Number of occurrences in corpus: 257
Genesis A 10a | sweġel-bōsmas hēold, / þā | wǣron | ġe·sette || wīde and sīde |
Genesis A 17b | ēmdon, dryhtnes || duĝuþum | wǣron | / swīðe ġe·sǣlġe. || Synn |
Genesis A 82a | rihtne, || drēam-hæbbendra. / | Wǣron | þā ġe·same, || þā þe s |
Genesis A 185b | dyde%, / ēċe sāwla%. || Hēo | wǣron | englum ġe·līċe%, / þā wæ |
Genesis A 188a | on ġuĝuþe bū / wlite-beorht | wǣron | || on weorold cenned / metodes |
Genesis A 218a | īewan || neorxna-wange. / Þā | wǣron | ā·dǣlde% || dryhtnes meaht |
Genesis B 244b | lan / lenġest lǣsten. || Hēo | wǣron | lēof Gode / þenden% hēo his |
Genesis B 330a | ian, || hæfdon wīte miċel, / | wǣron% | þā be·feallene || fȳre t |
Genesis B 461a | ġen% || bēamas stōdon / þā | wǣron | ūtan || ofetes ġe·hlædene |
Genesis B 475a | r on weorolde, / habban him tō | wǣron | || witode% ġe·þingþu% / on |
Genesis B 804a | tum, || þæs wit bēġra ǣr / | wǣron | or-sorġe || on ealle tīd. / H |
Genesis A 894a | me sealdest / wæstme þā inċ | wǣron | || wordum mīnum / fæste for· |
Genesis A 967b | / Ādames and Ēuan || eaforan | wǣron | / frēolicu twā || frum-bearn |
Genesis A 1262b | t wera, || þā ǣr on friðe | wǣron’. | / Siþþan hund-twelftiġ || ġ |
Genesis A 1272a | nes on eorðan / and þæt hīe | wǣron | || wamma þrīste, / inwitfulle |
Genesis A 1459b | / steppan for strēamum, || ac | wǣron | stēap hliðu / be·wriġen mid |
Genesis A 1547a | / and hira fēower wīf; / nemde | wǣron | || Percoba, Olla, / Ollīua, Ol |
Genesis A 1550b | Hæleþ hyġe-rōfe || hātne | wǣron, | / suna Nōes || Sēm and Chām, |
Genesis A 1573b | eċċan, || swā ġe·sċapu | wǣron | / werum and wīfum, || siþþan |
Genesis A 1587b | ēoce ġe·fremede; || gōde | wǣron | bēġen, / Sēm and Iāfeþ. || |
Genesis A 1617b | / Chūs and Chānan% || hātne | wǣron, | / full frēoliċe feorh, || fru |
Genesis A 1639b | % / cnēo-rīm miċel || cenned | wǣron. | / Þā wearþ Sēme || suna and |
Genesis A 1644b | ealdor. / On ðǣre mǣġþe || | wǣron | menn tile, / þāra ān wæs || |
Genesis A 1659b | ǣre dæġ-tīde || duĝuþe | wǣron, | / wilna ġe·hwelċes || weaxen |
Genesis A 1709b | æleþ hyġe-rōfe, || hātne | wǣron | / Abraham and Aaron; || þǣm e |
Genesis A 1716b | him fram ieldrum || æðelu | wǣron | / on weorold-rīċe; || for·þ |
Genesis A 1846b | ǣr him folc-weras || fremde | wǣron, | / wine uncūðe. || Wordum spr |
Genesis A 1896b | an / ellor ēðel-seld. || Oft | wǣron | tēonan / wǣrfæstra wera || w |
Genesis A 1933b | / Þǣr folc-stede || fæġere | wǣron, | / menn ārlēase, || metode lā |
Genesis A 1935a | ārlēase, || metode lāðe. / | Wǣron | Sōdomisċ cynn || synnum þr |
Genesis A 1982b | on þā tō·samne || francan | wǣron | hlūde, / wrāðe wæl-herġas. |
Genesis A 1995b | s ġe·nyhtsum. || Norð-menn | wǣron | / sūþ-folcum swice; || wurdon |
Genesis A 2049a | nan || of lāðsċipe. / Rincas | wǣron% | rōfe%, || randas wǣĝon% / fo |
Genesis A 2080b | / fædera Lōthes. || Flēonde | wǣron% | / Elamītarna || ealdor-duĝuþ |
Genesis A 2083a | þæt hīe Dāmasco / un·fēor | wǣron. | || Ġe·wāt him Abraham þā |
Genesis A 2495b | e fundodon, || ac ðǣr frame | wǣron | / Godes spell-bodan. || Hæfde |
Genesis A 2603b | fǣmnan tō brȳde || him bū | wǣron, | / on ferhþ-cofan || fæste ġe |
Genesis A 2772b | and þāh, || swā him cynde | wǣron | / æðele fram ieldrum. || Abra |
Exodus 43a | de, || weorold-drēama lȳt. / | Wǣron | hleahtor-smiðum || handa be |
Exodus 60a | ð-mierċe || ġearwe bǣron, / | (wǣron | land hira || lyft-helme be· |
Exodus 148a | ·rēnedon, || wǣre frǣton. / | Wǣron | heaðu-wielmas || heortan ġe |
Exodus 185a | ġra || twā þūsendu, / þæt | wǣron | cyningas || and cnēow-māĝa |
Exodus 190a | þǣm friste || findan mihte. / | Wǣron | inn-ġe·menn || ealle æt-g |
Exodus 196b | n, / þūsend-mǣlum; || þider | wǣron | fūse. / Hæfdon hīe ġe·mynt |
Exodus 211a | am; || nahton māran hwyrft. / | Wǣron | or-wēnan || ēðel-rihtes, / s |
Exodus 449a | e, || ġeofon dēaðe hwēop. / | Wǣron | beorh-hliðu || blōde be·st |
Exodus 452a | full, || wæl-mist ā·stāh. / | Wǣron | Ēġypte || eft on·cierde, / f |
Exodus 464a | d blōd ġe·wōd. / Rand-byrġ | wǣron | rofene, || rodor swipode / mere |
Exodus 501a | e·drēas / þā ġe·drencte% | wǣron% | || duĝuþ Ēġypta, / Faraon m |
Exodus 583a | || heals-weorðunge, / blīðe | wǣron, | || bōte ġe·sāwon, / hēdon |
Daniel 36a | | þā þe on fruman ǣr þon / | wǣron | mann-cynnes || metode dīeros |
Daniel 43b | forþ, / ðǣr Israela || ǣhta | wǣron, | / be·wriġene mid weorcum; || |
Daniel 188a | || unryht dyde. / Þǣr þrīe | wǣron | || on þæs þēodnes byrġ, / |
Daniel 193a | ġe || bīeman sungon. / Þā | wǣron | æðelum gōd% || Abrahames b |
Daniel 194a | lum gōd% || Abrahames bearn, / | wǣron | wǣrfæste, || wiston drihten |
Daniel 205b | æt hīe ðǣre ġe·þeahte | wǣron, | / hæftas hīeran, || in þisse |
Daniel 251b | ǣðne of hālĝum. || Hyssas | wǣron | / blīðe-mōde, || burnon sċe |
Daniel 255b | / Babilone breĝu. || Blīðe% | wǣron | / eorlas Ebrea, || ofstum hered |
Daniel 264b | ġum || þe% in þǣm bēote | wǣron, | / ac þæt fȳr fȳr sċēode | |
Daniel 432b | de || swā hīe ġe·cȳðde | wǣron, | / hwurfon hæleþ ġunge || tō |
Daniel 434a | || tō þǣm hǣðnan faran. / | Wǣron | þā bende% for·burnene || |
Daniel 452b | lāfe || þe ðǣr ġe·lǣde | wǣron | / on% ǣht% eald-fēondum, || |
Daniel 456a | n hīe drihtne ġe·hīerdon. / | Wǣron | hira rǣdas rīċe, || siþþ |
Daniel 714b | þæt his herġas || hīerran | wǣron | / and mihtiġran || mannum tō |
Christ and Satan 23a | t hit meahte swā, / þæt hīe | wǣron% | selfe% || sweġeles bryttan, / |
Christ and Satan 234b | send-mǣlum. || Þā we ðǣr | wǣron%, | / wunodon on wynnum, || ġe·h |
Christ and Satan 329b | hæfdon / uppe mid englum. || | Wǣron | þā ealles þæs / gōda lēas |
Christ and Satan 383a | an || þe we ǣr nemdon. / Þā | wǣron | mid eġesan || ealle ā·fyrh |
Christ and Satan 389b | on þā we mid englum || uppe | wǣron. | / Wile nū ūre witu || þurh h |
Christ and Satan 432b | e gryre / eġesliċ þūhte, || | wǣron | ealle þæs / fæġen in firenu |
Andreas 7a | || hlīet% ġe·tǣhte. / Þæt | wǣron | mǣre || menn ofer eorðan, / f |
Andreas 46b | under linde, || (nealles late | wǣron), | / ierre æsċ-berend, || tō þ |
Andreas 250a | iġ, || mid his englum twǣm. / | Wǣron | hīe on ġe·sċierplan || s |
Andreas 579b | ā þe lim-sēoce || lange || | wǣron, | / wērġe, wan-hāle, || wītum |
Andreas 791b | h-fædera hrǣw, || be·heled | wǣron. | / Hēt þā ofostlīċe || up |
Andreas 1016b | hīe and clypton. || Crīste | wǣron | bēġen / lēofe on mōde. || H |
Andreas 1041b | te ġe·freoðode. || Fæġen | wǣron | sīðes, / lungre lēordon, || |
Andreas 1114b | ord-ġe·strēonum. || Hungre | wǣron | / þearle ġe·þrēatod, || sw |
Andreas 1259b | on, lēoda ġe·setu. || Land | wǣron | frēoriġ / ċealdum ċiele-ġi |
Andreas 1334a | ġielp for·bīeġan.’ / Hīe | wǣron | rēowe, || rǣsdon on sōna / |
Andreas 28a | dġes, || gang on lande. / Þā | wǣron | ġe·fylde || aefter frēan d |
The Fates of the Apostles 4b | e and tīr-ēadġe. || Twelfe | wǣron%, | / dǣdum dōmfæste, || drihtne |
Soul and Body I 4b | þā sibbe || þe ǣr samod | wǣron, | / līċ and sāwle. || Lang bi |
Soul and Body I 77a | | swīðe miċele / þonne þē | wǣron | ealle || eorðan spēda, / (bū |
Soul and Body I 164b | an, / hwelċe earnunga || uncre | wǣron. | / Wāt iċ þæt þū wǣre || |
Dream of the Rood 8b | eatum, || swelċe ðǣr fīfe | wǣron | / uppe on þām eaxle–ġespan |
Elene 22b | wate || Francan and Hūĝas%. / | Wǣron | hwate weras, / ġearwe tō gū |
Elene 25b | m / hōfon here-cumbol. || Þā | wǣron | heardingas / sweotole ġe·samn |
Elene 46b | æce / rincas under roderum. || | Wǣron | Rōm-ware, / seċġas siġe-rō |
Elene 173a | || þā þurh fulwihte / lǣrde | wǣron, | || (him wæs lēoht sefa, / fer |
Elene 174b | fēonde, || þēah hira fēa | wǣron), | / þæt hīe for þām cāsere |
Elene 191a | || swā fram Siluestre / lǣrde | wǣron. | || Æt þām sē lēod-fruma / |
Elene 246b | wadan wǣġ-flotan. || Wiĝan | wǣron | blīðe, / collen-ferhþe, || c |
Elene 259b | iġ, / ǣnliċ eofor-cumbol. || | Wǣron | ǣsċ-wiĝan, / seċġas ymb si |
Elene 291a | æt ġē ġār-daĝum / wierðe | wǣron | || wuldor-cyninge, / drihtne d |
Elene 383b | ft / ymb lȳtel fæc || laðode | wǣron, | / ċeastre weardas. || Hēo sē |
Elene 117a | de, || mōdes snytru.’ / Hēo | wǣron | ġearwe, || ġōmor-mōde / lē |
Elene 118b | byrġan, || þā hīe laðod | wǣron | / þurh heard ġe·bann; || tō |
Elene 127a | es, || for sāwla lufan. / Hēo | wǣron | stearce, || stāne heardran, / |
Elene 199b | a and gōdra || þe ūs% fore | wǣron, | / glēawra gumena. || Iċ on ġ |
Elene 669b | æleþa ġe·rǣdum || hȳdde | wǣron | / þurh nearu-searwe, || næġl |
Elene 679b | ān-mōde, || þēah hīe ǣr | wǣron | / þurh dēofles spild || on ġ |
Christ B 449b | m, / beorn on Betlem. || Bodan | wǣron | ġearwe / þā þurh hlēoðor- |
Christ B 460b | / hira sinċ-ġiefan. || Sōna | wǣron | ġearwe, / hæleþ mid hālford |
Widsith 125a | ċ, || Wudĝan and Haman; / ne | wǣron | þæt ġe·sīða || þā sǣ |
The Riming Poem 27a | l-becc be·sċær. / Sċealcas | wǣron | sċearpe, || sċiell wæs hea |
Soul and Body II 4b | sibbe, || þā þe ǣr samod | wǣron, | / līċ and sāwle%. || Lang bi |
Guthlac A 205a | sċolu || sċame þrōwodon; / | wǣron | tēon-smiðas || tornes fulle |
Guthlac A 406a | n·fēngum% || earmra gǣsta; / | wǣron | hīe rēowe || tō rǣsanne / |
Guthlac A 547a | || ofer·biden hæfde. / Þrēa | wǣron | þearle, || þeġnas grymme, / |
Guthlac A 706b | n his selfes dōm || siþþan | wǣron. | / Ne sċeall iċ mīne ansīen |
Guthlac A 731a | ndum || and him hryre burgon. / | Wǣron | hira gangas || under godes e |
Guthlac B 1134a | ocend || for·ġiefen hæfde. / | Wǣron | fēowere þā || forþ ġe·w |
Riddles 10 8a | || on blacum hræġle%; / sume | wǣron | hwīte || hyrste mīne, / þā |
Riddles 13 1b | / Iċ seah turf tredan, || [X] | wǣron | ealra, / [VI] ġe·brōðor || |
Riddles 33 4b | eġesfull on earde, || eċġe | wǣron | sċearpe. / Wæs hēo hete-grim |
Riddles 46 6b | mid, / êam and nefa. || Ealra | wǣron | fīfe / eorla and idesa || inn- |
Riddles 51 2b | er / samod sīðian; || swearte | wǣron | lāstas, / swaðu swīðe blacu |
Riddles 52 3a | ales || hearde twēġen, / þā | wǣron | ġe·namnan%, || nearwum bend |
Riddles 56 4b | , / dēopra dolĝa. || Daroþas | wǣron | / wēo ðǣre wihte || and sē |
Riddles 9 7b | ate, || swā min ġe·sċeapu | wǣron, | / un-ġe·sibbum wearþ || ēac |
Resignation 35b | ealu-dǣde || þonne be·bodu | wǣron | / hālĝan heofon-mæġenes. || |
Resignation 69b | / Nā þæs earnunga || ǣnġe | wǣron | mid; / hwæðere iċ mē ealles |
Resignation 80b | de, || swā min% ġe·wyrhtu% | wǣron | / miċele fore mannum, || þæt |
The Descent into Hell 7b | rd wæs hin-sīþ; || hæleþ | wǣron | mōdġe, / þe hīe æt þām b |
The Descent into Hell 54b | ā þe lange ǣr || be·locen | wǣron, | / be·þeahte mid þīestre; || |
The Descent into Hell 89a | m. || Bana weorces ġe·feah; / | wǣron | ūre eald-fīnd || ealle on w |
The Ruin 21a | wundrum tō·gædere. / Beorht | wǣron | burĝ-reċed, || burn-sele ma |
The Ruin 40b | n bōsme, || ðǣr þā baðu | wǣron, | / hāt on hreðere. || þæt w |
The Ruin 46b | hāte / [] || ðǣr þā baðu | wǣron. | / þonne is [] || / []re; || þ |
Riddles 72 18b | / ġif mē ord-stæpe || eġle | wǣron. | |
Riddles 88 10b | and min% brōðor; || bēġen | wǣron | hearde. / Eard wæs þȳ weorð |
Riddles 88 26a | healfe || hēah eardode. / Wit | wǣron | ġe·same || sæċċe tō fre |
The Phoenix 443a | æċan, || oft ġe·sċōdon. / | Wǣron | hwæðere maniġe, || þā þ |
Juliana 64b | on, / hilde-þrymman || Hǣðne | wǣron% | bēġen / synnum sēoce, || sw |
Juliana 301b | wolan, || sæġde hīe drȳas | wǣron. | / Nēðde iċ nearu-breġdum || |
The Seafarer 9a | aþ. || Ċealde ġe·þrungen / | wǣron | mīne fēt, || forste ġe·bu |
The Seafarer 83b | gold-ġiefan || swelċe ġō | wǣron, | / þonne hīe mǣst mid him || |
Beowulf 233b | ·hyġdum, || hwæt þā menn | wǣron. | / Ġe·wāt him þā tō waroþ |
Beowulf 536b | wesende / and ġe·bēotedon || | (wǣron | bēġen þā ġīet / on ġuĝu |
Beowulf 544b | . / Þā wit ætsamne || on sǣ | wǣron | / fīf nihta frist, || oþ·þ |
Beowulf 548b | u-grimm and·hwearf; || hrēo | wǣron | ȳða. / Wæs mere-fisca || mō |
Beowulf 612a | r%, || hlynn swinsode, / word | wǣron | wynsume. || Ēode Wealh·þē |
Beowulf 769b | rlum ealu-sċierwen. || Ierre | wǣron | bēġen, / rēðe ren-weardas. |
Beowulf 881b | am his nefan, || swā hīe ā | wǣron | / æt nīða ġe·hwǣm || nīe |
Beowulf 1145a | lest, || on bearm dyde, / þæs | wǣron | mid Ēotnum || eċġe cūðe. |
Beowulf 1188b | be benċe || ðǣr hire byre | wǣron, | / Hrēð·rīċ and Hrōð·mun |
Beowulf 1247a | s þēaw hira / þæt hīe oft | wǣron | || ān-wīġ-ġearwe, / ġe æt |
Beowulf 1402b | p / lind-hæbbendra. || Lāstas | wǣron | / aefter weald-swaðum || wīde |
Beowulf 1620a | a, || wæter up þurh·dēaf. / | Wǣron | ȳþ-ġe·bland || eall ġe· |
Beowulf 1804a | acan / sċaðan ōnetton, || % / | wǣron | æðelingas || eft tō lēodu |
Beowulf 1814a | , || searwum ġearwe / wīġend | wǣron; | || ēode weorþ Denum / æðeli |
Beowulf 1820b | ndiaþ / Hyġe·lac sēċan. || | Wǣron | hēr tela / willum be·wenede; |
Beowulf 1986b | welċe Sǣ-Ġēata || sīðas | wǣron: | / Hū lamp ēow on lāde, || l |
Beowulf 2459b | eardum, || swelċe ðǣr ġō | wǣron. | / Ġe·wīteþ þonne on sealma |
Beowulf 2475b | m Angₑn-þēowes || eaforan | wǣron | / frame, fyrd-hwate, || frēode |
Beowulf 2982a | || wæs on feorh drepen. / Þā | wǣron | maniġe || þe his mǣġ wri |
Judith 17b | alde byrn-wīġende. || Þǣr | wǣron | bollan stēape / boren aefter b |
Judith 31b | ĝuþe ealle, || swelċe hīe | wǣron | dēaðe ġe·slæġene, / ā·g |
Judith 225b | heardra ġe·mang. || Hæleþ | wǣron | ierre, / land-būende, || lāð |
Judith 238b | n·ġēaton || þā þe grame | wǣron, | / þæs here-folces || hēafod- |
Judith 255b | / on þǣm wlitiĝan træfe || | wǣron | æt·samne, / Iudith sēo æðe |
Judith 284b | dum / þe ðǣr unrōte || ūte | wǣron: | / ‘Hēr is ġe·sweotelod || |
Judith 304b | burh sċēaron. || Sċēotend | wǣron | / gūðe ġe·ġremede, || guma |
Judith 322b | þe him tō līfe || lāðost | wǣron | / cwicra cynna. || Þā sēo cn |
The Paris Psalter 101:18 2b | a þe ġe·bundene% || bitere | wǣron, | / and þā bealdlīċe || bearn |
The Paris Psalter 101:18 4b | a þe of·sleġene || slīðe | wǣron. | / / # / Þonne biþ on Sione sæ |
The Paris Psalter 103:23 1a | aþ || on ǣfenne. / / # / Miċel | wǣron | þīne weorc, || mehtiġ drih |
The Paris Psalter 104:11 2b | e, / ac on þǣmfolce || fēawe | wǣron | ǣnġe, / oþ·þæt bīĝenġu |
The Paris Psalter 104:11 4b | on; / cynn aefter cynn || cende | wǣron, | / oþ·þæt hēo ōðer folc | |
The Paris Psalter 104:27 2b | cōmon / mysci maniġe, || mid | wǣron | gnættas, / fleoh-cynnes fela | |
The Paris Psalter 105:6 2b | and we unsōþfæste || ealle | wǣron | / and unryhtes || ǣġhwǣr wor |
The Paris Psalter 105:9 2a | ene ġe·þȳwdest, / and ðǣr | wǣron | || þā wāroþas drīġe, / an |
The Paris Psalter 105:9 4b | st, / swā hīe on wēstenne || | wǣron | on dryĝum. / / # / Swā hīe ā |
The Paris Psalter 105:27 4b | la, / þā unsċyldġe || ealle | wǣron, | / siþþan hīe ġe·curon || C |
The Paris Psalter 105:32 2a | ·þeahte || oft ā·bylgdon; / | wǣron | on unrihtum || oft ġe·hīen |
The Paris Psalter 106:11 2b | ·winnum / and untrume || ealle | wǣron, | / næfdon þā on foldan || ful |
The Paris Psalter 106:16 3a | wīs ā·lǣdeþ, / ðǣr hīe | wǣron | on wō || ǣr wrāðe be·smi |
The Paris Psalter 106:17 3b | wiþ dēaða duru || drencede | wǣron. | / / # / Þā hīe on costunge || |
The Paris Psalter 106:19 2b | t hīe hrǣdlīċe || hǣlde | wǣron | / and of hira for·wyrde || wur |
The Paris Psalter 106:39 2b | re; / hira ealdor-menn || ealle | wǣron | / sāre be·swicene, || swicodo |
The Paris Psalter 110:5 3a | as, || þā hē rǣran wille; / | wǣron | his be·bodu || ealle trīewf |
The Paris Psalter 113:1 4b | e, / þā ell-reordġe || ealle | wǣron. | / / # / Þā wæs ġe·worden || |
The Paris Psalter 113:4 3a | m þā || reston ġe·līċe; / | wǣron | ġe·swīere || swīðe on bl |
The Paris Psalter 113:6 1a | est on bæcling? / / # / Beorĝas | wǣron | blīðe, || ġe·bǣrdon swā |
The Paris Psalter 113:12 1a | | on weorold-rīċe. / / # / Þā | wǣron | dēoful-ġield || deorce hǣ |
The Paris Psalter 113:17 1a | n hracan eardaþ. / / # / Ac hēo | wǣron | þǣm wyrċendum || wēl ġe |
The Paris Psalter 115:2 3a | || mīnum ġe·þancum, / þæt | wǣron | ealle menn || unġemete lēas |
The Paris Psalter 118:86 2a | hafaþ, || ēċe drihten / / # / | Wǣron | þīne ealle ġe·bann || æ |
The Paris Psalter 118:118 3a | ĝodest, || þā þe unryhtes / | wǣron | wyrhtan; || wāt iċ ġearwe, |
The Paris Psalter 118:119 3b | þā on eorðan hēr || yfele | wǣron, | / for·þon iċ þīne ġe·wit |
The Paris Psalter 118:139 2b | ·ġēaton, || þā mē grame | wǣron, | / worda þīnra || and mē wā |
The Paris Psalter 118:140 1b | ā mē fēondas ǣr || fæste | wǣron. | / / # / Is þīn āĝen spræc || |
The Paris Psalter 118:155 2a | īċe || cwicne nū-þā. / / # / | Wǣron | firenfulle feorr || fǣlre h |
The Paris Psalter 118:173 1a | re sprǣċe || spēde ēodon; / | wǣron | eall þīn be·bodu || ǣġhw |
The Paris Psalter 121:2 1a | s hūs || gange siþþan. / / # / | Wǣron | fæst-stealle || fōtas mīne |
The Paris Psalter 121:4 1b | # / Þǣr cnēo-risse || cende | wǣron | / cynn aefter cynne; || cūðon |
The Paris Psalter 121:4 3b | nd on ðǣre ġe·witnesse || | wǣron | Israelas, / þe his naman || n |
The Paris Psalter 123:3 2b | ode, / and ūs wiðer-wearde || | wǣron | ġe·nēahhe; / wēn is, þæt |
The Paris Psalter 123:6 1a | um || tō·tēon woldon. / / # / | Wǣron | ūre sāwla || samod anlīċe |
The Paris Psalter 135:23 2b | ele, / þe his esnas || āĝene | wǣron. | / / # / For·þon ūre ēaþ-mēd |
The Paris Psalter 135:25 2b | of handa, / þā þe wrāðe || | wǣron | ealle. / / # / Hē ēac ā·fēde |
The Paris Psalter 138:12 3a | e·wuldrod, / and þīne weorc | wǣron | || wræclice swīðe, / þā mi |
The Paris Psalter 138:15 4a | e swīðe, / þe þīne frīend | wǣron | || fæste, drihten, / is hira e |
The Paris Psalter 143:15 1a | | stīðe wiþ ġuĝuþe. / / # / | Wǣron | hira dōhtru || dīere ġe·s |
The Paris Psalter 143:17 1a | nne wendaþ. / / # / Hira sċēap | wǣron | || swelċe tȳdred / and on sī |
The Paris Psalter 148:5 1b | on hē selfa cwæþ, || sōna | wǣron | / wræclīċe% ġe·worht || w |
The Paris Psalter 148:5 3a | þrȳðe, / and ġe·sċæpene | wǣron, | || þā hē selfa hēt. / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 56:5 4a | rǣlas, || þā mē wundedon; / | wǣron | hira tungan ġe·tale || tēo |
The Paris Psalter 57:3 2b | / siþþan hīe on weorolde || | wǣron | ā·cende / and hēo on līfe | |
The Paris Psalter 58:12 3a | erum || wrāðe ā·sprǣcon; / | wǣron | hīe on ofer·hyġde || ealle |
The Paris Psalter 59:4 4a | en || boĝan and strǣle / and | wǣron | ā·līesde || lēofe þīne. |
The Paris Psalter 59:5 5b | m et Conuallem, || þā samod | wǣron | / on% Metiboris || meahtum spē |
The Paris Psalter 62:9 4a | ēodon ġe·nēahhe; / nū hīe | wǣron | ġe·seald || under sweordes |
The Paris Psalter 67:17 1a | ende || eardaþ drihten. / / # / | Wǣron | godes crata || ġe·ġearwedr |
The Paris Psalter 67:23 2b | s, / fram þǣmþīne gangas || | wǣron | ġe·sewene; / wǣron godes mī |
The Paris Psalter 67:23 3a | gangas || wǣron ġe·sewene; / | wǣron | godes mīnes || gangas rihte, |
The Paris Psalter 68:13 2b | lum. / / # / Mē wiðer-wearde || | wǣron | ealle, / þā him sǣton% || su |
The Paris Psalter 69:2 2b | ā þe mīne fīend || fǣcne | wǣron | / and mīne sāwle || sōhton m |
The Paris Psalter 70:22 2b | sōþfæst weorc; || sċende | wǣron | ealle / þe mē yfel tō || ǣr |
The Paris Psalter 72:14 3a | hīe wēndan% ǣr, / þæt hīe | wǣron | ā·līesde, || lāðum wiþ- |
The Paris Psalter 72:17 2a | hyġe || hlūtor and clǣne, / | wǣron | mīne ǣdra || ealle tō·lī |
The Paris Psalter 75:5 3b | þā þe on horsum || hwīlum | wǣron; | / is þīn eġesa miċel; || hw |
The Paris Psalter 76:4 3a | hwōnlīċe || ormōd worden, / | wǣron | ēaĝan mīne || ēac mid wæ |
The Paris Psalter 76:13 1a | || eorðan on·hrērdon. / / # / | Wǣron | weĝas þīne || on wīdne s |
The Paris Psalter 77:2 3b | e, / þā on weorold-rīċum || | wǣron | æt frymþe. / / # / Ealle% þā |
The Paris Psalter 77:63 2b | fȳr fæðmode; || fǣmnan ne | wǣron | / ġunġe be·grētte, || þēa |
The Paris Psalter 77:64 1a | h þe hīe grame swulton. / / # / | Wǣron | sācerdas hira || sweordum ā |
The Paris Psalter 80:15 3b | e, || oþ·þæt hīe sæġde | wǣron. | / / # / Ġif þū, Israhel, ā wy |
The Paris Psalter 83:3 1a | deþ || fuĝolas ġunge. / / # / | Wǣron | wīġ-bedu þīn, || weoroda |
The Paris Psalter 86:2 1a | bes wīċ || gōde ealle. / / # / | Wǣron | wuldorlīċe% wiþ þē || w |
The Paris Psalter 86:5 2b | mþe frum-sprecend || folces | wǣron, | / eallum swelċe, || þe hire i |
The Paris Psalter 86:5 3b | llum swelċe, || þe hire inn | wǣron | / / # / Swā ūre ealra bliss || |
The Paris Psalter 87:17 2b | aldan, / swā wæter-flōdas || | wǣron | æt·samne. / / # / Þū mē ā· |
The Paris Psalter 89:7 2a | m ierre || ealle for·wurdon, / | wǣron | on þīnum hāt-hyġe || hear |
The Paris Psalter 89:10 1a | t || swīðe ġe·wǣhte. / / # / | Wǣron | anlīcost || ūre winter / ġun |
The Paris Psalter 91:4 2a | en-weorc, || mehtiġ drihten; / | wǣron | þīne ġe·þancas || þearl |
The Paris Psalter 91:10 2b | / hwǣr fīend mīne || fǣcne | wǣron, | / and mīne werġend || wrāðe |
The Paris Psalter 94:7 2a | drihten god, || dēma ūser; / | wǣron | we his fǣle folc || and his |
The Paris Psalter 95:12 3a | þe on him || eard weardiaþ; / | wǣron | wudu-bearwas || on wynn-daĝu |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 52a | þǣm wæs Cāton nama? / Hīe | wǣron | ġe·fyrn || forþ-ġe·witen |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 57a | aĝo-rincas || māran wierðe / | wǣron | on weorolde. || Ac hit is wie |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 81a | || þēotan on·gunnon. / Sume | wǣron | eaforas, || ā grymetedon% / þ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 83a | fian sċoldon. / Þā þe lēon | wǣron | || on·gunnon lāðlīċe / ier |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 15b | , hīe firenlusta || frece ne | wǣron, | / būtan swā hīe meahton || |
Metrical Psalm 91:10 2b | / hwǣr fīend mīne || fǣcne | wǣron | / and mīne werġend || wræð |
Metrical Psalm 91:4 2a | en-weorc || mehtiġ drihten / | wǣron | þīne ġe·þæncæn || þea |
The Death of Edgar 6b | ēðel-turf, || þā þe ǣr | wǣron | / on rīm-cræfte || rihte ġe |
The Death of Alfred 15a | on || blīðe mid Crīste / þe | wǣron | būtan sċylde || swā earml |
Solomon and Saturn 1b | r·cȳðed. || Wāt iċ þæt | wǣron | Caldeas / gūðe þæs ġielpne |
Solomon and Saturn 133b | Ac sæġe mē hwæt nærende | wǣron’. | / ‘Ac for·hwon ne mōt sēo |
The Menologium 191b | re, / Simon and Iudas, || simle | wǣron, | / drihtne dīere; || for·þon |
The Judgment Day II 133a | tō manlican, / oþþe þā þe | wǣron | || oþþe woldon bēon / oþþe |
The Judgment Day II 134b | oþþe towearde || ġe·teald | wǣron | ā-wiht. / Þonne eallum bēoþ |
Psalm 50 82b | þe on hænðum ǣr || hwīle | wǣron. | / A·hweorf nū fram synnum, || |
The Seasons for Fasting 11b | hīe on lēodsċipe || lǣrde | wǣron; | / ġif hīe wancole || weorc% o |
The Battle of Maldon 110a | e || gāras flēoĝan; / boĝan | wǣron | bisiġe, || bord ord on·fēn |