Number of occurrences in corpus: 162
Genesis B 589b | on þæt unryht, || oþþæt | hire | on innan on·gann / weallan wyr |
Genesis B 590b | wyrmes ġe·þeaht, || hæfde | hire | wācran hyġe / metod ġe·mear |
Genesis B 591b | d ġe·mearcod, || þæt hēo | hire | mōd on·gann / lǣtan aefter |
Genesis B 602b | , / dearnunga be·drōh, || þe | hire | for his dǣdum cōm, / þæt hi |
Genesis B 603a | re for his dǣdum cōm, / þæt | hire | þūhte% hwītre || heofon an |
Genesis B 607b | wicode ymb þā sāwle || þe | hire | ǣr þā sīene on·lāh, / þ |
Genesis B 623a | mē lāðes spræc’. / Swā | hire | eaforan sċulon || aefter lib |
Genesis B 636a | s ġe·weald hafaþ. / Sum hēo | hire | on heandum bær, || sum hire |
Genesis B 636b | hire on heandum bær, || sum | hire | æt heortan læġ, / æppel uns |
Genesis B 637b | , / æppel unsǣlĝa, || þone | hire | ǣr for·bēad / dryhtna drihte |
Genesis B 652a | ode || brungen hæfde / þe hē | hire | swā wǣrlīċe || wordum sæ |
Genesis B 653a | ċe || wordum sæġde, / īewde | hire | tācen || and trēowa ġe·h |
Genesis B 654b | oldne hyġe. || Þā hēo tō | hire | hearran spræc: / ‘Ādam, fr |
Genesis B 717a | is heorte on·gann / wendan tō | hire | willan. || Hē æt þǣm wīf |
Genesis B 773b | eah / ellor sċrīðan || þæt | hire | þurh untrēowa / tācen īewde |
Genesis B 827a | hit mē æt heortan dēþ’. / | Hire | þā Ādam || andswarode: / ‘ |
Genesis A 1455a | f·ġiefen hæfde. / Hēo wīde | hire | || willan sōhte / and rūme fl |
Genesis A 1468a | nd þā fōtum stōp / on bēam | hire; | || ġe·feah blīðe-mōd / þ |
Genesis A 1472a | wāt flēoĝan eft / mid lācum | hire, | || līðend brōhte / ele-bēam |
Genesis A 1482b | n / on þell-fæstenne, || þā | hire | ðearf ne wæs. / Þā tō Nōe |
Genesis A 2237a | n bedd gân || brȳde lārum. / | Hire | mōd ā·stāh || þā hēo w |
Genesis A 2245a | e·fræġn || wordum cȳðan / | hire | mann-drihtne || mōdes sorĝe |
Genesis A 2256a | n, || dēma mid unc twīh’. / | Hire | þā ǣdre || andswarode / wīs |
Genesis A 2262a | unblīðe || Abrahames cwēn, / | hire | worc-þēowe || wrāþ on mō |
Genesis A 2280a | rĝe || samod ā·breġde’. / | Hire | þā sē enġel || andswarode |
Genesis A 2297a | re ġe·wāt || engles lārum / | hire | hlāfordum, || swā sē hāl |
Genesis A 2614a | bēċ, || þæt sēo ġingre / | hire | āĝen bearn || Ammon hēte. / |
Genesis A 2649a | || Mē sæġde ǣr / þæt wīf | hire | || wordum selfa / un-friċġend |
Elene 222a | iefan || word ġe·hierwan%, / | hire | selfre suna, || ac wæs% sōn |
Elene 223b | , / wīf on will-sīþ, || swā | hire | weoroda helm, / byrn-wīġendra |
Elene 129a | e·ryne || rihte cȳðan, / ne | hire | andsware || ǣnġe seċġan, / |
Elene 171a | e || þafian wille.’ / Iudas | hire | on·ġēan þingode || (ne me |
Elene 229a | on lyġe ċierrest.’ / Iudas | hire | on·ġēan þingode, || cwæ |
Elene 244b | īnne, / gasta ġēocend.’ || | Hire | Iudas on·cwæþ / stīþ-hyċ |
Elene 421a | þrymmes hierde.’ / Ne meahte | hire | Iudas, || ne full ġeare wist |
Elene 524b | ode, / wuldor-cyninge, || þæs | hire | sē willa ġe·lamp / þurh bea |
Elene 568a | ðǣre hālĝan byriġ. / Hēt | hire | þā āras || ēac ġe·bēod |
Elene 583b | ierwan godes tempel, || swā | hire | gasta weard / reord of roderum. |
Elene 631a | cwēn, || Cyriacus bæd / þæt | hire | þā ġīena || gāstes meaht |
Elene 699b | ode, / blissum hrēmiġ, || þe | hire | brungen wæs / gnyrna tō ġēo |
Elene 728b | as / þurh þēodsċipe. || Hē | hire | þrīste% on·cwæþ: / ‘Þæ |
Elene 761a | iefan, || briġdels frætwan, / | hire | selfre suna || sende tō lāc |
Elene 840b | þ, / and ēac swā same || þe | hire | inn wurdon / ā·tȳdrede, || t |
Christ C 967a | mid hira fiscum, / eorðan mid | hire | beorĝum || and up-heofon / tor |
Christ C 1155b | tte eorðe ā·ġeaf || þā | hire | inn lāĝon. / Eft libbende || |
Christ C 1419b | ĝa on mōdor, || þēah wæs | hire | mæġden-hād / ǣghwæs on·we |
Widsith 99a | uĝuþe, || dohtor Ēadwines. / | Hire | lof lengde || ġond landa fel |
The Fortunes of Men 47a | d; || rēoteþ mēowle, / sēo | hire | bearn ġe·sihþ || brandas |
Maxims I 63b | ēða standan. || Fǣmne æt | hire | bordan ġe·rīseþ; / wīd-gan |
Maxims I 65b | þ hīe hospe mǣnaþ, || oft | hire | hlēor ā·brēoðeþ. / Sċami |
Maxims I 85a | d wīf ġe·þēon / lēof% mid | hire | lēodum, || lēoht-mōd wesan |
Maxims I 96b | / biþ his ċēol cumen || and | hire | ċeorl tō hām, / āĝen æt- |
The Order of the World 98b | hyċġan || þæt hē metode | hire; | / ǣġhwelċ ielda bearna || fo |
Guthlac B 849b | godes, / wuldor-cininges || and | hire | were sealde / þurh dēofles se |
Guthlac B 984a | re idese || and hēo Ādame, / | hire | swǣsum were, || siþþan sċ |
Guthlac B 1182b | mīnne, / on ēċne eard || and | hire | ēac ġe·cȳþ / wordum mīnum |
Guthlac B 1184a | um, || þæt iċ mē wearnode / | hire | ansīene || ealle þraĝe / on |
Guthlac B 1192b | n, / ēades mid englum. || þū | hire | ēac saĝa / þæt hēo þis b |
Deor 8b | æġ. / Beadu·hilde ne wæs || | hire | brōðra dēaþ / on sefan swā |
Deor 9b | þ / on sefan swā sār || swā | hire | selfre þinġ, / þæt hēo ġe |
Riddles 20 33a | l || wīfe ā·belġe, / wānie | hire | willan; || hēo mē wam sprec |
Riddles 20 34a | o mē wam spreceþ, / flōceþ | hire | folmum, || firenaþ mec wordu |
Riddles 29 5a | of þām here-sīðe; / wealde | hire | on ðǣre byriġ || būr ā· |
Riddles 29 10b | an ofer willan, || ġe·wāt | hire | west þonan / fǣhþum fēran, |
Riddles 3 21b | rīseþ / dūn ofer dīepe; || | hire | deorc on lāst, / êare ġe·bl |
Riddles 31 6b | an. / Niðerweard% || wæs nebb | hire, | / fēt and folme || fuĝole ġe |
Riddles 31 13a | deþ, / hwonne ǣr hēo cræft | hire | || cȳðan mōte / werum on wan |
Riddles 31 17a | | hēo dumb wunaþ; / hwæðere | hire | is on fōte || fǣġer hlēo |
Riddles 31 21a | , || frætwed hyrstum. / Hafaþ | hire | on healse, || þonne hēo hor |
Riddles 33 8b | æġde searu-cræftiġ || ymb | hire | selfre ġe·sċeaft: / ‘Is mi |
Riddles 34 3a | Hafaþ fela tōða; / nebb biþ | hire | æt nytte, || niðerweard gan |
Riddles 39 23a | || Lang is tō seċġanne / hū | hire | ealdor-ġe·sċeaft || aefter |
Riddles 54 5a | m up, || hrand% under gyrdels / | hire | standendre || stīðes nāthw |
Riddles 54 10b | o%, / wēriġ þæs weorces. || | Hire | weaxan on·gann / under ġyrdel |
Riddles 56 6b | earwum / fæste ġe·bunden. || | Hire | fōta wæs / bid-fæst% ōðer, |
Riddles 58 6a | -bord: || nytt biþ hwæðere / | hire | mann-drihtne% || maniĝum tī |
Riddles 9 6b | rāh / swā% ārlīċe% || swā | hire | āĝen bearn, / oþ·þæt iċ |
The Judgment Day I 69b | earf / synfull sāwol, || þæt | hire | sīe sweġel on·ġēan, / þon |
Resignation 62a | || mīnre sāwle, / ġe·friða | hire | and ġe·feorma hīe, || fæd |
Riddles 70 1b | iht is wrǣtliċ || þām þe | hire% | wīsan ne cann. / Singeþ þurh |
Juliana 30a | owe, || hoĝode ġeorne / þæt | hire | mæġeþhād || māna ġe·hw |
Juliana 32b | / Þā wæs sēo fǣmne || mid | hire | fæder willan / weleĝum be·we |
Juliana 35b | hoĝode, / ġung on gǣste. || | Hire | wæs godes eġesa / māra on ġ |
Juliana 117a | nafaþ hē ǣniġe% hēr.’ / | Hire | þā þurh ierre || ā·ġeaf |
Juliana 165a | æðeling || ǣrest grēte, / | hire | brȳd-guma, || blīðum wordu |
Juliana 233b | n be·bēad / tō carc-erne. || | Hire | wæs Crīstes lof / on ferhð-l |
Juliana 241b | fira, / heolstre be·helmod. || | Hire | wæs hāliġ gǣst / sīn-gāl |
Juliana 260a | me, || hwonan his cyme wǣre. / | Hire | sē wræc-mæċġa || wiþ þ |
Juliana 268b | e / eġesan ġe·āclod, || þe | hire | sē āĝ-lǣċa, / wuldres wið |
Juliana 282b | þē / on stearcne weġ.’ || | Hire | stefn on·cwæþ / wlitiġ of w |
Juliana 319a | hwā þeċ sende tō mē.’ / | Hire | sē āg·lǣċa || ā·ġeaf |
Juliana 429a | -cyning || willan þīnes.’ / | Hire | þā sē wērĝa || wiþ þin |
Juliana 460b | / deorcum ġe·dwieldum.’ || | Hire | þæt dēoful on·cwæþ: / ‘ |
Juliana 590b | / un-ġe·wemde wlite. || Næs | hire | wlōh ne hræġl, / ne feax ne |
Juliana 610b | ahtian / inwitt-rūne, || þæt | hire | ende-stæf / of ġe·winn-daĝu |
Juliana 669b | / simle sōþ lufu.’ || þā | hire | sāwol wearþ / ā·lǣded of l |
Beowulf 626b | wīsfæst wordum || þæs þe | hire | sē willa ġe·lamp / þæt hē |
Beowulf 641b | n / frēolicu folc-cwēn || tō | hire | frēan sittan. / Þā wæs eft |
Beowulf 722b | bendum fæst, || siþþan hē | hire | folmum æt-hrān%; / on·bræġ |
Beowulf 945a | if hēo ġīet leofaþ, / þæt | hire | eald-metod || ēste wǣre / bea |
Beowulf 1115a | lde·burh || æt Hnæfes āde / | hire | selfre sunu || sweoloðe be· |
Beowulf 1188b | wearf þā be benċe || ðǣr | hire | byre wǣron, / Hrēð·rīċ an |
Beowulf 1339b | ehtiġ mān-sċaða, || wolde | hire | mǣġ wrecan, / ġe feorr hafa |
Beowulf 1521a | d% swenġ% ne of·teah, / þæt | hire | on hafolan || hrinġ-mǣl ā |
Beowulf 1545b | þā þone sele-ġiest || and | hire | seax ġe·teah, / brād and% br |
Beowulf 1546b | d and% brūn-eċġ, || wolde | hire | bearn wrecan, / āngan eaforan. |
Beowulf 1566a | na, || ierrunga slōh, / þæt | hire | wiþ healse || heard grāpode |
Beowulf 1935a | a, || nefne sīn-frēa, / þæt | hire | on dæġes || ēaĝum starode |
Beowulf 2121a | -hete Wedra. || Wīf unhīere / | hire | bearn ġe·wræc, || beorn ā |
Beowulf 2175b | / swancor and sadol-beorht; || | hire | siþþan wæs / aefter bēah-þ |
Beowulf 3153a | īðe% ġe·neahhe / þæt hēo | hire | hēofung-daĝas% || hearde on |
Judith 5b | riðode, frymþa wealdend. || | Hire | þæs fæder on rodorum / torht |
Judith 97b | ġe·lēafan. || Þā wearþ | hire | rūme on mōde, / hāliġre hih |
Judith 99b | um, || tēah hine folmum wiþ | hire | weard / bismerlīċe || and þo |
Judith 123b | d / Iudith æt gūðe, || swā | hire | god ūðe, / sweġeles ealdor, |
Judith 124b | ðe, / sweġeles ealdor, || þe | hire | siĝores on·lāh. / Þā sēo |
Judith 127b | diġ / on þǣm fǣtelse || þe | hire | fore-genġa, / blāc-hlēor ide |
Judith 130b | nd hit þā swā heolfriġ || | hire | on hand ā·ġeaf, / hyġe-þan |
Judith 149b | e / of ðǣre ġinnan byriġ || | hire | tō·ġēanes gān, / and hīe |
Judith 172a | hēt, || golde ġe·frætwod, / | hire | þiġnenne || þancol-mōde / |
Judith 175b | n / þǣm burĝ-lēodum, || hū | hire | æt beadwe ġe·spēow. / Spræ |
Judith 334b | mōdiġre. || Hīe tō mēde | hire | / of þǣm sīþ-fæte || selfr |
Judith 342b | uldor weoroda drihtne, || þe | hire | weorð-mynde ġeaf, / mǣrþe o |
The Paris Psalter 101:11 2a | god, || miltsa Sione; / nū is | hire | helpe || hēah-sǣl cumen. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 103:18 2a | || on þā mǣran tīd; / sunne | hire | setl-gang || sweotole healde |
The Paris Psalter 106:33 3b | dum / þāra eardendra, || þe | hire | inn lifdon. / / # / Wēsten hē |
The Paris Psalter 112:6 3a | || maniġra bearna; / hēo ofer | hire | suna || symblaþ and blissaþ |
The Paris Psalter 121:3 3b | r sindon dǣlas || on selfre | hire. | / / # / Þǣr cnēo-risse || cend |
The Paris Psalter 122:3 2a | rmre þēowan, / þonne hēo on | hire | hlǣfdīġan || handa locaþ, |
The Paris Psalter 136:8 5b | fæsted / ǣnġe and yfele, || | hire | earm dōhter; / ēadiġ biþ hw |
The Paris Psalter 57:4 3b | hīe dēafe dēþ, || dytteþ | hire | ēaran, / þæt hēo nele ġe· |
The Paris Psalter 59:2 2a | || ealle ġe·drēfdest; / hǣl | hire | wunde, || nū hēo ā·hrēre |
The Paris Psalter 67:13 3a | ran || fæġeres seolfres / and | hire | bæc sċīeneþ || beorhtan g |
The Paris Psalter 72:24 2b | ·seċġe / Sione dohtrum || on | hire | selfre durum. |
The Paris Psalter 74:3 1b | / Eorðe is ġe·molten || and | hire | eardend mid; / iċ þonne hire |
The Paris Psalter 74:3 2a | hire eardend mid; / iċ þonne | hire | swyre || simle ġe·trymme. / / |
The Paris Psalter 86:4 2a | ‘mann’ cwæþ ǣrest, / and | hire | mǣre ġe·wearþ || mann on |
The Paris Psalter 86:5 3b | ǣron, / eallum swelċe, || þe | hire | inn wǣron / / # / Swā ūre ealr |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 20a | sume wiht || wēl ā·temede, / | hire | māĝister || miċelum lufie, |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 25a | e || þæt hēo wēl siþþan / | hire | taman healde, || ac iċ teohh |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 28a | wunan || wille ġe·þenċan / | hire | eldrena; || on·ġinþ eornos |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 30b | etian, / and ǣrest ā·bīt || | hire | āĝenes / hūses hierde || and |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 63a | || oþ hēo eft cymeþ / ðǣr | hire | yfemest biþ || eard ġe·cyn |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 75a | || swā swā hwēol dēþ, / on | hire | selfre. || For·þon hēo sw |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 139a | n || ǣfre ne oþ·rineþ, / ne | hire | on nānre ne mōt || nēar þ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 179a | rh þā strangan meaht, / þæt | hire | þȳ lǣsse || on þǣm lȳtl |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 180b | n ne biþ / ānum fingre || þe | hire | on eallum biþ / þǣm līċ-ha |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 206b | e, / þæt hēo hwearfode || on | hire | selfre / hire ūtan ymb, || sw |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 207a | o hwearfode || on hire selfre / | hire | ūtan ymb, || swā swā eall |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 216a | þone ēċan god, / sċieppend | hire. | || Sċrīðende færþ, / hwēo |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 218a | b hīe selfe. / Þonne hēo ymb | hire | sċieppend || mid ġe·sċēa |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 220b | / ac hēo biþ eallunga || ān | hire | selfre, / þonne hīo ymb hīe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 222b | ; / hēo biþ swīðe feorr || | hire | selfre be·nēoðan, / þonne h |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 242b | an, || for·þǣm hē ǣr of | hire | / wēox on weorolde. || Wunedon |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 61b | a / ealre ðǣre maniġe || þe | hire | mid wunode / æðelinges sīþ. |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 74b | don þæt hēo sċolde || mid | hire | sċīnlāce / beornas for·bre |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 24b | le / māre ġe·fēraþ || þā | hire | middre%ymbe / þearle þrǣġe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 53b | ðe sēo ċealde || on·innan | hire | / hēold and hȳde || hālġes |
Solomon and Saturn 119b | es ġe·swīcan, || siþþan | hire | sē sǣl cymeþ, / þæt hēo d |
Maxims II 44a | ċeall dierne cræfte, / fǣmne | hire | frēond ġe·sēċan, || ġif |
Metrical Charm 6: For Delayed Birth 1a | yed Birth / / Sē wīf-mann, sē | hire | ċild ā·fēdan ne mæġ, ga |
Metrical Charm 6: For Delayed Birth 7a | sēo mid bearne and hēo tō | hire | hlāforde || / on ræste gā, |