os#2 noun neut nom/voc/acc sg irreg_nom3 indeclform
os#1 noun neut irreg_nom3 indeclform
o noun exclam indeclform
os#2 noun neut nom/voc/acc sg irreg_nom3 indeclform
os#1 noun neut irreg_nom3 indeclform
o noun exclam indeclform
Number of occurrences in corpus: 5662
Genesis A 19b | þon / firena fremman || ac hie | on | friþe lifdon / ece mid heora a |
Genesis A 21a | r || elles ne ongunnon / ræran | on | roderum || nymþe riht and so |
Genesis A 23a | weard || for oferhygde / dwæl | on | gedwilde || noldan dreogan le |
Genesis A 32b | niþes ofþyrsted || þæt he | on | norþdæle / ham and heahsetl | |
Genesis A 59a | tire || and his torn gewræc / | on | gesacum swiþe || selfes miht |
Genesis A 61b | e mod / gegremed grymme || grap | on | wraþe / faum folmum || and him |
Genesis A 62b | wraþe / faum folmum || and him | on | fæþm gebræc / yrre on mode | |
Genesis A 63a | nd him on fæþm gebræc / yrre | on | mode || æþele bescyrede / his |
Genesis A 68b | dend sende / laþwendne here || | on | langne siþ / geomre gastas || |
Genesis A 71b | d þrym / wlite gewemmed || heo | on | wrace syþþan / seomodon swear |
Genesis A 78b | þa wæs soþ swa ær || sibb | on | heofnum / fægre freoþoþeawas |
Genesis A 86b | gæfon / leohte belorene || him | on | laste setl / wuldorspedum welig |
Genesis A 88b | wide stodan / gifum growende || | on | godes rice / beorht and geblæd |
Genesis A 97a | aþan || ofgifen hæfdon / heah | on | heofenum || forþam halig god |
Genesis A 101b | eted wurde / woruldgesceafte || | on | wraþra gield / þara þe forhe |
Genesis A 106b | htne fremde / idel and unnyt || | on | þone eagum wlat / stiþfrihþ |
Genesis A 138b | d ure / æfen ærest || him arn | on | last / þrang þystre genip || |
Genesis A 145a | strum || heht þa lifes weard / | on | mereflode || middum weorþan / |
Genesis A 187b | s bryd / gaste gegearwod || hie | on | geogoþe bu / wlitebeorht wæro |
Genesis A 188b | oþe bu / wlitebeorht wæron || | on | woruld cenned / meotodes mihtum |
Genesis A 191a | n || ac him drihtnes wæs / bam | on | breostum || byrnende lufu / þa |
Genesis A 199a | inc sceal sealt wæter / wunian | on | gewealde || and eall worulde |
Genesis A 202b | halig feoh / and wilde deor || | on | geweald geseald / and lifigende |
Genesis A 220b | p / wætre wlitebeorhtum || and | on | woruld sende / þæra anne hata |
Genesis A 224b | tum streamum / hebeleac utan || | on | þære eþyltyrf / niþþas fin |
Genesis B 242a | || stod his handgeweorc / somod | on | sande || nyston sorga wiht / to |
Genesis B 253a | wiþne geworhtne / swa mihtigne | on | his modgeþohte || he let hin |
Genesis B 254a | micles wealdan / hehstne to him | on | heofona rice || hæfde he hin |
Genesis B 255a | ne / swa wynlic wæs his wæstm | on | heofonum || þæt him com fro |
Genesis B 257a | / dyran sceolde he his dreamas | on | heofonum || and sceolde his d |
Genesis B 258a | ncian / þæs leanes þe he him | on | þam leohte gescerede || þon |
Genesis B 260b | heofnes waldend || þe siteþ | on | þam halgan stole / deore wæs |
Genesis B 274a | cran || stol geworhte / heahran | on | heofonum || cwæþ þæt hine |
Genesis B 282a | nne || godlecran stol / hearran | on | heofne || hwy sceal ic æfter |
Genesis B 288a | nd synd hie mine georne / holde | on | hyra hygesceaftum || ic mæg |
Genesis B 289a | mæg hyra hearra wesan / rædan | on | þis rice || swa me þæt rih |
Genesis B 302a | orene / gram wearþ him se goda | on | his mode || forþon he sceold |
Genesis B 304b | a fram his hyldo || and hine | on | helle wearp / on þa deopan dal |
Genesis B 305a | do || and hine on helle wearp / | on | þa deopan dala || þær he t |
Genesis B 308a | d dagas / þa englas of heofnum | on | helle || and heo ealle forsce |
Genesis B 310b | n weorþian || forþon he heo | on | wyrse leoht / under eorþan neo |
Genesis B 312b | mihtig god / sette sigelease || | on | þa sweartan helle / þær hæb |
Genesis B 313a | rtan helle / þær hæbbaþ heo | on | æfyn || ungemet lange / ealra |
Genesis B 315a | c || fyr edneowe / þonne cymþ | on | uhtan || easterne wind / forst |
Genesis B 322a | elæston / lagon þa oþre fynd | on | þam fyre || þe ær swa feal |
Genesis B 331a | a befeallene || fyre to botme / | on | þa hatan hell || þurh hygel |
Genesis B 339a | r wæs engla scynost / hwitost | on | heofne || and his hearran leo |
Genesis B 342a | pe || god sylfa wearþ / mihtig | on | mode yrre || wearp hine on þ |
Genesis B 342b | ig on mode yrre || wearp hine | on | þæt morþer innan / niþer on |
Genesis B 343a | on þæt morþer innan / niþer | on | þæt niobedd || and sceop hi |
Genesis B 350a | || wæs ær godes engel / hwit | on | heofne || oþ hine his hyge f |
Genesis B 353b | es / word wurþian || weoll him | on | innan / hyge ymb his heortan || |
Genesis B 358a | ham || þe we ær cuþon / hean | on | heofonrice || þe me min hear |
Genesis B 367a | n || stol behealdan / wesan him | on | wynne || and we þis wite þo |
Genesis B 368a | nd we þis wite þolien / hearm | on | þisse helle || wa la ahte ic |
Genesis B 389a | weald / ac þoliaþ we nu þrea | on | helle || þæt syndon þystro |
Genesis B 391a | hafaþ us god sylfa / forswapen | on | þas sweartan mistas || swa h |
Genesis B 392a | synne gestælan / þæt we him | on | þam lande laþ gefremedon || |
Genesis B 393a | s leohtes bescyrede / beworpen | on | ealra wita mæste || ne magon |
Genesis B 398a | sculon hycgan georne / þæt we | on | adame || gif we æfre mægen / |
Genesis B 399a | me || gif we æfre mægen / and | on | his eafrum swa some || andan |
Genesis B 402b | cræfte || ne magon we þæt | on | aldre gewinnan / þæt we mihti |
Genesis B 405b | || þonne weorþ he him wraþ | on | mode / ahwet hie from his hyldo |
Genesis B 408a | to giongrum habban / fira bearn | on | þissum fæstum clomme || ong |
Genesis B 410b | / geara forgeafe || þenden we | on | þan godan rice / gesælige sæ |
Genesis B 412a | setla geweald / þonne he me na | on | leofran tid || leanum ne meah |
Genesis B 418a | oman || fleogan meahte / windan | on | wolcne || þær geworht stond |
Genesis B 419b | orht stondaþ / adam and eue || | on | eorþrice / mid welan bewunden |
Genesis B 421a | || and we synd aworpene hider / | on | þas deopan dalo || nu hie dr |
Genesis B 423a | n him þone welan agan / þe we | on | heofonrice || habban sceoldon |
Genesis B 425b | ed / monna cynne || þæt me is | on | minum mode swa sar / on minum h |
Genesis B 426a | t me is on minum mode swa sar / | on | minum hyge hreoweþ || þæt |
Genesis B 434a | þan ic me sefte mæg / restan | on | þyssum racentum || gif him |
Genesis B 437a | re || þæs we her inne magon / | on | þyssum fyre forþ || fremena |
Genesis B 439a | a hwa swa þæt secgan cymeþ / | on | þas hatan helle || þæt hie |
Genesis B 443a | a gyrwan || godes andsaca / fus | on | frætwum || hæfde fæcne hyg |
Genesis B 444a | æfde fæcne hyge / hæleþhelm | on | heafod asette || and þone fu |
Genesis B 448a | || hæfde hyge strangne / leolc | on | lyfte || laþwendemod / swang |
Genesis B 449a | laþwendemod / swang þæt fyr | on | twa || feondes cræfte / wolde |
Genesis B 454b | es cræft / oþþæt he adam || | on | eorþrice / godes handgesceaft |
Genesis B 464b | æt þær yldo bearn || moste | on | ceosan / godes and yfeles || gu |
Genesis B 469a | | þæt wæs lifes beam / moste | on | ecnisse || æfter lybban / wesa |
Genesis B 470a | cnisse || æfter lybban / wesan | on | worulde || se þæs wæstmes |
Genesis B 473a | | ac moste symle wesan / lungre | on | lustum || and his lif agan / hy |
Genesis B 474b | n / hyldo heofoncyninges || her | on | worulde / habban him to wæron |
Genesis B 476a | o wæron || witode geþingþo / | on | þone hean heofon || þonne h |
Genesis B 481a | ilc || yfles and godes / gewand | on | þisse worulde || sceolde on |
Genesis B 481b | on þisse worulde || sceolde | on | wite a / mid swate and mid sorg |
Genesis B 483b | swa hwa swa gebyrgde || þæs | on | þam beame geweox / sceolde hin |
Genesis B 487b | can þonne landa || sweartost | on | fyre / sceolde feondum þeowian |
Genesis B 491a | drihten wann / wearp hine þa | on | wyrmes lic || and wand him þ |
Genesis B 497b | uht / adam up to gode || ic eom | on | his ærende hider / feorran gef |
Genesis B 499b | sylfne sæt || þa het he me | on | þysne siþ faran / het þæt |
Genesis B 504a | iges sceattes þearf / ne wurde | on | worulde || nu þu willan hæf |
Genesis B 508a | ne þine dæd and word / lofian | on | his leohte || and ymb þin li |
Genesis B 509b | a þu læstan scealt || þæt | on | þis land hider / his bodan bri |
Genesis B 510b | bodan bringaþ || brade synd | on | worulde / grene geardas || and |
Genesis B 512a | ene geardas || and god siteþ / | on | þam hehstan || heofna rice / u |
Genesis B 514b | eþu / sylfa habban || þæt he | on | þysne siþ fare / gumena driht |
Genesis B 518b | ambyhto || nim þe þis ofæt | on | hand / bit his and byrige || þ |
Genesis B 519b | his and byrige || þe weorþ | on | þinum breostum rum / wæstm þ |
Genesis B 522b | ce / adam maþelode || þær he | on | eorþan stod / selfsceafte guma |
Genesis B 528a | | and me warnian het / þæt ic | on | þone deaþes beam || bedrore |
Genesis B 548a | || þær he þæt wif geseah / | on | eorþrice || euan stondan / sce |
Genesis B 551a | orum || æfter siþþan / wurde | on | worulde || ic wat inc waldend |
Genesis B 556a | rende swa || he easten hider / | on | þysne siþ sendeþ || nu sce |
Genesis B 559a | t he inc abolgen wyrþ / mihtig | on | mode || gif þu þeah minum w |
Genesis B 562a | rume || ræd geþencan / gehyge | on | þinum breostum || þæt þu |
Genesis B 571a | hwylce þu selfa hæfst / bisne | on | breostum || þæs þu gebod g |
Genesis B 574a | fel andwyrde || an forlæteþ / | on | breostcofan || swa wit him bu |
Genesis B 589a | || and mid listum speon / idese | on | þæt unriht || oþþæt hire |
Genesis B 589b | þæt unriht || oþþæt hire | on | innan ongan / weallan wyrmes ge |
Genesis B 627b | scenost / wifa wlitegost || þe | on | woruld come / forþon heo wæs |
Genesis B 636a | s geweald hafaþ / sum heo hire | on | handum bær || sum hire æt h |
Genesis B 645a | lden || þe þæt laþe treow / | on | his bogum bær || bitre gefyl |
Genesis B 648a | ligenum || se wæs laþ gode / | on | hete heofoncyninges || and hy |
Genesis B 656a | þis ofet is swa swete / bliþe | on | breostum || and þes boda sci |
Genesis B 657b | sciene / godes engel god || ic | on | his gearwan geseo / þæt he is |
Genesis B 674b | c rume / and swa wide geseon || | on | woruld ealle / ofer þas sidan |
Genesis B 676a | ic mæg swegles gamen / gehyran | on | heofnum || wearþ me on hige |
Genesis B 676b | hyran on heofnum || wearþ me | on | hige leohte / utan and innan || |
Genesis B 678a | es onbat / nu hæbbe ic his her | on | handa || herra se goda / gife i |
Genesis B 682a | || hit nis wuhte gelic / elles | on | eorþan || buton swa þes ar |
Genesis B 685a | || and speon hine ealne dæg / | on | þa dimman dæd || þæt hie |
Genesis B 687a | wraþa boda / legde him lustas | on | || and mid listum speon / fylgd |
Genesis B 689a | | wæs se feond full neah / þe | on | þa frecnan fyrd || gefaren h |
Genesis B 691a | er langne weg || leode hogode / | on | þæt micle morþ || men forw |
Genesis B 701b | e / wifa wlitegost || þæt heo | on | his willan spræc / wæs him on |
Genesis B 702a | on his willan spræc / wæs him | on | helpe || handweorc godes / to f |
Genesis B 710b | olde / monna cynne || þæs heo | on | mod genam / þæt heo þæs la |
Genesis B 723b | n / ofet unfæle || swa hit him | on | innan com / hran æt heortan || |
Genesis B 733a | ice || ac hie to helle sculon / | on | þone sweartan siþ || swa þ |
Genesis B 734a | u his sorge ne þearft / beran | on | þinum breostum || þær þu |
Genesis B 735a | ær þu gebunden ligst / murnan | on | mode || þæt her men bun / þo |
Genesis B 739a | n micle mod || monig forleton / | on | heofonrice || heahgetimbro / go |
Genesis B 741b | rre / forþon wit him noldon || | on | heofonrice / hnigan mid heafdum |
Genesis B 744a | gegenge ne wæs / þæt wit him | on | þegnscipe || þeowian wolden |
Genesis B 745b | n unc waldend wearþ || wraþ | on | mode / on hyge hearde || and us |
Genesis B 746a | ldend wearþ || wraþ on mode / | on | hyge hearde || and us on hell |
Genesis B 746b | mode / on hyge hearde || and us | on | helle bedraf / on þæt fyr fyl |
Genesis B 747a | rde || and us on helle bedraf / | on | þæt fyr fylde || folca mæs |
Genesis B 748b | ste / and mid handum his || eft | on | heofonrice / rihte rodorstolas |
Genesis B 751a | || mæg þin mod wesan / bliþe | on | breostum || forþon her synt |
Genesis B 753b | sculon / leode forlætan || and | on | þæt lig to þe / hate hweorfa |
Genesis B 761b | ic þær secan wille || he is | on | þære sweartan helle / hæft m |
Genesis B 777a | forþam him higesorga / burnon | on | breostum || hwilum to gebede |
Genesis B 784b | won / heora lichaman || næfdon | on | þam lande þa giet / sælþa g |
Genesis B 787a | || ac hie wel meahton / libban | on | þam lande || gif hie wolden |
Genesis B 803a | it me hunger and þurst / bitre | on | breostum || þæs wit begra |
Genesis B 804b | t begra ær / wæron orsorge || | on | ealle tid / hu sculon wit nu li |
Genesis B 805b | culon wit nu libban || oþþe | on | þys lande wesan / gif her wind |
Genesis B 809a | hefone getenge / færeþ forst | on | gemang || se byþ fyrnum ceal |
Genesis B 819a | || nu þu me forlæred hæfst / | on | mines herran hete || swa me n |
Genesis B 823a | s geweorc godes / þeah heo þa | on | deofles cræft || bedroren wu |
Genesis B 826a | || hit þe þeah wyrs ne mæg / | on | þinum hyge hreowan || þonne |
Genesis B 830b | we þu no sniomor || þeah me | on | sæ wadan / hete heofones god | |
Genesis B 832a | eofones god || heonone nu-þa / | on | flod faran || nære he firnum |
Genesis B 835b | te / willan gewyrcean || nis me | on | worulde niod / æniges þegnsci |
Genesis B 839b | ne / wesan to wuhte || uton gan | on | þysne weald innan / on þisses |
Genesis B 840a | ton gan on þysne weald innan / | on | þisses holtes hleo || hwurfo |
Genesis B 841b | a-twa / togengdon gnorngende || | on | þone grenan weald / sæton ons |
Genesis B 847a | de || wæda ne hæfdon / ac hie | on | gebed feollon || bu-tu ætsom |
Genesis B 851a | ade || waldend se goda / hu hie | on | þam leohte forþ || libban s |
Genesis A 854a | r midne dæg || mære þeoden / | on | neorxnawang || neode sine / wol |
Genesis A 860a | || blæde bereafod / hyddon hie | on | heolstre || þa hie halig wor |
Genesis A 870a | || sceaþen is me sare / frecne | on | ferhþe || ne dear nu forþ g |
Genesis A 883a | t || andswarode / me þa blæda | on | hand || bryd gesealde / freoluc |
Genesis A 885a | || freadrihten min / þe ic þe | on | teonan geþah || nu ic þæs |
Genesis A 886a | u ic þæs tacen wege / sweotol | on | me selfum || wat ic sorga þy |
Genesis A 891a | dra gifa || þa þu gitsiende / | on | beam gripe || blæda name / on |
Genesis A 892a | / on beam gripe || blæda name / | on | treowes telgum || and me on t |
Genesis A 892b | e / on treowes telgum || and me | on | teonan / æte þa unfreme || ad |
Genesis A 902a | || swa hit riht ne wæs / beam | on | bearwe || and þa blæda æt / |
Genesis A 909a | þenden þe feorh wunaþ / gast | on | innan || þu scealt greot eta |
Genesis A 920a | | þu scealt wæpnedmen / wesan | on | gewealde || mid weres egsan / h |
Genesis A 923b | dan / and þurh wop and heaf || | on | woruld cennan / þurh sar micel |
Genesis A 928b | secean / wynleasran wic || and | on | wræc hweorfan / nacod niedwæd |
Genesis A 933a | forþon þu winnan scealt / and | on | eorþan þe || þine andlifne |
Genesis A 937b | ripeþ / adl unliþe || þe þu | on | æple ær / selfa forswulge || |
Genesis A 944b | from hweorfan / neorxnawange || | on | nearore lif / him on laste bele |
Genesis A 945a | nawange || on nearore lif / him | on | laste beleac || liþsa and wy |
Genesis A 974a | n || oþer æhte heold / fæder | on | fultum || oþþæt forþ gewa |
Genesis A 977a | brohton || brego engla beseah / | on | abeles gield || eagum sinum / c |
Genesis A 981a | an || hygewælm asteah / beorne | on | breostum || blatende niþ / yrr |
Genesis A 1011a | þu || folmum þinum / wraþum | on | wælbedd || wærfæstne rinc / |
Genesis A 1014b | mes scealt / wite winnan || and | on | wræc hweorfan / awyrged to wid |
Genesis A 1024a | earf ic ænigre || are wenan / | on | woruldrice || ac ic forworht |
Genesis A 1027a | forþon ic lastas sceal / wean | on | wenum || wide lecgan / hwonne m |
Genesis A 1031a | es || ic his blod ageat / dreor | on | eorþan || þu to dæge þiss |
Genesis A 1041b | sinum / aldre beneoteþ || hine | on | cymeþ / æfter þære synne || |
Genesis A 1043b | æfter weorce || hine waldend | on | / tirfæst metod || tacen sette |
Genesis A 1052a | him þa wic geceas / eastlandum | on | || eþelstowe / fædergeardum f |
Genesis A 1062b | est wocan / bearn from bryde || | on | þam burhstede / se yldesta wæ |
Genesis A 1068a | iarede || yrfes hyrde / fæder | on | laste || oþþæt he forþ ge |
Genesis A 1076a | reonum || him bryda twa / idesa | on | eþle || eaforan feddon / ada a |
Genesis A 1082a | e sweg || sunu lamehes / swylce | on | þære mægþe || maga wæs h |
Genesis A 1083a | re mægþe || maga wæs haten / | on | þa ilcan tid || tubalcain / se |
Genesis A 1093a | and sellan || unarlic spel / ic | on | morþor ofsloh || minra sumne |
Genesis A 1095a | ne / hyldemaga || honda gewemde / | on | caines || cwealme mine / fylde |
Genesis A 1099b | gearwe / þæt þam lichryre || | on | last cymeþ / soþcyninges || s |
Genesis A 1104b | orþ scio / þa wearþ adame || | on | abeles gyld / eafora on eþle | |
Genesis A 1105a | dame || on abeles gyld / eafora | on | eþle || oþer feded / soþfæs |
Genesis A 1110a | and euan || wæs abeles gield / | on | woruldrice || þa word acwæ |
Genesis A 1113b | sigora waldend / lifes aldor || | on | leofes stæl / þæs þe cain o |
Genesis A 1121a | hund || þisses lifes / wintra | on | worulde || us gewritu secgaþ |
Genesis A 1124a | mæcgum || mægburg sine / adam | on | eorþan || ealra hæfde / nigen |
Genesis A 1128a | tgedal || ofgyfan sceolde / him | on | laste seth || leod weardode / e |
Genesis A 1137a | t ealra || siþþan adam stop / | on | grene græs || gaste geweorþ |
Genesis A 1150a | earþ || cainan ærest / eafora | on | eþle || siþþan eahtahund / a |
Genesis A 1151b | þan eahtahund / and fiftyno || | on | friþo drihtnes / gleawferhþ h |
Genesis A 1159a | ær him sunu woce / þa wearþ | on | eþle || eafora feded / mago ca |
Genesis A 1167a | rum || rim wæs gefylled / him | on | laste heold || land and yrfe / |
Genesis A 1173a | monnum brohte || se maga wæs / | on | his mægþe || mine gefræge / |
Genesis A 1174a | mægþe || mine gefræge / guma | on | geogoþe || iared haten / lifde |
Genesis A 1184b | m leof / fif and hundteontig || | on | fyore lifde / wintra gebidenra |
Genesis A 1185b | ore lifde / wintra gebidenra || | on | woruldrice / and syxtig eac || |
Genesis A 1187b | ewearþ / þæt his wif sunu || | on | woruld brohte / se eafora wæs |
Genesis A 1204a | era waldend || se rinc heonon / | on | lichoman || lisse sohte / driht |
Genesis A 1209a | ætwist || eorþan gestreona / | on | genimeþ || and heora aldor s |
Genesis A 1212a | þyssum lænan || life feran / | on | þam gearwum || þe his gast |
Genesis A 1219a | athusal heold || maga yrfe / se | on | lichoman || lengest þissa / wo |
Genesis A 1246b | hes cynn / leofes leodfruman || | on | lufan swiþe / drihtne dyre || |
Genesis A 1249a | bearn godes || bryda ongunnon / | on | caines || cynne secan / wergum |
Genesis A 1255a | þa worde cwæþ / ne syndon me | on | ferhþe freo || from gewitene |
Genesis A 1262b | ond / folcdriht wera || þa ær | on | friþe wæron / siþþan hundtw |
Genesis A 1264a | elftig || geteled rime / wintra | on | worulde || wræce bisgodon / f |
Genesis A 1266a | e þeoda || hwonne frea wolde / | on | wærlogan || wite settan / and |
Genesis A 1267a | wærlogan || wite settan / and | on | deaþ slean || dædum scyldig |
Genesis A 1271b | end / hwæt wæs monna || manes | on | eorþan / and þæt hie wæron |
Genesis A 1280b | synnum / eall aæþan || þæt | on | eorþan wæs / forleosan lica g |
Genesis A 1283a | ahte || eall þæt frea wolde / | on | þære toweardan || tide acwe |
Genesis A 1303b | scip wyrcan / merehus micel || | on | þam þu monegum scealt / reste |
Genesis A 1306b | þan tudre / gescype scylfan || | on | scipes bosme / þu þæt fær g |
Genesis A 1312a | lifigendra || cynna gehwilces / | on | þæt wudufæsten || wocor ge |
Genesis A 1332a | deop wæter || dægrimes worn / | on | lides bosme || læd swa ic þ |
Genesis A 1335b | wif / ond þu seofone genim || | on | þæt sundreced / tudra gehwilc |
Genesis A 1345b | lle / gewit þu nu mid hiwum || | on | þæt hof gangan / gasta werode |
Genesis A 1348b | wyrþe / ara mid eaforum || ic | on | andwlitan / nu ofor seofon niht |
Genesis A 1352a | rtig daga || fæhþe ic wille / | on | weras stælan || and mid wæg |
Genesis A 1358a | bord || eaforan lædan / weras | on | wægþæl || and heora wif so |
Genesis A 1363a | n || þurh his word abead / him | on | hoh beleac || heofonrices wea |
Genesis A 1373b | d eac rume let / willeburnan || | on | woruld þringan / of ædra gehw |
Genesis A 1381a | ode || hygeteonan wræc / metod | on | monnum || mere swiþe grap / on |
Genesis A 1382a | on monnum || mere swiþe grap / | on | fæge folc || feowertig daga / |
Genesis A 1388b | rgas / geond sidne grund || and | on | sund ahof / earce from eorþan |
Genesis A 1401b | le / nymþe heof wæs ahafen || | on | þa hean lyft / þa se egorhere |
Genesis A 1410b | re beleac / lifes leohtfruma || | on | lides bosme / gelædde þa wige |
Genesis A 1421b | rage / daga forþ gewat || þa | on | dunum gesæt / heah mid hlæste |
Genesis A 1429a | þæra he rume dreah / þa hine | on | sunde || geond sidne grund / wo |
Genesis A 1443b | use ut / noe tealde || þæt he | on | neod hine / gif he on þære la |
Genesis A 1444a | þæt he on neod hine / gif he | on | þære lade || land ne funde / |
Genesis A 1446a | fer sid wæter || secan wolde / | on | wægþele || eft him seo wen |
Genesis A 1452a | heah wæter || haswe culufran / | on | fandunga || hwæþer famig s |
Genesis A 1458b | e meahte / land gespornan || ne | on | leaf treowes / steppan for stre |
Genesis A 1461a | trum || gewat se wilda fugel / | on | æfenne || earce secan / ofer w |
Genesis A 1468a | e funde || and þa fotum stop / | on | beam hyre || gefeah bliþemod |
Genesis A 1470a | heo gesittan || swiþe werig / | on | treowes telgum || torhtum mos |
Genesis A 1482a | lwed bord || syþþan ætywan / | on | þellfæstenne || þa hire þ |
Genesis A 1486a | þelstol || eft gerymed / lisse | on | lande || lagosiþa rest / fæge |
Genesis A 1487a | ande || lagosiþa rest / fæger | on | foldan || gewit on freþo gan |
Genesis A 1487b | est / fæger on foldan || gewit | on | freþo gangan / ut of earce || |
Genesis A 1488b | þo gangan / ut of earce || and | on | eorþan bearm / of þam hean ho |
Genesis A 1490b | þa wocre || þe ic wægþrea | on | / liþe nerede || þenden lago |
Genesis A 1499a | t reþran || and recene genam / | on | eallum dæl || æhtum sinum / |
Genesis A 1506a | arn somed / þæt he þæt gyld | on | þanc || agifen hæfde / and on |
Genesis A 1507a | on þanc || agifen hæfde / and | on | geogoþhade || godum dædum / |
Genesis A 1516b | eofonfuglas / and wildu deor || | on | geweald geseald / eorþe ælgre |
Genesis A 1533a | wridaþ || wilna brucaþ / ara | on | eorþan || æþelum fyllaþ / e |
Genesis A 1536b | þæs / mine selle || þæt ic | on | middangeard / næfre egorhere | |
Genesis A 1538b | de / wæter ofer widland || ge | on | wolcnum þæs / oft and gelome |
Genesis A 1544b | mehes / of fere acumen || flode | on | laste / mid his eaforum þrim | |
Genesis A 1563a | geeode || þæt se eadega wer / | on | his wicum wearþ || wine drun |
Genesis A 1567a | od || he lyt ongeat / þæt him | on | his inne || swa earme gelamp / |
Genesis A 1568a | e || swa earme gelamp / þa him | on | hreþre || heafodswima / on þ |
Genesis A 1569a | him on hreþre || heafodswima / | on | þæs halgan hofe || heortan |
Genesis A 1570a | hofe || heortan clypte / swiþe | on | slæpe || sefa nearwode / þæt |
Genesis A 1571b | nearwode / þæt he ne mihte || | on | gemynd drepen / hine handum sel |
Genesis A 1576a | r and meder || fyrene sweorde / | on | laste beleac || lifes eþel / |
Genesis A 1580a | stolen || þær he freondlice / | on | his agenum fæder || are ne w |
Genesis A 1584a | gde || hu se beorn hine / reste | on | recede || hie þa raþe stopo |
Genesis A 1593a | || þæt þam halgan wæs / sar | on | mode || ongan þa his selfes |
Genesis A 1596a | eofnum || hleomaga þeow / cham | on | eorþan || him þa cwyde syþ |
Genesis A 1616a | suno || cende wurdon / eaforan | on | eþle || þa yldestan / chus an |
Genesis A 1622a | sinum || botlgestreona / fæder | on | laste || siþþan forþ gewat |
Genesis A 1632a | he moncynnes || mæste hæfde / | on | þam mældagum || mægen and |
Genesis A 1641a | earþ seme || suna and dohtra / | on | woruldrice || worn afeded / fre |
Genesis A 1644a | um wælreste || werodes aldor / | on | þære mægþe || wæron men |
Genesis A 1659a | gre foldan || him forþwearde / | on | þære dægtide || duguþe w |
Genesis A 1665b | aran sceolde / leoda mægþe || | on | landsocne / burh geworhte || an |
Genesis A 1697b | monna spræce / toforan þa || | on | feower wegas / æþelinga bearn |
Genesis A 1699a | þelinga bearn || ungeþeode / | on | landsocne || him on laste bu / |
Genesis A 1699b | ngeþeode / on landsocne || him | on | laste bu / stiþlic stantorr || |
Genesis A 1701b | steape burh / samod samworht || | on | sennar stod / weox þa under wo |
Genesis A 1704a | rh semes || oþþæt mon awoc / | on | þære cneorisse || cynebearn |
Genesis A 1713a | arone || eafora feded / leoflic | on | life || þam wæs loth noma / |
Genesis A 1717a | from yldrum || æþelu wæron / | on | woruldrice || forþon hie wid |
Genesis A 1728b | yrfeweard / wlitebeorht ides || | on | woruld brohte / sarra abrahame |
Genesis A 1736b | and loth / him þa cynegode || | on | carran / æþelinga bearn || ea |
Genesis A 1738b | rd genamon / weras mid wifum || | on | þam wicum his / fæder abraham |
Genesis A 1753a | oldan || þu gebletsad scealt / | on | mundbyrde || minre lifigan / gi |
Genesis A 1755b | an greteþ || ic hine wergþo | on | / mine sette || and modhete / lon |
Genesis A 1762a | blisse minre || and bletsunge / | on | woruldrice || wriþende sceal |
Genesis A 1774a | eodgeard || þa com leof gode / | on | þa eþelturf || idesa lædan |
Genesis A 1776a | eddan || and his suhtrian / wif | on | willan || wintra hæfde / fif a |
Genesis A 1789b | orhte wille / wæstmum gewlo || | on | geweald don / rume rice || þa |
Genesis A 1795a | braham eastan || eagum wlitan / | on | landa cyst || lisse gemunde / h |
Genesis A 1810a | lice || þurh his hand metend / | on | þam gledstyde || gumcystum t |
Genesis A 1817b | þa wishydig / abraham gewat || | on | egypte / drihtne gecoren || dro |
Genesis A 1825a | iþþan egypte || eagum moton / | on | þinne wlite wlitan || wlance |
Genesis A 1839a | gan || gif me freoþo drihten / | on | woruldrice || waldend usser / a |
Genesis A 1842a | e us þas lade sceop / þæt we | on | egiptum || are sceolde / fremen |
Genesis A 1845b | siþian / abraham mid æhtum || | on | egypte / þær him folcweras || |
Genesis A 1850a | dealle || him drihtlicu mæg / | on | wlite modgum || mænegum þuh |
Genesis A 1872b | þære folcsceare || þæt he | on | friþe wære / þa abraham || |
Genesis A 1877a | begas || þæt hie to bethlem / | on | cuþe wic || ceapas læddon / e |
Genesis A 1879a | eorþwelan || oþre siþe / wif | on | willan || and heora woruldges |
Genesis A 1882a | e settan || salo niwian / weras | on | wonge || wibed setton / neah þ |
Genesis A 1890a | uman || lisse and ara / wunedon | on | þam wicum || hæfdon wilna g |
Genesis A 1892a | || ead bryttedon / oþþæt hie | on | þam lande || ne meahton leng |
Genesis A 1918a | and geþancmeta || þine mode / | on | hwilce healfe || þu wille hw |
Genesis A 1928b | and eþelsetl / sunu arones || | on | sodoma byrig / æhte sine || ea |
Genesis A 1940a | | monwisan fleah / þeah þe he | on | þam lande || lifian sceolde / |
Genesis A 1942b | d / þeawfæst and geþyldig || | on | þam þeodscipe / emne þon gel |
Genesis A 1952a | bearn || he frean hyrde / estum | on | eþle || þenden he eardes br |
Genesis A 1964a | of sennar || side worulde / for | on | fultum || gewiton hie feower |
Genesis A 1971a | lachleor ides || bifiende gan / | on | fremdes fæþm || feollon wer |
Genesis A 1985a | eaftum || deawigfeþera / hræs | on | wenan || hæleþ onetton / on m |
Genesis A 1986a | s on wenan || hæleþ onetton / | on | mægencorþrum || modum þry |
Genesis A 2001b | ergan / secgum ofslegene || him | on | swaþe feollon / æþelinga bea |
Genesis A 2028b | þ þæt him wære || weorce | on | mode / sorga sarost || þæt hi |
Genesis A 2038a | ie his torn mid him / gewræcon | on | wraþum || oþþe on wæl feo |
Genesis A 2038b | ewræcon on wraþum || oþþe | on | wæl feollan / þa se halga heh |
Genesis A 2044a | || þæt meahte wel æghwylc / | on | fyrd wegan || fealwe linde / hi |
Genesis A 2050b | ndas wægon / forþ fromlice || | on | foldwege / hildewulfas || herew |
Genesis A 2055a | m wæs þearf micel / þæt hie | on | twa healfe # || / grimme guþg |
Genesis A 2055b | æs ðearf miċel / þæt hīe% | on | twā healfe / grymme gūð-ġe |
Genesis A 2061b | leþ to hilde || hlyn wearþ | on | wicum / scylda and sceafta || s |
Genesis A 2072a | rigan || sloh and fylde / feond | on | fitte || him on fultum grap / h |
Genesis A 2072b | d fylde / feond on fitte || him | on | fultum grap / heofonrices weard |
Genesis A 2074a | weard || hergas wurdon / feower | on | fleame || folccyningas / leode |
Genesis A 2075b | cyningas / leode ræswan || him | on | laste stod / hihtlic heorþwero |
Genesis A 2077a | rþwerod || and hæleþ lagon / | on | swaþe sæton || þa þe sodo |
Genesis A 2084a | ron || gewat him abraham þa / | on | þa wigrode || wiþertrod seo |
Genesis A 2087a | d æhtum || idesa hwurfon / wif | on | willan || wide gesawon / freora |
Genesis A 2089a | a feorhbanan || fuglas slitan / | on | ecgwale || abraham ferede / su |
Genesis A 2105b | tan / abraham arlice || and him | on | sette / godes bletsunge || and |
Genesis A 2107b | gyddode / wæs þu gewurþod || | on | wera rime / for þæs eagum || |
Genesis A 2111a | e hettendra || herga þrymmas / | on | geweald gebræc || and þe w |
Genesis A 2114a | hreddan || and hæleþ fyllan / | on | swaþe sæton || ne meahton s |
Genesis A 2131a | wa || læt me freo lædan / eft | on | eþel || æþelinga bearn / on |
Genesis A 2132a | on eþel || æþelinga bearn / | on | weste wic || wif and cnihtas / |
Genesis A 2144b | sceat ne scilling || þæs ic | on | sceotendum / þeoden mæra || |
Genesis A 2148a | wurde || willgesteallum / eadig | on | eorþan || ærgestreonum / sodo |
Genesis A 2181a | u || forþon mec sorg dreceþ / | on | sefan swiþe || ic sylf ne m |
Genesis A 2216b | a byht / þa wæs sarran || sar | on | mode / þæt him abrahame || æ |
Genesis A 2229b | lecu mæg / ides egyptisc || an | on | gewealde / hat þe þa recene | |
Genesis A 2233a | lle / ænigne þe || yrfewearda / | on | woruld lætan || þurh þæt |
Genesis A 2236a | afode || heht him þeowmennen / | on | bedd gan || bryde larum / hire |
Genesis A 2262b | cwen / hire worcþeowe || wraþ | on | mode / heard and hreþe || hige |
Genesis A 2264a | || higeteonan spræc / fræcne | on | fæmnan || heo þa fleon gewa |
Genesis A 2267b | ær dyde / to sarran || ac heo | on | siþ gewat / westen secan || þ |
Genesis A 2277a | eonan || nu sceal tearighleor / | on | westenne || witodes bidan / hwo |
Genesis A 2286a | scealt agar || abrahame sunu / | on | woruld bringan || ic þe word |
Genesis A 2291b | um / magum sinum || hine monige | on | / wraþe winnaþ || mid wæpen |
Genesis A 2300a | || ismael geboren / efne þa he | on | worulde || wintra hæfde / siex |
Genesis A 2307b | e wel / treowrædenne || ic þe | on | tida gehwone / duguþum stepe | |
Genesis A 2313b | nne / sete sigores tacn || soþ | on | gehwilcne / wæpnedcynnes || gi |
Genesis A 2314b | æpnedcynnes || gif þu wille | on | me / hlaford habban || oþþe h |
Genesis A 2321b | an / wæpnedcynnes || þæs þe | on | woruld cymþ / ymb seofon niht |
Genesis A 2339a | am þa || ofestum legde / hleor | on | eorþan || and mid hucse bewa |
Genesis A 2340b | bewand / þa hleoþorcwydas || | on | hige sinum / modgeþance || he |
Genesis A 2344a | blondenfeax || bringan meahte / | on | woruld sunu || wiste gearwe / |
Genesis A 2355b | ode / þe sceal wintrum frod || | on | woruld bringan / sarra sunu || |
Genesis A 2361a | frumbearne || þæt feorhdaga / | on | woruldrice || worn gebide / tan |
Genesis A 2365a | um bearne || þam þe gen nis / | on | woruld cumen || willa spedum / |
Genesis A 2366b | a spedum / dugeþa gehwilcre || | on | dagum wille / swiþor stepan || |
Genesis A 2372a | friþotacen || be frean hæse / | on | his selfes sunu || heht þæt |
Genesis A 2375a | ynnes || wære gemyndig / gleaw | on | mode || þa him god sealde / so |
Genesis A 2379a | æst cyning || dugeþum iecte / | on | woruldrice || he him þæs wo |
Genesis A 2380a | m þæs worhte to / siþþan he | on | fære || furþum meahte / his w |
Genesis A 2385a | leoþorcwyde || husce belegde / | on | sefan swiþe || soþ ne gelyf |
Genesis A 2388a | yrde || heofona waldend / þæt | on | bure ahof || bryd abrahames / h |
Genesis A 2393b | e gehet / soþ ic þe secge || | on | þas sylfan tid / of idese biþ |
Genesis A 2397b | ordgehat / min gelæsted || þu | on | magan wlitest / þin agen bearn |
Genesis A 2403a | || him wæs lothes mæg / sylfa | on | gesiþþe || oþþæt hie on |
Genesis A 2403b | on gesiþþe || oþþæt hie | on | sodoman / weallsteape burg || w |
Genesis A 2408a | | sægde him unlytel spell / ic | on | þisse byrig || bearhtm gehyr |
Genesis A 2415b | awum and geþancum || swa hie | on | þweorh sprecaþ / facen and in |
Genesis A 2426b | range twegen / aras sine || þa | on | æfentid / siþe gesohton || so |
Genesis A 2444b | es hleow / and þegnunge || hie | on | þanc curon / æþelinges est | |
Genesis A 2449a | æle || giestliþnysse / fægre | on | flette || oþþæt forþ gewa |
Genesis A 2451a | nscima || þa com æfter niht / | on | last dæge || lagustreamas wr |
Genesis A 2463a | | se þe oft ræd ongeat / loth | on | recede || eode lungre ut / spr |
Genesis A 2484b | rdema / leodum lareow || þa ic | on | lothe gefrægn / hæþne herem |
Genesis A 2501a | || oþþe swæsne mæg / oþþe | on | þissum folcum || freond æni |
Genesis A 2502b | þissum idesum || þe we her | on | wlitaþ / alæde of þysse leod |
Genesis A 2509a | n || and þas folc slean / cynn | on | ceastrum || mid cwealmþrea / a |
Genesis A 2522a | d reste || þæt we aldornere / | on | sigor up || secan moten / gif g |
Genesis A 2524b | willaþ / steape forstandan || | on | þære stowe we / gesunde magon |
Genesis A 2532a | and mundbyrde || ne moton wyt / | on | wærlogum || wrecan torn gode |
Genesis A 2533b | n synnig cynn || ær þon þu | on | sægor þin / bearn gelæde || |
Genesis A 2545a | te || weallende fyr / þæs hie | on | ærdagum || drihten tyndon / la |
Genesis A 2548a | sta waldend || grap heahþrea / | on | hæþencynn || hlynn wearþ o |
Genesis A 2548b | n hæþencynn || hlynn wearþ | on | ceastrum / cirm arleasra || cwe |
Genesis A 2549b | rum / cirm arleasra || cwealmes | on | ore / laþan cynnes || lig eall |
Genesis A 2560a | | forswealh eall geador / þæt | on | sodoma byrig || secgas ahton / |
Genesis A 2561a | oma byrig || secgas ahton / and | on | gomorra || eall þæt god spi |
Genesis A 2564a | fgedal || lothes gehyrde / bryd | on | burgum || under bæc beseah / w |
Genesis A 2566a | us gewritu secgaþ / þæt heo | on | sealtstanes || sona wurde / anl |
Genesis A 2572a | e || nu sceal heard and steap / | on | þam wicum || wyrde bidan / dri |
Genesis A 2585a | hwa him dugeþa forgeaf / blæd | on | burgum || forþon him brego e |
Genesis A 2592b | rof hæle / for frean egesan || | on | þam fæstenne / leng eardigean |
Genesis A 2601b | cnum eode / seo yldre to || ær | on | reste / heora bega fæder || ne |
Genesis A 2604a | nan to bryde || him bu wæron / | on | ferhþcofan || fæste genearw |
Genesis A 2608b | ran brohtan / willgesweostor || | on | woruld sunu / heora ealdan fæd |
Genesis A 2611b | ab nemde / lothes dohter || seo | on | life wæs / wintrum yldre || us |
Genesis A 2627a | e gearwe || þæt he winemaga / | on | folce lyt || freonda hæfde / |
Genesis A 2632a | abrahames || from were læded / | on | fremdes fæþm || him þær f |
Genesis A 2646b | eofaþ / rihtum þeawum || biþ | on | ræde fæst / modgeþance || an |
Genesis A 2656b | ne / wif to gewealde || gif þu | on | worulde leng / æþelinga helm |
Genesis A 2665a | þe lissa || lifigendum giet / | on | dagum læte || duguþa brucan |
Genesis A 2678a | u usic under || abraham þine / | on | þas eþelturf || æhta lædd |
Genesis A 2681a | u ellþeodig || usic woldest / | on | þisse folcsceare || facne be |
Genesis A 2685a | dest laþlice / þurh þæt wif | on | me || wrohte alecgean / ormæte |
Genesis A 2688a | ormedon || and þe freondlice / | on | þisse werþeode || wic getæ |
Genesis A 2701a | easceaft || ic þæs færes a / | on | wenum sæt || hwonne me wraþ |
Genesis A 2708b | eoldon / ic þæt ilce dreah || | on | þisse eþyltyrf / siþþan ic |
Genesis A 2710b | undbyrde geceas || ne wæs me | on | mode cuþ / hwæþer on þyssum |
Genesis A 2711a | wæs me on mode cuþ / hwæþer | on | þyssum folce || frean ælmih |
Genesis A 2724a | id usic || and þe wic geceos / | on | þissum lande || þær þe le |
Genesis A 2729a | | sinces brytta / ne þearf þe | on | edwit || abraham settan / þin |
Genesis A 2758a | hta || ælmihtig wearþ / milde | on | mode || moncynnes weard / abime |
Genesis A 2768a | e || isaac nemde / hine abraham | on | || mid his agene hand / beacen |
Genesis A 2770b | t ymb wucan || þæs þe hine | on | woruld / to moncynne || modor b |
Genesis A 2775a | ndteontig || þa him wif sunu / | on | þanc gebær || he þæs þra |
Genesis A 2781a | sendum || sæton bu-tu / halig | on | hige || and heora hiwan eall / |
Genesis A 2790a | in agen bearn || yrfe dæleþ / | on | laste þe || þonne þu of li |
Genesis A 2792a | t || þa wæs abrahame / weorce | on | mode || þæt he on wræc dri |
Genesis A 2792b | me / weorce on mode || þæt he | on | wræc drife / his selfes sunu | |
Genesis A 2794a | u || þa com soþ metod / freom | on | fultum || wiste ferhþ guman / |
Genesis A 2795a | || wiste ferhþ guman / cearum | on | clommum || cyning engla spræ |
Genesis A 2808a | esene || þæt þe soþ metod / | on | gesiþþe is || swegles aldor |
Genesis A 2814a | ædum || waldend scufeþ / frea | on | forþwegas || folmum sinum / wi |
Genesis A 2823a | þu feasceaft || feorran come / | on | þas werþeode || wræccan la |
Genesis A 2830a | t þu randwigum || rumor mote / | on | þisse folcsceare || frætwa |
Genesis A 2843a | dd worhte || and his waldende / | on | þam glædstede || gild onsæ |
Genesis A 2867a | þæt him gasta weardes / egesa | on | breostum wunode || ongan þa |
Genesis A 2882a | cas mine || restaþ incit / her | on | þissum wicum || wit eft cuma |
Genesis A 2893b | t / abraham maþelode || hæfde | on | an gehogod / þæt he gedæde | |
Genesis A 2899a | wa him se eca bebead / þæt he | on | hrofe gestod || hean landes / o |
Genesis A 2900a | n hrofe gestod || hean landes / | on | þære stowe || þe him se st |
Genesis A 2904b | honda / bearne sinum || and þa | on | bæl ahof / isaac geongne || an |
Genesis A 2930b | one abraham genam || and hine | on | ad ahof / ofestum miclum || for |
Exodus 8a | || gehyre se þe wille / þone | on | westenne || weroda drihten / so |
Exodus 32b | rodes aldor / faraones feond || | on | forþwegas / þa wæs ingere || |
Exodus 46a | || feond wæs bereafod / hergas | on | helle || heofung þider becom |
Exodus 53a | s magum || gif hie metod lete / | on | langne lust || leofes siþes / |
Exodus 59a | || uncuþ gelad / oþþæt hie | on | guþmyrce || gearwe bæron / w |
Exodus 67b | mægnes mæste || mearclandum | on | / nearwe genyddon || on norþwe |
Exodus 68b | clandum on / nearwe genyddon || | on | norþwegas / wiston him be suþ |
Exodus 98a | þ || dagum and nihtum / þa ic | on | morgen gefrægn || modes rofa |
Exodus 106b | r / foron flodwege || folc wæs | on | salum / hlud herges cyrm || heo |
Exodus 119a | æþbroga || holmegum wederum / | on | ferclamme || ferhþ getwæfde |
Exodus 123a | reate || hatan lige / þæt he | on | westenne || werod forbærnde / |
Exodus 129a | nde || leodmægne forstod / fus | on | forþweg || fyrdwic aras / wyrp |
Exodus 135a | t || be þan readan sæ / þær | on | fyrd hyra || færspell becwom |
Exodus 153a | leode || þær him mihtig god / | on | þam spildsiþe || spede forg |
Exodus 161a | þunian || þeod mearc tredan / | on | hwæl # || / hreopon herefugol |
Exodus 161b | nian, || þēod mearc tredan, / | on | hwæl. / Hrēopon% here-fuĝola |
Exodus 165b | ngon / atol æfenleoþ || ætes | on | wenan / carleasan deor || cwyld |
Exodus 167a | easan deor || cwyldrof beodan / | on | laþra last || leodmægnes fy |
Exodus 176a | nberge || cumbol lixton / wiges | on | wenum || wælhlencan sceoc / he |
Exodus 186a | on cyningas || and cneowmagas / | on | þæt eade riht || æþelum d |
Exodus 189a | wigan æghwilcne / þara þe he | on | þam fyrste || findan mihte / w |
Exodus 191a | || ealle ætgædere / cyningas | on | corþre || cuþ oft gebad / hor |
Exodus 192a | orþre || cuþ oft gebad / horn | on | heape || to hwæs hægstealdm |
Exodus 199b | ahela cynn / billum abreotan || | on | hyra broþorgyld / forþon wæs |
Exodus 209a | ihtlangne fyrst / þeah þe him | on | healfa gehwam || hettend seom |
Exodus 213a | rgum || in blacum reafum / wean | on | wenum || wæccende bad / eall s |
Exodus 216a | s || oþ moyses bebead / eorlas | on | uhttid || ærnum bemum / folc s |
Exodus 218b | abban heora hlencan || hycgan | on | ellen / beran beorht searo || b |
Exodus 223b | flotan feldhusum || fyrd wæs | on | ofste / siþþan hie getealdon |
Exodus 225a | tealdon || wiþ þam teonhete / | on | þam forþherge || feþan twe |
Exodus 227a | || mægen wæs onhrered / wæs | on | anra gehwam || æþelan cynne |
Exodus 229a | under lindum || leoda duguþe / | on | folcgetæl || fiftig cista / h |
Exodus 243b | iþrade / ac hie be wæstmum || | on | wig curon / hu in leodscipe || |
Exodus 269b | des / abroden of breostum || ic | on | beteran ræd / þæt ge gewurþ |
Exodus 278b | præc / hwæt ge nu eagum to || | on | lociaþ / folca leofost || fær |
Exodus 302a | recyste || hwite linde / segnas | on | sande || sæweall astah / uplan |
Exodus 311a | orþe cyn || fyrmest eode / wod | on | wægstream || wigan on heape / |
Exodus 311b | de / wod on wægstream || wigan | on | heape / ofer grenne grund || iu |
Exodus 313a | grenne grund || iudisc feþa / | on | orette || on uncuþ gelad / for |
Exodus 313b | || iudisc feþa / on orette || | on | uncuþ gelad / for his mægwinu |
Exodus 319b | fdon him to segne || þa hie | on | sund stigon / ofer bordhreoþan |
Exodus 326b | þeoda ænigre || þracu wæs | on | ore / heard handplega || hægst |
Exodus 337a | wefede || þæt he siþor for / | on | leofes last || him on leodsce |
Exodus 337b | or for / on leofes last || him | on | leodsceare / frumbearnes riht | |
Exodus 350a | mæst || þy he mære wearþ / | on | forþwegas || folc æfter wol |
Exodus 355a | fruma || landriht geþah / frod | on | ferhþe || freomagum leof / cen |
Exodus 365b | ncefloda / þara þe gewurde || | on | woruldrice / hæfde him on hre |
Exodus 366a | e || on woruldrice / hæfde him | on | hreþre || halige treowa / for |
Exodus 369a | mhorda mæst || mine gefræge / | on | feorhgebeorh || foldan hæfde |
Exodus 375a | oda || eac þon sæda gehwilc / | on | bearm scipes || beornas fered |
Exodus 379b | þa wære / fæder abrahames || | on | folctale / þæt is se abraham |
Exodus 383b | ebead / werþeoda geweald || he | on | wræce lifde / siþþan he gel |
Exodus 386b | heahlond stigon / sibgemagas || | on | seone beorh / wære hie þær f |
Exodus 393b | || eorþcyninga / se wisesta || | on | woruldrice / heahst and haligos |
Exodus 441a | mæge || ealle geriman / stanas | on | eorþan || steorran on heofon |
Exodus 441b | stanas on eorþan || steorran | on | heofonum / sæbeorga sand || se |
Exodus 450b | lm heolfre spaw || hream wæs | on | yþum / wæter wæpna ful || w |
Exodus 466a | st || modige swulton / cyningas | on | corþre || cyre swiþrode / sæ |
Exodus 469b | restream modig || mægen wæs | on | cwealme / fæste gefeterod || f |
Exodus 487a | ige hand || heofonrices weard / | on | werbeamas || wlance þeode / ne |
Exodus 491a | yre || garsecg wedde / up ateah | on | sleap || egesan stodon / weollo |
Exodus 499a | || flodblac here / siþþan hie | on | bugon || brun yppinge / modewæ |
Exodus 517a | anon israhelum || ece rædas / | on | merehwearfe || moyses sægde / |
Exodus 520b | nemnaþ / swa gyt werþeode || | on | gewritum findaþ / doma gehwilc |
Exodus 522a | þara þe him drihten bebead / | on | þam siþfate || soþum wordu |
Exodus 527b | gæþ / hafaþ wislicu || word | on | fæþme / wile meagollice || mo |
Exodus 536a | e || gihþum healdaþ / murnaþ | on | mode || manhus witon / fæst un |
Exodus 543a | g dædum fah || drihten sylfa / | on | þam meþelstede || manegum d |
Exodus 545b | awla lædeþ / eadige gastas || | on | uprodor / þær is leoht and li |
Exodus 547a | | eac þon lissa blæd / dugoþ | on | dreame || drihten herigaþ / we |
Exodus 556a | e þas fare lædeþ / hafaþ us | on | cananea || cyn gelyfed / burh a |
Exodus 565b | ter þam wordum || werod wæs | on | salum / sungon sigebyman || seg |
Exodus 567a | on sigebyman || segnas stodon / | on | fægerne sweg || folc wæs on |
Exodus 567b | on fægerne sweg || folc wæs | on | lande / hæfde wuldres beam || |
Exodus 569b | rud gelæded / halige heapas || | on | hild godes / life gefegon || þ |
Exodus 577b | don / weras wuldres sang || wif | on | oþrum / folcsweota mæst || fy |
Exodus 581a | æs eþfynde || afrisc meowle / | on | geofones staþe || golde gewe |
Exodus 586a | nnon sælafe || segnum dælan / | on | yþlafe || ealde madmas / reaf |
Exodus 587b | madmas / reaf and randas || heo | on | riht sceodon / gold and godweb |
Exodus 590a | dorgesteald || werigend lagon / | on | deaþstede || drihtfolca mæs |
Daniel 4b | þan þurh metodes mægen || | on | moyses hand / wearþ wig gifen |
Daniel 35b | de him æt frymþe || þa þe | on | fruman ær þon / wæron mancyn |
Daniel 39b | n byrig / eorlum elþeodigum || | on | eþelland / þær salem stod || |
Daniel 47b | aldorfrea / babilones brego || | on | his burhstede / nabochodonossor |
Daniel 68b | siþedon / and gelæddon eac || | on | langne siþ / israela cyn || on |
Daniel 69b | on langne siþ / israela cyn || | on | eastwegas / to babilonia || beo |
Daniel 72b | deman / nabochodonossor || him | on | nyd dyde / israela bearn || ofe |
Daniel 84a | ft leornedon / þæt him snytro | on | sefan || secgan mihte / nales |
Daniel 108b | s lifde / þa þam folctogan || | on | frumslæpe / siþþan to reste |
Daniel 110a | gehwearf || rice þeoden / com | on | sefan hwurfan || swefnes woma |
Daniel 113a | m || oþ edsceafte / wearþ him | on | slæpe || soþ gecyþed / þæt |
Daniel 124a | end || reste wunode / wearþ he | on | þam egesan || acol worden / þ |
Daniel 131a | swa dygle || drihten ahicgan / | on | sefan þinne || hu þe swefne |
Daniel 145b | ne meahte þa seo mænigeo || | on | þam meþelstede / þurh witigd |
Daniel 170b | an / ac he wyrcan ongan || weoh | on | felda / þam þe deormode || di |
Daniel 172a | ormode || diran heton / se wæs | on | þære þeode || þe swa hatt |
Daniel 180b | re / þa hie for þam cumble || | on | cneowum sæton / onhnigon to þ |
Daniel 188b | iht dyde / þær þry wæron || | on | þæs þeodnes byrig / eorlas i |
Daniel 192a | gebedu rærde / þeah þe þær | on | herige || byman sungon / þa w |
Daniel 244a | ær esnas mænige / wurpon wudu | on | innan || swa him wæs on word |
Daniel 244b | wudu on innan || swa him wæs | on | wordum gedemed / bæron brandas |
Daniel 245a | wordum gedemed / bæron brandas | on | bryne || blacan fyres / wolde w |
Daniel 250b | et wære / þa se lig gewand || | on | laþe men / hæþne of halgum | |
Daniel 254a | n || alet gehwearf / teonfullum | on | teso || þær to geseah / babil |
Daniel 257a | ea || ofestum heredon / drihten | on | dreame || dydon swa hie cuþo |
Daniel 258a | || dydon swa hie cuþon / ofne | on | innan || aldre generede / guman |
Daniel 266a | þe þa scylde worhton / hwearf | on | þa hæþenan hæftas || fram |
Daniel 269a | he his sefan ontreowde / wundor | on | wite agangen || him þæt wr |
Daniel 272a | þry || him eac þær wæs / an | on | gesyhþe || engel ælmihtiges |
Daniel 273a | | engel ælmihtiges / him þær | on | ofne || owiht ne derede / ac w |
Daniel 275a | | ealles gelicost / efne þonne | on | sumera || sunne scineþ / and d |
Daniel 276b | nne scineþ / and deaw dryge || | on | dæge weorþeþ / winde geondsa |
Daniel 289b | # || / syndon þine willan || | on | woruldspedum / rihte and gerume |
Daniel 296a | || we þæs lifgende / worhton | on | worulde || eac þon wom dyde / |
Daniel 306a | orþcyninga || æhta gewealde / | on | hæft heorugrimra || and we n |
Daniel 318a | n wolde || þætte æfter him / | on | cneorissum || cenned wurde / an |
Daniel 326b | wordcwyde || and þin wuldor | on | us / gecyþ cræft and miht || |
Daniel 337b | an onsended / wlitescyne wer || | on | his wuldorhaman / se him cwom t |
Daniel 343b | e wæs / owiht geegled || ac he | on | andan sloh / fyr on feondas || |
Daniel 344a | ed || ac he on andan sloh / fyr | on | feondas || for fyrendædum / þ |
Daniel 345a | s || for fyrendædum / þa wæs | on | þam ofne || þær se engel b |
Daniel 347a | || wedere gelicost / þonne hit | on | sumeres tid || sended weorþe |
Daniel 348b | weorþeþ / dropena drearung || | on | dæges hwile / wearmlic wolcna |
Daniel 350a | c biþ wedera cyst / swylc wæs | on | þam fyre || frean mihtum / hal |
Daniel 357a | l || þær þa modhwatan / þry | on | geþancum || þeoden heredon / |
Daniel 365b | æter / þa þe ofer roderum || | on | rihtne gesceaft / wuniaþ in wu |
Daniel 376a | || leoht and þeostro / herige | on | hade || somod hat and ceald / a |
Daniel 379a | eder || and wolcenfaru / lofige | on | lyfte || and þec ligetu / blac |
Daniel 418b | a sum / þæt we þær eagum || | on | lociaþ / geþenc þeoden min | |
Daniel 423b | ealles him / be naman gehwam || | on | neod sprecaþ / þanciaþ þrym |
Daniel 429a | it owihtes god / þæt hie sien | on | þam laþe || leng þonne þu |
Daniel 434b | a bende forburnene || þe him | on | banum lagon / laþsearo leoda c |
Daniel 436b | e gewemmed || ne nænig wroht | on | hrægle / ne feax fyre beswæle |
Daniel 437b | feax fyre beswæled || ac hie | on | friþe drihtnes / of þam grimm |
Daniel 439b | treddedon / gleawmode guman || | on | gastes hyld / þa gewat se enge |
Daniel 441a | l up || secan him ece dreamas / | on | heanne hrof || heofona rices / |
Daniel 443a | hold || halgum metode / hæfde | on | þam wundre gewurþod || þe |
Daniel 453a | || þe þær gelædde wæron / | on | æht ealdfeondum || þæt hie |
Daniel 469a | tosomne || sine leode / and þa | on | þam meþle || ofer menigo be |
Daniel 471a | e || and wundor godes / þætte | on | þam cnihtum || gecyþed wæs |
Daniel 474b | þ cwealme gebearh || cnihtum | on | ofne / lacende lig || þam þe |
Daniel 483a | t ær swiþe oþstod / manegum | on | mode || minra leoda / forþam |
Daniel 490b | / wearþ him hyrra hyge || and | on | heortan geþanc / mara on modse |
Daniel 491a | | and on heortan geþanc / mara | on | modsefan || þonne gemet wær |
Daniel 495a | || up astigeþ / þa him wearþ | on | slæpe || swefen ætywed / nabo |
Daniel 497a | neh gewearþ / þuhte him þæt | on | foldan || fægre stode / wudube |
Daniel 499a | | se wæs wyrtum fæst / beorht | on | blædum || næs he bearwe gel |
Daniel 507a | fuglas eac || heora feorhnere / | on | þæs beames || bledum name / |
Daniel 511b | eorfan / and þa wildan deor || | on | weg fleon / swylce eac þa fugo |
Daniel 534a | ofonum || se his hyge trymede / | on | þam drihtenweard || deopne w |
Daniel 560a | en || fyrstmearc wesan / stille | on | staþole || swa seo stefn gec |
Daniel 566a | sa || nis þe wiþerbreca / man | on | moldan || nymþe metod ana / se |
Daniel 568b | ngdome / and þec wineleasne || | on | wræc sendeþ / and þonne onhw |
Daniel 579b | mannum / reccend and rice || se | on | roderum is / is me swa þeah wi |
Daniel 581a | þæt se wyrtruma / stille wæs | on | staþole || swa seo stefn gec |
Daniel 600b | astergeweorc / babilone burh || | on | his blæde geseah / sennera fel |
Daniel 610b | myndum / rume rice || ic reste | on | þe / eard and eþel || agan wi |
Daniel 613b | ihten / forfangen wearþ || and | on | fleam gewat / ana on oferhyd || |
Daniel 614a | rþ || and on fleam gewat / ana | on | oferhyd || ofer ealle men / swa |
Daniel 615b | fer ealle men / swa wod wera || | on | gewindagum / geocrostne siþ || |
Daniel 624a | þurh wolcna gang / gemunde þa | on | mode || þæt metod wære / heo |
Daniel 634a | cca || and wæda leas / mætra | on | modgeþanc || to mancynne / þo |
Daniel 704b | a gestreon / huslfatu halegu || | on | hand werum / þa ær caldeas || |
Daniel 713b | aldor / gealp gramlice || gode | on | andan / cwæþ þæt his hergas |
Daniel 724b | / þa wearþ folctoga || forht | on | mode / acul for þam egesan || |
Daniel 730b | burhsittendum / werede comon || | on | þæt wundor seon / sohton þa |
Daniel 737a | n þæt seld gangan / þam wæs | on | gaste || godes cræft micel / t |
Daniel 748b | æht bere / huslfatu halegu || | on | hand werum / on þam ge deoflu |
Daniel 749a | lfatu halegu || on hand werum / | on | þam ge deoflu || drincan ong |
Christ and Satan 5b | anas and eorþan || stream ut | on | sæ / wæter and wolcn || þurh |
Christ and Satan 8a | yt || clene ymbhaldeþ / meotod | on | mihtum || and alne middangear |
Christ and Satan 15b | dres gast / serede and sette || | on | six dagum / eorþan dæles || u |
Christ and Satan 16b | ix dagum / eorþan dæles || up | on | heofonum / and heanne holm || h |
Christ and Satan 22a | t þe eft forwarþ / þuhte him | on | mode || þæt hit mihte swa / |
Christ and Satan 37a | hwær com engla þrym / þe we | on | heofnum || habban sceoldan / þ |
Christ and Satan 39b | fæstum fyrclommum || flor is | on | welme / attre onæled || nis nu |
Christ and Satan 45a | ene iu || dreamas hefdon / song | on | swegle || selrum tidum / þær |
Christ and Satan 66b | m wordum / heora aldorþægn || | on | reordadon / on cearum cwidum || |
Christ and Satan 67a | a aldorþægn || on reordadon / | on | cearum cwidum || crist heo af |
Christ and Satan 89b | en sutol || þa ic aseald wes | on | wærgþu / niþer under nessas |
Christ and Satan 98a | duru || dracan eardigaþ / hate | on | reþre || heo us helpan ne ma |
Christ and Satan 109a | hten god || deman wille / fagum | on | flora || nu ic feran com / deof |
Christ and Satan 111a | issum dimman ham / ac ic sceal | on | flyge || and on flyhte þragu |
Christ and Satan 111b | m / ac ic sceal on flyge || and | on | flyhte þragum / earda neosan | |
Christ and Satan 130a | || þæt ic gelutian ne mæg / | on | þyssum sidan sele || synnum |
Christ and Satan 138b | s brucan / burga ne bolda || ne | on | þa beorhtan gescæft / ne mot |
Christ and Satan 142a | id englum || æfre cuþe / song | on | swegle || þær sunu meotodes |
Christ and Satan 158a | ornende || in bæce minum / hat | on | helle || hyhtwillan leas / þa |
Christ and Satan 205a | s crist genemned # || / beoran | on | breostum || bliþe geþohtas / |
Christ and Satan 229a | ene || þæt we syngodon / uppe | on | earde || sceolon nu æfre þ |
Christ and Satan 235a | | þa we þær wæron / wunodon | on | wynnum || geherdon wuldres sw |
Christ and Satan 244a | | þe þær up becom / and hine | on | eorþan || ær gelefde / þa þ |
Christ and Satan 262a | al nu þeos menego her / licgan | on | leahtrum || sume on lyft scac |
Christ and Satan 262b | er / licgan on leahtrum || sume | on | lyft scacan / fleogan ofer fold |
Christ and Satan 264a | er foldan || fyr biþ ymbutan / | on | æghwylcum || þæh he uppe s |
Christ and Satan 275a | æs ic seolfa weold / þonne ic | on | heofonum || ham staþelode / hw |
Christ and Satan 277a | þer us se eca || æfre wille / | on | heofona rice || ham alefan / e |
Christ and Satan 280a | rnedon || godes andsacan / hate | on | helle || him wæs hælend god |
Christ and Satan 285a | igendra gehwylc / gemunan symle | on | mode || meotodes strengþo / ge |
Christ and Satan 289a | freobearn godes / gif we þæt | on | eorþan || ær geþencaþ / and |
Christ and Satan 298a | || uton cyþan þæt / deman we | on | eorþan || ærror lifigend / on |
Christ and Satan 302a | || gif þider moton / and þæt | on | eorþan || ær gewyrcaþ / for |
Christ and Satan 323a | || þe þær ærest com / forþ | on | feþan || fæste gebunden / fyr |
Christ and Satan 344a | || heofon deop gehygd / þa heo | on | heofonum || ham staþelodon / |
Christ and Satan 346b | e crist / rodera rices || ah he | on | riht geheold / hired heofona || |
Christ and Satan 367a | lucifer haten || leohtberende / | on | geardagum || in godes rice / þ |
Christ and Satan 371a | earte geþohte / þæt he wolde | on | heofonum || hehseld wyrcan / up |
Christ and Satan 402a | le || þa com engla sweg / dyne | on | dægred || hæfde drihten seo |
Christ and Satan 404a | wæs seo fæhþe þa gyt / open | on | uhtan || þa se egsa becom / le |
Christ and Satan 412a | a || se þe æfre nu / beorneþ | on | bendum || þæt wit blæd aht |
Christ and Satan 415b | gelyfdon / namon mid handum || | on | þam halgan treo / beorhte blæ |
Christ and Satan 463a | þæt he swa wolde / þis wæs | on | uhtan || eall geworden / ær d |
Christ and Satan 472b | þele wif / þa hie begeton || | on | godes willan / feowertig bearna |
Christ and Satan 474a | bearna || þæt forþ þonon / | on | middangeard || menio onwocon / |
Christ and Satan 476a | feola || wunian moston / eorlas | on | eþle || oþþæt eft gelamp / |
Christ and Satan 479a | enum / fah is æghwær # || / ic | on | neorxnawonge || niwe asette / t |
Christ and Satan 494b | an had / ufan from eþle || and | on | eorþan gebad / tintregan fela |
Christ and Satan 500a | mæles || mearc agangen / þæt | on | worulde wæs || wintra gerime |
Christ and Satan 502b | e / gemunde ic þæs mænego || | on | þam minnan ham / lange þæs |
Christ and Satan 508a | lum || ic eow þingade / þa me | on | beame || beornas sticedon / gar |
Christ and Satan 509a | ame || beornas sticedon / garum | on | galgum || heow se giunga þæ |
Christ and Satan 513b | sæde / meotod moncynnes || ær | on | morgen / þæs þe drihten god |
Christ and Satan 519a | h he ut eode || engla drihten / | on | þæm fæstenne || and gefati |
Christ and Satan 528a | on || hwær sunu meotodes / þa | on | upp gestod || ece drihten / god |
Christ and Satan 531a | || þær se eca wæs / feollon | on | foldan || and to fotum hnigon |
Christ and Satan 537b | sumum cyrre / þec gelegdon || | on | laþne bend / hæþene mid hond |
Christ and Satan 547a | / geþrowode || þeoden ure / he | on | beame astah || and his blod a |
Christ and Satan 548a | tah || and his blod ageat / god | on | galgan || þurh his gastes m |
Christ and Satan 557a | m þe teala þenceþ / þa wæs | on | eorþan || ece drihten / feower |
Christ and Satan 562a | ast || to heofonrice / astah up | on | heofonum || engla scyppend / we |
Christ and Satan 574a | þa wæs iudas of / se þe ær | on | tifre || torhtne gesalde / drih |
Christ and Satan 577a | e bebohte || bearn wealdendes / | on | seolfres sinc || him þæt sw |
Christ and Satan 579a | æca || innon helle / siteþ nu | on | þa swiþran hond || sunu his |
Christ and Satan 585a | his wuldres cræft / siteþ him | on | heofnum || halig encgel / walde |
Christ and Satan 596a | þær is cuþre lif / þonne we | on | eorþan mægen || æfre gestr |
Christ and Satan 599a | den mæra / ælmihtig god # || / | on | domdæge || drihten seolfa / ha |
Christ and Satan 609a | eadan || wlitige and unclæne / | on | twa healfe || tile and yfle / h |
Christ and Satan 610b | d yfle / him þa soþfæstan || | on | þa swiþran hond / mid rodera |
Christ and Satan 637a | deofles spellunge / hu hie him | on | edwit || oft asettaþ / swarte |
Christ and Satan 678a | endum liht || lean butan ende / | on | heofenrice || halige dreamas / |
Christ and Satan 1b | m || / atol þurh edwit || and | on | esle ahof / herm bealowes gast |
Christ and Satan 2b | hof / herm bealowes gast || and | on | beorh astah / asette on dune || |
Christ and Satan 3a | || and on beorh astah / asette | on | dune || drihten hælend / loca |
Christ and Satan 3b | hearm% bealwes% gāst, || and | on | beorh ā·stāh, / ā·sette on |
Christ and Satan 4a | on beorh ā·stāh, / ā·sette | on | dūne || drihten hǣlend: / ‘ |
Christ and Satan 5b | londbuende / ic þe geselle || | on | þines seolfes dom / folc and f |
Christ and Satan 6b | ende%. / Iċ þē ġe·selle || | on% | þīnes selfes% dōm% / folc an |
Christ and Satan 18b | a / cyning moncynnes || cer þe | on | bæcling / wite þu eac awyrgda |
Christ and Satan 19b | mann-cynnes. || Ċierr% þē | on | bæclinu! / Wite þū ēac, ā |
Christ and Satan 32b | tenge / satan seolua ran || and | on | susle gefeol / earm æglæce || |
Christ and Satan 33b | ġe. / Satan selfa rann% || and | on | sūsle ġe·fēoll, / earm ǣĝ |
Christ and Satan 37a | hwilum hream astag / þonne he | on | þone atolan || eagum gesawun |
Christ and Satan 38a | rēam% ā·stāh%, / þonne hē | on | þone atolan || ēaĝum ġe· |
Christ and Satan 39b | lac bealowes gast || þæt he | on | botme stod / þa him þuhte || |
Christ and Satan 40b | bealwes% gāst, || þæt hē | on | botme stōd. / Þā him þūhte |
Christ and Satan 44b | te / þa he gemunde || þæt he | on | grunde stod / locade leas wiht |
Christ and Satan 45b | % hē ġe·munde || þæt hē | on | grunde stōd. / Lōcode lēas w |
Christ and Satan 50a | cweþan # || / la þus beo nu | on | yfele || noldæs ær teala / [F |
Christ and Satan 51a | weðan: / ‘Lā, þus bēo nū | on | yfele! || Noldest ǣr tela! |
Andreas 1b | Andreas / / hwæt we gefrunan || | on | fyrndagum / twelfe under tunglu |
Andreas 10a | incas || þonne rond ond hand / | on | herefelda || helm ealgodon / on |
Andreas 11a | on herefelda || helm ealgodon / | on | meotudwange || wæs hira math |
Andreas 15a | halig god || hlyt geteode / ut | on | þæt igland || þær ænig |
Andreas 18a | brucan || oft him bonena hand / | on | herefelda || hearde gesceode / |
Andreas 22a | næs þær hlafes wist / werum | on | þam wonge || ne wæteres dry |
Andreas 36a | wit || wera ingeþanc / heortan | on | hreþre || hyge wæs oncyrred |
Andreas 41a | ō ðǣre mǣran byriġ / cumen | on | þā ċeastre. || Þǣr wæs |
Andreas 51b | lles eċġe. || Hwæðere hē | on | brēostum þā-ġīet / herede |
Andreas 52a | brēostum þā-ġīet / herede | on | heortan || heofon-rīċes wea |
Andreas 58a | cerne || him wæs cristes lof / | on | fyrhþlocan || fæste bewunde |
Andreas 65a | t seowaþ || a ic symles wæs / | on | wega gehwam || willan þines / |
Andreas 66a | gehwam || willan þines / georn | on | mode || nu þurh geohþa scea |
Andreas 69b | u, / metod mann-cynnes, || mōd | on | hreðere. / Ġif þīn willa s |
Andreas 77a | to are || ælmihtig god / leoht | on | þissum life || þy læs ic l |
Andreas 78a | ċ lungre sċyle, / ā·blended | on | burgum, || aefter bill-hete / |
Andreas 86b | hetum / werigum wrohtsmiþum || | on | þone wyrrestan / dugoþa demen |
Andreas 98b | be under swegle || ne beo þu | on | sefan to forht / ne on mode ne |
Andreas 99a | beo þu on sefan to forht / ne | on | mode ne murn || ic þe mid wu |
Andreas 102a | menigo || þe þe mid wuniaþ / | on | nearonedum || þe is neorxnaw |
Andreas 111b | tō hlēow and tō hroðre || | on | þās hǣðnan burh. / Hē þē |
Andreas 117b | d, / hweorfan%, of hīenþum || | on | ġe·hield godes.’ / Ġe·wā |
Andreas 120b | am uplican / eþelrice || he is | on | riht cyning / staþolfæst styr |
Andreas 121b | g, / staðolfæst stīerend, || | on | stōwa ġe·hwǣm. / Þā wæs |
Andreas 130a | hwæþer cwice lifdon / þa þe | on | carcerne || clommum fæste / hl |
Andreas 134a | | feores berædan / hæfdon hie | on | rune || ond on rimcræfte / awr |
Andreas 134b | an / hæfdon hie on rune || ond | on | rimcræfte / awriten wælgrædi |
Andreas 137a | ie to mose || meteþearfendum / | on | þære werþeode || weorþan |
Andreas 163a | || strangum meahtum, / hū hē | on | ell-þēodĝum || iermþum wu |
Andreas 169a | num, || ðǣr sē hālĝa wer / | on | Achaia, || Andreas, wæs, / (l |
Andreas 170b | andreas wæs / leode lærde || | on | lifes weg / þa him cirebaldum |
Andreas 179a | uncuþra || ængum ne willaþ / | on | þam folcstede || feores geun |
Andreas 180b | geunnan / syþþan manfulle || | on | mermedonia / onfindaþ feasceaf |
Andreas 185b | fore þreo niht || þæt he | on | þære þeode sceal / fore hæ |
Andreas 191b | deop gelad / fore gefremman || | on | feorne weg / swa hrædlice || h |
Andreas 206b | ealdan gode / to gefremmanne || | on | foldwege / þæt sio ceaster hi |
Andreas 207b | ge / þæt sio ceaster hider || | on | þas cneorisse / under swegles |
Andreas 212a | þfætes || sæne weorþan / ne | on | gewitte to wac || gif þu wel |
Andreas 214b | aldan / treowe tacen || beo þu | on | tid gearu / ne mæg þæs æren |
Andreas 217a | ran || and þīn feorh beran / | on | gramra grīpe, || ðǣr þe g |
Andreas 222b | res ende / ceol gestigan || ond | on | cald wæter / brecan ofer bæþ |
Andreas 231a | || æðelum cempan / ā·boden | on | burgum, || ne wæs him blēa |
Andreas 235a | to godes campe / gewat him þa | on | uhtan || mid ærdæge / ofer sa |
Andreas 237a | u || to sæs faruþe / þriste | on | geþance || ond his þegnas m |
Andreas 238a | || ond his þegnas mid / gangan | on | greote || garsecg hlynede / beo |
Andreas 239b | brimstreamas || se beorn wæs | on | hyhte / syþþan he on waruþe |
Andreas 240a | orn wæs on hyhte / syþþan he | on | waruþe || widfæþme scip / mo |
Andreas 246b | nas gemette / modiglice menn || | on | merebate / sittan siþfrome || |
Andreas 250a | id his englum twam / wæron hie | on | gescirplan || scipferendum / eo |
Andreas 252a | ice || ealiþendum / þonne hie | on | flodes fæþm || ofer feorne |
Andreas 253a | des fæþm || ofer feorne weg / | on | cald wæter || ceolum lacaþ / |
Andreas 254b | þ / hie þa gegrette || se þe | on | greote stod / fus on faroþe || |
Andreas 255a | || se þe on greote stod / fus | on | faroþe || fægn reordade / hwa |
Andreas 257b | um liþan / macræftige menn || | on | mereþissan / ane ægflotan || |
Andreas 263a | | meþelhegendra / þe he þær | on | waroþe || wiþþingode / we of |
Andreas 266a | geferede || us mid flode bær / | on | hranrade || heahstefn naca / sn |
Andreas 275a | rnscipe || ofer hwæles eþel / | on | þære mægþe || biþ þe me |
Andreas 276a | meorþ wiþ god / þæt þu us | on | lade || liþe weorþe / eft him |
Andreas 281a | odġe || eardes brūcaþ, / ac | on | ðǣre ċeastre || cwealm þr |
Andreas 284a | || ofer widne mere / þæt þu | on | þa fægþe || þine feore sp |
Andreas 286b | ondsware / usic lust hweteþ || | on | þa leodmearce / mycel modes hi |
Andreas 289a | esta || gif þu us þine wilt / | on | merefaroþe || miltse gecyþa |
Andreas 304a | ġe lust ā·hwettan, / willan | on | weorolde, || swā þū worde |
Andreas 305b | þa beorna breogo || þær he | on | bolcan sæt / ofer waroþa gewe |
Andreas 311b | eosan / nafast þe to frofre || | on | faroþstræte / hlafes wiste || |
Andreas 316a | andreas || þurh ondsware / wis | on | gewitte || wordhord onleac / ne |
Andreas 324b | ren to cempum || he is cyning | on | riht / wealdend ond wyrhta || w |
Andreas 337a | freoþo healde / ne þurfan ge | on | þa fore || frætwe lædan / go |
Andreas 339a | eolfor || ic eow goda gehwæs / | on | eowerne agenne dom || est ahw |
Andreas 349a | wā ġē bēnan sint.’ / Þā | on | ċēol stiĝon || collen-ferh |
Andreas 351a | llenrofe || æghwylcum wearþ / | on | merefaroþe || mod geblissod / |
Andreas 356a | en || dōm-weorðunga, / willan | on | weorolde || and on wuldre bl |
Andreas 356b | ga, / willan on weorolde || and | on | wuldre blǣd, / metod mann-cynn |
Andreas 358a | nncynnes || swa þu me hafast / | on | þyssum siþfæte || sybbe ge |
Andreas 379b | gete / þara þe mid andreas || | on | eagorstream / ceol gesohte || n |
Andreas 382b | nd wisode / him þa se halga || | on | holmwege / ofer argeblond || an |
Andreas 400a | gebidan || beornas þine / aras | on | earde || hwænne þu eft cyme |
Andreas 408b | swicaþ þe / we bioþ laþe || | on | landa gehwam / folcum fracoþe |
Andreas 413a | hilde || þonne hand ond rond / | on | beaduwange || billum forgrund |
Andreas 422a | flod || frefra þine / mæcgas | on | mode || mycel is nu gena / lad |
Andreas 429b | / ge þæt gehogodon || þa ge | on | holm stigon / þæt ge on fara |
Andreas 430a | a ge on holm stigon / þæt ge | on | fara folc || feorh gelæddon / |
Andreas 432a | tnes lufan || deaþ þrowodon / | on | ælmyrcna || eþelrice / sawle |
Andreas 438b | n / swa gesælde iu || þæt we | on | sæbate / ofer waruþgewinn || |
Andreas 444b | upp astod / of brimes bosme || | on | bates fæþm / egesa ofer yþli |
Andreas 446b | tig þær / meotud mancynnes || | on | mereþyssan / beorht basnode || |
Andreas 448a | node || beornas wurdon / forhte | on | mode || friþes wilnedon / milt |
Andreas 450a | þa seo menigo ongan / clypian | on | ceole || cyning sona aras / eng |
Andreas 460a | rlæteþ || lifgende god / eorl | on | eorþan || gif his ellen deah |
Andreas 470a | ordigan || rædum snottor / wis | on | gewitte || wordlocan onspeonn |
Andreas 481b | gife hleotest / haligne hyht || | on | heofonþrymme / gif þu lidweri |
Andreas 489a | ngeste || sund wisige / ic wæs | on | gifeþe || iu ond nu-þa / syxt |
Andreas 490b | ond nu-þa / syxtyne siþum || | on | sæbate / mere hrerendum || mun |
Andreas 498a | ls || fugole gelicost / glideþ | on | geofone || ic georne wat / þæ |
Andreas 500a | fre ne geseah || ofer yþlade / | on | sæleodan || syllicran cræft |
Andreas 501b | t / is þon geliccost || swa he | on | landsceare / stille stande || |
Andreas 504b | can brondstæfne || hwæþere | on | brim snoweþ / snel under segle |
Andreas 507a | nalas wintrum frod / hafast þe | on | fyrhþe || faroþlacende / eorl |
Andreas 511b | t þæt gesæleþ || þæt we | on | sælade / scipum under scealcum |
Andreas 514a | eg || brimhengestum / hwilum us | on | yþum || earfoþlice / gesæle |
Andreas 515a | þum || earfoþlice / gesæleþ | on | sæwe || þeh we siþ nesan / f |
Andreas 552a | ngne || geofum wyrþodest / wis | on | gewitte || ond wordcwidum / ic |
Andreas 554a | efenealdum || æfre ne mette / | on | modsefan || maran snyttro / him |
Andreas 562b | e / nā ðǣr ġe·līefdon || | on | hira līf-fruman, / grame ġal |
Andreas 573b | meahte þæt ġe·weorðan || | on | wer-þēode, / þæt þū ne ġ |
Andreas 582a | edum || blinde gesegon / swa he | on | grundwæge || gumena cynnes / m |
Andreas 588b | ndan het / beornum to blisse || | on | þa beteran gecynd / swylce he |
Andreas 594a | er waþe || wiste þegon / menn | on | moldan || swa him gemedost w |
Andreas 597a | d || wordum and dǣdum / lufode | on | līfe || and þurh lāre spē |
Andreas 604b | þer wealdend þin || wundor | on | eorþan / þa he gefremede || n |
Andreas 616b | ce þrowian / biterne bryne || | on | banan fæþme / him þa andreas |
Andreas 620b | swum / wundor æfter wundre || | on | wera gesiehþe / swylce deogoll |
Andreas 626a | mægen þa he cyþde / deormod | on | digle || þa mid dryhten oft / |
Andreas 634a | r tæle || ne þurh teoncwide / | on | hranrade || ac min hige bliss |
Andreas 637b | t / ac manna gehwam || mod biþ | on | hyhte / fyrhþ afrefred || þam |
Andreas 639a | || þam þe feor oþþe neah / | on | mode geman || hu se maga frem |
Andreas 640a | | hu se maga fremede / godbearn | on | grundum || gastas hweorfon / so |
Andreas 644a | ndreas || agef ondsware / nu ic | on | þe sylfum || soþ oncnawe / wi |
Andreas 650b | þelinges / word ond wisdom || | on | wera gemote / þurh his sylfes |
Andreas 656b | helm, / beorht blǣd-ġiefa, || | on | bold ōðer, / ðǣr him tō· |
Andreas 663a | ihtig || næs þær folces ma / | on | siþfate || sinra leoda / nemne |
Andreas 672b | n onspeon / wroht webbade || he | on | gewitte oncneow / þæt we soþ |
Andreas 684b | elu onwocon / he wæs afeded || | on | þysse folcsceare / cildgeong a |
Andreas 689a | | maria ond ioseph / syndon him | on | æþelum || oþere twegen / beo |
Andreas 699b | land / he þurh wundra feala || | on | þam westenne / cræfta gecyþd |
Andreas 700b | yþde || þæt he wæs cyning | on | riht / ofer middangeard || mæg |
Andreas 705b | | unrim cyþde / wundorworca || | on | wera gesyhþe / syþþan eft ge |
Andreas 707b | ·trume miċele, || þæt hē | on | temple ġe·stōd, / wuldres ea |
Andreas 714b | la sinra / geseh sigora frea || | on | seles wage / on twa healfe || t |
Andreas 715a | sigora frea || on seles wage / | on | twa healfe || torhte gefrætw |
Andreas 719a | || þe% mid þām burĝ-warum / | on | ðǣr ċeastre is. || Cheruph |
Andreas 720a | | [Cheruphim et Seraphim] / þa | on | swegeldreamum || syndon nemne |
Andreas 726a | w || þurh handmægen / awriten | on | wealle || wuldres þegnas / þa |
Andreas 730b | ætywan / wundor geweorþan || | on | wera gemange / þæt þeos onli |
Andreas 734a | || þy sceolon gelyfan / eorlas | on | cyþþe || hwæt min æþelo |
Andreas 737b | / frod fyrngeweorc || þæt he | on | foldan stod / stan fram stane | |
Andreas 752a | se ilca || ealwalda god / þone | on | fyrndagum || fæderas cuþon / |
Andreas 769a | reost || brandhata niþ / weoll | on | gewitte || weorm blædum fag / |
Andreas 774a | ead || þryþweorc faran / stan | on | stræte || of stedewange / ond |
Andreas 777b | godes ærendu / larum lædan || | on | þa leodmearce / to channaneum |
Andreas 788b | e / ofer mearcpaþu || þæt he | on | mambre becom / beorhte blican | |
Andreas 821a | ne semninga || slæp ofereode / | on | hronrade || heofoncyninge neh |
Andreas 824b | las sine / fæþmum ferigean || | on | fæder wære / leofne mid lissu |
Andreas 827b | p ofereode / þurh lyftgelac || | on | land becwom / to þære ceastre |
Andreas 830a | þa þa aras siþigean / eadige | on | upweg || eþles neosan / leton |
Andreas 832a | lgan || be herestræte / swefan | on | sybbe || under swegles hleo / b |
Andreas 847a | fæder mancynnes / geseh he þa | on | greote || gingran sine / beorna |
Andreas 849a | adurofe || biryhte him / swefan | on | slæpe || he sona ongann / wige |
Andreas 852b | gete / þæt us gystrandæge || | on | geofones stream / ofer arwelan |
Andreas 864a | arnas || ofer yþa wylm / faran | on | flyhte || feþerum hremige / us |
Andreas 866b | / mid gefean feredon || flyhte | on | lyfte / brehtmum bliþe || beor |
Andreas 868b | līðe. / Lissum lufodon || and | on | lofe wunodon, / ðǣr wæs sing |
Andreas 873a | oden || þusendmælum / heredon | on | hehþo || halgan stefne / dryht |
Andreas 874b | dryhtna dryhten || dream wæs | on | hyhte / we þær heahfæderas | |
Andreas 893a | a || myclum geblissod / haliges | on | hreþre || syþþan hleoþorc |
Andreas 898a | n || ongiten hæbbe / þæt þu | on | faroþstræte || feor ne wær |
Andreas 899b | ære / cyninga wuldur || þa ic | on | ceol gestah / þeh ic on yþfar |
Andreas 900a | þa ic on ceol gestah / þeh ic | on | yþfare || engla þeoden / gast |
Andreas 903b | ig / bliþe beorht cyning || ic | on | brimstreame / spræc worda worn |
Andreas 905b | fter nu / hwa me wyrþmyndum || | on | wudubate / ferede ofer flodas | |
Andreas 911b | rþ% / æðeling oþ·īewed || | on | þā īlcan tīd, / cyning cwic |
Andreas 923a | wa godne || ongitan ne meahte / | on | wægfære || þær ic worda g |
Andreas 927a | ynne ġe·fremedest / swā þū | on | Achaia% || andsæc dydest, / þ |
Andreas 928a | a || ondsæc dydest / þæt þu | on | feorwegas || feran ne cuþe / n |
Andreas 929a | weĝas || fēran ne cūðe / ne | on | þā ċeastre || be·cuman me |
Andreas 935a | ond fyrþran || freonda minra / | on | landa gehwylc || þær me leo |
Andreas 939b | , / cræfte and meahte. || þū | on | þā ċeastre gang / under bur |
Andreas 948a | sċeall bōt hræðe / weorðan | on | weorolde || and on wuldre lē |
Andreas 948b | e / weorðan on weorolde || and | on | wuldre lēan, / swā iċ him se |
Andreas 951a | sċealt || ǣdre ġe·nēðan / | on | gramra grīpe. || Is þe gū |
Andreas 960a | || wes a domes georn / læt þe | on | gemyndum || hu þæt manegum |
Andreas 970b | ofer eorþan || wolde ic eow | on | þon / þurh bliþne hige || by |
Andreas 972a | e hige || bysne onstellan / swa | on | ellþeode || ywed wyrþeþ / ma |
Andreas 973b | wierðeþ. / Maniġe sindon || | on | þisse mǣran byriġ / þāra |
Andreas 976a | || þēah hīe morðres fela / | on | fyrn-daĝum || ġe·fremed ha |
Andreas 982b | / beorn beadwe heard, || ēode | on | burh hræðe, / ān-rǣd ōrett |
Andreas 985a | rof || meotude getreowe / stop | on | stræte || stig wisode / swa hi |
Andreas 988a | geseon || hæfde sigora weard / | on | þam wangstede || wære betol |
Andreas 998a | der || breostgehygdum / herede | on | hehþo || heofoncyninges þry |
Andreas 1004b | don. / Ġe·seah hē Matheus || | on | þām morðor-cofan, / hæleþ |
Andreas 1008b | ana sæt / ġiehþum ġōmor || | on | þām gnorn-hofe. / Ġeseah þ |
Andreas 1017a | || criste wæron begen / leofe | on | mode || hie leoht ymbscan / hal |
Andreas 1021a | t andreas || æþelne geferan / | on | clustorcleofan || mid cwide s |
Andreas 1023b | fara monna || nu is þis folc | on | luste / hæleþ hyder on # || / |
Andreas 1024a | s folc on luste / hæleþ hyder | on | # || / gewyrht || eardes neosa |
Andreas 1024b | folc on luste, / hæleþ hider | on | / ġewyrht || eardes nēosan. |
Andreas 1029b | godes. / Swelċe sē hālĝa || | on | þām hearm-locan / his god gr |
Andreas 1034b | bendum / fram þam fæstenne || | on | friþ dryhtnes / tu ond hundteo |
Andreas 1043a | ordon, || nealles lenġ bidon / | on | þām gnorn-hofe || gūþ-ġe |
Andreas 1045a | þa matheus || menigo lædan / | on | gehyld godes || swa him se ha |
Andreas 1046a | wa him se halga bebead / weorod | on | wilsiþ || wolcnum beþehte / |
Andreas 1050b | dan / treowgeþoftan || ær hie | on | tu hweorfan / ægþer þara eor |
Andreas 1058b | / gewat him þa andreas || inn | on | ceastre / glædmod gangan || to |
Andreas 1073a | n || wiþerhycgende / þæt hie | on | elþeodigum || æt geworhton / |
Andreas 1082a | diġra, || ǣniġne tō lāfe / | on | carc-ærne || cwicne ne% ġe |
Andreas 1084a | eorige || hyrdas lagan / gæsne | on | greote || gaste berofene / fæg |
Andreas 1087b | wa / hean hygegeomor || hungres | on | wenum / blates beodgastes || ny |
Andreas 1091a | edon. || Duru-þeġnum wearþ / | on | āne tīd || eallum æt·samn |
Andreas 1096a | endra þreat || wicgum gengan / | on | mearum modige || mæþelhegen |
Andreas 1106a | eota || eorla dugoþe / heriges | on | ore || hraþe siþþan wearþ |
Andreas 1110a | s sylfes sunu || syllan wolde / | on | æhtgeweald || eaforan geongn |
Andreas 1140b | odige maguþegnas || morþres | on | luste / woldon æninga || ellen |
Andreas 1142a | e / woldon æninga || ellenrofe / | on | þam hysebeorþre || heafolan |
Andreas 1146a | wæpen wera || wexe gelicost / | on | þam orlege || eall formeltan |
Andreas 1155b | ann. / Þā wæs wōp hæfen || | on | wera burgum, / hlūd herġes ċ |
Andreas 1160b | nohton / beornas to brucanne || | on | þa bitran tid / gesæton searu |
Andreas 1165a | e se þe hæbbe || holde lare / | on | sefan snyttro || nu is sæl c |
Andreas 1180a | n eaþe || oncyþdæda / wrecan | on | gewyrhtum || lætaþ wæpnes |
Andreas 1187a | st þe bǣles cwealm, / hātne | on | helle || and þū here fȳses |
Andreas 1191b | htiga / heanne gehnægde || ond | on | heolstor besceaf / þær þe cy |
Andreas 1199b | ede / þæt is andreas || se me | on | fliteþ / wordum wrætlicum || |
Andreas 1214a | eortan staþola / þæt hie min | on | þe || mægen oncnawan / ne mag |
Andreas 1226a | rofne || þær wæs sec manig / | on | þam welwange || wiges oflyst |
Andreas 1241b | l / hatan heolfre || hæfde him | on | innan / ellen untweonde || wæs |
Andreas 1251a | he wæs criste swa þeah / leof | on | mode || him wæs leoht sefa / h |
Andreas 1264b | , / þrīst and þroht-heard || | on | þrēa-nīedum / winter-ċealda |
Andreas 1265b | edum / wintercealdan niht || no | on | gewitte blon / acol for þy ege |
Andreas 1273a | t hræðe || æðeling lǣdan / | on | wrāðra ġe·weald, || wǣrf |
Andreas 1289a | || þenden feorh leofaþ / min | on | moldan || þæt ic meotud þi |
Andreas 1299a | || helle dēoful / ā·wierġed | on | wītum || and þæt word ġe |
Andreas 1308b | ed, / dēor and dōm-ġeorn, || | on | þæt dimme reċed; / sċeall |
Andreas 1309a | dimme reċed; / sċeall þonne | on | nīed-cofan || niht-langne fr |
Andreas 1317a | u andreas || hidercyme þinne / | on | wraþra geweald || hwæt is w |
Andreas 1327a | nd hine rode befealg / þæt he | on | gealgan || his gast onsende / s |
Andreas 1332a | ġe·mǣl, || inn ġe·dūfan / | on | fǣġes ferhþ. || Gāþ fram |
Andreas 1334b | n / hie wæron reowe || ræsdon | on | sona / gifrum grapum || hine go |
Andreas 1338a | hie oncneowon || cristes rode / | on | his mægwlite || mære tacen / |
Andreas 1339b | tacen / wurdon hie þa acle || | on | þam onfenge / forhte afærde | |
Andreas 1340b | onfenge / forhte afærde || ond | on | fleam numen / ongan eft swa ær |
Andreas 1377b | / niþþa nerġend, || sē þe | on | nīedum% ġeō / ġe·fæstnode |
Andreas 1380a | an ā, || sūsle ġe·bunden, / | on | wræc wunne, || wuldres blunn |
Andreas 1385a | || þe biþ a symble / of dæge | on | dæg || drohtaþ strengra / þa |
Andreas 1386a | drohtaþ strengra / þa wearþ | on | fleame || se þe þa fæhþo |
Andreas 1388a | a || grimme gefremede / com þa | on | uhtan || mid ærdæge / hæþen |
Andreas 1407b | gora weard / dryhten hælend || | on | dæges tide / mid iudeum || geo |
Andreas 1417b | ifan mote / sawla symbelgifa || | on | þines sylfes hand / þu þæt |
Andreas 1422b | oþþeoded / ne synu ne ban || | on | swaþe lagon / ne loc of heafde |
Andreas 1427a | lande || loccas todrifene / fex | on | foldan || is me feorhgedal / le |
Andreas 1436b | ecyþeþ / mænig æt meþle || | on | þam myclan dæge / þæt þæt |
Andreas 1446a | æst || hearma gefremedan / þa | on | last beseah || leoflic cempa / |
Andreas 1452b | dend / to widan feore || wuldor | on | heofonum / þæs þu me on sare |
Andreas 1453a | ldor on heofonum / þæs þu me | on | sare || sigedryhten min / ellþ |
Andreas 1462a | magorædendes || mod oncyrran / | on | þære deorcan niht || þa co |
Andreas 1463a | iht. || Þā cōm drihten god / | on | þæt hlin-reċed, || hæleþ |
Andreas 1467b | rūcan: || ‘Ne sċealt þū | on | hīenþum ā lenġ / searu-hæb |
Andreas 1477b | elan miht / lof lædende || ond | on | his lice trum / hwæt ic hwile |
Andreas 1482b | angsum leornung, || þæt hē | on | līfe ā·drēah, / eall aefter |
Andreas 1484a | || þæt scell æglæwra / mann | on | moldan || þonne ic me tælig |
Andreas 1485a | | þonne ic me tælige / findan | on | ferþe || þæt fram fruman c |
Andreas 1491b | ·þolode%, / heardra hilda, || | on | ðǣre hǣðnan byriġ. / Hē b |
Andreas 1502a | ond eorþan || herigea mæste / | on | middangeard || mancynn secan / |
Andreas 1506a | cyning || þæt þu hrædlice / | on | þis fræte folc || forþ ons |
Andreas 1509b | golde eart / sincgife sylla || | on | þe sylf cyning / wrat wuldres |
Andreas 1512b | || ond ryhte æ / getacnode || | on | tyn wordum / meotud mihtum swi |
Andreas 1531a | fær || fæge swulton / geonge | on | geofene || guþræs fornam / þ |
Andreas 1560a | e mid unrihte || ellþeodigne / | on | carcerne || clommum belegdon / |
Andreas 1570a | þær andrea || orgete wearþ / | on | fyrhþlocan || folces gebæro |
Andreas 1573b | ow firgendstream || flod wæs | on | luste / oþþæt breost ofersta |
Andreas 1583b | top / wurdon burgware || bliþe | on | mode / ferhþgefeonde || þa w |
Andreas 1594b | ġe·witon mid þȳ wǣġe || | on | for·wyrd sċacan / under eorð |
Andreas 1596b | od / forhtferþ manig || folces | on | laste / wendan hie wifa || ond |
Andreas 1615b | remman / gumena geogoþe || þe | on | geofene ær / þurh flodes fæ |
Andreas 1618a | gæstas, || gode or-fierme, / | on | wīta for·wyrd, || wuldre be |
Andreas 1619a | yrd, || wuldre be·sċierede, / | on | fēonda ġe·weald || ġe·fe |
Andreas 1622a | cwidum || haliges gastes / wæs | on | þanc sprecen || þeoda ræsw |
Andreas 1626a | ostlice || upp astodon / manige | on | meþle || mine gefrege / eafora |
Andreas 1645b | æ godes / riht aræred || ræd | on | lande / mid þam ceasterwarum | |
Andreas 1649a | stne wer, || wordes glēawne, / | on | ðǣre beorhtan byriġ || bis |
Andreas 1652a | lhad || platan nemned / þeodum | on | þearfe || ond þriste bebead |
Andreas 1662a | wunian || þa him wuldres god / | on | þam siþfæte || sylfum æty |
Andreas 2a | u þæt eowde || anforlætan / | on | swa niowan gefean || ah him n |
Andreas 3a | gefean || ah him naman minne / | on | ferþlocan || fæste getimbre |
Andreas 4a | ēan, || āh him naman mīnne / | on | ferhþ-locan || fæste ġe·t |
Andreas 5a | n || fæste ġe·timbre. / Wuna | on | ðǣre wīn-byriġ, || wīġe |
Andreas 12b | sawon / lærde þa þa leode || | on | geleafan weg / trymede torhtlic |
Andreas 13b | n. / Lǣrde þā þā lēode || | on | ġe·lēafan weġ, / trymede to |
Andreas 18a | and sunu || and frōfre gǣst / | on | þrīnesse || þrymme wealde |
Andreas 19a | rīnesse || þrymme wealdeþ / | on | weorold weorolda || wuldor-ġ |
Andreas 26b | þ / gastes gramhydiges || gang | on | lande / þa wæron gefylde || |
Andreas 27b | æstes gram-hȳdġes, || gang | on | lande. / Þā wǣron ġe·fylde |
Andreas 28a | de || æfter frean dome / dagas | on | rime || swa him dryhten bebea |
Andreas 29a | || aefter frēan dōme / daĝas | on | rīme, || swā him drihten be |
Andreas 31b | yrwan / blissum hremig || wolde | on | brimþisan / achaie || oþre si |
Andreas 32b | n, / blissum hrēmiġ, || wolde | on | brim-þyssan / Achaie || ōðre |
Andreas 36b | / hleahtre be·hworfen, || ac | on | helle ċeafl / sīþ ā·sette |
Andreas 43a | ebrohton || æt brimes næsse / | on | wægþele || wigan unslawne / s |
Andreas 44a | wigan unslawne / stodon him þa | on | ofre || æfter reotan / þendon |
Andreas 45a | || æfter reotan / þendon hie | on | yþum || æþelinga wunn / ofer |
Andreas 46a | | aefter rēotan / þendon hīe | on | ȳðum || æðelinga wynn / ofe |
Andreas 48a | on || wuldres agend / cleopodon | on | corþre || ond cwædon þus / a |
Andreas 49a | || wuldres āĝend, / clipodon | on | corðre || and cwǣdon þus: / |
Andreas 53a | mme || halgum scineþ / wlitige | on | wuldre || to widan ealdre / ece |
Andreas 54a | | hālĝum sċīeneþ, / wlitie | on | wuldre || tō wīdan ealdre, / |
The Fates of the Apostles 2a | ysne sang || siþgeomor fand / | on | seocum sefan || samnode wide / |
The Fates of the Apostles 6a | ste || dryhtne gecorene / leofe | on | life || lof wide sprang / miht |
The Fates of the Apostles 11b | on / reccan fore rincum || sume | on | romebyrig / frame fyrdhwate || |
The Fates of the Apostles 16b | r-þēoda. / Swelċe Andreas || | on | Achaġia / for Eġias || aldre |
The Fates of the Apostles 19a | ymme || þeodcyninges / æniges | on | eorþan || ac him ece geceas / |
The Fates of the Apostles 27a | h cneorisse || criste leofast / | on | weres hade || syþþan wuldre |
The Fates of the Apostles 30a | if, || fæder manncynnes. / Hē | on | Effessia || ealle þrāĝe / l |
The Fates of the Apostles 40a | lm || ricene gesohte / syþþan | on | galgan || in gearapolim / ahang |
The Fates of the Apostles 40b | hte, / siþþan on ġalĝan || | on | Ġearapolim / ā·hangen wæs | |
The Fates of the Apostles 45b | lameus. / þone hēt Astrias || | on | Albano, / hǣðen and hyġe-bli |
The Fates of the Apostles 51a | homas eac || þriste geneþde / | on | indea || oþre dælas / þær m |
The Fates of the Apostles 70b | an. / Hīerde we þæt Iacob || | on | Ierusalem / fore sācerdum || s |
The Fates of the Apostles 87a | modige || tir unbræcne / wegan | on | gewitte || wuldres þegnas / nu |
The Fates of the Apostles 92a | hu ic freonda beþearf / liþra | on | lade || þonne ic sceal langn |
The Fates of the Apostles 94a | cuþ || ana gesecan / lætan me | on | laste || lic eorþan dæl / wæ |
The Fates of the Apostles 98b | as fitte fegde || feoh þær | on | ende standeþ / eorlas þæs on |
The Fates of the Apostles 99a | on ende standeþ / eorlas þæs | on | eorþan brucaþ || ne moton h |
The Fates of the Apostles 101a | nde || wyn sceal gedreosan / ur | on | eþle || æfter tohreosan / læ |
The Fates of the Apostles 104b | tes neosaþ / nihtes nearowe || | on | him nied ligeþ / cyninges þeo |
The Fates of the Apostles 106a | dom || nu þu cunnon miht / hwa | on | þam wordum wæs || werum onc |
The Fates of the Apostles 116b | cleopigan / sendan usse bene || | on | þa beorhtan gesceaft / þæt w |
The Fates of the Apostles 118a | ldes || brūcan motan, / hāmes | on | hīehþu, || ðǣr is hyhta m |
Soul and Body I 7b | wa wite swa wuldor || swa him | on | worulde ær / efne þæt eorþf |
Soul and Body I 24b | eallum / ful geeodest || hu þu | on | eorþan scealt / wyrmum to wist |
Soul and Body I 25b | / wyrmum to wiste || hwæt þu | on | worulde ær / lyt geþohtest || |
Soul and Body I 33a | || helle witum / eardode ic þe | on | innan || ne meahte ic þe of |
Soul and Body I 42b | orþan þu ne hogodest || her | on | life / syþþan ic þe on worul |
Soul and Body I 43a | | her on life / syþþan ic þe | on | worulde || wunian sceolde / þ |
Soul and Body I 46a | lod þurh me / ond ic wæs gast | on | þe || fram gode sended / næfr |
Soul and Body I 50a | ra gesynta || sceame þrowian / | on | þam myclan dæge || þonne e |
Soul and Body I 68a | nd eft sona fram þe / hweorfan | on | hancred || þonne halige men / |
Soul and Body I 75a | ine æhta awihte / þe þu her | on | moldan || mannum eowdest / for |
Soul and Body I 79b | frymþe fugel || oþþe fisc | on | sæ / oþþe on eorþan neat || |
Soul and Body I 80a | || oþþe fisc on sæ / oþþe | on | eorþan neat || ætes tilode / |
Soul and Body I 82a | || feoh butan snyttro / oþþe | on | westenne || wildra deora / þæ |
Soul and Body I 86a | wa god wolde / þonne þu æfre | on | moldan || man gewurde / oþþe |
Soul and Body I 89a | unc bæm || andwyrdan scealt / | on | þam miclan dæge || þonne m |
Soul and Body I 90b | þ / wunda onwrigene || þa þe | on | worulde ær / fyrenfulle men || |
Soul and Body I 96a | an || ac hwæt wylt þu þær / | on | þam domdæge || dryhtne secg |
Soul and Body I 97b | nan na to þæs lytel liþ || | on | lime aweaxen / þæt þu ne scy |
Soul and Body I 113b | eoþ hira tungan totogenne || | on | tyn healfa / hungregum to frofr |
Soul and Body I 118b | e genydde to / ærest eallra || | on | þam eorþscræfe / þæt he þ |
Soul and Body I 120b | þa eagan þurheteþ || ufan | on | þæt heafod / ond to ætwelan |
Soul and Body I 125a | | biþ þonne wyrma gifel / æt | on | eorþan || þæt mæg æghwyl |
Soul and Body I 130a | ærende || eadiglicre / funden | on | ferhþe || mid gefean seceþ / |
Soul and Body I 142a | e ær her scrife / fæstest þu | on | foldan || ond gefyldest me / go |
Soul and Body I 144a | n || gastes drynces / wære þu | on | wædle || sealdest me wilna g |
Soul and Body I 147a | fullan || ond þa soþfæstan / | on | þam mæran dæge || þæs þ |
Soul and Body I 148b | / ne þe hreowan þearf || her | on | life / ealles swa mycles || swa |
Soul and Body I 150a | mycles || swa þu me sealdest / | on | gemotstede || manna ond engla |
Soul and Body I 151b | for hæleþum || ond ahofe me | on | ecne dream / forþan me a langa |
Soul and Body I 153a | me a langaþ || leofost manna / | on | minum hige hearde || þæs þ |
Soul and Body I 153b | ge hearde || þæs þe ic þe | on | þyssum hynþum wat / wyrmum to |
Soul and Body I 159a | omne || syþan brucan / ond unc | on | heofonum || heahþungene beon |
Soul and Body I 162a | dsware || yfele habban / sorĝe | on | hreðere%, || ac wit selfe ma |
Soul and Body I 165b | ron / wat ic þæt þu wære || | on | woruldrice / geþungen þrymlic |
Homiletic Fragment I 2b | cymeþ / maniġ and misliċ || | on | manna drēam. / Eorl ōðerne | |
Homiletic Fragment I 6a | t fācen swā% þēah / hafaþ | on | his heortan, || hord unclǣne |
Homiletic Fragment I 10a | wyrd || weoruda dryhten / ne me | on | life forleos || mid þam lige |
Homiletic Fragment I 11a | d, || weoroda drihten, / ne mē | on | līfe for·lēos || mid þām |
Homiletic Fragment I 13a | ðe || sprǣċe habbaþ, / and | on | gāst-cofan || grymme ġe·þ |
Homiletic Fragment I 15b | mid welerum.’ || Wēa biþ | on | mōde, / sefa synnum fāh, || s |
Homiletic Fragment I 20a | || ond ætterne tægel / hafaþ | on | hindan || hunig on muþe / wyns |
Homiletic Fragment I 20b | gel / hafaþ on hindan || hunig | on | muþe / wynsume wist || hwilum |
Homiletic Fragment I 21a | and ǣttrenne tæġel / hafaþ | on | hindan, || huneġ on mūðe, / |
Homiletic Fragment I 21b | l / hafaþ on hindan, || huneġ | on | mūðe, / wynsume wist. || Hwī |
Homiletic Fragment I 27a | an || nearwe beswicaþ / hafaþ | on | gehatum || hunigsmæccas / sme |
Homiletic Fragment I 28a | | nearwe be·swīcaþ, / hafaþ | on | ġe·hātum || huneġ-smæcca |
Homiletic Fragment I 29b | s, / smēðne sibb-cwide || and | on | sefan innan / þurh dēofles cr |
Homiletic Fragment I 37a | . || Nǣniġ ōðerne / frēoþ | on | ferhþe || nemþe fēara hwel |
Dream of the Rood 5a | t ic gesawe || syllicre treow / | on | lyft lædan || leohte bewunde |
Dream of the Rood 9a | swylce þær fife wæron / uppe | on | þam eaxlegespanne || beheold |
Dream of the Rood 20a | æt hit ærest ongan / swætan | on | þa swiþran healfe || eall i |
Dream of the Rood 29b | æt ic wæs aheawen || holtes | on | ende / astyred of stefne minum |
Dream of the Rood 32a | ebban / bæron me þær beornas | on | eaxlum || oþþæt hie me on |
Dream of the Rood 32b | on eaxlum || oþþæt hie me | on | beorg asetton / gefæstnodon me |
Dream of the Rood 34b | ne mycle || þæt he me wolde | on | gestigan / þær ic þa ne dors |
Dream of the Rood 40b | ang ond stiþmod || gestah he | on | gealgan heanne / modig on manig |
Dream of the Rood 41a | ah he on gealgan heanne / modig | on | manigra gesyhþe || þa he wo |
Dream of the Rood 46b | hi me mid deorcan næglum || | on | me syndon þa dolg gesiene / op |
Dream of the Rood 50a | de his gast onsended / feala ic | on | þam beorge || gebiden hæbbe |
Dream of the Rood 56b | n cyninges fyll || crist wæs | on | rode / hwæþere þær fuse || |
Dream of the Rood 66a | im þa moldern wyrcan / beornas | on | banan gesyhþe || curfon hie |
Dream of the Rood 67a | stāne, / ġesetton hīe ðǣr | on | siĝora wealdend. || ongunnon |
Dream of the Rood 68a | him þa sorhleoþ galan / earme | on | þa æfentide || þa hie wold |
Dream of the Rood 71a | reotende || gode hwile / stodon | on | staþole || syþþan stefn up |
Dream of the Rood 75a | s egeslic wyrd / bedealf us man | on | deopan seaþe || hwæþre me |
Dream of the Rood 83b | daþ him to þyssum beacne || | on | me bearn godes / þrowode hwile |
Dream of the Rood 98b | beam / se þe ælmihtig god || | on | þrowode / for mancynnes || man |
Dream of the Rood 103a | hte || mannum to helpe / he þa | on | heofenas astag || hider eft f |
Dream of the Rood 104a | as astag || hider eft fundaþ / | on | þysne middangeard || mancynn |
Dream of the Rood 105a | middangeard || mancynn secan / | on | domdæge || dryhten sylfa / æl |
Dream of the Rood 109a | ylcum || swa he him ærur her / | on | þyssum lænum || life geearn |
Dream of the Rood 114b | teres onbyrigan || swa he ær | on | þam beame dyde / ac hie þonne |
Dream of the Rood 118a | ān–forht wesan / þe him ǣr | on | brēostum bereþ || bēacna s |
Dream of the Rood 125a | werede || wæs modsefa / afysed | on | forþwege || feala ealra geba |
Dream of the Rood 130a | || me is willa to þam / mycel | on | mode || ond min mundbyrd is / g |
Dream of the Rood 132a | || nah ic ricra feala / freonda | on | foldan || ac hie forþ heonon |
Dream of the Rood 134a | him wuldres cyning / lifiaþ nu | on | heofenum || mid heahfædere / w |
Dream of the Rood 135a | um || mid heahfædere / wuniaþ | on | wuldre || ond ic wene me / daga |
Dream of the Rood 137a | ne me dryhtnes rod / þe ic her | on | eorþan || ær sceawode / on þ |
Dream of the Rood 138a | er on eorþan || ær sceawode / | on | þysson lænan || life gefeti |
Dream of the Rood 140a | || þær is blis mycel / dream | on | heofonum || þær is dryhtnes |
Dream of the Rood 143a | þær ic syþþan mot / wunian | on | wuldre || well mid þam halgu |
Dream of the Rood 145a | me dryhten freond / se þe her | on | eorþan || ær þrowode / on þ |
Dream of the Rood 146a | er on eorþan || ær þrowode / | on | þam gealgtreowe || for guman |
Dream of the Rood 150b | an / se sunu wæs sigorfæst || | on | þam siþfate / mihtig ond sped |
Dream of the Rood 152b | manigeo com / gasta weorode || | on | godes rice / anwealda ælmihtig |
Dream of the Rood 154b | allum þam halgum || þam þe | on | heofonum ær / wunedon on wuldr |
Dream of the Rood 155a | m þe on heofonum ær / wunedon | on | wuldre || þa heora wealdend |
Elene 6a | ed wearþ, || cyninga wuldor, / | on | middan-ġeard || þurh mennis |
Elene 9b | ōmes, / þæt hē Rōm-wara || | on | rīċe wearþ / ā·hæfen, hil |
Elene 28a | edryht || fyrdleoþ agol / wulf | on | wealde || wælrune ne maþ / ur |
Elene 30a | era || earn sang ahof / laþum | on | laste || lungre scynde / ofer b |
Elene 36b | trymedon / eoredcestum || þæt | on | ælfylce / deareþlacende || on |
Elene 37b | on ælfylce / deareþlacende || | on | danubie / stærcedfyrhþe || st |
Elene 53b | wan ond wælfel || werod wæs | on | tyhte / hleopon hornboran || hr |
Elene 59a | þa || here sceawede / þæt he | on | romwara || rices ende / ymb þ |
Elene 67a | b æþeling || egstreame neah / | on | neaweste || nihtlangne fyrst / |
Elene 69a | | fyrmest gesægon / þa wearþ | on | slæpe || sylfum ætywed / þam |
Elene 70b | tywed / þam casere || þær he | on | corþre swæf / sigerofum geseg |
Elene 72b | woma / þuhte him wlitescyne || | on | weres hade / hwit ond hiwbeorht |
Elene 84a | lde || þu to heofenum beseoh / | on | wuldres weard || þær þu wr |
Elene 93a | leohte || mid þys beacne þu / | on | þam frecnan fære || feond o |
Elene 96a | up siþode || ond se ar somed / | on | clænra gemang || cyning wæs |
Elene 98a | þe sorgleasra || secga aldor / | on | fyrhþsefan || þurh þa fæg |
Elene 101b | / heria hildfruma || þæt him | on | heofonum ær / geiewed wearþ | |
Elene 105a | ng || tacen gewyrcan / heht þa | on | uhtan || mid ærdæge / wigend |
Elene 108b | ge treo / him beforan ferian || | on | feonda gemang / beran beacen go |
Elene 117a | eo earhfære || ærest metton / | on | þæt fæge folc || flana scu |
Elene 118b | curas / garas ofer geolorand || | on | gramra gemang / hetend heorugri |
Elene 126a | / gylden grima || garas lixtan / | on | herefelda || hæþene grungon |
Elene 133a | me unsofte || aldor generedon / | on | þam heresiþe || sume healfc |
Elene 134a | þe || sume healfcwice / flugon | on | fæsten || ond feore burgon / |
Elene 137a | danubie || sume drenc fornam / | on | lagostreame || lifes æt ende |
Elene 138b | de / þa wæs modigra || mægen | on | luste / ehton elþeoda || oþ |
Elene 177a | iefe, || hū sē gasta helm, / | on | þrīnesse || þrymme ġe·we |
Elene 179a | arþ || cyninga wuldor / ond hu | on | galgan wearþ || godes agen b |
Elene 184a | þe him geywed wearþ / sylfum | on | gesyhþe || sigores tacen / wi |
Elene 193a | ng || ond þæt forþ geheold / | on | his dagana tid || dryhtne to |
Elene 194a | || dryhtne to willan / þa wæs | on | sælum || sinces brytta / niþh |
Elene 196a | im nīewe ġe·fēa / be·folen | on | ferhþe, || wæs him frōfra |
Elene 201b | ·tenġde / gold-wine gumena || | on | godes þēowdōm, / ǣsċ-rōf, |
Elene 204b | miþas / guþheard garþrist || | on | godes bocum / hwær ahangen wæ |
Elene 206a | ngen wæs || heriges beorhtme / | on | rode treo || rodora waldend / |
Elene 210b | herġa fruman. || Þæs hīe | on | hīenþum sċulon / tō wīdan |
Elene 213a | s cristes lof || þam casere / | on | firhþsefan || forþ gemyndig |
Elene 223a | una || ac wæs sona gearu / wif | on | willsiþ || swa hire weoruda |
Elene 232a | wlanc manig || æt wendelsæ / | on | stæþe stodon || stundum wr |
Elene 241a | de || ne hyrde ic siþ ne ær / | on | egstreame || idese lædan / on |
Elene 242a | / on egstreame || idese lædan / | on | merestræte || mægen fægerr |
Elene 250a | agofæsten || geliden hæfdon / | on | creca land || ceolas leton / æ |
Elene 253a | / ald yþhofu || oncrum fæste / | on | brime bidan || beorna geþing |
Elene 256a | gas || eft gesohte / þær wæs | on | eorle || eþgesyne / brogden by |
Elene 261b | sde / fyrdrincas frome || foron | on | luste / on creca land || casere |
Elene 262a | incas frome || foron on luste / | on | creca land || caseres bodan / h |
Elene 265a | wæs gesyne || sincgim locen / | on | þam hereþreate || hlafordes |
Elene 267a | ige || elene gemyndig / þriste | on | geþance || þeodnes willan / g |
Elene 268a | ance || þeodnes willan / georn | on | mode || þæt hio iudeas / ofer |
Elene 274a | eþ || tō Hierusālem / cōmon | on | þā ċeastre || corðra mǣs |
Elene 279b | na gehwylcum / meþelhegende || | on | gemot cuman / þa þe deoplicos |
Elene 284b | ses æ / reccan cuþon || þær | on | rime wæs / þreo þusend || þ |
Elene 290a | e / þurg witgena || wordgeryno / | on | godes bocum || þæt ge geard |
Elene 298a | tnede || ge mid horu speowdon / | on | þæs ondwlitan || þe eow ea |
Elene 304b | deaþe sylf / woruld awehte || | on | wera corþre / in þæt ærre l |
Elene 305a | ā·weahte || on wera corðre / | on | þæt ǣrre līf || ēowres c |
Elene 316a | owre æ || æþelum cræftige / | on | ferhþsefan || fyrmest hæbbe |
Elene 320a | þe ic him to sece / eodan þa | on | geruman || reonigmode / eorlas |
Elene 326a | swa hio him to sohte / hio þa | on | þreate || þusend manna / fund |
Elene 329a | gearwast cuþon / þrungon þa | on | þreate || þær on þrymme b |
Elene 329b | ungon þa on þreate || þær | on | þrymme bad / in cynestole || c |
Elene 330a | ate || ðǣr on þrymme bād / | on | cyne-stōle || cāseres mǣġ |
Elene 336a | fengon, || hū sē līf-fruma / | on | ċildes hād || cenned wurde, |
Elene 339b | ela / eow acenned biþ || cniht | on | degle / mihtum mære || swa þ |
Elene 346b | sceawode / sigora dryhten || he | on | gesyhþe wæs / mægena wealden |
Elene 347b | wæs / mægena wealdend || min | on | þa swiþran / þrymmes hyrde | |
Elene 382a | h modgemynd || mæste hæfdon / | on | sefan snyttro || heo to salor |
Elene 391a | on || sōðe and rihte, / þæt | on | Bethleme || bearn wealdendes, |
Elene 398a | ebreisce || æ leornedon / þa | on | fyrndagum || fæderas cuþon / |
Elene 402b | þ nyton / þe we gefremedon || | on | þysse folcscere / þeodenbealw |
Elene 412a | him sēo rīċe cwēn, / beald | on | burgum, || be·boden hæfde, / |
Elene 415a | | hwæt sio syn wære / þe hie | on | þam folce || gefremed hæfdo |
Elene 421a | le secan || be þam sigebeame / | on | þam þrowode || þeoda walde |
Elene 424b | ehwylces / þurh hete hengon || | on | heanne beam / in fyrndagum || f |
Elene 425a | e hēngon || on hēanne bēam / | on | fyrn-daĝum || fæderas ūsse |
Elene 2b | æþ / gif þe þæt gelimpe || | on | lifdagum / þæt þu gehyre || |
Elene 3b | Ġif þē þæt ġe·limpe || | on | līf-daĝum / þæt þū ġe·h |
Elene 5b | u ræran / be þam sigebeame || | on | þam soþcyning / ahangen wæs |
Elene 6b | ran / be þām siġe-bēame || | on | þām sōþ-cyning / ā·hangen |
Elene 14a | aþ / and hira dryhtsċipe, || / | on | weorold weorolda || willum ġ |
Elene 17b | / hu wolde þæt geweorþan || | on | woruldrice / þæt on þone hal |
Elene 18a | orþan || on woruldrice / þæt | on | þone halgan || handa sendan / |
Elene 18b | wolde þæt ġe·weorðan || | on | weorold-rīċe / þæt on þone |
Elene 19a | an || on weorold-rīċe / þæt | on | þone hālĝan || handa senda |
Elene 21b | æt he crist wære || cyning | on | roderum / soþ sunu meotudes || |
Elene 22b | t hē Crīst wǣre, || cyning | on | roderum, / sōþ sunu metodes, |
Elene 24a | ra min || ageaf ondsware / frod | on | fyrhþe || fæder reordode / on |
Elene 25a | || ā·ġeaf andsware, / frōd | on | ferhþe || fæder reordode: / ' |
Elene 28a | gendlic || þone sylf ne mæg / | on | moldwege || man aspyrigean / n |
Elene 29a | dliċ, || þone self ne mæġ / | on | mold-weġe || man ā·spyrian |
Elene 35a | ne uþweotan || æht bisæton / | on | sefan sohton || hu hie sunu m |
Elene 36a | ð-witan || ǣht be·sǣton, / | on | sefan sōhton || hū hīe sun |
Elene 41a | settan || þeah he sume hwile / | on | galgan his || gast onsende / si |
Elene 42a | an, || þēah hē sume hwīle / | on | ġalĝan his || gāst on·sen |
Elene 46a | rymm, || þrīe niht siþþan / | on | byrġenne || bīdende wæs / un |
Elene 50a | frea || seolfne geywde / beorht | on | blæde || þonne broþor þin |
Elene 51a | || selfne ġe·īewde, / beorht | on | blǣde. || Þonne brōðor þ |
Elene 69b | e / þara þe wif oþþe wer || | on | woruld cendan / þeah he stepha |
Elene 70b | þāra þe wīf oþþe wer || | on | weorold cendan, / þēah hē St |
Elene 71a | anus || stanum hehte / abreotan | on | beorge || broþor þinne / nu |
Elene 72a | || stānum hehte / ā·brēotan | on | beorĝe, || brōðor þīnne. |
Elene 89b | ofonum / þus mec fæder min || | on | fyrndagum / unweaxenne || wordu |
Elene 90b | um.’ / þus mec fæder min || | on | fyrn-daĝum, / unweaxenne || wo |
Elene 93a | geare cunnon / hwæt eow þæs | on | sefan || selest þince / to gec |
Elene 94a | eare cunnon / hwæt ēow þæs | on | sefan || sēlest þynċe / tō |
Elene 98a | þa togenes || þa gleawestan / | on | wera þreate || wordum mældo |
Elene 99a | ġēanes || þā glēawestan / | on | wera þrēate || wordum mǣld |
Elene 100a | we hyrdon || hæleþ ænigne / | on | þysse þeode || butan þec n |
Elene 101a | hīerdon || hæleþ ǣniġne / | on | þisse þēode, || būtan þe |
Elene 104a | a frod || gif þu frugnen sie / | on | wera corþre || wisdomes beþ |
Elene 105a | d, || ġif þū frugnen sīe / | on | wera corðre. || Wisdōmes be |
Elene 107b | gifan / for þyslicne || þreat | on | meþle / weoxan word cwidum || |
Elene 108b | efan / for þyslicne || þrēat | on | mæðele.’ / Wēoxon word cwi |
Elene 109a | rd cwidum || weras þeahtedon / | on | healfa gehwær || sume hyder |
Elene 110a | d cwidum, || weras þeahtedon / | on | healfa ġe·hwǣr, || sume hi |
Elene 115a | eccen || is eow rædes þearf / | on | meþelstede || modes snyttro / |
Elene 116a | en. || Is ēow rǣdes ðearf / | on | mæðel-stede, || mōdes snyt |
Elene 122a | werige || ymb fyrngewritu / hu | on | worulde ær || witgan sungon / |
Elene 123a | e || ymb fyrn-ġe·writu, / hū | on | weorolde ǣr || wītĝan% sun |
Elene 131a | || wiþersæc fremedon / fæste | on | fyrhþe || þæt heo frignan |
Elene 132a | ignan ongan / cwædon þæt hio | on | aldre || owiht swylces / ne ær |
Elene 133a | on·gann, / cwǣdon þæt hēo | on | ealdre || āwiht swelċes / ne |
Elene 137a | || seċġan wille, / and þæs | on | līfe || lyġe ne wierðeþ, / |
Elene 140a | mē fore standaþ, / þæt ēow | on | beorĝe || bǣl for·nimeþ, / |
Elene 143b | d geseþan || þe ge hwile nu | on | unriht / wrigon under womma sce |
Elene 144b | ēðan || þe ġē hwīle nū | on | unryht / wriĝon under wamma s |
Elene 145b | hte || þa wurdon hie deaþes | on | wenan / ades ond endelifes || o |
Elene 146b | || þā wurdon hīe dēaðes | on | wēnan, / ādes and ende-līfes |
Elene 154a | s wis || ond witgan sunu / bald | on | meþle || him gebyrde is / þæ |
Elene 155a | s || and wītĝan sunu, / beald | on | mæðele; || him ġe·byrde i |
Elene 157a | das || glēawe hæbbe, / cræft | on | brēostum. || Hē ġe·cȳðe |
Elene 159a | ht || swa þin mod lufaþ / hio | on | sybbe forlet || secan gehwylc |
Elene 160a | ā þīn mōd lufaþ.’ / Hēo | on | sibbe for·lēt || sēċan ġ |
Elene 164a | e || riht ġe·tǣhte / þe ǣr | on | leġere wæs || lange || be· |
Elene 171b | rran rex geniþlan || he wæs | on | þære cwene gewealdum / hu mæ |
Elene 172b | mæg þæm geweorþan || þe | on | westenne / meþe ond meteleas | |
Elene 173b | ġ þǣm ġe·weorðan || þe | on | wēstenne / mēðe and metelēa |
Elene 175a | fted || ond him hlaf ond stan / | on | gesihþe bu || samod geweorþ |
Elene 176a | ed || and him hlāf and stān / | on | ġe·sihþe bū || samod% ġe |
Elene 183b | wille / eard mid englum || ond | on | eorþan lif / sigorlean in sweg |
Elene 183a | || undearnunga: / ‘Ġif þū | on | heofon-rīċe || habban wille |
Elene 184b | wille / eard mid englum || and | on | eorðan līf, / siĝor-lēan on |
Elene 185a | on eorðan līf, / siĝor-lēan | on | sweġele, || saĝa recene mē |
Elene 199b | e wæron / gleawra gumena || ic | on | geogoþe wearþ / on siþdagum |
Elene 200a | mena || ic on geogoþe wearþ / | on | siþdagum || syþþan acenned |
Elene 200b | ron, / glēawra gumena. || Iċ | on | ġuĝuþe wearþ / on sīð-da |
Elene 201a | a. || Iċ on ġuĝuþe wearþ / | on | sīð-daĝum || siþþan ā· |
Elene 202a | ic ne can þæt ic nat / findan | on | fyrhþe || þæt swa fyrn gew |
Elene 203b | wearþ / elene maþelade || him | on | ondsware / hu is þæt geworden |
Elene 203a | cann þæt iċ% nāt, / findan | on | ferhþe || þæt swā fyrn ġ |
Elene 204b | sware / hu is þæt geworden || | on | þysse werþeode / þæt ge swa |
Elene 205b | de / þæt ge swa monigfeald || | on | gemynd witon / alra tacna gehwy |
Elene 206b | æt ġē swā maniġfeald || | on | ġe·mynd witon, / ealra tācna |
Elene 211a | an || hwæt þær eallra wæs / | on | manrime || morþorslehtes / dar |
Elene 212a | an, || hwæt ðǣr ealra wæs / | on | mann-rīme || morðor-sliehte |
Elene 215b | a some / ond þa wintergerim || | on | gewritu setton / iudas maþelad |
Elene 216b | / and þā winter-ġe·rīm || | on | ġe·writu setton.’ / Iudas m |
Elene 219b | dgiaþ / ond þa wiggþræce || | on | gewritu setton / þeoda gebæru |
Elene 220b | þ, / and þā wīġ-þræce || | on | ġe·writu setton, / þēoda ġ |
Elene 227b | beame / leodum þinum || ond nu | on | lige cyrrest / iudas hire ongen |
Elene 228b | gode || cwæþ þæt he þæt | on | gehþu gespræce / ond on tweon |
Elene 229a | þæt on gehþu gespræce / ond | on | tweon swiþost || wende him t |
Elene 229b | de, || cwæþ þæt hē þæt | on | ġiehþu ġe·sprǣċe / and on |
Elene 230a | on ġiehþu ġe·sprǣċe / and | on% | twēon swīðost, || wēnde h |
Elene 233a | cyþan || þæt ahangen wæs / | on | caluarie || cyninges freobear |
Elene 234a | an || þæt ā·hangen% wæs / | on | Caluarie || cininges frēo-be |
Elene 255a | ne || (sċealcas ne gǣldon) / | on | drȳĝne sēaþ, || ðǣr hē |
Elene 256a | r hē duĝuþa lēas / seomode | on | sorĝum || [VII] nihta first / |
Elene 258b | pigan ongan / sarum besylced || | on | þone seofeþan dæg / meþe on |
Elene 259b | n·gann / sārum be·sylċed || | on | þone seofoþan dæġ, / mēðe |
Elene 278a | þære stowe || stiþhycgende / | on | þa dune up || þe dryhten æ |
Elene 279a | stōwe% || stīþ-hyċġende% / | on | þā dūne up || þe drihten |
Elene 280a | || heofonrices weard / godbearn | on | galgan || ond hwæþre geare |
Elene 281a | ofon-rīċes weard, / god-bearn | on | ġalĝan || and hwæðere ġe |
Elene 285b | de ahof / elnes oncyþig || ond | on | ebrisc spræc / dryhten hælend |
Elene 286b | hōf / elnes an-cȳðiġ || and | on | Ebrisċ spræc: / ‘Dryhten h |
Elene 298a | orð-weĝum || up ġe·fēran / | on | līċ-haman || mid þā lēoh |
Elene 300b | / halig ond heofonlic || þara | on | hade sint / in sindreame || syx |
Elene 301b | iġ and heofonliċ. || Þāra | on | hāde sint / on sīn-drēame || |
Elene 302a | liċ. || Þāra on hāde sint / | on | sīn-drēame || siex ġe·nem |
Elene 304b | naþ / þara sint feower || þe | on | flihte a / þa þegnunge || þr |
Elene 305b | . / Þāra sint% [IIII] || þe | on | flyhte ā / þā þeġnunge || |
Elene 308b | man, / singāllīċe || singaþ | on | wuldre / hǣdrum stefnum || heo |
Elene 314b | en / tire getacnod || syndon tu | on | þam / sigorcynn on swegle || |
Elene 315a | | syndon tu on þam / sigorcynn | on | swegle || þe man seraphin / be |
Elene 315b | e·tācnod.’ || Sindon tū | on | þām, / siĝor-cynn on sweġel |
Elene 316a | don tū on þām, / siĝor-cynn | on | sweġele, || þe man seraphin |
Elene 326a | stor-hofu || hrēosan sċolde / | on | wīta for·wyrd, || ðǣr hī |
Elene 326b | īta for·wyrd, || ðǣr hīe | on | wielme nū / drēoĝaþ dēaþ- |
Elene 327b | / drēoĝaþ dēaþ-cwale% || | on | dracan fæðme, / þīestrum fo |
Elene 329b | ōc / ealdordōme. || Þæs hē | on | iermþum sċeall, / ealra fūla |
Elene 332b | mæġ / word ā·weorpan, || is | on | wītum fæst, / ealre synne fru |
Elene 334b | engla / þæt ricsie || se þe | on | rode wæs / ond þurh marian || |
Elene 335b | gla, / þæt rīcsie || sē þe | on | rōde wæs, / and þurh Marian |
Elene 336b | de wæs, / and þurh Marian || | on | middan-ġeard% / ā·cenned wea |
Elene 337b | -ġeard% / ā·cenned wearþ || | on | ċildes hād, / þēoden engla, |
Elene 340a | nǣfre hē sōðra swā fela / | on | weorold-rīċe || wundra ġe |
Elene 343b | hte for weorodum, || ġif hē | on | wuldre þīn / þurh þā beorh |
Elene 346a | st || þone halgan wer / moyses | on | meþle || þa þu mihta god / g |
Elene 347b | ta god / geywdest þam eorle || | on | þa æþelan tid / under beorhh |
Elene 347a | || þone hālĝan wer / Moyses | on | mæðele, || þā þū, meaht |
Elene 348b | ġe·īewdest% þām eorle || | on | þā æðelan tīd / under beor |
Elene 358b | staþelige / hyht untweondne || | on | þone ahangnan crist / þæt he |
Elene 359b | aðolie, / hiht untwēondne, || | on | þone ā·hangnan Crīst, / þ |
Elene 361b | walde widan ferhþ || wuldres | on | heofenum / a butan ende || ecra |
Elene 362b | alde wīdan ferhþ || wuldres | on | heofonum, / ā būtan ende || |
Elene 368b | e. / Iudas maðelode, || glēaw | on | ġe·þance: / ‘Nū iċ þurh |
Elene 369a | h soþ hafu || seolf gecnawen / | on | heardum hige || þæt þu hæ |
Elene 370a | þ hafu || self ġe·cnāwen / | on | heardum hyġe || þæt þū h |
Elene 380a | emyndig || læt mec mihta god / | on | rimtale || rices þines / mid h |
Elene 381a | iġ. || Lǣt mec, meahta god, / | on | rīm-tale || rīċes þīnes / |
Elene 383a | d hāliġra || hlīete wunian / | on | ðǣre beorhtan byriġ, || ð |
Elene 384a | is brōðor min / ġe·weorðod | on | wuldre, || þæs hē wǣre wi |
Elene 387b | m his / wundor þa he worhte || | on | gewritum cyþed / ongan þa wil |
Elene 388b | his / wunder þā hē worhte || | on | ġe·writum cȳðed.’ / On·g |
Elene 390b | n / under turfhagan || þæt he | on | twentig / fotmælum feor || fun |
Elene 391b | der turf-haĝan, || þæt hē | on | [XX] / fōt-mǣlum feorr || fun |
Elene 394a | m niðer || næsse ġe·hȳde / | on | þeostor-cofan. || Hē ðǣr |
Elene 395a | fan. || Hē ðǣr [III] mēte / | on | þām rēonian hofe || rōda |
Elene 406b | estas / eodon æþelingas || in | on | þa ceastre / asetton þa on ge |
Elene 407a | in on þa ceastre / asetton þa | on | gesyhþe || sigebeamas þreo / |
Elene 407b | s / ēodon, æðelingas, || inn | on | þā ċeastre. / A·setton þā |
Elene 408a | þā ċeastre. / A·setton þā | on | ġe·sihþe || siġe-bēamas |
Elene 410a | erhþe || cwen weorces gefeah / | on | ferhþsefan || ond þa frigna |
Elene 411a | efan || ond þa frignan ongan / | on | hwylcum þara beama || bearn |
Elene 412a | || and þā friġnan on·gann / | on | hwelcum þāra bēama || bear |
Elene 416a | n || ond he wæs þridda sylf / | on | rode treo || rodor eal geswea |
Elene 417a | de treo || rodor eal geswearc / | on | þa sliþan tid || saga gif |
Elene 418a | an tid || saga gif þu cunne / | on | hwylcre þyssa þreora || þe |
Elene 419a | d. || Saĝa, ġif þū cunne, / | on | hwelcre þissa þrīera || þ |
Elene 422a | gecyþan || be þam sigebeame / | on | hwylcne se hælend || ahafen |
Elene 423a | an || be þām siġe-bēame, / | on | hwelcne% sē hǣlend || ā·h |
Elene 424a | godes || ær he asettan heht / | on | þone middel || þære mæran |
Elene 425a | s, || ǣr hē ā·settan hēt / | on | þone middel || ðǣre mǣran |
Elene 433a | || ond gefærenne man / brohton | on | bære || beorna þreate / on ne |
Elene 434a | on on bære || beorna þreate / | on | neaweste || wæs þa nigoþe |
Elene 435a | n on bǣre || beorna þrēate / | on | nēah-wiste, || (wæs þā ni |
Elene 436a | easne || þa þær iudas wæs / | on | modsefan || miclum geblissod / |
Elene 437a | sne. || Þā ðǣr Iudas wæs / | on | mōd-sefan || miċelum ġe·b |
Elene 438b | lleasne / life belidenes || lic | on | eorþan / unlifgendes || ond up |
Elene 439b | , / līfe be·lidenes% || līċ | on | eorðan, / unlibbendes || and u |
Elene 441a | || þara roda twa / fyrhþgleaw | on | fæþme || ofer þæt fæge h |
Elene 442a | āra rōda twā / ferhþ-glēaw | on | fæðme || ofer þæt fǣġe |
Elene 445b | wæs / ahafen halig || hra wæs | on | anbide / oþþæt him uppan || |
Elene 446b | hafen hāliġ. || Hrǣw wæs | on | an-bīde / oþ·þæt him uppan |
Elene 455b | ceafta / þa wæs þam folce || | on | ferhþsefan / ingemynde || swa |
Elene 456b | fta. / þā wæs þām folce || | on | ferhþ-sefan, / inn-ġe·mynde, |
Elene 460a | ttiow || þa þær ligesynnig / | on | lyft astah || lacende feond / o |
Elene 461a | . || Þā ðǣr lyġe-synniġ / | on | lyft ā·stāh || lācende f |
Elene 468b | a ne mōton / mān-fremmende || | on | mīnum lenġ / ǣhtum wunian. | |
Elene 469a | u cwom elþeodig / þone ic ær | on | firenum || fæstne talde / hafa |
Elene 470a | ell-þēodiġ, / þone iċ ǣr | on | firenum || fæstne tealde, / ha |
Elene 474b | nīða nearulicra, || sē þe | on | Nazareþ / ā·fēded wæs. || |
Elene 482a | an. || Hwæt, sē hǣlend mē / | on | þām engan hām || oft ġe· |
Elene 492b | , / and þeċ þonne sendeþ || | on | þā sweartestan / and þā wie |
Elene 504a | þæt þe% sē mihtĝa cyning / | on | neowolnesse || niðer be·sċ |
Elene 505b | sċūfeþ, / synn-wyrċende, || | on | sūsla grund / dōmes lēasne, |
Elene 509b | s / þone fægran gefean || ond | on | fyrbæþe / suslum beþrungen | |
Elene 510b | ne fæġran ġe·fēan || and | on | fȳr-bæðe / sūslum be·þrun |
Elene 515b | rærdon / tireadig ond trag || | on | twa halfa / synnig ond gesælig |
Elene 516b | n, / tīr-ēadiġ and trāh, || | on | twā healfa%, / synniġ and ġe |
Elene 520b | nyttro / hu he swa geleafful || | on | swa lytlum fæce / ond swa uncy |
Elene 521b | hū hē swā ġe·lēafful || | on | swā lȳtlum fæce / and swā u |
Elene 528b | nēow, / wuldorfæste ġiefe || | on | þæs weres brēostum. / Þā w |
Elene 529b | um. / Þā wæs ġe·frǣġe || | on | ðǣre folc-sċeare, / ġond þ |
Elene 530b | d / mære morgenspel || manigum | on | andan / þara þe dryhtnes æ | |
Elene 531b | re morĝen-spell || maniĝum | on | andan / þāra þe dryhtnes ǣ |
Elene 534a | gum, || swā brimu fæðmaþ, / | on | ċeastra ġe·hwǣre, || þæ |
Elene 548a | ēst || mēted wǣre, / funden | on | foldan, || þæt ǣr fela mǣ |
Elene 553b | ndra / under gold-haman || gād | on | burgum, / feorran ġe·ferede. |
Elene 555a | him frōfra mǣst / ġe·worden | on | weorolde || æt þām will-sp |
Elene 559a | id sigecwen || aseted hæfdon / | on | creca land || hie se casere h |
Elene 560a | e-cwēn || ā·seted% hæfdon / | on | Crēca land. || Hīe sē cās |
Elene 569a | us || þæt hio cirican þær / | on | þam beorhhliþe || begra ræ |
Elene 570a | || þæt hīo ċiriċan ðǣr / | on | þām beorh-hliðe || bēġra |
Elene 571a | getimbrede || tempel dryhtnes / | on | caluarie || criste to willan / |
Elene 572a | timbrede, || tempel dryhtnes / | on | Caluarie || Crīste tō willa |
Elene 575a | a þe gefrugnen || foldbuende / | on | eorþwege || hio geefnde swa / |
Elene 576a | ġe·frugnen || fold-būende / | on | eorð-weġe. || Hēo ġe·efn |
Elene 581b | wyrcan cuþon / stangefogum || | on | þam stedewange / girwan godes |
Elene 582b | ðon% / stān-ġe·fōĝum, || | on | þām stede-wange / ġierwan go |
Elene 587b | n% searu-cræftum || and þā | on | sielfren fæt / locum be·lūca |
Elene 597a | f || his geleafa wearþ / fæst | on | ferhþe || siþþan frofre ga |
Elene 598a | His ġe·lēafa wearþ / fæst | on | ferhþe, || siþþan frōfre |
Elene 599b | re gāst / wīċ ġe·wunode || | on | þæs weres brēostum, / bielde |
Elene 606b | # || / inbryrded breostsefa || | on | þæt betere lif / gewended to |
Elene 607b | / in·bryrded brēost-sefa || | on | þæt betere līf, / ġe·wende |
Elene 610a | affull || and swā lēof gode / | on | weorold-rīċe || weorðan s |
Elene 612a | þþan elene heht || eusebium / | on | rædgeþeaht || rome bisceop / |
Elene 613a | eaht || rome bisceop / gefetian | on | fultum || forþsnoterne / hæle |
Elene 614a | || Rōme bisċop, / ġe·fetian | on | fultum, || forþ-snotterne, / h |
Elene 615b | gan byrig / þæt he gesette || | on | sacerdhad / in ierusalem || iud |
Elene 616b | riġ, / þæt hē ġe·sette || | on | sācerdhād / on Ierusalem || I |
Elene 617b | m folce / to bisceope || burgum | on | innan / þurh gastes gife || to |
Elene 617a | ġe·sette || on sācerdhād / | on | Ierusalem || Iudas þām folc |
Elene 618b | folce / tō bisċope || burgum | on | innan, / þurh gāstes ġiefe | |
Elene 622b | gecyrred / beornes in burgum || | on | þæt betere forþ / æ hælend |
Elene 623a | ma wæs ġe·ċierred / beornes | on | burgum || on þæt betere for |
Elene 623b | ċierred / beornes on burgum || | on | þæt betere forþ, / ǣ hǣlen |
Elene 627a | d his folme swa some / mid þam | on | rode wæs || rodera wealdend / |
Elene 628a | is folme swā same, / mid þām | on | rōde wæs || rodera wealdend |
Elene 636a | cininges || ryhte getæhtesþ / | on | þa ahangen wæs || hæþenum |
Elene 637a | nges% || rihte ġe·tǣhtest, / | on | þā ā·hangen wæs || hǣð |
Elene 639a | fira || mec þæra nægla gen / | on | fyrhþsefan || fyrwet myngaþ |
Elene 640a | || Meċ þāra næġla ġīen / | on | ferhþ-sefan || fyr-witt mynd |
Elene 641b | þæt þū funde || þā þe | on | foldan ġīen / dēope be·dolf |
Elene 650a | d || in þa beorhtan gesceaft / | on | wuldres wyn || bide wigena þ |
Elene 650b | sta, / þīne bēne on·send || | on | þā beorhtan ġe·sċeaft, / o |
Elene 651a | n þā beorhtan ġe·sċeaft, / | on | wuldres wynn%. || Bide wiĝen |
Elene 658b | ond þa geornlice / cyriacus || | on | caluariæ / hleor onhylde || hy |
Elene 659b | þā ġeornlīċe / Cyriacus || | on | Caluarie% / hlēor on·hylde, | |
Elene 663a | enigean || uncuþe wyrd / niwan | on | nearwe || hwær he þara næg |
Elene 664a | wær he þara nægla swiþost / | on | þam wangstede || wenan þorf |
Elene 665a | hē þāra næġla swīðost / | on | þām wang-stede || wēnan þ |
Elene 669b | / þurh nearusearwe || næglas | on | eorþan / þa cwom semninga || |
Elene 670b | urh nearu-searwe, || næġlas | on | eorðan. / Þā cōm samnunga | |
Elene 680b | ǣron / þurh dēofles spild || | on | ġe·dwolan lange , / ā·ċier |
Elene 684b | ǣr / mid lēasungum. || Nū is | on | lēoht cumen, / on·wriġen, wy |
Elene 685a | da bigang || wuldor þæs age / | on | heannesse || heofonrices god / |
Elene 686a | ·gang. || Wuldor þæs āĝe / | on | hēannesse || heofon-rīċes |
Elene 696b | s gefylled / cwene willa || heo | on | cneow sette / leohte geleafan | |
Elene 697b | fylled / cwēne willa. || Hēo | on | cnēow sette / lēohte ġe·lē |
Elene 709a | þa geornlice || gastgerynum / | on | sefan secean || soþfæstness |
Elene 710a | rnlīċe || gāst-ġe·rȳnum / | on | sefan sēċan || sōþfæstne |
Elene 711b | oda god / gefullæste || fæder | on | roderum / cining ælmihtig || |
Elene 712b | god / ġe·fullǣste, || fæder | on | roderum, / cyning æl-mehtiġ, |
Elene 714a | t sēo cwēn be·ġeat / willan | on | weorolde. || Wæs sē wīted |
Elene 724a | e miht || georne cuþe / frodne | on | ferhþe || ond hine frignan o |
Elene 725a | frignan ongan / hwæt him þæs | on | sefan || selost þuhte / to gel |
Elene 726a | nan on·gann / hwæt him þæs | on | sefan || sēlest þūhte / tō |
Elene 729a | ic || þæt þu dryhtnes word / | on | hyge healde || halige rune / cw |
Elene 730a | || þæt þū dryhtnes word / | on | hyġe healde, || hālġe rūn |
Elene 735b | | eorþcyninga / burgagendra || | on | his bridels don / meare to midl |
Elene 736b | þ-cyninga / burĝ-āĝendra || | on | his briġdels dōn, / mēare t |
Elene 740a | gehwylcne || þonne fyrdhwate / | on | twa healfe || tohtan secaþ / s |
Elene 741a | hwelcne, || þonne fyrd-hwate / | on | twā healfe || tohtan sēċa |
Elene 745a | se þe foran lædeþ / bridels | on | blancan || þonne beadurofe / |
Elene 746a | þe foran% lǣdeþ / briġdels | on | blancan, || þonne beadu-rōf |
Elene 766a | ðǣre hālĝan byriġ / cuman | on | þā ċeastre. || Þā sēo c |
Elene 770b | ġe·lǣston / leahtorlēase || | on | hira līfes tīd, / and þæs l |
Elene 781a | þle || ond þa eallum bebead / | on | þam gumrice || god hergendum |
Elene 782a | || and þā eallum be·bēad / | on | þām gum-rīċe || god herġ |
Elene 785b | ġ, / heortan ġe·hyġdum, || | on | þām sēo hālġe rōd / ġe· |
Elene 789a | ex nihtum || ær sumeres cyme / | on | maias calend || sie þara man |
Elene 790a | I] nihtum || ǣr sumores cyme / | on | Maias kālend%. || Sīe þār |
Elene 793b | dæl scired / mid marian || þe | on | gemynd nime / þære deorestan |
Elene 794b | l sċīred / mid Marian, || þe | on | ġe·mynd nime / ðǣre dēores |
Elene 802b | eaht / þurh þa mæran miht || | on | modes þeaht / wisdom onwreah | |
Elene 803b | ht / þurh þā mǣran meaht || | on | mōdes þeaht% / wīsdōm on·w |
Elene 808b | nde / mægencyning amæt || ond | on | gemynd begeat / torht ontynde | |
Elene 809b | æġen-cyning ā·mæt || and | on | ġe·mynd be·ġeat, / torht on |
Elene 813a | æs iċ lustum brēac, / willum | on | weorolde. || Iċ þæs wuldre |
Elene 815b | þone beorhtan beam || swa ic | on | bocum fand / wyrda gangum || on |
Elene 816b | on bocum fand / wyrda gangum || | on | gewritum cyþan / be þam sigeb |
Elene 817b | bōcum fand, / wyrda gangum, || | on | ġe·writum cȳðan / be þām |
Elene 820a | | //C// drūsende, / þēah hē | on | medu-healle || māðmas þǣ |
Elene 837a | ga || swīġe ġe·wierðeþ, / | on | nīed-clifan || nearwe ġe·h |
Elene 839b | / ond eac swa some || þe hire | on | wurdon / atydrede || tionleg ni |
Elene 847b | a / þristra geþonca || þonne | on | þreo dæleþ / in fyres feng | |
Elene 848b | īstra ġe·þanca. || Þonne | on | þrīe dǣleþ / on fȳres fēn |
Elene 849b | gehwylc / þara þe gewurdon || | on | widan feore / ofer sidne grund |
Elene 849a | . || Þonne on þrīe dǣleþ / | on | fȳres fēng || folc ānra ġ |
Elene 850b | ċ, / þāra þe ġe·wurdon || | on | wīdan fēore / ofer sīdne gru |
Elene 852a | || Sōþfæste bēoþ / yfemest | on | þām āde, || ēadiġra ġe |
Elene 858b | ēoþ, / māne ġe·menġde, || | on | þām middle þrǣd, / hæleþ |
Elene 859b | d, / hæleþ hyġe-ġōmre, || | on | hātne wielm, / þrosme be·þe |
Elene 861b | ·wierġede wamm-sċaðan, || | on | þæs wielmes grund, / lēase l |
Elene 864a | wyrht, || ārlēasra sċeolu, / | on | glēda grīpe. || Gode nā si |
Elene 865b | þan / of þām morðor-hofe || | on | ġe·mynd cumaþ, / wuldor-cyni |
Elene 867b | oþ / of þām heaðu-wielme || | on | helle-grund, / torn-ġe·nīðl |
Elene 872a | um, || swā smǣte gold / þæt | on | wielme biþ || wamma ġe·hwe |
Elene 880b | m cleopodon || forþan hie nu | on | wlite scinaþ / englum gelice | |
Elene 881b | ipodon. || For·þon hīe nū | on | wlite sċīnaþ / englum ġe·l |
Christ A 25b | ċēarfulra þinġ, || þe we | on | carc-ærne / sittaþ sorĝende, |
Christ A 40a | ċ þǣm, || ǣr ne siþþan, / | on | weorolde ġe·wearþ || wīfe |
Christ A 52b | ēðel-stōl || and þā āne | on | þē / sāwle sōþfæstra || s |
Christ A 55a | mġe. || Nǣfre wammes tācn / | on | þǣm eard-ġearde || īewed |
Christ A 63a | and self cymeþ, / nimeþ eard | on | þē, || swā hit ǣr ġe·fy |
Christ A 79a | e || swelċ ne ġe·fruĝnon / | on | ǣr-daĝum || ǣfre ġe·limp |
Christ A 80a | ǣfre ġe·limpan, / þæt þū | on | sundor-ġiefe || swelċe be· |
Christ A 82a | || wēnan þurfon / tō·weard | on | tīde. || Huru trēow on þē |
Christ A 82b | eard on tīde. || Huru trēow | on | þē / weorðlicu wunode, || n |
Christ A 96a | rȳne, || ac Crīst on·wrāh / | on | Dauides || dīerre mǣġan / þ |
Christ A 102a | fum, || ā tō weorolde forþ / | on | þām upplican || engla drēa |
Christ A 110b | sōðan fæder, || sweġeles | on | wuldre / būtan an·ġinne || |
Christ A 116b | r, / þrosme be·þeahte || and | on | þīestrum hēr, / sǣton sīn- |
Christ A 121a | godes || weorodum brungen / ðe | on | frymðe wæs || fæder ælmih |
Christ A 127a | ond se monnes sunu / geðwære | on | ðeode || we ðæs ðonc mago |
Christ A 133a | swa hit engel gecwæð / ærest | on | ebresc || ðæt is eft gereht |
Christ A 139a | ġō, || Melchisedech, / glēaw | on | gǣste || god-þrymm on·wrā |
Christ A 147a | | Nū hīe sōfte þæs / bidon | on | bendum || hwonne bearn godes / |
Christ A 156b | o ðus micle || ac ðu miltse | on | us / gecyð cynelice || crist n |
Christ A 162b | ǣr / heandum þīnum. || Þū | on | hēannessum / wunast wīde-feor |
Christ A 177b | ċeariende? || Ne iċ culpan | on | þē, / incan ǣniġne, || ǣfr |
Christ A 195a | m || libban siþþan, / fracuþ | on | folcum.’ || Þā sēo fǣmn |
Christ A 200a | cscipe || monnes ower / ænges | on | eorðan || ac me eaden wearð |
Christ A 201a | ac mē ēaden wearþ, / ġungre | on | ġeardum, || þæt mē Gabrih |
Christ A 207b | / ġe·fremed būtan facne, || | on | mē frōfre gǣst / ġe·eardod |
Christ A 213a | e wēne; || sċolde wītedōm / | on | him selfum bēon || sōðe ġ |
Christ A 232a | , || libbendra ġe·hwǣm / þe | on | cnēo-rissum || cende weorðe |
Christ A 251b | d þā gyldnan ġeatu, || þe | on | ġār-daĝum / full lange ǣr | |
Christ A 260b | a / hyneð heardlice || ond him | on | hæft nimeð / ofer usse nioda |
Christ A 265a | an, || þæt sē wītes bana / | on | helle grund || hēan ġe·dr |
Christ A 267b | a scyppend / mote arisan || ond | on | ryht cuman / to ðam upcundan | |
Christ A 282b | bryttan / swylce ða hyhstan || | on | heofonum eac / cristes ðegnas |
Christ A 303a | st sæġde || sum wōð-bora / | on | eald-daĝum, || Esaias, / þæt |
Christ A 305a | þæt hē līfes ġe·steald / | on | þām ēċan hām || eall sċ |
Christ A 313a | a fæstlice || forescyttelsas / | on | ecnesse || o inhebban / oððe |
Christ A 327b | froda ða / mid eagum ðær || | on | wlatade / ðu eart ðæt wealld |
Christ A 329a | | ðurh ðe waldend frea / æne | on | ðas eorðan || ut siðade / on |
Christ A 341a | modlice || ealle hyhtan / nu we | on | ðæt bearn foran || breostum |
Christ A 344a | ūs ne lǣte || lenġ āwihte / | on | þisse dēaþ-dene || ġe·dw |
Christ A 345b | æt hē ūsiċ ġe·ferġe || | on | fæder rīċe, / ðǣr we sorĝ |
Christ A 347a | ase || siþþan motan / wunian% | on | wuldre || mid weoroda god. / Ē |
Christ A 350b | e·fyrn wǣre / efen-wesende || | on | þām æðelan hām. / Næs ǣn |
Christ A 353a | n || mæġen-þrymmes nan / þe | on | rodorum up || rīċe be·witi |
Christ A 377a | ðing || symle moten / geðeon | on | ðeode || ðinne willan / eala |
Christ A 400b | . / Lofiaþ lēoflīċne || and | on | lēohte him / þā word cweða |
Christ A 406b | unaþ / eorðliċ mid ieldum || | on | ǣlċe tīd / wīde ġe·weorð |
Christ A 410b | / helm æl-wihta. || Sīe þē | on | hēannessum / ēċe hǣlu || an |
Christ A 411b | ēannessum / ēċe hǣlu || and | on | eorðan lof, / beorht mid beorn |
Christ A 413a | ū ġe·blētsod lēofa, / þe | on | dryhtnes naman || duĝuþum c |
Christ A 414b | / hēanum tō hroðre. || Þē | on | hīehþum sīe / ā būtan ende |
Christ A 416b | , þæt is wræcliċ wrixl || | on | wera līfe, / þætte mann-cynn |
Christ A 436a | ĝoda || hǣlend selfa, / efene | on | þām ēðle || ðǣr hē ǣr |
Christ A 437a | le || ðǣr hē ǣr ne cōm, / | on | libbendra || landes wynne, / ð |
Christ B 447a | āls ġe·ċēas, / þæt ðǣr | on | hwītum || hræġlum ġe·weo |
Christ B 449a | ā sē æðeling cōm, / beorn | on | Betlem. || Bodan wǣron ġear |
Christ B 452a | fēan, || þætte sunu wǣre / | on | middan-ġeard || metodes ā· |
Christ B 453a | ġeard || metodes ā·cenned, / | on | Betleme. || Hwæðere on bōc |
Christ B 453b | ned, / on Betleme. || Hwæðere | on | bōcum ne cwiþ / þæt hīe on |
Christ B 454a | on bōcum ne cwiþ / þæt hīe | on | hwītum ðǣr || hræġlum o |
Christ B 455a | ǣr || hræġlum oþ·īewden / | on | þā æðelan tīd, || swā h |
Christ B 459a | f weorud || hy ðæs lareowes / | on | ðam wildæge || word ne gehy |
Christ B 476a | || to fæder rice / gefeoð ge | on | ferððe || næfre ic from hw |
Christ B 487b | ype dwæscað / sibbe sawað || | on | sefan manna / ðurh meahta sped |
Christ B 489a | ed || ic eow mid wunige / forð | on | frofre || ond eow friðe heal |
Christ B 490b | e / strengðu staðolfæstre || | on | stowa gehware / ða wearð semn |
Christ B 491b | e / ða wearð semninga || sweg | on | lyfte / hlud gehyred || heofone |
Christ B 494a | escyne || wuldres aras / cwomun | on | corðre || cyning ure gewat / |
Christ B 497a | fes ða gen || last weardedun / | on | ðam ðingstede || ðegnas ge |
Christ B 498a | | ðegnas gecorene / gesegon hi | on | heahðu || hlaford stigan / god |
Christ B 511b | bidað ge / galilesce || guman | on | hwearfte / nu ge sweotule geseo |
Christ B 513a | ule geseoð || soðne dryhten / | on | swegl faran || sigores agend / |
Christ B 521b | / ond æðeleste || ðe ge her | on | stariað / ond in frofre geseo |
Christ B 522a | e ġe· hēr on stariaþ / and | on | frōfre ġe·sēoþ || frætw |
Christ B 530a | Hyht wæs ġe·nīewod, / bliss | on | burgum, || þurh þæs beorne |
Christ B 531b | nes cyme / gesæt sigehremig || | on | ða swiðran hand / ece eadfrum |
Christ B 534b | ālem / hæleþ hyġe-rōfe, || | on | þā hālĝan burh, / ġōmor-m |
Christ B 542a | fulle || þēodnes ġe·hāta / | on | ðǣre torhtan || byriġ tīe |
Christ B 545a | on up stige || ealles waldend / | on | heofona gehyld || hwite cwoma |
Christ B 549a | rhte% || englas tō·ġēanes / | on | þā hālĝan tīd || hēapum |
Christ B 550a | an tid || heapum cwoman / sigan | on | swegle || ða wæs symbla mæ |
Christ B 551a | wæs symbla mǣst / ġe·worden | on | wuldre. || Wēl þæt ġe·da |
Christ B 553a | sse, || beorhte ġe·weorode, / | on | þæs þēodnes burh || þeġ |
Christ B 555a | litescyne || gesegon wilcuman / | on | heahsetle || heofones waldend |
Christ B 560a | oles || þe hīe ġār-daĝum / | on | þæt or-leġe || unrihte swe |
Christ B 561b | . / Nū sind for·cumene || and | on | cwic-sūsle / ġe·hīende and |
Christ B 562b | ·hīende and ġe·hæfte, || | on | helle grund / duĝuþum be·dǣ |
Christ B 570b | ne ilcan ðreat || ðe ge her | on | stariað / wile nu gesecan || s |
Christ B 578a | eow || ealles waldend / cyning | on | ceastre || corðre ne lytle / f |
Christ B 580b | dan / in dreama dream || ðe he | on | deoflum genom / ðurh his sylfe |
Christ B 580a | ca fruma, || folc ġe·lǣdan / | on | drēama drēam, || þe hē on |
Christ B 598a | den flǣsċ and gǣst / wuniaþ | on | weorolde. || Wuldor þæs ā |
Christ B 608b | / heofoncondelle || hæleðum | on | eorðan / dreoseð deaw ond ren |
Christ B 621b | ðec ofer eorðan geworhte || | on | ðære ðu scealt yrmðum lif |
Christ B 622a | ealt iermþum libban, / wunian | on | ġe·winne || and wræce drē |
Christ B 632b | lla bicwom / heanum to helpe || | on | ða halgan tid / bi ðon giedd |
Christ B 638a | as || on·ġietan ne meahton / | on | ðǣre godcundan || gæstes s |
Christ B 639b | ðæs fugles flyht || feondum | on | eorðan / dyrne ond degol || ð |
Christ B 641a | ðam ðe deorc gewit / hæfdon | on | hreðre || heortan stænne / no |
Christ B 652a | s up hafen || engla fæðmum / | on | his þā miċelan || meahta s |
Christ B 657a | lyfdon, || þætte līf-fruma / | on | mannes hīew || ofer mæġena |
Christ B 665a | mum wordlaðe || wise sendeð / | on | his modes gemynd || ðurh his |
Christ B 668a | m bið snyttru cræft / bifolen | on | ferðe || sum mæg fingrum we |
Christ B 682a | || swa se waldend us / godbearn | on | grundum || his giefe bryttað |
Christ B 689a | || swylce eadgum blæd / seleð | on | swegle || sibbe ræreð / ece t |
Christ B 701b | es / beorhte bliceð || swa hit | on | bocum cwið / siððan of grund |
Christ B 720b | / wæs se forma hlyp || ða he | on | fæmnan astag / mægeð unmæle |
Christ B 724b | arnes ġe·byrda, || þā hē | on | binne wæs / on ċildes hīew | |
Christ B 725a | da, || þā hē on binne wæs / | on | ċildes hīew || clāðum be |
Christ B 727b | / rodorcyninges ræs || ða he | on | rode astag / fæder frofre gæs |
Christ B 729a | t. || Wæs sē feorþa stiell / | on | byrġenne, || þā hē þone |
Christ B 732a | arena% || hēap for·bīeġde / | on | cwic-sūsle, || cyning inne |
Christ B 735a | , || ðǣr hē ġīen liġeþ / | on | carc-erne || clammum ġe·fæ |
Christ B 738a | a || ða he to heofonum astag / | on | his ealdcyððe || ða wæs e |
Christ B 739a | ðe || ða wæs engla ðreat / | on | ða halgan tid || hleahtre bl |
Christ B 744a | || æðelinges plega / ðus her | on | grundum || godes ece bearn / of |
Christ B 748a | hlīepum stiellan / of mæġene | on | mæġen, || mǣrþum tilian / |
Christ B 758b | að we us to frofre || fæder | on | roderum / ælmeahtigne || he hi |
Christ B 764a | yrċen, || þonne wrōht-bora / | on | folc godes || forþ on·sende |
Christ B 772a | tan us beorgan ða / ðenden we | on | eorðan || eard weardien / utan |
Christ B 778b | urh woruld worulda || wuldor | on | heofnum / ne ðearf him ondræd |
Christ B 780a | dan || deofla strælas / ænig | on | eorðan || ælda cynnes / gromr |
Christ B 787a | restan || ēad-mōd ā·stāh / | on | middan-ġeard || mæġena gol |
Christ B 788a | ġeard || mæġena gold-hord, / | on | fǣmnan fæðm || frēo-bearn |
Christ B 793a | teala || ðæt me hælend min / | on | bocum bibead || ic ðæs brog |
Christ B 795b | ð talge / ðær monig beoð || | on | gemot læded / fore onsyne || e |
Christ B 799a | rēðe word / þām þe him ǣr | on | weorolde || wāce hīerdon, / |
Christ B 802a | an || ðær sceal forht monig / | on | ðam wongstede || werig bidan |
Christ B 807a | bilocen || lifwynna dæl / feoh | on | foldan || ðonne frætwe scul |
Christ B 808a | ðonne frætwe sculon / byrnan | on | bæle || blac rasetteð / recen |
Christ B 811b | gstede berstað || brond bið | on | tyhte / æleð ealdgestreon || |
Christ B 814a | geo guman heoldan / ðenden him | on | eorðan || onmedla wæs / forð |
Christ B 817a | agæle || gæstes ðearfe / ne | on | gylp geote || ðenden god wil |
Christ B 818a | nden god wille / þæt hē hēr | on | weorolde || wunian mōte, / sam |
Christ B 819b | te, / samod sīðian || sāwol | on | līċe, / on þām gǣst-hofe. |
Christ B 820a | sīðian || sāwol on līċe, / | on | þām gǣst-hofe. || Sċyle g |
Christ B 821a | thofe || scyle gumena gehwylc / | on | his geardagum || georne biðe |
Christ B 828a | t cyning leanað / ðæs ðe hy | on | eorðan || eargum dædum / lifd |
Christ B 830b | on / fergð-wērġe on·fōn || | on | fȳr-baðe%, / wielmum be·wrec |
Christ B 832b | dlean / ðonne mægna cyning || | on | gemot cymeð / ðrymma mæste | |
Christ B 840a | eape || gefrægen wurde / æfre | on | eorðan || ðær bið æghwyl |
Christ B 841b | ð æghwylcum / synwyrcendra || | on | ða snudan tid / leofra micle | |
Christ B 843b | ceaft / ðær he hine sylfne || | on | ðam sigeðreate / behydan mæg |
Christ B 849a | wlite || ær ðam gryrebrogan / | on | ðas gæsnan tid || georne bi |
Christ B 850b | nu is ðon gelicost || swa we | on | laguflode / ofer cald wæter || |
Christ B 854b | / yða ofermæta || ðe we her | on | lacað / geond ðas wacan worul |
Christ B 866a | rymde || rodera waldend / halge | on | heahðu || ða he heofonum as |
Christ C 871b | æcne / ðeof ðristlice || ðe | on | ðystre fareð / on sweartre ni |
Christ C 872a | lice || ðe on ðystre fareð / | on | sweartre niht || sorglease h |
Christ C 875a | gearwe || yfles genægeð / swa | on | syne beorg || somod up cymeð |
Christ C 880b | an rices / englas ælbeorhte || | on | efen blawað / byman on brehtme |
Christ C 881a | rhte || on efen blawað / byman | on | brehtme || beofað middangear |
Christ C 899b | nd deoflum / ðonne semninga || | on | syne beorg / suðaneastan || su |
Christ C 907a | wlite || eastan fram roderum / | on | sefan swete || sinum folce / bi |
Christ C 910b | e bið ðam godum || glædmod | on | gesihðe / wlitig wynsumlic || |
Christ C 912a | sumlic || weorude ðam halgan / | on | gefean fæger || freond ond l |
Christ C 916b | ægencyninges || ðam ðe him | on | mode ær / wordum ond weorcum | |
Christ C 924a | e || egsan ne weorðeð / forht | on | ferðe || ðonne he frean ges |
Christ C 927a | m || mongum to ðinge / ond him | on | healfa gehwone || heofonengla |
Christ C 935a | eð sunne || sweart gewended / | on | blodes hiw || seo ðe beorhte |
Christ C 942b | dryht / mægencyninga meotod || | on | gemot cuman / ðrymfæst ðeode |
Christ C 949a | yred || heofonbyman stefn / ond | on | seofon healfa || swogað wind |
Christ C 957b | na cynnes / wornum hweorfað || | on | widne leg / ða ðær cwice met |
Christ C 964b | arfeðum / ðonne eall ðreo || | on | efen nimeð / won fyres wælm | |
Christ C 969b | ryðum bærneð || ðreo eal | on | an / grimme togædre || grorna |
Christ C 971b | gesargad / eal middangeard || | on | ða mæran tid / swa se gifra g |
Christ C 974a | e leg || heahgetimbro / fylleð | on | foldwong || fyres egsan / widm |
Christ C 985b | eowan / flodas afysde || ðonne | on | fyrbaðe / swelað sæfiscas || |
Christ C 989a | ð wundra ma / ðonne hit ænig | on | mode || mæge aðencan / hu ð |
Christ C 994b | seoðeð swearta leg || synne | on | fordonum / ond goldfrætwe || g |
Christ C 1007b | rbærned / ðonne mihtig god || | on | ðone mæran beorg / mid ðy m |
Christ C 1022a | | Daĝa eġeslicost / weorðeþ | on | weorolde, || þonne wuldor-cy |
Christ C 1032b | / edgeong wesan || hafað eall | on | him / ðæs ðe he on foldan || |
Christ C 1033a | fað eall on him / ðæs ðe he | on | foldan || in fyrndagum / godes |
Christ C 1033b | im / þæs þe hē on foldan || | on | fyrn-daĝum, / godes oþþe gā |
Christ C 1034b | rndagum / godes oððe gales || | on | his gæste gehlod / geara gongu |
Christ C 1036b | dre bu / lic ond sawle || sceal | on | leoht cuman / sinra weorca wlit |
Christ C 1045a | re glede || gæstas hweorfað / | on | ecne eard || opene weorðað / |
Christ C 1050a | || ac ðær bið dryhtne cuð / | on | ðam miclan dæge || hu monna |
Christ C 1053a | hīe ǣr oþþe sīþ / worhton | on | weorolde. || Ne biþ ðǣr wi |
Christ C 1068a | || ðara ðe sið oððe ær / | on | lichoman || leoðum onfengen / |
Christ C 1075b | ingen / of ðam eðle || ðe hi | on | lifdon / ðonne beoð bealde || |
Christ C 1080a | orca || wel is ðam ðe motun / | on | ða grimman tid || gode licia |
Christ C 1093a | de || wita ne cuðun / ðæs he | on | ðone halgan beam || ahongen |
Christ C 1096b | s ceapode / ðeoden moncynne || | on | ðam dæge / mid ðy weorðe || |
Christ C 1102b | ofer ealle / swegle scineð || | on | ðære sunnan gyld / on ða for |
Christ C 1103a | neð || on ðære sunnan gyld / | on | ða forhtlice || firenum ford |
Christ C 1108a | wunde || ond ða openan dolg / | on | hyra dryhtne geseoð || dreor |
Christ C 1114b | / rinnan fore rincum || ða he | on | rode wæs / eall ðis magon him |
Christ C 1119b | wan / hu hine lygnedon || lease | on | geðoncum / hysptun hearmcwidum |
Christ C 1120b | um / hysptun hearmcwidum || ond | on | his hleor somod / hyra spatl sp |
Christ C 1122a | don || spræcon him edwit / ond | on | ðone eadgan || ondwlitan swa |
Christ C 1126b | gdon / beag ðyrnenne || blinde | on | geðoncum / dysge ond gedwealde |
Christ C 1134a | || þā sēo þēod ġe·seah / | on | Hierusālem || god-webba cyst |
Christ C 1137b | n eall forbærst || ðæt hit | on | eorðan læg / on twam styccum |
Christ C 1138a | || ðæt hit on eorðan læg / | on | twam styccum || ðæs temples |
Christ C 1140a | o wlite ðæs huses / sylf slat | on | tu || swylce hit seaxes ecg / s |
Christ C 1144a | e eac || egsan myrde / beofode | on | bearhtme || ond se brada sæ / |
Christ C 1146b | of clomme bræc / up yrringa || | on | eorðan fæðm / ge on stede sc |
Christ C 1147a | ringa || on eorðan fæðm / ge | on | stede scynum || steorran forl |
Christ C 1148b | orleton / hyra swæsne wlite || | on | ða sylfan tid / heofon hluttre |
Christ C 1154a | soðe || ðy sylfan dæge / ðe | on | ðrowade || ðeodwundor micel |
Christ C 1155b | tte eorðe ageaf || ða hyre | on | lægun / eft lifgende || up ast |
Christ C 1159a | || ðe dryhtnes bibod / heoldon | on | hreðre || hell eac ongeat / sc |
Christ C 1164b | æ cyðde / hwa hine gesette || | on | sidne grund / tirmeahtig cyning |
Christ C 1171a | e nales fea || ða mihtig god / | on | hira anne gestag || ðær he |
Christ C 1197a | or || hæleþa cynne / weorðan | on | weorolde, || wuldres āĝend, |
Christ C 1203a | olde || þæt we wuldres eard / | on | ēċnesse || āĝan mosten? / S |
Christ C 1204b | osten / swa ðam bið grorne || | on | ðam grimman dæge / domes ðæ |
Christ C 1207b | lg sceawian / wunde ond wite || | on | werigum sefan / geseoð sorga m |
Christ C 1215a | || ða tacen geseoð / orgeatu | on | gode || ungesælge / ðonne cri |
Christ C 1216b | sælge / ðonne crist siteð || | on | his cynestole / on heahsetle || |
Christ C 1217a | st siteð || on his cynestole / | on | heahsetle || heofonmægna god |
Christ C 1221b | dend / ðonne beoð gesomnad || | on | ða swiðran hond / ða clænan |
Christ C 1224b | wide georne / lustum læstun || | on | hyra lifdagum / ond ðær womsc |
Christ C 1225b | agum / ond ðær womsceaðan || | on | ðone wyrsan dæl / fore scyppe |
Christ C 1227b | orðað / hateð him gewitan || | on | ða winstran hond / sigora soð |
Christ C 1234a | a hi geworhtun ær / ðær bið | on | eadgum || eðgesyne / ðreo tac |
Christ C 1240a | rhte || ofer burga gesetu / him | on | scinað || ærgewyrhtu / on syl |
Christ C 1241a | him on scinað || ærgewyrhtu / | on | sylfra gehwam || sunnan beorh |
Christ C 1243a | ete swā same, / þæt hīe him | on | wuldre witon || wealdendes ġ |
Christ C 1244a | witon || waldendes giefe / ond | on | seoð || eagum to wynne / ðæt |
Christ C 1245a | ð || eagum to wynne / ðæt hi | on | heofonrice || hlutre dreamas / |
Christ C 1247b | tun / ðonne bið ðridde || hu | on | ðystra bealo / ðæt gesælige |
Christ C 1264a | || magon weana to fela / geseon | on | him selfum || synne genoge / at |
Christ C 1267b | clifeð / ðroht ðeodbealu || | on | ðreo healfa / an is ðara || |
Christ C 1270b | aro to wite / ondweard seoð || | on | ðam hi awo sculon / wræc winn |
Christ C 1274b | ma mæste / dreogað fordone || | on | him dryhten gesihð / nales fea |
Christ C 1281a | oman || leahtra firene / geseon | on | ðam sawlum || beoð ða syng |
Christ C 1285b | g / cwiðende cearo || ðæt hy | on | ða clænan seoð / hu hi fore |
Christ C 1294b | s ðe hy swa fægre gefean || | on | fyrndagum / ond swa ænlice || |
Christ C 1299a | || scondum gedreahte / swiciað | on | swiman || synbyrðenne / firenw |
Christ C 1300b | yrðenne / firenweorc berað || | on | ðæt ða folc seoð / wære hi |
Christ C 1305a | hi to gyrne wiston / firendæda | on | him || ne mæg ðurh ðæt fl |
Christ C 1306a | ðæt flæsc se scrift / geseon | on | ðære sawle || hwæðer him |
Christ C 1307a | him mon soð ðe lyge / sagað | on | hine sylfne || ðonne he ða |
Christ C 1310b | ð / ond nænig bihelan mæg || | on | ðam heardan dæge / wom unbete |
Christ C 1313a | magon || wraðe firene / geseon | on | ussum sawlum || synna wunde / m |
Christ C 1333a | god || under wunige / ðæt he | on | ða grimman tid || gode licie |
Christ C 1342a | ð hy gesunde || ond gesenade / | on | eðel faran || engla dreames / |
Christ C 1351a | ðearfende || willum onfengun / | on | mildum sefan || ðonne hy him |
Christ C 1355a | nd hrægl nacedum / ond ða ðe | on | sare || seoce lagun / æfdon un |
Christ C 1360a | ond hyra sefan trymedon / forð | on | frofre || ðæs ge fægre sce |
Christ C 1363b | rdum mæðlan || ðe him bið | on | ða wynstran hond / ðurh egsan |
Christ C 1371b | milts afyrred / ðeodbuendum || | on | ðam dæge / ðæs ælmihtigan |
Christ C 1373a | mihtigan || ðonne he yrringa / | on | ðæt fræte folc || firene s |
Christ C 1389a | worulde gesceaftum / ða ic ðe | on | ða fægran || foldan gesette |
Christ C 1400a | a || forgiefen hæfde / ond ðe | on | ðam eallum || eades to lyt / m |
Christ C 1409a | mum || ond ða bidrifen wurde / | on | ðas ðeostran weoruld || ð |
Christ C 1413a | e% || hrēosan sċoldes / hēan | on | helle, || helpendra lēas. / Þ |
Christ C 1415a | owan || ðæt min hondgeweorc / | on | feonda geweald || feran sceol |
Christ C 1419a | ā iċ self ġe·stāh, / maĝa | on | mōdor, || þēah wæs hire m |
Christ C 1422b | earfan wædum || ond mec ða | on | ðeostre alegde / biwundenne mi |
Christ C 1424b | e ic leoda bearnum || læg ic | on | heardum stane / cildgeong on cr |
Christ C 1425a | ic on heardum stane / cildgeong | on | crybbe || mid ðy ic ðe wold |
Christ C 1427a | ðu moste halig scinan / eadig | on | ðam ecan life || forðon ic |
Christ C 1428b | onn / næs me for mode || ac ic | on | magugeoguðe / yrmðu geæfnde |
Christ C 1446b | eworht / ða ic wæs ahongen || | on | heanne beam / rode gefæstnad | |
Christ C 1455a | dolg || ðe ge gefremedun ær / | on | minum folmum || ond on fotum |
Christ C 1455b | un ær / on minum folmum || ond | on | fotum swa some / ðurh ða ic h |
Christ C 1458a | r eac geseon || orgete nu gen / | on | minre sidan || swatge wunde / h |
Christ C 1463b | / ðæt longe lif || ðæt ðu | on | leohte siððan / wlitig womma |
Christ C 1465b | es. / Læġ min flǣsċ-hama || | on | foldan be·grafen, / nīðre ġ |
Christ C 1467a | d, || sē þe nǣngum sċōd, / | on | byrġenne, || þæt þū meah |
Christ C 1468a | ðæt ðu meahte beorhte uppe / | on | roderum wesan || rice mid eng |
Christ C 1480b | legescot || ðæt ic me swæs | on | ðe / gehalgode || hus to wynne |
Christ C 1487b | hwon ahenge ðu mec hefgor || | on | ðinra honda rode / ðonne iu h |
Christ C 1490b | synna rod / ðe ic unwillum || | on | beom gefæstnad / ðonne seo o |
Christ C 1495a | || siððan gehealdan / ic wæs | on | worulde wædla || ðæt ðu w |
Christ C 1495b | la || þæt þū wurde weliġ | on | heofonum, / earm iċ wæs on ē |
Christ C 1496a | elig in heofonum / earm ic wæs | on | eðle ðinum || ðæt ðu wur |
Christ C 1496b | inum || ðæt ðu wurde eadig | on | minum / ða ðu ðæs ealles || |
Christ C 1498b | onc / ðinum nergende || nysses | on | mode / bibead ic eow || ðæt g |
Christ C 1500a | ow || þætte brōðor mīne / | on | weorold-rīċe || ēl ā·rē |
Christ C 1501b | / of ðam æhtum || ðe ic eow | on | eorðan geaf / earmra hulpen || |
Christ C 1520b | um biscyrede / engla dreames || | on | ece fir / ðæt wæs satane || |
Christ C 1523b | an scole / hat ond heorogrim || | on | ðæt ge hreosan sceolan / ne m |
Christ C 1526a | fene || sceolon raðe feallan / | on | grimne grund || ða ær wið |
Christ C 1529a | d egesful || ondweard ne mæg / | on | ðissum foldwege || feond geb |
Christ C 1531a | id ðære swiðran hond / ðæt | on | ðæt deope dæl || deofol ge |
Christ C 1532a | dæl || dēoful ġe·feallaþ / | on | sweartne līeġ, || synfulra |
Christ C 1534a | foldan sceat || fæge gæstas / | on | wraðra wic || womfulra scolu |
Christ C 1535b | ra scolu / werge to forwyrde || | on | witehus / deaðsele deofles || |
Christ C 1542a | āte dæl || of heoloð-cynne / | on | sīn-nihte || synne for·bær |
Christ C 1545b | / grundleas giemeð || gæsta | on | ðeostre / æleð hy mid ðy ea |
Christ C 1549b | / ðæt we magon eahtan || ond | on | an cweðan / soðe secgan || ð |
Christ C 1557a | || ne he wihte hafað / hreowe | on | mode || ðæt him halig gæst |
Christ C 1558b | æst / losige ðurh leahtras || | on | ðas lænan tid / ðonne mansce |
Christ C 1560a | a || fore meotude forht / deorc | on | ðam dome standeð || ond dea |
Christ C 1570b | sceaðan / hyra ealdgestreon || | on | ða openan tid / sare greten || |
Christ C 1581b | sawle wlite / georne bigonge || | on | godes willan / ond wær weorðe |
Christ C 1585b | mote / ðæt he ne forleose || | on | ðas lænan tid / his dreames b |
Christ C 1587b | īm, / and his weorces wlite || | on | wuldres lēan, / þætte heofon |
Christ C 1588b | an / ðætte heofones cyning || | on | ða halgan tid / soðfæst syle |
Christ C 1590a | | to sigorleanum / ðam ðe him | on | gæstum || georne hyrað / ðon |
Christ C 1596a | ðan || ond no ðonan læteð / | on | gefean faran || to feorhnere / |
Christ C 1600a | stberend || giman nellað / men | on | mode || ðonne man fremmað / h |
Christ C 1608b | eorðeð / heane from halgum || | on | hearmcwale / ðær sceolan ðeo |
Christ C 1614a | e wealdend ġiefeþ / fēondum | on | for-wyrd; || fā þrōwiaþ / e |
Christ C 1619b | e niðer, / under helle cynn || | on | þæt hāte fȳr%, / under līe |
Christ C 1631a | þon hīe ā·bīdan sċulon / | on | sīn-nihte, || sār endelēas |
Christ C 1638b | alyfed bið / haligra gehwam || | on | heofonrice / ðæt is se eðel |
Christ C 1659a | orð butan æfestum / gesælgum | on | swegle || sib butan niðe / hal |
Christ C 1660a | gle || sib butan niðe / halgum | on | gemonge || nis ðær hungor n |
Vainglory 1b | nglory / / hwæt me frod wita || | on | fyrndagum / sægde snottor ar | |
Vainglory 7a | e || godes agen bearn / wilgest | on | wicum || ond ðone wacran swa |
Vainglory 8b | wa some / scyldum bescyredne || | on | gescead witan / ðæt mæg ægh |
Vainglory 10b | can / se ðe hine ne læteð || | on | ðas lænan tid / amyrran his g |
Vainglory 12a | gemyndum || modes gælsan / ond | on | his dægrime || druncen to ri |
Vainglory 17b | þ / hwelċ ǣsċ-stede || inne | on | reċede / mid werum wunie, || |
Vainglory 20a | efan || breahtem stigeð / cirm | on | corðre || cwide scralletað / |
Vainglory 23b | on dryhtguman / ungelice || sum | on | oferhygdo / ðrymme ðringeð | |
Vainglory 24b | þringeþ%, || þrinteþ him | on | innan / un-ġe·medemod mōd; | |
Vainglory 46a | || þeġn ġe·mittest / wunian | on | wīcum, || wīte þe be þiss |
Vainglory 52b | ræc: / Sē% þe hine selfne || | on | þā slīðnan tīd / þurh ofe |
Vainglory 57b | en. / Þæt wæs ġāra ġō || | on | godes rīċe / þætte mid engl |
Vainglory 64b | e wæs / ond ðonne gesettan || | on | hyra sylfra dom / wuldres wynlo |
Vainglory 68a | oðrum || ungelice / se ðe her | on | eorðan || eaðmod leofað / on |
Vainglory 70a | wone || simle healdeð / freode | on | folce || ond his feond lufað |
Vainglory 72a | se || oft ġe·fremede / willum | on | þisse weorolde. || Sē mōt |
Vainglory 73a | e. || Sē mōt wuldres drēam / | on | hāliġra hiht || heonan ā· |
Vainglory 74a | aligra hyht || heonan astigan / | on | engla eard || ne bið ðam o |
Vainglory 75a | e bið ðam oðrum swa / se ðe | on | ofermedum || eargum dædum / le |
Vainglory 76a | dum || earĝum dǣdum / leofaþ | on | leahtrum, || ne bēoþ þā l |
Vainglory 79a | aðmodne || eorl gemete / ðegn | on | ðeode || ðam bið simle / gæ |
Vainglory 81a | || godes āĝen bearn / wilsum | on | weorolde, || ġif mē sē wī |
Vainglory 83a | de || hǣlu rǣdes / ġe·munan | on | mōde || mǣla ġe·hwelcum / |
Widsith 3b | an / folca geondferde || oft he | on | flette geðah / mynelicne mað |
Widsith 41a | eneald him || eorlscipe maran / | on | orette || ane sweorde / merce g |
Widsith 55b | spell, / mǣnan fore meniġu || | on | medu-healle / hū mē cyne-gōd |
Widsith 70a | d mid rumwalum / swylce ic wæs | on | eatule || mid ælfwine / se hæ |
Widsith 91a | g forgeaf || burgwarena fruma / | on | ðam siex hund wæs || smæte |
Widsith 93b | lingrime / ðone ic eadgilse || | on | æht sealde / minum hleodryhtne |
Widsith 128b | inende fleag / giellende gar || | on | grome ðeode / wræccan ðær w |
Widsith 131b | / swa ic ðæt symle onfond || | on | ðære feringe / ðæt se bið |
The Fortunes of Men 2b | htum, / þætte wer and wīf || | on | weorold cennaþ / bearn mid ġe |
The Fortunes of Men 10b | gað / sumum ðæt gegongeð || | on | geoguðfeore / ðæt se endest |
The Fortunes of Men 18b | otan / folmum ætfeohtan || sum | on | feðe lef / seonobennum seoc || |
The Fortunes of Men 21a | ft || mode gebysgad / sum sceal | on | holte || of hean beame / fiðer |
The Fortunes of Men 22b | me / fiðerleas feallan || bið | on | flihte seðeah / laceð on lyft |
The Fortunes of Men 23a | bið on flihte seðeah / laceð | on | lyfte || oððæt lengre ne b |
The Fortunes of Men 24b | estem wudubeames || ðonne he | on | wyrtruman / sigeð sworcenferð |
The Fortunes of Men 26a | ð || sawle bireafod / fealleð | on | foldan || feorð bið on sið |
The Fortunes of Men 26b | leð on foldan || feorð bið | on | siðe / sum sceal on feðe || o |
The Fortunes of Men 27a | eorð bið on siðe / sum sceal | on | feðe || on feorwegas / nyde go |
The Fortunes of Men 27b | n siðe / sum sceal on feðe || | on | feorwegas / nyde gongan || ond |
The Fortunes of Men 33a | m || wineleas hæle / sum sceal | on | geapum || galgan ridan / seomia |
The Fortunes of Men 41a | eleleas || feores orwena / blac | on | beame || bideð wyrde / bewegen |
The Fortunes of Men 43a | || bið him werig noma / sumne | on | bæle sceal || brond aswencan |
The Fortunes of Men 48b | as ðeccan / sumum meces ecg || | on | meodubence / yrrum ealowosan || |
The Fortunes of Men 51a | his worda to hræd / sum sceal | on | beore || ðurh byreles hond / m |
The Fortunes of Men 58a | meodugales gedrinc / sum sceal | on | geoguðe || mid godes meahtum |
The Fortunes of Men 60a | sið || ealne forspildan / ond | on | yldo eft || eadig weorðan / wu |
The Fortunes of Men 62b | mas ond meoduful || mægburge | on | / ðæs ðe ænig fira mæge || |
The Fortunes of Men 76b | yleð / lond to leane || he hit | on | lust ðigeð / sum sceal on hea |
The Fortunes of Men 77a | hit on lust ðigeð / sum sceal | on | heape || hæleðum cweman / bli |
The Fortunes of Men 86a | gel || wloncne atemian / heafoc | on | honda || oððæt seo heorosw |
The Fortunes of Men 87b | weorðeð || deð he wyrplas | on | / fedeð swa on feterum || fið |
The Fortunes of Men 88a | deð he wyrplas on / fedeð swa | on | feterum || fiðrum dealne / lep |
The Fortunes of Men 96a | nd gesceapo ferede / æghwylcum | on | eorðan || eormencynnes / forð |
Maxims I 7b | sceal in wuldre || mon sceal | on | eorðan / geong ealdian || god |
Maxims I 7a | na ġe·manian. / Metod sċeall | on | wuldre, || mann sċeall on eo |
Maxims I 11a | l-mihtiġne; / ne gamolaþ hē | on | gǣste, || ac hē is ġīen s |
Maxims I 24b | ċan; / sċeall wīf and wer || | on | weorold cennan / bearn mid ġe |
Maxims I 25b | rn mid gebyrdum || beam sceal | on | eorðan / leafum liðan || leom |
Maxims I 32a | a æradl nimeð / ðy weorðeð | on | foldan swa fela || fira cynne |
Maxims I 37a | d rihte. / Ēadiġ biþ sē þe | on | his ēðle ġe·þiehþ, || e |
Maxims I 41b | ōnan; || þæt him biþ sār | on | his mōde, / onġe þonne hē h |
Maxims I 47b | t ond wædo || oððæt hine m | on | on gewitte alæde / ne sceal hi |
Maxims I 49a | e hine acyðan mote / ðy sceal | on | ðeode geðeon || ðæt he we |
Maxims I 51a | holm ġe·brinġeþ, / ġeofen | on | grimmum sǣlum; || on·ġinna |
Maxims I 52a | nginnað grome fundian / fealwe | on | feorran to londe || hwæðer |
Maxims I 57a | ðingad habbað / gesittað him | on | gesundum ðingum || ond ðonn |
Maxims I 62a | || beadwe fremman / eorl sceal | on | eos boge || eorod sceal getru |
Maxims I 66a | eþ. / Sċamiande mann sċeall | on | sċade hweorfan, || sċīr on |
Maxims I 66b | on sċade hweorfan, || sċīr | on | lēohte ġe·rīseþ. / Hand s |
Maxims I 67b | hēafod on·wyrċan, || hord | on | strēonum bīdan, / ġief-stōl |
Maxims I 69b | m golde onfehð || guma ðæs | on | heahsetle geneah / lean sceal g |
Maxims I 83b | m god wesan. || Gūþ sċeall | on | eorle, / wīġ ġe·weaxan || a |
Maxims I 99a | im syleð wæde niwe / lið him | on | londe || ðæs his lufu bæde |
Maxims I 103a | feor gewiteð / lida bið longe | on | siðe || a mon sceal seðeah |
Maxims I 111b | seldan ieteð || ðeah hine m | on | on sunnan læde / ne mæg he be |
Maxims I 112b | e wesan || ðeah hit sy wearm | on | sumera / ofercumen bið he ær |
Maxims I 122a | nd ġe·wealden, / sēo sċeall | on | ēaĝan, || snytru on brēost |
Maxims I 122b | sċeall on ēaĝan, || snytru | on | brēostum, / ðǣr biþ þæs m |
Maxims I 125b | tidum gongan / gold geriseð || | on | guman sweorde / sellic sigesceo |
Maxims I 126b | rde / sellic sigesceorp || sinc | on | cwene / god scop gumum || garni |
Maxims I 135b | se us eal forgeaf || ðæt we | on | lifgað / ond eft æt ðam ende |
Maxims I 144b | wel mon sceal wine healdan || | on | wega gehwylcum / oft mon fereð |
Maxims I 182b | gesceafta || habban him gomen | on | borde / idle hond æmetlan gene |
Maxims I 184a | nne teoselum weorpeþ. / Seldan | on | sīdum ċēole, || nefne hē |
Maxims I 186b | ne forleose || drugað his ar | on | borde / lot sceal mid lyswe || |
Maxims I 201b | e / gearo sceal guðbord || gar | on | sceafte / ecg on sweorde || ond |
Maxims I 202a | uðbord || gar on sceafte / ecg | on | sweorde || ond ord spere / hyge |
The Order of the World 10a | || woruld ealle con / behabban | on | hreðre || hycgende mon / ðæt |
The Order of the World 17b | orðon scyle ascian || se ðe | on | elne leofað / deophydig mon || |
The Order of the World 19a | a ġe·sċeafta, / be·wrītan% | on | ġe·witte || word-hordes cr |
The Order of the World 25b | onne þū hyġe-cræftiġ || | on | hreðre mæġe / mōde ġe·ġr |
The Order of the World 28a | -hrērendra, / þæt hē mæġe | on | hreðre || his hēah ġe·weo |
The Order of the World 33a | || ðæs ðe us se eca cyning / | on | gæste wlite || forgiefan wil |
The Order of the World 35b | rice / forð gestigan || gif us | on | ferðe geneah / ond we willað |
The Order of the World 38a | d ðinne hyge gefæstna / hwæt | on | frymðe gescop || fæder ælm |
The Order of the World 41a | otole ġe·sċeafte, / þā nū | on | þām þrēam || þurh þēod |
The Order of the World 49b | ǣda þrymm, / līexende lof || | on | þā langan tīd, / fremmaþ f |
The Order of the World 51a | stlīċe || frēan ēċe word / | on | þām frum-stōle || þe him |
The Order of the World 56a | nd lǣdeþ% || līfes āĝend / | on | his ānes fæðm || ealle ġe |
The Order of the World 66a | | ond his brucan mot / æghwylc | on | eorðan || ðe him eagna gesi |
The Order of the World 68b | teð ðonne mid ðy wuldre || | on | westrodor / forðmære tungol | |
The Order of the World 69b | or / forðmære tungol || faran | on | heape / oððæt on æfenne || |
The Order of the World 70a | ol || faran on heape / oððæt | on | æfenne || ut garsecges / grund |
The Order of the World 74b | ġel / sċīr ġe·sċyndeþ || | on | ġe·sċeaft godes / under fold |
The Order of the World 79a | % færeþ || gold-torht sunne / | on | þæt wanne ġe·nip || under |
The Order of the World 88b | æste / miċelum meaht-locum || | on | þām mæġen-þrymme / mid þ |
The Order of the World 94a | e || hyra sylfra cyning / eagum | on | wlitað || habbað æghwæs g |
The Order of the World 96a | wuldres cyning / ġe·sēoþ | on | sweġle; || him is simble and |
The Riming Poem 13b | d% glād || þurh ġe·sċād | on | brād, / wæs on laĝu-strēame |
The Riming Poem 14a | || ðurh gescad in brad / wæs | on | lagustreame lad || ðær me l |
The Riming Poem 15b | hēanne hād, || ne wæs mē | on | healle gād, / þæt ðǣr rōf |
The Riming Poem 17a | r rinċ ġe·bād, / þæt hē | on | sele sāwe || sinċ-ġe·wǣ |
The Riming Poem 38a | sibb nearwode. / Fram iċ wæs | on | frætwum, || freoliċ on ġea |
The Riming Poem 38b | wæs on frætwum, || freoliċ | on | ġeatwum; / wæs min drēam dry |
The Riming Poem 41b | f wæs min lange, || lēodum | on | ġe·mange, / tīrum ġe·tange |
The Riming Poem 44b | nēah; || ġe·wīteþ nihtes | on | flēah / sē ǣr on dæġe wæs |
The Riming Poem 45a | teþ nihtes on flēah / sē ǣr | on | dæġe wæs dīere. || Sċrī |
The Riming Poem 45b | ere. || Sċrīðeþ nū dēop | on | fēore% / brand-hord ġe·blōw |
The Riming Poem 46b | rd ġe·blōwen, || brēostum | on | for·grōwen, / flyhtum tō·fl |
The Riming Poem 48a | lāh is ġe·blōwen / miċelum | on | ġe·mynde; || mōdes ġe·cy |
The Riming Poem 83a | ndon miltsa blisse / hyhtlīċe | on | heofona rīċe. || Wuton nū |
The Riming Poem 87b | ðne god ġe·sēon || and ā | on | sibbe ġe·fēan. |
The Panther 10b | irum freamærne || feorlondum | on | / eard weardian || eðles neota |
The Panther 14b | ða bearn / wisfæste weras || | on | gewritum cyðað / bi ðam anst |
The Panther 17a | ūtan dracan ānum, / þām hē | on | ealle tīd || and-wrāþ leof |
The Panther 39a | ga || ðreonihta fæc / swifeð | on | swefote || slæpe gebiesgad / |
The Panther 41b | astondeð / ðrymme gewelgad || | on | ðone ðriddan dæg / sneome of |
The Panther 54b | some / æfter ðære stefne || | on | ðone stenc farað / swa is dry |
The Panther 59b | ond, / þone hē ġe·sǣlde || | on | sūsla grund%, / and ġe·feter |
The Panther 67a | ðam swicce || soðfæste men / | on | healfa gehwone || heapum ðru |
The Whale 12a | nað || wægliðende / ðæt hy | on | ealond sum || eagum wliten / on |
The Whale 16a | | sundes æt ende, / and þonne | on | þæt eġ-land || up ġe·wī |
The Whale 21a | lacende || frecnes ne wenað / | on | ðam ealonde || æled weccað |
The Whale 22b | ahfyr ælað || hæleð beoð | on | wynnum / reonigmode || ræste g |
The Whale 25a | cræftig / ðæt him ða ferend | on | || fæste wuniað / wic weardia |
The Whale 26b | niað / wic weardiað || wedres | on | luste / ðonne semninga || on s |
The Whale 27b | s on luste / ðonne semninga || | on | sealtne wæg / mid ða noðe || |
The Whale 30a | und ġe·sēċeþ, / and þonne | on | dēaþ-sele || drenċe be·f |
The Whale 34a | eaht || duguðe beswicað / ond | on | teosu tyhtað || tilra dæda / |
The Whale 35a | tyhtað || tilra dæda / wemað | on | willan || ðæt hy wraðe sec |
The Whale 40b | ra gehwylc / hæleða cynnes || | on | his hringe bið / fæste gefege |
The Whale 51a | wrætlicran gien / ðonne hine | on | holme || hungor bysgað / ond |
The Whale 64a | ðe oftost his || unwærlice / | on | ðas lænan tid || lif biscea |
The Whale 70b | ofer ferhtgereaht || fremedon | on | unræd / ðonne se fæcna || in |
The Whale 71b | unrǣd. / Þonne sē fǣcna || | on | þām fæstenne / ġe·brōht h |
The Whale 73b | t ðam edwylme || ða ðe him | on | cleofiað / gyltum gehrodene || |
The Whale 75a | rodene || and ǣr ġeorne his / | on | hira līf-daĝum || lārum h |
The Whale 86a | moton || uton a sibbe to him / | on | ðas hwilnan tid || hælu sec |
The Whale 87b | / þæt we mid swā lēofne || | on | lofe mōton / tō wīdan fēore |
The Partridge 5a | e·cwæþ || wuldres ealdor: / | ‘On | swā hwelċe tīd || swā ġ |
The Partridge 6a | id || swa ge mid treowe to me / | on | hyge hweorfað || ond ge hell |
The Partridge 11b | nd rimde / beorhte gebroðor || | on | bearna stæl / uton we ðy geor |
The Partridge 16a | æðelne || eard-wīca cyst / | on | wuldres wlite || wunian mōto |
Soul and Body II 7b | īte swā wuldor, || swā him | on | weorolde ǣr / efene þæt eor |
Soul and Body II 30a | elle wītum. / Eardode% iċ þe | on | innan. || Nā iċ þē of mea |
Soul and Body II 39b | ær ðu ðonne hogode || her | on | life / ðenden ic ðe in woruld |
Soul and Body II 40a | ēr on līfe, / þenden iċ þe | on | weorolde || wunian sċolde, / |
Soul and Body II 43a | d ðurh mec / ond ic wæs gæst | on | ðe || from gode sended / næfr |
Soul and Body II 47a | ra gescenta || scome ðrowian / | on | ðam miclan dæge || ðonne m |
Soul and Body II 63a | nd eft sona from ðe / hweorfan | on | honcred || ðonne halege menn |
Soul and Body II 70a | ine geahðe wiht / ða ðu her | on | moldan || monnum eawdest / for |
Soul and Body II 74b | msceafte fugel || oððe fisc | on | sæ / oððe eorðan neat || æ |
Soul and Body II 77a | ende || feoh butan snyttro / ge | on | westenne || wildra deora / ðæ |
Soul and Body II 80a | æt wyrreste / ðonne ðu æfre | on | moldan || mon gewurde / oððe |
Soul and Body II 83a | or unc bu || ondwyrdan scealt / | on | ðam miclan dæge || ðonne e |
Soul and Body II 84b | nde on·wriĝene, || þā þe | on | weorolde ǣr / firenfulle menn |
Soul and Body II 89a | an || ac hwæt wilt ðu ðær / | on | domdæge || dryhtne secgan / ð |
Soul and Body II 90b | nænig to ðæs lytel lið || | on | lime geweaxen / ðæt ðu ne sc |
Soul and Body II 97b | schord || sceal ðonne feran | on | weg / secan helle grund || nale |
Soul and Body II 108b | tge / bið seo tunge totogen || | on | tyn healfe / hungrum to hroðor |
Soul and Body II 113b | geneðeð to / ærest ealra || | on | ðam eorðscræfe / he ða tung |
Soul and Body II 116b | ða eagan ðurhiteð || ufon | on | ðæt heafod / wyrmum to wiste |
Soul and Body II 120a | bið ðonne wyrmes giefl / æt | on | eorðan || ðæt mæg æghwyl |
Guthlac A 15a | ða ðe his domas her / æfnað | on | eorðan || he him ece lean / he |
Guthlac A 16a | n || he him ece lean / healdeð | on | heofonum || ðær se hyhsta / e |
Guthlac A 29b | gode mōte, / wamma clǣne, || | on | ġe·weald cuman. / Maniġe sin |
Guthlac A 31b | s under heofonum, || þā þe | on | hāliġra / rīm ā·rīsaþ. | |
Guthlac A 46a | sǣda ġe·hwelċes / mǣtræ% | on | mæġene. || For·þon sē ma |
Guthlac A 51b | e gesceafte / ða he gesette || | on | siex dagum / ða nu under heofo |
Guthlac A 61a | hades || hlisan willað / wegan | on | wordum || ond ða weorc ne do |
Guthlac A 71a | um || swa ðas woruldgestreon / | on | ða mæran god || bimutad weo |
Guthlac A 81b | sceawað / sume ða wuniað || | on | westennum / secað ond gesitta |
Guthlac A 83a | ittað || sylfra willum / hamas | on | heolstrum || hy ðæs heofonc |
Guthlac A 95b | ðed, / hū Gūð·lāc his || | on | godes willan / mōd ġe·reahte |
Guthlac A 98a | ðelu, || up ġe·munde / hām | on | heofonum. || Him wæs hiht t |
Guthlac A 104a | | ealne gesealde / ðone ðe he | on | geoguðe || bigan sceolde / wor |
Guthlac A 107a | um, || sē þæt hlūtre mōd / | on | þæs gæstes god || ġeorne |
Guthlac A 109a | oft || þæt sē hālĝa wer / | on | þā ǣrestan || ieldu ġe·l |
Guthlac A 111a | a. || Frist wæs swā þe ana / | on | godes dōme, || hwonne Gūð |
Guthlac A 112a | godes dome || hwonne guðlace / | on | his ondgietan || engel sealde |
Guthlac A 118a | m ġe·līċe || lāre bǣron / | on | his mōdes ġe·mynd || mani |
Guthlac A 121a | || ond ða longan god / herede | on | heofonum || ðær haligra / saw |
Guthlac A 122b | liġra / sāwla ġe·sittaþ || | on | siĝor-wuldre / dryhtnes drēam |
Guthlac A 133b | motan / swa hy hine trymedon || | on | twa healfa / oððæt ðæs gew |
Guthlac A 135a | s gewinnes || weoroda dryhten / | on | ðæs engles dom || ende gere |
Guthlac A 137a | || sīþ þām frōfre gǣst / | on | Gūð·lāces || ġēoce ġe |
Guthlac A 140a | leofedan || londes wynne / bold | on | beorhge || oft ðær broga cw |
Guthlac A 148a | oððæt meotud onwrah / beorg | on | bearwe || ða se bytla cwom / s |
Guthlac A 154a | a. || Hē ġe·costod% wearþ / | on | ġe·myndiġra || manna tīdu |
Guthlac A 168a | | Him wæs godes eġesa / māra | on | ġe·myndum || þonne hē men |
Guthlac A 170b | Gōd wæs Gūð·lāc. || Hē | on | gǣste bær / heofoncundne hiht |
Guthlac A 175a | ðær he mongum wearð / bysen | on | brytene || siððan biorg ges |
Guthlac A 191b | cne fyres wylme || stodan him | on | feðehwearfum / cwædon ðæt h |
Guthlac A 192a | eðehwearfum / cwædon ðæt he | on | ðam beorge || byrnan sceolde |
Guthlac A 208b | ede / siððan he for wlence || | on | westenne / beorgas bræce || ð |
Guthlac A 215b | sēo dīegle stōw || drihtne | on | ġe·myndum / īdel and ǣ-menn |
Guthlac A 220a | || sorge dreogað / ne motun hi | on | eorðan || eardes brucan / ne h |
Guthlac A 221b | can, / ne hīe lyft swefeþ || | on | lima ræstum, / ac hīe hlēol |
Guthlac A 223a | lēolēase || hāma þoliaþ, / | on | ċearum cwīðaþ, || cwealme |
Guthlac A 231a | ða hi swiðra oferstag / weard | on | wonge || sceoldon wræcmæcga |
Guthlac A 244b | gesecgan || mæg ic ðis setl | on | eow / butan earfeðum || ana ge |
Guthlac A 248a | eorodes, || ac mē māra dæl / | on | godcundum || gǣst-ġe·rȳnu |
Guthlac A 251b | timbre / hus ond hleonað || me | on | heofonum sind / lare gelonge || |
Guthlac A 256b | m ðissum earde || ðe ge her | on | stondað / fleoð on feorweg || |
Guthlac A 257a | ðe ge her on stondað / fleoð | on | feorweg || ic me frið wille / |
Guthlac A 268a | þræce mōdiġra, / þāra þe | on | ġe·limpe || līfe weoldon. / |
Guthlac A 271b | æt gehatest || ðæt ðu ham | on | us / gegan wille || ðe eart go |
Guthlac A 293a | s guðlac || hine god fremede / | on | ondsware || ond on elne stron |
Guthlac A 293b | od fremede / on ondsware || ond | on | elne strong / ne wond he for wo |
Guthlac A 301b | æce, / ġē hēr ā·tēoþ || | on | þā torn-wræce / siġelēasne |
Guthlac A 328a | || forgiefan ðohtan / he wæs | on | elne || ond on eaðmedum / bad |
Guthlac A 328b | ohtan / he wæs on elne || ond | on | eaðmedum / bad on beorge || w |
Guthlac A 329a | elne || ond on eaðmedum / bad | on | beorge || wæs him botles neo |
Guthlac A 333b | ylcre / ðonne he to eorðan || | on | ðam anade / hleor onhylde || h |
Guthlac A 344b | d. / Swā sċeall ōretta || ā | on | his mōde / gode campian || and |
Guthlac A 346a | an || ond his gæst beran / oft | on | ondan || ðam ðe eahtan wile |
Guthlac A 348b | ġ. / Simle hīe Gūð·lāc || | on | godes willan / framne fundon, | |
Guthlac A 356b | in swylc / ðonne hine engel || | on | ðam anade / geornast grette || |
Guthlac A 359b | lan / longað gelettan || ac he | on | ðæs lareowes / wære gewunade |
Guthlac A 362a | se ðe him halig gæst / wisað | on | willan || ond his weorc tryma |
Guthlac A 373b | eos eorðe eall || ðe ic her | on | stonde / ðeah ge minne flæsch |
Guthlac A 378a | an ge mine sawle gretan / ac ge | on | betran gebringað || forðan |
Guthlac A 382a | ēacan, || min sē ēċa dæl / | on | ġe·fēan fareþ, || ðǣr h |
Guthlac A 385a | onne hit menn dūġe% / sē þe | on | þrōwingum || þēodnes will |
Guthlac A 387a | e sċeall sē dryhtnes þēow / | on | his mōd-sefan || māre ġe· |
Guthlac A 392b | ȳthwōn lēoðode, || þonne | on | lyft ā·stāh / ċear-gǣsta |
Guthlac A 394a | ċierm. || Simle Crīstes lof / | on | Gūð·lāces || gōdum mōde |
Guthlac A 396a | nd hine weoruda god / freoðade | on | foldan || swa he feora gehwyl |
Guthlac A 397a | fēora ġe·hwelċ / healdeþ | on | hǣlu, || ðǣr sē hira gǣs |
Guthlac A 398a | ðǣr sē hira gǣst / þīehþ | on | þēawum. || Hē wæs þāra |
Guthlac A 399b | ē aefter weorolde, || ac hē | on | wuldre ā·hōf / mōdes wynne. |
Guthlac A 409a | āwol þæs || sār þrōwode / | on | līċ-haman, || lifde sē þe |
Guthlac A 412b | ad wære / hy hine ða hofun || | on | ða hean lyft / sealdon him mea |
Guthlac A 416a | iġra || hīerda ġe·wealdum / | on | mynsterum || manna ġe·bǣru |
Guthlac A 428a | te || to ðam leofestan / earde | on | eorðan || ðæt he eft gesta |
Guthlac A 429a | || ðæt he eft gestag / beorg | on | bearwe || bonan gnornedon / mæ |
Guthlac A 435a | ce. || Gūð·lāc sette / hiht | on | heofonas, || hǣlu ġe·trēo |
Guthlac A 439a | rcumen || cempa wunade / bliðe | on | beorge || wæs his blæd mid |
Guthlac A 440a | his blæd mid god / ðuhte him | on | mode || ðæt se moncynnes / ea |
Guthlac A 455a | olde || ða ðu hean ond earm / | on | ðis orlege || ærest cwome / |
Guthlac A 464a | num. || Swā ġē weorðmyndu / | on | dolum drēame || drihtne ġie |
Guthlac A 465b | mannum miðaþ || þæs þē | on | mōde ġe·hyċġaþ; / ne bēo |
Guthlac A 466b | erne, || þēah þe ġē hīe | on | dīegle ġe·fremme. / Wē þe |
Guthlac A 467a | īegle ġe·fremme. / Wē þeċ | on | lyft ġe·lǣddon, || of·tu |
Guthlac A 473b | elufade / sealde him snyttru || | on | sefan gehygdum / mægenfæste g |
Guthlac A 478b | ceoldan / ge sind forscadene || | on | eow scyld siteð / ne cunnon ge |
Guthlac A 488a | h iċ torn druĝe. / Setton mē | on | ed-wīt || þæt iċ ēaðe f |
Guthlac A 490b | rēðe mōd / ġungra manna || | on | godes templum; / woldon þȳ ġ |
Guthlac A 496b | ne maĝon þā aefter-ield || | on | þām ǣrestan / blǣde ġe·be |
Guthlac A 499a | þæt wintra rīm / ġe·ġæþ | on | þā ġuĝuþe, || þæt sē |
Guthlac A 502a | ond middan-ġeard / þēowiaþ | on | þēawum. || Þēodum īewaþ |
Guthlac A 508a | | mǣran willaþ. / Ġe·fēoþ | on | firenum, || frōfre ne wēna |
Guthlac A 510a | | wierpe ġe·biden. / Oft ġē | on | ġe·stalum standaþ; || þæ |
Guthlac A 523a | gesohte || ond his swat ageat / | on | bonena hond || ahte bega gewe |
Guthlac A 525a | | ða he lustum dreag / eaðmod | on | eorðan || ehtendra nið / for |
Guthlac A 530b | eofu wæs mid Gūð·lāc || | on | godcundum / mæġene ġe·ēted |
Guthlac A 532b | / eall æfter orde || ðæt he | on | elne adreag / ðone foregengan |
Guthlac A 538a | || þæt his mōd ġe·þeah / | on | godes willan; || is þæs ġ |
Guthlac A 543b | him ne ġe·twēode || trēow | on | brēostum, / ne him gnornunga | |
Guthlac A 551a | erdas, || ac sēo sāwol bād / | on | līċ-haman || lēofran tīde |
Guthlac A 562b | ·ġinnaþ / inn-gang ǣrest || | on | þæt atole hūs, / niðer unde |
Guthlac A 570a | gram-heorte || godes ōrettan / | on | sefan swenċan, || swīðe ġ |
Guthlac A 571a | swīðe ġe·hēton / þæt hē | on | þone grimman gryre || gangan |
Guthlac A 573a | || tō hell-warum, / and ðǣr | on | bendum || bryne þrōwian. / Wo |
Guthlac A 575b | cwidum / earme āĝ·lǣċan || | on | orwēnnesse, / metodes cempan. |
Guthlac A 582a | || wēl ġe·cȳðed, / hāliġ | on | heortan. || Nū þū on helle |
Guthlac A 582b | liġ on heortan. || Nū þū | on | helle sċealt / dēope ġe·dū |
Guthlac A 584a | ealles dryhtnes lēoht / habban | on | heofonum, || hēah-ġe·timbr |
Guthlac A 585a | heofonum || heahgetimbru / seld | on | swegle || forðon ðu synna t |
Guthlac A 586b | fela, / fācna ġe·fremedes || | on | flǣsċ-haman. / Wē þē nū w |
Guthlac A 589a | n, || ðǣr þe lāðast biþ / | on | þām grymmestan || gǣst-ġe |
Guthlac A 591a | er || andswarode, / Gūð·lāc | on | gǣste || mid godes mæġene: |
Guthlac A 595a | || þæt ġē his wer-genġan / | on | þone lāðan līeġ || lǣda |
Guthlac A 596a | ġ || lǣdan mōton. / Þæt is | on | ġe·wealdum || wuldor-cining |
Guthlac A 597b | / sē ēow ġe·hīende || and | on | hæft be·drāf / under nearone |
Guthlac A 611a | || dæġes and nihtes, / herġe | on | heortan || heofon-rīċes wea |
Guthlac A 616a | an || wōpe be·singan, / hēaf | on | helle, || nealles herenesse / h |
Guthlac A 618b | cininges. / Iċ þone dēman || | on | daĝum mīnum / wille weorðian |
Guthlac A 620a | || wordum and dǣdum, / lufian | on | līfe, || swā is lār and ā |
Guthlac A 622a | rǣċe ġe·lǣded, / þām þe | on | his weorcum || willan ræfna |
Guthlac A 623b | ē wǣr-loĝan, || swā ġē | on | wræc-sīðe / lange lifdon, || |
Guthlac A 629b | ā fǣġeran ġe·sċeaft || | on | fyrn-daĝum, / gǣstlicne gōd- |
Guthlac A 632b | / Ne mōston ġē ā wunian || | on | wynn-daĝum, / ac mid sċame s |
Guthlac A 634b | e wurdon / fore ofer-hyġdum || | on | ēċe fȳr, / ðǣr ġe· sċul |
Guthlac A 637b | / And iċ þæt ġe·līefe || | on | līf-fruman, / ēċne on·weald |
Guthlac A 642b | r·lǣtan, / þām iċ lange || | on | līċ-haman / and on mīnum gǣ |
Guthlac A 643a | lange || on līċ-haman / and | on | mīnum gǣste || gode campode |
Guthlac A 645b | / Fo·þon iċ ġe·trīewe || | on | þone torhtestan / þrīnesse |
Guthlac A 647a | | sē ġe·þeahtungum / hafaþ | on | heandum || heofon and eorðan |
Guthlac A 649b | re mōton / torn-mōde tēon || | on | tin-treĝu, / mīne myrðran || |
Guthlac A 653b | htnes / fæġere ġe·fylled || | on | mīnum feorh-locan, / brēostum |
Guthlac A 657b | / fǣġer and ġe·fēaliċ || | on | fæder wuldre, / ðǣr ēow nǣ |
Guthlac A 660a | htes lēoma || ne līfes hiht / | on | godes rīċe || ā·ġiefen w |
Guthlac A 661b | ām ofer-hyġdum || þe ēow | on | mōd ā·stāh / þurh īdel ġ |
Guthlac A 665a | || sċoldon ġe·līċe / wesan | on | wuldre. || Ēow ðǣr wiers |
Guthlac A 667a | ealdend || wrāðe be·sencte / | on | þæt swearte sūsl, || ðǣr |
Guthlac A 676b | / ne in bælblæsan || bregdon | on | hinder / in helle hus || ðær |
Guthlac A 676a | ande || sċūfan mōton, / nē | on | bǣl-blæsan || breġdon on h |
Guthlac A 677a | blæsan || breġdon on hinder / | on | helle hūs, || ðǣr ēow is |
Guthlac A 681b | ama wynn / āĝan mid englum || | on | þām uplican / rodera rīċe, |
Guthlac A 690b | ofosta / gǣst ġe·ġearwod || | on | godes wǣre / on ġe·fēan fē |
Guthlac A 691a | t gegearwad || in godes wære / | on | gefean ferde || ða wearð fe |
Guthlac A 694b | Hæfde Gūð·lāces || gǣst | on | ġe·wealdum / mōdiġ mund-bor |
Guthlac A 706a | gehælde || ond him hearsume / | on | his sylfes dom || siððan w |
Guthlac A 712a | hider onsende / geseah ðæt ge | on | eorðan || fore æfstum / on hi |
Guthlac A 713a | ge on eorðan || fore æfstum / | on | his wergengan || wite legdon / |
Guthlac A 716a | mme || ðær se freond wunað / | on | ðære socne || ðe ic ða si |
Guthlac A 720b | iċ his word and his weorc || | on | ġe·witnesse / drihtne lǣdon. |
Guthlac A 746b | can. / Stōd sē grēna wang || | on | godes wǣre; / hæfde sē heord |
Guthlac A 749b | æġerra / willa ġe·worden || | on | wera līfe, / þāra þe ieldra |
Guthlac A 753b | on. / Eall þās ġe·ēodon || | on | ussera / tīda tīman. || For· |
Guthlac A 759a | || wendan þurfe, / þonne hīe | on | ġe·sihþe || sōðes brūca |
Guthlac A 761b | ċeafte / lufaþ under lyfte || | on | līċ-haman, / manna mǣġþe | |
Guthlac A 765a | gen || ðæt his soð fore us / | on | his giefena gyld || genge weo |
Guthlac A 770a | o lufu cȳðeþ, / þonne hēo | on | mannes || mōde ġe·timbreþ |
Guthlac A 773b | se fruma fæstlic || feondum | on | ondan / geseted wið synnum || |
Guthlac A 777b | sende, / lēt his bēn cuman || | on | þā beorhtan ġe·sċeaft, / |
Guthlac A 778b | ode þēodne || þæs þe hē | on | þrōwungum / bīdan mōste, || |
Guthlac A 782b | ġe·lǣded / engla fæðmum || | on | up-rodor, / fore ansīene || ē |
Guthlac A 785a | || him wæs lean geseald / setl | on | swegle || ðær he symle mot / |
Guthlac A 791a | sōþfæstra || sāwla mōton / | on | ēċne ġeard || up ġe·stī |
Guthlac A 794b | ldorcyninges / lare longsume || | on | hyra lifes tid / earniað on eo |
Guthlac A 795a | || on hyra lifes tid / earniað | on | eorðan || ecan lifes / hames i |
Guthlac A 796a | ðan || ēċan līfes, / hāmes | on | hīehþu. || Þæt bēoþ hū |
Guthlac A 798a | ne, || Crīste lēofe, / beraþ | on | brēostum || beorhtne ġe·l |
Guthlac A 801a | | habbað wisne geðoht / fusne | on | forðweg || to fæder eðle / g |
Guthlac A 804a | and firen-lustas / for·beraþ | on | brēostum, || brōðor-sibbe / |
Guthlac A 805b | sibbe / ġeorne be·gangaþ, || | on | godes willan / swenċaþ hīe s |
Guthlac A 808a | heofoncyninges bibod / fremmað | on | foldan || fæsten lufiað / beo |
Guthlac A 812b | nge, / þonne hīe hweorfaþ || | on | þā hālĝan burh, / gangaþ |
Guthlac A 818a | ldorfæst || ealne widan ferh / | on | lifgendra || londes wynne / ð |
Guthlac B 827a | dam ærest || ðurh est godes / | on | neorxnawong || ðær him næn |
Guthlac B 831a | ryre || ne deaðes cyme / ac he | on | ðam lande || lifgan moste / ea |
Guthlac B 834b | ā þorfte / līfes ne lissa || | on | þām lēohtan hām / þurh iel |
Guthlac B 839b | st, / and ðǣr siþþan ā || | on | sīn-drēamum / tō wīdan fēo |
Guthlac B 841a | eore || wunian mostun / dryhtne | on | gesihðe || butan deaðe for |
Guthlac B 843a | word || healdan woldon / beorht | on | brēostum || and his be·bodu |
Guthlac B 844a | ond his bebodu læstan / æfnan | on | eðle || hy to ær aðreat / ð |
Guthlac B 855b | swa / eaferum æfter || ða hy | on | uncyððu / scomum scudende || |
Guthlac B 857a | um scudende || scofene wurdon / | on | gewinworuld || weorces onguld |
Guthlac B 871a | || þæt him bām ġe·sċōd / | on | þām dēoran hām. || Dēaþ |
Guthlac B 874a | igra || ðær hi godes willan / | on | mislicum || monna gebihðum / |
Guthlac B 876b | sume ǣr, sume sīþ, || sume | on | ūrra / aefter tæl-mearce || t |
Guthlac B 880a | || ðurh godes willan / eadig | on | engle || he him ece geceas / me |
Guthlac B 892b | alra þāra wundra || þe hē | on | weorolde hēr / þurh dryhtnes |
Guthlac B 899a | hy mislice || mongum reordum / | on | ðam westenne || woðe hofun / |
Guthlac B 908a | nde || swa wilde deor / cirmdon | on | corðre || hwilum cyrdon eft / |
Guthlac B 909b | rdon eft / minne mansceaðan || | on | mennisc hiw / breahtma mæste | |
Guthlac B 911b | gdon eft / awyrgde wærlogan || | on | wyrmes bleo / earme adloman || |
Guthlac B 921b | osedon / ond ðær siðfrome || | on | ðam sigewonge / æt ðam halga |
Guthlac B 927b | t / ðe hine seoslige || sohtun | on | ðearfe / hæleð hygegeomre || |
Guthlac B 935a | | neah geðrungen / siððan he | on | westenne || wiceard geceas / fi |
Guthlac B 939a | || hreðer innan born / afysed | on | forðsið || him færinga / adl |
Guthlac B 940b | m færinga / adl in gewod || he | on | elne swa ðeah / ungeblyged bad |
Guthlac B 942a | | beorhtra ġe·hāta / blīðe | on | burgum. || Wæs þām bān-co |
Guthlac B 945a | n || wæs se bliða gæst / fus | on | forðweg || nolde fæder engl |
Guthlac B 946a | -weġ. || Nolde fæder% engla / | on | þisse wan-sǣlĝan || weorol |
Guthlac B 948b | ðæt / wunian leton || ðe him | on | weorcum her / on his dagena tid |
Guthlac B 949a | ton || ðe him on weorcum her / | on | his dagena tid || dædum gecw |
Guthlac B 952a | ðær se halga ðeow / deormod | on | degle || domeadig bad / heard o |
Guthlac B 954a | Hyht wæs ġe·nīewod, / bliss | on | brēostum. || Wæs sē bān-c |
Guthlac B 962b | eah / ne seo adlðracu || egle | on | mode / ne deaðgedal || ac him |
Guthlac B 964a | , || ac him dryhtnes lof / born | on | brēostum, || brond-hāt lufu |
Guthlac B 965a | | brond-hāt lufu / siĝorfæst | on | sefan, || sēo him sāra ġe |
Guthlac B 967a | swiðde || næs him sorgcearu / | on | ðas lænan tid || ðeah his |
Guthlac B 976b | a cynnes / ða wæs guðlace || | on | ða geocran tid / mægen gemeð |
Guthlac B 989a | nnes || from fruman siððan / m | on | on moldan || ðætte meahte h |
Guthlac B 992a | aðweges || ac him duru sylfa / | on | ða sliðnan tid || sona onty |
Guthlac B 995b | ne heanra || ac hine ræseð | on | / gifrum grapum || swa wæs gu |
Guthlac B 1016b | idum / worda gewealdan || is me | on | wene geðuht / ðæt ðe untrym |
Guthlac B 1018a | ðe untrymnes || adle gongum / | on | ðisse nyhstan || niht bysgad |
Guthlac B 1020a | || ðæt me sorgna is / hatost | on | hreðre || ær ðu hyge minne |
Guthlac B 1026a | coða || beald reordade / eadig | on | elne || ondcwis ageaf / ic will |
Guthlac B 1028b | hrān, / wærc inn ġe·wōd || | on | þisse wannan niht, / līċ-hor |
Guthlac B 1037a | ces || ðæt min feorh heonan / | on | ðisse eahteðan || ende gese |
Guthlac B 1039a | iðende || ðonne dogor beoð / | on | moldwege || min forð scriðe |
Guthlac B 1043a | ġiefena || and godes lambor / | on | sīn-drēamum || siþþan āw |
Guthlac B 1058a | ġ-dropan. || Wyrd ne meahte / | on | fǣĝum lenġ || feorh ġe·h |
Guthlac B 1068a | s || ne ic ðæs deaðes hafu / | on | ðas seocnan tid || sorge on |
Guthlac B 1068b | / on ðas seocnan tid || sorge | on | mode / ne ic me herehloðe || h |
Guthlac B 1070b | iðe onsitte || ne mæg synne | on | me / facnes frumbearn || fyrene |
Guthlac B 1072b | ǣlan, / līċes leahtor, || ac | on | līeġe sċulon / sorĝ-wielmum |
Guthlac B 1075a | ēpan, || wilna be·sċierede / | on | þām dēaþ-sele || duĝuþa |
Guthlac B 1077a | ðæt leofe bearn / ne beo ðu | on | sefan to seoc || ic eom siðe |
Guthlac B 1079a | rd niman || ed-lēana% ġeorn / | on | þām ēċan ġe·fean, || ǣ |
Guthlac B 1085a | ġeorne || gæst-ġe·rȳnum, / | on | þās drēorĝan tīd || dǣd |
Guthlac B 1088a | rlease || lean unhwilen / halig | on | heahðu || ðær min hyht myn |
Guthlac B 1091a | | tō þām langan ġe·fēan / | on | ēad-welan%. || Nis þēs ē |
Guthlac B 1099a | ugeðum || ða se dæg bicwom / | on | ðam se lifgenda || in lichom |
Guthlac B 1099b | cōm / on þām sē libbenda || | on | līċ-haman, / ēċe æl-mehti |
Guthlac B 1102b | āras / anweald% of eorðan || | on | þā Ēaster-tīd, / ealra þry |
Guthlac B 1105b | tāh. / Swā sē ēadĝa wer || | on | þā æðelan tīd / on þone b |
Guthlac B 1106a | ga wer || in ða æðelan tid / | on | ðone beorhtan dæg || blissu |
Guthlac B 1113b | willan / gǣst-ġe·rȳnum || | on | godes temple, / and his þeġne |
Guthlac B 1117b | trymman / wundrum tō wuldre || | on | þā wlitiĝan ġe·sċeaft / t |
Guthlac B 1120a | fre to ealdre || oðre swylce / | on | ðas lænan tid || lare gehyr |
Guthlac B 1123a | urh menniscne || muð areccan / | on | sidum sefan || him wæs soðr |
Guthlac B 1135a | e ða || forð gewitene / dagas | on | rime || ðæs se dryhtnes ðe |
Guthlac B 1136a | me || ðæs se dryhtnes ðegn / | on | elne bad || adle gebysgad / sar |
Guthlac B 1148a | || fond ða hlingendne / fusne | on | forðsið || frean unwenne / g |
Guthlac B 1149b | unwēnne, / gǣst-hāliġne || | on | godes temple / soden sār-wielm |
Guthlac B 1151a | wylmum || wæs ða sihste tid / | on | midne dæg || wæs his mondry |
Guthlac B 1160b | / spræce ahebban || ðæt him | on | spellum gecyðde / onwrige word |
Guthlac B 1162a | he his wisna truwade / drohtes | on | ðære dimman adle || ærðon |
Guthlac B 1169a | t þū þā nīehstan sċealt / | on | weorold-līfe || worda mīnra |
Guthlac B 1175b | e forlæte / asanian || beo ðu | on | sið gearu / siððan lic ond l |
Guthlac B 1180b | tor minre / ðære leofestan || | on | longne weg / to ðam fægran ge |
Guthlac B 1182a | ran gefean || forðsið minne / | on | ecne eard || ond hyre eac gec |
Guthlac B 1185a | ire ansīene || ealle þraĝe / | on | weorold-līfe, || for þȳ i |
Guthlac B 1186b | wilnode / þæt wit unc eft || | on | þām ēċan ġe·fēan / on sw |
Guthlac B 1187a | nc eft || in ðam ecan gefean / | on | sweglwuldre || geseon mostun / |
Guthlac B 1191a | wunian, || ðǣr wit wilna ā / | on | ðǣre beorhtan byriġ || br |
Guthlac B 1195a | be·lūce, || līċ or-sāwle / | on | þeostor-cofan, || ðǣr hit |
Guthlac B 1196a | || ðǣr hit þraĝe sċeall / | on | sand-hofe || siþþan wunian. |
Guthlac B 1207a | is ðe ende feor / ðæs ðe ic | on | galdrum || ongieten hæbbe / of |
Guthlac B 1215a | eorht sunne || setlgonges fus / | on | æfentid || oðerne mid ðec / |
Guthlac B 1219b | ht / meðelcwide mæcges || ond | on | morgne swa / ongeat geomormod | |
Guthlac B 1221a | || gæstes sprǣċe, / glēawes | on | ġeardum. || Huru, iċ ġīet |
Guthlac B 1229a | æs ðe ic furðum ær / æfre | on | ealdre || ængum ne wolde / mon |
Guthlac B 1231a | ldan || melda weorðan / ðegne | on | ðeode || butan ðe nu-ða / ð |
Guthlac B 1233a | dredan || weras ond idesa / ond | on | geað gutan || gieddum mænde |
Guthlac B 1240a | || siððan ic furðum ongon / | on | ðone æfteran || anseld buga |
Guthlac B 1243b | meahtig meotudes ðegn || ond | on | morgne eft / sigorfæst gesohte |
Guthlac B 1245b | ǣlde hyġe-sorĝe || and mē | on | hreðere be·lēac / wuldres wi |
Guthlac B 1248a | an || þonne ǣniġ mann wite / | on | līfe% hēr, || þe mē ā·l |
Guthlac B 1250a | o gecyðenne || cwicra ængum / | on | foldwege || fira cynnes / ðæt |
Guthlac B 1253a | eaglian || hwæt he dearninga / | on | hyge hogde || heortan geðonc |
Guthlac B 1255a | e eagum || onsyne wearð / a ic | on | mode mað || monna gehwylcne / |
Guthlac B 1267a | gnornað || gæst hine fyseð / | on | ecne geard || utsiðes georn / |
Guthlac B 1268a | ecne geard || utsiðes georn / | on | sellan gesetu || nu ic swiðe |
Guthlac B 1271a | hylde || hyrde ða gena / ellen | on | innan || oroð stundum teah / m |
Guthlac B 1273b | cwom / swecca swetast || swylce | on | sumeres tid / stincað on stowu |
Guthlac B 1274a | wylce on sumeres tid / stincað | on | stowum || staðelum fæste / wy |
Guthlac B 1285a | u || bad se ðe sceolde / eadig | on | elne || endedogor / awrecen wæ |
Guthlac B 1304b | n·sende / weorcum wlitiġne || | on | wuldres drēam. / Þā wæs Gū |
Guthlac B 1306a | laces || gæst gelæded / eadig | on | upweg || englas feredun / to ð |
Guthlac B 1315b | sigeleoð sungon || sweg wæs | on | lyfte / gehyred under heofonum |
Guthlac B 1321b | ra / and wynsumra || þonne hit | on | weorolde mæġe / stefn ā·re |
Guthlac B 1341b | weol / hate hleordropan || ond | on | hreðre wæg / micle modceare | |
Guthlac B 1356a | a earfeða || oftost dreogeð / | on | sargum sefan || huru ic swið |
Guthlac B 1360a | bi sæm tweonum / ðara ðe we | on | engle || æfre gefrunen / acenn |
Guthlac B 1364b | amum of, / wine-māĝa wynn, || | on | wuldres þrymm, / ġe·witen, w |
Guthlac B 1366a | ga hleo || wica neosan / eardes | on | upweg || nu se eorðan dæl / b |
Guthlac B 1367b | ān-hūs ā·brocen || burgum | on | innan / wunaþ wæl-ræste || a |
Guthlac B 1369b | uldres dæl / of līċ-fæte || | on | lēoht godes / siĝor-lēan sō |
Guthlac B 1371b | hēt / þæt ġit ā mosten || | on | þām ēċan ġe·fēan / mid |
Deor 5a | onfond / siððan hine niðhad | on | || nede legde / swoncre seonobe |
Deor 6b | e legde / swoncre seonobende || | on | syllan monn / ðæs ofereode || |
Deor 9a | ne wæs || hyre broðra deað / | on | sefan swa sar || swa hyre syl |
Deor 25a | monig || sorgum gebunden / wean | on | wenan || wyscte geneahhe / ðæ |
Deor 29a | sorgcearig || sælum bidæled / | on | sefan sweorceð || sylfum ði |
Wulf and Eadwacer 2b | ð hy hine aðecgan || gif he | on | ðreat cymeð / ungelic is us | |
Wulf and Eadwacer 4a | eð / ungelic is us || / wulf is | on | iege || ic on oðerre / fæst i |
Wulf and Eadwacer 4b | us || / wulf is on iege || ic | on | oðerre / fæst is ðæt eglond |
Wulf and Eadwacer 6b | ndon wælreowe || weras ðær | on | ige / willað hy hine aðecgan |
Wulf and Eadwacer 7b | ð hy hine aðecgan || gif he | on | ðreat cymeð / ungelice is us |
Riddles 1 1a | # Riddles 1 / / neb wæs min | on | nearwe || ond ic neoðan wæt |
Riddles 1 2b | ġe ā·seċġan, || hwā mec | on | sīþ wræce, / þonne iċ ā· |
Riddles 1 3b | reamum / swiðe besuncen || ond | on | sunde awox / ufan yðum ðeaht |
Riddles 1 7b | mum cwom / brimes ond beames || | on | blacum hrægle / sume wæron hw |
Riddles 1 11a | , || hēahum% meahtum / wrecen% | on | wāðe, || wīde sended; / hæb |
Riddles 10 1a | # Riddles 10 / / Neb wæs min | on | nearwe, || ond ic neoþan wæ |
Riddles 10 3b | eamum / swiþe besuncen, || ond | on | sunde awox / ufan yþum þeaht, |
Riddles 10 7b | mum cwom / brimes ond beames || | on | blacum hrægle; / sume wæron h |
Riddles 11 2b | te beorhte / reade ond scire || | on | reafe minum / ic dysge dwelle | |
Riddles 12 10a | en || deorcum nihtum, / wǣteþ | on | wætere, || wiermeþ hwīlum / |
Riddles 12 11b | hwilum / fægre to fyre || me | on | fæðme sticað / hygegalan hon |
Riddles 13 4b | ongedon / sweotol ond gesyne || | on | seles wæge / anra gehwylces || |
Riddles 13 11a | ymene || frætwe leton / licgan | on | laste || gewitan lond tredan |
Riddles 14 12a | ge || hyrstum frætwed / wlitig | on | wage || ðær weras drincað / |
Riddles 14 14a | yrdsceorp || hwilum folcwigan / | on | wicge wegað || ðonne ic win |
Riddles 15 2b | idan swa some || swift ic eom | on | feðe / beadowæpen bere || me |
Riddles 15 3b | feðe / beadowæpen bere || me | on | bæce standað / her swylce swe |
Riddles 15 4a | bæce standað / her swylce swe | on | hleorum || hlifiað tu / earan |
Riddles 15 6a | ēaĝum. || Ordum iċ steppe / | on | grēne% græs. || Mē biþ gr |
Riddles 15 16a | | ic his bidan ne dear / reðes | on | geruman || nele ðæt ræd te |
Riddles 15 21a | ægburge mot || mine gelædan / | on | degolne weg || ðurh dune ðy |
Riddles 15 25a | iðsceaða || nearwe stige / me | on | swaðe seceð || ne tosæleð |
Riddles 15 26a | e seceð || ne tosæleð him / | on | ðam gegnpaðe || guðgemotes |
Riddles 18 4a | hæbbe / wide wombe || / ic wæs | on | ceole || ond mines cnosles ma |
Riddles 19 1a | # Riddles 19 / / ic | on | siðe seah || sigel rad os / h |
Riddles 19 4a | || swiðe ðrægan / hæfde him | on | hrycge || hildeðryðe / nied o |
Riddles 19 7a | || widlast ferede / rynestrong | on | rade || rofne cen os / feoh os |
Riddles 2 1b | 2 / / ic eom wunderlicu wiht || | on | gewin sceapen / frean minum leo |
Riddles 2 7a | bēataþ, || stundum weorpaþ / | on | stealc hliða || stāne and s |
Riddles 2 10b | / since ond seolfre || ond mec | on | sele weorðað / ne wyrneð wor |
Riddles 2 12a | || sē þe min lāttēow biþ / | on | sīða ġe·hwǣm. || Saĝa, |
Riddles 2 13a | y meodu drincað / healdeð mec | on | heaðore || hwilum læteð ef |
Riddles 2 14b | lum læteð eft / radwerigne || | on | gerum sceacan / orlegfromne || |
Riddles 2 18b | earf / ðæt me bearn wræce || | on | bonan feore / gif me gromra hwy |
Riddles 2 26a | wa ic gien dyde / minum ðeodne | on | ðonc || ðæt ic ðolian sce |
Riddles 2 29b | / geno wyrneð || se mec geara | on | / bende legde || forðon ic bru |
Riddles 2 31a | de || forðon ic brucan sceal / | on | hagostealde || hæleða gestr |
Riddles 20 1b | 0 / / Ic eom wunderlicu wiht, || | on | gewin sceapen, / frean minum le |
Riddles 20 10b | / since ond seolfre || ond mec | on | sele weorþað; / ne wyrneð wo |
Riddles 20 13a | meodu drincað, / healdeð mec | on | heaþore, || hwilum læteð e |
Riddles 20 14b | lum læteð eft / radwerigne || | on | gerum sceacan, / orlegfromne. | |
Riddles 20 18b | earf / þæt me bearn wræce || | on | bonan feore, / gif me gromra hw |
Riddles 20 26a | wa ic gien dyde / minum þeodne | on | þonc, || þæt ic þolian sc |
Riddles 20 29b | geno wyrneð, || se mec geara | on | / bende legde; || forþon ic br |
Riddles 20 31a | e; || forþon ic brucan sceal / | on | hagostealde || hæleþa gestr |
Riddles 21 5a | || weard æt steorte / wrigað | on | wonge || wegeð mec ond ðyð |
Riddles 21 6a | | wegeð mec ond ðyð / saweð | on | swæð min || ic snyðige for |
Riddles 21 8a | earwe || bunden cræfte / wegen | on | wægne || hæbbe wundra fela / |
Riddles 21 9b | la / me bið gongendre || grene | on | healfe / ond min swæð sweotol |
Riddles 21 10b | min swæð sweotol || sweart | on | oðre / me ðurh hrycg wrecen | |
Riddles 21 12b | under / an orðoncpil || oðer | on | heafde / fæst ond forðweard | |
Riddles 21 13b | st ond forðweard || fealleð | on | sidan / ðæt ic toðum tere || |
Riddles 22 9a | tronge || ongunnon stigan ða / | on | wægn weras || ond hyra wicg |
Riddles 22 14b | a mægen / ne fæthengest || ne | on | flode swom / ne be grunde wod | |
Riddles 22 16b | um under / ne lagu drefde || ne | on | lyfte fleag / ne under bæc cyr |
Riddles 22 20a | e heaum || ðæt hy stopan up / | on | oðerne || ellenrofe / weras of |
Riddles 23 2b | yrfed / ic eom wrætlic wiht || | on | gewin sceapen / ðonne ic onbug |
Riddles 25 1b | eom wunderlicu wiht || wifum | on | hyhte / neahbuendum nyt || næn |
Riddles 25 4b | min is steapheah || stonde ic | on | bedde / neoðan ruh nathwær || |
Riddles 25 7b | / modwlonc meowle || ðæt heo | on | mec gripeð / ræseð mec on re |
Riddles 25 8a | eo on mec gripeð / ræseð mec | on | reodne || reafað min heafod / |
Riddles 25 9a | reafað min heafod / fegeð mec | on | fæsten || feleð sona / mines |
Riddles 26 3a | inom || wætte siððan / dyfde | on | wætre || dyde eft ðonan / set |
Riddles 26 4a | tre || dyde eft ðonan / sette | on | sunnan || ðær ic swiðe bel |
Riddles 26 10b | lg / streames dæle || stop eft | on | mec / siðade sweartlast || mec |
Riddles 27 4a | m || dæges mec wægun / feðre | on | lifte || feredon mid liste / un |
Riddles 27 6a | Hæleþ mec siþþan / baðodon | on | bydene. || Nū iċ eom binder |
Riddles 27 13b | ð / strengo bistolen || strong | on | spræce / mægene binumen || na |
Riddles 27 16a | a || frige hwæt ic hatte / ðe | on | eorðan swa || esnas binde / do |
Riddles 28 7b | durum dryhta. || Drēam biþ | on | innan / cwicra wihta, || clenġ |
Riddles 29 5a | of ðam heresiðe / walde hyre | on | ðære byrig || bur atimbran / |
Riddles 29 12b | tonc to heofonum || deaw feol | on | eorðan / niht forð gewat || n |
Riddles 3 3b | ges / bearm ðone bradan || ond | on | bid wriceð / ðrafað on ðyst |
Riddles 3 4a | | ond on bid wriceð / ðrafað | on | ðystrum || ðrymma sumne / hæ |
Riddles 3 5a | strum || ðrymma sumne / hæste | on | enge || ðær me heord siteð |
Riddles 3 6a | | ðær me heord siteð / hruse | on | hrycge || nah ic hwyrftweges / |
Riddles 3 13b | a mec wisað || se mec wræde | on | / æt frumsceafte || furðum le |
Riddles 3 21b | / dun ofer dype || hyre deorc | on | last / eare geblonden || oðer |
Riddles 3 28a | astes || ðonne heah geðring / | on | cleofu crydeð || ðær bið |
Riddles 3 30a | sæcce || gif hine sæ byreð / | on | ða grimman tid || gæsta ful |
Riddles 3 35a | ara ðe ic hyran sceal / strong | on | stiðweg || hwa gestilleð ð |
Riddles 3 36b | lum ic ðurhræse || ðæt me | on | bæce rideð / won wægfatu || |
Riddles 3 51a | odðrea || monna cynne / brogan | on | burgum || ðonne blace scotia |
Riddles 3 55a | æðre || gif him soð meotud / | on | geryhtu || ðurh regn ufan / of |
Riddles 3 65a | fte helm || londe near / ond me | on | hrycg hlade || ðæt ic habba |
Riddles 31 3b | c seah sellic ðing || singan | on | ræcede / wiht wæs nower || we |
Riddles 31 4b | cede / wiht wæs nower || werum | on | gemonge / sio hæfde wæstum || |
Riddles 31 11b | ahhe / oft ond gelome || eorlum | on | gemonge / siteð æt symble || |
Riddles 31 14a | ft hyre || cyðan mote / werum | on | wonge || ne heo ðær wiht ð |
Riddles 31 17a | dumb wunað / hwæðre hyre is | on | fote || fæger hleoðor / wynli |
Riddles 31 21a | frætwed hyrstum / hafað hyre | on | halse || ðonne hio hord wara |
Riddles 32 6b | folme / exle ne earmas || sceal | on | anum fet / searoceap swifan || |
Riddles 32 9a | | hæfde fela ribba / muð wæs | on | middan || moncynne nyt / fereð |
Riddles 33 4a | leahtor wæs gryrelic / egesful | on | earde || ecge wæron scearpe / |
Riddles 33 12a | wa ðæt is ældum cuð / firum | on | folce || ðæt seo on foldan |
Riddles 33 12b | / firum on folce || ðæt seo | on | foldan sceal / on ealra londa g |
Riddles 33 13a | || ðæt seo on foldan sceal / | on | ealra londa gehwam || lissum |
Riddles 34 1b | les 34 / / Iċ wiht ġe·seah || | on | wera burgum, / sēo þæt feoh |
Riddles 34 8b | rtum fæste / stille stondan || | on | staðolwonge / beorhte blican | |
Riddles 36 1b | Riddles 36 / / ic wiht geseah || | on | wege feran / seo wæs wrætlice |
Riddles 36 6b | wf] hors [qxxs] || / || ufon | on | hrycge / hæfde tu fiðru || on |
Riddles 36 6a | kf wf hors qxxs || / || ufan | on | hryċġe; || / hæfde tu fiðe |
Riddles 37 1b | ða wihte geseah || womb wæs | on | hindan / ðriðum aðrunten || |
Riddles 37 7a | um, || ac him eft cymeþ / bōt | on | bōsme, || blǣd biþ ā·rǣ |
Riddles 38 2b | / geoguðmyrðe grædig || him | on | gafol forlet / ferðfriðende | |
Riddles 38 4b | eower wellan / scire sceotan || | on | gesceap ðeotan / mon maðelade |
Riddles 39 6b | erendra || gewiteð eft feran | on | weg / ne bið hio næfre || nih |
Riddles 4 3b | eð / rice is se reccend || ond | on | ryht cyning / ealra anwalda || |
Riddles 4 9a | um% bersteþ; / sē þēah biþ | on | þance || þeġne mīnum, / med |
Riddles 4 12a | wiht wīte || and wordum min / | on | spēd mæġe || spell ġe·se |
Riddles 4 23a | healdeð ond wealdeð / ic eom | on | stence || strengre micle / ðon |
Riddles 4 25b | ricels || oððe rose sy / || | on | eorðan tyrf / wynlic weaxeð | |
Riddles 4 28a | ie sy || leof moncynne / beorht | on | blostman || ic eom betre ðon |
Riddles 4 58a | n leoman || lege hatra / ic eom | on | goman || gena swetra / ðonne |
Riddles 4 61a | e || ðonne wermod sy / ðe her | on | hyrstum || heasewe stondeð / i |
Riddles 4 77a | onne ðes lytla wyrm / ðe her | on | flode gæð || fotum dryge / fl |
Riddles 4 81a | micle || halsrefeðre / seo her | on | winde || wæweð on lyfte / ic |
Riddles 4 81b | e / seo her on winde || wæweð | on | lyfte / ic eorðan eom || æghw |
Riddles 4 87b | ænig oðer / wiht waldendre || | on | worldlife / ic eom ufor || ealr |
Riddles 4 95a | iðre ðonne he / swylce ic eom | on | mægene || minum læsse / ðonn |
Riddles 4 102b | um / nu me wrætlice || weaxað | on | heafde / ðæt me on gescyldrum |
Riddles 4 103a | || weaxað on heafde / ðæt me | on | gescyldrum || scinan motan / fu |
Riddles 4 106b | ed swin / bearg bellende || ðe | on | bocwuda / won wrotende || wynnu |
Riddles 40 3b | Rīċe% is sē reccend || and | on | riht cyning / ealra an-wealda, |
Riddles 40 4b | / Rice is se reccend || ond | on | ryht cyning / ealra anwalda, || |
Riddles 40 23a | ealdeþ and wealdeþ. / Iċ eom | on | stence || strengre miċele% / |
Riddles 40 24a | healdeþ ond wealdeþ. / Ic eom | on | stence || strengre micle / þon |
Riddles 40 25a | eċels || oþþe rōse sīe, / | on | eorðan turf || / wynliċ weax |
Riddles 40 26b | ricels || oþþe rose sy, / || | on | eorþan tyrf / wynlic weaxeð; |
Riddles 40 28a | e || lēof mann-cynne, / beorht | on | blōstman, || iċ eom betere |
Riddles 40 29a | e sy || leof moncynne, / beorht | on | blostman, || ic eom betre þo |
Riddles 40 58a | an || līeġe hātra. / Iċ eom | on | gaman || ġīenā swētra / þo |
Riddles 40 60a | leoman || lege hatra. / Ic eom | on | goman || gena swetra / þonne |
Riddles 40 61a | onne wer-mōd sīe, / þe% hēr | on | hyrstum || haswe standeþ. / I |
Riddles 40 63a | þonne wermod sy, / þe her | on | hyrstum || heasewe stondeþ. / |
Riddles 40 77a | ne þēs lȳtla wyrm / þe hēr | on | flōde% gæþ || fōtum drī |
Riddles 40 80a | onne þes lytla wyrm / þe her | on | flode gæð || fotum dryge. / F |
Riddles 40 81a | || hāls-refeþre, / sēo hēr | on | winde || wǣweþ on lyfte. / I |
Riddles 40 81b | sēo hēr on winde || wǣweþ | on | lyfte. / Iċ eorðan eom || ǣ |
Riddles 40 84a | icle || halsrefeþre, / seo her | on | winde || wæweð on lyfte. / Ic |
Riddles 40 84b | , / seo her on winde || wæweð | on | lyfte. / Ic eorþan eom || ægh |
Riddles 40 87b | iġ ōðer / wiht wealdendre || | on | weorold-līfe; / iċ eom ufor | |
Riddles 40 91b | ænig oþer / wiht waldendre || | on | worldlife; / ic eom ufor || eal |
Riddles 40 95a | e þonne hē, / swelċe iċ eom | on | mæġene || mīnum lǣsse / þo |
Riddles 40 98a | | seaxe delfaþ. / Nū hafu iċ | on | heafde || hwīte loccas / wrǣs |
Riddles 40 99a | þre þonne he, / swylce ic eom | on | mægene || minum læsse / þonn |
Riddles 40 102b | ū mē wrætlīċe || weaxaþ | on | heafde / þæt mē on ġe·sċi |
Riddles 40 103a | | weaxaþ on heafde / þæt mē | on | ġe·sċieldrum || sċīnan m |
Riddles 40 106b | m; / nu me wrætlice || weaxað | on | heafde / þæt me on gescyldrum |
Riddles 40 107a | || weaxað on heafde / þæt me | on | gescyldrum || scinan motan / fu |
Riddles 40 111b | in, / bearg bellende, || / þe | on | bocwuda, / won wrotende || wynn |
Riddles 41 6a | an āĝen. / Ne maĝon we hēr | on | eorðan || āwiht libban, / nem |
Riddles 42 5b | rces speow / fæmne fyllo || ic | on | flette mæg / ðurh runstafas | |
Riddles 43 2a | tne || æðelum dierne / ġiest | on | ġeardum, || þām sē grymma |
Riddles 43 6a | ðenað || se ðe agan sceal / | on | ðam siðfate || hy gesunde |
Riddles 43 10a | hlaforde || hyreð yfle / frean | on | fore || ne wile forht wesan / b |
Riddles 45 1a | # Riddles 45 / / ic | on | wincle gefrægn || weaxan nat |
Riddles 45 3a | ond ðunian || ðecene hebban / | on | ðæt banlease || bryd grapod |
Riddles 47 4a | || wera ġiedd sumes, / þēof | on | þīestru, || þrymfæstne cw |
Riddles 49 4a | s hond || gifrum lacum / hwilum | on | ðam wicum || se wonna ðegn / |
Riddles 5 1a | # Riddles 5 / / wiga is | on | eorðan || wundrum acenned / dr |
Riddles 5 3b | m twam / torht atyhted || ðone | on | teon wigeð / feond his feonde |
Riddles 5 9a | || he him fremum stepeð / life | on | lissum || leanað grimme / ðam |
Riddles 50 1a | # Riddles 50 / / Wiga is | on | eorþan || wundrum acenned / dr |
Riddles 50 3b | twam / torht atyhted, || þone | on | teon wigeð / feond his feonde. |
Riddles 50 9a | hē him fremum stepeþ / līfe | on | lissum. || Lēanaþ grymme / þ |
Riddles 50 10a | || he him fremum stepeð / life | on | lissum. || Leanað grimme / |
Riddles 51 3b | u swiðe blacu || swift wæs | on | fore / fuglum framra || fleag o |
Riddles 51 4b | n fore / fuglum framra || fleag | on | lyfte / deaf under yðe || drea |
Riddles 52 1b | es 52 / / Iċ seah rǣplingas || | on | reċed ferĝan / under hrōf sa |
Riddles 53 1a | # Riddles 53 / / ic seah | on | bearwe || beam hlifian / tanum |
Riddles 53 2b | m torhtne || ðæt treow wæs | on | wynne / wudu weaxende || wæter |
Riddles 53 5a | gre || oððæt he frod dagum / | on | oðrum wearð || aglachade / de |
Riddles 53 6b | / dēope ġe·dolĝod, || dumb | on | bendum, / wriðen ofer wunda, | |
Riddles 53 13a | if sē ǣrra fær / ġe·namnan | on | nearwe || nēðan mōste. |
Riddles 54 2a | ðǣr hē hīe wisse / standan | on | winc-sele, || stōp feorran t |
Riddles 55 1a | # Riddles 55 / / Iċ seah | on | healle%, || ðǣr hæleþ dru |
Riddles 55 2a | alle || ðær hæleð druncon / | on | flet beran || feower cynna / wr |
Riddles 55 13b | / his mann-drihtne, || māðum | on | healle, / gold-hilted sweord. | |
Riddles 55 15b | eddes / ondsware ywe || se hine | on | mede / wordum secgan || hu se w |
Riddles 56 8a | er || oðer bisgo dreag / leolc | on | lyfte || hwilum londe neah / tr |
Riddles 56 12b | runcon / ðara flana geweorc || | on | flet beran |
Riddles 58 2a | anfete || ellen dreogan / wiht | on | wonge || wide ne fereð / ne fe |
Riddles 58 12a | fereð oft swa ðeah / lagoflod | on | lyfte || life ne gielpeð / hla |
Riddles 58 14b | ēodne sīnum. || Þrīe sind | on | naman / rihte rūn-stafas, || |
Riddles 59 1a | # Riddles 59 / / Iċ seah | on | healle || hrinġ gyldenne% / me |
Riddles 59 6a | n || word æfter cwæð / hring | on | hyrede || hælend nemde / tillf |
Riddles 59 7b | til-fremmendra. || Him torhte | on | ġe·mynd / his dryhtnes naman |
Riddles 59 9a | es naman || dumba brōhte / and | on | ēaĝna ġe·sihð, || ġif |
Riddles 59 17b | es tō hæleþum, || þā hē | on | healle wæs / wielted and wende |
Riddles 6 7b | ic frefre || ða ic ær winne | on | / feorran swiðe || hi ðæs fe |
Riddles 8 6a | ōp, || eorlum bringe / blisse | on | burgum, || þonne iċ būġen |
Riddles 8 7b | endre / stefne styrme || stille | on | wicum / sittað nigende || saga |
Riddles 9 1a | # Riddles 9 / / mec | on | ðissum dagum || deadne ofgea |
Riddles 9 3a | mē feorh þā ġīen, / ealdor | on | innan. || Þā mec ān% on·g |
The Wife's Lament 13b | nc, / þæt wit ġe·wīdost || | on | weorold-rīċe / lifdon lāðli |
The Wife's Lament 16b | d niman / ahte ic leofra lyt || | on | ðissum londstede / holdra freo |
The Wife's Lament 27b | reogan / heht mec mon wunian || | on | wuda bearwe / under actreo || i |
The Wife's Lament 28b | da bearwe, / under āc-trēo || | on | þām eorþ-sċræfe. / Eald is |
The Wife's Lament 33b | / fromsið frean || frynd sind | on | eorðan / leofe lifgende || leg |
The Wife's Lament 35a | || leger weardiað / ðonne ic | on | uhtan || ana gonge / under actr |
The Wife's Lament 41b | es ðæs longaðes || ðe mec | on | ðissum life begeat / a scyle g |
The Wife's Lament 50a | e werigmod || wætre beflowen / | on | dreorsele || dreogeð se min |
The Judgment Day I 4a | um. || Oft mæġ sē þe wile / | on | his selfes sefan || sōþ ġe |
The Judgment Day I 6a | ðinged hider || ðeoden user / | on | ðam mæstan dæge || mægenc |
The Judgment Day I 38a | at bið acolod / ne bið ðonne | on | ðisse worulde || nymðe wæt |
The Judgment Day I 42a | s fricgan / ealles ðæs ðe we | on | eorðan || ær geworhtan / gode |
The Judgment Day I 48a | || ðæt hi lof godes / hergan | on | heahðu || hyhtum to wuldre / l |
The Judgment Day I 49a | u || hyhtum to wuldre / lifgen | on | geleafan || ond a lufan dryht |
The Judgment Day I 50a | and ā lufan dryhtnes / wyrċan | on | þisse weorolde, || ǣr þon |
The Judgment Day I 53a | bið nænges eorles tir / leng | on | ðissum life || siððan leoh |
The Judgment Day I 59a | te gesceaft || brondas lacað / | on | ðam deopan dæge || dyneð u |
The Judgment Day I 61b | orðan yrmðu || seoð ðonne | on | ece gewyrht / ðonne bið gecy |
The Judgment Day I 62b | nne biþ ġe·cȳðed || hwā | on | clǣnnesse / līf ā·lifde; || |
The Judgment Day I 64a | þ lēan ġearu. / Hyht wæs ā | on | heofonum, || siþþan ūser h |
The Judgment Day I 66a | || ðurh ða mæstan gesceaft / | on | ful blacne beam || bunden fæ |
The Judgment Day I 71a | ul oft || halge lare / brigdeð | on | bysmer || ne con he ðæs bro |
The Judgment Day I 72b | yfles ondgiet || ær hit hine | on | fealleð / he ðæt ðonne onfi |
The Judgment Day I 75a | negum gecyðeð / ðæt he bið | on | ðæt wynstre weorud || wyrs |
The Judgment Day I 76a | ud || wyrs gescaden / ðonne he | on | ða swiðran hond || swican m |
The Judgment Day I 104b | an / ðonne we us gemittað || | on | ðam mæstan dæge / rincas æt |
The Judgment Day I 119a | iþ ġe·staðolod, / welan āh | on | wuldre || sē nū wēl þenċ |
Resignation 4a | || min wundorcyning / ðe ðær | on | sindon || ece dryhten / micel o |
Resignation 14a | geðeo || ðinga gehwylce / ond | on | me sylfum || soðfæst cyning |
Resignation 16a | d arære || regnðeof ne læt / | on | sceade sceððan || ðeah ðe |
Resignation 25b | e / to cunnunge || nu ðu const | on | mec / firendæda fela || feorma |
Resignation 37b | orgeafe || gesette minne hyht | on | ðec / forhte foreðoncas || ð |
Resignation 40b | hyġe, / gǣsta god cyning, || | on | ġearone rǣd. / Nū iċ fundie |
Resignation 44b | ē þonne, / wyrda wealdend, || | on | þīnne wuldor-drēam, / and me |
Resignation 48b | an frofre || ðeah ðe ic ær | on | fyrste lyt / earnode arna || fo |
Resignation 50a | t mec englas seðeah / geniman | on | ðinne neawest || nergende cy |
Resignation 53b | ol seðeah / ðin lim lædan || | on | laðne sið / ðy læs hi on ð |
Resignation 54a | || on laðne sið / ðy læs hi | on | ðone foreðonc || gefeon mot |
Resignation 67a | ðeah ðu me fela sealde / arna | on | ðisse eorðan || ðe sie eal |
Resignation 72a | nd me hyhtan to / frætwian mec | on | ferðweg || ond fundian / sylf |
Resignation 76a | ū iċ ġe·bunden eom / fæste | on | mīnum ferhþe. || Huru mē f |
Resignation 84a | ðon ic ðas word spræce / fus | on | ferðe || swa me on frymðe g |
Resignation 84b | ræce / fus on ferðe || swa me | on | frymðe gelomp / yrmðu ofer eo |
Resignation 87b | onc / modearfoða || ma ðonne | on | oðrum / fyrhto in folce || for |
Resignation 88a | mā þonne on ōðrum, / fyrhtu | on | folce; || for·þon iċ ā·f |
Resignation 92a | is him wrað meotud / gnornað | on | his geoguðe || / ond him ælc |
Resignation 98b | spræce / longunge fus || ond | on | lagu ðence / nat min || / hwy i |
Resignation 100b | min || / hwy ic gebycge || bat | on | sæwe / fleot on faroðe || nah |
Resignation 101a | gebycge || bat on sæwe / fleot | on | faroðe || nah ic fela goldes |
Resignation 108a | ncynnes || mode gelufian / eorl | on | eðle || eala dryhten min / mea |
Resignation 111b | ðe / gelong æfter life || ic | on | leohte ne mæg / butan earfoðu |
The Descent into Hell 1a | scent into Hell / / ongunnon him | on | uhtan || æðelcunde mægð / g |
The Descent into Hell 9b | on / cwom seo murnende || maria | on | dægred / heht hy oðre mid || |
The Descent into Hell 12a | ū || siġe-bearn godes / ǣnne | on | þæt eorð-ærn || ðǣr hī |
The Descent into Hell 14a | hæleð iudea / wendan ðæt he | on | ðam beorge || bidan sceolde / |
The Descent into Hell 15a | eorĝe || bīdan sċolde, / ana | on | ðǣre ēaster-niht. || Huru |
The Descent into Hell 16b | / wiston ða wifmenn || ða hy | on | weg cyrdon / ac ðær cwom on u |
The Descent into Hell 17a | y on weg cyrdon / ac ðær cwom | on | uhtan || an engla ðreat / beh |
The Descent into Hell 27a | ten || hælend user / ða he me | on | ðisne sið || sendan wolde / |
The Descent into Hell 55b | mid ðystre || se ðegn wæs | on | wynne / abead ða bealdlice || |
The Descent into Hell 61a | / /ige || secan woldest / nu we | on | ðissum bendum || bidan // / ð |
The Descent into Hell 78a | emyndig || ond monðwære / wis | on | ðinum gewitte || ond on ðin |
The Descent into Hell 78b | / wis on ðinum gewitte || ond | on | ðinum worde snottor / ðæt ð |
The Descent into Hell 80a | þone cniht / tō ūs brōhtest | on | Bethlem. || Bidon we þæs la |
The Descent into Hell 81a | || bidan we ðæs longe / setan | on | sorgum || sibbe oflyste / wynnu |
The Descent into Hell 86a | þæt ċild tō ūs / brōhtest | on | Bethlem. || Wē þæs bifiend |
The Descent into Hell 88a | um% || hearde sċoldon / bīdan | on | bendum. || Bana weorces ġe· |
The Descent into Hell 89b | / wæron ure ealdfind || ealle | on | wynnum / ðonne hy gehyrdon || |
The Descent into Hell 91a | hy gehyrdon || hu we hreowen/ / | /on | murnende || mægburg usse / oð |
The Descent into Hell 97a | e þā synne for·þon / beraþ | on | ūrum brēostum || tō banan |
The Descent into Hell 99b | ilnian. / Ēalā Hierusālem || | on | Iūdēum, / hū þū on ðǣre |
The Descent into Hell 100a | lem || on Iūdēum, / hū þū | on | ðǣre stōwe || stille ġe· |
The Descent into Hell 103b | of singaþ. / Ēalā Iordane || | on | Iūdēum, / hū þū on ðǣre |
The Descent into Hell 104a | dane || on Iūdēum, / hū þū | on | ðǣre stōwe || stille ġe· |
The Descent into Hell 108a | sie, || hǣlend ūser, / dēope | on | ġe·dyrstum, || þū eart dr |
The Descent into Hell 126a | sittan || // hond / ða ðu us | on | ðisne wræcsið || weoroda d |
The Descent into Hell 128b | est, / and fore% Hierusālem || | on | Iūdēum, / sċeall sēo burh n |
The Descent into Hell 131b | eft-cymes, / and for Iordane || | on | Iūdēum, / wit unc on ðǣre b |
The Descent into Hell 132a | rdane || on Iūdēum, / wit unc | on | ðǣre burnan || baðodon æt |
The Descent into Hell 135b | ran, / swelċe ġit Iohannis || | on | Iordane / mid þȳ fulwihte || |
Alms-Giving 1b | el bið ðam eorle || ðe him | on | innan hafað / reðehygdig wer |
Pharaoh 2a | ær weorudes || wære ealles / | on | farones fyrde || ða hy folc |
Pharaoh 8b | m || ȳþ%[] / wrāðe wyrde || | on | weorold-rīċe. |
The Lord's Prayer I 1b | rayer I / / /g fæder || ðu ðe | on | heofonum eardast / geweorðad w |
The Lord's Prayer I 5b | under rodores hrofe || eac ð | on | on rumre foldan / syle us to d |
Azarias 4a | eorn, || drihten herede, / wīs | on | weorcum || and þās word ā |
Azarias 8b | rðeode / sindon ðine domas || | on | dæda gehwam / soðe geswiðde |
Azarias 10b | æste, / ēac þīne% willan || | on | weorold-spēdum / rihte mid rǣ |
Azarias 17a | || Wē þæs libbende / worhton | on | weorolde, || ēac þon wamm d |
Azarias 18b | wamm dydon / ieldran ūsse, || | on | ofer-hyġdum / þīn be·bodu b |
Azarias 25b | Nū þū ūsiċ be·wrǣce || | on | þās wierrestan / eorþ-cining |
Azarias 27a | cininges || ǣht-ġe·wealda, / | on | hæft heoru-grimmes, || sċul |
Azarias 33b | as / ðæt ðu hyra fromcynn || | on | fyrndagum / ycan wolde || ðæt |
Azarias 35a | wolde || ðæt hit æfter him / | on | cyneryce || cenned wurde / yced |
Azarias 36a | cyneryce || cenned wurde / yced | on | eorðan || ðæt swa unrime / h |
Azarias 53b | sended, / wlite-sċīene wer || | on | his wuldor-haman, / cōm him þ |
Azarias 61a | ira līċe ne sċōd, / ac wæs | on | þām ofene%, || þā sē en |
Azarias 63a | sum || wedere onlicust / ðonne | on | sumeres tid || sended weorðe |
Azarias 65a | mid dæġes hwīle. / Sē wæs | on | þām fȳre || for frēan mea |
Azarias 69b | n, / bǣdon blētsian% || bearn | on | weorolde / ealle ġe·sċeafte |
Azarias 97a | rdagas || waldend manna / frean | on | ferðe || fremest eorðwelan / |
Azarias 130a | floda bigong || leohtes hyrde / | on | ðam wuniað || widferende / si |
Azarias 131a | m wuniað || widferende / siðe | on | sunde || seldlicra fela / blets |
Azarias 142a | ðe onhrerað || hreo wægas / | on | ðam bradan brime || bremen d |
Azarias 156b | aþ, / fela-mihtiġne || fæder | on | heofonum, / þone sōðan sunu |
Azarias 173b | ufan / ġe·bunden tō bǣle || | on | byrnendes / fȳres lēoman. || |
Azarias 190b | e-fæston, / mōdum glēawe, || | on | mann-þēawum, / þurh fore-þa |
Homiletic Fragment II 1a | iletic Fragment II / / gefeoh nu | on | ferðe || ond to frofre geðe |
Homiletic Fragment II 19a | dfate || halgan gæste / beorht | on | br/ || /e scan / se wæs ordfru |
Riddles 60 5a | a cynnes || ðæt minne ðær / | on | anæde || eard beheolde / ac me |
Riddles 60 11a | xlan || ðæt is wundres dæl / | on | sefan searolic || ðam ðe sw |
The Husband's Message 3a | cynn || iċ tūdre ā·wēox; / | on | mec æld[] sċeall || ellor l |
The Husband's Message 5b | e streamas / /sse || ful oft ic | on | bates / || gesohte / ðær mec m |
The Husband's Message 9a | heah hofu || eom nu her cumen / | on | ceolðele || ond nu cunnan sc |
The Husband's Message 11a | u ymb modlufan || mines frean / | on | hyge hycge || ic gehatan dear |
The Husband's Message 15a | u sinchroden || sylf gemunde / | on | gewitlocan || wordbeotunga / ð |
The Husband's Message 16a | locan || wordbeotunga / ðe git | on | ærdagum || oft gespræcon / ð |
The Husband's Message 17b | præcon / ðenden git moston || | on | meoduburgum / eard weardigan || |
The Husband's Message 22b | refde / siððan ðu gehyrde || | on | hliðes oran / galan geomorne | |
The Husband's Message 23b | s oran / galan geomorne || geac | on | bearwe / ne læt ðu ðec sið |
The Husband's Message 29b | t / ðær se ðeoden is || ðin | on | wenum / ne mæg him worulde || |
The Husband's Message 31a | orulde || willa gelimpan / mara | on | gemyndum || ðæs ðe he me s |
The Husband's Message 41a | æded || nacan ut aðrong / ond | on | yða geong || // sceolde / fara |
The Husband's Message 42a | ða geong || // sceolde / faran | on | flotweg || forðsiðes georn / |
The Husband's Message 53a | ndum || læstan wolde / ðe git | on | ærdagum || oft gespræconn |
The Ruin 4b | rras / hrungeat berofen || hrim | on | lime / scearde scurbeorge || sc |
The Ruin 13a | giet se || /num geheapen / fel | on | || / grimme gegrunden || / scan |
The Ruin 19a | e ġe·bræġd || / hwæt-rǣd | on | hringas, || hyġe-rōf ġe·b |
The Ruin 35a | ingal || wighyrstum scan / seah | on | sinc on sylfor || on searogim |
The Ruin 35b | can / seah on sinc on sylfor || | on | searogimmas / on ead on æht || |
The Ruin 36a | c on sylfor || on searogimmas / | on | ead on æht || on eorcanstan / |
The Ruin 36b | searogimmas / on ead on æht || | on | eorcanstan / on ðas beorhtan b |
The Ruin 37a | ead on æht || on eorcanstan / | on | ðas beorhtan burg || bradan |
The Ruin 41a | || ðær ða baðu wæron / hat | on | hreðre || ðæt wæs hyðeli |
Riddles 61 2a | ileac || freolicu meowle / ides | on | earce || hwilum up ateah / folm |
Riddles 61 5a | wa hio haten wæs / siððan me | on | hreðre || heafod sticade / nio |
Riddles 61 6b | sticade / nioðan upweardne || | on | nearo fegde / gif ðæs ondfeng |
Riddles 62 3b | fa / ryhtne geryme || rinc bið | on | ofeste / se mec on ðyð || æf |
Riddles 62 4a | || rinc bið on ofeste / se mec | on | ðyð || æftanweardne / hæle |
Riddles 62 4b | tne ġe·rȳme. || Rinċ biþ | on | ofoste, / sē mec on þȳþ || |
Riddles 62 5a | Rinċ biþ on ofoste, / sē mec | on | þȳþ || æftan-weardne, / hæ |
Riddles 62 7a | le hatne || hwilum eft fareð / | on | nearo nathwær || nydeð swi |
Riddles 62 8a | hātne, || hwīlum eft fareþ / | on | nearu nāthwǣr, || nīedeþ |
Riddles 63 3a | ær guman drincað / hwilum mec | on | cofan || cysseð muðe / tillic |
Riddles 63 4a | r guman drincaþ. / Hwīlum mec | on | cofan || cysseþ mūðe / tilli |
Riddles 63 5a | || ðær wit tu beoð / fæðme | on | folm/ || /grum ðyð / wyrceð |
Riddles 63 6a | ðǣr wit tū bēoþ, / fæðme | on | folm[]grum þȳþ, || / wyrċe |
Riddles 63 10b | æg ic ðy miðan || / || /an | on | leohte / // || / swylce eac bið |
Riddles 63 11a | ċ þȳ mīðan, [] || / []ān | on | lēohte || / [] || / swelċe ē |
Riddles 64 2b | / beran beorc eoh || bæm wæs | on | siððe / hæbbendes hyht || h |
Riddles 65 3a | æghwa mec reafað / hafað mec | on | headre || ond min heafod scir |
Riddles 65 4a | min heafod scireð / biteð mec | on | bær lic || briceð mine wisa |
Riddles 66 4a | || sæs me sind ealle / flodas | on | fæðmum || ond ðes foldan b |
Riddles 67 1a | # Riddles 67 / / ic | on | ðinge gefrægn || ðeodcynin |
Riddles 68 1b | les 68 / / ic ða wiht geseah || | on | weg feran / heo wæs wrætlice |
Riddles 69 1a | # Riddles 69 / / wundor wearð | on | wege || wæter wearð to bane |
Riddles 70 4a | t; || hafaþ eaxle tua / scearp | on | gescyldrum. || His gesceapo d |
Riddles 72 9b | rh ðyrel ðearle || ic ðæh | on | lust / oððæt ic wæs yldra | |
Riddles 72 13b | en under beame || beag hæfde | on | healse / wean on laste || weorc |
Riddles 72 14a | || beag hæfde on healse / wean | on | laste || weorc ðrowade / earfo |
Riddles 72 16a | l || oft mec isern scod / sare | on | sidan || ic swigade / næfre me |
Riddles 73 1a | # Riddles 73 / / ic | on | wonge aweox || wunode ðær m |
Riddles 73 7a | ceolde || wið gesceape minum / | on | bonan willan || bugan hwilum / |
Riddles 73 13a | ða fremman / wyrcan w/ || / /ec | on | ðeode || utan we/ / || /ipe / o |
Riddles 73 21b | mec // / fægre feormað || ond | on | fyrd wigeð / cræfte on hæfte |
Riddles 73 22a | || ond on fyrd wigeð / cræfte | on | hæfte || cuð is wide / ðæt |
Riddles 74 2b | xhar cwene / ond ænlic rinc || | on | ane tid / fleah mid fuglum || o |
Riddles 74 3b | e tid / fleah mid fuglum || ond | on | flode swom / deaf under yðe || |
Riddles 74 5a | r yðe || dead mid fiscum / ond | on | foldan stop || hæfde ferð c |
Riddles 75 1b | dles 75 / / ic swiftne geseah || | on | swaðe feran / dæg nied lagu h |
Riddles 80 4b | ec hwilum / hwitloccedu || hond | on | legeð, / eorles dohtor, || þe |
Riddles 80 6a | eah hio æþelu sy. / Hæbbe me | on | bosme || þæt on bearwe gewe |
Riddles 80 6b | . / Hæbbe me on bosme || þæt | on | bearwe geweox. / Hwilum ic on w |
Riddles 80 7a | t on bearwe geweox. / Hwilum ic | on | wloncum || wicge ride / herges |
Riddles 80 8a | wloncum || wicge ride / herges | on | ende; || heard is min tunge. / |
Riddles 81 5b | steapne / ond sidan twa || sag | on | middum / eard ofer ældum || ag |
Riddles 81 11a | /eoseð || ond fealleð snaw / | on | ðyrelwombne || ond ic ðæt |
Riddles 83 2a | s min fram-cynn% || [] / biden | on | burgum, || siþþan bǣles we |
Riddles 84 1a | # Riddles 84 / / an wiht is | on | eorðan || wundrum acenned / hr |
Riddles 86 2a | || ðær weras sæton / monige | on | mæðle || mode snottre / hæfd |
Riddles 87 4b | ðuhte / godlic gumrinc || grap | on | sona / heofones toðe || / bleow |
Riddles 87 6a | ona / heofones toðe || / bleowe | on | eage || hio borcade / wancode w |
Riddles 88 5a | || wæs min ti/ / // || / /d ic | on | staðol/ || / /um geong || swa |
Riddles 88 11b | wæs ðy weorðra || ðe wit | on | stodan / hyrstum ðy hyrra || f |
Riddles 88 19b | bæc / wonn ond wundorlic || ic | on | wuda stonde / bordes on ende || |
Riddles 88 20a | c || ic on wuda stonde / bordes | on | ende || nis min broðor her / a |
Riddles 88 21b | c sceal broðorleas || bordes | on | ende / staðol weardian || ston |
Riddles 88 23b | e / ne wat hwær min broðor || | on | wera æhtum / eorðan sceata || |
Riddles 89 4b | / /tne || leðre wæs beg/ / || | /on | hindan / grette wea/ || / || li |
Riddles 89 4a | []tne, || leðere wæs bēg[] / | []on | hindan. || / Grētte wēa[] || |
Riddles 92 1b | / / ic wæs brunra beot || beam | on | holte / freolic feorhbora || on |
Riddles 92 4a | taðol || ond wifes sond / gold | on | geardum || nu eom guðwigan / h |
Riddles 93 10a | hliðu || stīĝan sċolde / up | on | ēðel, || hwīlum eft ġe·w |
Riddles 93 11a | el, || hwīlum eft ġe·wāt / | on | dēop dalu || duĝuþe sēċa |
Riddles 93 12a | dalu || duguðe secan / strong | on | stæpe || stanwongas grof / hri |
Riddles 93 14b | ara scoc / forst of feaxe || ic | on | fusum rad / oððæt him ðone |
Riddles 93 22a | unde weop || ne wrecan meahte / | on | wigan feore || wonnsceaft min |
Riddles 93 26a | || w/ /b/ befæðme / ðæt mec | on | fealleð || ufan ðær ic sto |
Riddles 93 31a | be || bewaden fereð / steppeð | on | stið bord || / deaðes d/ || |
Riddles 95 6a | ġif iċ habban sċeall / blǣd | on | burgum || oþþe beorhtne god |
The Phoenix 2a | tte is feor heonan / eastdælum | on | || æðelast londa / firum gefr |
The Phoenix 30b | gleawe / witgan ðurh wisdom || | on | gewritum cyðað / ðonne ænig |
The Phoenix 50a | onhliden weorðað / nis ðær | on | ðam londe || laðgeniðla / ne |
The Phoenix 74a | tes frætwe / ne feallað ðær | on | foldan || fealwe blostman / wud |
The Phoenix 76a | a wlite || ac ðær wrætlice / | on | ðam treowum symle || telgan |
The Phoenix 77b | hladene, / ofett ed-nīewe, || | on | ealle tīd / on þām græs-wan |
The Phoenix 78a | / ofett edniwe || in ealle tid / | on | ðam græswonge || grene ston |
The Phoenix 81a | || no gebrocen weorðeð / holt | on | hiwe || ðær se halga stenc / |
The Phoenix 84b | ge / frod fyrngeweorc || se hit | on | frymðe gescop / ðone wudu wea |
The Phoenix 89a | || næfre him deað sceðeð / | on | ðam willwonge || ðenden wor |
The Phoenix 97b | under waðeman || westdælas | on | / bideglad on dægred || ond se |
The Phoenix 98a | man || westdælas on / bideglad | on | dægred || ond seo deorce nih |
The Phoenix 100b | strong / fugel feðrum wlonc || | on | firgenstream / under lyft ofer |
The Phoenix 107a | welf sīðum hine / be·baðaþ | on | þām burnan || ǣr þæs bē |
The Phoenix 112b | sundplegan / heahmod hefeð || | on | heanne beam / ðonan yðast mæ |
The Phoenix 113b | ne beam / ðonan yðast mæg || | on | eastwegum / sið bihealdan || h |
The Phoenix 123b | areð feðrum snell || flyhte | on | lyfte / swinsað ond singeð || |
The Phoenix 136a | n || ne hæleða stefn / ænges | on | eorðan || ne organan / sweghle |
The Phoenix 139b | ·sċōp / gumum tō glēowe || | on | þās ġōmran weorold. / Singe |
The Phoenix 141b | blissad / oððæt seo sunne || | on | suðrodor / sæged weorðeð || |
The Phoenix 160a | || ofer fugla cynn / geðungen | on | ðeode || ond ðrage mid him / |
The Phoenix 168b | sċearplīċe, || þæt hē | on | sċade weardaþ, / on wudu-bear |
The Phoenix 169a | || ðæt he in scade weardað / | on | wudubearwe || weste stowe / bih |
The Phoenix 171b | negum / ðær he heanne beam || | on | holtwuda / wunað ond weardað |
The Phoenix 174a | ofe || ðone hatað men / fenix | on | foldan || of ðæs fugles nom |
The Phoenix 178a | æt se ana is || ealra beama / | on | eorðwege || uplædendra / beor |
The Phoenix 188a | rm || weorodum lyhteð / ðonne | on | ðam telgum || timbran onginn |
The Phoenix 200a | le. || Þǣr hē self bireþ / | on | þæt trēow innan || torhte |
The Phoenix 201b | we; / ðǣr sē wilda fuĝol || | on | þām wēstenne / ofer hēanne |
The Phoenix 204a | | and ġe·wīcaþ ðǣr / self | on | þām solore || and ymb·sete |
The Phoenix 205a | lore || and ymb·seteþ ūtan / | on | þām leaf-sċade || līċ an |
The Phoenix 206a | leafsceade || lic ond feðre / | on | healfa gehware || halgum sten |
The Phoenix 209a | es fus || ðonne swegles gim / | on | sumeres tid || sunne hatost / o |
The Phoenix 214b | eð / swetum swæccum || ðonne | on | swole byrneð / ðurh fyres fen |
The Phoenix 220b | / lænne lichoman || lif bið | on | siðe / fæges feorhhord || ðo |
The Phoenix 231a | f ðam ade || æples gelicnes / | on | ðære ascan bið || eft geme |
The Phoenix 234b | æde / scir of scylle || ðonne | on | sceade weaxeð / ðæt he æres |
The Phoenix 237a | || ðonne furðor gin / wridað | on | wynnum || ðæt he bið wæst |
The Phoenix 244a | ondleofne || eorðan wæstmas / | on | hærfeste || ham gelædeð / wi |
The Phoenix 246a | e wynsume || ær wintres cyme / | on | rypes timan || ðy læs hi re |
The Phoenix 254a | nsawen || ðonne sunnan glæm / | on | lenctenne || lifes tacen / wece |
The Phoenix 260a | || no he foddor ðigeð / mete | on | moldan || nemne meledeawes / d |
The Phoenix 265b | nne biþ ā·weaxen || wyrtum | on | ġe·maniġe / fuĝol feðerum |
The Phoenix 278b | ft / sunbeorht gesetu || seceð | on | wynnum / eadig eðellond || eal |
The Phoenix 281b | e wæs / ða hine ærest god || | on | ðone æðelan wong / sigorfæs |
The Phoenix 284a | ngeð || ða ær brondes wylm / | on | beorhstede || bæle forðylmd |
The Phoenix 287a | eaducræftig || ban ond yslan / | on | ðam ealonde || bið him edni |
The Phoenix 303b | st, / glādum ġimme, || þonne | on | gold-fæte / smiða orþancum | |
The Phoenix 311b | n / fealwe fotas || se fugel is | on | hiwe / æghwæs ænlic || onlic |
The Phoenix 328a | ð || scyppendes giefe / fægre | on | ðam fugle || swa him æt fru |
The Phoenix 333b | m cyðað / mundum mearciað || | on | marmstane / hwonne se dæg ond |
The Phoenix 336a | hthwates || ðonne fugla cynn / | on | healfa gehwone || heapum ðri |
The Phoenix 340a | an || hringe beteldað / flyhte | on | lyfte || fenix bið on middum |
The Phoenix 340b | flyhte on lyfte || fenix bið | on | middum / ðreatum biðrungen || |
The Phoenix 355a | onne sē æðeling biþ / ġung | on | ġeardum. || God ana wāt, / cy |
The Phoenix 363a | ma || wudu-holtum inn, / wunian | on | wange, || oþ·þæt wintra b |
The Phoenix 385a | r geardagum || geofona neotan / | on | sindreamum || ond siððan a / |
The Phoenix 386a | mum || and siþþan ā / wunian | on | wuldre% || weorca tō lēane. |
The Phoenix 389a | | Crīstes þeġnum / bēacnaþ | on | burgum, || hū hīe beorhtne |
The Phoenix 390b | gefean / ðurh fæder fultum || | on | ðas frecnan tid / healdað und |
The Phoenix 392a | onum || and him hēanne blǣd / | on | þām upplican || ēðle ġe |
The Phoenix 395b | ra sped / ond hi ða gesette || | on | ðone selestan / foldan sceata |
The Phoenix 400a | eoðorcwide || healdan woldan / | on | ðam niwan gefean || ðær hi |
The Phoenix 414b | we be·swāc / ieldran ūsse || | on | ǣr-daĝum / þurh fǣcne ferh |
The Phoenix 416a | , || þæt hīe feorr þonan / | on | þās dēað-dene || drohtaþ |
The Phoenix 430a | s hleo || hēah ġe·mēteþ, / | on | þām hē ġe·timbreþ || t |
The Phoenix 432a | elestum || eardwic niwe / nest | on | bearwe || bið him neod micel |
The Phoenix 440a | g || ond wuldres setl / leoflic | on | laste || tugon longne sið / in |
The Phoenix 441a | āste, || tuĝon langne sīþ / | on | hearmra hand, || ðǣr him he |
The Phoenix 446b | ð / heofona heahcyning || hold | on | mode / ðæt is se hea beam || |
The Phoenix 447b | e. / Þæt is sē hēa bēam || | on | þām hālġe nū / wīċ weard |
The Phoenix 450b | tre sceððan / facnes tacne || | on | ðas frecnan tid / ðær him ne |
The Phoenix 455a | nd him dryhten gecygð / fæder | on | fultum || forð onetteð / læn |
The Phoenix 458a | || healdeþ metodes ǣ / beald | on | brēostum || and ġe·bedu s |
The Phoenix 464a | || þām biþ drihten sċield / | on | sīða ġe·hwone, || siĝora |
The Phoenix 470a | nest ġe·wyrċeþ. / Swā nū | on | þām wīcum || willan fremma |
The Phoenix 475a | yrtum || wīċ ġe·staðolod / | on | wuldres byriġ || weorca tō |
The Phoenix 484a | mes || mid heahcyning / earnað | on | elne || oððæt ende cymeð / |
The Phoenix 487b | aldor ānra ġe·hwæs || and | on | eorðan fæðm / snūde sendeþ |
The Phoenix 491b | ðeahte / ðonne monge beoð || | on | gemot læded / fyra cynnes || w |
The Phoenix 496a | riste || ealle gefremmað / men | on | moldan || swa se mihtiga cyni |
The Phoenix 502b | weorold, / sċyld-wyrċende, || | on | sċame byrneþ, / āde on·ǣle |
The Phoenix 504a | weorðeð anra gehwylc / forht | on | ferððe || ðonne fyr brice |
The Phoenix 508b | geð / londes frætwe || ðonne | on | leoht cymeð / ældum ðisses | |
The Phoenix 509b | oht cymeþ / ældum þisses || | on | þā openan tīd / fǣġer and |
The Phoenix 517a | . || Wēl biþ þām þe mōt / | on | þā ġōmran tīd || gode l |
The Phoenix 520a | d-mōde, || gæstas hweorfaþ / | on | bān-fatu, || þonne bryne st |
The Phoenix 525b | dom / forhtafæred || fyr bið | on | tihte / æleð uncyste || ðær |
The Phoenix 553a | ortan ġe·þancum, / þæt iċ | on | mīnum neste || nēo-bedd ċ |
The Phoenix 555a | rawerig || gewite hean ðonan / | on | longne sið || lame bitolden / |
The Phoenix 556b | olden, / ġōmor ġō-dǣda, || | on | grēotes fæðm, / and þonne a |
The Phoenix 564a | lissa || ðeah min lic scyle / | on | moldærne || molsnad weorðan |
The Phoenix 567a | le || sāwle ā·līeseþ / and | on | wuldor ā·weċeþ. || Mē þ |
The Phoenix 568a | æs wēn nǣfre / for·birsteþ | on | brēostum, || þe iċ on bre |
The Phoenix 568b | teþ on brēostum, || þe iċ | on | breĝu engla / forþ·weardne |
The Phoenix 570b | ste hæbbe / ðus frod guma || | on | fyrndagum / gieddade gleawmod | |
The Phoenix 572b | pell-boda, / ymb his ǣriste || | on | ēċe līf, / þæt we þȳ ġe |
The Phoenix 578a | yne || lædeð siððan / fugel | on | fotum || to frean geardum / sun |
The Phoenix 582a | ung, || ðǣr ǣniġ ne mæġ / | on | þām lēodsċipe || lǣþþu |
The Phoenix 586a | wod, || fuĝole ġe·līcost, / | on | ēad-welum% || æðelum stenc |
The Phoenix 588b | teþ / wlitiġ ofer weorodum || | on | wuldres byriġ. / Þonne sōþf |
The Phoenix 593a | bredode, || blissum hrēmġe, / | on | þām gladan hām, || gæstas |
The Phoenix 597b | de, / swā sē fuĝol fenix, || | on | friðu dryhtnes, / wlitiġe on |
The Phoenix 598a | on friðu dryhtnes, / wlitiġe | on | wuldre. || Weorc ānra ġe·h |
The Phoenix 599b | e·hwæs / beorhte blīceþ || | on | þām blīðan% hām / fore ans |
The Phoenix 601a | ene || ēċan dryhtnes, / simle | on | sibbe, || sunnan ġe·līċe. |
The Phoenix 607a | || seldliċ glenġeþ / lēohte | on | līfe, || ðǣr sē langa ġe |
The Phoenix 609a | | ǣfre ne sweðraþ, / ac hīe | on | wlite wuniaþ, || wuldre be· |
The Phoenix 611a | mid fæder engla / ne bið him | on | ðam wicum || wiht to sorge / w |
The Phoenix 629b | uldres / uppe mid englum || ond | on | eorðan somod / gefreoða usic |
The Phoenix 631a | þū eart fæder æl-mehtiġ / | on | ēannesse, || heofona wealden |
The Phoenix 633b | mmende, / mānes ā·merede, || | on | ðǣre mǣran byriġ; / cyne-þ |
The Phoenix 635a | yðað || caseres lof / singað | on | swegle || soðfæstra gedryht |
The Phoenix 638b | æfre / eades ongyn || ðeah he | on | eorðan her / ðurh cildes had |
The Phoenix 640a | ċildes hād || cenned wǣre / | on | middan-ġeard, || hwæðere h |
The Phoenix 643a | ce || ðeah he deaðes cwealm / | on | rode treow || ræfnan sceolde |
The Phoenix 647a | | Swā fenix bēacnaþ, / ġung | on | ġeardum, || god-bearnes meah |
The Phoenix 649a | of ascum || eft on·wæcneþ% / | on | līfes līf, || lēomum ġe· |
The Phoenix 658a | ldan gode, || mōd ā·fȳsed / | on | drēama drēam, || ðǣr hīe |
The Phoenix 660a | and weorca || wynsumne stenċ / | on | þā mǣran ġe·sċeaft || m |
The Phoenix 661a | ·sċeaft || metode bringaþ, / | on | þæt lēohte līf. || Sīe h |
The Phoenix 663b | es blǣd, / ār and anweald, || | on | þām uplican / rodera rīċe. |
The Phoenix 664b | uplican / rodera rice || he is | on | ryht cyning / middangeardes || |
The Phoenix 666b | rymmes, / wuldre be·wunden || | on | ðǣre wlitiĝan byriġ. / Hafa |
The Phoenix 669b | -dǣdum be·ġietan || gaudia | on | celo, / ðǣr we mōton% || max |
The Phoenix 672a | ttan || sedibus altis, / libban | on | lisse || lucis et pacis, / āĝ |
Juliana 2b | dēman dǣd-hwate, || þætte | on | daĝum ġe·lamp / Maximianes, |
Juliana 6a | stne men || circan fylde / geat | on | græswong || godhergendra / hæ |
Juliana 21a | eard weardode || oftost simle / | on | ðǣre ċeastre || Commedia, / |
Juliana 28b | itt bræc), / Iulianan. || Hēo | on | gǣste bær / hālġe trēowe, |
Juliana 35a | ne || hu heo from hogde / geong | on | gæste || hire wæs godes egs |
Juliana 36a | Hire wæs godes eġesa / māra | on | ġe·myndum, || þonne eall |
Juliana 37a | þæt māðum-ġe·steald / þe | on | þæs æðelinges || ǣhtum w |
Juliana 39b | ifta / goldspedig guma || georn | on | mode / ðæt him mon fromlicast |
Juliana 45b | eah / ond ðæt word acwæð || | on | wera mengu / ic ðe mæg gesecg |
Juliana 69b | að / geywed orwyrðu || heo me | on | an sagað / ðæt heo mæglufan |
Juliana 72a | denne || me ða fraceðu sind / | on | modsefan || mæste weorce / ð |
Juliana 77a | um weorðian || wordum lofian / | on | hyge hergan || oððe hi nabb |
Juliana 85b | / ðæt ic hy ne sparige || ac | on | spild giefe / ðeoden mæra || |
Juliana 94b | ereste / and sēo swēteste || | on | sefan mīnum, / ānġe for eor |
Juliana 96b | ra eagna leoht / iuliana || ðu | on | geaðe hafast / ðurh ðin orle |
Juliana 144a | ā·cwæþ: / ‘On·wend þeċ | on | ġe·witte || and þā word o |
Juliana 159b | canus / fæder fæmnan ageaf || | on | feonda geweald / heliseo || he |
Juliana 160b | da ġe·weald / Heliseo. || Hē | on | ǣringe / ġe·lǣdan hēt || a |
Juliana 163a | his domsetle || duguð wafade / | on | ðære fæmnan wlite || folc |
Juliana 182b | eppend, / metod mann-cynnes, || | on | þæs meahtum sind / ā būtan |
Juliana 191a | ealdordom || uncres gewynnes / | on | fruman gefongen || gen ic feo |
Juliana 204a | nyde sceal || niða gebæded / | on | ðære grimmestan || godscyld |
Juliana 228b | feaxe het / ahon ond ahebban || | on | heanne beam / ðær seo sunscie |
Juliana 234a | ne. || Hire wæs Crīstes lof / | on | ferhð-locan || fæste be·wu |
Juliana 240a | ortan, || heofon-rīċes god, / | on | þām nīed-clafan, || nerġe |
Juliana 243a | sīþ. || þā cōm samnunga / | on | þæt hlin-reċed || hæleþa |
Juliana 253a | ond his godum cweman / wes ðu | on | ofeste || swa he ðec ut heon |
Juliana 282a | e || ðe mec læreð from ðe / | on | stearcne weg || hyre stefn on |
Juliana 294a | on. || þā ġīen iċ Herode / | on | hyġe be·swēop% || þæt h |
Juliana 305a | rus ond paulus || pilatus ær / | on | rode aheng || rodera waldend / |
Juliana 309b | | andreas het / ahon haligne || | on | heanne beam / ðæt he of galga |
Juliana 311a | lĝan his || gǣst on·sende / | on | wuldres wlite. || Þus iċ wr |
Juliana 321b | rwena / hwæt mec min fæder || | on | ðas fore to ðe / hellwarena c |
Juliana 324a | m, || sē is yfela ġe·hwæs / | on | þām grorn-hofe || ġeornful |
Juliana 328a | || we beoð hygegeomre / forhte | on | ferððe || ne bið us frea m |
Juliana 334b | ræran / gif we gemette sin || | on | moldwege / oððe feor oððe n |
Juliana 336b | æt hīe ūsiċ binden || and | on | bǣl-wielme / sūslum swingen. |
Juliana 342a | arslege || nu ðu sylfa meaht / | on | sefan ðinum || soð gecnawan |
Juliana 376a | ra lufan || lenge ġe·wunian / | on | ġe·bedd-stōwe. || Swā iċ |
Juliana 388a | le gode swīcan. / ac hē beald | on | ġe·bede || bīd-steall ġie |
Juliana 389a | ede || bidsteal gifeð / fæste | on | feðan || ic sceal feor ðona |
Juliana 391a | orfan, || hroðra be·dǣled, / | on | glēda grīpe, || ġīehþu m |
Juliana 405a | urh earh-fære || inn onsende / | on | brēost-sefan || bitere ġe· |
Juliana 413a | ierred || mē tō ġe·wealde / | on | synna sēaþ. || Iċ ðǣre s |
Juliana 415b | onne ðæs lichoman || se ðe | on | legre sceal / weorðan in worul |
Juliana 416a | e on leġre sċeall / weorðan | on | weorolde || wyrme tō hrōðo |
Juliana 417a | wyrme tō hrōðor, / be·folen | on | foldan.’ || þā ġīen sē |
Juliana 420a | c geðyde || ðystra stihtend / | on | clænra gemong || ðu wið cr |
Juliana 434b | ǣġhwæs or-wīġne. || Þū | on | ēċne god, / þrymm-sittendne, |
Juliana 436b | etod mann-cynnes, || swā iċ | on | mīnne fæder, / hell-warena% c |
Juliana 439a | wiþ sōþfæstum, / þæt iċ | on | mān-weorcum || mōd on·cier |
Juliana 443a | gum || swa me her gelamp / sorg | on | siðe || ic ðæt sylf gecneo |
Juliana 447b | rodorcyninges giefe || se ðe | on | rode treo / geðrowade || ðrym |
Juliana 466b | ehwylc / ðolian ond ðafian || | on | ðinne dom / womdæda onwreon | |
Juliana 473b | bræc bealu-searwum, || sume | on | bryne sende, / on līeġes loca |
Juliana 474a | rwum, || sume on bryne sende, / | on | līeġes locan, || þæt him |
Juliana 478b | eton / ðurh ædra wylm || sume | on | yðfare / wurdon on wege || wæ |
Juliana 479a | ylm || sume on yðfare / wurdon | on | wege || wætrum bisencte / on m |
Juliana 480a | n on wege || wætrum bisencte / | on | mereflode || minum cræftum / u |
Juliana 482b | ealh / ðæt hi hyra dreorge || | on | hean galgan / lif aletan || sum |
Juliana 487b | ōht of wǣġe, || þæt hīe | on | wīn-sele / þurh sweord-grīpe |
Juliana 510a | worulde || fira cynne / eorlum | on | eorðan || ne wæs ænig ðar |
Juliana 528a | e || sīþfæt þisne / mǣĝum | on | ġe·maniġe, || þonne iċ m |
Juliana 530a | rn-ċeariġ || gafol-rǣdenne / | on | þām rēongan hām.’ || þ |
Juliana 533a | am engan hofe || ut gelædan / | on | hyge halge || hæðnum to spr |
Juliana 545a | ċūan || hell-warena% cyning / | on | fēonda byriġ; || þæt is% |
Juliana 549a | e sīþ || ǣniġ ne mētte / | on | weorold-rīċe || wīf% þē |
Juliana 551b | htimbran / mægða cynnes || is | on | me sweotul / ðæt ðu unscamge |
Juliana 553a | u unscamge || æghwæs wurde / | on | ferðe frod || ða hine seo f |
Juliana 555a | c-hwīle || þīestra nēosan / | on | sweartne grund, || sāwla ġe |
Juliana 556a | artne grund || sawla gewinnan / | on | wita forwyrd || wiste he ði |
Juliana 558b | cgan / susles ðegnum || hu him | on | siðe gelomp / || georne ær / h |
Juliana 560a | gelomp / || georne ær / heredon | on | heahðu || ond his halig word |
Juliana 568b | halie stod / mægða bealdor || | on | ðam midle gesund / ðæt ðam |
Juliana 583b | e·bolĝen / leahtra lēase || | on | þæs lēades wielm / sċūfan |
Juliana 587b | arasad for ðy ræse || ðær | on | rime forborn / ðurh ðæs fire |
Juliana 592b | d, / ne līċ ne liðu. || Hēo | on | līeġe stōd / ǣġhwæs ansun |
Juliana 597a | nade || ond gristbitade / wedde | on | gewitte || swa wilde deor / gry |
Juliana 604a | orgcearig || ðurh sweordbite / | on | hyge halge || heafde bineotan |
Juliana 626a | c bendum fæst || bisga unrim / | on | anre niht || earfeða dreag / y |
Juliana 630b | / feond moncynnes || ongon ða | on | fleam sceacan / wita neosan || |
Juliana 644b | eode / ond eal engla cynn || up | on | roderum / hergen heahmægen || |
Juliana 675a | ofer laguflod || longe hwile / | on | swonrade || swylt ealle forno |
Juliana 683b | / Ne þorfton þā þeġnas || | on | þām þīestran hām, / sēo |
Juliana 684b | m, / sēo ġe·nēat-sċolu || | on | þām neolwan sċræfe, / tō |
Juliana 686b | ītedra wēnan, || þæt hīe | on | wīn-sele / ofer bēor-setle% | |
Juliana 691b | e hit ġe·brōhton || burgum | on | innan, / sīd-folc miċel. || |
Juliana 700a | an || min sceal of lice / sawul | on | siðfæt || nat ic sylfa hwid |
Juliana 711a | sīþ oþþe ǣr / ġe·worhte | on | weorolde. || Þæt iċ wōpi |
Juliana 715a | lic || geador siðedan / onsund | on | earde || ðonne arna biðearf |
Juliana 723b | pe gefremme / meahta waldend || | on | ðam miclan dæge / fæder frof |
Juliana 724b | e, / fæder, frōfre gǣst, || | on | þā frēcnan tīd, / dǣda dē |
Juliana 727a | þrīness || þrymm-sittende / | on | ānnesse || ielda cynne / þurh |
Juliana 731b | ðelinga wyn / milde gemeten || | on | ða mæran tid / amen || |
Juliana 731a | nga wynn, / milde ġe·meten || | on | þā mǣran tīd. || Amen. |
The Wanderer 12a | ċ tō sōðe wāt / þæt biþ | on | eorle || in·drihten þēaw, / |
The Wanderer 18a | m-ġeorne || drēoriġne oft / | on | hira brēost-cofan || bindaþ |
The Wanderer 27a | ah || findan meahte / þone þe | on | medu-healle || min% mīne wis |
The Wanderer 35a | cgas || ond sincðege / hu hine | on | geoguðe || his goldwine / wene |
The Wanderer 41a | || oft gebindað / ðinceð him | on | mode || ðæt he his mondryht |
The Wanderer 42b | yhten / clyppe ond cysse || ond | on | cneo lecge / honda ond heafod | |
The Wanderer 44a | afod, || swā hē hwīlum ǣr / | on | ġe·ār-daĝum || ġief-stō |
The Wanderer 53b | ecga geseldan || swimmað eft | on | weg / fleotendra ferð || no ð |
The Wanderer 65a | , || ǣr hē āge wintra dæl / | on | weorold-rīċe. || Wita sċea |
The Wanderer 81a | | Sume wīġ for·nam, / ferede | on | forþ-weġe, || sumne fuĝol |
The Wanderer 84a | de, || sumne drēoriġ-hlēor / | on | eorþ-sċræfe || eorl ġe·h |
The Wanderer 90a | ēope ġond·þenċeþ, / frōd | on | ferhþe, || feorr oft ġe·ma |
The Wanderer 97a | swa heo no wære / stondeð nu | on | laste || leofre duguðe / weal |
The Wanderer 105b | / hreo hæglfare || hæleðum | on | andan / eall is earfoðlic || e |
The Wanderer 111a | weorðeð / swa cwæð snottor | on | mode || gesæt him sundor æt |
The Wanderer 115a | m are seceð / frofre to fæder | on | heofonum || ðær us eal seo |
The Gifts of Men 1a | # The Gifts of Men / / fela bið | on | foldan || forðgesynra / geongr |
The Gifts of Men 3a | ā þā gǣst-berend / weġaþ | on | ġe·witte, || swā hēr weor |
The Gifts of Men 9a | ænig ðæs || earfoðsælig / m | on | on moldan || ne ðæs medsped |
The Gifts of Men 13a | fta || oððe mægendæda / wis | on | gewitte || oððe on wordcwid |
The Gifts of Men 13b | æda / wis on gewitte || oððe | on | wordcwidum / ðy læs ormod sy |
The Gifts of Men 15b | þāra þe hē ġe·worhte || | on | weorold-līfe, / ġeofona ġe· |
The Gifts of Men 19a | wīðe || þurh snytru-cræft / | on | þēode þrymm || þisses lī |
The Gifts of Men 35a | ð || sum freolic bið / wlitig | on | wæstmum || sum bið woðbora |
The Gifts of Men 37a | sum bið gearuwyrdig / sum bið | on | huntoðe || hreðeadigra / deor |
The Gifts of Men 41a | n, || ðǣr bord stunaþ. / Sum | on | mæðle mæġ || mōd-snotora |
The Gifts of Men 52b | cytte / sum leoða gleaw || sum | on | londe snel / feðespedig || sum |
The Gifts of Men 53b | londe snel / feðespedig || sum | on | fealone wæg / stefnan steoreð |
The Gifts of Men 69a | de || sum bið ðegn gehweorf / | on | meoduhealle || sum bið meare |
The Gifts of Men 71a | Sum ġe·wealden-mōd / þafaþ | on | ġe·þylde || þæt hē þon |
The Gifts of Men 90b | nnes, / biþ ā wiþ firenum || | on | ġe·feoht ġearu. / Sum cræft |
The Gifts of Men 92a | hafað || circnytta fela / mæg | on | lofsongum || lifes waldend / hl |
The Gifts of Men 106a | ond his giefe bryttað / sumum | on | cystum || sumum on cræftum / s |
The Gifts of Men 106b | tað / sumum on cystum || sumum | on | cræftum / sumum on wlite || su |
The Gifts of Men 107a | um || sumum on cræftum / sumum | on | wlite || sumum on wige / sumum |
The Gifts of Men 107b | ftum / sumum on wlite || sumum | on | wige / sumum he syleð monna || |
Precepts 10b | ehwylcne || gif him sy meotud | on | lufan / wes ðu ðinum yldrum | |
Precepts 12b | le, / fǣġer-wyrde || and þē | on | ferhþe lǣt / þīne lārēowa |
Precepts 13b | t / þīne lārēowas || lēofe | on | mōde, / þā þeċ ġeornast | |
Precepts 35a | rg ðe || ond dollic word / man | on | mode || ond in muðe lyge / yrr |
Precepts 35b | ċ word, / mān on mōde || and | on | mūðe lyġe, / ierre and æfst |
Precepts 38b | ian, / sē þe ġe·wīteþ || | on | wīfes lufan, / fremdre mēowla |
Precepts 47a | ċēd simle || sċearpe mōde / | on | sefan þīnum || and þe ā |
Precepts 51b | ne wiþ, / feorma þū simle || | on | þīnum ferhþe god.’ / Seofe |
Precepts 62a | lǣr-ġe·dēfe, / wēne þeċ | on | wīsdōm, || weoroda sċieppe |
Precepts 74a | | ond frean domas / ða ðe her | on | mægðe gehwære || men forl |
Precepts 80a | him wommas || worda ond dæda / | on | sefan symle || ond soð freme |
Precepts 84a | || ǣfre ġe·wealdan, / hēah | on | hreðre, || heoru-worda grund |
Precepts 86a | mitan || ac him warnað ðæt / | on | geheortum hyge || hæle sceal |
Precepts 88a | e, || mōdes snottor, / glēaw | on | ġe·hydġum, || ġeorn wīsd |
Precepts 91a | e || ne to tweospræce / ne ðe | on | mode læt || men to fracoðe / |
Precepts 92b | ðe / ac beo leofwende || leoht | on | gehygdum / ber breostcofan || s |
The Seafarer 5a | e·biden hæbbe, / ġe·cunnod | on | ċēole || ċear-selda fela, / |
The Seafarer 13a | | ðæt se mon ne wat / ðe him | on | foldan || fægrost limpeð / hu |
The Seafarer 28a | e āh līfes wynn / ġe·biden | on | burgum, || bealu-sīða hwon, |
The Seafarer 30a | -gāl, || hū iċ wēriġ oft / | on | brim-lāde || bīdan sċolde / |
The Seafarer 32b | rim hrusan bond || hægl feol | on | eorðan / corna caldast || for |
The Seafarer 40b | s ġiefena þæs gōd, || nē | on | ġuĝuþe tō þæs hwæt, / n |
The Seafarer 41a | uĝuþe tō þæs hwæt, / nē | on | his dǣdum tō þæs dēor, | |
The Seafarer 47b | c a hafað longunge || se ðe | on | lagu fundað / bearwas blostmum |
The Seafarer 52a | iðe || ðam ðe swa ðenceð / | on | flodwegas || feor gewitan / swy |
The Seafarer 55a | rd, || sorĝe bēodeþ / bitter | on | brēost-hord. || Þæt sē be |
The Seafarer 63a | g || gielleð anfloga / hweteð | on | hwælweg || hreðer unwearnum |
The Seafarer 66a | | ðonne ðis deade lif / læne | on | londe || ic gelyfe no / ðæt h |
The Seafarer 74b | st / ðæt he gewyrce || ær he | on | weg scyle / fremum on foldan || |
The Seafarer 75a | || ær he on weg scyle / fremum | on | foldan || wið feonda nið / de |
The Seafarer 85a | him || mærða gefremedon / ond | on | dryhtlicestum || dome lifdon / |
The Seafarer 91a | || geond middangeard / yldo him | on | fareð || onsyn blacað / gomel |
The Seafarer 108b | staþolaþ, || for·þon hē | on | his meahte ġe·līefeþ / Stī |
The Seafarer 109b | al strongum mode || ond ðæt | on | staðelum healdan / ond gewis w |
The Seafarer 114a | e wille fyres || fulne / oððe | on | bæle || forbærnedne / his gew |
The Seafarer 120a | ilien, || þæt we tō mōten / | on | þā ēċan || ēadiġ·nesse |
The Seafarer 121b | e, / ðǣr is līf ġe·lang || | on | lufan dryhtnes, / hiht on heofo |
The Seafarer 122a | ng || on lufan dryhtnes, / hiht | on | heofonum. || Þæs sīe þām |
The Seafarer 124a | res ealdor, / ēċe drihten, || | on | ealle tīd. || Amen. |
Beowulf 1b | wulf / / Hwæt. Wē Gār-Dena || | on | ġār-daĝum, / þēod-cyninga, |
Beowulf 13a | wæs || aefter cenned, / ġung | on | ġeardum, || þone God sende / |
Beowulf 19b | eldes eafora || Sċede-landum | on. | / Swā sċeall ġung% guma% || |
Beowulf 21b | ewyrcean / fromum feohgiftum || | on | fæder bearme / ðæt hine on y |
Beowulf 22a | | on fæder bearme / ðæt hine | on | ylde || eft gewunigen / wilgesi |
Beowulf 25a | ǣsten; || lof-dǣdum sċeall / | on | mǣġþa ġe·hwǣre || man |
Beowulf 27b | escæphwile / felahror feran || | on | frean wære / hi hyne ða ætb |
Beowulf 35b | ofne ðeoden / beaga bryttan || | on | bearm scipes / mærne be mæste |
Beowulf 40b | dum / billum ond byrnum || him | on | bearme læg / madma mænigo || |
Beowulf 42a | ænigo || ða him mid scoldon / | on | flodes æht || feor gewitan / n |
Beowulf 49a | od || leton holm beran / geafon | on | garsecg || him wæs geomor se |
Beowulf 53a | ðæm hlæste onfeng / ða wæs | on | burgum || beowulf scyldinga / l |
Beowulf 60a | er bearn || forþ ġe·rīmed / | on | weorold wōcon, || weoroda r |
Beowulf 67b | geweox / magodriht micel || him | on | mod bearn / ðæt healreced || |
Beowulf 71a | n || æfre gefrunon / ond ðær | on | innan || eall gedælan / geongu |
Beowulf 76b | ard / folcstede frætwan || him | on | fyrste gelomp / ædre mid yldum |
Beowulf 87b | ĝe ġe·þolode, || sē þe | on | þīestrum bād, / þæt hē d |
Beowulf 89a | | drēam ġe·hīerde / hlūdne | on | healle; || ðǣr wæs hearpan |
Beowulf 101b | ongan / fyrene fremman || feond | on | helle / wæs se grimma gæst || |
Beowulf 107a | ppend || for·sċrifen hæfde / | on | Cāines% cynne. || Þone cwea |
Beowulf 122b | na wæs / reoc ond reðe || ond | on | ræste genam / ðritig ðegna | |
Beowulf 126a | fylle || wica neosan / ða wæs | on | uhtan || mid ærdæge / grendle |
Beowulf 137b | e ond fyrene || wæs to fæst | on | ðam / ða wæs eaðfynde || ð |
Beowulf 180a | ra hiht; || helle ġe·mundon / | on | mōd-sefan, || metod hīe ne |
Beowulf 185a | nīþ || sāwle be·sċūfan / | on | fȳres fæðm, || frōfre ne |
Beowulf 192b | swyð / lað ond longsum || ðe | on | ða leode becom / nydwracu nið |
Beowulf 197a | ncynnes || mægenes strengest / | on | ðæm dæge || ðysses lifes / |
Beowulf 210b | rst forð gewat || flota wæs | on | yðum / bat under beorge || beo |
Beowulf 212a | nder beorge || beornas gearwe / | on | stefn stigon || streamas wund |
Beowulf 214a | d wið sande || secgas bæron / | on | bearm nacan || beorhte frætw |
Beowulf 216a | olic || guman ut scufon / weras | on | wilsið || wudu bundenne / gewa |
Beowulf 225b | non up hraðe / wedera leode || | on | wang stigon / sæwudu sældon | |
Beowulf 242a | esæta || ægwearde heold / ðe | on | land dena || laðra nænig / mi |
Beowulf 249a | n || ðonne is eower sum / secg | on | searwum || nis ðæt seldguma |
Beowulf 253b | e fyr heonan / leassceaweras || | on | land dena / furður feran || nu |
Beowulf 264b | n / gebad wintra worn || ær he | on | weg hwurfe / gamol of geardum | |
Beowulf 285a | olað || ðenden ðær wunað / | on | heahstede || husa selest / wear |
Beowulf 286b | lest / weard maðelode || ðær | on | wicge sæt / ombeht unforht || |
Beowulf 295b | eowerne / niwtyrwydne || nacan | on | sande / arum healdan || oððæ |
Beowulf 302a | n || flota stille bad / seomode | on | sale || sidfæðmed scip / on a |
Beowulf 303a | e on sale || sidfæðmed scip / | on | ancre fæst || eoforlic scion |
Beowulf 310b | endum / receda under roderum || | on | ðæm se rica bad / lixte se le |
Beowulf 323a | n, || hrinġ-iren sċīr / sang | on | searwum, || þā hīe tō sel |
Beowulf 324a | || þā hīe tō sele furðum / | on | hira gryre-ġeatwum || gangan |
Beowulf 368a | cwida || glædman hroðgar / hy | on | wiggetawum || wyrðe ðincea |
Beowulf 380b | ritiges / manna mægencræft || | on | his mundgripe / heaðorof hæbb |
Beowulf 386a | æce || madmas beodan / beo ðu | on | ofeste || hat in gan / seon sib |
Beowulf 386b | / Bēo þū on ofoste, || hāt | on | gān / sêon sibbe-ġe·dryht | |
Beowulf 395b | an. / Nū ġē mōton gangan || | on | ēowrum gūð-ġetawum% / under |
Beowulf 404b | heard under helme || ðæt he | on | heoðe gestod / beowulf maðelo |
Beowulf 405b | e gestod / beowulf maðelode || | on | him byrne scan / searonet seowe |
Beowulf 409a | bbe ic mærða fela / ongunnen | on | geogoðe || me wearð grendle |
Beowulf 410a | e || me wearð grendles ðing / | on | minre eðeltyrf || undyrne cu |
Beowulf 421b | eband / yðde eotena cyn || ond | on | yðum slog / niceras nihtes || |
Beowulf 443a | le, || ġif hē wealdan mōt, / | on | þǣm gūþ-sele || Ġēatena |
Beowulf 466a | um weold || folce deniga / ond | on | geogoðe heold || ginne rice / |
Beowulf 473b | wor / sorh is me to secganne || | on | sefan minum / gumena ængum || |
Beowulf 475a | wæt me grendel hafað / hynðo | on | heorote || mid his heteðancu |
Beowulf 478a | gewanod || hie wyrd forsweop / | on | grendles gryre || god eaðe m |
Beowulf 482a | || ōret-meċġas / þæt hīe | on | bēor-sele || bīdan woldon / G |
Beowulf 484b | ðonne wæs ðeos medoheal || | on | morgentid / drihtsele dreorfah |
Beowulf 492a | eatmæcgum || geador ætsomne / | on | beorsele || benc gerymed / ðæ |
Beowulf 495a | || ðegn nytte beheold / se ðe | on | handa bær || hroden ealowæg |
Beowulf 497a | red || scop hwilum sang / hador | on | heorote || ðær wæs hæleð |
Beowulf 507a | f || se ðe wið brecan wunne / | on | sidne sæ || ymb sund flite / |
Beowulf 509b | cunnedon / ond for dolgilpe || | on | deop wæter / aldrum neðdon || |
Beowulf 512b | te / sorhfullne sið || ða git | on | sund reon / ðær git eagorstre |
Beowulf 516b | um weol / wintrys wylmum || git | on | wæteres æht / seofon niht swu |
Beowulf 518b | æfde mare mægen || ða hine | on | morgentid / on heaðoræmas || |
Beowulf 519a | gen || ða hine on morgentid / | on | heaðoræmas || holm up ætb |
Beowulf 534a | trengo || maran ahte / earfeðo | on | yðum || ðonne ænig oðer m |
Beowulf 537a | tedon || wæron begen ða git / | on | geogoðfeore || ðæt wit on |
Beowulf 537b | / on geogoðfeore || ðæt wit | on | garsecg ut / aldrum neðdon || |
Beowulf 539b | æfdon swurd nacod || ða wit | on | sund reon / heard on handa || w |
Beowulf 540a | || ða wit on sund reon / heard | on | handa || wit unc wið hronfix |
Beowulf 543a | eor || fleotan meahte / hraðor | on | holme || no ic fram him wolde |
Beowulf 544b | him wolde / ða wit ætsomne || | on | sæ wæron / fif nihta fyrst || |
Beowulf 552b | fremede / beadohrægl broden || | on | breostum læg / golde gegyrwed |
Beowulf 555a | dscaða || fæste hæfde / grim | on | grape || hwæðre me gyfeðe |
Beowulf 565a | mbsæton || sægrunde neah / ac | on | mergenne || mecum wunde / be y |
Beowulf 575b | fsloh / niceras nigene || no ic | on | niht gefrægn / under heofones |
Beowulf 577a | hwealf || heardran feohtan / ne | on | egstreamum || earmran mannon / |
Beowulf 580b | ðbær / flod æfter faroðe || | on | finna land / wadu weallendu || |
Beowulf 588b | ēafod-māĝum; || þæs þū | on | helle% sċealt / wierhþu drēo |
Beowulf 593a | læca || ealdre ðinum / hynðo | on | heorote || gif ðin hige wær |
Beowulf 607a | ed || suðan scineð / ða wæs | on | salum || sinces brytta / gamolf |
Beowulf 609b | e / brego beorhtdena || gehyrde | on | beowulfe / folces hyrde || fæs |
Beowulf 614b | ig / grette goldhroden || guman | on | healle / ond ða freolic wif || |
Beowulf 618b | beorðege / leodum leofne || he | on | lust geðeah / symbel ond selef |
Beowulf 627a | ire se willa gelamp / ðæt heo | on | ænigne || eorl gelyfde / fyren |
Beowulf 632b | wes / ic ðæt hogode || ða ic | on | holm gestah / sæbat gesæt || |
Beowulf 635b | oda / willan geworhte || oððe | on | wæl crunge / feondgrapum fæst |
Beowulf 638a | rlic ellen || oððe endedæg / | on | ðisse meoduhealle || minne g |
Beowulf 642b | / ða wæs eft swa ær || inne | on | healle / ðryðword sprecen || |
Beowulf 643b | e / ðryðword sprecen || ðeod | on | sælum / sigefolca sweg || oð |
Beowulf 676b | a sum / beowulf geata || ær he | on | bed stige / no ic me an herewæ |
Beowulf 677a | on bed stiġe: / ‘Nā iċ mē | on | here-wæstmun || hnāġran ta |
Beowulf 683b | of sie / niðgeweorca || ac wit | on | niht sculon / secge ofersittan |
Beowulf 686a | pen || ond siððan witig god / | on | swa hwæðere hond || halig d |
Beowulf 695a | t hīe ǣr tō fela miċeles / | on | þǣm wīn-sele || wæl-dēa |
Beowulf 702b | ynnes / weold wideferhð || com | on | wanre niht / scriðan sceadugen |
Beowulf 708b | an / ac he wæccende || wraðum | on | andan / bad bolgenmod || beadwa |
Beowulf 713b | a cynnes / sumne be·sierwan || | on | sele þǣm hēan / Wōd under w |
Beowulf 718a | ares || ham gesohte / næfre he | on | aldordagum || ær ne siððan |
Beowulf 724b | edes muðan || raðe æfter ð | on | / on fagne flor || feond treddo |
Beowulf 725a | ðan. || Hræðe aefter-þon / | on | fāgne flōr || fēond treddo |
Beowulf 728a | oht unfæġer. / Ġe·sēah hē | on | reċede || rinca maniġe, / swe |
Beowulf 747a | d handa || higeðihtigne / rinc | on | ræste || ræhte ongean / feond |
Beowulf 752b | ddangeardes / eorðan sceata || | on | elran men / mundgripe maran || |
Beowulf 753b | ran men / mundgripe maran || he | on | mode wearð / forht on ferhðe |
Beowulf 754a | an || he on mode wearð / forht | on | ferhðe || no ðy ær fram me |
Beowulf 755b | hyge wæs him hinfus || wolde | on | heolster fleon / secan deofla g |
Beowulf 757a | his drohtoð ðær / swylce he | on | ealderdagum || ær gemette / ge |
Beowulf 763b | hte swa / widre gewindan || ond | on | weg ðanon / fleon on fenhopu | |
Beowulf 764a | an || ond on weg ðanon / fleon | on | fenhopu || wiste his fingra g |
Beowulf 765a | u || wiste his fingra geweald / | on | grames grapum || ðæt wæs g |
Beowulf 772b | fde heaðodeorum || ðæt he | on | hrusan ne feol / fæger foldbol |
Beowulf 782a | || nymðe liges fæðm / swulge | on | swaðule || sweg up astag / niw |
Beowulf 790a | nna wæs || mægene strengest / | on | ðæm dæge || ðysses lifes / |
Beowulf 800a | rdhicgende || hildemecgas / ond | on | healfa gehwone || heawan ðoh |
Beowulf 806a | lcre || scolde his aldorgedal / | on | ðæm dæge || ðysses lifes / |
Beowulf 808a | c wurðan || ond se ellorgast / | on | feonda geweald || feor siðia |
Beowulf 816b | ar gebad / atol æglæca || him | on | eaxle wearð / syndolh sweotol |
Beowulf 837a | || under geapne hrof / ða wæs | on | morgen || mine gefræge / ymb |
Beowulf 844b | de sceawode / hu he werigmod || | on | weg ðanon / niða ofercumen || |
Beowulf 845b | weg ðanon / niða ofercumen || | on | nicera mere / fæge ond geflyme |
Beowulf 847a | | feorhlastas bær / ðær wæs | on | blode || brim weallende / atol |
Beowulf 851a | oh, || siþþan drēama lēas / | on | fenn-friðe || feorh ā·leġ |
Beowulf 856a | modge || mearum ridan / beornas | on | blancum || ðær wæs beowulf |
Beowulf 865a | m heaðorofe || hleapan leton / | on | geflit faran || fealwe mearas |
Beowulf 873a | ulfes || snyttrum styrian / ond | on | sped wrecan || spel gerade / wo |
Beowulf 891b | / wrætlicne wyrm || ðæt hit | on | wealle ætstod / dryhtlic iren |
Beowulf 896a | s dome || sæbat gehleod / bær | on | bearm scipes || beorhte fræt |
Beowulf 903a | llen || he mid eotenum wearð / | on | feonda geweald || forð forla |
Beowulf 926a | de || he to healle geong / stod | on | stapole || geseah steapne hro |
Beowulf 948a | || me for sunu wylle / freogan | on | ferhðe || heald forð tela / n |
Beowulf 962a | selfne || geseon moste / feond | on | frætewum || fylwerigne / ic hi |
Beowulf 964a | hrædlice || heardan clammum / | on | wælbedde || wriðan ðohte / |
Beowulf 970a | n || wæs to foremihtig / feond | on | feðe || hwæðere he his fol |
Beowulf 981a | s swigra secg || sunu eclafes / | on | gylpspræce || guðgeweorca / s |
Beowulf 996b | / secga gehwylcum || ðara ðe | on | swylc starað / wæs ðæt beor |
Beowulf 1001b | se aglæca / fyrendædum fag || | on | fleam gewand / aldres orwena || |
Beowulf 1016b | magas ðara / swiðhicgende || | on | sele ðam hean / hroðgar ond h |
Beowulf 1025a | n beran || beowulf geðah / ful | on | flette || no he ðære feohgy |
Beowulf 1029a | e·ġierede || gum-manna fela / | on | ealu-benċe || ōðrum ġe·s |
Beowulf 1036b | eahta mearas / fætedhleore || | on | flet teon / in under eoderas || |
Beowulf 1041b | lfdenes / efnan wolde || næfre | on | ore læg / widcuðes wig || ðo |
Beowulf 1052a | mid beowulfe || brimlade teah / | on | ðære medubence || maððum |
Beowulf 1062a | nd laðes || se ðe longe her / | on | ðyssum windagum || worolde b |
Beowulf 1070a | ·Dena, || Hnæf Sċieldinga, / | on | Frēs-wæle || feallan sċold |
Beowulf 1074b | n / bearnum ond broðrum || hie | on | gebyrd hruron / gare wunde || |
Beowulf 1082b | aum anum / ðæt he ne mehte || | on | ðæm meðelstede / wig hengest |
Beowulf 1094a | goldes || swa he fresena cyn / | on | beorsele || byldan wolde / ða |
Beowulf 1095b | n wolde / ða hie getruwedon || | on | twa healfa / fæste frioðuwær |
Beowulf 1109b | inga / betst beadorinca || wæs | on | bæl gearu / æt ðæm ade wæs |
Beowulf 1113b | manig / wundum awyrded || sume | on | wæle crungon / het ða hildebu |
Beowulf 1116b | æstan / banfatu bærnan || ond | on | bæl don / eame on eaxle || ide |
Beowulf 1117a | rnan || ond on bæl don / eame | on | eaxle || ides gnornode / geomro |
Beowulf 1130b | nde / ðeah ðe he ne meahte || | on | mere drifan / hringedstefnan || |
Beowulf 1134a | oþ·þæt ōðer cōm / ġēar | on | ġeardas, || swā nū ġīet |
Beowulf 1144b | | hildeleoman / billa selest || | on | bearm dyde / ðæs wæron mid e |
Beowulf 1151a | eahte wǣfre mōd / for·habban | on | hreðre. || Þā wæs heall r |
Beowulf 1153a | || swilce fin slægen / cyning | on | corðre || ond seo cwen numen |
Beowulf 1157b | ahton / sigla searogimma || hie | on | sælade / drihtlice wif || to d |
Beowulf 1170b | hten min / sinces brytta || ðu | on | sælum wes / goldwine gumena || |
Beowulf 1196a | healsbeaga mæst / ðara ðe ic | on | foldan || gefrægen hæbbe / n |
Beowulf 1210a | ġe·crang. / Ġe·hwearf þā | on | Francna fæðm || feorh cinin |
Beowulf 1243b | as / bordwudu beorhtan || ðær | on | bence wæs / ofer æðelinge || |
Beowulf 1248a | | an wig gearwe / ge æt ham ge | on | herge || ge gehwæðer ðara / |
Beowulf 1288a | || andweard scireð / ða wæs | on | healle || heardecg togen / sweo |
Beowulf 1292a | hine se broga angeat / heo wæs | on | ofste || wolde ut ðanon / feor |
Beowulf 1297a | hroðgare || hæleða leofost / | on | gesiðes had || be sæm tweon |
Beowulf 1298b | ice randwiga || ðone ðe heo | on | ræste abreat / blædfæstne be |
Beowulf 1302a | mǣrum Ġēate. / Hrēam wearþ | on | Heorote; || hēo under heolfr |
Beowulf 1304a | æs ġe·nīewod, / ġe·worden | on | wīcum. || Ne wæs þæt ġe |
Beowulf 1305a | ðæt gewrixle til / ðæt hie | on | ba healfa || bicgan scoldon / f |
Beowulf 1307b | frod cyning / har hilderinc || | on | hreon mode / syððan he aldor |
Beowulf 1326b | ra / eaxlgestealla || ðonne we | on | orlege / hafelan weredon || ðo |
Beowulf 1330a | wylc æschere wæs / wearð him | on | heorote || to handbanan / wælg |
Beowulf 1342b | um / se ðe æfter sincgyfan || | on | sefan greoteð / hreðerbealo h |
Beowulf 1352a | nlicnæs || oðer earmsceapen / | on | weres wæstmum || wræclastas |
Beowulf 1354a | ðonne ænig man oðer / ðone | on | geardagum || grendel nemdon / f |
Beowulf 1366a | ehwæm || niðwundor seon / fyr | on | flode || no ðæs frod leofa |
Beowulf 1371a | || ær he feorh seleð / aldor | on | ofre || ær he in wille / hafel |
Beowulf 1382b | dyde / wundnum golde || gyf ðu | on | weg cymest / beowulf maðelode |
Beowulf 1392b | an / ic hit ðe gehate || no he | on | helm losað / ne on foldan fæ |
Beowulf 1393a | te || no he on helm losað / ne | on | foldan fæðm || ne on fyrgen |
Beowulf 1393b | að / ne on foldan fæðm || ne | on | fyrgenholt / ne on gyfenes grun |
Beowulf 1394a | fæðm || ne on fyrgenholt / ne | on | gyfenes grund || ga ðær he |
Beowulf 1418b | æs / winum scyldinga || weorce | on | mode / to geðolianne || ðegne |
Beowulf 1421a | gehwæm || syððan æscheres / | on | ðam holmclife || hafelan met |
Beowulf 1427a | dracan || sund cunnian / swylce | on | næshleoðum || nicras licgea |
Beowulf 1428a | leoðum || nicras licgean / ða | on | undernmæl || oft bewitigað / |
Beowulf 1429b | bewitigað / sorhfulne sið || | on | seglrade / wyrmas ond wildeor | |
Beowulf 1430b | ade / wyrmas ond wildeor || hie | on | weg hruron / bitere ond gebolgn |
Beowulf 1434b | fde / yðgewinnes || ðæt him | on | aldre stod / herestræl hearda |
Beowulf 1435b | stod / herestræl hearda || he | on | holme wæs / sundes ðe sænra |
Beowulf 1437a | e swylt fornam / hræðe wearð | on | yðum || mid eoferspreotum / he |
Beowulf 1439b | nearwod / niða genæged || ond | on | næs togen / wundorlic wægbora |
Beowulf 1456a | st || mægenfultuma / ðæt him | on | ðearfe lah || ðyle hroðgar |
Beowulf 1479b | me a wære / forðgewitenum || | on | fæder stæle / wes ðu mundbor |
Beowulf 1484a | | higelace onsend / mæg ðonne | on | ðæm golde ongitan || geata |
Beowulf 1485b | on sunu hrædles || ðonne he | on | ðæt sinc starað / ðæt ic g |
Beowulf 1510a | ine wundra ðæs fela / swencte | on | sunde || sædeor monig / hildet |
Beowulf 1513a | sē eorl on·ġeat / þæt hē | on% | nīþ-sele || nāthwelcum wæ |
Beowulf 1521a | nd sweng ne ofteah / ðæt hire | on | hafelan || hringmæl agol / gr |
Beowulf 1532b | nden / yrre oretta || ðæt hit | on | eorðan læg / stið ond stylec |
Beowulf 1540b | s / feorhgeniðlan || ðæt heo | on | flet gebeah / heo him eft hrað |
Beowulf 1544b | engest / feðecempa || ðæt he | on | fylle wearð / ofsæt ða ðone |
Beowulf 1547b | n wrecan / angan eaferan || him | on | eaxle læg / breostnet broden | |
Beowulf 1555b | drihten / rodera rædend || hit | on | ryht gesced / yðelice || syð |
Beowulf 1557a | ðan he eft astod / geseah ða | on | searwum || sigeeadig bil / eald |
Beowulf 1568b | wod / fægne flæschoman || heo | on | flet gecrong / sweord wæs swat |
Beowulf 1579b | stdenum / oftor micle || ðonne | on | ænne sið / ðonne he hroðgar |
Beowulf 1581a | gares || heorðgeneatas / sloh | on | sweofote || slæpende fræt / f |
Beowulf 1585b | eðe cempa || to ðæs ðe he | on | ræste geseah / guðwerigne || |
Beowulf 1592b | rlas / ða ðe mid hroðgare || | on | holm wliton / ðæt wæs yðgeb |
Beowulf 1603b | stas setan / modes seoce || ond | on | mere staredon / wiston ond ne w |
Beowulf 1612a | t is sōþ metod. / Ne nam hē | on | þǣm wīcum, || Weder-Ġēat |
Beowulf 1618a | e ðær inne swealt / sona wæs | on | sunde || se ðe ær æt sæcc |
Beowulf 1638a | felamodigra || feower scoldon / | on | ðæm wælstenge || weorcum g |
Beowulf 1643a | ongan || gumdryhten mid / modig | on | gemonge || meodowongas træd / |
Beowulf 1647b | r gretan / ða wæs be feaxe || | on | flet boren / grendles heafod || |
Beowulf 1650b | d / wliteseon wrætlic || weras | on | sawon / beowulf maðelode || be |
Beowulf 1662a | uðe || ylda waldend / ðæt ic | on | wage geseah || wlitig hangian |
Beowulf 1671b | e ðonne gehate || ðæt ðu | on | heorote most / sorhleas swefan |
Beowulf 1675b | ðearft / ðeoden scyldinga || | on | ða healfe / aldorbealu eorlum |
Beowulf 1678b | lum rince / harum hildfruman || | on | hand gyfen / enta ærgeweorc || |
Beowulf 1679b | gyfen / enta ærgeweorc || hit | on | æht gehwearf / æfter deofla h |
Beowulf 1684a | scyldig || ond his modor eac / | on | geweald gehwearf || woroldcyn |
Beowulf 1686a | || be sæm tweonum / ðara ðe | on | scedenigge || sceattas dælde |
Beowulf 1688b | | hylt sceawode / ealde lafe || | on | ðæm wæs or writen / fyrngewi |
Beowulf 1694a | lm || waldend sealde / swa wæs | on | ðæm scennum || sciran golde |
Beowulf 1701a | se ðe soð ond riht / fremeð | on | folce || feor eal gemon / eald |
Beowulf 1718b | ð gefremede || hwæðere him | on | ferhðe greow / breosthord blod |
Beowulf 1728a | he ah ealra geweald / hwilum he | on | lufan || læteð hworfan / monn |
Beowulf 1730a | c || mæran cynnes / seleð him | on | eðle || eorðan wynne / to hea |
Beowulf 1735a | || ende geðencean / wunað he | on | wiste || no hine wiht dweleð |
Beowulf 1737a | l ne yldo || ne him inwitsorh / | on | sefan sweorceð || ne gesacu |
Beowulf 1739a | || ac him eal worold / wendeð | on | willan || he ðæt wyrse ne c |
Beowulf 1740a | æt wyrse ne con / oððæt him | on | innan || oferhygda dæl / weaxe |
Beowulf 1745a | fyrenum sceoteð / ðonne bið | on | hreðre || under helm drepen / |
Beowulf 1749b | d / gytsað gromhydig || nallas | on | gylp seleð / fædde beagas || |
Beowulf 1753a | ldend || weorðmynda dæl / hit | on | endestæf || eft gelimpeð / ð |
Beowulf 1774a | acan ne tealde / hwæt me ðæs | on | eðle || edwenden cwom / gyrn |
Beowulf 1779b | ecean dryhtne || ðæs ðe ic | on | aldre gebad / ðæt ic on ðone |
Beowulf 1780a | e ic on aldre gebad / ðæt ic | on | ðone hafelan || heorodreorig |
Beowulf 1822a | us wel dohtest / gif ic ðonne | on | eorðan || owihte mæg / ðinre |
Beowulf 1830b | ringe / hæleða to helpe || ic | on | higelac wat / geata dryhten || |
Beowulf 1840b | eah / hroðgar maðelode || him | on | ondsware / ðe ða wordcwydas | |
Beowulf 1842a | wordcwydas || wigtig drihten / | on | sefan sende || ne hyrde ic sn |
Beowulf 1843a | de || ne hyrde ic snotorlicor / | on | swa geongum feore || guman ð |
Beowulf 1844b | u eart mægenes strang || ond | on | mode frod / wis wordcwida || we |
Beowulf 1869a | lacum || leode swæse / secean | on | gesyntum || snude eft cuman / g |
Beowulf 1876a | an no || geseon moston / modige | on | meðle || wæs him se man to |
Beowulf 1878a | m || forberan ne mehte / ac him | on | hreðre || hygebendum fæst / |
Beowulf 1883b | enga bad / agendfrean || se ðe | on | ancre rad / ða wæs on gange | |
Beowulf 1884a | se ðe on ancre rad / ða wæs | on | gange || gifu hroðgares / oft |
Beowulf 1896a | me || to scipe foron / ða wæs | on | sande || sægeap naca / hladen |
Beowulf 1902a | lde || ðæt he syððan wæs / | on | meodubence || maðme ðy weor |
Beowulf 1903b | eorðra / yrfelafe || gewat him | on | naca / drefan deop wæter || de |
Beowulf 1913b | up geðrang / lyftgeswenced || | on | lande stod / hraðe wæs æt ho |
Beowulf 1926a | || breĝu-rōf cyning, / hēah% | on% | healle, || Hyġd swīðe ġun |
Beowulf 1935a | nefne sīn-frēa, / þæt hire | on | dæġes || ēaĝum starode, / a |
Beowulf 1952a | . || Þǣr hēo siþþan wēl / | on | gum-stōle, || gōde, mǣre, / |
Beowulf 1968b | n Angₑn·þēowes || burgum | on | innan, / ġungne gūþ-cyning | |
Beowulf 1972a | || snude gecyðed / ðæt ðær | on | worðig || wigendra hleo / lind |
Beowulf 1984b | n·gann / sīnne ġe·seldan || | on | sele þǣm hēan / fæġere fri |
Beowulf 1987a | || siðas wæron / hu lomp eow | on | lade || leofa biowulf / ða ðu |
Beowulf 2003a | hwil || uncer grendles / wearð | on | ðam wange || ðær he worna |
Beowulf 2014a | || setl getæhte / weorod wæs | on | wynne || ne seah ic widan feo |
Beowulf 2021a | e || dohtor hroðgares / eorlum | on | ende || ealuwæge bær / ða ic |
Beowulf 2034b | eoda / ðonne he mid fæmnan || | on | flett gæð / dryhtbearn dena | |
Beowulf 2036a | earn dena || duguða biwenede / | on | him gladiað || gomelra lafe / |
Beowulf 2054b | nathwylces / frætwum hremig || | on | flet gæð / morðres gylpeð | |
Beowulf 2063b | eare / ðonne bioð abrocene || | on | ba healfe / aðsweord eorla || |
Beowulf 2089a | nd dracan fellum / he mec ðær | on | innan || unsynnigne / dior dæd |
Beowulf 2092a | hyt ne mihte swa / syððan ic | on | yrre || uppriht astod / to lang |
Beowulf 2096b | leode / weorðode weorcum || he | on | weg losade / lytle hwile || lif |
Beowulf 2099a | iðre || swaðe weardade / hand | on | hiorte || ond he hean ðonan / |
Beowulf 2126b | leode / bronde forbærnan || ne | on | bæl hladan / leofne mannan || |
Beowulf 2132b | healsode hreohmod || ðæt ic | on | holma geðring / eorlscipe efnd |
Beowulf 2139a | || and iċ heafde be·ċearf / | on | þǣm gūð-sele% || Grendles |
Beowulf 2147b | ðmas geaf / sunu healfdenes || | on | minne sylfes dom / ða ic ðe b |
Beowulf 2185a | n || godne ne tealdon / ne hyne | on | medobence || micles wyrðne / d |
Beowulf 2193b | tum ða / sincmaððum selra || | on | sweordes had / ðæt he on biow |
Beowulf 2194a | a || on sweordes had / ðæt he | on | biowulfes || bearm alegde / ond |
Beowulf 2197a | egostol || him wæs bam samod / | on | ðam leodscipe || lond gecynd |
Beowulf 2204b | n wurdon / ða hyne gesohtan || | on | sigeðeode / hearde hildefrecan |
Beowulf 2208a | ððan beowulfe || brade rice / | on | hand gehwearf || he geheold t |
Beowulf 2212a | ihtum || draca ricsian / se ðe | on | heaum hofe || hord beweotode / |
Beowulf 2214b | er læg / eldum uncuð || ðær | on | innan giong / niða nathwylc || |
Beowulf 2232a | t; || ðǣr wæs swelcra fela / | on | þǣm eorþ-hūse% || ǣr-ġe |
Beowulf 2233a | ðhuse || ærgestreona / swa hy | on | geardagum || gumena nathwylc / |
Beowulf 2242a | ste || beorh eallgearo / wunode | on | wonge || wæteryðum neah / niw |
Beowulf 2244a | || nearocræftum fæst / ðær | on | innan bær || eorlgestreona / h |
Beowulf 2248b | / eorla æhte || hwæt hyt ær | on | ðe / gode begeaton || guðdea |
Beowulf 2276a | ð || he gesecean sceall / hord | on | hrusan || ðær he hæðen go |
Beowulf 2279a | a || ðreo hund wintra / heold | on | hrusan || hordærna sum / eacen |
Beowulf 2281a | || oððæt hyne an abealch / m | on | on mode || mandryhtne bær / f |
Beowulf 2295a | de guman findan / ðone ðe him | on | sweofote || sare geteode / hat |
Beowulf 2297b | tanweardne || ne ðær ænig m | on | / on ðære westenne || hwæðr |
Beowulf 2298a | rdne, || ne ðǣr ǣniġ mann / | on | ðǣre% wēstenne; || hwæðe |
Beowulf 2299b | feh / beaduwe weorces || hwilum | on | beorh æthwearf / sincfæt soht |
Beowulf 2307a | | ða wæs dæg sceacen / wyrme | on | willan || no on wealle læg / b |
Beowulf 2307b | sceacen / wyrme on willan || no | on | wealle læg / bidan wolde || ac |
Beowulf 2310a | wæs se fruma egeslic / leodum | on | lande || swa hyt lungre wear |
Beowulf 2311a | ande || swa hyt lungre wearð / | on | hyra sincgifan || sare geendo |
Beowulf 2314a | rnan || bryneleoma stod / eldum | on | andan || no ðær aht cwices / |
Beowulf 2328a | | ðæt ðam godan wæs / hreow | on | hreðre || hygesorga mæst / we |
Beowulf 2357b | / freawine folca || freslondum | on | / hreðles eafora || hiorodrync |
Beowulf 2361a | || sundnytte dreah / hæfde him | on | earme || ana ðritig / hildegea |
Beowulf 2377a | ciosan wolde / hwæðre he him | on | folce || freondlarum heold / es |
Beowulf 2383a | tan || sǣ-cyninga / þāra þe | on | Swēo-rīċe || sinċ brytnod |
Beowulf 2406a | urh ðæs meldan hond / se wæs | on | ðam ðreate || ðreotteoða |
Beowulf 2417a | || gumena ænigum / gesæt ða | on | næsse || niðheard cyning / ð |
Beowulf 2426a | e || bearn ecgðeowes / fela ic | on | giogoðe || guðræsa genæs / |
Beowulf 2433a | fe || lāðra āwihte, / beorn | on | burgum, || þonne his bearna |
Beowulf 2446a | || ðæt his byre ride / giong | on | galgan || ðonne he gyd wrece |
Beowulf 2452b | / tō ġe·bīdanne || burgum | on | innan / ierfe-weardas, || þonn |
Beowulf 2455b | efondad / gesyhð sorhcearig || | on | his suna bure / winsele westne |
Beowulf 2458a | . || Rīdend swefaþ, / hæleþ | on | hoðman; || nis ðǣr hearpan |
Beowulf 2459a | s ðǣr hearpan swēġ, / gamen | on | ġeardum, || swelċe ðǣr ġ |
Beowulf 2460a | ær iu wæron / gewiteð ðonne | on | sealman || sorhleoð gæleð / |
Beowulf 2465a | lende wæg || wihte ne meahte / | on | ðam feorhbonan || fæghðe g |
Beowulf 2484a | ryhtne || guð onsæge / ða ic | on | morgne gefrægn || mæg oðer |
Beowulf 2485b | mæg oðerne / billes ecgum || | on | bonan stælan / ðær ongenðeo |
Beowulf 2495a | oþþe tō Gār-Denum / oþþe | on | Swēo-rīċe || sēċan þurf |
Beowulf 2497a | weorðe gecypan / symle ic him | on | feðan || beforan wolde / ana o |
Beowulf 2498a | n feðan || beforan wolde / ana | on | orde || ond swa to aldre scea |
Beowulf 2505a | ðunge, || bringan mōste, / ac | on | campe% ġe·crang || cumbles |
Beowulf 2506a | ng || cumbles hyrde / æðeling | on | elne || ne wæs ecg bona / ac h |
Beowulf 2512a | ðe || ic geneðde fela / guða | on | geogoðe || gyt ic wylle / frod |
Beowulf 2523b | s ond attres || forðon ic me | on | hafu / bord ond byrnan || nelle |
Beowulf 2527b | metod manna gehwæs || ic eom | on | mode from / ðæt ic wið ðone |
Beowulf 2529a | n || gylp ofersitte / gebide ge | on | beorge || byrnum werede / secga |
Beowulf 2530a | eorge || byrnum werede / secgas | on | searwum || hwæðer sel mæge |
Beowulf 2568b | rm gebeah / snude tosomne || he | on | searwum bad / gewat ða byrnend |
Beowulf 2578a | e || ðæt sio ecg gewac / brun | on | bane || bat unswiðor / ðonne |
Beowulf 2581b | weard / æfter heaðuswenge || | on | hreoum mode / wearp wælfyre || |
Beowulf 2596a | e ær folce weold / nealles him | on | heape || handgesteallan / æðe |
Beowulf 2598b | gestodon / hildecystum || ac hy | on | holt bugon / ealdre burgan || h |
Beowulf 2599b | uĝon, / ealdre burgon. || Hira | on | ānum wēoll / sefa wiþ sorĝu |
Beowulf 2625a | | ða he of ealdre gewat / frod | on | forðweg || ða wæs forma si |
Beowulf 2635a | e·hēton || ūssum hlāforde / | on | bēor-sele, || þe ūs þās |
Beowulf 2638b | d heard sweord || ðe he usic | on | herge geceas / to ðyssum siðf |
Beowulf 2650b | sy / gledegesa grim || god wat | on | mec / ðæt me is micle leofre |
Beowulf 2662a | rec || wigheafolan bær / frean | on | fultum || fea worda cwæð / le |
Beowulf 2664a | lf || læst eall tela / swa ðu | on | geoguðfeore || geara gecwæd |
Beowulf 2679b | sloh / hildebille || ðæt hyt | on | heafolan stod / niðe genyded | |
Beowulf 2690a | ca || fæhða gemyndig / ræsde | on | ðone rofan || ða him rum ag |
Beowulf 2700a | st || nioðor hwene sloh / secg | on | searwum || ðæt ðæt sweord |
Beowulf 2704b | r ond beaduscearp || ðæt he | on | byrnan wæg / forwrat wedra hel |
Beowulf 2705b | g / forwrat wedra helm || wyrm | on | middan / feond gefyldan || ferh |
Beowulf 2714a | e ðæt sona onfand / ðæt him | on | breostum || bealoniðe weoll / |
Beowulf 2715a | tum || bealoniðe weoll / attor | on | innan || ða se æðeling gio |
Beowulf 2717a | wealle || wishycgende / gesæt | on | sesse || seah on enta geweorc |
Beowulf 2717b | gende / gesæt on sesse || seah | on | enta geweorc / hu ða stanbogan |
Beowulf 2736b | tan dorste / egesan ðeon || ic | on | earde bad / mælgesceafta || he |
Beowulf 2739a | iðas || ne me swor fela / aða | on | unriht || ic ðæs ealles mæ |
Beowulf 2747a | wund || since bereafod / bio nu | on | ofoste || ðæt ic ærwelan / g |
Beowulf 2759a | nian || grunde getenge / wundur | on | wealle || ond ðæs wyrmes de |
Beowulf 2765a | æled || sinc eaðe mæg / gold | on | grunde || gumcynnes gehwone / o |
Beowulf 2773a | || ac hyne ecg fornam / ða ic | on | hlæwe gefrægn || hord reafi |
Beowulf 2775a | ta geweorc || anne mannan / him | on | bearm hladon || bunan ond dis |
Beowulf 2783a | æt he morðre swealt / ar wæs | on | ofoste || eftsiðes georn / fr |
Beowulf 2786a | -ferhþ || cwicne ġe·mētte / | on | þǣm wang-stede || Wedera þ |
Beowulf 2793a | eosthord ðurhbræc || / gomel | on | giohðe || gold sceawode / ic |
Beowulf 2796b | ge / ecum dryhtne || ðe ic her | on | starie / ðæs ðe ic moste || |
Beowulf 2799a | æge || swylc gestrynan / nu ic | on | maðma hord || mine bebohte / f |
Beowulf 2805b | minum leodum / heah hlifian || | on | hronesnæsse / ðæt hit sæli |
Beowulf 2816a | gas || to metodsceafte / eorlas | on | elne || ic him æfter sceal / |
Beowulf 2822b | rodum / earfoðlice || ðæt he | on | eorðan geseah / ðone leofesta |
Beowulf 2831a | dfloga || wundum stille / hreas | on | hrusan || hordærne neah / nall |
Beowulf 2836a | an || hondgeweorce / huru ðæt | on | lande || lyt manna ðah / mæge |
Beowulf 2842a | ccende || weard onfunde / buon | on | beorge || biowulfe wearð / dry |
Beowulf 2849a | dorston ær || dareðum lacan / | on | hyra mandryhtnes || miclan ð |
Beowulf 2852a | | ðær se gomela læg / wlitan | on | wilaf || he gewergad sæt / fe |
Beowulf 2855a | im wiht ne speow / ne meahte he | on | eorðan || ðeah he uðe wel / |
Beowulf 2856a | eorðan || ðeah he uðe wel / | on | ðam frumgare || feorh geheal |
Beowulf 2863b | s sunu / sec sarigferð || seah | on | unleofe / ðæt la mæg secgan |
Beowulf 2866b | f / eoredgeatwe || ðe ge ðær | on | standað / ðonne he on ealuben |
Beowulf 2867a | e ðær on standað / ðonne he | on | ealubence || oft gesealde / hea |
Beowulf 2895b | or sæt / bordhæbbende || bega | on | wenum / endedogores || ond eftc |
Beowulf 2903a | ælreste || wyrmes dædum / him | on | efn ligeð || ealdorgewinna / s |
Beowulf 2905a | num seoc || sweorde ne meahte / | on | ðam aglæcean || ænige ðin |
Beowulf 2915b | gelac cwom / faran flotherge || | on | fresna land / ðær hyne hetwar |
Beowulf 2919a | rnwiga || bugan sceolde / feoll | on | feðan || nalles frætwe geaf |
Beowulf 2935a | oþ·ēodon || earfoðlīċe / | on | Hræfnes-holt || hlāfordlēa |
Beowulf 2939a | he || ondlonge niht / cwæð he | on | mergenne || meces ecgum / getan |
Beowulf 2940b | eces ecgum / getan wolde || sum | on | galgtreowum / fuglum to gamene |
Beowulf 2945b | se goda com / leoda dugoðe || | on | last faran / wæs sio swatswað |
Beowulf 2962b | ecgum sweorda / blondenfexa || | on | bid wrecen / ðæt se ðeodcyni |
Beowulf 2973a | || ondslyht giofan / ac he him | on | heafde || helm ær gescer / ð |
Beowulf 2975a | de fah || bugan sceolde / feoll | on | foldan || næs he fæge ða g |
Beowulf 2981b | yning, / folces hierde, || wæs | on | feorh drepen. / Þā wǣron man |
Beowulf 2986a | n reafode || rinc oðerne / nam | on | ongenðio || irenbyrnan / heard |
Beowulf 2996a | orfte him ða lean oðwitan / m | on | on middangearde || syððan h |
Beowulf 3010a | bringan || ðe us beagas geaf / | on | adfære || ne scel anes hwæt |
Beowulf 3017a | dum || ne mægð scyne / habban | on | healse || hringweorðunge / ac |
Beowulf 3023a | ald || mundum bewunden / hæfen | on | handa || nalles hearpan sweg / |
Beowulf 3033a | || wundur sceawian / fundon ða | on | sande || sawulleasne / hlimbed |
Beowulf 3039a | esegan || syllicran wiht / wyrm | on | wonge || wiðerræhtes ðær / |
Beowulf 3043a | fiftiges || fotgemearces / lang | on | legere || lyftwynne heold / nih |
Beowulf 3084a | unian || oð woruldende / heold | on | heahgesceap || hord ys gescea |
Beowulf 3090b | ed / inn under eorðweall || ic | on | ofoste gefeng / micle mid mundu |
Beowulf 3095a | g || worn eall gespræc / gomol | on | gehðo || ond eowic gretan he |
Beowulf 3097a | orhten || aefter wines dǣdum / | on | bǣl-stede || beorh þone hē |
Beowulf 3109a | annan || ðær he longe sceal / | on | ðæs waldendes || wære geð |
Beowulf 3124b | r inwithrof / hilderinca || sum | on | handa bær / æledleoman || se |
Beowulf 3125b | da bær / æledleoman || se ðe | on | orde geong / næs ða on hlytme |
Beowulf 3126a | se ðe on orde geong / næs ða | on | hlytme || hwa ðæt hord stru |
Beowulf 3128b | nigne dæl / secgas gesegon || | on | sele wunian / læne licgan || l |
Beowulf 3134b | hyrde / ða wæs wunden gold || | on | wæn hladen / æghwæs unrim || |
Beowulf 3138a | a gegiredan || geata leode / ad | on | eorðan || unwaclicne / helmum |
Beowulf 3143a | | hlaford leofne / ongunnon ða | on | beorge || bælfyra mæst / wige |
Beowulf 3148a | banhus || gebrocen hæfde / hat | on | hreðre || higum unrote / modce |
Beowulf 3157a | rhton ða || wedra leode / hleo | on | hoe || se wæs heah ond brad / |
Beowulf 3159b | ide gesyne / ond betimbredon || | on | tyn dagum / beadurofes becn || |
Beowulf 3163a | notre men || findan mihton / hi | on | beorg dydon || beg ond siglu / |
Beowulf 3164b | / eall swylce hyrsta || swylce | on | horde ær / niðhedige men || g |
Beowulf 3167a | treon || eorðan healdan / gold | on | greote || ðær hit nu gen li |
Judith 2a | # Judith / / twêode / ġiefena | on | þȳs ġinnan grunde. || Hēo |
Judith 5b | waldend || hyre ðæs fæder | on | roderum / torhtmod tiðe gefrem |
Judith 13b | æs ðe iudith hyne || gleaw | on | geðonce / ides ælfscinu || æ |
Judith 22b | holofernus / goldwine gumena || | on | gytesalum / hloh ond hlydde || |
Judith 30b | sinces brytta || oððæt hie | on | swiman lagon / oferdrencte his |
Judith 44b | n / ðær se rica hyne || reste | on | symbel / nihtes inne || nergend |
Judith 50a | wlitan ðurh || wigena baldor / | on | æghwylcne || ðe ðær inne |
Judith 51b | ne com / hæleða bearna || ond | on | hyne nænig / monna cynnes || n |
Judith 54b | a to rune gegangan || hie ða | on | reste gebrohton / snude ða sno |
Judith 57a | æs seo halige meowle / gebroht | on | his burgetelde || ða wearð |
Judith 57b | etelde || ða wearð se brema | on | mode / bliðe burga ealdor || |
Judith 65a | hæfde ða his ende gebidenne / | on | eorðan unswæslicne || swylc |
Judith 66b | ðeoden gumena || ðenden he | on | ðysse worulde / wunode under w |
Judith 68a | ða wine swa druncen / se rica | on | his reste middan || swa he ny |
Judith 69a | n || swa he nyste ræda nanne / | on | gewitlocan || wiggend stopon / |
Judith 93b | tta || ðæt me ys ðus torne | on | mode / hate on hreðre minum || |
Judith 94a | me ys ðus torne on mode / hate | on | hreðre minum || hi ða se he |
Judith 97b | eafan || ða wearð hyre rume | on | mode / haligre hyht geniwod || |
Judith 106b | ðone sweoran him || ðæt he | on | swiman læg / druncen ond dolhw |
Judith 111a | t him ðæt heafod wand / forð | on | ða flore || læg se fula lea |
Judith 116b | unden, / hearde ġe·hæfted || | on | helle-bryne / aefter hin-sīðe |
Judith 121a | ealdre || būtan ende forþ / | on | þǣm heolstran hām, || hiht |
Judith 127a | ewæðan || heafod swa blodig / | on | ðam fætelse || ðe hyre for |
Judith 129b | t / ðeawum geðungen || ðyder | on | lædde / ond hit ða swa heolfr |
Judith 130b | hit ða swa heolfrig || hyre | on | hond ageaf / higeðoncolre || h |
Judith 143a | ċċende || wearde hēoldon% / | on | þǣm fæstenne, || swā þǣ |
Judith 145b | earoðoncol mægð || ða heo | on | sið gewat / ides ellenrof || w |
Judith 154a | æt ge ne ðyrfen leng / murnan | on | mode || eow ys metod bliðe / c |
Judith 161b | fer heanne weall || here wæs | on | lustum / wið ðæs fæstengeat |
Judith 167a | onge || æghwylcum wearð / men | on | ðære medobyrig || mod arete |
Judith 178b | rofe hæleð / leoda ræswan || | on | ðæs laðestan / hæðenes hea |
Judith 193b | byrn-hamas, / sċīre helmas || | on | sċaðena ġe·mang, / fiellan |
Judith 202b | as / foron to gefeohte || forð | on | gerihte / hæleð under helmum |
Judith 204a | um || of ðære haligan byrig / | on | ðæt dægred sylf || dynedan |
Judith 206a | æs sē hlanca ġe·feah / wulf | on | wealde || and sē wanna hræf |
Judith 209a | guman || ðohton tilian / fylle | on | fægum || ac him fleah on las |
Judith 209b | lle on fægum || ac him fleah | on | last / earn ætes georn || urig |
Judith 225a | ūþ-frecan, || gāras sendon / | on | heardra ġe·mang. || Hæleþ |
Judith 236b | mihton / swa ða magoðegnas || | on | ða morgentid / ehton elðeoda |
Judith 252b | n / ærðon ðe him se egesa || | on | ufan sæte / mægen ebrea || my |
Judith 255a | || and sēo beorhte mæġeþ / | on | þǣm wlitiĝan træfe || wǣ |
Judith 266a | æfðoncan || assyria wearð / | on | ðam dægeweorce || dom geswi |
Judith 276b | ra beadu-rinca, || þæt hē | on | þæt būr-ġe·teld / nīþ-he |
Judith 278a | wa hyne nyd fordraf / funde ða | on | bedde || blacne licgan / his go |
Judith 282a | || ongan his feax teran / hreoh | on | mode || ond his hrægl somod / |
Judith 291a | e || gewitan him werigferhðe / | on | fleam sceacan || him mon feah |
Judith 291b | leam sceacan || him mon feaht | on | last / mægeneacen folc || oð |
Judith 294a | eriges læg || hilde gesæged / | on | ðam sigewonge || sweordum ge |
Judith 297b | yfdon / laðra lindwerod || him | on | laste for / sweot ebrea || sigo |
Judith 300a | | him feng dryhten god / fægre | on | fultum || frea ælmihtig / hi |
Judith 306a | mede || guman ebrisce / ðegnas | on | ða tid || ðearle gelyste / ga |
Judith 307b | gelyste / gargewinnes || ðær | on | greot gefeoll / se hyhsta dæl |
Judith 312a | e || cirdon cynerofe / wiggend | on | wiðertrod || wælscel on inn |
Judith 312b | end on wiðertrod || wælscel | on | innan / reocende hræw || rum w |
Judith 314b | æs to nimanne / londbuendum || | on | ðam laðestan / hyra ealdfeond |
Judith 319a | yre madmas || hæfdon domlice / | on | ðam folcstede || fynd oferwu |
Judith 321b | tende / swyrdum aswefede || hie | on | swaðe reston / ða ðe him to |
Judith 332b | geeodon / cene under cumblum || | on | compwige / ðurh iudithe || gle |
Judith 343a | hyre weorðmynde geaf / mærðe | on | moldan rice || swylce eac med |
Judith 343b | oldan rice || swylce eac mede | on | heofonum / sigorlean in swegles |
Judith 344a | de on heofonum, / siĝor-lēan | on | sweġeles wuldre, || þæs þ |
The Paris Psalter 100:1 3a | and secge || and soþ ongyte / | on | unwemmum wege || hwænne þu |
The Paris Psalter 100:7 1a | | her þegnade / / # / ne eardaþ | on | midle || mines huses / þe ofer |
The Paris Psalter 100:8 1a | cweþan || elne wille / / # / ic | on | morgenne ofslea || manes wyrh |
The Paris Psalter 101:3 4a | æs þe me þinceþ / swylce hi | on | cocerpannan || cocas gehyrsta |
The Paris Psalter 101:5 2a | den eom || pellicane gelic / se | on | westene wunaþ || wat ic eac |
The Paris Psalter 101:5 4a | d eam || nihthrefne gelic / þe | on | scræfe eardaþ || and ic spe |
The Paris Psalter 101:6 1b | me ealne dæg || edwitspræce | on | / mine feondas || fæste brohta |
The Paris Psalter 101:10 1a | a hit hraþe weornaþ / / # / þu | on | ecnysse wunast || awa drihten |
The Paris Psalter 101:13 1b | adest / / # / forþon neodlice || | on | naman þinum / ealle eorþbuend |
The Paris Psalter 101:16 2a | slice || awriten standaþ / and | on | cneoressum || cyþed syndan / |
The Paris Psalter 101:17 3b | ten geseah of heofenum || her | on | eorþan / / # / he þa gehyrde || |
The Paris Psalter 101:19 1a | sliþe wæran / / # / þonne byþ | on | sione sægd || soþ nama drih |
The Paris Psalter 101:19 3a | s lof swylce || leoda bearnum / | on | hierusalem || gleawast and m |
The Paris Psalter 101:21 2a | him andwyrdeþ || eallum sona / | on | wege worulde || þær his gew |
The Paris Psalter 101:21 5a | mode secge / þæt þu me meaht | on | midle || minra dagena / sona ge |
The Paris Psalter 101:25 4a | fra cynn || syþþan to feore / | on | worulda woruld || well gereht |
The Paris Psalter 102:5 4a | þu edneowe || earne gelicast / | on | geogoþe nu || gleawe geworde |
The Paris Psalter 102:7 2b | nd cuþe / moyse þam mæran || | on | mænige tid / swylce his willan |
The Paris Psalter 102:9 2a | u oþ ende || yrre habban / ne | on | ecnesse || þe awa belgan / / # |
The Paris Psalter 102:18 1a | æst word || wynnum efnan / / # / | on | heofenhame || halig drihten / h |
The Paris Psalter 102:21 2a | agen geweorc || ecne drihten / | on | his agenum stede || eac blets |
The Paris Psalter 103:6 3a | an eardas || ne seo æfre nu / | on | worulda world || weorþeþ ah |
The Paris Psalter 103:7 3b | tandaþ ofer mannum || muntas | on | wæterum / / # / þa him þrea þ |
The Paris Psalter 103:9 2a | gas and feldas || ba astigaþ / | on | þæne stede || þe þu gesta |
The Paris Psalter 103:9 3a | e þu gestaþeludest him / and | on | þære stowe || standaþ fæs |
The Paris Psalter 103:11 2b | drincaþ / bidaþ assan || eac | on | þurste / ofer þan heofonfugel |
The Paris Psalter 103:13 2b | der neatum / lætest alædan || | on | þæm hi lif healdaþ / wyrta |
The Paris Psalter 103:16 3a | wwæstme || tydraþ ealle / þa | on | libanes || lædaþ on beorge / |
The Paris Psalter 103:16 3b | lle / þa on libanes || lædaþ | on | beorge / cwice cederbeamas || |
The Paris Psalter 103:16 5b | u cuþlice / sylfa gesettest || | on | þam swylce nu / mid heora sped |
The Paris Psalter 103:17 2a | hus || hiora agen is / latteow | on | lande || oft laþne beorh / on |
The Paris Psalter 103:17 3a | on lande || oft laþne beorh / | on | hean muntum || heortas wunia |
The Paris Psalter 103:17 4b | uniaþ / erinaces fleoþ || oft | on | stanas / / # / monan he geworhte |
The Paris Psalter 103:18 1b | anas / / # / monan he geworhte || | on | þa mæran tid / sunne hire set |
The Paris Psalter 103:19 1b | / / # / þystru þu gesettest || | on | þearle niht / on þære ealle |
The Paris Psalter 103:19 2a | gesettest || on þearle niht / | on | þære ealle wildeor || wide |
The Paris Psalter 103:21 3a | þum eft || gesamniaþ / and hi | on | holum || hydaþ hi georne / / # |
The Paris Psalter 103:22 1a | aþ hi georne / / # / mægenweorc | on | morgen || man onginneþ / and |
The Paris Psalter 103:22 2b | ginneþ / and þæt geendaþ || | on | æfynne / / # / mycel wærun þin |
The Paris Psalter 103:24 1b | e / / # / his is mycel sæ || and | on | gemærum wid / þær is unrim o |
The Paris Psalter 103:24 2a | n gemærum wid / þær is unrim | on | || ealra cwycra / mycelra and m |
The Paris Psalter 103:25 5a | e to þe || ece drihten / ætes | on | eorþan || eac wilniaþ / / # / a |
The Paris Psalter 103:27 5a | swylce teonlice || geteoriaþ / | on | heora agen dust || æfter hwe |
The Paris Psalter 103:29 2a | si wide || weruda drihtne / and | on | worulda woruld || wunie syþ |
The Paris Psalter 103:29 3a | uld || wunie syþþan / blissie | on | his weorcum || bealde drihten |
The Paris Psalter 103:30 1a | rcum || bealde drihten / / # / he | on | þas eorþan || ealle locaþ / |
The Paris Psalter 103:31 1a | ricene || reocaþ sona / / # / ic | on | minum life || lustum drihtne / |
The Paris Psalter 103:31 3b | ecge eac / þenden ic wunige || | on | worulddreamum / / # / wese him he |
The Paris Psalter 103:33 2a | an || frecne forweorþaþ / þa | on | þysse eorþan synt || ealle |
The Paris Psalter 103:33 3b | sniome / þæt hio ne wunian || | on | worldlife / bletsa mine sawle | |
The Paris Psalter 104:5 1a | symble georne / / # / gemunaþ ge | on | mode || hu he mænig wundor / w |
The Paris Psalter 104:8 1a | æghwylcne dæl / / # / he þæs | on | worulde || wearþ gemyndig / þ |
The Paris Psalter 104:8 2b | ig / þæt he worde gecwæþ || | on | gewitnesse / þæt heo on þuse |
The Paris Psalter 104:8 3a | þ || on gewitnesse / þæt heo | on | þusende || þæt sceoldan he |
The Paris Psalter 104:10 3a | eowrum cynne || chananea land / | on | agene æht || yrfe gesylle / / # |
The Paris Psalter 104:11 1b | æs þæt mære cynn || mycel | on | rime / ac on þam folce || feaw |
The Paris Psalter 104:11 2a | ære cynn || mycel on rime / ac | on | þam folce || feawe wæran æ |
The Paris Psalter 104:13 2a | halgan || hrinan ne gretan / ne | on | mine witigan || wergþe setta |
The Paris Psalter 104:15 4a | ohtan || bearn iacobes / ioseph | on | geoguþe || þær hine grame |
The Paris Psalter 104:17 1a | allum sette / / # / he sette hine | on | his huse || to hlafwearde / eal |
The Paris Psalter 104:19 1b | n / / # / þær israhel becwom || | on | egypta / and se goda || iacob s |
The Paris Psalter 104:23 1a | ne he ær geceas / / # / he sette | on | hi sylfe || soþne wisdom / wor |
The Paris Psalter 104:25 2a | ter swylce || wende to blode / | on | þam heora fisceas || frecne |
The Paris Psalter 104:26 1a | || frecne forwurdan / / # / sende | on | heora eorþan || ealle swylce |
The Paris Psalter 104:26 3a | teonlice || þa teolum husum / | on | cyninga cofum || cwyce earded |
The Paris Psalter 104:27 3b | s / fleohcynnes feala || flugan | on | gemæru / / # / sette him regnas |
The Paris Psalter 104:30 3a | d grame ceaferas / ne mihte þa | on | moldan || man geriman / þe þ |
The Paris Psalter 104:30 4a | ldan || man geriman / þe þær | on | foldan || fræton wæstmas / / # |
The Paris Psalter 104:31 2a | loh || æghwylc frumbearn / þe | on | egyptum wæs || ahwær acenne |
The Paris Psalter 104:33 2a | || æfter bliþe / syþþan hi | on | fore || folc sceawedan / forþo |
The Paris Psalter 104:36 2a | ane || streamas flowan / wæter | on | willan || na him gewættan fo |
The Paris Psalter 104:36 3a | | na him gewættan fot / þa hi | on | iordane || gengdan æfter / / # |
The Paris Psalter 104:38 1b | nd his folc lædde || fægere | on | blisse / and his þone gecorena |
The Paris Psalter 104:38 2b | one gecorenan || heap clæne | on | wynne / / # / sealde þam leodum |
The Paris Psalter 104:39 2a | þam leodum || landes anweald / | on | agene æht || oþre þeode / an |
The Paris Psalter 105:1 4a | ldheortnysse || mannum cyþde / | on | þysse worulde || wis gestand |
The Paris Psalter 105:3 3a | þ / soþe domas || sylfe efnan / | on | ealle tid || æghwæs healdan |
The Paris Psalter 105:4 1b | dum / / # / gemune us drihten || | on | modsefan / forþ hycgende || fo |
The Paris Psalter 105:7 2b | n / ealle þa wundor || þe þu | on | egyptum / worhtest wræclice || |
The Paris Psalter 105:7 5a | || miltsa þinra / þa þu him | on | þære mægþe || manige cyþ |
The Paris Psalter 105:8 1b | st / / # / hi bysmredan || þa hi | on | brad wæter / on þone readan s |
The Paris Psalter 105:8 2a | edan || þa hi on brad wæter / | on | þone readan sæ || randas b |
The Paris Psalter 105:8 4b | s ealdor / and hi generedest || | on | naman þinum / þa þu þine mi |
The Paris Psalter 105:9 4a | ra || weallas læddest / swa hi | on | westenne || wæron on drigum / |
The Paris Psalter 105:9 4b | / swa hi on westenne || wæron | on | drigum / / # / swa hi alysde || l |
The Paris Psalter 105:12 1a | unge || ahwær heoldan / / # / hi | on | westenne || wraþe ongunnan / g |
The Paris Psalter 105:13 2a | me || brohte and sealde / sende | on | heora muþas || mete to genih |
The Paris Psalter 105:14 1a | te to genihte / / # / ongunnon hi | on | þam wicum || wraþe swylce / m |
The Paris Psalter 105:15 2a | togaan || and eall forswealh / | on | deope forwyrd || dathanes weo |
The Paris Psalter 105:16 2a | r fyr abarn || frecne swylce / | on | heora gemetinge || and þær |
The Paris Psalter 105:17 1a | n || sniome forbærnde / / # / hi | on | choreb swylce || cealf ongunn |
The Paris Psalter 105:17 3b | cean / onwendan heora wuldor || | on | þæne wyrsan had / hæþenstyr |
The Paris Psalter 105:18 3a | folmum || frecne generede / þe | on | egyptum || æþele wundur / and |
The Paris Psalter 105:18 4a | egyptum || æþele wundur / and | on | chananea || cymu worhte / and r |
The Paris Psalter 105:18 5b | u worhte / and recene wundur || | on | þam readan sæ / / # / þa hi wo |
The Paris Psalter 105:21 2a | a ahof || and hi hraþe wolde / | on | þam westenne || wide todrifa |
The Paris Psalter 105:21 3b | nd heora swæs cynn || sendan | on | wid land / / # / hi belphegor || |
The Paris Psalter 105:23 2a | i bysmredon || bealde drihten / | on | heora gemetincge || mægene e |
The Paris Psalter 105:23 3b | e ealle / and þær healicne || | on | hryre gefremedan / / # / hi þæs |
The Paris Psalter 105:24 2a | tes || finees awerede / þa he | on | þam folce || feondgyld gebr |
The Paris Psalter 105:24 4b | e fand / of cynna gehwam || and | on | cneorisse / / # / eac hi gefremed |
The Paris Psalter 105:25 5a | a yfelum || swa he oftor wæs / | on | his gaste gram || ne mihte hi |
The Paris Psalter 105:30 1a | e || eall forhogode / / # / he hi | on | handgeweald || hæþenum seal |
The Paris Psalter 105:30 3a | eoldan || þa him wyrrest ær / | on | feondscipe || fæste gestodon |
The Paris Psalter 105:32 1a | t || lifes ealdor / / # / hi hine | on | geþeahte || oft abylgdan / wæ |
The Paris Psalter 105:32 2a | eahte || oft abylgdan / wæron | on | unrihtum || oft gehynde / / # / s |
The Paris Psalter 105:35 2a | ealde || sona miltse / þær hi | on | gesawon || ealle ætgædere / |
The Paris Psalter 105:36 6a | gestan || her andettan / and we | on | lofe þinum || lungre weorþa |
The Paris Psalter 105:37 2a | israhela god || aa gebletsad / | on | worulda woruld || wealdend dr |
The Paris Psalter 106:3 2b | nnan / oþþæt heo gewiteþ || | on | westrodur / and fram sæ norþa |
The Paris Psalter 106:3 5b | ne mittan / þe hi eardunge || | on | genaman / / # / hæfde hi hungor |
The Paris Psalter 106:4 2a | ard gewyrded / þæt him frecne | on | || feorh aþolude / / # / and hi |
The Paris Psalter 106:5 1a | feorh aþolude / / # / and hi þa | on | þære costunge || cleopedan |
The Paris Psalter 106:6 2a | dde || lifes ealdor / þær hi | on | rihtne weg || ricene eodan / o |
The Paris Psalter 106:6 3b | eodan / oþþæt hi cuþlice || | on | becwoman / to hiora cestre || e |
The Paris Psalter 106:9 1a | eore syþþan / / # / þa þe her | on | þystrum || þrage sæton / and |
The Paris Psalter 106:9 2a | þystrum || þrage sæton / and | on | deaþes scuan || deorcum lifd |
The Paris Psalter 106:9 4a | / gebundene || bealuwe feterum / | on | wædle wrace || and on iserne |
The Paris Psalter 106:9 4b | eterum / on wædle wrace || and | on | iserne / / # / forþon hi dydan | |
The Paris Psalter 106:10 3b | þæs heahstan him || hæfdan | on | bysmer / / # / hiora heorte wæs |
The Paris Psalter 106:11 1b | / # / hiora heorte wæs || hean | on | gewinnum / and untrume || ealle |
The Paris Psalter 106:11 3a | e || ealle wæran / næfdan þa | on | foldan || fultum ænne / / # / hi |
The Paris Psalter 106:12 1a | foldan || fultum ænne / / # / hi | on | costunge || cleopedan to drih |
The Paris Psalter 106:16 3a | wis alædeþ / þær hi wæron | on | woo || ær wraþe besmitene / / |
The Paris Psalter 106:18 1a | || drencyde wæran / / # / þa hi | on | costunge || cleopedan to drih |
The Paris Psalter 106:22 2b | aþ / wyrceaþ weorc mænig || | on | wæterþryþum / / # / hi drihtne |
The Paris Psalter 106:23 2b | sawon / and his wundra wearn || | on | wætergrundum / / # / gif he sylf |
The Paris Psalter 106:25 3a | under neowulne grund / oft þa | on | yfele || eft aþindaþ / / # / ge |
The Paris Psalter 106:27 1a | || yfele forglendred / / # / hi | on | costunge || cleopedan to drih |
The Paris Psalter 106:29 1a | e brimu weþaþ / / # / and he hi | on | hælo || hyþe gelædde / swa h |
The Paris Psalter 106:31 1a | manna bearn / / # / forþon hine | on | cyrcean || cristenes folces / h |
The Paris Psalter 106:31 3a | baþ || and him hælu and lof / | on | sotelum soþfæstra || secgea |
The Paris Psalter 106:32 1a | || secgean to worulde / / # / he | on | westenne || wynne streamas / so |
The Paris Psalter 106:33 2a | a weaxendan || wende eorþan / | on | sealtne mersc || for synndæd |
The Paris Psalter 106:33 3b | m / þara eardendra || þe hire | on | lifdan / / # / westen he geworhte |
The Paris Psalter 106:34 1b | dan / / # / westen he geworhte || | on | widne mere / and swylce eorþan |
The Paris Psalter 106:34 3a | e eorþan || eac butan wætre / | on | utgange || æþelast burnan / / |
The Paris Psalter 106:39 4a | wicene || swicedan oftust / and | on | wegas werige || wendan hwilum |
The Paris Psalter 107:2 2a | uldur min || þæt ic wynlice / | on | psalterio || þe singan mote / |
The Paris Psalter 107:2 3a | || þe singan mote / and ic þe | on | hleoþre || hearpan swylce / on |
The Paris Psalter 107:2 4a | on hleoþre || hearpan swylce / | on | ærmergen || eac gecweme / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 107:3 2a | ic þe andette || ece drihten / | on | folca gehwam || fægrum wordu |
The Paris Psalter 107:3 3a | || fægrum wordum / and ic þe | on | þeodum || on þanc mote / seal |
The Paris Psalter 107:3 3b | rdum / and ic þe on þeodum || | on | þanc mote / sealmas singan || |
The Paris Psalter 107:6 3a | gehyre || hælynd drihten / þe | on | halgum spreceþ || her on eor |
The Paris Psalter 107:6 3b | þe on halgum spreceþ || her | on | eorþan / and ic blissige || bu |
The Paris Psalter 107:6 5b | dæle / þa selegesceotu || þa | on | sycimam nu / and on metibor || |
The Paris Psalter 107:6 6a | eotu || þa on sycimam nu / and | on | metibor || mære standaþ / / # |
The Paris Psalter 107:9 1b | ded / / # / hwylc gelædeþ me || | on | lifes byrig / fæste getrymede |
The Paris Psalter 107:9 3a | mede || þæt ic forþ þanon / | on | idumea wese || eft gelæded / / |
The Paris Psalter 107:11 1a | ene || mod acyrre / / # / syle us | on | earfoþum || æþelne fultum / |
The Paris Psalter 107:11 2b | tum / forþon hælu byþ || her | on | eorþan / manna gehwylces || m |
The Paris Psalter 108:1 3b | synfulra / inwitfulra muþas || | on | ganian / / # / hio þa innwit fea |
The Paris Psalter 108:2 1b | hio þa innwit feala || ywdan | on | tungan / and me wraþra wearn | |
The Paris Psalter 108:5 2a | symble to ealdrum / stande him | on | þa swyþeran hand || swylce |
The Paris Psalter 108:7 2a | este || eall his onwunung / and | on | hys eardungstowe || næfre ge |
The Paris Psalter 108:7 3a | | næfre gewurþe / þæt þær | on | gewunige || awiht lifigendes / |
The Paris Psalter 108:13 1b | / # / gangan ealle his bearn || | on | ece forwyrd / and on anum cneow |
The Paris Psalter 108:13 2a | s bearn || on ece forwyrd / and | on | anum cneowe || eall gewyrþe / |
The Paris Psalter 108:14 2b | ldras ær / manes gefremedan || | on | gemynd cume / and on ansyne || |
The Paris Psalter 108:14 3a | remedan || on gemynd cume / and | on | ansyne || ures drihtnes / ne ad |
The Paris Psalter 108:16 1b | / / # / næs him milde gemynd || | on | modsefan / and he þearfendra | |
The Paris Psalter 108:16 3a | || þriste ehte / symble þæt | on | heortan || hogode geornust / hu |
The Paris Psalter 108:17 2a | cean georne / and hine seo ylce | on | || eft gesette / nolde he blets |
The Paris Psalter 108:22 2a | eom lama þearfa / is me heorte | on | || hearde gedrefed / / # / ic eom |
The Paris Psalter 108:26 2a | selfe āgon; / wese þīn esne | on | þē || unġemete blīðe. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 108:27 4a | || sylfe agon / wese þin esne | on | þe || ungemete bliþe / / # / sy |
The Paris Psalter 108:28 1a | u || swīðost ealra. / / # / Iċ | on | mīnum mūðe || meahta dryht |
The Paris Psalter 108:28 3a | ette || and ēac swelċe / hine | on | middle || manna herġe. / / # / H |
The Paris Psalter 108:28 4b | . / / # / Hē selfa ġe·stōd || | on | þā swīðran hand, / ðǣr h |
The Paris Psalter 108:29 1a | eamu || swyþust ealra / / # / ic | on | minum muþe || mihta drihtnes |
The Paris Psalter 108:29 3a | ndette || and eac swylce / hine | on | midle || manna herige / / # / he |
The Paris Psalter 108:30 1b | herige / / # / he sylfa gestod || | on | þa swyþran hand / þær he þ |
The Paris Psalter 109:6 1a | ide geond eorþan / / # / þa þe | on | wege weorþaþ || wætres æt |
The Paris Psalter 109:7 2a | e ġond eorðan. / / # / Þā þe | on | weġe weorðaþ, || wæteres |
The Paris Psalter 110:1 4a | cge || þæra soþfæstra / and | on | gemetingum || mycel drihtnes |
The Paris Psalter 110:4 1a | e his ege habbaþ / / # / and he | on | worulde || wearþ gemyndig / hi |
The Paris Psalter 110:4 6a | im wolde yrfe || ellþeodigra / | on | agene æht || eall gesyllan / / |
The Paris Psalter 110:5 4a | s bebodu || ealle treowfæste / | on | ealra weorulda weoruld || wur |
The Paris Psalter 110:5 5a | ruld || wurdan soþfæste / and | on | rihtnysse || ræda getrymede / |
The Paris Psalter 110:6 3a | nd him swylce bebead / þæt hi | on | ecnysse || a syþþan / his gew |
The Paris Psalter 110:7 1b | t byþ secga gehwam || snytru | on | frymþe / þæt he godes egesan |
The Paris Psalter 110:8 2a | drihtnes || her sceal wunian / | on | worulda woruld || wynnum stan |
The Paris Psalter 111:1 2a | er || se þe him ege drihtnes / | on | ferhþcleofan || fæste gesta |
The Paris Psalter 111:2 1a | || bealde mid willan / / # / he | on | eorþan byþ || eadig and spe |
The Paris Psalter 111:4 1a | aþ ænig dæl / / # / leoht wæs | on | leodum || leofum acyþed / þam |
The Paris Psalter 111:4 2a | um || leofum acyþed / þam þe | on | þystrum || þrage lifdan / and |
The Paris Psalter 111:4 4a | || heoldan mid rihte / milde is | on | mode || mihtig dryhten / and he |
The Paris Psalter 111:5 3a | m || þurh his sylfes word / se | on | ecnysse || eadig standeþ / / # |
The Paris Psalter 111:6 1a | se || eadig standeþ / / # / byþ | on | eceum gemynde || æghwylc þ |
The Paris Psalter 111:6 3a | iht || symble healdeþ / ne him | on | hlyste || mycelum ondrædeþ / |
The Paris Psalter 111:6 4a | e || mycelum ondrædeþ / awiht | on | ealdre || yfeles syþþan / / # |
The Paris Psalter 111:8 4b | e / byþ his horn wended || her | on | wuldur / / # / swa þæt synfull |
The Paris Psalter 112:3 2b | sunnan / oþþæt heo wende || | on | westrodur / ge sculon dryhtnes |
The Paris Psalter 112:5 2b | yhtne / þam halgan gode || þe | on | heofonrice / eadig eardaþ || o |
The Paris Psalter 112:5 4a | te ā·reċċan. / / # / And hine | on | ealdor-dōm || up ā·settan / |
The Paris Psalter 112:5 5a | admedu || æghwær begangæþ / | on | eorþwege || up on heofenum / / |
The Paris Psalter 112:5 5b | begangæþ / on eorþwege || up | on | heofenum / / # / he of eorþan m |
The Paris Psalter 112:6 2a | ard seteþ || unwǣstm-bærre / | on | mōdor hūs || maniġra bearn |
The Paris Psalter 112:7 1a | þriste areccan / / # / and hine | on | ealdordom || upp asettan / his |
The Paris Psalter 112:7 2b | asettan / his folces fruman || | on | fæger lif / / # / se þe eard se |
The Paris Psalter 112:8 2a | eard seteþ || unwæstmbærre / | on | modor hus || manigra bearna / h |
The Paris Psalter 113:3 2b | ah / for him iordanen || gengde | on | hinder / / # / hæfdan þær beor |
The Paris Psalter 113:4 3b | lice / wæron geswyru || swyþe | on | blisse / swa on sceapum beoþ | |
The Paris Psalter 113:4 4a | swyru || swyþe on blisse / swa | on | sceapum beoþ || sceone lambr |
The Paris Psalter 113:5 2b | iordanen || for hwi gengdest | on | bæcling / / # / beorgas wæron b |
The Paris Psalter 113:6 2b | swa rammas / wurdan gesweoru || | on | seledreame / swa on sceapum beo |
The Paris Psalter 113:6 3a | gesweoru || on seledreame / swa | on | sceapum beoþ || sceone lambr |
The Paris Psalter 113:8 1b | tigean / / # / he wendeþ stan || | on | widne mere / and clifu cyrreþ |
The Paris Psalter 113:8 2b | dne mere / and clifu cyrreþ || | on | cwicu swylce / wæteres wellan |
The Paris Psalter 113:11 1b | a / / # / ys ure se halga god || | on | heofondreame / uppe mid englum |
The Paris Psalter 113:11 3b | gedeþ / swa his willa byþ || | on | woruldrice / / # / þa wæron deo |
The Paris Psalter 113:16 2b | habban / ne him hluttur gast || | on | hracan eardaþ / / # / ac heo wæ |
The Paris Psalter 113:17 2b | ice / and æghwylcum || þe him | on | treowaþ / / # / israhela hus || |
The Paris Psalter 113:18 1b | þ / / # / israhela hus || ærest | on | drihten / helpe gehogedan || ho |
The Paris Psalter 113:19 1b | eheold / / # / aarones hus || eac | on | dryhten / leofne gelyfdan || he |
The Paris Psalter 113:20 2b | tnes / hio hyht heora || habban | on | drihten / he him fultum || fæs |
The Paris Psalter 113:21 6a | || bliþe mode / ealle þa þe | on | þe || egsan hæfdan / mycle an |
The Paris Psalter 114:2 3a | | and gehyrdest me / þa ic þe | on | dagum minum || dyrne cigde / / # |
The Paris Psalter 114:5 2a | ofa god || alys mine nu / sawle | on | gesyntum || ic to soþan wat / |
The Paris Psalter 114:7 1b | # / gecyr mine sawle || clæne | on | þine / rædæs reste || rice d |
The Paris Psalter 114:7 3b | drihten / þu me wel dydest || | on | woruldlife / / # / forþon þu mi |
The Paris Psalter 114:8 6a | / ic gelicie || leofum drihtne / | on | lifigendra || lande nu-þa |
The Paris Psalter 115:2 2a | a cwæþ || þa me swa þuhte / | on | modseofan || minum geþancum / |
The Paris Psalter 115:5 2a | and fæger || beacen dryhtne / | on | his gesyhþe || swylt haligra |
The Paris Psalter 115:6 3b | te / and þinre þeowan sunu || | on | þe acenned / / # / þu me tobræ |
The Paris Psalter 115:8 2a | c min gehat || halgum dryhtne / | on | his getynum || tidum gylde / þ |
The Paris Psalter 115:8 5a | um folc || eall sceawiaþ / and | on | hierusalem || georne midre |
The Paris Psalter 116:1 3a | gan wordum / and hine eall folc | on | efn || æþelne herigan / / # / f |
The Paris Psalter 117:4 2a | e þæt || unforcuþe / þe him | on | standeþ || egsa dryhtnes / for |
The Paris Psalter 117:4 4b | eþ / his mildheortnys || mære | on | worulde / / # / ic on costunge || |
The Paris Psalter 117:5 1a | ys || mære on worulde / / # / ic | on | costunge || cigde to dryhtne / |
The Paris Psalter 117:5 2b | dryhtne / and he me gehyrde || | on | heare brædu / / # / nu me fultum |
The Paris Psalter 117:8 1a | eo || feondas mine / / # / god ys | on | dryhten || georne to þencean |
The Paris Psalter 117:8 2a | | georne to þenceanne / þonne | on | mannan wese || mod to treowia |
The Paris Psalter 117:9 1a | mod to treowianne / / # / god ys | on | dryhten || georne to hyhtanne |
The Paris Psalter 117:9 2a | || georne to hyhtanne / þonne | on | ealdormen || ahwær to treowi |
The Paris Psalter 117:10 2a | on || side þeode / and ic wæs | on | dryhtnes naman || deorum geh |
The Paris Psalter 117:11 2a | ange manige / and me godes nama | on | him || georne gehælde / / # / þ |
The Paris Psalter 117:14 1b | æs strengþu strang || stiþ | on | dryhtne / and herenes heah || a |
The Paris Psalter 117:14 3b | eac / ys a to worulde || worden | on | hælu / / # / a byþ blisse stefn |
The Paris Psalter 117:15 2a | lisse stefn || beorht gehyred / | on | soþfæstra || swæsum muþe / |
The Paris Psalter 117:18 3a | lmihtig || nolde to deaþe me / | on | ecnysse || æfre gesyllan / / # |
The Paris Psalter 117:19 3a | nn || gode andette / soþfæste | on | þa duru || seceaþ inngang / / |
The Paris Psalter 117:20 3b | rfe / and me þa gewurde || wis | on | hælu / / # / þone sylfan stan | |
The Paris Psalter 117:24 2a | e com || ofer bearna gehwylc / | on | dryhtnes naman || dædum mær |
The Paris Psalter 118:1 1a | r: Psalm 118 / / # / eadige beoþ | on | wege || þa þe unwemme / on hi |
The Paris Psalter 118:1 2a | þ on wege || þa þe unwemme / | on | hiora dryhtnes æ || deore ga |
The Paris Psalter 118:3 2a | n manwyrhtan || mægene feran / | on | his mærne weg || mihtigan dr |
The Paris Psalter 118:5 2a | la wisce || þæt wegas mine / | on | þinum willan || weorþan ger |
The Paris Psalter 118:6 1a | e healde / / # / ne beo ic þonne | on | ealdre || æfre gescynded / gif |
The Paris Psalter 118:6 2a | dre || æfre gescynded / gif ic | on | ealle þine bebodu || elne lo |
The Paris Psalter 118:7 3a | nre heortan || holde geþance / | on | þan þe ic geleornode || and |
The Paris Psalter 118:8 2a | soþfæstnysse || swylce mote / | on | hyge healdan || þæt þu hur |
The Paris Psalter 118:8 3a | healdan || þæt þu huru me / | on | þyssum ealdre || ænne ne fo |
The Paris Psalter 118:9 1a | ldre || ænne ne forlæte / / # / | on | hwan mæg se iunga || on godn |
The Paris Psalter 118:9 1b | / / # / on hwan mæg se iunga || | on | godne weg / rihtran þe rædran |
The Paris Psalter 118:11 1a | || feor adrife / / # / forþon ic | on | minre heortan || hydde georne |
The Paris Psalter 118:13 1a | ysse || sweotule cunne / / # / ic | on | minum welerum || wordum secge |
The Paris Psalter 118:14 1a | es || meahte domas / / # / and ic | on | wege swylce || wynnum gange / |
The Paris Psalter 118:15 1a | na || willum bruce / / # / swa ic | on | þine soþfæstnysse || soþe |
The Paris Psalter 118:16 1a | gittul || awa to feore / / # / ic | on | þinre soþfæstnysse || symb |
The Paris Psalter 118:17 2a | þinum esne || gode dæde / ic | on | lifdagum || lustum healde / þi |
The Paris Psalter 118:18 2a | e eagan || þæt ic wel mæge / | on | þinre æ || eall sceawian / wu |
The Paris Psalter 118:19 1a | a þu worhtyst ær / / # / ic eom | on | eorþan || earm bigenga / ne do |
The Paris Psalter 118:20 3a | soþfæst word || gesund mote / | on | ealle tid || elne healdan / / # |
The Paris Psalter 118:23 2a | nn || ealle ætgædere / sæton | on | seldum || swyþe spræcon / and |
The Paris Psalter 118:24 2a | wyrþ and getreowe / and ic hi | on | mode || metegie georne / and me |
The Paris Psalter 118:26 3a | hyrdest || holde mode / lær me | on | life || hu ic lengest mæge / |
The Paris Psalter 118:26 4a | dest || holde mōde; / lǣr mē | on | līfe, || hū iċ lenġest m |
The Paris Psalter 118:27 2a | eg || swylce getacna / þæt ic | on | þinum wundrum || me wel bega |
The Paris Psalter 118:28 1a | welċe ġe·tācna, / þæt iċ | on | þīnum wundrum || mē wēl b |
The Paris Psalter 118:28 3a | or langunga || læt me nu-þa / | on | þinum wordum || weorþan tru |
The Paris Psalter 118:29 1a | angunga; || lǣt mē nū-þā / | on | þīnum wordum || weorðan tr |
The Paris Psalter 118:29 2a | am me || unryhte wegas / and me | on | þinre æ geweorþ || ealles |
The Paris Psalter 118:30 1a | ē || unrihte weĝas, / and mē | on | þīnre ǣ ġe·weorþ || eal |
The Paris Psalter 118:31 3a | | wel geheolde / ne wylt þu me | on | ealdre || æfre gescyndan / / # |
The Paris Psalter 118:32 1a | || æfre gescyndan / / # / nu ic | on | wisne weg || worda þinra / re |
The Paris Psalter 118:32 2a | re ġe·sċyndan. / / # / Nū iċ | on | wīsne weġ || worda þīnra / |
The Paris Psalter 118:32 3b | ce nu / mine heortan geheald || | on | hyge brade / / # / æ þu me sete |
The Paris Psalter 118:33 1b | / mīne heortan ġe·heald || | on | hyġe brāde. / / # / Ǣ þū mē |
The Paris Psalter 118:33 2a | sete || ece dryhten / þæt ic | on | soþfæste wegas || symble ga |
The Paris Psalter 118:33 3a | , || ēċe drihten, / þæt iċ | on | sōþfæste weĝas || simle g |
The Paris Psalter 118:34 3a | ge mid soþe || swylce healde / | on | ealre minre heortan || holde |
The Paris Psalter 118:35 1a | n || holde mode / / # / gelæd me | on | stige || þær ic stæpe mine |
The Paris Psalter 118:35 2a | stige || þær ic stæpe mine / | on | þinum bebodum || bryce hæbb |
The Paris Psalter 118:35 3a | ġe, || ðǣr iċ stepe mīne / | on | þīnum be·bodum || bryċe h |
The Paris Psalter 118:36 2a | heortan || þæt ic halige nu / | on | þine gewitnysse || wise gecy |
The Paris Psalter 118:36 3a | tan, || þæt iċ hālġe nū / | on | þīne ġe·witnesse || wīse |
The Paris Psalter 118:37 2b | del / gese þurh synne || ac me | on | soþne weg / þinne þone leofa |
The Paris Psalter 118:37 3b | ·sēo þurh synne, || ac mē | on | sōðne weġ / þīnne þone l |
The Paris Psalter 118:38 3a | æce || sped leornige / and þa | on | ege þinum || ealle healde / / # |
The Paris Psalter 118:39 1a | ċe || spēd leornie / and þā | on | eġe þīnum || ealle healed. |
The Paris Psalter 118:39 3a | ahwær gangeþ / forþon ic eom | on | þinum domum || gedefe glæd / |
The Paris Psalter 118:40 1a | r gangeþ; / for·þon iċ eom | on | þīnum dōmum || ġe·dēfe |
The Paris Psalter 118:40 3a | | wene ic swylce / þæt þu me | on | rihtes || ræd gecwycige / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 118:41 1a | e iċ swelċe, / þæt þū mē | on | rihtes || rǣd ġe·cwycie. / / |
The Paris Psalter 118:42 2b | cweþaþ || þæt ic gewene | on | þe / and on þinum wordum || w |
The Paris Psalter 118:42 3a | || þæt ic gewene on þe / and | on | þinum wordum || wære hæbbe |
The Paris Psalter 118:42 3b | aþ, || þæt iċ ġe·wēne | on | þē / and on þīnum wordum || |
The Paris Psalter 118:43 1a | t iċ ġe·wēne on þē / and | on | þīnum wordum || wǣre hæbb |
The Paris Psalter 118:43 2a | re || fæle spræce / þa ic me | on | muþe || mægene hæbbe / and i |
The Paris Psalter 118:43 3b | bbe / and ic soþfæst word || | on | sylfan healde / þæt ic on þi |
The Paris Psalter 118:43 3a | fǣle sprǣċe, / þā iċ mē | on | mūðe || mæġene hæbbe, / an |
The Paris Psalter 118:43 4a | || on sylfan healde / þæt ic | on | þinra doma || dæde getreowi |
The Paris Psalter 118:43 4b | e, / and iċ sōþfæst word || | on | selfan healde, / þæt iċ on |
The Paris Psalter 118:44 1a | | on selfan healde, / þæt iċ | on | þīnra dōma || dǣde ġe·t |
The Paris Psalter 118:44 2a | fne and healde / and to worulde | on | þære || wunian mote / and on |
The Paris Psalter 118:44 3a | on þære || wunian mote / and | on | ecnysse || efnan and healdan / |
The Paris Psalter 118:45 1a | efnan and healdan / / # / and ic | on | bealde || brædu gange / forþa |
The Paris Psalter 118:45 2a | fnan and healdan. / / # / And iċ | on | bealde% || brǣdu gange, / for |
The Paris Psalter 118:46 2b | yþan mote / þær hig eagum || | on | locian / hu me þin gewitnyss y |
The Paris Psalter 118:46 4a | ys || weorþ and getreowe / and | on | þam ne beon || æfre gescynd |
The Paris Psalter 118:47 1a | || æfre gescynded / / # / and ic | on | þinum bebodum || bealde mote |
The Paris Psalter 118:47 2a | fre ġe·sċynded / / # / And iċ | on | þīnum be·bodum || bealde m |
The Paris Psalter 118:47 3a | þe mærne ræd / forþan ic hi | on | lufan minre || lange hæfde / / |
The Paris Psalter 118:48 1a | rne rǣd, / for·þon% iċ hīe | on | lufan mīnre || lange hæfde. |
The Paris Psalter 118:48 4a | þeode || þearle begange / and | on | þine soþcwydas || symble ic |
The Paris Psalter 118:49 1a | ode || þearle be·gange, / and | on | þīne sōþ-cwidas || simle |
The Paris Psalter 118:49 2a | n nu dryhten || þines wordes / | on | þam þu me þinum || þeowe |
The Paris Psalter 118:50 1a | yht gesealdest / / # / þas ic me | on | frofre || fæste hæbbe / on mi |
The Paris Psalter 118:50 2a | me on frofre || fæste hæbbe / | on | minum eaþmedum || ungemete s |
The Paris Psalter 118:50 3a | on frōfre || fæste hæbbe / | on | mīnum ēaþ-mēdum || unġem |
The Paris Psalter 118:51 2a | | unriht fremmaþ / oþþæt hi | on | eorþan || ealle forweorþaþ |
The Paris Psalter 118:51 3a | yht fremmaþ, / oþ·þæt hīe | on | eorðan || ealle for·weorða |
The Paris Psalter 118:52 3a | l || þeoden dryhten / þæt ic | on | worulde æt þe || wurde afre |
The Paris Psalter 118:53 1b | / # / me wearþ gemolten || mod | on | hreþre / for fyrenfulra || fac |
The Paris Psalter 118:53 1a | | þēoden drihten, / þæt iċ | on | weorolde æt þē || wurde ā |
The Paris Psalter 118:53 2b | ē wearþ ġe·molten || mōd | on | hreðere / for firenfulra || f |
The Paris Psalter 118:54 3a | sse || selest heolde / þær ic | on | elelande || ahte stowe / / # / ne |
The Paris Psalter 118:55 1a | || sēlest hēolde, / ðǣr iċ | on | ele-lande || āhte stōwe. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 118:57 1a | sse || sohte georne / / # / me ys | on | dæle || dryhten user / cwide c |
The Paris Psalter 118:57 2a | || sōhte ġeorne. / / # / Mē is | on | dǣle, || drihten ūser, / cwid |
The Paris Psalter 118:58 3a | || heortan minre / þæt þu me | on | mode || milde weorþe / æfter |
The Paris Psalter 118:58 4a | eortan mīnre, / þæt þū mē | on | mōde || milde weorðe / aefter |
The Paris Psalter 118:59 3a | renne || fotum minum / þæt ic | on | þinre gewitnysse || wel gefe |
The Paris Psalter 118:60 1a | e || fōtum mīnum, / þæt iċ | on | þīnre ġe·witnesse || wēl |
The Paris Psalter 118:67 3b | þine spræce geheold || sped | on | mode / / # / god þu eart drihten |
The Paris Psalter 118:68 1b | sprǣċe ġe·hēold || spēd | on | mōde. / / # / God þū eart%, dr |
The Paris Psalter 118:68 2a | drihten || and me god swylce / | on | þinum tile gelær || þæt i |
The Paris Psalter 118:68 3a | rihten || and mē god swelċe / | on | þīnum tile ġe·lǣr, || þ |
The Paris Psalter 118:70 4a | c æ þine || ungemete georne / | on | modsefan || minum healde / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 118:71 1a | þīne || unġemete ġeorne / | on | mōd-sefan || mīnum healed. / |
The Paris Psalter 118:74 1a | beorhte leornian / / # / þa þe | on | feore forhtigaþ || þa me on |
The Paris Psalter 118:74 1b | on feore forhtigaþ || þa me | on | fægere geseoþ / and blissiaþ |
The Paris Psalter 118:74 2a | eorhte leornian. / / # / Þā þe | on | fēore forhtiaþ, || þā mē |
The Paris Psalter 118:74 2b | fēore forhtiaþ, || þā mē | on | fæġere ġe·sēoþ / and blis |
The Paris Psalter 118:75 3a | rihtwise || and þu ricene me / | on | þinre soþfæstnesse dydest |
The Paris Psalter 118:76 1a | twīse || and þū recene mē / | on | þīnre sōþfæstnesse dydes |
The Paris Psalter 118:76 3a | re || fæste gestande / swa þu | on | þinre spræce || sped gehete |
The Paris Psalter 118:76 4a | fæste ġe·stande, / swā þū | on | þīnre sprǣċe || spēd ġe |
The Paris Psalter 118:77 2a | ihtum geswyþede / and ic lange | on | þam || lifian mote / forþon m |
The Paris Psalter 118:77 3b | ote / forþon me is metegung || | on | modsefan / hu ic æ þine || ef |
The Paris Psalter 118:77 3a | ġe·swīðed, / and iċ lange | on | þǣm || libban mōte; / for· |
The Paris Psalter 118:77 4b | / for·þon mē is metĝung || | on | mōd-sefan, / hū iċ ǣ þīne |
The Paris Psalter 118:80 1b | cuþan / / # / wese heorte min || | on | hige clæne / and ic on þin so |
The Paris Psalter 118:80 2a | min || on hige clæne / and ic | on | þin soþfæst word || symble |
The Paris Psalter 118:80 2b | ðon. / / # / Wese heorte min || | on | hyġe clǣne / and iċ on þīn |
The Paris Psalter 118:80 3a | || symble getreowige / þæt ic | on | ealdre ne wese || æfre gesce |
The Paris Psalter 118:81 1b | / min saul gewearþ || swancur | on | mode / þær ic on þinre hælu |
The Paris Psalter 118:81 1a | simle ġe·trīewe, / þæt iċ | on | ealdre ne wese || ǣfre ġe· |
The Paris Psalter 118:81 2a | || swancur on mode / þær ic | on | þinre hælu || hogode and so |
The Paris Psalter 118:81 2b | sāwol ġe·wearþ || swancor | on | mōde, / ðǣr iċ on þīnre h |
The Paris Psalter 118:81 3a | lu || hogode and sohte / hu ic | on | þinum wordum || wel getrywad |
The Paris Psalter 118:82 1a | | hoĝode and sōhte, / hū iċ | on | þīnum wordum || wēl ġe·t |
The Paris Psalter 118:82 2a | swylce || eac teoredon / þær | on | þinre spræce || spede eodan |
The Paris Psalter 118:82 3a | lċe || ēac tēorodon, / ðǣr | on | þīnre sprǣċe || spēde ē |
The Paris Psalter 118:82 4a | on cynlice || hwa cwicenne me / | on | þysum ealdre || eft frefrade |
The Paris Psalter 118:83 1a | ċe: || ‘Hwā cwicenne mē / | on | þissum ealdre || eft frēfro |
The Paris Psalter 118:83 2a | den || werum anlicast / swa þu | on | hrime setest || hlance cylle / |
The Paris Psalter 118:83 3a | || werum anlīcost, / swā þū | on | hrīme setest || hlance cylle |
The Paris Psalter 118:85 1b | e / / # / me manwyrhtan || manige | on | spellum / sægdon soþlice || n |
The Paris Psalter 118:85 2b | / Mē mān-wyrhtan || maniġe | on | spellum / sæġdon sōðlīċe; |
The Paris Psalter 118:87 4a | ic þin gebod || þa ne wolde / | on | þysum ealdre || anforlætan / |
The Paris Psalter 118:88 1a | īn ġe·bod || þā ne wolde / | on | þissum ealdre || ān-for·l |
The Paris Psalter 118:89 1a | s || þe þu men lærdest / / # / | on | ecnesse || awa drihten / þin w |
The Paris Psalter 118:89 2b | en / þin word wunaþ || weorþ | on | heofenum / / # / and on worulda w |
The Paris Psalter 118:89 2a | | þe þū menn lǣrdest. / / # / | On | ēċnesse || āwa, drihten, / |
The Paris Psalter 118:90 1a | || weorþ on heofenum / / # / and | on | worulda woruld || wunaþ ece |
The Paris Psalter 118:90 1b | , / þīn word wunaþ || weorþ | on | heofonum. / / # / And on weorolda |
The Paris Psalter 118:90 2a | | weorþ on heofonum. / / # / And | on | weorolda weorold || wunaþ ē |
The Paris Psalter 118:92 2a | þin æ || an ne hulpe / þe ic | on | mode || minum hæfde / þonne i |
The Paris Psalter 118:92 3b | num hæfde / þonne ic wende || | on | woruldlife / þæt ic on minum |
The Paris Psalter 118:92 3a | n ǣ || ān ne hulpe, / þe iċ | on | mōde || mīnum hæfde, / þonn |
The Paris Psalter 118:92 4a | nde || on woruldlife / þæt ic | on | minum eadmedum || eall forwur |
The Paris Psalter 118:92 4b | m hæfde, / þonne iċ wende || | on | weorold-līfe, / þæt iċ on m |
The Paris Psalter 118:93 1b | g ic þæs æfre forgytan || | on | ecnesse / nymþe ic soþ word | |
The Paris Psalter 118:93 1a | | on weorold-līfe, / þæt iċ | on | mīnum ēad-mēdum || eall fo |
The Paris Psalter 118:93 2b | þæs ǣfre for·ġietan || | on | ēċnesse, / nemþe iċ sōþ w |
The Paris Psalter 118:93 3a | gehealde / forþon ic cuþlice | on | þæm || her nu cwicu lifige / |
The Paris Psalter 118:94 1a | de; / for·þon iċ cūðlīċe | on | þǣm || hēr nū cwicu lifie |
The Paris Psalter 118:97 3a | þæt lange dyde / þæt ic þa | on | mode || metegade georne / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 118:98 1a | t lange dyde, / þæt iċ þā | on | mōde || metĝode ġeorne. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 118:98 2a | t || swylce ofer mine / feondas | on | foldan || fæcne ealle / forþo |
The Paris Psalter 118:98 3a | | swelċe ofer mīne / fēondas | on | foldan || fǣcne% ealle; / for |
The Paris Psalter 118:103 1a | d || ærest settest / / # / me is | on | gomum || god and swete / þin a |
The Paris Psalter 118:103 2a | || ǣrest settest. / / # / Mē is | on | gamum || gōd and swēte / þī |
The Paris Psalter 118:104 1a | eade || betere and swetre / / # / | on | bebodum þinum || ic me betst |
The Paris Psalter 118:104 2a | de || betere and swētre. / / # / | On | be·bodum þīnum || iċ mē |
The Paris Psalter 118:108 2a | ines muþes me || modes willa / | on | heahsælum || hraþe gebringe |
The Paris Psalter 118:108 3a | s mūðes mē || mōdes willa / | on | hēah-sǣlum || hræðe ġe· |
The Paris Psalter 118:109 1b | lce / / # / is sawl min || symble | on | þinum / holdum handum || ne ic |
The Paris Psalter 118:109 2b | e. / / # / Is sāwol min || simle | on | þīnum / holdum heandum, || ne |
The Paris Psalter 118:109 3a | || ne ic þine þa halgan æ / | on | þysum ealdre forgitan || æf |
The Paris Psalter 118:110 1a | e iċ þīne þā hālĝan ǣ / | on | þissum ealdre for·ġietan | |
The Paris Psalter 118:111 3a | ne gewitnesse || wel getreowe / | on | ecnesse || awa to feore / þæt |
The Paris Psalter 118:111 4a | witnesse || wēl ġe·trīewe / | on | ēċnesse || āwa tō fēore; |
The Paris Psalter 118:114 3a | | æghwær æt þearfe / and ic | on | þin word || wel getreowe / / # |
The Paris Psalter 118:115 1a | ġhwǣr æt þearfe, / and iċ | on | þīn word || wēl ġe·trīe |
The Paris Psalter 118:116 4a | || lange þrage / ne gescend me | on | siþe || nu ic þin swa onbad |
The Paris Psalter 118:117 1a | þrāĝe; / ne ġe·sċend mē | on | sīðe, || nū iċ þīn swā |
The Paris Psalter 118:118 3a | n || wat ic gearewe / þæt heo | on | unriht || ealle þohtan / / # / i |
The Paris Psalter 118:119 1a | wāt iċ ġearwe, / þæt hēo | on | unryht || ealle þōhton. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 118:119 2a | hylmend || ealle getealde / þa | on | eorþan her || yfele wæron / f |
The Paris Psalter 118:119 3a | nd || ealle ġe·tealde, / þā | on | eorðan hēr || yfele wǣron, |
The Paris Psalter 118:123 2a | ne || atule gewurdan / þær ic | on | þinre hælo || hyldo sohte / a |
The Paris Psalter 118:123 3a | inre hælo || hyldo sohte / and | on | þinre spræce || sped soþf |
The Paris Psalter 118:124 1a | nre hǣlu || hyldu sōhte / and | on | þīnre sprǣċe || spēd sō |
The Paris Psalter 118:132 1a | ede mid willan / / # / beseoh þu | on | me || and me syþþan hraþe / |
The Paris Psalter 118:132 2a | mid willan. / / # / Be·seoh þū | on | mē || and mē siþþan hræ |
The Paris Psalter 118:133 1b | ece þu me swylce || þæt ic | on | rihtne weg / æfter þinre spr |
The Paris Psalter 118:133 2b | ū mē swelċe, || þæt iċ | on | rihtne weġ / aefter þīnre sp |
The Paris Psalter 118:138 2a | oþfæst weorc || symble hete / | on | þinre gewitnesse || wel gehe |
The Paris Psalter 118:139 1a | þfæst weorc || simle hēte / | on | þīnre ġe·witnesse || wēl |
The Paris Psalter 118:139 4a | heard ehtnes || huses þines / | on | bearme me || gebrohte oft / þa |
The Paris Psalter 118:139 5a | rd ēhtness || hūses þīnes / | on | bearme mē || ġe·brōhte of |
The Paris Psalter 118:141 1a | r || ealle lufade / / # / ic wæs | on | geoguþe || grame me forhoged |
The Paris Psalter 118:141 2a | || ealle lufode. / / # / Iċ wæs | on | ġuĝuþe, || grame mē for· |
The Paris Psalter 118:142 3a | fæste || and seo symble biþ / | on | ecnesse || awa to feore / is þ |
The Paris Psalter 118:142 4a | fæste || and sēo simle biþ / | on | ēċnesse || āwa tō fēore; |
The Paris Psalter 118:143 4a | ebodu || efnde and læste / eac | on | minum mode || hi metegade geo |
The Paris Psalter 118:144 1a | odu || efnde and lǣste, / ēac | on | mīnum mōde || hīe metĝode |
The Paris Psalter 118:144 2a | rþast and rihtast / and þa me | on | ece || andgyt hæbbe / syle me |
The Paris Psalter 118:144 3a | ost and rihtost, / and þā mē | on | ēċe || andġiet hæbbe; / sel |
The Paris Psalter 118:147 1a | liþe gehealde / / # / and ic þe | on | ripe forecom || and hraþe sw |
The Paris Psalter 118:147 2a | ġe·healde. / / # / And iċ þē | on | ripe fore·cōm || and hræð |
The Paris Psalter 118:147 4a | ge || wistest gearwe / þæt ic | on | þinum wordum || wel getruwad |
The Paris Psalter 118:148 1a | || wistest ġearwe, / þæt iċ | on | þīnum wordum || wēl ġe·t |
The Paris Psalter 118:148 2a | e eagan mine || eac forecoman / | on | ærmergen || ic elne ongann / |
The Paris Psalter 118:148 3a | n mīne || ēac fore·cōmon; / | on | ǣr-morĝen || iċ elne on·g |
The Paris Psalter 118:152 3a | eawlice || þæt þu geara hi / | on | ecnesse || ær staþelodest / / |
The Paris Psalter 118:153 1a | e, || þæt þū ġearwe hīe / | on | ēċnesse || ǣr staðolodest |
The Paris Psalter 118:159 3a | ustum lufige || leofa drihten / | on | þinre mildheortnesse || me s |
The Paris Psalter 118:160 1a | tum lufie, || lēofa drihten; / | on | þīnre mild-heortnesse || m |
The Paris Psalter 118:160 3a | byþ soþ || symble meted / and | on | ecnesse || awa to feore / ealle |
The Paris Psalter 118:160 4a | þ sōþ || simle mēted, / and | on | ēċnesse || āwa tō fēore / |
The Paris Psalter 118:161 4a | t || þær ic þin halig word / | on | þinum egesan ærest || æþe |
The Paris Psalter 118:162 1a | ðǣr iċ þīn hāliġ word / | on | þīnum eġesan ǣrest || æ |
The Paris Psalter 118:164 4a | || forþon ic þine domas wat / | on | soþ fæste || smicere gefyld |
The Paris Psalter 118:165 1a | ·þon iċ þīne dōmas wāt / | on | sōþ fæste || smicere ġe· |
The Paris Psalter 118:165 3a | ode lufien / ne biþ him æswic | on | þon || æfre to feore / / # / ic |
The Paris Psalter 118:166 1a | e lufien; / ne biþ him ǣ-swic | on | þon || ǣfre tō fēore. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 118:168 4a | lle mine wegas || wise syndan / | on | þinre gesihþe || soþe drih |
The Paris Psalter 118:169 1a | mīne weĝas || wīse sindon / | on | þīnre ġe·sihþe || sōðe |
The Paris Psalter 118:169 3a | m bealde || þæt ic bidde nu / | on | þinre gesihþe || symble dri |
The Paris Psalter 118:169 4a | ealde, || þæt iċ bidde nū / | on | þīnre ġe·sihþe || simle, |
The Paris Psalter 118:170 2a | ngange min ben || ece drihten / | on | þinre gesihþe || symble æt |
The Paris Psalter 118:170 3a | e min bēn, || ēċe drihten, / | on | þīnre ġe·sihþe || simle |
The Paris Psalter 118:173 1b | wis / / # / syn me þine handa || | on | hælu nu / and þæt domlice || |
The Paris Psalter 118:173 2b | / # / Sīen mē þīne handa || | on | hǣlu nū, / and þæt dōmlī |
The Paris Psalter 119:5 2b | d min bigengea gewat || bryce | on | feorweg / sceal ic eard niman | |
The Paris Psalter 120:3 1b | / # / ne sylle he þinne fot || | on | feondes geweald / ne hycge to s |
The Paris Psalter 120:4 1a | þe healdeþ þe / / # / efne se | on | hygde || huru ne slæpeþ / ne |
The Paris Psalter 120:6 1a | æt þearfe / / # / ne þe sunne | on | dæge || sol ne gebærne / ne |
The Paris Psalter 120:6 2a | | sol ne gebærne / ne þe mona | on | niht || min ne geweorþe / ac |
The Paris Psalter 121:1 1a | ris Psalter: Psalm 121 / / # / ic | on | þyssum eom || eallum bliþe / |
The Paris Psalter 121:1 3a | lice to || acweden syndon / and | on | godes hus || gange syþþan / / |
The Paris Psalter 121:2 2a | on fæststealle || fotas mine / | on | þinum cafertunum || þær ur |
The Paris Psalter 121:2 3a | unum || þær ure cyþþ wæs / | on | hierusalem || geara ærest / / # |
The Paris Psalter 121:3 3b | imbred / þær syndon dælas || | on | sylfre hire / / # / þær cneoris |
The Paris Psalter 121:4 3a | nne || cuþan þa drihten / and | on | þære gewitnesse || wæran i |
The Paris Psalter 121:5 1a | hwær habban / / # / oft hi þær | on | seldon || sæton æt domum / þ |
The Paris Psalter 121:5 3a | nne dema || dauides hus / þæt | on | heofenum siteþ || heah gesta |
The Paris Psalter 121:6 2a | de || beorhtere sibbe / þa þe | on | hierusalem || gode syndan / and |
The Paris Psalter 121:6 4a | iht agun || þa þe neode þe / | on | heora lufun || lustum healda |
The Paris Psalter 121:7 1a | || lustum healdaþ / / # / si þe | on | þinum mægene sib || mæst a |
The Paris Psalter 121:7 2a | sib || mæst and fyrmest / and | on | þinum torrum wese || tidum g |
The Paris Psalter 121:8 3a | | nemne swylce / þæt we sibbe | on | þe || symble habbon / / # / and |
The Paris Psalter 122:3 2a | | earmre þeowenan / þonne heo | on | hire hlæfdigean || handa loc |
The Paris Psalter 123:1 1a | lter: Psalm 123 / / # / nymþe us | on | wese || ece drihten / cweþaþ |
The Paris Psalter 123:1 3a | alle nu-þa / nymþe us eardige | on | || awa drihten / / # / þonne us |
The Paris Psalter 123:5 2a | þæt ne dyde æfre / þæt us | on | hearde || hæftnyd sealde / þa |
The Paris Psalter 123:7 1a | || gryne losige / / # / grin biþ | on | sadan || grame torænded / and |
The Paris Psalter 123:7 4a | man drihtnes || neode habbaþ / | on | fultume || fæstne and strang |
The Paris Psalter 124:1 1a | salter: Psalm 124 / / # / þa þe | on | drihten heora || dædum getre |
The Paris Psalter 124:1 2a | || dædum getreowaþ / hi beoþ | on | sionbeorge || swyþe gelice / n |
The Paris Psalter 124:1 3a | || swyþe gelice / ne mæg hine | on | ealdre || ænig onhreran / þe |
The Paris Psalter 124:1 4b | nhreran / þe eardfæst byþ || | on | hierusalem / / # / hi synd mundbe |
The Paris Psalter 125:3 6a | || wyrce mære / and we bealde | on | þam || bliþe weorþan / / # / g |
The Paris Psalter 125:5 1a | || swiþe hlimman / / # / þa her | on | tornlicum || tearum sawaþ / hi |
The Paris Psalter 125:6 2a | endum || cuþe mid blisse / and | on | heora sceafas beraþ || swa h |
The Paris Psalter 126:1 2a | hus timbrige || halig drihten / | on | idel gylp || oþre winnaþ / þ |
The Paris Psalter 126:5 2a | strangum and mihtigum / hrorum | on | handa || heard ascyrped / swa l |
The Paris Psalter 126:6 2a | a þenceþ / þæt he his lust | on | þon || leofne gefylle / ne bi |
The Paris Psalter 126:6 3a | || leofne gefylle / ne biþ he | on | ealdre ealre || æfre gescend |
The Paris Psalter 126:6 4a | || æfre gescended / þonne he | on | gaton greteþ || his grame fe |
The Paris Psalter 127:1 3a | ædaþ || and his gedefne weg / | on | hyra lifes tid || lustum gang |
The Paris Psalter 127:2 3b | fast / and þe wel weorþeþ || | on | wynburgum / / # / beoþ þines wi |
The Paris Psalter 127:3 2a | nes wifes || welan gelice / swa | on | wingearde || weaxen berigean / |
The Paris Psalter 127:3 3a | gearde || weaxen berigean / and | on | þines huses || hwommum genih |
The Paris Psalter 127:5 2a | etsad || beorna æghwylc / mann | on | moldan || þe him metodes ege |
The Paris Psalter 127:5 3a | moldan || þe him metodes ege / | on | his dædum || drihten forhta |
The Paris Psalter 127:6 3a | bletsige || and þu bruce eac / | on | hierusalem || goda gehwylces / |
The Paris Psalter 128:1 1b | / / # / oft me fuhtan to || fynd | on | geoguþe / cweþan israhelas nu |
The Paris Psalter 128:1 3b | ylfe / oft me fuhtan to || fynd | on | geoguþe / ne mihton hi awiht |
The Paris Psalter 128:4 2a | hige || her gelicast / þam þe | on | huses þæce || heah aweaxeþ |
The Paris Psalter 128:6 2a | þan || þa his cwide weoldan / | on | ofergeate || æghwær hæbben |
The Paris Psalter 128:6 5b | s bletsung / we eow neodlice || | on | naman drihtnes / swylce bletsia |
The Paris Psalter 129:2 3a | beheldende || mid hige swylce / | on | eall gebedd || esnes þines / / |
The Paris Psalter 129:5 2a | || symble aræfnede / þæt ic | on | þinum wordum || me wel getre |
The Paris Psalter 129:5 3a | el getreowde / forþon min sawl | on | þe || symble getreoweþ / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 129:6 3a | ume || ylda bearnum / israhelas | on | drihten || a getreowen / / # / fo |
The Paris Psalter 129:7 1b | on is mildheortnesse || miht | on | drihtne / and he alyseþ || lus |
The Paris Psalter 129:7 3a | || lustum ealle / þa þe hiht | on | hine || habbaþ fæste / / # / he |
The Paris Psalter 130:1 2b | ten / ne mine eagan wiþ þe || | on | oferhygde / / # / ne ic on mægen |
The Paris Psalter 130:2 1a | þe || on oferhygde / / # / ne ic | on | mægene || miclum gange / ne wu |
The Paris Psalter 130:3 2a | || eall geþafige / is min sawl | on | þon || swyþe gefeonde / / # / s |
The Paris Psalter 130:5 1a | symble gyldest / / # / israhelas | on | drihten || a getreowigen / of |
The Paris Psalter 131:3 1a | þone mæran / / # / þeah þe ic | on | mines huses || hyld gegange / o |
The Paris Psalter 131:3 3a | || þænne swæs wese / oþþe | on | min restbedd || ricene gestig |
The Paris Psalter 131:4 3a | || beode hnappunga / oþþe ic | on | þunwange || þriste gereste / |
The Paris Psalter 131:6 1b | weme / / # / efne we þas eall || | on | eufraten / sæcgean gehyrdon || |
The Paris Psalter 131:6 3b | an gemitton / forwel manegu || | on | wudufeldum / / # / we on his sele |
The Paris Psalter 131:7 1a | anegu || on wudufeldum / / # / we | on | his selegesceot || swylce gan |
The Paris Psalter 131:8 1a | r || fæste gestodan / / # / aris | on | þinre reste || recene drihte |
The Paris Psalter 131:9 1b | ra / / # / synd þine sacerdas || | on | soþfæstnesse / gode gegierede |
The Paris Psalter 131:10 4b | re / þines þæs halgan || her | on | eorþan / / # / þæs deopne aþ |
The Paris Psalter 131:13 3a | worulde || wynnum brucan / and | on | þinum setle || sittan geneah |
The Paris Psalter 131:15 2a | min rest || þe ic recene nu / | on | worulda woruld || wunian þen |
The Paris Psalter 132:1 2a | nd god swylce / þætte broþur | on | an || begen hicgen / þær hig |
The Paris Psalter 132:3 1b | yrede / / # / seo niþer astah || | on | his reafæs fnæd / swa æþele |
The Paris Psalter 132:3 2b | æs fnæd / swa æþele deaw || | on | hermone / se ofer sionbeorge || |
The Paris Psalter 133:2 1a | || onbyhtscealcas / / # / ge þe | on | godes huse || gearwe standaþ |
The Paris Psalter 133:2 2a | s huse || gearwe standaþ / and | on | cafertunum || cristes huses / u |
The Paris Psalter 133:3 2b | hta gehwylcere / eowre handa || | on | halig lof / and bletsiaþ || ba |
The Paris Psalter 134:2 1a | as || swiþe ealle / / # / ge þe | on | godes huse || gleawe standaþ |
The Paris Psalter 134:2 2a | s huse || gleawe standaþ / and | on | cafertunum || cristes huses / |
The Paris Psalter 134:4 2a | e geceas || iacob drihten / and | on | agene æht || israeles cynn / / |
The Paris Psalter 134:6 2a | a þe wolde || worhte drihten / | on | heofonrice || and her on eor |
The Paris Psalter 134:6 2b | hten / on heofonrice || and her | on | eorþan / on sidum sæ || swylc |
The Paris Psalter 134:6 3a | fonrice || and her on eorþan / | on | sidum sæ || swylce on eallum |
The Paris Psalter 134:6 3b | orþan / on sidum sæ || swylce | on | eallum / þær he dyrne wat || |
The Paris Psalter 134:11 3a | g cyning || se þe æror wæs / | on | basane || breme and mære / / # |
The Paris Psalter 134:13 3a | þin gemynd || mihtig drihten / | on | ealra worulda woruld || wynnu |
The Paris Psalter 134:14 2a | | fægere drihten / and he biþ | on | his esnum || agenum frefriend |
The Paris Psalter 134:19 1a | magon feala gangan / / # / ne hi | on | hracan awiht || hlude ne cleo |
The Paris Psalter 134:19 2b | / ne him gast waraþ || gomum | on | muþe / / # / synt anlice þæm | |
The Paris Psalter 134:20 2a | ær worhtan / and ealle þa þe | on | hi || æfre getreowaþ / / # / hu |
The Paris Psalter 134:21 5a | bletsien || beornas ealle / þa | on | lifes hus || leof eardiaþ / bl |
The Paris Psalter 134:22 5a | n sniome || þe soþfæst ær / | on | hierusalem || god eardode |
The Paris Psalter 135:8 1a | te || manna bearnum / / # / sette | on | miht dæges || mære sunnan / / |
The Paris Psalter 135:9 1a | ht dæges || mære sunnan / / # / | on | miht nihte || monan and steor |
The Paris Psalter 135:12 1a | ægyptum || ealle gesunde / / # / | on | mihtigre || mære handa / and o |
The Paris Psalter 135:12 2a | n mihtigre || mære handa / and | on | eallmihte || earmes swylce / / # |
The Paris Psalter 135:15 2a | gefeol || and his fæge werud / | on | þam readan sæ || recene for |
The Paris Psalter 135:17 2b | earce burnan / leodum lædde || | on | leofne þanc / / # / swylce he ac |
The Paris Psalter 135:21 2b | r wæs / swyþe breme cyning || | on | basane / / # / sealde heora eorþ |
The Paris Psalter 135:22 1b | e / / # / sealde heora eorþan || | on | yrfeland / / # / and þæt yrfe | |
The Paris Psalter 135:23 1b | rfeland / / # / and þæt yrfe || | on | israele / þe his esnas || agen |
The Paris Psalter 135:27 2a | ealle || þam ecean gode / þe | on | heofonum is || heah eardiende |
The Paris Psalter 136:2 4b | sare wepaþ / his agen bearn || | on | þone æþelan stan / þonne we |
The Paris Psalter 136:2 4a | munon || swīðe ġeorne. / / # / | On | saliġ we sariġe || swīðe |
The Paris Psalter 136:3 1a | gemunan || swiþe georne / / # / | on | salig we sarige || swiþe gel |
The Paris Psalter 136:3 2b | , / wōh% meldedon, || þā ūs | on | weġ lǣdon. / / # / ‘Singaþ |
The Paris Psalter 136:4 2b | wordum / woh meldedan || þa us | on | weg læddan / / # / singaþ us ym |
The Paris Psalter 136:4 2a | mnum || ealdra sanga / þe ġē | on | Sione || sungon ġe·nēahhe. |
The Paris Psalter 136:4 2a | ymnum || ealdra sanga / þe ge | on | sione || sungan geneahhige / hu |
The Paris Psalter 136:5 4a | n we singan || sangas drihtne / | on | þære foldan || þe us fremd |
The Paris Psalter 136:6 4a | || simle æt frymþe; / ac iċ | on | Hierusālem || ġeorne blissi |
The Paris Psalter 136:7 2a | e || symble æt frymþe / ac ic | on | hierusalem || georne blissie / |
The Paris Psalter 136:7 2a | drihten || manigra bearna / þe | on | edom synt || eal lifigende / þ |
The Paris Psalter 136:9 2a | e eft ġieldeþ / þā þū him | on | ealdre || ǣr for·ġēafe / an |
The Paris Psalter: Psalm 136 1a | e eft gyldeþ / / # / þa þu him | on | ealdre || ær forgeafe / and us |
The Paris Psalter: Psalm 136 2b | c seteþ% / his āĝen bearn || | on | þone æðelan stān. |
The Paris Psalter 137:1 2a | c þe andette || ecne drihten / | on | minre gehygde || heortan ealr |
The Paris Psalter 137:1 5a | e || and mid mode cweþe / and | on | þinra engla || ealra gesihþ |
The Paris Psalter 137:2 3b | ode / and þær þinne naman || | on | neod secge / / # / ofer þine þa |
The Paris Psalter 137:4 3b | aþe gedo / micle mine sawle || | on | þines mægenes sped / / # / eall |
The Paris Psalter 137:5 4a | muþes || þa mæran word / þa | on | sangum || singan drihtne / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 137:6 5a | / þu eadmodra || ealra locast / | on | heofonhame || her on eorþan / |
The Paris Psalter 137:6 5b | a locast / on heofonhame || her | on | eorþan / / # / þeah þe ic on m |
The Paris Psalter 137:7 1a | r on eorþan / / # / þeah þe ic | on | midle || manes gange / þær me |
The Paris Psalter 137:7 4b | feondum / þe me woldan yrre || | on | acyþan / þu me geræhtest || |
The Paris Psalter 137:8 2b | / is his mildheortnes || mycel | on | worulde / ne forseoh æfre || |
The Paris Psalter 138:2 5b | rþan me inwit næs || ahwær | on | tungan / / # / efne þu drihten | |
The Paris Psalter 138:4 3a | eac gestrangod / ne mæg ic him | on | neode || a neah cuman / / # / hwi |
The Paris Psalter 138:6 1a | || eorþan dæles / / # / gif ic | on | heofenas up || hea astige / þu |
The Paris Psalter 138:6 2a | up || hea astige / þu me þær | on | efn || andweard sittest / gif i |
The Paris Psalter 138:6 3a | fn || andweard sittest / gif ic | on | helle gedo || hwyrft ænigne / |
The Paris Psalter 138:9 1a | re || þær gehendeþ / / # / ic | on | mode cwæþ || minum swylce / w |
The Paris Psalter 138:9 3a | u || þearle forgripen / and me | on | nihte || neode onlihte / þæt |
The Paris Psalter 138:13 2b | þæt þu wislice || worhtest | on | diglum / þeh min lichama || ly |
The Paris Psalter 138:13 4a | h min lichama || lytle þrage / | on | niþerdælum || eorþan wunig |
The Paris Psalter 138:14 2a | | þæt ic ealles wæs / unfrom | on | ferhþe || eall þæt forþ h |
The Paris Psalter 138:14 3a | e || eall þæt forþ heonan / | on | þinum wisbocum || awriten st |
The Paris Psalter 138:15 2a | drihten gesceop / ne mæg ænig | on | þam || awa lifigean / me synd |
The Paris Psalter 138:15 6a | ealdordom || ungemete swiþe / | on | cneorissum || cuþ gestrangod |
The Paris Psalter 138:17 2a | s || ge bebugaþ me / þe þæt | on | geþohtum || þenceaþ cweþe |
The Paris Psalter 138:21 1b | nd þu sylfa geseoh || gif ic | on | swiculne weg / oþþe on unriht |
The Paris Psalter 138:21 2a | gif ic on swiculne weg / oþþe | on | unrihte || ahwær eode / gelæd |
The Paris Psalter 138:21 4a | onne || lifes ealdor / þæt ic | on | ecne weg || æghwær gange |
The Paris Psalter 139:1 1b | 9 / / # / genere me wiþ niþe || | on | naman þinum / fram yfelum menn |
The Paris Psalter 139:2 2a | g || inwit and facen / hycgeaþ | on | heortan || þurh hearme geþo |
The Paris Psalter 139:5 1a | ungre || lifes ealdur / / # / þa | on | hyge þohtan || þæt hi ahyl |
The Paris Psalter 139:7 3a | || and þu min heafod scealt / | on | gefeohtdæge || feondum awerg |
The Paris Psalter 139:8 2a | u me æfre || ofer lust minne / | on | fyrenfulra || fæcne geþanca |
The Paris Psalter 139:8 4b | hycgeaþ / ne forlæt þu me || | on | lifdagum / þy læs hi ahafene |
The Paris Psalter 139:9 3b | bbaþ / him þæt ilce sceal || | on | gesittan / / # / eac hi feallaþ |
The Paris Psalter 139:10 1a | gesittan / / # / eac hi feallaþ | on | || fyres glede / and þu hi mid |
The Paris Psalter 139:10 1b | tan. / / # / Eac hīe feallaþ || | on | fȳres glēde, / and þū hīe |
The Paris Psalter 139:11 1b | standen / / # / se getynga wer || | on | teosuspræce / ne biþ se ofer |
The Paris Psalter 139:11 4a | || yfel gecnysseþ / oþþe he | on | eorþan || eall forweorþeþ / |
The Paris Psalter 139:12 2b | ode deþ / drihten domas || þe | on | dagum þyssum / wædlum weorþa |
The Paris Psalter 139:13 3b | herigean / scylan eard niman || | on | þinre ansyne / þa mid ræde h |
The Paris Psalter 140:2 1a | e || bidde ceare full / / # / sy | on | þinre gesihþe || mines sylf |
The Paris Psalter 140:4 4a | ele dor || ymbstandende / þæt | on | welerum || wisdom healde / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 140:6 3a | emænnesse || micle hæbbe / ne | on | heora gecorenesse || becume |
The Paris Psalter 140:8 2a | || becnum standeþ / þæt him | on | wisum is || wel lycendlice / sy |
The Paris Psalter 140:10 1a | neodum / / # / forþon ic drihten | on | þe || dædum minum / eagum and |
The Paris Psalter 140:12 1b | þ / / # / feallaþ firenfulle || | on | heora fengnettum / ic me syndri |
The Paris Psalter 141:2 2a | ic mine bene || bealde swylce / | on | his gesihþe || symble ageote |
The Paris Psalter 141:4 1a | stige || strange ongeate / / # / | on | þyssum grenan wege || þe ic |
The Paris Psalter 141:4 1b | m grenan wege || þe ic gange | on | / me oferhydige || æghwær set |
The Paris Psalter 141:4 4a | e || geara ic sceawade / geseah | on | þa swyþran || ne me sylfne |
The Paris Psalter 141:5 5a | rt min se soþa hiht / eart þu | on | lifigendra || lande swylce / se |
The Paris Psalter 142:1 4a | halsunge || heald me syþþan / | on | þinre soþfæstnesse || and |
The Paris Psalter 142:1 4b | inre soþfæstnesse || and me | on | soþe gehyr / / # / ne ga þu mid |
The Paris Psalter 142:2 2a | um esne || in to dome / forþon | on | þinre gesihþe ne biþ || so |
The Paris Psalter 142:2 3a | e biþ || soþfæst ænig / þe | on | þisse foldan || feorhlif ber |
The Paris Psalter 142:4 1a | ylce || gelytlad is / / # / hi me | on | digle || deorce stowe / settan |
The Paris Psalter 142:4 5a | nan hreþres / and me is heorte | on | || hearde gedrefed / / # / þonne |
The Paris Psalter 142:5 1a | hearde gedrefed / / # / þonne ic | on | mode || gemyndgade / hu me ærr |
The Paris Psalter 142:5 3a | dagas || oft alumpan / metegade | on | mode || ealle þine mæran we |
The Paris Psalter 142:7 5a | e || wese ic earmum gelic / þe | on | sweartne grund || syþþan as |
The Paris Psalter 142:8 1b | gedo þæt ic gehyre || holde | on | morgene / þine mildheortnesse |
The Paris Psalter 142:9 2a | wise || þæt ic wite gearwe / | on | hwylcne ic gange || gleawe mo |
The Paris Psalter 142:11 2a | ast || gleawe lædde / þæt ic | on | rihtne weg || reþne ferde / fo |
The Paris Psalter 142:11 5a | usser || do me halne / þæt ic | on | þinum rihte || rædfæst lif |
The Paris Psalter 142:12 3a | e || þær heo syþþan forþ / | on | þinre mildheortnesse || mote |
The Paris Psalter 143:3 2a | rt || mihtig scyldend / ic hiht | on | þe || hæbbe fæste / þæt þ |
The Paris Psalter 143:5 3a | wylce || demde gelice / swa þu | on | scimiendre || sceade locige / / |
The Paris Psalter 143:10 3a | m godan gode || gleawne singe / | on | psalterio || þe him swynsaþ |
The Paris Psalter 143:10 5a | yn strengum || getogen hearpe / | on | þære þe ic þe singe || sw |
The Paris Psalter 143:14 3a | amum || samed anlice / standaþ | on | staþule || stiþe wiþ geogu |
The Paris Psalter 143:16 3a | roccettaþ swiþe / of þissan | on | þæt || þonne wendaþ / / # / h |
The Paris Psalter 143:17 2a | p wærun || swylce tydred / and | on | siþfatum || swiþe genihtsum |
The Paris Psalter 143:18 3b | um / ne care micle || cleopiaþ | on | worþum / / # / eadig biþ þæt |
The Paris Psalter 143:19 2a | c || oþre hataþ / þe him swa | on | foldan || fægre limpeþ / eadi |
The Paris Psalter 144:1 3a | naman þinne || neode herige / | on | ecnesse || awa to worulde / / # |
The Paris Psalter 144:2 3a | naman þinne || neode herige / | on | ecnesse || awa to worulde / / # |
The Paris Psalter 144:13 4a | ac || ofer eorþware / of cynne | on | cynn || and on cneorissum / / # |
The Paris Psalter 144:13 4b | ware / of cynne on cynn || and | on | cneorissum / / # / drihten is on |
The Paris Psalter 144:14 1a | on cneorissum / / # / drihten is | on | wordum || dædum getreowe / and |
The Paris Psalter 144:14 2a | wordum || dædum getreowe / and | on | eallum his weorcum || wis and |
The Paris Psalter 144:16 1a | || earme gebrocene / / # / eagan | on | þe || ealra drihten / wisra ge |
The Paris Psalter 144:18 1b | a / / # / soþfæst is drihten || | on | his sylfes wegum / eallum on eo |
The Paris Psalter 144:18 2a | || on his sylfes wegum / eallum | on | eorþan || and he æfter þan |
The Paris Psalter 144:18 2b | n eorðan || and hē aefter þ | on | / on his weorcum is || wīs and |
The Paris Psalter 144:18 3a | eorþan || and he æfter þan / | on | his weorcum is || wis and hal |
The Paris Psalter 144:21 1b | lle / / # / sceal lof drihtnes || | on | lust sprecan / min muþ mannum |
The Paris Psalter 144:21 5a | haligan naman || her bletsian / | on | ecnesse || awa to feore |
The Paris Psalter 145:1 2a | awl || hælend drihten / and ic | on | minum life || lustum drihten / |
The Paris Psalter 145:2 1a | n ic sylf lifige / / # / nelle ge | on | ealdurmenn || ane getreowian / |
The Paris Psalter 145:2 2a | ldurmenn || ane getreowian / ne | on | manna bearn || nis þær myce |
The Paris Psalter 145:3 2a | t gangeþ || gearwe onwendeþ / | on | þa eorþan || þe hi of como |
The Paris Psalter 145:4 3a | a fultumiend / and ær his hiht | on | god || hæfde fæste / / # / se |
The Paris Psalter 145:5 3a | gædere / and ealle þa þe him | on | || ahwær syndon / / # / he his s |
The Paris Psalter 145:6 2a | word || swylce gehealdeþ / and | on | worulde his || wise domas / de |
The Paris Psalter 145:7 6a | blinde eac || bealde drihten / | on | heora eagum || eft onleohteþ |
The Paris Psalter 145:9 2a | aþ mid ræde || rice drihten / | on | ecnesse || awa to feore / and |
The Paris Psalter 146:5 4a | snytru mæg || secgean ænig / | on | þyssum ealdre || æfre arima |
The Paris Psalter 146:11 2a | anna || mægene willan / ne þe | on | þinum selegescotum || swiþe |
The Paris Psalter 146:11 3b | h þe weras wyrcean || wræst | on | eorþan / / # / ac wel licaþ || |
The Paris Psalter 146:12 3a | daþ || dædum and wordum / and | on | his milde mod || mægene gewe |
The Paris Psalter 147:2 4a | etsade || bearna æghwylc / þe | on | innan þe || ahwær wæren / / # |
The Paris Psalter 147:3 2a | ine gemæru || gemiclade / þu | on | utlandum || ahtest sibbe / and |
The Paris Psalter 147:4 2a | spræce hider || spowendlice / | on | þas eorþan || ærest sende |
The Paris Psalter 148:1 1a | ter: Psalm 148 / / # / heriaþ ge | on | heofenum || hælend drihten / h |
The Paris Psalter 148:1 2b | lend drihten / heriaþ hlude || | on | heanessum / / # / heriaþ hine ea |
The Paris Psalter 148:4 3a | ylce || þe ofer wolcnum synt / | on | heofenhame || herigen drihten |
The Paris Psalter 148:6 1a | | þa he sylfa het / / # / þa he | on | ecnesse || eall staþelade / an |
The Paris Psalter 148:6 2a | cnesse || eall staþelade / and | on | worulda woruld || wolde heald |
The Paris Psalter 148:9 3a | wæstm || mannum bringaþ / and | on | eallum cedrum || ciiþ alæde |
The Paris Psalter 148:14 3b | þa halgan / wese awa friþ || | on | israhela / fælum folce || and |
The Paris Psalter 148:14 5a | folce || and hi forþ heonan / | on | his neaweste || neode wunian |
The Paris Psalter 149:1 3b | a singaþ / wese his herenes || | on | haligra / clænre cyricean || c |
The Paris Psalter 149:2 1a | cyþed geneahhe / / # / israhelas | on | hine || eac blissien / and sion |
The Paris Psalter 149:3 1b | # / herigen his naman || neode | on | þreatum / on timpano || tidum |
The Paris Psalter 149:3 2a | is naman || neode on þreatum / | on | timpano || tidum heriaþ / and |
The Paris Psalter 149:3 3a | timpano || tidum heriaþ / and | on | psalterio || singaþ georne / / |
The Paris Psalter 149:4 1a | || singaþ georne / / # / forþon | on | his folce is || fægere driht |
The Paris Psalter 149:5 1a | eþ || mære hælu / / # / þonne | on | wuldre gefeoþ || wel þa hal |
The Paris Psalter 149:5 2a | feoþ || wel þa halgan / beoþ | on | heora husum || bliþe gedreme |
The Paris Psalter 149:6 1a | sum || bliþe gedreme / / # / him | on | gomum biþ || godes oft gemyn |
The Paris Psalter 149:6 3b | / and sweord habbaþ || swylce | on | folmum / / # / mid þy hi wrecan |
The Paris Psalter 149:8 2a | n || balde þenceaþ / cyningas | on | campum || and cuþlice / heora |
The Paris Psalter 149:8 3a | d cuþlice / heora æþelingas d | on | || on isene bendas / / # / þæt |
The Paris Psalter 149:8 3b | ċe / hira æðelingas dōn || | on% | īsene bendas. / / # / Þæt hēo |
The Paris Psalter 149:9 1a | sene bendas / / # / þæt hio dom | on | him || deopne gecyþan / and þ |
The Paris Psalter 149:9 3b | þis is haligra wuldor || her | on | eorþan |
The Paris Psalter 150:1 1a | salter: Psalm 150 / / # / heriaþ | on | þam halgum || his holdne dri |
The Paris Psalter 150:1 2a | s holdne drihten / heriaþ hine | on | his mægenes || mære hælu / / |
The Paris Psalter 150:2 1b | lu / / # / heriaþ hine swylce || | on | his heahmihtum / heriaþ hine |
The Paris Psalter 150:3 1a | genþrymmes / / # / heriaþ hine | on | hleoþre || holdre beman |
The Paris Psalter 51:6 2a | ē andette || āwa tō fēore / | on | ðǣre weorolde || þe þū |
The Paris Psalter 51:6 3a | ær || fæstne gelyfde / ac he | on | his welan spede || wræste ge |
The Paris Psalter 51:6 3b | ū eart sē gōda, || glēaw | on | ġe·sihþe, / þe þīnne held |
The Paris Psalter 51:6 4a | pede || wræste getruwode / and | on | idel gylp || ealra geornost / / |
The Paris Psalter 51:7 2a | ne swa elebeam || up weaxende / | on | godes huse || ece gewene / and |
The Paris Psalter 51:7 3a | godes huse || ece gewene / and | on | milde mod || mines drihtnes / a |
The Paris Psalter 51:8 2a | c þe andette || awa to feore / | on | þære worulde || þe þu gew |
The Paris Psalter 51:8 3b | an þu eart se gooda || gleaw | on | gesyhþe / þe þinne held cura |
The Paris Psalter 52:1 1a | e Paris Psalter: Psalm 52 / / # / | on | his heortan cwæþ || unhydig |
The Paris Psalter 52:4 1a | || georne secan / / # / ealle heo | on | ane || idelnesse / symle besega |
The Paris Psalter 52:8 1b | hten / / # / þonne iacob byþ || | on | glædum sælum / and israelas | |
The Paris Psalter 53:1 1a | e Paris Psalter: Psalm 53 / / # / | on | þinum þam haligan naman || |
The Paris Psalter 53:3 3b | na heom god setton || gleawne | on | gesyhþe / / # / efne me þonne g |
The Paris Psalter 54:3 1a | fæcne niþas / / # / forþam me | on | sah || unrihtes feala / wurdon |
The Paris Psalter 54:3 2a | unrihtes feala / wurdon me þa | on | yrre || yfele and hefige / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 54:4 1a | || yfele and hefige / / # / ys me | on | hreþre heah || heorte gedref |
The Paris Psalter 54:4 2a | orte gedrefed / and me fealleþ | on | || fyrhtu deaþes / / # / egsa me |
The Paris Psalter 54:6 1a | þeostru niþgrim / / # / ic þa | on | mode cwæþ || hwa me sealde / |
The Paris Psalter 54:7 2a | or gewite || fleame dæle / and | on | westene || wunode lange / bide |
The Paris Psalter 54:8 3a | woruld wide / forþon ic þær | on | unriht || oft locade / and wiþ |
The Paris Psalter 54:8 5a | || wearn gehyrde / drugon þæt | on | burgum || dæges and nihtes / / |
The Paris Psalter 54:9 2a | || ofer wealles hrof / and heom | on | midle wese || man and inwit / a |
The Paris Psalter 54:10 1a | ys || ealle wealde / / # / næfre | on | his weorþige || wea aspringe |
The Paris Psalter 54:12 2a | u eart se man || þe me wære / | on | anmede || and æghwæs cuþ / l |
The Paris Psalter 54:12 5a | mete || samed ætgædere / and | on | godes huse || gangan swylce / m |
The Paris Psalter 54:13 2a | | unþinged deaþ / astigon heo | on | helle || heonan lifigende / / # |
The Paris Psalter 54:14 1a | heonan lifigende / / # / forþam | on | heora gasthusum || is gramlic |
The Paris Psalter 54:14 2a | husum || is gramlic inwit / and | on | hiora midle || man inwitstæf |
The Paris Psalter 54:15 2a | || to sylfum drihtne / cleopode | on | corþre || and me cuþlice / ge |
The Paris Psalter 54:16 1a | rde || hælend drihten / / # / ic | on | æfenne || eac on mergenne / an |
The Paris Psalter 54:16 1b | hten / / # / ic on æfenne || eac | on | mergenne / and on midne dæg || |
The Paris Psalter 54:16 2a | fenne || eac on mergenne / and | on | midne dæg || mægene sæcge / |
The Paris Psalter 54:19 1b | ce / / # / nis him onwendednes || | on | woruldlife / ne him godes fyrht |
The Paris Psalter 54:19 5a | woh fremedon / forþon hi synt | on | yrre || ut adælde / ne hi sylf |
The Paris Psalter 54:20 3a | / ele anlicast || eft gewurdon / | on | gescotfeohta || scearpe garas |
The Paris Psalter 54:21 1a | hta || scearpe garas / / # / sete | on | drihten || þin soþ gehygd / h |
The Paris Psalter 54:22 4a | u arlease || ealle gelædest / | on | soþe forwyrd || seaþes deop |
The Paris Psalter 54:23 3a | cne gefylled || ne fæger lif / | on | middum feore || gemeteþ ahw |
The Paris Psalter 54:23 4a | eore || gemeteþ ahwær / ic me | on | minne drihten || deorne getre |
The Paris Psalter 55:4 2a | dend god || wordum herige / and | on | god swylce || georne gelyfe / |
The Paris Psalter 55:4 5a | s ealne dæg || eac ic swylce / | on | god drihten || gearewe gewene |
The Paris Psalter 55:5 4a | nd wiþer me || wæran georne / | on | yfel heora geþeaht || ealle |
The Paris Psalter 55:6 1a | geþeaht || ealle onwende / / # / | on | eardiaþ || þa þe swa þenc |
The Paris Psalter 55:6 5a | or nahwæþer || nowiht hæle / | on | yrre þu folc || eall geþrea |
The Paris Psalter 55:7 2a | m gode || lif min secge / sette | on | þinre gesyhþe || sarige tea |
The Paris Psalter 55:7 3a | e || sarige tearas / swa ic þe | on | gehate || hæfde geneahhige / / |
The Paris Psalter 55:8 1a | hæfde geneahhige / / # / þonne | on | hinderling || hweorfaþ mine / |
The Paris Psalter 55:9 1a | in god || gleawe wære / / # / ic | on | god min word || georne herige |
The Paris Psalter 55:9 2a | min word || georne herige / and | on | god swylce || georne gelyfe / a |
The Paris Psalter 55:10 1a | n awiht || æniges mannes / / # / | on | me synd mihtig god || þæt i |
The Paris Psalter 55:10 2a | god || þæt ic þe min gehat / | on | herenesse || hyldo gylde / for |
The Paris Psalter 55:10 8a | æt ic gearewe || gode licode / | on | lifigendra || leohte eallum |
The Paris Psalter 56:1 2a | ilde weorþ / forþon min sawel | on | þe || swyþe getryweþ / and i |
The Paris Psalter 56:1 3a | e || swyþe getryweþ / and ic | on | fægerum scuan || fiþera þi |
The Paris Psalter 56:3 3a | e || laþum wiþferede / sealde | on | edwit || þe me ær trædan / / |
The Paris Psalter 56:4 1a | lāðum wiþ·ferede, / sealde | on | ed·wīt || þe mē ǣr trǣd |
The Paris Psalter 56:8 2b | ulfon widne / þær ic eagum || | on | locade / and hi on þone ylcan |
The Paris Psalter 56:8 3a | ic eagum || on locade / and hi | on | þone ylcan || eft gefeollan / |
The Paris Psalter 56:9 1a | ĝum || inn lōcade, / and hīe | on | þone īlcan || eft ġe·fēo |
The Paris Psalter 56:10 2a | r min || wynpsalterium / and ic | on | ærmergene || eac arise / and m |
The Paris Psalter 56:10 3a | n, || wyn-psalterium, / and iċ | on | ǣr-merġenne || ēac ā·rī |
The Paris Psalter 56:11 1a | || herige drihten / / # / ic þe | on | folcum || frine drihten / ecne |
The Paris Psalter 56:11 2a | herġe drihten. / / # / Iċ þē | on | folcum || friġne drihten / ē |
The Paris Psalter 57:2 1a | rn || domum rihtum / / # / eft ge | on | heortan || hogedon inwit / worh |
The Paris Psalter 57:2 3a | þe || forþan þæs wite eft / | on | eowre handa || hefige geeode / |
The Paris Psalter 57:3 2a | || fremde wurdon / syþþan hi | on | worlde || wæron acende / and h |
The Paris Psalter 57:3 3a | rlde || wæron acende / and heo | on | life || lygeword spæcon / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 57:5 2a | as || grame gescæneþ / þa hi | on | muþe || mycle habbaþ / tolyse |
The Paris Psalter 57:6 4a | þ || oþþæt bitere eft / adl | on | seteþ || swa his geearnuncg |
The Paris Psalter 57:7 2b | efæstnad || swa heo feallaþ | on | þæt / hi sunnan ne geseoþ || |
The Paris Psalter 57:8 3a | wol becimeþ / þæt heo beoþ | on | yrre || ealle forswelgene / / # |
The Paris Psalter 57:9 3b | aþ / and his handa þwehþ || | on | hæþenra / and þæra fyrenful |
The Paris Psalter 57:10 1b | # / and þonne man cweþeþ || | on | his modsefan / þis is wæstm | |
The Paris Psalter 57:10 4a | st weorc || symble læste / hi | on | eorþan god || ealle gedemeþ |
The Paris Psalter 58:1 3b | fram laþum || þe me lungre | on | / risan willaþ || nymþe þu m |
The Paris Psalter 58:3 4a | undum ongunnon / ne me unrihtes | on | || awiht wistan / ne ic firene |
The Paris Psalter 58:4 1a | || fremde drihtne / / # / gif ic | on | unriht bearn || ic þæs eft |
The Paris Psalter 58:4 2a | bearn || ic þæs eft geswac / | on | minne geanryne || aris þu dr |
The Paris Psalter 58:5 4a | ghwær landes / ne þu hweþere | on | mode || milde weorþest / eallu |
The Paris Psalter 58:7 1a | s ceastre / / # / efne hi habbaþ | on | muþe || milde spræce / is him |
The Paris Psalter 58:7 2a | muþe || milde spræce / is him | on | welerum || wraþ sweord and s |
The Paris Psalter 58:9 1a | þeoda / / # / ic mine strengþe | on | þe || strange gehealde / forþ |
The Paris Psalter 58:12 3a | || wraþe aspræcan / wærun hi | on | oferhygde || ealle gescende / |
The Paris Psalter 58:12 4a | ygde || ealle gescende / þa hi | on | lige || lange feredon / forþon |
The Paris Psalter 58:12 5a | e || lange feredon / forþon hi | on | ende || yrre forgripeþ / and h |
The Paris Psalter 58:14 1a | eac || eorþan gemæru / / # / hi | on | æfenne || eft gecyrraþ / and |
The Paris Psalter 59:5 3a | lig god || hwæt þu holdlice / | on | þinre halignesse || her aspr |
The Paris Psalter 59:5 6a | conuallem || þa samod wæron / | on | metiboris || mihtum spedige / / |
The Paris Psalter 59:6 3b | trengþu / heafdes mines || her | on | foldan / / # / cyninc ys me || iu |
The Paris Psalter 59:7 3b | s hwer / and ic aþenige eac || | on | idumea / min gescy sende || and |
The Paris Psalter 59:8 1b | hwylc gelædeþ me || leofran | on | ceastre / weallum beworhte || h |
The Paris Psalter 59:8 3a | te? || Hwā wille swelċe mē / | on | Idumea || ēac ġe·lǣdan? / / |
The Paris Psalter 59:9 2a | þe us swa drife / ne ga þu us | on | mægene || mihtig drihten / / # |
The Paris Psalter 59:10 1a | mihtig drihten / / # / syle us nu | on | earfoþum || æþelne fultum / |
The Paris Psalter 59:10 2b | tum / forþon hælu byþ || her | on | eorþan / manna gehwylces || m |
The Paris Psalter 60:1 6b | n nu-þa / ahefe me holdlice || | on | halne stan / / # / þu me gelædd |
The Paris Psalter 60:3 2a | # / ic eardige || awa to feore / | on | þinum selegesceote || þær |
The Paris Psalter 60:5 3b | iced / oþ þone dæg þe he || | on | drihtnes sceal / on ansyne || a |
The Paris Psalter 60:5 4a | g þe he || on drihtnes sceal / | on | ansyne || andweard gangan / and |
The Paris Psalter 60:6 4a | gehat || her agylde / of dæge | on | dæg || swa hit gedefe wese |
The Paris Psalter 61:7 1a | g ic hine ahwær befleon / / # / | on | gode standeþ || min gearu h |
The Paris Psalter 61:7 3b | wyn mycel / me is halig hyht || | on | hine swylce / / # / hycge him hal |
The Paris Psalter 61:8 3b | on eow god standeþ || georne | on | fultum / / # / hwæþere ge manna |
The Paris Psalter 61:9 2a | bearn || manes unlyt / wyrceaþ | on | wægum || and woh doþ / and eo |
The Paris Psalter 61:9 4b | oftast / þær ge idel gylp || | on | þam ilcan fremmaþ / / # / nella |
The Paris Psalter 61:11 2a | wearnum flowen / nyllan ge eow | on | heortan þa || hige staþelia |
The Paris Psalter 61:12 5b | demeþ / efne swa he wyrceþ || | on | worldlife |
The Paris Psalter 62:2 1a | || lustum wacie / / # / min sawl | on | þe || swyþe þyrsteþ / and m |
The Paris Psalter 62:2 2a | yþe þyrsteþ / and min flæsc | on | þe || fæste getreoweþ / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 62:3 1a | þe || fæste getreoweþ / / # / | on | westene || and on wege swylce |
The Paris Psalter 62:3 1b | reoweþ / / # / on westene || and | on | wege swylce / and on wæterflod |
The Paris Psalter 62:3 2a | ene || and on wege swylce / and | on | wæterflodum || wene ic swiþ |
The Paris Psalter 62:3 3a | | wene ic swiþe / þæt ic þe | on | halgum || her ætywe / þæt ic |
The Paris Psalter 62:4 2b | s læne lif || þe we lifiaþ | on | / weleras þe mine || wynnum he |
The Paris Psalter 62:5 1a | wynnum heriaþ / / # / swa ic þe | on | minum life || lustum bletsige |
The Paris Psalter 62:5 2a | ife || lustum bletsige / and ic | on | naman þinum || neode swylce / |
The Paris Psalter 62:7 1b | aþ / / # / swa ic þin gemynd || | on | modsefan / on minre reste || ri |
The Paris Psalter 62:7 2a | ic þin gemynd || on modsefan / | on | minre reste || rihte begange / |
The Paris Psalter 62:7 3a | re reste || rihte begange / and | on | ærmergen on þe || eac gewen |
The Paris Psalter 62:7 4a | || eac gewene / forþon þu me | on | fultum || fæste gestode / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 62:8 2a | t || fiþerum þinum / and hiht | on | þon || hæbbe georne / forþon |
The Paris Psalter 62:8 3a | æbbe georne / forþon min sawl | on | þe || soþe getreoweþ / me þ |
The Paris Psalter 62:9 1a | le æt þearfe / / # / forþon hi | on | idel || ealle syþþan / sohton |
The Paris Psalter 62:10 1a | oxes dælas / / # / cynincg sceal | on | drihtne || clæne blisse / hlut |
The Paris Psalter 62:10 3a | ine heriaþ eac / ealle þa þe | on | hine || aþas sweriaþ / forþo |
The Paris Psalter 63:4 2a | samnuncga || scearpum strelum / | on | scotiaþ || egsan ne habbaþ / |
The Paris Psalter 63:5 2a | þ oft || swiþost unriht / and | on | þam ilcan || eft forweorþa |
The Paris Psalter 63:6 1b | # / gangeþ man manig || modig | on | heortan / oþþæt hine ahefeþ |
The Paris Psalter 63:7 3b | ma / heora tungan nu || teonan | on | sittaþ / / # / ealle synd gedref |
The Paris Psalter 63:8 1b | alle synd gedrefede || þe hi | on | sioþ / sceal him manna gehwylc |
The Paris Psalter 63:9 1b | e / / # / se soþfæsta || symble | on | drihten / blissaþ baldlice || |
The Paris Psalter 64:1 2a | || drihten user / þæt þe man | on | sion || swyþe herige / and on |
The Paris Psalter 64:1 3a | on sion || swyþe herige / and | on | hierusalem || gylde and gehat |
The Paris Psalter 64:4 3a | || and hine clæne hafaþ / and | on | his earduncgstowum || eardaþ |
The Paris Psalter 64:6 2a | od || þu eart hyht ealra / þe | on | þysse eorþan || utan syndon |
The Paris Psalter 64:6 3a | an || utan syndon / oþþe feor | on | sæ || foldum wuniaþ / / # / þi |
The Paris Psalter 64:11 2a | e || wæstme tyddraþ / mænige | on | moldan || manna cynnes / on cne |
The Paris Psalter 64:11 3a | ige on moldan || manna cynnes / | on | cneorisse || cende weorþaþ / |
The Paris Psalter 64:13 1a | fylde mid wæstmum / / # / þonne | on | wæstmum || weorþaþ mæsted |
The Paris Psalter 64:14 3a | apum || cumaþ eadilic / wæstm | on | wangas || weorþlic on hwætu |
The Paris Psalter 64:14 3b | wæstm on wangas || weorþlic | on | hwætum / þonne hi cynlice to |
The Paris Psalter 65:2 3a | || wide geond eorþan / and eac | on | menigeo || mægenes þines / þ |
The Paris Psalter 65:5 5a | an || þæt þu mid fote miht / | on | treddian || eorþan gelice / / # |
The Paris Psalter 65:6 2a | aldeþ || ofer eall manna cyn / | on | ecnesse || awa to feore / and h |
The Paris Psalter 65:6 4a | ode || eagum wliteþ / þa hine | on | yrre || æghwær gebringaþ / n |
The Paris Psalter 65:6 5a | hwær gebringaþ / ne beoþ þa | on | him sylfum || syþþan ahafen |
The Paris Psalter 65:10 1a | || swyþe mid fyre / / # / þu us | on | grame swylce || gryne gelædd |
The Paris Psalter 65:10 2b | ddest / and us bealuwa fela || | on | bæce standeþ / settest us mæ |
The Paris Psalter 65:11 2a | þuruh floda þrym / and þu us | on | colnesse || clæne gelæddest |
The Paris Psalter 65:12 1a | e || clæne gelæddest / / # / ic | on | þin hus || halig gange / and |
The Paris Psalter 65:13 3a | yssedan geneahhe / þæt ic þe | on | tifrum || teala forgulde / eall |
The Paris Psalter 65:16 1b | me unrihtes oncneow || awiht | on | heortan / ne wite me þæt || w |
The Paris Psalter 66:1 1b | a us mihtig drihten || and us | on | mode eac / gebletsa nu || beorh |
The Paris Psalter 66:1 3b | te / þinne andwlitan || and us | on | mode weorþ / þuruh þine myce |
The Paris Psalter 66:2 1a | e and bliþe / / # / and we þæs | on | eorþan || andgyt habbaþ / ure |
The Paris Psalter 66:2 3a | wide || geond þas werþeode / | on | þinre hælo || healdan motan |
The Paris Psalter 66:4 3a | ealde þeoda / þæs þe þu hi | on | rihtum || rædum demest / and e |
The Paris Psalter 67:5 1a | nemned drihten / / # / wesaþ ge | on | his gesyhþe || symble bliþe |
The Paris Psalter 67:5 2a | gesyhþe || symble bliþe / and | on | his ansyne wesan || ealle ged |
The Paris Psalter 67:6 1a | range fæderas / / # / drihten is | on | his stowe || dema halig / se þ |
The Paris Psalter 67:6 3a | ardian deþ || anes modes / and | on | hiora huse || healdeþ blisse |
The Paris Psalter 67:7 1a | || healdeþ blisse / / # / se þe | on | his mægenes || mihte gelæde |
The Paris Psalter 67:7 4b | ealle gecigde / and eardiaþ || | on | eorþscræfum / / # / þonne god |
The Paris Psalter 67:11 1a | e fæste miht / / # / þine wihte | on | þam || wynnum lifiaþ / þu þ |
The Paris Psalter 67:12 4a | ealdend || oft weorþlic reaf / | on | huse men || her gedælaþ / / # |
The Paris Psalter 67:13 1b | / / # / gif ge slæpaþ || samod | on | clero / fiþeru beoþ culfran | |
The Paris Psalter 67:14 2a | || her toscadeþ / syþþan hi | on | selmon || snawe weorþaþ / / # |
The Paris Psalter 67:16 4a | ealdendgode || wel liciendlic / | on | þam wiþ ende || eardaþ dri |
The Paris Psalter 67:18 1a | modblissiendra / / # / drihten is | on | þam || dædum spedig / on hean |
The Paris Psalter 67:18 2a | n is on þam || dædum spedig / | on | heanesse astah || hæftned l |
The Paris Psalter 67:18 3a | astah || hæftned lædde / þa | on | hæftnede || hwile micele / lan |
The Paris Psalter 67:19 2a | ungeleafe menn / wese of dæge | on | dæg || drihten user / se goda |
The Paris Psalter 67:21 4a | | feaxes scadan / þara þe her | on | scyldum || swærum eodon / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 67:22 2a | wæþ || bealde drihten / ic me | on | sæ deopre || sniome onwende / |
The Paris Psalter 67:22 3b | t þin fot weorþe || fæste | on | blode / / # / hundes tungan || ha |
The Paris Psalter 67:23 4b | te / soþes cynincges || symble | on | halgum / / # / þyder ealdormen | |
The Paris Psalter 67:24 1b | r Bennianmines sint || bearn | on | ġuĝuþe / and ealdor-menn || |
The Paris Psalter 67:24 3a | d gegaderade || gleowe sungon / | on | þæra manna || midle geongra |
The Paris Psalter 67:24 4a | þæra manna || midle geongra / | on | tympanis || togenum strengum / |
The Paris Psalter 67:24 5a | panis || togenum strengum / and | on | ciricean || crist drihten god |
The Paris Psalter 67:25 1b | ær benniamines synt || bearn | on | geogoþe / and ealdormenn || ea |
The Paris Psalter 67:25 1a | mehtiġ god; / and þīn weorc | on | ūs || mid wīsdōme / ġe·try |
The Paris Psalter 67:25 2a | s || mid wīsdōme / ġe·tryme | on | þīnum temple || tīdum ġe |
The Paris Psalter 67:25 3a | īdum ġe·hālĝod; / þæt is | on | Hierusālem, || þider þe ġ |
The Paris Psalter 67:25 5a | eĝum || foldan cyningas. / / # / | On | wuda þū wildor || wordum þ |
The Paris Psalter 67:26 2a | art mihtig god / and þin weorc | on | us || mid wisdome / getryme on |
The Paris Psalter 67:26 3a | on us || mid wisdome / getryme | on | þinum temple || tidum gehalg |
The Paris Psalter 67:26 4a | le || tidum gehalgod / þæt ys | on | hierusalem || þyder þe gyfe |
The Paris Psalter 67:27 1a | wegum || foldan cynincgas / / # / | on | wuda þu wildeor || wordum þ |
The Paris Psalter 67:27 2a | ·ġaderode || glēowe sungon / | on | þāra manna || middle ġungr |
The Paris Psalter 67:27 3a | āra manna || middle ġungra / | on | tympanis || toĝenum strengum |
The Paris Psalter 67:27 4a | nis || toĝenum strengum, / and | on | ċiriċan || Crīst, drihten |
The Paris Psalter 68:1 3a | || floweþ and gangeþ / eom ic | on | lame oflegd || hafaþ lytle s |
The Paris Psalter 68:2 1a | hafaþ lytle sped / / # / com ic | on | sæs hricg || þær me sealt |
The Paris Psalter 68:3 4a | eagon wiþgangen / hwæþere ic | on | god minne || gearewe gewene / / |
The Paris Psalter 68:4 2a | cle ma || þonne ic me hæbbe / | on | heafde nu || hæra feaxes / þe |
The Paris Psalter 68:9 3b | me eac fela / þinra edwita || | on | gefeollon / / # / þonne ic minum |
The Paris Psalter 68:10 2a | sten gesette / eall hi me þæt | on | edwit || eft oncyrdan / / # / gif |
The Paris Psalter 68:11 1b | an / / # / gif ic mine gewæda || | on | witehrægl / cyme cyrde || cwæ |
The Paris Psalter 68:12 1a | e·sette, / eall hīe mē þæt | on | ed·wīt || eft on·ċierdon. |
The Paris Psalter 68:12 2b | alle / þa him sæton || sundor | on | portum / spræcon me wraþe || |
The Paris Psalter 68:13 3a | liciendlic / and þu me þonne | on | mænigeo || miltsa þinra / geh |
The Paris Psalter 68:13 3b | e, / þā him sǣton% || sundor | on | portum; / sprǣcon mē wrāðe, |
The Paris Psalter 68:14 3a | iendliċ, / and þū mē þonne | on | meniġu || miltsa þīnra / ġe |
The Paris Psalter 68:16 4a | nigeo || miltsa þinra / geseoh | on | me || swylce drihten / / # / ne a |
The Paris Psalter 68:18 1a | u || miltsa þīnra / ġe·seoh | on | mē || swelċe, drihten. / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 68:21 1b | heora beod fore him || wended | on | grine / and on edlean yfel || a |
The Paris Psalter 68:22 2a | re him || wended on grine / and | on | edlean yfel || and on æwisce |
The Paris Psalter 68:22 2b | ine / and on edlean yfel || and | on | æwisce / / # / syn hiora eagan | |
The Paris Psalter 68:23 1b | hira bēod fore him || wended | on | grīne / and on ed·lēan yfel |
The Paris Psalter 68:24 2a | e him || wended on grīne / and | on | ed·lēan yfel || and on ǣwi |
The Paris Psalter 68:24 2b | / and on ed·lēan yfel || and | on | ǣwisċe. / / # / Sīen hira ēa |
The Paris Psalter 68:25 2a | ic heora || weste and idel / ne | on | heora eþele ne sy || þinc o |
The Paris Psalter 68:27 2a | hira || wēste and īdel; / ne | on | hira ēðle ne sīe || þinġ |
The Paris Psalter 68:27 3a | rihte || ær geworhton / and hi | on | þin soþfæst weorc || syþ |
The Paris Psalter 68:29 2a | || ǣr ġe·worhton, / and hīe | on | þīn sōþfæst weorc || si |
The Paris Psalter 68:31 3a | || þeah þe him upp aga / horn | on | heafde || oþþe hearde cleo / |
The Paris Psalter 68:33 3a | dlice || nyle he gehæfte eac / | on | heora neode || na forhycgan / / |
The Paris Psalter 68:34 2b | flodas || and þa him syndon | on | / / # / forþon sione god || symb |
The Paris Psalter 68:35 3a | || nille hē ġe·hæfte ēac / | on | hira nīede || nā for·hyċ |
The Paris Psalter 69:3 1a | le || sohton mid niþe / / # / hi | on | hinderlincg || hweorfaþ and |
The Paris Psalter 70:1 1a | aris Psalter: Psalm 70 / / # / ic | on | þe god drihten || gearuwe ge |
The Paris Psalter 70:1 2a | gearuwe gewene / ne weorþe ic | on | ealdre || æfre gescended / þu |
The Paris Psalter 70:2 3a | alys || and me lungre weorþ / | on | god drihten || georne þeccen |
The Paris Psalter 70:2 4a | rihten || georne þeccend / and | on | trume stowe || þæt þu me t |
The Paris Psalter 70:4 2a | ld || fæste drihten / wære me | on | geoguþe hyht || gleaw æt fr |
The Paris Psalter 70:5 1b | ic of modur hrife || mundbyrd | on | þe / þriste hæfde || þu ear |
The Paris Psalter 70:5 3a | fde || þu eart þeccend min / | on | þe ic singge nu || symble an |
The Paris Psalter 70:8 2b | ealdor / þonne me ylde tid || | on | gesige / þonne me mægen and m |
The Paris Psalter 70:8 3b | ne me mægen and mod || mylte | on | hreþre / ne forlæt þu me || |
The Paris Psalter 70:9 3a | sætendan || sawle minre / and | on | anre geþeaht || eodan togæd |
The Paris Psalter 70:11 2b | eoh þu me soþ god || symble | on | fultum / / # / beoþ gedrette || |
The Paris Psalter 70:13 1a | yrwedan yfel / / # / ic me symble | on | god || swiþost getreowige / of |
The Paris Psalter 70:15 2a | ngeat || grame ceapunga / ac ic | on | þine þa myclan || mihte gan |
The Paris Psalter 70:18 2a | nd þæt mære soþ / þæt þu | on | heofenum god || heah geworhte |
The Paris Psalter 70:19 2a | ætywdest || earfoþes feala / | on | costunge || cuþra manna / and |
The Paris Psalter 70:19 6b | dest / þysse eorþan || þe we | on | buiaþ / / # / þær þu þin so |
The Paris Psalter 70:20 5a | ndette || ece drihten / and þe | on | sealmfatum || singe be hearpa |
The Paris Psalter 71:3 2a | beorgas eac || beorhtre sibbe / | on | þinum folce || fægere bliss |
The Paris Psalter 71:4 1a | wyru eac || soþum dædum / / # / | on | his soþfæstnesse || swylce |
The Paris Psalter 71:4 2a | þfæstnesse || swylce demeþ / | on | folce || fyrhte þearfan / swyl |
The Paris Psalter 71:6 2a | | swa se stranga ren / fealleþ | on | flys her || and swa fæger dr |
The Paris Psalter 71:6 3a | r || and swa fæger dropa / þe | on | þas eorþan || upon dreopaþ |
The Paris Psalter 71:7 1a | eorþan || upon dreopaþ / / # / | on | his agenum dagum || ypped weo |
The Paris Psalter 71:11 2a | iaþ || worulde cyningas / þa | on | eorþwege || ealle syndan / eal |
The Paris Psalter 71:12 3b | tan / and þæne wædlan || þe | on | worulde næfþ / ahwær elles | |
The Paris Psalter 71:16 4a | anum || licgeaþ his yþa / and | on | burgum beoþ || blostmum fæg |
The Paris Psalter 71:16 5a | beoþ || blostmum fægere / swa | on | eorþan heg || ute on lande / / |
The Paris Psalter 71:16 5b | ere / swa on eorþan heg || ute | on | lande / / # / þonne byþ his nam |
The Paris Psalter 71:19 5a | mihta nama || mode gebletsad / | on | ecnesse || awa to worlde / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 72:1 4a | syndon || losode nu-þa / ealle | on | foldan || fota gangas / / # / for |
The Paris Psalter 72:4 1a | wislic trymnes / / # / ne synd hi | on | miclum || manna gewinnum / and |
The Paris Psalter 72:6 3a | elynde || lungre cwome / and hi | on | heortan || hogedon and þohto |
The Paris Psalter 72:6 5a | i fyrmest || facen and unriht / | on | hean huse || hraþost acwædo |
The Paris Psalter 72:7 1a | raþost acwædon / / # / hwæt hi | on | heofon setton || hyge hyra mu |
The Paris Psalter 72:9 2b | þeos gewitness || weorþeþ | on | heagum / / # / þi nu fyrenfulle |
The Paris Psalter 72:11 1a | an || wynnum namon / / # / þa ic | on | mode cwæþ || minum sona / þe |
The Paris Psalter 72:11 2a | þ || minum sona / þeah þe ic | on | me ingcan || ænne ne wiste / h |
The Paris Psalter 72:13 4a | n || wolde gangan / oþþæt ic | on | his hus || halig gange / and ic |
The Paris Psalter 72:16 1a | c || swærum arise / / # / and hi | on | byrig drihtnes || bealde habb |
The Paris Psalter 72:20 1b | hwæt mæg me wiþerhabban || | on | heofonrice / hwæt wolde ic fra |
The Paris Psalter 72:23 2b | ne / good is swylce || þæt ic | on | god drihten / minne hiht sette |
The Paris Psalter 72:24 2b | | eft asecge / sione dohtrum || | on | hire sylfre durum |
The Paris Psalter 73:3 3a | a alysdest || and sione byrig / | on | þam ilcan þu || eard gename |
The Paris Psalter 73:3 8a | ige || þa þin geo ehtan / and | on | þinra wica || wuniaþ midle / |
The Paris Psalter 73:4 2a | n || soþe ne ongeaton / swa hi | on | wege || wyrcean sceoldon / wund |
The Paris Psalter 73:4 3b | eoldon / wundorbeacen || swa hi | on | wudu dydan / / # / hi mid æxum d |
The Paris Psalter 73:6 2a | e hus || fyre forbærndan / and | on | eorþstede || eac gewemdan / þ |
The Paris Psalter 73:7 1a | || niode cenned / / # / cwædan | on | heortan || wutan cuman ealle / |
The Paris Psalter 73:7 4a | ymbeldagas || swylce drihtnes / | on | eorþwege || ealle towurpan / / |
The Paris Psalter 73:8 2a | cen || us geseoþ ænig / ne we | on | ænige wisan || witegan habba |
The Paris Psalter 73:11 3a | r woruld wære || wise hælu / | on | þisse eorþan || efenmidre / / |
The Paris Psalter 73:12 1a | eorþan || efenmidre / / # / þu | on | þines mægenes || mihte sped |
The Paris Psalter 73:14 3a | d hlynnende || hlude streamas / | on | æthane || ealle adrigdest / / # |
The Paris Psalter 73:17 3a | || earme þearfan / þara þu | on | ealdre ne forgit || ece driht |
The Paris Psalter 73:18 3b | lled / hu deorce beoþ || dagas | on | eorþan / þam þe unrihtes || |
The Paris Psalter 74:7 2b | ome / forþon se wines steap || | on | waldendes handa / fægere gefyl |
The Paris Psalter 74:8 1a | e ann / / # / þonne he of þysum | on | þæt || þonne oncerreþ / nyl |
The Paris Psalter 74:8 4a | ealle || drincan synfulle / þa | on | þysse foldan || fyrene wyrce |
The Paris Psalter 75:2 1a | e nama || mid israelum / / # / is | on | sibbe his stow || soþe behea |
The Paris Psalter 75:2 2a | tow || soþe behealden / and he | on | sione || swylce eardaþ / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 75:4 7a | þe welan sohtan / þæs þe hi | on | handum || hæfdan godes / / # / f |
The Paris Psalter 75:5 3a | god || georne slepan / þa þe | on | horsum || hwilon wæron / is þ |
The Paris Psalter 75:6 1b | þu of heofenum dom || hider | on | eorþan / mid gescote sendest | |
The Paris Psalter 75:6 4a | e || drihten ariseþ / þæt he | on | eorþan do || ealle hale / þe |
The Paris Psalter 75:8 3a | odan || gode georne / ealle þe | on | ymbhwyrfte || ahwær syndan / h |
The Paris Psalter 76:2 1a | de || and beheold sona / / # / ic | on | earfoþdæge || ecne drihten / |
The Paris Psalter 76:2 3a | dum || swyþe geneahhe / and ic | on | niht for him || neode eode / n |
The Paris Psalter 76:2 4a | for him || neode eode / næs ic | on | þam siþe || beswicen awiht / |
The Paris Psalter 76:5 2b | e / hæfde me ece gear || ealle | on | mode / / # / ic þa mid heortan o |
The Paris Psalter 76:6 2a | hycggean nihtes / wæs min gast | on | me || georne gebysgad / / # / þa |
The Paris Psalter 76:7 6a | s milde mod || mannum afyrran / | on | woruldlife || wera cneorissum |
The Paris Psalter 76:8 3a | iltsige || manna cynne / oþþe | on | yrre || æfre wille / his milde |
The Paris Psalter 76:9 1b | nan.’ / / # / Is weoroda god || | on | weġe hālĝum; / hwelċ iċ me |
The Paris Psalter 76:9 4b | meaht / wunder ġe·wyrċan || | on | weorold-līfe. / / # / Eft þū |
The Paris Psalter 76:10 1a | e || maniġe cȳðdest / folcum | on | foldan; || þū wiþ·feredes |
The Paris Psalter 76:10 2a | n || mænigra weorca / hu ic me | on | eallum þam || eaþust geheol |
The Paris Psalter 76:10 3a | llum þam || eaþust geheolde / | on | eallum þinum weorcum || ic w |
The Paris Psalter 76:10 4a | | ic wæs smeagende / swylce ic | on | þinum gehylde || sylf begang |
The Paris Psalter 76:11 1b | begangen / / # / ys weruda god || | on | wege halgum / hwylc is mihtig g |
The Paris Psalter 76:11 4b | wylc miht / wundor gewyrcean || | on | woruldlife / / # / eft þu þine |
The Paris Psalter 76:12 1b | s þunorrād-stefn || strang | on | hwēole. / / # / Þonne% līeġet |
The Paris Psalter 76:12 2a | te || mænige cyþdest / folcum | on | foldan || þu wiþferedes eac |
The Paris Psalter 76:13 1b | . / / # / Wǣron weĝas þīne || | on | wīdne sǣ / and þīne stīġe |
The Paris Psalter 76:14 3b | wæs þunurradstefn || strang | on | hweole / / # / þonne ligette || |
The Paris Psalter 76:16 1b | dan / / # / wærun wegas þine || | on | widne sæ / and þine stige || |
The Paris Psalter 76:16 3b | biþ þær eþe þin spor || | on | to findanne / / # / folc þin þu |
The Paris Psalter 77:2 1a | word || mihte gehyran / / # / ic | on | anlicnessum || ærest ontyne / |
The Paris Psalter 77:2 3a | muþ || secggean onginne / þa | on | worldricum || wæron æt frym |
The Paris Psalter 77:6 2a | / / # / he aweahte || gewitnesse / | on | iacobe || goode and strange / a |
The Paris Psalter 77:10 1a | eorne heoldan / / # / ne wesen hi | on | facne || fæderum gelice / þæ |
The Paris Psalter 77:11 3a | le || bitere sendan / þæs hi | on | wiges dæge || wendon æfter / |
The Paris Psalter 77:13 3b | hte ær / þara heora yldran || | on | locadan / / # / he on ægypta || |
The Paris Psalter 77:14 1a | a yldran || on locadan / / # / he | on | ægypta || agenum lande / him w |
The Paris Psalter 77:14 3a | rhte fore || wundur mære / and | on | campotanea || eac mid soþe / / |
The Paris Psalter 77:17 1a | eoma || folcnede heold / / # / he | on | westene || wide ædran / him of |
The Paris Psalter 77:19 2a | ene || furþur ehtan / and hine | on | yrre || eft gebrohtan / heora h |
The Paris Psalter 77:19 3b | n / heora heafodweard || holdne | on | lande / / # / hi þa on heortan | |
The Paris Psalter 77:20 1a | || holdne on lande / / # / hi þa | on | heortan || hogedon to niþe / a |
The Paris Psalter 77:20 7a | bringan to || beod gegearwod / | on | þisum westene || widum and s |
The Paris Psalter 77:21 2a | stane || streamas lete / wæter | on | willan || wynnum flowan / / # / n |
The Paris Psalter 77:23 3b | gespræc / wæs gegleded fyr || | on | iacobe / and his yrre barn || o |
The Paris Psalter 77:23 4b | n iacobe / and his yrre barn || | on | israhelas / / # / forþon þe hi |
The Paris Psalter 77:25 4b | de him heofenes hlaf || hider | on | foldan / and engla hlaf || æto |
The Paris Psalter 77:28 1a | ade || fugelas swylce / / # / and | on | middan þa wic || manige feol |
The Paris Psalter 77:30 1a | ceattes willan / / # / þa gyt hi | on | muþe || heora mete hæfdon / |
The Paris Psalter 77:30 2a | || heora mete hæfdon / þa him | on | becwom || yrre drihtnes / and h |
The Paris Psalter 77:35 2a | fedan || lease muþe / ne þæs | on | heortan || hogedan awiht / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 77:36 1a | || hogedan awiht / / # / næs him | on | hreþre || heorte clæne / ne h |
The Paris Psalter 77:36 2a | reþre || heorte clæne / ne hi | on | gewitnesse || wisne hæfdon / o |
The Paris Psalter 77:36 3a | n gewitnesse || wisne hæfdon / | on | hiora fyrhþe || fæstne gele |
The Paris Psalter 77:40 1a | s se geancyr eft / / # / hi hine | on | westenne || wordum and dædum |
The Paris Psalter 77:40 2a | westenne || wordum and dædum / | on | yrre mod || eft gebrohtan / awe |
The Paris Psalter 77:40 3a | | eft gebrohtan / aweahtan hine | on | eorþan || oft butan wætere / |
The Paris Psalter 77:42 2a | fdan || hu his seo mycle hand / | on | gewindæge || werede and fere |
The Paris Psalter 77:43 3a | la tācna || and fore-bēacna / | on | Campotaneos; || þæt wæs c |
The Paris Psalter 77:49 1a | ealle fyre / / # / he æbyligþe | on | hi || bitter and yrre / sarlic |
The Paris Psalter 77:51 1a | þcwealm forswealh / / # / he þa | on | þam folce || frumbearna gehw |
The Paris Psalter 77:51 2a | m folce || frumbearna gehwylc / | on | ægiptum || eall acwealde / and |
The Paris Psalter 77:53 1a | | wegas uncuþe / / # / and he hi | on | hihte || holdre lædde / næs h |
The Paris Psalter 77:53 2a | hte || holdre lædde / næs him | on | fyrhtu || feondes egsa / ac eal |
The Paris Psalter 77:54 1b | mon / / # / he hi þa gelædde || | on | leofre byrig / and haligre || |
The Paris Psalter 77:57 3a | deras || beforan heoldan / and | on | wiþermede || wendan and cyrd |
The Paris Psalter 77:61 1a | | mihtig hæfde / / # / he hi þa | on | hæftnyd || hean gesealde / and |
The Paris Psalter 77:61 2b | alde / and heora fæger folc || | on | feondes hand / / # / sealde þa h |
The Paris Psalter 77:67 4a | iudan him || geswæs frumcynn / | on | sione byrig || þær him wæs |
The Paris Psalter 77:68 2b | elicast / his halige hus || her | on | eorþan / getimbrade || het þ |
The Paris Psalter 77:68 4a | e || het þæt teala syþþan / | on | worldrice || wunian ece / / # / a |
The Paris Psalter 78:1 1a | s Psalter: Psalm 78 / / # / comon | on | þin yrfe || ece drihten / frem |
The Paris Psalter 78:2 2a | lem || samod an·līcost / swā | on% | æppel-bearu || āne cytan; / s |
The Paris Psalter 78:3 1b | m / / # / hi þara bearna blod || | on | byrig leton / swa man gute wæt |
The Paris Psalter 78:5 2a | uldres god || wraþ yrre þin / | on | ende fram us || æfre oncyrra |
The Paris Psalter 78:5 4a | onbærned || biter þin yrre / | on | þinum folce || fyre hatre / / # |
The Paris Psalter 78:6 1b | hatre / / # / ageot yrre þin || | on | þæt rice / and on cneowmagas |
The Paris Psalter 78:6 2a | rre þin || on þæt rice / and | on | cneowmagas || þe ne cunnan |
The Paris Psalter 78:10 3a | eower halig god / and us þæt | on | eagum || oftust worpen / þær |
The Paris Psalter 78:11 4a | || gnornendra care / þara þe | on | feterum || fæste wæran / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 78:12 1a | ǣm || ēaðost ġe·hēolde; / | on | eallum þīnum weorcum || iċ |
The Paris Psalter 78:12 2a | wæs smēaġende, / swelċe iċ | on | þīnum ġe·hylde || self be |
The Paris Psalter 78:13 2a | mhydigum || swa hi geearnedan / | on | sceat hiora || seofonfealde w |
The Paris Psalter 78:13 3a | fealde wrace / forþon hi edwit | on | þe || ealle hæfdon / / # / we |
The Paris Psalter 78:14 1a | || gnornendra care / þāra þe | on | feterum || fæste wǣran. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 78:14 4a | e || wuldur sæcgeaþ / and þe | on | worulda woruld || wordum heri |
The Paris Psalter 79:3 2b | dre cum / and us hale do || her | on | eorþan / / # / gehweorf us mæge |
The Paris Psalter 79:5 2b | rihten / hu lange yrsast þu || | on | þines esnes gebed / tyhst us a |
The Paris Psalter 79:5 5b | cum tearum / manna gehwylcum || | on | gemet rihtes / / # / þu us asett |
The Paris Psalter 79:6 1b | rihtes / / # / þu us asettest || | on | sarcwide / urum neahmannum || n |
The Paris Psalter 79:12 2b | þ his winbyrig || eall þæt | on | wege færþ / / # / hine utan of |
The Paris Psalter 79:15 3a | yne || egsan þines / ealle þa | on | ealdre || yfele forweorþaþ / |
The Paris Psalter 80:9 2a | | me anum gehyrst / ne byþ god | on | þe || niwe gemeted / ne þu fr |
The Paris Psalter 80:13 3a | ehygde || hyran cuþan / oþþe | on | wegas mine || woldan gangan / |
The Paris Psalter 81:1 1b | / / # / god mihtig stod || godum | on | gemange / and he hi on midle || |
The Paris Psalter 81:1 2a | || godum on gemange / and he hi | on | midle || mægene tosceadeþ / / |
The Paris Psalter 81:5 2a | n hi || ne geara wistan / ac hi | on | þystrum || þrage eodan / eall |
The Paris Psalter 82:3 1a | þ þe || hofan swiþe / / # / hi | on | þinum folce him || facengesw |
The Paris Psalter 82:6 1b | ·sċeotu% sind || on·sæġd | on | Idumea / and Ismæhelita%, || |
The Paris Psalter 82:6 5b | eoda mid eardiendum || folce | on | tyrum / / # / cwom samod mid þam |
The Paris Psalter 82:7 2a | id þam || swylce assur / ealle | on | wegum || æghwær syndon / on l |
The Paris Psalter 82:7 3a | e on wegum || æghwær syndon / | on | leodstefnum || loþes bearnum |
The Paris Psalter 82:9 4a | um || eallum swylce / ealle þa | on | an || ær gecwædon / þæt hi |
The Paris Psalter 82:11 1a | ungre morhæþ / / # / swa þu hi | on | yrre || ehtest and drefest / þ |
The Paris Psalter 82:11 2a | | ehtest and drefest / þæt hi | on | hrernesse || hraþe forweorþ |
The Paris Psalter 82:13 2a | georette || eac gescende / and | on | weoruldlife || weorþaþ gedr |
The Paris Psalter 83:1 2b | leofe / mægena drihten || a ic | on | mode þæs / willum hæfde || |
The Paris Psalter 83:2 2a | and flæsc || hyhtaþ georne / | on | þone lifigendan || leofan dr |
The Paris Psalter 83:4 2a | weorþaþ || þa þe eardiaþ / | on | þinum husum || halig drihten |
The Paris Psalter 83:4 3a | usum || halig drihten / and þe | on | worulda woruld || wealdend he |
The Paris Psalter 83:5 3a | | nymþe fælne god / and þæt | on | heortan hige || healdeþ fæs |
The Paris Psalter 83:5 4b | e / geseteþ him þæt sylfe || | on | þisse sargan dene / þær hi t |
The Paris Psalter 83:5 6a | r hi teara || teonan cnyssaþ / | on | þam sylfan stede || þe þu |
The Paris Psalter 83:6 3a | || syþþan eodan / of mægene | on | mægen || þær wæs miht ges |
The Paris Psalter 83:6 4a | en || þær wæs miht gesawen / | on | sionbeorge || soþes drihtnes |
The Paris Psalter 83:9 3a | dæg mid þe || þonne oþera / | on | þeodstefnum || þusend mæla |
The Paris Psalter 83:10 2b | ceose / þæt ic hean gange || | on | hus godes / þonne ic on fyrenf |
The Paris Psalter 83:10 3a | nge || on hus godes / þonne ic | on | fyrenfulra || folce eardige / / |
The Paris Psalter 84:4 3b | t þu us ne weorþe || wraþ | on | mode / / # / ne wrec þu þin yrr |
The Paris Psalter 84:5 2a | yrre || wraþe mode / of cynne | on | cynn || and on cneorisse / gecy |
The Paris Psalter 84:5 2b | mode / of cynne on cynn || and | on | cneorisse / gecyr us georne to |
The Paris Psalter 84:5 4a | crist ælmihtig / and þin folc | on | þe || gefeo swiþe / / # / æteo |
The Paris Psalter 84:7 2a | gehyre || hwæt me halig god / | on | minum modsefan || mælan will |
The Paris Psalter 84:12 2a | nes || symble foregangeþ / and | on | weg setteþ || wise gangas |
The Paris Psalter 85:6 1a | tundum cleopige / / # / þonne me | on | dæge || deorc earfoþe / carel |
The Paris Psalter 85:7 1b | ode / / # / nis þe goda ænig || | on | gumrice / ahwær efne gelic || |
The Paris Psalter 85:10 1b | ana / / # / gelæd drihten me || | on | þinne leofne weg / and ic on |
The Paris Psalter 85:10 2a | | on þinne leofne weg / and ic | on | þinum soþe || syþþan ganc |
The Paris Psalter 85:11 2a | inne halgan naman / forhtige me | on | ferhþe || forþ andette / mid |
The Paris Psalter 85:11 5a | rihten || and we naman þinne / | on | ecnesse || a weorþien / / # / ys |
The Paris Psalter 85:15 1a | earle soþfæst / / # / beseoh nu | on | me || and me syþþan weorþ / |
The Paris Psalter 85:15 2a | and me syþþan weorþ / milde | on | mode || mihtig drihten / geteoh |
The Paris Psalter 86:4 2b | d hire mære gewearþ || mann | on | innan / and he hi þa hehstan | |
The Paris Psalter 86:5 1a | staþelade / / # / drihten þæt | on | gewritum || dema sægde / þam |
The Paris Psalter 86:5 3b | ron / eallum swylce || þe hire | on | wæron / / # / swa ure ealra blis |
The Paris Psalter 86:6 2a | ealra bliss || eardhæbbendra / | on | anum þe || ece standeþ |
The Paris Psalter 87:1 2a | rihten god || dyre hælend / ic | on | dæge to þe || dygle cleopod |
The Paris Psalter 87:1 3a | to þe || dygle cleopode / and | on | niht fore þe || neode swylce |
The Paris Psalter 87:2 1b | ylce / / # / gange min ingebed || | on | þin gleawe gesihþ / ahyld ear |
The Paris Psalter 87:4 1b | wenaþ þæs sume || þæt ic | on | wraþne seaþ / mid fyrenwyrhtu |
The Paris Psalter 87:5 2b | læpe / syn þonne geworpene || | on | widne hlæw / þær hiora gymyn |
The Paris Psalter 87:6 1b | adrifene / / # / hi me asetton || | on | seaþ hinder / þær wæs deorc |
The Paris Psalter 87:7 1b | # / þær me wæs yrre þin || | on | acyþed / and þu me oferhige o |
The Paris Psalter 87:7 2a | n acyþed / and þu me oferhige | on | || ealle gelæddest / / # / feor |
The Paris Psalter 87:11 1a | ē || ealle siþþan. / / # / Ne | on | þēostrum ne mæġ || þance |
The Paris Psalter 87:11 2a | oncnawaþ hi || wundru þine / | on | þam dimmum || deorcan þystr |
The Paris Psalter 87:11 3b | e þīn sōþfæstnes || sīe | on | þǣmlande / þe ofer-ġietness |
The Paris Psalter 87:11 4a | htwisnesse || recene gemeteþ / | on | ofergyttolnesse || manna æni |
The Paris Psalter 87:12 1a | olnesse || manna ænig / / # / ne | on | þeostrum ne mæg || þances |
The Paris Psalter 87:12 2a | nāwaþ hīe || wundru þīne / | on | þǣm dimmum || deorcan þīe |
The Paris Psalter 87:12 3b | þþe þin soþfæstnes || si | on | þam lande / þe ofergytnes || |
The Paris Psalter 87:12 4b | þam lande / þe ofergytnes || | on | eardige / / # / ic me to þe || e |
The Paris Psalter 87:12 4a | snesse || recene ġe·mēteþ / | on | ofer-ġietelnesse% || manna |
The Paris Psalter 87:14 3a | || oþþe þinre gesihþe me / | on | þissum ealdre || æfre wyrna |
The Paris Psalter 87:15 1a | fre wyrnan / / # / wædla ic eom | on | gewinne || worhte swa on geog |
The Paris Psalter 87:15 1b | eom on gewinne || worhte swa | on | geoguþe / ahafen ic wæs and g |
The Paris Psalter 88:1 2a | se þine || mihtig drihten / ic | on | ecnesse || awa singe / fram cyn |
The Paris Psalter 88:1 3a | nesse || awa singe / fram cynne | on | cynn || and on cneorisse / ic |
The Paris Psalter 88:1 3b | nge / fram cynne on cynn || and | on | cneorisse / ic þine soþfæstn |
The Paris Psalter 88:1 5a | fæstnesse || secge geneahhe / | on | minum muþe || manna cynne / / # |
The Paris Psalter 88:2 2a | u cwæde || cuþe worde / þæt | on | ecnesse || awa wære / þin mil |
The Paris Psalter 88:2 4a | e mod || micel getimbrad / heah | on | heofenum || hæleþa bearnum / |
The Paris Psalter 88:3 4a | angan / ic dauide || dyrum esne / | on | aþsware || ær benemde / þæt |
The Paris Psalter 88:3 6a | c his cynne || and cneowmagum / | on | ecnesse || a geworhte / ful sef |
The Paris Psalter 88:3 7b | sefte seld || þæt hi sæton | on | / / # / heofenas andettaþ || hal |
The Paris Psalter 88:4 3b | nd þa halgan eac || hergeaþ | on | cyricean / þine soþfæstnesse |
The Paris Psalter 88:6 4a | ofer eall manna bearn / þa þe | on | ymbhwyrfte || ahwær syndon / / |
The Paris Psalter 88:7 2b | nis þe ealra gelic || ahwær | on | spedum / is þin soþfæstnes | |
The Paris Psalter 88:8 3a | ht || ana gesteoran / þonne hi | on | wæge || wind onhrereþ / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 88:11 2b | e gesceope / tabor et hermon || | on | naman þinum / hi mid strencgþ |
The Paris Psalter 88:14 1a | nne || neode herigean / / # / þa | on | þinum leohte || lifigeaþ an |
The Paris Psalter 88:14 3a | ansyn þin || ær onlihte / and | on | naman þinum || neode swylce / |
The Paris Psalter 88:14 4b | wylce / beoþ ealne dæg || eac | on | blisse / and þine soþfæstnes |
The Paris Psalter 88:17 3a | est || and bealde cwyst / ic me | on | þyssum folce || fultum sette |
The Paris Psalter 88:22 3a | s min || mægene healdeþ / and | on | naman minum || neode swylce / h |
The Paris Psalter 88:22 4b | his horn biþ ahafen || heane | on | mihtum / / # / and ic his swiþra |
The Paris Psalter 88:32 1b | ence / / # / ic æne swor || aþ | on | halgum / þæt ic dauide || dæ |
The Paris Psalter 88:32 3a | auide || dæda ne leoge / þæt | on | ecnesse || his agen cynn / wuna |
The Paris Psalter 88:32 4a | nesse || his agen cynn / wunaþ | on | wicum || biþ him weorþlic s |
The Paris Psalter 88:32 5a | um || biþ him weorþlic setl / | on | minre gesihþe || sunnan anli |
The Paris Psalter 88:32 6b | anlic / and swa mona || meahte | on | heofenum / þe is ece gewita || |
The Paris Psalter 88:33 5b | wemdest / his halignesse || her | on | eorþan / / # / ealle þu his wea |
The Paris Psalter 88:35 2a | towurpon || wegferende / and he | on | edwit wearþ || ymbsittendum / |
The Paris Psalter 88:36 2b | rohtest his feondas || fæcne | on | blisse / / # / fultum þu him afy |
The Paris Psalter 88:38 2b | setl his gesettest || sorglic | on | eorþan / / # / þu his dagena ti |
The Paris Psalter 88:41 2b | ed / ne huru þu manna bearn || | on | middangeard / to idelnesse || |
The Paris Psalter 88:42 2a | t feores neote / and hwæþere | on | ende || deaþ ne gesceawige / o |
The Paris Psalter 89:1 2a | us || fæste drihten / of cynne | on | cynne || and on cneorisse / / # |
The Paris Psalter 89:1 2b | hten / of cynne on cynne || and | on | cneorisse / / # / ærþon munta g |
The Paris Psalter 89:5 1a | || gegan wære / / # / and swa hi | on | niht hyrdnesse || neode began |
The Paris Psalter 89:7 1a | þeþ to duste / / # / forþon we | on | þinum yrre || ealle forwurdo |
The Paris Psalter 89:7 2a | rre || ealle forwurdon / wæron | on | þinum hathige || hearde gedr |
The Paris Psalter 89:8 4a | lde þu || eac gestaþelodest / | on | alihtincge || andwlitan þine |
The Paris Psalter 89:9 2a | as || ealle geteorudun / and we | on | þinum yrre synt || swiþe ge |
The Paris Psalter 89:10 3b | / þæt heo afære || fleogan | on | nette / beoþ ure geardagas || |
The Paris Psalter 89:11 1a | o || samod ætgædere / / # / gif | on | mihtigum || mannum geweorþe |
The Paris Psalter 89:11 4a | eoþ || æfre getealde / wintra | on | worulde || þa beoþ gewinn a |
The Paris Psalter 89:12 2a | om || micel ofer ealle / and we | on | þam gefean || forhte gewurda |
The Paris Psalter 89:14 2a | and || drihten cuþe / þam þe | on | snytrum syn || swyþe getyde / |
The Paris Psalter 89:16 1b | / we synd gefyllede || fægere | on | mergenne / þinre mildheortness |
The Paris Psalter 89:16 2b | re mildheortnesse || þæs we | on | mode nu / habbaþ ealle dagas | |
The Paris Psalter 89:17 2a | ce || for þon fægerum dagum / | on | þam þu us to eadmedum || ea |
The Paris Psalter 89:17 3a | st / and for þam gearum þe we | on | gesawon || yfela feala / / # / be |
The Paris Psalter 89:18 1a | won || yfela feala / / # / beseoh | on | þine scealcas || swæsum eag |
The Paris Psalter 89:18 2a | scealcas || swæsum eagum / and | on | þin agen weorc || ece drihte |
The Paris Psalter 90:2 2b | le fultum || hæbbe ic freond | on | him / min se goda god || and ic |
The Paris Psalter 90:2 3b | him / min se goda god || and ic | on | þe geare hycge / / # / forþon h |
The Paris Psalter 90:6 1a | dest / / # / ne forhtast þu þe | on | dæge || flan on lyfte / þæt |
The Paris Psalter 90:6 1b | tast þu þe on dæge || flan | on | lyfte / þæt þe þurhgangan | |
The Paris Psalter 90:6 2b | æt þe þurhgangan || garas | on | þeostrum / oþþe on midne dæ |
The Paris Psalter 90:6 3a | || garas on þeostrum / oþþe | on | midne dæg || mære deoful / / # |
The Paris Psalter 90:7 1a | mære deoful / / # / fealleþ þe | on | þa wynstran || wergra þusen |
The Paris Psalter 90:7 3a | eac geteledra || tyn þusendo / | on | þine þa swiþran || and þe |
The Paris Psalter 90:9 2a | alig drihten / þu me friþstol | on | þe || fæstne settest / / # / ne |
The Paris Psalter 90:10 3a | e heard sweopu || huse þinum / | on | neaweste || nahwær sceþþan |
The Paris Psalter 90:11 2a | ad || þæt hi mid earmum þe / | on | heora handum || heoldan georn |
The Paris Psalter 90:12 1a | | wealdan mostest / / # / and þe | on | folmum || feredan swylce / þe |
The Paris Psalter 90:12 2a | n swylce / þe læs þu fræcne | on | stan || fote spurne / / # / þu o |
The Paris Psalter 91:2 1a | æleþa cynnes / / # / and þonne | on | morgene || mægene sæcge / hu |
The Paris Psalter 91:3 1a | || sæcge nihtes / / # / hwæt ic | on | tyn strengum || getogen hæfd |
The Paris Psalter 91:3 2a | m || getogen hæfde / hu ic þe | on | psalterio || singan mihte / oþ |
The Paris Psalter 91:3 4a | hlyste cweman / forþon þu me | on | þinum weorcum || wisum lufad |
The Paris Psalter 91:6 4a | ætywaþ || þa þe unrihtes / | on | weoruldlife || worhtan georna |
The Paris Psalter 91:6 6a | rwordene || weorþen syþþan / | on | worulda woruld || and to wida |
The Paris Psalter 91:7 1a | || and to widan feore / / # / þu | on | ecnesse || awa drihten / heahes |
The Paris Psalter 91:8 2a | þine feond || fæcne drihten / | on | eorþwege || ealle forweorþa |
The Paris Psalter 91:11 2a | sta || samed anlicast / beorht | on | blædum || bloweþ swa palma / |
The Paris Psalter 91:12 1b | weþ / / # / settaþ nu georne || | on | godes huse / þæt ge on his wi |
The Paris Psalter 91:12 2a | rne || on godes huse / þæt ge | on | his wicum || wel geblowan / / # |
The Paris Psalter 92:6 4b | aldend usser / halig drihten || | on | heanessum / / # / þin gewitnes i |
The Paris Psalter 93:2 1a | æghwylcne mann / / # / ahefe þe | on | ellen || eorþan dema / gyld of |
The Paris Psalter 93:8 1b | þ þæt and ongeotaþ || þe | on | folce nu / unwiseste || ealra s |
The Paris Psalter 93:11 2a | mann || þe þu hine ece god / | on | þinre soþre æ || sylfa get |
The Paris Psalter 93:12 3a | n folc || ne his yrfe þon ma / | on | ealdre wile || æfre forlæta |
The Paris Psalter 93:13 2a | na || gehwyrfed byþ / þæt he | on | unriht || eft ne cyrre / oþþe |
The Paris Psalter 93:17 2a | igeo || minra sara / þe me ær | on | ferhþe || fæste gestodan / þ |
The Paris Psalter 93:19 3b | lad / is me fultum his || fæst | on | drihtne / / # / þonne him gylde |
The Paris Psalter 93:20 3a | riht || þe hi geearnedan / and | on | heora facne || fæste todrife |
The Paris Psalter 94:6 2a | him fore || and cneow bigeaþ / | on | ansyne || ures drihtnes / and h |
The Paris Psalter 94:7 3a | and his fægere sceap / þa he | on | his edisce || ær afedde / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 94:9 1a | en || drihtnes willan / / # / swa | on | grimnesse || fyrn geara dydan |
The Paris Psalter 94:9 2a | grimnesse || fyrn geara dydan / | on | þam wraþan dæge || and on |
The Paris Psalter 94:9 2b | / on þam wraþan dæge || and | on | westenne / þær min þurh face |
The Paris Psalter 94:10 4a | and eac swa oncneow / þæt hi | on | heortan || hyge dysegedan / / # |
The Paris Psalter 94:11 2a | hte ne oncneowan / þæt ic ær | on | yrre || aþe benemde / gif hi o |
The Paris Psalter 94:11 3a | n yrre || aþe benemde / gif hi | on | mine reste || ricene eodon |
The Paris Psalter 95:2 2a | uldor || geond sigeþeode / and | on | eallum folcum || his fægere |
The Paris Psalter 95:3 3a | r || ġond siġe-þēode, / and | on | eallum folcum || his fæġere |
The Paris Psalter 95:6 1a | orhte || halig drihten / / # / ys | on | þinre gesihþe || soþ andet |
The Paris Psalter 95:8 2a | arlice lac || and in gangaþ / | on | his wictunas || weorþiaþ dr |
The Paris Psalter 95:8 3a | ictunas || weorþiaþ drihten / | on | his þære halgan || healle g |
The Paris Psalter 95:9 2a | || eorþe beofian / secgaþ nu | on | cynnum || and on cneorissum / |
The Paris Psalter 95:9 2b | n / secgaþ nu on cynnum || and | on | cneorissum / þæt from treowe |
The Paris Psalter 95:10 2a | lic riht || folcum demeþ / and | on | his yrre || ealle þeode / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 95:12 2a | gere blisse / and ealle þa þe | on | him || eard weardiaþ / wærun |
The Paris Psalter 95:12 3b | rdiaþ / wærun wudubearuwas || | on | wyndagum / for andwlitan || ece |
The Paris Psalter 95:12 5b | n drihtnes / forþon he cwom || | on | cyneþrymme / þæt he þas eor |
The Paris Psalter 96:1 2b | e drihten / is eorþe nu || eac | on | blisse / and þæs fægerne || |
The Paris Psalter 96:1 4b | habbaþ / ealanda mænig || ut | on | garsæcge |
The Paris Psalter 97:8 1b | þ || / fægnian mid folmum || | on | gefean ælcne / beorgas blissia |
The Paris Psalter 97:8 2b | || / fæġnian mid folmum || | on | ġe·fēan ǣlcne; / beorĝas b |
The Paris Psalter 97:9 3a | rihte || and his syndrig folc / | on | rihtnesse || ræde gebringeþ |
The Paris Psalter 98:1 2a | || and he reþe folc / healdeþ | on | yrre || ungemete swiþe / sitte |
The Paris Psalter 98:2 1a | alle onstyrian / / # / drihten is | on | sion || dema se mæsta / heah a |
The Paris Psalter 98:3 3a | is || mycel and egeslic / halig | on | helpe || hæleþa bearnum / aar |
The Paris Psalter 98:4 3a | ene god || rihte beeodest / þu | on | iacobe || gode domas / æt frum |
The Paris Psalter 98:10 2a | d || hælend drihten / and hine | on | halgum || her weorþiaþ / mær |
The Paris Psalter 99:2 1a | || bealde þeowie / / # / gangaþ | on | ansyne || ealle bliþe / witaþ |
The Paris Psalter 99:3 2a | || and his fæle sceap / þa he | on | his edisce || ealle afedde / ga |
The Paris Psalter 99:3 3a | disce || ealle afedde / gaþ nu | on | his doru || god andettaþ / and |
The Paris Psalter 99:3 4b | ettaþ / and hine weorþiaþ || | on | wictunum / mid lofsangum || lus |
The Metres of Boethius: Proem 9a | e. || Ic sceal giet sprecan, / f | on | on fitte, || folccuðne ræd / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 11a | winnes || fana hwearfode / scir | on | sceafte || sceotend þohton / i |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 20a | d || rædgot and aleric / foron | on | þæt fæsten || fleah casere |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 21b | re / mid þam æþelingum || ut | on | grecas / ne meahte þa seo weal |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 28a | | læstan dorsten / stod þrage | on | þam || þeod wæs gewunnen / w |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 37b | es mosten / wyrþe gewunigen || | on | þære welegan byrig / þenden |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 46b | hwilcum / þa wæs ricra sum || | on | rome byrig / ahefen heretoga || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 54a | þone hlisan geþah / wæs him | on | gemynde || mæla gehwilce / yfe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 56b | odge / cyningas cyþdon || wæs | on | greacas hold / gemunde þara ar |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 66a | || þæt hi æft to him / comen | on | þa ceastre || lete greca wit |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 73a | am eorle || he hine inne heht / | on | carcernes || cluster belucan / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 79a | ormod eorl || are ne wende / ne | on | þam fæstene || frofre gemun |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 81a | treaht || niþer of dune / feol | on | þa flore || fela worda spræ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 11a | hio unwisum || widgel þince / | on | stede stronglic || steorleasu |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 12b | men / þeah mæg þone wisan || | on | gewitlocan / þære gitsunge || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 26a | / þa ytmestan || eorþbuende / | on | monig þiodisc || miclum heri |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 28b | yrdum / welum geweorþad || and | on | wlencum þio / duguþum diore | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 43a | u þæs wisan || welandes ban / | on | hwelcum hi hlæwa || hrusan |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 57a | rincas || maran wyrþe / wæron | on | worulde || ac hit is wyrse nu |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 6b | wa same / þara þe we eagum || | on | lociaþ / ealra gesceafta || se |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 58a | growan || leaf grenian / þæt | on | hærfest eft || hrest and wea |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 94b | hi hiora freondscipe || forþ | on | symbel / untweofealde || treowa |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 6a | þy læs he ciþa leas / licge | on | þæm lande || is leoda gehw |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 16a | astan || nænegum þuhte / dæg | on | þonce || gif sio dimme niht / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 22b | u meaht eac mycle þy eþ || | on | modsefan / soþa gesælþa || s |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 18a | | winþ wiþ gecynde / þeah nu | on | londe || leon gemete / wynsume |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 36b | l sien / tela atemede || gif hi | on | treowum weorþaþ / holte tomid |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 39b | e ær / tydon and temedon || hi | on | treowum wilde / ealdgecynde || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 51b | iþ eallum treowum || þe him | on | æþele biþ / þæt hit on hol |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 52a | him on æþele biþ / þæt hit | on | holte || hyhst geweaxe / þeah |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 55a | || swa þu an forlætst / widu | on | willan || went on gecynde / swa |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 55b | lætst / widu on willan || went | on | gecynde / swa deþ eac sio sunn |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 56b | eac sio sunne || þonne hio | on | sige weorþeþ / ofer midne dæ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 58a | dne dæg || merecondel scyfþ / | on | ofdæle || uncuþne weg / nihte |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 75a | earfige || swa swa hweol deþ / | on | hire selfre || forþon hio sw |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 14 2a | æm welegan || woruldgitsere / | on | his mode þe bet || þeah he |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 15 5a | | and gimcynnum / þeah he wæs | on | worulde || witena gehwelcum / o |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 15 6a | n worulde || witena gehwelcum / | on | his lifdagum || laþ and unwe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 15 9b | ic þeah gehycgan || hwy him | on | hige þorfte / a þy sæl wesan |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 2b | tilian / þæt he his selfes || | on | sefan age / anwald innan || þy |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 10b | erestreamas / utan belicgaþ || | on | æht gifen / efne swa wide || s |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 12b | mest nu / an iglond ligþ || ut | on | garsecg / þær nængu biþ || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 13b | ecg / þær nængu biþ || niht | on | sumera / ne wuhte þon ma || on |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 14b | on sumera / ne wuhte þon ma || | on | wintra dæg / toteled tidum || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 4b | ealle comon / were and wife || | on | woruld innan / and hi eac nu ge |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 6a | hi eac nu get || ealle gelice / | on | woruld cumaþ || wlance and h |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 12b | se milda metod || gesceop men | on | eorþan / and gesamnade || sawl |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 20a | for æþelum || up ahebben / nu | on | þæm mode biþ || monna gehw |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 22a | || þe ic þe recce ymb / nales | on | þæm flæsce || foldbuendra / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 30a | þele || a forþ þanan / wyrþ | on | weorulde || to wuldre ne cym |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 5b | alæded / hwæþer ge willen || | on | wuda secan / gold þæt reade | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 6b | uda secan / gold þæt reade || | on | grenum triowum / ic wat swa þe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 9a | orþæm hit þær ne wexþ / ne | on | wingeardum || wlitige gimmas / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 10b | gimmas / hwy ge nu ne settan || | on | sume dune / fiscnet eowru || þ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 16a | willen || wæþan mid hundum / | on | sealtne sæ || þonne eow sec |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 18b | meaht / þæt ge willaþ þa || | on | wuda secan / oftor micle || þo |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 19b | ecan / oftor micle || þonne ut | on | sæ / is þæt wundorlic || þ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 29b | nga / þæt þa dysegan sint || | on | gedwolan wordene / efne swa bli |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 30b | e / efne swa blinde || þæt hi | on | breostum ne magon / eaþe gecna |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 35a | a || wenaþ samwise / þæt hi | on | þis lænan mægen || life fi |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 38b | e þinga / ealles swa swiþe || | on | sefan minum / hiora dysig tæla |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 2 2a | þa fela || lustlice geo / sanc | on | sælum || nu sceal siofigende |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 2 7b | / sette soþcwida || þonne ic | on | sælum wæs / oft ic nu miscyrr |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 2 11a | ldsælþa || welhwæs blindne / | on | þis dimme hol || dysine forl |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 2 18a | þæt ic gesællic mon / wære | on | weorulde || ne synt þa word |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 35a | || eall þa we habbaþ / gooda | on | grundum || from gode selfum / n |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 59a | naman || eft todældes / fæder | on | feower || wæs þara folde an |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 76a | || wæstmas brengaþ / þa sint | on | gecynde || cealda ba-twa / wæt |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 79b | t is gemenged || forþæm hio | on | middum wunaþ / nis þæt nan w |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 82a | nde geblonden / forþæm hio is | on | midle || mine gefræge / fyres |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 94a | wac and hnesce / ne meahte hit | on | him selfum || soþ ic geare w |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 107a | an || eall toblawen / ne meahte | on | þære eorþan || awuht libba |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 109a | hte þon ma || wætres brucan / | on | eardian || ænige cræfte / for |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 120b | adwæscan || þæt þæt him | on | innan sticaþ / fyres gefeged | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 123b | es / wætres and eorþan || and | on | wolcnum eac / and efne swa same |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 125b | ne is þæs fyres || frumstol | on | riht / eard ofer eallum || oþr |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 139a | || æfre ne oþrineþ / ne hire | on | nanre ne mot || near þonne o |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 139b | n nanre ne mot || near þonne | on | oþre / stowe gestæppan || str |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 148b | ne / unwisra gehwæm || wuniaþ | on | fyre / þeah hi sindan || sweot |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 150b | s þæt fyr swa same || fæst | on | þæm wætre / and on stanum ea |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 151a | || fæst on þæm wætre / and | on | stanum eac || stille geheded / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 158b | mid cele ofercumen || gif hit | on | cyþþe gewit / and þeah wuhta |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 163b | rþan swa fæste || þæt hio | on | ænige / healfe ne heldeþ || n |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 169b | þisse / þæm anlicost || þe | on | æge biþ / gioleca on middan | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 170a | t || þe on æge biþ / gioleca | on | middan || glideþ hwæþre / æ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 172a | swa stent eall weoruld / stille | on | tille || streamas ymbutan / lag |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 176b | þu þioda god || þriefalde | on | us / sawle gesettest || and hi |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 179b | eaht / þæt hire þy læsse || | on | þæm lytlan ne biþ / anum fin |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 180b | biþ / anum fingre || þe hire | on | eallum biþ / þæm lichoman || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 197b | on / sio gesceadwisnes || sceal | on | gehwelcum / þære wilnunge || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 206b | sceope / þæt hio hwearfode || | on | hire selfre / hire utan ymb || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 226a | e god || eard forgeafe / saulum | on | heofonum || selest weorþlica |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 230a | þurh þa sciran neaht / hadre | on | heofonum || na hwæþre þeah |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 238a | and þæt ēċe samod, / sāwl | on | flǣsċe. || Hwæt, hīe siml |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 242a | lichama || last weardigan / eft | on | eorþan || forþæm he ær of |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 243a | forþæm he ær of hire / weox | on | weorulde || wunedon ætsomne / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 262a | hal || ures modes / þæt we hi | on | þe selfum || siþþan moten / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 281b | | a fundiaþ / men of moldan || | on | þa mæran gesceaft |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 27a | lces || modes eagan / ablendaþ | on | breostum || þonne hi hi beor |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 28b | orþæm æghwilc þing || þe | on | þys andweardan / life licaþ | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 6a | incg || he ærest sceal / secan | on | him selfum || þæt he sume h |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 8b | sohte / sece þæt siþþan || | on | his sefan innan / and forlæte |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 14a | || þæt hit mæg findan / eall | on | him innan || þæt hit oftost |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 18a | unnet || eal þæt he hæfde / | on | his incofan || æror lange / ef |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 19b | e / efne swa sweotole || swa he | on | þa sunnan mæg / eagum andwear |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 20b | nnan mæg / eagum andweardum || | on | locian / and he eac ongit || hi |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 23a | || þonne se leoma sie / sunnan | on | sumera || þonne swegles gim / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 38a | orn || sædes gehealden / symle | on | þære saule || soþfæstness |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 39b | nden gadertang wunaþ || gast | on | lice / þæs sædes corn || bi |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 47a | frigne || gif he awuht nafaþ / | on | his modsefan || mycles ne lyt |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 52a | are || ænige ne cunne / findan | on | ferhþe || gif he frugnen bi |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 59a | s gemynde || he mæg siþþan / | on | his runcofan || rihtwisnesse / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 60a | ncofan || rihtwisnesse / findan | on | ferhte || fæste gehydde / mid |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 64b | n / and mid þæm bisgum || þe | on | breostum styreþ / mon on mode |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 65a | m || þe on breostum styreþ / m | on | on mode || mæla gehwylce |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 23 1a | thius: Metre 23 / / sie þæt la | on | eorþan || ælces þinges / ges |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 23 11a | ian to rodorum || rihte stige / | on | þone ecan eard || ussa saula |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 17b | um / meahtest þe full recen || | on | þæm rodere ufan / siþþan we |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 28b | rodere ryneswiftum || gif þu | on | riht færest / þe þone hehsta |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 44b | nd mære / gif þu weorþest || | on | wege rihtum / up to þæm earde |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 5a | tebeorhtum || wundrum scinaþ / | on | heahsetlum || hrofe getenge / g |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 17b | htum / ac he reþigmod || ræst | on | gehwilcne / wedehunde || wuhta |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 19b | st / biþ to up ahæfen || inne | on | mode / for þæm anwalde || þe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 36a | þæt he þonne sie / becropen | on | carcern || oþþe coþlice / ra |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 45b | olgene weorþaþ || him wyrþ | on | breostum inne / beswungen sefa |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 46a | breostum inne / beswungen sefa | on | hraþre || mid þæm swiþan |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 54b | scrifeþ / ic þe sæde ær || | on | þisse selfan bec / þæt sumes |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 70a | || winnan onginnan / and þonne | on | þæm gewinne || þurhwunian |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 4b | sprecaþ / hit gesælde gio || | on | sume tide / þæt aulixes || un |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 12a | rices || cuþ wæs wide / þæt | on | þa tide || troia gewin / wear |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 26a | sta || ma þonne ænne / ferede | on | fifelstream || famigbordon / þ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 31a | wiþ oþre || ut feor adraf / | on | wendelsæ || wigendra scola / u |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 32a | endelsæ || wigendra scola / up | on | þæt igland || þær apoline |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 39b | ford þa / þæt dysige folc || | on | gedwolan lædde / oþþæt him |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 43a | ecynnes || cuþ is wide / þæt | on | þa tide || þeoda æghwilc / h |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 46b | / gif he to þæm rice wæs || | on | rihte boren / wæs þæs iobes |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 58a | en for herigum || hio ricsode / | on | þæm iglonde || þe aulixes / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 65b | mægne / efne swa swiþe || hi | on | sefan lufode / þæt he to his |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 76b | locræftum / wraþum weorpan || | on | wildra lic / cyninges þegnas | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 88a | mum diore || swelcum he æror / | on | his lifdagum || gelicost wæs |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 97b | or þæm earfoþum || þe him | on | sæton / hwæt þa dysegan men |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 13b | geard / egeslic hunta || a biþ | on | waþe / nyle he ænig swæþ || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 24a | oþerne || inwitþoncum / fioge | on | færþe || swa swa fugl oþþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 26b | ehwylc / oþrum gulde || edlean | on | riht / weorc be geweorhtum || w |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 1a | of Boethius: Metre 28 / / hwa is | on | eorþan || nu unlærdra / þe n |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 15a | norþende || nean ymbcerreþ / | on | þære ilcan || eaxe hwerfeþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 18a | feþ || swift untiorig / hwa is | on | weorulde || þæt ne wafige / b |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 21a | gul || maran ymbhwyrft / hafaþ | on | heofonum || sume hwile eft / l |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 30a | eorra || cymeþ efne swa same / | on | þone ilcan stede || eft ymb |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 37a | wuhte þe soþra / ne biþ hio | on | æfen || ne on ærmorgen / mere |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 37b | ra / ne biþ hio on æfen || ne | on | ærmorgen / merestreame þe nea |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 38b | n / merestreame þe near || þe | on | midne dæg / and þeah monnum |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 39b | h monnum þyncþ || þæt hio | on | mere gange / under sæ swife || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 40b | under sæ swife || þonne hio | on | setl glideþ / hwa is on weorul |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 41a | ne hio on setl glideþ / hwa is | on | weorulde || þæt ne wundrige |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 55b | æt hi ne wundriaþ || hu hit | on | wolcnum oft / þearle þunraþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 63b | na gecerreþ / ismere ænlic || | on | his agen gecynd / weorþeþ to |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 69a | isra gehwæm || wundor þince / | on | his modsefan || micle læsse / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 27b | nnan / and eft æfter sunnan || | on | setl glideþ / west under weoru |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 31b | sunnan swiftra || siþþan hi | on | setl gewitaþ / ofirneþ þæt |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 43a | be healfe || heofones þisses / | on | ane ne læt || ælmihtig god / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 50a | hæto || hwilum cerreþ eft / | on | uprodor || ælbeorhta leg / leo |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 51a | rodor || ælbeorhta leg / leoht | on | lyfte || ligeþ him behindan / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 63a | al and snaw || hrusan leccaþ / | on | wintres tid || weder unhiore / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 66a | hi growaþ || geara gehwilce / | on | lenctentid || leaf up sprytta |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 68a | milda metod || monna bearnum / | on | eorþan fet || eall þætte g |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 69a | eall þætte groweþ / wæstmas | on | weorolde || wel forþbrengeþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 73b | god / and þæt hehste good || | on | heahsetle / siteþ self cyning |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 82b | uldbuendra / ealla gesceafta || | on | his ærendo / hionane he sende |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 3 1a | s of Boethius: Metre 3 / / æala | on | hu grimmum || and hu grundlea |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 3 7a | || þone ecan gefean / þringþ | on | þa þiostro || þisse woruld |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 30 2a | merus wæs || east mid crecum / | on | þæm leodscipe || leoþa cr |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 14a | to hrusan || hnipaþ of dune / | on | weoruld wliteþ || wilnaþ to |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 17b | eafta / mid his andwlitan || up | on | gerihte / mid þy is getacnod | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 2b | la / hefones and eorþan || þu | on | heahsetle / ecum ricsast || and |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 25a | þone laþran wind / eala hwæt | on | eorþan || ealla gesceafta / hy |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 26b | a / hyraþ þinre hæse || doþ | on | heofonum swa some / mode and m |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 34a | || æfre wolde / þæt sio wyrd | on | gewill || wendan sceolde / yflu |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 38a | yfele men || giond eorþricu / | on | heahsetlum || halige þricca |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 41b | eolde / swa sint gehydde || her | on | worulde / geond burga fela || b |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 44a | twise || eallum tidum / habbaþ | on | hospe || þa þe him sindon / r |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 47b | le / bewrigen mid wrencum || nu | on | worulde her / monnum ne deriaþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 50a | d ne wilt || wirde steoran / ac | on | selfwille || sigan lætest / þ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 54b | / worulde gesceafta || wlit nu | on | moncyn / mildum eagum || nu hi |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 55b | moncyn / mildum eagum || nu hi | on | monegum her / worulde yþum || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 15b | þ wiþ his eardes || oþ him | on | innan felþ / muntes mægenstan |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 16b | / muntes mægenstan || and him | on | middan geligeþ / atrendlod of |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 17b | trendlod of þæm torre || he | on | tu siþþan / tosceaden wyrþ | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 15b | t hio strange geondstyred || | on | staþu beateþ / eala þæt on |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 16a | on staþu beateþ / eala þæt | on | eorþan || auht fæstlices / we |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 17a | an || auht fæstlices / weorces | on | worulde || ne wunaþ æfre |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 4b | þ þæt he ne herde || þæt | on | heane munt / monna ænig || mea |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 9b | s þu æfre || þætte ænig m | on | / on sondbeorgas || settan meah |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 10a | ǣfre || þætte ǣniġ mann / | on | sand-beorĝas || settan mihte |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 18b | mæg hæleþa gehwæm || hus | on | munte / lange gelæstan || for |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 19b | æstan || forþæm him lungre | on | / swift wind swapeþ || ne biþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 37a | hogena || ormete ren / forþæm | on | þære dene || drihten selfa / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 39b | / þær se wisdom a || wunaþ | on | gemyndum / forþon orsorg lif | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 51b | en gæle || þonne him grimme | on | / woruldsælþa wind || wraþe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 6b | dohte / þa þa anra gehwæm || | on | eorþwæstmum / genoh þuhte || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 18a | him crist gesceop / and hi æne | on | dæge || æton symle / on æfen |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 19a | æne on dæge || æton symle / | on | æfentid || eorþan wæstmas / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 37a | | nænig siþþan wæs / weorþ | on | weorulde || gif mon his willa |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 40a | rde || oþþe wolde god / þæt | on | eorþan nu || ussa tida / geond |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 45a | æt he maran ne recþ / ac hit | on | witte || weallende byrnþ / efn |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 49b | monna bearn / etne hataþ || se | on | iglonde / sicilia || swefle byr |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 56a | se forma || feohgitsere / wære | on | worulde || se þas wongstedas |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 59a | on || funde mænegum / bewrigen | on | weorulde || wætere oþþe eo |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 15b | omane / secgan geherde || þæt | on | sume tide / troia burg || ofert |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 27a | lestan || eorlgebyrdum / þe he | on | þæm folce || gefrigen hæfd |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 28a | folce || gefrigen hæfde / and | on | uppan || agene broþor / and hi |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 32b | mle wæs / micle þe bliþra || | on | breostcofan / þonne he swylces |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 37a | yrhtum || wohfremmendum / ac he | on | ferþe fægn || facnes and se |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 43b | þ þa norþmestan || næssan | on | eorþan / eall þæt nerone || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 46b | de him to gamene || þonne he | on | gylp astag / hu he eorþcyninga |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 56a | rd || hefig gioc slepte / sware | on | þa swyran || sinra þegena / e |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 57b | a / ealra þara hæleþa || þe | on | his tidum / geond þas lænan w |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 59a | n worold || liban sceoldon / he | on | unscyldgum || eorla blode / his |
Distich Psalm 17:51 1b | alm 17:51 / / Wæs mid Iudeum || | on | geardagum / ealra cyninga gehwe |
Metrical Psalm 91:11 2a | æ || sæmed anlicæst / beorht | on | blædum || bloweð swæ pælm |
Metrical Psalm 91:12 1b | 91:12 / / Settæþ nu georne || | on | godes huse / þet ge on his wic |
Metrical Psalm 91:12 2a | orne || on godes huse / þet ge | on | his wicum || wel geblowen. |
Metrical Psalm 91:2 1a | trical Psalm 91:2 / / And þonne | on | morgenne || megenne sege / hu h |
Metrical Psalm 91:3 1a | # Metrical Psalm 91:3 / / Wet ic | on | tin strengum || getogen hefde |
Metrical Psalm 91:3 2a | um || getogen hefde / hu ic ðe | on | sælterio || singæn meæhte / |
Metrical Psalm 91:3 4a | hliste cwemæn / forðon ðu me | on | ðinum wiorcum || wisum lufæ |
Metrical Psalm 91:6 4a | tywæð || þæ ðe unrihtæs / | on | weoruldlife || worhton georn |
Metrical Psalm 91:6 6a | rwordone || weorden siððæn / | on | woruldæ% world% || and to wi |
Metrical Psalm 91:7 1a | # Metrical Psalm 91:7 / / þu | on | ecnesse || æwæ drihten / heæ |
Metrical Psalm 91:8 2a | inre feond || fæcne drihten / | on | eorðwege || eælle forweorð |
Metrical Psalm 92:6 4b | ldend usser / hælig drihten || | on | heænessum. |
Metrical Psalm 93:11 2a | mæn || ðe ðu hine ece god / | on | þinre soðre æ || sylfa get |
Metrical Psalm 93:12 3a | n folc || ne his yrfe ðon ma / | on | ealdre wile || hefre forletæ |
Metrical Psalm 93:13 2a | ena || gewerfeþ bið / þet he | on | unriht% || eft ne oncyrre / oð |
Metrical Psalm 93:17 2a | || mīnre sāre / þe mē ǣr | on | ferhþe || fæste ġe·stōdo |
Metrical Psalm 93:19 3b | eled / is me fultum his || fest | on | drihtne. |
Metrical Psalm 93:2 1a | Metrical Psalm 93:2 / / Ahef ðe | on | hellen || eorðæn demæ / gild |
Metrical Psalm 93:20 3a | riht || þe hi gearnedæn / and | on | hiora facne || feste todrife |
Metrical Psalm 93:8 1b | æn ðeð and ongeoton || þe | on | folce nu / unwiseste || eælre |
Metrical Psalm 94:10 4a | eæc and swa oncneow / þet hi | on | heortan || hige disegan. |
Metrical Psalm 94:11 2a | wihte ne oncneowan / þet ic er | on | yrre || æðe benemde / gif hi |
Metrical Psalm 94:11 3a | yrre || æðe benemde / gif hi | on | mine reste || recedon eodon. |
Metrical Psalm 94:6 2a | him fore || and cneow bigeað / | on | ansine || ures drihtnes / and h |
Metrical Psalm 94:7 3a | d his fægere sceæp / þæ he% | on | his edisce || ær æfedde. |
Metrical Psalm 94:9 1a | # Metrical Psalm 94:9 / / Swæ | on | grimnesse || fyrn geræ dydan |
Metrical Psalm 94:9 2a | grimnesse || fyrn geræ dydan / | on | ðam wraðan dege || and on w |
Metrical Psalm 94:9 2b | n / on ðam wraðan dege || and | on | westenne / þer min ðurh facen |
The Battle of Brunanburh 14a | ga swate || siþþan sunne up / | on | morgentid || mære tungol / gla |
The Battle of Brunanburh 22a | ondlongne dæg || eorodcistum / | on | last legdun || laþum þeodum |
The Battle of Brunanburh 27a | d anlafe || ofer æra gebland / | on | lides bosme || land gesohtun / |
The Battle of Brunanburh 29a | ge to gefeohte || fife lægun / | on | þam campstede || cyningas gi |
The Battle of Brunanburh 35a | || litle weorode / cread cnear | on | flot || cyning ut gewat / on fe |
The Battle of Brunanburh 36a | ar on flot || cyning ut gewat / | on | fealene flod || feorh genered |
The Battle of Brunanburh 38a | ac se froda || mid fleame com / | on | his cyþþe norþ || costonti |
The Battle of Brunanburh 41b | ga sceard / freonda gefylled || | on | folcstede / beslagen æt sæcce |
The Battle of Brunanburh 43a | sæcce || and his sunu forlet / | on | wælstowe || wundun forgrunde |
The Battle of Brunanburh 49a | beaduweorca || beteran wurdun / | on | campstede || cumbolgehnastes / |
The Battle of Brunanburh 51b | s / wæpengewrixles || þæs hi | on | wælfelda / wiþ eadweardes || |
The Battle of Brunanburh 54b | earrum / dreorig daraþa laf || | on | dinges mere / ofer deop wæter |
The Battle of Brunanburh 65a | || and þæt græge deor / wulf | on | wealde || ne wearþ wæl mare |
The Battle of Brunanburh 66a | wealde || ne wearþ wæl mare / | on | þis eiglande || æfre gieta / |
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 10a | r norþmannum || nyde gebegde / | on | hæþenra || hæfteclommum / la |
The Coronation of Edgar 3a | miclum || to cyninge gehalgod / | on | þære ealdan byrig || aceman |
The Coronation of Edgar 6a | naþ || þær wæs blis micel / | on | þam eadgan dæge || eallum g |
The Coronation of Edgar 19a | ig || niþweorca heard / wintra | on | worulde || þa þis geworden |
The Coronation of Edgar 20a | a þis geworden wæs / and þa | on | þam þritigoþan wæs || þe |
The Death of Edgar 5a | ne || nemnaþ leoda bearn / men | on | moldan || þæne monaþ gehw |
The Death of Edgar 6a | , || þone mōnaþ ġe·hwǣr / | on | þisse ēðel-turf, || þā |
The Death of Edgar 7a | eltyrf || þa þe ær wæran / | on | rimcræfte || rihte getogene / |
The Death of Edgar 9a | noþ || þær se geonga gewat / | on | þone eahteþan dæg || eadga |
The Death of Edgar 16a | wæs cyneweard nama / þa wæs | on | myrceon || mine gefræge / wide |
The Death of Edgar 18a | wær || waldendes lof / afylled | on | foldan || fela wearþ todræf |
The Death of Edgar 20a | wæs gnornung micel / þam þe | on | breostum wæg || byrnende luf |
The Death of Edgar 21a | æg || byrnende lufan / metodes | on | mode || þa wæs mærþa frum |
The Death of Edgar 29b | nd þa wearþ ætywed || uppe | on | roderum / steorra on staþole | |
The Death of Edgar 30a | ed || uppe on roderum / steorra | on | staþole || þone stiþferhþ |
The Death of Alfred 1b | hine þa gelette || and hine | on | hæft sette / and his geferan h |
The Death of Alfred 2a | and wolde tō his mēder, þe | on | Win- || / ċeastre sæt, ac hi |
The Death of Alfred 6b | arþ dreorlicre dæd || gedon | on | þison earde / syþþan dene co |
The Death of Alfred 11b | drēorlicre dǣd || ġe·dōn | on | þissum earde, / siþþan Dene |
The Death of Alfred 14b | bundenne / sona swa he lende || | on | scype man hine blende / and hin |
The Death of Alfred 19b | nne. / Sōna swā hē lende, || | on | sċipe mann hine blende, / and |
The Death of Alfred 20a | de || þam styple ful gehende / | on | þam suþportice || seo saul |
The Death of Edward 3a | soþfæste || sawle to criste / | on | godes wæra || gast haligne / h |
The Death of Edward 4a | odes wæra || gast haligne / he | on | worulda her || wunode þrage / |
The Death of Edward 5a | worulda her || wunode þrage / | on | cyneþrymme || cræftig ræda |
The Death of Edward 22b | n forþ be·cōm || frēolice | on | ġeatwum / cyning cystum gōd, |
The Death of Edward 31b | elfum, / æðelum eorle, || sē | on | ealle tīd / hīerde holdlīċe |
Durham 5b | nne wunaþ / feola fisca cyn || | on | floda gemonge / and þær gewex |
Durham 7a | wuda-fæstenn miċel; / wuniod | on | þǣm wīcum || wilda dēor m |
Durham 8a | īcum || wilda dēor maniġe, / | on | dēope dalum || dēora un-ġe |
Durham 9a | um || dēora un-ġe·rīm. / Is | on | ðǣre byrġ ēac || bearnum |
Durham 16b | l abbot / þe clene cudberte || | on | gecheþe / lerde lustum || and |
Durham 18b | diaþ æt þǣm ēadġe || on | on | þǣm minstre / un-ā·rīmeda |
The Rune Poem 13a | || eadnys and tohiht / rad byþ | on | recyde || rinca gehwylcum / sef |
The Rune Poem 14b | wiþhwæt || þam þe sitteþ | on | ufan / meare mægenheardum || o |
The Rune Poem 16b | n byþ cwicera gehwam || cuþ | on | fyre / blac and beorhtlic || by |
The Rune Poem 27a | tere syþþan / nied byþ nearu | on | breostan || weorþeþ hi þea |
The Rune Poem 37b | wyrtrumun underwreþyd || wyn | on | eþle / peorþ byþ symble || p |
The Rune Poem 40a | wlancum || þar wigan sittaþ / | on | beorsele || bliþe ætsomne / e |
The Rune Poem 41b | olhsecg eard hæfþ || oftust | on | fenne / wexeþ on wature || wun |
The Rune Poem 42a | fþ || oftust on fenne / wexeþ | on | wature || wundaþ grimme / blod |
The Rune Poem 45b | sigel semannum || symble biþ | on | hihte / þonn hi hine feriaþ | |
The Rune Poem 49b | el / wiþ æþelingas || a biþ | on | færylde / ofer nihta genipu || |
The Rune Poem 52b | ah / tanas butan tudder || biþ | on | telgum wlitig / heah on helme | |
The Rune Poem 53a | || biþ on telgum wlitig / heah | on | helme || hrysted fægere / gelo |
The Rune Poem 57a | þær him hæleþ ymbe / welege | on | wicgum || wrixlaþ spræce / an |
The Rune Poem 59a | lum || æfre frofur / monn byþ | on | myrgþe || his magan leof / sce |
The Rune Poem 64b | þuht / gif hi sculun neþan || | on | nacan tealtum / and hi sæyþa |
The Rune Poem 72b | þær rihtes || and gerysena | on | / brucan on bolde || bleadum of |
The Rune Poem 73a | tes || and gerysena on / brucan | on | bolde || bleadum oftast / dæg |
The Rune Poem 77a | armum || eallum brice / ac byþ | on | eorþan || elda bearnum / flæs |
The Rune Poem 82a | oferheah || eldum dyre / stiþ | on | staþule || stede rihte hylt / |
The Rune Poem 83a | rihte hylt / þeah him feohtan | on | || firas monige / yr byþ æþe |
The Rune Poem 85b | æs / wyn and wyrþmynd || byþ | on | wicge fæger / fæstlic on fær |
The Rune Poem 86a | byþ on wicge fæger / fæstlic | on | færelde || fyrdgeatewa sum / e |
The Rune Poem 88a | || and þeah a bruceþ / fodres | on | foldan || hafaþ fægerne ear |
Solomon and Saturn 6a | ā trahteras || tala wīsedon / | on | þǣm miċelan bēċ || / || |
Solomon and Saturn 7a | a treahteras || tala wisedon / | on | þam micelan bec # || / # m/ / |
Solomon and Saturn 1a | heardum || / swylce ic næfre | on | eallum þam fyrngewrytum || f |
Solomon and Saturn 12a | ic mec gesund fare / wende mec | on | willan || on wæteres hrigc / o |
Solomon and Saturn 12b | d fare / wende mec on willan || | on | wæteres hrigc / ofer coferflod |
Solomon and Saturn 14a | s sēċan’. / ‘Unlǣde biþ | on | eorðan, || unnytt līfes, / w |
Solomon and Saturn 15a | mon cwæþ # || / unlæde biþ | on | eorþan || unnit lifes / wesþe |
Solomon and Saturn 19a | full, || worpaþ hine dēoful / | on | dōm-dæġe, || draca eġesl |
Solomon and Saturn 20a | s full || worpaþ hine deofol / | on | domdæge || draca egeslice / bi |
Solomon and Saturn 31b | rīċes / torhte on·tīenan || | on | ġe·tæl-rīme?’ / ‘Þæt |
Solomon and Saturn 33b | ofona rices / torhte ontynan || | on | getælrime / salomon cwæþ # | |
Solomon and Saturn 50b | dorlicne wlite. || Meċ þæs | on | weorolde full oft / fyr-witt fr |
Solomon and Saturn 54b | uldorlicne wlite || mec þæs | on | worolde full oft / fyrwit frine |
Solomon and Saturn 76a | wielm%, || wild-dēora holt, / | on | wēstenne weard, || weorð-my |
Solomon and Saturn 81a | d wyrma welm || wildeora holt / | on | westenne weard || weorþmynta |
Solomon and Saturn 85b | wīþ-mōd swipaþ || and him | on | swaðe fylġeþ / //A// A ofer- |
Solomon and Saturn 86a | gebrengan / gif þu him ærest | on | ufan || ierne gebrengest / prol |
Solomon and Saturn 87b | / T hine teoswaþ || and hine | on | þā tungan stīcaþ, / wrǣste |
Solomon and Saturn 90b | / swiþmod sweopaþ || and him | on | swaþe fylgeþ / ac a ofermæge |
Solomon and Saturn 91a | ste ġe·standan. / Þonne hine | on | unþanc //R// R || ierrunga |
Solomon and Saturn 92b | ir t hine teswaþ || and hine | on | þa tungan sticaþ / wræsteþ |
Solomon and Saturn 96a | fæste gestondan / þonne hiene | on | unþanc rad r || ieorrenga ge |
Solomon and Saturn 107a | , || lǣteþ foreweard hlēor / | on | strangne stān, || streġdaþ |
Solomon and Saturn 112a | um || læteþ foreweard hleor / | on | strangne stan || stregdaþ to |
Solomon and Saturn 119b | elle hæftling%, || þæt hē | on | hinder gæþ. / Þonne hine //F |
Solomon and Saturn 123a | earh-fære, || ǣled lǣtaþ / | on | þæs fēondes feax || flāna |
Solomon and Saturn 124b | a / helle hæftling || þæt he | on | hinder gæþ / þonne hiene feo |
Solomon and Saturn 128a | ole earhfare || æled lætaþ / | on | þæs feondes feax || flana s |
Solomon and Saturn 132b | ierpeþ, / Crīstes cempan, || | on | cwicum wǣdum / Godes spyriende |
Solomon and Saturn 133a | || þone god sendeþ / freondum | on | fultum || færeþ æfter dæg |
Solomon and Saturn 134a | unges hræġles. / Þonne hine | on | lyfte || līf-ġe·twinnan / un |
Solomon and Saturn 137b | e scierpeþ / cristes cempan || | on | cwicum wædum / godes spyrigend |
Solomon and Saturn 139a | geonges hrægles / þonne hine | on | lyfte || lifgetwinnan / under t |
Solomon and Saturn 145b | / hwīlum hīe ġe·wendaþ || | on | wyrmes līċ / stranges% and st |
Solomon and Saturn 148a | h ġe·strūdeþ. / Hwīlum hē | on | wætere || wiċġ ġe·hnǣġ |
Solomon and Saturn 153a | || feoh gestrudeþ / hwilum he | on | wætere || wicg gehnægeþ / ho |
Solomon and Saturn 154a | fes tilian; / ā·wrīteþ hē | on | his wǣpne || wæl-nota hēap |
Solomon and Saturn 159a | || lifes tiligan / awriteþ he | on | his wæpne || wællnota heap / |
Solomon and Saturn 170a | || Caldea eorl. / Hwæðre wæs | on | sǣlum || sē þe of sīðe c |
Solomon and Saturn 172b | | Iċ flītan ġe·fræġn || | on | fyrn-daĝum / mōd-glēawe menn |
Solomon and Saturn 175a | d || caldea eorl / hwæþre was | on | sælum || se þe of siþe cwo |
Solomon and Saturn 177b | g / hwæt ic flitan gefrægn || | on | fyrndagum / modgleawe men || mi |
Solomon and Saturn 197b | ne, ġif þū ġe·wītest || | on | Wendel-sǣ / ofer Cofor-flōd | |
Solomon and Saturn 2b | ic þonne gif þu gewitest || | on | wendelsæ / ofer coforflod || c |
Solomon and Saturn 9a | na, || frēond Nebrondes. / Hē | on | þǣm felda of·slōh || [XXV |
Solomon and Saturn 10a | da of·slōh || [XXV] / dracena | on | dæġ-rǣd || and hine þā d |
Solomon and Saturn 14a | istina || freond nebrondes / he | on | þam felda ofslog || fif ond |
Solomon and Saturn 15a | og || fif ond twentig / dracena | on | dægred || and hine þa deaþ |
Solomon and Saturn 19b | / ‘Dol biþ sē þe gæþ || | on | dēop wæter, / sē þe sund na |
Solomon and Saturn 24b | wæt is sē dumba, || sē þe | on | sumre dene resteþ? / Swīðe s |
Solomon and Saturn 25b | || / dol biþ se þe gæþ || | on | deop wæter / se þe sund nafa |
Solomon and Saturn 31b | c hwæt is se dumba || se þe | on | sumre dene resteþ / swiþe sny |
Solomon and Saturn 41b | lufaþ’. / ‘Ān wīse is || | on | weorold-rīċe / ymb þā mē f |
Solomon and Saturn 49b | seċġe? / Ān fuĝol siteþ || | on | Filistina% / middel-ġe·mǣrum |
Solomon and Saturn 52b | us cwæþ # || / an wise is || | on | woroldrice / ymb þa me fyrwet |
Solomon and Saturn 56a | welċe || norðan and sūðan / | on | twā healfa || tū hund weard |
Solomon and Saturn 58b | u / medumra manna || and hē is | on | middan hwælen; / ġēowes hē |
Solomon and Saturn 61b | þe secgge / an fugel siteþ || | on | filistina / middelgemærum || m |
Solomon and Saturn 63a | is gryn sefaþ, / wielleþ hine | on | þǣm wīte, || wunaþ unlust |
Solomon and Saturn 65b | hiene him scyle eall þeod || | on | genæman / wæpna ecggum || hie |
Solomon and Saturn 68a | ehwylce || norþan and suþan / | on | twa healfa || tu hund wearda / |
Solomon and Saturn 70b | du / medumra manna || and he is | on | middan hwælen / geowes he hafa |
Solomon and Saturn 75a | his gyrn sefaþ / wylleþ hine | on | þam wite || wunaþ unlustum / |
Solomon and Saturn 80a | ges || dynn gehyre / nyste hine | on | þære foldan || fira ænig / e |
Solomon and Saturn 81a | || wihte be·swīcan, / ac him | on | hand gǣþ || heardes and hne |
Solomon and Saturn 86a | e·rīmes’. / ‘Ieldu bēoþ | on | eorðan || ǣġhwæs cræfti |
Solomon and Saturn 91b | styreþ standendne% || stefn | on | sīðe, / ā·fielleþ hine on |
Solomon and Saturn 92a | on sīðe, / ā·fielleþ hine | on | foldan; || friteþ aefter þ |
Solomon and Saturn 94a | deor || wihte beswican / ac him | on | hand gæþ || heardes and hne |
Solomon and Saturn 100a | lomon cuæþ # || / yldo beoþ | on | eorþan || æghwæs cræftig / |
Solomon and Saturn 104b | īþ / sē hine ġe·lǣdeþ || | on | þā lāðan wīċ / mid þā f |
Solomon and Saturn 105b | / astyreþ standendne || stefn | on | siþe / afilleþ hine on foldan |
Solomon and Saturn 106a | stefn on siþe / afilleþ hine | on | foldan || friteþ æfter þam |
Solomon and Saturn 109b | e eft fealwiaþ, || feallaþ | on | eorðan / and for·weorniaþ, | |
Solomon and Saturn 112b | ange lǣstaþ, || libbaþ him | on | māne, / hȳdaþ hēah-ġe·str |
Solomon and Saturn 114a | strēon, || healdaþ ġeorne / | on | fæstenne || fēondum tō wil |
Solomon and Saturn 120b | pra niþ / se hine gelædeþ || | on | þa laþan wic / mid þa fræcn |
Solomon and Saturn 122a | ū mid māne lenġest / libbaþ | on | þisse lǣnan ġe·sċeaft. | |
Solomon and Saturn 125b | -strynde. || Ne be·iern þū | on | þā inwitt-ġe·cyndu’. / |
Solomon and Saturn 127b | ie eft fealewiaþ || feallaþ | on | eorþan / and forweorniaþ || w |
Solomon and Saturn 131a | eþ þonne || drihtne Crīste / | on | dōmes dæġe, || þonne hē |
Solomon and Saturn 132a | ahgestreon || healdaþ georne / | on | fæstenne || feondum to willa |
Solomon and Saturn 142a | r nu mid mane lengest / lifiaþ | on | þisse lænan gesceafte || ie |
Solomon and Saturn 146a | || sē þe ā wile / ġōmrian | on | ġīehþe; || sē biþ Gode f |
Solomon and Saturn 148b | an-mēdlan / ġeġnum gangan || | on | Godes rīċe?’ / ‘Ne mæġ |
Solomon and Saturn 154a | meþ þonne || dryhtne criste / | on | domes dæge || þonne he deme |
Solomon and Saturn 154b | lenġ? / Sē wiersa ne wāt || | on | weorold-rīċe / on his mǣġ-w |
Solomon and Saturn 155a | ne wāt || on weorold-rīċe / | on | his mǣġ-winum || māran ār |
Solomon and Saturn 161a | e·līċ. / Ōðer biþ unlǣde | on | eorðan, || ōðer biþ ēadi |
Solomon and Saturn 164a | þ || lȳtle hwīle, / swīceþ | on | þisse sīdan ġe·sċeafte | |
Solomon and Saturn 174a | mod || se þe a wile / geomrian | on | gihþe || se biþ gode fraco |
Solomon and Saturn 180b | earnes blǣdes, || ac sċeall | on | ġe·byrd faran / ān aefter ā |
Solomon and Saturn 182a | ‘Ac for·hwon nele mann him | on | ġuĝuþe || ġeorne ġe·wyr |
Solomon and Saturn 184a | pes || and dǣd-fruman, / wadan | on | wīsdōm, || winnan aefter sn |
Solomon and Saturn 186a | wyrsa ne wat || in woroldrice / | on | his mægwinum || maran are / sa |
Solomon and Saturn 189b | ēop ġe·sċeaft? || Ne mōt | on | dæġ restan, / nihtes nēðeþ |
Solomon and Saturn 194a | tir gelic / oþer biþ unlæde | on | eorþan || oþer biþ eadig / s |
Solomon and Saturn 197a | eofaþ || lytle hwile / swiceþ | on | þisse sidan gesceafte || and |
Solomon and Saturn 209b | ēap and ġēap, || stīġeþ | on | lenge, / clymmeþ on ġe·cyndu |
Solomon and Saturn 210a | stīġeþ on lenge, / clymmeþ | on | ġe·cyndu, || cunnaþ hwonne |
Solomon and Saturn 211a | || cunnaþ hwonne mōte / fȳr | on | his frumsċeaft || on fæder |
Solomon and Saturn 211b | te / fȳr on his frumsċeaft || | on | fæder ġeardas, / eft tō his |
Solomon and Saturn 214b | / bearnes blædes || ac sceall | on | gebyrd faran / an æfter anum | |
Solomon and Saturn 217a | || / ac forhwan nele monn him | on | giogoþe || georne gewyrcan / d |
Solomon and Saturn 219a | cipes || and dædfruman / wadan | on | wisdom || winnan æfter snytr |
Solomon and Saturn 222a | eadig eorl || eaþe geceosan / | on | his modsefan || mildne hlafor |
Solomon and Saturn 226b | ogeþ deop gesceaft || ne mot | on | dæg restan / neahtes neþyþ | |
Solomon and Saturn 227b | , / bōcum tō·brǣddon || and | on | bearm leġdon, / mæðel-cwidas |
Solomon and Saturn 245b | ’. / ‘Nolde gād ġeador || | on | Godes rīċe / ēadġes engles |
Solomon and Saturn 247b | aþ steap and geap || stigeþ | on | lenge / clymmeþ on gecyndo || |
Solomon and Saturn 248a | || stigeþ on lenge / clymmeþ | on | gecyndo || cunnaþ hwænne mo |
Solomon and Saturn 249a | o || cunnaþ hwænne mote / fyr | on | his frumsceaft || on fæder g |
Solomon and Saturn 249b | mote / fyr on his frumsceaft || | on | fæder geardas / eft to his eþ |
Solomon and Saturn 261a | ā þenden hīe lifdon / wunian | on | wielme, || wōp þrōwian, / h |
Solomon and Saturn 264a | || wintre be·þeahte, / wæter | on | sende || and wyrm-ġeardas, / a |
Solomon and Saturn 265b | / filistina witan || þonne we | on | geflitum sæton / bocum tobræd |
Solomon and Saturn 266b | æton / bocum tobræddon || and | on | bearm legdon / meþelcwidas men |
Solomon and Saturn 271a | hīe libbaþ’. / ‘Is þonne | on | þisse foldan || fīra ǣniġ |
Solomon and Saturn 279b | wille%; / grǣdiġ% grōwan || | on | Godes willan, / murnan metodes |
Solomon and Saturn 287b | d, / ōðer hine tyhteþ || and | on | teosu lǣreþ, / īeweþ him an |
Solomon and Saturn 291b | eofona rice || and him þonne | on | healfum sittan / tydran him mid |
Solomon and Saturn 293b | þonne feohteþ sē fēond || | on | fēower ġe·cynd, / oþ·þæt |
Solomon and Saturn 294b | þ·þæt hē ġe·wendeþ || | on | þā wiersan hand / dēofles d |
Solomon and Saturn 296b | æt sindon þa usic feohtaþ | on | / forþon is witena gehwam || w |
Solomon and Saturn 297b | e·wīteþ þonne wēpende || | on | weġ faran / enġel tō his ear |
Solomon and Saturn 314a | turnus cwæþ # || / is þonne | on | þisse foldan || fira ænig / e |
Solomon and Saturn 3b | æd / oþer hine tyhteþ || and | on | tæso læreþ / yweþ him and y |
Solomon and Saturn 9b | a þonne feohteþ se feond || | on | feower gecynd / oþþæt he gew |
Solomon and Saturn 10b | cynd / oþþæt he gewendeþ || | on | þa wyrsan hand / deofles dædu |
Solomon and Saturn 12b | æs willan wyrcþ || þe hine | on | woh spaneþ / gewiteþ þonne w |
Solomon and Saturn 13b | þ / gewiteþ þonne wepende || | on | weg faran / engel to his earde |
The Menologium 2a | æs acennyd || cyninga wuldor / | on | midne winter || mære þeoden |
The Menologium 3b | ære þeoden / ece ælmihtig || | on | þy eahteoþan dæg / hælend g |
The Menologium 8a | alend us || cymeþ geþincged / | on | þam ylcan dæge || us to tun |
The Menologium 14b | / hæleþ heaþurofe || hataþ | on | brytene / in foldan her || swyl |
The Menologium 15a | rōfe, || hātaþ on Brytene, / | on | foldan hēr. || Swelċe ymb% |
The Menologium 21b | es modor || forþan heo crist | on | þam dæge / bearn wealdendes | |
The Menologium 28a | ne gefræge / þæs þe lencten | on | tun || geliden hæfde / werum t |
The Menologium 39b | æðele sċynde / Greĝorius || | on | Godes wǣre, / brēme on Bryten |
The Menologium 40a | ius || on Godes wǣre, / brēme | on | Brytene. || Swelċe Benedictu |
The Menologium 43a | trang, || þone herġaþ wēl / | on | ġe·writum wīse, || wealden |
The Menologium 45a | te || swylce eac rimcræftige / | on | þa ylcan tiid || emniht heal |
The Menologium 47a | end god || worhte æt frymþe / | on | þy sylfan dæge || sunnan an |
The Menologium 56b | ergend sent / aprelis monaþ || | on | þam oftust cymþ / seo mære t |
The Menologium 65a | na rimes || ne drihtnes stige / | on | heofenas up || forþan þe hw |
The Menologium 67a | rdum || ac sceal wintrum frod / | on | circule || cræfte findan / hal |
The Menologium 75b | / bēn-tīd brēmu. || Swelċe | on | burh ræðe / ymbe% siex% niht% |
The Menologium 76b | be siex niht þæs || smicere | on | gearwum / wudum and wyrtum || c |
The Menologium 78a | eþ wlitig scriþan / þrymilce | on | tun || þearfe bringeþ / maius |
The Menologium 85a | an eadigre || æþelust beama / | on | þam þrowode || þeoden engl |
The Menologium 86b | gla / for manna lufan || meotud | on | galgan / be fæder leafe || swy |
The Menologium 97a | rīmes || þætte drihten nam / | on | ōðer lēoht || Aĝustinus, / |
The Menologium 98a | er leoht || agustinus / bliþne | on | breostum || þæs þe he on b |
The Menologium 98b | e on breostum || þæs þe he | on | brytene her / eaþmode him || e |
The Menologium 104b | an lare / bisceop bremran || nu | on | brytene rest / on cantwarum || |
The Menologium 105a | bremran || nu on brytene rest / | on | cantwarum || cynestole neah / m |
The Menologium 109a | ra liþa || us to tune / iunius | on | geard || on þam gim astihþ / |
The Menologium 109b | us to tune / iunius on geard || | on | þam gim astihþ / on heofenas |
The Menologium 110a | geard || on þam gim astihþ / | on | heofenas up || hyhst on geare |
The Menologium 110b | tihþ / on heofenas up || hyhst | on | geare / tungla torhtust || and |
The Menologium 117a | þēodnes dīerling, / Iohannes | on | ġeardaĝan || wearþ ā·cen |
The Menologium 119a | m eac || we þa tiid healdaþ / | on | midne sumor || mycles on æþ |
The Menologium 119b | daþ / on midne sumor || mycles | on | æþelum / wide is geweorþod | |
The Menologium 123b | las / þeodenholde || þrowedon | on | rome / ofer midne sumor || micc |
The Menologium 132b | | tidlice us / iulius monaþ || | on | þam iacobus / ymb feower niht |
The Menologium 134b | alde / and% twentiĝum, || trum | on | brēostum, / frōd and fæstrǣ |
The Menologium 138a | | sumere gebrihted / weodmonaþ | on | tun || welhwær bringeþ / agus |
The Menologium 143a | n || wela byþ geywed / fægere | on | foldan || þænne forþ gewat |
The Menologium 151a | suna sibbe || sigefæstne ham / | on | neorxnawange || hæfde nergen |
The Menologium 155b | ġe·weorðod / Bartholomeus || | on | Brytene hēr, / wyrd% wēl-þun |
The Menologium 173a | us his || tō metod-sċeafte, / | on | ēċne ġe·fēan. || Þonne |
The Menologium 177b | nd eorþan / heahengles tiid || | on | hærfeste / michaheles || swa |
The Menologium 182a | niht || þæt se teoþa monþ / | on | folc fereþ || frode geþeaht |
The Menologium 183a | þ || frode geþeahte / october | on | tun || us to genihte / winterfy |
The Menologium 189a | on nihtum || samod ætgædere / | on | anne dæg || we þa æþeling |
The Menologium 195a | || folce genihtsum / blotmonaþ | on | tun || beornum to wiste / nouem |
The Menologium 201a | þe sīþ oþþe ǣr / worhtan | on | weorolde || willan dryhtnes. / |
The Menologium 203a | wintres dæg || wide gangeþ / | on | syx nihtum || sigelbeortne ge |
The Menologium 212a | || þætte fan gode / besenctun | on | sægrund || sigefæstne wer / o |
The Menologium 213a | n sægrund || sigefæstne wer / | on | brime haran || þe iu beorna |
The Menologium 216b | ne leof / æþele andreas || up | on | roderum / his gast ageaf || on |
The Menologium 217b | on roderum / his gast ageaf || | on | godes wære / fus on forþweg | |
The Menologium 218a | t ageaf || on godes wære / fus | on | forþweg || þænne folcum br |
The Menologium 227b | æder engla / his sunu sende || | on | þas sidan gesceaft / folcum to |
The Menologium 231b | brytenricu / sexna cyninges || | on | þas sylfan tiid |
Maxims II 2b | þanc enta geweorc || þa þe | on | þysse eorþan syndon / wrætli |
Maxims II 3b | allstana geweorc || wind byþ | on | lyfte swiftust / þunar byþ þ |
Maxims II 16a | | and to beahgife / ellen sceal | on | eorle || ecg sceal wiþ hellm |
Maxims II 17b | / hilde gebidan || hafuc sceal | on | glofe / wilde gewunian || wulf |
Maxims II 18b | / wilde gewunian || wulf sceal | on | bearowe / earm anhaga || eofor |
Maxims II 19b | we / earm anhaga || eofor sceal | on | holte / toþmægenes trum || ti |
Maxims II 20b | oþmægenes trum || til sceal | on | eþle / domes wyrcean || daroþ |
Maxims II 21b | domes wyrcean || daroþ sceal | on | handa / gar golde fah || gim sc |
Maxims II 22b | da / gar golde fah || gim sceal | on | hringe / standan steap and geap |
Maxims II 23b | teap and geap || stream sceal | on | yþum / mencgan mereflode || m |
Maxims II 24b | cgan mereflode || mæst sceal | on | ceole / segelgyrd seomian || sw |
Maxims II 25b | lgyrd seomian || sweord sceal | on | bearme / drihtlic isern || drac |
Maxims II 26b | drihtlic isern || draca sceal | on | hlæwe / frod frætwum wlanc || |
Maxims II 27b | frætwum wlanc || fisc sceal | on | wætere / cynren cennan || cyni |
Maxims II 28b | cynren cennan || cyning sceal | on | healle / beagas dælan || bera |
Maxims II 29b | e / beagas dælan || bera sceal | on | hæþe / eald and egesfull || e |
Maxims II 32b | fæstra getrum || treow sceal | on | eorle / wisdom on were || wudu |
Maxims II 33a | | treow sceal on eorle / wisdom | on | were || wudu sceal on foldan / |
Maxims II 33b | / wisdom on were || wudu sceal | on | foldan / blædum blowan || beor |
Maxims II 34b | blædum blowan || beorh sceal | on | eorþan / grene standan || god |
Maxims II 35b | an / grene standan || god sceal | on | heofenum / dæda demend || duru |
Maxims II 36b | um / dæda demend || duru sceal | on | healle / rum recedes muþ || ra |
Maxims II 37b | um recedes muþ || rand sceal | on | scylde / fæst fingra gebeorh | |
Maxims II 39a | orh || fugel uppe sceal / lacan | on | lyfte || leax sceal on wæle / |
Maxims II 39b | / lacan on lyfte || leax sceal | on | wæle / mid sceote scriþan || |
Maxims II 40b | sceote scriþan || scur sceal | on | heofenum / winde geblanden || i |
Maxims II 41b | fonum, / winde ġe·blanden, || | on | þās weorold cuman. / Þēof s |
Maxims II 42b | ystrum wederum || þyrs sceal | on | fenne gewunian / ana innan land |
Maxims II 44b | ond gesecean || gif heo nelle | on | folce geþeon / þæt hi man be |
Maxims II 47b | firgenstreamas || feoh sceal | on | eorþan / tydran and tyman || t |
Maxims II 48b | ran and tyman || tungol sceal | on | heofenum / beorhte scinan || sw |
Maxims II 61a | er deaþdæge || domes bidaþ / | on | fæder fæþme || is seo for |
The Judgment Day II 4a | erburnan || swegdon and urnon / | on | middan gehæge || eal swa ic |
The Judgment Day II 6b | bleowon / innon ðam gemonge || | on | ænlicum wonge / and ða wudube |
The Judgment Day II 14b | / ðæs dimman cyme || deaðes | on | eorðan / ic ondræde me eac || |
The Judgment Day II 16b | miclan / for mandædum || minum | on | eorðan / and ðæt ece ic eac |
The Judgment Day II 22b | drihtnes / and ðara haligra || | on | heofonan rice / swylce earmscea |
The Judgment Day II 30b | id fyste / breost mine beate || | on | gebedstowe / and minne lichaman |
The Judgment Day II 31b | e / and minne lichaman || lecge | on | eorðan / and geearnade sar || |
The Judgment Day II 39a | ðær owiht || inne ne belife / | on | heortscræfe || heanra gylta / |
The Judgment Day II 54b | e mid criste wæs || cwylmed | on | rode / hu micel forstent || and |
The Judgment Day II 57a | nna and gylta / se sceaða wæs | on | rode || scyldig and manful / mi |
The Judgment Day II 77a | || eces deman / hwæt ligst ðu | on | horwe || leahtrum afylled / fl |
The Judgment Day II 87b | e sylfum demst || for synnum | on | eorðan / ne heofenes god || he |
The Judgment Day II 92a | || gearugne timan / gemyne eac | on | mode || hu micel is ðæt wit |
The Judgment Day II 98b | / and cristes cyme || cyðað | on | eorðan / eall eorðe bifað || |
The Judgment Day II 108b | seo sunne forswyrcð || sona | on | morgen / ne se mona næfð || n |
The Judgment Day II 118a | sigelbeorht || swegles brytta / | on | heahsetle || helme beweorðod |
The Judgment Day II 131a | mes cnosl || eorðbuendra / ðe | on | foldan wearð || feded æfre / |
The Judgment Day II 136b | sweotolude / digle geðancas || | on | ðære dægtide / eal ðæt seo |
The Judgment Day II 140a | annes hand || manes gefremede / | on | ðystrum scræfum || ðinga o |
The Judgment Day II 140b | n ðystrum scræfum || ðinga | on | eorðan / eal ðæt hwæne scea |
The Judgment Day II 141b | æt hwæne sceamode || scylda | on | worulde / ðæt he ænigum men |
The Judgment Day II 175b | ast / eal arleas heap || yfeles | on | wenan / hwæt dest ðu la flæs |
The Judgment Day II 177a | reogest ðu nu / hwæt miht ðu | on | ða tid || ðearfe gewepan / wa |
The Judgment Day II 179b | ulde / and her glæd leofast || | on | galnysse / and ðe mid stiðum |
The Judgment Day II 188a | on || spellum areccan / ænegum | on | eorðan || earmlice witu / full |
The Judgment Day II 189b | ice witu / fulle stowa || fyres | on | grunde / ðe wæs in grimmum || |
The Judgment Day II 190b | / ðe wæs in grimmum || susle | on | helle / ðær synt to sorge || |
The Judgment Day II 190a | || fȳres on grunde, / þe wæs | on | grimmum || sūsle on helle. / |
The Judgment Day II 198a | e gewrixl || earmsceapene men / | on | worulda woruld || wendað ð |
The Judgment Day II 215b | d / for hwi fyrngende flæsc || | on | ðas frecnan tid / hym selfum s |
The Judgment Day II 217a | a || synna geworhte / ðæt hit | on | cweartern || cwylmed wurde / ð |
The Judgment Day II 230b | nd ðær synnge eac || sauwle | on | lige / on blindum scræfe || by |
The Judgment Day II 231a | synnge eac || sauwle on lige / | on | blindum scræfe || byrnað an |
The Judgment Day II 239b | lc gælsa / scyldig scyndan || | on | sceade ðonne / and se earma fl |
The Judgment Day II 241b | p / sleac mid sluman || slincan | on | hinder / ðonne blindum beseah |
The Judgment Day II 243a | beseah || biterum ligum / earme | on | ende || ðæt unalyfed is nu / |
The Judgment Day II 244a | ðæt unalyfed is nu / leofest | on | life || lað bið ðænne / and |
The Judgment Day II 248a | esælig || and ofersælig / and | on | worulda woruld || wihta gesæ |
The Judgment Day II 251b | forbugon / and samod bliðe || | on | woruld ealle / his ðeodne geð |
The Judgment Day II 278a | ð || and freolice lufað / and | on | heofonsetle || hean geregnað |
The Judgment Day II 284b | beoð geðeode || ðeodscipum | on | gemang / betwyx heahfæderas || |
The Judgment Day II 294a | ðe us || frean acende / metod | on | moldan || meowle seo clæne / |
The Judgment Day II 301b | wæt mæg beon heardes || her | on | life / gif ðu wille secgan || |
The Judgment Day II 304b | am werode / eardian unbleoh || | on | ecnesse / and on upcundra || ea |
The Judgment Day II 305a | ian unbleoh || on ecnesse / and | on | upcundra || eadegum setlum / br |
The Rewards of Piety 4a | eadmod || and ælmesgeorn / wis | on | wordum || and wæccan lufa / on |
The Rewards of Piety 5a | on wordum || and wæccan lufa / | on | hyge halgum || on ðas hwilwe |
The Rewards of Piety 5b | æccan lufa / on hyge halgum || | on | ðas hwilwendan tid / bliðe mo |
The Rewards of Piety 15a | oðfæstan || sauwle to reste / | on | ða uplican || eadignesse / wyr |
The Rewards of Piety 17b | ðe dæda / hafa metodes ege || | on | gemang symle / ðæt is witodli |
The Rewards of Piety 23a | nde || eall gesylle / ðæt ðu | on | eorðan || ær gestryndes / god |
The Rewards of Piety 34b | s lac / gumena gehwylces || ðe | on | god gelyfð / ceapa ðe mid æh |
The Rewards of Piety 53b | wisan / nearwe geðancas || ðe | on | niht becumað / synlustas forof |
The Rewards of Piety 63a | e most || lifes brucan / eardes | on | eðle || swa ðu ær dydest / b |
The Rewards of Piety 71b | re ðe / digollice || ðæt ðu | on | dægred oft / ymbe ðinre sauwl |
The Rewards of Piety 79a | ceosan / ðænne scealt ðu hit | on | eorðan || ær geðencan / and |
The Rewards of Piety 82a | as || ealle forlætan / ðe ðu | on | ðis life ær || lufedest and |
A Summons to Prayer 5a | / saule ðinre || / geunne ðe | on | life || [auctor pacis] / sibbe |
A Summons to Prayer 9a | ðfæsta || [summi filius] / fo | on | fultum || [factor cosmi] / se o |
The Lord's Prayer II 2a | der || ealles wealdend / cyninc | on | wuldre || forðam we clypiað |
The Lord's Prayer II 9a | rh ðine soðan miht / ðu eart | on | heofonum || hiht and frofor / b |
The Lord's Prayer II 41b | e / æðele and ece || ðar ðu | on | sittest / on sinre swiðran hea |
The Lord's Prayer II 42a | nd ece || ðar ðu on sittest / | on | sinre swiðran healf || ðu e |
The Lord's Prayer II 51a | ðrym || anre stæfne / swa ðe | on | heofonum || heahðrymnesse / æ |
The Lord's Prayer II 60a | d willa || ðu gewurðod eart / | on | heofonrice || heah casere / and |
The Lord's Prayer II 61a | heofonrice || heah casere / and | on | eorðan || ealra cyninga / help |
The Lord's Prayer II 65b | tosyndrodest hig || siððan | on | manega / sealdest ælcre gecynd |
The Lord's Prayer II 73a | ðines fæder rice / ðæt wæs | on | fruman || fægere gegearwod / e |
The Lord's Prayer II 78b | od gebig / ðanc and ðeawas || | on | ðin gewil / bewyrc us on heort |
The Lord's Prayer II 79a | as || on ðin gewil / bewyrc us | on | heortan || haligne gast / fæst |
The Lord's Prayer II 80a | eortan || haligne gast / fæste | on | innan || and us fultum sile / |
The Lord's Prayer II 83b | tyreadig cyningc / sawle ure || | on | ðines silfes hand / forgif us |
The Lord's Prayer II 85b | eft / drihten ure || ðonne ðu | on | dome sitst / and ealle men || u |
The Lord's Prayer II 91b | að / eal ðæt we geworhton || | on | worldrice / betere and wyrse || |
The Lord's Prayer II 97a | lle world / ðar man us tyhhað | on | dæg || twegen eardas / drihten |
The Lord's Prayer II 99b | hwaðer we geearniað || her | on | life / ða hwile ðe ure mihta |
The Lord's Prayer II 105a | ðu ne læt || laðe beswican / | on | costunga || cwellan and bærn |
The Lord's Prayer II 112a | heanlice || ðin handgeweorc / | on | endedæge || eal forwurðan / a |
The Lord's Prayer II 119a | || ofer ealle ðingc / ðu miht | on | anre hand || eaðe befealdan / |
The Lord's Prayer II 123b | / swa ðu eart gewurðod || a | on | worlda forð |
The Gloria I 7b | d and wolcna || wealdest eall | on | riht / ðu eart frofra fæder | |
The Gloria I 14a | er || and halig gast / swa wæs | on | fruman || frea mancynnes / ealr |
The Gloria I 20a | | and ealle ðing / ðu settest | on | foldan || swyðe feala cynna / |
The Gloria I 21b | tosyndrodost hig || syððon | on | mænego / ðu gewrohtest ece go |
The Gloria I 23a | st ece god || ealle gesceafta / | on | syx dagum || and on ðone seo |
The Gloria I 23b | gesceafta / on syx dagum || and | on | ðone seofoðan ðu gerestest |
The Gloria I 30a | an || and ðæs hehstan gebod / | on | drihtnes namon || se dæg is |
The Gloria I 39a | aneard || and we men cweðað / | on | grunde her || gode lof and ð |
The Gloria I 41a | illa || and ðin agen dom / and | on | worulda woruld || wunað and |
The Gloria I 52b | ġe·cynd || þū eart cyning | on | riht, / clǣne and cræftiġ. | |
The Gloria I 53b | ne gecynd || ðu eart cyning | on | riht / clæne and cræftig || |
The Gloria I 56a | god || man geworhtest / and him | on | dydest || oruð and sawul / sea |
The Lord's Prayer III 2b | idde / halig drihten || ðu ðe | on | heofonum eart / ðæt sy gehalg |
The Lord's Prayer III 5a | ū þā, || nerġende Crīst, / | on | ūrum ferhþ-locan || fæste |
The Lord's Prayer III 8b | ma, / and þīn ġe·lēafa || | on | līf-dæġe / on ūrum mōde || |
The Lord's Prayer III 9a | d ðin geleafa || in lifdæge / | on | urum mode || mære ðurhwunig |
The Lord's Prayer III 11a | a mid us || weorðe gelæsted / | on | eardunge || eorðan rices / swa |
The Lord's Prayer III 12b | n rīċes, / swā hlūtor is || | on | heofon-wuldre, / wynnum ġe·wl |
The Lord's Prayer III 17a | onsendest || sawlum to hæle / | on | middaneard || manna cynnes / ð |
The Lord's Prayer III 23b | swa we forlætað || leahtras | on | eorðan / ðam ðe wið us || o |
The Lord's Prayer III 27b | Ne lǣd þū ūs tō wīte || | on | wēan sorĝe / ne on costunge, |
The Lord's Prayer III 28a | wīte || on wēan sorĝe / ne | on | costunge, || Crīst nerġende |
The Lord's Prayer III 32b | / fēonda ġe·hwelċes; || we | on | ferhþ-locan, / þēoden engla, |
The Creed 1b | Creed / / ælmihtig fæder || up | on | rodore / ðe ða sciran gesceaf |
The Creed 9a | egu canst || mærra tungla / ic | on | sunu ðinne || soðne gelyfe / |
The Creed 24b | s / ðæt acenned wæs || crist | on | eorðan / ða se pontisca || pi |
The Creed 28a | deora frea || deað ðrowade / | on | gealgan stah || gumena drihte |
The Creed 56a | st || ealra getreowe / flæsces | on | foldan || on ða forhtan tid / |
The Creed 56b | etreowe / flæsces on foldan || | on | ða forhtan tid / ðær ðu ece |
Fragment of Psalm 121 1a | gment of Psalm 121 / / # / sy ðe | on | ðinum mægne sib || mæst an |
Fragment of Psalm 121 2a | sib || mæst and fyrmest / and | on | ðinum torrum wese || tidum g |
Fragment of Psalm 139 1b | 9 / / # / genere me wið niðe || | on | naman ðinum / fram yfelum men |
Fragment of Psalm 140 1a | Fragment of Psalm 140 / / # / sy | on | ðinre gesihðe || mines sylf |
Fragment of Psalm 24 1a | apas eac gelær / / # / gerece me | on | ræde || and me ricene gelær |
Fragment of Psalm 24 2a | and me ricene gelær / ðæt ic | on | ðinre soðfæstnysse || simb |
Fragment of Psalm 27 3b | sa / rece ðu heo swylce || and | on | riht ahefe / ðæt hi on woruld |
Fragment of Psalm 27 4a | || and on riht ahefe / ðæt hi | on | worulde || wynnum lifigen |
Fragment of Psalm 32 2b | / wel ofer us || swa we wenað | on | ðe |
Fragment of Psalm 34 2a | cyld || and me georne gestand / | on | fultume || wið feonda gryre / |
Fragment of Psalm 34 5a | || sawle minre / ðæt ðu hire | on | hæle || hold gestode |
Fragment of Psalm 40 3a | e hreoweð nu / ðæt ic firene | on | ðe || fremede geneahhige |
Fragment of Psalm 5 1b | / / # / ic ðe æt stande || ær | on | morgen / and ðe sylfne geseo | |
Fragment of Psalm 50 3a | and rihtne gast || god geniwa / | on | minre gehigde || huru min dri |
Fragment of Psalm 50 3a | yne || æfre to feore / ne huru | on | weg aber || ðone halgan gast |
Fragment of Psalm 50 3a | e ealdorlice || æðele gaste / | on | ðinne willan getryme || wero |
Fragment of Psalm 53 1a | # Fragment of Psalm 53 / / # / | on | ðinum ðam halgan naman || g |
Fragment of Psalm 58 3b | fram laðum || ðe me lungre | on | / risan willað || nymðe ðu m |
Fragment of Psalm 60 3a | gehat || her agylde / of dæge | on | dæg || swa hit gedefe wese |
Fragment of Psalm 64 2a | od || ðu eart hiht ealra / ðe | on | ðisse eorðan || utan syndon |
Fragment of Psalm 89 2a | scealcas || swæsum eagum / and | on | ðin agen weorc || ece drihte |
The Kentish Hymn 5b | uldor / uppe mid ænglum || and | on | eorðan sibb / gumena gehwilcum |
The Kentish Hymn 13a | hten || gastes mæhtum / hafest | on | gewealdum || hiofen and eorð |
The Kentish Hymn 18b | and manna / ðu dryhten god || | on | dreamum wunast / on ðære uppl |
The Kentish Hymn 19a | hten god || on dreamum wunast / | on | ðære upplican || æðelan c |
The Kentish Hymn 29a | || ðriostre senna / ðæt ðu | on | hæahsetle || heafena rices / s |
The Kentish Hymn 30b | a rices / sitest sigehræmig || | on | ða swiðran hand / ðinum godf |
The Kentish Hymn 40a | || crist nergende / forðan ðu | on | ðrymme ricsast || and on ðr |
The Kentish Hymn 40b | ðu on ðrymme ricsast || and | on | ðrinesse / and on annesse || e |
The Kentish Hymn 41a | csast || and on ðrinesse / and | on | annesse || ealles waldend / hio |
The Kentish Hymn 43b | stes / fæġere ġe·felled || | on | fæder wuldre. |
Psalm 50 5a | || hearpera mǣrost / þāra we | on | folcum || ġe·friġen hæbbe |
Psalm 50 12a | eaftig || ðonne cumbulgebrec / | on | gewinndagum || weorðan scold |
Psalm 50 40a | || geltas geclansa / ða ðe ic | on | aldre || æfre gefremede / ður |
Psalm 50 60a | ynna cynn || saula neriend / ic | on | unrihtum || eac ðan in synnu |
Psalm 50 60b | nd. / Iċ on unrihtum || ēac þ | on | on synnum / ġe·ēacnod wæs. |
Psalm 50 63a | ōdor ġe·bær / on sċame and | on | sċyldum; || for·ġief mē, |
Psalm 50 79a | n gehernes || hehtful weorðe / | on | gefean bliðse || forðweard |
Psalm 50 80a | orðweard to ðe / ðanne bioð | on | wenne || waldend simle / ða ge |
Psalm 50 82a | ban || bilwit dominus / ða ðe | on | hænðum ær || hwile wæron / |
Psalm 50 89a | ten Crīst, || clǣne heortan / | on | mē, mehtiġ God, || mōd-sw |
Psalm 50 93a | ne gāst, || rodera wealdend, / | on | ferhþe mīnum || fæste ġe |
Psalm 50 110a | ċan sċoldon%. / Be·frēo mē | on | ferhþe, || fæder mann-cynne |
Psalm 50 138a | nna || hio ðæt halige cealf / | on | wigbed ðin || willum asetta |
Psalm 50 142a | lan || saule wunde / ða ðe ic | on | ælde || uel on giogeðe / in f |
Psalm 50 142b | de / ða ðe ic on ælde || uel | on | giogeðe / in flæschaman || ge |
Psalm 50 143a | n ælde || wēl% on ġuĝuþe / | on | flǣsċ-haman% || ġe·fremed |
Psalm 50 153a | mede || ingeðance / ða ðe he | on | ferðe || gefræmed hæfde / ga |
Psalm 50 157a | e·earnian || ēċe drēamas / | on | libbendra || landes wenne. || |
The Gloria II 2a | mynt || wereda drihten / fæder | on | foldan || fægere gemæne / mid |
A Prayer 11b | rminge / se byð earming || ðe | on | eorðan her / dæiges and nihte |
A Prayer 16b | swyce / se byð eadig || se ðe | on | eorðan her / dæiges and nyhte |
A Prayer 29a | ealle || eorðbugende / swilce | on | heofonum up || ðu eart hæle |
A Prayer 35b | en / ne ðeah engla werod || up | on | heofenum / snotra tosomne || s |
A Prayer 45b | nd / ðu eart se æðela || ðe | on | ærdagum / ealra femnena wyn || |
A Prayer 47a | femnena wyn || fægere acende / | on | bethleem ðære byrig || beor |
A Prayer 49b | bearnum / ðam ðe gelyfað || | on | lyfiendne god / and on ðæt ec |
A Prayer 50a | yfað || on lyfiendne god / and | on | ðæt ece leoht || uppe on ro |
A Prayer 50b | nd on ðæt ece leoht || uppe | on | roderum / ðyn mægen ys swa m |
A Prayer 57a | ælmihtig god / ðæt ic gelyfe | on | ðe || leofa hælend / ðæt ð |
A Prayer 77a | d englum || up siðian / sittan | on | swegle || / herian heofonas go |
Thureth 6a | mihta gehwylcre / ðæs ðe he | on | foldan || gefremian mæg / and |
Thureth 8a | | ðeoda waldend / ðæs ðe he | on | gemynde || madma manega / wyle |
Thureth 11a | || ealle findan / ðæs ðe he | on | foldan || fremað to ryhte |
Aldhelm 4a | eop || [etiam fuit] / [ipselos] | on | æðele || angolsexna / byscop |
Aldhelm 5a | æðele || angolsexna / byscop | on | bretene || biblos ic nu sceal |
Aldhelm 9b | ymle wæs / [euthenia] || oftor | on | fylste / æne on eðle || ec ð |
Aldhelm 10a | enia] || oftor on fylste / æne | on | eðle || ec ðon ðe se is / yf |
Aldhelm 11a | le || ec ðon ðe se is / yfel | on | gesæd || [Etiam nusquam] / ne |
Aldhelm 15b | his mōdes ġe·mynd || micro | on | cosmo, / þæt him drihten ġie |
Aldhelm 16b | t him drihten gyfe || dinams | on | eorðan / [fortis factor] || ð |
The Seasons for Fasting 1a | The Seasons for Fasting / / wæs | on | ealddagum || israheala folc / |
The Seasons for Fasting 4b | frea / heofna heahcyning || her | on | life / ðurh his sylfes word || |
The Seasons for Fasting 11a | and ða hæleð samod / swa hie | on | leodscipe || lærede wæron / g |
The Seasons for Fasting 18a | ægena || ðe sio mære ðeod / | on | ðam herescype || heold and w |
The Seasons for Fasting 22a | e besyredon || sylfne dryhten / | on | beam setton || and to byrgenn |
The Seasons for Fasting 26a | gehyrdon || hæleða mænige / | on | bocstafum || breman and writa |
The Seasons for Fasting 38b | lled / womme gewesed || ac scal | on | wyrd sceacan / nu we herian sce |
The Seasons for Fasting 42a | mesdædum || ure gefyllan / and | on | fæstenum || swa se froda iu / |
The Seasons for Fasting 45b | / swa hie gebrefde us || beorn | on | rome / gregorius || gumena papa |
The Seasons for Fasting 48a | rme sceolan || fæsten heowan / | on | ðære ærestan || wucan leng |
The Seasons for Fasting 49a | e ærestan || wucan lengtenes / | on | ðam monðe || ðe man martiu |
The Seasons for Fasting 52b | m dihte% / rūna ġe·rǣdan || | on | þæs rīċan hofe, / heofona h |
The Seasons for Fasting 58a | um lofe || ðe gelesen hafað / | on | ðære wucan || ðe æfter cu |
The Seasons for Fasting 61a | enes dæg || preostas nemnað / | on | ðam monðe || ðæs ðe me |
The Seasons for Fasting 64a | e || ðinga gehwelces / fæsten | on | foldan || fyra bearnum / dihte |
The Seasons for Fasting 65b | fyra bearnum / dihte gelicum || | on | ðam deoran hofe / to brymenne |
The Seasons for Fasting 67a | to brymenne || beorhtum sange / | on | ðære wucan || ðe ærur by |
The Seasons for Fasting 69a | nihtes dæge || ælda beornum / | on | ðam monðe || mine gefræge / |
The Seasons for Fasting 72a | sceolen || fæsten gelæstan / | on | ðære wucan || ðe bið æru |
The Seasons for Fasting 75a | nd weorcum || wuldres cyninge / | on | þā īlcan tīd || eallum ġ |
The Seasons for Fasting 79a | e leoda frean || lifes biddan / | on | ðissum fæstenum || is se fe |
The Seasons for Fasting 83b | mb ða nigoðan tyd || nan is | on | eorðan / butan hine unhæl || |
The Seasons for Fasting 89a | | ðæt ðu gebann sceole / her | on | eorðan || ænig healdan / ðæ |
The Seasons for Fasting 107b | e goda / mære moyses || ær he | on | munt styge / he ðæt fæsten h |
The Seasons for Fasting 121a | t helias || eorl se mæra / him | on | westene || wiste geðigede / ð |
The Seasons for Fasting 127a | || swa he nahtes anbat / ær he | on | horeb dun || hali ferde / uton |
The Seasons for Fasting 130b | fde / to astigenne || stæppon | on | ypplen / ær him ðæt symbel w |
The Seasons for Fasting 132a | || seald fram engle / we sint | on | westene || wuldres blisse / on |
The Seasons for Fasting 133a | on westene || wuldres blisse / | on | ðæm ænete || ealra gefeana |
The Seasons for Fasting 141a | fæstan swa || fyrene dædum / | on | forhæfenesse || her for life |
The Seasons for Fasting 147b | ower mærum / wlangum wicgum || | on | weg ferede / on neorxnawong || |
The Seasons for Fasting 148a | angum wicgum || on weg ferede / | on | neorxnawong || ðær us nerge |
The Seasons for Fasting 158b | g / leodum to lare || ðæt hie | on | lengten sceolan / efen feowerti |
The Seasons for Fasting 161a | tude ðær || cristes gewinna / | on | ðæm ænete || eald and fræ |
The Seasons for Fasting 165a | stræla his || stellan mihte / | on | ðam lichoman || næs ðæs l |
The Seasons for Fasting 166a | || næs ðæs leahtra nan / ac | on | hinder gewat || hearmes brytt |
The Seasons for Fasting 173a | æfð || manes æt egum / ac he | on | hinder scrið || and ðe hali |
The Seasons for Fasting 186a | æghwamlice || dryhten biddan / | on | ðam fæstenne || ðæt he fr |
The Seasons for Fasting 194a | acerdos || sylfe ne gyltan / ne | on | leahtrum hiora || ligegen to |
The Seasons for Fasting 213a | wyle || folces manna / sona hie | on | mergan || mæssan syngað / and |
The Seasons for Fasting 222a | f || healdað ða ilcan / wisan | on | worulde || and ne wigliað / hw |
The Metrical Preface to the Pastoral Care 11a | rðum gefrægost / siððan min | on | englisc || ælfred cyning / awe |
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 3b | wæð ðæt he wolde || ðæt | on | worulde forð / of ðæm innoð |
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 5b | ndu / wætru fleowen || ðe wel | on | hine / gelifden under lyfte || |
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 8a | wæterscipes || welsprynge is / | on | hefonrice || ðæt is halig g |
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 11b | rdon / ðurh halga bec || hider | on | eorðan / geond manna mod || mi |
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 13b | ssenlice / sume hine weriað || | on | gewitlocan / wisdomes stream || |
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 15a | | welerum gehæftað / ðæt he | on | unnyt || ut ne tofloweð / ac s |
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 16b | ofloweð / ac se wæl wunað || | on | weres breostum / ðurh dryhtnes |
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 2a | ]e þe mē rǣdan þance, / hē | on | mē findan mæ[], || ġif hin |
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 6a | ðar byð a hyht and wyn / blis | on | burgum || ðam ðe bearn gode |
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 17a | e ðe ðas boc begeat / ðe ðu | on | ðinum handum nu || hafast an |
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 19a | pe bidde / ðe heora gemynd her | on | || gemearcude siendon / and ð |
The Metrical Epilogue to MS. 41, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge 9b | ld / rodera waldend || ðæt he | on | riht mote / oð his daga ende | |
Metrical Charm 1: For Unfruitful Land 1b | hattæ seo burh || ðe crist | on | geboren wes / seo is gemærsod |
Metrical Charm 1: For Unfruitful Land 2a | r hwelċ un-ġe·dēfe þinġ | on | ġe·dōn biþ || / on drȳ o |
Metrical Charm 1: For Unfruitful Land 3a | n lybb-lǣce. Ġe·nim þonne | on | niht, ǣr hit || / daĝie, fē |
Metrical Charm 10: For Loss of Cattle 3b | hattæ seo burh || ðe Crist | on | geboren wes, / seo is gemærsod |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 1a | # A Journey Charm / / ic me | on | ðisse gyrde beluce || and on |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 1b | on ðisse gyrde beluce || and | on | godes helde bebeode / wið ðan |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 5b | wiþ eall þæt lāþ || þe | on | tō land fære. / Siġe-ġealdo |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 35a | ne || smylte and lihte / windas | on | waroðum || windas gefran / cir |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 38a | reond ic gemete wið / ðæt ic | on | ðæs ælmihtgian frið || wu |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 40a | am laðan || se me lyfes eht / | on | engla blæd || gestaðelod / an |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 42a | heofna rices / ða hwile ðe ic | on | ðis life || wunian mote / amen |
Metrical Charm 12: Against a Wen 8b | ornie / clinge ðu || alswa col | on | heorðe / scring ðu || alswa s |
Metrical Charm 12: Against a Wen 10b | age / and weorne || alswa weter | on | anbre / swa litel ðu gewurðe |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 14b | tune hætte ðeos wyrt || heo | on | stane geweox / stond heo wið a |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 33b | ða ða næddran || ðæt heo | on | nigun tofleah / ðær geændade |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 35b | / ðæt heo næfre ne wolde || | on | hus bugan / fille and finule || |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 38a | esceop || witig drihten / halig | on | heofonum || ða he hongode / se |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 39b | e hongode / sette and sænde || | on | seofun worulde / earmum and ead |
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 2a | iderwiht / hæfde him his haman | on | handa || cwæð ðæt ðu his |
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 5a | , man sċeall singan, ǣrest | on | þæt wynstre || / ēare, þon |
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 6a | æt wynstre || / ēare, þonne | on | þæt swīðre ēare, þonne |
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 7a | ān mædenman tō and ho hit | on | || / his swēoran, and dō man |
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 9a | biþ sona sēl. || / Hēr cōm | on | gangan, || on spiderwiht%, / h |
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 9b | . || / Hēr cōm on gangan, || | on | spiderwiht%, / hæfde him his h |
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 10a | erwiht%, / hæfde him his haman | on | handa, || cwæþ þæt þū h |
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 2a | nwyxð, and weġ-brāde; wyll | on | buteran. || / Hlūde wǣran h |
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 17b | worhton. / Ūt, spere, || næs | on, | spere. / Ġif hēr inne sīe || |
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 18a | sceal gemyltan / gif ðu wære | on | fell scoten || oððe wære o |
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 18b | n fell scoten || oððe wære | on | flæsc scoten / oððe wære on |
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 19a | on flæsc scoten / oððe wære | on | blod scoten || / oððe wære |
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 20a | blod scoten || / oððe wære | on | lið scoten || næfre ne sy |
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 20b | fell sċoten || oþþe wǣre | on | flǣsċ sċoten / oþþe wǣre |
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 21a | flǣsċ sċoten / oþþe wǣre | on | blōd sċoten || / oþþe wǣr |
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 22a | lōd sċoten || / oþþe wǣre | on | līþ sċoten, || nǣfre ne s |
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 25b | n wille helpan / fleoh ðær || | on | fyrgenheafde / hal westu || hel |
Metrical Charm 5: For Loss of Cattle 1b | hatte seo buruh || ðe crist | on | acænned wæs / seo is gemærso |
Metrical Charm 5: For Loss of Cattle 3b | tte sēo buruh || þe Crīst | on | ā·cenned wæs, / sēo is ġe |
Metrical Charm 6: For Delayed Birth 8a | d hēo tō hire hlāforde || / | on | ræste gā, þonne cweðe hē |
Metrical Charm 7: For the Water-Elf Disease 1a | r-Elf Disease / / Ġif mann biþ | on | wæter-ælf-ādle, þonne bē |
Metrical Charm 7: For the Water-Elf Disease 6b | ce ðe ðon ma || ðe eorðan | on | eare ace |
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 3a | / and iċ ġe·þōhte Crīst | on | rōde ā·hangen; swā iċ þ |
Instructions for Christians 8b | bede; / þridde is leornung || | on | lifes æ; / seo feorða is þ |
Instructions for Christians 21b | cas. / Ne synd þa þrowunga || | on | þissera weorulda / monna æni |
Instructions for Christians 23b | eorð / ðe us gegearcod is || | on | Godes riche, / ac lytle hwile |
Instructions for Christians 24b | des riche, / ac lytle hwile || | on | þissere leana dagum / witena |
Instructions for Christians 36b | is idelnisse || þæt þu her | on | locest, / and eal þæt þu he |
Instructions for Christians 42a | | þam ðe hit georna lufað / | on | þam ende-dæge || mid ęce w |
Instructions for Christians 52a | his wita onleoht / her oððe | on | helle, || oððe huru siðða |
Instructions for Christians 53a | lle, || oððe huru siððan / | on | domes dæge || þurh drihtnes |
Instructions for Christians 57b | æfre ða / ealmihtig Godd || | on | us syððan. / Se ðe æfter sy |
Instructions for Christians 61a | licost || swylc swa he wære / | on | mægðhade || metode to willa |
Instructions for Christians 66b | c þæm ðe wællað lufæ || | on | wisdome, / he hit mid þam mod |
Instructions for Christians 71b | re bið þe dusige, || gif he | on | breostum can / his unwisdom || |
Instructions for Christians 77a | gnes unne, / þe læs hit þe | on | ende || eft gereowe / æfter d |
Instructions for Christians 84b | fyligeð / halgum bocum || her | on | worulde, / heo ðone gelæredo |
Instructions for Christians 102b | / mid gastlicum gifum, || God | on | heofonum, / þæt he for his e |
Instructions for Christians 108a | æt bið siððan gereht / eft | on | ænglisc, || þæt he eallum |
Instructions for Christians 121a | n, || þeah he heah-gestreon / | on | eorð-rice || age mycelne / go |
Instructions for Christians 123b | odes fele / to habbanne || her | on | weorulde. / Ac we sculon gemuna |
Instructions for Christians 128a | gan || for heora woruld-rice / | on | heora mod-sefan || men oferse |
Instructions for Christians 139a | | æðeles kynnes, / geþungen | on | þeod-land; || þeah hwaðere |
Instructions for Christians 140a | þeah hwaðere drihten heora / | on | ælcere tide || bena gehyrda. |
Instructions for Christians 143a | e ne bið || sylfe beleapen / | on | þes feos lufan || mid feonde |
Instructions for Christians 145b | gehwilcum / to habbanne || her | on | weorlde; / mid þam bið þe e |
Instructions for Christians 151a | ghwylc man || ælne swincan / | on | swylcum cræfte || swa him Cr |
Instructions for Christians 165a | þu sige-drihten / mid cræfte | on | gecampe || gecweman þæncest |
Instructions for Christians 174b | forlæt / drihtnes þancas || | on | his dæg-rime / swa maran þæ |
Instructions for Christians 178a | æst earfeðu / þæt him bið | on | ende || ealra leofest, / ac hi |
Instructions for Christians 182a | aht ne bið || ærfoðlices / | on | þam earnungum, || ne bið þ |
Instructions for Christians 183a | e bið þær æfre þonne ma / | on | eadleanum || eht deor-wurðes |
Instructions for Christians 203a | , || ac he symle mæg / wunian | on | þem wicum || ðe he wunode |
Instructions for Christians 222a | ge þines gastes, / hu heo ðe | on | com || oððe hwær heo æror |
Instructions for Christians 223a | hwær heo æror was, / oððe | on | hwylce sealo || heo sceal heo |
Instructions for Christians 228b | eac ælra þæra || þe ðær | on | wuniað. / Wisdom is leoht || w |
Instructions for Christians 230b | ghwilcum / to habbanne || her | on | weoruldæ. / Hit sceal beon on |
Instructions for Christians 236a | | þæt wurde laford god / eft | on | ylde, || se ðe ær ne was / G |
Instructions for Christians 237b | ne was / Gode oððe monnum || | on | iugoð þeowa, / ne huru on yl |
Instructions for Christians 238a | || on iugoð þeowa, / ne huru | on | ylde || æfre gewurðan / wel |
Instructions for Christians 240a | þeignod, || þonne wolde ær / | on | his tale mette || tale wel þ |
Instructions for Christians 248a | in mod || geornlicę healden / | on | æighwylce timan || fram ælc |
Godric's Prayer 2 5b | e. / Crist and Seinte Marie sio | on | scamel me iledde / thæt ic on |
Godric's Prayer 2 6b | on scamel me iledde / thæt ic | on | this hi erthe ne sciulde uuit |
Grave 11b | roste ful neh. / Swa ðu scealt | on | molde wunien ful calde, Dimme |
Grave 12b | and deorcæ. / þet den fulæt | on | honde. / Dureleas is þet hus a |
The Battle of Finnsburh 11b | bbaþ eowre linda || hicgeaþ | on | ellen / winnaþ on orde || wesa |
The Battle of Finnsburh 12a | || hicgeaþ on ellen / winnaþ | on | orde || wesaþ onmode / þa ara |
The Battle of Finnsburh 12b | innaþ% || on orde, || wesaþ | on | mōde’. / Þā ā·rās mani |
The Battle of Finnsburh 17b | nd hengest sylf || hwearf him | on | laste / þa gyt garulf || guþe |
The Battle of Finnsburh 28a | o me || secean wylle / þa wæs | on | healle || wælslihta gehlyn / s |
The Battle of Finnsburh 29b | / sceolde cellod bord || cenum | on | handa / banhelm berstan || buru |
The Battle of Finnsburh 43b | þa gewat him wund hæleþ || | on | wæg gangan / sæde þæt his b |
Waldere, Fragment II 2a | þam anum || þe ic eac hafa / | on | stanfate || stille gehided / ic |
Waldere, Fragment II 11a | e || wiga ellenrof / hæfde him | on | handa || hildefrofre / guþbill |
Waldere, Fragment II 17a | | hare byrnan / standeþ me her | on | eaxelum || ælfheres laf / god |
Waldere B 3a | ðam anum || ðe ic eac hafa / | on | stanfate || stille gehided. / I |
Waldere B 12a | || wiga ellenrof, / hæfde him | on | handa || hildefrofre, / guðbil |
Waldere B 18a | hare byrnan. / Standeð me her | on | eaxelum || ælfheres laf, / god |
The Battle of Maldon 24a | rod || holdost wiste / þa stod | on | stæþe || stiþlice clypode / |
The Battle of Maldon 25a | || holdost wisse. / Þā stōd | on | stæðe, || stīðlīċe clip |
The Battle of Maldon 26a | icinga ar || wordum mælde / se | on | beot abead || brimliþendra / |
The Battle of Maldon 27b | nde to þam eorle || þær he | on | ofre stod / me sendon to þe || |
The Battle of Maldon 27a | ga ār, || wordum mǣlde, / sē | on | bēot ā·bēad || brim-līð |
The Battle of Maldon 28b | tō þām eorle, || ðǣr hē | on | ōfre stōd: / ‘Mē sendon t |
The Battle of Maldon 36b | san wille / syllan sæmannum || | on | hyra sylfra dom / feoh wiþ fre |
The Battle of Maldon 38b | n wille, / sellan sǣ-mannum || | on | hira selfra dōm / feoh wiþ fr |
The Battle of Maldon 39a | ceattum || us to scype gangan / | on | flot feran || and eow friþes |
The Battle of Maldon 41a | tum ūs || tō sċipe gangan, / | on | flot feran || and ēow friðe |
The Battle of Maldon 56a | tene || nu ge þus feor hider / | on | urne eard || in becomon / ne sc |
The Battle of Maldon 58a | || nū ġē þus feorr hider / | on | ūrne eard || inn be·cōmon. |
The Battle of Maldon 61a | an || beornas gangan / þæt hi | on | þam easteþe || ealle stodon |
The Battle of Maldon 63a | || beornas gangan, / þæt hīe | on | þām êa-stæðe || ealle st |
The Battle of Maldon 76b | sceat / þe þær baldlicost || | on | þa bricge stop / þær stodon |
The Battle of Maldon 78b | at / þe ðǣr bealdlīcost || | on | þā bryċġe stōp. / Þǣr st |
The Battle of Maldon 105b | ndon / earn æses georn || wæs | on | eorþan cyrm / hi leton þa of |
The Battle of Maldon 107b | n, / earn ǣses ġeorn; || wæs | on | eorðan ċierm. / Hīe lēton |
The Battle of Maldon 110a | beaduræs || beornas feollon / | on | gehwæþere hand || hyssas la |
The Battle of Maldon 112a | adu-rǣs, || beornas fēollon / | on | ġe·hwæðre hand, || hyssas |
The Battle of Maldon 123a | ær mid orde || ærost mihte / | on | fægean men || feorh gewinnan |
The Battle of Maldon 124b | igan mid wæpnum || wæl feol | on | eorþan / stodon stædefæste | |
The Battle of Maldon 125a | ǣr mid orde || ǣrost meahte / | on | fǣġan menn || feorh ġe·wi |
The Battle of Maldon 126b | n mid wǣpnum; || wæl fēoll | on | eorðan. / Stōdon stede-fæste |
The Battle of Maldon 127a | gehwylc || hogode to wige / þe | on | denon wolde || dom gefeohtan / |
The Battle of Maldon 129a | lċ || hoĝode tō wīġe / þe | on | Denum wolde || dōm ġe·feoh |
The Battle of Maldon 140a | hals || hand wisode / þæt he | on | þam færsceaþan || feorh ge |
The Battle of Maldon 142b | seo byrne tobærst || he wæs | on | breostum wund / þurh þa hring |
The Battle of Maldon 142a | ls, || hand wīsode / þæt hē | on | þām fǣr-sċaðan || feorh |
The Battle of Maldon 144b | yrne tō·bærst; || hē wæs | on | brēostum wund / þurh þā hri |
The Battle of Maldon 151a | e stod || hyse unweaxen / cniht | on | gecampe || se full caflice / br |
The Battle of Maldon 153a | stōd || hyse unweaxen, / cniht | on | ġe·campe, || sē full cāfl |
The Battle of Maldon 155b | gean / ord in gewod || þæt se | on | eorþan læg / þe his þeoden |
The Battle of Maldon 157b | d inn ġe·wōd, || þæt sē | on | eorðan læġ / þe his þēode |
The Battle of Maldon 161b | eþe / brad and bruneccg || and | on | þa byrnan sloh / to raþe hine |
The Battle of Maldon 163b | / brād and brūn-eċġ || and | on | þā byrnan slōh. / Tō raþe |
The Battle of Maldon 169a | || gode geferan / ne mihte þa | on | fotum leng || fæste gestanda |
The Battle of Maldon 171a | e ġe·fēran; / ne meahte þā | on | fōtum lenġ || fæste ġe·s |
The Battle of Maldon 172b | / ealra þæra wynna || þe ic | on | worulde gebad / nu ic ah milde |
The Battle of Maldon 174b | ealra þāra wynna || þe iċ | on | weorolde ġe·bād. / Nū iċ |
The Battle of Maldon 176a | sawul to þe || siþian mote / | on | þin geweald || þeoden engla |
The Battle of Maldon 178a | ol tō þē || sīðian mōte / | on | þīn ġe·weald, || þēoden |
The Battle of Maldon 184b | wearþ oddan bearn || ærest | on | fleame / godric fram guþe || a |
The Battle of Maldon 186b | wearþ% Oddan bearn || ǣrest | on | flēame, / Godrīċ fram gūðe |
The Battle of Maldon 188a | e eoh || þe ahte his hlaford / | on | þam gerædum || þe hit riht |
The Battle of Maldon 190a | oh || þe āhte his hālford, / | on | þām ġe·rǣdum || þe hit |
The Battle of Maldon 192a | and þone wudu sohton / flugon | on | þæt fæsten || and hyra feo |
The Battle of Maldon 194a | d þone wudu sōhton, / fluĝon | on | þæt fæsten || and hira fē |
The Battle of Maldon 196a | || gedon hæfde / swa him offa | on | dæg || ær asæde / on þam me |
The Battle of Maldon 197a | im offa on dæg || ær asæde / | on | þam meþelstede || þa he ge |
The Battle of Maldon 198a | e·dōn hæfde. / Swā him Offa | on | dæġ || ǣr ā·sæġde / on |
The Battle of Maldon 199a | a on dæġ || ǣr ā·sæġde / | on | þām mæðel-stede, || þā |
The Battle of Maldon 209b | lde / ælfwine þa cwæþ || he | on | ellen spræc / gemunan þa mæl |
The Battle of Maldon 211a | æt meodo spræcon / þonne we | on | bence || beot ahofon / hæleþ |
The Battle of Maldon 211b | lf·wine þā cwæþ, || hē | on | ellen spræc: / ‘Ġe·munan% |
The Battle of Maldon 212a | bence || beot ahofon / hæleþ | on | healle || ymbe heard gewinn / n |
The Battle of Maldon 213a | æt medu sprǣcon, / þonne we | on | benċe || bēot ā·hōfon, / h |
The Battle of Maldon 214a | || bēot ā·hōfon, / hæleþ | on | healle, || ymbe heard ġe·wi |
The Battle of Maldon 215a | eallum gecyþan / þæt ic wæs | on | myrcon || miccles cynnes / wæs |
The Battle of Maldon 217a | ġe·cȳþan, / þæt iċ wæs | on | Mierċum || miċeles cynnes; / |
The Battle of Maldon 218a | woruldgesælig / ne sceolon me | on | þære þeode || þegenas æt |
The Battle of Maldon 220a | -ġe·sǣliġ. / Ne sċulon mē | on | ðǣre þēode || þeġnas æ |
The Battle of Maldon 225a | orde || anne geræhte / flotan | on | þam folce || þæt se on fol |
The Battle of Maldon 225b | tan on þam folce || þæt se | on | foldan læg / forwegen mid his |
The Battle of Maldon 227a | e || ānne ġe·rǣhte / flotan | on | þām folce, || þæt sē on |
The Battle of Maldon 227b | on þām folce, || þæt sē | on | foldan læġ / forweġen mid hi |
The Battle of Maldon 231a | e || nu ure þeoden liþ / eorl | on | eorþan || us is eallum þear |
The Battle of Maldon 233a | ūre þēoden liġeþ, / eorl | on | eorðan. || Ūs is eallum ðe |
The Battle of Maldon 237b | e þæs formoni man || þa he | on | meare rad / on wlancan þam wic |
The Battle of Maldon 238a | ni man || þa he on meare rad / | on | wlancan þam wicge || þæt w |
The Battle of Maldon 239a | re hlaford / forþan wearþ her | on | felda || folc totwæmed / scyld |
The Battle of Maldon 239b | for·maniġ mann || þā hē | on | mēare rād, / on wlancan þām |
The Battle of Maldon 240a | n || þā hē on mēare rād, / | on | wlancan þām wiċġe, || þ |
The Battle of Maldon 241a | hālford; / forþon wearþ hēr | on | felda || folc totwǣmed, / sċi |
The Battle of Maldon 246a | | ac wille furþor gan / wrecan | on | gewinne || minne winedrihten / |
The Battle of Maldon 248a | ac wille furður gān, / wrecan | on | ġe·winne || mīnne wine-dri |
The Battle of Maldon 257a | se þe wrecan þenceþ / frean | on | folce || ne for feore murnan / |
The Battle of Maldon 259a | þe wrecan þenċeþ / frēan | on | folce, || nē for fēore murn |
The Battle of Maldon 262a | recan || hyra winedrihten / and | on | hyra feondum || fyl gewyrcan / |
The Battle of Maldon 264a | || geornlice fylstan / he wæs | on | norþhymbron || heardes cynne |
The Battle of Maldon 266a | eornlīċe fylstan; / hē wæs | on | Norð·hymbrum || heardes cyn |
The Battle of Maldon 268a | orþ || flan genehe / hwilon he | on | bord sceat || hwilon beorn t |
The Battle of Maldon 270a | lān ġe·neahhe; / hwīlum hē | on | bord sċēat, || hwīlum beor |
The Battle of Maldon 271a | pna || wealdan moste / þa gyt | on | orde stod || eadweard se lang |
The Battle of Maldon 273a | | wealdan mōste. / Þā ġīet | on | orde stōd || Ēad·weard sē |
The Battle of Maldon 276b | / oþþæt he his sincgyfan || | on | þam sæmannum / wurþlice wrec |
The Battle of Maldon 277b | nnum / wurþlice wrec || ær he | on | wæle læge / swa dyde æþeric |
The Battle of Maldon 278b | æt hē his sinċ-ġiefan || | on | þām sǣ-mannum / weorðlīċe |
The Battle of Maldon 279b | weorðlīċe wrec, || ǣr hē | on | wæle lǣġe%. / Swā dyde Æð |
The Battle of Maldon 284b | fa þone sælidan || þæt he | on | eorþan feoll / and þær gadde |
The Battle of Maldon 286b | þone sǣ-lidan, || þæt hē | on | eorðan fēoll, / and ðǣr Gad |
The Battle of Maldon 289b | an / þæt hi sceoldon begen || | on | burh ridan / hale to hame || o |
The Battle of Maldon 290b | ridan / hale to hame || oþþe | on | here crincgan / on wælstowe || |
The Battle of Maldon 291a | me || oþþe on here crincgan / | on | wælstowe || wundum sweltan / h |
The Battle of Maldon 291b | æt hīe sċoldon bēġen || | on | burh rīdan, / hāle tō hāme, |
The Battle of Maldon 292b | n, / hāle tō hāme, || oþþe | on | here cringan%, / on wæl-stōwe |
The Battle of Maldon 293a | , || oþþe on here cringan%, / | on | wæl-stōwe || wundum sweltan |
The Battle of Maldon 297a | iþ þas secgas feaht / he wæs | on | geþrange || hyra þreora ban |
The Battle of Maldon 298b | na / ær him wigelines bearn || | on | þam wæle læge / þær wæs s |
The Battle of Maldon 299a | ās seċġas feaht; / hē wæs | on | ġe·þrange% || hira þrēor |
The Battle of Maldon 300a | gemot || stodon fæste / wigan | on | gewinne || wigend cruncon / wun |
The Battle of Maldon 300b | r him Wīġ·helmes bearn || | on | þām wæle lǣġe. / Þǣr wæ |
The Battle of Maldon 301b | on / wundum werige || wæl feol | on | eorþan / oswold and eadwold || |
The Battle of Maldon 302a | ōt; || stōdon fæste / wiĝan | on | ġe·winne, || wīġend crung |
The Battle of Maldon 303b | undum wērġe. || Wæl fēoll | on | eorðan. / Ōswold and Ēadwold |
The Battle of Maldon 313a | ealdor || eall forheawen / god | on | greote || a mæg gnornian / se |
The Battle of Maldon 315a | or || eall for·hēawen, / gōd | on | grēote. || Ā mæġ gnornian |
The Battle of Maldon 320b | ar forlet / wælspere windan || | on | þa wicingas / swa he on þam f |
The Battle of Maldon 321a | dan || on þa wicingas / swa he | on | þam folce || fyrmest eode / he |
The Battle of Maldon 322b | heow and hynde || oþþæt he | on | hilde gecranc / næs þæt na s |
The Battle of Maldon 323a | on þā wīċingas, / swā hē | on | þām folce || fyrmest ēode, |