Number of occurrences in corpus: 128
Genesis A 79b | ere friðu-þēawas, || frēa | eallum | lēof, / þēoden his þeġnum; |
Genesis B 306a | ē fēond mid his ġe·fērum | eallum. | || Fēollon þā ufan of heof |
Genesis B 550a | cwæþ þæt sċaðena mǣst / | eallum | hira eaforum || aefter siþþ |
Genesis A 875b | % on·fenge, || ac ġe·fēan | eallum. | / For hwon wāst þū% wēan || |
Genesis A 1339a | ǣlċes twā. / Swelċe þū of | eallum | || eorðan wæstmum / wiste und |
Genesis A 1499a | an, || and recene ġe·nam / on | eallum | dæl || ǣhtum sīnum, / þǣm |
Exodus 261b | herġas, / eorla unrīm! || Him | eallum | wile / mehtiġ drihten || þurh |
Exodus 370a | h-ġe·beorh || foldan hæfde / | eallum | eorð-cynne || ēċe lāfe, / f |
Daniel 396a | īf-frēan, || lēan sellende / | eallum | ēad-mōdum%, || ēċe drihte |
Daniel 505b | -dēor sċielde, / āne ǣte || | eallum | hēolde, / swelċe fuĝolas ēa |
Daniel 564a | swā þū hæleþum eart / ana | eallum | || eorð-būendum / weard and w |
Daniel 578b | fest, / þæt sīe ān metod || | eallum | mannum, / reċċend and rīċe, |
Christ and Satan 243a | sċieppend. || God selfa wæs / | eallum | and-fenġ || þe ðǣr up be |
Christ and Satan 247b | a wiþ englum, || and tō him | eallum | spræc: / ‘Iċ cann ēow lǣr |
Andreas 568a | ō hroðre || hæleþa cynne, / | eallum | eorð-warum. || Æðelinge w |
Andreas 1091b | eġnum wearþ / on āne tīd || | eallum | æt·samne / þurh heard ġe·l |
Andreas 1292b | wǣpnum, / ēċe ēad-fruma, || | eallum | þīnum; / ne lǣt nū bismeria |
Soul and Body I 23b | est, || þā þū lust gryrum | eallum | / full ġe·ēodest%, || hū þ |
Dream of the Rood 154a | iġ, || englum tō blisse / and | eallum | þām hālgum || þām þe on |
Elene 649a | hþa. || Nū þū hrǣdlīċe / | eallum | ēaþ-mēdum, || ār sēlesta |
Elene 662a | s meahtum || tō gode clipode / | eallum | ēaþ-mēdum, || bæd him eng |
Elene 781b | s / eft tō ēðle || and þā | eallum | be·bēad / on þām gum-rīċe |
Christ A 216b | ehtiġ, / hū þū ǣr wǣre || | eallum | ġe·worden / weorolde þrymmum |
Christ A 245b | ēr / ārfæst īewe. || Ūs is | eallum | nīed / þæt we þīn mēdren- |
Christ B 607b | nd mōna, / æðelost tungla || | eallum | sċīnaþ, / heofon-candelle, | |
Christ B 723a | þæt tō frōfre ġe·wearþ / | eallum | eorð-warum. || Wæs sē ōð |
Christ B 845b | ġa fruma, / æðelinga ord, || | eallum | dēmeþ, / lēofum ġē lāðum |
Christ C 1195b | n, / þæt sē earcnan-stān || | eallum | sċolde / tō hleo and tō hrō |
Christ C 1400a | efen hæfde / and þē on þām | eallum | || ēades tō lȳt / mōde þū |
Christ C 1407b | a ēðel, / earh and unrōt, || | eallum | be·dǣled / duĝuþum and drē |
Christ C 1651a | o dīere || dryhtnes ansīen / | eallum | þām ġe·sǣlĝum || sunnan |
The Fortunes of Men 65b | hten / ġond eorðan sċēat || | eallum | dǣleþ, / sċīreþ and sċrī |
Maxims I 136b | þ, / and eft æt þām ende || | eallum | wealdeþ / manna% cynne. || Þ |
The Panther 48a | lōstmum || and wudu-blēdum, / | eallum | æðelicra || eorðan frætwu |
The Panther 56a | hten god, || drēama rǣdend, / | eallum | ēað-mēde% || ōðrum ġe· |
Soul and Body II 83b | m miċelan dæġe, || þonne | eallum | mannum bēoþ / wunde on·wriĝ |
Riddles 29 8a | | ofer wealles hrōf, / sēo is | eallum | cūþ || eorð-būendum, / ā· |
Riddles 40 101b | c be·sċierede || sċieppend | eallum; | / nū mē wrætlīċe || weaxa |
Riddles 51 7b | / ofer fǣted gold || fēower | eallum. | |
The Judgment Day I 113b | ǣrende || þæt hē tō ūs | eallum | wāt. / On·cweþ nū þisne cw |
The Phoenix 132a | Biþ þæs hlēoðres swēġ / | eallum | sang-cræftum || swētra and |
Beowulf 145a | and wiþ rihte wann, / ana wiþ | eallum, | || oþ·þæt īdel stōd / hū |
Beowulf 767b | . / Dryht-sele dynede; || Denum | eallum | wearþ, / ċeastₑr-būendum, |
Beowulf 823b | / dōĝra dæġ-rīm. || Denum | eallum | wearþ / aefter þǣm wæl-rǣs |
Beowulf 906a | ; || hē his lēodum wearþ, / | eallum | æðelingum || tō ealdₒr- |
Beowulf 913b | el% Sċieldinga. || Hē ðǣr | eallum | wearþ, / mǣġ Hyġe·lāces, |
Beowulf 1057b | d þæs mannes mōd. || Metod | eallum | wēold / gumena cynnes, || swā |
Beowulf 1417b | ġ and ġe·drēfed. || Denum | eallum | wæs, / winum Sċieldinga, || w |
Beowulf 2268a | || ġiehþe mǣnde / ān aefter | eallum, | || unblīðe hwearf% / dæġes |
Judith 8b | hātan wyrċan ġeorne || and | eallum | wundrum þrymmliċ / ġierwan u |
Judith 176b | ræc þā sēo æðele || tō | eallum | þǣm folce: / ‘Hēr ġē ma |
Judith 217b | þ / æt þǣm ǣsċ-pleĝan || | eallum | for·golden, / Assyrium, || si |
The Paris Psalter 101:12 4a | līċe || stānum and eorðan / | eallum | æt·gædere || ǣr miltsodes |
The Paris Psalter 101:21 1b | an. / / # / Hē him andwyrdeþ || | eallum | sōna / on weġe weorolde, || |
The Paris Psalter 102:3 1b | īnum mān-dǣdum || miltsode | eallum | / and þīne ādle || ealle ġe |
The Paris Psalter 102:6 2b | a strange, / drihten, dōmas || | eallum% | þe dēope hēr / and full trea |
The Paris Psalter 102:18 3b | , / þonan hē eorð-rīċum || | eallum | wealdeþ%. / / # / Ealle his engl |
The Paris Psalter 104:16 3b | odum þā / tō ealdor-menn || | eallum | sette. / / # / Hē sette hine on |
The Paris Psalter 106:5 2b | ē hīe of þǣm earfoþum || | eallum | ā·līesde. / / # / Hīe þā ġ |
The Paris Psalter 106:12 2b | ē hīe of þǣm earfoþum || | eallum | ā·līesde. / / # / And hē hīe |
The Paris Psalter 106:18 2b | ē hīe of þǣm earfoþum || | eallum | ā·līesde. / / # / Hē him wīs |
The Paris Psalter 106:27 2b | / and hē hīe of earfeþum || | eallum | ā·līesde. / / # / Hē ȳste m |
The Paris Psalter 106:29 3b | / and hē hīe of earfoþum || | eallum | ā·līesde. / / # / Hīe andetto |
The Paris Psalter 110:3 3a | ġ; || mehtiġ drihten / sileþ | eallum | mete || þǣm þe his eġe ha |
The Paris Psalter 110:7 3b | d þæt biþ andġiet gōd || | eallum | swelċe / þe hine wyllaþ wēl |
The Paris Psalter 115:3 2a | gode || ġieldan drihtne / for | eallum | þǣm gōdum || þe hē mē |
The Paris Psalter 117:22 3a | worhte || wera cnēo-rissum, / | eallum | eorð-tūdrum || ēadĝum tō |
The Paris Psalter 118:131 1a | d þū bealde silest / andġiet | eallum | || eorð-būendum. / / # / Mūþ |
The Paris Psalter 121:1 1b | 121 / / # / Iċ on þissum eom || | eallum | blīðe, / þæt mē cūðlīċ |
The Paris Psalter 134:6 3b | , / on sīdum sǣ || swelċe on | eallum, | / ðǣr hē dierne wāt || deor |
The Paris Psalter 136:9 3a | e || ǣr for·ġēafe / and ūs | eallum | || ēac ġe·sealdest. / / # / Ē |
The Paris Psalter 138:7 2b | ·þæt iċ be·ūtan wese || | eallum | sǣwum. / / # / Hwæt, mē þīn |
The Paris Psalter 144:9 1a | earle mild-heort. / / # / Swelċe | eallum | is || ūre drihten / manna cynn |
The Paris Psalter 144:13 2b | weorold-rīċum || wealdest | eallum; | / is þīn an-weald ēac || ofe |
The Paris Psalter 144:14 2a | || dǣdum ġe·trīewe / and on | eallum | his weorcum || wīs and hāli |
The Paris Psalter 144:18 2a | ihten || on his selfes weĝum / | eallum | on eorðan || and hē aefter |
The Paris Psalter 144:19 1b | / Nēah is drihten || niþþum | eallum | / þe hine mid sōðe hyġe || |
The Paris Psalter 148:9 3a | tm || mannum bringaþ, / and on | eallum | ċēdrum || ċīþ% ā·lǣde |
The Paris Psalter 53:7 2b | īfes ealdor, / of earfoþum || | eallum | simle, / ealle mīne fīend || |
The Paris Psalter 55:10 8b | code / on libbendra || lēohte | eallum. | |
The Paris Psalter 58:5 5a | e on mōde || milde weorðest / | eallum | þe unryht || elne wyrċaþ. / |
The Paris Psalter 68:13 1b | iċ him wæfer-sīen || wǣre | eallum. | / / # / Mē wiðer-wearde || wǣr |
The Paris Psalter 70:17 3a | engþe || þisse cnēo-risse, / | eallum | þǣmteohhe, || þe nū tō-w |
The Paris Psalter 71:8 3b | m stream-racum || styreþ him | eallum | / oþ þisse eorðan || ūt-ġe |
The Paris Psalter 77:31 1a | || ēac for·wurdon. / / # / In% | eallum | hīe þissum || ēhton synne, |
The Paris Psalter 78:4 2a | wordene || wera cnēo-rissum / | eallum | edwīt-stæf || ymbsittendum, |
The Paris Psalter 78:11 4a | niġra weorca, / hū iċ mē on | eallum | þǣm || ēaðost ġe·hēold |
The Paris Psalter 78:12 1a | || ēaðost ġe·hēolde; / on | eallum | þīnum weorcum || iċ wæs s |
The Paris Psalter 82:9 3b | Salmanaa, / and hira ealdrum || | eallum | swelċe; / ealle þā on ān || |
The Paris Psalter 84:2 1b | / # / Unriht þū for·lēte || | eallum | þīnum folce, / and hira firen |
The Paris Psalter 85:4 3a | d || miċel and ġe·nihtsum / | eallum | þǣmþe þē || elne ċīeġ |
The Paris Psalter 86:5 3a | um-sprecend || folces wǣron, / | eallum | swelċe, || þe hire inn wǣr |
The Paris Psalter 93:9 3b | nd him ēaĝena ġe·sihþ || | eallum | sealde / and hē sċearpe ne m |
The Paris Psalter 93:9 5b | / And sē þe eġe healdeþ || | eallum | þēodum, / and his þrēa ne s |
The Paris Psalter 95:3 3a | | ġond siġe-þēode, / and on | eallum | folcum || his fæġere% wunde |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 13a | ·sette || sidu and þēawas, / | eallum | ġe·sċeaftum || unāwendend |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 21b | m rodera weard / ende-byrdes || | eallum | ġe·sette. / Hæfþ sē eall-w |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 55b | e. / Hæfþ sē æl-mihtĝa || | eallum | ġe·sċeaftum / þæt ġe·wri |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 50b | eador / welwynsum sang, || wudu | eallum | on·cwiþ. / Swā biþ eallum t |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 51a | u eallum on·cwiþ. / Swā biþ | eallum | trēowum || þe him on æðel |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 126a | frum-stōl on riht, / eard ofer | eallum | || ōðrum ġe·sċeaftum / ġe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 180b | / ānum fingre || þe hire on | eallum | biþ / þǣm līċ-haman. || Fo |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 33b | beorhteþ / and aefter þǣm || | eallum | wealdeþ. / Nele sē wealdend | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 24a | gol, || yfemest wandraþ / ofer | eallum | ufan || ōðrum steorrum%. / Si |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 24b | / sweġel-torht sunne || samod | eallum | dæġ. / Is sē fore-rynel || f |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 64b | þǣm eorðe on·fēhð || | eallum | sǣdum, / ġe·dēþ þæt hīe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 43b | rhte cræftas. / Unrihtwīse || | eallum | tīdum / habbaþ on hospe || þ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 27a | ulīċe, || ac hīe simle him / | eallum | tīdum || ūte slǣpon / under |
Metrical Psalm 93:9 3b | nd him ēaĝena ġe·sihþ || | eallum | sealde / and hē scearpe ne m |
Metrical Psalm 93:9 5b | / and sē þe ege healdaþ || | eallum | þēodum / and his þrēa ne s |
The Coronation of Edgar 6b | el / on þǣm ēadgan dæġe || | eallum | ġe·worden, / þone% nīða be |
The Rune Poem 76b | hyht / ēadĝum and earmum, || | eallum | brȳċe. / //A// āc biþ on eo |
Solomon and Saturn 1a | um. || / Swelċe iċ nǣfre on | eallum | þǣm fyrn-ġe·writum || fin |
Solomon and Saturn 131b | dæġe, || þonne hē dēmeþ | eallum | ġe·sċeaftum?’ / ‘Hwā de |
The Menologium 62a | worhte, || wera cnēo-rissum, / | eallum | eorð-warum || ēadĝum tō b |
The Judgment Day II 135a | teald wǣron ā-wiht. / Þonne | eallum | bēoþ || ealra ġe·sweotolo |
The Judgment Day II 143a | e oþþe cȳðde, / þonne biþ | eallum | || open æt·samne, / ġe·lī |
The Creed 57b | d, / ðǣr% þū ēċe līf || | eallum | dǣlest%, / swā hēr manna ġe |
A Prayer 48a | byrġ || beornum tō frōfre, / | eallum | tō āre || ielda bearnum, / þ |
The Seasons for Fasting 34b | e, / eard mid englum || and ūs | eallum | þone / hiht and ġe·hāteþ, |
The Seasons for Fasting 75b | yninge / on þā īlcan tīd || | eallum | ġe·mynde / þēodne dēman || |
The Seasons for Fasting 115b | d tǣċan / ielda orþancum% || | eallum | tō tācne, / þæt we mid fæs |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 20b | ipie iċ mē tō āre || wiþ | eallum | fēondum. / Hīe mē ferġon an |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 37a | || simble% ġe·hǣlede% / wiþ | eallum | fēondum. || Frēond iċ ġe |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 11a | | ofer þe% fearras fnærdon. / | Eallum | þū þon wiþ·stōde || and |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 40b | orolde / earmum and ēadĝum || | eallum | tō bōte. / Stand hēo wiþ w |
The Battle of Maldon 216b | e. / Iċ wille mīne æðelu || | eallum | ġe·cȳþan, / þæt iċ wæs |
The Battle of Maldon 233b | , / eorl on eorðan. || Ūs is | eallum | ðearf / þæt ūre ǣg·hwelċ |