Number of occurrences in corpus: 267
Genesis A 93b | den ūre / mōd-ġe·þance, || | hū | hē þā mǣran ġe·sċeaft, |
Genesis B 273a | ōhte þurh his ānes cræft / | hū | hē him strenglicran || stōl |
Genesis B 433a | earu. || Hyċġaþ his ealle, / | hū | ġē hīe be·swīcen. || Si |
Genesis B 805a | n or-sorġe || on ealle tīd. / | Hū | sċulon wit nū libban || oþ |
Genesis B 851a | īsode || wealdend sē gōda, / | hū | hīe on þǣm lēohte forþ | |
Genesis A 917b | anst, / lāþ lēod-sċaða, || | hū% | þū līfian sċealt’. / Þā |
Genesis A 970a | Ābel. || Ūs cȳðaþ bēċ, / | hū | þā dǣd-fruman || duĝuþa |
Genesis A 1583b | ehhende / brōðrum sæġde, || | hū | sē beorn hine / ræste on reċ |
Genesis A 2676b | mē wille / wordum seċġan, || | hū | ġe·worhte% iċ þæt, / siþ |
Exodus 25a | sæġde || sōð-wundra fela, / | hū | þās weorold worhte || wīti |
Exodus 85a | rð-būende || ealle cræfte, / | hū | ā·fæstnod wæs || feld-hū |
Exodus 89a | fre. || Fierd eall ġe·seah / | hū | ðǣr hlīfodon || hālġe se |
Exodus 244a | wæstmum || on% wīġ curon, / | hū | in lēodsċipe || lǣstan wol |
Exodus 280a | lēofost, || fǣr-wundra sum, / | hū | iċ selfa slōh || and þēos |
Exodus 426a | wa tō ealdre || unswīcendu. / | Hū | ðearf mannes sunu || māran |
Daniel 50a | n·gann || sefan ġe·hyġdum / | hū | hē Israelum || īeðost meah |
Daniel 111a | an hweorfan || swefnes wōma, / | hū | weorold wǣre || wundrum ġe |
Daniel 130a | eċġanne || swefen cyninge): / | ‘Hū | maĝon we swā dīeĝle, || d |
Daniel 131b | hyċġan / on sefan þīnne, || | hū | þē swefnode, / oþþe wyrda |
Daniel 461a | weard, || þurh fȳres bryne, / | hū | þā hyssas þrīe || hātan |
Daniel 530b | hit wiston, / ac hē cunnode || | hū | hīe cweðan woldon. / Þā wæ |
Christ and Satan 33a | and ġīfre. || God ana wāt / | hū | hē þæt sċyldġe% weorod | |
Christ and Satan 178b | ġ iċ þæt ġe·hyċġan || | hū | iċ in þǣm be·cōm%, / in þ |
Christ and Satan 195b | ndes. / Lǣte him tō bȳsne || | hū | þā blācan fēond / for ofer- |
Christ and Satan 351a | mæġe || sweġeles lēoman, / | hū | sċīma% ðǣr || sċīeneþ |
Christ and Satan 497b | aniġe / dæġes and nihtes, || | hū | hēo mē dēaðes cwealm, / rī |
Christ and Satan 637a | an || and dēofles spellunge, / | hū | hīe him on ed-wīt || oft ā |
Christ and Satan 645a | || ġe·munan gāstes blǣd, / | hū | ēadġe ðǣr || uppe sittaþ |
Christ and Satan 20b | e þū ēac, ā·wierĝda, || | hū | wīd and sīd / hell-hēoðu dr |
Christ and Satan 25a | ·met || ufan tō grunde, / and | hū | sīd sīe% || sē swearta eð |
Christ and Satan 28a | hafast || heandum ā·metene / | hū | hēah and dēop || hell innew |
Andreas 63a | an || and þus wordum cwæþ: / | ‘Hū | mē ell-þēodġe || inwitt-w |
Andreas 155b | on, / grǣdġe gūþ-rincas, || | hū | þæs gāstes sīþ / aefter sw |
Andreas 163a | aðelode || strangum meahtum, / | hū | hē on ell-þēodĝum || ierm |
Andreas 190a | ndreas || ā·ġeaf andsware: / | ‘Hū | mæġ iċ, drihten min, || of |
Andreas 307a | ġe·weorp || wiþ þingode: / | ‘Hū | ġe·wearþ þe þæs, || win |
Andreas 419b | ist, / rece þā ġe·rȳnu, || | hū | hē reord-berend / lǣrde under |
Andreas 487a | ·ġeaf, || manna sċieppend, / | hū | þū wǣġ-flotan || wǣre be |
Andreas 547a | an mæġ || oþþe rīm wīte / | hū | þrymlīċe, || þēoda beald |
Andreas 558a | w || þeġn, ġif þū cunne, / | hū | þæt ġe·wurde || be werum |
Andreas 573a | ndreas || ā·ġeaf andsware: / | ‘Hū | meahte þæt ġe·weorðan || |
Andreas 575b | es meaht, / gumena lēofost, || | hū | hē his ġief cȳðde / ġond w |
Andreas 596a | ·hīeran, || hyse lēofesta, / | hū | ūs wuldres weard || wordum a |
Andreas 812a | ·hīeran, || hyse lēofesta, / | hū | hē wundra worn || wordum cȳ |
Andreas 920a | eþ, || wine-drihten fræġn: / | ‘Hū | ġe·worhte iċ þæt, || wea |
Andreas 960b | ; / lǣt þē on ġe·myndum || | hū | þæt maniĝum wearþ / fīra |
Andreas 1355b | me, / wīġes wōman, || weald, | hū | þe sǣle / æt þām ġeġn-sl |
Andreas 1490a | an. || Þæt is fyrn-sæġen, / | hū | hē worna fela || wīta ġe· |
The Fates of the Apostles 3a | ocum sefan, || samnode wīde / | hū | þā æðelingas || ellen cȳ |
The Fates of the Apostles 91b | dde, / friðes and fultumes. || | Hū, | iċ frēonda be·ðearf / līð |
Soul and Body I 3a | sīþ% || selfa ġe·þenċe, / | hū | þæt biþ dēopliċ || þonn |
Soul and Body I 24b | eallum / full ġe·ēodest%, || | hū | þū on eorðan sċealt / wyrmu |
Soul and Body I 26b | de ǣr / lȳt ġe·þōhtest || | hū | þis is þus lang hider. / Hwæ |
Elene 176b | ston / gōd-spelles ġiefe, || | hū | sē gasta helm, / on þrīnesse |
Elene 179a | earþ, || cyninga wuldor, / and | hū | on ġalĝan wearþ || godes |
Elene 185b | / wiþ þēoda þræce. || And | hū | þȳ þriddan dæġe / of byrġ |
Elene 335b | wītgena / lāre on·fengon, || | hū | sē līf-fruma / on ċildes hā |
Elene 367a | eahta spēd, || Moyse sæġde / | hū | ġē heofon-cyninge || hīera |
Elene 18a | witan, || ā·ġeaf andsware: / | 'Hū | wolde þæt ġe·weorðan || |
Elene 36b | ·sǣton, / on sefan sōhton || | hū | hīe sunu metodes / ā·hēngon |
Elene 74a | n, || hæleþ min sē lēofa, / | hū | ārfæst is || ealles wealden |
Elene 123a | rġe || ymb fyrn-ġe·writu, / | hū | on weorolde ǣr || wītĝan% |
Elene 173a | ðǣre cwēne ġe·wealdum): / | ‘Hū | mæġ þǣm ġe·weorðan || |
Elene 194a | · hē þā rōde ne tǣhte): / | ‘Hū | mæġ iċ þæt findan || þ |
Elene 205a | maðelode || him on andsware: / | ‘Hū | is þæt ġe·worden || on þ |
Elene 515a | de%.’ || Elene ġe·hīerde / | hū | sē fēond and sē frēond || |
Elene 521a | e || ymb% þæs weres snytru, / | hū | hē swā ġe·lēafful || on |
Elene 558a | st-weĝas, || āras brōhton, / | hū | ġe·sundne sīþ || ofer swa |
Christ A 61b | tan / ymb healfa ġe·hwone, || | hū | þeċ heofones cyning / sīðe |
Christ A 70a | ede%. || Nearo-þearfe cann, / | hū | sē earma sċeall || āre ġe |
Christ A 75a | | þæt þē of roderum cōm, / | hū | þū ēacnunge || ǣfre on·f |
Christ A 92b | / Friċġaþ þurh fyr-witt || | hū | iċ fǣmnan hād, / mund mīnne |
Christ A 130b | wolde. / Ēalā gǣsta god, || | hū | þū glēawlīċe / mid naman r |
Christ A 183a | sċipes || bealwa on·fangen. / | Hū | mæġ iċ lǣdian || lāðan |
Christ A 216a | yning, || Crīst æl-mehtiġ, / | hū | þū ǣr wǣre || eallum ġe |
Christ A 222b | m, / ā·reċċan mid rihte, || | hū | þē rodera weard / æt frymþe |
Christ A 278a | ·wurde || tō wīdan fēore, / | hū | þeċ mid rihte || ealle reor |
Christ A 362a | d-þēowa%, || nerġende god, / | hū | we sind ġe·swencte || þurh |
Christ A 371a | nd ūsse iermþa ġe·þenċ, / | hū | we% tealtriaþ || tȳdran mō |
Christ A 423b | cūðan / þurh ġe·rȳne, || | hū | hē, rodera þrymm, / heofona h |
Christ B 443a | ru, || þæt þū sōþ wīte / | hū | þæt ġe·ēode, || þā sē |
Christ B 586b | wæt, we nū ġe·hīerdon || | hū | þæt hǣlu-bearn / þurh his h |
Christ B 786a | grund. || Ūs seċġaþ bēċ / | hū | æt ǣrestan || ēad-mōd ā |
Christ C 990a | mōde || mæġe ā·þenċan, / | hū | þæt ġe·stun and sē storm |
Christ C 1015b | or·þon nis ǣniġ wunder || | hū | him weorold-manna / sēo unclǣ |
Christ C 1050b | / on þām miċelan dæġe, || | hū | manna ġe·hwelċ / ǣr earnode |
Christ C 1059b | taþ, / hāt, heoru-ġīfre, || | hū | ġe·healdne sind / sāwle wiþ |
Christ C 1074a | rætwe. || Wile fæder eahtan / | hū | ġe·sunde suna || sāwle% br |
Christ C 1119a | bearn || lēohte on·cnāwan / | hū | hine līegnedon || lēase on |
Christ C 1178a | nde || þurh frōd ġe·witt, / | hū | fela þā on·fundon || þā |
Christ C 1208b | ġe·sēoþ sorĝa mǣste, || | hū | sē selfa cyning / mid sīne l |
Christ C 1247b | n%. / Þonne biþ þridde, || | hū | on þīestra bealu / þæt ġe |
Christ C 1286a | hīe on þā clǣnan sēoþ, / | hū | hīe fore gōd-dǣdum || glad |
Christ C 1317a | || ōðrum ġe·seċġan / mid | hū | miċele elne || ǣghwelċ wil |
Christ C 1397a | aldan race || ān-for·lǣte, / | hū | þū æt ǣrestan || yfele ġ |
Christ C 1459a | nre sīdan || swātġe wunde. / | Hū | ðǣr wæs unefen racu || unc |
Christ C 1569b | ean nele / weoroda wealdend, || | hū | þā wamm-sċaðan / hira eald- |
Widsith 56a | ore meniġu || on medu-healle / | hū | mē cyne-gōde || cystum dōh |
The Order of the World 78a | urh his ǣĝne spēd witan%, / | hū | ġond grund% færeþ || gold- |
Soul and Body II 3a | le sīþ || selfa be·wītie, / | hū | þæt biþ dēopliċ || þonn |
Soul and Body II 23b | ġiefl / lȳt ġe·þōhtes, || | hū | þis is lang hider, / and þe |
Guthlac A 20b | ingeþ, || ac him biþ lenġe | hū | sēl; / ġuĝuþe brūcaþ || a |
Guthlac A 95a | liġne || hād ġe·cȳðed, / | hū | Gūð·lāc his || on godes w |
Guthlac A 138b | fode hine and lǣrde || lenge | hū | ġeornor, / þæt him lēofodon |
Guthlac A 337a | , || (wæs him enġel nēah), / | hū | þisse weorolde || wynna þor |
Guthlac A 366b | rran / mōd fram his metode. || | Hū | sċeall min cuman / gǣst tō |
Guthlac B 879a | hton. || Ūs seċġaþ bēċ / | hū | Gūð·lāc wearþ || þurh g |
Guthlac B 884a | burgum || ġond Bryten innan, / | hū | hē maniġe oft || þurh meah |
Guthlac B 1011a | gann þā his maĝu friġnan: / | ‘Hū | ġe·wearþ þē þus, || win |
Guthlac B 1022a | || Wāst þū, frēo-drihten, / | hū | þēos ādle sċyle || ende |
Guthlac B 1161b | / on·wrīġe worda gangum, || | hū | hē his wīsna trūwode, / droh |
Guthlac B 1322b | mæġe / stefn ā·reċċan, || | hū | sē stenċ and sē swēġ, / he |
Deor 12b | te / þrīste ġe·þenċan, || | hū | ymb þæt sċolde. / Þæs ofer |
Riddles 17 6a | || Frēa% þæt be·healdeþ, / | hū | mē of hrife flēoĝaþ || hi |
Riddles 31 19a | u. || Wrætliċ mē þynceþ, / | hū | sēo wiht mæġe || wordum l |
Riddles 36 14a | nne, || þæt we sōþ witan, / | hū | ðǣre wihte || wīse gange. |
Riddles 39 23a | an. || Lang is tō seċġanne / | hū | hire ealdor-ġe·sċeaft || a |
Riddles 42 16b | s undierne / werum æt wīne || | hū | þā wihte mid ūs, / hēan-mō |
Riddles 43 15b | wille, / cȳðe cyne-wordum || | hū | sē cuma hātte, / eþþa sē e |
Riddles 55 16b | e inn mede / wordum seċġan || | hū | sē wudu hātte. |
Riddles 59 16a | tre. || Rǣde, sē þe wille, / | hū | þæs wrætlican || wunda cw |
The Judgment Day I 27a | þā mierċan ġe·sċeaft, / | hū | hīe būtan ende || ēċe sta |
The Judgment Day I 80a | āl, || sīþ ne be·murneþ, / | hū | him aefter þisse weorolde || |
The Descent into Hell 76b | um wǣre. / Ēalā Gabrihel, || | hū | þū eart glēaw and sċearp, |
The Descent into Hell 84b | an hīerde. / Ēalā Maria, || | hū | þū ūs mōdiġne / cyning ā |
The Descent into Hell 90b | / þonne hīe ġe·hīerdon || | hū | we hrēowen [] / []on murnende |
The Descent into Hell 100a | Hierusālem || on Iūdēum, / | hū | þū on ðǣre stōwe || stil |
The Descent into Hell 104a | alā Iordane || on Iūdēum, / | hū | þū on ðǣre stōwe || stil |
Riddles 60 12a | || þām þe swelċ ne cann, / | hū | mec seaxes% ord || and sēo s |
The Husband's Message 10a | ele || and nū cunnan sċealt / | hū | þū ymb mōd-lufan% || mīne |
Riddles 84 8a | īsan || wordum ġe·cȳðan, / | hū | misliċ biþ || mæġen þār |
Riddles 84 56a | / []eoh, || wordum ġe·opena, / | hū | misliċ sīe || mæġen þār |
The Phoenix 342b | ītaþ, / wundrum wāfiaþ%, || | hū | sēo will-ġe·dryht / wildne w |
The Phoenix 356b | wāt, / cyning æl-mehtiġ, || | hū | his ġe·cynde biþ, / wīfhād |
The Phoenix 359a | cynnes, || būtan metod ana, / | hū | þā wīsan sind || wundorlī |
The Phoenix 389b | ġnum / bēacnaþ on burgum, || | hū | hīe beorhtne ġe·fēan / þur |
Juliana 34b | l cūðe, / frēond-rǣdenne || | hū | hēo fram hoĝode, / ġung on g |
Juliana 348b | t / seċġan, sāwla fēond, || | hū | þū sōþfæstum% / þurh synn |
Juliana 400a | hyġd || eall ġond·wlīte, / | hū | ġe·fæstnod% sīe || ferhþ |
Juliana 419a | -sċeapen, || unclǣne gǣst, / | hū | þū þeċ ġe·þīede, || |
Juliana 431a | || ‘Þū mē ǣrest saĝa, / | hū | þū ġe·dyrstiġ || þurh d |
Juliana 558b | eċġan, / sūsles þeġnum, || | hū | him on sīðe ġe·lamp. / || |
Juliana 571b | eahte, / sōhte synnum fāh, || | hū | hē sārlīcost / þurh þā wi |
Juliana 625a | || Iċ þā sorĝe ġe·man, / | hū | iċ bendum fæst || bisiĝa u |
The Wanderer 30a | num. || Wāt sē þe cunnaþ, / | hū | slīðen biþ || sorh tō ġe |
The Wanderer 35a | seċġas || and sinċ-þeġe, / | hū | hine on ġeoĝuþe || his gol |
The Wanderer 61a | a līf || eall ġeondþenċe, / | hū | hīe færlīċe || flett of· |
The Wanderer 73b | ietan sċeall glēaw hæle || | hū | gǣstliċ biþ, / þonne ealre% |
The Wanderer 95b | / Ēa-lā þēodnes þrymm. || | Hū | sēo þrāh ġe·wāt, / ġe·n |
The Seafarer 2b | wrecan, / sīðas seċġan, || | hū | iċ ġe·swinċ-daĝum / earfo |
The Seafarer 14a | foldan || fæġrost limpeþ, / | hū | iċ earm-ċeariġ || īs-ċea |
The Seafarer 29b | hwon, / wlanc and wīn-gāl, || | hū | iċ wēriġ oft / on brim-lāde |
The Seafarer 118b | , / and þonne ġe·þenċan || | hū | we þider cumen, / and we þonn |
Beowulf 3a | inga, || þrymm ġe·frugnon, / | hū | þā æðelingas || ellen fre |
Beowulf 116b | ht be·cōm, / hēan hūses, || | hū | hit Hrinġ-Dene / aefter bēor- |
Beowulf 279a | ne sefan || rǣd ġe·lǣran, / | hū | hē frōd and gōd || fēond |
Beowulf 737b | ēold / mæġ Hyġe·lāces, || | hū | sē mān-sċaða / under fǣr-g |
Beowulf 844a | -lēases || trode sċēawode, / | hū | hē wēriġ-mōd || on weġ |
Beowulf 979a | āne fāh || miċelan dōmes, / | hū | him sċīr metod || sċrīfan |
Beowulf 1725a | || Wundₒr is tō seċġanne / | hū | mehtiġ god || manna cynne / þ |
Beowulf 1987a | ǣ-Ġēata || sīðas wǣron: / | Hū | lamp ēow on lāde, || lēofa |
Beowulf 2093b | Tō lang is tō reċċenne || | hū | iċ% þǣm% lēod-sċaðan / yf |
Beowulf 2318a | s nīþ || nēan and feorran, / | hū | sē gūþ-sċaða || Ġēata |
Beowulf 2519b | tō wyrme, || ġif iċ wisse | hū | / wiþ þǣm āĝlæċan || ell |
Beowulf 2718a | ; || seah on enta ġe·weorc, / | hū | þā stān-boĝan || stapolum |
Beowulf 2948a | s wera || wīde ġe·sīene, / | hū | þā folc mid him || fǣhþe |
Beowulf 3026b | a reordian, / earne seċġan || | hū | him æt ǣte spēow, / þenden |
Judith 25a | bearn || feorran ġe·hīeran / | hū | sē stīþ-moda || styrmde an |
Judith 75a | full, || þearle ġe·myndiġ / | hū | hēo þone atolan || ēaðost |
Judith 160b | iþþan hīe ġe·hīerdon || | hū | sēo hālġe spræc / ofer hēa |
Judith 175b | ewan / þǣm burĝ-lēodum, || | hū | hire æt beadwe ġe·spēow. / |
Judith 259b | dorste / oþþe ġe·cunnian || | hū | þone cumbol-wiĝan / wiþ þā |
The Paris Psalter 104:5 1b | Ġe·munaþ ġē on mōde, || | hū | hē maniġ wunder / worhte wræ |
The Paris Psalter 106:26 3a | n·hrērde || hēr anlīcost, / | hū | druncen hwelċ || ġe·dwǣs |
The Paris Psalter 106:30 2a | e andetton || ealle drihtne, / | hū | hē milde wearþ || manna cyn |
The Paris Psalter 108:16 4a | eortan || hoĝode ġeornost%, / | hū | hē mid searwe || swelċe ā |
The Paris Psalter 110:2 3a | e sēċan, || samod andettan, / | hū | his mæġen-þrymmes% || miċ |
The Paris Psalter 118:12 2b | ihten; / lǣr mē mid lufan, || | hū | iċ lǣste wēl / and iċ þīn |
The Paris Psalter 118:26 4b | mōde; / lǣr mē on līfe, || | hū | iċ lenġest mæġe / þīne s |
The Paris Psalter 118:46 4a | hīe ēaĝum || inn lōcian, / | hū | mē þīn ġe·witness is || |
The Paris Psalter 118:54 3a | ē tō sange || simle hæfde, / | hū | iċ þīne sōþfæstnesse || |
The Paris Psalter 118:78 1a | is metĝung || on mōd-sefan, / | hū | iċ ǣ þīne || efnast heald |
The Paris Psalter 118:82 1a | hǣlu || hoĝode and sōhte, / | hū | iċ on þīnum wordum || wēl |
The Paris Psalter 118:97 2a | nn || and beorht swīðe. / / # / | Hū | iċ ǣ þīne, || ēċe driht |
The Paris Psalter 118:136 1a | lēofe; || lǣr mē siþþan, / | hū | iċ þīn sōþfæst word || |
The Paris Psalter 118:136 2b | Ēaĝan mīne ġe·sāwon, || | hū | ȳða ġe·lāc, / wīd gang w |
The Paris Psalter 118:172 3a | ge min || tela fore·sæġde, / | hū | þīnre sprǣċe || spēde ē |
The Paris Psalter 132:1 1a | s Psalter: Psalm 132 / / # / Efne | hū | glædliċ biþ || and gōd sw |
The Paris Psalter 136:4 1a | ne || sungon ġe·nēahhe.’ / | Hū | maĝon we singan || sangas dr |
The Paris Psalter 142:5 2a | ċ on mōde || ġe·myndgode, / | hū | mē ǣrran daĝas || oft ā· |
The Paris Psalter 142:10 3a | holde ġe·līefe; / lǣr mē, | hū | iċ þīnne willan || wyrċe |
The Paris Psalter 57:9 2a | || þonne hē sīþ on·gann, / | hū | þā ārlēasan || ealle for |
The Paris Psalter 58:5 1b | / / # / Be·heald holdlīċe, || | hū | þū hræðe wille / ġe·nēos |
The Paris Psalter 60:4 2a | īerdest, || hāliġ drihten, / | hū | min ġe·bedd tō þē || beo |
The Paris Psalter 65:2 1b | . / / # / And gode seċġaþ, || | hū | his þā gōdan weorc / sindon |
The Paris Psalter 65:4 1b | umaþ nū and ġe·sēoþ, || | hū | cyme weorc / drihten worhte; || |
The Paris Psalter 65:14 4a | s eġesan || ġeorne habbaþ, / | hū | miċel hē dyde || mīnre sā |
The Paris Psalter 72:1 1a | e Paris Psalter: Psalm 72 / / # / | Hū | god is% ēċe god || mid Isra |
The Paris Psalter 72:6 4a | tan || hoĝodon and þōhton, / | hū | hīe fyrmest || fācen and un |
The Paris Psalter 72:9 1b | a. / / # / And þonne cwǣdon: || | ‘Hū% | weorðeþ þis cūþ gode / oþ |
The Paris Psalter 72:11 3a | % incan || ǣnne% ne% wiste, / | hū | iċ mīne heortan || hēolde |
The Paris Psalter 72:13 3a | līċe || on·ġietan meahte, / | hū | þis ġe·winn || wolde ganga |
The Paris Psalter 73:9 1a | re seċġen.’ / / # / Wilt þū | hū | lange , || wealdend drihten, / |
The Paris Psalter 73:18 3a | itnes is || wēl ġe·fylled, / | hū | deorce bēoþ || daĝas on eo |
The Paris Psalter 73:20 3a | an; || ēac wes ġe·myndiġ, / | hū | þe unwīse || ed·wīta fela |
The Paris Psalter 77:42 1b | / # / Nā ġe·mynd hæfdon, || | hū | his sēo miċele hand / on ġe |
The Paris Psalter 78:5 1a | nēah || nū-þā sindon. / / # / | Hū% | wilt þū, wuldres god, || wr |
The Paris Psalter 78:11 4a | on·gann || maniġra weorca, / | hū | iċ mē on eallum þǣm || ē |
The Paris Psalter 79:5 2a | ġena god, || mǣre drihten, / | hū | lange || iersast þū || on |
The Paris Psalter 79:6 3a | ah-mannum; || nū we cunnien, / | hū | ūs mid fracoþum || fīend b |
The Paris Psalter 81:2 1a | æġene tō·sċēadeþ%. / / # / | Hū | lange || dēme ġē || dōmas |
The Paris Psalter 82:3 4a | nd eahtunga || ealle hæfdon, / | hū | hīe þīne hālĝan || hēr |
The Paris Psalter 82:4 4a | ġe·myndiġ || manna ǣniġ, / | hū | Israhela naman || ǣniġ nemn |
The Paris Psalter 85:5 3a | ·bedd || and ēac be·heald, / | hū | iċ stefne tō þē || stundu |
The Paris Psalter 88:3 2a | corenum || cūðe ġe·sette, / | hū | min ġe·witness || wolde gan |
The Paris Psalter 88:4 2a | ndettaþ, || hāliġ drihten, / | hū | wunder þīn || wræcliċ sta |
The Paris Psalter 88:40 1a | me on·mētest. / / # / Wilt þū | hū | lange , || wealdend drihten, / |
The Paris Psalter 89:13 2a | mē% cann || seċġan ǣniġ, / | hū | þīnes ierres || eġesa stan |
The Paris Psalter 91:2 2a | morĝene || mæġene seċġe, / | hū | hē milde wearþ || manna cyn |
The Paris Psalter 91:3 2a | rengum || ġe·toĝen hæfde, / | hū | iċ þe on psalterio || singa |
The Paris Psalter 91:4 1a | handa || hālĝum dǣdum. / / # / | Hū | miċele sint þīne mæġen-w |
The Paris Psalter 93:3 1a | hīe ǣr grame worhton. / / # / | Hū | lange || firen-wyrhtan || fol |
The Paris Psalter 93:9 2a | rest ealdum || ēaran worhte, / | hū | sē ofer-hlēoðor || ǣfre w |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 60b | mbe / þenċan þearflīċe, || | hū | hē þider meahte / Crēcas on |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 6a | we, || sūþ, ēast and west, / | hū | wīd-ġiell sint || wolcnum y |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 2a | ieddum || ġīet ġe·cȳðan / | hū | sē æl-mihtĝa || ealla% ġe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 15 14a | dyseĝa || dō tō cyninge, / | hū | mæġ þæt ġe·sċead-wīs |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 37a | þæt is selfa god. / Iċ nāt | hū | iċ mæġe || nǣnġe þinga / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 43a | || ġif hit grōwan sċeall. / | Hū | mæġ ǣniġ man || andsware |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 4a | ores swifto, || rȳne tungla, / | hū | hīe ǣlċe dæġe || ūtan y |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 7a | | ymb þās wlitiĝan tungol, / | hū | hīe sume habbaþ || swīðe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 33a | old-manna || þæt ne wāfie, / | hū | sume steorran || oþ þā sǣ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 55b | , / þæt hīe ne wundriaþ || | hū | hit on wolcnum oft / þearle þ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 4b | -mæġene / heofones tungla, || | hū | hīe him healdaþ be·twuh / si |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 3 1a | Boethius: Metre 3 / / Ēalā, on | hū | grimmum || and hū grundlēas |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 3 1b | Ēalā, on hū grimmum || and | hū | grundlēasum / sēaðe swinċe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 47a | onne hē on ġielp ā·stāh, / | hū | hē eorþ-cyningas || iermde |
Metrical Psalm 91:2 2a | on morĝenne || megenne sege / | hū | hē milde wearþ || manna cyn |
Metrical Psalm 91:3 2a | rengum || ġe·toĝen hæfde / | hū | iċ þē on salterio || singa |
Metrical Psalm 93:9 2a | rest ealdum || ēaran worhte / | hū | sē ofer-hlēoðor || ǣfre w |
Solomon and Saturn 53b | , / hæleþa under heofonum, || | hū | min hyġe drēoseþ, / bysiġ a |
Solomon and Saturn 137b | aniġe ēac / wēste stōwa? || | Hū | ġe·weorðeþ þæt?’ / ‘A |
Solomon and Saturn 144b | nra / sǣlþa tō·slītaþ; || | hū | ġe·sǣleþ þæt?’ / ‘Unl |
Solomon and Saturn 158a | ·drēoĝan sċeall’. / ‘Ac | hū | ġe·gangeþ þæt? || Gōde |
Solomon and Saturn 167a | | þonne hēo maĝan cenneþ, / | hū | him weorðe ġond weorold || |
Solomon and Saturn 278b | | / sē sċeall be·healdan || | hū | his hyġe wille%; / grǣdiġ% g |
The Judgment Day II 19a | hwǣm || æt selfum Gode, / and | hū | mehtiġ frēa || eall manna c |
The Judgment Day II 53a | st || wætere ġe·dwǣsċan. / | Hū | ne ġe·sċōp þe sē sċað |
The Judgment Day II 55a | te wæs || cwielmed on rōde, / | hū | miċel for·stent || and hū |
The Judgment Day II 55b | / hū miċel for·stent || and | hū | mǣre is / sēo sōðe hrēow | |
The Judgment Day II 92b | . / Ġe·myne ēac on mōde, || | hū | miċel is þæt wīte / þe þ |
The Judgment Day II 94a | iþ || for ǣr-dǣdum, / oþþe | hū% | eġeslīċe% || and hū an-dr |
The Judgment Day II 94b | þe hū% eġeslīċe% || and | hū | an-drysne / hēah-þrymme cynin |
The Judgment Day II 123b | mann, þæt þū ġe·mune || | hū | miċel biþ sē brōĝa / be·f |
The Judgment Day II 154a | e, || ræsċeþ and ēfsteþ, / | hū | hē synfullum || sūsle ġe· |
Psalm 50 62b | na wāst, / mehtiġ drihten, || | hū | mē mōdor ġe·bær / on sċam |
A Prayer 34a | an, || ne þæt sōðe witan, / | hū | þū æðele eart, || ēċe d |
A Prayer 38a | || ne þæt ġe·rīm witan, / | hū | þū mǣre eart, || mehtiġ d |
A Prayer 41a | fa wāst, || siĝores ealdor, / | hū | þū mǣre eart, || mehtiġ a |
The Seasons for Fasting 7b | sċād / selfum ā·sæġde, || | hū | hē þone sōðan wæġ / lēof |
The Seasons for Fasting 135a | pes tīd, || hāliġ drihten, / | hū | we munt þīnne || mǣrne ġe |
The Seasons for Fasting 144b | as ġō. / Is tō hyċġanne || | hū | sē hālĝa ġe·wāt / of þis |
The Seasons for Fasting 176b | Hæbbe we nū ġe·mearcod || | hū | þā mǣran ġō / fēowertiġ% |
The Seasons for Fasting 209a | n mæġ, || sorĝum hrēmiġ, / | hū | þā sācerdas || sace nīewi |
Metrical Charm 1: For Unfruitful Land 1a | tful Land / / Hēr is sēo bōt, | hū | þū meaht þīne æceras bē |
The Battle of Finnsburh 47a | na fræġn || folces hierde, / | hū | þā wīġend hira || wunda |
The Battle of Maldon 19a | and rǣdde, || rincum tǣhte / | hū | hīe sċoldon standan || and |