Number of occurrences in corpus: 1249
Genesis A 14b | la þreatas / beorhte blisse || | wæs | heora blæd micel / þegnas þr |
Genesis A 69b | langne siþ / geomre gastas || | wæs | him gylp forod / beot forborste |
Genesis A 78a | unnon || wiþ gode winnan / þa | wæs | soþ swa ær || sibb on heofn |
Genesis A 83b | buaþ / wuldres eþel || wroht | wæs | asprungen / oht mid englum || a |
Genesis A 103a | rhealdene || of hleo sende / ne | wæs | her þa giet || nymþe heolst |
Genesis A 116b | ihtum / frea ælmihtig || folde | wæs | þa gyta / græs ungrene || gar |
Genesis A 119b | and wide / wonne wægas || þa | wæs | wuldortorht / heofonweardes gas |
Genesis A 123b | man / ofer rumne grund || raþe | wæs | gefylled / heahcininges hæs || |
Genesis A 124b | lled / heahcininges hæs || him | wæs | halig leoht / ofer westenne || |
Genesis A 129b | m naman / lifes brytta || leoht | wæs | ærest / þurh drihtnes word || |
Genesis A 150b | n word / frea ælmihtig || flod | wæs | adæled / under heahrodore || h |
Genesis A 162b | sid ætsomne || þa gesundrod | wæs | / lago wiþ lande || geseah þa |
Genesis A 178b | stum ateah / rib of sidan || he | wæs | reste fæst / and softe swæf | |
Genesis A 186a | heo wæron englum gelice / þa | wæs | eue || adames bryd / gaste gege |
Genesis A 190b | ne dreogan || ac him drihtnes | wæs | / bam on breostum || byrnende l |
Genesis B 255a | a hwitne geworhtne / swa wynlic | wæs | his wæstm on heofonum || þ |
Genesis B 256a | com from weroda drihtne / gelic | wæs | he þam leohtum steorrum || l |
Genesis B 261a | þ on þam halgan stole / deore | wæs | he drihtne urum || ne mihte h |
Genesis B 318b | it him to wite || hyra woruld | wæs | gehwyrfed / forman siþe || fyl |
Genesis B 333a | to || sohton oþer land / þæt | wæs | leohtes leas || and wæs lige |
Genesis B 333b | æt wæs leohtes leas || and | wæs | liges full / fyres fær micel | |
Genesis B 338b | se ofermoda cyning || þe ær | wæs | engla scynost / hwitost on heof |
Genesis B 349b | eolde / gieman þæs grundes || | wæs | ær godes engel / hwit on heofn |
Genesis B 354b | n / hyge ymb his heortan || hat | wæs | him utan / wraþlic wite || he |
Genesis B 365b | mæst / þæt adam sceal || þe | wæs | of eorþan geworht / minne stro |
Genesis B 467a | || næs se wæstm gelic / oþer | wæs | swa wynlic || wlitig and scen |
Genesis B 468b | ene / liþe and lofsum || þæt | wæs | lifes beam / moste on ecnisse | |
Genesis B 477a | þonne he heonon wende / þonne | wæs | se oþer || eallenga sweart / d |
Genesis B 478b | eart / dim and þystre || þæt | wæs | deaþes beam / se bær bitres f |
Genesis B 498b | efered || ne þæt nu fyrn ne | wæs | / þæt ic wiþ hine sylfne sæ |
Genesis B 584b | byrdo / heah heofona gehlidu || | wæs | seo hwil þæs lang / þæt ic |
Genesis B 628a | e on woruld come / forþon heo | wæs | handgeweorc || heofoncyninges |
Genesis B 646a | bær || bitre gefylled / þæt | wæs | deaþes beam || þe him driht |
Genesis B 647b | lec hie þa mid ligenum || se | wæs | laþ gode / on hete heofoncynin |
Genesis B 688b | um speon / fylgde him frecne || | wæs | se feond full neah / þe on þa |
Genesis B 702a | æt heo on his willan spræc / | wæs | him on helpe || handweorc god |
Genesis B 720a | tes noman || agan sceolde / hit | wæs | þeah deaþes swefn || and de |
Genesis B 743b | ongordom || ac unc gegenge ne | wæs | / þæt wit him on þegnscipe | |
Genesis B 822b | cienost / wifa wlitegost || hie | wæs | geweorc godes / þeah heo þa o |
Genesis A 901b | a reafode || swa hit riht ne | wæs | / beam on bearwe || and þa bl |
Genesis A 963b | hwilcre || þonne se frumstol | wæs | / þe hie æfter dæde of || ad |
Genesis A 973a | to eorþan || elnes tilode / se | wæs | ærboren || oþer æhte heold |
Genesis A 979b | wolde / tiber sceawian || þæt | wæs | torn were / hefig æt heortan | |
Genesis A 987b | wate / æfter wælswenge || wea | wæs | aræred / tregena tuddor || of |
Genesis A 1007b | leomæges siþ || ne ic hyrde | wæs | / broþer mines || him þa breg |
Genesis A 1055a | m || eaforan fedde / se æresta | wæs | || enos haten / frumbearn caine |
Genesis A 1058a | agum || ceastre timbran / þæt | wæs | under wolcnum || weallfæsten |
Genesis A 1063a | on þam burhstede / se yldesta | wæs | || iared haten / sunu enoses || |
Genesis A 1066b | / mægburg caines || malalehel | wæs | / æfter iarede || yrfes hyrde / |
Genesis A 1077b | n / ada and sella || þara anum | wæs | / iabal noma || se þurh gleawn |
Genesis A 1082b | lce on þære mægþe || maga | wæs | haten / on þa ilcan tid || tub |
Genesis A 1084b | snytro sped || smiþcræftega | wæs | / and þurh modes gemynd || mon |
Genesis A 1087a | amehes || sulhgeweorces / fruma | wæs | ofer foldan || siþþan folca |
Genesis A 1106b | feded / soþfæst sunu || þam | wæs | seth noma / se wæs eadig || an |
Genesis A 1107a | unu || þam wæs seth noma / se | wæs | eadig || and his yldrum þah / |
Genesis A 1109b | and meder / adames and euan || | wæs | abeles gield / on woruldrice || |
Genesis A 1134a | m || sethes eafora / se yldesta | wæs | || enos haten / se nemde god || |
Genesis A 1138a | ræs || gaste geweorþad / seth | wæs | gesælig || siþþan strynde / |
Genesis A 1146a | ædberendes || sethes lice / he | wæs | leof gode || and lifde her / wi |
Genesis A 1155a | nd nigonhund / þære cneorisse | wæs | || cainan siþþan / æfter eno |
Genesis A 1160b | ed / mago cainanes || malalehel | wæs | haten / siþþan eahtahund || |
Genesis A 1166b | dæge / under rodera rum || rim | wæs | gefylled / him on laste heold | |
Genesis A 1172b | e to monnum brohte || se maga | wæs | / on his mægþe || mine gefræ |
Genesis A 1182a | umum || gold brittade / se eorl | wæs | æþele || æfæst hæleþ / an |
Genesis A 1188a | || on woruld brohte / se eafora | wæs | || enoc haten / freolic frumbea |
Genesis A 1200a | tscipe # || / þenden he hyrde | wæs | || heafodmaga / breac blæddaga |
Genesis A 1202b | rynde / þreohund wintra || him | wæs | þeoden hold / rodera waldend | |
Genesis A 1240a | || þæs þe bec cweþaþ / sem | wæs | haten || sunu noes / se yldesta |
Genesis A 1245b | sunum and dohtrum || þa giet | wæs | sethes cynn / leofes leodfruman |
Genesis A 1271a | selfa || sigoro waldend / hwæt | wæs | monna || manes on eorþan / and |
Genesis A 1280b | l aæþan || þæt on eorþan | wæs | / forleosan lica gehwilc || þa |
Genesis A 1285a | læhte || niþþa bearnum / noe | wæs | god || nergende leof / swiþe g |
Genesis A 1318a | ecieste || magum sægde / þæt | wæs | þrealic þing || þeodum tow |
Genesis A 1376b | / ofer stæþweallas || strang | wæs | and reþe / se þe wætrum weol |
Genesis A 1383b | aga / nihta oþer swilc || niþ | wæs | reþe / wællgrim werum || wuld |
Genesis A 1400b | ro wyrd / þam æt niehstan || | wæs | nan to gedale / nymþe heof wæ |
Genesis A 1401a | æs nan to gedale / nymþe heof | wæs | ahafen || on þa hean lyft / þ |
Genesis A 1431a | onne yþa || wide bæron / holm | wæs | heononweard || hæleþ langod |
Genesis A 1464a | to handa || halgum rince / þa | wæs | culufre eft || of cofan sende |
Genesis A 1475b | raþe / flotmonna frea || þæt | wæs | frofor cumen / earfoþsiþa bot |
Genesis A 1482b | stenne || þa hire þearf ne | wæs | / þa to noe spræc || nergend |
Genesis A 1508b | r geearnod || þæt him ealra | wæs | / ara este || ælmihtig god / dom |
Genesis A 1528b | deþ / morþ mid mundum || monn | wæs | to godes / anlicnesse || ærest |
Genesis A 1543a | | þenden woruld standeþ / þa | wæs | se snotra || sunu lamehes / of |
Genesis A 1565b | eaf of lice || swa gerysne ne | wæs | / læg þa limnacod || he lyt o |
Genesis A 1591a | odum || cham ne wolde / þa him | wæs | are þearf || ænige cyþan / h |
Genesis A 1592b | d treowa || þæt þam halgan | wæs | / sar on mode || ongan þa his |
Genesis A 1603b | ttedon / bearna stryndon || him | wæs | beorht wela / þa wearþ iafeþ |
Genesis A 1606b | fodmaga / sunu and dohtra || he | wæs | selfa til / heold a rice || eþ |
Genesis A 1613a | || sunu iafeþes / þæs teames | wæs | || tuddor gefylled / unlytel d |
Genesis A 1619a | eorh || frumbearn chames / chus | wæs | æþelum || heafodwisa / wilna |
Genesis A 1625b | sægde || oþþæt his dogora | wæs | / rim aurnen || þa se rinc age |
Genesis A 1633a | agum || mægen and strengo / se | wæs | babylones || bregorices fruma |
Genesis A 1635b | hof / rymde and rærde || reord | wæs | þa gieta / eorþbuendum || an |
Genesis A 1645a | e || wæron men tile / þara an | wæs | || eber haten / eafora semes || |
Genesis A 1650b | ædan / feoh and feorme || folc | wæs | anmod / rofe rincas || sohton r |
Genesis A 1694a | ohlocon || hleoþrum gedælde / | wæs | oþerre || æghwilc worden / m |
Genesis A 1710b | aham and aaron || þam eorlum | wæs | / frea engla bam || freond and |
Genesis A 1713b | feded / leoflic on life || þam | wæs | loth noma / þa magorincas || m |
Genesis A 1719a | tfolca bearn / þa þæs mæles | wæs | || mearc agongen / þæt him ab |
Genesis A 1722b | ger and freolic || seo fæmne | wæs | / sarra haten || þæs þe us s |
Genesis A 1819b | secan / fleah wærfæst wean || | wæs | þæt wite to strang / abraham |
Genesis A 1922a | iordane || grene eorþan / seo | wæs | wætrum weaht || and wæstmum |
Genesis A 1967a | n || sodoman and gomorran / þa | wæs | guþhergum || be iordane / wera |
Genesis A 1989b | rþan / helmum þeahte || þær | wæs | heard plega / wælgara wrixl || |
Genesis A 1993b | sweord / ecgum dihtig || þær | wæs | eaþfynde / eorle orlegceap || |
Genesis A 1994b | le orlegceap || se þe ær ne | wæs | / niþes genihtsum || norþmen |
Genesis A 2054b | um sægde / þares afera || him | wæs | þearf micel / þæt hie on twa |
Genesis A 2085b | rod seon / laþra monna || loth | wæs | ahreded / eorl mid æhtum || id |
Genesis A 2096a | miclum || mægne geræsde / þa | wæs | suþ þanon || sodoma folce / g |
Genesis A 2102a | solomia || sinces hyrde / þæt | wæs | se mæra || melchisedec / leoda |
Genesis A 2107a | bletsunge || and swa gyddode / | wæs | þu gewurþod || on wera rime |
Genesis A 2125b | m befylled / to abrahame || him | wæs | ara þearf / forgif me mennen | |
Genesis A 2129a | e wunden gold / þæt ær agen | wæs | || ussum folce / feoh and fræt |
Genesis A 2216a | lodas || folcmægþa byht / þa | wæs | sarran || sar on mode / þæt h |
Genesis A 2237b | rum / hire mod astah || þa heo | wæs | magotimbre / be abrahame || eac |
Genesis A 2241a | st herian || higeþryþe wæg / | wæs | laþwendo || lustum ne wolde / |
Genesis A 2250b | ddreste gestah || swa ic bena | wæs | / drehte dogora gehwam || dædu |
Genesis A 2373b | eah gehwilcne || þe his hina | wæs | / wæpnedcynnes || wære gemynd |
Genesis A 2402b | e gastas / lastas legdon || him | wæs | lothes mæg / sylfa on gesiþþ |
Genesis A 2553b | l / sidre foldan || geondsended | wæs | / bryne and brogan || bearwas w |
Genesis A 2611b | / lothes dohter || seo on life | wæs | / wintrum yldre || us gewritu s |
Genesis A 2630a | bringan || to him selfum / þa | wæs | ellþeodig || oþre siþe / wif |
Genesis A 2710b | mæra / mundbyrde geceas || ne | wæs | me on mode cuþ / hwæþer on |
Genesis A 2738b | hæse / lufum and lissum || he | wæs | leof gode / forþon he sibbe || |
Genesis A 2742a | || her þenden lifde / þa gien | wæs | yrre || god abimelehe / for þ |
Genesis A 2791b | of lice / aldor asendest || þa | wæs | abrahame / weorce on mode || þ |
Genesis A 2824b | yldo || þæt ic þe hneaw ne | wæs | / landes and lissa || wes þiss |
Genesis A 2834a | | þæt he wolde swa / siþþan | wæs | se eadega || eafora þares / in |
Genesis A 2861b | a ongann / fysan to fore || him | wæs | frean engla / word ondrysne || |
Genesis A 2869b | wegen / men mid siþian || mæg | wæs | his agen þridda / and he feor |
Genesis A 2921b | rd / lissum gyldan || þæt þe | wæs | leofre his / sibb and hyldo || |
Exodus 12a | alwalda || in æht forgeaf / he | wæs | leof gode || leoda aldor / hors |
Exodus 19a | þles || abrahames sunum / heah | wæs | þæt handlean || and him hol |
Exodus 22b | a fela / feonda folcriht || þa | wæs | forma siþ / þæt hine weroda |
Exodus 33a | es feond || on forþwegas / þa | wæs | ingere || ealdum witum / deaþe |
Exodus 35b | æst / hordwearda hryre || heaf | wæs | geniwad / swæfon seledreamas | |
Exodus 42a | wum || dugoþ forþ gewat / wop | wæs | wide || worulddreama lyt / wær |
Exodus 45b | gretan / folc ferende || feond | wæs | bereafod / hergas on helle || h |
Exodus 47b | com / druron deofolgyld || dæg | wæs | mære / ofer middangeard || þa |
Exodus 54a | ne lust || leofes siþes / fyrd | wæs | gefysed || from se þe lædde |
Exodus 85a | || ealle cræfte / hu afæstnod | wæs | || feldhusa mæst / siþþan he |
Exodus 87b | weorþode / þeodenholde || þa | wæs | þridda wic / folce to frofre | |
Exodus 106b | æfter / foron flodwege || folc | wæs | on salum / hlud herges cyrm || |
Exodus 133b | sang / flotan feldhusum || þa | wæs | feorþe wic / randwigena ræst |
Exodus 169b | htum / fleah fæge gast || folc | wæs | gehæged / hwilum of þam werod |
Exodus 200a | | on hyra broþorgyld / forþon | wæs | in wicum || wop up ahafen / ato |
Exodus 203b | m / flugon frecne spel || feond | wæs | anmod / werud wæs wigblac || o |
Exodus 204a | pel || feond wæs anmod / werud | wæs | wigblac || oþþæt wlance fo |
Exodus 207b | mihton / geseon tosomne || siþ | wæs | gedæled / hæfde nydfara || ni |
Exodus 221b | don / weardas wigleoþ || werod | wæs | gefysed / brudon ofer burgum || |
Exodus 223b | rdon / flotan feldhusum || fyrd | wæs | on ofste / siþþan hie geteald |
Exodus 226b | an twelfe / moderofra || mægen | wæs | onhrered / wæs on anra gehwam |
Exodus 227a | rofra || mægen wæs onhrered / | wæs | on anra gehwam || æþelan cy |
Exodus 233a | d geteled || tireadigra / þæt | wæs | wiglic werod || wace ne grett |
Exodus 247a | æft / garbeames feng # || / þa | wæs | handrofra || here ætgædere / |
Exodus 304b | israhelum / andægne fyrst || | wæs | seo eorla gedriht / anes modes |
Exodus 326b | rdon / þeoda ænigre || þracu | wæs | on ore / heard handplega || hæ |
Exodus 339b | oþþah / ead and æþelo || he | wæs | gearu swa þeah / þær forþ |
Exodus 353b | ses bead / eorla æþelo || him | wæs | an fæder / leof leodfruma || l |
Exodus 399b | ferhþbana || no þy fægenra | wæs | / wolde þone lastweard || lige |
Exodus 447a | n fæder || folca selost / folc | wæs | afæred || flodegsa becwom / ga |
Exodus 450b | ed / holm heolfre spaw || hream | wæs | on yþum / wæter wæpna ful || |
Exodus 459b | lagon / mere modgode || mægen | wæs | adrenced / streamas stodon || s |
Exodus 469b | ah / merestream modig || mægen | wæs | on cwealme / fæste gefeterod | |
Exodus 477a | gast || se þe feondum geneop / | wæs | seo hæwene lyft || heolfre g |
Exodus 483b | ngon / lagu land gefeol || lyft | wæs | onhrered / wicon weallfæsten | |
Exodus 504a | gestah || godes andsaca / þæt | wæs | mihtigra || mereflodes weard / |
Exodus 565b | l / æfter þam wordum || werod | wæs | on salum / sungon sigebyman || |
Exodus 567b | odon / on fægerne sweg || folc | wæs | on lande / hæfde wuldres beam |
Exodus 580a | tefnum || eallwundra fela / þa | wæs | eþfynde || afrisc meowle / on |
Exodus 584b | on / heddon herereafes || hæft | wæs | onsæled / ongunnon sælafe || |
Daniel 3b | dom habban || swa him gecynde | wæs | / siþþan þurh metodes mægen |
Daniel 7b | aforon / mægene micle || þæt | wæs | modig cyn / þenden hie þy ric |
Daniel 9b | dan moston / burgum wealdan || | wæs | him beorht wela / þenden þæt |
Daniel 11b | æder wære / healdan woldon || | wæs | him hyrde god / heofonrices wea |
Daniel 16b | lmum || þara þe him hold ne | wæs | / oþþæt hie wlenco anwod || |
Daniel 24b | t don / wommas wyrcean || þæt | wæs | weorc gode / oft he þam leodum |
Daniel 66b | frætwa || swilc þær funden | wæs | / and þa mid þam æhtum || ef |
Daniel 82b | bebodes || þe þær brungen | wæs | / wolde þæt þa cnihtas || cr |
Daniel 91a | ge and gode || in godsæde / an | wæs | annanias || oþer azarias / þr |
Daniel 104a | ne wæde || in woruldlife / þa | wæs | breme || babilone weard / mære |
Daniel 119b | he gemunde || þæt him meted | wæs | / het þa tosomne || sinra leod |
Daniel 150b | tga cwom / daniel to dome || se | wæs | drihtne gecoren / snotor and so |
Daniel 152a | st || in þæt seld gangan / se | wæs | ordfruma || earmre lafe / þær |
Daniel 162b | nd ende || þæs þe him ywed | wæs | / þa hæfde daniel || dom mice |
Daniel 172a | e deormode || diran heton / se | wæs | on þære þeode || þe swa h |
Daniel 176a | arærde / for þam þe gleaw ne | wæs | || gumrices weard / reþe and r |
Daniel 226a | e his cræftas onsocon / þa he | wæs | gegleded || swa he grimmost m |
Daniel 232a | blyse || beornas geonge / gearo | wæs | se him geoce gefremede || þe |
Daniel 241a | ie se waldend nerede / hreohmod | wæs | se hæþena þeoden || het hi |
Daniel 242a | het hie hraþe bærnan / æled | wæs | ungescead micel || þa wæs s |
Daniel 242b | d wæs ungescead micel || þa | wæs | se ofen onhæted / isen eall þ |
Daniel 244b | rpon wudu on innan || swa him | wæs | on wordum gedemed / bæron bran |
Daniel 271b | fæste þry || him eac þær | wæs | / an on gesyhþe || engel ælmi |
Daniel 274a | on ofne || owiht ne derede / ac | wæs | þær inne || ealles gelicost |
Daniel 277b | eþ / winde geondsawen || þæt | wæs | wuldres god / þe hie generede |
Daniel 333b | / swa se halga wer || hergende | wæs | / metodes miltse || and his mih |
Daniel 335b | urh reorde || þa of roderum | wæs | / engel ælbeorht || ufan onsen |
Daniel 342b | leoman || þæt hyra lice ne | wæs | / owiht geegled || ac he on and |
Daniel 345a | eondas || for fyrendædum / þa | wæs | on þam ofne || þær se enge |
Daniel 350a | swylc biþ wedera cyst / swylc | wæs | on þam fyre || frean mihtum / |
Daniel 354b | nerigende || se þær feorþa | wæs | / annanias || and azarias / and m |
Daniel 416a | efa leogeþ / þa cwæþ se þe | wæs | || cyninges ræswa / wis and wo |
Daniel 454a | ndum || þæt hie are hæfdon / | wæs | heora blæd in babilone || si |
Daniel 471b | e on þam cnihtum || gecyþed | wæs | / onhicgaþ nu || halige mihte / |
Daniel 498b | e stode / wudubeam wlitig || se | wæs | wyrtum fæst / beorht on blædu |
Daniel 523b | / þa of slæpe onwoc || swefn | wæs | æt ende / eorþlic æþeling | |
Daniel 531a | || hu hie cweþan woldon / þa | wæs | to þam dome || daniel haten / |
Daniel 532b | l haten / godes spelboda || him | wæs | gæst geseald / halig of heofon |
Daniel 540b | þone egesan || þe him eowed | wæs | / bæd hine areccan || hwæt se |
Daniel 547b | am dome || þæt his drihten | wæs | / gumena aldor || wiþ god scyl |
Daniel 581a | a || þæt se wyrtruma / stille | wæs | on staþole || swa seo stefn |
Daniel 635b | onne gumena weard || in gylpe | wæs | / stod middangeard || æfter ma |
Daniel 640a | || oþþæt se ræswa com / þa | wæs | eft geseted || in aldordom / ba |
Daniel 652a | þa he to roderum beseah / wyrd | wæs | geworden || wundor gecyþed / s |
Daniel 668b | im ofer eorþan || andsaca ne | wæs | / gumena ænig || oþþæt him |
Daniel 676a | oc || his þæt þridde cneow / | wæs | baldazar || burga aldor / weold |
Daniel 678b | o gesceod / oferhyd egle || þa | wæs | endedæg / þæs þe caldeas || |
Daniel 691a | hleo || welan brytnedon / þæt | wæs | þara fæstna || folcum cuþo |
Daniel 737a | || in þæt seld gangan / þam | wæs | on gaste || godes cræft mice |
Christ and Satan 76b | | oþre siþe / feonda aldor || | wæs | þa forht agen / seoþþan he |
Christ and Satan 81a | in witum || wordum indraf / ic | wæs | iu in heofnum || halig ængel |
Christ and Satan 89b | otol || þā% iċ% ā·seald% | wæs% | on% wierhþu%, / niðer under n |
Christ and Satan 189b | a to helle || þa he gehened | wæs | / godes andsaca || dydon his gi |
Christ and Satan 225a | or gefregen || feond ondetan / | wæs | him eall ful strang wom and w |
Christ and Satan 242b | / gasta scyppend || god seolfa | wæs | / eallum andfeng || þe þær u |
Christ and Satan 245b | ofþuhte || þæt se þeoden | wæs | / strang and stiþmod || ongan |
Christ and Satan 280b | andsacan / hate on helle || him | wæs | hælend god / wraþ geworden || |
Christ and Satan 320b | n cwanedon / man and morþur || | wæs | seo menego þær / swylce onæl |
Christ and Satan 321b | enego þær / swylce onæled || | wæs | þæt eall full strong / þonne |
Christ and Satan 322a | þæt eall full strong / þonne | wæs | heora aldor || þe þær ære |
Christ and Satan 324b | bunden / fyre and lige || þæt | wæs | fæstlic þreat / ec sceoldon h |
Christ and Satan 337b | e geheran || se þe æt hylle | wæs | / twelf milum neh || þæt þæ |
Christ and Satan 338b | welf milum neh || þæt þær | wæs | toþa geheaw / hlude and geomre |
Christ and Satan 341b | onæled / ufan and utan || him | wæs | æghwær wa / witum werige || w |
Christ and Satan 365a | þam || þe þæt wyrcan mot / | wæs | þæt encgelcyn || ær genemn |
Christ and Satan 372b | n / uppe mid þam ecan || þæt | wæs | ealdor heora / yfeles ordfruma |
Christ and Satan 382a | ndes || heafod gesawon / þonne | wæs | þam atolan || þe we ær nem |
Christ and Satan 403b | ten seolf / feond oferfohten || | wæs | seo fæhþe þa gyt / open on u |
Christ and Satan 450b | moton / wenan seoþþan || him | wæs | drihten god / wraþ geworden || |
Christ and Satan 455a | rund || hinsiþgryre / þæt la | wæs | fæger || þæt se feþa com / |
Christ and Satan 463a | on || þæt he swa wolde / þis | wæs | on uhtan || eall geworden / ær |
Christ and Satan 485b | endes word / æten þa egsan || | wæs | se atola beforan / se inc bam f |
Christ and Satan 499a | dboran || hrefnan mihten / þa | wæs | þæs mæles || mearc agangen |
Christ and Satan 500a | earc agangen / þæt on worulde | wæs | || wintra gerimes / þreo and |
Christ and Satan 530b | r / ealle urnon || þær se eca | wæs | / feollon on foldan || and to f |
Christ and Satan 541a | mihton || mode oncnawan / þæt | wæs | se deora || didimus wæs hate |
Christ and Satan 541b | æt wæs se deora || didimus | wæs | haten / ær he mid hondum || h |
Christ and Satan 545a | an || fulwihtes bæþe / fæger | wæs | þæt ongin || þæt freodrih |
Christ and Satan 557a | | þam þe teala þenceþ / þa | wæs | on eorþan || ece drihten / feo |
Christ and Satan 564b | sweg / halig of heofonum || mid | wæs | hond godes / onfeng freodrihten |
Christ and Satan 573b | la unrim / god lifigende || þa | wæs | iudas of / se þe ær on tifre |
Christ and Satan 667b | ne weregan || þe ær aworpen | wæs | / of heofonum || þæt he in he |
Andreas 11b | lm ealgodon / on meotudwange || | wæs | hira matheus sum / se mid iudeu |
Andreas 19a | efelda || hearde gesceode / eal | wæs | þæt mearcland || morþre be |
Andreas 25b | gon geond þa þeode || swelc | wæs | þeaw hira / þæt hie æghwylc |
Andreas 29a | t ealand || utan sohte / swylc | wæs | þæs folces || freoþoleas t |
Andreas 36b | nc / heortan on hreþre || hyge | wæs | oncyrred / þæt hie ne murndan |
Andreas 40a | eleaste || meþe gedrehte / þa | wæs | matheus || to þære mæran b |
Andreas 41b | cumen in þa ceastre || þær | wæs | cirm micel / geond mermedonia | |
Andreas 57b | gan stefne / of carcerne || him | wæs | cristes lof / on fyrhþlocan || |
Andreas 64b | aronet seowaþ || a ic symles | wæs | / on wega gehwam || willan þin |
Andreas 122a | tyrend || in stowa gehwam / þa | wæs | matheus || miclum onbryrded / n |
Andreas 147a | a ordfruma || unnan wolde / þa | wæs | first agan || frumrædenne / þ |
Andreas 158b | þing gehedon / nihtgerimes || | wæs | him neod micel / þæt hie tobr |
Andreas 161a | man || him to foddorþege / þa | wæs | gemyndig || se þe middangear |
Andreas 169b | alga wer / in achaia || andreas | wæs | / leode lærde || on lifes weg / |
Andreas 230a | ces hryre || lifes brucan / þa | wæs | ærende || æþelum cempan / ab |
Andreas 231b | cempan / aboden in burgum || ne | wæs | him bleaþ hyge / ah he wæs an |
Andreas 232a | ne wæs him bleaþ hyge / ah he | wæs | anræd || ellenweorces / heard |
Andreas 239b | oton brimstreamas || se beorn | wæs | on hyhte / syþþan he on waru |
Andreas 248a | ylce hie ofer sæ comon / þæt | wæs | drihten sylf || dugeþa weald |
Andreas 262a | æs wordes bad / hwæt se manna | wæs | || meþelhegendra / þe he þæ |
Andreas 385b | ræsboran || þa he gereordod | wæs | / þe þissa swæsenda || soþf |
Andreas 489a | sæhengeste || sund wisige / ic | wæs | on gifeþe || iu ond nu-þa / s |
Andreas 594b | on moldan || swa him gemedost | wæs | / nu þu miht gehyran || hyse l |
Andreas 665b | cgas / geteled tireadige || he | wæs | twelfta sylf / þa we becomon | |
Andreas 667a | am cynestole / þær getimbred | wæs | || tempel dryhtnes / heah ond h |
Andreas 684a | dfruman || æþelu onwocon / he | wæs | afeded || on þysse folcscear |
Andreas 700b | / cræfta gecyþde || þæt he | wæs | cyning on riht / ofer middangea |
Andreas 854a | þeling ferede / in þam ceole | wæs | || cyninga wuldor / waldend wer |
Andreas 869a | || ond in lofe wunedon / þær | wæs | singal sang || ond swegles go |
Andreas 874b | efne / dryhtna dryhten || dream | wæs | on hyhte / we þær heahfædera |
Andreas 878b | lof / dugoþ domgeorne || þær | wæs | dauid mid / eadig oretta || ess |
Andreas 887a | blissa || brucan moton / þær | wæs | wuldres wynn || wigendra þry |
Andreas 892a | || þonne heonon gangaþ / þa | wæs | modsefa || myclum geblissod / h |
Andreas 949b | ic him sylfum ær || secgende | wæs | / nu þu andreas scealt || edre |
Andreas 967a | iudeum || gealgan þehte / rod | wæs | aræred || þær rinca sum / of |
Andreas 981a | þam þe hie findan cann / þa | wæs | gemyndig || modgeþyldig / beor |
Andreas 1010b | geferan / halig haligne || hyht | wæs | geniwad / aras þa togenes || g |
Andreas 1013b | on / geseon under sunnan || syb | wæs | gemæne / bam þam gebroþrum | |
Andreas 1018b | heofontorht || hreþor innan | wæs | / wynnum awelled || þa worde o |
Andreas 1097b | lhegende / æscum dealle || þa | wæs | eall geador / to þam þingsted |
Andreas 1105a | ofer ænne || ealdgesiþa / se | wæs | uþweota || eorla dugoþe / her |
Andreas 1112b | þe / þegon to þance || þeod | wæs | oflysted / metes modgeomre || n |
Andreas 1116b | odsceaþa / reow ricsode || þa | wæs | rinc manig / guþfrec guma || y |
Andreas 1119a | nbryrded || to þam beadulace / | wæs | þæt weatacen || wide gefreg |
Andreas 1138b | ldre sceolde / lungre linnan || | wæs | se leodhete / þrist ond þroht |
Andreas 1155a | þam þe hie findan cann / þa | wæs | wop hæfen || in wera burgum / |
Andreas 1201a | tlicum || for wera menigo / þa | wæs | beacen boden || burhsittendum |
Andreas 1223a | nda gebundon / siþþan geypped | wæs | || æþelinga wynn / ond hie an |
Andreas 1225b | ton / gesion sigerofne || þær | wæs | sec manig / on þam welwange || |
Andreas 1238b | m unlytel / hæþnes heriges || | wæs | þæs halgan lic / sarbennum so |
Andreas 1242b | m on innan / ellen untweonde || | wæs | þæt æþele mod / asundrad fr |
Andreas 1245a | slegum || dreogan sceolde / swa | wæs | ealne dæg || oþþæt æfen |
Andreas 1250b | ne gewinnan / to carcerne || he | wæs | criste swa þeah / leof on mode |
Andreas 1251b | swa þeah / leof on mode || him | wæs | leoht sefa / halig heortan neh |
Andreas 1253a | || hige untyddre / þa se halga | wæs | || under heolstorscuwan / eorl |
Andreas 1274a | ld || wærfæstne hæleþ / þa | wæs | eft swa ær || ondlangne dæg |
Andreas 1302a | n || nu to feala reordaþ / þa | wæs | orlege || eft onhrered / niwan |
Andreas 1307a | | beorgas steape / ond se halga | wæs | || to hofe læded / deor ond do |
Andreas 1322b | w þin / cyneþrym ahof || þam | wæs | crist nama / ofer middangeard | |
Andreas 1382a | || heofoncyninges word / þær | wæs | yfles or || ende næfre / þine |
Andreas 1394a | yltan || hit ne mihte swa / þa | wæs | niowinga || niþ onhrered / hea |
Andreas 1395b | nhrered / heard ond hetegrim || | wæs | se halga wer / sare geswungen | |
Andreas 1476a | lgslege || dreore bestemed / ac | wæs | eft swa ær || þurh þa æþ |
Andreas 1532b | am / þurh sealtne weg || þæt | wæs | sorgbyrþen / biter beorþegu | |
Andreas 1534b | ældon / ombehtþegnas || þær | wæs | ælcum genog / fram dæges orde |
Andreas 1537b | cwanedon / ealde æscberend || | wæs | him ut myne / fleon fealone str |
Andreas 1542b | e / hatan heaþowælme || hreoh | wæs | þær inne / beatende brim || n |
Andreas 1547a | tas || flod yþum weoll / þær | wæs | yþfynde || innan burgum / geom |
Andreas 1554a | rpon || wæter mycladon / þær | wæs | wop wera || wide gehyred / earm |
Andreas 1571a | locan || folces gebæro / þær | wæs | modigra || mægen forbeged / wi |
Andreas 1573b | n / fleow firgendstream || flod | wæs | on luste / oþþæt breost ofer |
Andreas 1579b | eaf / gleawmod gode leof || him | wæs | gearu sona / þurh streamræce |
Andreas 1581a | æce || stræt gerymed / smeolt | wæs | se sigewang || symble wæs dr |
Andreas 1581b | lt wæs se sigewang || symble | wæs | dryge / folde fram flode || swa |
Andreas 1584b | on mode / ferhþgefeonde || þa | wæs | forþ cumen / geoc æfter gyrne |
Andreas 1622a | oþorcwidum || haliges gastes / | wæs | on þanc sprecen || þeoda r |
Andreas 1627b | frege / eaforan unweaxne || þa | wæs | eall eador / leoþolic ond gast |
Andreas 1643a | eolhstedas || anforlætan / þa | wæs | mid þy folce || fulwiht hæf |
Andreas 1659a | faroþe || secan wolde / þæt | wæs | þam weorode || weorc to geþ |
Andreas 21a | f || ond gedwolan fylde / þæt | wæs | satane || sar to geþolienne / |
Andreas 22a | and ġe·dwolan fielde. / Þæt | wæs | Satane || sār tō ġe·þoli |
Andreas 40b | as modgeomre || þær manegum | wæs | / hat æt heortan || hyge weall |
Andreas 41b | d-ġōmre. || Þǣr maniĝum | wæs | / hāt æt heortan || hyġe wea |
The Fates of the Apostles 25a | nn || æþelo reccan / se manna | wæs | || mine gefrege / þurh cneoris |
The Fates of the Apostles 37b | eorh wiþ flæsce || philipus | wæs | / mid asseum || þanon ece lif / |
The Fates of the Apostles 41a | lgan || in gearapolim / ahangen | wæs | || hildecorþre / huru wide wea |
The Fates of the Apostles 48b | ne wolde / wig weorþian || him | wæs | wuldres dream / lifwela leofra |
The Fates of the Apostles 57b | eong ond guþhwæt || ond him | wæs | gad nama / ond þa þæm folce |
The Fates of the Apostles 66b | nwoc / leohtes geleafan || land | wæs | gefælsod / þurh matheus || m |
The Fates of the Apostles 106a | unnon miht / hwa on þam wordum | wæs | || werum oncyþig / sie þæs g |
Soul and Body I 40b | unedest || ond ic ofþyrsted | wæs | / godes lichoman || gastes dryn |
Soul and Body I 46a | d gestaþolod þurh me / ond ic | wæs | gast on þe || fram gode send |
Soul and Body I 56b | s hand || þe ic ær onsended | wæs | / ne magon þe nu heonon adon | |
Soul and Body I 105b | efed || ligeþ dust þær hit | wæs | / ne mæg him ondsware || ænig |
Dream of the Rood 6b | eorhtost || eall þæt beacen | wæs | / begoten mid golde || gimmas s |
Dream of the Rood 10b | ere þurh forþgesceaft || ne | wæs | þær huru fracodes gealga / ac |
Dream of the Rood 13a | l þeos mære gesceaft / syllic | wæs | se sigebeam || ond ic synnum |
Dream of the Rood 20b | a swiþran healfe || eall ic | wæs | mid sorgum gedrefed / forht ic |
Dream of the Rood 21a | mid sorgum gedrefed / forht ic | wæs | for þære fægran gesyhþe | |
Dream of the Rood 22b | ædum ond bleom || hwilum hit | wæs | mid wætan bestemed / beswyled |
Dream of the Rood 28a | sprecan || wudu selesta / þæt | wæs | geara iu || ic þæt gyta gem |
Dream of the Rood 29a | ic þæt gyta geman / þæt ic | wæs | aheawen || holtes on ende / ast |
Dream of the Rood 39b | ne þa geong hæleþ || þæt | wæs | god ælmihtig / strang ond sti |
Dream of the Rood 44a | ic sceolde fæste standan / rod | wæs | ic aræred || ahof ic ricne c |
Dream of the Rood 48b | nc butu ætgædere || eall ic | wæs | mid blode bestemed / begoten of |
Dream of the Rood 56b | iþdon cyninges fyll || crist | wæs | on rode / hwæþere þær fuse |
Dream of the Rood 59a | ic þæt eall beheold / sare ic | wæs | mid sorgum gedrefed || hnag i |
Dream of the Rood 62b | steame bedrifenne || eall ic | wæs | mid strælum forwundod / aledon |
Dream of the Rood 74b | gan / ealle to eorþan || þæt | wæs | egeslic wyrd / bedealf us man o |
Dream of the Rood 87a | e him biþ egesa to me / iu ic | wæs | geworden || wita heardost / leo |
Dream of the Rood 123b | de / elne mycle || þær ic ana | wæs | / mæte werede || wæs modsefa / |
Dream of the Rood 124b | r ic ana wæs / mæte werede || | wæs | modsefa / afysed on forþwege | |
Dream of the Rood 148b | rgeaf / heofonlicne ham || hiht | wæs | geniwad / mid bledum ond mid bl |
Dream of the Rood 150a | þær bryne þolodan / se sunu | wæs | sigorfæst || on þam siþfat |
Dream of the Rood 156b | mihtig god || þær his eþel | wæs | |
Elene 1a | # Elene / / þa | wæs | agangen || geara hwyrftum / tu |
Elene 7b | heo / soþfæstra leoht || þa | wæs | syxte gear / constantines || ca |
Elene 11a | fen hildfruma || to hereteman / | wæs | se leodhwata || lindgeborga / e |
Elene 13b | weox / rice under roderum || he | wæs | riht cyning / guþweard gumena |
Elene 18b | pen ahof / wiþ hetendum || him | wæs | hild boden / wiges woma || wero |
Elene 53b | gol / wan ond wælfel || werod | wæs | on tyhte / hleopon hornboran || |
Elene 56b | mnode / cafe to cease || cyning | wæs | afyrhted / egsan geaclad || si |
Elene 85b | e findest / sigores tacen || he | wæs | sona gearu / þurh þæs halgan |
Elene 91a | de geglenged || gimmas lixtan / | wæs | se blaca beam || bocstafum aw |
Elene 96b | d / on clænra gemang || cyning | wæs | þy bliþra / ond þe sorgleasr |
Elene 114a | leþa || hildegesa stod / þær | wæs | borda gebrec || ond beorna ge |
Elene 123b | / þrungon þræchearde || þa | wæs | þuf hafen / segn for sweotum | |
Elene 138a | streame || lifes æt ende / þa | wæs | modigra || mægen on luste / eh |
Elene 141b | c flugon / hildenædran || heap | wæs | gescyrded / laþra lindwered || |
Elene 144a | herges || ham eft þanon / þa | wæs | gesyne || þæt sige forgeaf / |
Elene 149b | t þanon / huþe hremig || hild | wæs | gesceaden / wigge geweorþod || |
Elene 162b | brytta || þe þis his beacen | wæs | / þe me swa leoht oþywde || o |
Elene 173b | fulwihte / lærde wæron || him | wæs | leoht sefa / ferhþ gefeonde || |
Elene 194a | tid || dryhtne to willan / þa | wæs | on sælum || sinces brytta / ni |
Elene 195b | es brytta / niþheard cyning || | wæs | him niwe gefea / befolen in fyr |
Elene 196b | e gefea / befolen in fyrhþe || | wæs | him frofra mæst / ond hyhta ni |
Elene 205a | on godes bocum / hwær ahangen | wæs | || heriges beorhtme / on rode t |
Elene 212a | feore || wergþu dreogan / þa | wæs | cristes lof || þam casere / on |
Elene 222b | yrwan / hiere sylfre suna || ac | wæs | sona gearu / wif on willsiþ || |
Elene 229a | æmearas || sunde getenge / þa | wæs | orcnæwe || idese siþfæt / si |
Elene 256a | astwegas || eft gesohte / þær | wæs | on eorle || eþgesyne / brogden |
Elene 264a | cas || hyrstum gewerede / þær | wæs | gesyne || sincgim locen / on þ |
Elene 266a | hereþreate || hlafordes gifu / | wæs | seo eadhreþige || elene gemy |
Elene 282a | rihte æ || reccan cuþon / þa | wæs | gesamnod || of sidwegum / mæge |
Elene 284b | eccan cuþon || þær on rime | wæs | / þreo þusend || þæra leoda |
Elene 346b | ora dryhten || he on gesyhþe | wæs | / mægena wealdend || min on þ |
Elene 418b | ode / gidda gearosnotor || þam | wæs | iudas nama / wordes cræftig || |
Elene 426a | ndagum || fæderas usse / þæt | wæs | þrealic geþoht || nu is þe |
Elene 437b | fæder / sigerof sægde || þam | wæs | sachius nama / frod fyrnwiota | |
Elene 6a | || on þam soþcyning / ahangen | wæs | || heofonrices weard / eallre s |
Elene 7a | þām sōþ-cyning / ā·hangen | wæs, | || heofon-rīċes weard, / ealr |
Elene 42b | gebearn godes || þa siþþan | wæs | / of rode ahæfen || rodera wea |
Elene 43b | bearn godes. || Þā siþþan | wæs | / of rōde ā·hæfen || rodera |
Elene 45b | þþan / in byrgenne || bidende | wæs | / under þeosterlocan || ond þ |
Elene 46b | þan / on byrġenne || bīdende | wæs | / under þeostor-locan || and |
Elene 53a | for lufan dryhtnes / stephanus | wæs | || stanum worpod / ne geald he |
Elene 54a | for lufan dryhtnes / Stephanus | wæs | || stānum worpod; / ne ġeald |
Elene 65a | naman oncyrde / ond he syþþan | wæs | || sanctus paulus / be naman ha |
Elene 66b | naman haten || ond him nænig | wæs | / ælærendra || oþer betera / u |
Elene 66a | on·ċierde, / and hē siþþan | wæs | || sanctus Paulus / be naman h |
Elene 67b | man hāten || and him nǣniġ | wæs | / ǣ-lǣrendra || ōðer betera |
Elene 91b | rde / septe soþcwidum || þam | wæs | symon nama / guma gehþum frod |
Elene 92b | pte sōþ-cwīdum, || (þām | wæs | Symon nama), / guma ġiehþum% |
Elene 147b | giddum gearusnottorne || þam | wæs | iudas nama / cenned for cneomag |
Elene 148b | m ġearu-snottorne, || (þām | wæs | Iudas nama / cenned for cnēo-m |
Elene 163a | ht getæhte / þe ær in legere | wæs | || lange bedyrned / ond hine se |
Elene 164a | e·tǣhte / þe ǣr on leġere | wæs | || lange || be·dierned, / and |
Elene 171b | / oncyrran rex geniþlan || he | wæs | on þære cwene gewealdum / hu |
Elene 172b | rran rex ġe·niðlan; || hē | wæs | on ðǣre cwēne ġe·wealdum |
Elene 188b | yrndun / iudas maþelade || him | wæs | geomor sefa / hat æt heortan | |
Elene 189b | .’ / Iudas maðelode, || (him | wæs | ġōmor sefa, / hāt æt heorta |
Elene 207b | urh gefeoht fremedon || þæt | wæs | fyr mycle / open ealdgewin || |
Elene 208b | ġe·feoht fremedon? || Þæt | wæs | fierr% miċele%, / open eald-ġ |
Elene 210b | ereccan || hwæt þær eallra | wæs | / on manrime || morþorslehtes / |
Elene 211b | eċċan, || hwæt ðǣr ealra | wæs | / on mann-rīme || morðor-slie |
Elene 232b | eþum cyþan || þæt ahangen | wæs | / on caluarie || cyninges freob |
Elene 233b | cȳðan || þæt ā·hangen% | wæs | / on Caluarie || cininges frēo |
Elene 259b | / meþe ond meteleas || mægen | wæs | geswiþrod / ic eow healsie || |
Elene 260b | e and metelēas, || (mæġen | wæs | ġe·sweðrod): / ‘Iċ ēow h |
Elene 279a | up || þe dryhten ær / ahangen | wæs | || heofonrices weard / godbearn |
Elene 280a | || þe drihten ǣr / ā·hangen | wæs%, | || heofon-rīċes weard, / god- |
Elene 334b | æt ricsie || se þe on rode | wæs | / ond þurh marian || in middan |
Elene 335b | t rīcsie || sē þe on rōde | wæs, | / and þurh Marian || on middan |
Elene 352b | ppend / geopenie || þæt yldum | wæs | / lange behyded || forlæt nu l |
Elene 353b | / ġe·openie, || þæt ieldum | wæs | / lange || be·hȳded. || For· |
Elene 400a | fruman || larum ne hyrdon / þa | wæs | modgemynd || myclum geblissod |
Elene 401a | n || lārum ne hīerdon. / Þā | wæs | mōd-ġe·mynd || miċelum ġ |
Elene 415b | mid him / geþrowedon || ond he | wæs | þridda sylf / on rode treo || |
Elene 416b | m / ġe·þrōwodon, || and hē | wæs | þridda self / on rōde trēo%. |
Elene 434b | beorna þreate / on neaweste || | wæs | þa nigoþe tid / gingne gastle |
Elene 435b | gastleasne || þa þær iudas | wæs | / on modsefan || miclum gebliss |
Elene 436b | tlēasne. || Þā ðǣr Iudas | wæs | / on mōd-sefan || miċelum ġe |
Elene 442b | fæge hus / deophycgende || hit | wæs | dead swa ær / lic legere fæst |
Elene 443b | ūs, / dēop-hyċġende. || Hit | wæs | dēad swā ǣr, / līċ leġere |
Elene 444b | m beþeaht || þa sio þridde | wæs | / ahafen halig || hra wæs on a |
Elene 445b | idde wæs / ahafen halig || hra | wæs | on anbide / oþþæt him uppan |
Elene 446b | æt him uppan || æþelinges | wæs | / rod aræred || rodorcyninges |
Elene 447b | æt him uppan || æðelinges | wæs | / rōd ā·rǣred, || rodor-cin |
Elene 450b | u samod / lic ond sawl || þær | wæs | lof hafen / fæger mid þy folc |
Elene 451b | mod / līċ and sāwl. || Þǣr | wæs | lof hafen / fǣġer mid þȳ fo |
Elene 455a | ende || eallra gesceafta / þa | wæs | þam folce || on ferhþsefan / |
Elene 456a | || ealra ġe·sċeafta. / þā | wæs | þām folce || on ferhþ-sefa |
Elene 474a | || se þe in nazareþ / afeded | wæs | || syþþan furþum weox / of c |
Elene 475a | ē þe on Nazareþ / ā·fēded | wæs. | || Siþþan furðum wēox / of |
Elene 496b | æþ / hæleþ hildedeor || him | wæs | halig gast / befolen fæste || |
Elene 497b | / hæleþ hilde-dēor, || (him | wæs | hāliġ gāst / be·folen fæst |
Elene 516b | a / synnig ond gesælig || sefa | wæs | þe glædra / þæs þe heo geh |
Elene 517b | iġ and ġe·sǣliġ. || Sefa | wæs | þȳ glædra / þæs þe hēo |
Elene 528a | | in þæs weres breostum / þa | wæs | gefrege || in þære folcscea |
Elene 529a | n þæs weres brēostum. / Þā | wæs | ġe·frǣġe || on ðǣre fol |
Elene 537a | heofenum || ahafen wurde / ond | wæs | iudeum || gnornsorga mæst / we |
Elene 538a | fonum || ā·hafen wurde, / and | wæs | Iūdēum || gnorn-sorĝa mǣs |
Elene 548a | þæt ær feala mæla / behyded | wæs | || halgum to teonan / cristenum |
Elene 549a | æt ǣr fela mǣla / be·hȳded | wæs | || hālĝum tō tēonan, / crī |
Elene 553b | in burgum / feorran geferede || | wæs | him frofra mæst / geworden in |
Elene 554b | rgum, / feorran ġe·ferede. || | Wæs | him frōfra mǣst / ġe·worden |
Elene 573a | þær sio halige rod / gemeted | wæs | || mærost beama / þara þe ge |
Elene 574a | sēo hālġe rōd / ġe·meted | wæs, | || mǣrost bēama / þāra þe |
Elene 604a | lde god || mihta wealdend / þa | wæs | gefulwad || se þe ær feala |
Elene 605a | god, || meahta wealdend. / Þā | wæs | ġe·fulwod || sē þe ǣr fe |
Elene 621b | an nemde / niwan stefne || nama | wæs | gecyrred / beornes in burgum || |
Elene 622b | nemde / nīewan stefne. || Nama | wæs | ġe·ċierred / beornes on burg |
Elene 623b | hælendes || þa gen elenan | wæs | / mod gemynde || ymb þa mæran |
Elene 624b | lendes. || Þā ġīen Elenan | wæs | / mōd ġe·mynde || ymb þā m |
Elene 627a | lme swa some / mid þam on rode | wæs | || rodera wealdend / gefæstnod |
Elene 628a | swā same, / mid þām on rōde | wæs | || rodera wealdend / ġe·fæst |
Elene 636a | te getæhtesþ / on þa ahangen | wæs | || hæþenum folmum / gasta geo |
Elene 637a | tǣhtest, / on þā ā·hangen | wæs | || hǣðnum folmum / gasta ġē |
Elene 686a | nnesse || heofonrices god / þa | wæs | geblissod || se þe to bote g |
Elene 687a | | heofon-rīċes god.’ / Þā | wæs | ġe·blissod || sē þe tō b |
Elene 692b | le bebead / wifes willan || þa | wæs | wopes hring / hat heafodwylm || |
Elene 693b | bēad, / wīfes willan. || Þā | wæs | wōpes hrinġ, / hāt hēafod-w |
Elene 698b | um hremig || þe hire brungen | wæs | / gnyrna to geoce || gode þanc |
Elene 699b | hrēmiġ, || þe hire brungen | wæs | / gnyrna tō ġēoce. || Gode |
Elene 701b | gecneow / ondweardlice || þæt | wæs | oft bodod / feor ær beforan || |
Elene 702b | nēow / andweardlīċe || þæt | wæs | oft bodod / feorr ǣr be·foran |
Elene 703b | cum to frofre || heo gefylled | wæs | / wisdomes gife || ond þa wic |
Elene 704b | frōfre. || Hēo ġe·fielled | wæs | / wīsdōmes ġiefe || and þā |
Elene 713b | n begeat / willan in worulde || | wæs | se witedom / þurh fyrnwitan || |
Elene 714b | ġeat / willan on weorolde. || | Wæs | sē wītedōm / þurh fyrn-wita |
Elene 772b | m cyriacus / bude boca gleaw || | wæs | se bissceophad / fægere befæs |
Elene 773b | riacus / bude, bōca glēaw. || | Wæs | sē bisċophād / fæġre be·f |
Elene 779b | eaf / sincweorþunga || þa hio | wæs | siþes fus / eft to eþle || on |
Elene 780b | inċ-weorðunga, || þā hēo | wæs | sīðes fūs / eft tō ēðle | |
Elene 785a | n þam sio halige rod / gemeted | wæs | || mærost beama / þara þe of |
Elene 786a | sēo hālġe rōd / ġe·meted | wæs, | || mǣrost bēama / þāra þe |
Elene 787b | weoxe / geloden under leafum || | wæs | þa lencten agan / butan siex n |
Elene 788b | / ġe·loden under lēafum. || | Wæs | þā lencten ā·gān / būtan |
Elene 803b | s þeaht / wisdom onwreah || ic | wæs | weorcum fah / synnum asæled || |
Elene 804b | t% / wīsdōm on·wrāh. || Iċ | wæs | weorcum fāh / synnum ā·sǣle |
Elene 817b | yþan / be þam sigebeacne || a | wæs | secg oþ þæt / cnyssed cearwe |
Elene 818b | be þām siġe-bēacne. || Ā | wæs | secg% oþ·þæt / cnyssed ċea |
Elene 826b | is gecyrred / ald onmedla || ur | wæs | geara / geogoþhades glæm || n |
Elene 827b | red, / eald an-mēdla. || //U// | wæs | ġāra / ġuĝuþhādes glǣm. |
Christ A 34b | he ahredde || ða forhwyrfed | wæs | / frumcyn fira || wæs seo fæm |
Christ A 35b | rhwyrfed wæs / frumcyn fira || | wæs | seo fæmne geong / mægð manes |
Christ A 37a | he him to meder geceas / ðæt | wæs | geworden || butan weres frigu |
Christ A 41a | || wifes gearnung / ðæt degol | wæs | || dryhtnes geryne / eal giofu |
Christ A 121a | orodum brungen / ðe on frymðe | wæs | || fæder ælmihtigum / efenece |
Christ A 124b | ebær / geomrum to geoce || god | wæs | mid us / gesewen butan synnum | |
Christ A 140b | ym onwrah / eces alwaldan || se | wæs | æ bringend / lara lædend || |
Christ A 142b | hidercyme || swa him gehaten | wæs | / ðætte sunu meotudes || sylf |
Christ A 224a | om || him to freobearne / ðæt | wæs | ðara ðinga || ðe her ðeod |
Christ A 228b | gedælde dryhtlice || ond him | wæs | domes geweald / ond ða wisan a |
Christ A 307b | estarode || ðær gestaðelad | wæs | / æðelic ingong || eal wæs g |
Christ A 308b | d wæs / æðelic ingong || eal | wæs | gebunden / deoran since || duru |
Christ A 421b | onnes ofer moldan || ac ðæt | wæs | ma cræft / ðonne hit eorðbue |
Christ B 499b | an / godbearn of grundum || him | wæs | geomor sefa / hat æt heortan | |
Christ B 527a | don || folc under roderum / ða | wæs | wuldres weard || wolcnum bifo |
Christ B 529b | ofas upp / haligra helm || hyht | wæs | geniwad / blis in burgum || ðu |
Christ B 537b | segun / hyra wilgifan || ðær | wæs | wopes hring / torne bitolden || |
Christ B 538b | wopes hring / torne bitolden || | wæs | seo treowlufu / hat æt heortan |
Christ B 550b | cwoman / sigan on swegle || ða | wæs | symbla mæst / geworden in wuld |
Christ B 619b | to sibbe || se ðe ær sungen | wæs | / ðurh yrne hyge || ældum to |
Christ B 639a | odcundan || gæstes strengðu / | wæs | ðæs fugles flyht || feondum |
Christ B 651a | e || bi ðon se witga song / he | wæs | upp hafen || engla fæðmum / i |
Christ B 720a | || ðurh ðone æðelan styll / | wæs | se forma hlyp || ða he on f |
Christ B 723b | gewearð / eallum eorðwarum || | wæs | se oðer stiell / bearnes gebyr |
Christ B 724b | es gebyrda || ða he in binne | wæs | / in cildes hiw || claðum bewu |
Christ B 726b | wunden / ealra ðrymma ðrym || | wæs | se ðridda hlyp / rodorcyninges |
Christ B 728b | astag / fæder frofre gæst || | wæs | se feorða stiell / in byrgenne |
Christ B 730b | eam ofgeaf / foldærne fæst || | wæs | se fifta hlyp / ða he hellware |
Christ B 736b | gefæstnad / synnum gesæled || | wæs | se siexta hlyp / haliges hyhtpl |
Christ B 738b | tag / on his ealdcyððe || ða | wæs | engla ðreat / on ða halgan ti |
Christ B 805b | scæcen / eorðan frætwa || ur | wæs | longe / lagu-flodum bilocen || |
Christ B 814b | den him on eorðan || onmedla | wæs | / forðon ic leofra gehwone || |
Christ B 856b | dge holmas / ofer deop gelad || | wæs | se drohtað strong / ærðon we |
Christ C 1093b | ðone halgan beam || ahongen | wæs | / fore moncynnes || manforwyrht |
Christ C 1114b | fore rincum || ða he on rode | wæs | / eall ðis magon him sylfe || |
Christ C 1151b | on he his bodan sende || ða | wæs | geboren ærest / gesceafta scir |
Christ C 1345a | | mines fæder rice / ðæt eow | wæs | ær woruldum || wynlice gearo |
Christ C 1419b | gestag / maga in modor || ðeah | wæs | hyre mægdenhad / æghwæs onwa |
Christ C 1445b | ygdon / ðream biðrycton || se | wæs | of ðornum geworht / ða ic wæ |
Christ C 1446a | æs of ðornum geworht / ða ic | wæs | ahongen || on heanne beam / rod |
Christ C 1459a | idan || swatge wunde / hu ðær | wæs | unefen racu || unc gemæne / ic |
Christ C 1491a | m gefæstnad / ðonne seo oðer | wæs | || ðe ic ær gestag / willum m |
Christ C 1495a | ylfa || siððan gehealdan / ic | wæs | on worulde wædla || ðæt ð |
Christ C 1496a | rde welig in heofonum / earm ic | wæs | on eðle ðinum || ðæt ðu |
Christ C 1521a | a dreames || on ece fir / ðæt | wæs | satane || ond his gesiðum mi |
Vainglory 57a | st || wyrmum beðrungen / ðæt | wæs | geara iu || in godes rice / ð |
Vainglory 63b | ne beryfan || swa hit ryht ne | wæs | / ond ðonne gesettan || on hyr |
Widsith 14a | denstol || geðeon wile / ðara | wæs | hwala || hwile selast / ond ale |
Widsith 34a | ond holen wrosnum / hringweald | wæs | haten || herefarena cyning / of |
Widsith 36a | eold ongle || alewih denum / se | wæs | ðara manna || modgast ealra / |
Widsith 57a | cynegode || cystum dohten / ic | wæs | mid hunum || ond mid hreðgot |
Widsith 59a | d mid suðdenum / mid wenlum ic | wæs | ond mid wærnum || ond mid wi |
Widsith 60a | d mid wicingum / mid gefðum ic | wæs | ond mid winedum || ond mid ge |
Widsith 61a | d mid gefflegum / mid englum ic | wæs | ond mid swæfum || ond mid æ |
Widsith 62a | ond mid ænenum / mid seaxum ic | wæs | ond sycgum || ond mid sweordw |
Widsith 63a | mid sweordwerum / mid hronum ic | wæs | ond mid deanum || ond mid hea |
Widsith 64a | heaðoreamum / mid ðyringum ic | wæs | || ond mid ðrowendum / ond mid |
Widsith 68a | t sæne cyning / mid froncum ic | wæs | ond mid frysum || ond mid fru |
Widsith 69a | d mid frumtingum / mid rugum ic | wæs | ond mid glommum || ond mid ru |
Widsith 70a | || ond mid rumwalum / swylce ic | wæs | on eatule || mid ælfwine / se |
Widsith 75a | arn eadwines / mid sercingum ic | wæs | || ond mid seringum / mid creac |
Widsith 76a | d mid seringum / mid creacum ic | wæs | ond mid finnum || ond mid cas |
Widsith 79a | ond wala rices / mid scottum ic | wæs | ond mid peohtum || ond mid sc |
Widsith 80a | ridefinnum / mid lidwicingum ic | wæs | ond mid leonum || ond mid lon |
Widsith 82a | id hundingum / mid israhelum ic | wæs | || ond mid exsyringum / mid ebr |
Widsith 84a | ond mid egyptum / mid moidum ic | wæs | ond mid persum || ond mid myr |
Widsith 86b | ingum || mid eastðyringum ic | wæs | / ond mid eolum ond mid istum | |
Widsith 88a | istum || ond idumingum / ond ic | wæs | mid eormanrice || ealle ðrag |
Widsith 91a | arena fruma / on ðam siex hund | wæs | || smætes goldes / gescyred sc |
Widsith 111a | gesiða || ða selestan / ðæt | wæs | innweorud || earmanrices / heð |
Maxims I 11b | gæste || ac he is gen swa he | wæs | / ðeoden geðyldig || he us ge |
Maxims I 197b | n ðone cwealm nerede || cuð | wæs | wide siððan / ðæt ece nið |
The Riming Poem 3a | eteoh || tillice onwrah / glæd | wæs | ic gliwum || glenged hiwum / bl |
The Riming Poem 9a | longum || leoma gehongum / ða | wæs | wæstmum aweaht || world onsp |
The Riming Poem 14a | glad || ðurh gescad in brad / | wæs | on lagustreame lad || ðær m |
The Riming Poem 15b | ad / hæfde ic heanne had || ne | wæs | me in healle gad / ðæt ðær |
The Riming Poem 18b | e / ðegnum geðyhte || ðenden | wæs | me mægen / horsce mec heredon |
The Riming Poem 25a | ol || gomen sibbe ne ofoll / ac | wæs | gefest gear || gellende sner / |
The Riming Poem 27b | ealcas wæron scearpe || scyl | wæs | hearpe / hlude hlynede || hleo |
The Riming Poem 38a | rwade || sib nearwade / from ic | wæs | in frætwum || freolic in gea |
The Riming Poem 39a | rætwum || freolic in geatwum / | wæs | min dream dryhtlic || drohta |
The Riming Poem 41a | ode || folcum ic leoðode / lif | wæs | min longe || leodum in gemong |
The Riming Poem 45a | htes in fleah / se ær in dæge | wæs | dyre || scriðeð nu deop in |
The Panther 64b | engla / sigora sellend || ðæt | wæs | swete stenc / wlitig ond wynsum |
Soul and Body II 37b | unedest || ond ic ofðyrsted | wæs | / godes lichoman || gæstes dri |
Soul and Body II 43a | gestaðelad ðurh mec / ond ic | wæs | gæst on ðe || from gode sen |
Soul and Body II 53b | s hond || ðe ic ær onsended | wæs | / ne magon ðe nu heonan adon | |
Soul and Body II 99b | efed || ligeð dust ðær hit | wæs | / ne mæg him ondsware || ænig |
Guthlac A 98b | emunde / ham in heofonum || him | wæs | hyht to ðam / siððan hine in |
Guthlac A 110b | ufade / frecnessa fela || fyrst | wæs | swa ðeana / in godes dome || h |
Guthlac A 114a | weðraden || synna lustas / tid | wæs | toweard || hine twegen ymb / we |
Guthlac A 136a | es dom || ende gereahte / feond | wæs | geflymed || sið ðam frofre |
Guthlac A 146b | ldre byscyrede / lyftlacende || | wæs | seo londes stow / bimiðen fore |
Guthlac A 167b | na / gierelan gielplices || him | wæs | godes egsa / mara in gemyndum | |
Guthlac A 170a | er ðonce || ðegan wolde / god | wæs | guðlac || he in gæste bær / |
Guthlac A 172b | lu geræhte / ecan lifes || him | wæs | engel neah / fæle freoðuweard |
Guthlac A 189b | elæddun / frasunga fela || him | wæs | fultum neah / engel hine elne t |
Guthlac A 201b | eonda mengu || no ðy forhtra | wæs | / guðlaces gæst || ac him god |
Guthlac A 214a | n ryneðragum || rowe gefegon / | wæs | him seo gelyfed || ðurh lyte |
Guthlac A 292a | ðu ðines feores recce / gearo | wæs | guðlac || hine god fremede / o |
Guthlac A 326b | eal ðonan / feonda mengu || ne | wæs | se fyrst micel / ðe hi guðlac |
Guthlac A 328a | lace || forgiefan ðohtan / he | wæs | on elne || ond on eaðmedum / b |
Guthlac A 329b | on eaðmedum / bad on beorge || | wæs | him botles neod / forlet longe |
Guthlac A 336b | bliðe gæste / oft eahtade || | wæs | him engel neah / hu ðisse woru |
Guthlac A 355b | sið tuge / eft to eðle || ne | wæs | ðæt ongin swylc / ðonne hine |
Guthlac A 390a | s lichoman || lade hæbbe / ða | wæs | eft swa ær || ealdfeonda ni |
Guthlac A 398b | gæst / ðihð in ðeawum || he | wæs | ðeara sum / ne won he æfter w |
Guthlac A 400b | dre ahof / modes wynne || hwylc | wæs | mara ðonne se / an oretta || u |
Guthlac A 423a | brocen hæfdon / ðe him alyfed | wæs | || lytle hwile / ðæt hy his l |
Guthlac A 437a | feonda feng || feore gedyged / | wæs | seo æreste || earmra gæsta / |
Guthlac A 439b | pa wunade / bliðe on beorge || | wæs | his blæd mid god / ðuhte him |
Guthlac A 448b | on / tornum teoncwidum || treow | wæs | gecyðed / ðætte guðlace || |
Guthlac A 470a | u hit onwendan ne meahtes / ða | wæs | agongen || ðæt him god wold |
Guthlac A 486b | nda getimbru / geseon meahte || | wæs | me swegles leoht / torht ontyne |
Guthlac A 514a | swa hleoðrade || halig cempa / | wæs | se martyre || from moncynnes / |
Guthlac A 521a | || ond ðæt hwæðre gelomp / | wæs | ðæt gen mara || ðæt he mi |
Guthlac A 530a | weorc || wisdom cyðað / geofu | wæs | mid guðlac || in godcundum / m |
Guthlac A 667b | te susl || ðær eow siððan | wæs | / ad inæled || attre geblonden |
Guthlac A 722a | don || he his dæde conn / ða | wæs | guðlaces || gæst geblissad / |
Guthlac A 742a | he ðas woruld forhogde / smolt | wæs | se sigewong || ond sele niwe / |
Guthlac A 748b | cwom / feondas afyrde || hwylc | wæs | fægerra / willa geworden || in |
Guthlac A 773a | d dæde || ðurh his dom ahof / | wæs | se fruma fæstlic || feondum |
Guthlac A 781a | es willan || agyfen wurde / swa | wæs | guðlaces || gæst gelæded / e |
Guthlac A 784b | deman / læddon leoflice || him | wæs | lean geseald / setl on swegle | |
Guthlac B 823b | mihtig / foldan geworhte || ða | wæs | fruma niwe / ælda tudres || on |
Guthlac B 825b | fæger ond gefealic || fæder | wæs | acenned / adam ærest || ðurh |
Guthlac B 827b | rxnawong || ðær him nænges | wæs | / willan onsyn || ne welan bros |
Guthlac B 865b | d middangeard || nænig monna | wæs | / of ðam sigetudre || siððan |
Guthlac B 888b | de. || Simle frōfre ðǣr || | Wæs | sē drohtaþ strang / æt þām |
Guthlac B 923b | ðes frofre || nænig forðum | wæs | / ðæt he æwiscmod || eft si |
Guthlac B 932b | brucan moste / worulde lifes || | wæs | gewinnes ða / yrmða for eorð |
Guthlac B 936b | rd geceas / fiftynu gear || ða | wæs | frofre gæst / eadgum æbodan | |
Guthlac B 942b | ra gehata / bliðe in burgum || | wæs | ðam bancofan / æfter nihtglom |
Guthlac B 944b | rungen / breosthord onboren || | wæs | se bliða gæst / fus on forðw |
Guthlac B 953b | bad / heard ond hygerof || hyht | wæs | geniwad / blis in breostum || w |
Guthlac B 954b | s geniwad / blis in breostum || | wæs | se bancofa / adle onæled || in |
Guthlac B 970b | scridun / nihthelma genipu || | wæs | neah seo tid / ðæt he fyrngew |
Guthlac B 976a | ærestan || ælda cynnes / ða | wæs | guðlace || on ða geocran ti |
Guthlac B 978b | swiðe heard / elnes anhydig || | wæs | seo adl ðearl / hat ond heorog |
Guthlac B 980b | weol / born banloca || bryðen | wæs | ongunnen / ðætte adame || eue |
Guthlac B 987b | rgewyrht || ðætte ænig ne | wæs | / fyra cynnes || from fruman si |
Guthlac B 996b | seð on / gifrum grapum || swa | wæs | guðlace / enge anhoga || ætry |
Guthlac B 1024b | ne meahte / oroð up geteon || | wæs | him in bogen / bittor bancoða |
Guthlac B 1047b | is onbid / worulde lifes || ða | wæs | wop ond heaf / geongum geocor s |
Guthlac B 1049b | he gehyrde || ðæt se halga | wæs | / forðsiðes fus || he ðæs f |
Guthlac B 1059b | frætwe || ðonne him gedemed | wæs | / ongeat gæsta halig || geomor |
Guthlac B 1095b | worda gestilde / rof runwita || | wæs | him ræste neod / reonigmodum | |
Guthlac B 1123b | areccan / on sidum sefan || him | wæs | soðra geðuht / ðæt hit ufan |
Guthlac B 1130b | er weardade / dryhta bearna || | wæs | ðæs deoplic eall / word ond w |
Guthlac B 1150b | des temple / soden sarwylmum || | wæs | ða sihste tid / on midne dæg |
Guthlac B 1151b | a sihste tid / on midne dæg || | wæs | his mondryhtne / endedogor || |
Guthlac B 1200b | orhgedal || ðæt hit feor ne | wæs | / endedogor || ongon ða ofostl |
Guthlac B 1276b | gflowende || swa ðæs halgan | wæs | / ondlongne dæg || oð æfen f |
Guthlac B 1289b | redon / tolysed under lyfte || | wæs | se leohta glæm / ymb ðæt hal |
Guthlac B 1305a | tigne || in wuldres dream / ða | wæs | guðlaces || gæst gelæded / e |
Guthlac B 1309b | beorhtast || eal ðæt beacen | wæs | / ymb ðæt halge hus || heofon |
Guthlac B 1315b | atas / sigeleoð sungon || sweg | wæs | on lyfte / gehyred under heofon |
Guthlac B 1317a | aligra dream / swa se burgstede | wæs | || blissum gefylled / swetum st |
Guthlac B 1320b | ðres / eal innanweard || ðær | wæs | ænlicra / ond wynsumra || ðon |
Guthlac B 1324a | || ond se halga song / gehyred | wæs | || heahðrym godes / breahtem |
Guthlac B 1344b | origferð || ðær seo fæmne | wæs | / wuldres wynmæg || he ða wyr |
Guthlac B 1375b | het / sigedryhten min || ða he | wæs | siðes fus / ðæt ðu his lich |
Deor 8a | isses swa mæg / beadohilde ne | wæs | || hyre broðra deað / on sefa |
Deor 11a | gieten hæfde / ðæt heo eacen | wæs | || æfre ne meahte / ðriste ge |
Deor 19b | wintra / mæringa burg || ðæt | wæs | monegum cuð / ðæs ofereode | |
Deor 23b | de folc / gotena rices || ðæt | wæs | grim cyning / sæt secg monig | |
Deor 36a | | secgan wille / ðæt ic hwile | wæs | || heodeninga scop / dryhtne dy |
Deor 37b | ninga scop / dryhtne dyre || me | wæs | deor noma / ahte ic fela wintra |
Wulf and Eadwacer 10a | um || wenum dogode / ðonne hit | wæs | renig weder || ond ic reotugu |
Wulf and Eadwacer 12a | se beaducafa || bogum bilegde / | wæs | me wyn to ðon || wæs me hw |
Wulf and Eadwacer 12b | ilegde / wæs me wyn to ðon || | wæs | me hwæðre eac lað / wulf min |
Wulf and Eadwacer 18b | ð || ðætte næfre gesomnad | wæs | / uncer giedd geador || |
Riddles 1 1a | # Riddles 1 / / neb | wæs | min on nearwe || ond ic neoð |
Riddles 10 1a | # Riddles 10 / / Neb | wæs | min on nearwe, || ond ic neo |
Riddles 13 5b | es wæge / anra gehwylces || ne | wæs | hyra ængum ðy wyrs / ne siðe |
Riddles 14 1a | # Riddles 14 / / ic | wæs | wæpenwiga || nu mec wlonc ð |
Riddles 18 4a | muð hæbbe / wide wombe || / ic | wæs | on ceole || ond mines cnosles |
Riddles 19 8b | en os / feoh os ac hægl || for | wæs | ðy beorhtre / swylcra siðfæt |
Riddles 22 6b | feolan / swa hi fundedon || ac | wæs | flod to deop / atol yða geðr |
Riddles 31 4a | ing || singan on ræcede / wiht | wæs | nower || werum on gemonge / sio |
Riddles 31 6b | | wundorlicran / niðerweard || | wæs | neb hyre / fet ond folme || fug |
Riddles 32 9a | das || hæfde fela ribba / muð | wæs | on middan || moncynne nyt / fer |
Riddles 33 3b | de / hlinsade hlude || hleahtor | wæs | gryrelic / egesful on earde || |
Riddles 33 5a | earde || ecge wæron scearpe / | wæs | hio hetegrim || hilde to sæn |
Riddles 36 2a | t geseah || on wege feran / seo | wæs | wrætlice || wundrum gegierwe |
Riddles 36 9b | hio wære / for flodwegas || ne | wæs | ðæt na fugul ana / ac ðær w |
Riddles 36 10a | s ðæt na fugul ana / ac ðær | wæs | æghwylces || anra gelicnes / h |
Riddles 37 1b | / / ic ða wihte geseah || womb | wæs | on hindan / ðriðum aðrunten |
Riddles 4 44a | te geweorðan / ond ic giestron | wæs | || geong acenned / mære to mon |
Riddles 40 44a | ·weorðan, / and iċ ġiestran | wæs | || ġung ā·cenned / mǣre tō |
Riddles 40 45a | e geweorþan, / ond ic giestron | wæs | || geong acenned / mære to mon |
Riddles 46 4b | / freolico frumbearn || fæder | wæs | ðær inne / ðara æðelinga | |
Riddles 47 5b | ngan staðol || stælgiest ne | wæs | / wihte ðy gleawra || ðe he |
Riddles 51 3b | / swaðu swiðe blacu || swift | wæs | on fore / fuglum framra || flea |
Riddles 52 5a | fæste togædre / ðara oðrum | wæs | || an getenge / wonfah wale || |
Riddles 53 2b | / tanum torhtne || ðæt treow | wæs | on wynne / wudu weaxende || wæ |
Riddles 53 11b | rudon / hord ætgædre || hræd | wæs | ond unlæt / se æftera || gif |
Riddles 54 7b | wagedan buta / ðegn onnette || | wæs | ðragum nyt / tillic esne || te |
Riddles 55 9a | orlum || æðelu secgan / ðær | wæs | hlin ond acc || ond se hearda |
Riddles 56 1a | # Riddles 56 / / ic | wæs | ðær inne || ðær ic ane ge |
Riddles 56 6b | / fæste gebunden || hyre fota | wæs | / biidfæst oðer || oðer bisg |
Riddles 56 9a | te || hwilum londe neah / treow | wæs | getenge || ðam ðær torhtan |
Riddles 59 17b | hæleðum || ða he in healle | wæs | / wylted ond wended || wloncra |
Riddles 9 2b | geafun / fæder ond modor || ne | wæs | me feorh ða gen / ealdor in in |
The Judgment Day I 64a | e || him bið lean gearo / hyht | wæs | a in heofonum || siððan use |
The Judgment Day I 64b | onum || siððan user hælend | wæs | / middangeardes meotud || ðurh |
The Judgment Day I 65a | m, || siþþan ūser hǣlend% / | wæs, | middan-ġeardes metod, || þu |
Resignation 115b | e hæfde / cyððu gecwe/ || me | wæs | a cearu symle / lufena to leane |
The Descent into Hell 6b | wile / reonge bereotan || ræst | wæs | acolad / heard wæs hinsið || |
The Descent into Hell 7a | an || ræst wæs acolad / heard | wæs | hinsið || hæleð wæron mod |
The Descent into Hell 19a | pa wyn || hælendes burg / open | wæs | ðæt eorðærn || æðelinge |
The Descent into Hell 55b | eahte mid ðystre || se ðegn | wæs | on wynne / abead ða bealdlice |
The Descent into Hell 114b | e / oft ætywdest || ðonne him | wæs | are ðearf / ðu meaht ymbfon | |
Azarias 23a | apum tohworfne || hylda lease / | wæs | ure lif || geond londa fela / f |
Azarias 49b | / swa se halga wer || hergende | wæs | / meotudes miltse || ond his mo |
Azarias 61a | n || swa hyra lice ne scod / ac | wæs | in ðam ofne || ða se engel |
Azarias 65a | eorung || mid dæges hwile / se | wæs | in ðam fire || for frean mea |
Azarias 169b | rende / haligra gehyld || hlyst | wæs | ðær inne / gromhydig guma || |
Homiletic Fragment II 20a | e / beorht on br/ || /e scan / se | wæs | ordfruma || ealles leohtes |
Riddles 60 1a | # Riddles 60 / / ic | wæs | be sonde || sæwealle neah / æ |
Riddles 60 3b | umstaðole fæst || fea ænig | wæs | / monna cynnes || ðæt minne |
The Ruin 41b | æron / hat on hreðre || ðæt | wæs | hyðelic / leton ðonne geotan |
Riddles 61 4b | ldum ðeodne || swa hio haten | wæs | / siððan me on hreðre || hea |
Riddles 63 14b | / /leas rinc || ða unc geryde | wæs | |
Riddles 64 2b | faran / beran beorc eoh || bæm | wæs | on siððe / hæbbendes hyht || |
Riddles 65 1a | # Riddles 65 / / cwico | wæs | ic ne cwæð ic wiht || cwele |
Riddles 65 2a | cwele ic efne seðeah / ær ic | wæs | eft ic cwom || æghwa mec rea |
Riddles 68 2a | ht geseah || on weg feran / heo | wæs | wrætlice || wundrum gegierwe |
Riddles 71 2b | tið ond steapwong || staðol | wæs | iu-ða / wyrta wlitetorhtra || |
Riddles 72 1a | # Riddles 72 / / ic | wæs | lytel || / fo/ || / /te geaf || |
Riddles 72 10a | ic ðæh on lust / oððæt ic | wæs | yldra || ond ðæt an forlet / |
Riddles 74 1a | # Riddles 74 / / ic | wæs | fæmne geong || feaxhar cwene |
Riddles 83 1a | # Riddles 83 / / frod | wæs | min fromcynn || / biden in bur |
Riddles 84 19b | cynn || eorðan / || ðon ær | wæs | / wlitig ond wynsum || / bið si |
Riddles 84 19a | ynn || eorðan [] / [] þon ǣr | wæs | || / wlitiġ and wynsum, || [] |
Riddles 88 3b | / || / ond sumor || mi/ / /me || | wæs | min ti/ / // || / /d ic on stað |
Riddles 88 11a | r || begen wæron hearde / eard | wæs | ðy weorðra || ðe wit on st |
Riddles 89 3b | mbe hæfde || / /tne || leðre | wæs | beg/ / || /on hindan / grette we |
Riddles 92 1a | # Riddles 92 / / ic | wæs | brunra beot || beam on holte / |
The Phoenix 239b | twad || swylc he æt frymðe | wæs | / beorht geblowen || ðonne br |
The Phoenix 280b | erhoma || swa he æt frymðe | wæs | / ða hine ærest god || on ðo |
The Phoenix 379b | æt ilce || ðæt he ær ðon | wæs | / feðrum bifongen || ðeah hin |
The Phoenix 397b | rxnawong || ðær him nænges | wæs | / eades onsyn || ðenden eces w |
Juliana 8b | aligra blod / ryhtfremmendra || | wæs | his rice brad / wid ond weorðl |
Juliana 18a | s cempan || gare ond lige / sum | wæs | æhtwelig || æðeles cynnes / |
Juliana 24b | eoh gesohte / neode geneahhe || | wæs | him noma cenned / heliseus || h |
Juliana 32a | lufan || clæne geheolde / ða | wæs | sio fæmne || mid hyre fæder |
Juliana 35b | hogde / geong on gæste || hire | wæs | godes egsa / mara in gemyndum | |
Juliana 38a | elinges || æhtum wunade / ða | wæs | se weliga || ðæra wifgifta / |
Juliana 140a | yrre || from cristes lofe / ða | wæs | ellenwod || yrre ond reðe / fr |
Juliana 233b | an bibead / to carcerne || hyre | wæs | cristes lof / in ferðlocan || |
Juliana 236a | odsefan || mægen unbrice / ða | wæs | mid clustre || carcernes duru |
Juliana 241b | ira / heolstre bihelmad || hyre | wæs | halig gæst / singal gesið || |
Juliana 258b | fromlice || seo ðe forht ne | wæs | / criste gecweme || hwonan his |
Juliana 267a | es || ðæt ðe burge ða / ða | wæs | seo fæmne || for ðam færsp |
Juliana 287a | || hwæt his æðelu syn / ða | wæs | ðære fæmnan || ferð gebli |
Juliana 343a | ecnawan / ðæt ic ðisse noðe | wæs | || nyde gebæded / ðragmælum |
Juliana 497b | to facne || siððan furðum | wæs | / rodor aræred || ond ryne tun |
Juliana 510b | cynne / eorlum on eorðan || ne | wæs | ænig ðara / ðæt me ðus ðr |
Juliana 569a | dle gesund / ðæt ðam weligan | wæs | || weorc to ðolianne / ðær h |
Juliana 580b | lfira mæst / ad onælan || se | wæs | æghwonan / ymbboren mid brondu |
Juliana 600b | e wiðstondan / wifes willan || | wæs | seo wuldres mæg / anræd ond u |
Juliana 635a | m || swa heo mec ær dyde / ða | wæs | gelæded || londmearce neah / o |
Juliana 678b | earlic ðrea || ðær ðritig | wæs | / ond feowere eac || feores ons |
Juliana 688b | gon / æpplede gold || ungelice | wæs | / læded lofsongum || lic halig |
Juliana 692b | dfolc micel || ðær siððan | wæs | / geara gongum || godes lof haf |
Juliana 712b | wopig sceal / tearum mænan || | wæs | an tid to læt / ðæt ic yfeld |
Beowulf 11b | scolde / gomban gyldan || ðæt | wæs | god cyning / ðæm eafera wæs |
Beowulf 12a | wæs god cyning / ðæm eafera | wæs | || æfter cenned / geong in gea |
Beowulf 18a | || woroldare forgeaf / beowulf | wæs | breme || blæd wide sprang / sc |
Beowulf 36b | pes / mærne be mæste || ðær | wæs | madma fela / of feorwegum || fr |
Beowulf 49b | eran / geafon on garsecg || him | wæs | geomor sefa / murnende mod || m |
Beowulf 53a | hwa ðæm hlæste onfeng / ða | wæs | on burgum || beowulf scylding |
Beowulf 62b | d halga til / hyrde ic ðæt || | wæs | onelan cwen / heaðoscilfingas |
Beowulf 64a | cilfingas || healsgebedda / ða | wæs | hroðgare || heresped gyfen / w |
Beowulf 83b | owylma bad / laðan liges || ne | wæs | hit lenge ða gen / ðæt se ec |
Beowulf 89b | rde / hludne in healle || ðær | wæs | hearpan sweg / swutol sang scop |
Beowulf 102a | ene fremman || feond on helle / | wæs | se grimma gæst || grendel ha |
Beowulf 121b | rim ond grædig || gearo sona | wæs | / reoc ond reðe || ond on ræs |
Beowulf 126a | wælfylle || wica neosan / ða | wæs | on uhtan || mid ærdæge / gren |
Beowulf 128a | ðcræft || gumum undyrne / ða | wæs | æfter wiste || wop up ahafen |
Beowulf 133b | st sceawedon / wergan gastes || | wæs | ðæt gewin to strang / lað on |
Beowulf 137b | rn fore / fæhðe ond fyrene || | wæs | to fæst on ðam / ða wæs ea |
Beowulf 138a | || wæs to fæst on ðam / ða | wæs | eaðfynde || ðe him elles hw |
Beowulf 140b | er burum || ða him gebeacnod | wæs | / gesægd soðlice || sweotolan |
Beowulf 146b | æt idel stod / husa selest || | wæs | seo hwil micel / twelf wintra t |
Beowulf 159b | mum / ac se æglæca || ehtende | wæs | / deorc deaðscua || duguðe on |
Beowulf 170a | de || ne his myne wisse / ðæt | wæs | wræc micel || wine scyldinga |
Beowulf 178b | de / wið ðeodðreaum || swylc | wæs | ðeaw hyra / hæðenra hyht || |
Beowulf 191b | otor hæleð / wean onwendan || | wæs | ðæt gewin to swyð / lað ond |
Beowulf 196a | d geatum || grendles dæda / se | wæs | moncynnes || mægenes strenge |
Beowulf 201b | lde / mærne ðeoden || ða him | wæs | manna ðearf / ðone siðfæt h |
Beowulf 210b | cu / fyrst forð gewat || flota | wæs | on yðum / bat under beorge || |
Beowulf 223b | steape / side sænæssas || ða | wæs | sund liden / eoletes æt ende | |
Beowulf 240b | omon / hider ofer holmas || /le | wæs | / endesæta || ægwearde heold / |
Beowulf 262a | d higelaces || heorðgeneatas / | wæs | min fæder || folcum gecyðed |
Beowulf 309a | ldfah || ongyton mihton / ðæt | wæs | foremærost || foldbuendum / re |
Beowulf 320a | erod || wearde healdan / stræt | wæs | stanfah || stig wisode / gumum |
Beowulf 330b | ædere / æscholt ufan græg || | wæs | se irenðreat / wæpnum gewurð |
Beowulf 348b | on / wulfgar maðelode || ðæt | wæs | wendla leod / wæs his modsefa |
Beowulf 349a | ode || ðæt wæs wendla leod / | wæs | his modsefa || manegum gecyð |
Beowulf 373a | ic hine cuðe || cnihtwesende / | wæs | his ealdfæder || ecgðeo hat |
Beowulf 407a | t seowed || smiðes orðancum / | wæs | ðu hroðgar hal || ic eom hi |
Beowulf 467b | rice / hordburh hæleða || ða | wæs | heregar dead / min yldra mæg | |
Beowulf 469b | igende / bearn healfdenes || se | wæs | betera ðonne ic / siððan ða |
Beowulf 484a | ðe || mid gryrum ecga / ðonne | wæs | ðeos medoheal || on morgenti |
Beowulf 491a | m || swa ðin sefa hwette / ða | wæs | geatmæcgum || geador ætsomn |
Beowulf 497b | ang / hador on heorote || ðær | wæs | hæleða dream / duguð unlytel |
Beowulf 501b | scyldinga / onband beadurune || | wæs | him beowulfes sið / modges mer |
Beowulf 549a | ondhwearf || hreo wæron yða / | wæs | merefixa || mod onhrered / ðæ |
Beowulf 561b | ran sweorde || swa hit gedefe | wæs | / næs hie ðære fylle || gefe |
Beowulf 607a | glwered || suðan scineð / ða | wæs | on salum || sinces brytta / gam |
Beowulf 611a | || fæstrædne geðoht / ðær | wæs | hæleða hleahtor || hlyn swy |
Beowulf 642a | n || to hire frean sittan / ða | wæs | eft swa ær || inne on healle |
Beowulf 693b | e freoburh || ðær he afeded | wæs | / ac hie hæfdon gefrunen || ð |
Beowulf 705b | don / ealle buton anum || ðæt | wæs | yldum cuð / ðæt hie ne moste |
Beowulf 716b | ost wisse / fættum fahne || ne | wæs | ðæt forma sið / ðæt he hro |
Beowulf 723b | bealohydig || ða he gebolgen | wæs | / recedes muðan || raðe æfte |
Beowulf 733b | wið lice || ða him alumpen | wæs | / wistfylle wen || ne wæs ðæ |
Beowulf 734b | mpen wæs / wistfylle wen || ne | wæs | ðæt wyrd ða gen / ðæt he m |
Beowulf 755a | | no ðy ær fram meahte / hyge | wæs | him hinfus || wolde on heolst |
Beowulf 756b | on / secan deofla gedræg || ne | wæs | his drohtoð ðær / swylce he |
Beowulf 761a | feng || fingras burston / eoten | wæs | utweard || eorl furður stop / |
Beowulf 765b | ald / on grames grapum || ðæt | wæs | geocor sið / ðæt se hearmsca |
Beowulf 771a | weardas || reced hlynsode / ða | wæs | wundor micel || ðæt se wins |
Beowulf 773b | oldbold || ac he ðæs fæste | wæs | / innan ond utan || irenbendum / |
Beowulf 789a | eold hine fæste / se ðe manna | wæs | || mægene strengest / on ðæm |
Beowulf 811b | cynne / fyrene gefremede || he | wæs | fag wið god / ðæt him se lic |
Beowulf 814b | hygelaces / hæfde be honda || | wæs | gehwæðer oðrum / lifigende l |
Beowulf 822a | ðe geornor / ðæt his aldres | wæs | || ende gegongen / dogera dægr |
Beowulf 833b | scoldon / torn unlytel || ðæt | wæs | tacen sweotol / syððan hilded |
Beowulf 835b | legde / earm ond eaxle || ðær | wæs | eal geador / grendles grape || |
Beowulf 837a | rape || under geapne hrof / ða | wæs | on morgen || mine gefræge / ym |
Beowulf 847a | med || feorhlastas bær / ðær | wæs | on blode || brim weallende / at |
Beowulf 856b | n / beornas on blancum || ðær | wæs | beowulfes / mærðo mæned || m |
Beowulf 863b | / glædne hroðgar || ac ðæt | wæs | god cyning / hwilum heaðorofe |
Beowulf 889b | a geneðde / frecne dæde || ne | wæs | him fitela mid / hwæðre him g |
Beowulf 898a | eafera || wyrm hat gemealt / se | wæs | wreccena || wide mærost / ofer |
Beowulf 917b | stræte / mearum mæton || ða | wæs | morgenleoht / scofen ond scynde |
Beowulf 932a | wundre || wuldres hyrde / ðæt | wæs | ungeara || ðæt ic ænigra m |
Beowulf 969b | ne ætfealh / feorhgeniðlan || | wæs | to foremihtig / feond on feðe |
Beowulf 980a | ir metod || scrifan wille / ða | wæs | swigra secg || sunu eclafes / o |
Beowulf 984b | des fingras || foran æghwylc | wæs | / stiðra nægla gehwylc || sty |
Beowulf 991a | adufolme || onberan wolde / ða | wæs | haten hreðe || heort innanwe |
Beowulf 992b | mum gefrætwod || fela ðæra | wæs | / wera ond wifa || ðe ðæt wi |
Beowulf 997a | || ðara ðe on swylc starað / | wæs | ðæt beorhte bold || tobroce |
Beowulf 1008b | t / swefeð æfter symle || ða | wæs | sæl ond mæl / ðæt to healle |
Beowulf 1017b | ond hroðulf || heorot innan | wæs | / freondum afylled || nalles fa |
Beowulf 1039a | fah || since gewurðad / ðæt | wæs | hildesetl || heahcyninges / ðo |
Beowulf 1063a | agum || worolde bruceð / ðær | wæs | sang ond sweg || samod ætgæ |
Beowulf 1075b | rd hruron / gare wunde || ðæt | wæs | geomuru ides / nalles holinga | |
Beowulf 1103b | ase || ða him swa geðearfod | wæs | / gyf ðonne frysna hwylc || fr |
Beowulf 1107a | ordes ecg || seðan scolde / ad | wæs | geæfned || ond icge gold / ah |
Beowulf 1109b | scyldinga / betst beadorinca || | wæs | on bæl gearu / æt ðæm ade w |
Beowulf 1110a | s on bæl gearu / æt ðæm ade | wæs | || eðgesyne / swatfah syrce || |
Beowulf 1124b | r guð fornam / bega folces || | wæs | hira blæd scacen / gewiton him |
Beowulf 1136b | ð / wuldortorhtan weder || ða | wæs | winter scacen / fæger foldan b |
Beowulf 1151b | d / forhabban in hreðre || ða | wæs | heal roden / feonda feorum || s |
Beowulf 1159b | on / læddon to leodum || leoð | wæs | asungen / gleomannes gyd || gam |
Beowulf 1164b | n suhtergefæderan || ða gyt | wæs | hiera sib ætgædere / æghwylc |
Beowulf 1192a | be ðæm gebroðrum twæm / him | wæs | ful boren || ond freondlaðu / |
Beowulf 1232b | de / eode ða to setle || ðær | wæs | symbla cyst / druncon win weras |
Beowulf 1243b | du beorhtan || ðær on bence | wæs | / ofer æðelinge || yðgesene / |
Beowulf 1246b | d byrne / ðrecwudu ðrymlic || | wæs | ðeaw hyra / ðæt hie oft wær |
Beowulf 1250b | mandryhtne / ðearf gesælde || | wæs | seo ðeod tilu / sigon ða to s |
Beowulf 1266b | on woc fela / geosceaftgasta || | wæs | ðæra grendel sum / heorowearh |
Beowulf 1282b | inne fealh / grendles modor || | wæs | se gryre læssa / efne swa micl |
Beowulf 1288a | httig || andweard scireð / ða | wæs | on healle || heardecg togen / s |
Beowulf 1292a | ða hine se broga angeat / heo | wæs | on ofste || wolde ut ðanon / f |
Beowulf 1293b | e beorgan || ða heo onfunden | wæs | / hraðe heo æðelinga || anne |
Beowulf 1296a | n || ða heo to fenne gang / se | wæs | hroðgare || hæleða leofost |
Beowulf 1300a | eorn || næs beowulf ðær / ac | wæs | oðer in || ær geteohhod / æf |
Beowulf 1303b | re genam / cuðe folme || cearu | wæs | geniwod / geworden in wicun || |
Beowulf 1304b | niwod / geworden in wicun || ne | wæs | ðæt gewrixle til / ðæt hie |
Beowulf 1306b | scoldon / freonda feorum || ða | wæs | frod cyning / har hilderinc || |
Beowulf 1310a | restan || deadne wisse / hraðe | wæs | to bure || beowulf fetod / sigo |
Beowulf 1329b | ling ærgod || swylc æschere | wæs | / wearð him on heorote || to h |
Beowulf 1349b | / ellorgæstas || ðæra oðer | wæs | / ðæs ðe hie gewislicost || |
Beowulf 1353a | | wræclastas træd / næfne he | wæs | mara || ðonne ænig man oðe |
Beowulf 1356a | der cunnon / hwæðer him ænig | wæs | || ær acenned / dyrnra gasta | |
Beowulf 1399a | || ðæs se man gespræc / ða | wæs | hroðgare || hors gebæted / wi |
Beowulf 1417b | ond gedrefed || denum eallum | wæs | / winum scyldinga || weorce on |
Beowulf 1435b | estræl hearda || he on holme | wæs | / sundes ðe sænra || ðe hyne |
Beowulf 1457a | earfe lah || ðyle hroðgares / | wæs | ðæm hæftmece || hrunting n |
Beowulf 1458a | ftmece || hrunting nama / ðæt | wæs | an foran || ealdgestreona / ecg |
Beowulf 1459a | an foran || ealdgestreona / ecg | wæs | iren || atertanum fah / ahyrded |
Beowulf 1471b | e forleas / ellenmærðum || ne | wæs | ðæm oðrum swa / syððan he |
Beowulf 1495b | wylm onfeng / hilderince || ða | wæs | hwil dæges / ær he ðone grun |
Beowulf 1508b | ne mihte || no he ðæs modig | wæs | / wæpna gewealdan || ac hine w |
Beowulf 1513b | he in niðsele || nathwylcum | wæs | / ðær him nænig wæter || wi |
Beowulf 1527b | cær / fæges fyrdhrægl || ða | wæs | forma sið / deorum madme || ð |
Beowulf 1529a | me || ðæt his dom alæg / eft | wæs | anræd || nalas elnes læt / m |
Beowulf 1539b | adwe heard || ða he gebolgen | wæs | / feorhgeniðlan || ðæt heo o |
Beowulf 1559b | ig / wigena weorðmynd || ðæt | wæs | wæpna cyst / buton hit wæs ma |
Beowulf 1560a | t wæs wæpna cyst / buton hit | wæs | mare || ðonne ænig mon oðe |
Beowulf 1569a | || heo on flet gecrong / sweord | wæs | swatig || secg weorce gefeh / l |
Beowulf 1593a | gare || on holm wliton / ðæt | wæs | yðgeblond || eal gemenged / br |
Beowulf 1607b | icelum / wigbil wanian || ðæt | wæs | wundra sum / ðæt hit eal geme |
Beowulf 1616b | gemealt / forbarn brodenmæl || | wæs | ðæt blod to ðæs hat / ættr |
Beowulf 1618a | || se ðær inne swealt / sona | wæs | on sunde || se ðe ær æt s |
Beowulf 1629a | gesundne || geseon moston / ða | wæs | of ðæm hroran || helm ond b |
Beowulf 1647a | dedeor || hroðgar gretan / ða | wæs | be feaxe || on flet boren / gre |
Beowulf 1657b | eðde / earfoðlice || ætrihte | wæs | / guð getwæfed || nymðe mec |
Beowulf 1670b | alm denigea || swa hit gedefe | wæs | / ic hit ðe ðonne gehate || |
Beowulf 1677a | lum || swa ðu ær dydest / ða | wæs | gylden hilt || gamelum rince / |
Beowulf 1688b | eawode / ealde lafe || on ðæm | wæs | or writen / fyrngewinnes || sy |
Beowulf 1691b | cyn / frecne geferdon || ðæt | wæs | fremde ðeod / ecean dryhtne || |
Beowulf 1694a | es wylm || waldend sealde / swa | wæs | on ðæm scennum || sciran go |
Beowulf 1785a | || siððan morgen bið / geat | wæs | glædmod || geong sona to / set |
Beowulf 1787a | an || swa se snottra heht / ða | wæs | eft swa ær || ellenrofum / fle |
Beowulf 1812b | ordum log / meces ecge || ðæt | wæs | modig secg / ond ða siðfrome |
Beowulf 1815b | ng to yppan || ðær se oðer | wæs | / hæle hildedeor || hroðgar g |
Beowulf 1873b | m tearas / blondenfeaxum || him | wæs | bega wen / ealdum infrodum || o |
Beowulf 1876b | on moston / modige on meðle || | wæs | him se man to ðon leof / ðæt |
Beowulf 1884a | an || se ðe on ancre rad / ða | wæs | on gange || gifu hroðgares / o |
Beowulf 1885b | ðgares / oft geæhted || ðæt | wæs | an cyning / æghwæs orleahtre |
Beowulf 1896a | cirhame || to scipe foron / ða | wæs | on sande || sægeap naca / hlad |
Beowulf 1901b | gesealde || ðæt he syððan | wæs | / on meodubence || maðme ðy w |
Beowulf 1905a | æter || dena land ofgeaf / ða | wæs | be mæste || merehrægla sum / |
Beowulf 1914a | enced || on lande stod / hraðe | wæs | æt holme || hyðweard geara / |
Beowulf 1925a | siðum || sæwealle neah / bold | wæs | betlic || bregorof cyning / hea |
Beowulf 1937b | ewriðene || hraðe seoððan | wæs | / æfter mundgripe || mece geð |
Beowulf 1957b | / eormencynnes || forðam offa | wæs | / geofum ond guðum || garcene |
Beowulf 1970b | on / hringas dælan || higelace | wæs | / sið beowulfes || snude gecy |
Beowulf 1975a | hal || to hofe gongan / hraðe | wæs | gerymed || swa se rica bebead |
Beowulf 2014a | sunu || setl getæhte / weorod | wæs | on wynne || ne seah ic widan |
Beowulf 2076a | sunde || sæl weardodon / ðær | wæs | hondscio || hild onsæge / feor |
Beowulf 2087a | llic || searobendum fæst / sio | wæs | orðoncum || eall gegyrwed / de |
Beowulf 2105a | mble || geseten hæfdon / ðær | wæs | gidd ond gleo || gomela scild |
Beowulf 2117b | becwom / oðer to yldum || ða | wæs | eft hraðe / gearo gyrnwræce | |
Beowulf 2122b | n acwealde / ellenlice || ðær | wæs | æschere / frodan fyrnwitan || |
Beowulf 2129a | m || under firgenstream / ðæt | wæs | hroðgare || hreowa tornost / |
Beowulf 2137a | undhyrde fond / ðær unc hwile | wæs | || hand gemæne / holm heolfre |
Beowulf 2169b | an / hondgesteallan || hygelace | wæs | / niða heardum || nefa swyðe |
Beowulf 2175b | sadolbeorht || hyre syððan | wæs | / æfter beahðege || breost ge |
Beowulf 2183b | ealde / heold hildedeor || hean | wæs | lange / swa hyne geata bearn || |
Beowulf 2196b | ndo / bold ond bregostol || him | wæs | bam samod / on ðam leodscipe | |
Beowulf 2199b | side rice || ðam ðær selra | wæs | / eft ðæt geiode || ufaran do |
Beowulf 2209b | geheold tela / fiftig wintra || | wæs | ða frod cyning / eald eðelwea |
Beowulf 2220b | c beorna || ðæt he gebolgen | wæs | / nealles mid gewealdum || wyrm |
Beowulf 2231b | r begeat / sincfæt // || ðær | wæs | swylcra fela / in ðam eorðhus |
Beowulf 2283b | re bæd / hlaford sinne || ða | wæs | hord rasod / onboren beaga hord |
Beowulf 2287b | e / ða se wyrm onwoc || wroht | wæs | geniwad / stonc ða æfter stan |
Beowulf 2304a | ðlice || oððæt æfen cwom / | wæs | ða gebolgen || beorges hyrde |
Beowulf 2306b | rgyldan / drincfæt dyre || ða | wæs | dæg sceacen / wyrme on willan |
Beowulf 2309b | mid bæle for / fyre gefysed || | wæs | se fruma egeslic / leodum on la |
Beowulf 2316a | að lyftfloga || læfan wolde / | wæs | ðæs wyrmes wig || wide gesy |
Beowulf 2324a | les || him seo wen geleah / ða | wæs | biowulfe || broga gecyðed / sn |
Beowulf 2327b | tol geata || ðæt ðam godan | wæs | / hreow on hreðre || hygesorga |
Beowulf 2332b | ðoncum || swa him geðywe ne | wæs | / hæfde ligdraca || leoda fæs |
Beowulf 2354b | an cynnes || no ðæt læsest | wæs | / hondgemota || ðær mon hygel |
Beowulf 2372b | elstolas / healdan cuðe || ða | wæs | hygelac dead / no ðy ær feasc |
Beowulf 2390b | aldan / geatum wealdan || ðæt | wæs | god cyning / se ðæs leodhryre |
Beowulf 2406a | || ðurh ðæs meldan hond / se | wæs | on ðam ðreate || ðreotteo |
Beowulf 2412b | olmwylme neh / yðgewinne || se | wæs | innan full / wrætta ond wira | |
Beowulf 2419b | eneatum / goldwine geata || him | wæs | geomor sefa / wæfre ond wælfu |
Beowulf 2423b | if wið lice || no ðon lange | wæs | / feorh æðelinges || flæsce |
Beowulf 2428a | ila || ic ðæt eall gemon / ic | wæs | syfanwintre || ða mec sinca |
Beowulf 2435a | æðcyn || oððe hygelac min / | wæs | ðam yldestan || ungedefelice |
Beowulf 2441a | ðerne || blodigan gare / ðæt | wæs | feohleas gefeoht || fyrenum g |
Beowulf 2467b | m dædum || ðeah him leof ne | wæs | / he ða mid ðære sorhge || |
Beowulf 2472a | g || ða he of life gewat / ða | wæs | synn ond sacu || sweona ond g |
Beowulf 2480b | nd fyrene || swa hyt gefræge | wæs | / ðeah ðe oðer his || ealdre |
Beowulf 2491b | d æt guðe || swa me gifeðe | wæs | / leohtan sweorde || he me lond |
Beowulf 2506b | hyrde / æðeling on elne || ne | wæs | ecg bona / ac him hildegrap || |
Beowulf 2546b | ut ðonan / brecan of beorge || | wæs | ðære burnan wælm / heaðofyr |
Beowulf 2550b | f breostum || ða he gebolgen | wæs | / wedergeata leod || word ut fa |
Beowulf 2554a | nnan || under harne stan / hete | wæs | onhrered || hordweard oncniow |
Beowulf 2561a | regieste || geata dryhten / ða | wæs | hringbogan || heorte gefysed / |
Beowulf 2564b | / ecgum unslaw || æghwæðrum | wæs | / bealohycgendra || broga fram |
Beowulf 2580b | æfde / bysigum gebæded || ða | wæs | beorges weard / æfter heaðusw |
Beowulf 2586b | no sceolde / iren ærgod || ne | wæs | ðæt eðe sið / ðæt se mær |
Beowulf 2602a | ðam ðe wel ðenceð / wiglaf | wæs | haten || weoxstanes sunu / leof |
Beowulf 2611a | e || gomel swyrd geteah / ðæt | wæs | mid eldum || eanmundes laf / su |
Beowulf 2625b | gewat / frod on forðweg || ða | wæs | forma sið / geongan cempan || |
Beowulf 2632b | a fela / sægde gesiðum || him | wæs | sefa geomor / ic ðæt mæl gem |
Beowulf 2676b | d / elne geeode || ða his agen | wæs | / gledum forgrunden || ða gen |
Beowulf 2682b | gmæl || him ðæt gifeðe ne | wæs | / ðæt him irenna || ecge miht |
Beowulf 2684b | ge mihton / helpan æt hilde || | wæs | sio hond to strong / se ðe mec |
Beowulf 2688a | || næs him wihte ðe sel / ða | wæs | ðeodsceaða || ðriddan sið |
Beowulf 2696b | ond cenðu || swa him gecynde | wæs | / ne hedde he ðæs heafolan || |
Beowulf 2709b | ðearfe || ðæt ðam ðeodne | wæs | / siðast sigehwila || sylfes d |
Beowulf 2727b | n hæfde / eorðan wynne || ða | wæs | eall sceacen / dogorgerimes || |
Beowulf 2762b | se / hyrstum behrorene || ðær | wæs | helm monig / eald ond omig || e |
Beowulf 2778a | rhtost || bill ær gescod / ecg | wæs | iren || ealdhlafordes / ðam ð |
Beowulf 2779b | ðam ðara maðma || mundbora | wæs | / longe hwile || ligegesan wæg |
Beowulf 2783a | oððæt he morðre swealt / ar | wæs | on ofoste || eftsiðes georn / |
Beowulf 2817a | || ic him æfter sceal / ðæt | wæs | ðam gomelan || gingæste wor |
Beowulf 2821a | secean || soðfæstra dom / ða | wæs | gegongen || guman unfrodum / ea |
Beowulf 2860a | cum || swa he nu gen deð / ða | wæs | æt ðam geongan || grim onds |
Beowulf 2876b | wræc / ana mid ecge || ða him | wæs | elnes ðearf / ic him lifwraðe |
Beowulf 2880a | gemet || mæges helpan / symle | wæs | ðy sæmra || ðonne ic sweor |
Beowulf 2913b | ll cyninges / wide weorðeð || | wæs | sio wroht scepen / heard wið h |
Beowulf 2920b | twe geaf / ealdor dugoðe || us | wæs | a syððan / merewioingas || mi |
Beowulf 2923b | e treowe / wihte ne wene || ac | wæs | wide cuð / ðætte ongenðio | |
Beowulf 2946a | eoda dugoðe || on last faran / | wæs | sio swatswaðu || sweona ond |
Beowulf 2957b | / eald under eorðweall || ða | wæs | æht boden / sweona leodum || s |
Beowulf 2981b | gebeah cyning / folces hyrde || | wæs | in feorh dropen / ða wæron mo |
Beowulf 3028b | wa se secg hwata || secggende | wæs | / laðra spella || he ne leag f |
Beowulf 3035b | gas geaf / ærran mælum || ða | wæs | endedæg / godum gegongen || ð |
Beowulf 3040b | htes ðær / laðne licgean || | wæs | se legdraca / grimlic gryrefah |
Beowulf 3042a | yrefah || gledum beswæled / se | wæs | fiftiges || fotgemearces / lang |
Beowulf 3045b | r eft gewat / dennes niosian || | wæs | ða deaðe fæst / hæfde eorð |
Beowulf 3051a | ntra || ðær eardodon / ðonne | wæs | ðæt yrfe || eacencræftig / i |
Beowulf 3058a | a || swa him gemet ðuhte / ða | wæs | gesyne || ðæt se sið ne ð |
Beowulf 3066a | is magum || meduseld buan / swa | wæs | biowulfe || ða he biorges we |
Beowulf 3082b | yne licgean || ðær he longe | wæs | / wicum wunian || oð woruldend |
Beowulf 3085b | gesceawod / grimme gegongen || | wæs | ðæt gifeðe to swið / ðe ð |
Beowulf 3087a | odcyning || ðyder ontyhte / ic | wæs | ðær inne || ond ðæt eall |
Beowulf 3088b | edes geatwa || ða me gerymed | wæs | / nealles swæslice || sið aly |
Beowulf 3093b | tbær / cyninge minum || cwico | wæs | ða gena / wis ond gewittig || |
Beowulf 3098b | ne ond mærne || swa he manna | wæs | / wigend weorðfullost || wide |
Beowulf 3134a | æðmian || frætwa hyrde / ða | wæs | wunden gold || on wæn hladen |
Beowulf 3140b | eorhtum byrnum || swa he bena | wæs | / alegdon ða tomiddes || mærn |
Beowulf 3157b | wedra leode / hleo on hoe || se | wæs | heah ond brad / wægliðendum | |
Beowulf 3168b | um swa unnyt || swa hit æror | wæs | / ða ymbe hlæw riodan || hild |
Judith 12b | feran folces ræswan || ðæt | wæs | ðy feorðan dogore / ðæs ðe |
Judith 46b | ende lað / holofernus || ðær | wæs | eallgylden / fleohnet fæger || |
Judith 56b | heora hearran cyðan || ðæt | wæs | seo halige meowle / gebroht on |
Judith 73b | to bedde / nehstan siðe || ða | wæs | nergendes / ðeowen ðrymful || |
Judith 113b | næs || ond ðær genyðerad | wæs | / susle gesæled || syððan æ |
Judith 146b | n sið gewat / ides ellenrof || | wæs | ða eft cumen / leof to leodum |
Judith 161b | æc / ofer heanne weall || here | wæs | on lustum / wið ðæs fæsteng |
Judith 168b | yððan hie ongeaton || ðæt | wæs | iudith cumen / eft to eðle || |
Judith 272b | toðon torn ðoligende || ða | wæs | hyra tires æt ende / eades ond |
Judith 313b | n innan / reocende hræw || rum | wæs | to nimanne / londbuendum || on |
The Paris Psalter 101:14 3a | | þurh his sylfes miht / þær | wæs | gesyne || his seo soþe sped / |
The Paris Psalter 104:6 1b | brahames cynn || þe his esne | wæs | / geweorþude || ofer werþeoda |
The Paris Psalter 104:31 2a | wylc frumbearn / þe on egyptum | wæs | || ahwær acenned / and frumcyn |
The Paris Psalter 104:37 1a | e || gengdan æfter / / # / ac he | wæs | þæra worda || wel gemyndig / |
The Paris Psalter 105:22 2b | adra lac || swa hit gedefe ne | wæs | / / # / and hi bysmredon || beald |
The Paris Psalter 105:25 4b | heora yfelum || swa he oftor | wæs | / on his gaste gram || ne mihte |
The Paris Psalter 106:11 1a | an on bysmer / / # / hiora heorte | wæs | || hean on gewinnum / and untru |
The Paris Psalter 108:17 4a | dan ne tilian / forþon hio him | wæs | afyrred || of ferhþcofan / / # |
The Paris Psalter 111:4 1a | | wunaþ ænig dæl / / # / leoht | wæs | on leodum || leofum acyþed / |
The Paris Psalter 113:2 1a | rdige || ealle wæron / / # / þa | wæs | geworden || werude iudea / þæ |
The Paris Psalter 113:5 1a | þ || sceone lambru / / # / hwæt | wæs | þe sæ swiþa || forhwan flu |
The Paris Psalter 117:10 2a | sealdon || side þeode / and ic | wæs | on dryhtnes naman || deorum g |
The Paris Psalter 117:13 1a | yhtnes || neode scylde / / # / ic | wæs | hearde cnyssed || and ic me h |
The Paris Psalter 117:13 3b | hten onfeng || swa hit gedefe | wæs | / / # / me wæs strengþu strang |
The Paris Psalter 117:14 1a | || swa hit gedefe wæs / / # / me | wæs | strengþu strang || stiþ on |
The Paris Psalter 117:18 1b | lænsude || se þe him clæne | wæs | / dryhten ælmihtig || nolde to |
The Paris Psalter 118:24 1a | word || snotur beeode / / # / me | wæs | þin gewitnys || wyrþ and ge |
The Paris Psalter 118:52 1a | þinre æ || a folgode / / # / ic | wæs | gemyndig || mærra doma / þinr |
The Paris Psalter 118:52 2a | re ǣ || ā folĝode. / / # / Iċ | wæs | ġe·myndiġ || mǣrra dōma / |
The Paris Psalter 118:71 1a | || minum healde / / # / selre me | wæs | and seftre || þæt þu sylfa |
The Paris Psalter 118:71 2a | mīnum healed. / / # / Selre mē | wæs | and sēftre%, || þæt þū s |
The Paris Psalter 118:141 1a | ne her || ealle lufade / / # / ic | wæs | on geoguþe || grame me forho |
The Paris Psalter 118:141 2a | hēr || ealle lufode. / / # / Iċ | wæs | on ġuĝuþe, || grame mē fo |
The Paris Psalter 121:2 2b | afertunum || þær ure cyþþ | wæs | / on hierusalem || geara ærest |
The Paris Psalter 134:11 1a | ealde || cyningas strange / / # / | wæs | seon efne || sum þara cyninc |
The Paris Psalter 134:11 2b | and og cyning || se þe æror | wæs | / on basane || breme and mære / |
The Paris Psalter 135:21 1b | # / and og swylce || þe æror | wæs | / swyþe breme cyning || on bas |
The Paris Psalter 138:11 4b | me fægere || swa ic furþum | wæs | / of modur hrife || minre acenn |
The Paris Psalter 138:14 1b | ne gesawon || þæt ic ealles | wæs | / unfrom on ferhþe || eall þ |
The Paris Psalter 145:4 1b | e biþ eadig || þe him æror | wæs | / iacobes god || geara fultumie |
The Paris Psalter 52:4 2b | delnesse / symle besegan || þa | wæs | soþ nan mann / þe god wolde | |
The Paris Psalter 54:18 2a | gehyneþ eac / þe ær worulde | wæs | || and nu wunaþ ece / / # / nis |
The Paris Psalter 54:19 7a | l || geseon æfre / forþon hit | wæs | his heortan || gehygde neah / / |
The Paris Psalter 56:4 5a | leon hwelpum || reþe gemanan / | wæs | ic slæpende || sare gedrefed |
The Paris Psalter 56:5 1a | welpum || rēðe ġe·mānan; / | wæs | iċ slǣpende || sāre ġe·d |
The Paris Psalter 58:9 4b | / me fægere becom || þær me | wæs | freondes þearf / / # / min se go |
The Paris Psalter 67:18 4b | le micele / lange lifdon || and | wæs | lacgeofa / ofer middangeard || |
The Paris Psalter 67:24 3a | ēac of Iudan, / þe lāttēow | wæs | || forþ þāra lēoda, / and e |
The Paris Psalter 67:25 3a | n || eac of iudan / þe latteow | wæs | || forþ þara leoda / and eald |
The Paris Psalter 68:8 4a | e wearþ || fæderenbroþrum / | wæs | unmæge gyst || modorcildum / / |
The Paris Psalter 68:10 1a | wearþ || fæderen-brōðrum, / | wæs | unmǣġe ġiest || mōdor-ċi |
The Paris Psalter 72:11 5a | || þær ic hete nyste / and ic | wæs | ealne dæg || eac geswungen / w |
The Paris Psalter 72:11 6a | s ealne dæg || eac geswungen / | wæs | me leawfinger || be leohtne d |
The Paris Psalter 75:1 1a | ris Psalter: Psalm 75 / / # / god | wæs | geara cuþ || mid iudeum / and |
The Paris Psalter 76:4 1a | e hiht / / # / swyþe ic begangen | wæs | || and min sylfes gast / wæs h |
The Paris Psalter 76:4 2a | n wæs || and min sylfes gast / | wæs | hwonlice || ormod worden / wær |
The Paris Psalter 76:6 2a | tan ongann || hycggean nihtes / | wæs | min gast on me || georne geby |
The Paris Psalter 76:10 3b | n eallum þinum weorcum || ic | wæs | smeagende / swylce ic on þinum |
The Paris Psalter 76:11 2a | rdan || flōdas ġe·drēfde, / | wæs | swēġ miċel || sealtera wæ |
The Paris Psalter 76:12 1a | ne strǣle || strange foran; / | wæs | þunorrād-stefn || strang on |
The Paris Psalter 76:13 4a | hte wurdan || flodas gedrefde / | wæs | sweg micel || sealtera wæter |
The Paris Psalter 76:14 3a | ine stræle || strange foran / | wæs | þunurradstefn || strang on h |
The Paris Psalter 77:10 2a | acne || fæderum gelice / þæt | wæs | earfoþcynn || yrre and reþe |
The Paris Psalter 77:23 3a | e þa gyt || and eft gespræc / | wæs | gegleded fyr || on iacobe / and |
The Paris Psalter 77:34 1b | syþþan hi ongeaton || þæt | wæs | god heora / fæle fultum || fre |
The Paris Psalter 77:34 3a | fultum || freond æt þearfe / | wæs | hea god || heora alysend / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 77:43 3b | eacna / in campotaneos || þæt | wæs | cuþ werum / / # / þær he wæte |
The Paris Psalter 77:60 2a | gelome wiþsoc || snytruhuse / | wæs | his agen hus || þær he eard |
The Paris Psalter 77:67 4b | n / on sione byrig || þær him | wæs | symble leof / / # / he þa anhorn |
The Paris Psalter 78:11 2a | gen blod || esna þinra / þæt | wæs | sarlice agoten || þær þu g |
The Paris Psalter 78:12 1b | eallum þīnum weorcum || iċ | wæs | smēaġende, / swelċe iċ on |
The Paris Psalter 78:13 2a | blōd || esna þīnra, / þæt | wæs | sārlīċe ā·goten, || ðǣ |
The Paris Psalter 80:12 2a | stum heortena / swa him leofust | wæs | || leode þeodum / æfter hiora |
The Paris Psalter 83:6 3b | of mægene on mægen || þær | wæs | miht gesawen / on sionbeorge || |
The Paris Psalter 87:6 2a | tton || on seaþ hinder / þær | wæs | deorc þeostru || and deaþes |
The Paris Psalter 87:7 1a | and deaþes scua / / # / þær me | wæs | yrre þin || on acyþed / and |
The Paris Psalter 87:8 2b | symble || þær me unswæsost | wæs | / eam ic swære geseald || þæ |
The Paris Psalter 87:15 2a | hte swa on geoguþe / ahafen ic | wæs | and gehyned || hwæþere næs |
The Paris Psalter 88:24 2a | m to fælum || fæder gecygde / | wæs | me andfencge god || ecere hæ |
The Metres of Boethius: Proem 3b | ode, / leoðwyrhta list. || Him | wæs | lust micel / ðæt he ðiossum |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 1a | res of Boethius: Metre 1 / / hit | wæs | geara iu || þætte gotan eas |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 8a | aleric || rice geþungon / þa | wæs | ofer muntgiop || monig atyhte |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 17a | d micel || eþel mærsaþ / þa | wæs | romana || rice gewunnen / abroc |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 18b | cen burga cyst || beadurincum | wæs | / rom gerymed || rædgot and al |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 25b | eþelweardas / halige aþas || | wæs | gehwæþeres waa / þeah wæs m |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 26a | | wæs gehwæþeres waa / þeah | wæs | magorinca || mod mid grecum / g |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 28b | / stod þrage on þam || þeod | wæs | gewunnen / wintra mænigo || o |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 31b | and eorlas / heran sceoldan || | wæs | se heretema / criste gecnoden | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 40a | moste || he þæt eall aleag / | wæs | þæm æþelinge || arrianes / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 44a | s þæt hærlic dæd / eac þam | wæs | unrim || oþres manes / þæt s |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 46a | remede || godra gehwilcum / þa | wæs | ricra sum || on rome byrig / ah |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 49a | tole || creacas wioldon / þæt | wæs | rihtwis rinc || næs mid romw |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 51a | fa sella || siþþan longe / he | wæs | for weorulde wis || weorþmyn |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 54a | tte || se þone hlisan geþah / | wæs | him on gemynde || mæla gehwi |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 56b | elþeodge / cyningas cyþdon || | wæs | on greacas hold / gemunde þara |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 71b | as / healdon þone hererinc || | wæs | him hreoh sefa / ege from þam |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 74a | cernes || cluster belucan / þa | wæs | modsefa || miclum gedrefed / bo |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 78a | e || þa hio swa þearl becom / | wæs | þa ormod eorl || are ne wend |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 34b | ban / þæs goldsmiþes || þe | wæs | geo mærost / forþy ic cwæþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 46b | / hiora heretoga || se gehaten | wæs | / mid þæm burgwarum || brutus |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 50a | fæstræda || folces hyrde / se | wæs | uþwita || ælces þinges / cen |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 51b | es / cene and cræftig || þæm | wæs | caton nama / hi wæron gefyrn | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 76b | o eft cume || þær hio æror | wæs | / þonne hio ærest sie || utan |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 80b | eac wesan || þæt hio æror | wæs | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 15 5a | gde || and gimcynnum / þeah he | wæs | on worulde || witena gehwelcu |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 2 7b | cwida || þonne ic on sælum | wæs | / oft ic nu miscyrre || cuþe s |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 11b | otældes || swa hit getæsost | wæs | / endebyrdes || þæt hi æghw |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 59b | todældes / fæder on feower || | wæs | þara folde an / and wæter oþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 244b | en swa lange || swa him lyfed | wæs | / from þæm ælmihtigan || þe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 50b | gen cyþ / eard and eþel || ic | wæs | ær hionan / cumen and acenned |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 7a | æm casere || cynericu twa / he | wæs | þracia || þioda aldor / and r |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 9a | ldor / and retie || rices hirde / | wæs | his freadrihtnes || folccuþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 11b | les weold / creca rices || cuþ | wæs | wide / þæt on þa tide || tro |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 34a | htor wunode || dægrimes worn / | wæs | se apollinus || æþeles cynn |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 35b | les cynnes / iobes eafora || se | wæs | gio cyning / se licette || litl |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 41a | de || leoda unrim / forþæm he | wæs | mid rihte || rices hirde / hior |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 46a | s cining / gif he to þæm rice | wæs | || on rihte boren / wæs þæs |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 47a | m rice wæs || on rihte boren / | wæs | þæs iobes fæder || god eac |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 56b | / cyninges dohtor || sio circe | wæs | / haten for herigum || hio rics |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 60b | m ane to / ceole liþan || cuþ | wæs | sona / eallre þære mænige || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 88b | r / on his lifdagum || gelicost | wæs | / butan þam cyninge || þe sio |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 92b | drohtaþ || swa hit gedefe ne | wæs | / næfdon hi mare || monnum gel |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 96a | gehwylc || his agen mod / þæt | wæs | þeah swiþe || sorgum gebund |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 31b | argerimes || þær he gio þa | wæs | / hwa is weoruldmonna || þæt |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 30 1a | of Boethius: Metre 30 / / omerus | wæs | || east mid crecum / on þæm l |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 9b | rþan brucan || swa him eaden | wæs | / sume fotum twam || foldan pe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 11b | / seo þe ær gladu || onsiene | wæs | / swa oft æspringe || ut aweal |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 36b | der sunnan || nænig siþþan | wæs | / weorþ on weorulde || gif mon |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 38b | ongeat / yfelne mid eldum || he | wæs | æghwæm laþ / eala þær hit |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 3b | omwara cyning || þa his rice | wæs | / hehst under heofonum || to hr |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 5b | monegum / wælhreowes gewed || | wæs | ful wide cuþ / unrihthæmed || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 10b | romana burig || sio his rices | wæs | / ealles eþelstol || he for un |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 31b | f mid sweorde || and he symle | wæs | / micle þe bliþra || on breos |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 61a | selede || swiþe gelome / þær | wæs | swiþe sweotol || þæt we s |
Distich Psalm 17:51 1a | # Distich Psalm 17:51 / / | Wæs | mid Iudeum || on geardagum / ea |
The Battle of Brunanburh 7b | dweardes || swa him geæþele | wæs | / from cneomægum || þæt hi |
The Battle of Brunanburh 40b | e þorfte / mæca gemanan || he | wæs | his mæga sceard / freonda gefy |
The Coronation of Edgar 1a | ronation of Edgar / / her eadgar | wæs | || engla waldend / corþre micl |
The Coronation of Edgar 5b | ornas baþan nemnaþ || þær | wæs | blis micel / on þam eadgan dæ |
The Coronation of Edgar 8b | / pentecostenes dæg || þær | wæs | preosta heap / micel muneca þr |
The Coronation of Edgar 10b | gegaderod || and þa agangen | wæs | / tyn hund wintra || geteled ri |
The Coronation of Edgar 14a | | buton þær to lafe þa get / | wæs | wintergeteles || þæs þe ge |
The Coronation of Edgar 15b | eofon and twentig || swa neah | wæs | sigora frean / þusend aurnen | |
The Coronation of Edgar 19b | worulde || þa þis geworden | wæs | / and þa on þam þritigoþan |
The Coronation of Edgar 20a | / and þa on þam þritigoþan | wæs | || þeoden gehalgod |
The Death of Edgar 12b | unweaxen / eorla ealdor || þam | wæs | eadweard nama / and him tirfæs |
The Death of Edgar 15b | þurh gecyndne cræft || þam | wæs | cyneweard nama / þa wæs on my |
The Death of Edgar 16a | þam wæs cyneweard nama / þa | wæs | on myrceon || mine gefræge / w |
The Death of Edgar 19b | gleawra godes þeowa || þæt | wæs | gnornung micel / þam þe on br |
The Death of Edgar 21b | lufan / metodes on mode || þa | wæs | mærþa fruma / to swiþe forse |
The Death of Edgar 33b | tgleawe men / wise woþboran || | wæs | geond werþeode / waldendes wra |
The Death of Alfred 18b | ul wurþlice || swa he wyrþe | wæs | / æt þam westende || þam sty |
The Death of Edward 15a | holdlice || hagestealde menn / | wæs | a bliþemod || bealuleas cyng |
The Death of Edward 34a | e ne agælde / þæs þe þearf | wæs | || þæs þeodcyninges |
The Rune Poem 67a | gest || bridles ne gymeþ / ing | wæs | ærest || mid eastdenum / gesew |
Solomon and Saturn 170a | ðed || Caldea eorl. / Hwæðre | wæs | on sǣlum || sē þe of sīð |
Solomon and Saturn 175b | ðes on·sæceþ. || Saloman | wæs | brēmra, / þēah þe Saturnus% |
Solomon and Saturn 6a | ġe·steppan’. / ‘Sē mǣra | wæs | hāten || sǣ-līðende / weall |
The Menologium 1a | # The Menologium / / crist | wæs | acennyd || cyninga wuldor / on |
The Menologium 53b | d wearþ / geond middangeard || | wæs | þæt mære wyrd / folcum gefr |
The Judgment Day II 8b | on / ðurh winda gryre || wolcn | wæs | gehrered / and min earme mod || |
The Judgment Day II 9b | ered / and min earme mod || eal | wæs | gedrefed / ða ic færinga || f |
The Judgment Day II 40b | dægcuð || ðæt ðæt dihle | wæs | / openum wordum || eall abæred |
The Judgment Day II 54a | earplice bysne / ðe mid criste | wæs | || cwylmed on rode / hu micel f |
The Judgment Day II 57a | || synna and gylta / se sceaða | wæs | on rode || scyldig and manful |
The Judgment Day II 190a | stowa || fyres on grunde / ðe | wæs | in grimmum || susle on helle / |
A Summons to Prayer 10a | [factor cosmi] / se of æðelre | wæs | || [uirginis partu] / clæne ac |
A Summons to Prayer 15a | || [clemens deus] / se onsended | wæs | || [summo de throno] / and ðæ |
The Lord's Prayer II 73a | e || ðines fæder rice / ðæt | wæs | on fruman || fægere gegearwo |
The Gloria I 14a | efrofer || and halig gast / swa | wæs | on fruman || frea mancynnes / e |
The Gloria I 24a | e seofoðan ðu gerestest / ða | wæs | geforðad || ðin fægere weo |
The Creed 24a | bodedan englas / ðæt acenned | wæs | || crist on eorðan / ða se po |
Psalm 50 1a | # Psalm 50 / / dauid | wæs | haten || diormod hæleð / isra |
Psalm 50 4a | inga cynost || criste liofost / | wæs | he under hiofenum || hearpera |
Psalm 50 6a | | gefrigen hæbben / sangere he | wæs | soðfæstest || swiðe geðan |
Psalm 50 9a | e mildostan || manna sceppend / | wæs | se dryhtnes ðiowa || dauid |
Psalm 50 61a | | eac ðan in synnum / geeacnod | wæs | || ðu ðæt ana wast / mæhtig |
Psalm 50 119b | / soð sigedryhten || secgende | wæs | / ic ðe onsegednesse || sona b |
Aldhelm 8b | alles leas || ðæt him symle | wæs | / [euthenia] || oftor on fylste |
The Seasons for Fasting 1a | # The Seasons for Fasting / / | wæs | on ealddagum || israheala fol |
The Seasons for Fasting 23b | gedemdon || he ðær bedigled | wæs | / and ðy ðryddan dæge || ðe |
The Seasons for Fasting 30a | ofum to tacne / ðe for worulde | wæs | || womma bedæled / ac arisan o |
The Seasons for Fasting 152a | e uplican || æðel secað / nu | wæs | æt nehstan || ðæt us nerge |
Metrical Charm 10: For Loss of Cattle 3b | || þe Crīst inn ġe·boren | wæs, | / sēo is ġe·mǣrsod || ofer |
Metrical Charm 5: For Loss of Cattle 1b | uruh || ðe crist on acænned | wæs | / seo is gemærsod || geond eal |
Metrical Charm 5: For Loss of Cattle 3b | h || þe Crīst on ā·cenned | wæs, | / sēo is ġe·mǣrsod% || ġon |
Instructions for Christians 91b | ne gedeð || þone ðe ær ne | wæs; | / eac heo þrah-mælum || þeo |
The Battle of Finnsburh 28a | ylf to me || secean wylle / þa | wæs | on healle || wælslihta gehly |
The Battle of Finnsburh 45b | / heresceorp unhror || and eac | wæs | his helm þyrel / þa hine sona |
The Battle of Maldon 22b | d leodon || þær him leofost | wæs | / þær he his heorþwerod || h |
The Battle of Maldon 23b | lēodum || ðǣr him lēofost | wæs, | / ðǣr hē his heorð-weorod | |
The Battle of Maldon 73b | bricge / wigan wigheardne || se | wæs | haten wulfstan / cafne mid his |
The Battle of Maldon 74b | / cafne mid his cynne || þæt | wæs | ceolan sunu / þe þone forman |
The Battle of Maldon 75b | / wiĝan wīġ-heardne, || sē | wæs | hāten Wulf·stān, / cāfne mi |
The Battle of Maldon 76b | āfne mid his cynne, || þæt | wæs | Ċēolan sunu, / þe þone form |
The Battle of Maldon 101b | an / fæste wiþ feondum || þa | wæs | feohte neh / tir æt getohte || |
The Battle of Maldon 102b | feohte neh / tir æt getohte || | wæs | seo tid cumen / þæt þær fæ |
The Battle of Maldon 103b | fæste wiþ fēondum. || Þā | wæs | feohte% nēah, / tīr æt ġe· |
The Battle of Maldon 104b | ēah, / tīr æt ġe·tohte. || | Wæs | sēo tīd cumen / þæt ðǣr f |
The Battle of Maldon 105b | as wundon / earn æses georn || | wæs | on eorþan cyrm / hi leton þa |
The Battle of Maldon 107b | wundon, / earn ǣses ġeorn; || | wæs | on eorðan ċierm. / Hīe lēto |
The Battle of Maldon 109a | sige || bord ord onfeng / biter | wæs | se beaduræs || beornas feoll |
The Battle of Maldon 111a | || bord ord on·fēng. / Biter | wæs | sē beadu-rǣs, || beornas f |
The Battle of Maldon 138a | e him þa wunde forgeaf / frod | wæs | se fyrdrinc || he let his fra |
The Battle of Maldon 140a | þā wunde for·ġeaf. / Frōd | wæs | sē fyrd-rinċ; || hē lēt h |
The Battle of Maldon 142b | æt seo byrne tobærst || he | wæs | on breostum wund / þurh þa hr |
The Battle of Maldon 144b | stod / ætterne ord || se eorl | wæs | þe bliþra / hloh þa modi man |
The Battle of Maldon 146b | ōd / ǣtterne ord. || Sē eorl | wæs | þȳ blīðra, / hlōh þā, m |
The Battle of Maldon 188b | m gerædum || þe hit riht ne | wæs | / and his broþru mid him || be |
The Battle of Maldon 190b | e·rǣdum || þe hit riht ne | wæs, | / and his brōðru mid him || b |
The Battle of Maldon 215a | o || eallum gecyþan / þæt ic | wæs | on myrcon || miccles cynnes / w |
The Battle of Maldon 216a | s on myrcon || miccles cynnes / | wæs | min ealda fæder || ealhelm h |
The Battle of Maldon 217a | allum ġe·cȳþan, / þæt iċ | wæs | on Mierċum || miċeles cynne |
The Battle of Maldon 218a | Mierċum || miċeles cynnes; / | wæs | min ealda fæder || Ealhhelm |
The Battle of Maldon 222a | | me is þæt hearma mæst / he | wæs | ægþer min mæg || and min h |
The Battle of Maldon 224a | ē is þæt hearma mǣst; / hē | wæs | ǣgðer% min mǣġ || and min |
The Battle of Maldon 264a | ongan || geornlice fylstan / he | wæs | on norþhymbron || heardes cy |
The Battle of Maldon 265b | cynnes / ecglafes bearn || him | wæs | æscferþ nama / he ne wandode |
The Battle of Maldon 266a | || ġeornlīċe fylstan; / hē | wæs | on Norð·hymbrum || heardes |
The Battle of Maldon 267b | , / Eċġ·lāfes bearn, || him | wæs | Æsċ·ferþ nama. / Hē ne wan |
The Battle of Maldon 297a | || wiþ þas secgas feaht / he | wæs | on geþrange || hyra þreora |
The Battle of Maldon 299a | || on þam wæle læge / þær | wæs | stiþ gemot || stodon fæste / |
The Battle of Maldon 301a | on þām wæle lǣġe. / Þǣr | wæs | stīþ ġe·mōt; || stōdon |
The Battle of Maldon 308a | maþelode || bord hafenode / se | wæs | eald geneat || æsc acwehte / h |
The Battle of Maldon 310a | ðelode || bord hafenode / (sē | wæs | eald ġe·nēat), || æsċ ā |