do verb pres ind act 1st sg irreg_pp1
do verb pres ind act 1st sg conj1
do verb pres ind act 1st sg irreg_pp1
do verb pres ind act 1st sg conj1
Number of occurrences in corpus: 48
Genesis A 2227b | eom geomorfrod / drihten min || | do | swa ic þe bidde / her is fæmn |
Soul and Body I 100b | ten æt þam dome || ac hwæt | do | wyt unc / sculon wit þonne eft |
Elene 102b | cyþan / ymb swa dygle wyrd || | do | swa þe þynce / fyrngidda frod |
Soul and Body II 93b | / dryhten æt dome || ac hwæt | do | wit unc / ðonne he unc hafað |
Precepts 4a | æstum || ðæt he wel ðunge / | do | a ðætte duge || deag ðin g |
The Paris Psalter 105:36 1a | htend him || ær gestodan / / # / | do | us hale nu || halig drihten / a |
The Paris Psalter 107:6 1a | esan || clæne and alysde / / # / | do | me þin swyþre hand || swylc |
The Paris Psalter 107:10 2b | ige iu / adrife fram dome || ne | do | þu æfre swa / þæt þu of ur |
The Paris Psalter 108:21 1b | # / and þu min drihten god || | do | me þine nu / mycle mildheortne |
The Paris Psalter 117:23 1b | e / / # / eala þu dryhten god || | do | me halne / eala þu dryhten min |
The Paris Psalter 117:23 2b | halne / eala þu dryhten min || | do | us gesunde / / # / gebletsad is s |
The Paris Psalter 118:19 2a | on eorþan || earm bigenga / ne | do | þu me dyrne || þine þa deo |
The Paris Psalter 118:25 2a | min sawul || flore geneahhige / | do | me æfter þinum wordum || we |
The Paris Psalter 118:94 1b | # / ic eom þin hold scealc || | do | þu halne me / forþon ic þin |
The Paris Psalter 118:124 1a | præce || sped soþfæste / / # / | do | þinum agenum || esne swylce / |
The Paris Psalter 118:126 1b | ynne tid || þæt man eac wel | do | / drihten ure || ne læt þu do |
The Paris Psalter 118:135 1a | e bebodu || bealde healde / / # / | do | þine ansyne || esne þinum / l |
The Paris Psalter 118:146 1b | hhe / / # / ic cleopode to þe || | do | me cuþlice / halne heahcyning |
The Paris Psalter 118:149 3b | se / and æfter þinum domum || | do | me halne / / # / me syndon eahten |
The Paris Psalter 118:154 2b | re alys / for þinre spræce || | do | me spedlice / and cuþlice || c |
The Paris Psalter 118:156 2b | rihten / æfter þinum domum || | do | me cwicne / / # / ic manige gesea |
The Paris Psalter 118:170 3b | arfe / æfter þinre spræce || | do | spedlice / þæt þu me generig |
The Paris Psalter 118:174 2b | wilnade / drihten ælmihtig || | do | me symble / þæt ic æ þine | |
The Paris Psalter 124:4 4a | n || ac he him hraþe gyldeþ / | do | þu drihten wel || þam þe g |
The Paris Psalter 129:1 2b | r cleopode / drihten drihten || | do | þu nu-þa / þæt þu mines ge |
The Paris Psalter 131:10 2b | wylce / deorum dauide || þu ne | do | æfre / þæt þu andwlitan || |
The Paris Psalter 142:9 1a | ge to þe || helpe gelyfe / / # / | do | me wegas wise || þæt ic wit |
The Paris Psalter 142:11 4b | odweorþunge / drihten usser || | do | me halne / þæt ic on þinum r |
The Paris Psalter 148:10 1b | alæded / / # / deor and neat || | do | þæt sniome / nifle nædran cy |
The Paris Psalter 58:10 3a | dum || þe me feale syndun / ne | do | hy to deadan || þy læs hi d |
The Paris Psalter 59:5 1a | on alysede || leofe þine / / # / | do | me þin seo swyþre hand || s |
The Paris Psalter 68:1 1a | e Paris Psalter: Psalm 68 / / # / | do | me halne god || forþon hreoh |
The Paris Psalter 75:6 4a | n ariseþ / þæt he on eorþan | do | || ealle hale / þe he mildheor |
The Paris Psalter 79:3 2a | nd mid wuldre cum / and us hale | do | || her on eorþan / / # / gehweor |
The Paris Psalter 82:8 1a | stefnum || loþes bearnum / / # / | do | him nu swa þu dydest || dagu |
The Paris Psalter 85:3 3a | h ealne dæg || elne cleopade / | do | þines scealces || sawle bli |
The Paris Psalter 85:15 4a | h hrore meaht || hysse þinum / | do | þinre þeowan sunu || drihte |
The Paris Psalter 85:16 1a | wan sunu || drihten halne / / # / | do | gedefe mid me || drihten tace |
The Paris Psalter 89:14 1a | þa ariman || rihte cunne / / # / | do | us þa þine swiþran hand || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 15 13b | negum / þeah hine se dysega || | do | to cyninge / hu mæg þæt gesc |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 35b | ume wenaþ || þæt sio sunne | do | / ac se wena nis || wuhte þe s |
The Judgment Day II 85a | æt man her wepe / and dædbote | do | || drihtne to willan / glæd bi |
Fragment of Psalm 19 1a | # Fragment of Psalm 19 / / # / | do | drihten cyng || dædum halne / |
Fragment of Psalm 24 1a | # Fragment of Psalm 24 / / # / | do | me wegas ðine || wise drihte |
Fragment of Psalm 27 1a | Fragment of Psalm 27 / / # / hal | do | ðin folc || halig drihten / an |
Fragment of Psalm 43 1b | s drihten nu || and us ricene | do | / fælne fultum || and us æt f |
A Prayer 63b | genehhe / dæges and nihtes || | do | swa ic ne sceolde / hwile mid w |
Instructions for Christians 13b | An is ærest || þæt he ofte | do | / wop and hreowe% || for his m |