Number of occurrences in corpus: 18
Exodus 538b | wyrm, / open ēċe sċræf. || | Yfela | ġe·hwelċes% / swā nū reġn |
Andreas 1312b | le gangan, / atol ǣĝlǣċa || | yfela | ġe·myndiġ, / morðres mān-f |
Elene 463b | -dēoful, / atol ǣĝlǣċa, || | yfela | ġe·myndiġ: / ‘Hwæt is þi |
The Panther 18a | d || and-wrāþ leofaþ / þurh | yfela | ġe·hwelċ || þe hē ġe· |
The Lord's Prayer I 11a | ief, || folca wealdend, / fram | yfela | ġe·hwǣm, || ā tō wīdan |
The Phoenix 460b | ele tō eorðan, || flīehþ | yfela | ġe·hwelċ, / grymme ġieltas, |
Juliana 323b | f þām engan hām, || sē is | yfela | ġe·hwæs / on þām grorn-hof |
Juliana 352b | : / ‘Iċ þē, ēad mæġ, || | yfela | ġe·hwelċes / ōr ġe·cȳðe |
Beowulf 2094a | ū iċ% þǣm% lēod-sċaðan / | yfela | ġe·hwelċes || andlēan% fo |
The Paris Psalter 120:6 4a | ealde || hāliġ drihten / wiþ | yfela | ġe·hwǣm || ǣġhwǣr ġeor |
The Paris Psalter 70:19 3a | nge || cūðra manna, / and mē | yfela | fela || oft on·cnyssedest; / |
The Paris Psalter 89:17 3b | um þe we inn% ġe·sāwon || | yfela | fela. / / # / Be·seoh on þīne |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 15 1a | e 15 / / Þēah hine nū sē | yfela | || unrihtwīsa / Nēron cyning |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 18 1a | s: Metre 18 / / Ēalā þæt sē | yfela | || unrihta ġe·dēþ / wrāða |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 44a | lċes, || þonan mǣst cymeþ / | yfela | ofer·metta, || unnytta saca. |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 41a | if hine dreċċan mōt / þissa | yfela | hwæðer, || innan swenċan. / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 43a | rðlicu gōd, / and ēac þāra | yfela | || or-sorh wunaþ, / hopaþ tō |
Psalm 50 48a | num þē || oft syngode, / and | yfela | fela || ēac ġe·fremede, / gy |