || on hand werum / þa ær caldeas || mid cyneþrymme / ce
Daniel 750a eoflu || drincan ongunnon / þa ær israela || in æ hæfdon / æt
Christ and Satan 74b / for þam anmedlan || þe hie ær drugon / eft reordade || oþre
Christ and Satan 107a e ic gewald || ealles wuldres / ær ic moste in þeossum atolan |
Christ and Satan 116b fan / æþel to æhte || swa he ær dyde / ecne onwald || ah him al
Christ and Satan 122b pe mid ænglum || þes þe ic ær gecwæþ / þæt ic wære seolf
Christ and Satan 244b becom / and hine on eorþan || ær gelefde / þa þæs ofþuhte ||
Christ and Satan 253a || þis is idel gylp / þæt we ær drugon || ealle hwile / þa gew
Christ and Satan 278b efan / eþel to æhte || swa he ær dyde / swa gnornedon || godes a
Christ and Satan 289b es / gif we þæt on eorþan || ær geþencaþ / and us to þam hal
Christ and Satan 302b moton / and þæt on eorþan || ær gewyrcaþ / forþon se biþ ead
Christ and Satan 365b n mot / wæs þæt encgelcyn || ær genemned / lucifer haten || leo
Christ and Satan 382b ne wæs þam atolan || þe we ær nemdon / þa wæron mid egsan |
Christ and Satan 388a fægere leoht / þonne we æfre ær || eagum gesawon / buton þa we
Christ and Satan 407b e þa gyt / wlitan in wuldre || ær heo wordum cwæþ / ic þe æne
Christ and Satan 464a æs on uhtan || eall geworden / ær dægrede || þæt se dyne bec
Christ and Satan 492a þe hælend god / se þæt wite ær || to wrece gesette / ferde to
Christ and Satan 501b es / þreo and þritig geara || ær ic þrowode / gemunde ic þæs
Christ and Satan 513b dum sæde / meotod moncynnes || ær on morgen / þæs þe drihten g
Christ and Satan 523b ian / ecne and trumne || swa he ær dyde / þa ic gongan gefregn ||
Christ and Satan 542a e deora || didimus wæs haten / ær he mid hondum || hælend geno
Christ and Satan 559b d folcum / gecyþed mancynne || ær he in þa mæran gesceaft / bur
Christ and Satan 574a e || þa wæs iudas of / se þe ær on tifre || torhtne gesalde / d
Christ and Satan 667b gewearþ þone weregan || þe ær aworpen wæs / of heofonum ||
Christ and Satan 9b ng / engla and monna || swa þu ær myntest / þa him andswarode ||
Christ and Satan 29a im græfhus || gong ricene to / ær twa seondon || tida agongene /
Christ and Satan 50b us beo nu on yfele || noldæs ær teala / [Finit Liber II Amen] |
Andreas 188b endan / ellorfusne || butan þu ær cyme / ædre him andreas || age
Andreas 695b rf / yfel endeleas || þær hit ær aras / þa se þeoden gewat ||
Andreas 949a wuldre lean / swa ic him sylfum ær || secgende wæs / nu þu andre
Andreas 1031b m geoce bæd / hælend helpe || ær þan hra crunge / fore hæþenr
Andreas 1050b el gehedan / treowgeþoftan || ær hie on tu hweorfan / ægþer þ
Andreas 1070b recan || to þæs þa hæftas ær / under hlinscuwan || hearm þr
Andreas 1266b or þy egesan || þæs þe he ær ongann / þæt he a domlicost |
Andreas 1274a stne hæleþ / þa wæs eft swa ær || ondlangne dæg / swungen sar
Andreas 1341a on fleam numen / ongan eft swa ær || ealdgeniþla / helle hæftli
Andreas 1354a secgplegan || selre gelæran / ær þu gegninga || guþe fremme /
Andreas 1439a d eorþe || hreosaþ togadore / ær awæged sie || worda ænig / þ
Andreas 1449b n / blædum gehrodene || swa he ær his blod aget / þa worde cwæ
Andreas 1476a eore bestemed / ac wæs eft swa ær || þurh þa æþelan miht / lo
Andreas 1615b na geogoþe || þe on geofene ær / þurh flodes fæþm || feorh
Andreas 1624b risan / geonge of greote || þa ær geofon cwealde / þa þær ofos
Andreas 1628b d gastlic || þeah hie lungre ær / þurh flodes fær || feorh al
Soul and Body I 4b þ / asyndreþ þa sybbe || þe ær samod wæron / lic ond sawle ||
Soul and Body I 7b wuldor || swa him on worulde ær / efne þæt eorþfæt || ær g
Soul and Body I 8b e ær / efne þæt eorþfæt || ær geworhte / sceal se gast cuman
Soul and Body I 11b dan / þone lichoman || þe hie ær lange wæg / þreo hund wintra
Soul and Body I 12b g / þreo hund wintra || butan ær þeodcyning / ælmihtig god ||
Soul and Body I 25b wiste || hwæt þu on worulde ær / lyt geþohtest || hu þis is
Soul and Body I 56b h þæs sylfes hand || þe ic ær onsended wæs / ne magon þe nu
Soul and Body I 90b wrigene || þa þe on worulde ær / fyrenfulle men || fyrn geworh
Soul and Body I 102b cra yrmþa || swa þu unc her ær scrife / fyrnaþ þus þæt fl
Soul and Body I 123b acolod biþ || þæt he lange ær / werede mid wædum || biþ þo
Soul and Body I 131b um þæt lamfæt || þæt hie ær lange wæg / þonne þa gastas
Soul and Body I 141b na wuldor || swylc swa þu me ær her scrife / fæstest þu on fo
Dream of the Rood 114b e / biteres onbyrigan || swa he ær on þam beame dyde / ac hie þo
Dream of the Rood 118a nig || anforht wesan / þe him ær in breostum bereþ || beacna
Dream of the Rood 137b rod / þe ic her on eorþan || ær sceawode / on þysson lænan ||
Dream of the Rood 145b eond / se þe her on eorþan || ær þrowode / on þam gealgtreowe
Dream of the Rood 154b algum || þam þe on heofonum ær / wunedon on wuldre || þa heor
Elene 74b / geywed ænlicra || þonne he ær oþþe siþ / gesege under sweg
Elene 101b ruma || þæt him on heofonum ær / geiewed wearþ || ofstum mycl
Elene 240b insade || ne hyrde ic siþ ne ær / on egstreame || idese lædan /
Elene 8b nude gecyþ / min swæs sunu || ær þec swylt nime / ne mæg æfre
Elene 20b raþ gewitt || gif hie wiston ær / þæt he crist wære || cynin
Elene 39b wonsælige || swa hie wendon ær / sarum settan || þeah he sume
Elene 122a ymb fyrngewritu / hu on worulde ær || witgan sungon / gasthalige g
Elene 133a on aldre || owiht swylces / ne ær ne siþ || æfre hyrdon / elene
Elene 163a re rode || riht getæhte / þe ær in legere wæs || lange bedyr
Elene 225b t lifes treow || ond nu lytle ær / sægdest soþlice || be þam
Elene 237b wær seo stow sie / caluarie || ær þec cwealm nime / swilt for sy
Elene 268a | be þam lifes treo / þeah ic ær mid dysige || þurhdrifen wæ
Elene 278b on þa dune up || þe dryhten ær / ahangen wæs || heofonrices w
Elene 423b afen wære / sigebearn godes || ær he asettan heht / on þone midd
Elene 442b hycgende || hit wæs dead swa ær / lic legere fæst || leomu col
Elene 469a || nu cwom elþeodig / þone ic ær on firenum || fæstne talde / h
Elene 482b um to sorge || ic þurh iudas ær / hyhtful gewearþ || ond nu ge
Elene 494b an cyning || þam þu hyrdest ær / him þa gleawhydig || iudas o
Elene 535b acna || þara þe siþ oþþe ær / halig under heofenum || ahafe
Elene 547b re / funden in foldan || þæt ær feala mæla / behyded wæs || h
Elene 604b d / þa wæs gefulwad || se þe ær feala tida / leoht gearu # || /
Elene 678b ode / ealle anmode || þeah hie ær wæron / þurh deofles spild ||
Elene 682b r godes || þeah we wiþsocun ær / mid leasingum || nu is in leo
Elene 702a || þæt wæs oft bodod / feor ær beforan || fram fruman woruld
Elene 788b ten agan / butan siex nihtum || ær sumeres cyme / on maias calend
Elene 801b gearwe / be þære rode riht || ær me rumran geþeaht / þurh þa
Elene 806a gebunden || bisgum beþrungen / ær me lare onlag || þurh leohtn
Elene 814a nales æne || hæfde ingemynd / ær ic þæt wundor || onwrigen h
Elene 846b gesyllan / eallra unsnyttro || ær gesprecenra / þristra geþonca
Christ A 39b wearð / nænig efenlic ðam || ær ne siððan / in worlde gewear
Christ A 45a ume || ðurh lifes fruman / ðe ær under hoðman || biholen læg
Christ A 63b nimeð eard in ðe || swa hit ær gefyrn / witgan wisfæste || wo
Christ A 115b ðu inleohte || ða ðe longe ær / ðrosme beðeahte || ond in
Christ A 161b orcyning || ða ðu geworhtes ær / hondum ðinum || ðu in heann
Christ A 216a ing || crist ælmihtig / hu ðu ær wære || eallum geworden / woru
Christ A 252a || ðe in geardagum / ful longe ær || bilocen stodan / heofona hea
Christ A 258b owrecene || ðæt ðu waldend ær / blode gebohtes || ðæt se be
Christ A 269a an || æðelan rice / ðonan us ær ðurh synlust || se swearta g
Christ A 315a sterhlides || clustor onlucan / ær him godes engel || ðurh glæ
Christ A 436b fne in ðam eðle || ðær he ær ne cwom / in lifgendra || londe
Christ B 466b feowertig || ðe he of foldan ær / from deaðe aras || dagena ri
Christ B 468b es / hæfde ða gefylled || swa ær biforan sungon / witgena word |
Christ B 602a ða gehwylcre / ðe us sið ond ær || simle gefremede / ðurh moni
Christ B 615b rde / æt his upstige || ðe we ær drugon / ond geðingade || ðeo
Christ B 619b arf / saulum to sibbe || se ðe ær sungen wæs / ðurh yrne hyge |
Christ B 799a recan reðe word / ðam ðe him ær in worulde || wace hyrdon / ðe
Christ B 848b cel / ðæt we gæstes wlite || ær ðam gryrebrogan / on ðas gæs
Christ C 893a ið foretacna mæst / ðara ðe ær oððe sið || æfre gewurde /
Christ C 916b inges || ðam ðe him on mode ær / wordum ond weorcum || wel gec
Christ C 937b arnum / mona ðæt sylfe || ðe ær moncynne / nihtes lyhte || nið
Christ C 978b heahcleofu || ða wið holme ær / fæste wið flodum || foldan
Christ C 984b rta leg / weallende wiga || swa ær wæter fleowan / flodas afysde
Christ C 1051a lan dæge || hu monna gehwylc / ær earnode || eces lifes / ond eal
Christ C 1052b ond eall ondweard || ðæt hi ær oððe sið / worhtun in woruld
Christ C 1056b n geðohtas / ealle ætyweð || ær sceal geðencan / gæstes ðear
Christ C 1067b ylce || ðara ðe sið oððe ær / on lichoman || leoðum onfeng
Christ C 1135a usalem || godwebba cyst / ðæt ær ðam halgan || huse sceolde / t
Christ C 1157a nde || up astodan / ða ðe heo ær fæste || bifen hæfde / deade
Christ C 1223b fum / gecorene bi cystum || ða ær sinne cwide georne / lustum læ
Christ C 1233b neorissum || swa hi geworhtun ær / ðær bið on eadgum || eðge
Christ C 1260b a sceal gewrixled || ðam ðe ær wel heoldon / ðurh modlufan ||
Christ C 1265b synne genoge / atolearfoða || ær gedenra / ðær him sorgendum |
Christ C 1287b blissiað / ða hy unsælge || ær forhogdun / to donne || ðonne
Christ C 1290a orcum || wepende sar / ðæt hi ær freolice || fremedon unryht / g
Christ C 1302b bealodæde / ælces unryhtes || ær gescomeden / fore anum men || e
Christ C 1345a es fæder rice / ðæt eow wæs ær woruldum || wynlice gearo / bl
Christ C 1375b ondweard ywan || ðæt he him ær forgeaf / syngum to sælum || o
Christ C 1454b eorhdolg || ðe ge gefremedun ær / on minum folmum || ond on fot
Christ C 1491b onne seo oðer wæs || ðe ic ær gestag / willum minum || ða me
Christ C 1526b eallan / on grimne grund || ða ær wið gode wunnon / bið ðonne
The Fortunes of Men 50b ringeð / were winsadum || bið ær his worda to hræd / sum sceal
Maxims I 21a semað || sibbe gelærað / ða ær wonsælge || awegen habbað / r
Maxims I 48b mon cildgeongne forcweðan || ær he hine acyðan mote / ðy scea
Maxims I 113a m on sumera / ofercumen bið he ær he acwele || gif he nat hwa h
Maxims I 180a | / næfre hy mon tomælde || / ær hy deað todæle || / hy twege
Maxims I 190a / oft hy wordum toweorpað || / ær hy bacum tobreden || / geara i
The Riming Poem 45a | gewiteð nihtes in fleah / se ær in dæge wæs dyre || scriðe
The Riming Poem 80a n || ne bið se hlisa adroren / ær ðæt eadig geðenceð || he
The Panther 34b an / his fyrngeflitan || ðe ic ær fore sægde / symle fylle fæge
The Whale 74b fiað / gyltum gehrodene || ond ær georne his / in hira lifdagum |
Soul and Body II 4b sundrað ða sibbe || ða ðe ær somud wæron / lic ond sawle ||
Soul and Body II 7b wuldor || swa him in worulde ær / efne ðæt eorðfæt || ær g
Soul and Body II 8b e ær / efne ðæt eorðfæt || ær geworhte / sceal se gæst cuman
Soul and Body II 11b dan / ðone lichoman || ðe heo ær longe wæg / ðreo hund wintra
Soul and Body II 13a g / ðreo hund wintra || / butan ær wyrce || ece dryhten / ælmihti
Soul and Body II 53b h ðæs sylfes hond || ðe ic ær onsended wæs / ne magon ðe nu
Soul and Body II 65b secan ða hamas || ðe ðu me ær scrife / ond ða arleasan || ea
Soul and Body II 84b wrigene || ða ðe in worulde ær / firenfulle menn || fyrn gewor
Soul and Body II 96b swylcra yrmða || swa ðu unc ær scrife / firenað ðus ðæt fl
Soul and Body II 118b / lic acolad || ðæt he longe ær / werede mid wædum || bið ðo
Guthlac A 27a l ðæs monnes || mod astigan / ær oððe æfter || ðonne he hi
Guthlac A 143b ylf hyra / onsyn ywdon || ond ð ær ær fela / setla gesæton || ð
Guthlac A 369a ðæt him heortan geðonc / // ær oððe sið || ende geweorðe
Guthlac A 390a lade hæbbe / ða wæs eft swa ær || ealdfeonda nið / wroht onwy
Guthlac B 844b stan / æfnan on eðle || hy to ær aðreat / ðæt hy waldendes ||
Guthlac B 859b s cwealm / ðe hy unsnyttrum || ær gefremedon / ðære synwræce |
Guthlac B 876a wonga || stowum fremedon / sume ær sume sið || sume in urra / æf
Guthlac B 1014b ðeoden leofesta || ðyslicne ær / gemette ðus meðne || meaht
Guthlac B 1020b orgna is / hatost on hreðre || ær ðu hyge minne / ferð afrefre
Guthlac B 1118b esceaft / to eadwelan || swa he ær ne sið / æfre to ealdre || o
Guthlac B 1222a eardum || huru ic giet ne wat / ær ðu me frea min || furðor cy
Guthlac B 1228b gnest || ðæs ðe ic furðum ær / æfre on ealdre || ængum ne
Guthlac B 1297b e / ofestum læde || swa ic ðe ær bibead / lac to leofre || nu of
Deor 41b geðah / ðæt me eorla hleo || ær gesealde / ðæs ofereode || ð
Riddles 11 10b da deorast / gif hi unrædes || ær ne geswicað
Riddles 13 10a hrægl bið geniwad / ðam ðe ær forðcymene || frætwe leton /
Riddles 23 7b teð || ic beo lengre ðonne ær / oððæt ic spæte || spilde
Riddles 23 9b den / ealfelo attor || ðæt ic ær geap / ne togongeð ðæs || gu
Riddles 27 12b usan secan / gif he unrædes || ær ne geswiceð / strengo bistolen
Riddles 28 9a || clengeð lengeð / ðara ðe ær lifgende || longe hwile / wilna
Riddles 31 13a ymble || sæles bideð / hwonne ær heo cræft hyre || cyðan mot
Riddles 44 7a afde gretan / ðæt he efenlang ær || oft gefylde
Riddles 49 11b t se dumba her / eorp unwita || ær forswilgeð
Riddles 54 9b e / æt stunda gehwam || strong ær ðon hio / werig ðæs weorces
Riddles 55 6b roderum up / hlædre rærde || ær he helwara / burg abræce || ic
Riddles 6 7b te / hwilum ic frefre || ða ic ær winne on / feorran swiðe || hi
The Judgment Day I 42b es ðæs ðe we on eorðan || ær geworhtan / godes oððe yfles
The Judgment Day I 50b s / wyrcan in ðisse worulde || ær ðon se wlonca dæg / bodige ð
The Judgment Day I 72b brogan dæl / yfles ondgiet || ær hit hine on fealleð / he ðæt
Resignation 48b frean frofre || ðeah ðe ic ær on fyrste lyt / earnode arna ||
The Descent into Hell 12b n ðæt eorðærn || ðær hi ær wiston / ðæt hine gehyddan ||
The Descent into Hell 54a | hædre scinan / ða ðe longe ær || bilocen wæron / beðeahte m
Azarias 115b e leofa cyning / ece dryhten || ær gesette / sinum bearnum to bric
Azarias 128a að || witon ealdgecynd / ðæt ær gescop || ece dryhten / laguflo
Riddles 60 8a eolc || lyt ic wende / ðæt ic ær oððe sið || æfre sceolde /
Riddles 65 2a wiht || cwele ic efne seðeah / ær ic wæs eft ic cwom || æghwa
Riddles 73 4b n / of ðære gecynde || ðe ic ær cwic beheold / onwendan mine wi
Riddles 73 26b ten / forðweard brece || ðæt ær frið hæfde / feringe from ||
Riddles 84 19b ðer cynn || eorðan / || ðon ær wæs / wlitig ond wynsum || / bi
Riddles 88 25a sceata || eardian sceal / se me ær be healfe || heah eardade / wit
Riddles 93 29a rað || hiðende feond / se ðe ær wide bær || wulfes gehleðan
Riddles 95 4a e || fere wide / ond me fremdes ær || freondum stondeð / hiðendr
The Phoenix 107b e / bibaðað in ðam burnan || ær ðæs beacnes cyme / sweglconde
The Phoenix 245b am gelædeð / wiste wynsume || ær wintres cyme / on rypes timan |
The Phoenix 252b an / ðurh cornes gecynd || ðe ær clæne bið / sæd onsawen ||
The Phoenix 268b s / lic leoðucræftig || ðæt ær lig fornom / somnað swoles laf
The Phoenix 283b s ðær / ban gebringeð || ða ær brondes wylm / on beorhstede ||
The Phoenix 379b de / eft ðæt ilce || ðæt he ær ðon wæs / feðrum bifongen ||
Juliana 75b god / ofer ða oðre || ðe we ær cuðon / welum weorðian || wor
Juliana 120b h leofað / gif ðu unrædes || ær ne geswicest / ond ðu fremdu g
Juliana 145b d oncyr / ðe ðu unsnyttrum || ær gespræce / ða ðu goda ussa |
Juliana 192b ðe / unnan wille || ðeah ðu ær fela / unwærlicra || worda ges
Juliana 197b / æfter weorðan || butan ðu ær wið hi / geðingige || ond him
Juliana 255b hraðe / onsecge sigortifre || ær ðec swylt nime / deað fore du
Juliana 304b / petrus ond paulus || pilatus ær / on rode aheng || rodera walde
Juliana 453a ðær ic swiðe me / ðyslicre ær || ðrage ne wende / ða seo wl
Juliana 457b ldæda ma / hean helle gæst || ær ðu heonan mote / hwæt ðu to
Juliana 496b g / eal ða earfeðu || ðe ic ær ond sið / gefremede to facne |
Juliana 520b bilegde / ðream forðrycte || ær ðu nu-ða / ða miclan meaht |
Juliana 542b dwit for eorlum || ðonne ðu ær dydest / ða ðu oferswiðdest
Juliana 548a e || ic to soðe wat / ðæt ic ær ne sið || ænig ne mette / in
Juliana 559b im on siðe gelomp / || georne ær / heredon on heahðu || ond his
Juliana 616b / earm ond unlæd || ðone heo ær gebond / awyrgedne || ond mid w
Juliana 634b / yflum yrmðum || swa heo mec ær dyde / ða wæs gelæded || lon
Juliana 710b a wunde || ðe ic sið oððe ær / geworhte in worulde || ðæt
Juliana 713b to læt / ðæt ic yfeldæda || ær gescomede / ðenden gæst ond l
The Wanderer 43b a ond heafod || swa he hwilum ær / in geardagum || giefstolas br
The Wanderer 64b n ne mæg weorðan wis || wer ær he age / wintra dæl in woruldr
The Wanderer 69b ne næfre gielpes to georn || ær he geare cunne / beorn sceal ge
The Wanderer 113b breostum acyðan || nemðe he ær ða bote cunne / eorl mid elne
The Seafarer 69a reora sum || ðinga gehwylce / ær his tid aga || to tweon weor
The Seafarer 74b rda betst / ðæt he gewyrce || ær he on weg scyle / fremum on fol
The Seafarer 102a for godes egsan / ðonne he hit ær hydeð || ðenden he her leof
Beowulf 15a | fyrenðearfe ongeat / ðe hie ær drugon || aldorlease / lange hw
Beowulf 252b eower sceal / frumcyn witan || ær ge fyr heonan / leassceaweras |
Beowulf 264b ow haten / gebad wintra worn || ær he on weg hwurfe / gamol of gea
Beowulf 642a frean sittan / ða wæs eft swa ær || inne on healle / ðryðword
Beowulf 655b æð / næfre ic ænegum men || ær alyfde / siððan ic hond ond r
Beowulf 676b ylpworda sum / beowulf geata || ær he on bed stige / no ic me an h
Beowulf 694b hæfdon gefrunen || ðæt hie ær to fela micles / in ðæm winse
Beowulf 718b te / næfre he on aldordagum || ær ne siððan / heardran hæle ||
Beowulf 754b ð / forht on ferhðe || no ðy ær fram meahte / hyge wæs him hin
Beowulf 757b r / swylce he on ealderdagum || ær gemette / gemunde ða se goda |
Beowulf 778a graman wunnon / ðæs ne wendon ær || witan scyldinga / ðæt hit
Beowulf 825b æfde ða gefælsod || se ðe ær feorran com / snotor ond swyðf
Beowulf 831b gebette / inwidsorge || ðe hie ær drugon / ond for ðreanydum ||
Beowulf 900b hleo / ellendædum || he ðæs ær onðah / siððan heremodes ||
Beowulf 941b æd gefremede / ðe we ealle || ær ne meahton / snyttrum besyrwan
Beowulf 1054b orgyldan || ðone ðe grendel ær / mane acwealde || swa he hyra
Beowulf 1079b orðorbealo maga || ðær heo ær mæste heold / worolde wynne ||
Beowulf 1182b wile / arum healdan || gyf ðu ær ðonne he / wine scildinga || w
Beowulf 1187a to worðmyndum / umborwesendum ær || arna gefremedon / hwearf ða
Beowulf 1238b de / unrim eorla || swa hie oft ær dydon / bencðelu beredon || hi
Beowulf 1300b ulf ðær / ac wæs oðer in || ær geteohhod / æfter maððumgife
Beowulf 1356b on / hwæðer him ænig wæs || ær acenned / dyrnra gasta || hie d
Beowulf 1370b wudu sece / feorran geflymed || ær he feorh seleð / aldor on ofre
Beowulf 1371b feorh seleð / aldor on ofre || ær he in wille / hafelan hydan ||
Beowulf 1381b nige / ealdgestreonum || swa ic ær dyde / wundnum golde || gyf ðu
Beowulf 1388a es || wyrce se ðe mote / domes ær deaðe || ðæt bið drihtgum
Beowulf 1466b eafoðes cræftig || ðæt he ær gespræc / wine druncen || ða
Beowulf 1496a rince || ða wæs hwil dæges / ær he ðone grundwong || ongytan
Beowulf 1502b feng / atolan clommum || no ðy ær in gescod / halan lice || hring
Beowulf 1525b eodne æt ðearfe || ðolode ær fela / hondgemota || helm oft g
Beowulf 1587b licgan / aldorleasne || swa him ær gescod / hild æt heorote || hr
Beowulf 1615b lt somod / since fage || sweord ær gemealt / forbarn brodenmæl ||
Beowulf 1618b / sona wæs on sunde || se ðe ær æt sæcce gebad / wighryre wra
Beowulf 1676b / aldorbealu eorlum || swa ðu ær dydest / ða wæs gylden hilt |
Beowulf 1751b nd forgymeð || ðæs ðe him ær god sealde / wuldres waldend ||
Beowulf 1787a snottra heht / ða wæs eft swa ær || ellenrofum / fletsittendum |
Beowulf 1858b restan / inwitniðas || ðe hie ær drugon / wesan ðenden ic weald
Beowulf 1891b nfand / eftsið eorla || swa he ær dyde / no he mid hearme || of h
Beowulf 1915a lme || hyðweard geara / se ðe ær lange tid || leofra manna / fus
Beowulf 2019b o beahwriðan / secge sealde || ær hie to setle geong / hwilum for
Beowulf 2081a || lic eall forswealg / no ðy ær ut ða gen || idelhende / bona
Beowulf 2160a yldunga || lange hwile / no ðy ær suna sinum || syllan wolde / hw
Beowulf 2248b ston / eorla æhte || hwæt hyt ær on ðe / gode begeaton || guðd
Beowulf 2320b t gesceat / dryhtsele dyrnne || ær dæges hwile / hæfde landwara
Beowulf 2349b afoð ond ellen || forðon he ær fela / nearo neðende || niða
Beowulf 2373a ða wæs hygelac dead / no ðy ær feasceafte || findan meahton /
Beowulf 2466a an || fæghðe gebetan / no ðy ær he ðone heaðorinc || hatian
Beowulf 2500a ðis sweord ðolað / ðæt mec ær ond sið || oft gelæste / syð
Beowulf 2562b / sæcce to seceanne || sweord ær gebræd / god guðcyning || gom
Beowulf 2595b owode / fyre befongen || se ðe ær folce weold / nealles him on he
Beowulf 2606b nde ða ða are || ðe he him ær forgeaf / wicstede weligne || w
Beowulf 2712b ngon / ðe him se eorðdraca || ær geworhte / swelan ond swellan |
Beowulf 2777b enom / beacna beorhtost || bill ær gescod / ecg wæs iren || ealdh
Beowulf 2787b / ellensiocne || ðær he hine ær forlet / he ða mid ðam maðmu
Beowulf 2798a ðe ic moste || minum leodum / ær swyltdæge || swylc gestrynan
Beowulf 2818b gæste word / breostgehygdum || ær he bæl cure / hate heaðowylma
Beowulf 2848a tyne ætsomne / ða ne dorston ær || dareðum lacan / on hyra man
Beowulf 2861b ndswaru / eðbegete || ðam ðe ær his elne forleas / wiglaf maðe
Beowulf 2973b n / ac he him on heafde || helm ær gescer / ðæt he blode fah ||
Beowulf 3003b rne / ealdorleasne || ðone ðe ær geheold / wið hettendum || hor
Beowulf 3038a eoden || wundordeaðe swealt / ær hi ðær gesegan || syllicran
Beowulf 3060b / wræte under wealle || weard ær ofsloh / feara sumne || ða sio
Beowulf 3075b gearwor hæfde / agendes est || ær gesceawod / wiglaf maðelode ||
Beowulf 3164b lce hyrsta || swylce on horde ær / niðhedige men || genumen hæ
Judith 65b an unswæslicne || swylcne he ær æfter worhte / ðearlmod ðeod
Judith 76b ost mihte / ealdre benæman || ær se unsyfra / womfull onwoce ||
Judith 143b m fæstenne || swa ðam folce ær / geomormodum || iudith bebead /
Judith 214b alfum lindum || ða ðe hwile ær / elðeodigra || edwit ðoledon
The Paris Psalter 101:4 4a | hearde geswenced / forþon ic ær forgeat || þæt ic etan sceo
The Paris Psalter 101:12 4b eorþan / eallum ætgædere || ær miltsadest / / # / forþon neodli
The Paris Psalter 101:24 1b þonne byst se ilca || se þu ær wære / ne beoþ winter þin ||
The Paris Psalter 102:2 3b þan / ealra goda || þe he þe ær dyde / / # / he þinum mandædum
The Paris Psalter 104:22 3b ere / and aaron eac || þone he ær geceas / / # / he sette on hi syl
The Paris Psalter 105:6 1b fyrnedan || mid urum fæderum ær / and we unsoþfæste || ealle
The Paris Psalter 105:18 1b forgeaton || þe hi of gramra ær / feonda folmum || frecne gener
The Paris Psalter 105:26 2a wraþe þeode / swa him drihten ær || dema sægde / ac hi wiþ man
The Paris Psalter 105:30 2b ra weoldan || þa him wyrrest ær / on feondscipe || fæste gesto
The Paris Psalter 105:35 3b ætgædere / þe ehtend him || ær gestodan / / # / do us hale nu ||
The Paris Psalter 106:16 3b eþ / þær hi wæron on woo || ær wraþe besmitene / / # / hi onhys
The Paris Psalter 108:14 1b æt unriht || þe his ealdras ær / manes gefremedan || on gemynd
The Paris Psalter 108:14 5a | deorce fyrene / þa his modur ær || mane fremede / / # / wesan hi
The Paris Psalter 117:21 1b ylfan stan || þe hine swyþe ær / wyrhtan awurpan || nu se gewo
The Paris Psalter 118:18 3b wræclicu || þa þu worhtyst ær / / # / ic eom on eorþan || earm
The Paris Psalter 118:99 1b / / # / ofer ealle þa || þe me ær lærdon / ic þæs hæfde andgy
The Paris Psalter 118:104 3b de / forþon þu me æ þine || ær gesettest / / # / þæt is fæle
The Paris Psalter 118:136 3b þ / swa þam ilcum byþ || þe ær nellaþ / þinre æ bebod || el
The Paris Psalter 118:139 6a wel gehealdan / þa me feondas ær || fæste wæron / / # / is þin
The Paris Psalter 118:152 3b t þu geara hi / on ecnesse || ær staþelodest / / # / ac min eaþm
The Paris Psalter 128:4 4a biþ forwisnad || wraþe sona / ær hit afohten || foldan losige /
The Paris Psalter 131:7 3a stede ariaþ / þær his fotas ær || fæste gestodan / / # / aris o
The Paris Psalter 131:11 3b ede / þæt he hine for hole || ær ne aswore / gehet dauide || swa
The Paris Psalter 131:15 3b ic eard nime || forþon ic hi ær geceas / / # / his wuduan ic || w
The Paris Psalter 134:20 1b / synt anlice þæm || þe hi ær worhtan / and ealle þa þe on
The Paris Psalter 134:22 4b sion sniome || þe soþfæst ær / on hierusalem || god eardode
The Paris Psalter: Psalm 136 1b / / # / þa þu him on ealdre || ær forgeafe / and us eallum || eac
The Paris Psalter 137:8 3b seoh æfre || þæt þu sylfa ær / mid þinum handum || her gewo
The Paris Psalter 138:7 1b c mine fiþeru gefo || fleoge ær leohte / oþþæt ic beutan wes
The Paris Psalter 144:15 1b halig god || þa þe hreosaþ ær / and he ealle areceþ || earme
The Paris Psalter 145:3 4b a geþohtas || þe hi þohtan ær / / # / þonne biþ eadig || þe
The Paris Psalter 145:4 3a s god || geara fultumiend / and ær his hiht on god || hæfde fæ
The Paris Psalter 145:6 3b deþ gedefe || þe her deorce ær / teonan manige || torne geþol
The Paris Psalter 145:6 5b mete swylce || þe her murcne ær / hungur heaþugrimne || heardn
The Paris Psalter 145:7 2b hten / þara manna bearn || þe ær man gebræc / swylce þa gefetr
The Paris Psalter 147:8 1b sniome / / # / he his word eac || ær mid wisdome / godum iacobe || g
The Paris Psalter 54:18 2a od || and hi gehyneþ eac / þe ær worulde wæs || and nu wunaþ
The Paris Psalter 56:3 3b ede / sealde on edwit || þe me ær trædan / / # / sende mihtig god
The Paris Psalter 57:8 2b elgum blowe / wæstmum weaxe || ær him wol becimeþ / þæt heo be
The Paris Psalter 65:12 4a hyge gylde / þæt mine weleras ær || wise gedældan / / # / þas ic
The Paris Psalter 67:1 3b ansyne || þa þe hine feodan ær / / # / rece hi gelicast || ricen
The Paris Psalter 68:5 4b lice || þa þe ic ne reafude ær / / # / þu wast wuldres god ||
The Paris Psalter 68:27 2b geearnedan / and mid unrihte || ær geworhton / and hi on þin soþ
The Paris Psalter 70:12 2a | eac gescende / þa mine sawle ær || swyþust tældun / byþ þam
The Paris Psalter 70:22 3b æron ealle / þe me yfel to || ær gesohton
The Paris Psalter 71:17 3a feore || weorþeþ gebletsod / ær sunnan his nama || soþfæst
The Paris Psalter 71:17 4a fæst standeþ / byþ his setl ær || swylce þonne mona / / # / and
The Paris Psalter 72:12 3b oren syþþan / þa ylcan ic || ær foreteode / / # / ic þæs wende
The Paris Psalter 72:14 2b pe hi wraþe || þa hi wendan ær / þæt hi wæron alysde || la
The Paris Psalter 72:15 3b rwurdon / for unrihte || þe hi ær dydon / swa fram slæpe hwylc |
The Paris Psalter 72:17 4b ged / swa ic þæt be owihte || ær ne wiste / / # / ic eom anlic mid
The Paris Psalter 73:11 2a cynincg || geara þu worhtest / ær woruld wære || wise hælu / on
The Paris Psalter 77:13 2b þara wundra || þe he worhte ær / þara heora yldran || on loca
The Paris Psalter 77:33 2a || þonne hi sohton hine / and ær leohte to him || lustum cwoma
The Paris Psalter 77:60 3a en hus || þær he eard genam / ær mid mannum || mihtig hæfde / /
The Paris Psalter 77:67 2a þsoc || iosepes huse / ne þon ær geceas || effremes cynn / ac he
The Paris Psalter 79:14 6b nes sunu || þe þu his mihte ær / under þe getrymedest || tire
The Paris Psalter 82:2 2a cne forwurdan / þa þe fæste ær || feodan drihten / and heora h
The Paris Psalter 82:9 4b lum swylce / ealle þa on an || ær gecwædon / þæt hi halignesse
The Paris Psalter 85:16 2b god ongitan || þa me georne ær / fæste feodan || habban forþ
The Paris Psalter 88:3 4b || dyrum esne / on aþsware || ær benemde / þæt ic his cynne ||
The Paris Psalter 88:14 2b gangaþ / þe him ansyn þin || ær onlihte / and on naman þinum |
The Paris Psalter 88:17 4b e / ofermihtigne || þone ic me ær geceas / / # / ic me deorne sceal
The Paris Psalter 91:13 2b ylce / þe hiom yldo gebidan || ær to genihte / and þa mid geþyl
The Paris Psalter 92:4 2a þin setl || and þu ece god / ær worulde fruman || wunast buta
The Paris Psalter 93:2 2b ma / gyld oferhydigum || swa hi ær grame worhton / / # / hu lange fy
The Paris Psalter 93:17 2a menigeo || minra sara / þe me ær on ferhþe || fæste gestodan
The Paris Psalter 94:6 3b m wepan fore || þe us worhte ær / / # / forþon he is drihten god
The Paris Psalter 94:7 3b sceap / þa he on his edisce || ær afedde / / # / gif ge to dæge ||
The Paris Psalter 94:11 2a | wihte ne oncneowan / þæt ic ær on yrre || aþe benemde / gif h
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 75b drefed / boetius || breac longe ær / wlencea under wolcnum || he
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 54b t his hige durre / gemetgian || ær hit to micel weorþe / hæfþ s
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 10a ealfe þy swetre / gif he hwene ær || huniges teare / bitres onbyr
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 13b es weþres || gif hine lytle ær / stormas gestondaþ || and se
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 17a þonce || gif sio dimme niht / ær ofer eldum || egesan ne broht
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 38b eora lareowas || þe hi lange ær / tydon and temedon || hi on tr
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 79b io sceal eft don || þæt hio ær dyde / and eac wesan || þæt h
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 18 10b eþ / unrihthæmede || bute him ær cume / hreow to heortan || ær
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 18 11b ær cume / hreow to heortan || ær he hionan wende
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 2 9b spræce / and þeah uncuþre || ær hwilum fond / me þas woruldsæ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 13a es || þæt hi æghwæþer / ge ær faraþ || ge eft cumaþ / þu
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 52b ghwilc || forþæm þu geara ær / ealla gesceafta || ærest ges
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 181b lichoman || forþæm ic lytle ær / sweotole sæde || þæt sio s
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 196b / þone ænne cræft || þe we ær nemdon / sio gesceadwisnes || s
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 242b eft on eorþan || forþæm he ær of hire / weox on weorulde || w
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 50b yþ / eard and eþel || ic wæs ær hionan / cumen and acenned ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 25b / and þæs anwaldes || þe he ær hæfde / þonne meaht þu gesio
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 54a htes ne scrifeþ / ic þe sæde ær || on þisse selfan bec / þæt
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 60b / for þæm yfle || þe ic þe ær sæde / nis þæt nan wundor ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 62b þæm unþeawum || þe ic þe ær nemde / anra gehwelcum || a und
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 66a ftedome / þe he hine eallunga ær || underþiodde / þæt is wyrs
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 15a nig swæþ || æfre forlætan / ær he gehede || þæt he hwile
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 15b r he gehede || þæt he hwile ær / æfter spyrede || is þæt ea
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 18b tende / ungesælige men || hine ær willaþ / foran to sciotan || s
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 30b æge / mildsige yflum || swa we ær spræcon / he sceal þone monna
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 19b fige / buton þa ane || þe hit ær wisson / þætte mænig tungul
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 75a de || gif hiora nængum hwylc / ær ne oþeowde || is þæt earml
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 11a oþres rene || a ne gehrineþ / ær þæm þæt oþer || of gewit
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 20b re beorht / cymeþ eastan up || ær þonne sunne / þone monna bear
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 26b nd sciene / cymeþ eastan up || ær for sunnan / and eft æfter sun
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 33b an weorþeþ / eldum oþewed || ær þonne sunne / habbaþ æþele
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 40a eowdomes || aþroten weorþe / ær domes dæge || deþ siþþan
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 52b usan dæl || þeah hit hwilan ær / eorþe sio cealde || oninnan
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 22b lest / suþan and westan || þa ær se swearta storm / norþan and
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 6a wa leohtne || leoman ansendan / ær se þicca mist || þynra weor
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 11a || hrioh biþ þonne / seo þe ær gladu || onsiene wæs / swa oft
Metrical Psalm 91:13 2b ilcæ / ðe him yldo gebidan || ær to genihte / and þæ mid geði
Metrical Psalm 93:17 2a nigeo || minræ saræ / ðe me ær æn ferhðe || feste gestodæ
Metrical Psalm 94:6 3b m wepan fore || ðe us worhte ær.
Metrical Psalm 94:7 3b æp / þæ he% on his edisce || ær æfedde.
The Death of Edgar 6b n þisse eþeltyrf || þa þe ær wæran / on rimcræfte || rihte
The Death of Edgar 13b irfæst hæleþ || tyn nihtum ær / of brytene gewat || bisceop s
The Death of Edward 16a bealuleas cyng / þeah he lange ær || lande bereafod / wunode wræ
Solomon and Saturn 168b ne his feond cyme / // swice || ær he soþ wite / þæt þa sienfu
Solomon and Saturn 176b wom / feorran gefered || næfre ær his ferhþ ahlog / hwæt ic fli
Solomon and Saturn 79a ria þritig || þusend wintra / ær he domdæges || dynn gehyre / n
Solomon and Saturn 129b gefeallaþ || þa þe fyrena ær / lange læstaþ || lifiaþ him
Solomon and Saturn 263b dlan || hwæþerne aþreoteþ ær / ic to soþon wat || sægdon m
Solomon and Saturn 316b e man age / þe deaþ abæde || ær se dæg cyme / þæt sie his ca
The Menologium 102a hyrde ic guman a fyrn / ænigne ær || æfre bringan / ofer sealtne
The Menologium 126b martyrdom || hæfdon mænige ær / wundra geworhte || geond wær
The Menologium 200b mbel || þara þe siþ oþþe ær / worhtan in worulde || willan
Maxims II 12b ost / fyrngearum frod || se þe ær feala gebideþ / weax biþ wund
Maxims II 56b / fægere ongildan || þæt he ær facen dyde / manna cynne || meo
The Rewards of Piety 23b sylle / ðæt ðu on eorðan || ær gestryndes / goda gehwylces ||
The Rewards of Piety 63b an / eardes on eðle || swa ðu ær dydest / blissum hremi || nu ð
The Rewards of Piety 79b scealt ðu hit on eorðan || ær geðencan / and ðu ðe sylfne
The Rewards of Piety 82a orlætan / ðe ðu on ðis life ær || lufedest and feddest
The Lord's Prayer II 4b le alysan || ðu hig sændest ær / ðurh ðine æðelan hand ||
Fragment of Psalm 102 1b ðan / ealra goda || ðe he ðe ær dyde / / # / he ðinum mandædum
Fragment of Psalm 34 1b drihten nu || ða me deredon ær / afeoht swylce || ða me fuhta
Fragment of Psalm 5 1b efne / / # / ic ðe æt stande || ær on morgen / and ðe sylfne gese
Psalm 50 65b cerre / ða ðe mine ældran || ær geworhtan / and ic selfa eac ||
Psalm 50 82a t dominus / ða ðe on hænðum ær || hwile wæron / ahwerf nu fra
A Prayer 15b awað / bute he ðæs yfeles || ær geswyce / se byð eadig || se
A Prayer 73a nne willan || gewyrcean mæge / ær ic of ðysum lænan || lyfe g
The Seasons for Fasting 104a ertig daga || fæsten healden / ær ðæm æriste || ures dryhtne
The Seasons for Fasting 107b eorl se goda / mære moyses || ær he on munt styge / he ðæt fæ
The Seasons for Fasting 110a samod || swa he nahtes anbat / ær he ða deoran æ || dryhtnes
The Seasons for Fasting 127a samod || swa he nahtes anbat / ær he on horeb dun || hali ferde
The Seasons for Fasting 131a tigenne || stæppon on ypplen / ær him ðæt symbel wearð || se
The Seasons for Fasting 180a wilc || ðe for moldan wunað / ær ðam æreste || ures dryhtnes
Bede's Death Song, West Saxon Version 3b im ðearf sy / to gehicgenne || ær his heonengange / hwæt his gas
The Metrical Preface to the Pastoral Care 3b brohte / iegbuendum || swa hit ær fore / adihtode || dryhtnes cem
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 26a inga / ðara ðe he sið oððe ær fore || secgan hyrde / oððe h
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 27a hyrde / oððe he iorðcyninga ær || ænigne gefrugne
Metrical Charm 10: For Loss of Cattle 2b lcne man for- / stolenne. Cwyð ær he ænyg oþer word cweðe: / B
Instructions for Christians 54b sum forgyldað || þam ðe he ær lustum gæf. / Gif we us sylfum
Instructions for Christians 91b æþelne gedeð || þone ðe ær ne wæs; / eac heo þrah-mælu
Instructions for Christians 103b num, / þæt he for his ege || ær gewonede. / Ac gif þu nelt ||
Instructions for Christians 154b ge% || þonne he hine onmunde ær. / Spræc God geara || to Hierem
Instructions for Christians 180b n to wille || gif he ne wolde ær. / þær ðær aht ne bið || æ
Instructions for Christians 203b n þem wicum || ðe he wunode ær, / gif þæt he wolde || þæt
Instructions for Christians 234b r þam ofer-mettum || ðe hit ær dwæsca%. / Næfre ic ne gehyrd
Instructions for Christians 236b d god / eft on ylde, || se ðe ær ne was / Gode oððe monnum ||
Instructions for Christians 239b l geþeignod, || þonne wolde ær / on his tale mette || tale wel
Waldere, Fragment II 28b o findeþ / gif þa earnunga || ær geþenceþ / þonne moten wlanc
Waldere B 29b o findeð / gif ða earnunga || ær geðenceð. / þonne moten wlan
The Battle of Maldon 58b angan / us sceal ord and ecg || ær geseman / grim guþplega || ær
The Battle of Maldon 59b ær geseman / grim guþplega || ær we gofol syllon / het þa bord
The Battle of Maldon 156a eorþan læg / þe his þeoden ær || þearle geræhte / eode þa
The Battle of Maldon 196b æfde / swa him offa on dæg || ær asæde / on þam meþelstede ||
The Battle of Maldon 277b m sæmannum / wurþlice wrec || ær he on wæle læge / swa dyde æ
The Battle of Maldon 288a is frean gehet / swa he beotode ær || wiþ his beahgifan / þæt h
The Battle of Maldon 298a eþrange || hyra þreora bana / ær him wigelines bearn || on þa