A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: hæleþ

Number of occurrences in corpus: 93

Genesis A 1152a friðu dryhtnes / glēaw-ferhþ hæleþ || ġuĝuþe strīende, / suna
Genesis A 1182b eorl wæs æðele, || æfēst hæleþ, / and sē frum-gār his || frē
Genesis A 1431b . / Holm wæs heonan·weard; || hæleþ langode, / wǣġ-līðende, ||
Genesis A 1550a st metode%, || wætera lāfe. / Hæleþ hyġe-rōfe || hātne wǣron,
Genesis A 1678a ġe·met, || mǣrþa ġeorne, / hæleþ mid handa. || Þā cōm hāli
Genesis A 1709a tū, || and þā frum-gāran, / hæleþ hyġe-rōfe, || hātne wǣron
Genesis A 1985b -feðera, / hrǣs on wēnan. || Hæleþ ōnetton / on mæġen-corðrum,
Genesis A 1992a de-swēġ. || Handum bruĝdon / hæleþ of sċǣðum || hrinġ-mǣled
Genesis A 2026a | Bæd him fultumes / wǣrfæst hæleþ || will-ġe·þoftan, / Āner a
Genesis A 2061a fræġn || under niht-sċuwan / hæleþ tō hilde. || Hlynn wearþ on
Genesis A 2076b yhtliċ heorð-weorod, || and hæleþ lāĝon, / on swaðe sǣton, ||
Genesis A 2113b an, / hūðe ā·hreddan || and hæleþ fiellan. / On swaðe sǣton; ||
Exodus 63b ymb twā niht || tīr-fæste% hæleþ, / siþþan hīe fēondum || oþ
Exodus 78b dranc, / hāte heofon-torht. || Hæleþ wāfodon, / dryhta ġe·drīemo
Exodus 376b / þāra þe under heofonum || hæleþ bryttiaþ. / Swā þæt wīse m
Exodus 388b ālġe hēah-trēowe, || swā hæleþ ġe·fruĝnon. / Þǣr eft sē
Daniel 71a || beorna unrīm, / under hand hæleþ || hǣðnum dēman. / Nabochodo
Daniel 433a ġe·cȳðde wǣron, / hwurfon hæleþ ġunge || tō þǣm hǣðnan
Daniel 683a blǣd swīðrian, / þone þā hæleþ || healdan sċoldon. / Wiste h
Daniel 728a ġieddodon || gumena meniġu, / hæleþ in healle, || hwæt sēo hand
Christ and Satan 47a ēċan% || æðele standaþ, / hæleþ% ymb% hēah-seld, || herġaþ
Andreas 2b under tunglum || tīr-ēadġe hæleþ, / þēodnes þeġnas. || Nā hi
Andreas 38a urndon || aefter man-drēame, / hæleþ heoru-grǣdġe, || ac hīe h
Andreas 50a stnodon || fēondes cræfte, / hæleþ hell-fūse || and his hēafde
Andreas 362b anne / hēah-ġe·strēonum. || Hæleþ inn sǣton, / þēodnas þrymfu
Andreas 484a iċ ānes tō þē, / cyne-rōf hæleþ, || cræftes nēosan, / þæt þ
Andreas 561b arne / ā·hōf hearm-cwide. || Hæleþ unsǣlġe / nā ðǣr ġe·līe
Andreas 612a e·dwolan. || Dēofles lārum / hæleþ hin-fūse || hīerdon tō ġe
Andreas 624a nga helm: / ‘Meaht þū, wīs hæleþ, || wordum ġe·seċġan, / maĝ
Andreas 883b ġe·tealde, || tīr-ēadġe hæleþ. / Ēow þeġnodon || þrymm-sit
Andreas 919a || friðu wilnode / wordum wīs hæleþ, || wine-drihten fræġn: / ‘H
Andreas 996a se. || Dēað-rǣs for·fēng / hæleþ heoru-drēorġe%. || þā sē
Andreas 1005a us || on þām morðor-cofan, / hæleþ hyġe-rōfne || under heolsto
Andreas 1024b Nū is þis% folc on luste, / hæleþ hider on / ġewyrht || eardes n
Andreas 1054a | Swā þā wīġend mid him, / hæleþ hyġe-rōfe, || hālĝum stef
Andreas 1273b ra ġe·weald, || wǣrfæstne hæleþ. / Þā wæs eft swā ǣr || and
Andreas 1556a ǣr ān on·gann, / fēasċeaft hæleþ, || folc gadrian, / hēan, hyġe
Andreas 1607b / Þā sē hālĝa on·gann || hæleþ blissian, / wīġendra þrēat
Dream of the Rood 78b þū meaht ġe·hīeran, || hæleþ min sē lēofa, / þæt iċ bea
Dream of the Rood 95b cynn. / nū iċ þē hāte, || hæleþ min sē lēofa, / þæt þū þ
Elene 273a t lēod-mæġen, / gūð-rōfe hæleþ || tō Hierusālem / cōmon on
Elene 73b þū meaht ġe·hīeran, || hæleþ min sē lēofa, / hū ārfæst
Elene 100b don: / ‘Nǣfre we hīerdon || hæleþ ǣniġne / on þisse þēode, |
Elene 202a þan ā·cenned, / cniht-ġung hæleþ. || Iċ ne cann þæt iċ% nā
Elene 497a hyġdiġ || Iudas on·cwæþ, / hæleþ hilde-dēor, || (him wæs hā
Elene 567a undne sīþ || settan mosten, / hæleþ hwæt-mōde, || tō ðǣre h
Elene 859a e, || on þām middle þrǣd, / hæleþ hyġe-ġōmre, || on hātne w
Christ A 279b end / hātaþ and seċġaþ, || hæleþ ġond foldan, / blīðe mōde,
Christ B 461a fan. || Sōna wǣron ġearwe, / hæleþ mid hālford, || tō ðǣre h
Christ B 534a ā gangan || tō Hierusālem / hæleþ hyġe-rōfe, || on þā hāl
Christ C 872b sweartre niht, || sorĝlēase hæleþ / samnunga for·fēhð || slǣp
Maxims I 65a hīe mann wammum be·līhþ, / hæleþ hīe hospe mǣnaþ, || oft hi
The Panther 20b hīewa ġe·hwelċes; || swā hæleþ seċġaþ, / gǣst-hālġe guma
The Whale 22b ċaþ, / hēah-fȳr ǣlaþ; || hæleþ bēoþ on wynnum, / rēoniġ-m
Guthlac B 928a sliġe || sōhton on þearfe, / hæleþ hyġe-ġomre, || hǣlde bū t
Riddles 26 12a lāst. || Meċ siþþan wrāh / hæleþ hleo-bordum, || hȳde% be·þ
Riddles 27 5b liste / under hrōfes hleo. || Hæleþ mec siþþan / baðodon on byde
Riddles 55 1b Iċ seah on healle%, || ðǣr hæleþ druncon, / on flett beran || f
Riddles 56 11b ah / mīnum hlāforde, || ðǣr hæleþ druncon, / þāra flāna% ġe·
The Descent into Hell 7b lod, / heard wæs hin-sīþ; || hæleþ wǣron mōdġe, / þe hīe æt
The Descent into Hell 13b ton / þæt hine ġe·hȳdon || hæleþ Iudea; / wendan þæt hē on þ
The Descent into Hell 24a snotor. || Sæġde Iohannis, / hæleþ hell-warum, || hliehhende spr
Riddles 62 6a on þȳþ || æftan-weardne, / hæleþ mid hræġle; || hwīlum ūt
Juliana 1b / Hwæt. Wē þæt hīerdon || hæleþ eahtian, / dēman dǣd-hwate, |
Juliana 586b rang, / hāt, heoru-ġīfre. || Hæleþ% wurdon ācle / ā·rāsod for
Juliana 609b siþþan hēo ġe·hīerde || hæleþ eahtian / inwitt-rūne, || þæ
Beowulf 52a ō sōðe, || sele-rǣdende%, / hæleþ under heofonum, || hwā þǣm
Beowulf 190b a sēaþ, || ne meahte snotor hæleþ / wēan on·wendan; || wæs þ
Beowulf 331b weorðod. || Þā ðǣr wlanc hæleþ / ōret-meċġas || aefter æð
Beowulf 1069a þā hīe sē fǣr be·ġeat, / hæleþ Healf·Dena, || Hnæf Sċield
Beowulf 2247b eald þū nū, hrūse, || nū hæleþ ne mōston%, / eorla ǣhte. ||
Beowulf 2458a ·rofene. || Rīdend swefaþ, / hæleþ on hoðman; || nis ðǣr hear
Beowulf 3111a ēodan || byre Wīh·stānes, / hæleþ hilde-dēor, || hæleþa mani
Beowulf 3142a ō·middes || mǣrne þēoden / hæleþ hēofende, || hālford lēofn
Judith 56a odon þā stierċed-ferhþe, / hæleþ hira hearran cȳðan || þæt
Judith 177b aĝon sweotole || siġe-rōfe hæleþ, / lēoda rǣswan, || on þæs l
Judith 203a eohte || forþ on ġe·rihte, / hæleþ under helmum, || of ðǣre h
Judith 225b ndon / on heardra ġe·mang. || Hæleþ wǣron ierre, / land-būende, |
Judith 247a re ġe·fræġn / sleġe-fǣġe hæleþ || slǣpe tō·breġdan / and w
Judith 302a amlīċe || fāĝum sweordum, / hæleþ hyġe-rōfe, || here-pæþ wo
The Paris Psalter 146:3 1a iton || of Israhelum. / / # / Sē hæleþ ēac || heortan ġe·þrǣste
The Paris Psalter 67:7 2b æt hē þā ġe·hæftan || hæleþ snēome, / and þā tō ierre b
The Paris Psalter 68:7 2b / For·þon Sione god || simle hæleþ; / bēoþ maniġe byriġ || mid
The Death of Edgar 13a weard nama. / And him tīrfæst hæleþ || tīen nihtum ǣr / of Bryten
The Death of Edgar 24b ac ā·drǣfed || dēor-mōd hæleþ, / Ōslāc, of earde || ofer ȳ
The Death of Edgar 26b ganotes bæþ, || gamol-feax hæleþ, / wīs and word-snotor, || ofer
The Death of Edgar 31a ole, || þone stīþ-ferhþe, / hæleþ hyġe-ġlēawe, || hātaþ w
The Rune Poem 56b ors hofum wlanc, || ðǣr him hæleþ% ymbe% / weleġe on wiċġum, ||
The Menologium 14a elfta dæġ || tīr-ēadiġe, / hæleþ heaðu-rōfe, || hātaþ on B
Psalm 50 1b uid wæs hāten || dēor-mōd hæleþ, / Israela breĝa, || æðele an
The Battle of Finnsburh 23a l || un-dearnunga, / dēor-mōd hæleþ, || hwā þā duru hēolde. /
The Battle of Finnsburh 43a ldon. / Þā ġe·wāt him wund hæleþ || on wæġ gangan, / sæġde
The Battle of Maldon 214a n benċe || bēot ā·hōfon, / hæleþ on healle, || ymbe heard ġe