sumo verb pres imperat act 2nd sg conj3
sumo verb pres imperat act 2nd sg conj3
sumo verb pres imperat act 2nd sg conj3
sumo verb pres imperat act 2nd sg conj3
Number of occurrences in corpus: 64
Christ and Satan 262b | hēr / liċġan on leahtrum, || | sume | on lyft sċacan%, / flēoĝan o |
Christ and Satan 269a | ō grunde, || Godes andsacan. / | Sume | sċolon hweorfan || ġond hæ |
Christ and Satan 540a | f || eft ġe·sċēawiaþ’. / | ‘Sume | hīe ne meahton || mōde% on |
The Fates of the Apostles 11b | don, / reċċan fore rincum. || | Sume | on Rome-byriġ, / frame, fyrd-h |
Elene 131b | dingas / wīde tō·wrecene. || | Sume | wīġ for·nam. / Sume unsōfte |
Elene 132a | cene. || Sume wīġ for·nam. / | Sume | unsōfte || ealdor ġe·nered |
Elene 133b | edon / on þām here-sīðe. || | Sume | healf-cwice / fluĝon on fæste |
Elene 136b | ede weardodon / ymb Danubie. || | Sume | drenċ for·nam / on laĝu-str |
Elene 41b | / sārum settan, || þēah hē | sume | hwīle / on ġalĝan his || gā |
Elene 110b | fa ġe·hwǣr, || sume hider, | sume | þider, / þridodon and þōhto |
Christ A 318b | þās gyldnan gatu || ġīet | sume | sīðe / god self wile || gæst |
Christ C 959a | || cwielmende fȳr, / sume up, | sume | niðer, || ǣldes fulle. / Þon |
The Fortunes of Men 71b | / blēo-bordes ġe·breġd. || | Sume | bōceras / weorðaþ wīsfæste |
Guthlac A 60a | , || fēa bēoþ ġe·corene. / | Sume | him þæs hādes || hlisan wi |
Guthlac A 81a | || Hē hira dǣde sċēawaþ. / | Sume | þā wuniaþ || on wēstennum |
Guthlac B 876a | stōwum% fremedon; / sume ǣr, | sume | sīþ, || sume on ūrra / aefte |
Guthlac B 876b | don; / sume ǣr, sume sīþ, || | sume | on ūrra / aefter tæl-mearce | |
Riddles 10 8a | ames || on blacum hræġle%; / | sume | wǣron hwīte || hyrste mīne |
Resignation 77a | e. || Huru mē frēa wīteþ / | sume | þāra synna || þe iċ mē s |
The Phoenix 315b | sa, / swǣr ne swangor, || swā | sume | fuĝolas, / þā þe late þurh |
Juliana 473b | / for·bræc bealu-searwum, || | sume | on bryne sende, / on līeġes l |
Juliana 475b | ost ġe·sīene. || Ēac iċ | sume | ġe·dyde / þæt him bān-loca |
Juliana 478b | lēton / þurh ǣdra wielm. || | Sume | on ȳþ-fare / wurdon on weġe% |
Juliana 481b | ftum / under rēone strēam. || | Sume | iċ rōde be·fealh, / þæt h |
Juliana 483b | gālĝan / līf ā·lēton. || | Sume | iċ lārum ġe·teah, / tō ġe |
Juliana 490b | yndan, / sārum ġe·sōhte. || | Sume, | þā iċ funde / būtan godes t |
The Wanderer 80b | e·crang, / wlanc be wealle. || | Sume | wīġ for·nam, / ferede on for |
The Seafarer 56b | -ēadiġ% secg, || hwæt þā | sume | drēoĝaþ / þe þā wræc-lā |
Beowulf 400b | þrȳðliċ þeġna hēap; || | sume | ðǣr bidon, / heaðu-rēaf hē |
Beowulf 1113b | maniġ / wundum ā·wierded; || | sume | on wæle crungon. / Hēt þā H |
Beowulf 2156b | r sealde, / snotora fenġel, || | sume | worde hēt / þæt iċ his ǣre |
The Paris Psalter 87:4 1a | e·nēahhe. / / # / Wēnaþ þæs | sume, | || þæt iċ on wrāðne sēa |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 60a | īċan || hwon ymb·sprǣċe, / | sume | openlīċe || ealle for·ġie |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 15 10b | ȳ sǣl wesan; || þēah hīe | sume | hwīle / ġe·cure būtan cræf |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 7a | || þe him unnytt sīe, / lǣte | sume | hwīle || sēofunga ana% / ierm |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 10b | Hwȳ ġē nū ne settan || on | sume | dūne / fisċ-nett ēowru, || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 6b | an on him selfum || þæt hē | sume | hwīle / ymb·ūtan hine || ǣr |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 64a | īlcan || þe þis earme folc / | sume | hwīle nū || swīðost on·d |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 4b | . / Hit ġe·sǣlde ġō || on | sume | tīde / þæt Aulīxes || under |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 79a | ntan ēac || rǣpan maniġne. / | Sume | hīe tō wulfum wurdon, || ne |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 81a | ǣlum || þēotan on·gunnon. / | Sume | wǣron eaforas, || ā grymete |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 7a | s wlitiĝan tungol, / hū hīe | sume | habbaþ || swīðe miċele / s |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 8b | ele / sċyrtran ymbe-hwyrft, || | sume | sċrīðaþ lenġ / ūtan ymb e |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 21b | hwyrft / hafaþ on heofonum, || | sume | hwīle eft / lǣsse ġe·liða |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 33a | manna || þæt ne wāfie, / hū | sume | steorran || oþ þā sǣ fara |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 35a | þe mannum þyncþ? / Swā ēac | sume | wēnaþ || þæt sēo sunne d |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 10a | can, || swā him ēaden wæs. / | Sume | fōtum twǣm || foldan peþþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 11a | um twǣm || foldan peþþaþ, / | sume | fīer-fēte, || sume flēoĝe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 11b | þþaþ, / sume fīer-fēte, || | sume | flēoĝende / windaþ% under wo |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 15a | teþ, || wilnaþ tō eorðan, / | sume | nīed-þearfe, || sume neod-f |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 15b | rðan, / sume nīed-þearfe, || | sume | neod-fræce. / Man ana gæþ || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 15b | ġan ġe·hīerde || þæt on | sume | tīde / Troia burh || ofer·to |
The Death of Alfred 7b | fēran hē tō·drāf || and | sume | mislīċe of·slōh; / sume hī |
The Death of Alfred 8a | and sume mislīċe of·slōh; / | sume | hīe mann wiþ fēo sealde, | |
The Death of Alfred 8b | īe mann wiþ fēo sealde, || | sume | hrēowlīċe ā·cwealde, / sum |
The Death of Alfred 9a | ume hrēowlīċe ā·cwealde, / | sume | hīe mann bende, || sume hīe |
The Death of Alfred 9b | lde, / sume hīe mann bende, || | sume | hīe mann blende, / sume hamelo |
The Death of Alfred 10a | de, || sume hīe mann blende, / | sume | hamelode, || sume hættode. / N |
The Death of Alfred 10b | ann blende, / sume hamelode, || | sume | hættode. / Ne wearþ drēorlic |
Solomon and Saturn 221b | / seċġan and swerġan || ymb | sume | wīsan, / hwæðer wǣre twēġ |
The Metrical Preface to the Pastoral Care 15b | eahte, || for·þǣm hīe his | sume | þorfton, / þā þe Læden-spr |
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 13a | d manna mōd || missenlīċe. / | Sume | hine werġaþ || on ġe·wit- |
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 18a | s ġiefe || dēop and stille. / | Sume | hine lǣtaþ || ofer land-sċ |
The Battle of Maldon 271b | fre embe stunde || hē sealde | sume | wunde, / þā hwīle þe hē w |