Number of occurrences in corpus: 199
Genesis B 316b | wind, / forst fyrnum ċeald. || | Simle | fȳr oþþe gār, / sum heard |
Genesis B 472b | , / ne suht swāre || ac mōste | simle | wesan / lungre on lustum || and |
Genesis A 1325a | n. || Þæt is syndriġ cynn; / | simle | biþ þȳ heardra || þe hit |
Christ and Satan 285a | endra ġe·hwelċ. / Ġe·munan | simle | on mōde || metodes strengþu |
Soul and Body I 10a | cuman || ġīehþum hrēmiġ, / | simle | ymbe seofon-niht || sāwle fi |
Elene 31b | gann / sēċan wolde, || ac iċ | simle | mec / ā·sċēd þāra sċield |
Elene 476b | rðum wēox / of ċildhāde, || | simle | ċierde tō him / ǣhte mīne. |
Elene 777b | de, / hēane, hyġe-ġōmre, || | simle | hǣlu ðǣr / æt þām bisċop |
Christ A 53b | n þē / sāwle sōþfæstra || | simle | ġe·restaþ, / wuldrum hrēmġ |
Christ A 88a | || Cwæþ sēo ēadġe mæġ / | simle | siĝores full, || sancta Mari |
Christ A 103b | a drēame / mid sōþ-fæder || | simle | wunian.’ / Ēalā ēarendel, |
Christ A 108b | ġe·hwone / of selfum þē || | simle | on·līehtest. / Swā þū, god |
Christ A 128b | on / seċġan siġe-drihtne || | simle | be ġe·wyrhtum, / þæs þe h |
Christ A 323a | aefter him || ēċe standaþ% / | simle | singāles || swā be·clȳsed |
Christ A 376b | n forþ / þā sellan þinġ || | simle | mōten / ġe·þēon on þēode |
Christ A 393a | æt-wiste || ēaĝum brūcan / | simle | singāles, || sweġele ġe·h |
Christ A 404b | u%, / sōþ siĝores frēa, || | simle | þū bist hāliġ, / dryhtna dr |
Christ A 432a | e ġe·mynd hafaþ, / þæt hē | simle | oftost || and inlocast / and ġ |
Christ B 477a | ċ fram hweorfe, / ac iċ lufan | simle | || lǣste wiþ ēowiċ, / and |
Christ B 602b | lcre / þe ūs sīþ and ǣr || | simle | ġe·fremede / þurh maniġfeal |
Christ B 777b | and gǣst. || Sīe% him lof | simle | / þurh weorold weorolda, || wu |
Christ C 1640a | e·endod weorðeþ, / ac ðǣr | simle | forþ || synna lēase / drēam |
Vainglory 69b | iþ ġe·sibbra ġe·hwone || | simle | healdeþ / frēode% on folce || |
Vainglory 79b | ġn on þēode, || þām biþ | simle | / gǣst ġe·gæderod || godes |
Widsith 131a | dĝa and Hama. / Swā iċ þæt | simle | on·fand || on ðǣre fēring |
Widsith 138a | aþ, || þanc-word sprecaþ, / | simle | sūþ oþþe norþ || sumne |
Maxims I 88b | nne / for ġe·sīð-mæġen || | simle | ǣġhwǣr / eodor æðelinga% | |
The Order of the World 93a | a þrēatas. / Hīe ġe·sēoþ | simle | || hira selfra cyning, / ēaĝu |
The Panther 30a | ġerra || frætwum blīceþ, / | simle | seldlicra. || Hē hafaþ sund |
The Panther 35a | || þe iċ ǣr fore sæġde%. / | Simle | fylle fæġen, || þonne fōd |
The Partridge 7b | ra ġe·swīcaþ, || swā iċ | simle | tō ēow / mid sibb-lufan || s |
Soul and Body II 10a | cuman || ġīehþum hrēmiġ, / | simle | ymb seofon-niht || sāwle fin |
Guthlac A 348a | ðǣr hē ġe·sǣlan mæġ. / | Simle | hīe Gūð·lāc || on godes |
Guthlac A 393b | stāh / ċear-gǣsta ċierm. || | Simle | Crīstes lof / on Gūð·lāces |
Guthlac A 785b | setl on sweġle, || ðǣr hē | simle | mōt / āwa tō ealdre || eardf |
Guthlac B 888a | -weĝum, / frēoriġ-mōde. || | Simle | frōfre ðǣr || Wæs sē dro |
Guthlac B 913a | ād-loman || ātre spēowdon. / | Simle | hīe Gūð·lāc || ġearene |
Guthlac B 966a | || sēo him sāra ġe·hwelċ / | simle | for·swīðde% || Næs him so |
Guthlac B 1212a | for min, || friġnan% dorste. / | Simle | iċ ġe·hīerde, || þonne h |
Guthlac B 1238a | ġe·efnan, || ǣ-bylh godes. / | Simle | mē on·sende || siġe-drihte |
Riddles 37 5a | h his ēaĝe. / Ne swilteþ hē | simle, | || þonne sellan sċeall / inno |
Riddles 40 30b | ðe / mid mīnre swētnesse || | simle | ǣġhwǣr, / and iċ fulre eom |
Riddles 40 64b | and iċ ġe·sǣliġ mæġ || | simle | libban / þēah iċ ǣtes ne s |
Resignation 115b | ·cwe[]% || mē wæs ā cearu | simle | / lufena tō lēane, || swā i |
The Descent into Hell 137b | middan-ġeard. || Sīe þæs | simle | metode þanc. |
Riddles 67 3a | | word-galdra / [] snytt[] hēo | simle | dēþ || / fīra ġe·hw[] || |
The Phoenix 76a | wrætlīċe / on þām trēowum | simle | || telĝan ġe·hladene, / ofet |
The Phoenix 108b | yme, / sweġel-candelle% || and | simle | swā oft / of þām wilsuman || |
The Phoenix 146a | || fuĝol biþ ġe·swīġed. / | Simle | hē twelf sīðum || tīda ġ |
The Phoenix 369b | sāre swylt-cwale, || þe him | simle | wāt / aefter līeġ-þræce || |
The Phoenix 375b | / sunu and swǣs fæder || and | simle | ēac / eft ierfe-weard || ealdr |
The Phoenix 601a | ansīene || ēċan dryhtnes, / | simle | on sibbe, || sunnan ġe·lī |
The Phoenix 661b | lēohte līf. || Sīe him lof | simle | / þurh weorold weorolda || and |
Juliana 20b | old, / eard weardode || oftost | simle | / on ðǣre ċeastre || Commedi |
Juliana 238b | ǣr inne / wǣrfæst wunode. || | Simle | hēo wuldor-cyning / herede æt |
Juliana 669a | nd. || Sibb sīe mid ēowiċ, / | simle | sōþ lufu.’ || þā hire s |
Precepts 5a | n ġe·wyrhtu; / god þē biþ | simle | || gōda ġe·hwelċes / frēa |
Precepts 11b | þīnum ieldrum || ārfæst | simle, | / fǣġer-wyrde || and þē on |
Precepts 25a | nne ġe·nim / tō ġe·sprecan | simle | || spella and lāra / rǣd-hyċ |
Precepts 29b | ·swīc sundor-wine, || ac ā | simle | ġe·heald / rihtum ġe·risnum |
Precepts 46a | oþþe yfel, / and tō·sċēd | simle | || sċearpe mōde / on sefan þ |
Precepts 51a | ld þe elne wiþ, / feorma þū | simle | || on þīnum ferhþe god.’ |
Precepts 80a | s || worda and dǣda / on sefan | simle | || and sōþ fremeþ; / biþ hi |
The Seafarer 68a | rð-welan || ēċe standaþ%. / | Simle | þrēora sum || þinga ġe·h |
Beowulf 2450a | rōd, || ǣnġe ġe·fremman. / | Simle | biþ ġe·myndĝod || morĝna |
Beowulf 2497a | can, || weorðe ġe·cȳðan. / | Simle | iċ him on fēðan || be·for |
Beowulf 2880a | n ġe·met || mǣġes helpan; / | simle | wæs þȳ sǣmra, || þonne i |
The Paris Psalter 100:6 4a | te || trīewe funde, / þā mē | simle | mid || sǣton and ēodon; / hē |
The Paris Psalter 102:12 4b | fram ā·fyrde || ǣġhwǣr% | simle. | / / # / Swā fæder þenċeþ || |
The Paris Psalter 104:4 3b | ǣr; / sēċaþ his ansīene || | simle | ġeorne. / / # / Ġe·munaþ ġē |
The Paris Psalter 105:3 4b | aldan / hira sōþfæstnesse || | simle | mid dǣdum. / / # / Ġe·mune% ū |
The Paris Psalter 106:41 4b | reþ% / and his selfes mūþ || | simle | hemneþ%. / / # / Hwelċ is wīsr |
The Paris Psalter 108:5 1b | / # / Ġe·sete him synfulle || | simle | tō ealdrum, / stande him on þ |
The Paris Psalter 108:16 3a | earfendra || þrīste ēhte; / | simle | þæt on heortan || hoĝode |
The Paris Psalter 110:2 4b | his sōþfæstness wunaþ || | simle | ēċe. / / # / Hē ġe·mynd dyde |
The Paris Psalter 111:4 5b | ten, / and hē is sōþfæst || | simle | æt þearfe. / / # / Glæd man gl |
The Paris Psalter 111:6 2b | ra / þe his sōðe and riht || | simle | healdeþ, / ne him on hlyste || |
The Paris Psalter 111:8 3b | / his sōþfæstness wunaþ || | simle | oþ ende; / biþ his horn wende |
The Paris Psalter 113:20 4b | þ / and him sċieldend biþ || | simle | æt þearfe. / / # / Weorþ þū |
The Paris Psalter 118:16 1b | on þīnre sōþfæstnesse || | simle | metĝode, / þæt iċ þīne w |
The Paris Psalter 118:20 1b | bodu / / # / Þæt sāwol min || | simle | wilnaþ, / þæt iċ þīn sō |
The Paris Psalter 118:33 3b | iċ on sōþfæste weĝas || | simle | gange / and iċ þā sēċan || |
The Paris Psalter 118:34 1b | gange / and iċ þā sēċan || | simle | mote. / / # / Sile mē andġiet |
The Paris Psalter 118:36 1b | ·þon iċ hīe mid sōðe || | simle | wolde. / / # / A·hield mīne heo |
The Paris Psalter 118:49 1b | and on þīne sōþ-cwidas || | simle | iċ ġe·trīewe. / / # / Ġe·mu |
The Paris Psalter 118:54 2b | ton. / / # / Ac mē tō sange || | simle | hæfde, / hū iċ þīne sōþf |
The Paris Psalter 118:60 2a | e·fēre. / / # / Ġearu iċ eom | simle, | || nealles grames mōdes, / þ |
The Paris Psalter 118:69 1b | nne / þīn sōþfæst weorc || | simle | healdan. / / # / Is nū maniġfea |
The Paris Psalter 118:80 3b | on þīn sōþfæst word || | simle | ġe·trīewe, / þæt iċ on ea |
The Paris Psalter 118:93 3b | sse, / nemþe iċ sōþ word || | simle | ġe·healde; / for·þon iċ c |
The Paris Psalter 118:107 1b | e, / þæt iċ sōðne dōm || | simle | healde. / / # / And iċ ēad-mēd |
The Paris Psalter 118:109 2b | swelċe. / / # / Is sāwol min || | simle | on þīnum / holdum heandum, || |
The Paris Psalter 118:112 3b | iċ þīn sōþfæst weorc || | simle | worhte; / for·þon iċ þæs |
The Paris Psalter 118:113 2b | æbbe / / # / And iċ synfulle || | simle | fēode, / and iċ ǣ þīne || |
The Paris Psalter 118:118 1b | iċ þīne sōþfæstnysse || | simle | þenċe. / / # / Ealle þū for· |
The Paris Psalter 118:121 2b | īne. / / # / Iċ sōðne dōm || | simle | worhte; / ne sile þū mē ēht |
The Paris Psalter 118:138 2b | æt, þū sōþfæst weorc || | simle | hēte / on þīnre ġe·witness |
The Paris Psalter 118:140 3b | ren, / self swīðe hāt || and | simle | þā / þīn esne hēr || ealle |
The Paris Psalter 118:142 1b | æt iċ þīn sōþ weorc || | simle | hēolde. / / # / Is þīn sōþf |
The Paris Psalter 118:142 2b | / # / Is þīn sōþfæstnes || | simle, | drihten, / sēo sōþfæste || |
The Paris Psalter 118:142 3b | / sēo sōþfæste || and sēo | simle | biþ / on ēċnesse || āwa tō |
The Paris Psalter 118:160 3b | ra, / þæt ðǣr biþ sōþ || | simle | mēted, / and on ēċnesse || |
The Paris Psalter 118:164 2b | wā iċ þe seofon sīðum || | simle | wolde / lēofum lustlīċe% || |
The Paris Psalter 118:169 4b | nū / on þīnre ġe·sihþe || | simle, | drihten; / aefter þīnre sprǣ |
The Paris Psalter 118:170 3b | en, / on þīnre ġe·sihþe || | simle | æt þearfe; / aefter þīnre s |
The Paris Psalter 118:174 3b | ihten æl-mehtiġ; || dō mē | simle, | / þæt iċ ǣ þīne || elne m |
The Paris Psalter 120:5 3b | e / ofer þā swīðran hand || | simle | æt þearfe. / / # / Ne þē sunn |
The Paris Psalter 120:7 2b | hten, / sāwla sōþ-cyning, || | simle | ġe·healde / of þissum forþ |
The Paris Psalter 121:8 3b | e, / þæt we sibbe on þē || | simle | habben. / / # / And iċ for mīne |
The Paris Psalter 124:5 4b | ċaþ; / sibb sīe Israhelum || | simle | ofer ealle. |
The Paris Psalter 129:5 1b | # / Hwæt, þæt sāwol min || | simle | ā·ræfnede, / þæt iċ on þ |
The Paris Psalter 129:5 3b | r·þon min sāwol on þē || | simle | ġe·trīeweþ. / / # / Fram ðǣ |
The Paris Psalter 129:8 2b | seþ / of unrihte || ǣġhwǣr% | simle. | |
The Paris Psalter 130:4 2b | d, / swā þū mīnre sāwle || | simle | ġieldest. / / # / Israhelas on d |
The Paris Psalter 133:4 2b | e drihten / of Sion-beorĝe || | simle | æt þearfe, / sē þe heofon w |
The Paris Psalter 136:5 4b | ·ġiete min sēo swīðre || | simle | æt þearfe; / æt·fēole min |
The Paris Psalter 136:6 3b | if iċ ne for·sette þē || | simle | æt frymþe; / ac iċ on Hierus |
The Paris Psalter 140:7 1b | re. / / # / Ac% mē sōþfæst || | simle | ġe·reċċe / and mild-heorte |
The Paris Psalter 141:2 2b | swelċe / on his ġe·sihþe || | simle | ā·ġēote, / and mīne earfo |
The Paris Psalter 142:12 7b | iċ þīn esne eom || āĝen | simle. | |
The Paris Psalter 143:9 2b | d, / biþ hira sēo swīðre || | simle | ā·bisiĝod, / þæt hīe unry |
The Paris Psalter 143:13 2b | d, / biþ hira sēo swīðre || | simle | ā·bisiĝod, / þæt hīe unry |
The Paris Psalter 144:2 1b | / # / Þurh syndriġe daĝas || | simle | iċ þe blētsie, / and naman |
The Paris Psalter 144:4 1b | # / Cnēo-rissa cynn || cwidum | simle | / þīn weorc herġen || wordum |
The Paris Psalter 145:9 3b | ore, / and þīn, Sione, god || | simle | tō weorolde. |
The Paris Psalter 149:2 2b | blissien, / and Sione bearn || | simle | hyhtan / swīðost ealra. || / / |
The Paris Psalter 52:4 2a | le hēo on āne || īdelnesse / | simle | be·sēġan; || þā wæs sō |
The Paris Psalter 53:7 2b | aldor, / of earfoþum || eallum | simle, | / ealle mīne fīend || ēaĝum |
The Paris Psalter 54:17 1a | ðe ġe·hīere. / / # / Ā% þū | simle | || sāwle mīne / lustum ā·l |
The Paris Psalter 57:1 1b | / Ġif ġē sōþ sprecan% || | simle | willen, / dēmaþ manna bearn | |
The Paris Psalter 57:10 3b | , / þe his sōþfæst weorc || | simle | lǣste;’ / hīe on eorðan go |
The Paris Psalter 58:17 2b | iċ helpe æt þē || hæfde | simle, | / þonne mē costunge || cnysed |
The Paris Psalter 59:5 1b | % þīn sēo swīðre hand || | simle% | hālne; / ġe·hīer mē, hāli |
The Paris Psalter 61:1 1b | lm 61 / / # / Iċ mīne sāwle || | simle | wille / full glēawlīċe || go |
The Paris Psalter 62:8 4b | n sēo swīðre on·fenġ || | simle | æt þearfe. / / # / For·þon h |
The Paris Psalter 63:1 4b | / mīne sāwle ġe·sċield || | simle | æt þearfe. / / # / Þū mē oft |
The Paris Psalter 63:9 1b | dōme. / / # / Sē sōþfæsta || | simle | on drihten / blissaþ bealdlī |
The Paris Psalter 67:5 1b | þ ġē on his ġe·sihþe || | simle | blīðe, / and on his ansīene |
The Paris Psalter 67:23 4b | as rihte, / sōðes cininges || | simle | on hālĝum. / / # / Þǣr Bennia |
The Paris Psalter 68:7 2b | s68:5> / For·þon Sione god || | simle | hæleþ; / bēoþ maniġe byri |
The Paris Psalter 69:5 2b | e blisse, / þā þe sēċen || | simle | drihten, / and simle cweðen: | |
The Paris Psalter 69:5 3a | sēċen || simle drihten, / and | simle | cweðen: || ‘Sīe þīn mea |
The Paris Psalter 70:5 3b | min; / on þē iċ singe nū || | simle | and ġe·nēahhe. / / # / Iċ eom |
The Paris Psalter 70:11 2b | seoh þū mē, sōþ god, || | simle | on fultum. / / # / Bēoþ ġe·dr |
The Paris Psalter 70:13 1a | sierwedon yfel. / / # / Iċ mē | simle | on god || swīðost ġe·trē |
The Paris Psalter 70:16 1b | e sōþfæstnesse ġe·man || | simle, | drihten; / þū mē āra, god, |
The Paris Psalter 71:19 2b | rihten / and hira selfra god || | simle | ġe·blētsod, / sē þe wunder |
The Paris Psalter 72:18 2a | þē || ānum nēate / and iċ | simle | mid þē || siþþan hwæðer |
The Paris Psalter 74:2 3b | ōn wordum, / and ēac sōþ || | simle | dēme. / / # / Eorðe is ġe·mol |
The Paris Psalter 74:3 2b | mid; / iċ þonne hire swyre || | simle | ġe·trymme. / / # / Iċ tō yflu |
The Paris Psalter 77:5 1a | rum cȳðde. / / # / Sæġdon lof | simle | || lēofum drihtne / and his þ |
The Paris Psalter 77:67 4b | one byriġ, || ðǣr him wæs | simle | lēof. / / # / Hē þā ān-horna |
The Paris Psalter 84:12 1b | s. / / # / Hine% sōþfæstnes || | simle | fore·gangeþ / and on weġ set |
The Paris Psalter 86:1 2b | eorĝas; / lufode Sione duru || | simle | drihten / ofer Iacobes wīċ || |
The Paris Psalter 87:8 2a | frēondas cūðe; / setton mē | simle, | || ðǣr mē unswǣsost wæs; |
The Paris Psalter 88:2 5b | um / and þīn sōþfæstnes || | simle | ġearwod%. / / # / Iċ mīnum ġe |
The Paris Psalter 88:7 3b | um, / is þīn sōþfæstnes || | simle | ǣġhwǣr. / / # / Þū wīde sǣ |
The Paris Psalter 88:14 5b | and þīne sōþfæstnesse || | simle | ǣġhwǣr%. / / # / For·þon þ |
The Paris Psalter 94:10 3a | īmes || wunode nēah, / ā and | simle | cwæþ || and ēac swā on·c |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 20b | willum / þæt swǣre ġeoc || | simle | under·lūtan? / Hwȳ ġē ymb |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 36b | ·swīfen. || For·þǣm hīe | simle | sċulon / þone īlcan rȳne || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 19b | ra / sēo sōðe ġe·sǣlþ || | simle | þȳ betere / and þȳ% wynsumr |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 66b | ĝaþ, / ealle mæġene || eft | simle | on·lȳt, / wiþ his ġe·cynde |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 2 19b | ā ġe·sǣlþe ne maĝon || | simle | ġe·wunian. |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 17b | e / unanwendendliċ || ā forþ | simle. | / Nis nan mihtiġra || ne nan m |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 165b | an þē swīðor || þe hēo | simle | dyde. / Hwæt, hīe þēah eor |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 198b | um / ðǣre wilnunge || wealdan | simle, | / and iersunge || ēac swā sel |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 238b | l on flǣsċe. || Hwæt, hīe | simle | tō þē / heonan% fundiaþ; || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 38a | m corn || sǣdes ġe·healden / | simle | on ðǣre sāwle || sōþfæs |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 40b | e. / Þæs sǣdes corn || biþ | simle | ā·weaht / mid āscunga, || ē |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 53a | e || heonan ūt witan, / ac iċ | simle | hēr || sōfte wille / mid fæd |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 61a | | wierst tūciaþ, / þæt hīe | simle | bēoþ || swīðe earme, / unmi |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 9b | ġe· ġe·sēon || þæt hē | simle | spyreþ / aefter ǣġhwelcum || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 47b | n ðǣre sunnan, || swā hīe | simle | dōþ / middel-nihtum || wiþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 38b | ost on·sitte. || For·þǣm | simle | biþ / sē mōd-sefa || miċelu |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 46b | ehtiġ god / sīn-gāllīċe || | simle | ġe·healdeþ / anwuniendne || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 18b | hīe ǣne on dæġe || ǣton | simle | / on ǣfen-tīd || eorðan wæs |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 26b | etton searulīċe, || ac hīe | simle | him / eallum tīdum || ūte sl |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 52a | hāteþ wīde, / for·þǣm hit | simle | biþ || sīn-biernende, / and y |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 31b | h / self mid swurde || and hē | simle | wæs / miċele þē blīðra || |
The Rune Poem 38a | on ēðle. / //P// peorþ biþ | simle | || pleĝa and hleahtor / wlancu |
The Rune Poem 45b | . / //S// siġel sǣ-mannum || | simle | biþ on hyhte, / þonne hīe hi |
Solomon and Saturn 78b | ingan sōðlīċe || and hine | simle | wile / lufian būtan leahtrum, |
Solomon and Saturn 139a | þ || ġīfrum dēofle. / Mæġ | simle | sē Godes cwide || gumena ġe |
Solomon and Saturn 159a | þe him sē wlite cwēme, / ac | simle | hē sċeall singan, || þonne |
Solomon and Saturn 38a | bierġeþ || bōca cræftes; / | simle | biþ þe wīsra || þe hira |
Solomon and Saturn 194b | . / ‘His līfes fæðme. || | Simle | hit biþ his lāreowum hīers |
The Menologium 136b | / Zebedes eafora. || And þæs | simle | sċrīþþ / ymb seofon niht þ |
The Menologium 191b | re-mǣre, / Simon and Iudas, || | simle | wǣron, / drihtne dīere; || fo |
The Gloria I 31a | is ġe·weorðod. / And nū and | simle | || þīne sōðan weorc / and |
The Kentish Hymn 4a | m, || līfes āĝend, / and him | simle | sēo || siġefæst wuldor / upp |
The Kentish Hymn 36b | re. / Þū eart sōðlīċe || | simle | hāliġ, / and þū eart ana% | |
Psalm 50 55b | s dēaþ; / ac þū synfulle || | simle | lǣrdes / þæt hēo ċierrende |
Psalm 50 80b | bēoþ on wenne, || wealdend, | simle | / þā ġe·brocenan bān, || b |
Psalm 50 105a | num willan || weorðan mōte. / | Simle | iċ þīne weĝas || wan-hoĝ |
Psalm 50 155b | htiġ, / þæt we synna hord || | simle | ofer·winnan / and ūs ġe·ear |
Aldhelm 8b | , nealles lēas, || þæt him | simle | wæs / euthenia || oftor on fyl |
Aldhelm 17b | is factor, || þæt hē forþ | simle | |
Waldere B 25b | mæġ siġe sellan || sē þe | simle | biþ / recen and rǣdfæst || r |