Number of occurrences in corpus: 1698
Genesis A 10a | iþfeorm || sweglbosmas heold / | þa | wæron gesette || wide and si |
Genesis A 31b | fremman / wefan and weccean || | þa | he worde cwæþ / niþes ofþyr |
Genesis A 34b | | heofena rices / agan wolde || | þa | wearþ yrre god / and þam wero |
Genesis A 41b | drihten ure / gasta weardas || | þa | he hit geare wiste / synnihte b |
Genesis A 44b | e / rece and reade lege || heht | þa | geond þæt rædlease hof / wea |
Genesis A 54b | d getwæfde / bælc forbigde || | þa | he gebolgen wearþ / besloh syn |
Genesis A 65a | can || wuldorgestealdum / sceof | þa | and scyrede || scyppend ure / o |
Genesis A 78a | ongunnon || wiþ gode winnan / | þa | wæs soþ swa ær || sibb on |
Genesis A 82a | tne || dreamhæbbendra / wæron | þa | gesome || þa þe swegl buaþ |
Genesis A 82b | bbendra / wæron þa gesome || | þa | þe swegl buaþ / wuldres eþel |
Genesis A 92a | r hearmlocan || heane geforan / | þa | þeahtode || þeoden ure / modg |
Genesis A 93b | oden ure / modgeþonce || hu he | þa | mæran gesceaft / eþelstaþola |
Genesis A 96a | torhtan seld || selran werode / | þa | hie gielpsceaþan || ofgifen |
Genesis A 103a | || of hleo sende / ne wæs her | þa | giet || nymþe heolstersceado |
Genesis A 107b | lat / stiþfrihþ cining || and | þa | stowe beheold / dreama lease || |
Genesis A 116b | / frea ælmihtig || folde wæs | þa | gyta / græs ungrene || garsecg |
Genesis A 119b | side and wide / wonne wægas || | þa | wæs wuldortorht / heofonwearde |
Genesis A 126a | tenne || swa se wyrhta bebead / | þa | gesundrode || sigora waldend / |
Genesis A 128b | m / sceade wiþ sciman || sceop | þa | bam naman / lifes brytta || leo |
Genesis A 135a | wiþrian || geond sidne grund / | þa | seo tid gewat || ofer timber |
Genesis A 143b | es willan / ece ofer eorþan || | þa | com oþer dæg / leoht æfter |
Genesis A 144b | eoht æfter þeostrum || heht | þa | lifes weard / on mereflode || m |
Genesis A 147b | e / waldend ure || and geworhte | þa | / roderas fæsten || þæt se r |
Genesis A 154a | der fæstenne || folca hrofes / | þa | com ofer foldan || fus siþia |
Genesis A 155b | rgen þridda || næron metode | þa | gyta / widlond ne wegas nytte | |
Genesis A 159a | word wesan || wæter gemæne / | þa | nu under roderum || heora ryn |
Genesis A 160b | e healdaþ / stowe gestefnde || | þa | stod hraþe / holm under heofon |
Genesis A 162b | halga bebead / sid ætsomne || | þa | gesundrod wæs / lago wiþ land |
Genesis A 163b | æs / lago wiþ lande || geseah | þa | lifes weard / drige stowe || du |
Genesis A 165b | ugoþa hyrde / wide æteowde || | þa | se wuldorcyning / eorþan nemde |
Genesis A 169a | and gefetero/ # || / ne þuhte | þa | gerysne || rodora wearde / þæ |
Genesis A 174b | ltum tiode / wif aweahte || and | þa | wraþe sealde / lifes leohtfrum |
Genesis A 186a | a || heo wæron englum gelice / | þa | wæs eue || adames bryd / gaste |
Genesis A 192a | on breostum || byrnende lufu / | þa | gebletsode || bliþheort cyni |
Genesis A 194a | metod alwihta || monna cynnes / | þa | forman twa || fæder and mode |
Genesis A 195b | d moder / wif and wæpned || he | þa | worde cwæþ / temaþ nu and we |
Genesis A 203b | eald geseald / and lifigende || | þa | þe land tredaþ / feorheaceno |
Genesis A 204b | d tredaþ / feorheaceno cynn || | þa | þe flod wecceþ / geond hronra |
Genesis A 206a | d hronrade || inc hyraþ eall / | þa | sceawode || scyppend ure / his |
Genesis A 212b | e / wylleburne || nalles wolcnu | þa | giet / ofer rumne grund || regn |
Genesis A 218a | of þam niwan || neorxnawonge / | þa | wæron adælede || drihtnes m |
Genesis A 219b | htnes mihtum / ealle of anum || | þa | he þas eorþan gesceop / wætr |
Genesis A 227a | nd gymcynn || gumþeoda bearn / | þa | selestan || þæs þe us secg |
Genesis A 233b | liþ / swilce is seo feorþe || | þa | nu geond folc monig / weras euf |
Genesis B 237a | e wyrþ inc wilna gæd / hnigon | þa | mid heafdum || heofoncyninge / |
Genesis B 240a | eo þæt land buan / hwærf him | þa | to heofenum || halig drihten / |
Genesis B 284b | andaþ me strange geneatas || | þa | ne willaþ me æt þam striþ |
Genesis B 292a | e ic leng his geongra wurþan / | þa | hit se allwalda || eall gehyr |
Genesis B 295b | drihten sinne || sceolde he | þa | dæd ongyldan / worc þæs gewi |
Genesis B 299b | wiþ þone mæran drihten || | þa | wearþ se mihtiga gebolgen / he |
Genesis B 304a | heofnes waldend / acwæþ hine | þa | fram his hyldo || and hine on |
Genesis B 305a | || and hine on helle wearp / on | þa | deopan dala || þær he to de |
Genesis B 306b | his geferum eallum || feollon | þa | ufon of heofnum / þurhlonge sw |
Genesis B 308a | e swa || þreo niht and dagas / | þa | englas of heofnum on helle || |
Genesis B 312b | tig god / sette sigelease || on | þa | sweartan helle / þær hæbbaþ |
Genesis B 322a | r godes hyldo gelæston / lagon | þa | oþre fynd on þam fyre || þ |
Genesis B 325b | and brade ligas || swilce eac | þa | biteran recas / þrosm and þys |
Genesis B 330a | || hæfdon wite micel / wæron | þa | befeallene || fyre to botme / o |
Genesis B 331a | efeallene || fyre to botme / on | þa | hatan hell || þurh hygeleast |
Genesis B 338a | h ofermetto || ealra swiþost / | þa | spræc se ofermoda cyning || |
Genesis B 355b | him utan / wraþlic wite || he | þa | worde cwæþ / is þæs ænga s |
Genesis B 408b | um clomme || onginnaþ nu ymb | þa | fyrde þencean / gif ic ænegum |
Genesis B 442a | dædum / lare # || / angan hine | þa | gyrwan || godes andsaca / fus o |
Genesis B 447a | im up þanon / hwearf him þurh | þa | helldora || hæfde hyge stran |
Genesis B 453a | þæt hie wurdon laþ gode / he | þa | geferde || þurh feondes cræ |
Genesis B 458b | cuþon / godes gegearwigean || | þa | him to gingran self / metod man |
Genesis B 461a | im bi twegin || beamas stodon / | þa | wæron utan || ofætes gehlæ |
Genesis B 491a | wiþ drihten wann / wearp hine | þa | on wyrmes lic || and wand him |
Genesis B 491b | on wyrmes lic || and wand him | þa | ymbutan / þone deaþes beam || |
Genesis B 495a | || heofoncyninges / ongon hine | þa | frinan || forman worde / se la |
Genesis B 499b | t ic wiþ hine sylfne sæt || | þa | het he me on þysne siþ fara |
Genesis B 513b | fna rice / ufan alwalda || nele | þa | earfeþu / sylfa habban || þæ |
Genesis B 529b | to swiþe || he cwæþ þæt | þa | sweartan helle / healdan sceold |
Genesis B 536b | e self bebead / nergend user || | þa | ic hine nehst geseah / he het m |
Genesis B 599a | || þe for þam larum com / heo | þa | þæs ofætes æt || alwaldan |
Genesis B 600b | ldan bræc / word and willan || | þa | meahte heo wide geseon / þurh |
Genesis B 607a | se sceaþa georne / swicode ymb | þa | sawle || þe hire ær þa sie |
Genesis B 607b | ymb þa sawle || þe hire ær | þa | siene onlah / þæt heo swa wid |
Genesis B 609b | tan meahte / ofer heofonrice || | þa | se forhatena spræc / þurh feo |
Genesis B 621a | gegired hæbbe / ne wite ic him | þa | womcwidas || þeah he his wyr |
Genesis B 626a | || ond habban his hyldo forþ / | þa | gieng to adame || idesa sceno |
Genesis B 629a | c || heofoncyninges / þeah heo | þa | dearnenga || fordon wurde / for |
Genesis B 647a | im drihten forbead / forlec hie | þa | mid ligenum || se wæs laþ g |
Genesis B 651a | || and geleafan nom / þæt he | þa | bysene from gode || brungen h |
Genesis B 654b | eowa gehet / his holdne hyge || | þa | heo to hire hearran spræc / ad |
Genesis B 685a | and speon hine ealne dæg / on | þa | dimman dæd || þæt hie drih |
Genesis B 689a | æs se feond full neah / þe on | þa | frecnan fyrd || gefaren hæfd |
Genesis B 699a | od godes || forbrocen hæfdon / | þa | he forlærde || mid ligenword |
Genesis B 704a | forlæranne # || / heo spræc | þa | to adame || idesa sceonost / fu |
Genesis B 724b | com / hran æt heortan || hloh | þa | and plegode / boda bitre gehugo |
Genesis B 763b | r / boda bitresta || sceolde he | þa | bradan ligas / secan helle gehl |
Genesis B 772b | hyldo godes / lare forlæten || | þa | heo þæt leoht geseah / ellor |
Genesis B 782b | an mosten / georne fulgangan || | þa | hie godes hæfdon / bodscipe ab |
Genesis B 784b | aman || næfdon on þam lande | þa | giet / sælþa gesetena || ne h |
Genesis B 788b | are godes / forweard fremman || | þa | hie fela spræcon / sorhworda s |
Genesis B 821a | æt ic þe minum eagum geseah / | þa | spræc eue eft || idesa scien |
Genesis B 823a | wæs geweorc godes / þeah heo | þa | on deofles cræft || bedroren |
Genesis B 827a | hit me æt heortan deþ / hire | þa | adam || andswarode / gif ic wal |
Genesis B 843b | es gesceapu / heofoncyninges || | þa | hie þa habban ne moston / þe |
Genesis B 845a | ær forgeaf || ælmihtig god / | þa | hie heora lichoman || leafum |
Genesis A 852a | ohte forþ || libban sceolden / | þa | com feran || frea ælmihtig / o |
Genesis A 858a | ær wlite sealde / gewitan him | þa | gangan || geomermode / under be |
Genesis A 860b | fod / hyddon hie on heolstre || | þa | hie halig word / drihtnes gehyr |
Genesis A 862a | gehyrdon || and ondredon him / | þa | sona ongann || swegles aldor / |
Genesis A 865b | eoden / his sunu gangan || him | þa | sylfa oncwæþ / hean hleoþrad |
Genesis A 872a | || ic eom eall eall nacod / him | þa | ædre god || andswarede / saga |
Genesis A 882a | þe ic þe wordum forbead / him | þa | adam eft || andswarode / me þa |
Genesis A 883a | þa adam eft || andswarode / me | þa | blæda on hand || bryd geseal |
Genesis A 887a | selfum || wat ic sorga þy ma / | þa | þæs euan frægn || ælmihti |
Genesis A 890b | orxnawanges / growendra gifa || | þa | þu gitsiende / on beam gripe | |
Genesis A 893a | lgum || and me on teonan / æte | þa | unfreme || adame sealdest / wæ |
Genesis A 894a | eme || adame sealdest / wæstme | þa | inc wæron || wordum minum / f |
Genesis A 895b | minum / fæste forbodene || him | þa | freolecu mæg / ides æwiscmod |
Genesis A 901a | emede || fæhþe geworhte / and | þa | reafode || swa hit riht ne w |
Genesis A 902b | ne wæs / beam on bearwe || and | þa | blæda æt / þa nædran sceop |
Genesis A 903a | bearwe || and þa blæda æt / | þa | nædran sceop || nergend usse |
Genesis A 905b | agum wyrme / wide siþas || and | þa | worde cwæþ / þu scealt widef |
Genesis A 918a | eaþa || hu þu lifian scealt / | þa | to euan god || yrringa spræc |
Genesis A 941a | wocan || and woruldyrmþo / hie | þa | wuldres weard || wædum gyred |
Genesis A 961a | te || wæstmas fedan / gesæton | þa | æfter synne || sorgfulre lan |
Genesis A 965a | | adrifen wurdon / ongunnon hie | þa | || be godes hæse / bearn astri |
Genesis A 970a | and abel || us cyþaþ bec / hu | þa | dædfruman || dugeþa stryndo |
Genesis A 975b | gewat / dægrimes worn || hie | þa | drihtne lac / begen brohton || |
Genesis A 982b | e niþ / yrre for æfstum || he | þa | unræden / folmum gefremede || |
Genesis A 1002a | of godes muþe || gaste eacen / | þa | worde frægn || wuldres aldor |
Genesis A 1004a | ær abel || eorþan wære / him | þa | se cystleasa || cwealmes wyrh |
Genesis A 1008b | rde wæs / broþer mines || him | þa | brego engla / godspedig gast || |
Genesis A 1022a | wrecan || winemagum laþ / him | þa | ædre cain || andswarode / ne |
Genesis A 1036a | syhþe || þinre hweorfan / him | þa | selfa oncwæþ || sigora drih |
Genesis A 1047b | e / feorran oþþe nean || heht | þa | from hweorfan / meder and magum |
Genesis A 1049b | scyldigne / cnosle sinum || him | þa | cain gewat / gongan geomormod | |
Genesis A 1051b | e / wineleas wrecca || and him | þa | wic geceas / eastlandum on || e |
Genesis A 1065a | sunu enoses || siþþan wocan / | þa | þæs cynnes || cneowrim icto |
Genesis A 1083a | mægþe || maga wæs haten / on | þa | ilcan tid || tubalcain / se þu |
Genesis A 1090a | s / burhsittende || brucan wide / | þa | his wifum twæm || wordum sæ |
Genesis A 1104a | wealm || þonne ic forþ scio / | þa | wearþ adame || on abeles gyl |
Genesis A 1110b | abeles gield / on woruldrice || | þa | word acwæþ / ord moncynnes || |
Genesis A 1117b | æs þanc sie / adam hæfde || | þa | he eft ongan / him to eþelstæ |
Genesis A 1126b | ntra # || / and þritig eac || | þa | he þas woruld / þurh gastgeda |
Genesis A 1131b | hæfde / fif and hundteontig || | þa | he furþum ongan / his mægburg |
Genesis A 1141b | hæfde / twelf and nigonhund || | þa | seo tid gewearþ / þæt he fri |
Genesis A 1143b | n sceolde / him æfter heold || | þa | he of worulde gewat / enos yrfe |
Genesis A 1149a | edscipe || bearn astrynde / him | þa | cenned wearþ || cainan æres |
Genesis A 1153b | nde / suna and dohtra || swealt | þa | he hæfde / frod fyrnwita || fi |
Genesis A 1159a | eofontig || ær him sunu woce / | þa | wearþ on eþle || eafora fed |
Genesis A 1164b | ra nigonhund / wintra hæfde || | þa | he woruld ofgeaf / and tyne eac |
Genesis A 1165b | woruld ofgeaf / and tyne eac || | þa | his tiddæge / under rodera rum |
Genesis A 1170b | f and sixtig / wintra hæfde || | þa | he be wife ongann / bearna stry |
Genesis A 1178b | æfde / fif and hundnigontig || | þa | he forþ gewat / and eahtahund |
Genesis A 1186b | woruldrice / and syxtig eac || | þa | seo sæl gewearþ / þæt his w |
Genesis A 1189b | eolic frumbearn || fæder her | þa | gyt / his cynnes forþ || cneor |
Genesis A 1192b | alra hæfde / fif and syxtig || | þa | he forþ gewat / and nigonhund |
Genesis A 1194b | tgerimes / wine frod wintres || | þa | he þas woruld ofgeaf / ond gea |
Genesis A 1195a | þas woruld ofgeaf / ond geared | þa | || gleawum læfde / land and le |
Genesis A 1216b | f and syxtig / wintra hæfde || | þa | he woruld ofgeaf / and eac þre |
Genesis A 1222b | d dohtra / hæfde frod hæle || | þa | he from sceolde / niþþum hweo |
Genesis A 1227b | hæfde / twa and hundteontig || | þa | seo tid gewearþ / þæt se eor |
Genesis A 1238b | aldorwisa / fif hund wintra || | þa | he furþum ongan / bearna stryn |
Genesis A 1245b | dangeard / sunum and dohtrum || | þa | giet wæs sethes cynn / leofes |
Genesis A 1253a | a mægþ || scyne and fægere / | þa | reordade || rodora waldend / wr |
Genesis A 1254b | waldend / wraþ moncynne || and | þa | worde cwæþ / ne syndon me on |
Genesis A 1262b | d ece feond / folcdriht wera || | þa | ær on friþe wæron / siþþan |
Genesis A 1270a | e mansceaþan || metode laþe / | þa | geseah selfa || sigoro walden |
Genesis A 1278b | man aweahte / æþelinga ord || | þa | he adam sceop / cwæþ þæt he |
Genesis A 1284a | oweardan || tide acwellan / þe | þa | nealæhte || niþþa bearnum / |
Genesis A 1294b | m gehladene / widlum gewemde || | þa | waldend spræc / nergend usser |
Genesis A 1320a | || hie ne rohton þæs / geseah | þa | ymb wintra worn || wærfæst |
Genesis A 1327a | æstreamas || swiþor beataþ / | þa | to noe cwæþ || nergend usse |
Genesis A 1354a | ta and agend || eall acwellan / | þa | beutan beoþ || earce bordum / |
Genesis A 1356a | racu || stigan onginneþ / him | þa | noe gewat || swa hine nergend |
Genesis A 1369a | nu lameches || syxhund wintra / | þa | he mid bearnum || under bord |
Genesis A 1389b | hof / earce from eorþan || and | þa | æþelo mid / þa segnade || se |
Genesis A 1390a | orþan || and þa æþelo mid / | þa | segnade || selfa drihten / scyp |
Genesis A 1391b | lfa drihten / scyppend usser || | þa | he þæt scip beleac / siþþan |
Genesis A 1401b | nymþe heof wæs ahafen || on | þa | hean lyft / þa se egorhere || |
Genesis A 1402a | s ahafen || on þa hean lyft / | þa | se egorhere || eorþan tuddor |
Genesis A 1404b | ce bord / heold heofona frea || | þa | hine halig god / ece upp forlet |
Genesis A 1407a | stigan || stiþferhþ cyning / | þa | gemunde god || mereliþende / s |
Genesis A 1409a | nd || sunu lameches / and ealle | þa | wocre || þe he wiþ wætre b |
Genesis A 1411a | ma || on lides bosme / gelædde | þa | wigend || weroda drihten / word |
Genesis A 1421b | re þrage / daga forþ gewat || | þa | on dunum gesæt / heah mid hlæ |
Genesis A 1429a | geafe || þæra he rume dreah / | þa | hine on sunde || geond sidne |
Genesis A 1436a | nd of enge ut || æhta lædan / | þa | fandode || forþweard scipes / |
Genesis A 1437b | / hwæþer sincende || sæflod | þa | gyt / wære under wolcnum || le |
Genesis A 1438b | yt / wære under wolcnum || let | þa | ymb worn daga / þæs þe heah |
Genesis A 1449a | lwigfeþera || secan nolde / he | þa | ymb seofon niht || sweartum h |
Genesis A 1453a | ga || hwæþer famig sæ / deop | þa | gyta || dæl ænigne / grenre e |
Genesis A 1464a | ngri to handa || halgum rince / | þa | wæs culufre eft || of cofan |
Genesis A 1467b | stestowe / fægere funde || and | þa | fotum stop / on beam hyre || ge |
Genesis A 1474b | an to handa / grene blædæ || | þa | ongeat hraþe / flotmonna frea |
Genesis A 1476b | for cumen / earfoþsiþa bot || | þa | gyt se eadega wer / ymb wucan |
Genesis A 1482b | ætywan / on þellfæstenne || | þa | hire þearf ne wæs / þa to no |
Genesis A 1483a | ne || þa hire þearf ne wæs / | þa | to noe spræc || nergend usse |
Genesis A 1490a | e || hiwan læd þu / and ealle | þa | wocre || þe ic wægþrea on / |
Genesis A 1495b | / lustum miclum || and alædde | þa | / of wægþele || wraþra lafe / |
Genesis A 1497a | / of wægþele || wraþra lafe / | þa | noe ongan || nergende lac / ræ |
Genesis A 1501b | e / gleaw to þam gielde || and | þa | gode selfum / torhtmod hæle || |
Genesis A 1504b | ru cuþ dyde / nergend usser || | þa | he noe / gebletsade || and his |
Genesis A 1510b | ihtig god / domfæst dugeþa || | þa | gyt drihten cwæþ / wuldris al |
Genesis A 1543a | te || þenden woruld standeþ / | þa | wæs se snotra || sunu lamehe |
Genesis A 1555a | middangeard || monna bearnum / | þa | noe ongan || niwan stefne / mid |
Genesis A 1560a | ow sæda fela || sohte georne / | þa | him wlitebeorhte || wæstmas |
Genesis A 1562a | eartorhte gife || grene folde / | þa | þæt geeode || þæt se eade |
Genesis A 1566a | e || swa gerysne ne wæs / læg | þa | limnacod || he lyt ongeat / þ |
Genesis A 1568a | his inne || swa earme gelamp / | þa | him on hreþre || heafodswima |
Genesis A 1577a | n laste beleac || lifes eþel / | þa | com ærest || cam in siþian / |
Genesis A 1581b | are ne wolde / gesceawian || ne | þa | sceonde huru / hleomagum helan |
Genesis A 1584b | n hine / reste on recede || hie | þa | raþe stopon / heora andwlitan |
Genesis A 1588b | æron begen / sem and iafeþ || | þa | of slæpe onbrægd / sunu lameh |
Genesis A 1589b | onbrægd / sunu lamehes || and | þa | sona ongeat / þæt him cynegod |
Genesis A 1591a | im cynegodum || cham ne wolde / | þa | him wæs are þearf || ænige |
Genesis A 1593b | gan wæs / sar on mode || ongan | þa | his selfes bearn / wordum wyrge |
Genesis A 1596b | þeow / cham on eorþan || him | þa | cwyde syþþan / and his fromcy |
Genesis A 1598a | is fromcynne || frecne scodon / | þa | nyttade || noe siþþan / mid s |
Genesis A 1601b | fter flode || and fiftig eac | þa | he forþ gewat / siþþan his e |
Genesis A 1604a | yndon || him wæs beorht wela / | þa | wearþ iafeþe || geogoþ afe |
Genesis A 1616b | de wurdon / eaforan on eþle || | þa | yldestan / chus and chanan || h |
Genesis A 1623b | n forþ gewat / cham of lice || | þa | him cwealm gesceod / se magoræ |
Genesis A 1626b | his dogora wæs / rim aurnen || | þa | se rinc ageaf / eorþcunde ead |
Genesis A 1635b | ymde and rærde || reord wæs | þa | gieta / eorþbuendum || an gem |
Genesis A 1640a | neorim micel || cenned wæron / | þa | wearþ seme || suna and dohtr |
Genesis A 1647b | am eorle woc / unrim þeoda || | þa | nu æþelingas / ealle eorþbue |
Genesis A 1649a | d || ebrei hataþ / gewiton him | þa | eastan || æhta lædan / feoh a |
Genesis A 1655a | earn || eard genamon / gesetton | þa | sennar || sidne and widne / leo |
Genesis A 1661a | na gehwilces || weaxende sped / | þa | þær mon mænig || be his m |
Genesis A 1669a | gesohton || sennera feld / swa | þa | foremeahtige || folces ræswa |
Genesis A 1670a | oremeahtige || folces ræswan / | þa | yldestan || oft and gelome / li |
Genesis A 1678b | a georne / hæleþ mid honda || | þa | com halig god / wera cneorissa |
Genesis A 1684a | þ cyning || steore gefremede / | þa | he reþemod || reorde gesette |
Genesis A 1687a | ære spæce || sped ne ahton / | þa | hie gemitton || mihtum spedge |
Genesis A 1697a | sped || monna spræce / toforan | þa | || on feower wegas / æþelinga |
Genesis A 1702a | mworht || on sennar stod / weox | þa | under wolcnum || and wriþade |
Genesis A 1708b | arn afeded / freolicu tu || and | þa | frumgaran / hæleþ higerofe || |
Genesis A 1712a | engla bam || freond and aldor / | þa | wearþ aarone || eafora feded |
Genesis A 1714a | n life || þam wæs loth noma / | þa | magorincas || metode geþungo |
Genesis A 1719a | um demaþ || drihtfolca bearn / | þa | þæs mæles wæs || mearc ag |
Genesis A 1724a | þæs þe us secgeaþ bec / hie | þa | wintra fela || woruld brytted |
Genesis A 1727a | þre gifeþe wearþ / abrahame | þa | gyt || þæt him yrfeweard / wl |
Genesis A 1730a | || suna and dohtra / gewat him | þa | mid cnosle || ofer caldea fol |
Genesis A 1736a | ltyrf || abraham and loth / him | þa | cynegode || on carran / æþeli |
Genesis A 1742b | geteled rime / and fife eac || | þa | he forþ gewat / misserum frod |
Genesis A 1744a | erum frod || metodsceaft seon / | þa | se halga spræc || heofonrice |
Genesis A 1767a | d monig || þine gefylled / him | þa | abraham gewat || æhte lædan |
Genesis A 1773b | cananea / lond and leodgeard || | þa | com leof gode / on þa eþeltur |
Genesis A 1774a | geard || þa com leof gode / on | þa | eþelturf || idesa lædan / sw |
Genesis A 1777b | fde / fif and hundseofontig || | þa | he faran sceolde / carran ofgif |
Genesis A 1779a | ofgifan || and cneowmagas / him | þa | feran gewat || fæder ælmiht |
Genesis A 1781a | myndig || land sceawian / geond | þa | folcsceare || be frean hæse / |
Genesis A 1784b | iþe spedig / cynne cananeis || | þa | hine cyning engla / abrahame || |
Genesis A 1790b | | on geweald don / rume rice || | þa | se rinc gode / wibed worhte || |
Genesis A 1791b | rinc gode / wibed worhte || and | þa | waldende / lifes leohtfruman || |
Genesis A 1793b | c onsægde / gasta helme || him | þa | gyt gewat / abraham eastan || e |
Genesis A 1796b | emunde / heofonweardes gehat || | þa | him þurh halig word / sigora s |
Genesis A 1803b | allsteapan hleoþu || and him | þa | wic curon / þær him wlitebeor |
Genesis A 1805a | e || wongas geþuhton / abraham | þa | || oþere siþe / wibed worhte |
Genesis A 1816b | ttendum / wælgrim werum || him | þa | wishydig / abraham gewat || on |
Genesis A 1822b | byrig / beorhte blican || ongan | þa | his bryd frea / wishydig wer || |
Genesis A 1844a | friclan || and us fremu secan / | þa | com ellenrof || eorl siþian / |
Genesis A 1869a | lingas || oþre dugeþe / abead | þa | þeodcyning || þegnum sinum / |
Genesis A 1873a | e || þæt he on friþe wære / | þa | abraham || æhte lædde / of eg |
Genesis A 1880a | a woruldgestreon / ongunnon him | þa | bytlian || and heora burh ræ |
Genesis A 1884b | æror rærde / his waldende || | þa | westan com / þær se eadga eft |
Genesis A 1895a | abban || ac sceoldon arfæste / | þa | rincas þy || rumor secan / ell |
Genesis A 1898b | gemæne / heardum hearmplega || | þa | se halga ongan / ara gemyndig | |
Genesis A 1920a | e || nu ic þe cyst abead / him | þa | loth gewat || land sceawigan / |
Genesis A 1927a | gomorran || sweartan lige / him | þa | eard geceas || and eþelsetl / |
Genesis A 1944b | ndig / þe he ne cuþe || hwæt | þa | cynn dydon / abraham wunode || |
Genesis A 1960a | s ealdorgedal || oleccan wile / | þa | ic aldor gefrægn || elamitar |
Genesis A 1964b | fultum || gewiton hie feower | þa | / þeodcyningas || þrymme micl |
Genesis A 1967a | anon || sodoman and gomorran / | þa | wæs guþhergum || be iordane |
Genesis A 1973a | and beaga || bennum seoce / him | þa | togeanes || mid guþþræce / f |
Genesis A 1976b | sodome burh / wraþum werian || | þa | wintra twelf / norþmonnum ær |
Genesis A 1979a | || and gafol sellan / oþþæt | þa | leode || leng ne woldon / elami |
Genesis A 1982a | m || ac him from swicon / foron | þa | tosomne || francan wæron hlu |
Genesis A 2007a | || fynd gold strudon / ahyþdan | þa | mid herge || hordburh wera / so |
Genesis A 2008b | wera / sodoman and gomorran || | þa | sæl ageald / mære ceastra || |
Genesis A 2018a | nna sinc || sigore gulpon / him | þa | secg hraþe || gewat siþian / |
Genesis A 2019b | wat siþian / an gara laf || se | þa | guþe genæs / abraham secan || |
Genesis A 2024a | da duguþe || and lothes siþ / | þa | þæt inwitspell || abraham s |
Genesis A 2031a | olode || bæd him þræcrofe / | þa | rincas þæs || ræd ahicgan / |
Genesis A 2033b | wurde / beorn mid bryde || him | þa | broþor þry / æt spræce þæ |
Genesis A 2039a | um || oþþe on wæl feollan / | þa | se halga heht || his heorþwe |
Genesis A 2045a | yrd wegan || fealwe linde / him | þa | abraham gewat || and þa eorl |
Genesis A 2045b | / him þa abraham gewat || and | þa | eorlas þry / þe him ær treow |
Genesis A 2052b | ewicum neh / gefaren hæfdon || | þa | he his frumgaran / wishydig wer |
Genesis A 2060a | am spereniþe || spede lænan / | þa | ic neþan gefrægn || under n |
Genesis A 2077b | eþ lagon / on swaþe sæton || | þa | þe sodoma / and gomorra || gol |
Genesis A 2083b | r wæron || gewat him abraham | þa | / on þa wigrode || wiþertrod |
Genesis A 2084a | n || gewat him abraham þa / on | þa | wigrode || wiþertrod seon / la |
Genesis A 2096a | swa miclum || mægne geræsde / | þa | wæs suþ þanon || sodoma fo |
Genesis A 2120a | a weard || rihte healdest / him | þa | se beorn || bletsunga lean / þ |
Genesis A 2123b | aham sealde / godes bisceope || | þa | spræc guþcyning / sodoma aldo |
Genesis A 2136a | ceoldon || mearce healdan / him | þa | abraham || andswarode / ædre f |
Genesis A 2153a | amres || and escoles / nelle ic | þa | rincas || rihte benæman / ac h |
Genesis A 2162a | || þicce gefylled / gewat him | þa | se healdend || ham siþian / mi |
Genesis A 2165a | f / ebrea leod || arna gemyndig / | þa | gen abrahame || eowde selfa / h |
Genesis A 2173a | earft þu forht wesan / abraham | þa | || andswarode / dædrof drihtne |
Genesis A 2187a | f bryde || bearn ne wocon / him | þa | ædre god || andswarode / næfr |
Genesis A 2192b | yrste gerim / rodores tungel || | þa | nu rume heora / wuldorfæstne w |
Genesis A 2213b | ine / þeodlanda gehwilc || swa | þa | þreo wæter / steape stanbyrig |
Genesis A 2216a | ge flodas || folcmægþa byht / | þa | wæs sarran || sar on mode / þ |
Genesis A 2219b | e / freolic to frofre || ongann | þa | ferhþcearig / to were sinum || |
Genesis A 2230a | isc || an on gewealde / hat þe | þa | recene || reste gestigan / and |
Genesis A 2234a | tan || þurh þæt wif cuman / | þa | se eadega wer || idese larum / |
Genesis A 2237b | bryde larum / hire mod astah || | þa | heo wæs magotimbre / be abraha |
Genesis A 2244a | / wiþ sarran || swiþe winnan / | þa | ic þæt wif gefrægn || word |
Genesis A 2256a | ten || dema mid unc twih / hire | þa | ædre || andswarode / wishidig |
Genesis A 2261a | ateon || swa þin mod freoþ / | þa | wearþ unbliþe || abrahames |
Genesis A 2264b | æc / fræcne on fæmnan || heo | þa | fleon gewat / þrea and þeowdo |
Genesis A 2280a | d sorge || somed abregde / hire | þa | se engel || andswarode / ne cea |
Genesis A 2296a | an || wuna þæm þe agon / heo | þa | ædre gewat || engles larum / h |
Genesis A 2299a | ærendgast || gleawan spræce / | þa | wearþ abrahame || ismael geb |
Genesis A 2300a | rahame || ismael geboren / efne | þa | he on worulde || wintra hæfd |
Genesis A 2304a | eoþoscealc || fæmnan sægde / | þa | se þeoden || ymb þreotiene |
Genesis A 2309b | ædum from / willan mines || ic | þa | wære forþ / soþe gelæste || |
Genesis A 2338a | yningas || wide mære / abraham | þa | || ofestum legde / hleor on eor |
Genesis A 2340a | rþan || and mid hucse bewand / | þa | hleoþorcwydas || on hige sin |
Genesis A 2347a | efne hund || geteled rimes / he | þa | metode oncwæþ || missarum f |
Genesis A 2353a | d dædum || willan þinne / him | þa | fægere || frea ælmihtig / ece |
Genesis A 2375b | re gemyndig / gleaw on mode || | þa | him god sealde / soþe treowa | |
Genesis A 2376b | od sealde / soþe treowa || and | þa | seolf onfeng / torhtum tacne || |
Genesis A 2382a | s waldendes || willan fremman / | þa | þæt wif ahloh || wereda dri |
Genesis A 2387a | ære spræce || sped folgode / | þa | þæt gehyrde || heofona wald |
Genesis A 2389b | ahames / hihtleasne hleahtor || | þa | cwæþ halig god / ne wile sarr |
Genesis A 2399a | || abraham leofa / gewiton him | þa | ædre || ellorfuse / æfter þ |
Genesis A 2406b | ed ofer readum golde || ongan | þa | rodera waldend / arfæst wiþ a |
Genesis A 2413b | ndigan nu / mago ebrea || hwæt | þa | men don / gif hie swa swiþe || |
Genesis A 2426b | | strange twegen / aras sine || | þa | on æfentid / siþe gesohton || |
Genesis A 2428a | esohton || sodoma ceastre / hie | þa | æt burhgeate || beorn gemitt |
Genesis A 2431b | ton / men for his eagum || aras | þa | metodes þeow / gastum togeanes |
Genesis A 2435b | cum bead / nihtfeormunge || him | þa | nergendes / æþele ærendracan |
Genesis A 2441a | to morgen || metod up forlæt / | þa | to fotum loth # || / þam gies |
Genesis A 2450b | æt forþ gewat / æfenscima || | þa | com æfter niht / on last dæge |
Genesis A 2462a | / unscomlice || arna ne gymden / | þa | aras hraþe || se þe oft ræ |
Genesis A 2464a | cede || eode lungre ut / spræc | þa | ofer ealle || æþelinga gedr |
Genesis A 2470b | þære synne || ic eow sylle | þa | / ær ge sceonde || wiþ gescea |
Genesis A 2474b | aþ friþ agon / gistas mine || | þa | ic for gode wille / gemundbyrda |
Genesis A 2476a | dan || gif ic mot for eow / him | þa | seo mænigeo || þurh gemæne |
Genesis A 2484b | || aldordema / leodum lareow || | þa | ic on lothe gefrægn / hæþne |
Genesis A 2487b | as sine || and hine of gromra | þa | / cuman arfæste || clommum abr |
Genesis A 2489b | rugdon / in under edoras || and | þa | ofstlice / anra gehwilcum || ym |
Genesis A 2498b | e mid wite || spræcon wordum | þa | / fæle freoþoscealcas || fæg |
Genesis A 2503b | alæde of þysse leodbyrig || | þa | þe leofe sien / ofestum miclum |
Genesis A 2513a | wege || þe is frea milde / him | þa | ædre loth || andswarode / ne m |
Genesis A 2526b | bidan / feorh generigan || him | þa | freondlice / englas arfæste || |
Genesis A 2528b | alt þære bene || nu þu ymb | þa | burh sprycest / tiþa weorþan |
Genesis A 2535a | arn gelæde || and bryd somed / | þa | onette || abrahames mæg / to |
Genesis A 2540b | er burhlocan / in sægor his || | þa | sunne up / folca friþcandel || |
Genesis A 2542a | a friþcandel || furþum eode / | þa | ic sendan gefrægn || swegles |
Genesis A 2556b | wæstma / efne swa wide || swa | þa | witelac / reþe geræhton || ru |
Genesis A 2562b | spilde / frea mid þy folce || | þa | þæt fyrgebræc / leoda lifged |
Genesis A 2576a | geworhte || wuldres aldor / him | þa | abraham gewat || ana gangan / m |
Genesis A 2587b | nd usser || gemunde wærfæst | þa | / abraham arlice || swa he oft |
Genesis A 2590b | generede / mæg þæs oþres || | þa | seo mænegeo forwearþ / ne dor |
Genesis A 2591a | mænegeo forwearþ / ne dorste | þa | || dædrof hæle / for frean eg |
Genesis A 2621a | bearn || ammonitare / gewat him | þa | mid bryde || broþor arones / u |
Genesis A 2628a | n folce lyt || freonda hæfde / | þa | se þeoden his || þegnas sen |
Genesis A 2630a | hie bringan || to him selfum / | þa | wæs ellþeodig || oþre siþ |
Genesis A 2632b | es fæþm || him þær fylste | þa | / ece drihten || swa he oft dyd |
Genesis A 2636a | nd læg || wine druncen / ongan | þa | soþcyning || þurh swefn spr |
Genesis A 2653a | na ænig || gefremed gena / him | þa | ædre eft || ece drihten / soþ |
Genesis A 2666b | þa brucan / sinces gesundne || | þa | slæpe tobrægd / forht folces |
Genesis A 2673a | wefne || heht sylf cyning / him | þa | abraham to || ofstum miclum / |
Genesis A 2674a | a abraham to || ofstum miclum / | þa | reordode || rice þeoden / mago |
Genesis A 2691a | e || fremena þancast / abraham | þa | || andswarode / ne dyde ic for |
Genesis A 2712b | an ælmihtiges / egesa wære || | þa | ic her ærest com / forþon ic |
Genesis A 2717a | yde laste || beddreste gestah / | þa | ongan abimæleh || abraham sw |
Genesis A 2721b | lfor / and weorcþeos || spræc | þa | wordum eac / to abrahame || æ |
Genesis A 2727a | || we þe feoh syllaþ / cwæþ | þa | eft raþe || oþre worde / to s |
Genesis A 2742a | m þeaht || her þenden lifde / | þa | gien wæs yrre || god abimele |
Genesis A 2745a | iþ abrahame || ær gefremede / | þa | he gedælde || him deore twa / |
Genesis A 2760a | eche || swa hine abraham bæd / | þa | com feran || frea ælmihtig / t |
Genesis A 2774b | hæfde / wintra hundteontig || | þa | him wif sunu / on þanc gebær |
Genesis A 2778a | dægwillan || drihten bodode / | þa | seo wyrd gewearþ || þæt þ |
Genesis A 2782b | n eall / druncon and drymdon || | þa | cwæþ drihtlecu mæg / bryd to |
Genesis A 2791b | þu of lice / aldor asendest || | þa | wæs abrahame / weorce on mode |
Genesis A 2793b | ræc drife / his selfes sunu || | þa | com soþ metod / freom on fultu |
Genesis A 2804a | ig || swa ic þe wordum gehet / | þa | se wer hyrde || his waldende / |
Genesis A 2832a | gra gestreon || mearce settan / | þa | abraham || abimelehe / wære se |
Genesis A 2846a | f / gesæliglic || swegle under / | þa | þæs rinces || se rica ongan |
Genesis A 2863a | rysne || and his waldend leof / | þa | se eadga || abraham sine / niht |
Genesis A 2867b | a on breostum wunode || ongan | þa | his esolas bætan / gamolferhþ |
Genesis A 2870b | ridda / and he feorþa sylf || | þa | he fus gewat / from his agenum |
Genesis A 2873a | || swa him bebead metod / efste | þa | swiþe || and onette / forþ fo |
Genesis A 2877b | er deop wæter / ord aræmde || | þa | se eadega wer / geseah hlifigan |
Genesis A 2880a | m sægde ær || swegles aldor / | þa | abraham spræc || to his ombi |
Genesis A 2885a | e || agifen habbaþ / gewat him | þa | se æþeling || and his agen |
Genesis A 2888b | sunu / fæder fyr and sweord || | þa | þæs fricgean ongann / wer win |
Genesis A 2897a | swa him gemet þinceþ / gestah | þa | stiþhydig || steape dune / up |
Genesis A 2902a | metod || wordum tæhte / ongan | þa | ad hladan || æled weccan / and |
Genesis A 2904b | and honda / bearne sinum || and | þa | on bæl ahof / isaac geongne || |
Genesis A 2905b | æl ahof / isaac geongne || and | þa | ædre gegrap / sweord be gehilt |
Genesis A 2908b | fyre scencan / mæges dreore || | þa | metodes þegn / ufan engla sum |
Genesis A 2912a | | and þam engle oncwæþ / him | þa | ofstum to || ufan of roderum / |
Genesis A 2925b | ge lothes / breost geblissad || | þa | he him his bearn forgeaf / isaa |
Genesis A 2926b | bearn forgeaf / isaac cwicne || | þa | se eadega bewlat / rinc ofer ex |
Genesis A 2932a | || for his agen bearn / abrægd | þa | mid þy bille || brynegield o |
Exodus 22b | omaga fela / feonda folcriht || | þa | wæs forma siþ / þæt hine we |
Exodus 30a | eah hie fela wiston / hæfde he | þa | geswiþed || soþum cræftum / |
Exodus 33a | raones feond || on forþwegas / | þa | wæs ingere || ealdum witum / d |
Exodus 48b | æs mære / ofer middangeard || | þa | seo mengeo for / swa þæs fæs |
Exodus 61b | chofu morheald || moyses ofer | þa | / fela meoringa || fyrde gelæd |
Exodus 63a | oringa || fyrde gelædde / heht | þa | ymb twa niht || tirfæste hæ |
Exodus 82a | fæt || segle ofertolden / swa | þa | mæstrapas || men ne cuþon / n |
Exodus 83a | æstrapas || men ne cuþon / ne | þa | seglrode || geseon meahton / eo |
Exodus 87b | | geweorþode / þeodenholde || | þa | wæs þridda wic / folce to fro |
Exodus 98a | odra siþ || dagum and nihtum / | þa | ic on morgen gefrægn || mode |
Exodus 133b | byme sang / flotan feldhusum || | þa | wæs feorþe wic / randwigena r |
Exodus 142a | e se yldra cyning || ær ge/ / | þa | wearþ yrfeweard || ingefolca |
Exodus 146a | don / egypta cyn || ymbe antwig / | þa | heo his mægwinum || morþor |
Exodus 154a | m spildsiþe || spede forgefe / | þa | him eorla mod || ortrywe wear |
Exodus 202b | san stodon / weredon wælnet || | þa | se woma cwom / flugon frecne sp |
Exodus 205b | e forsceaf / mihtig engel || se | þa | menigeo beheold / þæt þær g |
Exodus 235a | rincgetæl || ræswan herges / | þa | þe for geoguþe || gyt ne mi |
Exodus 247a | s cræft / garbeames feng # || / | þa | wæs handrofra || here ætgæ |
Exodus 249b | eama beorhtost || bidon ealle | þa | gen / hwonne siþboda || sæstr |
Exodus 252a | um || lyftedoras bræc / ahleop | þa | for hæleþum || hildecalla / b |
Exodus 254a | beohata || bord up ahof / heht | þa | folctogan || fyrde gestillan / |
Exodus 276a | || mid þære miclan hand / hof | þa | for hergum || hlude stefne / li |
Exodus 277b | ude stefne / lifigendra leod || | þa | he to leodum spræc / hwæt ge |
Exodus 285b | lm gerymed / ealde staþolas || | þa | ic ær ne gefrægn / ofer midda |
Exodus 287b | || men geferan / fage feldas || | þa | forþ heonon / in ece tid || y |
Exodus 297a | amas || in randgebeorh / syndon | þa | foreweallas || fægre gestept |
Exodus 310a | swiþrode || and sances bland / | þa | þæt feorþe cyn || fyrmest |
Exodus 319b | blæd / hæfdon him to segne || | þa | hie on sund stigon / ofer bordh |
Exodus 347a | retorht || mægen forþ gewat / | þa | þær folcmægen || for æfte |
Exodus 360a | t orþancum || ealde reccaþ / | þa | þe mægburge || mæst gefrun |
Exodus 404b | || yrfelafe / feores frofre || | þa | he swa forþ gebad / leodum to |
Exodus 406b | mne hiht / he þæt gecyþde || | þa | he þone cniht genam / fæste m |
Exodus 411b | cyninge / up aræmde || abraham | þa | / se eorl wolde slean || eafera |
Exodus 417a | tiber || ac mid handa befeng / | þa | him styran cwom || stefn of h |
Exodus 485b | burston / multon meretorras || | þa | se mihtiga sloh / mid halige ha |
Exodus 501a | mæst || mægen eall gedreas / | þa | gedrencte wæron || dugoþ eg |
Exodus 513a | a hryre || hæleþa cwenum / ac | þa | mægenþreatas || meredeaþ g |
Exodus 570b | on hild godes / life gefegon || | þa | hie oþlæded hæfdon / feorh o |
Exodus 573b | rimu blodige þuhton || þurh | þa | heora beadosearo wægon / hreþ |
Exodus 580a | um stefnum || eallwundra fela / | þa | wæs eþfynde || afrisc meowl |
Daniel 19a | oldædum || druncne geþohtas / | þa | hie æcræftas || ane forleto |
Daniel 22a | tes lufan || wiþ gode dælan / | þa | geseah ic þa gedriht || in g |
Daniel 27a | nrices weard || halige gastas / | þa | þam werude || wisdom budon / h |
Daniel 33a | domas || curon deofles cræft / | þa | wearþ reþemod || rices þeo |
Daniel 35b | geaf / wisde him æt frymþe || | þa | þe on fruman ær þon / wæron |
Daniel 52a | | guman oþþringan / gesamnode | þa | || suþan and norþan / wælhre |
Daniel 57a | elan || þenden hie let metod / | þa | ic eþan gefrægn || ealdfeon |
Daniel 58b | aldfeonda cyn / winburh wera || | þa | wigan ne gelyfdon / bereafodon |
Daniel 59a | wigan ne gelyfdon / bereafodon | þa | receda wuldor || readan golde |
Daniel 62a | er stanhliþum / swilc eall swa | þa | eorlas || agan sceoldon / oþþ |
Daniel 67a | | swilc þær funden wæs / and | þa | mid þam æhtum || eft siþed |
Daniel 75a | fe || to weorcþeowum / onsende | þa | || sinra þegna / worn þæs we |
Daniel 79a | ne eþel || æfter ebreum / het | þa | secan || sine gerefan / geond i |
Daniel 83a | ær brungen wæs / wolde þæt | þa | cnihtas || cræft leornedon / |
Daniel 88a | to duguþe || drihten scyrede / | þa | hie þær fundon || þry frea |
Daniel 93a | dda misael || metode gecorene / | þa | þry comon || to þeodne fora |
Daniel 96a | res georn || in caldea byrig / | þa | hie þam wlancan || wisdom sc |
Daniel 99a | æft heane || þurh halig mod / | þa | se beorn bebead || babilone w |
Daniel 101a | cyning || sinum þegnum / þæt | þa | frumgaras || be feore dæde / |
Daniel 104a | ste ne wæde || in woruldlife / | þa | wæs breme || babilone weard / |
Daniel 108a | n oferhygde || æghwæs lifde / | þa | þam folctogan || on frumslæ |
Daniel 116a | rþan dreamas || ende wurþan / | þa | onwoc wulfheort || se ær win |
Daniel 120a | e || þæt him meted wæs / het | þa | tosomne || sinra leoda / þa wi |
Daniel 121a | et þa tosomne || sinra leoda / | þa | wiccungdom || widost bæron / f |
Daniel 122a | ngdom || widost bæron / frægn | þa | þa mænigeo || hwæt hine ge |
Daniel 125a | on þam egesan || acol worden / | þa | he ne wisse || word ne angin / |
Daniel 127a | sines || het him secgan þeah / | þa | him unbliþe || andswaredon / d |
Daniel 134a | ærest ne meaht || or areccan / | þa | him unbliþe || andswarode / wu |
Daniel 142a | ge mætinge || mine ne cunnon / | þa | þe me for werode || wisdom b |
Daniel 145a | s min sefa myndgaþ / ne meahte | þa | seo mænigeo || on þam meþe |
Daniel 147b | wihte aþencean / ne ahicgan || | þa | hit forhæfed gewearþ / þætt |
Daniel 158a | mandrihten || gemæted wearþ / | þa | eode daniel || þa dæg lyhte |
Daniel 158b | ted wearþ / þa eode daniel || | þa | dæg lyhte / swefen reccan || s |
Daniel 163a | de || þæs þe him ywed wæs / | þa | hæfde daniel || dom micelne / |
Daniel 178a | reþe and rædleas || riht // / | þa | wearþ hæleþa hlyst || þa |
Daniel 178b | / þa wearþ hæleþa hlyst || | þa | hleoþor cwom / byman stefne || |
Daniel 180a | byman stefne || ofer burhware / | þa | hie for þam cumble || on cne |
Daniel 193a | ær on herige || byman sungon / | þa | wæron æþelum god || abraha |
Daniel 207a | earan || in þisse hean byrig / | þa | þis hegan ne willaþ || ne |
Daniel 209a | to wuldre || wundrum teodest / | þa | him bolgenmod || babilone wea |
Daniel 217a | im to gode teode / noldon þeah | þa | hyssas || hyran larum / in hige |
Daniel 224a | bitera deaþ || geboden wære / | þa | wearþ yrre anmod cyning || h |
Daniel 226a | þe hie his cræftas onsocon / | þa | he wæs gegleded || swa he gr |
Daniel 227b | st mihte / frecne fyres lige || | þa | he þyder folc samnode / and ge |
Daniel 230a | alhmod || godes spelbodan / het | þa | his scealcas || scufan þa hy |
Daniel 230b | et þa his scealcas || scufan | þa | hyssas / in bælblyse || beorna |
Daniel 240b | t / wylm þæs wæfran liges || | þa | hie se waldend nerede / hreohmo |
Daniel 242b | æled wæs ungescead micel || | þa | wæs se ofen onhæted / isen ea |
Daniel 250a | le mare || þonne gemet wære / | þa | se lig gewand || on laþe men |
Daniel 265b | fyr fyr scyde || to þam þe | þa | scylde worhton / hwearf on þa |
Daniel 266a | þa scylde worhton / hwearf on | þa | hæþenan hæftas || fram þa |
Daniel 267b | hton / werigra wlite minsode || | þa | þe þy worce gefægon / geseah |
Daniel 268a | þe þy worce gefægon / geseah | þa | swiþmod cyning || þa he his |
Daniel 268b | geseah þa swiþmod cyning || | þa | he his sefan ontreowde / wundor |
Daniel 279a | enerede || wiþ þam niþhete / | þa | azarias || ingeþancum / hleoþ |
Daniel 282b | herede / wer womma leas || and | þa | word acwæþ / metod alwihta hw |
Daniel 304a | and gefræge || folca manegum / | þa | usic bewræcon || to þæs wy |
Daniel 327b | cyþ cræft and miht || þæt | þa | caldeas / and folca fela || gef |
Daniel 329a | olca fela || gefrigen habbaþ / | þa | þe under heofenum || hæþen |
Daniel 335b | ta sped / rehte þurh reorde || | þa | of roderum wæs / engel ælbeor |
Daniel 341b | op hine and toswende || þurh | þa | swiþan miht / ligges leoman || |
Daniel 345a | on feondas || for fyrendædum / | þa | wæs on þam ofne || þær se |
Daniel 352b | rifen and todwæsced || þær | þa | dædhwatan / geond þone ofen e |
Daniel 356b | d azarias / and misael || þær | þa | modhwatan / þry on geþancum | |
Daniel 365a | englas || and hluttor wæter / | þa | þe ofer roderum || on rihtne |
Daniel 366b | gesceaft / wuniaþ in wuldre || | þa | þec wurþiaþ / and þec ælmi |
Daniel 368b | eafte / rodorbeorhtan tunglu || | þa | þe ryne healdaþ / sunna and m |
Daniel 371b | teorran / deaw and deor scur || | þa | þec domige / and þec mihtig g |
Daniel 380b | c ligetu / blace berhtmhwate || | þa | þec bletsige / eall eorþan gr |
Daniel 385b | upcyme / wætersprync wylla || | þa | þec wurþiaþ / hwalas þec he |
Daniel 387b | d hefonfugolas / lyftlacende || | þa | þe lagostreamas / wæterscipe |
Daniel 409a | htfruma || ofer landa gehwilc / | þa | þæt ehtode || ealdor þeode |
Daniel 416a | oþe || nales me sefa leogeþ / | þa | cwæþ se þe wæs || cyninge |
Daniel 420b | e gerysna / ongyt georne || hwa | þa | gyfe sealde / gingum gædelingu |
Daniel 427a | | worlde and heofona / aban þu | þa | beornas || brego caldea / ut of |
Daniel 430a | || leng þonne þu þurfe / het | þa | se cyning to him || cnihtas g |
Daniel 434a | o þam hæþenan foran / wæron | þa | bende forburnene || þe him o |
Daniel 440a | wmode guman || on gastes hyld / | þa | gewat se engel up || secan hi |
Daniel 443b | þam wundre gewurþod || þe | þa | gewyrhto ahton / hyssas heredon |
Daniel 448a | of þam mirce generede / gebead | þa | se bræsna || babilone weard / |
Daniel 452a | þam morþre alysde / agæf him | þa | his leoda lafe || þe þær g |
Daniel 458a | || wiþ þone hearm gescylde / | þa | ic secan gefrægn || soþum w |
Daniel 461a | weard || þurh fyres bryne / hu | þa | hyssas þry || hatan ofnes / f |
Daniel 467a | gesan gryre || aldor gescylde / | þa | se þeoden ongan || geþinges |
Daniel 468a | ongan || geþinges wyrcan / het | þa | tosomne || sine leode / and þa |
Daniel 469a | þa tosomne || sine leode / and | þa | on þam meþle || ofer menigo |
Daniel 495a | þurh oferhyd || up astigeþ / | þa | him wearþ on slæpe || swefe |
Daniel 511a | | het þæt treow ceorfan / and | þa | wildan deor || on weg fleon / s |
Daniel 512a | or || on weg fleon / swylce eac | þa | fugolas || þonne his fyll co |
Daniel 523a | || þonne he him wiþ mæge / | þa | of slæpe onwoc || swefn wæs |
Daniel 526a | e || þe þyder god sende / het | þa | tosomne || sine leode / folctog |
Daniel 531a | node || hu hie cweþan woldon / | þa | wæs to þam dome || daniel h |
Daniel 538a | odes mihta || for men ætbær / | þa | he secgan ongan || swefnes wo |
Daniel 546a | witgode || wyrda geþingu / he | þa | swigode || hwæþere soþ ong |
Daniel 553b | cuman / heofonheane beam || and | þa | halgan word / yrre and egeslicu |
Daniel 554b | gan word / yrre and egeslicu || | þa | se engel cwæþ / þæt þæt t |
Daniel 598a | he þæs hearde ongeald / ongan | þa | gyddigan || þurh gylp micel / |
Daniel 599b | h gylp micel / caldea cyning || | þa | he ceastergeweorc / babilone bu |
Daniel 604a | || þurh wundor micel / wearþ | þa | anhydig || ofer ealle men / swi |
Daniel 612a | / eard and eþel || agan wille / | þa | for þam gylpe || gumena drih |
Daniel 622a | ora westen || winburge cyning / | þa | se earfoþmæcg || up locode / |
Daniel 624a | || þurh wolcna gang / gemunde | þa | on mode || þæt metod wære / |
Daniel 626b | leþa bearnum / ana ece gast || | þa | he eft onhwearf / wodan gewitte |
Daniel 629a | wosan hige || heortan getenge / | þa | his gast ahwearf || in godes |
Daniel 631a | siþþan he metod onget / gewat | þa | earmsceapen || eft siþian / na |
Daniel 640a | rum || oþþæt se ræswa com / | þa | wæs eft geseted || in aldord |
Daniel 645a | | swa he wolde sylf / ne lengde | þa | || leoda aldor / witegena wordc |
Daniel 651b | gast becwom / rædfæst sefa || | þa | he to roderum beseah / wyrd wæ |
Daniel 665b | eold hæleþa gestreon || and | þa | hean burh / frod foremihtig || |
Daniel 674b | unwaclice / heah hordmægen || | þa | hyra hlaford læg / þa in þæ |
Daniel 675a | gen || þa hyra hlaford læg / | þa | in þære þeode awoc || his |
Daniel 678b | lenco gesceod / oferhyd egle || | þa | wæs endedæg / þæs þe calde |
Daniel 680a | e caldeas || cyningdom ahton / | þa | metod onlah || medum and pers |
Daniel 683a | lone || blæd swiþrian / þone | þa | hæleþ || healdan sceoldon / w |
Daniel 685a | e he ealdormen || in unrihtum / | þa | þe þy rice || rædan sceold |
Daniel 686a | e þy rice || rædan sceoldon / | þa | þæt gehogode || hamsittende |
Daniel 700a | lone || abrecan mihton / gesæt | þa | to symble || siþestan dæge / |
Daniel 705a | lfatu halegu || on hand werum / | þa | ær caldeas || mid cyneþrymm |
Daniel 707b | genamon / gold in gerusalem || | þa | hie iudea / blæd forbræcon || |
Daniel 710b | ge genamon / beorhte frætwe || | þa | hie tempel strudon / salomanes |
Daniel 712a | lomanes seld || swiþe gulpon / | þa | wearþ bliþemod || burga ald |
Daniel 720a | r leodum || ligeword gecwæþ / | þa | þær in egesan || engel drih |
Daniel 722a | man || in þæt hea seld / wrat | þa | in wage || worda gerynu / baswe |
Daniel 724a | we bocstafas || burhsittendum / | þa | wearþ folctoga || forht on m |
Daniel 731a | | on þæt wundor seon / sohton | þa | swiþe || in sefan gehydum / hw |
Daniel 746b | orlæg secge / worda gerynu || | þa | þu wendan ne miht / þu for an |
Daniel 750a | ge deoflu || drincan ongunnon / | þa | ær israela || in æ hæfdon / |
Christ and Satan 3a | hæfde || miht and strengþo / | þa | he gefestnade || foldan sceat |
Christ and Satan 25a | end || him þær wirse gelamp / | þa | heo in helle || ham staþeled |
Christ and Satan 51a | r oferhygdum || æfre ne wene / | þa | him andsweradan || atole gast |
Christ and Satan 76b | re siþe / feonda aldor || wæs | þa | forht agen / seoþþan he þes |
Christ and Satan 84a | || and þeos menego swa some / | þa | ic in mode || minum hogade / þ |
Christ and Satan 89b | dde / wene þæt tacen sutol || | þa | ic aseald wes on wærgþu / ni |
Christ and Satan 138b | rucan / burga ne bolda || ne on | þa | beorhtan gescæft / ne mot ic |
Christ and Satan 147a | þam anum || þe he agan nyle / | þa | ic mot to hæftum || ham gefe |
Christ and Satan 159a | t on helle || hyhtwillan leas / | þa | gyt feola cwiþde || firna he |
Christ and Satan 189a | gcearig || siþas wide / hwearf | þa | to helle || þa he gehened w |
Christ and Satan 189b | s wide / hwearf þa to helle || | þa | he gehened wæs / godes andsaca |
Christ and Satan 191b | ran swa / gifre and grædige || | þa | hig god bedraf / in þæt hate |
Christ and Satan 195b | ndes / læte him to bysne || hu | þa | blacan feond / for oferhygdum | |
Christ and Satan 200b | cræft hæfde / mihta miccle || | þa | he þa mænego adraf / hæftas |
Christ and Satan 224a | a woruld || mid wuldorcyninge / | þa | get ic furþor gefregen || fe |
Christ and Satan 234b | gan sceoldon / þusendmælum || | þa | we þær wæron / wunodon on wy |
Christ and Satan 245a | ine on eorþan || ær gelefde / | þa | þæs ofþuhte || þæt se þ |
Christ and Satan 246b | rang and stiþmod || ongan ic | þa | steppan forþ / ana wiþ englum |
Christ and Satan 254a | we ær drugon || ealle hwile / | þa | gewearþ usic || þæt we wol |
Christ and Satan 329b | don / uppe mid englum || wæron | þa | alles þæs / goda lease || ah |
Christ and Satan 344a | edælde || heofon deop gehygd / | þa | heo on heofonum || ham staþe |
Christ and Satan 355a | e seolfa for god / þonne beoþ | þa | eadigan || þe of eorþan cum |
Christ and Satan 368a | on geardagum || in godes rice / | þa | he in wuldre || wrohte onstal |
Christ and Satan 370a | æt he oferhyda || agan wolde / | þa | satanus || swearte geþohte / |
Christ and Satan 374a | ruma || him þæt eft gehreaw / | þa | he to helle || hnigan sceolde |
Christ and Satan 378b | andwlitan seon / buton ende || | þa | him egsa becom / dyne for deman |
Christ and Satan 379b | egsa becom / dyne for deman || | þa | he duru in helle / bræc and be |
Christ and Satan 381a | d begde || blis wearþ monnum / | þa | hi hælendes || heafod gesawo |
Christ and Satan 383a | m atolan || þe we ær nemdon / | þa | wæron mid egsan || ealle afy |
Christ and Satan 389a | re ær || eagum gesawon / buton | þa | we mid englum || uppe wæron / |
Christ and Satan 398a | s || henþo geþoliaþ / hwearf | þa | to helle || hæleþa bearnum / |
Christ and Satan 401b | forþ gelædan / up to eþle || | þa | com engla sweg / dyne on dægre |
Christ and Satan 403b | ferfohten || wæs seo fæhþe | þa | gyt / open on uhtan || þa se e |
Christ and Satan 404b | hþe þa gyt / open on uhtan || | þa | se egsa becom / let þa up fara |
Christ and Satan 405a | htan || þa se egsa becom / let | þa | up faran || eadige sawle / adam |
Christ and Satan 406b | adames cyn || ac ne moste efe | þa | gyt / wlitan in wuldre || ær h |
Christ and Satan 409a | e æne abealh || ece drihten / | þa | wit adam twa || eaples þigdo |
Christ and Satan 414a | igne ham || heofon to gewalde / | þa | wit þæs awærgdan || wordum |
Christ and Satan 417a | || unc þæs bitere forgeald / | þa | wit in þis hate scræf || hw |
Christ and Satan 430a | helwarum || ham gelihtan / aras | þa | anra gehwylc || and wiþ earm |
Christ and Satan 435a | helpe || helle gesecan / ræhte | þa | mid handum || to heofencyning |
Christ and Satan 441a | dfruma || ealra gesceafta / let | þa | up faran || ece drihten / wuldr |
Christ and Satan 446b | þingaþ / earm aglæca || and | þa | atolan mid him / witum werige | |
Christ and Satan 457b | id him / meotod mancynnes || in | þa | mæran burh / hofon hine mid hi |
Christ and Satan 460a | þle || abrahames cynn / hæfde | þa | drihten seolf || deaþ oferwu |
Christ and Satan 465b | yne becom / hlud of heofonum || | þa | he helle duru / forbræc and fo |
Christ and Satan 467a | and forbegde || ban weornodon / | þa | hie swa leohtne || leoman ges |
Christ and Satan 468a | htne || leoman gesawon / gesæt | þa | mid þære fyrde || frumbearn |
Christ and Satan 472a | rest || and þæt æþele wif / | þa | hie begeton || on godes willa |
Christ and Satan 480b | tte / treow mid telgum || þæt | þa | tanas up / æpla bæron || and |
Christ and Satan 481b | æpla bæron || and git æton | þa | / beorhtan blæda || swa inc se |
Christ and Satan 485a | ymdon || hælendes word / æten | þa | egsan || wæs se atola befora |
Christ and Satan 487a | m forgeaf || balewe geþohtas / | þa | me gereaw || þæt min handge |
Christ and Satan 489a | rcernes || clom þrowade / næs | þa | monna gemet || ne mægen engl |
Christ and Satan 499a | s rædboran || hrefnan mihten / | þa | wæs þæs mæles || mearc ag |
Christ and Satan 508a | sendmælum || ic eow þingade / | þa | me on beame || beornas sticed |
Christ and Satan 524a | and trumne || swa he ær dyde / | þa | ic gongan gefregn || gingran |
Christ and Satan 528a | esegon || hwær sunu meotodes / | þa | on upp gestod || ece drihten / |
Christ and Satan 534a | i sceawodon || scyppend engla / | þa | sona spræc || simon petrus / e |
Christ and Satan 557a | ed || þam þe teala þenceþ / | þa | wæs on eorþan || ece drihte |
Christ and Satan 559b | ecyþed mancynne || ær he in | þa | mæran gesceaft / burhleoda fru |
Christ and Satan 563b | a scyppend / weoroda waldend || | þa | com wolcna sweg / halig of heof |
Christ and Satan 568b | gla þreatas / þusendmælum || | þa | hit þus gelomp / þa gyt nerge |
Christ and Satan 569a | mælum || þa hit þus gelomp / | þa | gyt nergende crist || gecwæ |
Christ and Satan 572a | e || gingran geswiþde / hæfde | þa | gesette || sawla unrim / god li |
Christ and Satan 573b | sawla unrim / god lifigende || | þa | wæs iudas of / se þe ær on t |
Christ and Satan 579a | a || innon helle / siteþ nu on | þa | swiþran hond || sunu his fæ |
Christ and Satan 610a | a healfe || tile and yfle / him | þa | soþfæstan || on þa swiþra |
Christ and Satan 610b | fle / him þa soþfæstan || on | þa | swiþran hond / mid rodera wear |
Christ and Satan 612b | tigaþ / þonne beoþ bliþe || | þa | in burh moton / gongan in godes |
Christ and Satan 619a | || ece reste / þonne stondaþ | þa | forworhtan || þa þe firnedo |
Christ and Satan 619b | ne stondaþ þa forworhtan || | þa | þe firnedon / beoþ beofigende |
Christ and Satan 650a | oten || to godes rice / and ymb | þa | weallas || wlitige scinaþ / en |
Christ and Satan 652a | la gastas || and eadige sawla / | þa | þe heonon feraþ # || / þær |
Christ and Satan 667a | nnes || þurh his mildsa sped / | þa | gewearþ þone weregan || þe |
Christ and Satan 669a | m || þæt he in helle gedeaf / | þa | costode || cyning alwihta / bro |
Christ and Satan 673a | þu swa micle || mihte hæbbe / | þa | him andswarode || ece drihten |
Christ and Satan 10a | monna || swa þu ær myntest / | þa | him andswarode || ece drihten |
Christ and Satan 14b | rice / ah ic þe hate || þurh | þa | hehstan miht / þæt þu hellwa |
Christ and Satan 31a | u merced hus || ameten hæbbe / | þa | þam werigan wearþ || wracu |
Christ and Satan 40a | ast || þæt he on botme stod / | þa | him þuhte || þæt þanon w |
Christ and Satan 44a | sinne cræft || susle amæte / | þa | he gemunde || þæt he on gru |
Christ and Satan 48b | g / wordum in witum || ongunnon | þa | werigan gastas / reordian and c |
Andreas 15b | n þæt igland || þær ænig | þa | git / ellþeodigra || eþles ne |
Andreas 25a | | feorrancumenra / þegon geond | þa | þeode || swelc wæs þeaw hi |
Andreas 40a | meteleaste || meþe gedrehte / | þa | wæs matheus || to þære mæ |
Andreas 41a | þære mæran byrig / cumen in | þa | ceastre || þær wæs cirm mi |
Andreas 45a | || æþelinges siþ / eodon him | þa | togenes || garum gehyrsted / lu |
Andreas 51b | ge || hwæþre he in breostum | þa | git / herede in heortan || heof |
Andreas 59a | þlocan || fæste bewunden / he | þa | wepende || weregum tearum / his |
Andreas 67b | a sceal / dæde fremman || swa | þa | dumban neat / þu ana canst || |
Andreas 92a | halig god || helpe gefremede / | þa | wearþ gehyred || heofoncynin |
Andreas 101a | yssum leoþubendum / ond ealle | þa | menigo || þe þe mid wuniaþ |
Andreas 118a | || in gehyld godes / gewat him | þa | se halga || helm ælwihta / eng |
Andreas 122a | st styrend || in stowa gehwam / | þa | wæs matheus || miclum onbryr |
Andreas 130a | nian || hwæþer cwice lifdon / | þa | þe on carcerne || clommum f |
Andreas 143a | dra || eafeþum gelyfdon / hie | þa | gemetton || modes glawne / hali |
Andreas 147a | engla ordfruma || unnan wolde / | þa | wæs first agan || frumræden |
Andreas 161a | schoman || him to foddorþege / | þa | wæs gemyndig || se þe midda |
Andreas 167b | æftum / wiþstod stranglice || | þa | sio stefn gewearþ / gehered of |
Andreas 171a | / leode lærde || on lifes weg / | þa | him cirebaldum || cininga wul |
Andreas 202a | ld wæter || cuþe sindon / him | þa | ondswarude || ece dryhten / eal |
Andreas 216a | || ylding wyrþan / þu scealt | þa | fore geferan || ond þin feor |
Andreas 225a | mine þær þu fere / gewat him | þa | se halga || healdend ond weal |
Andreas 230a | r lices hryre || lifes brucan / | þa | wæs ærende || æþelum cemp |
Andreas 235a | m || to godes campe / gewat him | þa | on uhtan || mid ærdæge / ofer |
Andreas 241b | fæþme scip / modig gemette || | þa | com morgentorht / beacna beorht |
Andreas 254a | d wæter || ceolum lacaþ / hie | þa | gegrette || se þe on greote |
Andreas 260a | a gewealc || eowic brohte / him | þa | ondswarode || ælmihti god / sw |
Andreas 270a | ne || swa us wind fordraf / him | þa | andreas || eaþmod oncwæþ / w |
Andreas 282a | e ceastre || cwealm þrowiaþ / | þa | þe feorran þyder || feorh g |
Andreas 284a | ofer widne mere / þæt þu on | þa | fægþe || þine feore spilde |
Andreas 285a | þe || þine feore spilde / him | þa | andreas || agef ondsware / usic |
Andreas 286b | sware / usic lust hweteþ || on | þa | leodmearce / mycel modes hiht | |
Andreas 299a | yþbord || unnan willaþ / him | þa | ofstlice || andreas wiþ / wine |
Andreas 305a | || swa þu worde becwist / him | þa | beorna breogo || þær he on |
Andreas 315a | þe lagolade || lange cunnaþ / | þa | him andreas || þurh ondsware |
Andreas 337a | eoþo healde / ne þurfan ge on | þa | fore || frætwe lædan / gold n |
Andreas 343a | o duguþum || gedon wille / him | þa | ondswarode || ece dryhten / gif |
Andreas 349a | streamas || swa ge benan sint / | þa | in ceol stigon || collenfyrh |
Andreas 352a | merefaroþe || mod geblissod / | þa | ofer yþa geswing || andreas |
Andreas 359a | || sybbe gecyþed / gesæt him | þa | se halga || helmwearde neah / |
Andreas 364a | þrymfulle || þegnas wlitige / | þa | reordode || rice þeoden / ece |
Andreas 369b | geþring / drohtaþ adreogan || | þa | gedrefed wearþ / onhrered hwæ |
Andreas 380b | ceol gesohte || næs him cuþ | þa | gyt / hwa þam sæflotan || sun |
Andreas 382a | sæflotan || sund wisode / him | þa | se halga || on holmwege / ofer |
Andreas 383b | ege / ofer argeblond || andreas | þa | git / þegn þeodenhold || þan |
Andreas 385b | c gesægde / ricum ræsboran || | þa | he gereordod wæs / þe þissa |
Andreas 401a | hwænne þu eft cyme / edre him | þa | eorlas || agefan ondsware / þe |
Andreas 415a | niþplegan || nearu þrowedon / | þa | reordade || rice þeoden / wær |
Andreas 419a | || swa þu worde becwist / rece | þa | gerynu || hu he reordberend / l |
Andreas 427a | ndum || helpe gefremman / ongan | þa | gleawlice || gingran sine / wul |
Andreas 429b | trymman / ge þæt gehogodon || | þa | ge on holm stigon / þæt ge on |
Andreas 449b | wilnedon / miltsa to mærum || | þa | seo menigo ongan / clypian on c |
Andreas 454b | wurdon / merestreama gemeotu || | þa | ure mod ahloh / syþþan we ges |
Andreas 467b | t oncyrde / hreoh holmþracu || | þa | þam halgan wearþ / æfter gry |
Andreas 469a | hwile || gast geblissod / ongan | þa | reordigan || rædum snottor / w |
Andreas 537a | staþolade || strangum mihtum / | þa | hleoþrade || halgan stefne / c |
Andreas 555a | modsefan || maran snyttro / him | þa | of ceole oncwæþ || cyninga |
Andreas 559a | rde || be werum tweonum / þæt | þa | arleasan || inwidþancum / iude |
Andreas 572a | þeode || beforan cyþde / him | þa | andreas || agef andsware / hu m |
Andreas 579a | ond hreofum || hyge blissode / | þa | þe limseoce || lange wæron / |
Andreas 588b | n het / beornum to blisse || on | þa | beteran gecynd / swylce he afed |
Andreas 600a | mid englum || eard weardigan / | þa | þe æfter deaþe || dryhten |
Andreas 601a | fter deaþe || dryhten secaþ / | þa | gen weges weard || wordhord o |
Andreas 605a | end þin || wundor on eorþan / | þa | he gefremede || nalas feam si |
Andreas 617a | bryne || on banan fæþme / him | þa | andreas || agef ondsware / secg |
Andreas 625b | ecgan / maga mode rof || mægen | þa | he cyþde / deormod on digle || |
Andreas 626b | he cyþde / deormod on digle || | þa | mid dryhten oft / rodera ræden |
Andreas 628a | rædend || rune besæton / him | þa | andreas || ondsware agef / hwæ |
Andreas 632a | ttra cræft || soþ oncnawest / | þa | git him wæges weard || wiþ |
Andreas 642b | dreamas / engla eþel || þurh | þa | æþelan miht / edre him andrea |
Andreas 666a | adige || he wæs twelfta sylf / | þa | we becomon || to þam cynesto |
Andreas 696a | ndeleas || þær hit ær aras / | þa | se þeoden gewat || þegna he |
Andreas 720a | is || [Cheruphim et Seraphim] / | þa | on swegeldreamum || syndon ne |
Andreas 727a | on wealle || wuldres þegnas / | þa | gen worde cwæþ || weoruda d |
Andreas 735a | t min æþelo sien / ne dorste | þa | forhylman || hælendes bebod / |
Andreas 763a | t side sel || swigodon ealle / | þa | þa yldestan || eft ongunnon / |
Andreas 773a | misgehygd || morþre bewunden / | þa | se þeoden bebead || þryþwe |
Andreas 777b | es ærendu / larum lædan || on | þa | leodmearce / to channaneum || c |
Andreas 786a | m || ongiten hæfdon / gewat he | þa | feran || swa him frea mihtig / |
Andreas 790a | | swa him bebead meotud / þær | þa | lichoman || lange þrage / heah |
Andreas 792a | era hra || beheled wæron / het | þa | ofstlice || up astandan / habra |
Andreas 800a | t weorc staþolade / ne dorston | þa | gelettan || leng owihte / wuldo |
Andreas 801b | ldorcyninges word || geweotan | þa | þa witigan þry / modige mearc |
Andreas 804b | gecyþan / frumweorca fæder || | þa | þæt folc gewearþ / egesan ge |
Andreas 805b | earþ / egesan geaclod || þær | þa | æþelingas / wordum weorþodon |
Andreas 807a | orþodon || wuldres aldor / hie | þa | ricene het || rices hyrde / to |
Andreas 816b | aga fremede / rodera rædend || | þa | þu aræfnan ne miht / hreþre |
Andreas 822a | hronrade || heofoncyninge neh / | þa | gelædan het || lifes brytta / |
Andreas 829b | || þe him cining engla / || # | þa | þa aras siþigean / eadige on |
Andreas 837b | erodon / wonn under wolcnum || | þa | com wederes blæst / hador heof |
Andreas 839a | oma || ofer hofu blican / onwoc | þa | wiges heard || wang sceawode / |
Andreas 843b | ras stodon / windige weallas || | þa | se wisa oncneow / þæt he marm |
Andreas 846a | esohte || swa him sylf bebead / | þa | he him fore gescraf || fæder |
Andreas 847a | || fæder mancynnes / geseh he | þa | on greote || gingran sine / beo |
Andreas 857a | gwlite || bemiþen hæfde / him | þa | æþelingas || ondsweorodon / g |
Andreas 863a | s sæwerige || slæp ofereode / | þa | comon earnas || ofer yþa wyl |
Andreas 892a | fian || þonne heonon gangaþ / | þa | wæs modsefa || myclum geblis |
Andreas 899b | or ne wære / cyninga wuldur || | þa | ic on ceol gestah / þeh ic on |
Andreas 910a | ald || þam þe seceþ to him / | þa | him fore eagum || onsyne wear |
Andreas 911b | earþ / æþeling oþywed || in | þa | ilcan tid / cining cwicera gehw |
Andreas 913a | gehwæs || þurh cnihtes had / | þa | he worde cwæþ || wuldres al |
Andreas 918a | as || gaste gesceþþan / feoll | þa | to foldan || frioþo wilnode / |
Andreas 929a | wegas || feran ne cuþe / ne in | þa | ceastre || becuman mehte / þin |
Andreas 939b | e / cræfte ond mihte || þu in | þa | ceastre gong / under burglocan |
Andreas 966a | urh sarcwide || soþ gecyþan / | þa | ic mid iudeum || gealgan þeh |
Andreas 977a | || gefremed habban / gewat him | þa | se halga || heofonas secan / ea |
Andreas 981a | m || þam þe hie findan cann / | þa | wæs gemyndig || modgeþyldig |
Andreas 990a | uman || mid lofe sinum / hæfde | þa | se æþeling || in geþrungen |
Andreas 996b | feng / hæleþ heorodreorige || | þa | se halga gebæd / bilwytne fæd |
Andreas 1009a | or || in þam gnornhofe / geseh | þa | under swegle || swæsne gefer |
Andreas 1011a | gne || hyht wæs geniwad / aras | þa | togenes || gode þancade / þæ |
Andreas 1019b | innan wæs / wynnum awelled || | þa | worde ongan / ærest andreas || |
Andreas 1027a | rdum || wuldres þegnas / begen | þa | gebroþor || to gebede hyldon |
Andreas 1033a | hæþenra || hildeþrymme / ond | þa | gelædde || of leoþobendum / f |
Andreas 1039a | bennum fæstne / ond þær wifa | þa | gyt || weorodes to eacan / anes |
Andreas 1044a | ornhofe || guþgeþingo / gewat | þa | matheus || menigo lædan / on g |
Andreas 1049a | rhfare || ealdgeniþlan / þær | þa | modigan mid him || mæþel ge |
Andreas 1053b | lle witu / wordum werede || swa | þa | wigend mid him / hæleþ higero |
Andreas 1058a | um || ende befangen / gewat him | þa | andreas || inn on ceastre / gl |
Andreas 1063a | || stapul ærenne / gesæt him | þa | be healfe || hæfde hluttre l |
Andreas 1067a | m guþweorca || gifeþe wurde / | þa | gesamnedon || side herigeas / f |
Andreas 1070b | æþne hildfrecan || to þæs | þa | hæftas ær / under hlinscuwan |
Andreas 1078a | a geweorc || hyrdas deade / hie | þa | unhyþige || eft gecyrdon / lus |
Andreas 1085b | erofene / fægra flæschaman || | þa | wearþ forht manig / for þam f |
Andreas 1089a | yston beteran ræd / þonne hie | þa | belidenan || him to lifnere / d |
Andreas 1093a | eard gelac || hildbedd styred / | þa | ic lungre gefrægn || leode t |
Andreas 1097b | þelhegende / æscum dealle || | þa | wæs eall geador / to þam þin |
Andreas 1099a | e || þeod gesamnod / leton him | þa | betweonum || taan wisian / hwyl |
Andreas 1103b | engildum / teledon betwinum || | þa | se tan gehwearf / efne ofer æn |
Andreas 1108a | st || feores orwena / cleopode | þa | collenferhþ || cearegan reor |
Andreas 1111b | geongne / lifes to lisse || hie | þa | lac hraþe / þegon to þance | |
Andreas 1116b | þeodsceaþa / reow ricsode || | þa | wæs rinc manig / guþfrec guma |
Andreas 1120a | eatacen || wide gefrege / geond | þa | burh bodad || beorne manegum / |
Andreas 1126a | astrewarena || cyrm upp astah / | þa | se geonga ongann || geomran s |
Andreas 1135a | yrmælum fag || feorh acsigan / | þa | þæt andrea || earmlic þuht |
Andreas 1155a | n || þam þe hie findan cann / | þa | wæs wop hæfen || in wera bu |
Andreas 1160b | ton / beornas to brucanne || on | þa | bitran tid / gesæton searuþan |
Andreas 1163a | næs him to eþle wynn / fregn | þa | gelome || freca oþerne / ne he |
Andreas 1168a | we wisfæstra || wordum hyran / | þa | for þære dugoþe || deoful |
Andreas 1170a | s || hæfde weriges hiw / ongan | þa | meldigan || morþres brytta / h |
Andreas 1177a | herde || he eow neon gesceod / | þa | he aferede || of fæstenne / ma |
Andreas 1184a | ohtend || wiges gehnægan / him | þa | andreas || agef ondsware / hwæ |
Andreas 1194a | e syþþan a || satan nemdon / | þa | þe dryhtnes a || deman cuþo |
Andreas 1195a | e dryhtnes a || deman cuþon / | þa | gyt se wiþermeda || wordum l |
Andreas 1201a | wrætlicum || for wera menigo / | þa | wæs beacen boden || burhsitt |
Andreas 1206a | am orlege || ordum ond bordum / | þa | worde cwæþ || weoroda dryht |
Andreas 1229a | edlean || æfter wurde / heton | þa | lædan || ofer landsceare / þr |
Andreas 1249a | rht || to sete glidan / læddan | þa | leode || laþne gewinnan / to c |
Andreas 1253a | heortan neh || hige untyddre / | þa | se halga wæs || under heolst |
Andreas 1269b | res gim / heofontorht onhlad || | þa | com hæleþa þreat / to þære |
Andreas 1274a | eweald || wærfæstne hæleþ / | þa | wæs eft swa ær || ondlangne |
Andreas 1278b | orces ne sann / wundum werig || | þa | cwom wopes hring / þurh þæs |
Andreas 1295b | s cræft / leahtrum belecgan || | þa | þin lof beraþ / þa þær æt |
Andreas 1296a | lecgan || þa þin lof beraþ / | þa | þær ætywde || se atola gas |
Andreas 1302a | innan || nu to feala reordaþ / | þa | wæs orlege || eft onhrered / n |
Andreas 1311a | rfæst wunian || wic unsyfre / | þa | com seofona sum || to sele ge |
Andreas 1315a | ow || duguþum bereafod / ongan | þa | þam halgan || hospword sprec |
Andreas 1319a | u oferhigdum || upp arærdest / | þa | þu goda ussa || gild gehnæg |
Andreas 1339a | ite || mære tacen / wurdon hie | þa | acle || on þam onfenge / forht |
Andreas 1345a | þæt eow swa lyt gespeow / him | þa | earmsceapen || agef ondsware / |
Andreas 1360a | m æglæcan || eall getrahtod / | þa | hleoþrade || hludan stefne / w |
Andreas 1370a | m guþplegan || gearwe sindon / | þa | þe æninga || ellenweorcum / u |
Andreas 1375a | a cynnes || ofer mine est / him | þa | andreas || agef ondsware / hwæ |
Andreas 1386a | on dæg || drohtaþ strengra / | þa | wearþ on fleame || se þe þ |
Andreas 1386b | a wearþ on fleame || se þe | þa | fæhþo iu / wiþ god geara || |
Andreas 1388a | geara || grimme gefremede / com | þa | on uhtan || mid ærdæge / hæ |
Andreas 1394a | gemyltan || hit ne mihte swa / | þa | wæs niowinga || niþ onhrere |
Andreas 1398a | n || þendon dæg lihte / ongan | þa | geomormod || to gode cleopian |
Andreas 1409a | de / mid iudeum || geomor wurde / | þa | þu of gealgan || god lifigen |
Andreas 1419a | hete || þurh þin halig word / | þa | þu us twelfe || trymman ongu |
Andreas 1429a | || þonne þeos lifcearo / him | þa | stefn oncwæþ || stiþhycgen |
Andreas 1445a | daroþa gedrep || gedon motan / | þa | þe heardra mæst || hearma g |
Andreas 1446a | ra mæst || hearma gefremedan / | þa | on last beseah || leoflic cem |
Andreas 1450a | e || swa he ær his blod aget / | þa | worde cwæþ || wigendra hleo |
Andreas 1458a | gewat || under waþu scriþan / | þa | þa folctogan || feorþan si |
Andreas 1462b | ran / on þære deorcan niht || | þa | com dryhten god / in þæt hlin |
Andreas 1464a | ræced || hæleþa wuldor / ond | þa | wine synne || wordum grette / o |
Andreas 1469a | bbendra || sar þrowian / aras | þa | mægene rof || sægde meotude |
Andreas 1476b | / ac wæs eft swa ær || þurh | þa | æþelan miht / lof lædende || |
Andreas 1486a | þæt fram fruman cunne / eall | þa | earfeþo || þe he mid elne a |
Andreas 1522a | ndgitan || ænige hæbbe / næs | þa | wordlatu || wihte þon mare / |
Andreas 1541a | || him þæt engel forstod / se | þa | burh oferbrægd || blacan lig |
Andreas 1555b | hyred / earmlic ylda gedræg || | þa | þær an ongann / feasceaft hæ |
Andreas 1569a | sorge || gif we secaþ to him / | þa | þær andrea || orgete wearþ |
Andreas 1575b | weallende / eorlum oþ exle || | þa | se æþeling het / streamfare s |
Andreas 1584b | þe on mode / ferhþgefeonde || | þa | wæs forþ cumen / geoc æfter |
Andreas 1587b | yst forgeaf / brimrad gebad || | þa | se beorg tohlad / eorþscræf e |
Andreas 1592b | cte / ach þæs weorodes eac || | þa | wyrrestan / faa folcsceaþan || |
Andreas 1595b | ceacan / under eorþan grund || | þa | wearþ acolmod / forhtferþ man |
Andreas 1601a | can || under grund hruron / hie | þa | anmode || ealle cwædon / nu is |
Andreas 1607a | we gumcystum || georne hyran / | þa | se halga ongann || hæleþ bl |
Andreas 1613a | || gif ge teala hycgaþ / sende | þa | his bene || fore bearn godes / |
Andreas 1617a | þm || feorh gesealdon / þæt | þa | gastas || gode orfeorme / in wi |
Andreas 1620a | geweald || gefered ne wurdan / | þa | þæt ærende || ealwealdan g |
Andreas 1623a | sprecen || þeoda ræswan / het | þa | onsunde || ealle arisan / geong |
Andreas 1624b | le arisan / geonge of greote || | þa | ær geofon cwealde / þa þær |
Andreas 1625a | ote || þa ær geofon cwealde / | þa | þær ofostlice || upp astodo |
Andreas 1627b | e gefrege / eaforan unweaxne || | þa | wæs eall eador / leoþolic ond |
Andreas 1632b | aspedde / mundbyrd meotudes || | þa | se modiga het / cyninges cræft |
Andreas 1636a | lwiht || ond se flod onsprang / | þa | gesamnodon || secga þreate / w |
Andreas 1637a | || secga þreate / weras geond | þa | winburg || wide ond side / eorl |
Andreas 1643a | lde eolhstedas || anforlætan / | þa | wæs mid þy folce || fulwiht |
Andreas 1655a | ægde his fusne hige / þæt he | þa | goldburg || ofgifan wolde / sec |
Andreas 1661b | ng ne wolde / wihte gewunian || | þa | him wuldres god / on þam siþf |
Andreas 7a | u mid mildse || minre ferest / | þa | eft gewat || oþre siþe / modi |
Andreas 12a | nges ar || eagum sawon / lærde | þa | þa leode || on geleafan weg / |
Andreas 22b | / mycel modes sorg || þæt he | þa | menigeo geseah / hweorfan higeb |
Andreas 27a | gramhydiges || gang on lande / | þa | wæron gefylde || æfter frea |
Andreas 29a | a him dryhten bebead / þæt he | þa | wederburg || wunian sceolde / o |
Andreas 30a | || wunian sceolde / ongan hine | þa | fysan || ond to flote gyrwan / |
Andreas 38a | reonda leas || frofre benohte / | þa | ic lædan gefrægn || leoda w |
Andreas 42a | heortan || hyge weallende / hie | þa | gebrohton || æt brimes næss |
Andreas 44a | || wigan unslawne / stodon him | þa | on ofre || æfter reotan / þen |
Andreas 47a | olhpaþu || geseon mihton / ond | þa | weorþedon || wuldres agend / c |
The Fates of the Apostles 3a | ocum sefan || samnode wide / hu | þa | æþelingas || ellen cyþdon / |
The Fates of the Apostles 47a | || heafde beneotan / forþan he | þa | hæþengild || hyran ne wolde |
The Fates of the Apostles 58a | || ond him wæs gad nama / ond | þa | þæm folce || feorg gesealde |
The Fates of the Apostles 75a | ning || wiges to leane / næron | þa | twegen || tohtan sæne / lindge |
The Fates of the Apostles 82b | gefean / dream æfter deaþe || | þa | gedæled wearþ / lif wiþ lice |
The Fates of the Apostles 85a | elan || ealle forhogodan / þus | þa | æþelingas || ende gesealdon |
The Fates of the Apostles 116b | opigan / sendan usse bene || on | þa | beorhtan gesceaft / þæt we þ |
Soul and Body I 4a | nne se deaþ cymeþ / asyndreþ | þa | sybbe || þe ær samod wæron |
Soul and Body I 23b | wyrma gyfl / lyt geþohtest || | þa | þu lustgryrum eallum / ful gee |
Soul and Body I 57b | þe nu heonon adon || hyrsta | þa | readan / ne gold ne seolfor || |
Soul and Body I 70a | um gode || lofsang doþ / secan | þa | hamas || þe þu me her scrif |
Soul and Body I 71a | || þe þu me her scrife / ond | þa | arleasan || eardungstowe / ond |
Soul and Body I 90b | nnum beoþ / wunda onwrigene || | þa | þe on worulde ær / fyrenfulle |
Soul and Body I 116b | st / gifer hatte se wyrm || þe | þa | eaglas beoþ / nædle scearpran |
Soul and Body I 119a | on þam eorþscræfe / þæt he | þa | tungan totyhþ || ond þa te |
Soul and Body I 119b | he þa tungan totyhþ || ond | þa | teþ þurhsmyhþ / ond þa eaga |
Soul and Body I 120a | ond þa teþ þurhsmyhþ / ond | þa | eagan þurheteþ || ufan on |
Soul and Body I 132a | æt hie ær lange wæg / þonne | þa | gastas || gode word sprecaþ / |
Soul and Body I 146a | mian || þonne sceadene beoþ / | þa | synfullan || ond þa soþfæs |
Soul and Body I 146b | ne beoþ / þa synfullan || ond | þa | soþfæstan / on þam mæran d |
Homiletic Fragment I 18a | n ætywe || ænlice beoþ / swa | þa | beon beraþ || buta ætsomne / |
Homiletic Fragment I 23b | l cymeþ / swa bioþ gelice || | þa | leasan men / þa þe mid tungan |
Homiletic Fragment I 24a | ioþ gelice || þa leasan men / | þa | þe mid tungan || treowa geha |
Dream of the Rood 20a | t hit ærest ongan / swætan on | þa | swiþran healfe || eall ic w |
Dream of the Rood 27a | || þæt hit hleoþrode / ongan | þa | word sprecan || wudu selesta / |
Dream of the Rood 33b | r feondas genoge || geseah ic | þa | frean mancynnes / efstan elne m |
Dream of the Rood 35a | me wolde on gestigan / þær ic | þa | ne dorste || ofer dryhtnes wo |
Dream of the Rood 36b | word / bugan oþþe berstan || | þa | ic bifian geseah / eorþan scea |
Dream of the Rood 39a | ic fæste stod / ongyrede hine | þa | geong hæleþ || þæt wæs g |
Dream of the Rood 41b | / modig on manigra gesyhþe || | þa | he wolde mancyn lysan / bifode |
Dream of the Rood 42a | wolde mancyn lysan / bifode ic | þa | me se beorn ymbclypte || ne d |
Dream of the Rood 46b | orcan næglum || on me syndon | þa | dolg gesiene / opene inwidhlemm |
Dream of the Rood 61b | am hefian wite || forleton me | þa | hilderincas / standan steame be |
Dream of the Rood 65b | iclan gewinne || ongunnon him | þa | moldern wyrcan / beornas on ban |
Dream of the Rood 67b | gora wealdend || ongunnon him | þa | sorhleoþ galan / earme on þa |
Dream of the Rood 68a | þa sorhleoþ galan / earme on | þa | æfentide || þa hie woldon e |
Dream of the Rood 68b | lan / earme on þa æfentide || | þa | hie woldon eft siþian / meþe |
Dream of the Rood 73b | w colode / fæger feorgbold || | þa | us man fyllan ongan / ealle to |
Dream of the Rood 90a | mde || reordberendum / hwæt me | þa | geweorþode || wuldres ealdor |
Dream of the Rood 103a | n mihte || mannum to helpe / he | þa | on heofenas astag || hider ef |
Dream of the Rood 119a | eþ || beacna selest / ac þurh | þa | rode sceal || rice gesecan / of |
Dream of the Rood 122a | wunian þenceþ / gebæd ic me | þa | to þan beame || bliþe mode / |
Dream of the Rood 151b | siþfate / mihtig ond spedig || | þa | he mid manigeo com / gasta weor |
Dream of the Rood 155b | onum ær / wunedon on wuldre || | þa | heora wealdend cwom / ælmihtig |
Elene 1a | # Elene / / | þa | wæs agangen || geara hwyrftu |
Elene 7b | nisc heo / soþfæstra leoht || | þa | wæs syxte gear / constantines |
Elene 25b | nd bordum / hofon herecombol || | þa | wæron heardingas / sweotole ge |
Elene 42b | una cyme / cuþ ceasterwarum || | þa | se casere heht / ongean gramum |
Elene 69a | da gefær || fyrmest gesægon / | þa | wearþ on slæpe || sylfum æ |
Elene 94b | þesþ / geletest laþ werod || | þa | þæt leoht gewat / up siþode |
Elene 98b | aldor / on fyrhþsefan || þurh | þa | fægeran gesyhþ / heht þa onl |
Elene 99a | urh þa fægeran gesyhþ / heht | þa | onlice || æþelinga hleo / beo |
Elene 105a | cyning || tacen gewyrcan / heht | þa | on uhtan || mid ærdæge / wige |
Elene 123b | ufan / þrungon þræchearde || | þa | wæs þuf hafen / segn for sweo |
Elene 138a | lagostreame || lifes æt ende / | þa | wæs modigra || mægen on lus |
Elene 144a | huna herges || ham eft þanon / | þa | wæs gesyne || þæt sige for |
Elene 148a | || þurh his rode treo / gewat | þa | heriga helm || ham eft þanon |
Elene 150b | eaden / wigge geweorþod || com | þa | wigena hleo / þegna þreate || |
Elene 153a | f cyning || burga neosan / heht | þa | wigena weard || þa wisestan / |
Elene 153b | osan / heht þa wigena weard || | þa | wisestan / snude to sionoþe || |
Elene 154b | wisestan / snude to sionoþe || | þa | þe snyttro cræft / þurh fyrn |
Elene 157a | igeþancum || hæleþa rædas / | þa | þæs fricggan ongan || folce |
Elene 169a | secggan || be þam sigebeacne / | þa | þa wisestan || wordum cwædo |
Elene 172a | wære || ond þæs tweo nære / | þa | þæt gefrugnon || þa þurh |
Elene 172b | nære / þa þæt gefrugnon || | þa | þurh fulwihte / lærde wæron |
Elene 183a | || ond him gife sealde / þurh | þa | ilcan gesceaft || þe him gey |
Elene 194a | gana tid || dryhtne to willan / | þa | wæs on sælum || sinces bryt |
Elene 198a | st || heofonrices weard / ongan | þa | dryhtnes æ || dæges ond nih |
Elene 202b | es þeowdom / æscrof unslaw || | þa | se æþeling fand / leodgebyrga |
Elene 212a | idan feore || wergþu dreogan / | þa | wæs cristes lof || þam case |
Elene 214b | g / ymb þæt mære treo || ond | þa | his modor het / feran foldwege |
Elene 225a | endra || beboden hæfde / ongan | þa | ofstlice || eorla mengu / to fl |
Elene 229a | de sæmearas || sunde getenge / | þa | wæs orcnæwe || idese siþf |
Elene 234a | u || mægen æfter oþrum / ond | þa | gehlodon || hildesercum / bordu |
Elene 237a | wifum || wæghengestas / leton | þa | ofer fifelwæg || famige scri |
Elene 274a | þ || to hierusalem / cwomon in | þa | ceastre || corþra mæste / eor |
Elene 275b | mæste / eorlas æscrofe || mid | þa | æþelan cwen / heht þa gebeod |
Elene 276a | || mid þa æþelan cwen / heht | þa | gebeodan || burgsittendum / þa |
Elene 280a | þelhegende || on gemot cuman / | þa | þe deoplicost || dryhtnes ge |
Elene 282a | urh rihte æ || reccan cuþon / | þa | wæs gesamnod || of sidwegum / |
Elene 283b | of sidwegum / mægen unlytel || | þa | þe moyses æ / reccan cuþon | |
Elene 286b | leoda / alesen to lare || ongan | þa | leoflic wif / weras ebrea || wo |
Elene 294b | wislice / wraþe wiþweorpon || | þa | ge wergdon þane / þe eow of w |
Elene 310b | / sceþþeþ scyldfullum || ge | þa | sciran miht / deman ongunnon || |
Elene 315a | wisfæste || wordes cræftige / | þa | þe eowre æ || æþelum cræ |
Elene 317a | erhþsefan || fyrmest hæbben / | þa | me soþlice || secgan cunnon / |
Elene 320a | s || þe ic him to sece / eodan | þa | on geruman || reonigmode / eorl |
Elene 323a | hþum geomre || georne sohton / | þa | wisestan || wordgeryno / þæt |
Elene 326a | s || swa hio him to sohte / hio | þa | on þreate || þusend manna / f |
Elene 327b | manna / fundon ferhþgleawra || | þa | þe fyrngemynd / mid iudeum || |
Elene 329a | m || gearwast cuþon / þrungon | þa | on þreate || þær on þrymm |
Elene 347b | s / mægena wealdend || min on | þa | swiþran / þrymmes hyrde || þ |
Elene 357b | ances / wisdomes gewitt || ond | þa | weregan neat / þe man daga geh |
Elene 373b | e gangaþ / ond findaþ gen || | þa | þe fyrngewritu / þurh snyttro |
Elene 377a | sefan || secgan cunnen / eodan | þa | mid mengo || modcwanige / colle |
Elene 379a | swa him sio cwen bead / fundon | þa | fif hund || forþsnottera / ale |
Elene 380b | snottera / alesen leodmæga || | þa | þe leornungcræft / þurh modg |
Elene 389a | e || næfre furþur þonne nu / | þa | ge blindnesse || bote forsego |
Elene 393b | re / æþelinga ord || þeah ge | þa | æ cuþon / witgena word || ge |
Elene 394b | / witgena word || ge ne woldon | þa | / synwyrcende || soþ oncnawan / |
Elene 396a | wyrcende || soþ oncnawan / hie | þa | anmode || ondsweredon / hwæt w |
Elene 398a | t we ebreisce || æ leornedon / | þa | on fyrndagum || fæderas cuþ |
Elene 407b | þe gangaþ / sundor asecaþ || | þa | þe snyttro mid eow / mægn ond |
Elene 411a | e || þe ic him to sece / eodon | þa | fram rune || swa him sio rice |
Elene 417a | sere || þe him sio cwen wite / | þa | þær for eorlum || an reordo |
Elene 431b | sien / frod fyrngewritu || ond | þa | fæderlican / lare forleten || |
Elene 436a | rla || gif þis yppe biþ / swa | þa | þæt ilce gio || min yldra f |
Elene 15a | cyning || heriaþ ond lofiaþ / | þa | ic fromlice || fæder minum / e |
Elene 23a | unu meotudes || sawla nergend / | þa | me yldra min || ageaf ondswar |
Elene 29a | e || man aspyrigean / næfre ic | þa | geþeahte || þe þeos þeod |
Elene 42b | st onsende / sigebearn godes || | þa | siþþan wæs / of rode ahæfen |
Elene 46b | s / under þeosterlocan || ond | þa | þy þriddan dæg / ealles leoh |
Elene 52b | tes bæþ / leohtne geleafan || | þa | for lufan dryhtnes / stephanus |
Elene 56a | bæd þrymcyning / þæt he him | þa | weadæd || to wræce ne sette |
Elene 97a | odgeþanc || minne cunnon / him | þa | togenes || þa gleawestan / on |
Elene 97b | nne cunnon / him þa togenes || | þa | gleawestan / on wera þreate || |
Elene 110b | yder / þrydedon ond þohton || | þa | cwom þegna heap / to þam here |
Elene 117b | | geomormode / leodgebyrgean || | þa | hie laþod wæron / þurh heard |
Elene 119b | odon / cyþdon cræftes miht || | þa | sio cwen ongan / weras ebresce |
Elene 143a | | to woruldgedale / ne magon ge | þa | word geseþan || þe ge hwile |
Elene 144b | womma sceatum || ne magon ge | þa | wyrd bemiþan / bedyrnan þa de |
Elene 145a | ge þa wyrd bemiþan / bedyrnan | þa | deopan mihte || þa wurdon hi |
Elene 145b | / bedyrnan þa deopan mihte || | þa | wurdon hie deaþes on wenan / a |
Elene 146b | es ond endelifes || ond þær | þa | ænne betæhton / giddum gearus |
Elene 158a | mengo || wisdomes gife / þurh | þa | myclan miht || swa þin mod l |
Elene 161b | e genam / iudas to gisle || ond | þa | georne bæd / þæt he be þær |
Elene 170b | ngen þingode || ne meahte he | þa | gehþu bebugan / oncyrran rex g |
Elene 178b | gime / gewende to wædle || ond | þa | wiste wiþsæce / beteran wiþh |
Elene 180a | || þonne he bega beneah / him | þa | seo eadige || ondwyrde ageaf / |
Elene 192b | e / rice under roderum || ge he | þa | rode ne tæhte / hu mæg ic þ |
Elene 213b | feallen / under bordhagan || ge | þa | byrgenna / under stanhleoþum | |
Elene 214b | nna / under stanhleoþum || ond | þa | stowe swa some / ond þa winter |
Elene 215a | || ond þa stowe swa some / ond | þa | wintergerim || on gewritu set |
Elene 219a | þearfe || nean myndgiaþ / ond | þa | wiggþræce || on gewritu set |
Elene 244b | oncwæþ / stiþhycgende || ic | þa | stowe ne can / ne þæs wanges |
Elene 245b | an / ne þæs wanges wiht || ne | þa | wisan cann / elene maþelode || |
Elene 250b | eorþan / butan þu forlæte || | þa | leasunga / ond me sweotollice | |
Elene 252a | otollice || soþ gecyþe / heht | þa | swa cwicne || corþre lædan / |
Elene 257b | atod / clommum beclungen || ond | þa | cleopigan ongan / sarum besylce |
Elene 270a | oþ to late || seolf gecneowe / | þa | þæt gehyrde || sio þær h |
Elene 277a | wa him seo cwen bebead / stopon | þa | to þære stowe || stiþhycge |
Elene 278a | re stowe || stiþhycgende / on | þa | dune up || þe dryhten ær / ah |
Elene 297b | up geferan / in lichoman || mid | þa | leohtan gedryht / wuldres aras |
Elene 298b | uldres aras || þu geworhtest | þa | / ond to þegnunge || þinre ge |
Elene 302a | / in sindreame || syx genemned / | þa | ymbsealde synt || mid syxum e |
Elene 305a | int feower || þe on flihte a / | þa | þegnunge || þrymme beweotig |
Elene 323b | f radorum / awurpe wonhydige || | þa | sio werge sceolu / under heolst |
Elene 343a | | gif he in wuldre þin / þurh | þa | beorhtan || bearn ne wære / ge |
Elene 346b | algan wer / moyses on meþle || | þa | þu mihta god / geywdest þam e |
Elene 347b | god / geywdest þam eorle || on | þa | æþelan tid / under beorhhliþ |
Elene 363a | butan ende || ecra gestealda / | þa | of þære stowe || steam up a |
Elene 387a | e || sint in bocum his / wundor | þa | he worhte || on gewritum cyþ |
Elene 388a | e || on gewritum cyþed / ongan | þa | wilfægen || æfter þam wuld |
Elene 400a | tra fruman || larum ne hyrdon / | þa | wæs modgemynd || myclum gebl |
Elene 406b | as / eodon æþelingas || in on | þa | ceastre / asetton þa on gesyh |
Elene 407a | || in on þa ceastre / asetton | þa | on gesyhþe || sigebeamas þr |
Elene 410b | gefeah / on ferhþsefan || ond | þa | frignan ongan / on hwylcum þar |
Elene 417a | treo || rodor eal geswearc / on | þa | sliþan tid || saga gif þu c |
Elene 429b | ahofon / rædþeahtende || ymb | þa | roda þreo / oþ þa nigoþan t |
Elene 430a | nde || ymb þa roda þreo / oþ | þa | nigoþan tid || hæfdon neown |
Elene 431b | ne gefean / mærþum gemeted || | þa | þær menigo cwom / folc unlyte |
Elene 434b | a þreate / on neaweste || wæs | þa | nigoþe tid / gingne gastleasne |
Elene 435b | oþe tid / gingne gastleasne || | þa | þær iudas wæs / on modsefan |
Elene 437a | efan || miclum geblissod / heht | þa | asettan || sawlleasne / life be |
Elene 444b | olodon / þreanedum beþeaht || | þa | sio þridde wæs / ahafen halig |
Elene 455a | utan ende || eallra gesceafta / | þa | wæs þam folce || on ferhþs |
Elene 457a | nde || swa him a scyle / wundor | þa | þe worhte || weoroda dryhten |
Elene 459b | | fira cynne / lifes lattiow || | þa | þær ligesynnig / on lyft asta |
Elene 461a | astah || lacende feond / ongan | þa | hleoþrian || helledeofol / eat |
Elene 479b | rod / ræd under roderum || ic | þa | rode ne þearf / hleahtre herig |
Elene 491b | ond þec þonne sendeþ || in | þa | sweartestan / ond þa wyrrestan |
Elene 492a | eþ || in þa sweartestan / ond | þa | wyrrestan || witebrogan / þæt |
Elene 495a | g || þam þu hyrdest ær / him | þa | gleawhydig || iudas oncwæþ / |
Elene 519a | wiþedne || synna bryttan / ond | þa | wundrade || ymb þæs weres s |
Elene 528a | fe || in þæs weres breostum / | þa | wæs gefrege || in þære fol |
Elene 529a | || in þære folcsceare / geond | þa | werþeode || wide læded / mær |
Elene 540b | n meahton / cristenra gefean || | þa | sio cwen bebead / ofer eorlmæg |
Elene 549b | to teonan / cristenum folce || | þa | þam cininge wearþ / þurh þa |
Elene 550a | þa þam cininge wearþ / þurh | þa | mæran word || mod geblissod / |
Elene 551b | issod / ferhþ gefeonde || næs | þa | fricgendra / under goldhoman || |
Elene 567a | þære halgan byrig / heht hire | þa | aras || eac gebeodan / constant |
Elene 578a | agufæsten || leofspell manig / | þa | seo cwen bebead || cræftum g |
Elene 579b | ftum getyde / sundor asecean || | þa | selestan / þa þe wrætlicost |
Elene 580a | undor asecean || þa selestan / | þa | þe wrætlicost || wyrcan cu |
Elene 583b | weard / reord of roderum || heo | þa | rode heht / golde beweorcean || |
Elene 586b | besettan searocræftum || ond | þa | in seolfren fæt / locum beluca |
Elene 592a | sorge || hie sona þær / þurh | þa | halgan gesceaft || helpe find |
Elene 604a | d milde god || mihta wealdend / | þa | wæs gefulwad || se þe ær f |
Elene 623b | betere forþ / æ hælendes || | þa | gen elenan wæs / mod gemynde | |
Elene 624b | lenan wæs / mod gemynde || ymb | þa | mæran wyrd / geneahhe for þam |
Elene 630a | n || cyriacus bæd / þæt hire | þa | gina || gastes mihtum / ymb wun |
Elene 636a | inges || ryhte getæhtesþ / on | þa | ahangen wæs || hæþenum fol |
Elene 640b | / wolde ic þæt þu funde || | þa | þe in foldan gen / deope bedol |
Elene 649b | lesta / þine bene onsend || in | þa | beorhtan gesceaft / on wuldres |
Elene 654a | guþum dyrne || deogol bideþ / | þa | se halga ongan || hyge staþo |
Elene 657b | þreate / god hergendra || ond | þa | geornlice / cyriacus || on calu |
Elene 665a | gstede || wenan þorfte / leort | þa | tacen forþ || þær hie to s |
Elene 667b | res bleo / up eþigean || þær | þa | æþelestan / hæleþa gerædum |
Elene 670a | usearwe || næglas on eorþan / | þa | cwom semninga || sunnan beorh |
Elene 673a | ra willgifan || wundor cyþan / | þa | þær of heolstre || swylce h |
Elene 686a | heannesse || heofonrices god / | þa | wæs geblissod || se þe to b |
Elene 692b | þele bebead / wifes willan || | þa | wæs wopes hring / hat heafodwy |
Elene 704b | led wæs / wisdomes gife || ond | þa | wic beheold / halig heofonlic g |
Elene 708a | || sioþþan freoþode / ongan | þa | geornlice || gastgerynum / on s |
Elene 718b | earwe geneahhe || to hwan hio | þa | næglas selost / ond deorlicost |
Elene 721a | æs wære dryhtnes willa / heht | þa | gefetigean || forþsnotterne / |
Elene 757a | orþod || se þæt wicg byrþ / | þa | þæt ofstlice || eall gelæs |
Elene 762a | stream || gife unscynde / heht | þa | tosomne || þa heo seleste / mi |
Elene 762b | unscynde / heht þa tosomne || | þa | heo seleste / mid iudeum || gum |
Elene 765a | þære halgan byrig / cuman in | þa | ceastre || þa seo cwen ongan |
Elene 765b | byrig / cuman in þa ceastre || | þa | seo cwen ongan / læran leofra |
Elene 778b | | bote fundon / ece to aldre || | þa | gen him elene forgeaf / sincweo |
Elene 779b | ene forgeaf / sincweorþunga || | þa | hio wæs siþes fus / eft to e |
Elene 780b | iþes fus / eft to eþle || ond | þa | eallum bebead / on þam gumrice |
Elene 787b | / geloden under leafum || wæs | þa | lencten agan / butan siex nihtu |
Elene 795b | rþunga / rode under roderum || | þa | se ricesta / ealles oferwealden |
Elene 802a | ær me rumran geþeaht / þurh | þa | mæran miht || on modes þeah |
Riddles 10 6b | mine. / Hæfde feorh cwico, || | þa | ic of fæðmum cwom / brimes on |
Riddles 10 9a | wæron hwite || hyrste mine, / | þa | mec lifgende || lyft upp ahof |
Riddles 40 8a | tlice || worhte æt frymþe, / | þa | he þisne ymbhwyrft || ærest |
Riddles 40 36a | lærde æt frymþe, / þæt ic | þa | mid ryhte || reccan moste / þi |
The Paris Psalter 100:6 4a | ic tirfæste || treowe funde / | þa | me symble mid || sæton and e |
The Paris Psalter 100:8 4a | || gefremed habbaþ / ealle ic | þa | of drihtnes || drife ceastre |
The Paris Psalter 101:6 3a | feondas || fæste brohtan / and | þa | me heredan || hi me hraþe æ |
The Paris Psalter 101:16 1a | ogode || heora hold gebed / / # / | þa | wislice || awriten standaþ / a |
The Paris Psalter 101:18 1a | enum || her on eorþan / / # / he | þa | gehyrde || heahgnornunge / þæ |
The Paris Psalter 101:18 3a | ebundene || bitere wæron / and | þa | bealdlice || bearn alysde / þa |
The Paris Psalter 101:23 1a | || handa þinra / / # / sweotule | þa | forweorþaþ || and þu sylf |
The Paris Psalter 102:16 3b | st and gedefust || ofer ealle | þa | þe ondrædaþ him / / # / swa hi |
The Paris Psalter 102:19 3b | ne frean / mægyn and mihta || | þa | his mære word / habbaþ and he |
The Paris Psalter 103:8 1a | num || muntas on wæterum / / # / | þa | him þrea þine || þearle on |
The Paris Psalter 103:16 3a | treowwæstme || tydraþ ealle / | þa | on libanes || lædaþ on beor |
The Paris Psalter 103:16 4b | n beorge / cwice cederbeamas || | þa | þu cuþlice / sylfa gesettest |
The Paris Psalter 103:18 1b | s / / # / monan he geworhte || on | þa | mæran tid / sunne hire setlgan |
The Paris Psalter 103:23 2a | weorc || mihtig drihten / ealle | þa | þu mid snyteru || sylfa worh |
The Paris Psalter 103:26 2a | omnadum || swylce wylle / þine | þa | halgan || hand ontynan / ealle |
The Paris Psalter 103:33 1a | hten || deorne lufige / / # / and | þa | fyrenfullan || frecne forweor |
The Paris Psalter 103:33 2a | fullan || frecne forweorþaþ / | þa | on þysse eorþan synt || eal |
The Paris Psalter 104:10 1a | e || wel geheolde / / # / and him | þa | mid soþe || sægde cweþende |
The Paris Psalter 104:13 1a | ningum / / # / ne sceolon ge mine | þa | halgan || hrinan ne gretan / ne |
The Paris Psalter 104:14 1a | an || wergþe settan / / # / cwom | þa | ofer eorþan || ermþu and hu |
The Paris Psalter 104:15 3a | l wisne || wer to scealce / and | þa | bebohtan || bearn iacobes / ios |
The Paris Psalter 104:16 2b | ungre || and hine þam leodum | þa | / to ealdormen || eallum sette / |
The Paris Psalter 104:18 3a | fes mod || geseted hæfde / and | þa | yldestan || ealle lærde / þæ |
The Paris Psalter 104:22 1a | num eac || inwit fremedan / / # / | þa | he him þone mæran || moyses |
The Paris Psalter 104:26 2b | le swylce / toscean teonlice || | þa | teolum husum / on cyninga cofum |
The Paris Psalter 104:30 1a | gan || ne bearwa treow / / # / he | þa | syþþan cwæþ || sona cwoma |
The Paris Psalter 104:30 3a | | and grame ceaferas / ne mihte | þa | on moldan || man geriman / þe |
The Paris Psalter 104:32 3b | e lædde || næs þæra leoda | þa | / ænig untrum || yldra ne ging |
The Paris Psalter 104:36 3a | illan || na him gewættan fot / | þa | hi on iordane || gengdan æft |
The Paris Psalter 105:3 1b | / / # / eadige beoþ æghwær || | þa | þe a wyllaþ / soþe domas || |
The Paris Psalter 105:7 2a | || fæste ne oncneowan / ealle | þa | wundor || þe þu on egyptum / |
The Paris Psalter 105:7 5a | hi gemyndige || miltsa þinra / | þa | þu him on þære mægþe || |
The Paris Psalter 105:8 1b | cyþdest / / # / hi bysmredan || | þa | hi on brad wæter / on þone re |
The Paris Psalter 105:8 5a | generedest || on naman þinum / | þa | þu þine miht || mycle cyþd |
The Paris Psalter 105:9 2b | eþywdest / and þær wæron || | þa | wareþas drige / and hi betweon |
The Paris Psalter 105:15 1a | n mid || eac þone halgan / / # / | þa | eorþe togaan || and eall for |
The Paris Psalter 105:16 3a | nge || and þær maansceaþan / | þa | synfullan || sniome forbærnd |
The Paris Psalter 105:19 1a | dur || on þam readan sæ / / # / | þa | hi wolde toweorpan || wuldres |
The Paris Psalter 105:20 2a | hi for awyht || eorþan cyste / | þa | selestan || geseon woldan / ne |
The Paris Psalter 105:24 2a | feondætes || finees awerede / | þa | he on þam folce || feondgyld |
The Paris Psalter 105:27 4a | n blod swylce || bearna feala / | þa | unscyldige || ealle wærun / sy |
The Paris Psalter 105:30 2b | m sealde / and heora weoldan || | þa | him wyrrest ær / on feondscipe |
The Paris Psalter 106:5 1a | || feorh aþolude / / # / and hi | þa | on þære costunge || cleoped |
The Paris Psalter 106:6 1a | eþum || eallum alysde / / # / hi | þa | gelædde || lifes ealdor / þæ |
The Paris Psalter 106:8 2a | he gesedeþ || sawle idle / and | þa | hungrian || her mid godum / fæ |
The Paris Psalter 106:9 1a | leþ || to feore syþþan / / # / | þa | þe her on þystrum || þrage |
The Paris Psalter 106:11 3a | trume || ealle wæran / næfdan | þa | on foldan || fultum ænne / / # |
The Paris Psalter 106:18 1a | a duru || drencyde wæran / / # / | þa | hi on costunge || cleopedan t |
The Paris Psalter 106:22 1a | c wynsum || wide sæcgean / / # / | þa | þe sæ seceaþ || mid scipe |
The Paris Psalter 106:25 1a | heora yþa || up astigene / / # / | þa | to heofenum up || heah astiga |
The Paris Psalter 106:25 3a | || under neowulne grund / oft | þa | on yfele || eft aþindaþ / / # |
The Paris Psalter 106:26 1a | | eft aþindaþ / / # / gedrefede | þa | || deope syndan / hearde onhrer |
The Paris Psalter 106:28 3a | eoþu || weorþeþ smylte / and | þa | yþe || eft swygiaþ / bliþe w |
The Paris Psalter 106:28 4b | swygiaþ / bliþe weorþaþ || | þa | þe brimu weþaþ / / # / and he |
The Paris Psalter 106:32 3b | arig folc / geþewde þurste || | þa | blissade / / # / he þa weaxendan |
The Paris Psalter 106:33 1a | urste || þa blissade / / # / he | þa | weaxendan || wende eorþan / on |
The Paris Psalter 106:37 1a | heora || aloden wæstmum / / # / | þa | he bletsade || and hi brade |
The Paris Psalter 106:37 1b | a he bletsade || and hi brade | þa | / weoxan weorþlice || wide gre |
The Paris Psalter 106:40 1b | f / / # / þær he þearfendra || | þa | miltsude / and hi of wædle || |
The Paris Psalter 107:5 4a | þan || ealle mære / and þine | þa | gecorenan wesan || clæne and |
The Paris Psalter 107:6 5a | and ic blissige || bu gedæle / | þa | selegesceotu || þa on sycima |
The Paris Psalter 107:6 5b | u gedæle / þa selegesceotu || | þa | on sycimam nu / and on metibor |
The Paris Psalter 108:2 1a | a muþas || on ganian / / # / hio | þa | innwit feala || ywdan on tung |
The Paris Psalter 108:5 2a | mble to ealdrum / stande him on | þa | swyþeran hand || swylce deof |
The Paris Psalter 108:14 5a | ilgode wesan || deorce fyrene / | þa | his modur ær || mane fremede |
The Paris Psalter 108:27 1a | || drihten usser / / # / weorþan | þa | awyrgde || wes þu gebletsad / |
The Paris Psalter 108:27 2a | rgde || wes þu gebletsad / and | þa | þe me mid unryhte || ænige |
The Paris Psalter 108:28 1a | e || ungemete bliþe / / # / syn | þa | butan are || ealle gegyrede / |
The Paris Psalter 108:30 1b | ige / / # / he sylfa gestod || on | þa | swyþran hand / þær he þearf |
The Paris Psalter 109:6 1a | eþ || wide geond eorþan / / # / | þa | þe on wege weorþaþ || wæt |
The Paris Psalter 110:5 2b | ge soþfæstra / ryhte domas || | þa | he ræran wyle / wærun his beb |
The Paris Psalter 111:8 2b | tostredeþ / and þearfendum || | þa | gedæleþ / his soþfæstnyss w |
The Paris Psalter 112:5 4a | eardaþ || ofer ealle gesyhþ / | þa | eadmedu || æghwær begangæ |
The Paris Psalter 113:1 1a | Paris Psalter: Psalm 113 / / # / | þa | ut eode || israheles cynn / and |
The Paris Psalter 113:1 4a | acobes hus || of gramum folce / | þa | elreordige || ealle wæron / / # |
The Paris Psalter 113:2 1a | lreordige || ealle wæron / / # / | þa | wæs geworden || werude iudea |
The Paris Psalter 113:4 2a | as || bliþe sæle / and rammum | þa | || restan gelice / wæron geswy |
The Paris Psalter 113:12 1a | lla byþ || on woruldrice / / # / | þa | wæron deofulgild || deorce h |
The Paris Psalter 113:12 2b | æþenra / golde and seolfre || | þa | her geara menn / worhtan wigsmi |
The Paris Psalter 113:13 1a | as || wræste mid folmum / / # / | þa | muþ habbaþ || and ne magon |
The Paris Psalter 113:20 1a | tod || fæste æt þearfe / / # / | þa | þe a wegen || egsan dryhtnes |
The Paris Psalter 113:21 6a | etsadest || bliþe mode / ealle | þa | þe on þe || egsan hæfdan / m |
The Paris Psalter 113:24 2a | ten || deade heriaþ / ne ealle | þa | þe heonan || helle seceaþ / / |
The Paris Psalter 114:2 3a | ahyldest || and gehyrdest me / | þa | ic þe on dagum minum || dyrn |
The Paris Psalter 114:6 1b | # / drihten gehealdeþ || dome | þa | lytlan / ic hean gewearþ || he |
The Paris Psalter 115:2 1b | / # / swylce ic sylfa cwæþ || | þa | me swa þuhte / on modseofan || |
The Paris Psalter 117:12 1a | on him || georne gehælde / / # / | þa | hi me ymbsealdon || samod anl |
The Paris Psalter 117:13 3a | oll || ac ic me frofre begeat / | þa | me dryhten onfeng || swa hit |
The Paris Psalter 117:19 3a | || gode andette / soþfæste on | þa | duru || seceaþ inngang / / # / i |
The Paris Psalter 117:20 3a | est || æt heahþearfe / and me | þa | gewurde || wis on hælu / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 117:27 3a | yrdest || æt heahþearfe / and | þa | wurde me || wis to hælu / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 118:1 1b | 8 / / # / eadige beoþ on wege || | þa | þe unwemme / on hiora dryhtnes |
The Paris Psalter 118:2 1b | þ / / # / eadige beoþ swylce || | þa | þe a wyllaþ / his gewitnesse |
The Paris Psalter 118:18 3b | sceawian / wundur wræclicu || | þa | þu worhtyst ær / / # / ic eom o |
The Paris Psalter 118:19 2b | a / ne do þu me dyrne || þine | þa | deoran bebodu / / # / þæt sawul |
The Paris Psalter 118:21 2a | oferhydige || ealle þreadest / | þa | þu awyrgde || wistest gearuw |
The Paris Psalter 118:28 1b | begange / / # / min sawl aslep || | þa | me sorh begeat / for langunga | |
The Paris Psalter 118:33 3a | wegas || symble gange / and ic | þa | secan || symble mote / / # / syle |
The Paris Psalter 118:38 3a | spræce || sped leornige / and | þa | on ege þinum || ealle healde |
The Paris Psalter 118:43 2a | þu me æfre || fæle spræce / | þa | ic me on muþe || mægene hæ |
The Paris Psalter 118:48 3a | þine bebodu || bryce lufade / | þa | ic mid þysse þeode || þear |
The Paris Psalter 118:53 3a | for fyrenfulra || facendædum / | þa | hi æ þine || anforleton / / # |
The Paris Psalter 118:74 1a | ebodu || beorhte leornian / / # / | þa | þe on feore forhtigaþ || þ |
The Paris Psalter 118:74 1b | a þe on feore forhtigaþ || | þa | me on fægere geseoþ / and bli |
The Paris Psalter 118:78 1a | ine || efnast healde / / # / beon | þa | oferhydegan || ealle gescende |
The Paris Psalter 118:79 1b | gange / / # / gehweorfen to me || | þa | þe hyldu to þe / egsan ahtan |
The Paris Psalter 118:79 2b | þe / egsan ahtan || and ealle | þa | / þe þine gewitnesse || wise |
The Paris Psalter 118:87 3b | de gescrifan / ic þin gebod || | þa | ne wolde / on þysum ealdre || |
The Paris Psalter 118:97 3a | ic þæt lange dyde / þæt ic | þa | on mode || metegade georne / / # |
The Paris Psalter 118:99 1a | bebodu læste / / # / ofer ealle | þa | || þe me ær lærdon / ic þæ |
The Paris Psalter 118:101 2a | minum fotum || fæcne siþas / | þa | wraþan wegas || werede georn |
The Paris Psalter 118:109 2b | / holdum handum || ne ic þine | þa | halgan æ / on þysum ealdre fo |
The Paris Psalter 118:118 1b | / / # / ealle þu forhogodest || | þa | þe unrihtes / wæran wyrhtan | |
The Paris Psalter 118:119 2a | oferhylmend || ealle getealde / | þa | on eorþan her || yfele wæro |
The Paris Psalter 118:127 2a | þin bebod || beorhte lufode / | þa | me georne synd || golde deorr |
The Paris Psalter 118:139 1b | aldan / / # / ealles forgeaton || | þa | me grame wæron / worda þinra |
The Paris Psalter 118:139 5a | / on bearme me || gebrohte oft / | þa | þin word noldan || wel gehea |
The Paris Psalter 118:139 6a | word noldan || wel gehealdan / | þa | me feondas ær || fæste wær |
The Paris Psalter 118:140 2b | sylf swiþe hat || and symble | þa | / þin esne her || ealle lufade |
The Paris Psalter 118:144 2a | || weorþast and rihtast / and | þa | me on ece || andgyt hæbbe / sy |
The Paris Psalter 118:144 3a | ece || andgyt hæbbe / syle me | þa | to soþe || and ic syþþan l |
The Paris Psalter 118:150 2a | htend || ungemete neah aa / and | þa | synfullan || syndan ealle hi / |
The Paris Psalter 118:158 1b | n / / # / ic manige geseah || men | þa | þe noldan / heora friþowære |
The Paris Psalter 118:162 2b | / ofer þinre spræce || spede | þa | myclan / swa se biþ bliþe || |
The Paris Psalter 118:167 3a | esse || worda æghwylc / and ic | þa | lustum || lufade swiþe / / # / h |
The Paris Psalter 120:5 3a | ndbora || mihtig weorþe / ofer | þa | swiþran hand || symble æt |
The Paris Psalter 121:4 2b | n / cynn æfter cynne || cuþan | þa | drihten / and on þære gewitne |
The Paris Psalter 121:6 2a | eow bealde || beorhtere sibbe / | þa | þe on hierusalem || gode syn |
The Paris Psalter 121:6 3b | ode syndan / and geniht agun || | þa | þe neode þe / on heora lufun |
The Paris Psalter 121:8 2a | oþru || ic bidde nu / and mine | þa | neahstan || nemne swylce / þæ |
The Paris Psalter 124:1 1a | Paris Psalter: Psalm 124 / / # / | þa | þe on drihten heora || dædu |
The Paris Psalter 124:5 1a | riht || healdaþ mid gode / / # / | þa | þe gearwe beoþ || to gramum |
The Paris Psalter 125:3 3a | i gemiclade || mihtig drihten / | þa | he him wundur mid || worhte s |
The Paris Psalter 125:5 1a | healde || swiþe hlimman / / # / | þa | her on tornlicum || tearum sa |
The Paris Psalter 126:3 4a | ricene || and hraþe sittaþ / | þa | þe sares hlaf || swiþe æto |
The Paris Psalter 126:4 3b | n drihtnes / and herde bearn || | þa | her mannum beoþ / of innaþe | |
The Paris Psalter 128:2 2a | inum bæce || bitere ongunnon / | þa | firenfullan || facen timbrian |
The Paris Psalter 128:3 5a | a scamiaþ || swiþust ealles / | þa | to sione hete || swiþost hæ |
The Paris Psalter 128:6 1b | e / / # / and þæt ne cweþan || | þa | his cwide weoldan / on ofergeat |
The Paris Psalter 129:7 3a | nd he alyseþ || lustum ealle / | þa | þe hiht on hine || habbaþ f |
The Paris Psalter 131:9 3a | ierede || and gleawe nu / þine | þa | halgan || her blissiaþ / / # / f |
The Paris Psalter 131:12 5a | fes bearn || soþe treowa / and | þa | gewitnesse || þe ic hig wel |
The Paris Psalter 131:17 3a | e gegyrwe || and gode eac / his | þa | halgan her || habbaþ blisse / |
The Paris Psalter 134:6 1a | odu || eorþbuendra / / # / ealle | þa | þe wolde || worhte drihten / o |
The Paris Psalter 134:7 3a | æclicu || wind and liget / and | þa | to regne || recene wyrceþ / / # |
The Paris Psalter 134:8 4b | umbearn / æghwylc ealra || oþ | þa | nytenu / / # / he sigetacen || se |
The Paris Psalter 134:9 3a | cn fæle || folce ægipta / and | þa | pharaones || folce gecyþde / a |
The Paris Psalter 134:16 1a | olmum || fægere wyrceaþ / / # / | þa | muþ habbaþ || and ne meldia |
The Paris Psalter 134:20 2a | þe hi ær worhtan / and ealle | þa | þe on hi || æfre getreowaþ |
The Paris Psalter 134:21 5a | þe bletsien || beornas ealle / | þa | on lifes hus || leof eardiaþ |
The Paris Psalter 134:22 1a | en drihten || bliþe mode / / # / | þa | þe him ondræden || drihtnes |
The Paris Psalter 135:19 2b | e cyningas / weras wræclice || | þa | þe weoruld heoldan / / # / þær |
The Paris Psalter 135:25 2a | s aferede || feondum of handa / | þa | þe wraþe || wæron ealle / / # |
The Paris Psalter 136:4 2b | æcnum wordum / woh meldedan || | þa | us on weg læddan / / # / singaþ |
The Paris Psalter 136:8 4a | nne þu hierusalem || gegodie / | þa | nu oft cweþaþ || wutun hi i |
The Paris Psalter: Psalm 136 1a | ere || se þe eft gyldeþ / / # / | þa | þu him on ealdre || ær forg |
The Paris Psalter 137:1 4a | mine word || earum gehyrdest / | þa | ic mid muþe || and mid mode |
The Paris Psalter 137:3 1a | on neod secge / / # / ofer þine | þa | miclan || mildheortnesse / and |
The Paris Psalter 137:5 3b | hlude reorde / þines muþes || | þa | mæran word / þa on sangum || |
The Paris Psalter 137:5 4a | nes muþes || þa mæran word / | þa | on sangum || singan drihtne / / |
The Paris Psalter 138:3 2a | þu drihten || eall oncneowe / | þa | ærestan || eac þa nehstan / |
The Paris Psalter 138:3 2b | oncneowe / þa ærestan || eac | þa | nehstan / þu me gehiwadest || |
The Paris Psalter 138:10 2a | rc || butan þinre miht / þurh | þa | onlihtest niht || þæt heo b |
The Paris Psalter 138:12 4a | rc wæron || wræclice swyþe / | þa | min saul oncneow || sona geor |
The Paris Psalter 138:16 5a | eom || gif þu syþþan wylt / | þa | firenfullan || fyllan mid dea |
The Paris Psalter 138:18 1a | h || tobrecan moton / / # / ealle | þa | þe feodan || þurh facen god |
The Paris Psalter 139:2 1a | am were || þe wom fremme / / # / | þa | ealne dæg || inwit and facen |
The Paris Psalter 139:5 1a | me lungre || lifes ealdur / / # / | þa | on hyge þohtan || þæt hi a |
The Paris Psalter 139:6 1a | ce || þær ic siþade / / # / ic | þa | to drihtne cwæþ || þu me e |
The Paris Psalter 139:8 3a | yrenfulra || fæcne geþancas / | þa | wiþerwearde me || wraþe hyc |
The Paris Psalter 139:13 4a | ard niman || on þinre ansyne / | þa | mid ræde her || rihte lifige |
The Paris Psalter 140:11 3a | me ne beswice || synwyrcende / | þa | þe unrihtes || æghwær þen |
The Paris Psalter 141:4 4a | | geara ic sceawade / geseah on | þa | swyþran || ne me sylfne þæ |
The Paris Psalter 141:5 1a | mid gode || ongitan wolde / / # / | þa | me eac frecne fram || fleam g |
The Paris Psalter 141:5 2a | ne fram || fleam gedydan / næs | þa | þe mine sawle || secean wold |
The Paris Psalter 141:5 3a | e mine sawle || secean wolde / | þa | ic to þe drihten || digle cl |
The Paris Psalter 143:12 3a | merestreamum || mærum handum / | þa | me fremde bearn || fæcne syn |
The Paris Psalter 144:7 1b | de / / # / gemune þines modes || | þa | miclan geniht / þinre weþness |
The Paris Psalter 144:10 2a | lle þine weorc / and þe þine | þa | halgan || her bletsien / / # / an |
The Paris Psalter 144:15 1b | alig / / # / ahefeþ halig god || | þa | þe hreosaþ ær / and he ealle |
The Paris Psalter 145:3 2a | angeþ || gearwe onwendeþ / on | þa | eorþan || þe hi of comon / of |
The Paris Psalter 145:3 4a | | syþþan forweorþaþ / ealle | þa | geþohtas || þe hi þohtan |
The Paris Psalter 145:5 3a | || samed ætgædere / and ealle | þa | þe him on || ahwær syndon / / |
The Paris Psalter 145:7 3a | || þe ær man gebræc / swylce | þa | gefetredan || fægre drihten / |
The Paris Psalter 145:8 1a | drihten || swylce lufade / / # / | þa | elþeodigan || ealle drihten / |
The Paris Psalter 146:2 3a | breþ tidum || and to somnaþ / | þa | þe ut gewitan || of israhelu |
The Paris Psalter 146:4 2a | ne mæg || riman steorran / and | þa | neodlice || be naman sona / ful |
The Paris Psalter 146:12 2a | wel licaþ || wuldres drihtne / | þa | þe hine him ondrædaþ || d |
The Paris Psalter 148:4 2a | heofena || herian georne / and | þa | wæter swylce || þe ofer wol |
The Paris Psalter 148:5 3b | yþe / and gesceapene wærun || | þa | he sylfa het / / # / þa he on ec |
The Paris Psalter 148:6 1a | ærun || þa he sylfa het / / # / | þa | he on ecnesse || eall staþel |
The Paris Psalter 148:9 2a | s and geswyru || micle beamas / | þa | þe mæst and wæstm || mannu |
The Paris Psalter 148:14 2b | ces / he lofe leohteþ || leofe | þa | halgan / wese awa friþ || on i |
The Paris Psalter 149:5 1b | onne on wuldre gefeoþ || wel | þa | halgan / beoþ on heora husum | |
The Paris Psalter 52:2 1a | || wraþe besmitene / / # / næs | þa | goddoend || se þe god wiste / |
The Paris Psalter 52:3 1a | an furþum || ealra wære / / # / | þa | of heofenum beseah || halig d |
The Paris Psalter 52:3 2b | a bearn || hwæþer his mihta | þa | / andgyt ænig || ealra hæfde / |
The Paris Psalter 52:4 2b | || idelnesse / symle besegan || | þa | wæs soþ nan mann / þe god wo |
The Paris Psalter 52:6 2b | g drihten / liste tosceadeþ || | þa | him liciaþ / beoþ þa gehyrwe |
The Paris Psalter 52:6 3a | deþ || þa him liciaþ / beoþ | þa | gehyrwede || þe forhycggeaþ |
The Paris Psalter 54:3 2a | h || unrihtes feala / wurdon me | þa | on yrre || yfele and hefige / / |
The Paris Psalter 54:6 1a | n || þeostru niþgrim / / # / ic | þa | on mode cwæþ || hwa me seal |
The Paris Psalter 54:11 1a | || bliþe mode / / # / þeah þe | þa | ealle || þe me a feodon / word |
The Paris Psalter 54:19 4a | esmitaþ || swylce his sylfes / | þa | gewitnesse || þær hi woh fr |
The Paris Psalter 55:6 1b | le onwende / / # / on eardiaþ || | þa | þe swa þenceaþ / þæt heo g |
The Paris Psalter 56:3 1a | ode || þe me wel dyde / / # / he | þa | of heofenum || hider onsende / |
The Paris Psalter 56:5 2b | igum toþum / wæpenstrælas || | þa | me wundedon / wæron hyra tunga |
The Paris Psalter 57:4 2a | heom becume || anlic nædran / | þa | aspide || ylde nemnaþ / seo hi |
The Paris Psalter 57:5 2a | ra toþas || grame gescæneþ / | þa | hi on muþe || mycle habbaþ / |
The Paris Psalter 57:9 2a | þ || þonne he siþ ongan / hu | þa | arleasan || ealle forweorþa |
The Paris Psalter 58:12 2a | uþes scyld || manworda feala / | þa | hi mid welerum || wraþe aspr |
The Paris Psalter 58:12 4a | n oferhygde || ealle gescende / | þa | hi on lige || lange feredon / f |
The Paris Psalter 59:5 5b | dæle / sicimam et conuallem || | þa | samod wæron / on metiboris || |
The Paris Psalter 61:3 2a | mane || men ongunnon / ealle ge | þa | to deadan || dædun sona / swa |
The Paris Psalter 61:11 2a | owen / nyllan ge eow on heortan | þa | || hige staþelian / æne ic go |
The Paris Psalter 62:10 3a | || and hine heriaþ eac / ealle | þa | þe on hine || aþas sweriaþ |
The Paris Psalter 62:10 5a | synt gemyrde || muþas ealle / | þa | unriht sprecaþ || ahwær lan |
The Paris Psalter 63:3 1a | rihte || æghwær fremman / / # / | þa | heora tungan teoþ || teonan |
The Paris Psalter 64:9 2a | gancg || wiþ æfentid / ealle | þa | deman || drihten healdeþ / eor |
The Paris Psalter 65:2 1b | / and gode secgeaþ || hu his | þa | goodan weorc / syndon wundorlic |
The Paris Psalter 65:5 3a | an sæ || drige weorþaþ / and | þa | strangan mæg || streamas swy |
The Paris Psalter 65:6 4a | ealle þeode || eagum wliteþ / | þa | hine on yrre || æghwær gebr |
The Paris Psalter 65:6 5a | æghwær gebringaþ / ne beoþ | þa | on him sylfum || syþþan aha |
The Paris Psalter 65:13 4a | ifrum || teala forgulde / ealle | þa | gehat || þe ic æfre her / mid |
The Paris Psalter 67:1 3b | toworpen / fleoþ his ansyne || | þa | þe hine feodan ær / / # / rece |
The Paris Psalter 67:2 3a | ax || floweþ and mylteþ / swa | þa | fyrenfullan || frecne forweor |
The Paris Psalter 67:5 3a | nsyne wesan || ealle gedrefde / | þa | þe wydewum syn || wraþe æt |
The Paris Psalter 67:7 2a | s || mihte gelædeþ / þæt he | þa | gehæftan || hæleþ sniome / a |
The Paris Psalter 67:7 3a | hæftan || hæleþ sniome / and | þa | to yrre beoþ || ealle gecigd |
The Paris Psalter 67:10 3a | þ god || sundoryrfe / eall þu | þa | gefremest || þurh þine fæs |
The Paris Psalter 67:18 3a | esse astah || hæftned lædde / | þa | on hæftnede || hwile micele / |
The Paris Psalter 67:27 4a | ut fram þe || æfre atynde / | þa | þe seolfres beoþ || since g |
The Paris Psalter 67:28 1a | since gecoste / / # / toweorp þu | þa | þeoda # || |
The Paris Psalter 68:5 1b | eogeaþ / / # / ofer me syndon || | þa | þe me ehton / fæstum folmum | |
The Paris Psalter 68:5 4b | d ic forþ agef / unrihtlice || | þa | þe ic ne reafude ær / / # / þu |
The Paris Psalter 68:12 2a | wiþerwearde || wæron ealle / | þa | him sæton || sundor on portu |
The Paris Psalter 68:12 3b | portum / spræcon me wraþe || | þa | þe win druncon / / # / ic þonne |
The Paris Psalter 68:21 2a | e || mengdan wiþ geallan / and | þa | gedrugadne || drenctan mid ec |
The Paris Psalter 68:26 1a | minra wunda sar / / # / asete him | þa | unriht to || þe hi geearneda |
The Paris Psalter 68:32 1a | ower sawl leofaþ / / # / forþam | þa | þearfendan || þriste drihte |
The Paris Psalter 68:34 2b | eorþe / side sæflodas || and | þa | him syndon on / / # / forþon sio |
The Paris Psalter 69:2 2a | escende || and scame dreogaþ / | þa | þe mine fynd || fæcne wæro |
The Paris Psalter 69:5 1a | n || weg-la weg-la / / # / habban | þa | mid wynne || weorþe blisse / |
The Paris Psalter 69:5 2a | a mid wynne || weorþe blisse / | þa | þe secean || symble drihten / |
The Paris Psalter 70:1 3b | e sniome alys || þuruh þine | þa | swiþeran miht / / # / ahyld me |
The Paris Psalter 70:12 2a | eoþ gedrette || eac gescende / | þa | mine sawle ær || swyþust t |
The Paris Psalter 70:15 2a | grame ceapunga / ac ic on þine | þa | myclan || mihte gange / / # / ic |
The Paris Psalter 70:21 3b | wealdend / and min sawl eac || | þa | þu sylf lysdest / / # / swylce m |
The Paris Psalter 71:5 1a | arn || þriste hæleþ / / # / he | þa | hermcweþend || hyneþ and by |
The Paris Psalter 71:10 3a | of ealandum || utan cynincgas / | þa | him eardgyfu || æþele bring |
The Paris Psalter 71:11 2a | eorþiaþ || worulde cyningas / | þa | on eorþwege || ealle syndan / |
The Paris Psalter 72:11 1a | lde welan || wynnum namon / / # / | þa | ic on mode cwæþ || minum so |
The Paris Psalter 72:12 3a | weorþaþ || geboren syþþan / | þa | ylcan ic || ær foreteode / / # |
The Paris Psalter 72:13 5a | his hus || halig gange / and ic | þa | nehstan ongite || neode syþ |
The Paris Psalter 72:14 2b | l befæle / awurpe hi wraþe || | þa | hi wendan ær / þæt hi wæron |
The Paris Psalter 72:19 3a | lan || well gelæddest / and me | þa | mid wuldres || welan gename / / |
The Paris Psalter 72:22 1a | || awa to worulde / / # / forþan | þa | forweorþaþ || þe hira wynn |
The Paris Psalter 72:22 3b | settan / huru þu forleosest || | þa | forhealdaþ þe / / # / min is æ |
The Paris Psalter 73:3 7b | brohtan / gylpaþ gramhydige || | þa | þin geo ehtan / and on þinra |
The Paris Psalter 73:6 1a | adesan || ealle towurpan / / # / | þa | hi þæt þin fægere hus || |
The Paris Psalter 73:9 4a | naman þinne || nu bysmriaþ / | þa | wiþerweardan || wraþe wiþ |
The Paris Psalter 73:10 2b | s ansyne / æfre fram us || eac | þa | swyþran hand / of þinum sceat |
The Paris Psalter 73:21 2b | godra manna / soþra stefna || | þa | þe seceaþ þe / fyll þa ofer |
The Paris Psalter 73:21 3a | a || þa þe seceaþ þe / fyll | þa | oferhydigan || þa þe feogea |
The Paris Psalter 73:21 3b | þe / fyll þa oferhydigan || | þa | þe feogeaþ þe / and eft to |
The Paris Psalter 74:8 2a | t || þonne oncerreþ / nyle he | þa | dærstan him || don unbryce / f |
The Paris Psalter 74:8 4a | lon ealle || drincan synfulle / | þa | on þysse foldan || fyrene wy |
The Paris Psalter 74:9 3b | niome / swyþe beoþ ahafene || | þa | soþfæstan |
The Paris Psalter 75:4 3b | um beorgum / ealle synt yrre || | þa | þe unwise / heora heortan hige |
The Paris Psalter 75:4 6b | murne / ne þær wiht fundan || | þa | þe welan sohtan / þæs þe hi |
The Paris Psalter 75:5 3a | / iacobes god || georne slepan / | þa | þe on horsum || hwilon wæro |
The Paris Psalter 75:7 2a | | mægen andetteþ / and þonne | þa | lafe || lustum þence / þæt i |
The Paris Psalter 76:3 2b | sawle minre / fælre frofre || | þa | ic fæste god / gemyndgade || |
The Paris Psalter 76:5 1a | ne spræc ic worda feala / / # / | þa | ic ealde dagas || eft geþoht |
The Paris Psalter 76:6 1a | gear || ealle on mode / / # / ic | þa | mid heortan ongann || hycggea |
The Paris Psalter 76:7 1a | on me || georne gebysgad / / # / | þa | ic sylfa cwæþ || ic to soþ |
The Paris Psalter 76:10 1a | wundor || fæger geworhte / / # / | þa | ic metegian ongan || mænigra |
The Paris Psalter 77:2 3a | lfes muþ || secggean onginne / | þa | on worldricum || wæron æt f |
The Paris Psalter 77:3 1a | wæron æt frymþe / / # / ealle | þa | we oncneowan || cuþ ongeaton |
The Paris Psalter 77:4 1a | | æror sægdon / / # / noldan hi | þa | swiþe || heora synna dyrnan / |
The Paris Psalter 77:5 2a | ble || leofum drihtne / and his | þa | myclan miht || mænigu wundur |
The Paris Psalter 77:5 3a | myclan miht || mænigu wundur / | þa | he geworhte || wera cneorissu |
The Paris Psalter 77:7 1a | d israhelum || æ gesette / / # / | þa | he fæste bebead || fæderum |
The Paris Psalter 77:19 1a | ynlice || wætera þryþe / / # / | þa | hi hira firene || furþur eht |
The Paris Psalter 77:20 1a | ard || holdne on lande / / # / hi | þa | on heortan || hogedon to niþ |
The Paris Psalter 77:23 2a | yrde || halig drihten / he ylde | þa | gyt || and eft gespræc / wæs |
The Paris Psalter 77:25 1a | || lare forhogedon / / # / het he | þa | widan duru || wolcen ontynan / |
The Paris Psalter 77:26 1a | don to genihte / / # / and awehte | þa | || windas of heofenum / auster |
The Paris Psalter 77:26 2b | heofenum / auster ærest || and | þa | affricum / / # / him þa eac feol |
The Paris Psalter 77:27 1a | t || and þa affricum / / # / him | þa | eac feoll ufan || flæsc to g |
The Paris Psalter 77:28 1a | elas swylce / / # / and on middan | þa | wic || manige feollan / and ymb |
The Paris Psalter 77:30 1a | cyrede || sceattes willan / / # / | þa | gyt hi on muþe || heora mete |
The Paris Psalter 77:30 2a | n muþe || heora mete hæfdon / | þa | him on becwom || yrre drihtne |
The Paris Psalter 77:38 1a | lde hi to flymum gedon / / # / he | þa | manige fram him || mangewyrht |
The Paris Psalter 77:51 1a | | niþcwealm forswealh / / # / he | þa | on þam folce || frumbearna g |
The Paris Psalter 77:52 1a | umwæstme || folce chames / / # / | þa | he his folc genam || swa fæl |
The Paris Psalter 77:53 3a | rhtu || feondes egsa / ac ealle | þa | || yþa fornamon / / # / he hi þ |
The Paris Psalter 77:54 1a | a || yþa fornamon / / # / he hi | þa | gelædde || on leofre byrig / a |
The Paris Psalter 77:54 2b | n leofre byrig / and haligre || | þa | his hand begeat / / # / and he ma |
The Paris Psalter 77:56 1a | mid tane || getugan rihte / / # / | þa | israelas || æhte gesætan / hr |
The Paris Psalter 77:56 2b | hte gesætan / hrores folces || | þa | hi heanne god / gebysmredan || |
The Paris Psalter 77:59 1a | odu || worhtan and grofun / / # / | þa | þæt gehyrde || halig drihte |
The Paris Psalter 77:60 1a | n || egsan geþyde / / # / and he | þa | swa gelome wiþsoc || snytruh |
The Paris Psalter 77:61 1a | um || mihtig hæfde / / # / he hi | þa | on hæftnyd || hean gesealde / |
The Paris Psalter 77:62 1a | || on feondes hand / / # / sealde | þa | his swæs folc || sweorde und |
The Paris Psalter 77:65 1a | ra widwan || wepan mostan / / # / | þa | wearþ aweaht || wealdend dri |
The Paris Psalter 77:66 1a | þ man || wine druncen / / # / he | þa | his feondas sloh || and him |
The Paris Psalter 77:68 1a | r him wæs symble leof / / # / he | þa | anhornan || ealra gelicast / hi |
The Paris Psalter 77:69 1a | ice || wunian ece / / # / and him | þa | dauid geceas || deorne esne / a |
The Paris Psalter 78:1 2b | ece drihten / fremde þeode || | þa | þin fæle hus / ealh haligne | |
The Paris Psalter 78:12 2a | es || æþelum mægene / gegang | þa | deaþa bearn || þe hi demaþ |
The Paris Psalter 79:11 1a | || godes cedderbeam / / # / ealle | þa | telgan || þe him of hlidaþ / |
The Paris Psalter 79:15 3a | ansyne || egsan þines / ealle | þa | on ealdre || yfele forweorþa |
The Paris Psalter 82:2 2a | ine feond || fæcne forwurdan / | þa | þe fæste ær || feodan drih |
The Paris Psalter 82:8 3a | sisare || swylce iabin / ealle | þa | namon || ændor wylle / and cis |
The Paris Psalter 82:8 5a | isone || clæne hlimme / wurdan | þa | earme || eorþan to meohxe / / # |
The Paris Psalter 82:9 4a | aldrum || eallum swylce / ealle | þa | on an || ær gecwædon / þæt |
The Paris Psalter 83:4 1b | nincg / / # / eadige weorþaþ || | þa | þe eardiaþ / on þinum husum |
The Paris Psalter 83:12 2a | le god æfre || gode bedælan / | þa | þe heortan gehygd || healda |
The Paris Psalter 84:1 3b | and afyrdest eac / of iacobe || | þa | graman hæftned / / # / unriht þ |
The Paris Psalter 85:8 2a | geworhtest || wera cneorissa / | þa | þe weorþiaþ || wuldres ald |
The Paris Psalter 85:16 2b | acen / and þæt god ongitan || | þa | me georne ær / fæste feodan | |
The Paris Psalter 86:2 3b | drihtnes / eac ic gemyndige || | þa | mæran raab / and babilonis || |
The Paris Psalter 86:4 3a | þ || mann on innan / and he hi | þa | hehstan || her staþelade / / # |
The Paris Psalter 87:18 1b | / / # / þu me afyrdest || frynd | þa | nehstan / and mine cuþe eac || |
The Paris Psalter 88:2 1a | e || manna cynne / / # / forþon | þa | þu cwæde || cuþe worde / þ |
The Paris Psalter 88:4 3a | þin || wræclic standeþ / and | þa | halgan eac || hergeaþ on cyr |
The Paris Psalter 88:6 4a | slic || ofer eall manna bearn / | þa | þe on ymbhwyrfte || ahwær s |
The Paris Psalter 88:14 1a | þinne || neode herigean / / # / | þa | on þinum leohte || lifigeaþ |
The Paris Psalter 88:21 2a | is ansyne || ealle ic aceorfe / | þa | þe him feondas || fæcne syn |
The Paris Psalter 88:35 1a | his || for folcegsan / / # / hine | þa | towurpon || wegferende / and he |
The Paris Psalter 88:44 2a | e þinra esna || edwitspræce / | þa | him fracuþlice || fremde þe |
The Paris Psalter 89:11 4b | getealde / wintra on worulde || | þa | beoþ gewinn and sar / / # / us m |
The Paris Psalter 89:13 4a | t || nis þæt mann ænig / þe | þa | ariman || rihte cunne / / # / do |
The Paris Psalter 89:14 1a | iman || rihte cunne / / # / do us | þa | þine swiþran hand || drihte |
The Paris Psalter 89:14 3a | trum syn || swyþe getyde / and | þa | heora heortan || healdaþ cl |
The Paris Psalter 90:7 1a | re deoful / / # / fealleþ þe on | þa | wynstran || wergra þusend / an |
The Paris Psalter 90:7 3a | edra || tyn þusendo / on þine | þa | swiþran || and þe ne sceaþ |
The Paris Psalter 91:6 3b | onlic / ealle þær ætywaþ || | þa | þe unrihtes / on weoruldlife | |
The Paris Psalter 91:8 4a | þaþ towrecene || wide ealle / | þa | þe unrihtes || æror worhtan |
The Paris Psalter 91:13 3a | gebidan || ær to genihte / and | þa | mid geþylde || þenden sægd |
The Paris Psalter 92:1 2a | de || gode strengþe / and hine | þa | mid micle || mægene begyrde / |
The Paris Psalter 92:3 1a | ice || wlite gegyrede / / # / and | þa | ymbhwyrft || eorþan getrymed |
The Paris Psalter 93:16 3a | / ful sarlice || asliden wære / | þa | me mildheortnes || mihtigan d |
The Paris Psalter 93:17 3a | on ferhþe || fæste gestodan / | þa | me þine frofre || fægere dr |
The Paris Psalter 93:20 2a | yldeþ || god ælmihtig / ealle | þa | unriht || þe hi geearnedan / a |
The Paris Psalter 94:7 3a | folc || and his fægere sceap / | þa | he on his edisce || ær afedd |
The Paris Psalter 95:12 2a | c || fægere blisse / and ealle | þa | þe on him || eard weardiaþ / |
The Paris Psalter 98:6 3a | e sacerdas || samuhel þridda / | þa | gode his naman || neode cigda |
The Paris Psalter 98:8 1a | || þurh wolcnes swyr / / # / hi | þa | gewitnesse || wel geheoldon / a |
The Paris Psalter 98:8 3a | his bebodu || beorhte efnedan / | þa | he him sealde || and sylfa be |
The Paris Psalter 99:3 2a | syndan || and his fæle sceap / | þa | he on his edisce || ealle afe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 8a | and aleric || rice geþungon / | þa | wæs ofer muntgiop || monig a |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 17a | glond micel || eþel mærsaþ / | þa | wæs romana || rice gewunnen / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 22a | gum || ut on grecas / ne meahte | þa | seo wealaf || wige forstandan |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 46a | ta fremede || godra gehwilcum / | þa | wæs ricra sum || on rome byr |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 59b | onge / lufan and lissa || angan | þa | listum ymbe / þencean þearfli |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 66a | þæt hi æft to him / comen on | þa | ceastre || lete greca witan / r |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 68b | yrþe / lete þone leodscipe || | þa | þa lare ongeat / þeodric amul |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 74a | carcernes || cluster belucan / | þa | wæs modsefa || miclum gedref |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 77a | || he þy wyrs meahte / þolian | þa | þrage || þa hio swa þearl |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 77b | meahte / þolian þa þrage || | þa | hio swa þearl becom / wæs þa |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 78a | þa hio swa þearl becom / wæs | þa | ormod eorl || are ne wende / ne |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 81a | aht || niþer of dune / feol on | þa | flore || fela worda spræc / fo |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 25a | | þæt eow suþ oþþe norþ / | þa | ytmestan || eorþbuende / on mo |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 56a | l || swelcra lariowa / forþæm | þa | magorincas || maran wyrþe / w |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 10b | uht cunnon / ge eac swa same || | þa | þæs auht nyton / þæt hi þ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 15a | e / singallice || sibbe gecynde / | þa | þa he wolde || þæt þæt h |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 18b | þ / forþæm æfre ne magon || | þa | unstillan / woruldgesceafta || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 61b | ymeþ / wearm gewideru || hwæt | þa | wonnan niht / mona onlihteþ || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 69b | yrscwold / up ofersteppan || ne | þa | ebban þon ma / foldes mearce | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 71a | des mearce || oferfaran moton / | þa | gesetnessa || sigora wealdend |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 75a | e se eca || and se ælmihtiga / | þa | gewealdleþeru || wile onlæt |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 80b | iliaþ / gif se þioden læt || | þa | toslupan / sona hi forlætaþ | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 99b | staþolfæst gereaht || þurh | þa | strongan meaht / and geendebyrd |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 4a | s || and fyrsas swa same / wiod | þa | þe willaþ || welhwær deria |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 32a | recst || æniges þinges / ofer | þa | ane || gif þu hi ealles ongi |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 44b | æror mid / tame getede || him | þa | twigu þincaþ / emne swa merge |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 24a | aþ || wordum and dædum / wiþ | þa | unþeawas || þe we ymb sprec |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 21a | mode biþ || monna gehwilcum / | þa | rihtæþelo || þe ic þe rec |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 3a | enlic || fira gehwilcum / þæt | þa | earman men || mid ealle gedw |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 18a | hicgan meaht / þæt ge willaþ | þa | || on wuda secan / oftor micle |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 29a | mlicost || ealra þinga / þæt | þa | dysegan sint || on gedwolan w |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 31b | magon / eaþe gecnawan || hwær | þa | ecan good / soþa gesælþa || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 34a | lyst || æfter spyrian / secan | þa | gesælþa || wenaþ samwise / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 47a | ne || swa gewitlease / þæt hi | þa | soþan || gesælþa hæbben |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 2 5b | æled þes geocsa || þæt ic | þa | ged ne mæg / gefegean swa fæg |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 2 6b | a fægre || þeah ic fela gio | þa | / sette soþcwida || þonne ic |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 2 12a | l || dysine forlæddon / and me | þa | berypton || rædes and frofre |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 2 18b | / wære on weorulde || ne synt | þa | word soþ / nu þa gesælþa ne |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 2 19a | e || ne synt þa word soþ / nu | þa | gesælþa ne magon || simle g |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 19a | ne nan mærra / ne geond ealle | þa | gesceaft || efnlica þin / ne |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 34b | ynde / us is utan cymen || eall | þa | we habbaþ / gooda on grundum | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 40b | e / þines geþohtest || and hi | þa | worhtest / næs æror þe || æ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 63a | | eft togædere / habbaþ þeah | þa | feower || frumstol hiora / ægh |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 76a | d eorþe || wæstmas brengaþ / | þa | sint on gecynde || cealda ba- |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 161b | e / þu gestaþoladest || þurh | þa | strongan meaht / weroda wuldorc |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 178b | styrest and stihtest || þurh | þa | strongan meaht / þæt hire þy |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 190a | || neat buton monnum / hæfþ | þa | oþra twa || unrim wuhta / hæf |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 191a | ra twa || unrim wuhta / hæfþ | þa | wilnunga || welhwilc neten / an |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 192a | ilnunga || welhwilc neten / and | þa | yrsunga || eac swa selfe / for |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 204a | ta || sundorcræfta / hwæt þu | þa | saule || sigora waldend / þeod |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 229b | cre / ealle hi scinaþ || þurh | þa | sciran neaht / hadre on heofonu |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 235a | þu ece god || eac gemengest / | þa | heofoncundan || hider wiþ eo |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 247b | dan gesceop || and hi gefylde | þa | / swiþe mislicum || mine gefr |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 261a | t selfa || sigedrihten god / ge | þa | eagan hal || ures modes / þæt |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 265a | an mist || þe þrage nu / wiþ | þa | eagan foran || usses modes / ha |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 281b | fundiaþ / men of moldan || on | þa | mæran gesceaft |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 19b | fne swa sweotole || swa he on | þa | sunnan mæg / eagum andweardum |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 26a | || leahtras and hefignes / and | þa | unþeawas || eallunga ne mago |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 40b | etgaþ / se stioreþ a || þurg | þa | strongan meaht / þæm hrædwæ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 59a | twise || eorþan cyningas / and | þa | ofermodan || oþre rican / þe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 63a | ehtige || ælces þinges / emne | þa | ilcan || þe þis earme folc / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 3a | rihtwisum || eorþan cyningum / | þa | her nu manegum || and mislicu |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 8b | id unrime / þegna and eorla || | þa | bioþ gehyrste / mid heregeatwu |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 12a | es || cuþ wæs wide / þæt on | þa | tide || troia gewin / wearþ un |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 17b | onge þær / tyn winter full || | þa | sio tid gelomp / þæt hi þæt |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 21a | / troia burg || tilum gesiþum / | þa | þa aulixes || leafe hæfde / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 28b | æt mæste / creciscra scipa || | þa | wearþ ceald weder / stearc sto |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 38b | and halgost || swa se hlaford | þa | / þæt dysige folc || on gedwo |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 43a | nnes || cuþ is wide / þæt on | þa | tide || þeoda æghwilc / hæfd |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 49b | ton hæleþa bearn || hæfdon | þa | mægþa / ælcne æfter oþrum |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 73a | n forlætan || leofne hlaford / | þa | ongunnon wercan || werþeoda |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 83a | res hwæt || siofian scioldon / | þa | þe leon wæron || ongunnon l |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 98a | um || þe him on sæton / hwæt | þa | dysegan men || þe þysum dry |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 103a | þeah hio gedon meahte / þæt | þa | lichoman || lange þrage / onwe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 117a | a to him || æfre onwendan / ac | þa | unþeawas || ælces modes / and |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 20b | ugla cyn / oþþe wildu dior || | þa | winnaþ betwuh / æghwylc wolde |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 11a | ldmen hataþ || wænes þisla / | þa | habbaþ scyrtran || scriþe a |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 19a | ulde || þæt ne wafige / buton | þa | ane || þe hit ær wisson / þ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 22b | hwile eft / læsse geliþaþ || | þa | þe lacaþ ymb / eaxe ende || o |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 24b | oþþe micle / mare geferaþ || | þa | hire middre ymbe / þearle þr |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 31b | g / geargerimes || þær he gio | þa | wæs / hwa is weoruldmonna || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 33b | afige / hu sume steorran || oþ | þa | sæ faraþ / under merestreamas |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 9b | es weg / monan gemæro || hwæt | þa | mæran tungl / auþer oþres re |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 38b | þearft þu no wenan || þæt | þa | wlitegan tungl / þæs þeowdom |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 89a | don || wraþe toslopena / þeah | þa | ane lufe || ealla gesceafta / h |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 3 3a | æt sweorcende mod / þonne hit | þa | strongan || stormas beataþ / w |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 3 7a | þone ecan gefean / þringþ on | þa | þiostro || þisse worulde / so |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 30 11a | || ealla gesceafta / ne furþum | þa | gesceafta || þe hio gescinan |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 10a | þinra meahta sped / hwilum eac | þa | sunnan || sines bereafaþ / beo |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 22b | m selest / suþan and westan || | þa | ær se swearta storm / norþan |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 44b | lum tidum / habbaþ on hospe || | þa | þe him sindon / rihtes wisran |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 42a | er || innan swencan / forþæm | þa | twegen tregan || teoþ tosomn |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 1a | Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 / / | þa | se wisdom eft || wordhord onl |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 13b | þære rosan wlite || and eac | þa | ruman sæ / norþerne yst || ne |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 1a | Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 / / | þa | ongon se wisdom || his gewuna |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 3b | pelle / song soþcwida || sumne | þa | geta / cwæþ þæt he ne herde |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 29a | an || ungemet gemen / ac se þe | þa | ecan || agan wille / soþan ges |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 2b | hæfde / swetole areahte || he | þa | siþþan ongan / singan soþcwi |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 6a | orþan sceat || æghwam dohte / | þa | þa anra gehwæm || on eorþw |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 8a | | nis hit nu-þa swelc / næron | þa | geond weorulde || welige hama |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 12b | forþæm hiora nænig || næs | þa | gieta / ne hi ne gesawon || sun |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 17a | swa hi meahton || gemetlicost / | þa | gecynd began || þe him crist |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 21b | runcon / scir of steape || næs | þa | scealca nan / þe mete oþþe d |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 33b | þeos eorþe besmiten || awer | þa | geta / beornes blode || þe hin |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 3b | eron worhte / romwara cyning || | þa | his rice wæs / hehst under heo |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 20a | elces gamenes || gilpan lyste / | þa | he ne earnade || elles wuhte / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 25a | se ilca het || ealle acwellan / | þa | ricostan || romana witan / and |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 26a | ricostan || romana witan / and | þa | æþelestan || eorlgebyrdum / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 43a | tlu || suþ east and west / oþ | þa | norþmestan || næssan on eor |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 51b | reafian / his anwaldes || þurh | þa | ecan meaht / oþþe him his yfe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 56a | || hefig gioc slepte / sware on | þa | swyran || sinra þegena / ealra |
Metrical Psalm 93:20 2a | gyldeþ || god elmihtig / ealla | þa | unriht || þe hi gearnedæn / a |
Metrical Psalm 93:9 6b | eodum / and his ðrea ne sio || | þa | for awiht / se ðe men læreð |
The Battle of Brunanburh 53a | | afaran plegodan / gewitan him | þa | norþmen || nægledcnearrum / d |
The Battle of Brunanburh 57a | iraland || æwiscmode / swilce | þa | gebroþer || begen ætsamne / c |
The Coronation of Edgar 10b | rege / gleawra gegaderod || and | þa | agangen wæs / tyn hund wintra |
The Coronation of Edgar 13b | hyrdes || buton þær to lafe | þa | get / wæs wintergeteles || þ |
The Coronation of Edgar 16b | igora frean / þusend aurnen || | þa | þa þis gelamp / and him eadmu |
The Coronation of Edgar 19b | ca heard / wintra on worulde || | þa | þis geworden wæs / and þa on |
The Coronation of Edgar 20a | || þa þis geworden wæs / and | þa | on þam þritigoþan wæs || |
The Death of Edgar 6b | ehwær / in þisse eþeltyrf || | þa | þe ær wæran / on rimcræfte |
The Death of Edgar 16a | t || þam wæs cyneweard nama / | þa | wæs on myrceon || mine gefr |
The Death of Edgar 21b | ende lufan / metodes on mode || | þa | wæs mærþa fruma / to swiþe |
The Death of Edgar 23b | ora waldend / rodera rædend || | þa | man his riht tobræc / and þa |
The Death of Edgar 24a | þa man his riht tobræc / and | þa | wearþ eac adræfed || deormo |
The Death of Edgar 29a | es eþel || hama bereafod / and | þa | wearþ ætywed || uppe on rod |
The Death of Alfred 1a | th of Alfred / / ac godwine hine | þa | gelette || and hine on hæft |
The Death of Alfred 11a | acwealde / se æþeling lyfode | þa | gyt || ælc yfel man him gehe |
The Death of Alfred 16b | munecon / and he þar wunode || | þa | hwile þe he lyfode / syþþan |
Solomon and Saturn 6a | ac istoriam || indea rices / me | þa | treahteras || tala wisedon / on |
Solomon and Saturn 2b | hte / soþe samnode || ic sohte | þa | git / hwylc wære modes || oþ |
Solomon and Saturn 32a | g eaþost || ealra gesceafta / | þa | halgan duru || heofona rices / |
Solomon and Saturn 66a | || mærþa gesælgost / he mæg | þa | saule || of siennihte / gefecca |
Solomon and Saturn 70a | | he þone cræft briceþ / and | þa | orþancas || ealle tosliteþ / |
Solomon and Saturn 92b | t hine teswaþ || and hine on | þa | tungan sticaþ / wræsteþ him |
Solomon and Saturn 93b | him þæt woddor || and him | þa | wongan brieceþ / eoh e hiene y |
Solomon and Saturn 105b | ces / þonne hine forcinnaþ || | þa | cirican getuinnas / n and o sam |
Solomon and Saturn 169a | ice || ær he soþ wite / þæt | þa | sienfullan || saula sticien / m |
Solomon and Saturn 172b | le betynan / fyres fulle || and | þa | feondas mid / hæfde þa se sno |
Solomon and Saturn 173a | || and þa feondas mid / hæfde | þa | se snotra || sunu dauides / for |
Solomon and Saturn 15b | racena on dægred || and hine | þa | deaþ offeoll / forþan þa fol |
Solomon and Saturn 16a | ine þa deaþ offeoll / forþan | þa | foldan ne mæg || fira ænig / |
Solomon and Saturn 20b | st gewurdon / wide onwæcned || | þa | þe nu weallende / þurh attres |
Solomon and Saturn 23a | || swiþe gescæned / and ofer | þa | byrgenna || blicaþ þa hielt |
Solomon and Saturn 23b | ofer þa byrgenna || blicaþ | þa | hieltas / salomon cwæþ # || / |
Solomon and Saturn 53a | wise is || on woroldrice / ymb | þa | me fyrwet bræc || fiftig win |
Solomon and Saturn 60a | ast || seme ic þe recene / ymb | þa | wrætlican wiht || wilt þu |
Solomon and Saturn 82a | n ic hine ana onfand / and hine | þa | gebendan het || ofer brad wæ |
Solomon and Saturn 120b | niþ / se hine gelædeþ || on | þa | laþan wic / mid þa fræcnan | |
Solomon and Saturn 121a | deþ || on þa laþan wic / mid | þa | fræcnan || feonde to willan / |
Solomon and Saturn 129b | uste / swa þonne gefeallaþ || | þa | þe fyrena ær / lange læstaþ |
Solomon and Saturn 145b | menstrynde || ne beyrn þu in | þa | inwitgecyndo / saturnus cwæþ |
Solomon and Saturn 148a | g || sunu dauides / hwæt beoþ | þa | feowere || fægæs rapas / salo |
Solomon and Saturn 151a | rdene wyrda # || / þæt beoþ | þa | feowere || fæges rapas / satur |
Solomon and Saturn 169a | cwæþ # || / ac forhwan beoþ | þa | gesiþas || somod ætgædre / w |
Solomon and Saturn 236a | rum men || snæd oþþglideþ / | þa | he be leohte gesihþ || lute |
Solomon and Saturn 293b | cuþe / ende þurh insceafte || | þa | wearþ se æþelra þeoden / ge |
Solomon and Saturn 294b | eofles gehygdo || forlet hine | þa | of dune gehreosan / afielde hin |
Solomon and Saturn 295a | f dune gehreosan / afielde hine | þa | || under foldan sceatas / heht |
Solomon and Saturn 296b | ste gebindan || þæt sindon | þa | usic feohtaþ on / forþon is w |
Solomon and Saturn 298a | s witena gehwam || wopes eaca / | þa | þæt eadig onfand || engla d |
Solomon and Saturn 300a | || lare ne namon / aweorp hine | þa | of þam wuldre || and wide to |
Solomon and Saturn 10b | d / oþþæt he gewendeþ || on | þa | wyrsan hand / deofles dædum || |
The Menologium 5a | aten || heofonrices weard / swa | þa | sylfan tiid || side herigeas / |
The Menologium 24b | ter of wicum || and se wigend | þa | / æfter seofentynum || swylt |
The Menologium 45a | || swylce eac rimcræftige / on | þa | ylcan tiid || emniht healdaþ |
The Menologium 63a | eadigum to blisse / ne magon we | þa | tide || be getale healdan / dag |
The Menologium 118b | acenned / tyn nihtum eac || we | þa | tiid healdaþ / on midne sumor |
The Menologium 122b | rn / petrus and paulus || hwæt | þa | apostolas / þeodenholde || þr |
The Menologium 151b | eorxnawange || hæfde nergend | þa | / fægere fostorlean || fæmnan |
The Menologium 189b | ætgædere / on anne dæg || we | þa | æþelingas / fyrn gefrunan || |
Maxims II 2b | esyne / orþanc enta geweorc || | þa | þe on þysse eorþan syndon / |
Maxims II 9b | um bringeþ / geres wæstmas || | þa | þe him god sendeþ / soþ biþ |
Maxims II 59a | | syþþan hweorfan / and ealle | þa | gastas || þe for gode hweorf |
Metrical Charm 10: For Loss of Cattle 11b | st ahengon, gedidon him dæda | þa | wyrstan; / hælon þæt hi forh |
Instructions for Christians 3b | e ðe mænigfealdað || mycle | þa | nigone. / Syndon feower þing | |
Instructions for Christians 21a | || metas and drincas. / Ne synd | þa | þrowunga || on þissera weor |
Instructions for Christians 89a | e earman || eac aræreð / and | þa | saula swa || some geclensað |
Instructions for Christians 147a | arman || oftost geholpen / and | þa | mettruman || myclum gehælede |
Instructions for Christians 148a | uman || myclum gehælede / and | þa | nacodan eac || niowum gewered |
Instructions for Christians 184a | || eht deor-wurðes. / Ne doð | þa | ærran yfel || ænegum monna |
Grave 6b | t. / Nu me sceæl þe meten and | þa | molde seoðða. / Ne bið no þ |
Grave 14b | feste bidytt and dæð hefð | þa | cæge. / Ladlic is þet eorðhu |
The Battle of Finnsburh 2a | /nas byrnaþ / hnæf hleoþrode | þa | || heaþogeong cyning / ne þis |
The Battle of Finnsburh 13a | naþ on orde || wesaþ onmode / | þa | aras mænig goldhladen þegn |
The Battle of Finnsburh 14a | egn || gyrde hine his swurde / | þa | to dura eodon || drihtlice ce |
The Battle of Finnsburh 18a | t sylf || hwearf him on laste / | þa | gyt garulf || guþere styrde / |
The Battle of Finnsburh 23b | rninga / deormod hæleþ || hwa | þa | duru heolde / sigeferþ is min |
The Battle of Finnsburh 28a | u sylf to me || secean wylle / | þa | wæs on healle || wælslihta |
The Battle of Finnsburh 42b | e feol / drihtgesiþa || ac hig | þa | duru heoldon / þa gewat him wu |
The Battle of Finnsburh 43a | a || ac hig þa duru heoldon / | þa | gewat him wund hæleþ || on |
The Battle of Finnsburh 46a | and eac wæs his helm þyrel / | þa | hine sona frægn || folces hy |
The Battle of Finnsburh 47a | ona frægn || folces hyrde / hu | þa | wigend hyra || wunda genæson |
Waldere, Fragment II 28a | || he þær gearo findeþ / gif | þa | earnunga || ær geþenceþ / þ |
The Battle of Maldon 1a | aldon / / # || brocen wurde / het | þa | hyssa hwæne || hors forlæta |
The Battle of Maldon 4a | o handum || and to hige godum / | þa | þæt offan mæg || ærest on |
The Battle of Maldon 6a | | yrhþo geþolian / he let him | þa | of handon || leofne fleogan / h |
The Battle of Maldon 9b | nolde / wacian æt þam wige || | þa | he to wæpnum feng / eac him wo |
The Battle of Maldon 11b | an / frean to gefeohte || ongan | þa | forþ beran / gar to guþe || h |
The Battle of Maldon 13a | uþe || he hæfde god geþanc / | þa | hwile þe he mid handum || he |
The Battle of Maldon 15a | bradswurd || beot he gelæste / | þa | he ætforan his frean || feoh |
The Battle of Maldon 16a | his frean || feohtan sceolde / | þa | þær byrhtnoþ ongan || beor |
The Battle of Maldon 21a | folman || and ne forhtedon na / | þa | he hæfde þæt folc || fæge |
The Battle of Maldon 22a | || fægere getrymmed / he lihte | þa | mid leodon || þær him leofo |
The Battle of Maldon 24a | heorþwerod || holdost wiste / | þa | stod on stæþe || stiþlice |
The Battle of Maldon 46a | trynne ord || and ealde swurd / | þa | heregeatu || þe eow æt hild |
The Battle of Maldon 60a | ga || ær we gofol syllon / het | þa | bord beran || beornas gangan / |
The Battle of Maldon 70b | yl gename / se flod ut gewat || | þa | flotan stodon gearowe / wicinga |
The Battle of Maldon 72a | inga fela || wiges georne / het | þa | hæleþa hleo || healdan þa |
The Battle of Maldon 72b | þa hæleþa hleo || healdan | þa | bricge / wigan wigheardne || se |
The Battle of Maldon 76b | at / þe þær baldlicost || on | þa | bricge stop / þær stodon mid |
The Battle of Maldon 79a | e and maccus || modige twegen / | þa | noldon æt þam forda || flea |
The Battle of Maldon 80b | yrcan / ac hi fæstlice || wiþ | þa | fynd weredon / þa hwile þe hi |
The Battle of Maldon 81a | lice || wiþ þa fynd weredon / | þa | hwile þe hi wæpna || wealda |
The Battle of Maldon 82a | e hi wæpna || wealdan moston / | þa | hi þæt ongeaton || and geor |
The Battle of Maldon 84a | tere fundon / ongunnon lytegian | þa | || laþe gystas / bædon þæt |
The Battle of Maldon 87a | e ford faran || feþan lædan / | þa | se eorl ongan || for his ofer |
The Battle of Maldon 89a | laþere þeode / ongan ceallian | þa | || ofer cald wæter / byrhtelme |
The Battle of Maldon 94a | lstowe || wealdan mote / wodon | þa | wælwulfas || for wætere ne |
The Battle of Maldon 101b | ealdan / fæste wiþ feondum || | þa | wæs feohte neh / tir æt getoh |
The Battle of Maldon 106a | wæs on eorþan cyrm / hi leton | þa | of folman || feolhearde speru |
The Battle of Maldon 119b | anc gesæde / þam burþene || | þa | he byre hæfde / swa stemnetton |
The Battle of Maldon 128a | on wolde || dom gefeohtan / wod | þa | wiges heard || wæpen up ahof |
The Battle of Maldon 132a | oþrum || yfeles hogode / sende | þa | se særinc || suþerne gar / þ |
The Battle of Maldon 134a | þ || wigena hlaford / he sceaf | þa | mid þam scylde || þæt se s |
The Battle of Maldon 137b | ang / wlancne wicing || þe him | þa | wunde forgeaf / frod wæs se fy |
The Battle of Maldon 141a | ærsceaþan || feorh geræhte / | þa | he oþerne || ofstlice sceat / |
The Battle of Maldon 143a | e wæs on breostum wund / þurh | þa | hringlocan || him æt heortan |
The Battle of Maldon 145a | se eorl wæs þe bliþra / hloh | þa | modi man || sæde metode þan |
The Battle of Maldon 147a | e him drihten forgeaf / forlet | þa | drenga sum || daroþ of handa |
The Battle of Maldon 157a | ær || þearle geræhte / eode | þa | gesyrwed || secg to þam eorl |
The Battle of Maldon 160a | hringas || and gerenod swurd / | þa | byrhtnoþ bræd || bill of sc |
The Battle of Maldon 161b | e / brad and bruneccg || and on | þa | byrnan sloh / to raþe hine gel |
The Battle of Maldon 163a | hine gelette || lidmanna sum / | þa | he þæs eorles || earm amyrd |
The Battle of Maldon 164a | s eorles || earm amyrde / feoll | þa | to foldan || fealohilte swurd |
The Battle of Maldon 166b | ardne mece / wæpnes wealdan || | þa | gyt þæt word gecwæþ / har h |
The Battle of Maldon 169a | orþ || gode geferan / ne mihte | þa | on fotum leng || fæste gesta |
The Battle of Maldon 179a | helsceaþan || hynan ne moton / | þa | hine heowon || hæþene sceal |
The Battle of Maldon 180a | | hæþene scealcas / and begen | þa | beornas || þe him big stodon |
The Battle of Maldon 182a | þ and wulmær || begen lagon / | þa | onemn hyra frean || feorh ges |
The Battle of Maldon 183a | n || feorh gesealdon / hi bugon | þa | fram beaduwe || þe þær beo |
The Battle of Maldon 194a | hit ænig mæþ wære / gyf hi | þa | geearnunga || ealle gemundon / |
The Battle of Maldon 197b | asæde / on þam meþelstede || | þa | he gemot hæfde / þæt þær m |
The Battle of Maldon 200a | æt þearfe || þolian noldon / | þa | wearþ afeallen || þæs folc |
The Battle of Maldon 203a | tas || þæt hyra heorra læg / | þa | þær wendon forþ || wlance |
The Battle of Maldon 205a | en || efston georne / hi woldon | þa | ealle || oþer twega / lif forl |
The Battle of Maldon 209a | ong || wordum mælde / ælfwine | þa | cwæþ || he on ellen spræc / |
The Battle of Maldon 210a | || he on ellen spræc / gemunan | þa | mæla || þe we oft æt meodo |
The Battle of Maldon 223a | r min mæg || and min hlaford / | þa | he forþ eode || fæhþe gemu |
The Battle of Maldon 226b | wegen mid his wæpne || ongan | þa | winas manian / frynd and gefera |
The Battle of Maldon 233b | þerne bylde / wigan to wige || | þa | hwile þe he wæpen mæge / hab |
The Battle of Maldon 237b | ne / wende þæs formoni man || | þa | he on meare rad / on wlancan þ |
The Battle of Maldon 253a | || fleam he forhogode / dunnere | þa | cwæþ || daroþ acwehte / unor |
The Battle of Maldon 258a | folce || ne for feore murnan / | þa | hi forþ eodon || feores hi n |
The Battle of Maldon 259a | feores hi ne rohton / ongunnon | þa | hiredmen || heardlice feohtan |
The Battle of Maldon 270a | tunde || he sealde sume wunde / | þa | hwile þe he wæpna || wealda |
The Battle of Maldon 271a | e he wæpna || wealdan moste / | þa | gyt on orde stod || eadweard |
The Battle of Maldon 274b | æl landes / ofer bæc bugan || | þa | his betera leg / he bræc þone |
The Battle of Maldon 275b | c þone bordweall || and wiþ | þa | beornas feaht / oþþæt he his |
The Battle of Maldon 283b | byrne sang / gryreleoþa sum || | þa | æt guþe sloh / offa þone sæ |
The Battle of Maldon 293a | þegenlice || þeodne gehende / | þa | wearþ borda gebræc || brimm |
The Battle of Maldon 295b | hwod / fæges feorhhus || forþ | þa | eode wistan / þurstanes sunu | |
The Battle of Maldon 303a | eadwold || ealle hwile / begen | þa | gebroþru || beornas trymedon |
The Battle of Maldon 320b | forlet / wælspere windan || on | þa | wicingas / swa he on þam folce |
The Battle of Maldon 323b | æs þæt na se godric || þe | þa | guþe forbeah |