Number of occurrences in corpus: 15
Genesis A 1798b | cyþde / oþþæt drihtweras || | duguþum | geforan / þær is botlwela || |
Genesis A 1859a | elinga helm || heht abrahame / | duguþum | stepan || hwæþere drihten w |
Genesis A 2308a | nne || ic þe on tida gehwone / | duguþum | stepe || wes þu dædum from / |
Genesis A 2325a | || feor adæled / adrifen from | duguþum | || doþ swa ic hate / ic eow tr |
Genesis A 2421a | eallum || and heora wif somed / | duguþum | wlance || drihtne guldon / god |
Genesis A 2821a | mena to leane / þara þe ic to | duguþum | þe || gedon hæbbe / siþþan |
Christ and Satan 121a | wræclastas || wuldre benemed / | duguþum | bedeled || nænigne dream aga |
Andreas 342a | hraþe cunnan / hwæt þu us to | duguþum | || gedon wille / him þa ondswa |
Andreas 682b | gen dæghwæmlice || þæt is | duguþum | cuþ / hwanon þam ordfruman || |
Andreas 1314b | gescyrded / deoful deaþreow || | duguþum | bereafod / ongan þa þam halga |
Elene 11a | ædþeahtende || rice healdan / | duguþum | wealdan || ac þara dom leofa |
Elene 653a | r hrusan || þæt gehyded gen / | duguþum | dyrne || deogol bideþ / þa se |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 29a | orþad || and on wlencum þio / | duguþum | diore || deaþ þæs ne scrif |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 15 8b | d swa þeah / his diorlingas || | duguþum | stepte / ne mæg ic þeah gehyc |
Solomon and Saturn 195b | swiþe leoftæle || mid leoda | duguþum | / oþer leofaþ || lytle hwile / |