A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: ġewearþ

Number of occurrences in corpus: 37

Genesis A 111a orold-ġe·sċeaft / þurh word ġe·wearþ || wuldor-cininges. / Her ǣres
Genesis A 1141b iĝun-hund, || þā sēo tīd ġe·wearþ / þæt hē friþ-ġe·dāl ||
Genesis A 1186b extiġ ēac || þā sēo sǣl ġe·wearþ / þæt his wīf sunu || on weo
Genesis A 1227b nd-teontiġ || þā sēo tīd ġe·wearþ / þæt sē eorl on·gann || æ
Genesis A 2778a rihten bodode. / Þā sēo wyrd ġe·wearþ || þæt þæt wīf ġe·seah
Daniel 147b ġan, || þā hit for·hæfed ġe·wearþ / þætte hīe sædon || swefn
Daniel 496b odonossor; || him þæt nēah ġe·wearþ. / Þūhte him þæt on foldan |
Christ and Satan 254a ĝon || ealle hwīle’. / Þā ġe·wearþ ūsiċ || þæt we woldon sw
Christ and Satan 260a is ana cyning, / þe ūs ierre ġe·wearþ, || ēċe drihten, / metod meaht
Christ and Satan 667a þurh his miltsa spēd. / Þā ġe·wearþ þone wierġan, || þe ǣr ā
Andreas 167b anglīċe. || Þā sēo stefn ġe·wearþ / ġe·hered of heofonum, || ð
Andreas 307a eorp || wiþ þingode: / ‘Hū ġe·wearþ þe þæs, || wine lēofesta,
Andreas 804b ca fæder. || Þā þæt folc ġe·wearþ / eġesan ġe·āclod, || ðǣr
Elene 194b æt findan || þæt swā fyrn ġe·wearþ / wintra gangum? || Is nū worn
Elene 203b on ferhþe || þæt swā fyrn ġe·wearþ.’ / Elene maðelode || him on and
Elene 484a Iċ þurh Iudas ǣr / hyhtfull ġe·wearþ || and nū ġe·hīened eom, /
Christ A 40a ǣr ne siþþan, / on weorolde ġe·wearþ || wīfes ġiernung; / þæt d
Christ A 93b e·hēold || and ēac mōdor ġe·wearþ / mǣre metodes suna. || For·
Christ A 122b n-eċe mid god || and nū eft ġe·wearþ / flǣsċ firena lēas, || þæ
Christ A 210b sunu || þæt iċ his mōdor ġe·wearþ, / fǣmne forþ seþēah || and
Christ A 317b mæġ seċġan || þæt sōþ ġe·wearþ / þæt þās gyldnan gatu ||
Christ B 722b firenum || þæt tō frōfre ġe·wearþ / eallum eorð-warum. || Wæs s
Christ C 1182b ll fore þām ānum || unrōt ġe·wearþ, / forht-ā·fangen. || Þeah h
Maxims I 164a a sċōp metod þæs þe fyrn ġe·wearþ, || hēt siþþan swā forþ w
Guthlac A 93b nū nemnan || þæt ūs nēah ġe·wearþ / þurh hāliġne || hād ġe·
Guthlac B 1011a ā his maĝu friġnan: / ‘Hū ġe·wearþ þē þus, || wine-drihten mi
The Judgment Day I 106a , / eall swelċe under heofonum ġe·wearþ || hātes and ċealdes, / godes
Juliana 503b bold-welan, || þæt him bǣm ġe·wearþ / iermþu tō ealdre || and hir
Beowulf 1598b ēoden; || þā þæs maniġe ġe·wearþ / þæt hine sēo brim-wylf ||
Beowulf 3061b ra sumne; || þā sēo fǣhþ ġe·wearþ / ġe·wrecen wrāðlīċe. ||
The Paris Psalter 101:5 5a pearwan swā some / ġe·līċe ġe·wearþ, || ānlicum fuĝole. / / # / Hwæ
The Paris Psalter 105:26 6a wīðe guldon; / him þæt eall ġe·wearþ || tō ǣ-swice. / / # / On·gunn
The Paris Psalter 114:6 2a dōme þā lȳtlan; / iċ hēan ġe·wearþ, || hē mē hræðe līesde. / /
The Paris Psalter 118:81 2a e·sċended. / / # / Mīn sāwol ġe·wearþ || swancor on mōde, / ðǣr i
The Paris Psalter 73:6 3a wemdan%, / þæt þīnum naman ġe·wearþ || nīede cenned. / / # / Cwǣdan
The Paris Psalter 86:4 2a cwæþ ǣrest, / and hire mǣre ġe·wearþ || mann on innan, / and hē hī
The Creed 22a a sċieppend, / sē tō frōfre ġe·wearþ || fold-būendum, / and ymbe Be