The Metres of Boethius: Metre 15 Show normalized version Met15 1. þeah hine nu se yfela || unrihtwisa Þēah hine nū sē yfela || unrihtwīsa Met15 2. neron cynincg || niwan gescerpte Nēron cyning || nīewan ġe·sċierpte Met15 3. wlitegum wædum || wundorlice wlitiĝum wǣdum || wundorlīċe, Met15 4. golde geglengde || and gimcynnum golde ġe·ġlengde || and ġimm-cynnum, Met15 5. þeah he wæs on worulde || witena gehwelcum þēah hē wæs on weorolde || witena ġe·hwelcum Met15 6. on his lifdagum || laþ and unweorþ on his līf-daĝum || lāþ and unweorþ, Met15 7. fierenfull || hwæt se feond swa þeah firenfull. || Hwæt, sē fēond swā þēah Met15 8. his diorlingas || duguþum stepte his dīerlingas || duĝuþum stīepte. Met15 9. ne mæg ic þeah gehycgan || hwy him on hige þorfte Ne mæġ iċ þēah ġe·hyċġan || hwȳ him on hyġe þorfte Met15 10. a þy sæl wesan || þeah hi sume hwile ā þȳ sǣl wesan; || þēah hīe sume hwīle Met15 11. gecure butan cræftum || cyninga dysegast ġe·cure būtan cræftum || cyninga dyseĝast, Met15 12. næron hy þy weorþran || witena ænegum nēaron hīe þȳ wierðran || witena ǣnĝum. Met15 13. þeah hine se dysega || do to cyninge Þēah hine sē dyseĝa || dō tō cyninge, Met15 14. hu mæg þæt gesceadwis || scealc gereccan hū mæġ þæt ġe·sċead-wīs || sċealc ġe·reċċan Met15 15. þæt he him þy selra || sie oþþe þince þæt hē him þȳ sēlra || sīe oþþe þynċe?