Number of occurrences in corpus: 1150
Genesis A 20a | hīe on friðe lifdon, / ēċe | mid | hira ealdor. || Elles ne on· |
Genesis A 81a | || þrymmas wēoxon / duĝuþa | mid | drihtne, || drēam-hæbbendra |
Genesis A 84a | rōht wæs ā·sprungen, / ōht | mid | englum || and orleġ-nīþ, / s |
Genesis A 157a | tōd be·wriġen fæste / folde | mid | flōde. || Frēa engla hēt / |
Genesis A 214a | grund || reġnas bǣron, / wann | mid | winde, || hwæðere wæstmum |
Genesis B 237a | wilna gād.’ / Hniĝon þā | mid | heafdum || heofon-cyninge / ġe |
Genesis B 251a | him% ġe·witt for·ġeaf / and | mid | his heandum ġe·sċeōp, || |
Genesis B 279b | n tō hæbbenne. || Iċ mæġ | mid | heandum swā fela / wundra ġe |
Genesis B 286b | ġe·corene, / rōfe rincas; || | mid | swelcum mæġ man rǣd ġe· |
Genesis B 287a | man rǣd ġe·þenċan, / fōn | mid | swelcum folċ-ġe·steallan. |
Genesis B 299a | aldend || winnan on·ġinneþ / | mid | māne wiþ þone mǣran driht |
Genesis B 306a | ō dēofle wearþ, / sē fēond | mid | his ġe·fērum eallum. || F |
Genesis B 320a | orman sīðe%, || fylde helle / | mid | þǣm and-sacum. || Heoldon e |
Genesis B 363b | n; / hafaþ hit ġe·mearcod || | mid | mann-cynne / tō ġe·settenne. |
Genesis B 370b | winter-stunde, || þonne iċ | mid | þȳs weorode. / Ac liċġaþ m |
Genesis B 381b | ĝas for·worhte, || swā iċ | mid | wihte ne mæġ / of þissum li |
Genesis B 384b | læġene / grindlas grēate. || | Mid | þȳ mē God hafaþ / ġe·hæf |
Genesis B 394a | e·fremman, / ġe·lēanian him | mid | lāðes wihte || þæt hē ū |
Genesis B 396b | / aefter his an-līċnesse. || | Mid | þǣm hē wile eft ġe·setta |
Genesis B 397a | ft ġe·settan / heofona rīċe | mid | hlūtrum sāwlum. || Wē þæ |
Genesis B 402a | lange nēotan%, / þæs ēades | mid | his engla cræfte. || Ne maĝ |
Genesis B 405a | e þæt on·wendon þæt hē | mid | his worde be·bēad. || Þonn |
Genesis B 416b | lūstru, || and hæfde cræft | mid | him / þæt hē mid feðer-hama |
Genesis B 417a | fde cræft mid him / þæt hē | mid | feðer-haman% || flēoĝan me |
Genesis B 420a | m and Ēue || on eorð-rīċe / | mid | welan be·wunden, || and we s |
Genesis B 424a | e || habban sċoldon, / rīċe | mid | rihte; || is sē rǣd ġe·s |
Genesis B 428a | wer ǣniġ mæġe / ġe·wendan | mid | wihte || þæt hīe word Gode |
Genesis B 445a | ull hearde ġe·band, / spēnn% | mid | spangum; || wiste him sprǣca |
Genesis B 451a | arnunga || dryhtnes ġungran, / | mid | mān-dǣdum || menn% be·swī |
Genesis B 462a | tes ġe·hlædene, / ġe·wered | mid | wæstme, || swā hīe wealden |
Genesis B 482a | de on wīte ā / mid swāte and | mid | sorĝum || siþþan libban, / s |
Genesis B 496a | an || forman worde / sē lāða | mid | lyġenum: || ‘Langaþ þē |
Genesis B 516b | nre sprǣċe. || Nū hē þē | mid | spellum hēt / listas lǣran. | |
Genesis B 531b | ġe·lǣde. || Nāt þēahū | mid | lyġenum fare / þurh dierne ġ |
Genesis B 544b | æl-mihtĝan Gode || þe mē | mid | his earmum worhte, / hēr mid h |
Genesis B 545a | mid his earmum worhte, / hēr | mid | heandum sīnum. || Hē mæġ |
Genesis B 546a | of his hēan rīċe / ġeofian% | mid | gōda ġe·hwelcum, || þēah |
Genesis B 588a | e·līċ’. / Lǣdde hīe swā | mid | lyġenum || and mid listum sp |
Genesis B 588b | hīe swā mid lyġenum || and | mid | listum spēon / idese on þæt |
Genesis B 601b | æs lāðan lǣn || þe hīe | mid | lyġenum be·swāc, / dearnunga |
Genesis B 630a | || for·dōn wurde, / for·lǣd | mid | lyġenum, || þæt hīe lāþ |
Genesis B 647a | ·bēad. / For·lēoc hīe þā | mid | lyġenum || sē wæs lāþ Go |
Genesis B 670a | m his englas || ymbe hweorfan / | mid | feðer-haman, || ealra folca |
Genesis B 687b | / leġde him lustas inn || and | mid | listum spēon, / fylgde him fre |
Genesis B 699b | fdon, / þā hē for·lǣrde || | mid | lyġen-wordum / tō þǣm unrǣ |
Genesis B 713a | ldu || heofon-cininges / worhte | mid | þǣm wordum || þe hēo þǣ |
Genesis B 742a | || on heofon-rīċe / hnīĝan | mid | heafdum || hālĝum drihtne / |
Genesis B 748a | r fylde || folca mǣste, / and | mid | heandum his || eft on heofon- |
Genesis B 757a | ū Ādame || eall for·golden / | mid | hearran hete || and mid hæle |
Genesis B 757b | olden / mid hearran hete || and | mid | hæleþa for·lore, / mannum mi |
Genesis B 758a | id hæleþa for·lore, / mannum | mid | morðes cwealme. || For·þon |
Genesis B 762a | n ðǣre sweartan helle / hæft | mid | hringa ġe·sponne’. || Hwe |
Genesis B 846a | lēafum be·þeahton, / weredon | mid | þȳ wealde, || wǣda ne hæf |
Genesis A 878a | and þīn self þeċest / līċ | mid | lēafum, || saĝast līf-ċea |
Genesis A 913a | nd þīn hēafod tredeþ / fāh | mid | fōtum sīnum. || Þū sċeal |
Genesis A 920b | menn / wesan on ġe·wealde, || | mid | weres eġesan / hearde ġe·nea |
Genesis A 1046a | þȳ læs hine fēonda hwelċ / | mid | gūð-þræce || grētan dors |
Genesis A 1057a | || Siþþan fæsten% on·gann / | mid | þǣm cnēo-māĝum || ċeast |
Genesis A 1096a | ines || cwealme mīne, / fylde | mid | folmum || fæder Ēnoses, / ord |
Genesis A 1102a | ne. || Mīn sċeall swīðor / | mid | grymme gryre || golden wurða |
Genesis A 1115a | lōh, || and mē ċear-sorĝe / | mid | þȳs maĝu-timbre || of mōd |
Genesis A 1210b | mod. / Ac hē cwic ġe·wāt || | mid | cyning engla / of þissum lǣna |
Genesis A 1296a | tō Nōe cwæþ: / ‘Iċ wille | mid | flōde || folc ā·cwellan / an |
Genesis A 1300a | || Þū sċealt friþ habban / | mid | sunum þīnum, || þonne swea |
Genesis A 1341a | eorodum ġe·lǣde, / þǣm þe | mid | sċolon || mere-flōd nesan. / |
Genesis A 1345a | man wille. / Ġe·wit þū nū | mid | hīewum || on þæt hof ganga |
Genesis A 1348a | ū eart friðu wierðe, / āra | mid | eaforum. || Iċ on andwlitan / |
Genesis A 1352b | wille / on weras stǣlan || and | mid | wǣġ-þrēate / ǣhta and āĝ |
Genesis A 1369a | || siex-hund wintra / þā hē | mid | bearnum || under bord ġe·st |
Genesis A 1370a | under bord ġe·stāh, / glēaw | mid | ġuĝuþe, || be Godes hǣse, |
Genesis A 1389b | m eorðan || and þā æðelu | mid, | / þā seġnode || selfa drihte |
Genesis A 1394a | hrinġ || hof sēleste, / fōr | mid | fearme. || Fære ne mōston / w |
Genesis A 1422a | ā on dūnum ġe·sæt / hēah | mid | hlæste || holm-ǣrna mǣst, / |
Genesis A 1460a | ron stēap hliðu / be·wriġen | mid | wæterum. || Ġe·wāt sē wi |
Genesis A 1472a | c, || ġe·wāt flēoĝan eft / | mid | lācum hire, || līðend brō |
Genesis A 1513a | īedraþ, || tīres brūcaþ, / | mid | ġe·fēan friðu; || fyllaþ |
Genesis A 1518a | and ēacen feoh%. / Nǣfre ġē | mid | blōde || bēod-ġe·reordu / u |
Genesis A 1520a | ēowre þiċġaþ, / be·smiten | mid | synne || sāwol-drēore. / Ǣl |
Genesis A 1522b | stes duĝuþum || þāra% þe | mid | gāres orde / ōðrum ealdor o |
Genesis A 1528a | wǣpnum ġe·spēdeþ, / morþ | mid | mundum. || Mann wæs tō Gode |
Genesis A 1545a | ā·cumen || flōde on lāste / | mid | his eaforum þrymm, || ierfes |
Genesis A 1556a | e on·gann || nīewan stefne / | mid | hleo-māĝum || hām staðoli |
Genesis A 1572b | d drepen / hine heandum self || | mid | hræġle wrēon / and sċome þ |
Genesis A 1599a | / Þa nyttade || Nōe siþþan / | mid | sunum sīnum || sīdan rīċe |
Genesis A 1608a | e, || ēðel-drēamas, / blǣd | mid | bearnum, || oþþæt brēosta |
Genesis A 1678a | , || mǣrþa ġeorne, / hæleþ | mid | handa. || Þā cōm hāliġ G |
Genesis A 1730a | nd dohtra. / Ġe·wāt him þā | mid | cnōsle || ofer Caldea folc / f |
Genesis A 1731a | le || ofer Caldea folc / fēran | mid | feorme || fæder Abrahames; / s |
Genesis A 1732a | e || fæder Abrahames; / snotor | mid | ġe·sibbum || sēċan wolde / |
Genesis A 1734b | āĝas, / Metode ġe·corene || | mid | sīðodon / of ðǣre ēðel-tu |
Genesis A 1738a | rn || eard ġe·nāmon, / weras | mid | wīfum. || On þǣm wīcum hi |
Genesis A 1755a | þē ǣniġ || eorð-būendra / | mid | wēan grēteþ, || iċ hine w |
Genesis A 1802a | on || folc-mǣru land / ēastan | mid | ǣhtum, || ǣ-fæste menn / wea |
Genesis A 1813a | de || and wilna brēac, / beorn | mid | brȳde, || oþþæt brōh-þr |
Genesis A 1845a | ōf || eorl sīðian, / Abraham | mid | ǣhtum || on Ēġypte, / ðǣr |
Genesis A 1862a | æs wrāðe on·ġeald / hearde | mid | hīewum || hæġ-stealdra wyn |
Genesis A 1919a | wille hwyrft dôn, / ċierran | mid | ċēape, || nū iċ þē cyst |
Genesis A 1973b | ce. / Him þā tō·ġēanes || | mid | gūþ-þræce / fīfe fōron || |
Genesis A 2007a | d strudon, / ā·hȳðdan% þā | mid | herġe || hord-burh wera, / Sō |
Genesis A 2012a | stōle. || Hettend lǣdon / ūt | mid | ǣhtum || Abrahames mǣġ / of |
Genesis A 2033a | || ā·hreded% wurde, / beorn | mid | brȳde. || Him þā brōðor |
Genesis A 2037b | aldon, || þæt hīe his torn | mid | him / ġe·wrǣcon on wrāðum, |
Genesis A 2046b | e him ǣr trēowe sealdon || | mid | hira folc-ġe·trume%; / wolde |
Genesis A 2086a | | Lōth wæs ā·hreded, / eorl | mid | ǣhtum, || idesa hwurfon, / wī |
Genesis A 2100b | a fēa-sċeaft. || Him ferede | mid | / Sōlōmia || sinċes hierde; / |
Genesis A 2103b | sedec, / lēoda bisċop. || Sē | mid | lācum cōm / fyrd-rinca fruman |
Genesis A 2116b | emde, / sē þe æt feohtan || | mid | frum-gārum / wiþ ofer-mæġen |
Genesis A 2135a | || nemþe fēa āne, / þe mē | mid% | sċoldon% || mearce% healdan% |
Genesis A 2163a | sē healdend || hām sīðian / | mid | þȳ here-tēame || þe him s |
Genesis A 2210a | Eġypta || ēðel-mearce / swā | mid | niþþas || swā% Nīlus sċ |
Genesis A 2255b | , / dryhtna% drihten, || dēma | mid | unc twīh’. / Hire þā ǣdre |
Genesis A 2288a | þæt sē maĝu-rinċ sċeall / | mid | ieldum wesan || Ismahel hāte |
Genesis A 2292b | aniġe inn / wrāðe winnaþ || | mid | wǣpen-þræce. / Of þǣm frum |
Genesis A 2339b | de / hlēor on eorðan, || and | mid | husce be·wand / þā hlēoðor |
Genesis A 2422a | wlance || drihtne guldon / gōd | mid | gnyrne, || oþþæt gasta hel |
Genesis A 2452a | Laĝu-strēamas wreah, / þrymm | mid | þīestru || þisses līfes, / |
Genesis A 2457a | don || herġes mæġene / Lōth | mid | ġiestum. || Hēton lǣdan ū |
Genesis A 2460a | alde, || wordum cwǣdon / þæt | mid | þǣm hæleþum || hǣman wol |
Genesis A 2498a | , || stiernde swīðe / weorode | mid | wīte. || Sprǣcon wordum þ |
Genesis A 2505b | ȳ lǣs þū for·weorðe || | mid | þissum wǣr-loĝan. / Unc hit |
Genesis A 2509b | slêan, / cynn on ċeastrum || | mid | cwealm-þrêa / and his torn wr |
Genesis A 2514a | | andswarode: / ‘Ne mæġ iċ | mid | idesum || ealdor-nere mīne / s |
Genesis A 2537a | ne. || Fēðe ne sparode / eorl | mid | idesum, || ac hē ofstum for |
Genesis A 2539a | oþþæt hē ġe·lǣde / brȳd | mid | bearnum || under burh-locan / i |
Genesis A 2562a | Eall þæt God spilde, / frēa | mid | þȳ folce. || Þā þæt fȳ |
Genesis A 2577a | raham ġe·wāt || ana gangan / | mid | ǣr-dæġe || þæt hē eft% |
Genesis A 2621a | onītare%. / Ġe·wāt him þā | mid | brȳde || brōðor Ārones / un |
Genesis A 2623a | er Abimēlech || ǣhte lǣdan / | mid | his hīwum. || Hæleþum sæ |
Genesis A 2660a | sweltan sċealt / mid fēo and | mid | feorme, || ġif þū þǣm fr |
Genesis A 2699b | un·cūðra, || and þis wīf | mid | mē, / frēonda fēa-sċeaft. | |
Genesis A 2707a | ðan || ðǣr wit earda lēas / | mid | wēa-landum || winnan sċoldo |
Genesis A 2723a | e || æðelinga helm: / ‘Wuna | mid | ūsiċ || and þē wīc ġe· |
Genesis A 2768b | ac nemde. / Hine Abraham inn || | mid% | his āĝne hand / bēacen sette |
Genesis A 2786a | ar ellor || and Ismael / lǣdan | mid | hīe. || Ne bēoþ we lenġ s |
Genesis A 2824a | wreċċan lāste. / Ġield mē | mid | hyldu, || þæt iċ þe hnēa |
Genesis A 2837a | | lange þrāĝe, / fēasċeaft | mid | fremdum. || Him frēa engla / w |
Genesis A 2851b | as leċġan || and þē lǣde | mid | / þīn āĝen bearn. || Þū s |
Genesis A 2858a | num, || and blōtan self / sunu | mid | sweordes eċġe, || and þonn |
Genesis A 2869a | ēt hine ġunge twēġen / menn | mid | sīðian. || Mǣġ wæs his |
Genesis A 2898a | -hyġdiġ || stēape dūne / up | mid | his eaforan, || swā him sē |
Genesis A 2932a | āĝen bearn. / A·bræġd þā | mid | þȳ bille, || bryne-ġield o |
Exodus 9b | rihten, / sōþfæst cyning, || | mid | his selfes meaht / ġe·weorðo |
Exodus 21a | þ wrāðra gryre, / ofer·cōm | mid | þȳ campe || cnēo-māĝa fe |
Exodus 56a | ġ-burh hira. / Ofer·fōr hē | mid | þȳ folce || fæstenna worn, |
Exodus 66a | wīċian || weorodes bearhtme / | mid | æl-fare || Ǣthānes% byrġ, |
Exodus 86a | eld-hūsa mǣst, / siþþan hē | mid | wuldre || ġe·weorðode / þē |
Exodus 206a | old, / þæt ðǣr ġe·lāðe | mid | him || lenġ ne mihton / ġe·s |
Exodus 245a | dsċipe || lǣstan wolde / mōd | mid | āran, || ēac þon mæġenes |
Exodus 265a | e || lenġ ne mōton / āĝnian | mid | iermþum || Israhēla cynn. / N |
Exodus 275b | / mōdiġ and mæġen-rōf, || | mid | ðǣre miċelan hand’. / Hōf |
Exodus 363b | āþ, / þrymfæst þēoden, || | mid | his þrymm sunum, / þone dēop |
Exodus 407a | þone cniht ġe·nam / fæste | mid | folmum, || folc-cūþ ġe·t |
Exodus 414a | e, || eċġum% rēodan / maĝan | mid | mēċe, || ġif hine metod% l |
Exodus 416b | -niman, / hāliġ tīber, || ac | mid | handa be·fēng. / Þā him st |
Exodus 420a | , || þīn āĝen bearn, / sunu | mid | swurde! || Sōþ is ġe·cȳ |
Exodus 458a | ac be·hindan be·lēac / wyrd | mid | wǣġe. || Þǣr ǣr weĝas l |
Exodus 486a | as, || þā sē mihtĝa slōh / | mid | hālġe hand, || heofon-rīċ |
Exodus 502a | % || duĝuþ Ēġypta, / Faraon | mid | his folcum. || He on·fand% h |
Exodus 559a | || þæt hē lange ġe·hēt / | mid | āð-sware, || engla drihten, |
Daniel 10a | orht wela. / Þenden þæt folc | mid | him || hira fæder wǣre / heal |
Daniel 44a | || ǣhta wǣron, / be·wriġene | mid | weorcum; || tō þǣm þæt w |
Daniel 67a | ðǣr funden wæs, / and þā | mid | þām ǣhtum || eft sīðodon |
Daniel 164b | ċelne, / blǣd in Babilonia || | mid | bōcerum, / siþþan hē ġe·s |
Daniel 339a | tō feorh-nere / mid lufan and | mid | lisse. || Sē þone līeġ t |
Daniel 353b | fen ēodon, || and sē enġel | mid, | / feorh nerġende, || sē ðǣr |
Daniel 492a | e·met wǣre, / oþ·þæt hine | mid | nīede || niðer ā·sette / me |
Daniel 557a | ǣr fæste stōd, / and þonne | mid | dēorum || drēamlēas bēon, |
Daniel 649b | odum, / wīde wāðe || þe hē | mid | wild-dēorum ā·tēah, / oþ· |
Daniel 701b | estan dæġe / Caldea cyning || | mid | cnēo-māĝum, / ðǣr medu-gā |
Daniel 705b | nd werum, / þā ǣr Caldeas || | mid | cyne-þrymme, / cempan in ċeas |
Christ and Satan 60b | ra an-weald, || and we englas | mid | þeċ. / Atol is þīn an-sīen |
Christ and Satan 82b | dēore; || hæfde mē drēam | mid | Gode, / miċelne for metode, || |
Christ and Satan 122a | nǣniġne drēam āĝan / uppe | mid | englum%, || þēs% þe iċ ǣ |
Christ and Satan 141a | þæt iċ wuldres lēoht / uppe | mid | englum || ǣfre cūðe, / sang |
Christ and Satan 144a | rn || ealle ymb·fangen / selfa | mid | sange. || Ne iċ þǣm sāwlu |
Christ and Satan 156a | eom dǣdum fāh, / ġe·wundod | mid | wammum; || sċeall nū þisne |
Christ and Satan 168a | || ēċan drēames, / þæt iċ | mid | heandum ne mæġ || heofon ġ |
Christ and Satan 169a | ġ || heofon ġe·rǣcan, / ne | mid | ēaĝum ne mōt || up% lōcia |
Christ and Satan 170a | mōt || up% lōcian, / ne hūru | mid | ēarum ne sċeall || ǣfre ġ |
Christ and Satan 202b | drihten, / ēċne in wuldre || | mid | ealra ġe·sċefta ealdre%. / |
Christ and Satan 203b | ēosan ūs eard in wuldre || | mid | ealra cyninga cyninge, / sē is |
Christ and Satan 223b | ond ealra weorolda weorold || | mid | wuldor-cyninge%. / Þā ġīet |
Christ and Satan 292a | teþ, || ac līf sileþ / uppe | mid | englum, || ēadiġne drēam. / |
Christ and Satan 299a | || ǣror libbend, / on·lūcan | mid | listum || locen wealdendes, / o |
Christ and Satan 311a | n heofones lēoht, / ðǣr hēo | mid | wuldor-cyninge || wunian mōt |
Christ and Satan 313b | dre, / āĝan drēama drēam || | mid | drihtne Gode, / ā tō weorolde |
Christ and Satan 329a | erne || folĝaþ hæfdon / uppe | mid | englum. || Wǣron þā ealles |
Christ and Satan 359b | nes, / and hīe ġe·seġna. || | mid | his swīðran hand, / lǣdeþ% |
Christ and Satan 372a | um || hēah-seld wyrċan / uppe | mid | þǣm ēċan. || Þæt wæs e |
Christ and Satan 375a | ĝan sċolde, / and his hīred | mid | hine, || in hīenþu% ġe·ġ |
Christ and Satan 383a | e we ǣr nemdon. / Þā wǣron | mid | eġesan || ealle ā·fyrhte, / |
Christ and Satan 386a | þēs storm be·cōm, / þeġen | mid | þrēate, || þēoden engla. / |
Christ and Satan 389a | m ġe·sāwon, / būton þā we | mid | englum || uppe wǣron. / Wile n |
Christ and Satan 415a | wordum ġe·līefdon, / nāmon | mid | heandum || on þǣm hālĝan |
Christ and Satan 423b | up heonan / mæġe and mōte || | mid | mīnre mǣġþe. / And ymb þr |
Christ and Satan 435a | ġe·sēċan’. / Rǣhte% þā | mid | heandum || tō heofon-cyninge |
Christ and Satan 446b | ĝ-lǣċa, || and þā atolan | mid | him, / wītum wērġe. || Neall |
Christ and Satan 456b | p tō earde, || and sē ēċa | mid | him / metod mann-cynnes || in |
Christ and Satan 458a | þā mǣran burh! / Hōfon hine | mid | him || heandum hālġe / wītĝ |
Christ and Satan 468a | n ġe·sāwon. / Ġe·sæt þā | mid | ðǣre fyrde || frum-bearn Go |
Christ and Satan 480a | ge || nīewe ā·sette / trēow | mid | telĝum, || þæt þā tānas |
Christ and Satan 516a | e·fæstnod, / þēah hē wǣre | mid | īrne || eall ymb·fangen, / þ |
Christ and Satan 538a | n || on lāðne bend / hǣðne% | mid | heandum; || him þæt ġe·hr |
Christ and Satan 542a | (Didimus wæs hāten) / ǣr hē | mid | heandum || hǣlend ġe·nam / s |
Christ and Satan 564b | ēġ, / hāliġ of heofonum. || | Mid | wæs hand Godes, / on·fenġ fr |
Christ and Satan 571a | ene% niht || twelf apostōlas / | mid | his gāstes ġiefe, || ġungr |
Christ and Satan 586a | m || hāliġ enġel, / wealdend | mid | wītĝum. || Hafaþ wuldres b |
Christ and Satan 589b | ǣr we mōton selfe || sittan | mid | drihtne, / uppe mid englum, || |
Christ and Satan 590a | e || sittan mid drihtne, / uppe | mid | englum, || habban þæt īlce |
Christ and Satan 607a | onne hǣlend cymeþ, / wealdend | mid | wolcnum || in þās weorold f |
Christ and Satan 611a | tan || on þā swīðran hand / | mid | rodera weard || ræste ġe·s |
Christ and Satan 614b | ċe, / and hēo ġe·senað || | mid | his swīðran hond / cyning æl |
Christ and Satan 646a | ðǣr || uppe sittaþ / selfe% | mid | sweġele, || sunu% hǣlendes! |
Christ and Satan 1b | hālġe drēamas’. / Þā hē | mid | heandum ġe·nom / atol þurh e |
Christ and Satan 21b | ell-hēoðu drēoriġ, || and | mid | heandum ā·met. / Grip wiþ þ |
Christ and Satan 34b | / earm ǣĝlǣċa%. || Hwīlum | mid | folmum mæt / wēan and wītu. |
Christ and Satan 47a | nd þæt lāðe sċræf, / atol | mid | ēaĝum, || oþ·þæt eġesa |
Andreas 12a | || Wæs hira Matheus sum, / sē | mid | Iūdēum on·gann || gōd-spe |
Andreas 51a | s hēafdes seġl / ā·brēoton | mid | billes eċġe. || Hwæðere h |
Andreas 54b | . / Ēadiġ and an-mōd, || hē | mid | elne forþ / weorðode wordum | |
Andreas 85b | þū mē ne ġe·sċierġe || | mid | sċield-hatum, / wearĝum wrōh |
Andreas 99b | n mōde ne% murn. || Iċ þē | mid | wunie / and þē ā·līese || |
Andreas 101b | lle þā meniġu || þe þē% | mid | wuniaþ / on nearu-nīedum. || |
Andreas 114a | īde || tæl-met hwīle / efene | mid | sōðe || seofon and twentiġ |
Andreas 184a | āt || þīnne siġe-brōðor / | mid | þām burĝ-warum || bendum f |
Andreas 209b | rðe, / breĝu-stōl brēme, || | mid | þām burĝ-warum, / ġif hit w |
Andreas 220b | erðeþ%. / Sċealtu ǣninga || | mid | ǣr-dæġe, / efene tō morĝen |
Andreas 235b | e·wāt him þā on ūhtan || | mid | ǣr-dæġe / ofer sand-hliðu | |
Andreas 237b | e·þance || and his þeġnas | mid, | / gangan on grēote. || Gārse |
Andreas 249b | ldend, / ēċe eall-mehtiġ, || | mid | his englum twǣm. / Wǣron hīe |
Andreas 265b | n / feorran ġe·ferede. || Ūs | mid | flōde bær / on hrān-rāde || |
Andreas 292b | ne: / ‘Wē þē ēstlīċe || | mid | ūs willaþ / ferĝan frēolice |
Andreas 319b | pēde, / þæt þū andsware || | mid | ofer-hyġdum, / sēċe sār-cwi |
Andreas 347a | ālĝa bēad, / þonne iċ ēow | mid | ġe·fēan || ferĝan wille / o |
Andreas 379a | land be·ġēate, / þāra þe | mid | Andreas || on ēaĝor-strēam |
Andreas 521a | | Hē þēodum sċeall / racian | mid | rihte, || sē þe rodor ā·h |
Andreas 599a | | ðǣr frēo mōton, / ēadġe | mid | englum, || eard weardian, / þ |
Andreas 615a | hīe lungre sċulon, / wearĝe | mid | wearĝum, || wræce þrōwian |
Andreas 626b | or-mōd on dēaĝle, || þā | mid | drihten oft, / rodera rǣdend, |
Andreas 681b | eċġaþ sōðlīċe || þæt | mid | suna metodes / drohtien% dæġ- |
Andreas 685b | re, / ċild-ġung ā·cenned || | mid | his cnēo-māĝum. / Þus sindo |
Andreas 718b | ynna / þæs brēmestan || þe% | mid | þām burĝ-warum / on ðǣr ċ |
Andreas 758b | wuldres god. || Is sēo wyrd | mid | ēow / open, or-ġiete, || maĝ |
Andreas 779b | es worde / bēodan Habrahame || | mid | his eaforum twǣm / of eorð-s |
Andreas 809a | elan || ōðre sīðe / sēċan | mid | sibbe || sweġeles drēamas, / |
Andreas 825a | an || on fæder wǣre / lēofne | mid | lissum || ofer laĝu-fæsten, |
Andreas 866a | endum || sāwle ā·bruĝdon, / | mid | ġe·fēan feredon || flyhte |
Andreas 878b | -ġeorne. || Þǣr wæs Dauid | mid, | / ēadiġ ōretta, || Essaġes |
Andreas 914b | Wes þū, Andreas, hāl, || | mid | þās will-ġe·dryht, / ferhþ |
Andreas 945b | all þæt manncynn || þe him | mid | wunie, / ell-þēodiġra || inw |
Andreas 966a | sōþ ġe·cȳðan. / Þā iċ | mid | Iūdēum || ġalĝan þeahte, |
Andreas 989b | olden / lēofne lēod-fruman || | mid | lofe sīnum. / Hæfde þā sē |
Andreas 1021b | fēran / on clūstor-cleofan || | mid | cwide sinum / grētan god-fyrht |
Andreas 1048a | d-hatan || sċieþþan cōmon / | mid | earh-fære, || eald-ġe·nī |
Andreas 1049a | nīðlan. / Þǣr þā mōdĝan | mid | him || mæðel ġe·hīeġdon |
Andreas 1053b | werede. || Swā þā wīġend | mid | him, / hæleþ hyġe-rōfe, || |
Andreas 1057a | | þæs wuldres ne biþ / ǣfre | mid | ieldum || ende be·fangen. / Ġ |
Andreas 1075a | ēo wēn ġe·lēah, / siþþan | mid | corðre || carc-ærnes duru / i |
Andreas 1153a | þe ġēoce tō him / sēċeþ | mid | snytrum. || Þǣr biþ simble |
Andreas 1218b | rċe mān-slaĝa. || Iċ þē | mid | wunie.’ / Æfter þām wordum |
Andreas 1220b | mǣte, / lyswe lār-smiðas, || | mid | lind-ġe·crode, / bolĝen-mōd |
Andreas 1388b | emede. / Cōm þā on ūhtan || | mid | ǣr-dæġe / hǣðenra hlōþ | |
Andreas 1401b | / ‘Nǣfre iċ ġe·fērde || | mid | frēan willan / under heofon-hw |
Andreas 1408a | hǣlend, || on dæġes tīde / | mid | Iūdēum || ġōmor wurde / þ |
Andreas 1486b | eall þā earfoþu || þe hē | mid | elne ā·drēah, / grimmra gū |
Andreas 1525a | er foldan. || Fāmġe wealcan / | mid | ǣr-dæġe || eorðan þeahto |
Andreas 1559a | sōþ ġe·cnāwan, / þæt we | mid | unrihte || ell-þēodiġne / on |
Andreas 1594a | , || fēowertīene / ġe·witon | mid | þȳ wǣġe || on for·wyrd s |
Andreas 1638b | s ān-mōde || and hira idesa | mid, | / cwǣdon holdlīċe || hīeran |
Andreas 1643a | || ān-for·lǣtan. / Þā wæs | mid | þȳ folce || fulwiht% hæfen |
Andreas 1644a | e || fulwiht% hæfen, / æðele | mid | eorlum || and ǣ godes / riht |
Andreas 1646a | ā·rǣred, || rǣd on lande / | mid | þām ċeaster-warum, || ċir |
Andreas 7a | on nihta frist. / Siþþan þū | mid | miltse || mīnre fērest.’ / |
The Fates of the Apostles 35a | e, || ac þurh sweordes bīte / | mid | Iūdēum || Iacob sċolde / for |
The Fates of the Apostles 38a | þ flǣsċe. || Philipus wæs / | mid | Asseum, || þonan ēċe līf / |
The Fates of the Apostles 64a | || þurh hālġe bēċ, / þæt | mid | Siġel-warum || sōþ yppe we |
The Fates of the Apostles 74a | tum. || Hafaþ nū ēċe līf / | mid | wuldor-cyning, || wīġes tō |
Soul and Body I 31a | e þȳ hālĝan, / and þū mē | mid | þȳ heardan || hungre ġe·b |
Soul and Body I 64a | oft ġe·sēċan, / wemman þē | mid | wordum, || swā þū worhtest |
Soul and Body I 124a | æt hē% lange || ǣr / weorode | mid | wǣdum. || Biþ þonne wyrma |
Soul and Body I 130b | ġlicre / funden on ferhþe. || | Mid | ġe·fēan sēċeþ / lustum þ |
Soul and Body I 139b | ten, / ðǣr iċ þē mōste || | mid | mē lǣdan, / þæt wit englas |
Homiletic Fragment I 3b | anna drēam. / Eorl ōðerne || | mid | æf-þancum / and mid tēon-wor |
Homiletic Fragment I 4a | ðerne || mid æf-þancum / and | mid | tēon-wordum || tǣleþ be·h |
Homiletic Fragment I 9b | e sele þū mē æt·samne || | mid | þām synfullum / on wīta for |
Homiletic Fragment I 11b | ne mē on līfe for·lēos || | mid | þām lyġe-wyrhtum, / þām þ |
Homiletic Fragment I 15a | wā hira hiht ne gǣþ, / wǣre | mid | welerum.’ || Wēa biþ on m |
Homiletic Fragment I 17a | re ġe·blanden, / ġe·fylled | mid | facne, || þēah hē fǣġer |
Homiletic Fragment I 23a | st. || Hwīlum wundiaþ / sāre | mid | stinġe%, || þonne sē sǣl |
Homiletic Fragment I 25a | | þā lēasan menn, / þā þe | mid | tungan || trēowa ġe·hāta |
Homiletic Fragment I 34a | || dæġes and nihtes / miltse | mid | māne, || mæġene ġe·trīe |
Homiletic Fragment I 36a | tra, || inwitt sāweþ, / nīþ | mid | ġe·nēahe. || Nǣniġ ōðe |
Homiletic Fragment I 45a | þæt we heofones lēoht / uppe | mid | englum || āĝan mōton / gāst |
Dream of the Rood 7a | þæt bēacen wæs / be·goten | mid | golde. || ġimmas stōdon / fæ |
Dream of the Rood 14a | nd iċ synnum fāh, / forwunded | mid | wammum. || ġeseah iċ wuldre |
Dream of the Rood 16a | | wynnum sċīnan, / ġeġiered | mid | golde; || ġimmas hæfdon / be |
Dream of the Rood 20b | ran healfe. || eall iċ wæs | mid | sorĝum ġe·drēfed, / forht i |
Dream of the Rood 22b | d blēom; || hwīlum hit wæs | mid | wǣtan be·stīemed, / be·swil |
Dream of the Rood 23a | tan be·stīemed, / be·swiled | mid | swātes gange, || hwīlum mid |
Dream of the Rood 23b | mid swātes gange, || hwīlum | mid | sinċe ġe·ġierwed. / hwæðr |
Dream of the Rood 46a | dorste. / þurhdrifon hīe mē | mid | deorcan næġlum. || on mē s |
Dream of the Rood 48b | t–gædere. || eall iċ wæs | mid | blōde be·stīemed, / be·gote |
Dream of the Rood 53a | þīestru hæfdon / be·wriġen | mid | wolcnum || wealdendes hrǣw, / |
Dream of the Rood 59a | ll be·hēold. / sāre iċ wæs | mid | sorĝum ġe·drēfed, || hnā |
Dream of the Rood 62b | e·drifenne; || eall iċ wæs | mid | strǣlum forwundod. / āleġdon |
Dream of the Rood 102a | || hwæðre eft drihten arās / | mid | his miċelan meahte || mannum |
Dream of the Rood 106b | ihtiġ god, || and his englas | mid, | / þæt hē þonne wile dēman, |
Dream of the Rood 121a | ǣg·hwelċ sāwol, / sēo þe | mid | wealdende || wunian þenċeþ |
Dream of the Rood 134b | g, / lifiaþ nū on heofonum || | mid | hēahfædere, / wuniaþ on wuld |
Dream of the Rood 143b | ōt / wunian on wuldre, || wēl | mid | þām hālgum / drēames brūca |
Dream of the Rood 149a | ġe·nīewod / mid blǣdum and | mid | blisse || þām þe ðǣr bry |
Dream of the Rood 151b | iġ and spēdiġ, || þā hē | mid | meniġe cōm, / gasta weorode, |
Elene 92b | ten%, / beorhte and lēohte: || | ‘Mid | þȳs bēacne þū / on þām f |
Elene 105b | rċan. / Hēt þā on ūhtan || | mid | ǣr-dæġe / wīġend wreċċan |
Elene 275b | mǣste, / eorlas ǣsċ-rōfe || | mid | þā æðelan cwēn. / Hēt þ |
Elene 297b | hte, / of hæft-nīede. || Ġē | mid | hōre spēowdon / on þæs andw |
Elene 328a | a, || þā þe fyrn-ġe·mynd / | mid | Iūdēum || ġearwost cūðon |
Elene 377a | ċġan cunnen.’ / Ēodon þā | mid | meniġu || mōd-cwāniġe, / co |
Elene 407b | ·sēċaþ || þā þe snytru | mid | ēow, / mæġen and mōd-cræft |
Elene 139a | lēase || lenġ ġe·fylĝaþ / | mid | fǣcne ġe·fice, || þe mē |
Elene 184a | n-rīċe || habban wille / eard | mid | englum || and on eorðan līf |
Elene 269a | līfes trēo, / þēah iċ ǣr | mid | dysġe || þurh·drifen wǣre |
Elene 276a | e || efnedon sōna, / and hine | mid | ārum || up ġe·lǣdon / of ca |
Elene 298b | ġe·fēran / on līċ-haman || | mid | þā lēohtan ġe·dryht, / wul |
Elene 303b | ned, / þā ymb·sealde sint || | mid | siexum ēac / fiðerum ġe·fr |
Elene 366b | / beornes brēost-sefa. || Hē | mid | bǣm heandum, / ēadiġ and ǣ- |
Elene 382a | rīm-tale || rīċes þīnes / | mid | hāliġra || hlīete wunian / o |
Elene 404b | hāliġ under hrūsan. || Hē | mid | heandum be·fēng / wuldres wyn |
Elene 405b | ng / wuldres wynn-bēam || and | mid | weorode ā·hōf / of fold-græ |
Elene 415b | um cȳðan, || þæt twēġen | mid | him / ġe·þrōwodon, || and h |
Elene 426a | ðǣre mǣran byriġ / bēamas | mid | breahtme || and ġe·bīdan |
Elene 452a | Þǣr wæs lof hafen / fǣġer | mid | þȳ folce. || Fæder weorðo |
Elene 559a | || ofer swan-rāde% / seċġas | mid | siġe-cwēn || ā·seted% hæ |
Elene 586a | wyrċan || and ġimm-cynnum, / | mid | þām æðelestum || eorcnan- |
Elene 628a | n || and his folme swā same, / | mid | þām on rōde wæs || rodera |
Elene 684a | || þeah we wiþ·sōcon ǣr / | mid | lēasungum. || Nū is on lēo |
Elene 739a | weorðan, / þonne æt sæċċe | mid | þȳ || ofer·swīðan mæġe |
Elene 764a | ·samne || þā hēo sēleste / | mid | Iūdēum || gumena wiste, / hæ |
Elene 794a | len || and hira dæl sċīred / | mid | Marian, || þe on ġe·mynd n |
Christ A 103a | ām upplican || engla drēame / | mid | sōþ-fæder || simle wunian. |
Christ A 122a | fæder æl-mihtĝum / efen-eċe | mid | god || and nū eft ġe·wear |
Christ A 124b | mrum tō ġeoce. || God wæs | mid | ūs / ġe·sewen būtan synnum; |
Christ A 131a | god, || hū þū glēawlīċe / | mid | naman rihte || nemned wǣre / E |
Christ A 135a | ū is rodera weard, / god selfa | mid | ūs.’ || Swā þæt gamole |
Christ A 163b | nnessum / wunast wīde-feorh || | mid | wealdend fæder.’ / ‘Ēalā |
Christ A 217b | ·worden / weorolde þrymmum || | mid | þīnne wuldor-fæder / ċild |
Christ A 222a | | sund-būendum, / ā·reċċan | mid | rihte, || hū þē rodera wea |
Christ A 225a | r þēoda cynn / ġe·frugnen% | mid | folcum || æt fruman ǣrest / |
Christ A 235a | de || lēoda mǣġþum, / torht | mid | tunglum, || aefter þon tīda |
Christ A 237b | sunu wǣre / efen-eardiende || | mid | þīnne engan frēan / ær·þo |
Christ A 240a | þe þās sīdan ġe·sċeaft / | mid | þȳ wealdende || worhtes eal |
Christ A 278a | tō wīdan fēore, / hū þeċ | mid | rihte || ealle reord-berend / h |
Christ A 327a | lled || þæt sē frōda þā / | mid | ēaĝum ðǣr || inn wlātode |
Christ A 347b | an motan / wunian% on wuldre || | mid | weoroda god. / Ēalā þū hāl |
Christ A 349a | lĝa || heofona drihten, / þū | mid | fæder þīnne || ġe·fyrn w |
Christ A 355b | ga, / þā þū ǣrest wǣre || | mid | þone ēċan frēan / self sett |
Christ A 381a | d || ġond bryten-wangas / þā | mid | rihte sċulon || reord-berend |
Christ A 387a | ste || seraphinnes cynn, / uppe | mid | englum || ā brēmende, / un-ā |
Christ A 391a | ah. || Habbaþ folĝoþa / cyst | mid | cyninge. || Him þæt Crīst |
Christ A 395a | ldend || wīde and sīde, / and | mid | hira fiðerum || frēan æl-m |
Christ A 406a | þīn dōm wunaþ / eorðliċ | mid | ieldum || on ǣlċe tīd / wīd |
Christ A 412a | || and on eorðan lof, / beorht | mid | beornum. || Þū ġe·blētso |
Christ B 461a | Sōna wǣron ġearwe, / hæleþ | mid | hālford, || tō ðǣre hāl |
Christ B 478b | / and ēow meaht ġiefe || and | mid | wunie, / āwa tō ealdre, || þ |
Christ B 488b | urh meahta spēd. || Iċ ēow | mid | wunie, / forþ on frōfre || an |
Christ B 515b | stīĝan, / æðelinga ord, || | mid | þās engla ġe·dryht, / ealra |
Christ B 517a | , || fæder ēðel-stōl. / Wē | mid | þȳslice || þrēate willaþ |
Christ B 519b | / tō ðǣre beorhtan byrġ || | mid | þās blīðan ġe·dryht%, / e |
Christ B 594a | | swā þīestra wræce, / swā | mid | drihten drēam || swā mid d |
Christ B 594b | ā mid drihten drēam || swā | mid | dēoflum hrēam, / swā wīte m |
Christ B 595a | d dēoflum hrēam, / swā wīte | mid | wrāðum || swā wuldor mid |
Christ B 595b | e mid wrāðum || swā wuldor | mid | ārum, / swā līf swā dēaþ, |
Christ B 635a | wera, || hǣlend lofode, / and | mid | sibb-lufan || sunu wealdendes |
Christ B 661a | | and ūs ġiefe sealde, / uppe | mid | englum || ēċe staðolas, / an |
Christ B 718a | hyllas and cnollas / be·wrīþ | mid | his wuldre, || weorold ā·l |
Christ B 752a | Is ūs ðearf miċel / þæt we | mid | heortan || hǣlu sēċen, / ð |
Christ B 753a | an || hǣlu sēċen, / ðǣr we | mid | gǣste || ġeorne ġe·līefa |
Christ B 755a | lu-bearn || heonan up stīġe / | mid | ūsse līċ-haman, || libbend |
Christ C 867a | heofonum ā·stāh. / Þonne | mid | fēre || fold-būende / sē mi |
Christ C 915a | one sċīenan wlite, / wēðne | mid | willum, || wealdendes cyme, / m |
Christ C 920a | synneĝum mannum, / þām ðǣr | mid | firenum cumaþ, || forþ for |
Christ C 926a | sċeafta || andweardne faran / | mid | mæġen-wundrum || maniĝum t |
Christ C 941b | bēatne. / Wile æl-mehtiġ || | mid | his engla ġe·dryht, / mæġen |
Christ C 945a | diġ hēap. || Hālġe sāwle / | mid | hira frēan faraþ, || þonne |
Christ C 951b | ċaþ and waniaþ || weorold | mid | storme, / fyllaþ mid fēre% || |
Christ C 952a | | weorold mid storme, / fyllaþ | mid | fēre% || foldan ġe·sċeaft |
Christ C 966b | , / sē swearta līeġ, || sǣs | mid | hira fiscum, / eorðan mid hire |
Christ C 967a | sǣs mid hira fiscum, / eorðan | mid | hire beorĝum || and up-heofo |
Christ C 968a | ĝum || and up-heofon / torhtne | mid | his tunglum. || Tēon-līeġ |
Christ C 975b | / wīd-mǣre blǣst || weorold | mid | ealle, / hāt, heoru-ġīfre. | |
Christ C 1008a | god || on þone mǣran beorh / | mid | þȳ mæstan || mæġen-þrym |
Christ C 1087a | | hlūtran drēore, / be·sēon | mid | swāte || þæt ofer sīde ġ |
Christ C 1097a | nn-cynne, || on þām dæġe, / | mid | þȳ weorðe, || þe nā wōm |
Christ C 1099a | līċ-hama || leahtra firena, / | mid | þȳ ūsiċ ā·līesde. || |
Christ C 1109a | | drēoriġ-ferhþe, / swā him | mid | næġlum þurh·drifon || nī |
Christ C 1130a | lan || frēan þrōwunga, / and | mid | ċearum cwīðdon, || þēah |
Christ C 1169b | ēamas on·budon || hwā hīe | mid | blǣdum sċōp, / manġe, neall |
Christ C 1199b | ēn. / Hwæs wēneþ sē || þe | mid | ġe·witte nille / ġe·munan |
Christ C 1209a | ste, || hū sē selfa cyning / | mid | sīne līċ-haman || līesde |
Christ C 1246a | || hlūtre% drēamas / ēadġe | mid | englum || āĝan mōton%. / |
Christ C 1314a | ssum sāwlum, || synna wunde, / | mid | līċ-haman || leahtra ġe·h |
Christ C 1317a | æġ || ōðrum ġe·seċġan / | mid | hū miċele elne || ǣghwelċ |
Christ C 1324b | endra / unsċamiende || ēðles | mid | mannum / brūcan bysmerlēas, | |
Christ C 1329b | aĝum, / innan% uncyste. || Wē | mid | þām ōðrum ne maĝon, / hēa |
Christ C 1344a | lum nēotan: / ‘On·fōþ nū | mid | frēondum || mīnes fæder r |
Christ C 1346a | um || wynlīċe ġearu, / blǣd | mid | blissum, || beorht ēðles wl |
Christ C 1347b | wonne ġē þā līf-welan || | mid | þām lēofostum%, / swǣse swe |
Christ C 1358a | ldlīċe || hyġe staðolodon / | mid | mōdes myne. || Eall ġē þ |
Christ C 1359a | t mē dydon, / þonne ġē hīe | mid | sibbum sōhton || and hira se |
Christ C 1361a | s ġē fæġere sċulon / lēan | mid | lēofum || lange brūcan.’ / |
Christ C 1422a | folmum be·wand, / be·þeahte | mid | þearfan wǣdum || and mec þ |
Christ C 1423a | estre ā·leġde / be·wundenne | mid | wannum clāðum. || Hwæt, i |
Christ C 1425b | ne, / ċild-ġung on crybbe. || | Mid | þȳ iċ þē wolde cwealm ā |
Christ C 1440a | a ġe·nīðlan, / fylĝdon mē | mid | firenum, || fǣhþe ne rōhto |
Christ C 1441a | m, || fǣhþe ne rōhton, / and | mid | swipum slōĝon. || Iċ þæt |
Christ C 1447b | stnod, || þā hīe rīċene | mid | spere / of mīnre sīdan || sw |
Christ C 1468b | e / on rodorum wesan, || rīċe | mid | englum. / For hwon for·lēte |
Christ C 1470b | e / þæt iċ þē for lufan || | mid | mīne līċ-haman / hēanum tō |
Christ C 1478b | īfes iċ maniġe || þe þū | mid | leahtrum hafast / of·sleġen s |
Christ C 1489a | rdra þynceþ. / Nū is swǣrra | mid | mec || þīnra synna rōd / þe |
Christ C 1514b | e tō wīdan ealdre, || wræc | mid | dēoflum ġe·þolian.’ / Þo |
Christ C 1521b | atane || and his ġe·sīðum | mid, | / dēofle ġe·ġearwod || and |
Christ C 1530b | dan. / Swāpeþ siġe-mēċe || | mid | ðǣre swīðran% hand / þæt |
Christ C 1546a | sta on þīestre, / ǣleþ hīe | mid | þȳ ealdan līeġe || and mi |
Christ C 1546b | id þȳ ealdan līeġe || and | mid | þȳ eġesan forste, / wrāðum |
Christ C 1547b | orste, / wrāðum wyrmum || and | mid | wīta fela, / frēcnum feorh-ga |
Christ C 1636b | dōm-dæġe, || āĝan drēam | mid | gode / līðes līfes, || þæs |
Christ C 1646a | || engla ġe·mānan / brūcaþ | mid | blisse, || beorhte mid lisse, |
Christ C 1646b | ūcaþ mid blisse, || beorhte | mid | lisse, / frēoĝaþ folces wear |
Christ C 1664b | wlite-sċīenost, || wuldres | mid | drihten. |
Vainglory 18a | sċ-stede || inne on reċede / | mid | werum wunie, || þonne wīn h |
Vainglory 58a | ō || on godes rīċe / þætte | mid | englum || ofer-hyġd ā·stā |
Vainglory 77a | bēoþ þā lēan ġe·līċ / | mid | wuldor-cyning.’ || Wite þe |
Widsith 5b | um / æðele on·wōcon. || Hē | mid | Ealhhilde, / fǣlre friðu-webb |
Widsith 57a | e || cystum dōhten. / Iċ wæs | mid | Hunum || and mid Hrēð-ġotu |
Widsith 57b | en. / Iċ wæs mid Hunum || and | mid | Hrēð-ġotum, / mid Sweom and |
Widsith 58a | Hrēð-ġotum, / mid Sweom and | mid | Ġēatum || and mid Sūð-Den |
Widsith 58b | Sweom and mid Ġēatum || and | mid | Sūð-Denum. / Mid Wenlum iċ w |
Widsith 59a | enum. / Mid Wenlum iċ wæs and | mid | Wærnum || and mid wīċingum |
Widsith 59b | wæs and mid Wærnum || and | mid | wīċingum. / Mid Ġefþum iċ |
Widsith 60a | um. / Mid Ġefþum iċ wæs and | mid | Winedum || and mid Ġeffleĝu |
Widsith 60b | wæs and mid Winedum || and | mid | Ġeffleĝum. / Mid Englum iċ w |
Widsith 61a | ĝum. / Mid Englum iċ wæs and | mid | Swǣfum || and mid ǣnĝum. / M |
Widsith 61b | wæs and mid Swǣfum || and | mid | ǣnĝum. / Mid Seaxum iċ wæs |
Widsith 62a | d Swǣfum || and mid ǣnĝum. / | Mid | Seaxum iċ wæs and Syċġum |
Widsith 62b | iċ wæs and Syċġum || and | mid | Sweord-werum. / Mid Hronum iċ |
Widsith 63a | erum. / Mid Hronum iċ wæs and | mid | Deanum || and mid Heaðu-ream |
Widsith 63b | ċ wæs and mid Deanum || and | mid | Heaðu-reamum. / Mid Þyringum |
Widsith 64a | num || and mid Heaðu-reamum. / | Mid | Þyringum iċ wæs || and mid |
Widsith 64b | Mid Þyringum iċ wæs || and | mid | Þrōwendum, / and mid Burġend |
Widsith 65a | s || and mid Þrōwendum, / and | mid | Burġendum, || ðǣr iċ bēa |
Widsith 68a | ing. / Mid Francum iċ wæs and | mid | Friesum || and mid Frumtingum |
Widsith 68b | wæs and mid Friesum || and | mid | Frumtingum. / Mid Ruĝum iċ w |
Widsith 69a | ngum. / Mid Ruĝum iċ wæs and | mid | Glammum || and mid Rumwalum. / |
Widsith 69b | wæs and mid Glammum || and | mid | Rumwalum. / Swelċe iċ wæs on |
Widsith 70b | Swelċe iċ wæs on Eatule || | mid | Ælfwine, / sē hæfde mann-cyn |
Widsith 75a | bēaĝa, || bearn Ēadwines. / | Mid | Sercingum iċ wæs || and mid |
Widsith 75b | Mid Sercingum iċ wæs || and | mid | Seringum; / mid Creacum iċ wæ |
Widsith 76a | gum; / mid Creacum iċ wæs and | mid | Finnum || and mid Casere, / sē |
Widsith 76b | ċ wæs and mid Finnum || and | mid | Casere, / sē þe wīn-burga || |
Widsith 79a | es. / Mid Sċottum iċ wæs and | mid | Peohtum || and mid Sċrīde-F |
Widsith 79b | wæs and mid Peohtum || and | mid | Sċrīde-Finnum; / mid Lid-Wī |
Widsith 80a | d Lid-Wīċingum iċ wæs and | mid | Leonum || and mid Lang-beardu |
Widsith 80b | ċ wæs and mid Leonum || and | mid | Lang-beardum, / mid hǣðnum an |
Widsith 81a | ang-beardum, / mid hǣðnum and | mid | hæleþum || and mid Hundingu |
Widsith 81b | num and mid hæleþum || and | mid | Hundingum. / Mid Israhelum iċ |
Widsith 82a | leþum || and mid Hundingum. / | Mid | Israhelum iċ wæs || and mid |
Widsith 82b | Mid Israhelum iċ wæs || and | mid | Ex-Syringum, / mid Ebreum and m |
Widsith 83a | d Ex-Syringum, / mid Ebreum and | mid | Indeum || and mid Eġyptum. / M |
Widsith 83b | Ebreum and mid Indeum || and | mid | Eġyptum. / Mid Moidum iċ wæs |
Widsith 84a | ptum. / Mid Moidum iċ wæs and | mid | Persum || and mid Myrĝingum, |
Widsith 84b | ċ wæs and mid Persum || and | mid | Myrĝingum, / and Mofdingum || |
Widsith 86a | | and onġend Myrĝingum, / and | mid | Amothingum. || Mid East-Þyri |
Widsith 86b | ingum, / and mid Amothingum. || | Mid | East-Þyringum iċ wæs / and m |
Widsith 87a | um iċ wæs / and mid Eolum and | mid | Istum || and Idumingum. / And i |
Widsith 88a | | and Idumingum. / And iċ wæs | mid | Eormanrīċe || ealle þrāĝ |
The Fortunes of Men 1b | ul oft þæt ġe·gangeþ, || | mid | godes meahtum, / þætte wer an |
The Fortunes of Men 3a | f || on weorold cennaþ / bearn | mid | ġe·byrdum || and mid blēom |
The Fortunes of Men 3b | / bearn mid ġe·byrdum || and | mid | blēom ġierwaþ, / tennaþ and |
The Fortunes of Men 57a | || seċġas nemnaþ, / mǣnaþ | mid | mūðe || medu-ĝāles ġe·d |
The Fortunes of Men 58b | . / Sum sċeall on ġuĝuþe || | mid | godes meahtum / his earfoþ-sī |
The Fortunes of Men 80a | ēam sē miċela. / Sum sċeall | mid | hearpan || æt his hlāfordes |
Maxims I 22a | weġen habbaþ. / Rǣd sċeall | mid | snytru, || riht mid wīsum, / t |
Maxims I 22b | d sċeall mid snytru, || riht | mid | wīsum, / til sċeall mid tilum |
Maxims I 23a | riht mid wīsum, / til sċeall | mid | tilum. || Tū bēoþ ġe·mæ |
Maxims I 25a | er || on weorold cennan / bearn | mid | ġe·byrdum. || Bēam sċeall |
Maxims I 36b | ĝaþ, || healdaþ hira sōþ | mid | rihte. / Ēadiġ biþ sē þe o |
Maxims I 57b | sundum þingum || and þonne | mid | ġe·sīðum healdaþ / cēne m |
Maxims I 60a | māre bēodeþ. / Þrym sċeall | mid | wlenċu, || þrīste mid cēn |
Maxims I 60b | eall mid wlenċu, || þrīste | mid | cēnum, / sċulon bū recene || |
Maxims I 81a | biþ sēlost. / Cyning sċeall | mid | ċēape || cwēne ġe·biċġ |
Maxims I 85a | | and wīf ġe·þēon / lēof% | mid | hire lēodum, || lēoht-mōd |
Maxims I 114a | e fēde. / Mæġen mann sċeall | mid | mete fēdan, || morðor under |
Maxims I 170a | him cann lēoða worn, / oþþe | mid | heandum cann || hearpan grēt |
Maxims I 187a | his ār on borde. / Lot sċeall | mid | lyswe, || list mid ġe·dēfu |
Maxims I 187b | ot sċeall mid lyswe, || list | mid | ġe·dēfum; / þȳ weorðeþ s |
The Order of the World 12a | ra ġō, || glēowes cræfte, / | mid | ġieddungum || guman oft wrec |
The Order of the World 54b | heofon-candelle || and holmas | mid, | / laðaþ and lǣdeþ% || līfe |
The Order of the World 62a | || wundrum ġe·ġierwed, / and | mid | ǣr-dæġe || ēastan snōwe |
The Order of the World 68a | an wolde. / Ġe·wīteþ þonne | mid | þȳ wuldre || on west-rodor / |
The Order of the World 89a | m || on þām mæġen-þrymme / | mid | þām sīe ā·hefed || heofo |
The Order of the World 102a | -nīða || ġe·hwone sīĝan / | mid | synna fyrnum, || fere him tō |
The Riming Poem 8a | angum || wennan gangum, / lisse | mid | langum || lima ġe·hangum%. / |
The Whale 28a | samnunga || on sealtne wǣġ / | mid | þā nōðe || niðer ġe·w |
The Whale 31a | | drenċe be·fæsteþ / sċipu | mid | sċealcum. || Swā biþ sċin |
The Whale 44b | lan hēr / firenum fremmaþ, || | mid | þām hē fǣringa, / heoloþ-h |
The Whale 87a | d || hǣlu sēċan, / þæt we | mid | swā lēofne || on lofe mōto |
The Partridge 5b | wā hwelċe tīd || swā ġē | mid | trēowe tō mē / on hyġe hweo |
The Partridge 8a | , || swā iċ simle tō ēow / | mid | sibb-lufan || sōna ġe·ċie |
Soul and Body II 59a | n || oft ġe·sēċan, / wemman | mid | wordum, || swā þū worhtest |
Soul and Body II 119a | | þæt hē lange ǣr / weorode | mid | wǣdum. || Biþ þonne wyrmes |
Guthlac A 14a | | ġe·fēon mōton%, / drȳman | mid | drihten, || þā þe his dōm |
Guthlac A 79a | rihtra ġe·strēona, / lufiaþ | mid | lācum || þā þe lǣs āgon |
Guthlac A 89a | him englas standaþ, / ġearwe | mid | gǣsta wǣpnum, || bēoþ hir |
Guthlac A 90b | ra feorh, || witon hira hiht | mid | drihten. / Þæt sind þā ġe |
Guthlac A 177b | heard. / Girede hine ġeorne || | mid | gǣstlicum / wǣpnum || wang bl |
Guthlac A 198a | sēċan || and his sibbe riht / | mid | mann-cynne || māran cræfte / |
Guthlac A 237a | ran ġe·mōtes, / hwonne hīe | mid | meniġu || māran cōme, / þā |
Guthlac A 258b | rnan; || ne sċeall min gǣst | mid | ēow / ġe·dwolan drēoĝan, | |
Guthlac A 260a | ac mec dryhtnes hand / mundaþ | mid | mæġene. || Hēr sċeall min |
Guthlac A 303a | ā iċ ēow sweord on·ġēan / | mid | ġe·bolĝne hand || oþ·ber |
Guthlac A 318b | be·healdeþ. || Is min hiht | mid | god, / ne iċ mē eorð-welan | |
Guthlac A 320a | welan || āwiht sinne, / ne mē | mid | mōde || miċeles ġierne, / ac |
Guthlac A 338a | sse weorolde || wynna þorfte / | mid | his līċ-haman || lǣsost br |
Guthlac A 410a | de sē þe ana / þæt hīe him | mid | heandum || hrīnan mosten, / an |
Guthlac A 439b | on beorĝe, || wæs his blǣd | mid | god. / Þūhte him on mōde || |
Guthlac A 450a | ·lāce || god lēanode / ellen | mid | ārum, || þæt hē ana ġe· |
Guthlac A 480a | rihten || duĝuþe biddan, / ne | mid | ēað-mēdum || āre sēċan, |
Guthlac A 530a | īsdōm cȳðaþ. / Ġeofu wæs | mid | Gūð·lāc || on godcundum / m |
Guthlac A 574b | an. / Woldon hīe ġe·tēon || | mid | torn-cwidum / earme āĝ·lǣċ |
Guthlac A 578b | e lāðe, / tō Gūð·lāce || | mid | grimnesse: / ‘Ne eart þū ġ |
Guthlac A 591b | ode, / Gūð·lāc on gǣste || | mid | godes mæġene: / ‘Dōþ efen |
Guthlac A 633a | wunian || on wynn-daĝum, / ac | mid | sċame sċyldum || sċofene w |
Guthlac A 648a | n and eorðan, / þæt ġē mec | mid | nīðum || nǣfre mōton / torn |
Guthlac A 652b | e / lēohte ġe·lēafan || and | mid | lufan dryhtnes / fæġere ġe· |
Guthlac A 674b | e, / þæt ġē mec synfulle || | mid | searu-cræftum / under sċæd s |
Guthlac A 681a | | and iċ drēama wynn / āĝan | mid | englum || on þām uplican / ro |
Guthlac A 802b | ġearwaþ gæstes hūs || and | mid | glēawnesse / fēond ofer·feoh |
Guthlac B 999b | wæl-ġīfre. || Hine wunode | mid | / ān ambiht-þeġn, || sē hin |
Guthlac B 1101a | ǣrost ġe·fremede, / drihten | mid | drēame, || þā hē of dēa |
Guthlac B 1192a | iġ || brūcan mōton, / ēades | mid | englum. || þū hire ēac sa |
Guthlac B 1215b | / on% ǣfen-tīd%, || ōðerne | mid | þeċ, / þeġn æt ġe·þeaht |
Guthlac B 1258b | fērsċype || þæt wit fyrn | mid | unc / lange lǣstan, || nille i |
Guthlac B 1372a | || on þām ēċan ġe·fēan / | mid | þā sibb-ġe·dryht || samod |
Riddles 13 2b | brōðor || and hira sweostor | mid; | / hæfdon feorh cwicu. || Fell |
Riddles 15 9a | ðǣr iċ wīċ būĝe, / bold% | mid | bearnum || and iċ bīde ðǣ |
Riddles 15 10a | earnum || and iċ bīde ðǣr / | mid | ġeuĝuþ-cnōsle, || hwonne |
Riddles 22 18b | er burnan || and hira blancan | mid | / fram stæðe hēam, || þæt |
Riddles 26 13a | de% be·þenede, / ġierede mec | mid | golde; || for·þon mē glēo |
Riddles 27 4b | / feðere on lyfte, || feredon | mid | liste / under hrōfes hleo. || |
Riddles 28 2a | æl || fæġere ġe·ġierwed / | mid | þȳ heardostan || and mid þ |
Riddles 28 2b | ed / mid þȳ heardostan || and | mid | þȳ sċearpostan / and mid þ |
Riddles 28 3a | and mid þȳ sċearpostan / and | mid | þȳ grymmestan || gumena ġe |
Riddles 30a 1b | eom līeġ-bysiġ, || lāce | mid | winde, / be·wunden mid wuldre, |
Riddles 30a 2a | | lāce mid winde, / be·wunden | mid | wuldre, || wedere ġe·samnod |
Riddles 30a 8a | n·hnīġaþ% tō mē / moniġe | mid | miltse, || ðǣr iċ mannum s |
Riddles 31 23a | all, || brōðor sīne, / mæġ | mid | mæġne. || Miċel is tō hy |
Riddles 39 2a | ġaþ || þæt sēo wiht sīe / | mid | mann-cynne || miċelum tīdum |
Riddles 40 13a | dan-ġeard || mehtiġ drihten / | mid | his an-wealde || ǣġhwǣr st |
Riddles 40 14a | | ǣġhwǣr styreþ; / swā iċ | mid | wealdendes || worde ealne / þi |
Riddles 40 30a | stenċ || iede ofer·swīðe / | mid | mīnre swētnesse || simle ǣ |
Riddles 40 35a | e æt frymþe, / þæt iċ þā | mid | rihte || reċċan mōste / þic |
Riddles 40 59b | ne þū bēo-brēad || blende | mid | huneġe; / swelċe iċ eom wrā |
Riddles 42 16b | m æt wīne || hū þā wihte | mid | ūs, / hēan-mōde twa, || hāt |
Riddles 44 6a | eþ, || wile þæt cūðe hol / | mid | his hangellan || heafde grēt |
Riddles 46 1b | les 46 / / Wer% sæt æt wine || | mid | his wīfum twǣm / and his twē |
Riddles 46 5b | æðelinga || ǣġhwæðeres | mid, | / êam and nefa. || Ealra wǣro |
Riddles 5 6a | || gūð-ġe·winnes, / ǣr iċ | mid | ieldum || eall for·wurðe%, / |
Riddles 50 7b | aþ / mæġeþ and mæċġas || | mid | ġe·mete rihte, / fēdaþ hine |
Riddles 54 12b | nn / ferhþum frēoĝaþ || and | mid | fēo biċġaþ. |
Riddles 6 4a | || eorðan ġe·tenġe, / nǣte | mid | nīðe, || swā iċ him nā h |
The Judgment Day I 8a | an || breĝu mann-cynnes / land | mid | līeġe. || Nis þæt lȳtlu |
The Judgment Day I 17a | || synna weardas, / þæt hīe | mid | þȳ hēape || helle sēċaþ |
The Judgment Day I 18a | || helle sēċaþ, / flēoĝaþ | mid | þām fēondum. || Him biþ f |
The Judgment Day I 26a | sibbe full oft / tō·mǣldeþ | mid | his mūðe. || Ne cann hē þ |
The Judgment Day I 41a | na ġe·hwelċ / mid līċe and | mid | sāwle || lēanes friċġan / e |
The Judgment Day I 89b | t, || sē þe him wile libban | mid | gode, / brūcan þæs boldes || |
The Judgment Day I 99a | īe grēote be·þeaht, / līċ | mid | lāme, || þæt hit sċeall l |
Resignation 69b | æs earnunga || ǣnġe wǣron | mid; | / hwæðere iċ mē ealles þæ |
The Descent into Hell 10a | dæġ-rǣd, / hēt hīe ōðre | mid | || eorles dohtor. / Sohton sār |
The Descent into Hell 51a | Iohannis || siġe-bearn godes / | mid | þȳ cyne-þrymme || cuman t |
The Descent into Hell 55a | be·locen wǣron, / be·þeahte | mid | þīestre; || sē þeġn wæs |
The Descent into Hell 133a | t·gædere. / Ofer·wurpe þū | mid | þȳ wætere, || weoroda drih |
The Descent into Hell 136a | e ġit Iohannis || on Iordane / | mid | þȳ fulwihte || fæġere on |
Alms-Giving 5a | dōma sēlost. / Efene swā hē | mid | wætere || þone weallendan / l |
Alms-Giving 8a | burgum sċieþþan, / swā hē | mid | ælmessan || ealle tō·sċū |
Azarias 11a | n || on weorold-spēdum / rihte | mid | rǣde. || Rodora wealdend, / ġ |
Azarias 64b | eorðeþ / dropena drēorung || | mid | dæġes hwīle. / Sē wæs on |
Azarias 68a | ðǣr þā dǣd-hwatan / þrīe | mid | ġe·þancum || þēoden here |
Azarias 160b | earh / fȳr and fēondas || and | mid | fiðerum be·wrēah / wiþ bryn |
Azarias 177b | es ǣled, || ac him is enġel | mid, | / hafaþ beorhtne blǣd; || ne |
Azarias 188b | fre glēda nīþ%, || ac hīe | mid | gǣst-lufan / synne ġe·swenct |
Riddles 30b and 60 1b | eom līeġ-bysiġ, || lāce | mid | winde, / w[]dre ġe·samnod, || |
Riddles 62 6a | þ || æftan-weardne, / hæleþ | mid | hræġle; || hwīlum ūt tieh |
Riddles 63 3a | nne iċ eom forþ boren / glæd | mid | golde, || ðǣr guman drinca |
Riddles 66 10a | d || and mere-strēamas / sīde | mid | mē% selfum. || Saĝa hwæt i |
Riddles 74 3a | rinċ || on āne tīd; / flēah | mid | fuĝlum || and on flōde swam |
Riddles 74 4b | m, / dēaf under ȳðe || dēad | mid | fiscum, / and on foldan stōp, |
The Phoenix 8a | eall, || wynnum ġe·blissod / | mid | þām fæġerostum || foldan |
The Phoenix 23b | / hēah hlifiaþ, || swā hēr | mid | ūs, / ne dene ne dalu || ne d |
The Phoenix 31b | a beorĝa || þe hēr beorhte | mid | ūs / hēa hlifiaþ || under he |
The Phoenix 149a | hē ðǣr brūcan mōt / wanges | mid | willum || and welan nēotan, / |
The Phoenix 160b | gen on þēode || and þraĝe | mid | him / wēsten weardaþ. || Þon |
The Phoenix 215b | / þurh fȳres fēng || fuĝol | mid | neste. / Bǣl biþ on·ǣled. | |
The Phoenix 249a | n%, || þonne forst and snāw / | mid | ofer-mæġene || eorðan þe |
The Phoenix 345b | ofne lēod-fruman, || lǣdaþ | mid | wynnum / æðelne tō earde, || |
The Phoenix 483b | n drēames, / heofona hāmes || | mid | hēah-cyning / earnaþ on elne, |
The Phoenix 494b | , / duĝuþa drihten, || dēman | mid | rihte. / Þonne ǣriste || eall |
The Phoenix 523b | fæst ġē synniġ, || sāwol | mid | līċe, / fram mold-grafum || s |
The Phoenix 529b | ðelan sind / wyrta wynsume, || | mid | þām sē wilda fuĝol / his se |
The Phoenix 532b | under sunnan || and hē selfa | mid, | / and þonne aefter līeġe || |
The Phoenix 543b | uldre / wlitiġe ġe·wyrtod || | mid | hira wēl-dǣdum. / Bēoþ þon |
The Phoenix 560a | ste || āĝan mōte, / drēamas | mid | drihten, || ðǣr sēo dēore |
The Phoenix 584b | ht / samod sīðiaþ% || sāwla | mid | līċe, / fæġere ġe·frætwo |
The Phoenix 610b | tolden / fæġerum frætwum, || | mid | fæder engla. / Ne biþ him on |
The Phoenix 621a | || breĝu sēlostan / ēadġe | mid | englum, || efen-hlēoðre þu |
The Phoenix 629a | ymm, || þīnes wuldres, / uppe | mid | englum || and on eorðan samo |
The Phoenix 677a | gan || laude perenne, / ēadġe | mid | englum. || Alleluia. |
Juliana 32b | lde. / Þā wæs sēo fǣmne || | mid | hire fæder willan / weleĝum b |
Juliana 111a | þonne hē ġīen dyde, / lufie | mid | lācum || þone þe lēoht ġ |
Juliana 188a | wræce || nacode þennan, / and | mid | swipum swingan% || synna lēa |
Juliana 208a | wīten, / þe þēs lēodsċipe | mid | him || lange be·ēode.’ / Hi |
Juliana 221a | Hē ne findeþ ðǣr / duĝuþe | mid | dēoflum. || Iċ tō drihtne |
Juliana 236a | | mæġen unbryċe. / Þā wæs | mid | clūstre || carc-ernes duru / b |
Juliana 285b | hē his sīþ-fæt || seċġe | mid | rihte, / ealne% fram orde, || h |
Juliana 312a | te. || Þus iċ wrāðra fela / | mid | mīnum brōðrum || bealwa ġ |
Juliana 512a | swā þū% nū-þā, / hāliġ | mid | heandum, || hrīnan dorste, / n |
Juliana 581a | ē wæs ǣġhwonan / ymb·boren | mid | brandum. || Bæþ hāte wēol |
Juliana 617b | e·band / ā·wierĝedne || and | mid | wītum swang, / clipode þā fo |
Juliana 619a | ealdra full: / ’Gieldaþ nū | mid | ġyrne, || þæt hēo goda ū |
Juliana 652b | / leahtra ġe·hyġdum. || Ġe | mid | lufan sibbe, / lēohte ġe·lē |
Juliana 655b | , / sōðe trēowe || and sibbe | mid | ēow / healdaþ æt heortan, || |
Juliana 668b | siĝora sellend. || Sibb sīe | mid | ēowiċ, / simle sōþ lufu.’ |
Juliana 676b | a hlōðe || and hine selfne | mid, | / ær·þon hīe tō lande || |
Juliana 681a | elm || wiĝena cynnes, / hēane | mid | hālford, || hroðra be·dǣl |
Juliana 695a | e miċele || oþ þisne dæġ / | mid | þēodsċipe. || Is mē ðear |
The Wanderer 4a | āde || lange sċolde / hrēran | mid | heandum || hrīm-ċealde sǣ, |
The Wanderer 29a | ne% || frēfran wolde, / wēman | mid | wynnum. || Wāt sē þe cunna |
The Wanderer 114a | ē ǣr þā bōte cunne, / eorl | mid | elne ġe·fremman. || Wēl bi |
The Gifts of Men 49a | ġan || wiþ fǣr-dryrum. / Sum | mid | heandum mæġ || hearpan grē |
The Gifts of Men 79a | || þrīst-hyġdiġra / þeġn | mid | his þēodne. || Sum ġe·þy |
Precepts 9b | der and mōdor || frēo þū | mid | heortan, / mǣĝa ġe·hwelcne, |
Precepts 19b | wammes ġe·wita. || Hē þe | mid | wīte ġieldeþ, / swelċe þā |
Precepts 20b | eþ, / swelċe þām ōðrum || | mid | ēad-welan.’ / Þriddan sīð |
The Seafarer 59b | eðer-locan, / min mōd-sefa || | mid | mere-flōde / ofer hwæles ēð |
The Seafarer 78b | and his lof siþþan || libbe | mid | englum / āwa tō ealdre, || ē |
The Seafarer 80a | ēċan līfes blǣd%, / drēam | mid | duĝuþum. || Daĝas sind ġe |
The Seafarer 84a | ō wǣron, / þonne hīe mǣst | mid | him || mǣrþa ġe·fremedon / |
The Seafarer 96b | , / nē hand on·hrēran || nē | mid | hyġe þenċan / þēah þe gr |
The Seafarer 99b | ðmum mislicum || þæt hine | mid | wille, / ne mæġ ðǣre sāwle |
The Seafarer 111b | , / sċyle manna ġe·hwelċ || | mid | ġe·mete healdan / wiþ lēofn |
Beowulf 41b | / mādma meniġu, || þā him | mid | sċoldon / on flōdes ǣht || f |
Beowulf 77a | m on fierste ġe·lamp, / ǣdre | mid | ieldum, || þæt hit wearþ e |
Beowulf 125a | e hrēmiġ || tō hām faran, / | mid | ðǣre wæl-fylle || wīca n |
Beowulf 126b | osan. / Þā wæs on ūhtan || | mid | ǣr-dæġe / Grendles gūþ-cr |
Beowulf 195a | || Hyġe·lāces þeġn, / gōd | mid | Ġēatum, || Grendles dǣda; / |
Beowulf 243a | land Dena || lāðra nǣniġ / | mid | sċip-herġe || sċeþþan ne |
Beowulf 274a | e || seċġan hīerdon) / þæt | mid | Sċieldingum || sċaðena iċ |
Beowulf 317a | fēran; || fæder eall-wealda / | mid | ār-stafum || ēowiċ ġe·he |
Beowulf 357b | ār sæt / eald and an-hār% || | mid | his eorla ġe·dryht; / ēode e |
Beowulf 438b | lo-rand tō gūðe, || ac iċ | mid | grāpe sċeall / fōn wiþ fēo |
Beowulf 461a | aðu·lāfe || tō hand-banan / | mid | Wylfingum; || þā hine Weder |
Beowulf 475b | hafaþ / hīenþu on Heorote || | mid | his hete-þancum, / fǣr-nīða |
Beowulf 483b | dan woldon / Grendles gūðe || | mid | gryrum eċġa. / Þonne wæs þ |
Beowulf 574b | mē ġe·sǣlde || þæt iċ | mid | swurde of·slōh / nicoras niĝ |
Beowulf 633b | ·stāh, / sǣ-bat ġe·sæt || | mid | mīnre seċġa ġe·dryht, / þ |
Beowulf 662b | him Hrōð·gār ġe·wāt || | mid | his hæleþa ġe·dryht, / eodo |
Beowulf 746a | rþ nēar æt-stōp, / nam þā | mid | handa || hyġe-þyhtiġne / rin |
Beowulf 748a | , || rǣhte on·ġēan / fēond | mid | folme; || hē on·fēng hræ |
Beowulf 779a | itan Sċieldinga / þæt hit ā | mid | ġe·mete || manna ǣniġ, / be |
Beowulf 879b | and firena, || būtan Fitela | mid | hine, / þonne hē swelċes hw |
Beowulf 889b | dǣde, || ne wæs him Fitela | mid. | / hwæðre him ġe·sǣlde || |
Beowulf 902b | de, / eafoþ% and ellen. || Hē | mid | Ēotnum wearþ / on fēonda ġe |
Beowulf 923b | ġe·cȳðed || and his cwēn | mid | him / medu-stīġe mæt || mæ |
Beowulf 976a | nċed, || ac hine sār hafaþ / | mid% | nīed-grīpe% || nearwe be·f |
Beowulf 1051a | m || eorla drihten / þāra þe | mid | Bēow·ulfe || brim-lāde% t |
Beowulf 1128b | l-fāĝne wintₑr || wunode | mid | Finne / eall% unhlytme. || Eard |
Beowulf 1145a | | on bearm dyde, / þæs wǣron | mid | Ēotnum || eċġe cūðe. / Swe |
Beowulf 1184a | lǣtest; / wēne iċ þæt hē | mid | gōde || ġieldan wile / uncrum |
Beowulf 1217a | , || Bēow·ulf lēofa, / hyse, | mid | hǣle || and þisses hræġle |
Beowulf 1219a | ġe·þēoh tela, / cenn þeċ | mid | cræfte || and þissum cnihtu |
Beowulf 1313a | la sum, || æðele cempa / self | mid | ġe·sīðum || ðǣr sē sno |
Beowulf 1317a | r flōre || fyrd-wierðe mann / | mid | his hand-sċole || (heall-wud |
Beowulf 1407a | || sāwol·lēasne / þāra þe | mid | Hrōð·gāre || hām eahtode |
Beowulf 1437b | . / Hræðe wearþ on ȳðum || | mid | eofor-sprēotum / heoru-hōc-ih |
Beowulf 1461b | anna ǣngum || þāra þe hit | mid | mundum be·wand, / sē þe gryr |
Beowulf 1490b | eard-eċġ habban; || iċ mē | mid | Hruntinge / dōm ġe·wyrċe, | |
Beowulf 1493a | || Weder-Ġēata lēod / efste | mid | elne, || nealles andsware / bī |
Beowulf 1592a | || snotere ċeorlas, / þā þe | mid | Hrōð·gāre || on holm wlit |
Beowulf 1625b | rðenne || þāra þe hē him | mid | hæfde. / Ēodon him þā tō· |
Beowulf 1642b | ēata gangan; || gum-drihten | mid | / mōdiġ on ġe·mange || medu |
Beowulf 1649b | or eorlum || and ðǣre idese | mid, | / wlite-sīen wrǣtliċ; || wer |
Beowulf 1659b | e. / Ne meahte iċ æt hilde || | mid | Hruntinġe / wiht ġe·wyrċan, |
Beowulf 1672b | te mōst / sorĝlēas swefan || | mid | þīnra seċġa ġe·dryht / an |
Beowulf 1706a | e·þyldum healdest, / mæġen | mid | mōdes snytrum. || Iċ þe s |
Beowulf 1868a | || māðmas [XII]; / hēt hine | mid | þǣm lācum || lēode swǣse |
Beowulf 1892a | || swā hē ǣr dyde; / nā hē | mid | hearme || of hliðes nōsan / |
Beowulf 1924a | | ðǣr æt hām wunaþ / selfa | mid | ġe·sīðum || sǣ-wealle n |
Beowulf 1963b | ·wāt him þā sē hearda || | mid | his hand-sċole / self aefter s |
Beowulf 2028a | þæt rǣd talaþ, / þæt hē | mid | þȳ wīfe || wæl-fǣhþa d |
Beowulf 2034a | || þāra lēoda, / þonne hē | mid | fǣmnan || on flett gǣþ / dry |
Beowulf 2056a | āðum bireþ, / þone þe þū | mid | rihte || rǣdan sċoldest. / Ma |
Beowulf 2192b | / golde ġe·ġierede; || næs | mid | Ġēatum þā / sinċ-māðᵤm |
Beowulf 2221a | ġe·bolĝen% wæs. / Nealles | mid | ġe·wealdum || wyrm-hord ā |
Beowulf 2308b | e læġ%, / bīdan wolde, || ac | mid | bǣle for, / fȳre ġe·fȳsed. |
Beowulf 2378a | frēond-lārum hēold, / ēstum | mid | āre, || oþ·þæt hē ieldr |
Beowulf 2468a | ah him lēof ne wæs / Hē þā | mid | ðǣre sorĝe, || þe him sw |
Beowulf 2535b | ǣle, / eorlsċipe efne. || Iċ | mid | elne sċeall / gold ġe·ġanga |
Beowulf 2611a | sweord ġe·tēah, / þæt wæs | mid | ieldum || Ēan·mundes lāf, / |
Beowulf 2623a | is ǣr-fæder; / ġeaf him þā | mid | Ġēatum || gūð-ġewǣda, / |
Beowulf 2627a | pan, || þæt hē gūðe rǣs / | mid | his frēo-drihtne || fremman |
Beowulf 2652a | e || þæt mīnne līċ-haman / | mid | mīnne gold-ġiefan || glēd |
Beowulf 2720a | ed || innan healde. / Hine þā | mid | handa || heoru-drēoriġne, / |
Beowulf 2788a | hine ǣr for·lēt. / Hē þā | mid | þǣm māðmum || mǣrne þē |
Beowulf 2876a | ē hine selfne ġe·wræc / ana | mid | eċġe, || þā him wæs elne |
Beowulf 2917b | ǣġdon%, / elne ġe·ēodon || | mid | ofer-mæġene, / þæt sē byrn |
Beowulf 2948a | de ġe·sīene, / hū þā folc | mid | him || fǣhþe tō·weahton. / |
Beowulf 2949b | e·wāt him þā sē gōda || | mid | his gædelingum, / frōd, fela- |
Beowulf 2990a | him fæġere ġe·hēt / lēana | mid% | lēodum || and ġe·lǣste%sw |
Beowulf 2993b | be·cōm, / Eofore and Wulfe || | mid | ofer-māðmum, / sealde hira ġ |
Beowulf 3011a | Ne sċeall ānes hwæt / meltan | mid | þǣm mōdĝan, || ac ðǣr i |
Beowulf 3065a | || þonne lenġ ne mæġ / mann | mid | his māĝum% || medu-seld bū |
Beowulf 3091a | on ofoste ġe·fēng / miċele | mid | mundum || mæġen-byrðenne / h |
Judith 29b | / dryht-guman sīne || drencte | mid | wīne, / swīþ-mōd sinċes br |
Judith 59a | beorhtan idese / mid wīdle and | mid | wamme be·smītan. || Ne wold |
Judith 88a | || and hyġe ġōmor, / swīðe | mid | sorĝum ġe·drēfed. || For |
Judith 89b | ne ġe·lēafan, || þæt iċ | mid | þȳs swurde mōte / ġe·hēaw |
Judith 95a | þā sē hīehsta dēma / ǣdre | mid | elne on·bryrde, || swā hē |
Judith 97a | helpe sēċeþ / mid rǣde and | mid | rihte ġe·lēafan. || Þā w |
Judith 170a | || and þā ofostlīċe / hīe | mid | ēað-mēdum || inn for·lēt |
Judith 184b | / lengran līfes, || þæt hē | mid | lǣþþum ūs / eġlan mōste; |
Judith 272a | st-bitian, || gōde orfeorme, / | mid | tōðum torn þoliende. || Þ |
Judith 287a | cnod || þæt ðǣre tīde is / | mid | niþþum nēah ġe·þrungen, |
The Paris Psalter 100:2 1a | þū mē wille tō. / / # / Iċ% | mid | unbealwe || ealre heortan / þu |
The Paris Psalter 100:4 5b | on; / þāra iċ ēhte || ealra | mid | nīðe. / / # / Ofer-hyġdĝum ē |
The Paris Psalter 100:5 2a | | unsædre heortan, / nolde iċ | mid | þǣm menn || mīnne mete þi |
The Paris Psalter 100:6 4a | trīewe funde, / þā mē simle | mid | || sǣton and ēodon; / hē mē |
The Paris Psalter 102:4 2b | de þīnne willan || fæġere | mid | gōde. / / # / Hē þe ġe·siġe |
The Paris Psalter 103:16 6a | test; || on þǣm swelċe nū / | mid | hira spēdum || spearwan nist |
The Paris Psalter 103:23 2a | tiġ drihten, / ealle þā þū | mid | snytru || selfa worhtest; / is |
The Paris Psalter 103:30 3a | san || ealle bifian; / ġif hē | mid | his meahte || muntas hrīneþ |
The Paris Psalter 104:9 1a | sē þe lifde. / / # / Þæt hē | mid | āþ-sware || tō Abrahame / an |
The Paris Psalter 104:10 1a | e·hēolde. / / # / And him þā | mid | sōðe || sæġde cweðende: / |
The Paris Psalter 104:24 1a | | folc Khananea. / / # / Hē hīe | mid | þīestrum on·gann || þrēa |
The Paris Psalter 104:27 2b | ōna cōmon / mysci maniġe, || | mid | wǣron gnættas, / fleoh-cynnes |
The Paris Psalter 105:3 4b | hira sōþfæstnesse || simle | mid | dǣdum. / / # / Ġe·mune% ūs, d |
The Paris Psalter 105:4 3a | de || folces þīnes, / and ūs | mid | hǣlu || hēr ġe·nēosa. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 105:5 2a | e || tela sċēawie, / ċēose | mid | ġe·corenum, || þenden we c |
The Paris Psalter 105:5 3a | n we cwice līfġen, / þæt we | mid | þīnre þēode || ðǣr blis |
The Paris Psalter 105:6 1b | e. / / # / Wē ġe·firenodon || | mid | ūrum fæderum ǣr, / and we un |
The Paris Psalter 105:14 3a | ses || mā bysmrian / and Aaron | mid | || ēac þone hālĝan. / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 105:25 6a | || ne meahte him godes willan / | mid | his welerum || wīsne ġe·t |
The Paris Psalter 105:28 1b | / Þonan eorðe wearþ || eall | mid | blōde / māne ġe·menġed, || |
The Paris Psalter 106:8 2b | le, / and þā hungrian || hēr | mid | gōdum / fæste ġe·fylleþ || |
The Paris Psalter 106:22 1b | / # / Þā þe sǣ sēċaþ, || | mid | sċipe līðaþ, / wyrċaþ weo |
The Paris Psalter 106:42 2a | ū || wēl snotora, / þe þās | mid | ġe·hyġde || healdan cunne, |
The Paris Psalter 108:16 4a | | hoĝode ġeornost%, / hū hē | mid | searwe || swelċe ā·cwealde |
The Paris Psalter 108:18 1b | / # / Hē hine ġe·ġierede || | mid | grame wierhþu, / swā hē hine |
The Paris Psalter 108:25 4a | e·blētsod; / and þā þe mē | mid | unryhte || ǣnġe styrian, / an |
The Paris Psalter 110:1 2a | dette þē, || ēċe drihten, / | mid | hyġe ealle || heortan mīnre |
The Paris Psalter 110:6 5b | one hālĝan naman || hæfdon | mid | eġesan. / / # / Þæt biþ seċ |
The Paris Psalter 111:1 3b | is be·bod healdeþ || bealde | mid | willan. / / # / Hē on eorðan bi |
The Paris Psalter 111:4 3b | / and hira heortan || hēoldon | mid | rihte; / milde is on mōde || m |
The Paris Psalter 113:8 3b | u swelċe / wæteres wiellan || | mid | his ġe·wealdendre hand. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 113:11 2a | god || on heofon-drēame / uppe | mid | englum || and hē eall ġe·d |
The Paris Psalter 113:12 3b | hton wēoh-smiðas || wrǣste | mid | folmum. / / # / Þā mūþ habba |
The Paris Psalter 116:1 2a | lle þēode || ēċne drihten / | mid | hyġe-cræfte || herġan word |
The Paris Psalter 117:17 1a | ah-þearfe. / / # / Ne swelte iċ | mid | sāre, || ac iċ ġe·sund li |
The Paris Psalter 118:2 3a | || wīse smēaĝan, / and hine | mid | ealle || innan-cundum% / heorta |
The Paris Psalter 118:7 2a | ē andette, || ēċe drihten, / | mid | mīnre heortan || holde ġe· |
The Paris Psalter 118:10 1a | ord ġe·healde? / / # / Iċ þē | mid | ealre || innan-cundre / heortan |
The Paris Psalter 118:12 2a | || blīðe drihten; / lǣr mē | mid | lufan, || hū iċ lǣste wēl |
The Paris Psalter 118:17 3b | healde / þīnra worda waru || | mid | wīsdōme / / # / On·wreoh þū |
The Paris Psalter 118:34 3a | þæt iċ ǣ þīne / smēaġe | mid | sōðe, || swelċe healde / on |
The Paris Psalter 118:36 1a | e hæbbe, / for·þon iċ hīe | mid | sōðe || simle wolde. / / # / A |
The Paris Psalter 118:48 4a | du || bryċe lufode, / þā iċ | mid | þisse þēode || þearle be |
The Paris Psalter 118:58 3a | ansīene || unġemete ġeorne / | mid | ealre ġe·hyġde || heortan |
The Paris Psalter 118:62 1a | ietel, || þæt iċ ǣ þīne / | mid | hyġe-cræfte || hēolde and |
The Paris Psalter 118:69 3b | t / ofer-hyġdiġra; || iċ nū | mid | ealre / mīnre heortan hyġe || |
The Paris Psalter 118:73 3b | worhton / and ġe·hīewodon || | mid | hyġe-cræfte; / sele mē nū a |
The Paris Psalter 118:122 2b | þū þīnum esne || fæġere | mid | gode, / þæt mē ofer-hyġdġe |
The Paris Psalter 118:132 1b | r is þīn be·bod || efnede | mid | willan. / / # / Be·seoh þū on |
The Paris Psalter 118:138 1a | | sind his dōmas ēac / rēðe | mid | rǣde || rihte ġe·cȳðde. / |
The Paris Psalter 118:145 2a | d iċ siþþan lifie. / / # / Iċ | mid | ealle on·gann || inn-ġe·hy |
The Paris Psalter 119:5 4a | niman, || swā mē ēðe nis, / | mid | Cedaringum; || nis min cȳþ |
The Paris Psalter 119:6 1a | wle || swīðe be·ēode. / / # / | Mid | þǣm þe hīe sibbe || swī |
The Paris Psalter 119:6 2a | swīðost fēodon, / iċ sibbe | mid | him || sōðe hæfde; / þonne |
The Paris Psalter 122:5 3a | sāwol || swīðe ġe·fylled / | mid | ed-wīte, || oft and ġe·nē |
The Paris Psalter 123:5 3a | ft-nīed sealde / þǣm þe ūs | mid | tōðum || tō·tēon woldon. |
The Paris Psalter 124:4 5b | ira heortan riht || healdaþ% | mid | gōde. / / # / Þā þe ġearwe b |
The Paris Psalter 124:5 3a | ġe·lǣdeþ || ēċe drihten / | mid | þǣm þe unryht || ǣġhwǣr |
The Paris Psalter 125:2 1b | / # / Sona bēoþ ġe·fylde || | mid | ġe·fēan siþþan / mūðas |
The Paris Psalter 125:3 3a | drihten, / þā hē him wunder | mid | || worhte seldliċ; / ġe·miċ |
The Paris Psalter 125:3 5a | ġ drihten, / þæt þū wunder | mid | ūs || wyrċe mǣre, / and we b |
The Paris Psalter 125:6 1a | aþ aefter. / / # / Cumaþ þonne | mid | cumendum || cūðe mid blisse |
The Paris Psalter 125:6 1b | þonne mid cumendum || cūðe | mid | blisse / and on hira sċēafas |
The Paris Psalter 126:2 2a | c || hāliġ drihten / ċeastre | mid | cynnum, || ne mæġ hīe cynl |
The Paris Psalter 126:3 1a | ·healdan. / / # / For·hwon ġē | mid | īdelnesse || ealle ā·rīsa |
The Paris Psalter 128:5 3a | hit māwe || miċele elne; / ne | mid | his sċēafe ne mæġ || sċ |
The Paris Psalter 129:2 2b | īerende / and be·healdende || | mid | hyġe swelċe / on eall ġe·be |
The Paris Psalter 129:3 3b | t hē þæt ġe·efne || eall | mid | rihte? / / # / Is sēo mild-heort |
The Paris Psalter 129:4 1a | e? / / # / Is sēo mild-heortness | mid | þē, || meahta wealdend, / and |
The Paris Psalter 130:3 1a | || wuniaþ ǣniġ. / / # / Ac iċ | mid | ēaþ-mēdum || eall ġe·þa |
The Paris Psalter 131:11 2a | | drihten ā·swōr / and þone | mid | sōðe || swelċe ġe·trymed |
The Paris Psalter 131:17 1b | / Iċ his sācerdas || swelċe | mid | hǣlu / ġeorne ġe·ġierwe || |
The Paris Psalter 131:19 2a | as ēac || facne ġe·ġierwe / | mid | sċame swīðost; || ofer hin |
The Paris Psalter 132:2 3a | de healdan || hrōre stenċe, / | mid | þȳ Aaron his beard || oftos |
The Paris Psalter 134:15 3a | þe hēr ġēotaþ menn, / and | mid | hira folmum || fæġere wyrċ |
The Paris Psalter 137:1 4a | arum ġe·hīerdest, / þā iċ | mid | mūðe || and mid mōde cweð |
The Paris Psalter 137:1 4b | t, / þā iċ mid mūðe || and | mid | mōde cweðe, / and on þīnra |
The Paris Psalter 137:7 5b | mē ġe·rǣhtest || recene | mid | handa / and mē þīn swīðre |
The Paris Psalter 137:8 4a | fre, || þæt þū selfa ǣr / | mid | þīnum heandum || hēr ġe· |
The Paris Psalter 138:12 2a | ċe% drihten, / for·þon þū | mid | eġesan eart || eall ġe·wul |
The Paris Psalter 138:16 4a | īse || and recene nū-ġīet / | mid | þē selfum eom, || ġif þū |
The Paris Psalter 138:16 5b | t / þā firenfullan || fiellan | mid | dēaðe. / / # / Blōd-hrēowe we |
The Paris Psalter 138:18 2b | iċ hīe fēode nū || fæste | mid | nīðe, / and ofer þīne fēon |
The Paris Psalter 138:19 1a | e·bolĝen. / / # / Swā iċ hīe | mid | rihte || recene fēoġe, / for |
The Paris Psalter 139:9 2a | iĝast ġe·winna, / þæt hīe | mid | welerum || ġe·worht habbaþ |
The Paris Psalter 139:10 2a | fȳres glēde, / and þū hīe | mid | fȳre || fācnes ġe·hnǣġe |
The Paris Psalter 139:13 4a | || on þīnre ansīene, / þā | mid | rǣde hēr || rihte libbaþ. |
The Paris Psalter 140:6 1a | ðra firena. / / # / Ne iċ ǣfre | mid | mannum || mān-fremmendum / ġe |
The Paris Psalter 141:1 2a | || styrmeþ, drihten, / and iċ | mid | strangere || stefne swelċe / e |
The Paris Psalter 141:4 5a | || ne mē selfne ðǣr / ǣniġ | mid | gōde || on·ġietan wolde. / / |
The Paris Psalter 142:1 2a | edd || dīere ge·hīere, / and | mid | ēarum on·foh || unġemetum |
The Paris Psalter 142:2 1a | e ġe·hīer. / / # / Ne gā þū | mid | þīnum esne || inn tō dōme |
The Paris Psalter 142:4 3b | ū weorold-dēade || wrīġe | mid | foldan; / is mē ǣnġe% gāst |
The Paris Psalter 142:6 2b | ede / and mīne sāwle || sette | mid | mōde, / swā eorðan biþ || a |
The Paris Psalter 143:10 4a | erio, || þe him swinsaþ oft / | mid | tīen strengum || ġe·toĝen |
The Paris Psalter 144:11 2a | ahte || manna bearnum / cȳðan | mid | cynnum || and mid cnēo-rissu |
The Paris Psalter 144:11 2b | num / cȳðan mid cynnum || and | mid | cnēo-rissum, / þīnes mæġen |
The Paris Psalter 144:19 2a | n || niþþum eallum / þe hine | mid | sōðe hyġe || sēċaþ and |
The Paris Psalter 145:9 1a | tō·weorpeþ%. / / # / Rīcsaþ | mid | rǣde || rīċe drihten / on ē |
The Paris Psalter 147:3 3b | sibbe, / and þe ġe·sadode || | mid | þȳ sēlestan / hwǣte-cynnes |
The Paris Psalter 147:8 1b | / / # / Hē his word ēac || ǣr | mid | wīsdōme / gōdum Iacobe || ġ |
The Paris Psalter 148:12 3b | e%; / herġan naman dryhtnes || | mid | nīed-lofe. / / # / For·þon his |
The Paris Psalter 149:7 1a | aþ || swelċe on folmum. / / # / | Mid | þȳ hīe wrecan þenċaþ || |
The Paris Psalter 149:9 2a | ēopne ġe·cȳðan / and þæt | mid | wuldre || ā·writen stande: / |
The Paris Psalter 54:12 6a | godes hūse || gangan swelċe / | mid | ġe·þeahtunge || þīne% an |
The Paris Psalter 55:1 2b | edeþ, / and mē ealne dæġ || | mid | unrihte / fīend on·feohtaþ | |
The Paris Psalter 58:12 2a | || mān-worda fela, / þā hīe | mid | welerum || wrāðe ā·sprǣc |
The Paris Psalter 59:3 3a | an || and hīe hræðe aefter / | mid | wynsume || wīne drenctest. / / |
The Paris Psalter 60:2 1b | / / # / Þū mē ġe·lǣdest || | mid | lufan hyhte, / wǣre mē sē st |
The Paris Psalter 61:3 1a | forhtie wiht. / / # / Þonne ġē | mid | māne || menn on·gunnon, / eal |
The Paris Psalter 61:4 4b | nd þone wierġdon || wrāðe | mid | heortan. / / # / Hwæðere iċ m |
The Paris Psalter 63:3 3a | ðne boĝan, / and unsċyldġe | mid | þȳ || sċotian þenċaþ. / / |
The Paris Psalter 63:4 3a | | eġesan ne habbaþ, / ac hīe | mid | wrāðum || wordum trymmaþ / a |
The Paris Psalter 63:8 4b | / and his weorc on·ġietan || | mid | wīsdōme. / / # / Sē sōþfæst |
The Paris Psalter 64:12 1b | onne þū ġēares hrinġ || | mid | ġiefe blētsast / and þīne f |
The Paris Psalter 64:12 3b | bēoþ þīne feldas || fylde | mid | wæstmum. / / # / Þonne on wæst |
The Paris Psalter 64:13 2a | mum || weorðaþ mæsted, / and | mid | wynn-grafe || weaxaþ ġe·sw |
The Paris Psalter 65:1 3b | his naman seċġaþ || nīede | mid | sealmum / and him wuldres lof | |
The Paris Psalter 65:5 4b | / ġe·feterian, || þæt þū | mid | fōte meaht / on treddian || eo |
The Paris Psalter 65:7 3a | -būend || ēċne drihten / and | mid | stefne lof || strang ā·seċ |
The Paris Psalter 65:9 3b | hit ā·sēoðeþ || swīðe | mid | fȳre. / / # / Þū ūs on grame |
The Paris Psalter 65:12 3b | e; / ðǣr iċ min ġe·hāt || | mid | hyġe ġielde, / þæt mīne we |
The Paris Psalter 65:13 1a | e ġe·dǣldan. / / # / Þās iċ | mid | mūðe ā·spræc || mīne æ |
The Paris Psalter 65:13 5a | ·hāt, || þe iċ ǣfre hēr / | mid | mīnum welerum || wīs tō·d |
The Paris Psalter 65:14 2a | || and hēr cumaþ; / iċ ēow | mid | sōðe || seċġan wille, / ġi |
The Paris Psalter 67:25 1b | od; / and þīn weorc on ūs || | mid | wīsdōme / ġe·tryme on þīn |
The Paris Psalter 68:7 3b | eþ; / bēoþ maniġe byriġ || | mid | Iūdēum / eft ġe·timbrode, | |
The Paris Psalter 68:16 4b | op / ne mē sē sēaþ || sūpe | mid | mūðe. / / # / Ġe·hīer, driht |
The Paris Psalter 68:23 3b | ġe·drūĝodne || drenctan | mid | eċede. / / # / Wese hira bēod f |
The Paris Psalter 68:28 1a | | þe hīe ġe·earnodon, / and | mid | unrihte || ǣr ġe·worhton, / |
The Paris Psalter 68:30 2a | ēofra% bōcum; / ne wesen hīe | mid | sōþfæstum || siþþan ā· |
The Paris Psalter 68:32 2a | nes || nīede herġe / and hine | mid | lof-sange || lǣde swelċe. / / |
The Paris Psalter 69:2 3b | n / and mīne sāwle || sōhton | mid | nīðe. / / # / Hīe on hinder-li |
The Paris Psalter 69:5 1a | weġ lā.’ / / # / Habben þā | mid | wynne || wierðe blisse, / þā |
The Paris Psalter 71:2 1b | ēm þū þīn folc || dīere | mid | sōðe, / heald þīne þearfan |
The Paris Psalter 71:2 2b | eald þīne þearfan || holde | mid | dōme. / / # / On·fōn beorĝas |
The Paris Psalter 71:5 2a | | hīeneþ and bīeġeþ, / sē | mid | sunnan wunaþ || swelċe mid |
The Paris Psalter 71:5 2b | mid sunnan wunaþ || swelċe | mid | mōnan, / þurh ealra weorolda |
The Paris Psalter 72:1 1b | / / # / Hū god is% ēċe god || | mid | Israhelum, / þǣmþe mid heort |
The Paris Psalter 72:1 2a | od || mid Israhelum, / þǣmþe | mid | heortan || hyċġaþ rihte; / m |
The Paris Psalter 72:2 2b | e / oft elnode; || noldon earme | mid | him / sibbe sēċan, || sōhton |
The Paris Psalter 72:4 2a | | manna ġe·winnum, / and hīe | mid | manna ne bēoþ || mæġene b |
The Paris Psalter 72:11 3b | iċ mīne heortan || hēolde | mid | sōðe, / and mīnne handa þw |
The Paris Psalter 72:13 1b | ċ þæs wēnde, || þæt iċ | mid | wīsdōme / full glēawlīċe | |
The Paris Psalter 72:18 1a | ne wiste. / / # / Iċ eom anliċ | mid | þē || ānum nēate / and iċ |
The Paris Psalter 72:18 2a | || ānum nēate / and iċ simle | mid | þē || siþþan hwæðere. / / |
The Paris Psalter 72:19 2a | || selfa ġe·nāme, / and mē | mid | þīnum willan || wēl ġe·l |
The Paris Psalter 72:19 3a | l ġe·lǣdest, / and mē þā | mid | wuldres || welan ġe·nāme. / |
The Paris Psalter 73:5 1a | hīe on wudu dydon. / / # / Hīe | mid | æscum duru || elne curfan, / a |
The Paris Psalter 73:5 2a | scum duru || elne curfan, / and | mid | twī-eċġum || tilodon ġeor |
The Paris Psalter 73:5 3a | || tilodon ġeorne / þæt hīe | mid | adesan || ealle tō·wurpan. / |
The Paris Psalter 73:7 2a | cuman ealle / and ūre māĝas | mid | ūs; || wutun þider ġe·mō |
The Paris Psalter 74:3 1b | e·molten || and hire eardend | mid; | / iċ þonne hire swyre || siml |
The Paris Psalter 75:1 1b | / / # / God wæs ġāra cūþ || | mid | Iūdēum, / and his æðele nam |
The Paris Psalter 75:1 2b | ēum, / and his æðele nama || | mid | Israelum. / / # / Is on sibbe his |
The Paris Psalter 75:4 4b | ira heortan hyġe || healdaþ | mid | dysġe; / hīe slǣp hira || sw |
The Paris Psalter 75:6 2a | onum dōm || hider on eorðan / | mid | ġe·sċote sendest, || þonn |
The Paris Psalter 76:1 1a | ris Psalter: Psalm 76 / / # / Iċ | mid | stefne on·gann || styrman t |
The Paris Psalter 76:2 2a | ġe || ēċne drihten / sōhte | mid | heandum || swīðe ġe·nēah |
The Paris Psalter 76:4 3b | / wǣron ēaĝan mīne || ēac | mid | wæċċum / werded swīðe; || |
The Paris Psalter 76:6 1a | ealle on mōde. / / # / Iċ þā | mid | heortan on·gann || hyċġan |
The Paris Psalter 77:10 5a | þætte wolde god / hira gasta | mid | him || ġīeman āwiht. / / # / E |
The Paris Psalter 77:14 3b | re / and on Campotanea || ēac | mid | sōðe. / / # / Hē sǣ tō·slā |
The Paris Psalter 77:22 2a | þ, || þæt hē wihte mæġe / | mid | hlāfe þis folc || hēr ā· |
The Paris Psalter 77:43 2a | ypti || eġesan ġe·þȳwde / | mid | fela tācna || and fore-bēac |
The Paris Psalter 77:55 3a | e him wēste land, / þæt hīe | mid | tāne || ġe·tuĝon rihte. / / |
The Paris Psalter 77:60 3a | | ðǣr hē eard ġe·nam / ǣr | mid | mannum, || mehtiġ hæfde. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 79:3 1b | / A·wece þīne meahte || and | mid | wuldre cum, / and ūs hāle dō |
The Paris Psalter 79:6 3a | m; || nū we cunnien, / hū ūs | mid | fracoþum || fīend bysmriaþ |
The Paris Psalter 79:14 4a | wīn-ġeard þisne, / þæt hē | mid | rihte || rǣde gange, / þone |
The Paris Psalter 80:13 2a | n folc, || Israhela cynn, / mē | mid | ġe·hyġde || hīeran cūðe |
The Paris Psalter 80:15 1b | fēore. / / # / Hē hīe fēde || | mid | fætre lynde, / hwǣte and hune |
The Paris Psalter 81:7 1b | Ġē þonne sweltaþ || samod | mid | mannum, / swā ealdor-mann || |
The Paris Psalter 82:6 5a | grame maniġe / fremde þēoda | mid | eardiendum || folce on Tyrum. |
The Paris Psalter 82:7 1a | lce on Tyrum. / / # / Cwōm samod | mid | þǣm || swelċe Assur; / ealle |
The Paris Psalter 83:9 2a | tō ġe·bīdanne / ānne dæġ | mid | þē || þonne ōðerra / on þ |
The Paris Psalter 84:8 1a | ċaþ. / / # / Hwæðere% hē is | mid | sōðe || for·swīðe nēah / |
The Paris Psalter 84:8 3a | his || elne healdaþ, / hǣleþ | mid | hyldu || and him hēr sileþ / |
The Paris Psalter 85:5 1a | || elne ċīeġaþ. / / # / Þū | mid | ēarum on·foh, || ēċe drih |
The Paris Psalter 85:11 3a | on ferhþe, || forþ andette / | mid | ealre heortan hyġe, || þæt |
The Paris Psalter 85:13 2a | lēofa, || gram-hyġdġe mē / | mid | unrihte || oft on·ġinnaþ, / |
The Paris Psalter 85:16 1a | n, hālne. / / # / Dō ġe·dēfe | mid | mē, || drihten, tācen, / and |
The Paris Psalter 87:4 2a | þæt iċ on wrāðne sēaþ / | mid | firen-wyrhtum || feallan sċo |
The Paris Psalter 87:4 4a | ċ || mǣre ġe·worden, / þe | mid | dēadum% biþ || be·tweox d |
The Paris Psalter 87:13 2a | tō% þē, || ēċe drihten, / | mid | mōd-ġe·hyġde || mæġene |
The Paris Psalter 88:9 1b | meaht ofer-hyġdġe || ēaðe | mid | wunde / hēane ġe·hnǣġan; | |
The Paris Psalter 88:11 3a | mon || on naman þīnum; / hīe | mid | strengþe ēac || up ā·hebb |
The Paris Psalter 88:19 2a | and min fǣle earm, / and hine | mid | miċele || mæġene ġe·swī |
The Paris Psalter 88:27 3b | / swā heofones daĝas || hēr | mid | mannum. / / # / Ġif mīne bearn |
The Paris Psalter 88:39 2a | || deorce ġe·sċyrtest / and | mid | sārlicre || sċame on·mēte |
The Paris Psalter 90:4 1a | || hearmum worde. / / # / Hē mē | mid | his ġe·sċuldrum || sċeade |
The Paris Psalter 90:11 1b | glum be·bēad, || þæt hīe | mid | earmum þē / on hira heandum | |
The Paris Psalter 91:3 3a | o || singan meahte / oþþe þe | mid | hearpan || hlyste cwēman, / fo |
The Paris Psalter 91:13 3a | ǣr tō ġe·nyhte, / and þā | mid | ġe·þylde || þenden sæġd |
The Paris Psalter 92:1 2a | ōde strengþe, / and hine þā | mid | miċele || mæġene ġe·byrd |
The Paris Psalter 92:2 2a | aþ, || dēma ūser, / and hine | mid | wierðlīċe || wlite ġe·ġ |
The Paris Psalter 92:7 2a | || weorcum ġe·lēafsum, / and | mid | sōðe is || swīðe ġe·tr |
The Paris Psalter 93:13 4a | , || þæt iċ mān flēo / and | mid | riht-heortum || rǣdes þenċ |
The Paris Psalter 93:14 1a | enċe? / / # / Hwelċ ā·rīseþ | mid | mē, || þæt iċ riht fremme |
The Paris Psalter 94:2 3b | / and we sealmas him || singan | mid | wynne. / / # / For·þon is sē m |
The Paris Psalter 94:9 6b | n selfes weorc || ġe·sāwon | mid | ēaĝum. / / # / Nū iċ fēower- |
The Paris Psalter 96:1 1a | ter: Psalm 96 / / # / Rīxaþ nū | mid | rihte || rīċe drihten; / is e |
The Paris Psalter 97:8 2a | um on·ġinnaþ || / fæġnian | mid | folmum || on ġe·fēan ǣlcn |
The Paris Psalter 98:3 2a | þǣmēċan naman, / þæt hē | mid | mannum is || miċel and eġes |
The Paris Psalter 99:3 5a | weorðiaþ || on wīċ-tūnum / | mid | lof-sangum || lustum miċelum |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 21a | t fæsten; || flēah Cāsere / | mid | þǣm æðelingum || wuton Gr |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 23a | || wīġe for·standan / Gotan | mid | gūðe; || ġō-manna ġe·st |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 26b | ēah wæs maĝu-rinca || mōd | mid | Grēcum, / ġif hīe lēod-frum |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 49b | æs right-wīs rinċ, || næs | mid | Rōm-warum / sinċ-ġiefa sella |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 58a | and eald-rihta / þe his eldran | mid | him || āhton lange, / lufan an |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 19a | mōdan, || hwȳ ēow ā liste / | mid | ēowrum swīeran || selfra wi |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 47a | oĝa, || sē ġe·hāten wæs / | mid | þǣm burg-warum || Brūtus n |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 23a | ealle ġe·sċeafta / ġe·bæt | mid | his brīdle, || hafaþ būtū |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 32a | orod || heofon-rīċes weard / | mid | his an-wealde || ealle ġe·s |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 76b | brīdla || þe hē ġe·bǣte | mid | / his āĝen weorc || eall æt |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 79a | || wihte ġe·hwelcre / þe we | mid | þǣm brīdle || bēcnan tili |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 90a | fela || folca tō·samne, / and | mid | frēondsċipe || fæste ġe· |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 102a | Wǣre hit, lā, þonne / murĝe | mid | mannum, || ġif hit meahte sw |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 1a | Boethius: Metre 13 / / Iċ wille | mid | ġieddum || ġīet ġe·cȳð |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 3a | | ealla% ġe·sċeafta / bryrþ | mid | his brīdlum, || bȳġþ þid |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 4a | m, || bȳġþ þider hē wile / | mid | his an·wealde, || ġē ende- |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 8a | la ġe·sċeafta, / ġe·rǣped | mid | his racentan, || þæt hīe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 43b | an mete || þe hē hīe ǣror | mid | / tame ġe·tēode. || Him þā |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 23b | Ac nū ǣġhwelċ mann || þe | mid | ealle biþ / his unþēawum || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 18 3a | a || wōh-hæmetes, / þæt hē | mid | ealle ġe·dræfþ || ānra |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 3b | cum / þæt þā earman menn || | mid | ealle ġe·dweleþ, / of þǣm |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 15b | er ġē nū willen || wǣðan | mid | hundum / on sealtne sǣ, || þo |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 8b | st / sċīerra ġe·sċeafta || | mid | ġe·sċēadwīsum / mæġene a |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 22a | e þū ġe·worht hafast; / ac | mid | þīnum willan || þū hit wo |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 23a | || þū hit worhtes eall, / and | mid | an-wealde || þīnum āĝenum |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 32b | is, / æl-mehtiġ gōd, || eall | mid | þē selfum. / Hit is unġeliċ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 50a | | swā þū woldest self, / and | mid | þīnum willan || wealdest ea |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 56a | , || nemdest eall swā þēah / | mid | āne naman || ealle tō·gæd |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 66b | / miċelum ġe·menġed || and | mid | mæġene ēac / fæder æl-miht |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 69a | līċe || sōfte tō·gædere / | mid | be·bode þīne, || bile-witt |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 87a | | weoroda drihten, / þæt þū | mid | ġe·þeahte || þīnum wyrċ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 102a | wundorlicra%, / for·þǣm hēo | mid | þǣm wætere || weorðaþ ġ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 105a | nd tō·drifen siþþan / wīde | mid | winde, || swā nū weorðaþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 121b | ticaþ / fȳres ġe·fēġed || | mid | frēan cræfte. / Þæt is āĝ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 158a | || þās lǣnan ġe·sċeaft, / | mid | ċiele ofer·cumen, || ġif h |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 200a | ēac swā selfe; / hēo sċeall | mid | ġe·þeahte || þeġnes mōd |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 201a | e·þeahte || þeġnes mōde, / | mid | and-ġiete, || ealles wealdan |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 218b | e hēo ymb hire sċieppend || | mid | ġe·sċēad smēaþ, / hēo bi |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 257a | || tō þē cuman, / and þonne | mid | openum || ēaĝum mōten / mōd |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 268a | þā ēaĝan || ūsses mōdes / | mid | þīnum lēohte, || līfes we |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 6a | ū sīe || nearwe ġe·hefted / | mid | þisses mǣran || middan-ġea |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 1b | e 22 / / Sē þe aefter rihte || | mid | ġe·rēċe wille / inweardlī |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 32a | sefan, || mǣst and swīðost / | mid | ðǣre yflan || ofer-ġietoln |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 33a | e yflan || ofer-ġietolnesse; / | mid | ġe·dwolmiste || drēoriġne |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 41a | corn || biþ simle ā·weaht / | mid | āscunga, || ēac siþþan mi |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 41b | id āscunga, || ēac siþþan | mid | / gōdre lāre, || ġif hit gr |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 44b | dan / þinga ǣnġes, || þeġn | mid | ġe·sċēade, / þēah hine ri |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 61a | ferhþe || fæste ġe·hȳde / | mid | ġe·drǣfnesse || dōĝra ġ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 63a | s || mǣst and swīðost, / and | mid | hefiġnesse || his līċ-hama |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 64a | nesse || his līċ-haman, / and | mid | þǣm bisĝum || þe on brēo |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 23 7b | Wē sċulon þēah ġīeta || | mid | godes fylste / ēadlum and lēa |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 2a | fiðeru || fuĝole swiftran, / | mid | þǣm iċ flēoĝan mæġ || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 15b | ū meahtest þē siþþan || | mid | ðǣre sunnan / faran be·tweox |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 37a | ðra || eorðan cyninga, / sē | mid | his brīdle || ymbe·bǣted% |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 54a | ċ simle hēr || sōfte wille / | mid | fæder willan || fæste stand |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 7b | ynnum, / ūtan ymbe·standne || | mid | unrīme / þeġna and eorla. || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 9a | a. || Þā bēoþ ġe·hyrste / | mid | here-ġeatwum || hilde-torhtu |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 13a | || and hīe ealle him / þonan | mid | þȳ þrymme || þrēatiaþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 28a | mena || þe him ġeornost nū / | mid | þeġnungum || þringaþ ymbe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 46b | ·swungen sefa on hræðre || | mid | þǣm swīðan wielme / hāt-he |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 15a | | camp-sted sēċan, / Aulīxes | mid, | || ān hund sċipa / lǣde ofer |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 41a | a unrīm, / for·þǣm hē wæs | mid | rihte || rīċes hierde, / hira |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 61b | re ðǣre maniġe || þe hire | mid | wunode / æðelinges sīþ. || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 62b | de / æðelinges sīþ. || Hēo | mid | unġemete / lissum lufode || li |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 68a | | ofer mǣġþ ġunge; / ac hē | mid | þǣm wīfe || wunode siþþa |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 70b | niġ / þeġna% sīnra || ðǣr | mid | wesan, / ac hīe for þǣm ierm |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 74b | æġdon þæt hēo sċolde || | mid | hire sċīnlāce / beornas for |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 75b | / beornas for·breġdan || and | mid | bealu-cræftum / wrāðum weorp |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 78a | ġnas, || cyspan siþþan / and | mid | racentan ēac || rǣpan mani |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 102a | d on·wendan || manna ǣniġ / | mid | drȳ-cræftum, || þēah hēo |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 44a | lites be·rēafod, / be·þeaht | mid | þīestrum? || Hwā þeġna n |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 80a | ysiġ / þæt hit ofer·wriġen | mid | || wunode lange, / þonne iċ w |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 15b | ĝaþ aefter sunnan || samod | mid | rodore / under eorðan grund, | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 3 6a | oht || ān for·lǣteþ, / and | mid | wā for·ġiet || þone ēċa |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 30 1b | etre 30 / / Omerus wæs || ēast | mid | Crēcum / on þǣm lēodsċipe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 30 17b | Þæt is sēo sōðe || sunne | mid | rihte, / be þǣm we maĝon sin |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 8b | rum fultum, || ne maĝon hīe | mid | fōtum gangan, / eorðan brūca |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 17a | æþ || metodes ġe·sċeafta / | mid | his andwlitan || un on ġe·r |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 18a | ndwlitan || un on ġe·rihte. / | Mid | þȳ is ġe·tācnod || þæt |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 47a | t || lange hwīle / be·wriġen | mid | wrencum. || Nū on weorolde h |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 32a | þe læs þū weorðe for him / | mid | ofer-mettum || eft ġe·sċen |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 40a | -sefa || miċelum ġe·bunden / | mid | ġe·drēfnesse, || ġif hine |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 38a | n his willan on·ġeat / yfelne | mid | eldum; || hē wæs ǣg·hwæm |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 29a | ĝene brōðor / and his mōdor | mid | || mēċa eċġum, / billum of |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 31a | Hē his brȳde of·slōh / self | mid | swurde || and hē simle wæs / |
Distich Psalm 17:51 1a | # Distich Psalm 17:51 / / Wæs | mid | Iudeum || on ġār-daĝum / ea |
Metrical Psalm 91:13 3a | | ǣr tō ġe·nihte / and þe | mid | ġe·þylde || þenden sæġd |
Metrical Psalm 91:3 3a | || singan meahte / oþþe% þe | mid | hearpan || hlyste cwēman / fo |
Metrical Psalm 92:7 2a | || weorcum ġe·lēafsum / and | mid | sōðe is || swīðe ġe·tr |
Metrical Psalm 93:13 4a | || þæt iċ mann flēo / and | mid | riht-heortum || redes þenċe |
Metrical Psalm 94:2 3b | / and we sealmas him || singan | mid | wynne. |
Metrical Psalm 94:9 6b | n selfes weorc || ġe·sāwon | mid | ēaĝum. |
The Battle of Brunanburh 26a | hæleþa nānum / þāra% þe% | mid | An·lāfe || ofer ǣra ġe·b |
The Battle of Brunanburh 37b | lċe ðǣr ēac sē frōda || | mid | flēame cōm / on his cȳþþe |
The Battle of Brunanburh 47a | da, || nē An·lāf þȳ mā; / | mid | hira here-lāfum || hliehhan |
The Death of Alfred 14b | æt hīe blission || blīðe | mid | Crīste / þe wǣron būtan sċ |
Durham 14a | le ġe·fēres. / Is ðǣr inne | mid | him || Æðelwold bisċop / and |
Durham 21a | , || þæs þe writ seġeþ, / | mid | þone dryhnes wer || dōmes b |
The Rune Poem 5b | ela-frecne dēor, || feohteþ | mid | hornum, / mǣre mōr-stapa; || |
The Rune Poem 9b | manna ġe·hwelcun || þe him | mid | resteð. / //O// ōs biþ ord-f |
The Rune Poem 67b | %. / //NG// Ing wæs ǣrest || | mid | Ēast-Denum / ġe·sewen seċġ |
Solomon and Saturn 11a | stes līnan, / ġe·sēmeþ mec | mid | sōðe || and iċ mec ġe·su |
Solomon and Saturn 36a | leþ. / Swelċe þū meahtmeht | mid | þȳ beorhtan ġe·bede || bl |
Solomon and Saturn 63b | fæstnaþ; || þēah hē hīe | mid | fīftiĝum / clūsum be·clemme |
Solomon and Saturn 161a | and þæt palm-trēow / biddan | mid | blisse, || þæt him bū ġie |
Solomon and Saturn 165a | synfullan || sāwla sticien / | mid | hettendum || helle tō·midde |
Solomon and Saturn 167b | es fulle || and þā fēondas | mid’. | / Hæfde þā sē snotora || su |
Solomon and Saturn 21b | / ne fuĝoles flyht, || ne hē | mid | fōtum ne mæġ / grund ġe·r |
Solomon and Saturn 87a | rðan || ǣġhwæs cræftiġ; / | mid | hȳðendre || hilde-wrǣsne, / |
Solomon and Saturn 95a | īele, / hēo ā·bīteð īren | mid | ōme, || dēþ ūsiċ swā’ |
Solomon and Saturn 105a | deþ || on þā lāðan wīċ / | mid | þā frēcnan || fēonde tō |
Solomon and Saturn 121b | mannum, || þǣm þe hēr nū | mid | māne lenġest / libbaþ on þi |
Solomon and Saturn 147b | ne mōton we þonne ealle || | mid | an-mēdlan / ġeġnum gangan || |
Solomon and Saturn 162b | adiġ, / swīðe lēof-tæle || | mid | lēoda duĝuþum; / ōðer leof |
Solomon and Saturn 164b | e·sċeafte || and þonne eft | mid | sorĝum ġe·wīteþ. / Friċġ |
Solomon and Saturn 224a | g, || þonne hīe winnaþ oft / | mid | hira þrēa-mēdlan, || hwæ |
Solomon and Saturn 242b | || Ac tō·hwon drohtaþ hēo | mid | ūs? / Hwæt. Hīe wile libbend |
Solomon and Saturn 248b | e byrnan, || cwæþ þæt hē | mid | his ġe·sīðum wolde / hȳða |
Solomon and Saturn 250a | healfum sittan, / tȳdran% him | mid | þȳ tēoðan dǣle, || oþ· |
Solomon and Saturn 257a | gla drihten, / þæt hēo lenġ | mid | hine || lāre ne nāmon, / ā· |
Solomon and Saturn 280b | an, / murnan metodes þrymm, || | mid | þȳ þe hit dæġ biþ. / Þon |
The Menologium 147a | , || hæfþ nū līf wiþþan / | mid | wuldor-fæder || weorca tō l |
The Menologium 159a | iht, || sē þe fæġere ġō / | mid | wætere ofer·wearp || wuldre |
The Menologium 186a | nde || Engle and Seaxe, / weras | mid | wīfum. || Swelċe wiĝena t |
The Menologium 204a | l-beortne ġe·nimþ / hærfest | mid | herġe || hrīmes and snāwes |
Maxims II 40a | fte. || Leax sċeall on wǣle / | mid | sċeote sċrīðan%. || Sċū |
The Judgment Day II 2a | Iċ ana sæt || innan bearwe, / | mid | helme be·þeaht, || holte t |
The Judgment Day II 11b | īerlican fers || on·hefde | mid | sange, / eall swelċe þū cwǣ |
The Judgment Day II 24a | nd wītu. / Iċ ġe·munde þis | mid | mē || and iċ mearn swīðe, |
The Judgment Day II 29b | iċ synfull slēa || swīðe | mid | fȳste, / brēost mīne bēate |
The Judgment Day II 35b | rēorġe hlēor || dreċċaþ | mid | wōpe / and sealtum dropum || s |
The Judgment Day II 49a | ngas || recene on·bindan, / ne | mid | swīðran his || swīðe nele |
The Judgment Day II 54a | a || sċearplīċe bȳsne / þe | mid | Crīste wæs || cwielmed on r |
The Judgment Day II 58a | de || sċyldiġ and mānfull, / | mid | undǣdum || eall ġe·sīemed |
The Judgment Day II 61a | || brēost-ġe·hyġdum. / Hē | mid | lȳt wordum || ac ġe·lēaff |
The Judgment Day II 64b | ican ġeatu / neorxna-wanges || | mid | nerġende. / Iċ ācsie þē, | |
The Judgment Day II 70b | ċes weard, || ġe·hīereþ | mid | lustum? / Ac sē dæġ cymeþ | |
The Judgment Day II 75b | re þæt þū bēo hrǣdra || | mid | hrēowlicum tēarum, / and þæ |
The Judgment Day II 78a | leahtrum ā·fylled, / flǣsċ, | mid | synnum? || Hwȳ ne feormast |
The Judgment Day II 79a | num? || Hwȳ ne feormast þū / | mid | tēara ġīet || torne synne? |
The Judgment Day II 151a | | rēadum līeġe / biþ efenes | mid | þȳ || eall ġe·fielled. / Þ |
The Judgment Day II 161a | swīðlīċe bēataþ / forhte | mid | fȳste || for firen-lustum. / |
The Judgment Day II 180a | ofast || on gālnesse / and þe | mid | stīðum ā·stīerest || sti |
The Judgment Day II 207a | e || and lāðliċ full; / hīe | mid | nosan ne maĝon || nāht ġe |
The Judgment Day II 214a | s || biþ þæt earme brēost / | mid | bitere ċeare || brēġed and |
The Judgment Day II 233b | ġe·fēan, || ġe·wītaþ% | mid | ealle; / þonne druncenness || |
The Judgment Day II 234b | druncenness || ġe·dwīneþ | mid | wistum, / and hleahtor and ple |
The Judgment Day II 241a | || uncræftĝa slǣp / slēac | mid | slūman || slincan on hinder. |
The Judgment Day II 246a | | wendaþ þā gyltas / swīðe | mid | sorĝum || and mid sārgunge. |
The Judgment Day II 246b | as / swīðe mid sorĝum || and | mid | sārgunge. / Ēalā, sē biþ |
The Judgment Day II 249a | ihta% ġe·sǣlĝost, / sē þe | mid | ġe·syntum || swelċe cwield |
The Judgment Day II 265b | ǣr haĝol-sċūras || hearde | mid | snāwe%, / ne biþ ðǣr wǣdl |
The Judgment Day II 268b | ðǣr samod rīcsaþ || sibb | mid | spēde, / and ārfæstness || a |
The Lord's Prayer III 10a | þurh·wunie. / And þīn willa | mid | ūs || weorðe ġe·lǣsted / o |
The Creed 19b | ðǣre fǣmnan bōsm || fylde | mid | blisse, / and hēo cūðlīċe |
The Creed 40a | er þæt || fylĝan wolde / and | mid | fæstum sefan || frēode ġe |
The Kentish Hymn 5a | ēo || siġefæst wuldor / uppe | mid | englum% || and on eorðan sib |
Psalm 50 17a | || sāwla nerġend, / wītĝan | mid | wordum, || weoroda dōminus%, |
Psalm 50 57a | Crīste hīerdon / and him līf | mid | þē || langsum% be·ġēaton |
Psalm 50 68a | þ ān lufast; / þȳ iċ þē | mid | bēnum || biddan wille / līfes |
Psalm 50 144b | bbe / leahtra hyġelēasra, || | mid | lufan þīnre% / gāstæ for· |
Psalm 50 152a | ·bētte || bealu-nīða hord / | mid | ēað-mēde || inn-ġe·þanc |
The Gloria II 3a | ldan, || fæġere ġe·mǣne, / | mid | selfan sunu || and sōðum g |
A Prayer 64a | , swā iċ ne sċolde, / hwīle | mid | weorce, || hwīle mid worde, / |
A Prayer 64b | / hwīle mid weorce, || hwīle | mid | worde, / hwīle mid ġe·þōht |
A Prayer 65a | , || hwīle mid worde, / hwīle | mid | ġe·þōhte, || þearle sċy |
A Prayer 76a | tīr-ēadiġ cyning, / lǣt mē | mid | englum || up sīðian, / sittan |
The Seasons for Fasting 33a | e, || blǣda ġe·fylled, / and | mid | heofon-warum || hām ġe·sō |
The Seasons for Fasting 34a | rum || hām ġe·sōhte, / eard | mid | englum || and ūs eallum þon |
The Seasons for Fasting 44b | olon / heoldan hyġe-fæste || | mid | Anglum, / swā hīe ġe·brēfd |
The Seasons for Fasting 53b | na hēah-cininges, || herġan | mid | sange, / wlancne weorðian || w |
The Seasons for Fasting 57a | brēmenne || Brytena lēodum / | mid | ġe·līcum lofe, || þe ġe |
The Seasons for Fasting 73b | dryhtnes ġe·byrde || and we | mid | dēornum sċolon / wordum and w |
The Seasons for Fasting 116a | | eallum tō tācne, / þæt we | mid | fæstene maĝon || frēode ġ |
The Seasons for Fasting 122b | r him simble-brēad || samod | mid | wætere / dryhtnes engla sum || |
The Seasons for Fasting 149b | st / ġe·hāten hafaþ || hām | mid | blisse, / ġif we þæt fæsten |
The Seasons for Fasting 211a | īċe || drihten gremiaþ / and | mid | æf-ēste% || ǣlcne for·lǣ |
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 22a | ō% worhte%, / and ēac resðe | mid | him, || sē þe ah ealles rī |
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 25a | a || sinċ[] brytta, / Ælfred | mid | Englum, || ealra cyninga / þā |
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 2a | e of·lǣtan, swelċe || / man | mid | ofrað, and writan% þās nam |
Metrical Charm 6: For Delayed Birth 7a | e. / And þonne þæt wīf sēo | mid | bearne and hēo tō hire hlā |
Metrical Charm 6: For Delayed Birth 10a | ċ gange, || ofer þe stæppe / | mid | cwican ċilde, || nealles mid |
Metrical Charm 6: For Delayed Birth 10b | mid cwican ċilde, || nealles | mid | cwellendum, / mid full-borenum, |
Metrical Charm 6: For Delayed Birth 11a | e, || nealles mid cwellendum, / | mid | full-borenum, || nealles mid |
Metrical Charm 6: For Delayed Birth 11b | / mid full-borenum, || nealles | mid | fǣġan. / And þonne sēo mōd |
Metrical Charm 7: For the Water-Elf Disease 6a | an leaf, consolde; of·ġēot | mid | || / ealu, dō hǣliġ-wæter |
Metrical Charm 8: For a Swarm of Bees 1a | ymbe nim eorðan, ofer-weorp | mid | þīnre swīðran || / handa u |
Waldere B 6a | and ēac sinċ miċel / mādma | mid | þȳ mēċe, || maniġ ōðre |
Waldere B 6b | ȳ mēċe, || maniġ ōðres | mid | him / golde ġe·ġierwan || ( |
The Battle of Maldon 14a | e·þanc / þā hwīle þe hē | mid | heandum || healdan meahte / bor |
The Battle of Maldon 21a | das% || rihte hēolden / fæste | mid | folmum || and ne forhteden n |
The Battle of Maldon 23a | e·trymmed, / hē līehte þā | mid | lēodum || ðǣr him lēofost |
The Battle of Maldon 32b | þæt ġe þisne gār-ræs || | mid | gafole for·ġielden, / þonne |
The Battle of Maldon 40a | man friþ æt ūs, / we willaþ | mid | þām sċeatum ūs || tō sċ |
The Battle of Maldon 51b | hēr stent unforcūþ || eorl | mid | his weorode, / þe wile ealĝia |
The Battle of Maldon 56a | nlīċ mē þynceþ / þæt ġe | mid | ūrum sċeatum || tō sċipe |
The Battle of Maldon 68b | / Hīe ðǣr Pantan strēam || | mid | prasse be·stōdon, / East-Seax |
The Battle of Maldon 76a | s hāten Wulf·stān, / cāfne | mid | his cynne, || þæt wæs Ċē |
The Battle of Maldon 77b | unu, / þe þone forman mann || | mid | his francan of·sċēat / þe |
The Battle of Maldon 79a | bryċġe stōp. / Þǣr stōdon | mid | Wulf·stāne || wiĝan unforh |
The Battle of Maldon 101a | ġearwe stōdon / Byrht·nōþ | mid | beornum; || hē mid bordum h |
The Battle of Maldon 101b | ht·nōþ mid beornum; || hē | mid | bordum hēt / wyrċan þone wī |
The Battle of Maldon 114b | / Byrht·nōðes mǣġ; || hē | mid | billum wearþ, / his sweostor s |
The Battle of Maldon 118a | eard || ānne slōĝe / swīðe | mid | his swurde, || swenġes ne wi |
The Battle of Maldon 124a | | hoĝodon ġeorne / hwā ðǣr | mid | orde || ǣrost meahte / on fǣ |
The Battle of Maldon 126a | || feorh ġe·winnan, / wiĝan | mid | wǣpnum; || wæl fēoll on eo |
The Battle of Maldon 136a | na hālford; / hē sċēaf þā | mid | þām sċielde, || þæt sē |
The Battle of Maldon 138b | wearþ sē guð-rinċ; || hē | mid | gāre stang / wlancne wīċing, |
The Battle of Maldon 179a | e·weald, || þēoden engla, / | mid | friðe ferian. || Iċ eom fry |
The Battle of Maldon 191a | iht ne wæs, / and his brōðru | mid | him || bēġen ærndon%, / God |
The Battle of Maldon 226a | fǣhþe ġe·munde, / þæt hē | mid | orde || ānne ġe·rǣhte / flo |
The Battle of Maldon 228a | sē on foldan læġ / forweġen | mid | his wǣpne. || On·gann þā |