A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: þe

Number of occurrences in corpus: 2398

Genesis A 30a rhygd || and þæs engles mod / þe þone unræd ongan || ærest
Genesis A 35b god / and þam werode wraþ || þe he ær wurþode / wlite and wul
Genesis A 77a te || þearl æfterlean / þæs þe heo ongunnon || wiþ gode win
Genesis A 82b ndra / wæron þa gesome || þa þe swegl buaþ / wuldres eþel ||
Genesis A 102a fte || on wraþra gield / þara þe forhealdene || of hleo sende /
Genesis A 139b / þrang þystre genip || þam þe se þeoden self / sceop nihte n
Genesis A 152b tum / wæter of wætrum || þam þe wuniaþ gyt / under fæstenne |
Genesis A 203b geseald / and lifigende || þa þe land tredaþ / feorheaceno cynn
Genesis A 204b edaþ / feorheaceno cynn || þa þe flod wecceþ / geond hronrade |
Genesis A 227b a bearn / þa selestan || þæs þe us secgaþ bec / þonne seo æf
Genesis B 258a drihtne þancian / þæs leanes þe he him on þam leohte gescere
Genesis B 260b ne hehstan heofnes waldend || þe siteþ on þam halgan stole / d
Genesis B 298a st || swa deþ monna gehwilc / þe wiþ his waldend || winnan on
Genesis B 303b n / heardes hellewites || þæs þe he wann wiþ heofnes waldend /
Genesis B 321b s forþ / heofonrices hehþe || þe ær godes hyldo gelæston / lag
Genesis B 322b a oþre fynd on þam fyre || þe ær swa feala hæfdon / gewinne
Genesis B 338b spræc se ofermoda cyning || þe ær wæs engla scynost / hwitos
Genesis B 348a elode || sorgiende spræc / se þe helle forþ || healdan sceold
Genesis B 357b lic swiþe / þam oþrum ham || þe we ær cuþon / hean on heofonr
Genesis B 358b cuþon / hean on heofonrice || þe me min hearra onlag / þeah we
Genesis B 365b rga mæst / þæt adam sceal || þe wæs of eorþan geworht / minne
Genesis B 401b æs leohtes furþor || þæs þe he him þenceþ lange niotan /
Genesis B 423a nd moton him þone welan agan / þe we on heofonrice || habban sc
Genesis B 429b are forlæten || sona hie him þe laþran beoþ / gif hie brecaþ
Genesis B 435a gif him þæt rice losaþ / se þe þæt gelæsteþ || him biþ
Genesis B 490b georne / dyrne deofles boda || þe wiþ drihten wann / wearp hine
Genesis B 496b laþa mid ligenum || langaþ þe awuht / adam up to gode || ic e
Genesis B 503b ceapu scenran || cwæþ þæt þe æniges sceattes þearf / ne wu
Genesis B 507a enod || þinum hearran / hæfst þe wiþ drihten dyrne geworhtne
Genesis B 516b nt / to þinre spræce || nu he þe mid spellum het / listas læran
Genesis B 518b þu georne / his ambyhto || nim þe þis ofæt on hand / bit his an
Genesis B 519b on hand / bit his and byrige || þe weorþ on þinum breostum rum
Genesis B 520b um rum / wæstm þy wlitegra || þe sende waldend god / þin hearra
Genesis B 530b n helle / healdan sceolde || se þe bi his heortan wuht / laþes ge
Genesis B 532b m fare / þurh dyrne geþanc || þe þu drihtnes eart / boda of heo
Genesis B 539b ne bist / ænegum his engla || þe ic ær geseah / ne þu me oþie
Genesis B 541a me oþiewdest || ænig tacen / þe he me þurh treowe || to onse
Genesis B 542b hearra þurh hyldo || þy ic þe hyran ne cann / ac þu meaht þ
Genesis B 543a e hyran ne cann / ac þu meaht þe forþ faran || ic hæbbe me f
Genesis B 544b p to þam ælmihtegan gode || þe me mid his earmum worhte / her
Genesis B 563b eaht / wite bewarigan || swa ic þe wisie / æt þisses ofetes ||
Genesis B 598b g / forlædd be þam lygenum || þe for þam larum com / heo þa þ
Genesis B 601b on / þurh þæs laþan læn || þe hie mid ligenum beswac / dearne
Genesis B 602b um beswac / dearnenga bedrog || þe hire for his dædum com / þæt
Genesis B 607b orne / swicode ymb þa sawle || þe hire ær þa siene onlah / þæ
Genesis B 611a hie freme lærde / þu meaht nu þe self geseon || swa ic hit þe
Genesis B 611b þe self geseon || swa ic hit þe secgan ne þearf / eue seo gode
Genesis B 612b þearf / eue seo gode || þæt þe is ungelic / wlite and wæstmas
Genesis B 614b stes mine lare || nu scineþ þe leoht fore / glædlic ongean ||
Genesis B 620a þæs leohtes genog / þæs ic þe swa godes || gegired hæbbe / n
Genesis B 627b esa scenost / wifa wlitegost || þe on woruld come / forþon heo w
Genesis B 635a wile || biþ þam men full wa / þe hine ne warnaþ || þonne he
Genesis B 644b ne wæstm an / lætan wolden || þe þæt laþe treow / on his bogu
Genesis B 646b ed / þæt wæs deaþes beam || þe him drihten forbead / forlec hi
Genesis B 652a e from gode || brungen hæfde / þe he hire swa wærlice || wordu
Genesis B 663b læstan willaþ || hwæt scal þe swa laþlic striþ / wiþ þine
Genesis B 679a || herra se goda / gife ic hit þe georne || ic gelyfe þæt hit
Genesis B 689a ne || wæs se feond full neah / þe on þa frecnan fyrd || gefare
Genesis B 707a æt he þam gehate getruwode / þe him þæt wif || wordum sægd
Genesis B 713b ges / worhte mid þam wordum || þe heo þam were swelce / tacen o
Genesis B 753b lætan || and on þæt lig to þe / hate hweorfan || eac is hearm
Genesis B 797b n / þær þu þam ne hierde || þe unc þisne hearm geræd / þæt
Genesis B 817b ldend þone godan || þæt he þe her worhte to me / of liþum mi
Genesis B 820b g / æfre to aldre || þæt ic þe minum eagum geseah / þa spræc
Genesis B 825b min adam / wordum þinum || hit þe þeah wyrs ne mæg / on þinum
Genesis B 844a þa hie þa habban ne moston / þe him ær forgeaf || ælmihtig
Genesis A 871a e || ne dear nu forþ gan / for þe andweardne || ic eom eall eal
Genesis A 879b eare / hean hygegeomor || þæt þe sie hrægles þearf / nymþe þ
Genesis A 881b e byrgde / of þam wudubeame || þe ic þe wordum forbead / him þa
Genesis A 885a ucu fæmne || freadrihten min / þe ic þe on teonan geþah || nu
Genesis A 908b an / faran feþeleas || þenden þe feorh wunaþ / gast on innan ||
Genesis A 911b aþlice / wrohte onstealdest || þe þæt wif feoþ / hataþ under
Genesis A 919a an god || yrringa spræc / wend þe from wynne || þu scealt wæp
Genesis A 930b nawanges / dugeþum bedæled || þe is gedal witod / lices and sawl
Genesis A 933a winnan scealt / and on eorþan þe || þine andlifne / selfa geræ
Genesis A 936a nden þu her leofast / oþþæt þe to heortan || hearde gripeþ /
Genesis A 937b hearde gripeþ / adl unliþe || þe þu on æple ær / selfa forswu
Genesis A 954b n / fæder æt frymþe || þeah þe hie him from swice / ac he him
Genesis A 964a re || þonne se frumstol wæs / þe hie æfter dæde of || adrife
Genesis A 999a u fæmne || þurh forman gylt / þe wiþ metod æfre || men gefre
Genesis A 1015b d to widan aldre || ne seleþ þe wæstmas eorþe / wlitige to wo
Genesis A 1017b handum þinum || forþon heo þe hroþra oftihþ / glæmes grene
Genesis A 1037a sigora drihten / ne þearft þu þe ondrædan || deaþes brogan / f
Genesis A 1040a magum feor || fah gewitan / gif þe monna hwelc || mundum sinum / a
Genesis A 1059b stenna / ærest ealra || þara þe æþelingas / sweordberende ||
Genesis A 1114a ldor || on leofes stæl / þæs þe cain ofsloh || and me cearsor
Genesis A 1212b life feran / on þam gearwum || þe his gast onfeng / ær hine to m
Genesis A 1239b ongan / bearna strynan || þæs þe bec cweþaþ / sem wæs haten |
Genesis A 1281b rleosan lica gehwilc || þara þe lifes gast / fæþmum þeahte |
Genesis A 1284a re toweardan || tide acwellan / þe þa nealæhte || niþþa bear
Genesis A 1298a gehwilc || cucra wuhta / þara þe lyft and flod || lædaþ and
Genesis A 1302b sceaþum scyldfullum || ongyn þe scip wyrcan / merehus micel ||
Genesis A 1325b ynn / symle biþ þy heardra || þe hit hreoh wæter / swearte sæs
Genesis A 1328a oe cwæþ || nergend usser / ic þe þæs mine || monna leofost / w
Genesis A 1330b weg nimest / and feora fæsl || þe þu ferian scealt / geond deop
Genesis A 1332b on lides bosme || læd swa ic þe hate / under earce bord || eafo
Genesis A 1337a wilces || geteled rimes / þara þe to mete || mannum lifige / and
Genesis A 1341a gbord || werodum gelæde / þam þe mid sceolon || mereflod nesan
Genesis A 1346b hof gangan / gasta werode || ic þe godne wat / fæsthydigne || þu
Genesis A 1377a s || strang wæs and reþe / se þe wætrum weold || wreah and þ
Genesis A 1409b meches / and ealle þa wocre || þe he wiþ wætre beleac / lifes l
Genesis A 1423b holmærna mæst / earc noes || þe armenia / hatene syndon || þæ
Genesis A 1439a | let þa ymb worn daga / þæs þe heah hlioþo || horde onfengo
Genesis A 1469a yre || gefeah bliþemod / þæs þe heo gesittan || swiþe werig /
Genesis A 1485a nrices weard || halgan reorde / þe is eþelstol || eft gerymed / l
Genesis A 1490b d þu / and ealle þa wocre || þe ic wægþrea on / liþe nerede
Genesis A 1500a lum dæl || æhtum sinum / þam þe him to dugeþum || drihten se
Genesis A 1522b eþ / gastes dugeþum || þæra þe mid gares orde / oþrum aldor o
Genesis A 1526b and to broþor banan || þæs þe blodgyte / wællfyll weres || w
Genesis A 1531a te || metodes and engla / þara þe healdan wile || halige þeawa
Genesis A 1668a rde || to rodortunglum / þæs þe hie gesohton || sennera feld /
Genesis A 1681a ten || and þæt beacen somed / þe to roderum up || ræran ongun
Genesis A 1723b mne wæs / sarra haten || þæs þe us secgeaþ bec / hie þa wintr
Genesis A 1748b æder eþelstol || far swa ic þe hate / monna leofost || and þu
Genesis A 1751a hyre || and þæt land gesec / þe ic þe ælgrene || ywan wille
Genesis A 1754a undbyrde || minre lifigan / gif þe ænig || eorþbuendra / mid wea
Genesis A 1758b e selle / wilna wæstme || þam þe wurþiaþ / þurh þe eorþbuen
Genesis A 1759a e || þam þe wurþiaþ / þurh þe eorþbuende || ealle onfoþ / f
Genesis A 1787b cwæþ / þis is seo eorþe || þe ic ælgrene / tudre þinum || t
Genesis A 1828b þu min sie / beorht gebedda || þe wile beorna sum / him geagnian
Genesis A 1833b tor min / lices mæge || þonne þe leodweras / fremde fricgen || h
Genesis A 1883a nge || wibed setton / neah þam þe abraham || æror rærde / his w
Genesis A 1915b egra uncer / soþne secge || ic þe selfes dom / life leofa || leor
Genesis A 1916b lfes dom / life leofa || leorna þe seolfa / and geþancmeta || þi
Genesis A 1919b don / cyrran mid ceape || nu ic þe cyst abead / him þa loth gewat
Genesis A 1940a gþe || monwisan fleah / þeah þe he on þam lande || lifian sc
Genesis A 1944a on gelicost || lara gemyndig / þe he ne cuþe || hwæt þa cynn
Genesis A 1956b ht and acol / mon for metode || þe him æfter a / þurh gemynda sp
Genesis A 1994b þfynde / eorle orlegceap || se þe ær ne wæs / niþes genihtsum
Genesis A 2016a æste || herewulfa siþ / þara þe læddon loth || and leoda god
Genesis A 2043a nd eac || þeodenholdra / þara þe he wiste || þæt meahte wel
Genesis A 2046a gewat || and þa eorlas þry / þe him ær treowe sealdon || mid
Genesis A 2077b lagon / on swaþe sæton || þa þe sodoma / and gomorra || golde b
Genesis A 2095a licor || wigsiþ ateah / þara þe wiþ swa miclum || mægne ger
Genesis A 2108b wera rime / for þæs eagum || þe þe æsca tir / æt guþe forge
Genesis A 2110a geaf || þæt is god selfa / se þe hettendra || herga þrymmas / o
Genesis A 2111b mas / on geweald gebræc || and þe wæpnum læt / rancstræte for
Genesis A 2116a powan || ac hie god flymde / se þe æt feohtan || mid frumgarum /
Genesis A 2127a rgif me mennen || minra leoda / þe þu ahreddest || herges cræf
Genesis A 2128b ftum / wera wælclommum || hafa þe wunden gold / þæt ær agen w
Genesis A 2135a olcgesiþas || nymþe fea ane / þe me mid sceoldon || mearce hea
Genesis A 2139a sigore || drihtlice spræc / ic þe gehate || hæleþa waldend / fo
Genesis A 2140b a waldend / for þam halgan || þe heofona is / and þisse eorþan
Genesis A 2143a ordum minum || nis woruldfeoh / þe ic me agan wille # || / sceat
Genesis A 2143b mīnum, || nis weorold-feoh, / þe iċ mē āĝan wille, / sċēat
Genesis A 2150b a most heonon / huþe lædan || þe ic þe æt hilde gesloh / ealle
Genesis A 2155a don || æt æscþræce / fuhton þe æfter frofre || gewit þu fe
Genesis A 2157b alsmægeþ / leoda idesa || þu þe laþra ne þearft / hæleþa hi
Genesis A 2163b siþian / mid þy hereteame || þe him se halga forgeaf / ebrea le
Genesis A 2168b on micla þina || ne læt þu þe þin mod asealcan / wærfæst w
Genesis A 2169b illan mines || ne þearft þu þe wiht ondrædan / þenden þu mi
Genesis A 2170b u mine lare læstest || ac ic þe lifigende her / wiþ weana gehw
Genesis A 2197b wesan / sorgum asæled || gien þe sunu weorþeþ / bearn of bryde
Genesis A 2199a ryde || þurh gebyrd cumen / se þe æfter biþ || yrfes hyrde / go
Genesis A 2201b a þu / ic eom se waldend || se þe for wintra fela / of caldea ||
Genesis A 2203b lædde / feowera sumne || gehet þe folcstede / wide to gewealde ||
Genesis A 2204b cstede / wide to gewealde || ic þe wære nu / mago ebrea || mine s
Genesis A 2227b frod / drihten min || do swa ic þe bidde / her is fæmne || freole
Genesis A 2230a gyptisc || an on gewealde / hat þe þa recene || reste gestigan /
Genesis A 2232a wæþer || frea wille / ænigne þe || yrfewearda / on woruld læta
Genesis A 2249a me þeowmennen / siþþan agar þe || idese laste / beddreste gest
Genesis A 2253a ceal ongieldan / gif ic mot for þe || mine wealdan / abraham leofa
Genesis A 2258a | wordum sinum / ne forlæte ic þe || þenden wit lifiaþ bu / arn
Genesis A 2266b lde / yfel and ondlean || þæs þe ær dyde / to sarran || ac heo
Genesis A 2283a ncre || ac þu sece eft / earna þe ara || eaþmod ongin / dreogan
Genesis A 2286b sunu / on woruld bringan || ic þe wordum nu / minum secge || þæ
Genesis A 2295b t / waldend secan || wuna þæm þe agon / heo þa ædre gewat || e
Genesis A 2306a abrahame spræc / leofa swa ic þe lære || læst uncre wel / treo
Genesis A 2307b uncre wel / treowrædenne || ic þe on tida gehwone / duguþum step
Genesis A 2310b wære forþ / soþe gelæste || þe ic þe sealde geo / frofre to w
Genesis A 2321b wesan / wæpnedcynnes || þæs þe on woruld cymþ / ymb seofon ni
Genesis A 2329b alle isaac hatan || ne þearf þe þæs eaforan sceomigan / ac ic
Genesis A 2349b swilce / þeoden þinum || and þe þanc wege / heardrædne hyge |
Genesis A 2355a tig / ece drihten || andswarode / þe sceal wintrum frod || on woru
Genesis A 2364b þinum / geongum bearne || þam þe gen nis / on woruld cumen || wi
Genesis A 2373b segn wegan / heah gehwilcne || þe his hina wæs / wæpnedcynnes |
Genesis A 2392b eah / forþ steallian || swa ic þe æt frymþe gehet / soþ ic þe
Genesis A 2393a þe æt frymþe gehet / soþ ic þe secge || on þas sylfan tid / o
Genesis A 2396b || oþre siþe / wic gesece || þe beoþ wordgehat / min gelæsted
Genesis A 2437b odon / hafa arna þanc || þara þe þu unc bude / wit be þisse st
Genesis A 2462b gymden / þa aras hraþe || se þe oft ræd ongeat / loth on reced
Genesis A 2479a e || and riht micel / þæt þu þe aferige || of þisse folcscea
Genesis A 2502b ænigne / eac þissum idesum || þe we her on wlitaþ / alæde of
Genesis A 2503b de of þysse leodbyrig || þa þe leofe sien / ofestum miclum ||
Genesis A 2512b ergean þin / feorh foldwege || þe is frea milde / him þa ædre l
Genesis A 2530b cene to / þam fæstenne || wit þe friþe healdaþ / and mundbyrde
Genesis A 2575a || þæt is wundra sum / þara þe geworhte || wuldres aldor / him
Genesis A 2639b se gename / bryde æt beorne || þe abregdan sceal / for þære dæ
Genesis A 2645b ætan / heah beheowan || þæne þe her leofaþ / rihtum þeawum ||
Genesis A 2648a geþance || and him miltse / to þe seceþ || me sægde ær / þæt
Genesis A 2664a ldig || þin abeodan / þæt ic þe lissa || lifigendum giet / on d
Genesis A 2686b e alecgean / ormæte yfel || we þe arlice / gefeormedon || and þe
Genesis A 2687b þe arlice / gefeormedon || and þe freondlice / on þisse werþeod
Genesis A 2693b cipe / ne for wihte þæs || ic þe wean uþe / ac ic me gumena bal
Genesis A 2703a þeodigne || aldre beheowe / se þe him þas idese eft || agan wo
Genesis A 2714a m || þinum dyrnde / and sylfum þe || swiþost micle / soþan spr
Genesis A 2719b f / sealde him to bote || þæs þe he his bryd genam / gangende fe
Genesis A 2723b nga helm / wuna mid usic || and þe wic geceos / on þissum lande |
Genesis A 2724b eos / on þissum lande || þær þe leofost sie / eþelstowe || þe
Genesis A 2725b þe leofost sie / eþelstowe || þe ic agan sceal / wes us fæle fr
Genesis A 2726b eal / wes us fæle freond || we þe feoh syllaþ / cwæþ þa eft r
Genesis A 2729a an || sinces brytta / ne þearf þe on edwit || abraham settan / þ
Genesis A 2743b abimelehe / for þære synne || þe he wiþ sarrai / and wiþ abrah
Genesis A 2770b uldortorht ymb wucan || þæs þe hine on woruld / to moncynne ||
Genesis A 2790a earn || yrfe dæleþ / on laste þe || þonne þu of lice / aldor a
Genesis A 2797a abrahame || ece drihten / læt þe aslupan || sorge of breostum /
Genesis A 2803b dre / wæstmum spedig || swa ic þe wordum gehet / þa se wer hyrde
Genesis A 2807b weotol is and gesene || þæt þe soþ metod / on gesiþþe is ||
Genesis A 2809a iþþe is || swegles aldor / se þe sigor seleþ || snytru mihtum
Genesis A 2811b | / godcundum gifum || forþon þe giena speow / þæs þu wiþ fr
Genesis A 2816b wide cuþ / burhsittendum || ic þe bidde nu / wine ebrea || wordum
Genesis A 2821a ond || fremena to leane / þara þe ic to duguþum þe || gedon h
Genesis A 2824b gyld me mid hyldo || þæt ic þe hneaw ne wæs / landes and liss
Genesis A 2827a ægburge || minre arfæst / gif þe alwalda || ure drihten / sciria
Genesis A 2828b e drihten / scirian wille || se þe gesceapu healdeþ / þæt þu r
Genesis A 2844b onsægde / lac geneahe || þam þe lif forgeaf / gesæliglic || sw
Genesis A 2851b am feran / lastas lecgan || and þe læde mid / þin agen bearn ||
Genesis A 2855b e / hrincg þæs hean landes || þe ic þe heonon getæce / up þin
Genesis A 2886b en sunu / to þæs gemearces || þe him metod tæhte / wadan ofer w
Genesis A 2900b ean landes / on þære stowe || þe him se stranga to / wærfæst m
Genesis A 2920b lfa onfon / ginfæstum gifum || þe wile gasta weard / lissum gylda
Genesis A 2921b weard / lissum gyldan || þæt þe wæs leofre his / sibb and hyld
Genesis A 2935b nc / and ealra þara sælþa || þe he him siþ and ær / gifena dr
Exodus 7b hæleþum secgan || gehyre se þe wille / þone on westenne || we
Exodus 51a ldwerige || egypta folc / þæs þe hie wideferþ || wyrnan þoht
Exodus 54b / fyrd wæs gefysed || from se þe lædde / modig magoræswa || m
Exodus 138b gebad / laþne lastweard || se þe him lange ær / eþelleasum ||
Exodus 141a æst || wære ne gymdon / þeah þe se yldra cyning || ær ge/ / þ
Exodus 189a nes || wigan æghwilcne / þara þe he on þam fyrste || findan m
Exodus 209a ara || nihtlangne fyrst / þeah þe him on healfa gehwam || hette
Exodus 235a cgetæl || ræswan herges / þa þe for geoguþe || gyt ne mihton
Exodus 259b eoþ ge þy forhtran || þeah þe faraon brohte / sweordwigendra
Exodus 360a rþancum || ealde reccaþ / þa þe mægburge || mæst gefrunon / f
Exodus 365a eopestan || drencefloda / þara þe gewurde || on woruldrice / hæf
Exodus 376a ipes || beornas feredon / þara þe under heofonum || hæleþ bry
Exodus 395b st / mæst and mærost || þara þe manna bearn / fira æfter folda
Exodus 423b e heolde / fæste treowe || seo þe freoþo sceal / in lifdagum ||
Exodus 476b osan come / fah feþegast || se þe feondum geneop / wæs seo hæwe
Exodus 514b geswealh / spelbodan eac || se þe sped ahte / ageat gylp wera ||
Exodus 521b ndaþ / doma gehwilcne || þara þe him drihten bebead / on þam si
Exodus 571b feorh of feonda dome || þeah þe hie hit frecne geneþdon / wera
Daniel 16b eodon / heriges helmum || þara þe him hold ne wæs / oþþæt hie
Daniel 34b eoden / unhold þeodum || þam þe æhte geaf / wisde him æt frym
Daniel 35b / wisde him æt frymþe || þa þe on fruman ær þon / wæron man
Daniel 64a wone || abrocen hæfdon / þara þe þam folce || to friþe stodo
Daniel 82b leawost wære / boca bebodes || þe þær brungen wæs / wolde þæ
Daniel 85a fan || secgan mihte / nales þy þe he þæt moste || oþþe gemu
Daniel 87a þara gifena || gode þancode / þe him þær to duguþe || driht
Daniel 131b ahicgan / on sefan þinne || hu þe swefnede / oþþe wyrda gesceaf
Daniel 142a ætinge || mine ne cunnon / þa þe me for werode || wisdom bera
Daniel 153a rdfruma || earmre lafe / þære þe þam hæþenan || hyran sceol
Daniel 162b cyning / ord and ende || þæs þe him ywed wæs / þa hæfde dani
Daniel 171a n ongan || weoh on felda / þam þe deormode || diran heton / se w
Daniel 172b n / se wæs on þære þeode || þe swa hatte / bresne babilonige |
Daniel 176a lde || gumum arærde / for þam þe gleaw ne wæs || gumrices wea
Daniel 192a beacne || gebedu rærde / þeah þe þær on herige || byman sung
Daniel 199b ne hean cyning / gasta hyrde || þe him gife sealde / oft hie to bo
Daniel 204b uman to þam gyldnan gylde || þe he him to gode geteode / þegna
Daniel 208a || ne þysne wig wurþigean / þe þu þe to wuldre || wundrum
Daniel 216b ebrea / guman to þam golde || þe he him to gode teode / noldon
Daniel 223a cne || freoþo wilnedan / þeah þe him se bitera deaþ || gebode
Daniel 225b wale cnihta feorum || forþam þe hie his cræftas onsocon / þa
Daniel 232b him geoce gefremede || þeah þe hie swa grome nydde / in fæþm
Daniel 260b þedon / under þæs fæþme || þe geflymed wearþ / frecne fyres
Daniel 263b m se sweg to sorge || þon ma þe sunnan scima / ne se bryne beot
Daniel 264b a / ne se bryne beot mæcgum || þe in þam beote wæron / ac þæt
Daniel 265b æt fyr fyr scyde || to þam þe þa scylde worhton / hwearf on
Daniel 267b / werigra wlite minsode || þa þe þy worce gefægon / geseah þa
Daniel 278a wen || þæt wæs wuldres god / þe hie generede || wiþ þam ni
Daniel 307b ra / þeowned þoliaþ || þæs þe þanc sie / wereda wuldorcyning
Daniel 310b e drihten / for þam miltsum || þe þec men hligaþ / and for þam
Daniel 311b igaþ / and for þam treowum || þe þu tirum fæst / niþa nergend
Daniel 329a fela || gefrigen habbaþ / þa þe under heofenum || hæþene li
Daniel 362a horsce || þurh gemæne word / þe gebletsige || bylywit fæder /
Daniel 365a las || and hluttor wæter / þa þe ofer roderum || on rihtne ges
Daniel 368b e / rodorbeorhtan tunglu || þa þe ryne healdaþ / sunna and mona
Daniel 387b fonfugolas / lyftlacende || þa þe lagostreamas / wæterscipe wecg
Daniel 416a me sefa leogeþ / þa cwæþ se þe wæs || cyninges ræswa / wis a
Daniel 434b æron þa bende forburnene || þe him on banum lagon / laþsearo
Daniel 443b e on þam wundre gewurþod || þe þa gewyrhto ahton / hyssas her
Daniel 447b se wære mihta waldend || se þe hie of þam mirce generede / ge
Daniel 452b æf him þa his leoda lafe || þe þær gelædde wæron / on æht
Daniel 475b m on ofne / lacende lig || þam þe his lof bæron / forþam he is
Daniel 477b drihten / dema ælmihtig || se þe him dom forgeaf / spowende sped
Daniel 478b forgeaf / spowende sped || þam þe his spel beraþ / forþon witig
Daniel 480b wundor monig / halgum gastum || þe his hyld curon / cuþ is þæt
Daniel 494a || swa he manegum deþ / þara þe þurh oferhyd || up astigeþ /
Daniel 525b stod / gryre fram þam gaste || þe þyder god sende / het þa toso
Daniel 540b es wisa / ealne þone egesan || þe him eowed wæs / bæd hine arec
Daniel 544b wordum / hwæt se beam bude || þe he blican geseah / and him witg
Daniel 565b buendum / weard and wisa || nis þe wiþerbreca / man on moldan ||
Daniel 606a efan || for þære sundorgife / þe him god sealde || gumena rice
Daniel 609a cle || and min seo mære burh / þe ic geworhte || to wurþmyndum
Daniel 610b ndum / rume rice || ic reste on þe / eard and eþel || agan wille /
Daniel 617a e siþ || in godes wite / þara þe eft lifigende || leode begete
Daniel 627b wearf / wodan gewittes || þær þe he ær wide bær / herewosan hi
Daniel 649b || sinum leodum / wide waþe || þe he mid wilddeorum ateah / oþþ
Daniel 679a le || þa wæs endedæg / þæs þe caldeas || cyningdom ahton / þ
Daniel 685a ealdormen || in unrihtum / þa þe þy rice || rædan sceoldon /
Daniel 692b st / mæst and mærost || þara þe men bun / babilon burga || oþ
Daniel 697a gdon na || orlegra niþ / þeah þe feonda folc || feran cwome / he
Daniel 744b olc bere / drihtnes domas || ne þe dugeþe can / ac þe unceapunga
Daniel 745a omas || ne þe dugeþe can / ac þe unceapunga || orlæg secge / wo
Daniel 752b eswac / windruncen gewit || swa þe wurþan sceal / no þæt þin a
Daniel 755b e þy hraþor hremde || þeah þe here brohte / israela gestreon
Christ and Satan 17b d heanne holm || hwa is þæt þe cunne / orþonc clene || nymþe
Christ and Satan 21b cyn / engla ordfruman || þæt þe eft forwarþ / þuhte him on mo
Christ and Satan 37a efne || hwær com engla þrym / þe we on heofnum || habban sceol
Christ and Satan 55a e || heran ne scealdon / þuhte þe anum || þæt þu ahtest alle
Christ and Satan 74b le scref / for þam anmedlan || þe hie ær drugon / eft reordade |
Christ and Satan 88a æhte || and þeos earme heap / þe ic hebbe to helle || ham gele
Christ and Satan 113a / earda neosan || and eower ma / þe þes oferhydes || ord onstald
Christ and Satan 122b agan / uppe mid ænglum || þes þe ic ær gecwæþ / þæt ic wær
Christ and Satan 146b þan # || / butan þam anum || þe he agan nyle / þa ic mot to h
Christ and Satan 150a we syndon || ungelice / þonne þe we iu in heofonum || hæfdon
Christ and Satan 182a lles leas || æcan dreamas / se þe heofencyninge || heran ne þe
Christ and Satan 186a edæled || iudædum fah / þæs þe ic geþohte adrifan || drihte
Christ and Satan 209b biddan / þonne behofaþ || se þe her wunaþ / weorulde wynnum ||
Christ and Satan 243b seolfa wæs / eallum andfeng || þe þær up becom / and hine on eo
Christ and Satan 260a e haldeþ || he is ana cyning / þe us eorre gewearþ || ece drih
Christ and Satan 265b seo / ne mot he þam sawlum || þe þær secaþ up / eadige of eor
Christ and Satan 282b m / forþon mæg gehycgan || se þe his heorte deah / þæt he him
Christ and Satan 303b / forþon se biþ eadig || se þe æfre wile / man oferhycgen ||
Christ and Satan 322b ng / þonne wæs heora aldor || þe þær ærest com / forþ on fe
Christ and Satan 337b m / forþon mihte geheran || se þe æt hylle wæs / twelf milum ne
Christ and Satan 355b d / þonne beoþ þa eadigan || þe of eorþan cumaþ / bringaþ to
Christ and Satan 363a || blæd biþ æghwæm / þæm þe hælende || heran þenceþ / an
Christ and Satan 364b n þenceþ / and wel is þam || þe þæt wyrcan mot / wæs þæt e
Christ and Satan 382b on / þonne wæs þam atolan || þe we ær nemdon / þa wæron mid
Christ and Satan 408a e || ær heo wordum cwæþ / ic þe æne abealh || ece drihten / þ
Christ and Satan 411b n / gelærde unc se atola || se þe æfre nu / beorneþ on bendum |
Christ and Satan 420a eolo || þearle onæled / nu ic þe halsige || heofenrices weard /
Christ and Satan 421b ices weard / for þan hirede || þe þu hider læddest / engla þre
Christ and Satan 503a n þam minnan ham / lange þæs þe ic of hæftum || ham gelædde
Christ and Satan 514a cynnes || ær on morgen / þæs þe drihten god || of deaþe aras
Christ and Satan 536a drihten || dome gewurþad / we þe gesawon || æt sumum cyrre / þ
Christ and Satan 551a c || dædum and weorcum / þæs þe he us of hæftum || ham gelæ
Christ and Satan 556b t # || / torht ontyned || þam þe teala þenceþ / þa wæs on eo
Christ and Satan 574a gende || þa wæs iudas of / se þe ær on tifre || torhtne gesal
Christ and Satan 619b tondaþ þa forworhtan || þa þe firnedon / beoþ beofigende ||
Christ and Satan 639b as / fæhþe and firne || þær þe hie freodrihten / ecne anwaldan
Christ and Satan 641a waldan || oft forgeaton / þone þe hie him to hihte || habban sc
Christ and Satan 648b ewod / wynnum bewunden || þæm þe in wuldres leoht / gongan moten
Christ and Satan 652a astas || and eadige sawla / þa þe heonon feraþ # || / þær mar
Christ and Satan 652b s || and ēadġe sāwla, / þā þe heonan fēraþ. / Þǣr martira
Christ and Satan 663b / Þæt is sē drihten, || sē þe dēaþ for ūs / ġe·þrōwode
Christ and Satan 667b þa gewearþ þone weregan || þe ær aworpen wæs / of heofonum
Christ and Satan 5a ul wide || ofer londbuende / ic þe geselle || on þines seolfes
Christ and Satan 12b t witescræf / satanus seolf || þe is susl weotod / gearo togegnes
Christ and Satan 13b te-sċræf, / Satanus self; || þe is sūsl witod / ġearu% tō·
Christ and Satan 14a es || nalles godes rice / ah ic þe hate || þurh þa hehstan mih
Christ and Satan 18b wihta / cyning moncynnes || cer þe on bæcling / wite þu eac awyr
Christ and Satan 25a e swarta eþm / wast þu þonne þe geornor || þæt þu wiþ god
Christ and Satan 26a earta eðm. / Wāst þū þonne þe ġeornor || þæt þū wiþ G
Andreas 28a mose || meteþearfendum / þara þe þæt ealand || utan sohte / sw
Andreas 53a an || heofonrices weard / þeah þe he atres drync || atulne onfe
Andreas 81b an / edwitspræce || ic to anum þe / middangeardes weard || mod st
Andreas 83b ige / fæste fyrhþlufan || ond þe fæder engla / beorht blædgifa
Andreas 97a m abead || beorhtan stefne / ic þe matheus || mine sylle / sybbe u
Andreas 99b orht / ne on mode ne murn || ic þe mid wunige / ond þe alyse || o
Andreas 100a murn || ic þe mid wunige / ond þe alyse || of þyssum leoþuben
Andreas 101b endum / ond ealle þa menigo || þe þe mid wuniaþ / on nearonedum
Andreas 102b mid wuniaþ / on nearonedum || þe is neorxnawang / blæda beorhto
Andreas 108a || nis seo þrah micel / þæt þe wærlogan || witebendum / synni
Andreas 110a arocræft || swencan motan / ic þe andreas || ædre onsende / to h
Andreas 112a || in þas hæþenan burg / he þe alyseþ || of þyssum leodhet
Andreas 130a || hwæþer cwice lifdon / þa þe on carcerne || clommum fæste
Andreas 161b þege / þa wæs gemyndig || se þe middangeard / gestaþelode || s
Andreas 164b unode / belocen leoþubendum || þe oft his lufan adreg / for ebreu
Andreas 217b eran / in gramra gripe || þær þe guþgewinn / þurh hæþenra ||
Andreas 254b lacaþ / hie þa gegrette || se þe on greote stod / fus on faroþe
Andreas 261b god / swa þæt ne wiste || se þe þæs wordes bad / hwæt se man
Andreas 263a manna wæs || meþelhegendra / þe he þær on waroþe || wiþþ
Andreas 271a || eaþmod oncwæþ / wolde ic þe biddan || þeh ic þe beaga l
Andreas 271b olde ic þe biddan || þeh ic þe beaga lyt / sincweorþunga || s
Andreas 275b el / on þære mægþe || biþ þe meorþ wiþ god / þæt þu us
Andreas 282a astre || cwealm þrowiaþ / þa þe feorran þyder || feorh gelæ
Andreas 292a nd fira || of nacan stefne / we þe estlice || mid us willaþ / fer
Andreas 294b / efne to þam lande || þær þe lust myneþ / to gesecanne || s
Andreas 303b ne locenra beaga || þæt ic þe mæge lust ahwettan / willan in
Andreas 307a p || wiþþingode / hu gewearþ þe þæs || wine leofesta / þæt
Andreas 311a leofu || ceoles neosan / nafast þe to frofre || on faroþstræte
Andreas 314a || is se drohtaþ strang / þam þe lagolade || lange cunnaþ / þa
Andreas 317a wordhord onleac / ne gedafenaþ þe || nu þe dryhten geaf / welan
Andreas 317b nleac / ne gedafenaþ þe || nu þe dryhten geaf / welan ond wiste
Andreas 344b if ge syndon þegnas || þæs þe þrym ahof / ofer middangeard |
Andreas 355a nd þus wordum cwæþ / forgife þe dryhten || domweorþunga / will
Andreas 368a || ofer flodes wylm / þæt hie þe eaþ mihton || ofer yþa geþ
Andreas 379a lifgende || land begete / þara þe mid andreas || on eagorstream
Andreas 386a oran || þa he gereordod wæs / þe þissa swæsenda || soþfæst
Andreas 388b rgilde / weoruda waldend || ond þe wist gife / heofonlicne hlaf ||
Andreas 407b ynnum wunde || gif we swicaþ þe / we bioþ laþe || on landa ge
Andreas 472b mette / macræftigran || þæs þe me þynceþ / rowend rofran ||
Andreas 474b ran / wordes wisran || ic wille þe / eorl unforcuþ || anre nu gen
Andreas 476b gena / bene biddan || þeah ic þe beaga lyt / sincweorþunga || s
Andreas 483b wyrþest || wolde ic anes to þe / cynerof hæleþ || cræftes n
Andreas 485b n / þæt þu me getæhte || nu þe tir cyning / ond miht forgef ||
Andreas 494b mann / þryþbearn hæleþa || þe gelicne / steoran ofer stæfnan
Andreas 507a || nalas wintrum frod / hafast þe on fyrhþe || faroþlacende / e
Andreas 519a an || ah him lifes geweald / se þe brimu bindeþ || brune yþa /
Andreas 521b sceal / racian mid rihte || se þe rodor ahof / ond gefæstnode ||
Andreas 529a gen || þrymsittendes / forþan þe sona || sæholm oncneow / garse
Andreas 534b eoþþan hie ongeton || þæt þe god hæfde / wære bewunden ||
Andreas 535b d hæfde / wære bewunden || se þe wuldres blæd / gestaþolade ||
Andreas 564a e || þæt he god wære / þeah þe he wundra feala || weorodum g
Andreas 566b ncnawan þæt cynebearn || se þe acenned wearþ / to hleo ond to
Andreas 579a hreofum || hyge blissode / þa þe limseoce || lange wæron / weri
Andreas 600a englum || eard weardigan / þa þe æfter deaþe || dryhten seca
Andreas 618a eas || agef ondsware / secge ic þe to soþe || þæt he swiþe o
Andreas 630b esta / wordum wrætlicum || ond þe wyrda gehwære / þurh snyttra
Andreas 633a d || wiþþingode / ne frine ic þe for tæle || ne þurh teoncwi
Andreas 638b hyhte / fyrhþ afrefred || þam þe feor oþþe neah / on mode gema
Andreas 644a eas || agef ondsware / nu ic on þe sylfum || soþ oncnawe / wisdom
Andreas 648a se || breost innanweard / nu ic þe sylfum || secgan wille / oor on
Andreas 718b engelcynna / þæs bremestan || þe mid þam burgwarum / in þære
Andreas 747b gaþ / godes ece bearn || þone þe grund ond sund / heofon ond eor
Andreas 799b on / hwær se wealdend wære || þe þæt weorc staþolade / ne dor
Andreas 815b g nu gyt / mycel mære spell || þe se maga fremede / rodera ræden
Andreas 828b d becwom / to þære ceastre || þe him cining engla / || # þa þ
Andreas 859a e gencwidum || gastgerynum / we þe andreas || eaþe gecyþaþ / si
Andreas 886a as || þam biþ hæleþa well / þe þara blissa || brucan moton /
Andreas 890a csiþ witod || wite geopenad / þe þara gefeana sceal || fremde
Andreas 909b cum / sigorsped geseald || þam þe seceþ to him / þa him fore ea
Andreas 915b llgedryht / ferþgefeonde || ic þe friþe healde / þæt þe ne mo
Andreas 916a || ic þe friþe healde / þæt þe ne moton || mangeniþlan / gram
Andreas 922a fne || sawla nergend / þæt ic þe swa godne || ongitan ne meaht
Andreas 931b ihta / fyrstgemearces || swa ic þe feran het / ofer wega gewinn ||
Andreas 932b t / ofer wega gewinn || wast nu þe gearwor / þæt ic eaþe mæg |
Andreas 937b ongit / beorn gebledsod || swa þe beorht fæder / geweorþaþ wul
Andreas 945b hete / ond eal þæt mancynn || þe him mid wunige / elþeodigra ||
Andreas 951b eneþan / in gramra gripe || is þe guþ weotod / heardum heoruswen
Andreas 957a || þu þæt sar aber / ne læt þe ahweorfan || hæþenra þrym /
Andreas 960a num || wes a domes georn / læt þe on gemyndum || hu þæt maneg
Andreas 974a in þysse mæran byrig / þara þe þu gehweorfest || to heofonl
Andreas 980b gelang / fira gehwylcum || þam þe hie findan cann / þa wæs gemy
Andreas 1012a ogenes || gode þancade / þæs þe hie onsunde || æfre moston / g
Andreas 1040a | weorodes to eacan / anes wana þe fiftig # || / forhte gefreoþo
Andreas 1040b orodes tō ēacan, / ānes wana þe fīftiġ / forhte ġe·freoðod
Andreas 1047a n wilsiþ || wolcnum beþehte / þe læs him scyldhatan || scyþ
Andreas 1059b e / glædmod gangan || to þæs þe he gramra gemot / fara folcmæg
Andreas 1130b dan / freoþe æt þam folce || þe him feores wolde / ealdres geun
Andreas 1151b anc / dryhtna dryhtne || þæs þe he dom gifeþ / gumena gehwylcu
Andreas 1152b eþ / gumena gehwylcum || þara þe geoce to him / seceþ mid snytr
Andreas 1154b gearu / freod unhwilen || þam þe hie findan cann / þa wæs wop
Andreas 1164a e || freca oþerne / ne hele se þe hæbbe || holde lare / on sefan
Andreas 1186b / bældest to beadowe || wæst þe bæles cwealm / hatne in helle
Andreas 1190b stræl / icest þine yrmþo || þe se ælmihtiga / heanne gehnægd
Andreas 1192a ond on heolstor besceaf / þær þe cyninga cining || clamme bele
Andreas 1193a cining || clamme belegde / ond þe syþþan a || satan nemdon / þ
Andreas 1194a yþþan a || satan nemdon / þa þe dryhtnes a || deman cuþon / þ
Andreas 1211a m || nis seo stund latu / þæt þe wælreowe || witum belecgaþ /
Andreas 1212b cgaþ / cealdan clommum || cyþ þe sylfne / herd hige þinne || he
Andreas 1214a tan staþola / þæt hie min on þe || mægen oncnawan / ne magon h
Andreas 1218b þolige / mirce manslaga || ic þe mid wunige / æfter þam wordum
Andreas 1266b / acol for þy egesan || þæs þe he ær ongann / þæt he a doml
Andreas 1284a || earfeþsiþas / ic gelyfe to þe || min liffruma / þæt þu mil
Andreas 1318a weald || hwæt is wuldor þin / þe þu oferhigdum || upp arærde
Andreas 1320a || gild gehnægdest / hafast nu þe anum || eall getihhad / land on
Andreas 1329b num þryþfullum || þæt hie þe hnægen / gingran æt guþe ||
Andreas 1348b stan / swilt þurh searwe || ga þe sylfa to / þær þu gegninga |
Andreas 1352a anhagan || aldre geneþan / we þe magon eaþe || eorla leofost /
Andreas 1355b remme / wiges woman || weald hu þe sæle / æt þam gegnslege || u
Andreas 1362a | ond þæt word gecwæþ / þu þe andreas || aclæccræftum / lan
Andreas 1365b miht / gewealdan þy weorce || þe synd witu þæs grim / weotud b
Andreas 1370a þplegan || gearwe sindon / þa þe æninga || ellenweorcum / unfyr
Andreas 1373a || ofer middangeard / þæt he þe alyse || of leoþubendum / mann
Andreas 1377b htig god / niþa neregend || se þe in niedum iu / gefæstnode || f
Andreas 1384b an feorh / ecan þine yrmþu || þe biþ a symble / of dæge on dæ
Andreas 1386b ra / þa wearþ on fleame || se þe þa fæhþo iu / wiþ god geara
Andreas 1412a wuldor || ond cwæde þus / ic þe fæder engla || frignan wille
Andreas 1432a ræcsiþ || wine leofesta / nis þe to frecne || ic þe friþe he
Andreas 1432b festa / nis þe to frecne || ic þe friþe healde / minre mundbyrde
Andreas 1440a r awæged sie || worda ænig / þe ic þurh minne muþ || meþla
Andreas 1443b dige stige / lices lælan || no þe laþes ma / þurh daroþa gedre
Andreas 1445a þa gedrep || gedon motan / þa þe heardra mæst || hearma gefre
Andreas 1451a e cwæþ || wigendra hleo / sie þe þanc ond lof || þeoda walde
Andreas 1479b re / leoþgiddinga || lof þæs þe worhte / wordum wemde || wyrd u
Andreas 1486b an cunne / eall þa earfeþo || þe he mid elne adreah / grimra gu
Andreas 1504b amas weallan / ea inflede || nu þe ælmihtig / hateþ heofona cyni
Andreas 1509b lde eart / sincgife sylla || on þe sylf cyning / wrat wuldres god
Andreas 1517b nu þu miht gecnawan || þæt þe cyning engla / gefrætwode || f
Andreas 1563b / is hit mycle selre || þæs þe ic soþ talige / þæt we hine
Andreas 1602b cwædon / nu is gesyne || þæt þe soþ meotud / cyning eallwihta
Andreas 1609b ne beoþ ge to forhte || þeh þe fell curen / synnigra cynn || s
Andreas 1615b gefremman / gumena geogoþe || þe on geofene ær / þurh flodes f
The Fates of the Apostles 88b u ic þonne bidde || beorn se þe lufige / þysses giddes begang
The Fates of the Apostles 97a indan || foreþances gleaw / se þe hine lysteþ || leoþgiddunga
The Fates of the Apostles 107b sie þæs gemyndig || mann se þe lufige / þisses galdres begang
The Fates of the Apostles 115a des || gastes bruce / ah utu we þe geornor || to gode cleopigan /
Soul and Body I 4b cymeþ / asyndreþ þa sybbe || þe ær samod wæron / lic ond sawl
Soul and Body I 11b awle findan / þone lichoman || þe hie ær lange wæg / þreo hund
Soul and Body I 27a þis is þus lang hider / hwæt þe la engel || ufan of roderum / s
Soul and Body I 30a g || of his mægenþrymme / ond þe gebohte || blode þy halgan / o
Soul and Body I 33a est || helle witum / eardode ic þe on innan || ne meahte ic þe
Soul and Body I 33b þe on innan || ne meahte ic þe of cuman / flæsce befangen ||
Soul and Body I 39a huru se ende to god / wære þu þe wiste wlanc || ond wines sæd
Soul and Body I 43a st || her on life / syþþan ic þe on worulde || wunian sceolde /
Soul and Body I 46a þurh me / ond ic wæs gast on þe || fram gode sended / næfre þ
Soul and Body I 55a rta hrefen / syþþan ic ana of þe || ut siþode / þurh þæs syl
Soul and Body I 56b de / þurh þæs sylfes hand || þe ic ær onsended wæs / ne magon
Soul and Body I 57a ic ær onsended wæs / ne magon þe nu heonon adon || hyrsta þa
Soul and Body I 60b boldwela / ne nan þara goda || þe þu iu ahtest / ac her sceolon
Soul and Body I 62b ereafod / besliten synum || ond þe þin sawl sceal / minum unwillu
Soul and Body I 64a nwillum || oft gesecan / wemman þe mid wordum || swa þu worhtes
Soul and Body I 66a þine dreamas awiht / sceal ic þe nihtes swa þeah || nede gese
Soul and Body I 67b gesargod || ond eft sona fram þe / hweorfan on hancred || þonne
Soul and Body I 70b fsang doþ / secan þa hamas || þe þu me her scrife / ond þa arl
Soul and Body I 72a arleasan || eardungstowe / ond þe sculon her moldwyrmas || mani
Soul and Body I 75a || ne synt þine æhta awihte / þe þu her on moldan || mannum e
Soul and Body I 76a dan || mannum eowdest / forþan þe wære selre || swiþe mycle /
Soul and Body I 77a selre || swiþe mycle / þonne þe wæron ealle || eorþan speda
Soul and Body I 90b beoþ / wunda onwrigene || þa þe on worulde ær / fyrenfulle men
Soul and Body I 116b n gast / gifer hatte se wyrm || þe þa eaglas beoþ / nædle scear
Soul and Body I 135b retaþ / wine leofesta || þeah þe wyrmas gyt / gifre gretaþ || n
Soul and Body I 139a || eala min dryhten / þær ic þe moste || mid me lædan / þæt
Soul and Body I 148a æge || þæs þu me geafe / ne þe hreowan þearf || her on life
Soul and Body I 151a | manna ond engla / bygdest þu þe for hæleþum || ond ahofe me
Soul and Body I 153b on minum hige hearde || þæs þe ic þe on þyssum hynþum wat
Soul and Body I 156a lic || legerbed cure / wolde ic þe þonne secgan || þæt þu ne
Homiletic Fragment I 11a || mid þam ligewyrhtum / þam þe ful smeþe || spræce habbaþ
Homiletic Fragment I 12a id þām lyġe-wyrhtum, / þām þe full smēðe || sprǣċe habb
Homiletic Fragment I 24a gelice || þa leasan men / þa þe mid tungan || treowa gehataþ
Homiletic Fragment I 25a e || þā lēasan menn, / þā þe mid tungan || trēowa ġe·h
Homiletic Fragment I 40b eceoseþ / woruld wynsume || se þe wis ne biþ / snottor searocræ
Homiletic Fragment I 41b seþ, / weorold wynsume, || sē þe wīs ne biþ, / snottor, searu-
Dream of the Rood 86b mæg / æghwylcne anra || þara þe him biþ egesa to me / iu ic w
Dream of the Rood 95a || ofer eall wifa cynn / nu ic þe hate || hæleþ min se leofa /
Dream of the Rood 98a þæt hit is wuldres beam / se þe ælmihtig god || on þrowode /
Dream of the Rood 111b forht wesan / for þam worde || þe se wealdend cwyþ / frineþ he
Dream of the Rood 113a ænige || hwær se man sie / se þe for dryhtnes naman || deaþes
Dream of the Rood 118a þonne ænig || anforht wesan / þe him ær in breostum bereþ ||
Dream of the Rood 121a orþwege || æghwylc sawl / seo þe mid wealdende || wunian þenc
Dream of the Rood 137a ce || hwænne me dryhtnes rod / þe ic her on eorþan || ær scea
Dream of the Rood 145a an || si me dryhten freond / se þe her on eorþan || ær þrowod
Dream of the Rood 149b bledum ond mid blisse || þam þe þær bryne þolodan / se sunu
Dream of the Rood 154b nd eallum þam halgum || þam þe on heofonum ær / wunedon on wu
Elene 4b s / wintra for worulde || þæs þe wealdend god / acenned wearþ |
Elene 68a ste || nihtlangne fyrst / þæs þe hie feonda gefær || fyrmest
Elene 79b m toglad / constantinus || heht þe cyning engla / wyrda wealdend |
Elene 81b þa dryhten || ne ondræd þu þe / þeah þe elþeodige || egesa
Elene 82a n || ne ondræd þu þe / þeah þe elþeodige || egesan hwopan / h
Elene 97a | cyning wæs þy bliþra / ond þe sorgleasra || secga aldor / on
Elene 154b stan / snude to sionoþe || þa þe snyttro cræft / þurh fyrngewr
Elene 160a ænig || yldra oþþe gingra / þe him to soþe || secggan meaht
Elene 162b se god wære / boldes brytta || þe þis his beacen wæs / þe me s
Elene 163a a || þe þis his beacen wæs / þe me swa leoht oþywde || ond m
Elene 183b e / þurh þa ilcan gesceaft || þe him geywed wearþ / sylfum on g
Elene 280a hegende || on gemot cuman / þa þe deoplicost || dryhtnes geryno
Elene 283b idwegum / mægen unlytel || þa þe moyses æ / reccan cuþon || þ
Elene 295a orpon || þa ge wergdon þane / þe eow of wergþe || þurh his w
Elene 298b peowdon / on þæs ondwlitan || þe eow eagena leoht / fram blindne
Elene 303b e þone / deman ongunnon || se þe of deaþe sylf / woruld awehte
Elene 315a æste || wordes cræftige / þa þe eowre æ || æþelum cræftig
Elene 319b owic forþ / tacna gehwylces || þe ic him to sece / eodan þa on g
Elene 327b a / fundon ferhþgleawra || þa þe fyrngemynd / mid iudeum || gear
Elene 358a ewitt || ond þa weregan neat / þe man daga gehwam || drifeþ on
Elene 360b ræcum / feogaþ frynd hiera || þe him fodder gifaþ / ond me isra
Elene 373b angaþ / ond findaþ gen || þa þe fyrngewritu / þurh snyttro cr
Elene 380b ttera / alesen leodmæga || þa þe leornungcræft / þurh modgemyn
Elene 402a de || we þæt æbylgþ nyton / þe we gefremedon || on þysse fo
Elene 407b gangaþ / sundor asecaþ || þa þe snyttro mid eow / mægn ond mod
Elene 410b riste gecyþan / untraglice || þe ic him to sece / eodon þa fram
Elene 415a ancum || hwæt sio syn wære / þe hie on þam folce || gefremed
Elene 416b d hæfdon / wiþ þam casere || þe him sio cwen wite / þa þær f
Elene 2a | ond þæt word gecwæþ / gif þe þæt gelimpe || on lifdagum /
Elene 14a d weorulda || willum gefylled / þe þone ahangnan cyning || heri
Elene 15a orolda || willum ġe·fylled, / þe% þone ā·hangnan cyning || h
Elene 29b an / næfre ic þa geþeahte || þe þeos þeod ongan / secan wolde
Elene 30b fre iċ þā ġe·þeahte || þe þēos þēod on·gann / sēċa
Elene 69a hleo || syþþan æfre / þara þe wif oþþe wer || on woruld c
Elene 70a ow || siþþan ǣfre, / þāra þe wīf oþþe wer || on weorold
Elene 83a rfe || ilda cynnes / forþan ic þe lære || þurh leoþorune / hys
Elene 84a | ielda cynnes. / For·þon iċ þe lǣre || þurh liðu-rūne, / h
Elene 87b þonne þu geearnast || þæt þe biþ ece lif / selust sigeleana
Elene 88b ne þū ġe·earnast || þæt þe biþ ēċe% līf, / sēlest si
Elene 102b / ymb swa dygle wyrd || do swa þe þynce / fyrngidda frod || gif
Elene 138b efylgaþ / mid fæcne gefice || þe me fore standaþ / þæt eow in
Elene 139b aþ / mid fǣcne ġe·fice, || þe mē fore standaþ, / þæt ēow
Elene 143b magon ge þa word geseþan || þe ge hwile nu on unriht / wrigon
Elene 144b ē þā word ġe·sēðan || þe ġē hwīle nū on unryht / wri
Elene 149b ægdon hine sundorwisne || he þe mæg soþ gecyþan / onwreon wy
Elene 150b hine sundor-wīsne: || ‘Hē þe mæġ sōð ġe·cȳðan, / on
Elene 156b t in breostum || he gecyþeþ þe / for wera mengo || wisdomes gi
Elene 163a þære rode || riht getæhte / þe ær in legere wæs || lange b
Elene 164a re rōde || riht ġe·tǣhte / þe ǣr on leġere wæs || lange
Elene 166b þam anhagan / tireadig cwen || þe synt tu gearu / swa lif swa dea
Elene 167b earu / swa lif swa deaþ || swa þe leofre biþ / to geceosanne ||
Elene 168b wā līf swā dēaþ, || swā þe lēofre biþ / tō ġe·ċēosa
Elene 172b m / hu mæg þæm geweorþan || þe on westenne / meþe ond metelea
Elene 173b mæġ þǣm ġe·weorðan || þe on wēstenne / mēðe and metel
Elene 186b yninges / halig under hrusan || þe ge hwile nu / þurh morþres ma
Elene 187b es, / hāliġ under hrūsan, || þe ġē hwīle nū / þurh morðre
Elene 198b gewitenra / frodra ond godra || þe us fore wæron / gleawra gumena
Elene 199b ītenra / frōdra and gōdra || þe ūs% fore wǣron, / glēawra gu
Elene 278b iþhycgende / on þa dune up || þe dryhten ær / ahangen wæs || h
Elene 279b ċġende% / on þā dūne up || þe drihten ǣr / ā·hangen wæs%,
Elene 286b spræc / dryhten hælend || þu þe ahst doma geweald / ond þu gew
Elene 287b : / ‘Dryhten hǣlend, || þū þe āhst dōma ġe·weald, / and
Elene 294a am æþelestan || engelcynne / þe geond lyft faraþ || leohte b
Elene 295a æðelestan || enġel-cynne, / þe ġond lyft faraþ || lēohte
Elene 304b scinaþ / þara sint feower || þe on flihte a / þa þegnunge ||
Elene 305b naþ. / Þāra sint% [IIII] || þe on flyhte ā / þā þeġnunge
Elene 315b n þam / sigorcynn on swegle || þe man seraphin / be naman hateþ
Elene 316b , / siĝor-cynn on sweġele, || þe man seraphin / be naman hāteþ
Elene 334b dend engla / þæt ricsie || se þe on rode wæs / ond þurh marian
Elene 335b d engla, / þæt rīcsie || sē þe on rōde wæs, / and þurh Mari
Elene 349a hliþe || ban iosephes / swa ic þe weroda wyn || gif hit sie wil
Elene 356b igan / lyftlacende || ic gelyfe þe sel / ond þy fæstlicor || fer
Elene 370b end eart / middangeardes || sie þe mægena god / þrymsittendum ||
Elene 374a inwrige || wyrda geryno / nu ic þe bearn godes || biddan wille / w
Elene 378a a ne sie || minra gylta / þara þe ic gefremede || nalles feam s
Elene 379a sīe || mīnra gylta, / þāra þe iċ ġe·fremede || nealles f
Elene 457a || swa him a scyle / wundor þa þe worhte || weoroda dryhten / to
Elene 458a ā him ā sċyle, / wunder þā þe worhte || weoroda drihten / tō
Elene 463b dig / hwæt is þis la manna || þe minne eft / þurh fyrngeflit ||
Elene 464b Hwæt is þis, lā, manna, || þe mīnne eft / þurh fyrn-ġe·fl
Elene 473b remede / niþa nearolicra || se þe in nazareþ / afeded wæs || sy
Elene 474b de, / nīða nearulicra, || sē þe on Nazareþ / ā·fēded wæs.
Elene 487b earhtreafum || ic awecce wiþ þe / oþerne cyning || se ehteþ
Elene 502b ran / morþres manfrea || þæt þe se mihtiga cyning / in neolness
Elene 503b morðres mān-frēa, || þæt þe% sē mihtĝa cyning / on neowoln
Elene 505b usla grund / domes leasne || se þe deadra feala / worde awehte ||
Elene 506b eala / worde awehte || wite þu þe gearwor / þæt þu unsnyttrum
Elene 507b orde ā·weahte. || Wite þū þe ġearwor / þæt þū unsnytrum
Elene 516b nig ond gesælig || sefa wæs þe glædra / þæs þe heo gehyrde
Elene 517a | sefa wæs þe glædra / þæs þe heo gehyrde || þone hellesce
Elene 518a Sefa wæs þȳ glædra / þæs þe hēo ġe·hīerde || þone he
Elene 526b gebeames / ge þæs geleafan || þe hio swa leohte oncneow / wuldor
Elene 527b es, / ġe þæs ġe·lēafan || þe hēo swā lēohte on·cnēow,
Elene 531a pel || manigum on andan / þara þe dryhtnes æ || dyrnan woldon /
Elene 532a l || maniĝum on andan / þāra þe dryhtnes ǣ || diernan woldon
Elene 535b re / selest sigebeacna || þara þe siþ oþþe ær / halig under h
Elene 536b lest siġe-bēacna% || þāra þe sīþ oþþe ǣr / hāliġ unde
Elene 555b m willspelle / hlihende hyge || þe him hereræswan / ofer eastwega
Elene 556b -spelle, / hliehhende hyġe, || þe him here-rǣswan / ofer ēast-w
Elene 574a d wæs || mærost beama / þara þe gefrugnen || foldbuende / on eo
Elene 575a æs, || mǣrost bēama / þāra þe ġe·frugnen || fold-būende /
Elene 580a r asecean || þa selestan / þa þe wrætlicost || wyrcan cuþon /
Elene 581a ċan || þā sēlestan, / þā þe wrætlicost || wyrċan cūðo
Elene 604b ldend / þa wæs gefulwad || se þe ær feala tida / leoht gearu #
Elene 605b / Þā wæs ġe·fulwod || sē þe ǣr fela tīda / lēoht ġearu
Elene 625b / geneahhe for þam næglum || þe þæs nergendes / fet þurhwodo
Elene 626b nēahhe for þām næġlum || þe þæs nerġendes / fēt þurh·
Elene 640b lde ic þæt þu funde || þa þe in foldan gen / deope bedolfen
Elene 641b iċ þæt þū funde || þā þe on foldan ġīen / dēope be·d
Elene 651a yn || bide wigena þrym / þæt þe gecyþe || cyning ælmihtig / h
Elene 652a || Bide wiĝena þrymm / þæt þe ġe·cȳðe, || cyning æl-me
Elene 686b god / þa wæs geblissod || se þe to bote gehwearf / þurh bearn
Elene 687b Þā wæs ġe·blissod || sē þe tō bōte ġe·hwearf / þurh b
Elene 698b c weorþode / blissum hremig || þe hire brungen wæs / gnyrna to g
Elene 699b orðode, / blissum hrēmiġ, || þe hire brungen wæs / gnyrna tō
Elene 700b ncode / sigora dryhtne || þæs þe hio soþ gecneow / ondweardlice
Elene 701b de, / siĝora drihtne, || þæs þe hēo sōþ ġe·cnēow / andwea
Elene 722b terne / ricene to rune || þone þe rædgeþeaht / þurh gleawe mih
Elene 723b ne / recene tō rūne, || þone þe rǣd-ġe·þeaht / þurh glēaw
Elene 731b es bebod / georne begange || nu þe god sealde / sawle sigesped ||
Elene 744b wær / æt gefeohte friþ || se þe foran lædeþ / bridels on blan
Elene 745b æt ġe·feohte friþ, || sē þe foran% lǣdeþ / briġdels on b
Elene 771b m hyrdon / cristenum þeawum || þe him cyriacus / bude boca gleaw
Elene 772b erdon, / crīstnum þēawum, || þe him Cyriacus / bude, bōca glē
Elene 786a d wæs || mærost beama / þara þe of eorþan || up aweoxe / gelod
Elene 787a æs, || mǣrost bēama / þāra þe of eorðan || up ā·wēoxe, /
Elene 793b ira dæl scired / mid marian || þe on gemynd nime / þære deorest
Elene 794b dæl sċīred / mid Marian, || þe on ġe·mynd nime / ðǣre dēo
Elene 839b gewiteþ / ond eac swa some || þe hire on wurdon / atydrede || ti
Elene 840b īteþ, / and ēac swā same || þe hire inn wurdon / ā·tȳdrede,
Elene 849a ng || folc anra gehwylc / þara þe gewurdon || on widan feore / of
Elene 850a olc ānra ġe·hwelċ, / þāra þe ġe·wurdon || on wīdan fēo
Elene 878b ard / milde ond bliþe || þæs þe hie mana gehwylc / forsawon syn
Elene 879b d / milde and blīðe, || þæs þe hīe māna ġe·hwelċ / for·s
Christ A 2b / Þū eart sē weall-stān || þe þā wyrhtan ġō / wiþ·wurpo
Christ A 19a || and þū riht cyning, / sē þe locan healdeþ, || līf on·t
Christ A 23b aþ, / and m[…]giaþ || þone þe mann ġe·sċōp / þæt hē ne
Christ A 25b an || / ċēarfulra þinġ, || þe we on carc-ærne / sittaþ sor
Christ A 30b dō ūsiċ þæs wierðe, || þe hē tō wuldre for·lǣt, / þ
Christ A 33b ·þon seċġan mæġ, || sē þe sōþ spriceþ, / þæt hē ā
Christ A 36b ung, / mæġþ mānes lēas, || þe hē him tō mēder ġe·ċēa
Christ A 45a ngsume || þurh līfes fruman / þe ǣr under hoðman || be·hole
Christ A 47a | þā sē wealdend cōm, / sē þe reorda ġe·hwæs || rȳne ġ
Christ A 48a | rȳne ġe·miċelaþ / þāra þe ġe·neahhe || naman sċieppe
Christ A 73a er ealne foldan sċēat / þæs þe ǣfre sund-būend || seċġan
Christ A 89b Hwæt is þēos wundrung || þe ġē wāfiaþ, / and ġōmrende
Christ A 115b æt þū on·līehte || þā þe lange ǣr, / þrosme be·þeaht
Christ A 121a rd godes || weorodum brungen, / þe on frymþe wæs || fæder æl
Christ A 129a simle be ġe·wyrhtum, / þæs þe hē hine selfne ūs || sendan
Christ A 155a mre || hider […]es; / ne lǣt þe be·hindan, || þonne þū he
Christ A 221a , || tō þæs swīðe glēaw / þe þæt ā·seċġan mæġe ||
Christ A 224b . / Þæt wæs þāra þinga || þe hēr þēoda cynn / ġe·frugne
Christ A 232a fēa, || libbendra ġe·hwǣm / þe on cnēo-rissum || cende weor
Christ A 239b rde. / Þū eart sēo snytru || þe þās sīdan ġe·sċeaft / mid
Christ A 242a || ne þæs hyġe-cræftiġ, / þe þīn fram-cynn mæġe || fī
Christ A 251b , / and þā gyldnan ġeatu, || þe on ġār-daĝum / full lange ǣ
Christ A 277a || cwēn ofer eorðan / þāra þe% ġe·wurde || tō wīdan fēo
Christ A 292b enn, / brȳd bēaĝa hroden, || þe þā beorhtan lāc / tō heofon
Christ A 335b ta. / Iowa ūs nū þā āre || þe sē enġel þē, / godes spell-
Christ A 353a elan || mæġen-þrymmes nan / þe on rodorum up || rīċe be·w
Christ A 413a || Þū ġe·blētsod lēofa, / þe on dryhtnes naman || duĝuþu
Christ A 431b ċ rǣd / manna ġe·hwelcum || þe ġe·mynd hafaþ, / þæt hē s
Christ B 466b der, / þæs ymb fēowertiġ || þe hē of foldan ǣr / fram dēað
Christ B 496a ðǣr hīe tō sǣĝon, / þā þe lēofes þā ġīen || lāst
Christ B 501a tan, || hyġe murnende, / þæs þe hīe swā lēofne || lenġ ne
Christ B 505a uman, || lēohte ġe·fǣĝon / þe of þæs hǣlendes || heafela
Christ B 521b t sēleste / and æðeleste, || þe ġe· hēr on stariaþ / and on
Christ B 526a || dǣda ġe·hwelċe / þāra þe ġe·fremedon || folc under r
Christ B 559b afod / ealles þæs gafoles || þe hīe ġār-daĝum / on þæt or
Christ B 570b īm, / þisne īlcan þrēat || þe ġē hēr inn stariaþ. / Wile
Christ B 580b lǣdan / on drēama drēam, || þe hē on dēoflum ġe·nam / þur
Christ B 602a anc || duĝuþa ġe·hwelcre / þe ūs sīþ and ǣr || simle ġ
Christ B 613b um, / and hūru ðǣre hǣlu || þe hē ūs tō hyhte for·ġeaf,
Christ B 615b ċierde / æt his% up-stiġe || þe we ǣr druĝon, / and ġe·þin
Christ B 619b arf / sāwlum tō sibbe, || sē þe ǣr sungen wæs% / þurh ierne
Christ B 640b dierne and dēaĝol, || þām þe deorc ġe·witt / hæfdon on hr
Christ B 643a torhtan || tācen on·cnāwan / þe him be·foran fremede || frē
Christ B 655a ĝoles || flyht% ġe·cnāwan / þe þæs up-stīġes || and·sæ
Christ B 792a eft cymeþ || engla þēoden, / þe iċ ne hēold tela || þæt m
Christ B 794b ·sêon synn-wræce, || þæt þe iċ sōþ talie, / ðǣr maniġ
Christ B 799a || sprecan rēðe word / þām þe him ǣr on weorolde || wāce
Christ B 828a Beorht cyning lēanaþ / þæs þe hīe on eorðan || earĝum d
Christ B 837a sīene || ēċes dēman, / þā þe hira weorcum || wāce trūwia
Christ B 854b e strēam / ȳða ofer-mǣta || þe we hēr inn lācaþ / ġond þ
Christ C 871b cne, / þēof þristlīċe, || þe on þīestre fareþ, / on swear
Christ C 893a iþ fōre-tācna mǣst / þāra þe ǣr oþþe sīþ || ǣfre ġe
Christ C 916b e, / mæġen-cininges, || þām þe him on mōde ǣr / wordum and w
Christ C 921b wītes tō wearnunga || þām þe hafaþ wīsne ġe·þōht, / þ
Christ C 935b ded / on blōdes hīew, || sēo þe beorhte sċān / ofer ǣr-weoro
Christ C 937b earnum; / mōna þæt selfe, || þe ǣr mann-cynne / nihtes līehte
Christ C 1033a . || Hafaþ eall on him / þæs þe hē on foldan || on fyrn-daĝ
Christ C 1057b nċan / gæstes þearfe, || sē þe gode mynteþ / bringan beorhtne
Christ C 1067b sāwla ġe·hwelċe || þāra þe sīþ oþþe ǣr / on līċ-ham
Christ C 1075b e% bringen / of þām ēðle || þe hīe inn lifdon. / Þonne bēo
Christ C 1076b / Þonne bēoþ bealde || þā þe beorhtne wlite / metode bringa
Christ C 1079b ēan weorca. || Wēl is þām þe mōton% / on þā grimman tīd
Christ C 1091b þēodum tō þrēa, || þām þe þanc gode / wōm-wyrċende ||
Christ C 1097b dæġe, / mid þȳ weorðe, || þe nā wōm dyde / his līċ-hama
Christ C 1154a sōðe, || þȳ selfan dæġe / þe on þrōwode, || þēod-wunde
Christ C 1157a bbende || up ā·stōdon / þā þe hēo ǣr fæste || be·fen h
Christ C 1158b fde, / dēade be·byrġde%, || þe dryhtnes be·bod / hēoldon on
Christ C 1180a || dēade ġe·sċeafte. / Þā þe æðelost sind || eorðan ġe
Christ C 1199b n cwēn. / Hwæs wēneþ sē || þe mid ġe·witte nille / ġe·mun
Christ C 1201b re, / and eall þā earfoþu || þe hē fore ieldum ā·drēah, / f
Christ C 1202a ieldum ā·drēah, / for·þon þe hē wolde || þæt we wuldres
Christ C 1205b mes þæs miċelan, || þām þe dryhtnes sċeall, / dēaþ-fire
Christ C 1235b þrīe tācen samod, || þæt þe hīe hira þēodnes wēl / word
Christ C 1256b anciaþ / blǣdes and blissa || þe hīe bū ġe·sēoþ, / þæt h
Christ C 1260b sċeall ġe·wrixled || þām þe ǣr wēl hēoldon / þurh mōd-
Christ C 1294a ra || ēad tō sorĝum, / þæs þe hīe swā fæġere ġe·fēan
Christ C 1306b le, || hwæðer him man sōþ þe lyġe / saĝaþ on hine selfne,
Christ C 1322b ǣlan, / þone lȳtlan first || þe hēr līfes sīe, / þæt hē m
Christ C 1332a ġe þinga, / hwæðer him yfel þe gōd || under wunie, / þæt h
Christ C 1355a and hræġl nacedum; / and þā þe on sāre || sēoce lāĝon, / e
Christ C 1363b e·līċe / wordum mæðlan || þe him biþ on þā wynstran han
Christ C 1381a ndġiet sealde%. / Of lāme iċ þe liðu% ġe·sette, || ġeaf i
Christ C 1383b ē ġe·līċne. || Ġeaf iċ þe ēac meahta spēd, / welan ofer
Christ C 1386a æs þanc ne wisses. / Þā iċ þe swā sċīenne || ġe·sċeap
Christ C 1398b eorcum for·lure || þæt iċ þe tō fremum sealde. / Þā iċ
Christ C 1454b sēoþ nū þā feorh-dolh || þe ġe· ġe·fremedun ǣr / on m
Christ C 1466b , / nīðre ġe·hȳded, || sē þe nǣngum sċōd, / on byrġenne,
Christ C 1475b ām biteran / dēaðe mīnum || þe iċ ā·drēah fore þē, / ac
Christ C 1476b n līf, || þæs þe iċ ġō þe min / þurh weorold-wīte || we
Christ C 1478b ; / þæs līfes iċ maniġe || þe þū mid leahtrum hafast / of·
Christ C 1484b ē þū þone līċ-haman || þe iċ ā·līesde mē / fēondum
Christ C 1490a mid mec || þīnra synna rōd / þe iċ unwillum || on bēom ġe
Christ C 1491b %, / þonne sēo ōðer wæs || þe iċ ǣr ġe·stāh, / willum m
Christ C 1501b ā·rēten / of þām ǣhtum || þe iċ ēow on eorðan ġeaf, / ea
Christ C 1552a m, || for·loren hæbbe, / sē þe nū ne ġīemeþ || hwæðer
Christ C 1553a hwæðer his gǣst sīe / earm þe ēadiġ, || ðǣr hē ēċe s
Christ C 1573b ċedōm / findan mōte, || sē þe nū his fēore nille / hǣlu st
Christ C 1578b on sċeall ōnettan%, || sē þe āĝan wile / līf æt metode,
Christ C 1590a || tō siĝor-lēanum / þām þe him on gǣstum || ġeorne hī
Christ C 1615b u eġesliċ. || Earm biþ sē þe wile / firenum ġe·wyrċan, ||
Christ C 1633a fā, || forþ þrōwian, / þā þe hēr for·hoĝdun% || heofon-
Christ C 1637b gode / līðes līfes, || þæs þe ā·līefed biþ / hāliġra ġ
Christ C 1639b īċe. / Þæt is sē ēðel || þe nā ġe·endod weorðeþ, / ac
Vainglory 10a || ēaðe ġe·þenċan, / sē þe hine ne% lǣteþ || on þās
Vainglory 38b / brecan þone burĝ-weall, || þe him be·bēad metod / þæt hē
Vainglory 46b st / wunian on wīcum, || wīte þe be þissum / fēawum forþ-spel
Vainglory 52a þæt ġiedd ā·wræc: / Sē% þe hine selfne || on þā slīð
Vainglory 68a ōðrum || un-ġe·līċe / sē þe hēr on eorðan || ēað-mōd
Vainglory 71a and his fēond lufaþ, / þēah þe hē him ā·bylĝnesse || oft
Vainglory 75a biþ þām ōðrum swā, / sē þe on ofer-mēdum || earĝum dǣ
Vainglory 77b mid wuldor-cyning.’ || Wite þe be þissum, / ġif þū ēað-m
Widsith 2a , || word-hord on·lēac, / sē þe manna% mǣst || mǣġþa% ofe
Widsith 13a ōðrum || ēðle rǣdan, / sē þe his þēoden-stōl || ġe·þ
Widsith 17a d hē mǣst ġe·þeah / þāra þe iċ ofer foldan || ġe·fræ
Widsith 77a Finnum || and mid Casere, / sē þe wīn-burga || ġe·weald āht
Widsith 95b / lēofum tō lēane, || þæs þe hē mē land for·ġeaf, / mīn
Widsith 107b ance, / wordum sprecan, || þā þe wēl cūðon, / þæt hīe nǣf
Widsith 126a ða || þā sǣmestan, / þēah þe iċ hīe ā·nīehst || nemna
Widsith 133a lēofast || land-būendum / sē þe him god sileþ || gumena rī
Widsith 140a e, || ġeofum unhnēawne, / sē þe fore duĝuþe wile || dōm ā
The Fortunes of Men 63a ll || mǣġ-burĝe inn, / þæs þe ǣniġ fīra mæġe || forþ%
The Fortunes of Men 83b sċralletan || sċeacol%, sē þe hlēapeþ, / næġl neomeġende
The Fortunes of Men 98a nc || ǣġhwā seċġe, / þæs þe hē fore his miltsum || mannu
Maxims I 2b dēopost cunne. || Nelle iċ þe min dierne ġe·seċġan, / ġi
Maxims I 5b fæder ūserne, || for·þon þe hē ūs æt frymþe ġe·tēo
Maxims I 30b t / hwǣr sē cwealm cymeþ, || þe heonan of cȳþþe ġe·wīte
Maxims I 35a weorold tēode. / Dol biþ sē þe his drihten nāt, || tō þæ
Maxims I 37a mid rihte. / Ēadiġ biþ sē þe on his ēðle ġe·þiehþ, |
Maxims I 59a an-wealdes ġeorn; / lāþ sē þe landes manaþ, || lēof sē
Maxims I 59b e landes manaþ, || lēof sē þe māre bēodeþ. / Þrym sċeall
Maxims I 70b we lēoĝan nellaþ, || þām þe ūs þās lisse ġe·tēode. /
Maxims I 111a ēðe weorðe. / Sēoc sē biþ þe tō seldan ieteþ; || þēah
Maxims I 115b lan, / hinder under hrūsan, || þe hit for·helan þenċeþ; / ne
Maxims I 164a . || / Fela sċōp metod þæs þe fyrn ġe·wearþ, || hēt si
Maxims I 169b / Langaþ þonne þȳ læs || þe him cann lēoða worn, / oþþe
Maxims I 171b him his glēowes ġiefe, || þe him God sealde. / Earm biþ sē
Maxims I 172a him God sealde. / Earm biþ sē þe sċeall ana libban, || / winel
The Order of the World 6a liċe || cwic-hrērende, / þā þe dōĝra% ġe·hwǣm || þurh
The Order of the World 17b ·þon sċyle āscian, || sē þe% on elne leofaþ, / dēop-hyġdi
The Order of the World 32b rum / āwa tō ealdre, || þæs þe ūs sē ēċa cyning / on gǣst
The Order of the World 43b n eall swā teofenode, || sē þe tela cūðe, / ǣġhwelċ wiþ
The Order of the World 51b word / on þām frum-stōle || þe him frēa sette, / hlūtor heof
The Order of the World 59a mena || þām ġe·dēfestan, / þe ūs þis līf ġe·sċōp ||
The Order of the World 66b ōt / ǣġhwelċ on eorðan, || þe him ēaĝna ġe·sihþ / siĝor
The Order of the World 82b ·þon swā teofenode, || sē þe tela cūðe, / dæġ wiþ nihte
The Order of the World 95b . / Nis him wihte wan, || þām þe wuldres cyning / ġe­·sēoþ
The Riming Poem 80b ġe·þenċeþ, || hē hine þe oftor swenċeþ, / bierġeþ hi
The Panther 2b iddan-ġeard / unrīmu cynn, || þe we æðelu ne maĝon / rihte ā
The Panther 13b her / be naman hāten, || þæt þe niþþa bearn%, / wīsfæste we
The Panther 18b þ / þurh yfela ġe·hwelċ || þe hē ġe·æfnan mæġ. / Þæt
The Panther 34b an, / his fyrn-ġe·flitan, || þe iċ ǣr fore sæġde%. / Simle
The Panther 62b f dēaĝle ā·rās, || þæs þe hē dēaþ fore ūs / þrīe-ni
The Panther 71b dan-ġeard / god ungnīeðe% || þe ūs tō ġiefe dǣleþ / and t
The Whale 43b eþ, / wlancum and hēanum, || þe his willan hēr / firenum fremm
The Whale 48a | swā sē miċela hwæl, / sē þe be·senċeþ || sǣ-līðende
The Whale 63a biþ gumena ġe·hwǣm, / sē þe oftost his || unwǣrlīċe / on
The Whale 69a e || helle on·tȳneþ, / þām þe lēaslīċe || līċes wynne /
The Whale 73b , / æt þām ed-wielme || þā þe him inn clifiaþ, / gyltum ġe
The Whale 80a ā ðǣr inn cumaþ, / þon mā þe þā fiscas || faroþ-lācend
The Partridge 4a / || fǣġer, || / þæt word þe ġe·cwæþ || wuldres ealdor
Soul and Body II 4b sundraþ þā sibbe, || þā þe ǣr samod wǣron, / līċ and s
Soul and Body II 11b e findan / þone līċ-haman || þe hēo ǣr lange wæġ, / þrīe
Soul and Body II 24a | hū þis is lang hider, / and þe þurh enġel || ufan of rodor
Soul and Body II 30a || helle wītum. / Eardode% iċ þe on innan. || Nā iċ þē of
Soul and Body II 36a sē ende tō gōd. / Wǣre þū þe wiste wlanc || and wīnes sǣ
Soul and Body II 40a || hēr on līfe, / þenden iċ þe on weorolde || wunian sċolde
Soul and Body II 53b de / þurh þæs selfes hand || þe iċ ǣr on·sended wæs. / Ne m
Soul and Body II 61a ne drēamas wiht. / Sċeal iċ þe nihtes sē·þeah || nīede
Soul and Body II 65b dōþ, / sēċan þā hāmas || þe þū mē ǣr sċrīfe, / and þ
Soul and Body II 71a || mannum ēawdest. / For·þon þe wǣre selle || swīðe miċel
Soul and Body II 72a lle || swīðe miċele / þonne þe wǣran ealle || eorðan spēd
Soul and Body II 84b / wunde on·wriĝene, || þā þe on weorolde ǣr / firenfulle me
Guthlac A 8a þeċ lǣdan sċeall. / Weĝas þe sindon wēðe || and wuldres
Guthlac A 14b / drȳman mid drihten, || þā þe his dōmas hēr / efnaþ on eor
Guthlac A 18b æt sind þā ġe·timbru || þe nā% tȳdriaþ, / ne þām fore
Guthlac A 19b þ, / ne þām fore iermþum || þe ðǣr inn wuniaþ / līf ā·sp
Guthlac A 23b cuman aefter cwealme, || þā þe hēr Crīstes ǣ / lǣraþ and
Guthlac A 31b ādas under heofonum, || þā þe on hāliġra / rīm ā·rīsaþ
Guthlac A 49b n bringe / ofer þā nīðas || þe we nū drēoĝaþ, / ær·þon
Guthlac A 55b ēawaþ / hwǣr þā eardien || þe his ǣ healden; / ġe·sihþ h
Guthlac A 66a rwaþ || hāliġra mōd, / þā þe him tō heofonum || hyġe sta
Guthlac A 68b deþ / ealra ðǣre meniġu || þe ġond middan-ġeard / drihtne
Guthlac A 72b þæt ġe·ġiernaþ || þā þe him godes eġesa / hlēonaþ of
Guthlac A 79b a, / lufiaþ mid lācum || þā þe lǣs āgon, / dæġhwǣm drihtn
Guthlac A 85b / lāðne ġe·lǣdeþ, || sē þe him līfes of·ann, / īeweþ h
Guthlac A 92b ā lēan ā·leġeþ || þām þe his lufan ā·drēoĝeþ. / Ma
Guthlac A 99b þþan hine on·liehte || sē þe līfes weġ / gǣstum ġearwaþ
Guthlac A 104a u || ealne ġe·sealde, / þone þe hē on ġuĝuþe || be·gān
Guthlac A 110b essa fela. || Frist wæs swā þe ana / on godes dōme, || hwonne
Guthlac A 124b n / ġeorne ġieldeþ, || þām þe his ġiefe willaþ / þiċġan
Guthlac A 130a ā dōþ wræc-mæċġas / þā þe ne be·murnaþ || mannes fēo
Guthlac A 131a urnaþ || mannes fēore / þæs þe him tō handa || hūðe ġe·
Guthlac A 155a iġra || manna tīdum, / þāra þe nū ġīena || þurh gǣstlic
Guthlac A 161a þurh reorde ā·bēad, / þām þe þrōwera || þēawas lufodon
Guthlac A 173b / fǣle friðu-weard, || þām þe fēara sum / mearc-land ġe·s
Guthlac A 238a meniġu || māran cōme, / þā þe for his līfe || lȳt sorĝod
Guthlac A 240b ryhtnes meahtum. || ‘Þēah þe ġē mē dēaþ ġe·hāten, /
Guthlac A 241b m nīðum ġe·nerġan || sē þe ēowrum nīedum wealdeþ. / Ān
Guthlac A 256b -mōde, / fram þissum earde || þe ġē hēr inn standaþ, / flēo
Guthlac A 268a || þræce mōdiġra, / þāra þe on ġe·limpe || līfe weoldo
Guthlac A 272b on ūs% / ġe·ġān wille, || þe% eart% godes ierming. / Be hwon
Guthlac A 282b aþ / māran mæġene, || þæt þe mann ne ðearf / heandum hrīna
Guthlac A 298b gǣsta. / Sindon wǣr-loĝan || þe þā wīċ būĝaþ. / Þēah
Guthlac A 311b aldeþ / ofer manna cynn || sē þe mæġena ġe·hwæs / weorcum w
Guthlac A 327a . || Ne wæs sē frist miċel / þe hīe Gūð·lāce || for·ġi
Guthlac A 341a | ne hē tīd for·sæt / þæs þe hē for his drihtne || drēo
Guthlac A 346b t beran / oft on andan || þām þe eahtan wile / sāwla ġe·hwelc
Guthlac A 351a nipu || nēosan cōmon, / þā þe onhǣle || eardas weredon, / hw
Guthlac A 361b ru, þæs be·hōfaþ, || sē þe him hāliġ gǣst / wīsaþ on
Guthlac A 373b l, / swā þēos eorðe eall || þe iċ hēr inn stande. / Þēah
Guthlac A 377a e·witt ġe·lǣsteþ. / Þēah þe ġē hine sārum for·sæcen,
Guthlac A 379a n iċ ġe·bīdan wille / þæs þe mē min drihten dēmeþ. || N
Guthlac A 385a | þonne hit menn dūġe% / sē þe on þrōwingum || þēodnes w
Guthlac A 409b / on līċ-haman, || lifde sē þe ana / þæt hīe him mid heandu
Guthlac A 417a m || manna ġe·bǣru, / þāra þe hira līfes || þurh lust br
Guthlac A 423a ræðe || ġe·brocen hæfdon / þe him ā·līefed wæs || lȳtl
Guthlac A 426a ne him wiht ġe·sċōd / þæs þe hīe him tō tēonan || þurh
Guthlac A 441b n-cynnes / ēadiġ wǣre || sē þe his ānum hēr / fēore ġe·fr
Guthlac A 458b elde, / for þām mierċelse || þe þeċ mannes hand / fram þīnr
Guthlac A 466b owre dǣda dierne, || þēah þe ġē hīe on dīegle ġe·fre
Guthlac A 467b t ġe·lǣddon, || of·tuĝon þe landes wynna, / woldon þū þe
Guthlac A 468a þe landes wynna, / woldon þū þe selfa ġe·sāwe || þæt wē
Guthlac A 481a ēdum || āre sēċan, / þēah þe ēow ā·līefde || lȳtle hw
Guthlac A 501a d æt-wist || ieldran hādes, / þe ġe·mete maniġe || ġond mi
Guthlac A 512a | sē ūsiċ semon mæġ, / sē þe līfa ġe·hwæs || lengu wea
Guthlac A 516b dæl ā·drēoĝan, || þēah þe drihten his / wītum weolde%. |
Guthlac A 528b e lof / ealra þāra bȳsena || þe ūs bēċ fore / þurh his wund
Guthlac A 539b fela / tō seċġenne, || þæs þe hē selfa ā·drēah / under n
Guthlac A 542b wle wēl / þæs% mund-boran || þe þæt mōd% ġe·hēold, / þæ
Guthlac A 588b lēan for·ġieldan, || ðǣr þe lāðast biþ / on þām grymme
Guthlac A 606b cian / ealra þāra ġiefena || þe god ġe·sċōp / englum ǣrest
Guthlac A 622a | sprǣċe ġe·lǣded, / þām þe on his weorcum || willan ræf
Guthlac A 661b þ, / for þām ofer-hyġdum || þe ēow on mōd ā·stāh / þurh
Guthlac A 700a la || ne lāðes wiht, / þæs þe ġē him tō dare || ġe·dō
Guthlac A 709b / Eom iċ þāra twelfa sum || þe hē ġe·trīeweste / under man
Guthlac A 716b d wunaþ / on ðǣre sōcne, || þe iċ þā sibbe wiþ hine / heal
Guthlac A 747b re; / hæfde sē heorde, || sē þe of heofonum cōm, / fēondas ā
Guthlac A 750a rden || on wera līfe, / þāra þe ieldran || ūsse ġe·munde, /
Guthlac A 778b t, / þancode þēodne || þæs þe hē on þrōwungum / bīdan mō
Guthlac A 792b īĝan / rodera rīċe, || þā þe ræfnaþ hēr / wordum and weor
Guthlac B 859a na, || þurh dēaðes cwealm, / þe hīe unsnytrum || ǣr ġe·fr
Guthlac B 872b e / ofer fold-būend, || þēah þe fela wǣre / gǣst-hāliġra, |
Guthlac B 886a ġe-ġomre || hefiġra wīta, / þe hine unsōfte, || ādle ġe·
Guthlac B 891a hǣlu. || Nǣniġ hæleþa is / þe ā·reċċan mæġe || oþþe
Guthlac B 892b wīte / ealra þāra wundra || þe hē on weorolde hēr / þurh dr
Guthlac B 927a || þurh þā æðelan meaht, / þe hine sēosliġe || sōhton on
Guthlac B 948b ofer þæt / wunian lēton, || þe him on weorcum hēr / on his da
Guthlac B 973b ēotan, / efene þæs īlcan || þe ūsse ieldran fyrn / frecne on
Guthlac B 1017a ē on wēne ġe·þuht, / þæt þe untrymnes || ādle gangum / on
Guthlac B 1053b ġe hrēow-ċeariġ, || þæs þe his hālford ġe·seah / ellor-
Guthlac B 1132b , / mōd and mæġen-cræft, || þe him metod engla, / gǣsta ġēo
Guthlac B 1142b ġ / ieldum andweard, || þæs þe him inn ġe·sanc, / hāt, heor
Guthlac B 1206b e·īeþe, eorla wynn. || Nis þe ende feorr, / þæs þe iċ on
Guthlac B 1207a || Nis þe ende feorr, / þæs þe iċ on ġealdrum || on·ġiet
Guthlac B 1228b t, / fūsne friġnest, || þæs þe iċ furðum ǣr / ǣfre on eald
Guthlac B 1248b mann wite / on līfe% hēr, || þe mē ā·līefed nis / tō ġe·
Guthlac B 1284b e ofer burh-salu. || Bād sē þe sċolde / ēadiġ on elne || en
Guthlac B 1337b e, / mēðne mōd-sefan, || sē þe his mann-drihten, / līfe be·l
Guthlac B 1348b Ellen biþ sēlost || þām þe oftost sċeall / drēoĝan drih
Guthlac B 1351b rd-stafum%. || Þæt wāt sē þe sċeall / ā·swǣman sariġ-fe
Guthlac B 1355a n. || Þām biþ gamenes wana / þe þā earfoþa || oftost drēo
Guthlac B 1360a ta || be sǣm twēonum / þāra þe we on Engle || ǣfre ġe·fru
Riddles 12 14a e. || Saĝa hwæt iċ hātte, / þe iċ libbende || land reafie / a
Riddles 13 10a æġl biþ ġe·nīewod / þām þe ǣr forþ-cumene || frætwe l
Riddles 15 29b m / lāþ-ġe·winnum, || þām þe iċ lange flēah.
Riddles 2 11b / losian ǣr mec lǣte || sē þe min lāttēow biþ / on sīða
Riddles 2 15b ðaþ, / ȳða ġe·þwǣre, || þe mec ǣr wruĝon.
Riddles 20 4b mað / wir ymb þone wælgim || þe me waldend geaf, / se me widgal
Riddles 20 21b || gemicledu / eaforan minum || þe ic æfter woc, / nymþe ic hlaf
Riddles 20 23b n mote / from þam healdende || þe me hringas geaf. / Me bið for
Riddles 25 10b / mīnes ġe·mōtes, || sēo% þe mec nearwaþ, / wīf wunden-loc
Riddles 26 5a swīðe be·lēas / herum þām þe iċ hæfde. || Heard mec siþ
Riddles 27 9b na þæt on·findeþ, || sē þe mec fēhð on·ġēan, / and wi
Riddles 27 16a . || Friġe hwæt iċ hātte, / þe on eorðan swā || esnas bind
Riddles 28 9a | clenġeþ, lenġeþ, / þāra þe ǣr libbende || lange hwīle /
Riddles 3 16b mōt / of þæs ġe·wealde || þe mē wǣĝas tǣcneþ. / Hwīlum
Riddles 3 34b ieldum ġe·īewed, || þāra þe iċ hīeran sċeall / strang on
Riddles 3 58a þæt ġe·dīeĝaþ, / þāra þe ġe·rǣceþ || ryne-ġiestes
Riddles 31 15a ēo ðǣr wiht þiġeþ / þæs þe him æt blisse || beornas hab
Riddles 32 12b l ġēara ġe·hwǣm || þæs þe guman brūcaþ, / rīċe and h
Riddles 34 6b a hēo þā findeþ, || þā þe fæst ne biþ; / lǣteþ hēo
Riddles 35 10a ǣfan || wyrda cræftum, / þā þe ġeolu gōd-webb || ġeatwum
Riddles 38 5b otan. / Mann maðelode, || sē þe mē ġe·sæġde: / ‘Sēo wih
Riddles 39 15a armost || ealra wihta, / þāra þe aefter ġe·cyndum || cenned
Riddles 39 26a || Sōþ is ǣġhwelċ / þāra þe ymb þās wiht || wordum bēc
Riddles 40 27a m wrǣstre þonne hēo. / Þeah þe līlie sīe || lēof mann-cyn
Riddles 40 28a om wræstre þonne heo. / þeah þe lilie sy || leof moncynne, / be
Riddles 40 49b u fulla / oþþe þis waroþ || þe hēr ā·worpen liġeþ. / Iċ
Riddles 40 50b du fula / oððe þis waroð || þe her aworpen ligeð. / Ic eorþa
Riddles 40 61a ðre || þonne wer-mōd sīe, / þe% hēr on hyrstum || haswe stan
Riddles 40 63a aþre || þonne wermod sy, / þe her on hyrstum || heasewe sto
Riddles 40 77a e || þonne þēs lȳtla wyrm / þe hēr on flōde% gæþ || fōt
Riddles 40 78b e. / Flinte iċ eom heardre% || þe þis fȳr% drīfeþ / of þissu
Riddles 40 80a cle || þonne þes lytla wyrm / þe her on flode gæð || fotum d
Riddles 40 81b yge. / Flinte ic eom heardre || þe þis fyr drifeþ / of þissum s
Riddles 40 89a | ealra ġe·sċeafta, / þāra þe worhte || wealdend ūser, / sē
Riddles 40 93a for || ealra gesceafta, / þara þe worhte || waldend user, / se me
Riddles 40 96b / þonne sē hand-wyrm, || sē þe hæleþa bearn, / seċġas sear
Riddles 40 97a || þonne se micla hwæl, / se þe garsecges || grund bihealdeð
Riddles 40 100b sse / þonne se hondwyrm, || se þe hæleþa bearn, / secgas searo
Riddles 40 106b sted swin, / bearh bellende, || þe% on bōc-wuda, / wan wrōtende |
Riddles 40 111b d swin, / bearg bellende, || / þe on bocwuda, / won wrotende || w
Riddles 41 4b an, / þæs dēorestan || þæs þe dryhta bearn / ofer foldan sċ
Riddles 42 7a fas || rincum seċġan, / þām þe bēċ witan, || bēġa æt·s
Riddles 42 13a fte || þā clamme on·lēac / þe þā rǣdellan || wiþ ryne-m
Riddles 43 5b līċe / esne þeġnaþ, || sē þe āĝan sċeall / on þām sīþ
Riddles 43 14b or and sweostor. || Mann, sē þe wille, / cȳðe cyne-wordum ||
Riddles 43 16b a hātte, / eþþa sē esne, || þe iċ hēr ymb spriċe.
Riddles 47 6b wæs / wihte þȳ glēawra, || þe hē þām wordum swealh.
Riddles 49 9b ū ġīen / nemnan ne wille, || þe him tō nytte swā / and tō du
Riddles 50 10a um. || Lēanaþ grymme / þām% þe hine wlancne || weorðan lǣt
Riddles 50 11a um. || Leanað grimme / þam þe hine wloncne || weorþan læt
Riddles 59 5a erġende || gǣste sīnum / sē þe wende wriðan; || word aefter
Riddles 59 15b odera ċeastre. || Rǣde, sē þe wille, / hū þæs wrætlican |
Riddles 8 9a e. || Saĝa hwæt iċ hātte, / þe% swā sċīreniġe || sċēawe
The Wife's Lament 41b nē ealles þæs langoþes || þe mec on þissum līfe be·ġea
The Wife's Lament 52b cran wīċ. || Wā biþ þām þe sċeall / of langoþe || lēofe
The Judgment Day I 3b e·hwelcum. || Oft mæġ sē þe wile / on his selfes sefan || s
The Judgment Day I 25b , / sārliċ sīþfæt || þām þe sibbe full oft / tō·mǣldeþ
The Judgment Day I 28a ende || ēċe standeþ / þām þe ðǣr for his synnum || on·s
The Judgment Day I 33b eþ / clǣnum heortum, || þām þe þisne cwide willaþ / on·drǣ
The Judgment Day I 42a ēanes friċġan / ealles þæs þe we on eorðan || ǣr ġe·wor
The Judgment Day I 78a ȳt þæt ġe·þenċeþ, / sē þe him wīnes glæd || wilna br
The Judgment Day I 83a rde, || wuldres ealdor, / þām þe his synna nū || sāre ġe·
The Judgment Day I 87b īðe / gōdum dǣdum, || þæs þe hē swā ġōmor wearþ, / sār
The Judgment Day I 89b issa lārna tō læt, || sē þe him wile libban mid gode, / br
The Judgment Day I 90b gode, / brūcan þæs boldes || þe ūs beorht fæder / ġearwaþ t
The Judgment Day I 92b or. / Þæt is siġe-drihten || þe þone sele frætweþ, / timbre
The Judgment Day I 97a , || drihtne hīereþ, / þāra þe wile heofona || hīehþu ġe
The Judgment Day I 98b þæt ġe·gangeþ, || þēah þe hit sīe grēote be·þeaht, /
Resignation 4a r eall, || min wunder-cyning, / þe% ðǣr inn sindon, || ēċe dr
Resignation 13a || metodes willan, / þæt iċ þe ġe·þēo || þinga ġe·hwe
Resignation 16b sċade sċieþþan, || þēah þe iċ sċieppendum / wuldor-cynin
Resignation 27b for þīnre miltse, || þēah þe iċ mā fremede / grimmra gylta
Resignation 34b s, / līf ā·līefe, || þēah þe lætlīcor / bēte bealu-dǣde
Resignation 41a rone rǣd. / Nū iċ fundie tō þe, || fæder mann-cynnes, / of þi
Resignation 48b æt frēan frōfre, || þēah þe iċ ǣr on fierste / lȳt earno
Resignation 51b for þīnre miltse. || þēah þe iċ māna fela / aefter dōĝru
Resignation 55a anc || ġe·fēon mōton / þȳ þe hīe him selfum || sellan þu
Resignation 67b e / ārna on þisse eorðan. || Þe sīe ealles þanc / meorda% and
Resignation 73b dian / self tō þām sīðe || þe iċ ā·settan sċeall, / gǣst
Resignation 77b wīteþ / sume þāra synna || þe iċ mē self ne ann / on·ġiet
Resignation 102b / ne hūru þæs frēondes, || þe mē ġe·fylste / tō þām sī
The Descent into Hell 8a ; || hæleþ wǣron mōdġe, / þe hīe æt þām beorĝe || bl
The Descent into Hell 54a duru || hǣdre sċīnan, / þā þe lange ǣr || be·locen wǣron
The Descent into Hell 59a will-cuman || wordum grēte: / þe þæs þanc sīe, || þēoden
The Descent into Hell 94b | / [] || nū ūs% man mōdġe þe / ā·ġeaf fram ūsse ġuĝuþ
The Descent into Hell 101a lle ġe·wunodest. / Ne mōston þe% ġeond·fēran || fold-būend
The Descent into Hell 102b ende / ealle libbende, || þā þe lof singaþ. / Ēalā Iordane |
The Descent into Hell 107a es || wynnum brūcan. / Nū iċ þe% hālsie, || hǣlend ūser, / d
The Descent into Hell 113b dend, / ac for þām miltsum || þe þū mann-cynne / oft æt-īewd
The Descent into Hell 118a st ealra cyninga. / Swelċe iċ þe% hālsie, || hǣlend ūser, / fo
The Descent into Hell 124b rġaþ and lof[] / []lum || þe þe% ymb standaþ, / þā þū þe l
The Descent into Hell 125a þe% ymb standaþ, / þā þū þe lete sittan [] hand, || / þā
Alms-Giving 1b ing / / Wēl biþ þām eorle || þe him on innan hafaþ, / rēðe-h
The Lord's Prayer I 1b Prayer I / / []g fæder, || þū þe on heofonum eardast, / ġe·weo
Azarias 42b þā frum-sprǣċe, || þēah þe ūser fēa libben, / wlitiĝa
Azarias 87b wēl-dǣdum. || Wīs biþ sē þe cann / on·ġietan þone ġēoc
Azarias 88b ·ġietan þone ġēocend, || þe ūs eall gōd sileþ / þe we h
Azarias 89a , || þe ūs eall gōd sileþ / þe we habbaþ || þenden we hēr
Azarias 101a lufien%, || lux et% tenebre, / þe þās wer-þēoda || weardum
Azarias 114b e, / libbaþ be þām lissum || þe ūs sē lēofa cyning, / ēċe
Azarias 141a || fela-mihtiġne, / ealle þā þe on·hrēraþ || hrēo wǣġas
Azarias 144a || and heofon-fuĝolas%, / þā þe lācende || ġond lyft faraþ
Azarias 148a , || Israhela cynn. / Blētsien þe þīne sācerdas%, || sōþf
Azarias 159b ldend / enġel tō āre, || sē þe ūs bearh / fȳr and fēondas |
Riddles 60 11b , / on sefan searuliċ || þām þe swelċ ne cann, / hū mec seaxe
The Husband's Message 16a wit-locan || word-bēotunga, / þe ġit on ǣr-daĝum || oft ġe
The Husband's Message 31b āra on ġe·myndum, || þæs þe hē mē sæġde, / þonne inc
The Husband's Message 39b | [] / []ra hæleþa, || þēah þe hēr min wine[] / nīede ġe·b
The Husband's Message 53a m libbendum || lǣstan wolde, / þe ġit on ǣr-daĝum || oft ġe
Riddles 65 6b te; / sindon þāra maniġe || þe mec bītaþ.
Riddles 67 15b | and seolfre. || Seċġe sē þe cunne, / wīsfæstra hwelċ, ||
Riddles 70 1b 70 / / Wiht is wrætlic || þam þe hyre wisan ne conn. / Singeð
Riddles 70 5a rum. || His gesceapo dreogeð / þe swa wrætlice || be wege ston
Riddles 71 6b lum / for mīnum grīpe || sē þe gold wiġeþ, / þonne iċ īe
Riddles 72 4b || / []te ġeaf || [] / []pe || þe unc ġe·mǣne [] / [] sweostor
Riddles 73 4b rdon, / of ðǣre ġe·cynde || þe iċ ǣr cwic be·hēold, / on·
Riddles 73 28b of þām wīcum. || Wiġa sē þe mīne / wīsan cunne, || saĝa
Riddles 81 7b ĝe, / ðǣr mec weġeþ || sē þe wudu hrēreþ, / and mec stande
Riddles 84 16a / []onne hīe ā·weorp[] || / []þe ǣniġ þāra [] || / []fter n
Riddles 84 31a grund-bedd trideþ, || / þæs þe under lyfte || ā·loden wurd
Riddles 84 34a orold-bearna mæġen%, / þēah þe ferhþum glēaw || / mann mōd
Riddles 84 51a || dēaðe ne feleþ, / þēah þe [] || / []du hrēren, || hrif
Riddles 88 11a e. / Eard wæs þȳ weorðra || þe wit inn stōdon, || / hyrstum
Riddles 88 31b m spore findeþ || spēd sē þe sē[] / [] || sāwle rǣdes.
Riddles 91 10b ile / lāfe þiċġan || þāra þe hē of līfe hēt / wæl-cræft
Riddles 93 29a raþ || hȳðende fēond, / sē þe ǣr wīde bær || wulfes ġe
The Phoenix 31b onne ǣniġ þāra beorĝa || þe hēr beorhte mid ūs / hēa hli
The Phoenix 138b , / ne ǣniġ þāra drēama || þe drihten ġe·sċōp / gumum tō
The Phoenix 196b e·hwone, / wyrta wynsumra, || þe wuldor-cyning, / fæder frymþa
The Phoenix 252b an / þurh cornes ġe·cynd, || þe ǣr clǣne biþ / sǣd on·sāw
The Phoenix 316a , || swā sume fuĝolas, / þā þe late þurh lyft || lācaþ fi
The Phoenix 319b Ēċe is sē æðeling || sē þe him þæt ēad ġe·fēþ. / þ
The Phoenix 357a s ġe·cynde biþ, / wīfhādes þe weres; || þæt ne wāt ǣni
The Phoenix 369b rĝaþ, / sāre swylt-cwale, || þe him simle wāt / aefter līeġ-
The Phoenix 410b siþþan / gryne on·guldon, || þe hīe þæt ġiefl þǣĝon / of
The Phoenix 424b s þon ġe·līcost, || þæs þe ūs leorneras / wordum% seċġa
The Phoenix 443b on hwæðere maniġe, || þā þe metode wēl% / ġe·hīerdum un
The Phoenix 476a || weorca tō lēane, / þæs þe hīe ġe·hēoldon || hālġe
The Phoenix 516b res ġimm. || Wēl biþ þām þe mōt / on þā ġōmran tīd ||
The Phoenix 536b / ǣnliċ and ed-ġung, || sē þe his āĝnum hēr / willum ġe·
The Phoenix 568b or·birsteþ on brēostum, || þe iċ on breĝu engla / forþ·we
The Phoenix 656b aþ, / hlēoðor hāliġra, || þe him tō heofonum biþ, / tō þ
Juliana 13b / dǣdum ġe·dwolene, || þā þe dryhtnes ǣ / fēodon þurh fir
Juliana 37a all þæt māðum-ġe·steald / þe on þæs æðelinges || ǣhtu
Juliana 42b ste wiþ·hoĝode, || þēah þe feoh-ġe·strēon / under hord-
Juliana 46a || on wera meniġu: / ‘Iċ% þe mæġ ġe·seċġan || þæt
Juliana 75b dne% god, / ofer þā ōðre || þe we ǣr cūðon, / welum weorði
Juliana 84b sind sōþ / manna lēofost, || þe þū mē saĝast, / þæt iċ h
Juliana 86b ld ġiefe, / þēoden mǣra, || þe tō ġe·wealde%. / Dēm þū h
Juliana 87b ū hīe tō dēaðe, || ġif þe ġe·dafen þynċe, / swā tō
Juliana 111b de, / lufie mid lācum || þone þe lēoht ġe·sċōp, / heofon an
Juliana 122b gest / and þā for·lǣtest || þe ūs lēofran sind, / þe þissu
Juliana 123a est || þe ūs lēofran sind, / þe þissum folce || tō freme st
Juliana 136b te-brōĝan, / hilde-wōman, || þe þū hǣstlīċe / mān-fremmen
Juliana 145a e || and þā word on·ċierr / þe þū unsnytrum || ǣr ġe·sp
Juliana 171b yldu% tō hālĝum, || bēoþ þe ā·hielded fram / wrāðe ġe
Juliana 173b īta unrīm, / grimra gyrna, || þe þē ġe·ġearwod sind, / ġif
Juliana 195b sōþ godu / lufian wolde. || Þe þā lēan sċulon / wiðer-hy
Juliana 205b wrecan, / torne tēon-cwide, || þe þū tælnessum / wiþ þā sē
Juliana 207b / and þā mildostan || þāra þe menn wīten, / þe þēs lēods
Juliana 208a an || þāra þe menn wīten, / þe þēs lēodsċipe mid him ||
Juliana 215b nn-lāce / of gramra grīpe, || þe þū tō godum teohhast. / Þā
Juliana 219b niġ / sōðe sibbe, || þēah þe sēċe tō him / frēond-rǣden
Juliana 249b r-cyninge, / drihtne ūssum? || þe þēs dēma hafaþ / þā wierr
Juliana 258b ġn þā framlīċe, || sēo þe forht ne wæs, / Crīste ġe·c
Juliana 265b hod / tō gring-wræce. || Hēt þe god bēodan, / bearn wealdendes
Juliana 266b n, / bearn wealdendes, || þæt þe burĝe þā.’ / Þā wæs sē
Juliana 268b pelle / eġesan ġe·āclod, || þe hire sē āĝ-lǣċa, / wuldres
Juliana 274a rh þæt æðele ġe·sċēap / þe þū, fæder engla, || æt fr
Juliana 277b bodaþ / frecne fǣr-spell, || þe mē fore standeþ. / Swā iċ
Juliana 281b eġn sīe, / lyft-lācende, || þe mec lǣreþ fram þē / on stea
Juliana 313b ·fremede, / sweartra synna, || þe iċ ā·seċġan% ne mæġ, / r
Juliana 354a ðe || oþ ende forþ / þāra þe iċ ġe·fremede, || nealles
Juliana 358b ġe·þanċġe, || þæt iċ þe meahte / būtan earfoþum || ā
Juliana 377b tō / lāðne ġe·lde || þām þe iċ līfes of·ann, / lēohtes
Juliana 396a ol-haĝan, || cempan sǣnran, / þe iċ on·bryrdan mæġe || beo
Juliana 415b nne þæs līċ-haman, || sē þe on leġre sċeall / weorðan on
Juliana 422b e, / hoĝodes wiþ hālĝum. || Þe wearþ helle sēaþ / niðer ġ
Juliana 427b es / and þȳ unbealdra, || þe þe oft wiþ·stōd / þurh wuldor-
Juliana 447b rodor-cininges ġiefe, || sē þe on rōde trēo / ġe­·þrōwo
Juliana 467b m, / wamm-dǣda on·wrēon, || þe% iċ wīde-ferhþ / sweartra ġe
Juliana 496b dæġ, / eall þā earfoþu || þe iċ ǣr and sīþ / ġefremede
Juliana 508a as || ġond wer-þēode, / þā þe ġe·wurdon% || wīdan fēore
Juliana 515b a ān / ne wītĝena. || Þēah þe him weoroda god / on·wriġe, w
Juliana 522b ðdest, / fæste for·fenge, || þe mē fæder sealde, / fēond man
Juliana 524b n of þīestrum, || þæt iċ þe sċolde / synne swētan. || Þ
Juliana 599a || and his godu tǣlde, / þæs þe hīe ne meahton% || mæġene
Juliana 646b ng / ēċe tō ealdre, || þām þe āĝan sċeall. / For·þon iċ
Juliana 710b all ġe·man, / synna wunde, || þe iċ sīþ oþþe ǣr / ġe·wor
Juliana 719b ġe·hwone / gumena cynnes, || þe þis ġiedd wræce, / þæt hē
The Wanderer 2b þ, / metodes miltse, || þēah þe hē mōd-ċeariġ / ġond laĝu
The Wanderer 10a īðan. || Nis nū cwicra nan / þe iċ him mōd-sefan || mīnne
The Wanderer 27a nēah || findan meahte / þone þe on medu-healle || min% mīne
The Wanderer 29b ēman mid wynnum. || Wāt sē þe cunnaþ, / hū slīðen biþ ||
The Wanderer 31a | sorh tō ġe·fēran, / þām þe him lȳt hafaþ || lēofra ġ
The Wanderer 37a e·drēas. / For·þon wāt sē þe sċeall || his wine-dryhtnes /
The Wanderer 56a Cearu biþ ġe·nīewod / þām þe sendan sċeall || swīðe ġe
The Wanderer 112a undor æt rūne. / Til biþ sē þe his trēowe ġe·healdeþ, ||
The Wanderer 114b ·fremman. || Wēl biþ þām þe him āre sēċeþ, / frōfre t
The Gifts of Men 15a sīe || ealra þinga, / þāra þe hē ġe·worhte || on weorold
The Gifts of Men 27b ; / ac hē ġe·dǣleþ, || sē þe āh dōmes ġe·weald, / missen
Precepts 19b sīe wammes ġe·wita. || Hē þe mid wīte ġieldeþ, / swelċe
Precepts 24b ore, / ǣngum eahta, || ac þū þe ānne ġe·nim / tō ġe·sprec
Precepts 38a sċ-mōd || oft sīðian, / sē þe ġe·wīteþ || on wīfes luf
Precepts 47b mōde / on sefan þīnum || and þe ā þæt selle ġe·ċēos. /
Precepts 48a þæt selle ġe·ċēos. / Ā þe biþ ġe·dǣled; || ġif þe
Precepts 48b þe biþ ġe·dǣled; || ġif þe dēah hyġe, / wunaþ wīsdōm
Precepts 50b eare / andġiet yfles, || heald þe elne wiþ, / feorma þū simle
Precepts 63a m, || weoroda sċieppend / hafa þe tō hyhte, || hāliġra ġe·
Precepts 74a u% || and frēan dōmas, / þā þe hēr on mǣġþe ġe·hwǣre
Precepts 78b lǣran: / ‘Snytra brūceþ || þe fore sāwle lufan / warnaþ him
Precepts 91a || ne tō twēo-sprǣċe, / ne þe on mōde lǣt || menn tō fra
The Seafarer 13a d. || Þæt sē mann ne wāt / þe him on foldan || fæġrost li
The Seafarer 27b im ġe·līefeþ lȳt, || sē þe āh līfes wynn / ġe·biden on
The Seafarer 47b / ac ā hafaþ langunge || sē þe on laĝu fundaþ / Bearwas blō
The Seafarer 51b ne / sefan tō sīðe, || þām þe swā þenċeþ / on flōd-weĝa
The Seafarer 57a || hwæt þā sume drēoĝaþ / þe þā wræc-lāstas || wīdost
The Seafarer 97a nē mid hyġe þenċan / þēah þe græf wille || golde strēġa
The Seafarer 100b le, / ne mæġ ðǣre sāwle || þe biþ synna full / gold tō ġē
The Seafarer 106a || and up-rodor. / Dol biþ sē þe him his drihten ne on·drǣde
The Seafarer 107a unþinġed. / Ēadiġ biþ sē þe ēað-mōd lēofaþ; || cyme
The Seafarer 113a wiþ lāðne || bealu, / þēah þe hē hine wille fȳres || full
Beowulf 15a e; || firen-þearfe on·ġeat / þe hīe ǣr druĝon || ealdor-l
Beowulf 45a strēonum, || þon þā dydon / þe hine æt frum-sċeafte || for
Beowulf 79a || sċōp him Heort naman / sē þe his wordes ġe·weald || wīd
Beowulf 87b þrāĝe ġe·þolode, || sē þe on þīestrum bād, / þæt hē
Beowulf 90b sang sċopes. || Sæġde sē þe cūðe / frum-sċeaft fīra ||
Beowulf 98b / cynna ġe·hwelcum || þāra þe cwice hwierfaþ. / Swā þā dr
Beowulf 103b en, / mǣre mearc-stapa, || sē þe mōras hēold, / fenn and fæst
Beowulf 108b wræc / ēċe drihten, || þæs þe hē Ābel slōh; / ne ġe·feah
Beowulf 138b ǣm. / Þā wæs ēað-fynde || þe him elles hwǣr / ġerūmlicor
Beowulf 183b s wealdend. || Wā biþ þǣm þe sċeall / þurh slīðne nīþ
Beowulf 186b e·wendan; || wēl biþ þǣm þe mōt / aefter dēað-dæġe ||
Beowulf 192b swīþ, / lāþ and langsum, || þe on þā lēode be·cōm, / nīe
Beowulf 206b / cempan ġe·corone || þāra þe hē cēnoste / findan meahte; |
Beowulf 228a du), || gode þancodon / þæs þe him ȳþ-lāde || ēaðe wurd
Beowulf 230a eah || weard Sċieldinga, / sē þe holm-clifu || healdan sċolde
Beowulf 238b æbbendra, / byrnum weorode, || þe þus brantne ċēol / ofer laĝ
Beowulf 242a sǣta, || ēag-wearde hēold, / þe on land Dena || lāðra nǣni
Beowulf 289b tan, / worda and weorca, || sē þe wēl þenċeþ. / Iċ þæt ġe
Beowulf 355a ndsware || ǣdre ġe·cȳðan / þe mē sē gōda || ā·ġiefan
Beowulf 378a þæt || sǣ-līðende, / þā þe ġief-sċēatas || Ġēata fe
Beowulf 441b sċeall / dryhtnes dōme || sē þe hine dēaþ nimeþ. / Wēn iċ
Beowulf 488b ȳ lǣs, / dīerre duĝuþe, || þe þā dēaþ for·nam. / Site n
Beowulf 495a Þeġn nytte be·hēold, / sē þe on handa bær || hroden ealu-
Beowulf 500a lode, || Eċġ·lāfes bearn, / þe æt fōtum sæt || frēan Sċ
Beowulf 503a miċel æf·þonca, / for·þon þe hē ne ūðe || þæt ǣniġ
Beowulf 506b art þū sē Bēowulf, || sē þe wiþ Brecan wunne, / on sīdne
Beowulf 517b t / seofon niht swuncon; || hē þe æt sunde ofer·flāt, / hæfde
Beowulf 590a þīn wit dūĝe. / Seċġe iċ þe tō sōðe, || sunu Eċġ·l
Beowulf 603b e·bēodan. || Gæþ eft sē þe mōt / tō medu mōdiġ, || si
Beowulf 626b ode / wīsfæst wordum || þæs þe hire sē willa ġe·lamp / þæ
Beowulf 682b , / rand ġe·hēawe, || þēah þe hē rōf sīe / nīþ-ġe·weor
Beowulf 714b d under wolcnum || tō þæs þe hē wīn-reċed, / gold-sele gu
Beowulf 785a || ānra ġe·hwelcum / þāra þe of wealle || wōp ġe·hīerd
Beowulf 789a on. || Hēold hine fæste / sē þe manna wæs || mæġene stren
Beowulf 809b . / Þā þæt on·funde || sē þe fela ǣror / mōdes myrðe || m
Beowulf 821b an wynnlēas wīċ; || wisse þe ġeornor / þæt his ealdres w
Beowulf 825b fde þā ġe·fǣlsod || sē þe ǣr feorran cōm, / snotor and
Beowulf 831b e·bētte, / inwitt-sorĝe, || þe hīe ǣr druĝon / and for þr
Beowulf 843a hte || seċġa ǣngum / þāra þe tīr-lēases || trode sċēaw
Beowulf 869a || ġiedda ġe·myndiġ, / sē þe eall-fela || eald-ġe·seġen
Beowulf 878a inn, || wīde sīðas, / þāra þe gumena bearn || ġearwe ne wi
Beowulf 909a || snotor ċeorl maniġ, / sē þe him bealwa tō || bōte ġe·
Beowulf 937a | witena ġe·hwelcum% / þāra þe ne wēndon || þæt hīe wīd
Beowulf 941a es meaht || dǣd ġe·fremede / þe we ealle || ǣr ne meahton / sn
Beowulf 950b ġra% gād / weorolde wilna, || þe iċ ġe·weald hæbbe. / Full o
Beowulf 953b sǣmran æt sæċċe. || Þū þe self hafast / dǣdum ġe·freme
Beowulf 993b āra wæs, / wera and wīfa, || þe þæt wīn-reċed, / ġiest-sel
Beowulf 996b eċġa ġe·hwelcum || þāra þe on swelċ staraþ. / Wæs þæt
Beowulf 1000b ġe·næs, / ealles an-sund, || þe sē āĝlǣċa, / firen-dǣdum
Beowulf 1003b be·flēonne, || fremme sē þe wille, / ac ġe·sēċan% sċea
Beowulf 1049a hīe nǣfre man liehþ, / sē þe seċġan wile || sōþ aefter
Beowulf 1051a elcum || eorla drihten / þāra þe mid Bēow·ulfe || brim-lāde
Beowulf 1054b / golde for·gieldan, || þone þe Grendel ǣr / māne ā·cwealde
Beowulf 1061b an / lēofes and lāðes || sē þe lange hēr / on þissum winn-da
Beowulf 1123b h, / gasta ġīfrost, || þāra þe ðǣr gūþ for·nam / bēġa f
Beowulf 1130a e. || Eard ġe·munde, / þēah þe hē ne% meahte || on mere dr
Beowulf 1135a | swā nū ġīet dēþ, / þā þe syn-gāles || sǣle be·witia
Beowulf 1167b hæfde mōd miċel, || þēah þe hē his māĝum nǣre / ārfæs
Beowulf 1175b Mē man sæġde || þæt þū þe for sunu wolde / here-rinċ% ha
Beowulf 1196a || heals-bēaĝa mǣst / þāra þe iċ on foldan || ġe·fræġe
Beowulf 1221b fst þū ġe·fēred || þæt þe feorr and nēah / ealne wīde-f
Beowulf 1260a f, || iermþe ġe·munde, / sē þe wæter-eġesan || wunian sċo
Beowulf 1271b renġe, / ġin-fæste ġiefe || þe him god sealde, / and him tō a
Beowulf 1298b , / rīċe rand-wiĝa, || þone þe hēo on ræste ā·brēat, / bl
Beowulf 1334a %. || Hēo þā fǣhþe wræc / þe þū ġiestran niht || Grende
Beowulf 1341a | fǣhþe ġe·stǣled / (þæs þe þynċan mæġ || þeġne man
Beowulf 1342a æġ || þeġne maniĝum, / sē þe aefter sinċ-ġiefan || on se
Beowulf 1344a || nū sēo hand liġeþ, / sē þe ēow wēlhwelcra || wilna doh
Beowulf 1350a || Þāra ōðer wæs, / þæs þe hīe ġe·wisslicost || ġe·
Beowulf 1368a æt þone grund wite; / þēah þe hǣð-stapa || hundum ġe·sw
Beowulf 1387b eorolde līfes; || wyrċe sē þe mōte / dōmes ǣr dēaðe; ||
Beowulf 1407a tan || sāwol·lēasne / þāra þe mid Hrōð·gāre || hām eah
Beowulf 1445a u-fāh, || sund cunnian, / sēo þe bān-cofan || beorĝan cūðe
Beowulf 1449a helm || hafolan weorode, / sē þe mere-grundas || menġan sċol
Beowulf 1461b swāc / manna ǣngum || þāra þe hit mid mundum be·wand, / sē
Beowulf 1462a hit mid mundum be·wand, / sē þe gryre-sīðas || ġegān dors
Beowulf 1482b swelċe þū þā māðmas || þe þū mē sealdest, / Hrōð·g
Beowulf 1497b / Sōna þæt on·funde || sē þe flōda be·gang / heoru-ġīfre
Beowulf 1578a an || gūþ-rǣsa fela / þāra þe hē ġe·worhte || tō West-D
Beowulf 1585b d, / rēðe cempa, || tō þæs þe hē on rste ġe·seah / gūð-w
Beowulf 1592a won || snotere ċeorlas, / þā þe mid Hrōð·gāre || on holm
Beowulf 1618b t. / Sōna wæs on sunde || sē þe ǣr æt sæċċe ġe·bād / w
Beowulf 1625b , / mæġen-byrðenne || þāra þe hē him mid hæfde. / Ēodon hi
Beowulf 1628a þēodnes ġe·fǣĝon, / þæs þe hīe hine ġe·sundne || ġe
Beowulf 1652a Eċġ·þēowes: / ‘Hwæt. we þe þās sǣ-lāc, || sunu Healf
Beowulf 1654b rōhton / tīres tō tācne, || þe þū hēr tō lōcast. / Iċ þ
Beowulf 1671a hit ġe·dēfe wæs. / Iċ hit þe þonne ġe·hāte, || þæt
Beowulf 1686a an || be sǣm twēonum / þāra þe on Sċeden-īeġe || sċēata
Beowulf 1700b t, lā, mæġ seċġan || sē þe sōþ and riht / fremeþ on fol
Beowulf 1706b en mid mōdes snytrum. || Iċ þe sċeall mīne ġe·lǣstan / fr
Beowulf 1716a || mann-drēamum fram. / Þēah þe hine mehtiġ god || mæġenes
Beowulf 1744a n, || bana swīðe nēah, / sē þe of flān-boĝan || firenum s
Beowulf 1751b and for·ġīemeþ, || þæs þe him ǣr god sealde, / wuldres w
Beowulf 1756a þ; || fēhð ōðer tō, / sē þe unmurnlīċe || māðmas dǣl
Beowulf 1758a esan ne ġīemeþ. / Be·beorh þe þone bealu-nīþ, || Bēow·
Beowulf 1759b f lēofa, / secg betesta || and þe þæt sēlre ġe·cēos, / ēċ
Beowulf 1779b anc, / ēċan drihtne, || þæs þe iċ on ealdre ġe·bād / þæt
Beowulf 1829a ettende || hwīlum dydon, / iċ þe þūsenda || þeġna bringe, /
Beowulf 1831b t, / Ġēata drihten, || þēah þe hē ġung sīe, / folces hierde
Beowulf 1833b m% and weorcum%, || þæt iċ þe wēl herġe / and þē tō ġē
Beowulf 1835b e, / mæġenes fultum, || ðǣr þe biþ manna ðearf. / Ġif him
Beowulf 1839b / sēlran ġe·sōhte || þǣm þe him selfa dēah.’ / Hrōð·g
Beowulf 1846b þæt ġe·gangeþ, || þæt þe gār nimeþ, / hild heoru-grymm
Beowulf 1850a ū þīn feorh hafast, / þæt þe Sǣ-Ġēatas || sēlran næbb
Beowulf 1858b cu restan, / inwitt-nīðas, || þe hīe ǣr druĝon, / wesan, þen
Beowulf 1883b bād / āĝend-frēan%, || sē þe on ancre rād. / Þā wæs on g
Beowulf 1887b nam / mæġenes wynnum, || sē þe oft maniĝum sċōd. / Cōm þ
Beowulf 1915a lme || hȳð-weard ġeara / sē þe ǣr lange tīd || lēofra man
Beowulf 1927b wīs, wēl-þungen, || þēah þe wintra lȳt / under burh-locan
Beowulf 1941b / idese tō efnanne, || þēah þe hīo ǣnlicu sīe, / þætte fr
Beowulf 1967b lne ġe·ēodon, || tō þæs þe eorla hlēow, / banan Angₑn·
Beowulf 1998a þanc seċġe / þæs þe iċ þe ġe·sundne || ġe·sêon mō
Beowulf 2008a rðan || ūht-hlem þone, / sē þe lenġest leofaþ || lāðan c
Beowulf 2041b onne cwiþ æt bēore || sē þe bēah ġe·siehþ, / eald ǣsċ
Beowulf 2042b hþ, / eald ǣsċ-wiĝa, || sē þe eall ġe·man%, / gār-cwealm g
Beowulf 2056a d þone māðum bireþ, / þone þe þū mid rihte || rǣdan sċo
Beowulf 2130a re || hrēowa tornost / þāra þe lēod-fruman || lange be·ġ
Beowulf 2135b t. / Iċ þā þæs wielmes, || þe is wīde cūþ, / grimne% gryre
Beowulf 2173b wundᵤr-māðᵤm, || þone þe him Wealh·þēow ġeaf, / þē
Beowulf 2182b fte / ġinn-fæstan ġiefe, || þe him god sealde, / hēold hilde-
Beowulf 2212a ihtum || draca rīcsian%, / sē þe on hēanum% hofe || hord be·
Beowulf 2215b ng / nīða% nāthwelċ, || sē þe% nēah% ġe·fēng / hǣðnum ho
Beowulf 2218a | Hē þæt siþþan, / þēah% þe% hē% slǣpende || be·siered%
Beowulf 2222b bræc% / selfes willum, || sē þe him sāre ġe·sċōd, / ac for
Beowulf 2251b cne / lēoda mīnra, || þāra% þe þis līf% of·ġeaf, / ġesāw
Beowulf 2257a n; || feormiend swefaþ, / þā þe beadu-grīman || bīewan sċo
Beowulf 2272a sċaða || opene standan, / sē þe biernende || beorĝas sēċe
Beowulf 2292b wēan and wræc-sīþ, || sē þe wealdendes / hyldu ġe·healde
Beowulf 2295a || wolde guman findan, / þone þe him on sweofote || sāre ġe
Beowulf 2344a || and sē wyrm samod, / þēah þe hord-welan || hēolde lange. /
Beowulf 2364b þorfton% / fēðe-wīġes, || þe him foran on·ġēan / linde b
Beowulf 2383a lestan || sǣ-cyninga / þāra þe on Swēo-rīċe || sinċ bryt
Beowulf 2400a rca, || oþ þone ǣnne dæġ / þe hē wiþ þǣm wyrme || ġe·
Beowulf 2410a ofer willan ġēong / tō þæs þe hē eorþ-sele || ǣnne wisse
Beowulf 2468b ē þā mid ðǣre sorĝe, || þe him swā sār be·lamp, / gum-d
Beowulf 2481a hit ġe·frǣġe wæs, / þēah þe ōðer his || ealdre ġe·boh
Beowulf 2490b ah. / Iċ him þā māðmas, || þe hē mē sealde, / ġeald æt g
Beowulf 2542b ·sēah þā be wealle || sē þe worna fela, / gum-cystum gōd,
Beowulf 2595b ode, / fȳre be·fangen, || sē þe ǣr folce wēold. / Nealles him
Beowulf 2601b æġ / wiht on·wendan || þǣm þe wēl þenċeþ. / Wīġ·lāf w
Beowulf 2606b / Ġe·munde þā þā āre || þe hē him ǣr for·ġeaf, / wīċ
Beowulf 2619a e þā fǣhþe spræc, / þēah þe hē his brōðor bearn || ā
Beowulf 2635b m hlāforde / on bēor-sele, || þe ūs þās bēaĝas ġeaf, / þ
Beowulf 2642b / hwate helm-berend, || þēah þe hālford ūs / þis ellen-weorc
Beowulf 2665b þæt þū ne ā·lǣte || be þe libbendum / dōm ġe·drēosan.
Beowulf 2668b ġene / feorh ealĝian; || iċ þe full-lǣste.’ / Æfter þǣm
Beowulf 2685a æs sēo hand tō strang, / sē þe mēċa ġe·hwone, || mīne
Beowulf 2712a . || Þā sēo wund on·gann, / þe him sē eorð-draca || ǣr ġ
Beowulf 2735a ·sittendra || ǣniġ þāra, / þe mec gūð-winum || grētan do
Beowulf 2766b / ofer·hīĝian, || hȳde sē þe wille. / Swelċe hē seomian ġ
Beowulf 2796b m seċġe, / ēċum drihtne, || þe iċ hēr on starie, / þæs þe
Beowulf 2797a þe iċ hēr on starie, / þæs þe iċ mōste || mīnum lēodum /
Beowulf 2807b n / Bēow·ulfes beorh, || þā þe brentingas / ofer flōda ġe·n
Beowulf 2838a || mīne ġe·frǣġe, / þēah þe hē dǣda ġe·hwæs || dyrst
Beowulf 2861b ru / īeð-be·ġīete || þǣm þe ǣr his elne for·lēas. / Wī
Beowulf 2864b t, lā, mæġ seċġan || sē þe wille sōþ sprecan / þæt sē
Beowulf 2866b mas ġeaf, / ēorod-ġeatwa, || þe ġē ðǣr on standaþ, / þonn
Beowulf 2898b īĝode / nīewra spella || sē þe næss ġe·rād, / ac hē sōð
Beowulf 2976b hine ġe·wierpte, || þēah þe him wund hrīne. / Lēt sē hea
Beowulf 2982b repen. / Þā wǣron maniġe || þe his mǣġ wriðon, / recene ā
Beowulf 3000b pe, / wæl-nīþ wera, || þæs þe iċ wēn% hafo, / þe ūs sēċ
Beowulf 3001a || þæs þe iċ wēn% hafo, / þe ūs sēċaþ tō || Swēona l
Beowulf 3003b erne / ealdor-lēasne, || þone þe ǣr ġe·hēold / wiþ hettendu
Beowulf 3009b en / and þone ġe·bringen, || þe ūs bēaĝas ġeaf, / on ād-f
Beowulf 3034b ne / hlim-bedd healdan || þone þe him hringas ġeaf / ǣrran mǣl
Beowulf 3055b sōþ-cyning, || sealde þǣm þe hē wolde / hē is manna ġe·h
Beowulf 3059a æt sē sīþ ne þāh / þǣm þe unrihte || inne ġe·hȳdde / w
Beowulf 3086a s þæt ġiefeþe tō swīþ / þe þone þēodcyning% || þider
Beowulf 3116a || wiĝena strenġel, / þone þe oft ġe·bād || īsern-sċū
Beowulf 3125b da bær / ǣled-lēoman, || sē þe on orde ġēong. / Næs þā on
Judith 13a s þȳ feorþan dōĝre / þæs þe Iudith hine, || glēaw on ġe
Judith 50b ena bealdor, / on ǣghwelcne || þe ðǣr inne cōm / hæleþa bear
Judith 71b miċelum, / weras wīn-sade, || þe þone wǣr-loĝan, / lāðne l
Judith 96b ġe·hwelcne / hēr-būendra || þe hine him tō helpe sēċeþ / m
Judith 124b d ūðe, / sweġeles ealdor, || þe hire siĝores on·lāh. / Þā
Judith 127b blōdiġ / on þǣm fǣtelse || þe hire fore-genġa, / blāc-hlēo
Judith 158b ġiefeþe / þāra lǣþþa || þe ġē lange druĝon.’ / Þā w
Judith 181a %, / Holofernus || unlibbendes, / þe ūs manna mǣst || morðra ġ
Judith 214b hte, / hwealfum lindum, || þā þe hwīle ǣr / ell-þēodiġra ||
Judith 235b ne rīċne%, / cwicra manna || þe hīe ofer·cuman meahton. / Sw
Judith 238b ·þæt on·ġēaton || þā þe grame wǣron, / þæs here-folc
Judith 252a e || hilde% bodian, / ær·þon þe him sē eġesa || on ufan sǣ
Judith 258a for. || Næs þēah eorla nan / þe þone wīġend || ā·weċċa
Judith 284a wæþ || tō þǣm wīġendum / þe ðǣr unrōte || ūte wǣron:
Judith 287b þum nēah ġe·þrungen, || þe we sċulon nīede% losian, / sa
Judith 296b tō frōfre. || Fluĝon þā þe lifdon, / lāðra lind-weorod%.
Judith 322a Hīe on swæðe reston, / þā þe him tō līfe || lāðost wǣ
Judith 342b de / wuldor weoroda drihtne, || þe hire weorð-mynde ġeaf, / mǣr
Judith 344b on sweġeles wuldre, || þæs þe hēo āhte sōðne ġe·lēaf
Judith 346a ende ne twēode / þæs lēanes þe hēo lange ġiernde. || Þæs
Judith 347b / wuldor tō wīdan ealdre, || þe ġe·sċōp wind and lyfte, / r
The Paris Psalter 100:4 3a hiora andgit || ænig habban / þe tælnessa || teonan geneahhig
The Paris Psalter 100:7 2a rdaþ on midle || mines huses / þe oferhygd || up ahebbe / oþþe
The Paris Psalter 100:8 2a ofslea || manes wyrhtan / ealle þe unriht || elne worhtan / and fy
The Paris Psalter 101:1 3a s weard || and gehlyde min / to þe becume || þeoda reccend / / # /
The Paris Psalter 101:3 3b synd / mine mearhcofan || þæs þe me þinceþ / swylce hi on coce
The Paris Psalter 101:4 1b / # / ic eom hege gelic || þam þe hraþe weornaþ / þonne hit by
The Paris Psalter 101:5 4a emned eam || nihthrefne gelic / þe on scræfe eardaþ || and ic
The Paris Psalter 101:12 3a cgas || ealle hæfdan / forþon þe þu stiþlice || stanum and e
The Paris Psalter 101:18 2a hyrde || heahgnornunge / þæra þe gebundene || bitere wæron / an
The Paris Psalter 101:18 4a aldlice || bearn alysde / þara þe ofslegene || sliþe wæran / / #
The Paris Psalter 101:21 3b mægen / fæste standeþ || ic þe feawe dagas / minra mættra ||
The Paris Psalter 101:24 2b / ne beoþ winter þin || wiht þe sæmran / / # / bearn þinra scea
The Paris Psalter 102:2 3b æfre weorþan / ealra goda || þe he þe ær dyde / / # / he þinum
The Paris Psalter 102:5 1a an || fægere mid gode / / # / he þe gesigefæste || soþre miltse
The Paris Psalter 102:5 2a gefæste || soþre miltse / and þe mildheorte || mode getrymede /
The Paris Psalter 102:6 2b range / drihten domas || eallum þe deope her / and ful treaflice |
The Paris Psalter 102:9 2b yrre habban / ne on ecnesse || þe awa belgan / / # / na þu be gewy
The Paris Psalter 102:11 3b ihten / lustum cyþdest || þam þe lufedan þe / / # / swa þas fold
The Paris Psalter 102:13 3a an || swa us mihtig god / þam þe hine lufiaþ || liþe weorþe
The Paris Psalter 102:16 3b nd gedefust || ofer ealle þa þe ondrædaþ him / / # / swa his so
The Paris Psalter 102:17 2b þ / ofer þara bearna bearn || þe his bebodu healdaþ / and þæs
The Paris Psalter 102:20 2b gen / and his þegna þreat || þe þæt þence nu / þæt hi his
The Paris Psalter 103:2 1a e || ofer manna bearn / / # / þu þe weorþlice || wliteandette / go
The Paris Psalter 103:9 2b a astigaþ / on þæne stede || þe þu gestaþeludest him / and on
The Paris Psalter 103:25 4a ere || brade healdan / ealle to þe || ece drihten / ætes on eorþ
The Paris Psalter 104:3 3a læne || hlutre blissaþ / þam þe soþlice || secaþ dryhten / / #
The Paris Psalter 104:6 1b # / hwæt he abrahames cynn || þe his esne wæs / geweorþude ||
The Paris Psalter 104:8 4b n / þære cneorisse || cwyc se þe lifde / / # / þæt he mid aþswa
The Paris Psalter 104:30 4a þa on moldan || man geriman / þe þær on foldan || fræton w
The Paris Psalter 104:31 2a er sloh || æghwylc frumbearn / þe on egyptum wæs || ahwær ace
The Paris Psalter 104:37 2b yndig / halig heofenes weard || þe he hleoþrade / to abrahame ||
The Paris Psalter 105:3 1b / eadige beoþ æghwær || þa þe a wyllaþ / soþe domas || sylf
The Paris Psalter 105:7 2b oncneowan / ealle þa wundor || þe þu on egyptum / worhtest wræc
The Paris Psalter 105:18 1b des / / # / godes hi forgeaton || þe hi of gramra ær / feonda folmu
The Paris Psalter 105:18 3a nda folmum || frecne generede / þe on egyptum || æþele wundur /
The Paris Psalter 105:35 3a n gesawon || ealle ætgædere / þe ehtend him || ær gestodan / / #
The Paris Psalter 106:3 5a ceastre weg || cuþne mittan / þe hi eardunge || on genaman / / #
The Paris Psalter 106:9 1a || to feore syþþan / / # / þa þe her on þystrum || þrage sæ
The Paris Psalter 106:22 1a nsum || wide sæcgean / / # / þa þe sæ seceaþ || mid scipe liþ
The Paris Psalter 106:28 4b giaþ / bliþe weorþaþ || þa þe brimu weþaþ / / # / and he hi o
The Paris Psalter 106:33 3b synndædum / þara eardendra || þe hire on lifdan / / # / westen he
The Paris Psalter 106:38 2b encte / fram þære costunge || þe him becwom æfter / sares and y
The Paris Psalter 106:38 3b om æfter / sares and yfeles || þe hi syþþan begeat / / # / syþþ
The Paris Psalter 106:42 2a lc is wisra nu || wel snotera / þe þas mid gehygde || healdan c
The Paris Psalter 107:2 2b t ic wynlice / on psalterio || þe singan mote / and ic þe on hle
The Paris Psalter 107:2 3a rio || þe singan mote / and ic þe on hleoþre || hearpan swylce
The Paris Psalter 107:3 1a rmergen || eac gecweme / / # / ic þe andette || ece drihten / on fol
The Paris Psalter 107:3 3a hwam || fægrum wordum / and ic þe on þeodum || on þanc mote / s
The Paris Psalter 107:6 3a me gehyre || hælynd drihten / þe on halgum spreceþ || her on
The Paris Psalter 107:10 1b wæt þu eart se sylfa god || þe us synnige iu / adrife fram dom
The Paris Psalter 108:1 2b igende god / geswigian || þeah þe me synfulra / inwitfulra muþas
The Paris Psalter 108:14 1b lgad / / # / eall þæt unriht || þe his ealdras ær / manes gefreme
The Paris Psalter 108:18 5a ætere gelic || and wynele / se þe banes byrst || beteþ and hæ
The Paris Psalter 108:19 1b / / # / wese he hrægle gelic || þe her hraþe ealdaþ / and gyrdel
The Paris Psalter 108:19 2b raþe ealdaþ / and gyrdelse || þe hine man gelome gyrt / / # / þis
The Paris Psalter 108:20 1b rt / / # / þis is weorc þara || þe oft wraþe me / trage tældan |
The Paris Psalter 108:20 3a dan || tyne hine dryhten / þam þe sar sprece || sawle minre / / #
The Paris Psalter 108:25 4a þū ġe·blētsod; / and þā þe mē mid unryhte || ǣnġe sty
The Paris Psalter 108:27 2a || wes þu gebletsad / and þa þe me mid unryhte || ænige styr
The Paris Psalter 108:27 4a sylfe agon / wese þin esne on þe || ungemete bliþe / / # / syn þ
The Paris Psalter 108:28 2a a butan are || ealle gegyrede / þe me tælnysse || teonan ætfæ
The Paris Psalter 109:6 1a || wide geond eorþan / / # / þa þe on wege weorþaþ || wætres
The Paris Psalter 109:7 2a wīde ġond eorðan. / / # / Þā þe on weġe weorðaþ, || wæter
The Paris Psalter 110:1 1a ter: Psalm 110 / / # / ic andytte þe || ece drihten / mid hyge ealle
The Paris Psalter 110:3 3b en / syleþ eallum mete || þam þe his ege habbaþ / / # / and he on
The Paris Psalter 110:4 2b þ gemyndig / his gewitnesse || þe he wel swylce / myhtum miclum |
The Paris Psalter 110:7 4a andgit good || eallum swylce / þe hine wyllaþ well || wyrcean
The Paris Psalter 111:1 1b 1 / / # / eadig byþ se wer || se þe him ege drihtnes / on ferhþcle
The Paris Psalter 111:4 2a leodum || leofum acyþed / þam þe on þystrum || þrage lifdan /
The Paris Psalter 111:6 2a um gemynde || æghwylc þæra / þe his soþe and riht || symble
The Paris Psalter 111:8 1a hþ || æghwær georne / / # / se þe his æhta || ealle tostredeþ
The Paris Psalter 112:5 2b m dryhtne / þam halgan gode || þe on heofonrice / eadig eardaþ |
The Paris Psalter 112:6 1a n || on fǣġer līf. / / # / Sē þe eard seteþ || unwǣstm-bærr
The Paris Psalter 112:8 1a ruman || on fæger lif / / # / se þe eard seteþ || unwæstmbærre
The Paris Psalter 113:5 1a sceone lambru / / # / hwæt wæs þe sæ swiþa || forhwan fluge
The Paris Psalter 113:16 1b e cleopigaþ hi care || þeah þe hi ceolan habban / ne him hlutt
The Paris Psalter 113:17 2b wel gelice / and æghwylcum || þe him on treowaþ / / # / israhela
The Paris Psalter 113:20 1a || fæste æt þearfe / / # / þa þe a wegen || egsan dryhtnes / hio
The Paris Psalter 113:21 6a dest || bliþe mode / ealle þa þe on þe || egsan hæfdan / mycle
The Paris Psalter 113:23 2a gode || geara gebletsade / þam þe heofon worhte || hrusan swylc
The Paris Psalter 113:24 1a n || manna bearnum / / # / næfre þe dryhten || deade heriaþ / ne e
The Paris Psalter 113:24 2a || deade heriaþ / ne ealle þa þe heonan || helle seceaþ / / # / a
The Paris Psalter 114:1 1a alter: Psalm 114 / / # / ic lufie þe || leofa drihten / forþan þu
The Paris Psalter 114:2 3a st || and gehyrdest me / þa ic þe on dagum minum || dyrne cigde
The Paris Psalter 115:3 2b htne / for eallum þam godum || þe he me ærur dyde / / # / ic her h
The Paris Psalter 115:6 3b and þinre þeowan sunu || on þe acenned / / # / þu me tobræce |
The Paris Psalter 115:7 2a ce || bendas grimme / þæt ic þe laces lof || lustum secge / / #
The Paris Psalter 115:8 3a on his getynum || tidum gylde / þe ymb dryhtnes hus || deore syn
The Paris Psalter 117:2 2a aela cwæþan || ealle nu-þa / þe he is se goda god || and gear
The Paris Psalter 117:4 2a an ealle þæt || unforcuþe / þe him on standeþ || egsa dryht
The Paris Psalter 117:18 1b secge / / # / se clænsude || se þe him clæne wæs / dryhten ælmi
The Paris Psalter 117:20 1a uru || seceaþ inngang / / # / ic þe andette || ece dryhten / forþo
The Paris Psalter 117:21 1b ælu / / # / þone sylfan stan || þe hine swyþe ær / wyrhtan awurp
The Paris Psalter 117:22 1b dorlic / / # / þis ys se dæg || þe hine drihten us / wisfæst gewo
The Paris Psalter 117:24 1a s gesunde / / # / gebletsad is se þe com || ofer bearna gehwylc / on
The Paris Psalter 117:26 1b dryhten god || and ic dædum þe / ecne andette # || / þu eart m
The Paris Psalter 117:26 3b hælend god || and ic herige þe / / # / ic þe andette || ecne dr
The Paris Psalter 117:27 1a d || and ic herige þe / / # / ic þe andette || ecne dryhten / forþ
The Paris Psalter 118:1 1b / eadige beoþ on wege || þa þe unwemme / on hiora dryhtnes æ
The Paris Psalter 118:2 1b # / eadige beoþ swylce || þa þe a wyllaþ / his gewitnesse || w
The Paris Psalter 118:7 1a e bebodu || elne locie / / # / ic þe andette || ece dryhten / mid mi
The Paris Psalter 118:7 3a tan || holde geþance / on þan þe ic geleornode || and gelæsta
The Paris Psalter 118:9 2a iunga || on godne weg / rihtran þe rædran || ræd gemittan / þon
The Paris Psalter 118:10 1a wisan || word gehealde / / # / ic þe mid ealre || innancundre / heor
The Paris Psalter 118:11 3a ce || sped gehealde / þy læs þe ic gefremme || fyrene ænige /
The Paris Psalter 118:26 1a ordum || wel gecwician / / # / ic þe wegas mine || wise secge / and
The Paris Psalter 118:42 1b e / / # / and ic andwyrde || þam þe me edwitstafas / wordum wraþ c
The Paris Psalter 118:42 2b weþaþ || þæt ic gewene on þe / and on þinum wordum || wære
The Paris Psalter 118:52 3a yhten / þæt ic on worulde æt þe || wurde afrefred / / # / me wear
The Paris Psalter 118:62 3a || and hraþe gange / þær ic þe andette || eall ætgædere / se
The Paris Psalter 118:62 4a | and hræðe gange / ðǣr iċ þe andette || eall æt·gædere,
The Paris Psalter 118:63 1b hte / / # / ic eom dælneomend || þe heom ondrædaþ þe / and þine
The Paris Psalter 118:63 2b e. / / # / Iċ eom dæl-nimend || þe him on·drǣdaþ þē, / and þ
The Paris Psalter 118:74 1a u || beorhte leornian / / # / þa þe on feore forhtigaþ || þa me
The Paris Psalter 118:74 2a || beorhte leornian. / / # / Þā þe on fēore forhtiaþ, || þā
The Paris Psalter 118:78 2a oferhydegan || ealle gescende / þe me unrihte || ahwær gretan / i
The Paris Psalter 118:78 3a dĝan || ealle ġe·sċende, / þe mē unrihte || āhwǣr grēta
The Paris Psalter 118:79 1b e / / # / gehweorfen to me || þa þe hyldu to þe / egsan ahtan || a
The Paris Psalter 118:79 2b e·hweorfen tō mē, || þā þe hyldu tō þē / eġesan āhton
The Paris Psalter 118:79 3a / egsan ahtan || and ealle þa / þe þine gewitnesse || wise cuþ
The Paris Psalter 118:80 1a esan āhton || and ealle þā / þe þīne ġe·witnesse || wīse
The Paris Psalter 118:84 2a t þinum esne || ealra dagena / þe þu mine ehtend for me || eal
The Paris Psalter 118:85 1a īnum esne || ealra daĝena, / þe þū mīne ēhtend for mē ||
The Paris Psalter 118:88 4b wel gehealde / muþes þines || þe þu men lærdest / / # / on ecnes
The Paris Psalter 118:89 1b e·healde / mūðes þīnes, || þe þū menn lǣrdest. / / # / On ē
The Paris Psalter 118:92 2a ær me þin æ || an ne hulpe / þe ic on mode || minum hæfde / þ
The Paris Psalter 118:92 3a mē þīn ǣ || ān ne hulpe, / þe iċ on mōde || mīnum hæfde
The Paris Psalter 118:99 1b læste / / # / ofer ealle þa || þe me ær lærdon / ic þæs hæfd
The Paris Psalter 118:99 2b ǣste. / / # / Ofer ealle þā || þe mē ǣr lǣrdon, / iċ þæs h
The Paris Psalter 118:115 1b reowe / / # / gewitaþ fram me || þe awyrgede synt / þenden ic gode
The Paris Psalter 118:115 2b / # / Ġe·wītaþ fram mē, || þe ā·wierĝede sint, / þenden i
The Paris Psalter 118:116 2a || fæle drihten / æfter þam þe þu sylfa || sægdest and cw
The Paris Psalter 118:116 3a | fǣle drihten, / aefter þǣm þe þū selfa || sæġdest and c
The Paris Psalter 118:118 1b / ealle þu forhogodest || þa þe unrihtes / wæran wyrhtan || wa
The Paris Psalter 118:118 2b þū for·hoĝodest, || þā þe unryhtes / wǣron wyrhtan; || w
The Paris Psalter 118:132 3a tsa || swa þu manegum dydest / þe naman þinne || nyde lufedon /
The Paris Psalter 118:133 1a || swā þū maniĝum dydest, / þe naman þīnne || nīede lufod
The Paris Psalter 118:136 3b angeþ / swa þam ilcum byþ || þe ær nellaþ / þinre æ bebod |
The Paris Psalter 118:136 4b ; / swā þǣm īlcum biþ, || þe ǣr nellaþ / þīnre ǣ be·bo
The Paris Psalter 118:146 1a e geneahhe / / # / ic cleopode to þe || do me cuþlice / halne heahc
The Paris Psalter 118:147 1a || bliþe gehealde / / # / and ic þe on ripe forecom || and hraþe
The Paris Psalter 118:148 1a m wordum || wel getruwade / / # / þe eagan mine || eac forecoman / o
The Paris Psalter 118:157 1b wicne / / # / ic manige geseah || þe min ehton / nolde ic cwic æfre
The Paris Psalter 118:157 2b / # / Iċ maniġe ġe·seah, || þe min ēhton; / nolde iċ cwic ǣ
The Paris Psalter 118:158 1b / ic manige geseah || men þa þe noldan / heora friþowære || f
The Paris Psalter 118:158 2b aniġe ġe·seah || menn þā þe noldon / hira friðu-wǣre || f
The Paris Psalter 118:158 3b dan / and ic þand wiþ þan || þe hi teala noldan / þinre spræc
The Paris Psalter 118:158 4b n, / and iċ þand wiþ þon || þe hīe tela noldon / þīnre spr
The Paris Psalter 118:162 3b clan / swa se biþ bliþe || se þe beorna reaf / manige meteþ ||
The Paris Psalter 118:162 4b swā sē biþ blīðe, || sē þe beorna rēaf / maniġe mēteþ,
The Paris Psalter 118:164 1a ine || elne lufian / / # / swa ic þe seofon siþum || symble wolde
The Paris Psalter 118:164 2a || elne lufian. / / # / Swā iċ þe seofon sīðum || simle wolde
The Paris Psalter 118:165 1b de / / # / þam biþ sib mycel || þe him þenceþ / þæt hi naman
The Paris Psalter 118:165 2b / # / Þǣm biþ sibb miċel || þe him þenċeþ, / þæt hīe nam
The Paris Psalter 118:171 1a gehwylces / / # / nu mine weleras þe || wordum belcettaþ / ymnas el
The Paris Psalter 118:175 1b e / / # / leofaþ sawl min || and þe lustum hereþ / and me þine do
The Paris Psalter 119:2 2b es drihten / of þam welerum || þe wom cweþen / and from þære t
The Paris Psalter 119:2 3b en / and from þære tungan || þe teosu wylle / / # / hwæt biþ þ
The Paris Psalter 119:3 1a e teosu wylle / / # / hwæt biþ þe ealles seald || oþþe eced s
The Paris Psalter 119:5 5a aringum || nis min cyþ þær / þe mine sawle || swiþe beeode / /
The Paris Psalter 119:6 1a || swiþe beeode / / # / mid þam þe hi sibbe || swyþost feodan / i
The Paris Psalter 120:2 2a eac || fæger æt drihtne / se þe heofon worhte || hrusan swylc
The Paris Psalter 120:3 2b eald / ne hycge to slæpe || se þe healdeþ þe / / # / efne se on h
The Paris Psalter 120:4 2b peþ / ne swefeþ swyþe || se þe sceal healdan nu / israela folc
The Paris Psalter 120:5 1a tan wiþ feondum / / # / gehealde þe || halig drihten / and þin mun
The Paris Psalter 120:6 1a || symble æt þearfe / / # / ne þe sunne on dæge || sol ne geb
The Paris Psalter 120:6 2a n dæge || sol ne gebærne / ne þe mona on niht || min ne geweor
The Paris Psalter 120:6 3a n niht || min ne geweorþe / ac þe gehealde || halig drihten / wy
The Paris Psalter 121:4 4a gewitnesse || wæran israelas / þe his naman || neode sceoldon / h
The Paris Psalter 121:6 2a bealde || beorhtere sibbe / þa þe on hierusalem || gode syndan /
The Paris Psalter 121:6 3b syndan / and geniht agun || þa þe neode þe / on heora lufun || l
The Paris Psalter 121:7 1a fun || lustum healdaþ / / # / si þe on þinum mægene sib || mæs
The Paris Psalter 121:8 3a emne swylce / þæt we sibbe on þe || symble habbon / / # / and ic f
The Paris Psalter 122:1 1a ris Psalter: Psalm 122 / / # / to þe ic mine eagan hof || ece drih
The Paris Psalter 122:1 2a eagan hof || ece drihten / þu þe heofonhamas || healdest and w
The Paris Psalter 122:3 3a a locaþ / swa us synt eagan to þe || ece drihten / urum þam goda
The Paris Psalter 123:5 1b n / / # / drihten si gebletsad || þe þæt ne dyde æfre / þæt us
The Paris Psalter 123:5 3a earde || hæftnyd sealde / þam þe us mid toþum || toteon wolda
The Paris Psalter 123:7 5a || fæstne and strangne / þæs þe heofon worhte || hrusan swylc
The Paris Psalter 124:1 1a is Psalter: Psalm 124 / / # / þa þe on drihten heora || dædum ge
The Paris Psalter 124:1 4a e on ealdre || ænig onhreran / þe eardfæst byþ || on hierusal
The Paris Psalter 124:4 4b þ / do þu drihten wel || þam þe gedefe her / hiora heortan riht
The Paris Psalter 124:5 1a || healdaþ mid gode / / # / þa þe gearwe beoþ || to gramum ben
The Paris Psalter 124:5 3a deþ || ece drihten / mid þæm þe unriht || æghwær wyrceaþ / s
The Paris Psalter 125:3 4a mid || worhte seldlic / gemicla þe swylce || mihtig drihten / þæ
The Paris Psalter 126:1 3a on idel gylp || oþre winnaþ / þe þæs huses || hrof staþelia
The Paris Psalter 126:3 4a ene || and hraþe sittaþ / þa þe sares hlaf || swiþe æton / / #
The Paris Psalter 126:6 1b # / þæt biþ eadig wer || se þe a þenceþ / þæt he his lust
The Paris Psalter 127:1 1b 27 / / # / eadige syndon ealle || þe him ecne god / drihten ondræda
The Paris Psalter 127:2 3a || and þu eadig leofast / and þe wel weorþeþ || on wynburgum
The Paris Psalter 127:5 2b na æghwylc / mann on moldan || þe him metodes ege / on his dædum
The Paris Psalter 127:6 1a ædum || drihten forhtaþ / / # / þe of sionbeorge || swylce driht
The Paris Psalter 128:4 2a hi hige || her gelicast / þam þe on huses þæce || heah aweax
The Paris Psalter 128:5 2a efylleþ || folme æfre / þeah þe he hit mawe || micle elne / ne
The Paris Psalter 128:5 4a e mæg || sceat afyllan / þeah þe he samnige || swiþe georne / /
The Paris Psalter 129:1 1a salm 129 / / # / ic of grundum to þe || geomur cleopode / drihten dr
The Paris Psalter 129:4 1a e / / # / ys seo mildheortnes mid þe || mihta wealdend / and ic for
The Paris Psalter 129:5 3a getreowde / forþon min sawl on þe || symble getreoweþ / / # / fram
The Paris Psalter 129:7 3a e alyseþ || lustum ealle / þa þe hiht on hine || habbaþ fæst
The Paris Psalter 130:1 1a m 130 / / # / nis min heorte wiþ þe || ahafen drihten / ne mine eag
The Paris Psalter 130:1 2a en drihten / ne mine eagan wiþ þe || on oferhygde / / # / ne ic on
The Paris Psalter 131:3 1a || god þone mæran / / # / þeah þe ic on mines huses || hyld geg
The Paris Psalter 131:12 2a weorþlicne || wæstm gesette / þe of his innaþe || agenum cwom
The Paris Psalter 131:12 5b treowa / and þa gewitnesse || þe ic hig wel lære / / # / þonne h
The Paris Psalter 131:15 1b ymþe / / # / þis is min rest || þe ic recene nu / on worulda worul
The Paris Psalter 131:18 4b for minum / criste gecorenum || þe ic hine cuþne wat / / # / ic his
The Paris Psalter 133:2 1a gene || onbyhtscealcas / / # / ge þe on godes huse || gearwe stand
The Paris Psalter 133:4 3a orge || symble æt þearfe / se þe heofon worhte || hrusan swylc
The Paris Psalter 134:2 1a ealcas || swiþe ealle / / # / ge þe on godes huse || gleawe stand
The Paris Psalter 134:6 1a || eorþbuendra / / # / ealle þa þe wolde || worhte drihten / on he
The Paris Psalter 134:8 1a o regne || recene wyrceþ / / # / þe forþ lædeþ || fægere wind
The Paris Psalter 134:11 2b cynincga / and og cyning || se þe æror wæs / on basane || breme
The Paris Psalter 134:15 2b ra þeoda / gold and seolfur || þe her geotaþ menn / and mid heor
The Paris Psalter 134:17 2b magon / holdes gehyran || þeah þe him hleoþrige / and nose habba
The Paris Psalter 134:20 1b uþe / / # / synt anlice þæm || þe hi ær worhtan / and ealle þa
The Paris Psalter 134:20 2a hi ær worhtan / and ealle þa þe on hi || æfre getreowaþ / / #
The Paris Psalter 134:22 1a rihten || bliþe mode / / # / þa þe him ondræden || drihtnes egs
The Paris Psalter 134:22 4b e gebletsad / of sion sniome || þe soþfæst ær / on hierusalem |
The Paris Psalter 135:2 1b rt / / # / eac ic andette || þam þe ece is / ealra godena god || fo
The Paris Psalter 135:3 1b / # / andette ic swylce || þam þe ealra is / drihtna drihten || d
The Paris Psalter 135:19 2b ningas / weras wræclice || þa þe weoruld heoldan / / # / þær seo
The Paris Psalter 135:20 2a yning || swylt dreorig fornam / þe amorrea || anweald hæfde / / #
The Paris Psalter 135:21 1b d hæfde / / # / and og swylce || þe æror wæs / swyþe breme cynin
The Paris Psalter 135:23 2a / and þæt yrfe || on israele / þe his esnas || agene wæron / / #
The Paris Psalter 135:25 2a erede || feondum of handa / þa þe wraþe || wæron ealle / / # / he
The Paris Psalter 135:27 2a nu ealle || þam ecean gode / þe on heofonum is || heah eardie
The Paris Psalter 136:1 2a bradum streame / eadig byþ se þe nimeþ || and eac seteþ / þæ
The Paris Psalter 136:4 2a aþ ūs ymnum || ealdra sanga / þe ġē on Sione || sungon ġe·
The Paris Psalter 136:4 2a gaþ us ymnum || ealdra sanga / þe ge on sione || sungan geneahh
The Paris Psalter 136:4 2b s drihtne / on ðǣre foldan || þe ūs fremde is? / / # / Ġif iċ
The Paris Psalter 136:5 4b s drihtne / on þære foldan || þe us fremde is / / # / gif ic þin
The Paris Psalter 136:7 1a eorþe / / # / gif ic ne forsette þe || symble æt frymþe / ac ic o
The Paris Psalter 136:7 2a drihten, || maniġra bearna, / þe on Edōm sint || eall libbend
The Paris Psalter 136:7 2a þu drihten || manigra bearna / þe on edom synt || eal lifigende
The Paris Psalter 136:8 1b ēadiġ biþ hwæðere || sē þe eft ġieldeþ / þā þū him o
The Paris Psalter 136:9 3b er / eadig byþ hwæþere || se þe eft gyldeþ / / # / þa þu him o
The Paris Psalter: Psalm 136 1a ealdest. / / # / Ēadiġ biþ sē þe nimeþ || and ēac seteþ% / hi
The Paris Psalter 137:1 1a ris Psalter: Psalm 137 / / # / ic þe andette || ecne drihten / on mi
The Paris Psalter 137:1 6a ra engla || ealra gesihþe / ic þe singe || swiþe geneahhige / / #
The Paris Psalter 137:4 1b lne / / # / swa hwylce daga || ic þe deorne cige / gehyr me hwætlic
The Paris Psalter 137:5 1a ines mægenes sped / / # / ealle þe andettan || eorþan cyningas /
The Paris Psalter 137:5 2a n || eorþan cyningas / forþon þe hi gehyrdon || hlude reorde /
The Paris Psalter 137:7 1a e || her on eorþan / / # / þeah þe ic on midle || manes gange / þ
The Paris Psalter 137:7 4a e weredest || wraþum feondum / þe me woldan yrre || on acyþan /
The Paris Psalter 138:12 1a hrife || minre acenned / / # / ic þe andette || ece drihten / forþo
The Paris Psalter 138:13 1a a georne / / # / nis min ban wiþ þe || deope behyded / þæt þu wi
The Paris Psalter 138:15 4a synd arwyrþe || ealle swiþe / þe þine frynd wærun || fæste
The Paris Psalter 138:16 4a rise || and recene nu gyt / mid þe sylfum eom || gif þu syþþa
The Paris Psalter 138:17 2a reowe weras || ge bebugaþ me / þe þæt on geþohtum || þencea
The Paris Psalter 138:18 1a tobrecan moton / / # / ealle þa þe feodan || þurh facen god / ic
The Paris Psalter 139:1 3b drihten / and fram þam were || þe wom fremme / / # / þa ealne dæg
The Paris Psalter 139:4 3b wylce / and fram þam mannum || þe man fremmen / alys þu me lungr
The Paris Psalter 139:6 3a halig drihten / nu ic stefne to þe || styrme hlude / / # / drihten d
The Paris Psalter 139:12 2b t gode deþ / drihten domas || þe on dagum þyssum / wædlum weor
The Paris Psalter 140:1 1a ris Psalter: Psalm 140 / / # / ic þe drihten to || dyrum clypige / g
The Paris Psalter 140:1 3a ldre stefne / þonne ic bene to þe || bidde ceare full / / # / sy on
The Paris Psalter 140:3 2a enes || handa minra / þonne ic þe æfenlac || estum secge / / # / s
The Paris Psalter 140:10 1a dum / / # / forþon ic drihten on þe || dædum minum / eagum and mod
The Paris Psalter 140:11 1b eheald me wiþ þare gryne || þe me grame setton / þæt me ne b
The Paris Psalter 140:11 3a ne beswice || synwyrcende / þa þe unrihtes || æghwær þencea
The Paris Psalter 141:1 1a r: Psalm 141 / / # / min stefn to þe || styrmeþ drihten / and ic mi
The Paris Psalter 141:4 1b / # / on þyssum grenan wege || þe ic gange on / me oferhydige ||
The Paris Psalter 141:5 2a ram || fleam gedydan / næs þa þe mine sawle || secean wolde / þ
The Paris Psalter 141:5 3a wle || secean wolde / þa ic to þe drihten || digle cleopode / and
The Paris Psalter 142:2 3a e ne biþ || soþfæst ænig / þe on þisse foldan || feorhlif
The Paris Psalter 142:6 1a e / / # / þonne ic mine handa to þe || holde þenede / and mine saw
The Paris Psalter 142:7 5a nsyne || wese ic earmum gelic / þe on sweartne grund || syþþan
The Paris Psalter 142:8 3a g drihten / forþon ic hycge to þe || helpe gelyfe / / # / do me weg
The Paris Psalter 142:10 2a feondum minum / nu ic helpe to þe || holde gelyfe / lær me hu ic
The Paris Psalter 142:12 6a forleose || laþra gehwylcne / þe mine sawle || synne ætfæste
The Paris Psalter 143:1 2a gebletsad || min se deora god / þe mine handa || to hilde teah / a
The Paris Psalter 143:3 2a || mihtig scyldend / ic hiht on þe || hæbbe fæste / þæt þu me
The Paris Psalter 143:4 2a is se manna || mihtig drihten / þe þu him cuþlice || cyþan wo
The Paris Psalter 143:10 3b gleawne singe / on psalterio || þe him swynsaþ oft / mid tyn stre
The Paris Psalter 143:10 5a m || getogen hearpe / on þære þe ic þe singe || swiþe geneah
The Paris Psalter 143:19 2a þ þæt folc || oþre hataþ / þe him swa on foldan || fægre l
The Paris Psalter 143:19 3b peþ / eadig biþ þæt folc || þe ælmihtig wile / drihten god ||
The Paris Psalter 144:2 1b h syndrige dagas || symble ic þe bletsige / and naman þinne ||
The Paris Psalter 144:10 1a || awa to feore / / # / andetten þe drihten || ealle þine weorc /
The Paris Psalter 144:10 2a hten || ealle þine weorc / and þe þine þa halgan || her blets
The Paris Psalter 144:15 1b / / # / ahefeþ halig god || þa þe hreosaþ ær / and he ealle are
The Paris Psalter 144:16 1a earme gebrocene / / # / eagan on þe || ealra drihten / wisra gewena
The Paris Psalter 144:19 2a h is drihten || niþum eallum / þe hine mid soþe hige || secea
The Paris Psalter 144:20 2a e gehealdeþ || halig drihten / þe lufan wiþ hine || lustum hea
The Paris Psalter 145:3 2b e onwendeþ / on þa eorþan || þe hi of comon / of þam sylfan d
The Paris Psalter 145:3 4b rþaþ / ealle þa geþohtas || þe hi þohtan ær / / # / þonne bi
The Paris Psalter 145:4 1b ær / / # / þonne biþ eadig || þe him æror wæs / iacobes god ||
The Paris Psalter 145:5 1a n god || hæfde fæste / / # / se þe heofon worhte || hrusan swylc
The Paris Psalter 145:5 3a amed ætgædere / and ealle þa þe him on || ahwær syndon / / # / h
The Paris Psalter 145:6 3b || wise domas / deþ gedefe || þe her deorce ær / teonan manige
The Paris Psalter 145:6 5b oledan / syleþ mete swylce || þe her murcne ær / hungur heaþug
The Paris Psalter 145:7 2b drihten / þara manna bearn || þe ær man gebræc / swylce þa ge
The Paris Psalter 146:2 3a tidum || and to somnaþ / þa þe ut gewitan || of israhelum / / #
The Paris Psalter 146:8 1a m || gleawe be hearpan / / # / se þe heofen þeceþ || hadrum wolc
The Paris Psalter 146:8 3a regn þanon || recene sendeþ / þe þeos eorþe fram || æfter g
The Paris Psalter 146:10 1a pe || hæleþa bearnum / / # / se þe mete syleþ || manegum neatum
The Paris Psalter 146:11 2a to manna || mægene willan / ne þe on þinum selegescotum || swi
The Paris Psalter 146:11 3a scotum || swiþe licaþ / þeah þe weras wyrcean || wræst on eo
The Paris Psalter 146:12 2a licaþ || wuldres drihtne / þa þe hine him ondrædaþ || dædum
The Paris Psalter 147:2 4a gebletsade || bearna æghwylc / þe on innan þe || ahwær wæren
The Paris Psalter 147:3 3a utlandum || ahtest sibbe / and þe gesadade || mid þy selestan /
The Paris Psalter 148:4 2b orne / and þa wæter swylce || þe ofer wolcnum synt / on heofenha
The Paris Psalter 148:8 3a w / is and yste || ealra gastas / þe his word willaþ || wyrcean g
The Paris Psalter 148:9 2a d geswyru || micle beamas / þa þe mæst and wæstm || mannum br
The Paris Psalter 148:11 2a cyningas eac || ealle swylce / þe folcum her || fore wisien / and
The Paris Psalter 148:11 4a en || ahwær syndan / and ealle þe þas eorþan || ahwær demeþ
The Paris Psalter 51:6 2b fēore / on ðǣre weorolde || þe þū ġe·worhtest hēr; / for
The Paris Psalter 51:6 4a da, || glēaw on ġe·sihþe, / þe þīnne held curon, || þāra
The Paris Psalter 51:8 1a orulde || wat to helpe / / # / ic þe andette || awa to feore / on þ
The Paris Psalter 51:8 2b to feore / on þære worulde || þe þu geworhtest her / forþan þ
The Paris Psalter 51:8 4a se gooda || gleaw on gesyhþe / þe þinne held curan || þara ha
The Paris Psalter 52:2 1b e / / # / næs þa goddoend || se þe god wiste / ne an furþum || ea
The Paris Psalter 52:4 3a gan || þa wæs soþ nan mann / þe god wolde || georne wyrcan / ne
The Paris Psalter 52:5 2a lle ne magon || andgyt habban / þe unrihtes || elne wyrceaþ / and
The Paris Psalter 52:6 3b iciaþ / beoþ þa gehyrwede || þe forhycggeaþ god / / # / hwylc is
The Paris Psalter 53:6 1a weorp || syþþan wide / / # / ic þe lustum || lace cweme / and nama
The Paris Psalter 54:7 3b e lange / bide þæs beornes || þe me bete eft / modes mindom || a
The Paris Psalter 54:11 1a bere || bliþe mode / / # / þeah þe þa ealle || þe me a feodon /
The Paris Psalter 54:11 1b de / / # / þeah þe þa ealle || þe me a feodon / wordum wyrigen ||
The Paris Psalter 54:12 1b sneome / / # / þu eart se man || þe me wære / on anmede || and æg
The Paris Psalter 54:18 2a þ god || and hi gehyneþ eac / þe ær worulde wæs || and nu wu
The Paris Psalter 54:21 2a rihten || þin soþ gehygd / he þe butan fracoþum || fedeþ sy
The Paris Psalter 55:3 1b ne / / # / forþon monige synd || þe to me feohtaþ / wene ic me wra
The Paris Psalter 55:3 2a feohtaþ / wene ic me wraþe to þe || wuldres drihten / / # / ic wea
The Paris Psalter 55:6 1b nwende / / # / on eardiaþ || þa þe swa þenceaþ / þæt heo gehyd
The Paris Psalter 55:7 3a yhþe || sarige tearas / swa ic þe on gehate || hæfde geneahhig
The Paris Psalter 55:8 2b ne || þonne ic me freoþu to þe / wordum wilnige || ic wat and
The Paris Psalter 55:10 1b e synd mihtig god || þæt ic þe min gehat / on herenesse || hyl
The Paris Psalter 56:1 2a e weorþ / forþon min sawel on þe || swyþe getryweþ / and ic on
The Paris Psalter 56:2 2b ahgode / and to wealdendgode || þe me wel dyde / / # / he þa of heo
The Paris Psalter 56:3 1b ode / and tō wealdend-gode, || þe mē wēl dyde. / / # / Hē þā o
The Paris Psalter 56:3 2a of heofenum || hider onsende / þe me alysde || laþum wiþfered
The Paris Psalter 56:3 3b wiþferede / sealde on edwit || þe me ær trædan / / # / sende miht
The Paris Psalter 56:3 3a f heofonum || hider on·sende / þe mē ā·līesde, || lāðum w
The Paris Psalter 56:4 1b ferede, / sealde on ed·wīt || þe mē ǣr trǣdon. / / # / Sende me
The Paris Psalter 56:6 1a || ungemet scearpe / / # / ahefe þe ofer heofenas || halig drihte
The Paris Psalter 56:6 2a nġemet sċearpe. / / # / A·hefe þe ofer heofonas, || hāliġ dri
The Paris Psalter 56:11 1a arpe || herige drihten / / # / ic þe on folcum || frine drihten / ec
The Paris Psalter 57:10 3a is wæstm || wises and goodes / þe his soþfæst weorc || symble
The Paris Psalter 58:1 2b efiges niþes / feonda minra || þe me feohtaþ to / alys me fram l
The Paris Psalter 58:1 3b aþ to / alys me fram laþum || þe me lungre on / risan willaþ ||
The Paris Psalter 58:2 2a fram niþe || nahtfremmendra / þe her unrihtes || ealle wyrcea
The Paris Psalter 58:5 5a ode || milde weorþest / eallum þe unriht || elne wyrceaþ / / # / h
The Paris Psalter 58:9 1a eoda / / # / ic mine strengþe on þe || strange gehealde / forþon
The Paris Psalter 58:10 2b gen good / for minum feondum || þe me feale syndun / ne do hy to d
The Paris Psalter 58:17 2a ghwær wære / and ic helpe æt þe || hæfde symble / þonne me co
The Paris Psalter 58:17 4b ige / þu eart fultum min || ic þe fela singe / / # / forþon þu me
The Paris Psalter 59:4 2a ncge || beorhte sealdest / þam þe ege þinne || elne healdaþ /
The Paris Psalter 59:9 1b c ne eart þu se sylfa god || þe us swa drife / ne ga þu us on
The Paris Psalter 60:1 4a an || utgemærum / cleopige to þe || nu me caru beateþ / heard
The Paris Psalter 60:4 2a halig drihten / hu min gebed to þe || beorhte eode / yrfe þu seal
The Paris Psalter 60:4 4a sealdest || anra gehwylcum / se þe naman þinne || þurh neod fo
The Paris Psalter 60:5 3a || wynnum iced / oþ þone dæg þe he || on drihtnes sceal / on an
The Paris Psalter 60:6 1b ece / / # / hwylc seceþ þæt || þe soþfæst byþ / swa ic naman
The Paris Psalter 61:11 1a e || ræda þencean / / # / þeah þe eow wealan to || wearnum flow
The Paris Psalter 62:1 1b 62 / / # / god min god min || ic þe gearuwe to / æt leohte gehwam
The Paris Psalter 62:2 1a lustum wacie / / # / min sawl on þe || swyþe þyrsteþ / and min f
The Paris Psalter 62:2 2a e þyrsteþ / and min flæsc on þe || fæste getreoweþ / / # / on w
The Paris Psalter 62:3 3a um || wene ic swiþe / þæt ic þe on halgum || her ætywe / þæt
The Paris Psalter 62:4 2b tere / þonne þis læne lif || þe we lifiaþ on / weleras þe min
The Paris Psalter 62:4 3a || þe we lifiaþ on / weleras þe mine || wynnum heriaþ / / # / sw
The Paris Psalter 62:5 1a || wynnum heriaþ / / # / swa ic þe on minum life || lustum blets
The Paris Psalter 62:7 3a e begange / and on ærmergen on þe || eac gewene / forþon þu me
The Paris Psalter 62:8 3a be georne / forþon min sawl on þe || soþe getreoweþ / me þin s
The Paris Psalter 62:10 3a nd hine heriaþ eac / ealle þa þe on hine || aþas sweriaþ / for
The Paris Psalter 63:2 2b es / and fram þære menegeo || þe man woldon / and unrihte || æg
The Paris Psalter 63:8 1b / / # / ealle synd gedrefede || þe hi on sioþ / sceal him manna g
The Paris Psalter 64:1 1a e Paris Psalter: Psalm 64 / / # / þe gedafenaþ || drihten user / þ
The Paris Psalter 64:1 2a afenaþ || drihten user / þæt þe man on sion || swyþe herige /
The Paris Psalter 64:2 2a in gebed || halig drihten / for þe sceal ælc flæsc || forþ si
The Paris Psalter 64:4 1b / / # / he weorþeþ eadig || se þe hine ece god / cystum geceoseþ
The Paris Psalter 64:6 2a nd god || þu eart hyht ealra / þe on þysse eorþan || utan syn
The Paris Psalter 64:8 2a m ondrædaþ || þinne egesan / þe eard nymaþ || utan landes / fo
The Paris Psalter 64:14 4a hwætum / þonne hi cynlice to þe || cleopiaþ sona / and þe þo
The Paris Psalter 64:14 5a to þe || cleopiaþ sona / and þe þonne lustum || lofe þancia
The Paris Psalter 65:2 4a mægenes þines / þine feondas þe || fæcne leogaþ / / # / geweor
The Paris Psalter 65:3 3a os eorþe || ecne drihten / and þe singe eac || secge geneahhie /
The Paris Psalter 65:12 2a | halig gange / and þær tidum þe || tifer onsecge / þær ic min
The Paris Psalter 65:13 3a | cnyssedan geneahhe / þæt ic þe on tifrum || teala forgulde / e
The Paris Psalter 65:13 4b a forgulde / ealle þa gehat || þe ic æfre her / mid minum weleru
The Paris Psalter 65:18 1b e / / # / drihten si gebletsad || þe he ne dyde æfre / nymþe he mi
The Paris Psalter 66:3 1a lo || healdan motan / / # / folc þe andette || þu eart fæle god
The Paris Psalter 66:3 2a tte || þu eart fæle god / and þe andetten || ealle þeoda / / # /
The Paris Psalter 66:4 3a issien || bealde þeoda / þæs þe þu hi on rihtum || rædum de
The Paris Psalter 66:5 1a de || ealle healdest / / # / folc þe andetten || fælne drihten / an
The Paris Psalter 66:5 2a ndetten || fælne drihten / and þe andetten || ealle þeoda / / # /
The Paris Psalter 67:1 3b rpen / fleoþ his ansyne || þa þe hine feodan ær / / # / rece hi g
The Paris Psalter 67:4 4a t þæs || seftne and rihtne / þe he sylfa astah || ofer sunnan
The Paris Psalter 67:5 3a e wesan || ealle gedrefde / þa þe wydewum syn || wraþe æt dom
The Paris Psalter 67:6 2a on his stowe || dema halig / se þe eardian deþ || anes modes / an
The Paris Psalter 67:7 1a use || healdeþ blisse / / # / se þe on his mægenes || mihte gel
The Paris Psalter 67:12 2b syleþ him modes mægen || se þe is mihtig cynincg / and wlites
The Paris Psalter 67:21 4a ylleþ || feaxes scadan / þara þe her on scyldum || swærum eod
The Paris Psalter 67:24 3a ealdor-menn || ēac of Iudan, / þe lāttēow wæs || forþ þār
The Paris Psalter 67:25 3a nd ealdormenn || eac of iudan / þe latteow wæs || forþ þara l
The Paris Psalter 67:25 3b is on Hierusālem, || þider þe ġiefa lǣdaþ / of feorr-weĝu
The Paris Psalter 67:26 3a ē || ǣfre ā·tȳnde, / þā þe seolfres bēoþ || sinċe ||
The Paris Psalter 67:26 4b t ys on hierusalem || þyder þe gyfe lædaþ / of feorwegum ||
The Paris Psalter 67:27 3a under folcum / ne beoþ ut fram þe || æfre atynde / þa þe seolf
The Paris Psalter 67:27 4a fram þe || æfre atynde / þa þe seolfres beoþ || since gecos
The Paris Psalter 68:4 3a / on heafde nu || hæra feaxes / þe me earwunga || ealle feogeaþ
The Paris Psalter 68:5 1b aþ / / # / ofer me syndon || þa þe me ehton / fæstum folmum || fo
The Paris Psalter 68:5 4b forþ agef / unrihtlice || þa þe ic ne reafude ær / / # / þu was
The Paris Psalter 68:6 2a ic eom unwis hyges / ne wæren þe bemiþene || mine scylde / / # /
The Paris Psalter 68:7 2b e habban / sceame sceandlice || þe þines siþes her / ful bealdli
The Paris Psalter 68:7 6a ænige unare || ahwær findan / þe þe israela god || ahwær sec
The Paris Psalter 68:7 6b habban / sċame sċandlīċe || þe þīnes sīðes hēr / full bea
The Paris Psalter 68:8 1a eaþ / / # / forþon ic edwit for þe || oft aræfnade / and me hleor
The Paris Psalter 68:8 4a unāre || āhwǣr findan, / þe þe Israela god || āhwǣr sēċa
The Paris Psalter 68:12 3b tum / spræcon me wraþe || þa þe win druncon / / # / ic þonne min
The Paris Psalter 68:13 1b / # / ic þonne min gebed || to þe mihtig drihten / tidum sende ||
The Paris Psalter 68:13 4b sprǣcon mē wrāðe, || þā þe wīn druncon. / / # / Iċ þonne
The Paris Psalter 68:14 1b þine / / # / alys me of lame || þe læs ic weorþe lange fæst / a
The Paris Psalter 68:14 4a of deope || deorces wæteres / þe læs me besencen || sealte fl
The Paris Psalter 68:15 1b / # / A·līes mē of lāme, || þe læs iċ weorðe lange fæst,
The Paris Psalter 68:16 2a f dēope || deorces wæteres, / þe læs mē be·senċen || sealt
The Paris Psalter 68:19 2a þinre ansyne || ealle syndon / þe feondas me || fæcne wurdon / /
The Paris Psalter 68:20 1a nre ansīene || ealle sindon / þe fēondas mē || fǣcne wurdon
The Paris Psalter 68:26 2a on hi ealra || ehtan ongunnon / þe þu him earfoþu || ænig gea
The Paris Psalter 68:26 1b # / asete him þa unriht to || þe hi geearnedan / and mid unrihte
The Paris Psalter 68:27 1a e ealra || ēhtan on·gunnon, / þe þū him earfoþu || ǣniġ
The Paris Psalter 68:28 3b ·sete him þā unryht tō || þe hīe ġe·earnodon, / and mid u
The Paris Psalter 68:31 2b þonne æþele cealf || þeah þe him upp aga / horn on heafde ||
The Paris Psalter 68:33 2b nne æðele ċealf, || þēah þe him up aĝa / horn on heafde ||
The Paris Psalter 69:2 2a nde || and scame dreogaþ / þa þe mine fynd || fæcne wæron / an
The Paris Psalter 69:3 2b yrraþ / ealle hiora scamien || þe me yfel hogedon / / # / and heora
The Paris Psalter 69:4 2a æfstu eac || ealle sceamien / þe me word cwædon || weg-la weg
The Paris Psalter 69:5 2a d wynne || weorþe blisse / þa þe secean || symble drihten / and
The Paris Psalter 70:1 1a s Psalter: Psalm 70 / / # / ic on þe god drihten || gearuwe gewene
The Paris Psalter 70:3 4a olmum afere || firenwyrcendra / þe þine æ || efnan nellaþ / syn
The Paris Psalter 70:5 1b of modur hrife || mundbyrd on þe / þriste hæfde || þu eart þ
The Paris Psalter 70:5 3a e || þu eart þeccend min / on þe ic singge nu || symble and ge
The Paris Psalter 70:7 4a dur þin || wide mærsian / and þe ealne dæg || æghwær herian
The Paris Psalter 70:12 3b byþ þam scand and sceamu || þe me syrwedan yfel / / # / ic me sy
The Paris Psalter 70:14 3a c || swyþust mæreþ / sægeþ þe ealne dæg || ece hælu / / # / f
The Paris Psalter 70:17 3b eorisse / eallum þam teohhe || þe nu toweard ys / / # / þines miht
The Paris Psalter 70:18 3b htest / wundur wræclicu || nis þe wuldres cyning / ænig æfre ge
The Paris Psalter 70:19 6b an alysdest / þysse eorþan || þe we on buiaþ / / # / þær þu þ
The Paris Psalter 70:20 4a æt ic teala mihte / forþon ic þe andette || ece drihten / and þ
The Paris Psalter 70:20 5a e andette || ece drihten / and þe on sealmfatum || singe be hea
The Paris Psalter 70:21 2a || wynnum lofiaþ / þonne ic þe singe || sigora wealdend / and
The Paris Psalter 70:22 3a weorc || scende wæron ealle / þe me yfel to || ær gesohton
The Paris Psalter 71:6 3a s her || and swa fæger dropa / þe on þas eorþan || upon dreop
The Paris Psalter 71:12 3b nsittan / and þæne wædlan || þe on worulde næfþ / ahwær elle
The Paris Psalter 71:19 3a ra god || symble gebletsad / se þe wundor mycel || wyrceþ ana / s
The Paris Psalter 72:1 2a ece god || mid israhelum / þam þe mid heortan || hycgeaþ rihte
The Paris Psalter 72:11 2a de cwæþ || minum sona / þeah þe ic on me ingcan || ænne ne w
The Paris Psalter 72:12 2a cwæde || and sæcge eac / swa þe bearn weorþaþ || geboren sy
The Paris Psalter 72:15 3b eome forwurdon / for unrihte || þe hi ær dydon / swa fram slæpe
The Paris Psalter 72:18 1a ne wiste / / # / ic eom anlic mid þe || anum neate / and ic symble m
The Paris Psalter 72:18 2a anum neate / and ic symble mid þe || syþþan hwæþere / / # / þu
The Paris Psalter 72:20 2a eofonrice / hwæt wolde ic fram þe || wyrcean ofer eorþan / / # / m
The Paris Psalter 72:22 1b / forþan þa forweorþaþ || þe hira wynne to þe / habban nold
The Paris Psalter 72:22 3b forleosest || þa forhealdaþ þe / / # / min is ætfele || mihtigu
The Paris Psalter 73:1 2a | æfre woldest / æt ende fram þe || ahwær drifan / is þin yrre
The Paris Psalter 73:16 2b na bearna / þæra gesceafta || þe þu gesceope þe / fynd ætwita
The Paris Psalter 73:17 2a u unscyldigra || sawla deorum / þe þe andettaþ || earme þearf
The Paris Psalter 73:18 4a eoþ || dagas on eorþan / þam þe unrihtes || æghwær wyrceaþ
The Paris Psalter 73:19 2a dmoda || æfre gecyrred / þeah þe wædla || and þearfa he wyle
The Paris Psalter 73:20 3a tingan || eac wes gemyndig / hu þe unwise || edwita fela / þurh e
The Paris Psalter 73:21 2b ra manna / soþra stefna || þa þe seceaþ þe / fyll þa oferhydi
The Paris Psalter 73:21 3b e / fyll þa oferhydigan || þa þe feogeaþ þe / and eft to þe |
The Paris Psalter 73:21 4a a þe feogeaþ þe / and eft to þe || ealle stigaþ
The Paris Psalter 74:1 1a aris Psalter: Psalm 74 / / # / we þe andettaþ || ecne drihten / and
The Paris Psalter 74:1 2a andettaþ || ecne drihten / and þe andettaþ || ealle þeoda / and
The Paris Psalter 74:7 3b gefylled is || þæs onfehþ þe he ann / / # / þonne he of þysu
The Paris Psalter 75:4 3b eorgum / ealle synt yrre || þa þe unwise / heora heortan hige ||
The Paris Psalter 75:4 6b e / ne þær wiht fundan || þa þe welan sohtan / þæs þe hi on
The Paris Psalter 75:4 7a || þa þe welan sohtan / þæs þe hi on handum || hæfdan godes
The Paris Psalter 75:5 3a obes god || georne slepan / þa þe on horsum || hwilon wæron / is
The Paris Psalter 75:5 4b esa mycel || hwylc mæg æfre þe / gif þu yrre byst || ahwær w
The Paris Psalter 75:6 5a e on eorþan do || ealle hale / þe he mildheorte || meteþ and f
The Paris Psalter 75:7 1a eteþ and findeþ / / # / forþon þe mannes geþoht || mægen ande
The Paris Psalter 75:7 3a afe || lustum þence / þæt ic þe symbeldæg || sette and gyrwe
The Paris Psalter 75:8 3a am godan || gode georne / ealle þe on ymbhwyrfte || ahwær synda
The Paris Psalter 75:9 2a gsan sceal || æghwylc habban / þe wera gastum || wealdeþ and h
The Paris Psalter 76:9 3b ra god? / Þū eart ana god, || þe ǣghwelċ meaht / wunder ġe·w
The Paris Psalter 76:10 4a od, || wæter sċēawedon / and þe ġe·sāwon || sealte ȳða; /
The Paris Psalter 76:11 3b mæra god / þu eart ana god || þe æghwylc miht / wundor gewyrcea
The Paris Psalter 76:13 1a earn || of ægyptum / / # / hwæt þe wuldres god || wæter sceawed
The Paris Psalter 76:13 2a s god || wæter sceawedon / and þe gesawon || sealte yþa / forhte
The Paris Psalter 77:13 2b n hæfdon / and þara wundra || þe he worhte ær / þara heora yld
The Paris Psalter 77:21 1a || widum and sidum / / # / þeah þe he of stane || streamas lete /
The Paris Psalter 77:24 1a n || on israhelas / / # / forþon þe hi ne woldon || wordum drihtn
The Paris Psalter 77:63 3b ran / geonge begrette || þeah þe hi grame swultan / / # / wæran s
The Paris Psalter 78:4 3a um edwitstæf || ymbsittendum / þe us ahwær neah || nu-þa synd
The Paris Psalter 78:6 2b æt rice / and on cneowmagas || þe ne cunnan þe / ne naman þinne
The Paris Psalter 78:8 2b ta wealdend / ealdra unrihta || þe we oft fremedon / ac we hraþe
The Paris Psalter 78:11 3a ær þu gesawe to / geonge for þe || gnornendra care / þara þe
The Paris Psalter 78:11 4a þe || gnornendra care / þara þe on feterum || fæste wæran / /
The Paris Psalter 78:12 2b ne / gegang þa deaþa bearn || þe hi demaþ nu / / # / gyld nu gram
The Paris Psalter 78:13 3a lde wrace / forþon hi edwit on þe || ealle hæfdon / / # / we þin
The Paris Psalter 78:14 1a ē || gnornendra care / þāra þe on feterum || fæste wǣran. /
The Paris Psalter 78:14 2b le sceap / eowdes þines || we þe andettaþ / and þe to worulde
The Paris Psalter 78:14 3a ines || we þe andettaþ / and þe to worulde || wuldur sæcgea
The Paris Psalter 78:14 3b e·gang þā dēaða bearn || þe hīe dēmaþ nū. / / # / Ġield
The Paris Psalter 78:14 4a rulde || wuldur sæcgeaþ / and þe on worulda woruld || wordum h
The Paris Psalter 79:1 1a ris Psalter: Psalm 79 / / # / þu þe israela || æþelum cynne / rec
The Paris Psalter 79:1 3a || þu nu recene beheald / þu þe ioseph swa sceap || gramum wi
The Paris Psalter 79:2 1a | gramum wiþlæddest / / # / þu þe sylfa nu || sittest ofer cher
The Paris Psalter 79:2 3b and beniamin || nu we biddaþ þe / / # / awece þine mihte || and
The Paris Psalter 79:11 1b rbeam / / # / ealle þa telgan || þe him of hlidaþ / þu æt sæstr
The Paris Psalter 79:14 6b ymþe / and ofer mannes sunu || þe þu his mihte ær / under þe g
The Paris Psalter 79:14 7a | þe þu his mihte ær / under þe getrymedest || tires wealdend
The Paris Psalter 79:16 2b mannes sunu || þu his mihta þe / geagnadest || ealle getrymede
The Paris Psalter 79:16 4b rihten || ne gewitaþ we fram þe / / # / ac þu us wel cwica || we
The Paris Psalter 80:9 2a e anum gehyrst / ne byþ god on þe || niwe gemeted / ne þu fremed
The Paris Psalter 80:10 1b iddest / / # / ic eom þin god || þe geara þe / of ægypta || eorþ
The Paris Psalter 82:1 1a salter: Psalm 82 / / # / hwylc is þe gelic || ece drihten / ne swiga
The Paris Psalter 82:1 2b ce drihten / ne swiga þu || ne þe sylfne bewere / / # / forþon þi
The Paris Psalter 82:2 2a feond || fæcne forwurdan / þa þe fæste ær || feodan drihten /
The Paris Psalter 82:2 3a drihten / and heora heafod wiþ þe || hofan swiþe / / # / hi on þi
The Paris Psalter 82:5 2a ymbsætan / and gewitnesse wiþ þe || wise gesettan / / # / selegesc
The Paris Psalter 83:4 1b g / / # / eadige weorþaþ || þa þe eardiaþ / on þinum husum || h
The Paris Psalter 83:4 3a um husum || halig drihten / and þe on worulda woruld || wealdend
The Paris Psalter 83:5 1b # / þæt byþ eadig wer || se þe him oþerne / fultum ne seceþ
The Paris Psalter 83:5 6b ssaþ / on þam sylfan stede || þe þu him settest her / / # / broht
The Paris Psalter 83:6 1b # / brohte him bletsunge || se þe him beorhte æ / soþe sette ||
The Paris Psalter 83:9 2a || to gebidanne / anne dæg mid þe || þonne oþera / on þeodstef
The Paris Psalter 83:12 2a od æfre || gode bedælan / þa þe heortan gehygd || healdaþ cl
The Paris Psalter 83:12 3b e / þæt biþ eadig mann || se þe him ecean godes / to mundbyrde
The Paris Psalter 84:5 3a cneorisse / gecyr us georne to þe || crist ælmihtig / and þin f
The Paris Psalter 84:5 4a st ælmihtig / and þin folc on þe || gefeo swiþe / / # / æteow us
The Paris Psalter 84:7 4b rnast / and swiþust to þam || þe hine seceaþ / / # / hwæþere he
The Paris Psalter 84:8 2a soþe || forswiþe neah / þam þe egsan his || elne healdaþ / h
The Paris Psalter 85:2 2b l þinne scealc || forþon ic þe hihte to / / # / miltsa me drihte
The Paris Psalter 85:3 1b ihten || þonne ic mægene to þe / þurh ealne dæg || elne cleo
The Paris Psalter 85:3 4a sawle bliþe / forþon ic hi to þe || hebbe genehhige / / # / forþo
The Paris Psalter 85:4 3a cel and genihtsum / eallum þam þe þe || elne cigeaþ / / # / þu m
The Paris Psalter 85:5 3a d eac beheald / hu ic stefne to þe || stundum cleopige / / # / þonn
The Paris Psalter 85:6 2b edan || þonne ic cleopode to þe / forþon þu me gehyrdest || h
The Paris Psalter 85:7 1a hyrdest || holde mode / / # / nis þe goda ænig || on gumrice / ahw
The Paris Psalter 85:7 3a efne gelic || ece drihten / ne þe weorc magon || wyrcean anlic /
The Paris Psalter 85:8 2a orhtest || wera cneorissa / þa þe weorþiaþ || wuldres aldor / a
The Paris Psalter 85:9 2a t se mycla || mihtiga drihten / þe wundor miht || wyrcean ana / / #
The Paris Psalter 86:2 1a le / / # / wærun wuldurlice wiþ þe || wel acweþene / þæt þu si
The Paris Psalter 86:5 2a gewritum || dema sægde / þam þe frumsprecend || folces wæron
The Paris Psalter 86:5 3b olces wæron / eallum swylce || þe hire on wæron / / # / swa ure ea
The Paris Psalter 86:6 2a iss || eardhæbbendra / on anum þe || ece standeþ
The Paris Psalter 87:1 2a | dyre hælend / ic on dæge to þe || dygle cleopode / and on niht
The Paris Psalter 87:1 3a gle cleopode / and on niht fore þe || neode swylce / / # / gange min
The Paris Psalter 87:4 4a m men gelic || mære geworden / þe mid deadum biþ || betweox de
The Paris Psalter 87:9 4a lne clypige / and mine handa to þe || hebbe and þenige / / # / ne h
The Paris Psalter 87:10 3a ceas weccean / and hi andettan þe || ealle syþþan / / # / cwist
The Paris Psalter 87:11 4a æstnes || sīe on þǣmlande / þe ofer-ġietness || inn eardie.
The Paris Psalter 87:12 4a fæstnes || si on þam lande / þe ofergytnes || on eardige / / # /
The Paris Psalter 87:13 1a es || on eardige / / # / ic me to þe || ece drihten / mid modgehygde
The Paris Psalter 87:13 4a morgena gehwylce / fore sylfne þe || soþfæst becume / / # / forhw
The Paris Psalter 88:5 2b oda drihten / ænig anlic || ne þe ænig byþ / betweox godes bear
The Paris Psalter 88:6 4a || ofer eall manna bearn / þa þe on ymbhwyrfte || ahwær syndo
The Paris Psalter 88:7 2a ena god || mihtig drihten / nis þe ealra gelic || ahwær on sped
The Paris Psalter 88:13 3a itan || þæt biþ eadig folc / þe can naman þinne || neode her
The Paris Psalter 88:14 2a ohte || lifigeaþ and gangaþ / þe him ansyn þin || ær onlihte
The Paris Psalter 88:21 2a nsyne || ealle ic aceorfe / þa þe him feondas || fæcne syndon /
The Paris Psalter 88:32 7a wa mona || meahte on heofenum / þe is ece gewita || æhwær getr
The Paris Psalter 88:43 2b rihten / micel mildheortness || þe þu mancynne / and dauide || de
The Paris Psalter 89:9 1a andwlitan þines / / # / forþam þe ure dagas || ealle geteorudun
The Paris Psalter 89:10 5a dagas || gnornscendende / þeah þe heora hundred seo || samod æ
The Paris Psalter 89:11 3a ehtatig || ylda gebiden / ealle þe þær ofer beoþ || æfre get
The Paris Psalter 89:13 4a miht || nis þæt mann ænig / þe þa ariman || rihte cunne / / #
The Paris Psalter 89:14 2a an hand || drihten cuþe / þam þe on snytrum syn || swyþe gety
The Paris Psalter 89:17 3a ebrohtest / and for þam gearum þe we on gesawon || yfela feala /
The Paris Psalter 90:1 3a hehstan || heofonrices weard / þe me æt wunaþ || awa to feore
The Paris Psalter 90:2 3b / min se goda god || and ic on þe geare hycge / / # / forþon he me
The Paris Psalter 90:5 2a || scylde wiþ feondum / ne þu þe nihtegsan || nede ondrædest /
The Paris Psalter 90:6 1a ndrædest / / # / ne forhtast þu þe on dæge || flan on lyfte / þ
The Paris Psalter 90:6 2a dæge || flan on lyfte / þæt þe þurhgangan || garas on þeos
The Paris Psalter 90:7 1a || mære deoful / / # / fealleþ þe on þa wynstran || wergra þu
The Paris Psalter 90:7 3b / on þine þa swiþran || and þe ne sceaþeþ ænig / / # / hwæþ
The Paris Psalter 90:9 2a g drihten / þu me friþstol on þe || fæstne settest / / # / ne mæ
The Paris Psalter 90:10 1a | fæstne settest / / # / ne mæg þe ænig yfel || egle weorþan / n
The Paris Psalter 90:11 1b bebead || þæt hi mid earmum þe / on heora handum || heoldan ge
The Paris Psalter 90:12 1a ga || wealdan mostest / / # / and þe on folmum || feredan swylce /
The Paris Psalter 90:12 2a e on folmum || feredan swylce / þe læs þu fræcne on stan || f
The Paris Psalter 91:3 2a engum || getogen hæfde / hu ic þe on psalterio || singan mihte /
The Paris Psalter 91:3 3a lterio || singan mihte / oþþe þe mid hearpan || hlyste cweman /
The Paris Psalter 91:6 3b c / ealle þær ætywaþ || þa þe unrihtes / on weoruldlife || wo
The Paris Psalter 91:8 4a towrecene || wide ealle / þa þe unrihtes || æror worhtan / / #
The Paris Psalter 91:13 2a syndan manige || manna swylce / þe hiom yldo gebidan || ær to g
The Paris Psalter 93:2 1a || æghwylcne mann / / # / ahefe þe on ellen || eorþan dema / gyld
The Paris Psalter 93:8 1b indaþ þæt and ongeotaþ || þe on folce nu / unwiseste || ealr
The Paris Psalter 93:9 1a | deope þæt oncnawan / / # / se þe ærest ealdum || earan worhte
The Paris Psalter 93:9 5a ne mæge || gesceawian / and se þe ege healdeþ || eallum þeodu
The Paris Psalter 93:9 7a a ne si || þær for awiht / se þe men læreþ || micelne wisdom
The Paris Psalter 93:11 1b / / # / þæt biþ eadig mann || þe þu hine ece god / on þinre so
The Paris Psalter 93:14 3a awyrgedum || winne and stande / þe unrihtes || ealle wyrceaþ / / #
The Paris Psalter 93:17 2a þære menigeo || minra sara / þe me ær on ferhþe || fæste g
The Paris Psalter 93:18 1a sawle mine / / # / ne ætfyligeþ þe ahwær || facen ne unriht / þu
The Paris Psalter 93:20 2b ælmihtig / ealle þa unriht || þe hi geearnedan / and on heora fa
The Paris Psalter 94:6 3b rihtnes / and him wepan fore || þe us worhte ær / / # / forþon he
The Paris Psalter 95:12 2a fægere blisse / and ealle þa þe on him || eard weardiaþ / wær
The Paris Psalter 98:1 3b e / sitteþ ofer cherubin || se þe sona mæg / ana eorþware || ea
The Metres of Boethius: Proem 10b leðum secgean. || Hliste se þe wille!
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 30a | oþþæt wyrd gescraf / þæt þe þeodrice || þegnas and eorl
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 58a de þara ara || and ealdrihta / þe his eldran mid him || ahton l
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 34b ndes ban / þæs goldsmiþes || þe wæs geo mærost / forþy ic cw
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 37b þbuendra / se cræft losian || þe him crist onlænþ / ne mæg mo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 39b ccan / his cræftes beniman || þe mon oncerran mæg / sunnan onsw
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 45b | romana wita / and se aroda || þe we ymb sprecaþ / hiora heretog
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 66a || bio oþþe þince / forþæm þe nane forlet || þeah hit lang
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 4b heare sæ / and ealra þara || þe þær in wuniaþ / ungesæwenli
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 6a cra || and eac swa same / þara þe we eagum || on lociaþ / ealra
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 9a m oleccaþ || ealle gesceafte / þe þæs ambehtes || awuht cunno
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 20b tilde / of þæm ryne onwend || þe him rodera weard / endebyrdes |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 29a r || wille onlæten / he hafaþ þe bridle || butu befangen / heofo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 38a ne ilcan ryne || eft gecyrran / þe æt frymþe || fæder getiode
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 56b aftum / þæt gewrixle geset || þe nu wunian sceal / wyrta growan
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 76b onlætan / efne þara bridla || þe he gebætte mid / his agen weor
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 79a erweardnes || wuhte gehwelcre / þe we mid þæm bridle || becnan
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 1a res of Boethius: Metre 12 / / se þe wille wyrcan || wæstmbære l
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 4a and fyrsas swa same / wiod þa þe willaþ || welhwær derian / cl
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 19b a / sio soþe gesælþ || symle þe betere / and þy wynsumre || þ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 20b e betere / and þy wynsumre || þe he wita ma / heardra henþa ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 29a | yfel weod monig / siþþan ic þe secge || þæt þu sweotole m
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 12b helded / wiþ þæs gecyndes || þe him cyning engla / fæder æt f
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 32b iþþan / hæleþa gehwilcne || þe hio gehentan mæg / nele hio fo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 38b forsewene / heora lareowas || þe hi lange ær / tydon and temedo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 43b um beodan / þone ilcan mete || þe he hi æror mid / tame getede |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 51b þ / swa biþ eallum treowum || þe him on æþele biþ / þæt hit
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 69a er eorþan || ænegu gesceaft / þe ne wilnie || þæt hio wolde
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 70b wolde cuman / to þam earde || þe hio of becom / þæt is orsorgn
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 74a er eorþan || ænegu gesceaft / þe ne hwearfige || swa swa hweol
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 14 2a || woruldgitsere / on his mode þe bet || þeah he micel age / gol
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 1a res of Boethius: Metre 16 / / se þe wille anwald agon || þonne s
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 6b licra fela / þara ymbhogona || þe him unnet sie / læte sume hwil
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 24b dædum / wiþ þa unþeawas || þe we ymb sprecaþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 21b gehwilcum / þa rihtæþelo || þe ic þe recce ymb / nales on þ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 23b buendra / ac nu æghwilc mon || þe mid ealle biþ / his unþeawum
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 27b selfe / and eac þone fæder || þe hine æt fruman gesceop / forþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 1b hefig dysig || hygeþ ymbe se þe wile / and frecenlic || fira ge
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 40a swa hit me don lysteþ / ne ic þe swa sweotole || gesecgan ne m
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 42b an / ungesæligran || þonne ic þe secgan mæge / hi wilniaþ || w
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 2 13b frofre / for heora untreowum || þe ic him æfre betst / truwian sc
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 14a r faraþ || ge eft cumaþ / þu þe unstilla || agna gesceafta / to
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 16a illan || wislice astyrest / and þe self wunæst || swiþe stille
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 20a a gesceaft || efnlica þin / ne þe ænig nedþearf || næs æfre
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 21b re giet / ealra þara weorca || þe þu geworht hafast / ac mid þi
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 25a st || and wuhta gehwæt / þeah þe nænegu || nedþearf wære / ea
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 27b ines goodes || þencþ ymb se þe wile / forþon hit is eall an |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 30b it his utan || ne com auht to þe / ac ic georne wat || þæt þi
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 32b is / ælmihtig good || eall mid þe selfum / hit is ungelic || urum
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 37a um || andan genumenne / forþam þe nan þing nis || þin gelica /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 41a nd hi þa worhtest / næs æror þe || ænegu gesceaft / þe auht o
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 42a æror þe || ænegu gesceaft / þe auht oþþe nauht || auþer w
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 45b st / þing þearle good || eart þe selfa / þæt hehste good || hw
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 117b ncþ me þæt wundur || wuhte þe læsse / þæt þios eorþe mæ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 131b ga fordo / butan þæs leafe || þe us þis lif tiode / þæt is se
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 136b emæst / buton þæm rodere || þe þas ruman gesceaft / æghwylce
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 142b hwæþer / æghwilc gesceaft || þe we ymb sprecaþ / hæfþ his ag
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 165a æg hio hider ne þider / sigan þe swiþor || þe hio symle dyde
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 165b e þider / sigan þe swiþor || þe hio symle dyde / hwæt hi þeah
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 169b ldan þisse / þæm anlicost || þe on æge biþ / gioleca on midda
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 180b lytlan ne biþ / anum fingre || þe hire on eallum biþ / þæm lic
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 195a || ealla oferþungen / forþæm þe hi habbaþ || þæs þe hi na
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 195b þæm þe hi habbaþ || þæs þe hi nabbaþ / þone ænne cræft
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 196b nabbaþ / þone ænne cræft || þe we ær nemdon / sio gesceadwisn
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 238b flæsce || hwæt hi simle to þe / hionan fundiaþ || forþæm h
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 239b diaþ || forþæm hi hider of þe / æror comon || sculon eft to
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 240b / æror comon || sculon eft to þe / sceal se lichama || last wear
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 245b æs / from þæm ælmihtigan || þe hi æror gio / gesomnade || þ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 253a urum modum / þæt hi moten to þe || metod alwuhta / þurg þas e
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 256b t fæder / þeoda waldend || to þe cuman / and þonne mid openum |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 262a || ures modes / þæt we hi on þe selfum || siþþan moten / afæ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 264b todrif / þone þiccan mist || þe þrage nu / wiþ þa eagan fora
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 273a æt þu softe gedest / þæt hi þe selfne || gesion moten / þu ea
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 279b hwæs / and sio wlitige stow || þe se weg to ligþ / þe ealle to
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 280a e stow || þe se weg to ligþ / þe ealle to || a fundiaþ / men of
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 3b fundie to / þæm ecum gode || þe we ymb sprecaþ / and to þæm
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 4b þ / and to þæm gesælþum || þe we secgaþ ymb / se þe þonne
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 5a þum || þe we secgaþ ymb / se þe þonne nu sie || nearwe gehef
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 13b a wic / þæt is sio an hyþ || þe æfre biþ / æfter þam yþum
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 28b on / forþæm æghwilc þing || þe on þys andweardan / life lica
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 32a dorlic || wlite and beorhtnes / þe wuhta gehwæs || wlite geberh
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 1a res of Boethius: Metre 22 / / se þe æfter rihte || mid gerece wi
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 64b homan / and mid þæm bisgum || þe on breostum styreþ / mon on mo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 23 9b / betan bispellum || þæt þu þe bet mæge / aredian to rodorum
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 12b eac faran / ofer þæm fyre || þe fela geara / for lange betweox
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 15a | fæder getiode / þu meahtest þe siþþan || mid þære sunnan
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 17a ox || oþrum tunglum / meahtest þe full recen || on þæm rodere
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 29a um || gif þu on riht færest / þe þone hehstan heofon || behin
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 35a æt is wis cyning / þæt is se þe waldeþ || giond werþioda / ea
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 55a willan || fæste stondan / gif þe þonne æfre || eft geweorþe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 60a þa ofermodan || oþre rican / þe þis werige folc || wyrst tuc
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 63b ces þinges / emne þa ilcan || þe þis earme folc / sume hwile nu
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 15b / and se hlaford ne scrifþ || þe þæm here waldeþ / freonde ne
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 20b on mode / for þæm anwalde || þe him anra gehwilc / his tirwina
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 25b egnunga / and þæs anwaldes || þe he ær hæfde / þonne meaht þ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 27b e gelic / sumum þara gumena || þe him geornost nu / mid þegnungu
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 33b egnunga / and þæs anwaldes || þe we ymbe sprecaþ / gif him æni
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 54a lest || rihtes ne scrifeþ / ic þe sæde ær || on þisse selfan
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 60b wuht goodes / for þæm yfle || þe ic þe ær sæde / nis þæt na
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 62b willaþ hi / þæm unþeawum || þe ic þe ær nemde / anra gehwelc
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 66a þara hlaforda || hæftedome / þe he hine eallunga ær || under
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 1a res of Boethius: Metre 26 / / ic þe mæg eaþe || ealdum and leas
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 3b e gelice / efne þisse ilcan || þe wit ymb sprecaþ / hit gesælde
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 58b o ricsode / on þæm iglonde || þe aulixes / cining þracia || com
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 61b sona / eallre þære mænige || þe hire mid wunode / æþelinges s
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 83a hwæt || siofian scioldon / þa þe leon wæron || ongunnon laþl
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 89b st wæs / butan þam cyninge || þe sio cwen lufode / nolde þara o
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 97b bunden / for þæm earfoþum || þe him on sæton / hwæt þa dyseg
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 98b ton / hwæt þa dysegan men || þe þysum drycræftum / longe gely
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 6b afaþ / hwy ge þæs deaþes || þe eow drihten gesceop / gebidan n
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 2a is on eorþan || nu unlærdra / þe ne wundrige || wolcna færeld
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 19b t ne wafige / buton þa ane || þe hit ær wisson / þætte mænig
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 22b e eft / læsse geliþaþ || þa þe lacaþ ymb / eaxe ende || oþþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 34b / under merestreamas || þæs þe monnum þincþ / swa eac sume w
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 36b ne do / ac se wena nis || wuhte þe soþra / ne biþ hio on æfen |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 38a | ne on ærmorgen / merestreame þe near || þe on midne dæg / and
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 38b orgen / merestreame þe near || þe on midne dæg / and þeah monnu
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 82b wundriaþ / mæniges þinges || þe monnum nu / wæfþo and wunder
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 30 11b a / ne furþum þa gesceafta || þe hio gescinan mæg / endemes ne
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 1b þu meaht ongitan || gif his þe geman lyst / þætte mislice ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 5b t / tunglu genedest || þæt hi þe to heraþ / swylce seo sunne ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 14a one mæran || morgensteorran / þe we oþre naman || æfensteorr
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 44b tidum / habbaþ on hospe || þa þe him sindon / rihtes wisran || r
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 53b a ane / eala min dryhten || þu þe ealle ofersihst / worulde gesce
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 3a lcum || oþrum steorran / þara þe æfter burgum || beorhtost sc
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 11a mere || hrioh biþ þonne / seo þe ær gladu || onsiene wæs / swa
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 30b æm / ealles to ormod || ne þu þe æfre ne læt / wlenca gewæcan
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 31b re ne læt / wlenca gewæcan || þe læs þu weorþe for him / mid
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 36a reowe || æniges godes / þonne þe for worulde || wiþerwearda m
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 37b sþ / þinga þreage || and þu þe selfum / swiþost onsitte || fo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 29a bhogan || ungemet gemen / ac se þe þa ecan || agan wille / soþan
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 44b unaþ / hopaþ to þæm ecum || þe þær æfter cumaþ / hine þon
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 53a wind || wraþe blaweþ / þeah þe hine ealneg || se ymbhoga / þy
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 11a ara hrægla || huru ne gemdon / þe nu drihtguman || diorost læt
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 17b metlicost / þa gecynd began || þe him crist gesceop / and hi æne
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 22a teape || næs þa scealca nan / þe mete oþþe drinc || mængan
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 34b wer þa geta / beornes blode || þe hine bill rude / ne furþum wun
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 46b de byrnþ / efne sio gitsung || þe nænne grund hafaþ / swearte s
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 48b mes onlice / efne þam munte || þe nu monna bearn / etne hataþ ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 27a a æþelestan || eorlgebyrdum / þe he on þæm folce || gefrigen
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 32a de || and he symle wæs / micle þe bliþra || on breostcofan / þo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 57b egena / ealra þara hæleþa || þe on his tidum / geond þas læna
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 63b wiht godes / gif se wel nele || þe his geweald hafaþ
Metrical Psalm 91:13 2a don maniġe || manna swelċe / þe him ieldu ġe·bidan || ǣr t
Metrical Psalm 91:13 3a an || ǣr tō ġe·nihte / and þe mid ġe·þylde || þenden s
Metrical Psalm 91:3 3a io || singæn meæhte / oððe% þe mid heærpæn || hliste cwem
Metrical Psalm 91:6 3b ðǣr æt­·īewaþ || þā þe unryhtes / on weorold-līfe ||
Metrical Psalm 93:14 3a ierĝdum || winne and stande / þe unryhtes || ealle wyrċaþ.
Metrical Psalm 93:17 2a ǣre meniġu || mīnre sāre / þe mē ǣr on ferhþe || fæste
Metrical Psalm 93:18 1a l Psalm 93:18 / / Ne etfyligeð% þe æhwer || facen ne unriht / þu
Metrical Psalm 93:20 2b elmihtig / ealla þa unriht || þe hi gearnedæn / and on hiora fa
Metrical Psalm 93:8 1b findæn ðeð and ongeoton || þe on folce nu / unwiseste || eæl
Metrical Psalm 93:9 5a e || ġe·scēawian / and sē þe ege healdaþ || eallum þēod
Metrical Psalm 93:9 7a sīe || þā for āwiht / sē þe menn lǣreþ || miċelne wīs
Metrical Psalm 94:6 3b htnes / and him wēpan fore || þe ūs worhte ǣr.
Metrical Psalm 94:7 3a c || and his fæġere scēap / þe hē% on his edisce || ǣr ā
The Battle of Brunanburh 26a egan || hæleþa nanum / þæra þe mid anlafe || ofer æra gebla
The Battle of Brunanburh 68b issum / sweordes ecgum || þæs þe us secgaþ bec / ealde uþwitan
The Coronation of Edgar 14b t / wæs wintergeteles || þæs þe gewritu secgaþ / seofon and tw
The Death of Edgar 6b r / in þisse eþeltyrf || þa þe ær wæran / on rimcræfte || r
The Death of Edgar 20a æt wæs gnornung micel / þam þe on breostum wæg || byrnende
The Death of Alfred 2a inn and wolde tō his mēder, þe on Win- || / ċeastre sæt, ac
The Death of Alfred 4a eorl, ne ēac ōðre || / menn þe miċel meahton wealdan, for·
The Death of Alfred 10a blission || bliþe mid criste / þe wæron butan scylde || swa ea
The Death of Alfred 15a ission || blīðe mid Crīste / þe wǣron būtan sċylde || swā
The Death of Alfred 16b d he þar wunode || þa hwile þe he lyfode / syþþan hine man b
The Death of Edward 34a dum || wihte ne agælde / þæs þe þearf wæs || þæs þeodcyn
Durham 10a byri eac || bearnum gecyþed / þe arfesta || eadig cudberch / and
Durham 16a cera beda || and boisil abbot / þe clene cudberte || on gecheþe
Durham 20b ia wundrum gewurþaþ || þes þe writ seggeþ / midd þene drihn
The Rune Poem 9b etun reþe / manna gehwylcun || þe him mid resteþ / os byþ ordfr
The Rune Poem 14b / sefte and swiþhwæt || þam þe sitteþ on ufan / meare mægenh
The Rune Poem 21b cna gehwam / ar and ætwist || þe byþ oþra leas / wynne bruceþ
The Rune Poem 22b oþra leas / wynne bruceþ || þe can weana lyt / sares and sorge
The Rune Poem 44a e breneþ || beorna gehwylcne / þe him ænigne || onfeng gedeþ /
Solomon and Saturn 6a goda || pater noster / sille ic þe ealle || sunu dauides / þeoden
Solomon and Saturn 47b dum / tō be·gangenne || þǣm þe his gāst wile / meltan wiþ mo
Solomon and Saturn 51b emyndum / to begonganne || þam þe his gast wile / meltan wiþ mor
Solomon and Saturn 77a weorð-mynta ġeard. / And sē þe wile ġeornlīċe || þone Go
Solomon and Saturn 82a d || weorþmynta geard / and se þe wile geornlice || þone godes
Solomon and Saturn 158b dan / wǣpnes eċġe, || þēah þe him sē wlite cwēme, / ac siml
Solomon and Saturn 163b bredan / wæpnes ecgge || þeah þe him se wlite cweme / ac symle h
Solomon and Saturn 170b wæðre wæs on sǣlum || sē þe of sīðe cōm / feorran ġe·f
Solomon and Saturn 174b wīsdōm; || wiers dēþ sē þe liehþ / oþþe þæs sōðes o
Solomon and Saturn 175b / hwæþre was on sælum || se þe of siþe cwom / feorran gefered
Solomon and Saturn 176a Saloman wæs brēmra, / þēah þe Saturnus% || sumra hæfde, / ba
Solomon and Saturn 179b e hira wisdom || wyrs deþ se þe liehþ / oþþe þæs soþes an
Solomon and Saturn 181a || saloman was bremra / þeah þe saturnus || sumra hæfde / bald
Solomon and Saturn 15b on / wīde on·wæcned, || þā þe nū weallende / þurh attres or
Solomon and Saturn 19a ā hiltas’. / ‘Dol biþ sē þe gæþ || on dēop wæter, / sē
Solomon and Saturn 20b ewurdon / wide onwæcned || þa þe nu weallende / þurh attres oro
Solomon and Saturn 20a gæþ || on dēop wæter, / sē þe sund nafaþ || ne ġe·seġle
Solomon and Saturn 24b Ac hwæt is sē dumba, || sē þe on sumre dene resteþ? / Swīð
Solomon and Saturn 25a omon cwæþ # || / dol biþ se þe gæþ || on deop wæter / se þ
Solomon and Saturn 26a e gæþ || on deop wæter / se þe sund nafaþ || ne gesegled sc
Solomon and Saturn 28a elċ || engles snytru, / þāra þe wile ānra hwelċ || uppe bri
Solomon and Saturn 31b | / ac hwæt is se dumba || se þe on sumre dene resteþ / swiþe
Solomon and Saturn 33b ahhe / witodne willan || þǣm þe wiht hyġeþ. / Ġe·strangaþ
Solomon and Saturn 35a ehwylc || engles snytro / þara þe wile anra hwylc || uppe bring
Solomon and Saturn 37a līfes’. / ‘Beald biþ sē þe on·bierġeþ || bōca cræft
Solomon and Saturn 38a || bōca cræftes; / simle biþ þe wīsra || þe hira ġe·weald
Solomon and Saturn 38b tes; / simle biþ þe wīsra || þe hira ġe·weald hafaþ’. /
Solomon and Saturn 40b hwǣm, / hǣlu hȳðe, || þǣm þe hīe lufaþ’. / ‘Ān wīse
Solomon and Saturn 41b eahhe / weotodne willan || þam þe wiht hygeþ / gestrangaþ hie a
Solomon and Saturn 46a nus cwæþ # || / bald biþ se þe onbyregeþ || boca cræftes / s
Solomon and Saturn 47a || boca cræftes / symle biþ þe wisra || þe hira geweald haf
Solomon and Saturn 47b ftes / symle biþ þe wisra || þe hira geweald hafaþ / salomon c
Solomon and Saturn 50b ra gehwam / hælo hyþe || þam þe hie lufaþ / saturnus cwæþ #
Solomon and Saturn 52b n Filistina, || wēnaþ þæs þe nāht is, / þæt hine him sċy
Solomon and Saturn 59b s þæt þu sagast || seme ic þe recene / ymb þa wrætlican wih
Solomon and Saturn 60b can wiht || wilt þu þæt ic þe secgge / an fugel siteþ || on
Solomon and Saturn 64b tan filistina || wenaþ þæs þe naht is / þæt hiene him scyle
Solomon and Saturn 76b Ac hwæt is þæt wunder || þe ġond ­þās weorold færeþ
Solomon and Saturn 89b / ac hwæt is þæt wundor || þe geond þas worold færeþ / sty
Solomon and Saturn 111b þonne ġe·feallaþ || þā þe firena ǣr / lange lǣstaþ, ||
Solomon and Saturn 121b sum mōdĝum mannum, || þǣm þe hēr nū mid māne lenġest / l
Solomon and Saturn 129b / swa þonne gefeallaþ || þa þe fyrena ær / lange læstaþ ||
Solomon and Saturn 132b arr þonne drihtne dēman, || þe ūs of dūste ġe·worhte, / ne
Solomon and Saturn 141b þissum modgum monnum || þam þe her nu mid mane lengest / lifia
Solomon and Saturn 144a worc ne gedegdon / ne sceall ic þe hwæþre broþor abelgan ||
Solomon and Saturn 145b lǣde biþ and or-mōd || sē þe ā wile / ġōmrian on ġīehþ
Solomon and Saturn 152b n·lūtan and on·līðian || þe hafaþ lǣsse mæġn%.’ / ‘
Solomon and Saturn 156b dear þonne dryhtne deman || þe us of duste geworhte / nergend
Solomon and Saturn 173b / unlæde biþ and ormod || se þe a wile / geomrian on gihþe ||
Solomon and Saturn 182b ylc / onlutan and onliþigan || þe hafaþ læsse mægn / saturnus
Solomon and Saturn 214a | eorl tō ġe·sihþe, / þǣm þe ġe·dǣlan cann || dryhtnes
Solomon and Saturn 223a būtan twēon strengra%, / wyrd þe warnung, || þonne hīe winna
Solomon and Saturn 252a enga || eorl to gesihþe / þam þe gedælan can || dryhtnes þec
Solomon and Saturn 262a || butan tweon strengra / wyrd þe warnung || þonne hie winnaþ
Solomon and Saturn 272b iġ / eorðan cynnes, || þāra þe man āĝe, / þe dēaþ ā·bǣ
Solomon and Saturn 273a nes, || þāra þe man āĝe, / þe dēaþ ā·bǣde, || ǣr sē
Solomon and Saturn 280b n metodes þrymm, || mid þȳ þe hit dæġ biþ. / Þonne hine y
Solomon and Saturn 296b t, / and þæs willan wyrcþ || þe hine on wōh spaneþ. / Ġe·w
Solomon and Saturn 315b ænig / eorþan cynnes || þara þe man age / þe deaþ abæde ||
Solomon and Saturn 316a n cynnes || þara þe man age / þe deaþ abæde || ær se dæg c
Solomon and Saturn 324b rnan metodes þrym || mid þy þe hit dæg biþ / þonne hine ymb
Solomon and Saturn 12b st / and þæs willan wyrcþ || þe hine on woh spaneþ / gewiteþ
The Menologium 28a mære || mine gefræge / þæs þe lencten on tun || geliden hæ
The Menologium 49a niht || fæder onsende / þæs þe emnihte || eorlas healdaþ / he
The Menologium 65b ige / on heofenas up || forþan þe hwearfaþ aa / wisra gewyrdum |
The Menologium 72a ntyne || niht and fifum / þæs þe eastermonaþ || to us cymeþ /
The Menologium 98b / bliþne on breostum || þæs þe he on brytene her / eaþmode hi
The Menologium 158b s deaþ / ymb feower niht || se þe fægere iu / mid wætere oferwe
The Menologium 179b wat / fif nihtum ufor || þæs þe folcum byþ / eorlum geywed ||
The Menologium 200b aldaþ / sancta symbel || þara þe siþ oþþe ær / worhtan in wo
The Menologium 213b fæstne wer / on brime haran || þe iu beorna fela / clementes oft
The Menologium 229b findan magon / haligra tiida || þe man healdan sceal / swa bebuge
Maxims II 2b e / orþanc enta geweorc || þa þe on þysse eorþan syndon / wræ
Maxims II 9b ringeþ / geres wæstmas || þa þe him god sendeþ / soþ biþ swi
Maxims II 12b oterost / fyrngearum frod || se þe ær feala gebideþ / weax biþ
Maxims II 59b orfan / and ealle þa gastas || þe for gode hweorfaþ / æfter dea
Maxims II 64b cymeþ / hider under hrofas || þe þæt her for soþ / mannum sec
The Judgment Day II 53a dwǣsċan. / Hū ne ġe·sċōp þe sē sċaða || sċearplīċe
The Judgment Day II 54a aða || sċearplīċe bȳsne / þe mid Crīste wæs || cwielmed
The Judgment Day II 66b ū swā lange , || þæt þū þe lāce ne cȳþst%, / oþþe hw
The Judgment Day II 80a rne synne? / Hwȳ ne bidst þū þe || beðunga and plāster, / lī
The Judgment Day II 93a || hū miċel is þæt wīte / þe þāra earmra biþ || for ǣr
The Judgment Day II 131a mes cnōsl || eorð-būendra% / þe on foldan wearþ || fēded%
The Judgment Day II 133a || tō manlican, / oþþe þā þe wǣron || oþþe woldon bēon
The Judgment Day II 178a e·wēpan? / Wā þe nū, þū þe% þēowast% || þissere% weoro
The Judgment Day II 180a d leofast || on gālnesse / and þe mid stīðum ā·stīerest ||
The Judgment Day II 190a % stōwa || fȳres on grunde, / þe wæs on grimmum || sūsle on
The Judgment Day II 204b ihte, / būtan þāra cwelra || þe cwielmaþ þā earman. / Ne bi
The Judgment Day II 249a || wihta% ġe·sǣlĝost, / sē þe mid ġe·syntum || swelċe cw
The Judgment Day II 292a angen, || beorhtost% weoroda, / þe ealle lǣt || ǣnlicu Godes d
The Judgment Day II 293a licu Godes drūt, / sēo frōwe þe ūs || frēan ā·cende, / meto
The Judgment Day II 302b wille seċġan || sōþ þǣm þe friġneþ, / wiþ þǣm þū m
The Gloria I 28a daþ and friðiaþ / ealle þā þe cunnon || Crīstene þēawas,
The Lord's Prayer III 2b dde, / hāliġ drihten, || þū þe on heofonum eart. / Þæt sīe
The Lord's Prayer III 24a || leahtras on eorðan / þǣm þe wiþ ūs || oft ā·gyltaþ, /
The Lord's Prayer III 35a , || seċġaþ ġeorne, / þæs þe þū% ūs milde || meahtum ā
The Creed 2a htiġ fæder || up on rodore, / þe þā sċīran ġe·sċeaft ||
The Creed 39a nolde || nānne for·lǣtan / þe him forþ ofer þæt || fylĝ
The Creed 45b nemned, / ac is ān God, || sē þe ealle hafaþ / þā þrīe nama
The Creed 50a fe || þæt sīen lēofe Gode / þe þurh ānne ġe·þanc || eal
The Kentish Hymn 12a elan || mæġena ġe·rēna, / þe þū, gōd drihten, || gāste
The Kentish Hymn 23a ht || and þæt hālġe lamb, / þe þū% mān-sċylde || middan-
Psalm 50 21a fēores sċyldiġ, / for þǣm þe hē Uriam hēt || ealdre be·
Psalm 50 24b tō wīfe / for ġītsunga, || þe hē Godes ierre / þurh his sel
Psalm 50 40a || gyltas ġe·clǣnsa, / þā þe iċ on ealdre || ǣfre ġe·f
Psalm 50 65a m || selfa ġe·ċierre, / þā þe% mīne ældran || ǣr ġe·wor
Psalm 50 82a n, || bilewit dōminus%, / þā þe on hænðum ǣr || hwīle wǣ
Psalm 50 125a ta, || drihtne tō willan. / Ac þe miċele mā, || mehtiġ driht
Psalm 50 142a hfullan || sāwle wunde, / þā þe iċ on ælde || wēl% on ġu
Psalm 50 153a ēde || inn-ġe·þance, / þā þe hē on ferhþe || ġe·fremed
The Gloria II 1a # The Gloria II / / Wuldor sīe þe and weorðmynd, || weoroda dr
A Prayer 7a meaht || ealra lǣċa / þāra þe ġe·wurde || sīde oþþe w
A Prayer 11b earminge. / Sē biþ earming || þe on eorðan hēr / dæġes and n
A Prayer 16b ce. / Sē biþ ēadiġ, || sē þe on eorðan hēr / dæġes and n
A Prayer 45b end. / Þū eart sē æðela || þe on ǣr-daĝum / ealra fǣmnena
A Prayer 49a āre || ielda bearnum, / þǣm þe ġe·līefaþ || on libbendne
A Prayer 56a esse || heofona cininges. / Iċ þe andette, || æl-mehtiġ God, /
Thureth 2a -bōc; || healde hine drihten / þe mē fæġere þus || frætwum
Thureth 4b ofe and tō weorðe, || þǣm þe lēoht ġe·sċōp. / Ġe·mynd
Thureth 6a || meahta ġe·hwelcre / þæs þe hē on foldan || ġe·fremman
Thureth 8a cie || þēoda wealdend / þæs þe hē on ġe·mynde || mādma m
Thureth 11a % lēan || ealle findan / þæs þe hē on foldan || fremmaþ tō
Aldhelm 10b , / āne on ēðle || ēac þon þe sē is / yfel on ġe·sǣd. ||
The Seasons for Fasting 17b wierpan%. / Fela is mæġena || þe sēo mǣre þēod / on þǣm he
The Seasons for Fasting 30a tierċ, || lēofum tō tācne / þe for weorolde% wæs || wamma b
The Seasons for Fasting 49b engtenes, / on þǣm mōnþe || þe man Martius / ġond Rom-wara ||
The Seasons for Fasting 57b odum / mid ġe·līcum lofe, || þe ġe·lesen hafaþ / on ðǣre%
The Seasons for Fasting 58b en hafaþ / on ðǣre% wucan || þe aefter cumeþ% / þǣm sunnan-d
The Seasons for Fasting 59b umeþ% / þǣm sunnan-dæġe || þe ġond sīdne wang / Pente-coste
The Seasons for Fasting 61b , / on þǣm mōnþe, || þæs þe mē þynceþ, / þe man Iunius
The Seasons for Fasting 62a e, || þæs þe mē þynceþ, / þe man Iunius || ġēarum nemde.
The Seasons for Fasting 67b htum sange / on ðǣre wucan || þe ǣror biþ / emnihtes dæġe ||
The Seasons for Fasting 70a nþe, || mīne ġe·frǣġe, / þe man September || ġe·nemneþ
The Seasons for Fasting 72b lǣstan% / on ðǣre% wucan || þe biþ ǣror full / dryhtnes ġe
The Seasons for Fasting 85a unhǣl || ān ġe·þrēatie, / þe mōt, ǣt, oþþe wǣt || ǣr
The Seasons for Fasting 86a wǣt || ǣror þingan, / þæs þe ūs bōca dōm || þēodliċ
The Seasons for Fasting 87a m || þēodliċ dēmeþ. / Ġif þe þonne seċġan || sūðan cu
The Seasons for Fasting 90a ðan || ǣniġ healdan, / þæs þe Moyses ġō% || mǣlde tō l
The Seasons for Fasting 92b þæt selfe% heald || þæt þe sūðan cōm / fram Romana || r
The Seasons for Fasting 118a || dryhtnes ġe·rȳnu, / þā þe lēoran% sċolon || lēoda ġ
The Seasons for Fasting 137a teald || eorð-būendum% / þā þe dryhtnes word || dǣdum lǣra
The Seasons for Fasting 179b es / þæt manna ġe·hwelċ || þe for moldan wunaþ / ǣr þǣm
The Seasons for Fasting 183b es oþþe fyrna, || þe lǣs þe hē fāh wese%. / Sċolon sāce
The Seasons for Fasting 203a s mann, || firena ne% ġīeme / þe ġe·hālĝod% mann || hēr
The Seasons for Fasting 205b m fremman% / ryht-hyċġende || þe hē tō rǣde% tǣċþ, / drinc
The Seasons for Fasting 212a ēste% || ǣlcne for·lǣdaþ / þe him fylĝan wille || folces m
The Seasons for Fasting 220b nn / ymb morgen-tīd, || þæs% þe mē% þingeþ% / þæt hund and
The Leiden Riddle 10a ǣfon || wyrda cræftum, / þā þe ġeolu% gōd-webb || ġēatum
The Leiden Riddle 14a e || eġesan brōĝum, / þēah þe n[…]n sīe || nīedlīċe o
Latin-English Proverbs 6b ġhwæt for·ealdaþ || þæs þe ēċe ne biþ.
The Metrical Preface to the Pastoral Care 16a hīe his sume þorfton, / þā þe Læden-sprǣċe || lǣste cū
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 1b is is nū sē wætersċipe || þe ūs weoroda God / tō frōfre
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 5b libbende / wæteru flēowen, || þe wēl on hine / ġe·lifden unde
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 10b iþþan hine ġierdon || þā þe Gode hīerdon / þurh hālĝa b
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 25b Fylle nū his fǣtels, || sē þe fæstne hider / cylle brōhte,
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 1b Gregory's Dialogues / / || []e þe mē rǣdan þance, / hē on mē
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 6b nn, / bl[]s on burgum, || þǣm þe bearn Godes / selfes hira ēaĝ
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 8b sē mann be·ġietan, || sē þe his mōd-ġe·þanc / æl-tǣwe
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 16a ēalā ġe·sċ[]ta. / Bīdeþ þe% sē bisċop, || sē þe þās
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 16b deþ þe% sē bisċop, || sē þe þās bōc be·ġeat / þe þū
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 17a sē þe þās bōc be·ġeat / þe þū on þīnum heandum nū |
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 19a ssum hālĝum || helpe bidde, / þe hēo[] ġe·mynd hēr inn ||
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 21b / for·ġieu[] þā gyltas || þe hē ġō% worhte%, / and ēac r
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 22b d ēac resðe mid him, || sē þe ah ealles rīċes ġe·we[], /
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 23b ac swā his bēah-ġiefan, || þe him þās bȳsene for·ġeaf,
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 26a glum, || ealra cyninga / þāra þe hē sīþ oþþe ǣr fore ||
The Metrical Epilogue to MS. 41, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge 2b nn, / breĝu, rīċes weard, || þe þās bōc rǣde / and þā bre
The Metrical Epilogue to MS. 41, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge 5a one writre || wynsum cræfte / þe þās bōc ā·wrāt || bām
The Metrical Epilogue to MS. 41, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge 8b nd him þæs ġe·unne || sē þe ah ealles ġe·weald, / rodera
Metrical Charm 10: For Loss of Cattle 3b / Bethlem hātte sēo burh || þe Crīst inn ġe·boren wæs, / s
Metrical Charm 10: For Loss of Cattle 6b r crucem Christi]! And gebide þe ðonne þriwa east and / cweð
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 4b / wiþ þone miċela eġesa || þe biþ ǣġhwǣm lāþ, / and wi
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 5b / and wiþ eall þæt lāþ || þe on tō land fære. / Siġe-ġea
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 18a || mōdor Crīstes, / and ēac þe ġe·brōðru, || Petrus and
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 42a eofona% rīċes%, / þā hwīle þe iċ on þis līfe || wunian m
Metrical Charm 12: Against a Wen 5a ermiġ, || enne brōðor. / Hē þe sċeall leġġe || leaf et he
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 6b htmeht wiþ þǣm% lāðan || þe ġond land færþ. / And þū,
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 9a penu%, || innan mihtĝu; / ofer þe% crætu% curran, || ofer þe%
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 9b þe% crætu% curran, || ofer þe% cwēne rēodan, / ofer þe% br
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 10a fer þe% cwēne rēodan, / ofer þe% brȳde brȳdedon, || ofer þe
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 10b e% brȳde brȳdedon, || ofer þe% fearras fnærdon. / Eallum þū
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 13b n-flyġe / and þǣm lāðan || þe ġond land fereþ. / Stune hæt
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 20b mæġ wiþ þǣm% lāðan || þe ġond land fereþ. / Fleoh þū
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 27b ierede. / þis is sēo wyrt || þe wergulu hātte; / þās on·sen
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 1a uiġe and sēo rēade netele, þe þurh || / ærn inwyxð, and w
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 5a fer land rīdan. / Sċield þū þe nū%, þū þisne nīþ || ġ
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 25a iċ wille þīn helpan. / Þis þe tō bōte esa ġe·sċotes, |
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 25b te esa ġe·sċotes, || þis þe tō bōte ielfa ġe·sċotes,
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 26a ōte ielfa ġe·sċotes, / þis þe tō bōte hæġtessan ġe·s
Metrical Charm 5: For Loss of Cattle 1a # For Loss of Cattle / / Þonne þe man ǣrest seċġe þæt þī
Metrical Charm 5: For Loss of Cattle 3b æðleem hātte sēo buruh || þe Crīst on ā·cenned wæs, / s
Metrical Charm 6: For Delayed Birth 9b o: || / Up iċ gange, || ofer þe stæppe / mid cwican ċilde, ||
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 1a þæs þe iċ āĝe, þe mā þe || / meahte Herod ūrne drihte
Instructions for Christians 2b teoðan dæl; || he getyþað þe / and he ðe mænigfealdað ||
Instructions for Christians 34b || ne bið þær oht% betweon þe / and þæm neatum || ðe naht
Instructions for Christians 38b ic; / æll hit gewitað || swa þe wanna scur. / Ac þu scealt þ
Instructions for Christians 71a nga || ungelice%. / Betere bið þe dusige, || gif he on breostum
Instructions for Christians 76a læran and tæcan, / ða hwile þe ðe mihtig Godd || mægnes un
Instructions for Christians 77a mihtig Godd || mægnes unne, / þe læs hit þe on ende || eft g
Instructions for Christians 146a er on weorlde; / mid þam bið þe earman || oftost geholpen / an
Instructions for Christians 160a finden || fæst-hydigne wer, / þe wel wille || and gewyrcan swa
Instructions for Christians 191a ð soðlice || sylfe cristen / þe ðe æfre wile || eallum geli
Instructions for Christians 206b / heofon-rices gast || hafað þe ðe God wile. / Hwæt wilt þu
Instructions for Christians 221a æfre forbugan. / þu ful gearo þe na wast || wege þines gastes
Instructions for Christians 228b fte, / and eac ælra þæra || þe ðær on wuniað. / Wisdom is l
Instructions for Christians 245a || gearwurðian, / and na ymb þe sylfum || na to wel lætan, /
Godric's Prayer 1 4b ic. / Onfang bring hehtlic wið þe in% Godes riche.
Godric's Prayer 2 4b , / onfang bring eghtlech wið þe in Godes riche. / Crist and Sei
Grave 4b / Nes gyt iloced, hu long hit þe were. / Nu me þe bringæð, þ
Grave 5b , hu long hit þe were. / Nu me þe bringæð, þer ðu beon scea
Grave 6b ðu beon scealt. / Nu me sceæl þe meten and þa molde seoðða.
Grave 10b beoð lage, sidwages unhege; / þe rof bið ibyld þire broste f
Grave 16b þu scealt wunien and wurmes þe todeleð. / ðus ðu bist ilegd
Grave 18b nden. / Nefst ðu nenne freond, þe þe wylle faren to, / ðæt ef
Grave 19b , / ðæt efre wule lokien, hu þe þet hus þe likie, / ðæt æ
Grave 21b and þe æfter lihten. / For sone þu b
Distich on the Sons of Lothebrok 1b / Ynguar and Ubbe || Beorn was þe þridde, / Loþebrokes sunes ||
The Battle of Finnsburh 9a olcnum || nu arisaþ weadæda / þe þisne folces niþ || fremman
The Battle of Finnsburh 26b weana gebad / heardra hilda || þe is gyt her witod / swæþer þu
Waldere, Fragment II 1b teran || / buton þam anum || þe ic eac hafa / on stanfate || st
Waldere, Fragment II 7a egirwan || iulean genam / þæs þe hine of nearwum || niþhades
Waldere, Fragment II 24b / þeah mæg sige syllan || se þe symle byþ / recon and rædfest
Waldere, Fragment II 26a dfest || ryh/ /a gehwilces / se þe him to þam halgan || helpe g
Waldere B 2b ran || / būton þǣm ānum || þe iċ ēac hafa / on stān-fæte
Waldere B 8a (ġō-lēan ġe·nam), / þæs þe hine of nearwum || Niþhādes
Waldere B 25b ah mæġ siġe sellan || sē þe simle biþ / recen and rǣdfæs
Waldere B 27a || rih[]ā ġe·hwelċes. / Se þe him tō þǣm hālĝan || hel
The Battle of Maldon 13a hæfde god geþanc / þa hwile þe he mid handum || healdan miht
The Battle of Maldon 14a e gōd ġe·þanc / þā hwīle þe hē mid heandum || healdan me
The Battle of Maldon 28a he on ofre stod / me sendon to þe || sæmen snelle / heton þe se
The Battle of Maldon 29a to þe || sæmen snelle / heton þe secgan || þæt þu most send
The Battle of Maldon 34b ian / gyf þu þat gerædest || þe her ricost eart / þæt þu þi
The Battle of Maldon 36b f þū þæt ġe·rǣdest, || þe hēr rīcost eart, / þæt þū
The Battle of Maldon 46b ealde swurd / þa heregeatu || þe eow æt hilde ne deah / brimman
The Battle of Maldon 48b sweord, / þā here-ġeatwe || þe ēow æt hilde ne dēah. / Brī
The Battle of Maldon 50a orcuþ || eorl mid his werode / þe wile gealgean || eþel þysne
The Battle of Maldon 52a ūþ || eorl mid his weorode, / þe wile ealĝian || ēðel þisn
The Battle of Maldon 75a nne || þæt wæs ceolan sunu / þe þone forman man || mid his f
The Battle of Maldon 76a an || mid his francan ofsceat / þe þær baldlicost || on þa br
The Battle of Maldon 77a || þæt wæs Ċēolan sunu, / þe þone forman mann || mid his
The Battle of Maldon 78a | mid his francan of·sċēat / þe ðǣr bealdlīcost || on þā
The Battle of Maldon 81a þ þa fynd weredon / þa hwile þe hi wæpna || wealdan moston /
The Battle of Maldon 83a fīend weredon, / þā hwīle þe hīe wǣpna || wealdan mōsto
The Battle of Maldon 127a ssa gehwylc || hogode to wige / þe on denon wolde || dom gefeoht
The Battle of Maldon 129a hwelċ || hoĝode tō wīġe / þe on Denum wolde || dōm ġe·f
The Battle of Maldon 137b gare stang / wlancne wicing || þe him þa wunde forgeaf / frod w
The Battle of Maldon 139b re stang / wlancne wīċing, || þe him þā wunde for·ġeaf. / Fr
The Battle of Maldon 144b / ætterne ord || se eorl wæs þe bliþra / hloh þa modi man ||
The Battle of Maldon 146b de þanc / þæs dægweorces || þe him drihten forgeaf / forlet þ
The Battle of Maldon 148b þanc / þæs dæġ-weorces || þe him drihten for·ġeaf. / Forl
The Battle of Maldon 156a d || þæt se on eorþan læg / þe his þeoden ær || þearle ge
The Battle of Maldon 158a || þæt sē on eorðan læġ / þe his þēoden ǣr || þearle
The Battle of Maldon 171a heofenum wlat # || / geþancie þe || þeoda waldend / ealra þær
The Battle of Maldon 172b waldend / ealra þæra wynna || þe ic on worulde gebad / nu ic ah
The Battle of Maldon 174b aldend, / ealra þāra wynna || þe iċ on weorolde ġe·bād. / N
The Battle of Maldon 175a des geunne / þæt min sawul to þe || siþian mote / on þin gewea
The Battle of Maldon 177b e ferian || ic eom frymdi to þe / þæt hi helsceaþan || hynan
The Battle of Maldon 180b lcas / and begen þa beornas || þe him big stodon / ælfnoþ and w
The Battle of Maldon 182b s / and bēġen þā beornas || þe him biġ stōdon, / Ælf·nōþ
The Battle of Maldon 183b / hi bugon þa fram beaduwe || þe þær beon noldon / þær wear
The Battle of Maldon 185b e buĝon þā fram beaduwe || þe ðǣr bēon noldon. / Þǣr wea
The Battle of Maldon 186a þe || and þone godan forlet / þe him mænigne oft || mear gese
The Battle of Maldon 187b ealde / he gehleop þone eoh || þe ahte his hlaford / on þam ger
The Battle of Maldon 188b s hlaford / on þam gerædum || þe hit riht ne wæs / and his bro
The Battle of Maldon 188a || and þone gōdan for·lēt / þe him maniġne oft || mearh ġe
The Battle of Maldon 189b / hē ġe·hlēop þone eoh || þe āhte his hālford, / on þām
The Battle of Maldon 190b ford, / on þām ġe·rǣdum || þe hit riht ne wæs, / and his br
The Battle of Maldon 195a geearnunga || ealle gemundon / þe he him to duguþe || gedon h
The Battle of Maldon 197a earnunga || ealle ġe·munden / þe hē him tō duĝuþe || ġe·
The Battle of Maldon 199a modiglice || manega spræcon / þe eft æt þearfe || þolian no
The Battle of Maldon 201a ġlīċe% || maneĝa sprǣcon / þe eft æt þearfe% || þolian n
The Battle of Maldon 210b n spræc / gemunan þa mæla || þe we oft æt meodo spræcon / þo
The Battle of Maldon 212b / ‘Ġe·munan% þā mǣla || þe we oft æt medu sprǣcon, / þo
The Battle of Maldon 233b de / wigan to wige || þa hwile þe he wæpen mæge / habban and he
The Battle of Maldon 235b an tō wīġe, || þā hwīle þe hē wǣpen mæġe / habban and
The Battle of Maldon 256b æce / ne mæg na wandian || se þe wrecan þenceþ / frean on folc
The Battle of Maldon 258b Ne mæġ nā wandian || sē þe wrecan þenċeþ / frēan on fo
The Battle of Maldon 270a e sealde sume wunde / þa hwile þe he wæpna || wealdan moste / þ
The Battle of Maldon 272a ealde sume wunde, / þā hwīle þe hē wǣpna || wealdan mōste.
The Battle of Maldon 310a || beornas lærde / hige sceal þe heardra || heorte þe cenre / m
The Battle of Maldon 310b e sceal þe heardra || heorte þe cenre / mod sceal þe mare ||
The Battle of Maldon 311a || heorte þe cenre / mod sceal þe mare || þe ure mægen lytla
The Battle of Maldon 311b e cenre / mod sceal þe mare || þe ure mægen lytlaþ / her liþ u
The Battle of Maldon 314a greote || a mæg gnornian / se þe nu fram þis wigplegan || wen
The Battle of Maldon 316a ote. || Ā mæġ gnornian / sē þe nū fram þȳs wiġ-pleĝan |
The Battle of Maldon 323b nc / næs þæt na se godric || þe þa guþe forbeah