Number of occurrences in corpus: 329
Genesis B 398b | eorne, / þæt we on Ādame, || | ġif | we ǣfre mæġen, / and on his |
Genesis B 400b | n him ðǣr willan sīnes, || | ġif | we hit mæġen wihte ā·þen |
Genesis B 409a | nū ymb þā fyrde þenċan. / | Ġif | iċ ǣnġum þeġne% || þēo |
Genesis B 413b | hte / mīne ġiefe ġieldan, || | ġif | his ġīen wolde / mīnra þeġ |
Genesis B 427b | -rīċe / āĝan tō ealdre. || | Ġif | hit ēower ǣniġ mæġe / ġe |
Genesis B 430a | īe him þē lāðran bēoþ. / | Ġif | hīe brecaþ his ġe·bodsċi |
Genesis B 434b | estan on þissum racentum, || | ġif | him þæt rīċe losaþ. / Sē |
Genesis B 559b | wierþ, / mehtiġ on mōde. || | Ġif | þū þēah mīnum wilt, / wīf |
Genesis B 569a | Ādame || eft ġe·stīeran, / | ġif | þū his willan hæfst || and |
Genesis B 570a | þīnum wordum ġe·trīewþ. / | Ġif | þū him tō sōðe sæġst | |
Genesis B 578a | aldende, || weorðan þyrfen. / | Ġif | þū þæt an-ġinn fremest, |
Genesis B 618b | þurh mīnne cyme cræfta. || | Ġif | ġīet þurh cūscne sidu / lǣ |
Genesis B 643b | ihten, / wīd-brādne welan, || | ġif | hīe þone wæstm ān / lǣtan |
Genesis B 661a | || þonne his wiðer·mēdu. / | Ġif | þū him hēo-dæġ wiht || h |
Genesis B 662b | ē for·ġifþ hit þēah, || | ġif | wit him ġungor·dōm / lǣstan |
Genesis B 672a | mē swelċ ġe·wit ġiefan, / | ġif | hit ġeġnunga || God ne on· |
Genesis B 787b | ton / libban on þǣm lande, || | ġif | hīe wolden lāre Godes / for· |
Genesis B 806a | | oþþe on þis lande wesan, / | ġif | hēr wind cymþ, || westan o |
Genesis B 828a | ire þā Ādam || andswarode: / | ‘Ġif | iċ% wealdendes || willan cū |
Genesis B 834b | tō þǣm grunde ġenge, || | ġif | iċ Godes meahte / willan ġe· |
Genesis A 1040a | um feor || fāh ġe·wītan. / | Ġif | þe% manna hwelċ || mundum s |
Genesis A 1444a | e || þæt hē on nēod hine, / | ġif | hē on ðǣre lāde || land n |
Genesis A 1754a | mund-byrde || mīnre libban. / | Ġif | þē ǣniġ || eorð-būendra |
Genesis A 1838b | ealt / fēore ġe·beorĝan, || | ġif | mē friðu drihten / on weorold |
Genesis A 2253a | ĝar% sċeall on·ġieldan%, / | ġif | iċ mōt for þē || mīne we |
Genesis A 2314b | e·hwelcne / wǣpned-cynnes, || | ġif | þū wille on mē / hālford ha |
Genesis A 2317b | bēo / hierde and healdend, || | ġif | ġē hīeraþ mē / brēost-ġe |
Genesis A 2326b | hāte. / Iċ ēow trēowie, || | ġif | ġē þæt tācen ġe·ġāþ |
Genesis A 2414a | rea, || hwæt þā menn dôn, / | ġif | hīe swā swīðe || synna fr |
Genesis A 2475b | de wille / ġe·mund-byrdan, || | ġif | iċ mōt, for ēow’. / Him þ |
Genesis A 2482b | ne-þearfende%. || Wilt þū, | ġif | þū mōst, / wesan ūser hēr |
Genesis A 2500a | alcas || fæġere tō Lōthe: / | ‘Ġif | þū sunu āĝe || oþþe sw |
Genesis A 2523a | Sīĝor up || sēċan mōten. / | Ġif | ġit þæt fæsten || fȳre w |
Genesis A 2656b | ne, / wīf tō ġe·wealde, || | ġif | þū on weorolde lenġ, / æðe |
Genesis A 2660b | t / mid fēo and mid feorme, || | ġif | þū þǣm frum-gāran / brȳde |
Genesis A 2662a | est. || Hē ā·biddan mæġ, / | ġif | hē ofstum mē || ǣrendu% wi |
Genesis A 2787b | lenġ samod / willum mīnum, || | ġif | iċ wealdan mōt. / Nǣfre Isma |
Genesis A 2827a | ġ-burĝe || mīnre ārfæst, / | ġif | þē æl-wealda, || ūre drih |
Exodus 52b | n þōhton / Moyses māĝum, || | ġif | hīe metod lēte, / on langne l |
Exodus 242a | -rincas, || hilde on·þêon, / | ġif | him mōd-hēapum || mæġen s |
Exodus 414b | rēodan / maĝan mid mēċe, || | ġif | hine metod% lēte. / Ne wolde h |
Exodus 523a | sīð-fate || sōðum wordum, / | ġif | on·lūcan wile || līfes wea |
Exodus 561a | yrn-daĝum || fæderen-cynne, / | ġif | ġē ġe·healdaþ || hālġe |
Daniel 133a | e·sċeaft || wīsdōm bude, / | ġif | þū his ǣrest ne meaht || |
Christ and Satan 249a | ow lǣran || lang-sumne rǣd, / | ġif% | ġē willaþ mīnre% || meaht |
Christ and Satan 289a | an wile || frēo-bearn Godes, / | ġif | we þæt on eorðan || ǣr ġ |
Christ and Satan 301b | an cumaþ / þūsend engla, || | ġif | þider mōton, / and þæt on e |
Christ and Satan 672a | r hungre || hlāfas wyrċan - / | ‘ġif | þū swā miċele || meahte h |
Christ and Satan 9b | e·wealde, / rodera rīċes, || | ġif | þū sēo riht cyning / engla a |
Andreas 70a | -cynnes, || mōd on hreðere. / | Ġif | þīn willa sīe, || wuldres |
Andreas 210a | me, || mid þām burĝ-warum, / | ġif | hit worde be·cwiþ || wuldre |
Andreas 212b | ne on ġe·witte tō wāc, || | ġif | þū wēl þenċest / wiþ þī |
Andreas 288b | yriġ, / þēoden lēofesta, || | ġif | þū% ūs% þīne wilt / on mer |
Andreas 344a | andswarode || ēċe% drihten: / | ‘Ġif | ġē sindon þeġnas || þæs |
Andreas 407b | e or-fierme, / synnum wunde, || | ġif | we swicaþ þē? / Wē bēoþ l |
Andreas 417a | ing, || word stunde ā·hōf: / | ‘Ġif | þū þeġn sīe || þrymm-si |
Andreas 460b | bende god / eorl on eorðan, || | ġif | his ellen dēah.’ / Swā hleo |
Andreas 479b | oden þrymfæst, || þīnne%, | ġif | iċ meahte, / be·ġietan gōdn |
Andreas 482a | ne hiht || on heofon-þrymme, / | ġif | þū lid-wērĝum || lārna |
Andreas 557b | e, þances glēaw || þeġn, | ġif | þū cunne, / hū þæt ġe·wu |
Andreas 1350b | e findest, / frecne feohtan, || | ġif | þū furður dearst / tō þām |
Andreas 1424a | eafde || tō for·lore wurde, / | ġif | we þīne lāre || lǣstan wo |
Andreas 1521a | þū sċealt hræðe cȳðan / | ġif | þū his andġietan || ǣnġe |
Andreas 1568b | sōna / sibb aefter sorĝe, || | ġif | we sēċaþ tō him.’ / Þā |
Andreas 1612b | s lēoht / torht on·tȳned, || | ġif | ġē tela hyċġaþ.’ / Sende |
Elene 435b | rīcsian, / ǣ-cræft eorla, || | ġif | þis yppe biþ, / swā þā þ |
Elene 3a | | and þæt word ġe·cwæþ: / | 'Ġif | þē þæt ġe·limpe || on l |
Elene 21b | se / þurh wrāþ ġe·witt, || | ġif | hīe wiston ǣr / þæt hē Cr |
Elene 76b | ġe·wyrċen, / synna wunde, || | ġif | we sōna eft / þāra bealu-dǣ |
Elene 95b | ynċe / tō ġe·cȳðanne, || | ġif | þēos cwēn ūsiċ / friġneþ |
Elene 104b | ynċe, / fyrn-ġiedda frōd, || | ġif | þū frugnen sīe / on wera cor |
Elene 138a | līfe || lyġe ne wierðeþ, / | ġif | ġē þissum lēase || lenġ |
Elene 183a | ne for eorlum || undearnunga: / | ‘Ġif | þū on heofon-rīċe || habb |
Elene 334a | ruma, || sūsle% ġe·bunden. / | Ġif | þīn willa sīe, || wealdend |
Elene 338b | ldes hād, / þēoden engla, || | (ġif | hē þīn nǣre / sunu synna l |
Elene 343b | , / ā·weahte for weorodum, || | ġif | hē on wuldre þīn / þurh þ |
Elene 350b | iċ þē, weoroda wynn%, || | ġif | hit sīe willa þīn, / þurh |
Elene 418b | þā slīðan tīd. || Saĝa, | ġif | þū cunne, / on hwelcre þissa |
Elene 565b | / ā·bēodan beadu-rōfre, || | ġif | hīe brim nesen / and ġe·sund |
Christ A 21b | % / wlitiĝan will-sīðes, || | ġif | his weorc ne dēah. / Huru we f |
Christ A 190b | dēah, / seċġe ne swīġe. || | Ġif | iċ sōþ sprece, / þonne sċe |
Christ B 781b | cynnes, / gramra gār-fare, || | ġif | hine god sċieldeþ, / duĝuða |
Christ C 1309b | e·hwelcne, / yfel unclǣne, || | ġif | hē hit ānum ġe·seġð, / an |
Christ C 1401b | es tō lȳt / mōde þūhte, || | ġif | þū meahte spēd / efen-miċel |
Vainglory 45a | um. || Nū þū cunnan meaht, / | ġif | þū þyslicne || þeġn ġe |
Vainglory 78a | g.’ || Wite þe be þissum, / | ġif | þū ēað-mōdne || eorl ġe |
Vainglory 81b | bearn / wilsum on weorolde, || | ġif | mē sē wīteĝa ne lēah. / Fo |
Maxims I 3a | þe min dierne ġe·seċġan, / | ġif | þū mē þīnne hyġe-cræft |
Maxims I 34a | res || ġe·met ofer eorðan, / | ġif | hīe ne wānie || sē þās w |
Maxims I 44b | , / hǣlu of hēofod-ġimme, || | ġif | hē wāt heortan clǣne. / Lēf |
Maxims I 70a | le ġe·nēah; / lēan sċeall, | ġif | we lēoĝan nellaþ, || þām |
Maxims I 105a | e·byre weorðe, / hām cymeþ, | ġif | hē hāl leofaþ, || nefne hi |
Maxims I 110a | ā·līefed%, / mete bīġeþ, | ġif | hē māran ðearf, || ær·þ |
Maxims I 113b | þ hē, ǣr hē ā·cwele, || | ġif | hē nat hwā hine cwicne fēd |
Maxims I 175b | s, / eorles% eaforan wǣran, || | ġif | hīe sċoldon eofor on·ġinn |
The Order of the World 35b | īċe / forþ ġe·stīĝan, || | ġif | ūs on ferhþe ġe·nēah / and |
Guthlac A 34a | welcum || ānra ġe·hīeran, / | ġif | we hāliġ be·bodu || healda |
Guthlac A 195b | lumpe / mōd-cearu mǣĝum, || | ġif | hē manna drēam / of þām or- |
Guthlac A 236a | e·dāl || drēoĝan sċolde, / | ġif | hē lenġ bīde || lāðran |
Guthlac A 276a | þurst || hearde ġe·winnan, / | ġif | þū ġe·wītest || swā wil |
Guthlac A 280b | all. / Wē þē bēoþ holde || | ġif | þū ūs hīeran wilt, / oþþe |
Guthlac A 289b | þeċ blōdĝum lāstum; || | ġif | þū ūre bīdan þenċest, / w |
Guthlac A 291b | ðǣr þū frēonda wēne, || | ġif | þū þīnes fēores reċċe. |
Guthlac A 433a | m tō earfoþum || ana cōme, / | ġif | hīe him ne meahte || māran |
Guthlac A 592b | ene: / ‘Dōþ efene swā, || | ġif | ēow drihten Crīst, / līfes l |
Guthlac B 842a | þe, || būtan dēaðe forþ, / | ġif | hīe hālġes word || healdan |
Guthlac B 1159a | hine þurh meahta sċieppend, / | ġif | hē his word-cwida || wealdan |
Wulf and Eadwacer 2b | hīe hine ā·þeċġan, || | ġif | hē on þrēat cymeþ. / Unġel |
Wulf and Eadwacer 7b | hīe hine ā·þeċġan, || | ġif | hē on þrēat cymeþ. / Unġel |
Riddles 11 10a | bringaþ% || horda dēorost, / | ġif | hīe unrǣdes || ǣr ne ġe· |
Riddles 12 3a | s, || þenden iċ gǣst bere. / | Ġif | mē feorh losaþ, || fæste b |
Riddles 15 7a | ræs. || Mē biþ gryn witod, / | ġif | mec on·hǣle || ān on·find |
Riddles 15 14a | ferĝan, || flēame nerġan, / | ġif | hē mē aefter-weard || ealle |
Riddles 15 20a | rēora || feorh ġe·nerġan, / | ġif | iċ mæġ-burĝe mōt || mīn |
Riddles 15 24a | pes wīġ || wiht on·sittan. / | Ġif | sē% nīþ-sċaða || nearwe |
Riddles 16 4b | strang þæs ġe·winnes, || | ġif | iċ stille weorðe; / ġif mē |
Riddles 16 5a | , || ġif iċ stille weorðe; / | ġif | mē þæs tō·sǣleþ, || h |
Riddles 16 8b | Iċ him þæt for·stande, || | ġif | min steort þolaþ / and mec st |
Riddles 20 19a | rn wræce || on banan fēore, / | ġif | mē gramra hwelċ || gūðe |
Riddles 20 24b | eaf. / Mē biþ forþ witod, || | ġif | iċ frēan hīere, / gūðe fre |
Riddles 21 14b | an / þæt iċ tōðum tere, || | ġif | mē tela þeġnaþ / hinde-wear |
Riddles 23 12a | þæt iċ ðǣr ymb spriċe, / | ġif | hine hrīneþ || þæt mē of |
Riddles 26 18a | a helm, || nealles dol wīte. / | Ġif | min bearn wera || brūcan wil |
Riddles 27 12a | e sċeall || hrūsan sēċan, / | ġif | hē unrǣdes || ǣr ne ġe·s |
Riddles 29 6b | bran%, / searwum ā·settan, || | ġif | hit swā meahte. / Þā cōm wu |
Riddles 3 29b | le wēn / slīðre sæċċe, || | ġif | hine sǣ bireþ / on þā grimm |
Riddles 3 54b | speru, / swylteþ hwæðere, || | ġif | him sōþ metod / on ġe·rihtu |
Riddles 32 13b | , / rīċe and hēane. || Rece, | ġif | þū cunne, / wīs worda glēaw |
Riddles 36 12b | wīfes wlite. || Þū wāst, | ġif | þū canst, / tō ġe·seċġan |
Riddles 38 6a | ġe·sæġde: / ‘Sēo wiht, | ġif | hēo ġe·dīeĝeþ, || dūna |
Riddles 38 7a | dīeĝeþ, || dūna briceþ; / | ġif | hē tō·birsteþ, || bindeþ |
Riddles 39 28a | || leofaþ efene sē·þeah. / | Ġif | þū mæġe rǣselan || recen |
Riddles 42 4b | fenġ / wlanc under wǣdum, || | ġif | þæs weorces spēow%, / fǣmne |
Riddles 43 4b | ta þurst, / ieldu ne ādle. || | Ġif | him ārlīċe / esne þeġnaþ, |
Riddles 43 8b | , / cnōsles unrīm, || ċeare, | ġif | sē esne / his hlāforde || hī |
Riddles 50 6b | ēowaþ him ġe·þwǣre, || | ġif | him þeġniaþ / mæġeþ and m |
Riddles 53 12b | s and unlæt / sē æftera, || | ġif | sē ǣrra fær / ġe·namnan on |
Riddles 59 9b | and on ēaĝna ġe·sihð, || | ġif | þæs æðelan / goldes tācen |
Resignation 21b | / cyninga wuldor, || cume tō, | ġif | iċ mōt. / For·ġief þū mē |
Azarias 91a | metod || māre ġe·hāteþ, / | ġif | we ġe·earniaþ, || elne wil |
Riddles 61 7a | -weardne, || on nearu feġde. / | Ġif | þæs andfengan || ellen doht |
Riddles 72 18a | ǣfre meldode || manna ǣngum / | ġif | mē ord-stæpe || eġle wǣro |
Riddles 73 9b | lme bisiĝu[] / []dlan dæl, || | ġif | his ellen dēah, / oþþe aefte |
Riddles 85 7a | unie || ā þenden iċ libbe; / | ġif | wit unc ġe·dǣlaþ, || mē |
Riddles 95 5b | standeþ / hȳðendra hiht, || | ġif | iċ habban sċeall / blǣd on b |
Juliana 47b | þearft / swīðor swenċan. || | Ġif | þū sōðne god / lufast and |
Juliana 51b | / Swelċe iċ þē seċġe, || | ġif | þū tō sǣmran gode / þurh d |
Juliana 83b | ne hyldu / wīn-burgum inn, || | ġif | þās word sind sōþ / manna l |
Juliana 87b | ēm þū hīe tō dēaðe, || | ġif | þe ġe·dafen þynċe, / swā |
Juliana 119b | / ‘Iċ þæt ġe·fremme, || | ġif | min feorh leofaþ / ġif þū u |
Juliana 120a | me, || ġif min feorh leofaþ / | ġif | þū unrǣdes || ǣr ne ġe· |
Juliana 126a | a grīpe || dēaðe sweltest, / | ġif | þū ġe·þafian nylt || þi |
Juliana 169a | efe, || ġuĝuþhādes blǣd. / | Ġif | þū godum ūssum || ġīe·n |
Juliana 174a | þe þē ġe·ġearwod sind, / | ġif | þū on·seċġan nylt || sō |
Juliana 201b | an, / lāþ lēod-ġe·winn. || | Ġif | þū lenġ ofer þis / þurh þ |
Juliana 251b | ġearwod, / sār endelēas, || | ġif | þū on·seċġan nylt, / glēa |
Juliana 329b | a milde, / eġesfull ealdor, || | ġif | we yfles nāht / ġe·dōn habb |
Juliana 334a | m, || hāteþ þræce rǣran, / | ġif | we ġe·mēte% sīen || on mo |
Juliana 337b | l-wielme / sūslum swingen. || | Ġif | sōþfæstra / þurh mierrelsan |
Juliana 382a | um-cysta || ġǣsne hweorfan. / | Ġif | iċ ǣniġne || ellen-rōfne / |
The Gifts of Men 102a | mǣrþe || mōd ā·stīġe, / | ġif | hē hafaþ ana || ofer ealle |
Precepts 10b | rtan, / mǣĝa ġe·hwelcne, || | ġif | him sīe metod on lufan. / Wes |
Precepts 48b | . / Ā þe biþ ġe·dǣled; || | ġif | þe dēah hyġe, / wunaþ wīsd |
Beowulf 272b | þæs iċ wene. || Þū wāst | (ġif | hit is / swā we sōðlīċe || |
Beowulf 280a | d || fēond ofer·swīðeþ, / | ġif | him edwendan || ǣfre sċolde |
Beowulf 346b | n ǣrende, / ealdre þīnum, || | ġif | hē ūs ġe·unnan wile / þæt |
Beowulf 442b | . / Wēn iċ þæt hē wile, || | ġif | hē wealdan mōt, / on þǣm g |
Beowulf 447b | bban wile / drēore fāĝne, || | ġif | mec dēaþ nimeþ. / Bireþ bl |
Beowulf 452b | an. / On·send Hyġe·lāce, || | ġif | mec hild nime, / beadu-sċrūda |
Beowulf 527b | wǣr dohte, / grimre gūðe, || | ġif | þū Grendles dearst / niht-lan |
Beowulf 593b | num, / hīenþa on Heorote, || | ġif | þīn hyġe wǣre, / sefa swā |
Beowulf 661a | . || Ne biþ þē wilna gād, / | ġif | þū þæt ellen-weorc || eal |
Beowulf 684b | ulon / seċġe ofer·sittan, || | ġif | hē% ġe·sēċan dearr / wīġ |
Beowulf 944b | n cende / aefter gum-cynnum, || | ġif | hēo ġīet leofaþ, / þæt hi |
Beowulf 1104a | him swā ġe·þearfod wæs; / | ġif | þonne Frēsna hwelċ || frē |
Beowulf 1140a | hte || þonne tō sǣ-lāde, / | ġif | hē torn-ġe·mot || þurh·t |
Beowulf 1182b | ĝuþe wile / ārum healdan, || | ġif | þū ǣr þonne hē, / wine Sċ |
Beowulf 1185b | eldan wile / uncrum eaforan, || | ġif | hē þæt eall ġe·mann, / hw |
Beowulf 1319b | / frēan Ing·wina, || fræġn | ġif | him wǣre / aefter nīed-laðum |
Beowulf 1379b | meaht / synniġne secg; || seċ | ġif | þū dyrre. / Iċ þē þā fǣ |
Beowulf 1382b | ǣr dyde, / wundnum% golde, || | ġif | þū on weġ cymest.’ / Bēow |
Beowulf 1477a | , || hwæt wit ġō sprǣcon, / | ġif | iċ æt þearfe || þīnre s |
Beowulf 1481b | eġnum, / hand-ġe·sellum, || | ġif | mec hild nime; / swelċe þū |
Beowulf 1822a | e; || þū ūs wēl dōhtest. / | Ġif | iċ þonne on eorðan || āwi |
Beowulf 1826a | ca, || iċ bēo ġearu sōna. / | Ġif | iċ þæt ġe·friċġe || of |
Beowulf 1836a | ðǣr þe biþ manna ðearf. / | Ġif | him þonne Hrēð·rīċ% || |
Beowulf 1846a | ord-cwida. || Wēn iċ talie, / | ġif | þæt ġe·gangeþ, || þæt |
Beowulf 1852b | ġne, / hord-weard hæleþa, || | ġif | þū healdan wilt / māĝa rī |
Beowulf 2514b | sēċan, / mǣrþe fremman, || | ġif | mec sē mān-sċaða / of eorþ |
Beowulf 2519b | d beran, / wǣpen tō wyrme, || | ġif | iċ wisse hū / wiþ þǣm āĝ |
Beowulf 2637a | -ġe·tawa || ġieldan wolden / | ġif | him þȳslicu || ðearf ġe· |
Beowulf 2841a | inġ-sele || heandum styrede, / | ġif | hē wæċċende || weard on· |
The Paris Psalter 101:2 3a | fram mē, || wuldres ealdor; / | ġif | iċ ġe·swenċed sīe, || þ |
The Paris Psalter 101:21 6b | ena / sōna ġe·ċīeġan, || | ġif | þū selfa wilt.’ / Earon þ |
The Paris Psalter 103:27 1a | fyllan || fæġere gōde. / / # / | Ġif | þū þīne ansīene fram him |
The Paris Psalter 103:30 3a | his eġesan || ealle bifian; / | ġif | hē mid his meahte || muntas |
The Paris Psalter 106:24 1a | arn || on wæter-grundum. / / # / | Ġif | hē selfa cwiþ, || sōna æt |
The Paris Psalter 118:6 2a | aldre || ǣfre ġe·sċynded, / | ġif | iċ on ealle þīne be·bodu |
The Paris Psalter 118:171 3b | m bealcettaþ / ymenas elne, || | ġif | þū mē ǣrest wilt / þīne s |
The Paris Psalter 123:2 3b | len / snēome for·swelĝan, || | ġif | hīe swā maĝon. / / # / Þonne |
The Paris Psalter 123:3 4b | elīċe / sōna ġe·sūpan, || | ġif | hit swā wolde. / / # / Oft ūre |
The Paris Psalter 129:3 1a | e·bed || esnes þīnes. / / # / | Ġif | þū ūre unryht wilt || eall |
The Paris Psalter 131:4 1a | d || recene ġe·stīġe. / / # / | Ġif | iċ mīnum ēaĝum || unne sl |
The Paris Psalter 131:12 3b | me, / ofer þīn hēah-setl; || | ġif | nū healdaþ wēl / þīnes% se |
The Paris Psalter 136:5 3a | dan || þe ūs fremde is? / / # / | Ġif | iċ þīn, Hierusālem, || fo |
The Paris Psalter 136:5 2a | e min tunge || fæste gōmum, / | ġif | iċ ofer-ġietel þīn || ǣf |
The Paris Psalter 136:6 3a | l þīn || ǣfre weorðe. / / # / | Ġif | iċ ne for·sette þē || sim |
The Paris Psalter 138:6 1a | flēon || eorðan dǣles? / / # / | Ġif | iċ on heofonas up || hēa ā |
The Paris Psalter 138:6 3a | r on efn || andweard sittest; / | ġif | iċ on helle ġe·dō || hwie |
The Paris Psalter 138:7 1a | æt bist || efne rihte. / / # / | Ġif | iċ mīne fiðeru ġe·fō, | |
The Paris Psalter 138:16 1a | || cūþ ġe·strangod%. / / # / | Ġif | iċ hīe recene nū || rīman |
The Paris Psalter 138:16 4b | īet / mid þē selfum eom, || | ġif | þū siþþan wilt / þā firen |
The Paris Psalter 138:21 1b | / And þū selfa ġe·seoh, || | ġif | iċ on swicolne weġ / oþþe o |
The Paris Psalter 141:3 1a | || seċġe ġe·nēahhe. / / # / | Ġif | mīne grame þenċaþ || gās |
The Paris Psalter 54:10 3a | , || mān inwittes; / for·þon | ġif | mē min% fēond || fǣcne wie |
The Paris Psalter 57:1 1a | e Paris Psalter: Psalm 57 / / # / | Ġif | ġē sōþ sprecan% || simle |
The Paris Psalter 57:7 1b | þ. / / # / Swā weax melteþ, || | ġif | hit biþ wearmum nēah / fȳre |
The Paris Psalter 58:4 1a | e ēac || fremde drihtne. / / # / | Ġif | iċ on unryht bearn, || iċ |
The Paris Psalter 58:15 3a | ·wrecene || wīde hweorfaþ; / | ġif | hīe fulle ne bēoþ, || fela |
The Paris Psalter 65:14 3a | mid sōðe || seċġan wille, / | ġif | ġē godes eġesan || ġeorne |
The Paris Psalter 65:16 1a | ungan || tīdum blissade. / / # / | Ġif | iċ mē unryhtes on·cnēow | |
The Paris Psalter 67:13 1a | enn || hēr ġe·dǣlaþ. / / # / | Ġif | ġē slǣpaþ || samod on cl |
The Paris Psalter 68:12 2a | wīt || eft on·ċierdon. / / # / | Ġif | iċ mīne ġe·wǣda || on w |
The Paris Psalter 72:12 1a | ger || be lēohtne dæġ. / / # / | Ġif | iċ self cwǣde || and seċġ |
The Paris Psalter 75:5 5a | ; || hwelċ mæġ ǣfre þē, / | ġif | þū ierre bist, || āhwǣr w |
The Paris Psalter 77:8 1a | || cȳðden and mǣrden. / / # / | Ġif% | bearn wǣre || ġe·boren þ |
The Paris Psalter 80:8 1a | he Paris Psalter: Psalm 80 / # / | Ġif | þū, Israhel, ā wylt || eln |
The Paris Psalter 80:9 1a | ylt || elne ġe·hīeran. / / # / | Ġif | þū, Israhel, || mē ānum |
The Paris Psalter 88:28 1a | aĝas || hēr mid mannum. / / # / | Ġif | mīne bearn nellaþ || mīne |
The Paris Psalter 88:29 1a | dōmas || dǣdum healdan. / / # / | Ġif | hīe mīne rihtwīsnessa || f |
The Paris Psalter 89:11 1a | o || samod æt·gædere. / / # / | Ġif | on mihtĝum || mannum ġe·we |
The Paris Psalter 93:16 1a | n sāwol || sōhte helle. / / # / | Ġif | iċ þæs sæġde, || þæt m |
The Paris Psalter 94:8 1a | edisċe || ǣr ā·fēde. / / # / | Ġif | ġē tō dæġe || dryhtnes s |
The Paris Psalter 94:11 3a | on ierre || āðe be·nemde, / | ġif | hīe on mīne ræste || recen |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 27a | u-rinca || mōd mid Grēcum, / | ġif | hīe lēod-fruman || lǣstan |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 1a | Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 / / | Ġif | nū hæleþa hwone || hlisan |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 69b | , / guma æt þǣm ġielpe, || | ġif | hine ġe·ġrīpan mōt / sē |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 80a | brīdle || bēcnan tiliaþ); / | ġif | sē þēoden lǣt || þā t |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 98a | ynn || miċelum ġe·sǣliġ, / | ġif | hira mōd-sefa || meahte weor |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 102b | þonne / murĝe mid mannum, || | ġif | hit meahte swā. |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 10a | rēad || healfe þȳ swētre, / | ġif | hē hwēne ǣr || huniġes t |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 13b | fæġenra / līðes wederes, || | ġif | hine lȳtle ǣr / stormas ġe· |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 16b | m þūhte / dæġ on þance, || | ġif | sēo dimme niht / ǣr ofer eldu |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 25a | þþe || be·cuman siþþan, / | ġif | þū up ā·tīehsþ || ǣres |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 32b | s þinġes / ofer þā āne, || | ġif | þū hīe ealles on·ġietst. |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 22a | ǣde || dōĝra ġe·hwelċe, / | ġif | hit ǣfre ġe·sǣlþ || þæ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 36b | l sīen, / tela ā·temede, || | ġif | hīe on trēowum weorðaþ / ho |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 21a | anweald || āuhte þȳ māra, / | ġif | hē siþþan nāh || his self |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 18 7a | sċeall || eall for·weorðan / | ġif | hēo ierrunga || āwuht stin |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 18 9a | e·hwelċ || siþþan losian, / | ġif | sē līċ-hāma || for·leġe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 103a | e || weorðaþ ġe·þawened. / | Ġif | þæt nǣre, || þonne hēo w |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 110b | cræfte / for ċiele ānum, || | ġif | þū, cyning engla, / wiþ fȳr |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 158b | t, / mid ċiele ofer·cumen, || | ġif | hit on cȳþþe ġe·witt, / an |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 37a | liehtan, || līfes wealdend. / | Ġif | þonne hæleþa hwelċ || hl |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 36b | d sċīnan / swā hit wolde, || | ġif | hit ġe·weald āhte; / þēah |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 42b | siþþan mid / gōdre lāre, || | ġif | hit grōwan sċeall. / Hū mæ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 46b | twīslīċe / aefter friġne || | ġif | hē āwuht nafaþ / on his mōd |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 52b | e cunne / findan on ferhþe, || | ġif | hē frugnen biþ. / For·þǣm |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 23 2b | inġes / ġe·sǣliġ mann, || | ġif | hē ġe·sēon mæġe / þone h |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 28b | pan% / rodore rȳne-swiftum. || | Ġif | þū on riht færest, / þe þo |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 44a | ndliċ, || wlitiġ and mǣre. / | Ġif | þū wierðest% || on weġe r |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 47a | īeta || for·ġieten hæbbe, / | ġif | þū ǣfre eft || ðǣr ān c |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 55a | willan || fæste standan.’ / | Ġif | þe þonne ǣfre || eft ġe· |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 22a | s tīr-wina || tō fultemaþ. / | Ġif | man þonne wolde || him ā·w |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 29a | gum || þringaþ ymbe·ūtan; / | ġif | hē wiersa ne biþ, || ne wē |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 30a | ne wēne iċ his nā beteran. / | Ġif | him þonne ǣfre || unmendlin |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 34a | ldes || þe we ymbe sprecaþ, / | ġif | him ǣniġ þāra || of-hende |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 46a | || swā swā wuldres cyning, / | ġif | hē tō þǣm rīċe wæs || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 74b | ōme, / nīewan ġe·sǣlde, || | ġif | hira nǣngum hwelċ / ǣr ne o |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 76a | s þæt earm·liċ þinċ. / Ac | ġif | hira ǣniġ || ǣfre weorðe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 1a | Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 / / | Ġif | þū nū wilnie || weorold-dr |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 84a | sendeþ, || hǣt% eft cuman. / | Ġif | hē swā ġe·stæþþiġ || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 95a | re ne meahte || elles wunian, / | ġif | hīe eall-mæġene || hira or |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 1b | t, þū meaht on·ġietan, || | ġif | his þe ġe·man list, / þætt |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 49a | m ne deriaþ || māne āðas. / | Ġif | þū nū, wealdend, ne wilt | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 4a | gum || beorhtost% sċīeneþ. / | Ġif | him wan fore || wolcen hanga |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 24a | || miċelum ġe·drēfan. / Ac | ġif | þū nū wilnast, || þæt þ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 40b | unden / mid ġe·drēfnesse, || | ġif | hine dreċċan mōt / þissa yf |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 37b | n wæs / weorþ on weorolde, || | ġif | man his willan on·ġeat / yfel |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 12b | or unsnytrum / wolde fandian || | ġif | þæt fȳr meahte / līexan sw |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 53a | elles ġe·stīeran? / Ēalā, | ġif | hē wolde, || þæt hē wēl |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 63a | eald ne dēþ || āwiht godes / | ġif | sē wēl nele || þe his ġe |
Metrical Psalm 94:11 3a | on ierre || ēaðe be·nemde / | ġif | hīe on mīne ræste || reced |
The Rune Poem 3a | hwelċ || miċelum hit dǣlan / | ġif | hē wile for drihtne || dōme |
The Rune Poem 28b | d tō hǣle ġe·hwæðre, || | ġif | hīe his hlystaþ ǣror. / //I/ |
The Rune Poem 64a | odum || langsum ġe·þūht, / | ġif | hīe sċulon nēðan% || on n |
The Rune Poem 72a | er-lēof || ǣġhwelcum menn, / | ġif | hē mōt ðǣr rihtes% || and |
Solomon and Saturn 9a | des || and mīne suna twelfe, / | ġif | þū mec ġe·bringest || þ |
Solomon and Saturn 26a | m full || feoh-ġe·strēona, / | ġif | hē ǣfre þæs orĝanes || |
Solomon and Saturn 81a | d, || flēonde ġe·brenġan, / | ġif | þū him ǣrest on ufan || ie |
Solomon and Saturn 197a | nā sprece%. / Wāt iċ þonne, | ġif | þū ġe·wītest || on Wende |
Solomon and Saturn 201b | elcum menn / sēlre miċele, || | ġif | hēo ġe·seġnod biþ, / tō |
Solomon and Saturn 202b | nod biþ, / tō þyċġanne, || | ġif | hē hit ġe·þenċan cann, / |
Solomon and Saturn 206a | þæt ġe·cȳðeþ full oft. / | Ġif | hit unwitan || ǣnġe hwīle / |
Solomon and Saturn 235b | e·hwelċe / ġe·metĝian, || | ġif | hē biþ mōdes glēaw / and t |
Maxims II 44b | hire frēond ġe·sēċan, || | ġif | hēo nelle on folce ġe·þē |
The Judgment Day II 86b | Glæd biþ sē Godes sunu, || | ġif | þū gnorn þrōwast / and þē |
The Judgment Day II 302a | on heardes || hēr on līfe, / | ġif | þū wille seċġan || sōþ |
A Prayer 20a | an || hafaþ and sċēawaþ, / | ġif | hē eall-tēawne || ende ġe |
A Prayer 40a | er miċel, || wealdend engla, / | ġif | þū hit selfa wāst, || siĝ |
The Seasons for Fasting 12a | lēodsċipe || lǣrde wǣron; / | ġif | hīe wancole || weorc% on·gu |
The Seasons for Fasting 16a | || and ðǣr fundon hræðe, / | ġif | hīe lēohtras hira || lēton |
The Seasons for Fasting 35b | one / hiht and ġe·hāteþ, || | ġif | we his willaþ / þurh rihtne s |
The Seasons for Fasting 87a | a dōm || þēodliċ dēmeþ. / | Ġif | þe þonne seċġan || sūða |
The Seasons for Fasting 119a | olon || lēoda ġe·hwelċe, / | ġif | ūs ðǣre duĝuþe hwæt || |
The Seasons for Fasting 150a | en hafaþ || hām mid blisse, / | ġif | we þæt fæsten hēr || fire |
The Seasons for Fasting 168b | hton. / Hyġe-synniġ mann, || | ġif | þē sūsla weard / costian dur |
The Seasons for Fasting 172a | æs inne || ā-hwæt sċotian / | ġif | hē mierċels% næfþ || mān |
The Seasons for Fasting 175a | rfæste || ǣġhwǣr helpaþ, / | ġif | þū dryhtnes hēr || dǣdum |
The Seasons for Fasting 196b | welcum / wiþ his ār-wesan, || | ġif | hē him ǣror hæfþ / bitere o |
The Seasons for Fasting 200a | mlīċe% || dǣdum nīewaþ? / | Ġif | sē sācerd hine || selfne% n |
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 20a | || nis þæt rǣdliċ þinġ, / | ġif | swā hlūtor wæter, || hlūd |
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 27a | brōhte, || cume eft hræðe. / | Ġif | hēr þeġna hwelċ || þȳre |
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 2b | , / hē on mē findan mæ[], || | ġif | hine fēola lysteþ / gāstlī |
Metrical Charm 1: For Unfruitful Land 1a | meaht þīne æceras bētan | ġif | hīe || / nellaþ wēl weaxan |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 55a | d%, || wiþ ātor-ġe·blæd, / | ġif | ǣniġ ātor cume% || ēastan |
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 6b | mōte. / Ūt, lȳtel spere, || | ġif | hēr inne sīe. / Stōd under l |
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 12b | ēanes. / Ūt, lȳtel spere, || | ġif | hit hēr inne sīe. / Sæt smi |
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 15b | wīðe. / Ūt, lȳtel spere, || | ġif | hēr inne sīe. / Siex smiðas |
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 18a | t, spere, || næs on, spere. / | Ġif | hēr inne sīe || īsernes% d |
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 20a | , || hit sċeall ġe·myltan. / | Ġif | þū wǣre on fell sċoten || |
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 23a | e sīe þīn līf ā·tǣsed; / | ġif | hit wǣre esa ġe·sċot || o |
Metrical Charm 7: For the Water-Elf Disease 1a | # For the Water-Elf Disease / / | Ġif | mann biþ on wæter-ælf-ādl |
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 13a | þæt hē% hit% oþ·healde%. / | Ġif | hit% hwā ġe·dō, || ne ġe |
Waldere B 16b | mde []ðewiġġes%. || Feta, | ġif | þū dyrre, / æt þus heaðu-w |
Waldere B 29a | , || hē ðǣr ġearu findeþ / | ġif | þā earnunga || ǣr ġe·þe |
The Battle of Maldon 34b | / Ne þurfe we ūs spillan, || | ġif | ġē spēdaþ tō þām; / we w |
The Battle of Maldon 36a | ām golde || griþ fæstnian. / | Ġif | þū þæt ġe·rǣdest, || |
The Battle of Maldon 196a | onne hit ǣniġ mǣþ wǣre, / | ġif | hīe þā ġe·earnunga || ea |