Number of occurrences in corpus: 1154
Genesis A 14b | rēatas, / beorhte% blisse. || | Wæs | hira blǣd miċel. / Þeġnas |
Genesis A 69b | ne sīþ, / ġōmre gāstas; || | wæs | him ġielp forod, / bēot for· |
Genesis A 78a | nnon || wiþ Gode winnan. / Þa | wæs | sōþ swa ǣr || sibb on heof |
Genesis A 83b | %, / wuldres ēðel. || Wrōht | wæs | ā·sprungen, / ōht mid englum |
Genesis A 103a | healdene || of hleo sende. / Ne | wæs | hēr þā·ġīet || nemþe h |
Genesis A 116b | , / frēa æl-mehtiġ. || Folde | wæs | þā·ġīet% / gærs ungrēne; |
Genesis A 119b | wīde, / wanne wǣĝas%. || Þa | wæs | wuldor-torht / heofon-weardes g |
Genesis A 123b | / ofer rūmne grund. || Ræðe | wæs | ġe·fylled / hēah-cininges h |
Genesis A 124b | d / hēah-cininges hǣs; || him | wæs | hāliġ lēoht / ofer wēstenne |
Genesis A 129b | man, / līfes brytta. || Lēoht | wæs | ǣrest / þurh dryhtnes word || |
Genesis A 150b | / frēa æl-mehtiġ. || Flōd% | wæs | ā·dǣled / under hēah-rodore |
Genesis A 162b | ·samne, || þā ġe·sundrod | wæs | / laĝu wiþ lande. || Ġe·sea |
Genesis A 178b | ·tēah / ribb of sīdan. || He | wæs | ræste fæst, / and sōfte swæ |
Genesis A 186a | ron englum ġe·līċe%, / þā | wæs | Ēve%, || Ādames brȳd, / gās |
Genesis A 190b | drēoĝan, || ac him dryhtnes | wæs | / bām on brēostum || byrnende |
Genesis B 255a | ne ġe·worhtne, / swā wynliċ | wæs | his wæstm% on heofonum || þ |
Genesis B 256a | m weoroda drihtne, / ġe·līċ | wæs | hē þǣm lēohtum steorrum. |
Genesis B 261a | þǣm hālĝan stōle. / Dēore | wæs | hē drihtne ūrum%; || ne mih |
Genesis B 318b | im tō wīte, || hira weorold | wæs | ġe·hwierfed , / forman sīðe |
Genesis B 333a | || sōhton ōðer land, / þæt | wæs | lēohtes lēas || and wæs l |
Genesis B 333b | t wæs lēohtes lēas || and | wæs | līeġes full, / fȳres fǣr mi |
Genesis B 338b | fer·mōda cyning, || þe ǣr | wæs | engla sċīenost, / hwītost% o |
Genesis B 349b | , / ġīeman% þæs grundes. || | Wæs | ǣr Godes enġel, / hwīt on he |
Genesis B 354b | yġe ymb his heortan, || hāt | wæs | him ūtan / wrāðliċ wīte. | |
Genesis B 365b | , / þæt Ādam sċeall, || þe | wæs | of eorðan ġe·worht, / mīnne |
Genesis B 467a | sē wæstm ġe·līċ. / Ōðer | wæs | swa wynliċ, || wlitiġ and s |
Genesis B 468b | , / līðe and lofsum, || þæt | wæs | līfes bēam; / mōste on ēċn |
Genesis B 477a | ne hē% heonan wēnde. / Þonne | wæs | sē ōðer || eallinga sweart |
Genesis B 478b | / dimm and þīestre; || þæt | wæs | dēaðes bēam, / sē bær bite |
Genesis B 498b | red, || ne þæt nū fyrn ne | wæs | / þæt iċ wiþ hine selfne s |
Genesis B 584b | / hēah heofona ġe·hlidu; || | wæs | sēo hwīl þæs lang / þæt i |
Genesis B 628a | weorold cōme, / for·þon hēo | wæs | hand-ġe·weorc || heofon-cin |
Genesis B 646a | || bitere ġe·fylled; / þæt | wæs | dēaðes bēam || þe him dri |
Genesis B 647b | hīe þā mid lyġenum || sē | wæs | lāþ Gode, / on hete heofon-ci |
Genesis B 688b | spēon, / fylgde him frecne; || | wæs | sē fēond full nēah / þe on |
Genesis B 702a | t hēo on his willan spræc. / | wæs | him% on helpe || hand-weorc G |
Genesis B 720a | naman || āĝan sċolde. / Hit | wæs | þēah dēaðes swefn || and |
Genesis B 743b | ōm; || ac unc ġe·ġenge ne | wæs | / þæt wit him on þeġnsċipe |
Genesis B 822b | st, / wīfa wlitiĝost; || hīe | wæs | ġe·weorc Godes, / þēah hēo |
Genesis A 901b | rēafode, || swā hit riht ne | wæs, | / bēam on bearwe || and þā b |
Genesis A 963b | lcre || þonne sē frum-stōl | wæs | / þe hīe aefter dǣde of || |
Genesis A 973a | eorðan || elnes tilode, / sē | wæs | ǣr-boren; || ōðer ǣhte h |
Genesis A 979b | de / tiber sċēawian. || Þæt | wæs | torn were / hefiġ æt heortan. |
Genesis A 987b | e. / Æfter wæl-swenge || wēa | wæs | ā·rǣred%, / treġena tūdor. |
Genesis A 1007b | ǣġes sīþ, || ne ic hierde | wæs | / brōðor mīnes’. || Him þ |
Genesis A 1055a | || eaforan fēde. / Sē ǣresta | wæs | || Ēnos hāten, / frum-bearn C |
Genesis A 1058a | um || ċeastre timbran; / þæt | wæs | under wolcnum || weall-fæste |
Genesis A 1063a | þǣm burh-stede. / Se ieldesta | wæs | || Īared hāten, / sunu Ēnose |
Genesis A 1066b | -burg Cāines. || Malalēhel | wæs | / aefter Īarede || yrfes hȳrd |
Genesis A 1077b | da and Sella; || þāra ānum | wæs | / Iābāl nama, || sē þurh gl |
Genesis A 1082b | on ðǣre mǣġþe || māĝa | wæs | hāten / on þā īlcan tīd || |
Genesis A 1084b | ytru spēd || smiþ-cræftĝa | wæs, | / and þurh mōdes ġe·mynd || |
Genesis A 1087a | s, || sulh-ġe·weorces / fruma | wæs | ofer foldan, || siþþan folc |
Genesis A 1106b | ed, / sōþfæst sunu, || þǣm | wæs | Seth nama. / Sē wæs ēadiġ | |
Genesis A 1107a | || þǣm wæs Seth nama. / Sē | wæs | ēadiġ || and his ieldrum þ |
Genesis A 1109b | mēder, / Ādames and Ēuan, || | wæs | Ābeles ġield / on weorold-rī |
Genesis A 1134a | Sēthes% eafora / sē ieldesta | wæs | || Ēnos hāten; / sē nemde Go |
Genesis A 1138a | | gāste ġe·weorðod. / Sēth | wæs | ġe·sǣliġ; || siþþan str |
Genesis A 1146a | rendes || Sēthes līċe. / Hē | wæs | lēof Gode || and lifde hēr / |
Genesis A 1155a | iĝun-hund. / Þǣre cnēorisse | wæs | || Cāinan% siþþan / aefter |
Genesis A 1160b | aĝu Cainanes%, || Malalēhel | wæs | hāten. / Siþþan eahta-hund | |
Genesis A 1166b | ġe / under rodera rūm || rīm | wæs | ġe·fylled. / Him on lāste h |
Genesis A 1172b | mannum brōhte. || Sē maĝa | wæs | / on his mǣġþe, || mīne ġe |
Genesis A 1182a | um || gold bryttode. / Sē eorl | wæs | æðele, || æfēst hæleþ, / |
Genesis A 1188a | n weorold brōhte; / sē eafora | wæs | || Ēnoc hāten, / freoliċ fru |
Genesis A 1200a | yhtsċipe, / þenden hē hierde | wæs | || hēafod-māĝa. / Brēac bl |
Genesis A 1202b | de / þrīe-hund wintra. || Him | wæs | þēoden hold, / rodera wealden |
Genesis A 1240a | æs þe bēċ cweðaþ. / Sēm | wæs | hāten || sunu Nōes, / sē iel |
Genesis A 1245b | m and dohtrum. || Þā ġīet | wæs | Sēthes cynn, / lēofes lēod-f |
Genesis A 1271a | lfa || siĝora wealdend / hwæt | wæs | manna || mānes on eorðan / an |
Genesis A 1280b | ·īeðan || þæt on eorðan | wæs, | / for·lēosan līċa ġe·hwel |
Genesis A 1285a | hte || niþþa bearnum. / Nōe | wæs | gōd, || nerġende lēof, / sw |
Genesis A 1318a | ste. || Māĝum sæġde / þæt | wæs | þrēaliċ þinġ || þēodum |
Genesis A 1376b | fer stæð-weallas. || Strang | wæs | and rēðe / sē þe wæterum w |
Genesis A 1383b | nihta ōðer swelċ. || Nīþ | wæs | rēðe, / wæl-grīm werum; || |
Genesis A 1400b | wyrd. / Þǣm æt nīehstan || | wæs | nan tō ġe·dāle, / nemþe h |
Genesis A 1401a | tō ġe·dāle, / nemþe hēof% | wæs | ā·hafen || on þā hēan ly |
Genesis A 1431a | e ȳða || wīde bǣron. / Holm | wæs | heonan·weard; || hæleþ lan |
Genesis A 1464a | anda || hālĝum rinċe. / Þā | wæs | culufre eft || of cofan sende |
Genesis A 1475b | ðe / flot-manna frēa || þæt | wæs | frōfor cumen, / earfoþ-sīða |
Genesis A 1482b | tenne, || þā hire ðearf ne | wæs. | / Þā tō Nōe spræc || nerġ |
Genesis A 1508b | e·earnod || þæt% him ealra | wæs | / āra ēste || æl-mehtiġ God |
Genesis A 1528b | þ, / morþ mid mundum. || Mann | wæs | tō Godes / anlīċnesse || ǣr |
Genesis A 1543a | den weorold standeþ.” / Þā | wæs | sē snotora || sunu Lāmehes / |
Genesis A 1565b | līċe. || Swā ġe·risne ne | wæs, | / læġ þā lim-nacod. || Hē |
Genesis A 1591a | m || Chām ne wolde, / þā him | wæs | āre ðearf, || ǣnġe cȳða |
Genesis A 1592b | owa. || Þæt þǣm hālĝan | wæs | / sār on mōde, || on·gann þ |
Genesis A 1603b | don, / bearna strȳndon; || him | wæs | beorht wela. / Þa wearþ Iāfe |
Genesis A 1606b | ĝa, / sunu and dohtra. || Hē | wæs | selfa til, / hēold ā rīċe, |
Genesis A 1613a | sunu Iāfeþes; / þæs tēames | wæs | || tūdor ġe·fylled / unlȳte |
Genesis A 1619a | || frum-bearn Chāmes. / Chūs | wæs | æðelum || hēafod-wīsa, / wi |
Genesis A 1625b | ġde, || oþþæt his dōĝra | wæs | / rīm ā·runnen. || Þā sē |
Genesis A 1633a | || mæġen and strenġu. / Sē | wæs | Babylones || breĝu-rīċes f |
Genesis A 1635b | , / rȳmde and rǣrde. || Reord | wæs | þā ġīeta / eorð-būendum | |
Genesis A 1645a | wǣron menn tile, / þāra ān | wæs | || Ēber hāten, / eafora Sēme |
Genesis A 1650b | dan, / feoh and feorme. || Folc | wæs | ān-mōd; / rōfe rincas || sō |
Genesis A 1694a | %, || hlēoðrum ġe·dǣlde; / | wæs | ōðerre% || ǣġhwelċ worde |
Genesis A 1710b | am and Aaron; || þǣm eorlum | wæs% | / frēa engla bām || frēond% |
Genesis A 1713b | / lēofliċ on līfe, || þǣm | wæs | Lōth nama. / Þā maĝu-rincas |
Genesis A 1719a | ca% bearn%. / Þā þæs mǣles | wæs | || mearc ā·gangen / þæt him |
Genesis A 1722b | and freoliċ. || Sēo fǣmne | wæs% | / Sarra hāten, || þæs þe ū |
Genesis A 1819b | n, / flēah wǣrfæst wēan; || | wæs | þæt wīte tō strang. / Abrah |
Genesis A 1922a | dane, || grēne eorðan. / Sēo | wæs | wæterum weaht || and wæstmu |
Genesis A 1967a | Sōdoman and Gōmorran. / Þā | wæs | gūð-herġum || be Iordane / w |
Genesis A 1989b | an, / helmum þeahte. || Þǣr | wæs | heard pleĝa, / wæl-gāra wrix |
Genesis A 1993b | rd, / eċġum dyhtiġ. || Þǣr | wæs | ēað-fynde / eorle orleġ-ċē |
Genesis A 1994b | eġ-ċēap, || sē þe ǣr ne | wæs | / nīðes ġe·nyhtsum. || Nor |
Genesis A 2054b | ġde, / Þāres eafora, || him | wæs | ðearf miċel / þæt hīe% on |
Genesis A 2085b | sêon / lāðra manna. || Lōth | wæs | ā·hreded, / eorl mid ǣhtum, |
Genesis A 2096a | || mæġene ġe·rǣsde. / Þā | wæs | sūþ þonan || Sōdoma folce |
Genesis A 2102a | mia || sinċes hierde; / þæt | wæs | sē mǣra || Melchīsedec, / l |
Genesis A 2107a | tsunge, || and swa ġieddode: / | ‘Wæs% | þū ġe·weorðod || on wera |
Genesis A 2125b | ·fylled, / tō Abrahame || him | wæs | āra ðearf. / ‘For·ġief m |
Genesis A 2129a | wunden gold / þæt ǣr āĝen | wæs | || ūssum folce, / feoh and fr |
Genesis A 2216a | | folc-mǣġþa byht’. / Þā | wæs | Sarran% || sār on mōde, / þ |
Genesis A 2237b | e mōd ā·stāh || þā hēo | wæs | maĝu-timbre / be Abrahame || |
Genesis A 2241a | an, || hyġe-þrȳðe wæġ, / | wæs | lāþ-wendo, || lustum ne wol |
Genesis A 2250b | ġe·stāh, || swā iċ bēna | wæs, | / drehte% dōĝra ġe·hwǣm% | |
Genesis A 2373b | e·hwelcne, || þe his hīna | wæs | / wǣpned-cynnes, || wǣre ġe |
Genesis A 2402b | stas, / lāstas leġdon, || him | wæs | Lōthes% mǣġ / selfa on ġe· |
Genesis A 2553b | īdre foldan || ġond·sended | wæs | / bryne and brōĝan. || Bearwa |
Genesis A 2611b | thes dohtor, || sēo on līfe | wæs | / wintrum ieldre. || Ūs ġe·w |
Genesis A 2630a | ingan || tō him selfum. / Þā | wæs | ell-þēodiġ || ōðre sīð |
Genesis A 2710b | / mund-byrde ġe·cēas. || Ne | wæs | mē on mōde cūþ, / hwæðer |
Genesis A 2738b | se, / lufum and lissum. || Hē | wæs | lēof Gode. / For·þon hē sib |
Genesis A 2742a | r þenden lifde. / Þā ġīen | wæs | ierre || God Abimēlehe / for |
Genesis A 2791b | aldor ā·sendest’. || Þā | wæs | Abrahame / weorce on mōde || |
Genesis A 2824b | u, || þæt iċ þe hnēaw ne | wæs | / landes and lissa. || Wes þis |
Genesis A 2834a | æt hē wolde swā. / Siþþan | wæs | sē ēadĝa || eafora Þāres |
Genesis A 2861b | gann / fȳsan tō fōre. || Him | wæs | frēan% engla / word on·drysne |
Genesis A 2869b | n / menn mid sīðian. || Mǣġ | wæs | his āĝen þridda / and hē f |
Genesis A 2921b | lissum ġieldan || þæt þē | wæs | lēofre% his / sibb and hyldu | |
Exodus 12a | , || in ǣht for·ġeaf%. / Hē | wæs | lēof Gode, || lēoda ealdor, |
Exodus 19a | es, || Abrahames sunum. / Hēah | wæs | þæt hand-lēan || and him h |
Exodus 22b | , / fēonda% folc-riht. || Þā | wæs | forma sīþ / þæt hine weorod |
Exodus 33a | ond, || on forþ-weĝas. / Þā | wæs | inn-ġeare || ealdum wītum / d |
Exodus 35b | t; / hord-wearda hryre || hēaf | wæs | ġe·nīewod, / swǣfon sele-dr |
Exodus 42a | duĝuþ forþ ġe·wāt, / wōp | wæs | wīde, || weorold-drēama lȳ |
Exodus 45b | an; / folc fērende, || fēond% | wæs | be·rēafod, / herġas on helle |
Exodus 47b | uron dēoful-ġield. || Dæġ | wæs | mǣre / ofer middan-ġeard || |
Exodus 54a | ust || lēofes sīðes. / Fierd | wæs | ġe·fȳsed, || fram sē þe |
Exodus 85a | lle cræfte, / hū ā·fæstnod | wæs | || feld-hūsa mǣst, / siþþan |
Exodus 87b | ðode / þēoden-holde. || Þā | wæs | þridda wīċ / folce tō frōf |
Exodus 106b | r / fōron flōd-weġe. || Folc | wæs | on sālum, / hlūd% herġes% ċ |
Exodus 133b | , / flotan feld-hūsum. || Þā | wæs | fēorþe wīċ, / rand-wiĝena |
Exodus 169b | / flēah fǣġe gāst, || folc | wæs | ġe·hǣġed. / Hwīlum of þǣ |
Exodus 200a | ra brōðor-ġield. / For·þon | wæs | in wīcum || wōp up ā·hafe |
Exodus 203b | uĝon frecne spell, || fēond | wæs | ān-mōd, / weorod wæs wīġ-b |
Exodus 204a | fēond wæs ān-mōd, / weorod | wæs | wīġ-blāc, || oþþæt wlan |
Exodus 207b | e·sēon tō·samne; || sīþ | wæs | ġe·dǣled. / Hæfde nīed-far |
Exodus 221b | ardas wīġ-lēoþ, || weorod | wæs | ġe·fȳsed, / bruĝdon ofer bu |
Exodus 223b | , / flotan feld-hūsum, || fyrd | wæs | on ofste. / Siþþan hīe ġe· |
Exodus 226b | lfe / mōde-rōfra%; || mæġen | wæs | on·hrēred. / Wæs on ānra ġ |
Exodus 227a | || mæġen wæs on·hrēred. / | Wæs | on ānra ġe·hwǣm || æðel |
Exodus 233a | led, || tīr-ēadiġra. / Þæt | wæs | wīġliċ weorod; || wāce% n |
Exodus 247a | ft, / gār-bēames fenġ. / Þā | wæs | hand-rōfra || here æt·gæd |
Exodus 304b | srahelum / ān-dæġne frist || | Wæs | sēo eorla ġe·dryht / ānes m |
Exodus 326b | / þēoda ǣniġre. || Þracu% | wæs | on ōre, / heard hand-pleĝa%, |
Exodus 339b | eah, / ēad and æðelu; || hē | wæs | ġearu swā-þēah. / Þǣr for |
Exodus 353b | bēad, / eorla æðelu. || Him | wæs | ān fæder, / lēof lēod-fruma |
Exodus 399b | -bana || nā þȳ fæġenra% | wæs. | / Wolde þone lāst-weard || l |
Exodus 447a | er, || folca sēlost’. / Folc | wæs | ā·fǣred, || flōd-eġesa b |
Exodus 450b | holm heolfre spāw, || hrēam | wæs | on ȳðum, / wæter wǣpna full |
Exodus 459b | n, / mere mōdĝode, || mæġen | wæs | ā·drenċed. / Strēamas stōd |
Exodus 469b | e-strēam mōdiġ. || Mæġen | wæs | on cwealme / fæste ġe·fetero |
Exodus 477a | sē þe fēondum ġe·nēop. / | Wæs | sēo hǣwene lyft || heolfre |
Exodus 483b | ĝu land ġe·fēoll, || lyft | wæs | on·hrēred, / wicon weall-fæs |
Exodus 504a | stāh || Godes andsaca, / þæt | wæs | mihtiġra || mere-flōdes wea |
Exodus 565b | Æfter þǣm wordum || weorod | wæs | on sālum, / sungon siġe-bīem |
Exodus 567b | / on fæġerne swēġ; || folc | wæs | on lande, / hæfde wuldres bēa |
Exodus 580a | num, || æl-wundra fela. / Þā | wæs | īeþ-fynde || Āfrisċ mēow |
Exodus 584b | hēdon here-rēafes, || hæft | wæs | on·sǣled. / On·gunnon sǣ-l |
Daniel 3b | abban, || swā him ġe·cynde | wæs, | / siþþan þurh metodes mæġe |
Daniel 7b | n, / mæġene miċele. || Þæt | wæs | mōdiġ cynn! / þenden hīe þ |
Daniel 9b | mōston, / burgum wealdan%, || | wæs | him beorht wela. / Þenden þæ |
Daniel 11b | der wǣre / healdan woldon, || | wæs | him hierde God, / heofon-rīċe |
Daniel 16b | um, || þāra þe him hold ne | wæs, | / oþþæt hīe wlenċu on·wō |
Daniel 24b | ôn, / wammas wyrċan. || Þæt | wæs | weorc Gode! / Oft hē þǣm lē |
Daniel 66b | twa%, || swelċ ðǣr funden | wæs, | / and þā mid þām ǣhtum || |
Daniel 82b | ·bodes, || þe ðǣr brungen | wæs. | / Wolde þæt þā cnihtas || c |
Daniel 91a | nd gōde || in god-sǣde; / ān | wæs | Annanias, || ōðer Azarias, / |
Daniel 104a | de || in weorold-līfe. / Þā | wæs | brēme || Babilone weard, / mǣ |
Daniel 119b | e·munde || þæt him meted% | wæs. | / Hēt þā tō·samne || sīnr |
Daniel 150b | ōm, / Daniel tō dōme, || sē | wæs | drihtne ġe·coren, / snotor an |
Daniel 152a | || in þæt seld gangan. / Sē | wæs% | ord-fruma || earmre lāfe / ð |
Daniel 162b | ende || þæs þe him īewed | wæs. | / Þā hæfde Daniel || dōm mi |
Daniel 172a | r-mōde || Dīran hēton, / sē | wæs | on ðǣre þēode || þē sw |
Daniel 176a | rde, / for þǣm þe glēaw ne | wæs, | || gum-rīċes weard, / rēðe |
Daniel 226a | cræftas on·sōcon. / Þā hē | wæs | ġe·ġlēded%, || swā hē g |
Daniel 232a | se, || beornas ġunge. / Ġearu | wæs | sē him ġēoce ġe·fremede; |
Daniel 241a | wealdend nerede. / Hrēoh-mōd | wæs | sē hǣðna þēoden, || hēt |
Daniel 242a | t hīe hræðe bærnan. / Ǣled | wæs | un-ġe·sċād miċel. || Þ |
Daniel 242b | n-ġe·sċād miċel. || Þā | wæs | sē ofen on·hǣted, / īren ea |
Daniel 244b | on wudu on innan, || swā him | wæs | on wordum ġe·dēmed. / bǣron |
Daniel 271b | ste þrīe; || him ēac ðǣr | wæs | / ān on ġe·sihþe, || enġel |
Daniel 274a | fene% || āwiht ne derede, / ac | wæs | ðǣr inne || ealles ġe·lī |
Daniel 277b | winde ġond·sāwen. || Þæt | wæs | wuldres God / þe hīe ġe·ner |
Daniel 333b | sē hālĝa wer || herġende | wæs | / metodes miltse || and his mea |
Daniel 335b | rh reorde. || þā of rodorum | wæs | / enġel æl-beorht || ufan on |
Daniel 342b | an%, || þæt hira% līċe ne | wæs | / āwiht ġe·eġled, || ac hē |
Daniel 345a | das || for firen-dǣdum. / Þā | wæs | on þǣm ofene, || ðǣr sē |
Daniel 350a | elċ biþ wedera cyst, / swelċ | wæs | on þǣm fȳre || frêan meah |
Daniel 354b | rġende, || sē ðǣr feorþa | wæs, | / Annanias || and Azarias / and M |
Daniel 416a | ĝeþ’. / Þā cwæþ sē þe | wæs | || cininges rǣswa, / wīs and |
Daniel 454a | , || þæt hīe āre hæfdon. / | Wæs | hira blǣd in Babilone, || si |
Daniel 471b | þǣm cnihtum || ġe·cȳðed | wæs: | / ‘On·hyċġaþ nū || hāl |
Daniel 498b | de / wudu-bēam wlitiġ, || sē | wæs | wyrtum fæst, / beorht on blǣd |
Daniel 523b | of slǣpe on·wōc, || (swefn | wæs | æt ende), / eorðliċ æðelin |
Daniel 531a | hū hīe cweðan woldon. / Þā | wæs | tō þǣm dōme || Daniel hā |
Daniel 532b | ten, / Godes spell-boda. || Him | wæs | gāst ġe·seald, / hāliġ of |
Daniel 540b | one eġesan || þe him īewed | wæs. | / Bæd hine ā·reċċan || hw |
Daniel 547b | m dōme, || þæt his drihten | wæs, | / gumena ealdor, || wiþ God s |
Daniel 581a | | þæt sē wyrt-truma / stille | wæs | on staðole, || swā sēo ste |
Daniel 635b | ne gumena weard || in ġielpe | wæs. | / Stōd middan-ġeard || aefter |
Daniel 640a | ·þæt sē rǣswa cōm. / Þā | wæs | eft ġe·seted || in ealdor |
Daniel 652a | ē tō rodorum be·seah. / Wyrd | wæs | ġe·worden, || wunder ġe·c |
Daniel 668b | im ofer eorðan || andsaca ne | wæs | / gumena ǣniġ || oþ·þæt h |
Daniel 676a | || his þæt þridde cnēow. / | Wæs | Baldazar || burga ealdor, / wē |
Daniel 678b | d, / ofer-hyġd eġle. || Þā | wæs | ende-dæġ / þæs þe Caldeas |
Daniel 691a | leo || welan brytnodon. / Þæt | wæs | þāra fæstna || folcum cū |
Daniel 737a | | in þæt seld gangan. / Þǣm | wæs | on gāste || Godes cræft mi |
Christ and Satan 76b | re sīðe / fēonda ealdor. || | Wæs | þā forht% āĝen, / siþþan |
Christ and Satan 81a | tum || wordum% indraf: / ‘Iċ | wæs | ġō in heofonum || hāliġ e |
Christ and Satan 89b | otol || þā% iċ% ā·seald% | wæs% | on% wierhþu%, / niðer under n |
Christ and Satan 189b | elle || þā hē ġe·hīened | wæs, | / Godes andsaca; || dydon his |
Christ and Satan 225a | fræġn || fēond% andettan; / | wæs | him eall full strang wamm and |
Christ and Satan 242b | asta sċieppend. || God selfa | wæs | / eallum and-fenġ || þe ðǣr |
Christ and Satan 245b | þūhte || þæt sē þēoden | wæs | / strang and stīþ-mōd. || On |
Christ and Satan 280b | sacan, / hāte on helle. || Him | wæs | hǣlend God / wrāþ ġe·worde |
Christ and Satan 320b | ānodon, / mān and morðor. || | Wæs | sēo% meniġu ðǣr / swelċe o |
Christ and Satan 321b | u ðǣr / swelċe on·ǣled; || | wæs | þæt eall full strang, / þonn |
Christ and Satan 322a | æt eall full strang, / þonne | wæs | hira ealdor, || þe ðǣr ǣr |
Christ and Satan 324b | n / fȳre and līeġe. || Þæt | wæs | fæstliċ þrēat; / ac sċeold |
Christ and Satan 337b | hīeran, || sē þe æt helle | wæs | / twelf mīlum nēah, || þæt |
Christ and Satan 338b | mīlum nēah, || þæt ðǣr | wæs | tōða ġe·hēaw, / hlūde% an |
Christ and Satan 341b | ǣled / ufan and ūtan || (him | wæs | ǣġhwǣr wā), / wītum wērġ |
Christ and Satan 365a | m || þe þæt wyrċan% mōt. / | Wæs | þæt enġel-cynn || ǣr ġe |
Christ and Satan 372b | pe mid þǣm ēċan. || Þæt | wæs | ealdor hira, / yfeles ord-fruma |
Christ and Satan 382a | | hēafod ġe·sāwon. / Þonne | wæs | þǣm atolan || þe we ǣr ne |
Christ and Satan 403b | self / fēond ofer·fohten. || | Wæs | sēo fǣhþe% þā ġīet / ope |
Christ and Satan 450b | ōton / wēnan siþþan. || Him | wæs | drihten God / wrāþ ġe·worde |
Christ and Satan 455a | hin-sīþ gryre%. / Þæt, lā, | wæs | fǣġer, || þæt sē fēða |
Christ and Satan 463a | | þæt hē swā% wolde. / Þis | wæs | on ūhtan || eall ġe·worden |
Christ and Satan 485b | word, / ǣten þā eġesan. || | Wæs | sē atola be·foran, / sē inċ |
Christ and Satan 499a | an%, || hrefnan meahten. / Þā | wæs | þæs mæles || mearc ā·ĝa |
Christ and Satan 500a | ā·ĝangan / þæt on weorolde | wæs | || wintra ġe·rīmes / þrīe |
Christ and Satan 530b | lle urnon, || ðǣr sē ēċa | wæs. | / Fēollon on foldan, || and t |
Christ and Satan 541a | n || mōde% on·cnāwan / þæt | wæs | sē dēora || (Didimus wæs h |
Christ and Satan 541b | t wæs sē dēora || (Didimus | wæs | hāten) / ǣr hē mid heandum | |
Christ and Satan 545a | || fulwihtes bæðe. / Fæġer | wæs | þæt anġinn || þæt frēo- |
Christ and Satan 557a | ǣm þe tela þenċeþ. / Þā% | wæs | on eorðan || ēċe drihten / f |
Christ and Satan 564b | , / hāliġ of heofonum. || Mid | wæs | hand Godes, / on·fenġ frēo-d |
Christ and Satan 573b | unrīm / God libbende. || Þā | wæs | Iudas of, / sē þe ǣr on tīb |
Christ and Satan 667b | erġan, || þe ǣr ā·worpen | wæs | / of heofonum || þæt hē% in |
Andreas 11b | ealgodon, / on metod-wange. || | Wæs | hira Matheus sum, / sē mid Iū |
Andreas 19a | || hearde ġe·sċēode. / Eall | wæs | þæt mearc-land || morðre b |
Andreas 25b | ġond þā þēode. || Swelċ | wæs | þēaw hira / þæt hīe ǣġhw |
Andreas 29a | -land || ūtan sōhte. / Swelċ | wæs | þæs folces || friðulēas t |
Andreas 36b | ortan on% hreðere, || (hyġe | wæs | on·ċierred), / þæt hīe ne |
Andreas 40a | || mēðe ġe·dreahte. / Þā | wæs | Matheus || tō ðǣre mǣran |
Andreas 41b | en on þā ċeastre. || Þǣr | wæs | ċierm miċel / ġond Mermedoni |
Andreas 57b | stefne, / of carc-ærne. || Him | wæs | Crīstes lof / on ferhþ-locan |
Andreas 64b | tt seowaþ%. || Ā iċ simble | wæs | / on weĝa ġe·hwǣm || willan |
Andreas 122a | || on stōwa ġe·hwǣm. / Þā | wæs | Matheus || miċelum on·bryrd |
Andreas 147a | d-fruma, || unnan wolde. / Þā | wæs | frist ā·gān || frum-rǣden |
Andreas 158b | īeġdon / niht-ġe·rīmes; || | wæs | him nīed miċel / þæt hīe t |
Andreas 161a | | him tō fōdor-þeġe. / Þā | wæs | ġe·myndiġ, || sē þe midd |
Andreas 169b | a wer / on Achaia, || Andreas, | wæs, | / (lēode lǣrde || on līfes w |
Andreas 230a | hryre || līfes brūcan. / Þā | wæs | ǣrende || æðelum cempan / ā |
Andreas 231b | an / ā·boden on burgum, || ne | wæs | him blēaþ hyġe, / āh hē w |
Andreas 232a | s him blēaþ hyġe, / āh hē | wæs | ān-rǣd || ellen-weorces, / he |
Andreas 239b | brim-strēamas. || Sē beorn | wæs | on hyhte, / siþþan hē on war |
Andreas 248a | e hīe ofer sǣ cōmon. / Þæt | wæs | drihten self, || duĝuþa wea |
Andreas 262a | wordes bād, / hwæt sē manna | wæs | || mæðel-hīeġendra, / þe h |
Andreas 385b | ran, || þā hē ġe·reordod | wæs: | / ‘Þē þissa swǣsenda || s |
Andreas 489a | enġeste, || sund wīsie. / Iċ | wæs | on ġiefeþe || ġō and nū |
Andreas 594b | dan, || swā him ġe·mēdost | wæs. | / Nū þū meahtmeht ġe·hīer |
Andreas 665b | e·teled tīr-ēadġe. || Hē | wæs | twelfta self. / Þā we be·cō |
Andreas 667a | ne-stōle, / ðǣr ġe·timbred | wæs | || tempel dryhtnes, / hēah and |
Andreas 684a | an || æðelu on·wōcon. / Hē | wæs | ā·fēded || on þisse folc- |
Andreas 700b | fta ġe·cȳðde || þæt hē | wæs | cyning on riht / ofer middan-ġ |
Andreas 854a | ling ferede. / In þām ċēole | wæs | || cyninga wuldor, / wealdend w |
Andreas 869a | || and on lofe wunodon, / ðǣr | wæs | singāl sang || and sweġeles |
Andreas 874b | ne / dryhtna drihten. || Drēam | wæs | on hyhte. / Wē ðǣr hēah-fæ |
Andreas 878b | uĝuþ dōm-ġeorne. || Þǣr | wæs | Dauid mid, / ēadiġ ōretta, | |
Andreas 887a | issa || brūcan mōton. / Þǣr | wæs | wuldres wynn, || wīġendra |
Andreas 892a | onne heonan gangaþ.’ / Þā | wæs | mōd-sefa || miċelum ġe·bl |
Andreas 949b | him selfum ǣr || seċġende | wæs. | / Nū þū, Andreas, sċealt || |
Andreas 967a | um || ġalĝan þeahte, / (rōd | wæs | ā·rǣred), || ðǣr rinca s |
Andreas 981a | m þe hīe findan cann. / Þā | wæs | ġe·myndiġ || mōd-ġe·þy |
Andreas 1010b | n, / hāliġ hāliġne. || Hyht | wæs | ġe·nīewod. / A·rās þā t |
Andreas 1013b | ·sêon under sunnan. || Sibb | wæs | ġe·mǣne / bām þām ġe·br |
Andreas 1018b | eofon-torht. || Hreðer innan | wæs | / wynnum ā·wielled. || Þā w |
Andreas 1097b | ende, / æscum dealle. || Þā | wæs | eall ġeador / tō þām þinġ |
Andreas 1105a | nne || eald-ġe·sīða, / sē | wæs | ūð-wita || eorla duĝuþe, / |
Andreas 1112b | ǣĝon tō þance. || Þēod | wæs | of·lysted, / metes mōd-ġōmr |
Andreas 1116b | aða / rēow% rīcsode. || Þā | wæs | rinċ maniġ, / gūþ-frec guma |
Andreas 1119a | ded. || Tō þām beadu-lāce / | wæs | þæt wēa-tācen || wīde ġ |
Andreas 1138b | dre sċolde / lungre linnan. || | Wæs | sē lēod-hete / þrīst% and% |
Andreas 1155a | m þe hīe findan cann. / Þā | wæs | wōp hæfen || on wera burgum |
Andreas 1201a | || for wera meniġu.’ / Þā | wæs | bēacen boden || burh-sittend |
Andreas 1223a | ·bundon. / Siþþan ġe·ypped | wæs | || æðelinga wynn, / and hīe |
Andreas 1225b | sēon siġe-rōfne, || ðǣr | wæs | secg maniġ / on þām wæl-wan |
Andreas 1238b | unlȳtel / hǣðnes herġes. || | Wæs | þæs hālĝan līċ / sār-ben |
Andreas 1242b | n innan / ellen untwēonde%, || | wæs | þæt æðele mōd / ā·sundra |
Andreas 1245a | um || drēoĝan sċolde. / Swā | wæs | ealne dæġ || oþ·þæt ǣf |
Andreas 1250b | winnan / tō carc-ærne. || Hē | wæs | Crīste swā-þēah / lēof on |
Andreas 1251b | þēah / lēof on mōde. || Him | wæs | lēoht sefa / hāliġ heortan n |
Andreas 1253a | e untȳdre. / Þā% sē hālĝa | wæs | || under heolstor-sċuwan, / eo |
Andreas 1274a | || wǣrfæstne hæleþ. / Þā | wæs | eft swā ǣr || andlangne dæ |
Andreas 1302a | ū tō fela reordaþ.’ / Þā | wæs | or-leġe || eft on·hrēred, / |
Andreas 1307a | ĝas stēape, / and sē hālĝa | wæs | || tō hofe lǣded, / dēor and |
Andreas 1322b | yne-þrymm ā·hōf, || þām | wæs | Crīst nama, / ofer middan-ġea |
Andreas 1382a | | heofon-cininges word. / Þǣr | wæs | yfles ōr, || ende nǣfre / þ |
Andreas 1394a | . || Hit ne meahte swā. / þā | wæs | nīewunga || nīþ on·hrēre |
Andreas 1395b | red, / heard and hete-grīm. || | Wæs | sē hālĝa wer / sāre ġe·sw |
Andreas 1476a | e || drēore be·stīemed, / ac | wæs | eft swā ǣr || þurh þā æ |
Andreas 1532b | urh sealtne% weġ%. || Þæt | wæs | sorĝ-byrþen, / biter bēor-þ |
Andreas 1534b | on, / ambiht-þeġnas. || Þǣr | wæs | ǣlcum ġe·nōh / fram dæġes |
Andreas 1537b | nodon, / ealde æsċ-berend. || | Wæs | him ūt myne / flēon fealone s |
Andreas 1542b | tan heaðu-wielme. || Hrēoh | wæs | ðǣr inne / bēatende brim. || |
Andreas 1547a | || flōd ȳðum wēoll. / Þǣr | wæs | ēaþ-fynde || innan burgum / |
Andreas 1554a | , || wæter miċelodon. / Þǣr | wæs | wōp wera || wīde ġe·hīer |
Andreas 1571a | n || folces ġe·bǣru, / ðǣr | wæs | mōdiġra || mæġen% for·b |
Andreas 1573b | ow fierġen-strēam, || flōd | wæs | on luste, / oþ·þæt brēost |
Andreas 1579b | leaw-mōd, gode lēof. || Him | wæs% | ġearu sōna / þurh strēam-r |
Andreas 1581a | || strǣt ġe·rȳmed. / Smolt | wæs | sē siġe-wang, || simble wæ |
Andreas 1581b | æs sē siġe-wang, || simble | wæs | drīġe / folde fram flōde, || |
Andreas 1584b | / ferhþ-ġe·fēonde. || Þā | wæs | forþ cumen / ġēoc aefter gyr |
Andreas 1622a | or-cwidum || hālġes gæstes / | wæs | on þanc sprecen, || þēoda |
Andreas 1627b | e, / eaforan unweaxne, || þā | wæs | eall ġeador / leoðoliċ and g |
Andreas 1643a | das, || ān-for·lǣtan. / Þā | wæs | mid þȳ folce || fulwiht% h |
Andreas 1659a | oþe% || sēċan wolde. / Þæt | wæs | þām weorode || weorc% tō |
Andreas 22a | and ġe·dwolan fielde. / Þæt | wæs | Satane || sār tō ġe·þoli |
Andreas 41b | d-ġōmre. || Þǣr maniĝum | wæs | / hāt æt heortan || hyġe wea |
The Fates of the Apostles 25a | | æðelu reċċan. / Sē manna | wæs, | || mīne ġe·frǣġe, / þurh |
The Fates of the Apostles 37b | rh wiþ flǣsċe. || Philipus | wæs | / mid Asseum, || þonan ēċe l |
The Fates of the Apostles 41a | || on Ġearapolim / ā·hangen | wæs | || hilde-corðre. / Huru, wīde |
The Fates of the Apostles 48b | olde, / wēoh weorðian. || Him | wæs | wuldres drēam, / līf-wela lē |
The Fates of the Apostles 57b | ng and gūþ-hwæt || and him | wæs | Gad nama, / and þā þǣm folc |
The Fates of the Apostles 66b | ēohtes ġe·lēafan, || land | wæs | ġe·fǣlsod / þurh Matheus || |
The Fates of the Apostles 106a | eaht / hwā% on% þām% wordum% | wæs | || werum on·cȳðiġ. / Sīe |
Soul and Body I 40b | dest || and iċ% of·þyrsted | wæs | / Godes līċ-haman, || gāstes |
Soul and Body I 46a | staðolod þurh mē, / and iċ | wæs | gāst on þē || fram Gode se |
Soul and Body I 56b | and || þe iċ ǣr on·sended | wæs. | / Ne maĝon% þe nū heonan ā |
Soul and Body I 105b | . || Liġeþ% dūst ðǣr hit | wæs, | / ne mæġ him andsware || ǣn |
Dream of the Rood 6b | rhtost. || eall þæt bēacen | wæs | / be·goten mid golde. || ġimm |
Dream of the Rood 10b | þurh forðġesċæft. || ne | wæs | ðǣr hūru fracuðes ġealga |
Dream of the Rood 13a | ǣre ġe·sċeaft. / syl·līċ | wæs | sē siġebēam, || and iċ sy |
Dream of the Rood 20b | swīðran healfe. || eall iċ | wæs | mid sorĝum ġe·drēfed, / for |
Dream of the Rood 21a | rĝum ġe·drēfed, / forht iċ | wæs | for ðǣre fǣġran ġe·sih |
Dream of the Rood 22b | um and blēom; || hwīlum hit | wæs | mid wǣtan be·stīemed, / be· |
Dream of the Rood 28a | an || wudu sēlesta: / “þæt | wæs | ġeāra ġeō, || (iċ þæt |
Dream of the Rood 29a | ġīeta ġe·man), / þæt iċ | wæs | ā·hēawen || holtes on ende |
Dream of the Rood 39b | ā ġeong hǣleþ, || (þæt | wæs | god æl–mehtiġ), / strang an |
Dream of the Rood 44a | sċolde fæste standan. / rōd | wæs | iċ ā·rǣred. || ahōf iċ |
Dream of the Rood 48b | ū æt–gædere. || eall iċ | wæs | mid blōde be·stīemed, / be· |
Dream of the Rood 56b | don cininges fiell. || crīst | wæs | on rōde. / hwæðre ðǣr fūs |
Dream of the Rood 59a | t eall be·hēold. / sāre iċ | wæs | mid sorĝum ġe·drēfed, || |
Dream of the Rood 62b | ame be·drifenne; || eall iċ | wæs | mid strǣlum forwundod. / āle |
Dream of the Rood 74b | n / ealle tō eorðan. || þæt | wæs | eġes·liċ wyrd! / bedealf ūs |
Dream of the Rood 87a | iþ eġesa tō mē. / ġeō iċ | wæs | ġe·worden || wīta heardost |
Dream of the Rood 123b | lne miċele, || ðǣr iċ ana | wæs | / mǣte weorode. || wæs mōdse |
Dream of the Rood 124b | ċ ana wæs / mǣte weorode. || | wæs | mōdsefa / ā·fȳsed on forðw |
Dream of the Rood 148b | heofon·līċne hām. || hiht | wæs | ġe·nīewod / mid blǣdum and |
Dream of the Rood 150a | ǣr bryne þolodon. / sē sunu | wæs | siĝorfæst || on þām sīþ |
Dream of the Rood 156b | tiġ god, || ðǣr his ēðel | wæs. | / |
Elene 1a | # Elene / / Þā | wæs | ā·gangen || ġēara hwyrftu |
Elene 7b | / sōþfæstra lēoht. || Þā | wæs | siexte ġēar / Constantīnes | |
Elene 11a | d-fruma, || tō here-tīeman. / | Wæs | sē lēod-hwata || lind-ġe· |
Elene 13b | / rīċe under roderum. || Hē | wæs | riht cyning, / gūð-weard% gum |
Elene 18b | ·hōf / wiþ hettendum. || Him | wæs | hild boden, / wīġes wōma. || |
Elene 53b | wann and wæl-fell. || Weorod | wæs | on tyhte. / Hlēopon horn-boran |
Elene 56b | / cāfe tō ċēase. || Cyning | wæs | ā·fyrhted, / eġesan ġe·āc |
Elene 85b | t, / siĝores tācen.’ || Hē | wæs | sōna ġearu / þurh þæs hāl |
Elene 91a | nġed% || (ġimmas līexton); / | wæs | sē blāca bēam || bōc-staf |
Elene 96b | clǣnra ġe·mang. || Cyning | wæs | þȳ blīðra / and þe sorĝ-l |
Elene 114a | . || Hild-eġesa stōd. / Þǣr | wæs | borda ġe·bræc || and beorn |
Elene 123b | rungon þræc-hearde. || Þā | wæs | þūf hæfen. / seġn for swēo |
Elene 138a | ame || līfes æt ende. / Þā | wæs | mōdiġra || mæġen on luste |
Elene 141b | ĝon, / hilde-nǣdran. || Hēap | wæs | ġe·sċierded, / lāðra lind- |
Elene 144a | ġes || hām eft þonan. / Þā | wæs | ġe·sīene || þæt siġe fo |
Elene 149b | an, / hūðe hrēmiġ, || (hild | wæs | ġe·sċēaden), / wīġe ġe· |
Elene 162b | , || ‘Þē þis his bēacen | wæs | / þe mē swā lēoht oþ·īew |
Elene 173b | lwihte / lǣrde wǣron, || (him | wæs | lēoht sefa, / ferhþ ġe·fēo |
Elene 194a | , || drihtne tō willan. / Þā | wæs | on sǣlum || sinċes brytta, / |
Elene 195b | brytta, / nīþ-heard cyning || | Wæs | him nīewe ġe·fēa / be·fole |
Elene 196b | fēa / be·folen on ferhþe, || | wæs | him frōfra mǣst / and hyhta% |
Elene 205a | godes bōcum / hwǣr ā·hangen | wæs | || herġes breahtme / on rōde |
Elene 212a | e || wierhþu drēoĝan. / þā | wæs | Crīstes lof || þām cāsere |
Elene 222b | wan%, / hire selfre suna, || ac | wæs% | sōna ġearu, / wīf on will-s |
Elene 229a | s, || sunde ġe·tenġe. / Þā | wæs | or-cnǣwe || idese sīþ-fæt |
Elene 256a | as || eft ġe·sōhte. / Þǣr | wæs | on eorle || ēað-ġe·sīene |
Elene 264a | || hyrstum ġe·werede. / Þǣr | wæs | ġe·sīene || sinċ-ġimm lo |
Elene 266a | rēate, || hlāfordes ġiefu. / | Wæs | sēo ēad-hrēðġe || Elene |
Elene 282a | ǣ || reċċan cūðon. / Þā | wæs | ġe·samnod || of sīd-weĝum |
Elene 284b | an cūðon. || Þǣr on rīme | wæs | / þrīe [M] || þāra lēoda / |
Elene 346b | dryhte. || Hē on ġe·sihþe | wæs, | / mæġena wealdend, || min on |
Elene 418b | dda ġearu-snottor, || (þām | wæs | Iudas nama, / wordes cræftiġ) |
Elene 426a | ĝum || fæderas ūsse. / Þæt | wæs | þrēaliċ ġe·þōht. || N |
Elene 437b | siġe-rōf sæġde, || (þām | wæs | Sachius nama), / frōd fyrn-wit |
Elene 7a | þām sōþ-cyning / ā·hangen | wæs, | || heofon-rīċes weard, / ealr |
Elene 43b | bearn godes. || Þā siþþan | wæs | / of rōde ā·hæfen || rodera |
Elene 46b | þan / on byrġenne || bīdende | wæs | / under þeostor-locan || and |
Elene 54a | for lufan dryhtnes / Stephanus | wæs | || stānum worpod; / ne ġeald |
Elene 66a | on·ċierde, / and hē siþþan | wæs | || sanctus Paulus / be naman h |
Elene 67b | man hāten || and him nǣniġ | wæs | / ǣ-lǣrendra || ōðer betera |
Elene 92b | pte sōþ-cwīdum, || (þām | wæs | Symon nama), / guma ġiehþum% |
Elene 148b | m ġearu-snottorne, || (þām | wæs | Iudas nama / cenned for cnēo-m |
Elene 164a | e·tǣhte / þe ǣr on leġere | wæs | || lange || be·dierned, / and |
Elene 172b | rran rex ġe·niðlan; || hē | wæs | on ðǣre cwēne ġe·wealdum |
Elene 189b | .’ / Iudas maðelode, || (him | wæs | ġōmor sefa, / hāt æt heorta |
Elene 208b | ġe·feoht fremedon? || Þæt | wæs | fierr% miċele%, / open eald-ġ |
Elene 211b | eċċan, || hwæt ðǣr ealra | wæs | / on mann-rīme || morðor-slie |
Elene 233b | cȳðan || þæt ā·hangen% | wæs | / on Caluarie || cininges frēo |
Elene 260b | e and metelēas, || (mæġen | wæs | ġe·sweðrod): / ‘Iċ ēow h |
Elene 280a | || þe drihten ǣr / ā·hangen | wæs%, | || heofon-rīċes weard, / god- |
Elene 335b | t rīcsie || sē þe on rōde | wæs, | / and þurh Marian || on middan |
Elene 353b | / ġe·openie, || þæt ieldum | wæs | / lange || be·hȳded. || For· |
Elene 401a | n || lārum ne hīerdon. / Þā | wæs | mōd-ġe·mynd || miċelum ġ |
Elene 416b | m / ġe·þrōwodon, || and hē | wæs | þridda self / on rōde trēo%. |
Elene 435b | a þrēate / on nēah-wiste, || | (wæs | þā niĝoþe tīd), / ġungne |
Elene 436b | tlēasne. || Þā ðǣr Iudas | wæs | / on mōd-sefan || miċelum ġe |
Elene 443b | ūs, / dēop-hyċġende. || Hit | wæs | dēad swā ǣr, / līċ leġere |
Elene 445b | þeaht. || Þā sēo þridde | wæs | / ā·hafen hāliġ. || Hrǣw w |
Elene 446b | s / ā·hafen hāliġ. || Hrǣw | wæs | on an-bīde / oþ·þæt him up |
Elene 447b | æt him uppan || æðelinges | wæs | / rōd ā·rǣred, || rodor-cin |
Elene 451b | mod / līċ and sāwl. || Þǣr | wæs | lof hafen / fǣġer mid þȳ fo |
Elene 456a | || ealra ġe·sċeafta. / þā | wæs | þām folce || on ferhþ-sefa |
Elene 475a | ē þe on Nazareþ / ā·fēded | wæs. | || Siþþan furðum wēox / of |
Elene 497b | / hæleþ hilde-dēor, || (him | wæs | hāliġ gāst / be·folen fæst |
Elene 517b | iġ and ġe·sǣliġ. || Sefa | wæs | þȳ glædra / þæs þe hēo |
Elene 529a | n þæs weres brēostum. / Þā | wæs | ġe·frǣġe || on ðǣre fol |
Elene 538a | fonum || ā·hafen wurde, / and | wæs | Iūdēum || gnorn-sorĝa mǣs |
Elene 549a | æt ǣr fela mǣla / be·hȳded | wæs | || hālĝum tō tēonan, / crī |
Elene 554b | rgum, / feorran ġe·ferede. || | Wæs | him frōfra mǣst / ġe·worden |
Elene 574a | sēo hālġe rōd / ġe·meted | wæs, | || mǣrost bēama / þāra þe |
Elene 605a | god, || meahta wealdend. / Þā | wæs | ġe·fulwod || sē þe ǣr fe |
Elene 622b | nemde / nīewan stefne. || Nama | wæs | ġe·ċierred / beornes on burg |
Elene 624b | lendes. || Þā ġīen Elenan | wæs | / mōd ġe·mynde || ymb þā m |
Elene 628a | swā same, / mid þām on rōde | wæs | || rodera wealdend / ġe·fæst |
Elene 637a | tǣhtest, / on þā ā·hangen | wæs | || hǣðnum folmum / gasta ġē |
Elene 687a | | heofon-rīċes god.’ / Þā | wæs | ġe·blissod || sē þe tō b |
Elene 693b | bēad, / wīfes willan. || Þā | wæs | wōpes hrinġ, / hāt hēafod-w |
Elene 699b | hrēmiġ, || þe hire brungen | wæs | / gnyrna tō ġēoce. || Gode |
Elene 702b | nēow / andweardlīċe || þæt | wæs | oft bodod / feorr ǣr be·foran |
Elene 704b | frōfre. || Hēo ġe·fielled | wæs | / wīsdōmes ġiefe || and þā |
Elene 714b | ġeat / willan on weorolde. || | Wæs | sē wītedōm / þurh fyrn-wita |
Elene 773b | riacus / bude, bōca glēaw. || | Wæs | sē bisċophād / fæġre be·f |
Elene 780b | inċ-weorðunga, || þā hēo | wæs | sīðes fūs / eft tō ēðle | |
Elene 786a | sēo hālġe rōd / ġe·meted | wæs, | || mǣrost bēama / þāra þe |
Elene 788b | / ġe·loden under lēafum. || | Wæs | þā lencten ā·gān / būtan |
Elene 804b | t% / wīsdōm on·wrāh. || Iċ | wæs | weorcum fāh / synnum ā·sǣle |
Elene 818b | be þām siġe-bēacne. || Ā | wæs | secg% oþ·þæt / cnyssed ċea |
Elene 827b | red, / eald an-mēdla. || //U// | wæs | ġāra / ġuĝuþhādes glǣm. |
Christ A 34b | hredde, || þā for·hwierfed | wæs, | / frum-cynn fīra. || Wæs sēo |
Christ A 35b | fed wæs, / frum-cynn fīra. || | Wæs | sēo fǣmne ġung, / mæġþ m |
Christ A 37a | tō mēder ġe·ċēas; / þæt | wæs | ġe·worden || būtan weres f |
Christ A 41a | fes ġiernung; / þæt dēaĝol | wæs, | || dryhtnes ġe·rȳne. / Eall |
Christ A 121a | rodum brungen, / þe on frymþe | wæs | || fæder æl-mihtĝum / efen-e |
Christ A 124b | r / ġōmrum tō ġeoce. || God | wæs | mid ūs / ġe·sewen būtan syn |
Christ A 140b | h / ēċes æl-wealdan. || Sē | wæs | ǣ bringend, / lāra lǣdend, | |
Christ A 142b | cyme, || swā him ġe·hāten | wæs, | / þætte sunu metodes || selfa |
Christ A 224a | | him tō frēo-bearne. / Þæt | wæs | þāra þinga || þe hēr þ |
Christ A 228b | dǣlde dryhtlīċe || and him | wæs | dōmes ġe·weald, / and þā w |
Christ A 307b | arode || ðǣr ġe·staðolad | wæs | / æðeliċ inn-gang. || Eall w |
Christ A 308b | s / æðeliċ inn-gang. || Eall | wæs | ġe·bunden / dēoran sinċe || |
Christ A 421b | nnes ofer moldan; || ac þæt | wæs | mā cræft / þonne hit eorð-b |
Christ B 499b | / god-bearn of grundum. || Him | wæs | ġōmor sefa / hāt æt heortan |
Christ B 527a | | folc under rodorum.’ / Þā | wæs | wuldres weard || wolcnum be· |
Christ B 529b | s up, / hāliġra helm. || Hyht | wæs | ġe·nīewod, / bliss on burgum |
Christ B 537b | n, / hira wil-ġiefan. || Þǣr | wæs | wōpes hrinġ, / torne be·told |
Christ B 538b | hrinġ, / torne be·tolden; || | wæs | sēo trēow-lufu / hāt æt heo |
Christ B 550b | / sīĝan on sweġele. || Þā | wæs | symbla mǣst / ġe·worden on w |
Christ B 619b | sibbe, || sē þe ǣr sungen | wæs% | / þurh ierne hyġe || ieldum t |
Christ B 639a | cundan || gæstes strengþu%. / | Wæs | þæs fuĝoles flyht || fēon |
Christ B 651a | þon sē wītĝa sang: / ‘Hē | wæs | up hafen || engla fæðmum / on |
Christ B 720a | urh þone æðelan stiell.’ / | Wæs | sē forma hlīep || þā hē |
Christ B 723b | wearþ / eallum eorð-warum. || | Wæs | sē ōðer stiell / bearnes ġe |
Christ B 724b | ·byrda, || þā hē on binne | wæs | / on ċildes hīew || clāðum |
Christ B 726b | den, / ealra þrymma þrymm. || | Wæs | sē þridda hlīep, / rodor-cin |
Christ B 728b | h, / fæder, frōfre gǣst. || | Wæs | sē feorþa stiell / on byrġen |
Christ B 730b | ·ġeaf, / fold-ærne fæst. || | Wæs | sē fifta hlīep / þā hē hel |
Christ B 736b | stnod, / synnum ġe·sǣled. || | Wæs | sē siexta hlīep, / hālġes h |
Christ B 738b | on his eald-cȳþþe. || Þā | wæs | engla þrēat / on þā hālĝa |
Christ B 805b | cen / eorðan frætwa. || //U// | wæs | lange / //L// flōdum be·locen |
Christ B 814b | n him on eorðan || an-mēdla | wæs. | / For·þon iċ lēofra ġe·hw |
Christ B 856b | lmas / ofer dēop ġe·lād. || | Wæs | sē drohtaþ strang / ær·þon |
Christ C 1093b | hālĝan bēam || ā·hangen | wæs | / fore mann-cynnes || man-for· |
Christ C 1114b | rincum, || þā hē on rōde | wæs. | / Eall þis maĝon him selfe || |
Christ C 1151b | hē his bodan sende, || þā | wæs | ġe·boren ǣrest / ġe·sċeaf |
Christ C 1345a | nes fæder rīċe / þæt ēow | wæs | ǣr weoroldum || wynlīċe ġ |
Christ C 1419b | h, / maĝa on mōdor, || þēah | wæs | hire mæġden-hād / ǣghwæs o |
Christ C 1445b | / þrēam be·þrycton, || sē | wæs | of þornum ġe·worht. / Þā i |
Christ C 1446a | þornum ġe·worht. / Þā iċ | wæs | ā·hangen || on hēanne% bē |
Christ C 1459a | || swātġe wunde. / Hū ðǣr | wæs | unefen racu || unc ġe·mǣne |
Christ C 1491a | fæstnod%, / þonne sēo ōðer | wæs | || þe iċ ǣr ġe·stāh, / wi |
Christ C 1495a | || siþþan ġe·healdan. / Iċ | wæs | on weorolde wǣdla || þæt |
Christ C 1496a | weliġ on heofonum, / earm iċ | wæs | on ēðle þīnum || þæt þ |
Christ C 1521a | ames, || on ēċe fȳr / þæt | wæs | Satane || and his ġe·sīðu |
Vainglory 57a | || wyrmum be·þrungen. / Þæt | wæs | ġāra ġō || on godes rīċ |
Vainglory 63b | rīefan, || swā hit riht ne | wæs, | / and þonne ġe·settan || on |
Widsith 14a | l || ġe·þēon wile / þāra | wæs | Hwala% || hwīle sēlost, / and |
Widsith 34a | and Holen Wrosnum / Hringweald | wæs | hāten || Here-farena cyning. |
Widsith 36a | d Angle, || Alewih Denum; / sē | wæs | þāra manna || modgast ealra |
Widsith 57a | -gōde || cystum dōhten. / Iċ | wæs | mid Hunum || and mid Hrēð- |
Widsith 59a | d Sūð-Denum. / Mid Wenlum iċ | wæs | and mid Wærnum || and mid w |
Widsith 60a | wīċingum. / Mid Ġefþum iċ | wæs | and mid Winedum || and mid Ġ |
Widsith 61a | d Ġeffleĝum. / Mid Englum iċ | wæs | and mid Swǣfum || and mid ǣ |
Widsith 62a | d mid ǣnĝum. / Mid Seaxum iċ | wæs | and Syċġum || and mid Sweor |
Widsith 63a | Sweord-werum. / Mid Hronum iċ | wæs | and mid Deanum || and mid Hea |
Widsith 64a | ðu-reamum. / Mid Þyringum iċ | wæs | || and mid Þrōwendum, / and m |
Widsith 68a | sǣne cyning. / Mid Francum iċ | wæs | and mid Friesum || and mid Fr |
Widsith 69a | id Frumtingum. / Mid Ruĝum iċ | wæs | and mid Glammum || and mid Ru |
Widsith 70a | and mid Rumwalum. / Swelċe iċ | wæs | on Eatule || mid Ælfwine, / s |
Widsith 75a | Ēadwines. / Mid Sercingum iċ | wæs | || and mid Seringum; / mid Crea |
Widsith 76a | mid Seringum; / mid Creacum iċ | wæs | and mid Finnum || and mid Cas |
Widsith 79a | ala rīċes. / Mid Sċottum iċ | wæs | and mid Peohtum || and mid S |
Widsith 80a | innum; / mid Lid-Wīċingum iċ | wæs | and mid Leonum || and mid Lan |
Widsith 82a | Hundingum. / Mid Israhelum iċ | wæs | || and mid Ex-Syringum, / mid E |
Widsith 84a | mid Eġyptum. / Mid Moidum iċ | wæs | and mid Persum || and mid Myr |
Widsith 86b | um. || Mid East-Þyringum iċ | wæs | / and mid Eolum and mid Istum | |
Widsith 88a | tum || and Idumingum. / And iċ | wæs | mid Eormanrīċe || ealle þr |
Widsith 91a | ena fruma, / on þām siex hund | wæs | || smǣtes goldes, / ġe·sċie |
Widsith 111a | ða% || þā sēlostan; / þæt | wæs | inn-weorod || Earmanrīċes. / |
Maxims I 11b | || ac hē is ġīen swā hē | wæs, | / þēoden ġe·þyldiġ. || H |
Maxims I 197b | þone cwealm nerede; || cūþ | wæs | wīde siþþan, / þæt ēċe n |
The Riming Poem 3a | || tillīċe on·wrāh. / Glæd | wæs | iċ glēowum, || glenġed hī |
The Riming Poem 9a | um || lima ġe·hangum%. / Þā | wæs | wæstmum ā·weaht, || weorol |
The Riming Poem 14a | | þurh ġe·sċād on brād, / | wæs | on laĝu-strēame lād, || ð |
The Riming Poem 15b | æfde iċ hēanne hād, || ne | wæs | mē on healle gād, / þæt ð |
The Riming Poem 18b | ġnum ġe·þyhte. || Þenden | wæs | mē% mæġen, / horsċe mec her |
The Riming Poem 25a | || Gamen% sibbe ne ofoll, / ac | wæs | ġieffæst ġēar, || ġielle |
The Riming Poem 27b | s wǣron sċearpe, || sċiell | wæs | hearpe, / hlūde hlynede, || hl |
The Riming Poem 38a | e, || sibb nearwode. / Fram iċ | wæs | on frætwum, || freoliċ on |
The Riming Poem 39a | wum, || freoliċ on ġeatwum; / | wæs | min drēam dryhtliċ, || droh |
The Riming Poem 41a | , || folcum iċ liðode, / līf | wæs | min lange, || lēodum on ġe |
The Riming Poem 45a | s on flēah / sē ǣr on dæġe | wæs | dīere. || Sċrīðeþ nū d |
The Panther 64b | la, / siĝora sellend. || Þæt | wæs | swēte stenċ, / wlitiġ and wy |
Soul and Body II 37b | est || and iċ of·þyrsted | wæs | / godes līċ-haman, || gæstes |
Soul and Body II 43a | staðolod þurh mec%, / and iċ | wæs | gǣst on þē || fram gode se |
Soul and Body II 53b | and || þe iċ ǣr on·sended | wæs. | / Ne maĝon þē% nū heonan ā |
Soul and Body II 99b | d. || Liġeþ dūst ðǣr hit | wæs, | / ne mæġ him andsware || ǣn |
Guthlac A 98b | unde / hām on heofonum. || Him | wæs | hiht tō þām, / siþþan hine |
Guthlac A 110b | fode / frecnessa fela. || Frist | wæs | swā þe ana / on godes dōme, |
Guthlac A 114a | ðroden || synna lustas. / Tīd | wæs | toweard; || hine twēġen ymb |
Guthlac A 136a | m || ende ġe·reahte. / Fēond | wæs | ġe·flīemed; || sīþ þām |
Guthlac A 146b | sċierede, / lyft-lācende. || | Wæs | sēo landes stōw / be·miden f |
Guthlac A 167b | ierelan ġielplīċes. || Him | wæs | godes eġesa / māra on ġe·my |
Guthlac A 170a | ance || þēġan wolde. / Gōd | wæs | Gūð·lāc. || Hē on gǣste |
Guthlac A 172b | rǣhte / ēċan līfes. || Him | wæs | enġel nēah, / fǣle friðu-we |
Guthlac A 189b | lǣdon / frāsunga fela. || Him | wæs | fultum nēah, / enġel hine eln |
Guthlac A 201b | a meniġu. || No þȳ forhtra | wæs | / Gūð·lāces gǣst, || ac hi |
Guthlac A 214a | ĝum, || rōwe ġe·fǣġon; / | wæs | him sēo ġe·līefed || þur |
Guthlac A 292a | es fēores reċċe.’ / Ġearu | wæs | Gūð·lāc, || hine god frem |
Guthlac A 326b | þonan / fēonda meniġu. || Ne | wæs | sē frist miċel / þe hīe Gū |
Guthlac A 328a | || for·ġiefan þōhton. / Hē | wæs | on elne || and on ēað-mēdu |
Guthlac A 329b | -mēdum, / bād on beorĝe, || | (wæs | him botles nēod), / for·lēt |
Guthlac A 336b | īðe gǣste. / Oft eahtode, || | (wæs | him enġel nēah), / hū þisse |
Guthlac A 355b | tuĝe / eft tō ēðle. || Ne | wæs | þæt an-ġinn swelċ, / þonne |
Guthlac A 390a | aman || lāde hæbbe.’ / Þā | wæs | eft swā ǣr || eald-fēonda |
Guthlac A 398b | / þīehþ on þēawum. || Hē | wæs | þāra sum; / ne wann hē aefte |
Guthlac A 400b | hōf / mōdes wynne. || Hwelċ | wæs | māra þonne sē? / Ān ōretta |
Guthlac A 423a | n hæfdon / þe him ā·līefed | wæs | || lȳtle hwīle, / þæt hīe |
Guthlac A 437a | ēng || fēore ġe·dīeĝed. / | Wæs | sēo ǣreste || earmra gǣsta |
Guthlac A 439b | wunode / blīðe on beorĝe, || | wæs | his blǣd mid god. / Þūhte hi |
Guthlac A 448b | ornum tēon-cwidum. || Trēow | wæs | ġe·cȳðed, / þætte Gūð· |
Guthlac A 470a | n·wendan ne meahtes.’ / Þā | wæs | ā·gangen || þæt him god w |
Guthlac A 486b | timbru / ġe·sēon meahte. || | Wæs | mē sweġles lēoht / torht on |
Guthlac A 514a | hleoðrode || hāliġ cempa; / | wæs | sē martire || fram mann-cynn |
Guthlac A 521a | nd þæt hwæðere ġe·lamp. / | Wæs | þæt ġīen māra, || þæt |
Guthlac A 530a | || wīsdōm cȳðaþ. / Ġeofu | wæs | mid Gūð·lāc || on godcund |
Guthlac A 667b | sūsl, || ðǣr ēow siþþan | wæs | / ād on·ǣled || ātre ġe·b |
Guthlac A 722a | | Hē his dǣde cann.’ / Þā | wæs | Gūð·lāces || gǣst ġe·b |
Guthlac A 742a | s weorold for·hogode. / Smolt | wæs | sē siġe-wang || and sele n |
Guthlac A 748b | fēondas ā·fyrde. || Hwelċ | wæs | fæġerra / willa ġe·worden | |
Guthlac A 773a | e || þurh his dōm ā·hōf. / | Wæs | sē fruma fæstliċ || fēond |
Guthlac A 781a | || ā·ġiefen% wurde%. / Swā | wæs | Gūð·lāces || gǣst ġe·l |
Guthlac A 784b | an / lǣdon lēoflīċe. || Him | wæs | lēan ġe·seald, / setl on swe |
Guthlac B 823b | , / foldan ġe·worhte. || þā | wæs | fruma nīewe / ielda% tūdres, |
Guthlac B 825b | and ġe·fēaliċ. || Fæder | wæs | ā·cenned / Ādam ǣrest || þ |
Guthlac B 827b | a-wang, || ðǣr him nǣnġes | wæs | / willan ansīen, || ne welan b |
Guthlac B 865b | ddan-ġeard. || Nǣniġ manna | wæs | / of þām siġe-tūdre || siþ |
Guthlac B 888b | de. || Simle frōfre ðǣr || | Wæs | sē drohtaþ strang / æt þām |
Guthlac B 923b | s frōfre. || Nǣniġ furðum | wæs, | / þæt hē ǣwisċ-mōd || eft |
Guthlac B 932b | mōste%, / weorolde līfes. || | Wæs | ġe·winnes þā / iermþa for |
Guthlac B 936b | s, / fif-tīenu ġēar, || þā | wæs | frōfre gǣst / ēadĝum ǣ-bod |
Guthlac B 942b | ·hāta / blīðe on burgum. || | Wæs | þām bān-cofan / aefter niht- |
Guthlac B 944b | n, / brēost-hord on·boren. || | Wæs | sē blīða gǣst / fūs on for |
Guthlac B 953b | heard and hyġe-rōf. || Hyht | wæs | ġe·nīewod, / bliss on brēos |
Guthlac B 954b | ewod, / bliss on brēostum. || | Wæs | sē bān-cofa / ādle on·ǣled |
Guthlac B 970b | don, / niht-helma ġe·nipu. || | Wæs | nēah sēo tīd / þæt hē fyr |
Guthlac B 976a | rostan || ielda cynnes. / Þā | wæs | Gūð·lāce || on þā ġōc |
Guthlac B 978b | heard, / elnes an-hyġdiġ. || | Wæs | sēo ādl þearl, / hāt and he |
Guthlac B 980b | l, / born bān-loca. || Bryðen | wæs | on·gunnen / þætte Ādame || |
Guthlac B 987b | ·wyrht, || þætte ǣniġ ne | wæs | / fīra cynnes || fram fruman s |
Guthlac B 996b | inn / ġīfrum grāpum. || Swā | wæs | Gūð·lāce / enġe an-hoĝa | |
Guthlac B 1024b | eahte / oroþ up ġe·tēon; || | wæs | him inn boĝen / biter bān-co |
Guthlac B 1047b | d / weorolde līfes.’ || þā | wæs | wōp and hēaf, / ġungum ġōc |
Guthlac B 1049b | hīerde || þæt sē hālĝa | wæs | / forþ-sīðes fūs. || Hē þ |
Guthlac B 1059b | we, || þonne him ġe·dēmed | wæs. | / On·ġeat gǣsta hāliġ || |
Guthlac B 1095b | e·stilde, / rōf rūn-wita; || | wæs | him ræste nēod, / rēoniġ-m |
Guthlac B 1123b | ċan / on sīdum sefan. || Him | wæs | sōðra ġe·þūht / þæt hit |
Guthlac B 1130b | r weardode, / dryhta bearna, || | wæs | þæs dēopliċ eall / word and |
Guthlac B 1150b | temple / soden sār-wielmum. || | Wæs | þā sihste tīd / on midne dæ |
Guthlac B 1151b | ihste tīd / on midne dæġ, || | wæs | his mann-drihtne / ende-dōĝor |
Guthlac B 1200b | ·dāl, || þæt hit feorr ne | wæs, | / ende-dōĝor. || On·gann þ |
Guthlac B 1276b | wende, || swā þæs hālĝan | wæs | / andlangne dæġ || oþ ǣfen |
Guthlac B 1289b | tō·līesed under lyfte%. || | Wæs | sē lēohta glǣm / ymb þæt h |
Guthlac B 1305a | ne || on wuldres drēam. / Þā | wæs | Gūð·lāces || gǣst ġe·l |
Guthlac B 1309b | rhtost. || Eall þæt bēacen | wæs | / ymb þæt hālġe hūs, || he |
Guthlac B 1315b | iġe-lēoþ sungon, || swēġ | wæs | on lyfte / ġe·hīered under h |
Guthlac B 1317a | a drēam. / Swā sē burh-stede | wæs | || blissum ġe·fylled, / swēo |
Guthlac B 1320b | s, / eall innan-weard. || Þǣr | wæs | ǣnlicra / and wynsumra || þon |
Guthlac B 1324a | ē hālĝa sang, / ġe·hīered | wæs, | || hēah-þrymm godes, / breaht |
Guthlac B 1344b | -ferhþ || ðǣr sēo fǣmne | wæs, | / wuldres wynn-mǣġ. || Hē þ |
Guthlac B 1375b | iġe-drihten min, || þā hē | wæs% | sīðes fūs, / þæt þū his |
Deor 8a | s swā mæġ. / Beadu·hilde ne | wæs | || hire brōðra dēaþ / on se |
Deor 11a | eten hæfde / þæt hēo ēacen | wæs; | || ǣfre ne meahte / þrīste |
Deor 19b | intra / Mǣringa burg; || þæt | wæs | maniĝum cūþ. / Þæs ofer· |
Deor 23b | folc / Gotena rīċes. || Þæt | wæs | grimm cyning. / Sæt secg mani |
Deor 36a | ġan wille, / þæt iċ hwīle | wæs | || Hedeninga sċōp, / drihtne |
Deor 37b | ċōp, / drihtne dīere. || Mē | wæs | Dēor nama. / Āhte iċ fela wi |
Wulf and Eadwacer 10a | || wēnum doĝode; / þonne hit | wæs | rēniġ weder || and iċ rēo |
Wulf and Eadwacer 12a | -cāfa || bōĝum be·leġde, / | wæs | mē wynn tō þon, || wæs m |
Wulf and Eadwacer 12b | e, / wæs mē wynn tō þon, || | wæs | mē hwæðere ēac lāþ. / Wul |
Wulf and Eadwacer 18b | || þætte nǣfre ġe·samnad | wæs, | / uncer ġiedd ġeador. || |
Riddles 10 1a | # Riddles 10 / / Nebb | wæs | min on nearwe || and iċ nið |
Riddles 13 5b | e / ānra ġe·hwelċes. || Ne | wæs | hira ǣngum þȳ wiers, / ne s |
Riddles 14 1a | # Riddles 14 / / Iċ | wæs | wǣpen-wiĝa. || Nū mec wlan |
Riddles 18 4a | hæbbe, / wīde wambe. || / Iċ | wæs | on ċēole || and mīnes cnō |
Riddles 19 8b | // //O// //Ā// //H//. || For | wæs | þȳ beorhtre, / swelcra sīþf |
Riddles 22 6b | an, / swā hīe fundodon, || ac | wæs | flōd tō dēop, / atol ȳða |
Riddles 31 4a | ġ || singan on reċede; / wiht | wæs | nāhwǣr% || werum on ġe·ma |
Riddles 31 6b | wundorlicran. / Niðerweard% || | wæs | nebb hire, / fēt and folme || |
Riddles 32 9a | || Hæfde fela% ribba; / mūþ | wæs | on middan. || Mann-cynne nytt |
Riddles 33 3b | hlinsode hlūde; || hleahtor% | wæs | gryreliċ, / eġesfull on earde |
Riddles 33 5a | e, || eċġe wǣron sċearpe. / | Wæs | hēo hete-grimm, || hilde tō |
Riddles 36 2a | seah || on weġe fēran, / sēo | wæs | wrætlīċe || wundrum ġe· |
Riddles 36 9b | ǣre. / For flōd-weĝas; || ne | wæs | þæt nā fuĝol ana, / ac ðǣ |
Riddles 36 10a | æt nā fuĝol ana, / ac ðǣr | wæs | ǣġhwelċes || ānra ġe·l |
Riddles 37 1b | þā wihte ġe·seah; || wamb | wæs | on hindan / þriðum ā·þrunt |
Riddles 40 44a | ·weorðan, / and iċ ġiestran | wæs | || ġung ā·cenned / mǣre tō |
Riddles 46 4b | rēolicu frumbearn; || fæder | wæs | ðǣr inne / þāra æðelinga |
Riddles 47 5b | n staðol. || Stæl-ġiest ne | wæs | / wihte þȳ glēawra, || þe h |
Riddles 51 3b | waðu swīðe blacu. || Swift | wæs | on fore, / fuĝlum framra; || f |
Riddles 52 5a | tō·gædere; / þāra ōðrum | wæs | || ān ġe·tenġe / wan-fāh W |
Riddles 53 2b | num torhtne. || Þæt trēow | wæs | on wynne, / wudu weaxende. || W |
Riddles 53 11b | n / hord æt·gædere; || hrǣd | wæs | and unlæt / sē æftera, || ġ |
Riddles 54 7b | don būta. / Þeġn ōnette, || | wæs | þrāĝum nytt / tilliċ esne, |
Riddles 55 9a | um || æðelu seċġan; / ðǣr | wæs | hlyne and āc || and sē hear |
Riddles 56 1a | # Riddles 56 / / Iċ | wæs | ðǣr inne || ðǣr iċ āne |
Riddles 56 6b | te ġe·bunden. || Hire fōta | wæs | / bid-fæst% ōðer, || ōðer |
Riddles 56 9a | | hwīlum lande nēah. / Trēow | wæs | ġe·tenġe || þām ðǣr to |
Riddles 59 17b | leþum, || þā hē on healle | wæs | / wielted and wended || wlancra |
Riddles 9 2b | fon% / fæder and mōdor; || ne | wæs | mē feorh þā ġīen, / ealdor |
The Judgment Day I 64a | | him biþ lēan ġearu. / Hyht | wæs | ā on heofonum, || siþþan |
The Judgment Day I 65a | m, || siþþan ūser hǣlend% / | wæs, | middan-ġeardes metod, || þu |
Resignation 115b | , / cȳþþu ġe·cwe[]% || mē | wæs | ā cearu simle / lufena tō lē |
The Descent into Hell 6b | onġe% be·rēotan. || Ræst | wæs | ā·cōlod, / heard wæs hin-s |
The Descent into Hell 7a | Ræst wæs ā·cōlod, / heard | wæs | hin-sīþ; || hæleþ wǣron |
The Descent into Hell 19a | wynn || hǣlendes burh. / Open | wæs | þæt eorð-ærn, || æðelin |
The Descent into Hell 55b | mid þīestre; || sē þeġn | wæs | on wynne. / A·bēad þā beald |
The Descent into Hell 114b | t æt-īewdest, || þonne him | wæs | āre ðearf. / Þū meaht ymb· |
Azarias 23a | ·hworfne%, || hylda lēase; / | wæs | ūre līf || ġond landa fela |
Azarias 49b | sē hālĝa wer || herġende | wæs | / metodes miltse || and his mō |
Azarias 61a | wā hira līċe ne sċōd, / ac | wæs | on þām ofene%, || þā sē |
Azarias 65a | ng || mid dæġes hwīle. / Sē | wæs | on þām fȳre || for frēan |
Azarias 169b | āliġra ġe·hyld, || (hlyst | wæs | ðǣr inne), / gram-hyġdiġ gu |
Riddles 60 1a | # Riddles 60 / / Iċ | wæs | be sande%, || sǣ-wealle nēa |
Riddles 60 3b | taðole fæst; || fēa ǣniġ | wæs | / manna cynnes, || þæt mīnne |
The Ruin 41b | n, / hāt on hreðere. || þæt | wæs | hȳðeliċ. / Lēton þonne ġ |
Riddles 61 4b | þēodne, || swā hēo hāten | wæs. | / Siþþan mē on hreðere || h |
Riddles 64 2b | n, / beran //B// //E//; || bǣm | wæs | on sīðe / hæbbendes hiht || |
Riddles 65 1a | # Riddles 65 / / Cwicu | wæs | iċ, ne cwæþ iċ wiht, || c |
Riddles 65 2a | iċ efene sē·þeah. / Ǣr iċ | wæs, | eft iċ cōm. || ǣġhwā mec |
Riddles 68 2a | seah || on weġ fēran; / hēo | wæs | wrætlīċe || wundrum ġe· |
Riddles 71 2b | and stēap-wang. || Staðol | wæs | ġō þā / wyrta wlite-torhtra |
Riddles 72 1a | # Riddles 72 / / Iċ | wæs | lȳtel [] || / fō[] || / []te |
Riddles 72 10a | þæh on lust, / oþ·þæt iċ | wæs | ieldra || and þæt ān for· |
Riddles 74 1a | # Riddles 74 / / Iċ | wæs | fǣmne ġung, || feax-hār cw |
Riddles 83 1a | # Riddles 83 / / Frōd | wæs | min fram-cynn% || [] / biden on |
Riddles 84 19a | ynn || eorðan [] / [] þon ǣr | wæs | || / wlitiġ and wynsum, || [] |
Riddles 88 3b | [] and sumor || mi[] / []mē || | wæs | min ti[] / [] || / []d iċ on st |
Riddles 88 11a | | bēġen wǣron hearde. / Eard | wæs | þȳ weorðra || þe wit inn |
Riddles 89 3b | fde [] || / []tne, || leðere | wæs | bēg[] / []on hindan. || / Grēt |
Riddles 92 1a | # Riddles 92 / / Iċ | wæs | brūnra bēot, || bēam on ho |
The Phoenix 239b | wod, || swylc hē æt frymþe | wæs, | / beorht ġe·blōwen. || Þonn |
The Phoenix 280b | hama, || swā hē æt frymþe | wæs, | / þā hine ǣrest god || on þ |
The Phoenix 379b | t īlce || þæt hē ǣr þon | wæs, | / feðerum be·fangen, || þēa |
The Phoenix 397b | a-wang, || ðǣr him nǣnġes | wæs | / ēades ansīen, || þenden ē |
Juliana 8b | ra blōd, / riht-fremmendra || | Wæs | his rīċe brād, / wīd and we |
Juliana 18a | pan || gāre and līeġe. / Sum | wæs | ǣht-weliġ || æðeles cynne |
Juliana 24b | sōhte / nēode ġe·neahhe. || | Wæs | him nama cenned / Heliseus, || |
Juliana 32a | || clǣne ġe·hēolde. / Þā | wæs | sēo fǣmne || mid hire fæde |
Juliana 35b | ode, / ġung on gǣste. || Hire | wæs | godes eġesa / māra on ġe·my |
Juliana 38a | linges || ǣhtum wunode. / Þā | wæs | sē weleĝa || þāra% wīf-g |
Juliana 140a | | fram Crīstes lofe.’ / Þā | wæs | ellen-wōd, || ierre and rē |
Juliana 233b | bēad / tō carc-erne. || Hire | wæs | Crīstes lof / on ferhð-locan |
Juliana 236a | an, || mæġen unbryċe. / Þā | wæs | mid clūstre || carc-ernes du |
Juliana 241b | / heolstre be·helmod. || Hire | wæs | hāliġ gǣst / sīn-gāl ġe· |
Juliana 258b | mlīċe, || sēo þe forht ne | wæs, | / Crīste ġe·cwēme, || hwona |
Juliana 267a | æt þe burĝe þā.’ / Þā | wæs | sēo fǣmne || for þām fǣr |
Juliana 287a | t his æðelu sīen.’ / Þā | wæs | ðǣre fǣmnan || ferhþ ġe |
Juliana 343a | wan, / þæt iċ þisse nōðe | wæs | || nīede ġe·bǣded, / þrā |
Juliana 497b | ō facne, || siþþan furðum | wæs | / rodor ā·rǣred || and ryne |
Juliana 510b | nne, / eorlum on eorðan. || Ne | wæs | ǣniġ þāra / þæt mē þus |
Juliana 569a | e·sund. / Þæt þām weleĝan | wæs | || weorc tō þolianne, / ðǣr |
Juliana 580b | mǣst, / ād on·ālan, || sē | wæs | ǣġhwonan / ymb·boren mid bra |
Juliana 600b | ·standan / wīfes willan. || | Wæs | sēo wuldres mæġ / ān-rǣd a |
Juliana 635a | ā hēo mec ǣr dyde.’ / Þā | wæs | ġe·lǣded || land-mearce n |
Juliana 678b | arliċ þrēa. || Þǣr [XXX] | wæs | / and fēowere ēac || fēores |
Juliana 688b | / æplede gold. || Unġelīċe | wæs | / lǣded lof-sangum || līċ h |
Juliana 692b | olc miċel. || Þǣr siþþan | wæs | / ġēara gangum || godes lof h |
Juliana 712b | ġ sċeall / tēarum mǣnan. || | Wæs | ān tīd tō læt / þæt iċ y |
Beowulf 11b | de, / gamban ġieldan. || Þæt | wæs | gōd cyning. / Þǣm eafora wæ |
Beowulf 12a | æs gōd cyning. / Þǣm eafora | wæs | || aefter cenned, / ġung on ġ |
Beowulf 18a | old-āre for·ġeaf; / Bēowulf | wæs | brēme || (blǣd wīde sprang |
Beowulf 36b | s, / mǣrne be mǣste. || Þǣr | wæs | mādma fela / of feorr-weĝum, |
Beowulf 49b | ġēafon on gar·secg; || him | wæs | ġōmor sefa, / murnende mōd. |
Beowulf 53a | þǣm hlæste on·fēng. / Þā | wæs | on burgum || Bēowulf Sċield |
Beowulf 62b | lga til; / hīerde iċ þæt || | wæs% | Anelan cwēn, / Heaðu-Sċielfi |
Beowulf 64a | gas || heals-ġe·bedda. / Þā | wæs | Hrōð·gāre || here-spēd |
Beowulf 83b | bād, / lāðan līeġes; || ne | wæs | hit lenġe þā ġīen / þæt |
Beowulf 89b | e / hlūdne on healle; || ðǣr | wæs | hearpan swēġ, / sweotol sang |
Beowulf 102a | fremman% || fēond on helle. / | Wæs | sē grymma gāst || Grendel h |
Beowulf 121b | and grǣdiġ, || ġearu sōna | wæs, | / rēoc and rēðe || and on r |
Beowulf 126a | -fylle || wīca nēosan. / Þā | wæs | on ūhtan || mid ǣr-dæġe / G |
Beowulf 128a | ræft || gumum undierne; / þā | wæs | aefter wiste || wōp up ā·h |
Beowulf 133b | awodon, / wearĝan gāstes; || | wæs | þæt ġe·winn tō strang, / l |
Beowulf 137b | fore, / fǣhþe and firene; || | wæs | tō fæst on þǣm. / Þā wæs |
Beowulf 138a | wæs tō fæst on þǣm. / Þā | wæs | ēað-fynde || þe him elles |
Beowulf 140b | um, || þā him ġe·bēacnod | wæs, | / ġesæġd sōðlīċe || sweo |
Beowulf 146b | īdel stōd / hūsa sēlest. || | Wæs | sēo hwīl miċel; / [XII] wint |
Beowulf 159b | % sē% ǣĝlǣċa || ēhtende | wæs, | / deorc dēaþ-sċūa, || duĝu |
Beowulf 170a | , || ne his myne wisse. / Þæt | wæs | wræc miċel || wine Sċieldi |
Beowulf 178b | þ þēod-þrēaum. || Swelċ | wæs | þēaw hira, / hǣðenra hiht; |
Beowulf 191b | hæleþ / wēan on·wendan; || | wæs | þæt ġe·winn tō swīþ, / l |
Beowulf 196a | atum, || Grendles dǣda; / sē | wæs | mann-cynnes || mæġenes stre |
Beowulf 201b | / mǣrne þēoden, || þā him | wæs | manna ðearf. / Þone sīþ-fæ |
Beowulf 210b | ist forþ ġe·wāt. || Flota | wæs | on ȳðum, / bāt under beorĝe |
Beowulf 223b | e, / sīde sǣ-næssas; || þā | wæs | sund liden, / eoletes æt ende. |
Beowulf 240b | on, / hider ofer holmas? || le% | wæs | / ende-sǣta, || ēag-wearde h |
Beowulf 262a | āces || heorð-ġe·nēatas. / | Wæs | min fæder || folcum ġe·cȳ |
Beowulf 309a | , || anġietan meahton; / þæt | wæs | fore-mǣrost || fold-būendum |
Beowulf 320a | || wearde healdan.’ / Strǣt | wæs | stān-fāh, || stīġ wīsode |
Beowulf 330b | e, / ǣsċ-holt ufan grǣġ; || | wæs | sē īren-þrēat / wǣpnum ġe |
Beowulf 348b | ulf·gār maðelode || (þæt | wæs | Wendla lēod; / wæs his mōd-s |
Beowulf 349a | || (þæt wæs Wendla lēod; / | wæs | his mōd-sefa || maniĝum ġe |
Beowulf 373a | hine cūðe || cniht-wesende. / | Wæs | his eald-fæder || Eċġþēo |
Beowulf 467b | , / hord-burh hæleþa; || þā | wæs | Heoru·gār dēad, / min ieldra |
Beowulf 469b | e, / bearn Healf·denes; || sē | wæs | betera þonne iċ. / Siþþan |
Beowulf 484a | || mid gryrum eċġa. / Þonne | wæs | þēos medu-heall || on morĝ |
Beowulf 491a | ā þīn sefa hwette.’ / Þā | wæs | Ġeat-mæċġum || ġeador æ |
Beowulf 497b | g / hādor on Heorote. || Þǣr | wæs | hæleþa drēam, / duĝuþ unl |
Beowulf 501b | inga, / on·band beadu-rūne || | (wæs | him Bēowulfes sīþ, / mōdġe |
Beowulf 549a | wearf; || hrēo wǣron ȳða. / | Wæs | mere-fisca || mōd on·hrēre |
Beowulf 561b | wurde, || swā hit ġe·dēfe | wæs. | / Næs hīe ðǣre fylle || ġe |
Beowulf 607a | | sūðan sċīeneþ.’ / Þā | wæs | on sǣlum || sinċes brytta, / |
Beowulf 611a | st-rǣdne ġe·þōht. / Þǣr | wæs | hæleþa hleahtₒr%, || hlyn |
Beowulf 642a | tō hire frēan sittan. / Þā | wæs | eft swā ǣr || inne on heall |
Beowulf 693b | burh, || ðǣr hē ā·fēded | wæs; | / ac hīe hæfdon ġe·frugnen |
Beowulf 705b | / ealle būtan ānum. || Þæt | wæs | ieldum cūþ / þæt hīe ne m |
Beowulf 716b | wisse, / fǣttum fāhne. || Ne | wæs | þæt forma sīþ / þæt hē H |
Beowulf 723b | , || þā hē% ġe·bolĝen% | wæs, | / reċedes mūðan. || Hræðe |
Beowulf 733b | īċe, || þā him ā·lumpen | wæs | / wist-fylle wēn. || Ne wæs |
Beowulf 734b | n wæs / wist-fylle wēn. || Ne | wæs | þæt wyrd þā-ġīen / þæt |
Beowulf 755a | þȳ ǣr fram meahte. / Hyġe | wæs | him hin-fūs, || wolde on heo |
Beowulf 756b | an dēofla ġe·dræġ; || ne | wæs | his drohtoþ ðǣr / swelċe h |
Beowulf 761a | ng; || fingras burston. / Eton | wæs | ūt-weard; || eorl furður st |
Beowulf 765b | / on grames grāpum. || Þæt% | wæs | ġēocor sīþ / þæt sē hear |
Beowulf 771a | das. || Reċed hlinsode. / Þā | wæs | wundₒr miċel || þæt sē |
Beowulf 773b | -bold; || ac hē þæs fæste | wæs | / innan and ūtan || īren-bend |
Beowulf 789a | old hine fæste / sē þe manna | wæs | || mæġene strenġest / on þ |
Beowulf 811b | , / firene ġe·fremede || (hē | wæs | fāh wiþ god), / þæt him sē |
Beowulf 814b | e·lāces / hæfde be handa; || | wæs | ġe·hwæðer ōðrum / libbend |
Beowulf 822a | e ġeornor / þæt his ealdres | wæs | || ende ġe·gangen, / dōĝra |
Beowulf 833b | ldon, / torn unlȳtel. || Þæt | wæs | tācₑn sweotol, / siþþan hi |
Beowulf 835b | de, / earm and eaxle || (ðǣr | wæs | eall ġeador / Grendles grāpe) |
Beowulf 837a | | under ġēapne hrōf%. / Þā | wæs | on morĝen || mīne ġe·frǣ |
Beowulf 847a | || feorh-lāstas bær. / Þǣr | wæs | on blōde || brim weallende, / |
Beowulf 856b | / beornas on blancum. || Þǣr | wæs | Bēow·ulfes / mǣrþu mǣned; |
Beowulf 863b | dne Hrōð·gār, || ac þæt | wæs | gōd cyning. / Hwīlum heaðu-r |
Beowulf 889b | ·nēðde / frecne dǣde, || ne | wæs | him Fitela mid. / hwæðre him |
Beowulf 898a | || Wyrm hāt ġe·mealt. / Sē | wæs | wreċċena || wīde mǣrost / o |
Beowulf 917b | rǣte / mēarum mǣton. || Þā | wæs | morĝen-lēoht / sċofen and s |
Beowulf 932a | re, || wuldres hīerde. / Þæt | wæs | unġāra || þæt iċ ǣnġe |
Beowulf 969b | ealh, / feorh-ġe·nīðlan; || | wæs | tō fore-mehtiġ / fēond on f |
Beowulf 980a | d || sċrīfan wille.’ / Þā | wæs | swīġra secg, || sunu Eċġ |
Beowulf 984b | s fingras. || Foran ǣghwelċ | wæs, | / stīðra% næġla ġe·hwelċ |
Beowulf 991a | olme || on·beran wolde. / Þā | wæs | hāten hræðe || Heort innan |
Beowulf 992b | ġe·frætwod. || Fela þāra | wæs, | / wera and wīfa, || þe þæt |
Beowulf 997a | þāra þe on swelċ staraþ. / | Wæs | þæt beorhte bold || tō·br |
Beowulf 1008b | wefeþ aefter simble. || Þā | wæs | sǣl and mǣl / þæt tō heall |
Beowulf 1017b | Hrōð·ulf. || Heorot innan | wæs | / frēondum ā·fylled; || neal |
Beowulf 1039a | | sinċe ġe·weorðod; / þæt | wæs | hilde-setl || hēah-cininges, |
Beowulf 1063a | m || weorolde brūceþ. / Þǣr | wæs | sang and swēġ || samod æt |
Beowulf 1075b | hruron, / gāre wunde. || Þæt | wæs | ġōmuru ides. / Nealles hōlun |
Beowulf 1103b | | þā him swā ġe·þearfod | wæs; | / ġif þonne Frēsna hwelċ || |
Beowulf 1107a | ċġ || sēðan sċolde. / Ād% | wæs | ġe·efned || and iċġe gold |
Beowulf 1109b | ieldinga / betst beadu-rinca || | wæs | on bǣl ġearu. / Æt þǣm ād |
Beowulf 1110a | n bǣl ġearu. / Æt þǣm āde | wæs | || ēað-ġe·sīene / swāt-f |
Beowulf 1124b | þ for·nam / bēġa folces; || | wæs | hira blǣd sċacen. / Ġe·wito |
Beowulf 1136b | ldₒr-torhtan weder. || Þā | wæs | wintₑr sċacen, / fǣġer fol |
Beowulf 1151b | r·habban on hreðre. || Þā | wæs | heall roden% / fēonda fēorum, |
Beowulf 1159b | ǣddon tō lēodum. || Lēoþ | wæs | ā·sungen, / glēo-mannes ġie |
Beowulf 1164b | ġe·fæderan; || þā-ġīet | wæs | hira sibb æt·gædere, / ǣghw |
Beowulf 1192a | ǣm ġe·brōðrum twǣm. / Him | wæs | full boren || and frēond-la |
Beowulf 1232b | ode þā tō setle. || Þǣr | wæs | symbla cyst; / druncon wīn wer |
Beowulf 1243b | beorhtan; || ðǣr on benċe | wæs | / ofer æðelinge || ēað-ġe |
Beowulf 1246b | e, / þræc-wudu þrymmliċ. || | Wæs | þēaw hira / þæt hīe oft w |
Beowulf 1250b | rihtne / ðearf ġe·sǣlde; || | wæs | sēo þēod tilu. / Siĝon þā |
Beowulf 1266b | c fela / ġō-sċeaft gasta; || | wæs | þāra Grendel sum, / heoru-wea |
Beowulf 1282b | nne fealh / Grendles mōdor. || | Wæs | sē gryre læssa / efene swā m |
Beowulf 1288a | || andweard sċīreþ. / Þā | wæs | on healle || heard-eċġ toĝ |
Beowulf 1292a | e sē brōĝa on·ġeat. / Hēo | wæs | on ofoste, || wolde ūt þona |
Beowulf 1293b | ĝan, || þā hēo on·funden | wæs. | / Hræðe hēo æðelinga || ǣ |
Beowulf 1296a | ā hēo tō fenne gēong. / Sē | wæs | Hrōð·gāre || hæleþa lē |
Beowulf 1300a | || Næs Bēow·ulf ðǣr, / ac | wæs | ōðer inn || ǣr ġe·teohho |
Beowulf 1303b | e·nam / cūðe folme; || cearu | wæs | ġe·nīewod, / ġe·worden on |
Beowulf 1304b | / ġe·worden on wīcum. || Ne | wæs | þæt ġe·wrixle til, / þæt |
Beowulf 1306b | don / frēonda fēorum. || Þā | wæs | frōd cyning, / hār hilde-rin |
Beowulf 1310a | tan || dēadne wisse. / Hræðe | wæs | tō būre || Bēow·ulf fetod |
Beowulf 1329b | r-gōd, || swelċ Ǣsċ-here | wæs. | / Wearþ him on Heorote || tō |
Beowulf 1349b | lor-gāstas. || Þāra ōðer | wæs, | / þæs þe hīe ġe·wisslicos |
Beowulf 1353a | ræc-lāstas træd, / nefne hē | wæs | māra || þonne ǣniġ mann |
Beowulf 1356a | r cunnon, / hwæðer him ǣniġ | wæs | || ǣr ā·cenned / diernra gas |
Beowulf 1399a | æs sē man ġe·spræc. / Þā | wæs | Hrōð·gāre || hors ġe·b |
Beowulf 1417b | ġe·drēfed. || Denum eallum | wæs, | / winum Sċieldinga, || weorce |
Beowulf 1435b | trǣl hearda; || hē on holme | wæs | / sundes þȳ sǣnra, || þȳ h |
Beowulf 1457a | lāh || þyle Hrōð·gāres; / | wæs | þǣm hæft-mēċe || Hruntin |
Beowulf 1458a | ēċe || Hrunting nama. / Þæt | wæs | ān foran || eald-ġe·strēo |
Beowulf 1459a | || eald-ġe·strēona; / eċġ | wæs | īren, || ātₑr-tānum fāh |
Beowulf 1471b | lēas, / ellen-mǣrðum. || Ne | wæs | þǣm ōðrum swā, / siþþan |
Beowulf 1495b | ·fēng / hilde-rinċe. || Þā | wæs | hwīl dæġes / ǣr hē þone g |
Beowulf 1508b | te, || nā hē þæs% mōdiġ | wæs, | / wǣpna ġe·wealdan, || ac hi |
Beowulf 1513b | on% nīþ-sele || nāthwelcum | wæs, | / ðǣr him nǣniġ wæter || w |
Beowulf 1527b | fǣġes fyrd-hræġl; || þā | wæs | forma sīþ / dēorum māðme, |
Beowulf 1529a | þæt his dōm ā·læġ. / Eft | wæs | ān-rǣd, || nealles elnes l |
Beowulf 1539b | ard, || þā hē ġe·bolĝen | wæs, | / feorh-ġe·nīðlan, || þæt |
Beowulf 1559b | wiĝena weorð-mynd; || þæt | wæs% | wǣpna cyst, / būtan hit wæs |
Beowulf 1560a | wæs% wǣpna cyst, / būtan hit | wæs | māre || þonne ǣniġ mann |
Beowulf 1569a | o on flett ġe·crang. / Sweord | wæs | swātiġ, || secg weorce ġe |
Beowulf 1593a | āre || on holm wliton, / þæt | wæs | ȳþ-ġe·bland || eall ġe· |
Beowulf 1607b | / wīġ-bill wānian. || Þæt | wæs | wundra sum, / þæt hit eall ġ |
Beowulf 1616b | / for·bearn broĝden-mǣl; || | wæs | þæt blōd tō þæs hāt, / |
Beowulf 1618a | sē ðǣr inne swealt. / Sōna | wæs | on sunde || sē þe ǣr æt s |
Beowulf 1629a | e || ġe·sêon mōston. / Þā | wæs | of þǣm hrōran || helm and |
Beowulf 1647a | || Hrōð·gār grētan. / Þā | wæs | be feaxe || on flett boren / Gr |
Beowulf 1657b | de / earfoðlīċe; || ætrihte | wæs | / gūð-ġe·twǣfed, || nemþe |
Beowulf 1670b | niġa, || swā hit ġe·dēfe | wæs. | / Iċ hit þe þonne ġe·hāte |
Beowulf 1677a | swā þū ǣr dydest.’ / Þā | wæs | gylden hilt || gamolum rinċe |
Beowulf 1688b | ode, / ealde lāfe, || on þǣm | wæs | ōr writen / fyrn-ġe·winnes, |
Beowulf 1691b | recne ġe·fērdon); || þæt | wæs | fremde þēod / ēċan drihtne; |
Beowulf 1694a | ielm || wealdend sealde. / Swā | wæs | on þǣm sċennum || sċīran |
Beowulf 1785a | þan morĝen biþ.’ / Ġēat | wæs | glæd-mōd, || ġēong sōna |
Beowulf 1787a | | swā sē snotora hēt. / Þā | wæs | eft swā ǣr || ellen-rōfum / |
Beowulf 1812b | lōh / mēċes eċġe; || þæt | wæs | mōdiġ secg. / And þā sīþ- |
Beowulf 1815b | ō yppan, || ðǣr sē ōðer | wæs, | / hæle% hilde-dēor || Hrōð |
Beowulf 1873b | aras, / blanden-feaxum. || Him | wæs | bēġa wēn, / ealdum in-frōdu |
Beowulf 1876b | ston, / mōdġe on mæðele. || | Wæs | him sē mann tō þon lēof / |
Beowulf 1884a | | sē þe on ancre rād. / Þā | wæs | on gange || ġiefu Hrōð·g |
Beowulf 1885b | res / oft ġe·ǣhtod; || þæt | wæs | ān cyning, / ǣghwæs orleahtr |
Beowulf 1896a | me || tō sċipe fōron. / Þā | wæs | on sande || sǣ-ġēap naca / h |
Beowulf 1901b | sealde, || þæt hē siþþan | wæs | / on medu-benċe || māðme% þ |
Beowulf 1905a | || Dena land of·ġeaf. / Þā | wæs | be mǣste || mere-hræġla su |
Beowulf 1914a | d, || on lande stōd. / Hræðe | wæs | æt holme || hȳð-weard ġea |
Beowulf 1925a | um || sǣ-wealle nēah. / Bold | wæs | betliċ, || breĝu-rōf cynin |
Beowulf 1937b | wriðene; || hræðe siþþan | wæs | / aefter mund-grīpe || mēċe |
Beowulf 1957b | en-cynnes. || For·þǣm Offa | wæs | / ġiefum and gūþ-um, || gār |
Beowulf 1970b | ingas dǣlan. || Hyġe·lāce | wæs | / sīþ Bēow·ulfes || snūde |
Beowulf 1975a | l || tō hofe gangan. / Hræðe | wæs | ġe·rȳmed, || swā sē rī |
Beowulf 2014a | u || setl ġe·tǣhte. / Weorod | wæs | on wynne; || ne seah iċ wīd |
Beowulf 2076a | unde || sǣl weardodon. / Þǣr | wæs | Hand-sċō || hild% onsǣ·ġ |
Beowulf 2087a | , || searu-bendum fæst; / sēo | wæs | orþancum || eall ġe·ġierw |
Beowulf 2105a | || ġe·seten hæfdon. / Þǣr | wæs | ġiedd and glēo. || Gamela S |
Beowulf 2117b | m / ōðer tō ieldum. || Þā | wæs | eft hræðe / ġearu gryn-wræc |
Beowulf 2122b | cwealde / ellenlīċe; || ðǣr | wæs | Æsċ-here, / frōdan fyrn-wita |
Beowulf 2129a | nder% fierġen-strēam. / Þæt | wæs | Hrōð·gāre || hrēowa torn |
Beowulf 2137a | hierde fand; / ðǣr unc hwīle | wæs | || hand ġe·mǣne, / holm heol |
Beowulf 2169b | e·steallan. || Hyġe·lāce | wæs, | / nīða heardum, || nefa swī |
Beowulf 2175b | adol-beorht; || hire siþþan | wæs | / aefter bēah-þeġe || brēos |
Beowulf 2183b | / hēold hilde-dēor. || Hēan | wæs | lange , / swā hine Ġēata bea |
Beowulf 2196b | bold and breĝu-stōl. || Him | wæs | bǣm samod / on þǣm lēodsċi |
Beowulf 2199b | rīċe || þǣm ðǣr sēlra | wæs. | / Eft þæt ġe·ēode || uferr |
Beowulf 2209b | ēold tela / fīftiġ wintra || | wæs | þā frōd cyning, / eald ēðe |
Beowulf 2220b | na || þæt hē ġe·bolĝen% | wæs. | / Nealles mid ġe·wealdum || w |
Beowulf 2231b | ·ġeat. / Sinċ-fæt; || ðǣr | wæs | swelcra fela / on þǣm eorþ-h |
Beowulf 2283b | bæd / hālford sīnne. || Þā | wæs | hord rāsod, / on·boren bēaĝ |
Beowulf 2287b | sē wyrm on·wōc, || wrōht | wæs | ġe·nīewod; / stanc þā aeft |
Beowulf 2304a | ċe || oþ·þæt ǣfen cōm; / | wæs | þā ġe·bolĝen || beorĝes |
Beowulf 2306b | an / drinc-fæt dīere. || Þā | wæs | dæġ sċacen / wyrme on willan |
Beowulf 2309b | le for, / fȳre ġe·fȳsed. || | Wæs | sē fruma eġesliċ / lēodum o |
Beowulf 2316a | lyft-floĝa || lǣfan wolde. / | Wæs | þæs wyrmes wīġ || wīde |
Beowulf 2324a | im sēo wenn ġe·lēah. / Þā | wæs | Bēow·ulfe || brōĝa ġe·c |
Beowulf 2327b | ēata. || Þæt þǣm gōdan | wæs | / hrēow on hreðere, || hyġe- |
Beowulf 2332b | , || swā him ġe·þīewe ne | wæs. | / Hæfde līeġ-draca || lēoda |
Beowulf 2354b | cynnes. || Nā þæt lǣsest | wæs | / hand-ġe·mōta%, || ðǣr ma |
Beowulf 2372b | ōlas / healdan cūðe, || þā | wæs | Hyġe·lāc dēad. / Nā þȳ |
Beowulf 2390b | n, / Ġēatum wealdan. || Þæt | wæs | gōd cyning. / Sē þæs lēod- |
Beowulf 2406a | þurh þæs meldan hand. / Sē | wæs | on þǣm þrēate || þrīe-t |
Beowulf 2412b | ēah, / ȳþ-ġe·winne; || sē | wæs | innan full / wrǣtta and wīra. |
Beowulf 2419b | um, / gold-wine Ġēata. || Him | wæs | ġōmor sefa, / wǣfre and wæl |
Beowulf 2423b | iþ līċe, || nā þon lange | wæs | / feorh æðelinges || flǣsċe |
Beowulf 2428a | iċ þæt eall ġe·man. / Iċ | wæs | seofan-wintre, || þā mec si |
Beowulf 2435a | nn || oþþe Hyġe·lāc min. / | Wæs | þǣm ieldestan || unġe·def |
Beowulf 2441a | rne || blōdĝan gāre. / Þæt | wæs | feohlēas ġe·feoht, || fire |
Beowulf 2467b | ǣdum, || þēah him lēof ne | wæs | / Hē þā mid ðǣre sorĝe, | |
Beowulf 2472a | hē of līfe ġe·wāt. / Þā | wæs | synn and sacu || Swēona and |
Beowulf 2480b | ene, || swā hit ġe·frǣġe | wæs, | / þēah þe ōðer his || eald |
Beowulf 2491b | gūðe, || swā mē ġiefeþe | wæs, | / lēohtan swurde; || hē mē l |
Beowulf 2506b | rde, / æðeling on elne; || ne | wæs | eċġ bana, / ac him hilde-grā |
Beowulf 2546b | þonan / brecan of beorĝe. || | Wæs | ðǣre burnan wielm / heaðu-f |
Beowulf 2550b | tum, || þā hē ġe·bolĝen | wæs, | / Weder-Ġēata lēod || word |
Beowulf 2554a | n || under hārne stān. / Hete | wæs | on·hrēred, || hord-weard on |
Beowulf 2561a | ste, || Ġēata drihten; / þā | wæs | hrinġ-boĝan || heorte ġe· |
Beowulf 2564b | um unslāw%; || ǣghwæðrum | wæs | / bealu-hyċġendra || brōĝa |
Beowulf 2580b | bisiĝum ġe·bǣded. || Þā | wæs | beorĝes weard / aefter heaðu- |
Beowulf 2586b | sċolde, / īren ǣr-god. || Ne | wæs | þæt īeðe sīþ, / þæt sē |
Beowulf 2602a | e wēl þenċeþ. / Wīġ·lāf | wæs | hāten || Wīh·stānes sunu, |
Beowulf 2611a | amol sweord ġe·tēah, / þæt | wæs | mid ieldum || Ēan·mundes l |
Beowulf 2625b | / frōd on forþ-weġ. || Þā | wæs | forma sīþ / ġungan cempan, | |
Beowulf 2632b | a / sæġde ġe·sīðum || him | wæs | sefa ġōmor: / ‘Iċ þæt m |
Beowulf 2676b | e·ēode, || þā his āĝen | wæs% | / glēdum for·grunden. || Þā |
Beowulf 2682b | l. || Him þæt ġiefeþe ne | wæs | / þæt him īrenna || eċġe m |
Beowulf 2684b | meahton / helpan æt hilde; || | wæs | sēo hand tō strang, / sē þe |
Beowulf 2688a | æs him wihte þȳ sēl. / Þā | wæs | þēod-sċaða || þriddan s |
Beowulf 2696b | nþe, || swā him ġe·cynde | wæs. | / Ne hēdde hē þæs hafolan, |
Beowulf 2709b | arfe. || Þæt þǣm þēodne | wæs | / sīðast% siġe-hwīla || sel |
Beowulf 2727b | fde, / eorðan wynne%; || þā | wæs | eall sċacen / dōĝₒr-ġe·r |
Beowulf 2762b | hyrstum be·hrorene; || ðǣr | wæs | helm maniġ / eald and ōmiġ, |
Beowulf 2778a | || Bill ǣr ġe·sċōd / eċġ | wæs | īren || eald-hlāfordes / þǣ |
Beowulf 2779b | m þāra mādma || mund-bora | wæs | / lange hwīle, || līeġ-eġes |
Beowulf 2783a | þæt hē morðre swealt. / Ār | wæs | on ofoste, || eft-sīðes ġe |
Beowulf 2817a | him aefter sċeall.’ / Þæt | wæs | þǣm gamolan || ġien-ġēst |
Beowulf 2821a | an || sōþfæstra dōm. / Þā | wæs | ġe·gangen || guman% unfrōd |
Beowulf 2860a | ā hē nū ġīen dēþ. / Þā | wæs | æt þǣm ġungan% || grimm a |
Beowulf 2876b | c / ana mid eċġe, || þā him | wæs | elnes ðearf. / Iċ him līf-wr |
Beowulf 2880a | met || mǣġes helpan; / simle | wæs | þȳ sǣmra, || þonne iċ sw |
Beowulf 2913b | cininges / wīde weorðeþ. || | Wæs | sēo wrōht sċeapen / heard wi |
Beowulf 2920b | ġeaf / ealdor duĝuþe. || Ūs | wæs | ā siþþan / Mere-wioingas || |
Beowulf 2923b | trēowe / wihte ne wēne, || ac | wæs | wīde cūþ / þætte Angen·þ |
Beowulf 2946a | a duĝuþe || on lāst faran. / | Wæs | sēo swāt-swaðu || Swēona% |
Beowulf 2957b | ld under eorð-weall. || Þā | wæs | ǣht boden / Swēona lēodum, | |
Beowulf 2981b | ah cyning, / folces hierde, || | wæs | on feorh drepen. / Þā wǣron |
Beowulf 3028b | sē secg hwata || seċġende | wæs | / lāðra spella; || hē ne lē |
Beowulf 3035b | ġeaf / ǣrran mǣlum; || þā | wæs | ende-dæġ / gōdum ġe·gangen |
Beowulf 3040b | es ðǣr / lāðne liċġan; || | wæs | sē līeġ-draca / grimmliċ, g |
Beowulf 3042a | , || glēdum be·swǣled. / Sē | wæs | fīftiġes || fōt-ġe·mearc |
Beowulf 3045b | ġe·wāt / dennes nēosan; || | wæs | þā dēaðe fæst, / hæfde eo |
Beowulf 3051a | tra || ðǣr eardodon. / Þonne | wæs | þæt ierfe, || ēacen-cræft |
Beowulf 3058a | ā him ġe·met þūhte. / Þā | wæs | ġe·sīene || þæt sē sī |
Beowulf 3066a | um% || medu-seld būan. / Swā | wæs | Bēow·ulfe, || þā hē beor |
Beowulf 3082b | e liċġan || ðǣr hē lange | wæs, | / wīcum wunian || oþ weorold- |
Beowulf 3085b | awod, / grymme ġe·gangen; || | Wæs | þæt ġiefeþe tō swīþ / þ |
Beowulf 3087a | ing% || þider on·tyhte. / Iċ | wæs | ðǣr inne || and þæt eall |
Beowulf 3088b | atwa, || þā mē ġe·rȳmed | wæs, | / nealles swæslīċe || sīþ |
Beowulf 3093b | bær / cyninge mīnum. || Cwicu | wæs | þā ġīena, / wīs and ġe·w |
Beowulf 3098b | and mǣrne, || swā hē manna | wæs | / wīġend weorðfullost || wī |
Beowulf 3134a | mian || frætwa hierde. / Þā% | wæs | wunden gold || on wæġn hlæ |
Beowulf 3140b | tum byrnum, || swā hē bēna | wæs; | / ā·leġdon þā tō·middes |
Beowulf 3157b | lēode / hlēow on hōe, || sē | wæs | hēah and brād, / wǣġ-līðe |
Beowulf 3168b | ā unnytt || swā hit% ǣror% | wæs. | / Þā ymbe hlǣw ridon || hild |
Judith 12b | ran, folces rǣswan. || Þæt | wæs | þȳ feorþan dōĝre / þæs |
Judith 46b | e lāþ, / Holofernus. || Þǣr | wæs | eall-gylden / fleoĝ-nett fǣġ |
Judith 56b | hira hearran cȳðan || þæt | wæs | sēo hālġe mēowle / ġe·br |
Judith 73b | dde / nīehstan sīðe. || Þā | wæs | nerġendes / þēowen þrymfull |
Judith 113b | ss || and ðǣr ġe·niðerod | wæs, | / sūsle ġe·sǣled || siþþa |
Judith 146b | e·wāt, / ides ellen-rōf. || | Wæs | þā eft cumen / lēof tō lēo |
Judith 161b | c / ofer hēanne weall. || Here | wæs | on lustum. / Wiþ þæs fæsten |
Judith 168b | an hīe on·ġēaton || þæt | wæs | Iudith cumen / eft tō ēðle | |
Judith 272b | ðum torn þoliende. || Þā | wæs | hira tīres æt ende, / ēades |
Judith 313b | nan, / rēocende hrǣw. || Rūm | wæs | tō nimanne / land-būendum || |
The Paris Psalter 101:14 3a | þurh his selfes meaht, / ðǣr | wæs | ġe·sīene || his sēo sōð |
The Paris Psalter 104:6 1b | rahames cynn, || þe his esne | wæs, | / ġe·weorðode || ofer wer-þ |
The Paris Psalter 104:31 2a | % frum-bearn / þe on Eġyptum | wæs | || āhwǣr ā·cenned, / and fr |
The Paris Psalter 104:37 1a | | gengdon% aefter. / / # / Ac hē | wæs | þāra worda || wēl ġe·myn |
The Paris Psalter 105:22 2b | c, || swā hit ġe·dēfe ne | wæs. | / / # / And hīe bismrodon || bea |
The Paris Psalter 105:25 4b | ira yfelum, || swā hē oftor | wæs, | / on his gāste gram; || ne mea |
The Paris Psalter 106:11 1a | on on bismer. / / # / Hira heorte | wæs | || hēan on ġe·winnum / and u |
The Paris Psalter 108:17 4a | ne tilian, / for·þon hēo him | wæs | ā·fierred || of ferhþ-cofa |
The Paris Psalter 111:4 1a | unaþ ǣniġ dæl. / / # / Lēoht | wæs | on lēodum || lēofum ā·cȳ |
The Paris Psalter 113:2 1a | ġe || ealle wǣron. / / # / Þā | wæs | ġe·worden || weorode Iūdē |
The Paris Psalter 113:5 1a | || sċīene lambru. / / # / Hwæt | wæs | þē, sǣ swīða? || For·hw |
The Paris Psalter 117:10 2a | don || sīde þēode, / and iċ | wæs | on dryhtnes naman || dēorum |
The Paris Psalter 117:13 1a | s || nīede sċielde. / / # / Iċ | wæs | hearde cnyssed || and iċ mē |
The Paris Psalter 117:13 3b | fēng, || swā hit ġe·dēfe | wæs. | / / # / Mē wæs strengþu strang |
The Paris Psalter 117:14 1a | hit ġe·dēfe wæs. / / # / Mē | wæs | strengþu strang || stīþ on |
The Paris Psalter 117:18 1b | nsode, || sē þe him clǣne | wæs; | / drihten æl-mehtiġ || nolde |
The Paris Psalter 118:24 1a | || snotor be·ēode. / / # / Mē | wæs | þīn ġe·witness || wierþ |
The Paris Psalter 118:52 2a | re ǣ || ā folĝode. / / # / Iċ | wæs | ġe·myndiġ || mǣrra dōma / |
The Paris Psalter 118:71 2a | mīnum healed. / / # / Selre mē | wæs | and sēftre%, || þæt þū s |
The Paris Psalter 118:141 2a | hēr || ealle lufode. / / # / Iċ | wæs | on ġuĝuþe, || grame mē fo |
The Paris Psalter 121:2 2b | tūnum, || ðǣr ūre cȳþþ | wæs, | / on Hierusālem || ġāra ǣre |
The Paris Psalter 134:11 1a | alde || cyningas strange. / / # / | Wæs | Seon efne || sum þāra cynin |
The Paris Psalter 134:11 2b | d Og cyning, || sē þe ǣror | wæs | / on Basane || brēme and mǣre |
The Paris Psalter 135:21 1b | / And Og swelċe, || þe ǣror | wæs | / swīðe brēme cyning || on B |
The Paris Psalter 138:11 4b | fæġere, || swā iċ furðum | wæs | / of mōdor% hrife% || mīnre% |
The Paris Psalter 138:14 1b | e·sāwon || þæt iċ ealles | wæs | / unfrom on ferhþe; || ealle |
The Paris Psalter 145:4 1b | biþ ēadiġ || þe him ǣror | wæs | / Iacobes god || ġeare fultumi |
The Paris Psalter 52:4 2b | se / simle be·sēġan; || þā | wæs | sōð% nan% mann / þe god wold |
The Paris Psalter 54:18 2a | eneþ ēac, / þe ǣr weorolde | wæs | || and nū wunaþ ēċe. / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 54:19 7a | ġe·sēon ǣfre, / forþon hit | wæs | his heortan || ġe·hyġde n |
The Paris Psalter 56:5 1a | welpum || rēðe ġe·mānan; / | wæs | iċ slǣpende || sāre ġe·d |
The Paris Psalter 58:9 4b | ġere be·cōm, || ðǣr mē | wæs | frēondes ðearf. / / # / Mīn s |
The Paris Psalter 67:18 4b | e miċele / lange lifdon || and | wæs% | lāc-ġiefa / ofer middan-ġear |
The Paris Psalter 67:24 3a | ēac of Iudan, / þe lāttēow | wæs | || forþ þāra lēoda, / and e |
The Paris Psalter 68:10 1a | wearþ || fæderen-brōðrum, / | wæs | unmǣġe ġiest || mōdor-ċi |
The Paris Psalter 72:11 5a | ðǣr iċ hete niste, / and iċ | wæs | ealne dæġ || ēac ġe·swun |
The Paris Psalter 72:11 6a | e dæġ || ēac ġe·swungen, / | wæs | mē lǣw-finger || be lēohtn |
The Paris Psalter 75:1 1a | ris Psalter: Psalm 75 / / # / God | wæs | ġāra cūþ || mid Iūdēum, |
The Paris Psalter 76:4 1a | t. / / # / Swīðe iċ be·gangen | wæs | || and min% selfes gāst / wæs |
The Paris Psalter 76:4 2a | wæs || and min% selfes gāst / | wæs | hwōnlīċe || ormōd worden, |
The Paris Psalter 76:6 2a | on·gann || hyċġan nihtes; / | wæs | min gāst on mē || ġeorne |
The Paris Psalter 76:11 2a | rdan || flōdas ġe·drēfde, / | wæs | swēġ miċel || sealtera wæ |
The Paris Psalter 76:12 1a | ne strǣle || strange foran; / | wæs | þunorrād-stefn || strang on |
The Paris Psalter 77:10 2a | | fæderum ġe·līċe; / þæt | wæs | earfoð-cynn || ierre and rē |
The Paris Psalter 77:23 3a | īet || and eft ġe·spræc; / | wæs | ġe·ġlēded fȳr || on Iaco |
The Paris Psalter 77:34 1b | n hīe on·ġēaton, || þæt | wæs | god hira / fǣle fultum, || fr |
The Paris Psalter 77:34 3a | ltum, || frēond æt þearfe; / | wæs | hēa god || hira ā·līesend |
The Paris Psalter 77:43 3b | acna / on Campotaneos; || þæt | wæs | cūþ werum. / / # / Þǣr hē w |
The Paris Psalter 77:60 2a | e wiþ·sōc || snytru-hūse, / | wæs | his āĝen hūs, || ðǣr hē |
The Paris Psalter 77:67 4b | on Sione byriġ, || ðǣr him | wæs | simle lēof. / / # / Hē þā ān |
The Paris Psalter 78:12 1b | eallum þīnum weorcum || iċ | wæs | smēaġende, / swelċe iċ on |
The Paris Psalter 78:13 2a | blōd || esna þīnra, / þæt | wæs | sārlīċe ā·goten, || ðǣ |
The Paris Psalter 80:12 2a | um heortena / swā him lēofost | wæs, | || lēoda þēodum, / aefter hi |
The Paris Psalter 83:6 3b | mæġene on mæġen; || ðǣr | wæs | meaht ġe·sāwen / on Sion-beo |
The Paris Psalter 87:6 2a | on || on sēaþ hinder, / ðǣr | wæs | deorc þīestru || and dēað |
The Paris Psalter 87:7 1a | dēaðes sċua. / / # / Þǣr mē | wæs | ierre þīn || on ā·cȳðed |
The Paris Psalter 87:8 2b | imle, || ðǣr mē unswǣsost | wæs; | / ēam iċ swǣre ġe·seald, | |
The Paris Psalter 87:15 2a | on ġuĝuþe; / ā·hafen iċ | wæs | and ġe·hīened, || hwæðer |
The Paris Psalter 88:24 2a | lum || fæder ġe·ċīeġde: / | 'Wæs | mē andfenġe, god, || ēcre |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 1a | res of Boethius: Metre 1 / / Hit | wæs | ġāra ġō || þætte Gotan |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 8a | || rīċe ġe·þungon. / Þā | wæs | ofer Munt-ġeof || maniġ ā |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 17a | el, || ēðel mǣrsaþ. / Þā | wæs | Romana || rīċe ġe·wunnen, |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 18b | n burga cyst, || beadu-rincum | wæs | / Rom ġe·rȳmed. || Ræd·got |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 25b | l-weardas, / hālġe āðas. || | Wæs | ġe·hwæðeres wā. / ēah wæ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 26a | æs ġe·hwæðeres wā. / ēah | wæs | maĝu-rinca || mōd mid Grēc |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 28b | d þraĝe on þǣm. || Þēod | wæs | ġe·wunnen / wintra meniġu, | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 31b | d eorlas / hīeran sċoldon. || | Wæs | sē here-tīema / Crīste ġe· |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 40a | || Hē þæt eall ā·lēah. / | Wæs | þǣm æðelinge || Arriānes |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 44a | æt hærliċ dǣd. / Ēac þām | wæs | unrīm || ōðres manes / þæt |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 46a | || gōdra ġe·hwelcum. / Þā | wæs | rīċra sum || on Rōme byri |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 49a | le || Crēacas woldon. / Þæt | wæs | right-wīs rinċ, || næs mid |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 51a | sella || siþþan lange. / Hē | wæs | for weorolde wīs, || weorð- |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 54a | sē þone hlisan ġe·þeah. / | Wæs | him on ġe·mynde || mǣla ġ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 56b | ēodġe / cyningas cȳðdon. || | Wæs | on Crēacas hold, / ġe·munde |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 71b | / healdan þone here-rinċ. || | Wæs | him hrēoh sefa, / eġe fram þ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 74a | || clūstor be·lūcan. / Þā | wæs | mōd-sefa || miċelum ġe·dr |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 78a | ā hēo swā þearl be·cōm. / | Wæs | þā or-mōd eorl, || āre ne |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 34b | n, / þæs gold-smiðes, || þe | wæs | ġō mǣrost? / For·þȳ iċ c |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 46b | ere-toĝa, || sē ġe·hāten | wæs | / mid þǣm burg-warum || Brūt |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 50a | trǣda || folces hīerde, / sē | wæs | ūð-wita || ǣlċes þinġes |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 51b | cēne and cræftiġ, || þǣm | wæs | Cāton nama? / Hīe wǣron ġe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 76b | eft cume || ðǣr hēo ǣror | wæs; | / þonne hēo ǣrest sīe || ū |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 80b | ac wesan || þæt hēo ǣror | wæs. | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 15 5a | and ġimm-cynnum, / þēah hē | wæs | on weorolde || witena ġe·hw |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 2 7b | wida, || þonne iċ on sǣlum | wæs. | / Oft iċ nū misċierre || cū |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 11b | des, || swā hit ġe·tǣsost | wæs, | / ende-byrdes, || þæt hīe ǣ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 59b | ldes, / fæder, on fēower; || | wæs | þāra folde ān / and wæter |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 244b | wā lange || swā him līefed | wæs | / fram þǣm æl-mihtĝan, || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 50b | īþ, / eard and ēðel. || Iċ | wæs | ǣr heonan / cumen and ā·cenn |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 7a | sere || cyne-rīċu twā. / Hē | wæs | Þracia || þēoda ealdor / and |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 9a | / and Retie || rīċes hierde. / | Wæs | his frēa-drihtnes || folc-c |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 11b | old / Crēca rīċes. || Cūþ | wæs | wīde / þæt on þā tīde || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 34a | wunode || dæġ-rīmes worn. / | Wæs | sē Apollinus || æðeles cyn |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 35b | cynnes, / Iobes eafora, || sē | wæs | ġō cyning. / Sē līċette || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 41a | lēoda unrīm, / for·þǣm hē | wæs | mid rihte || rīċes hierde, / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 46a | ng, / ġif hē tō þǣm rīċe | wæs | || on rihte boren. / Wæs þæs |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 47a | īċe wæs || on rihte boren. / | Wæs | þæs Iobes fæder || god ēa |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 56b | ininges dohtor; || sēo Circe | wæs | / hāten for heriĝum. || Hēo |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 60b | tō / ċēole liðan. || Cūþ | wæs | sōna / ealre ðǣre maniġe || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 88b | s līf-daĝum || ġe·līcost | wæs, | / būtan þām cyninge, || þe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 92b | þ, || swā hit ġe·dēfe ne | wæs. | / Næfdon hīe māre || mannum |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 96a | lċ || his āĝen mōd, / þæt | wæs | þēah swīðe || sorĝum ġe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 31b | īmes, || ðǣr hē ġō þā | wæs. | / Hwā is weorold-manna || þæ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 30 1a | of Boethius: Metre 30 / / Omerus | wæs | || ēast mid Crēcum / on þǣm |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 9b | n brūcan, || swā him ēaden | wæs. | / Sume fōtum twǣm || foldan p |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 11b | o þe ǣr gladu || an-sīene | wæs. | / Swā oft ǣ-springe || ūt ā |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 36b | r sunnan. || Nǣniġ siþþan | wæs | / weorþ on weorolde, || ġif m |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 38b | eat / yfelne mid eldum; || hē | wæs | ǣg·hwæm lāþ. / Ēalā, ð |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 3b | ra cyning, || þā his rīċe | wæs | / hēahst under heofonum, || t |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 5b | m. / Wæl-hrēowes ġe·wēd || | wæs | full wīde cūþ, / unryht-hǣm |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 10b | a buriġ, || sēo his rīċes | wæs | / ealles ēðel-stōl. || Hē f |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 31b | f mid swurde || and hē simle | wæs | / miċele þē blīðra || on b |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 61a | || swīðe ġe·lōme; / ðǣr | wæs | swīðe sweotol, || þæt we |
Distich Psalm 17:51 1a | # Distich Psalm 17:51 / / | Wæs | mid Iudeum || on ġār-daĝum |
The Battle of Brunanburh 7b | des, || swā him ġe·æðele | wæs | / fram cnēo-māĝum, || þæt |
The Battle of Brunanburh 40b | te / mēċa ġe·mānan; || hē | wæs | his māĝa sċeard, / frēonda |
The Coronation of Edgar 1a | ation of Edgar / / Hēr Ēadgār | wæs, | || Engla wealdend, / corðre mi |
The Coronation of Edgar 5b | rnas Baðan nemnaþ. || Þǣr | wæs | bliss miċel / on þǣm ēadgan |
The Coronation of Edgar 8b | Pentecostenes dæġ. || Þǣr | wæs | prēosta hēap, / miċel muneca |
The Coronation of Edgar 10b | adrod. || And þā ā·gangen | wæs | / tīen hund wintra || ġe·tel |
The Coronation of Edgar 14a | ðǣr tō lāfe þā ġīet% / | wæs | winter-ġe·tæles, || þæs |
The Coronation of Edgar 15b | n and twentiġ; || swā nēah | wæs | siĝora frēan / þūsend ā·u |
The Coronation of Edgar 19b | de, || þā% þis ġe·worden | wæs, | / and þā on þǣm [XXX] wæs |
The Coronation of Edgar 20a | wæs, / and þā on þǣm [XXX] | wæs | || þēoden ġe·hālĝod. |
The Death of Edgar 12b | eaxen, / eorla ealdor, || þǣm | wæs | Ēadweard nama. / And him tīrf |
The Death of Edgar 15b | ġe·cyndne cræft, || þǣm | wæs | Cyneweard nama. / Þā wæs on |
The Death of Edgar 16a | ǣm wæs Cyneweard nama. / Þā | wæs | on Mierċum, || mīne ġe·fr |
The Death of Edgar 19b | awra Godes þēowa; || þæt | wæs | gnornung miċel / þǣm þe on |
The Death of Edgar 21b | fan / metodes on mōde. || Þā | wæs | mǣrþa fruma / tō swīðe for |
The Death of Edgar 33b | menn, / wīse wōð-boran%. || | Wæs | ġeond werþēode / wealdendes |
The Death of Edward 15a | līċe || hæġ-stealde menn. / | Wæs | ā blīðe-mōd || bealulēas |
The Death of Edward 34a | e ā·gǣlde / þæs þe ðearf | wæs | || þæs þēod-cininges. |
The Rune Poem 67a | les ne ġīemeþ%. / //NG// Ing | wæs | ǣrest || mid Ēast-Denum / ġe |
Solomon and Saturn 170a | ðed || Caldea eorl. / Hwæðre | wæs | on sǣlum || sē þe of sīð |
Solomon and Saturn 175b | ðes on·sæceþ. || Saloman | wæs | brēmra, / þēah þe Saturnus% |
Solomon and Saturn 6a | ġe·steppan’. / ‘Sē mǣra | wæs | hāten || sǣ-līðende / weall |
The Menologium 1a | # The Menologium / / Crīst | wæs | ā·cenned, || cyninga wuldor |
The Menologium 53b | earþ / ġond middan-ġeard; || | wæs | þæt mǣre wyrd, / folcum ġe |
The Judgment Day II 8b | n / þurh winda gryre; || wolcn | wæs | ġe·hrēred, / and min earme m |
The Judgment Day II 9b | d, / and min earme mōd || eall | wæs | ġe·drēfed. / Þā iċ fǣrin |
The Judgment Day II 40b | ūþ, || þæt þæt dēaĝle | wæs, | / openum wordum || eall ā·bǣ |
The Judgment Day II 54a | līċe bȳsne / þe mid Crīste | wæs | || cwielmed on rōde, / hū mi |
The Judgment Day II 57a | synna and gylta? / Sē sċaða | wæs | on rōde || sċyldiġ and mā |
The Judgment Day II 190a | ōwa || fȳres on grunde, / þe | wæs | on grimmum || sūsle on helle |
The Gloria I 14a | r% || and hāliġ gāst. / Swā | wæs | on fruman || frēa mann-cynne |
The Gloria I 24a | oþan þū ġe·restest. / Þā | wæs | ġe·forðod || þīn fæġer |
The Creed 24a | dodon englas / þæt ā·cenned | wæs | || Crīst on eorðan. / Þā s |
Psalm 50 1a | # Psalm 50 / / Dāuid | wæs | hāten || dēor-mōd hæleþ, |
Psalm 50 4a | cēnost, || Crīste lēofost. / | Wæs | hē under heofonum || hearper |
Psalm 50 6a | friġen hæbben. / Sangere hē | wæs | sōþfæstost, || swīðe ġe |
Psalm 50 9a | ildostan || manna sċieppend. / | Wæs | sē dryhtnes þēowa || Dāui |
Psalm 50 61a | c þon on synnum / ġe·ēacnod | wæs. | || Þū þæt ana wāst, / meht |
Psalm 50 119b | siġe-drihten, || seċġende% | wæs. | / Iċ þē on·sæġednesse || |
Aldhelm 8b | les lēas, || þæt him simle | wæs | / euthenia || oftor on fylste, / |
The Seasons for Fasting 1a | # The Seasons for Fasting / / | Wæs | on eald-daĝum || Israheala f |
The Seasons for Fasting 23b | n; || hē ðǣr be·dīeĝled | wæs, | / and þȳ þriddan dæġe || |
The Seasons for Fasting 30a | tō tācne / þe for weorolde% | wæs | || wamma be·dǣled. / Ac ā·r |
The Seasons for Fasting 152a | lican || ēðel sēċaþ. / Nū | wæs | æt nīehstan || þæt ūs ne |
Metrical Charm 10: For Loss of Cattle 3b | || þe Crīst inn ġe·boren | wæs, | / sēo is ġe·mǣrsod || ofer |
Metrical Charm 5: For Loss of Cattle 3b | h || þe Crīst on ā·cenned | wæs, | / sēo is ġe·mǣrsod% || ġon |
The Battle of Finnsburh 28a | mē || sēċan wille.’ / Þā | wæs | on healle || wæl-slihta ġe |
The Battle of Finnsburh 45b | -sċeorp% unhror% || and ēac | wæs | his helm þȳrel%. / Þā hine |
The Battle of Maldon 23b | lēodum || ðǣr him lēofost | wæs, | / ðǣr hē his heorð-weorod | |
The Battle of Maldon 75b | / wiĝan wīġ-heardne, || sē | wæs | hāten Wulf·stān, / cāfne mi |
The Battle of Maldon 76b | āfne mid his cynne, || þæt | wæs | Ċēolan sunu, / þe þone form |
The Battle of Maldon 103b | fæste wiþ fēondum. || Þā | wæs | feohte% nēah, / tīr æt ġe· |
The Battle of Maldon 104b | ēah, / tīr æt ġe·tohte. || | Wæs | sēo tīd cumen / þæt ðǣr f |
The Battle of Maldon 107b | wundon, / earn ǣses ġeorn; || | wæs | on eorðan ċierm. / Hīe lēto |
The Battle of Maldon 111a | || bord ord on·fēng. / Biter | wæs | sē beadu-rǣs, || beornas f |
The Battle of Maldon 140a | þā wunde for·ġeaf. / Frōd | wæs | sē fyrd-rinċ; || hē lēt h |
The Battle of Maldon 144b | ēo byrne tō·bærst; || hē | wæs | on brēostum wund / þurh þā |
The Battle of Maldon 146b | ōd / ǣtterne ord. || Sē eorl | wæs | þȳ blīðra, / hlōh þā, m |
The Battle of Maldon 190b | e·rǣdum || þe hit riht ne | wæs, | / and his brōðru mid him || b |
The Battle of Maldon 217a | allum ġe·cȳþan, / þæt iċ | wæs | on Mierċum || miċeles cynne |
The Battle of Maldon 218a | Mierċum || miċeles cynnes; / | wæs | min ealda fæder || Ealhhelm |
The Battle of Maldon 224a | ē is þæt hearma mǣst; / hē | wæs | ǣgðer% min mǣġ || and min |
The Battle of Maldon 266a | || ġeornlīċe fylstan; / hē | wæs | on Norð·hymbrum || heardes |
The Battle of Maldon 267b | , / Eċġ·lāfes bearn, || him | wæs | Æsċ·ferþ nama. / Hē ne wan |
The Battle of Maldon 299a | iþ þās seċġas feaht; / hē | wæs | on ġe·þrange% || hira þr |
The Battle of Maldon 301a | on þām wæle lǣġe. / Þǣr | wæs | stīþ ġe·mōt; || stōdon |
The Battle of Maldon 310a | ðelode || bord hafenode / (sē | wæs | eald ġe·nēat), || æsċ ā |