Number of occurrences in corpus: 146
Genesis A 143b | n, / ēċe ofer eorðan || þā | cōm | ōðer dæġ, / lēoht aefter |
Genesis A 154a | stenne || folca hrōfes. / Þa | cōm | ofer foldan || fūs sīðian / |
Genesis A 180b | oþa dæl, || ne ðǣr ǣniġ | cōm | / blōd of benne, || ac him bre |
Genesis B 255b | stm% on heofonum || þæt him | cōm | fram weoroda drihtne, / ġe·l |
Genesis B 598b | enum || þe for þǣm lārum | cōm. | / Hēo þā þæs ofetes æt, | |
Genesis B 602b | h, || þe hire for his dǣdum | cōm, | / þæt hire þūhte% hwītre | |
Genesis B 723b | le. || Swā hit him on innan | cōm, | / hrān æt heortan, || hlōh |
Genesis A 852a | orþ || libban sċolden. / Þā | cōm | fēran || frēa æl-mehtiġ / o |
Genesis A 1478b | an / āne sende. || Sēo eft ne | cōm | / tō lide flēoĝan, || ac hē |
Genesis A 1577a | lēac || līfes ēðel. / Þā | cōm | ǣrest || Cām inn sīðian, / |
Genesis A 1678b | e, / hæleþ mid handa. || Þā | cōm | hāliġ God / wera cnēo-rissa |
Genesis A 1773b | and and lēod-ġeard. || Þā | cōm | lēof Gode / on þā ēðel-tur |
Genesis A 1783a | þæt ellen-rōf / tō Sīcem% | cōm | || sīðe spēdiġ, / cynne Can |
Genesis A 1844a | nd ūs fremu sēċan’. / Þā | cōm | ellen-rōf || eorl sīðian, / |
Genesis A 1884b | / his wealdende || þā westan | cōm. | / Þǣr sē ēadĝa eft || ēċ |
Genesis A 2103b | da bisċop. || Sē mid lācum | cōm | / fyrd-rinca fruman || fæġere |
Genesis A 2450b | ·wāt / ǣfen-sċīma. || Þā | cōm | aefter niht / on lāst dæġe. |
Genesis A 2634b | oft dyde, / nerġend ūser. || | Cōm | nihtes self, / ðǣr sē wealde |
Genesis A 2712b | ǣre, || þā iċ hēr ǣrest | cōm. | / For·þon iċ þeġnum || þ |
Genesis A 2760a | swā hine Abraham bæd. / Þā | cōm | fēran || frēa æl-mehtiġ / t |
Genesis A 2793b | īfe / his selfes sunu, || þā | cōm | sōþ metod / fram on fultum, | |
Exodus 91b | hēla, || þæt ðǣr drihten | cōm | / weoroda drihten, || wīċ-ste |
Exodus 202b | wæl-nett, || þā sē wōma | cōm. | / Fluĝon frecne spell, || fēo |
Exodus 417a | be·fēng. / Þā him stīeran | cōm | || stefn of heofonum, / wuldres |
Exodus 508b | þæs herġes || hām eft ne | cōm | / ealles ungrundes || ǣniġ t |
Daniel 110a | e·hwearf || rīċe þēoden, / | cōm | on sefan hweorfan || swefnes |
Daniel 149b | ġe·rynu, || oþþæt witĝa | cōm, | / Daniel tō dōme, || sē wæs |
Daniel 178b | leþa hlyst || þā hlēoðor | cōm | / bīeman stefne || ofer burh-w |
Daniel 338a | on his wuldor-haman, / sē him | cōm | tō frōfre || and tō feorh- |
Daniel 639b | orum || oþ·þæt sē rǣswa | cōm. | / Þā wæs eft ġe·seted || i |
Daniel 662b | dra wǣr-genġa, || of wāðe | cōm, | / Nabochodonossor || of nīþ-w |
Daniel 735a | linga cynn, / oþ·þæt Daniel | cōm, | || drihtne ġe·coren, / snotor |
Christ and Satan 36b | ġesiĝan stefne: || ‘Hwǣr | cōm | engla þrymm, / þe% we on heof |
Christ and Satan 109b | on flōra. || Nū iċ fēran | cōm | / dēofla meniġu || tō þissu |
Christ and Satan 322b | a ealdor, || þe ðǣr ǣrest | cōm | / forþ on fēðan, || fæste |
Christ and Satan 391b | weorpan. || Nū þēs eġesa | cōm, | / dyne for drihtne, || sċeall |
Christ and Satan 401b | lǣdan / up tō ēðle. || Þā | cōm | engla swēġ, / dyne on dæġ-r |
Christ and Satan 424a | mǣġþe. / And ymb þrīe niht | cōm | || þeġn hǣlendes / hām tō |
Christ and Satan 455b | fǣġer, || þæt sē fēða | cōm | / up tō earde, || and sē ēċ |
Christ and Satan 563b | nd, / weoroda wealdend. || Þā | cōm | wolcna swēġ, / hāliġ of heo |
Andreas 88b | .’ / Æfter þissum wordum || | cōm | wuldres tācen / hāliġ of heo |
Andreas 124b | ngre lēorde || lēoht aefter | cōm, | / dæġrǣd-wōma. || Duĝuþ s |
Andreas 241b | / mōdiġ ġe·mētte. || Þā | cōm | morĝen-torht / bēacna beorhto |
Andreas 738b | fram stāne. || Stefn aefter | cōm, | / hlūd þurh heardne, || hlēo |
Andreas 837b | , / wann under wolcnum. || Þā | cōm | wederes blǣst, / hādor heofon |
Andreas 1219a | wunie.’ / Æfter þām wordum | cōm | || weorod unmǣte, / lyswe lār |
Andreas 1245b | lne dæġ || oþ·þæt ǣfen | cōm | / siġe-torht% swungen. || Sār |
Andreas 1269b | ofon-torht on·hlād. || þā | cōm | hæleþa þrēat / tō ðǣre d |
Andreas 1278b | sann, / wundum wēriġ. || Þā | cōm | wōpes hrinġ / þurh þæs beo |
Andreas 1311a | unian || wīċ unsȳfre. / Þā | cōm | seofona sum || tō sele ganga |
Andreas 1388a | āra || grymme ġe·fremede. / | Cōm | þā on ūhtan || mid ǣr-dæ |
Andreas 1462b | ðǣre deorcan niht. || Þā | cōm | drihten god / on þæt hlin-re |
Dream of the Rood 151b | diġ, || þā hē mid meniġe | cōm, | / gasta weorode, || on godes r |
Dream of the Rood 155b | wuldre, || þā hira wealdend | cōm, | / æl–mehtiġ god, || ðǣr h |
Elene 150b | en), / wīġe ġe·weorðod. || | Cōm | þā wiĝena hlēow / þeġna |
Elene 111b | ridodon and þōhton. || Þā | cōm | þeġna hēap / tō þām here- |
Elene 432b | mēted. || Þā ðǣr meniġu | cōm, | / folc unlȳtel || and ġe·far |
Elene 469b | m lenġ / ǣhtum wunian. || Nū | cōm | ell-þēodiġ, / þone iċ ǣr |
Elene 671a | || næġlas on eorðan. / Þā | cōm | samnunga || sunnan beorhtra / l |
Christ A 46b | þ-sang, || þā sē wealdend | cōm, | / sē þe reorda ġe·hwæs || |
Christ A 74b | ne% || þæt þē of roderum | cōm, | / hū þū ēacnunge || ǣfre o |
Christ A 290b | tan synnum. || Nān swelċ ne | cōm | / ǣniġ ōðer || ofer ealle m |
Christ A 420a | % ne cūðe, / ne þurh sǣd ne | cōm | || siĝores āĝend / mannes of |
Christ A 436b | m ēðle || ðǣr hē ǣr ne | cōm, | / on libbendra || landes wynne, |
Christ B 448b | ewdon, || þā sē æðeling | cōm, | / beorn on Betlem. || Bodan wǣ |
Christ C 1160b | ende, || þæt sē sċieppend | cōm, | / wealdende god, || þā hēo |
Guthlac A 140b | beorĝe. || Oft ðǣr brōĝa | cōm | / eġesliċ and uncūþ, || eal |
Guthlac A 148b | on bearwe, || þā sē bytla | cōm | / sē ðǣr hāliġne || hām |
Guthlac A 185b | yrd meahta, || þonne meniġu | cōm | / fēonda fǣr-sċytum || fǣh |
Guthlac A 684b | uþ and drohtaþ.’ || þā | cōm | dryhtnes ār, / hāliġ of heof |
Guthlac A 732b | e·sēfte. || Siġe-hrēðiġ | cōm | / bytla tō þām beorĝe. || H |
Guthlac A 747b | eorde, || sē þe of heofonum | cōm, | / fēondas ā·fyrde. || Hwelċ |
Guthlac B 1141b | hrēðe / sōhte sāwol-hus. || | Cōm | sē seofoþa dæġ / ieldum and |
Guthlac B 1272b | ene mōdiġ, || him of mūðe | cōm | / swæċċa swētast. || Swelċ |
Guthlac B 1282b | tiht / landes frætwa. || Þā | cōm | lēohta mǣst, / hāliġ of heo |
Guthlac B 1291b | -glōme || oþ·þæt ēastan | cōm | / ofer dēop ġe·lād || dæġ |
Guthlac B 1344a | dan || lāþ-spell tō sōþ. / | Cōm | þā frēoriġ-ferhþ || ðǣ |
Riddles 10 6b | wicu, || þā iċ of fæðmum | cōm | / brimes and bēames || on blac |
Riddles 22 1a | # Riddles 22 / / æt·samne | cōm | || [LX] manna / tō wǣġ-stæ |
Riddles 29 7a | || ġif hit swā meahte. / Þā | cōm | wundorlicu wiht || ofer weall |
Riddles 33 1a | # Riddles 33 / / Wiht | cōm | aefter wēne || wrætlicu lī |
Riddles 54 1a | # Riddles 54 / / Hyse | cōm | gangan, || ðǣr hē hīe wis |
The Descent into Hell 9a | beorĝe || blīðe% fundon%. / | Cōm | sēo murnende || Maria on dæ |
The Descent into Hell 17a | e on weġ ċierdon. / Ac ðǣr | cōm | on ūhtan || ān engla þrēa |
Azarias 54a | e wer || on his wuldor-haman, / | cōm | him þā tō āre || and tō |
Azarias 61b | m ofene%, || þā sē enġel | cōm, | / windiġ and wynsum, || wedere |
Riddles 65 2a | þeah. / Ǣr iċ wæs, eft iċ | cōm. | || ǣġhwā mec rēafaþ, / haf |
Riddles 86 1a | # Riddles 86 / / Wiht | cōm | gangan || ðǣr weras sǣton / |
Riddles 93 18b | rūn bennode; || blōd ūt ne | cōm, | / heolfor of hreðere, || þēa |
Juliana 242b | sīn-gāl ġe·sīþ. || þā | cōm | samnunga / on þæt hlin-reċed |
Juliana 563b | ēcra ēad-ġiefa.’ || þā | cōm | enġel godes / frætwum blīcan |
Juliana 614b | lǣdan, / synna lēase. || þā | cōm | samnunga / hēan helle gǣst, | |
The Wanderer 92a | ‘Hwǣr cōm mearh? || Hwǣr | cōm | maĝu? || Hwǣr cōm māðum- |
The Wanderer 92b | || Hwǣr cōm maĝu? || Hwǣr | cōm | māðum-ġiefa? / Hwǣr cōm sy |
The Wanderer 93a | r cōm māðum-ġiefa? / Hwǣr | cōm | symbla ġe·setu? || Hwǣr si |
Beowulf 419b | āwon, || þā iċ of searwum | cōm, | / fāh fram fēondum. || Þǣr |
Beowulf 430b | olca, || nū iċ þus feorran | cōm, | / þæt iċ mōte ana || and m |
Beowulf 569b | ne letton. || Lēoht ēastan | cōm, | / beorht bēacen godes; || brim |
Beowulf 702b | nnes / wēold wīde-ferhþ%. || | Cōm | on wanre niht / sċrīðan sċa |
Beowulf 710a | || beadwa ġe·þinġes. / Þā | cōm | of mōre || under mist-hliðu |
Beowulf 720a | ǣle, || heall-þeġnas fand. / | Cōm | þā tō reċede || rinċ sī |
Beowulf 825b | ǣlsod || sē þe ǣr feorran | cōm, | / snotor and swīþ-ferhþ, || |
Beowulf 1077b | ·mearn, || siþþan% morĝen | cōm, | / þā hēo under swēġle || |
Beowulf 1133b | ·binde, || oþ·þæt ōðer | cōm | / ġēar on ġeardas, || swā n |
Beowulf 1162b | n of wundₑr-fatum. || Þā | cōm | Wealh·þēow forþ / gān unde |
Beowulf 1235b | a maniĝum, || siþþan ǣfen | cōm | / and him Hrōð·gār ġe·wā |
Beowulf 1279a | īþ, || sunu dēaþ% wrecan. / | Cōm | þā tō Heorote, || ðǣr Hr |
Beowulf 1338b | s sċyldiġ || and nū ōðer | cōm | / mehtiġ mān-sċaða, || wold |
Beowulf 1506b | wylf%, || þā hēo tō botme | cōm, | / hringa þenġel || tō hofe s |
Beowulf 1600a | f || ā·broten% hæfde. / Þā | cōm | nōn dæġes. || Næss of·ġ |
Beowulf 1623a | nd þās lǣnan ġe·sċeaft. / | Cōm | þā tō lande || lid-manna h |
Beowulf 1644a | ge || medu-wangas træd. / Þā | cōm | inn gān || ealdor þeġna, / d |
Beowulf 1774b | þæs on ēðle || edwenden | cōm, | / gryn aefter gamene, || siþþ |
Beowulf 1802b | / blīþ-heort bodode. || Þā | cōm | beorht sċacan / sċaðan ōnet |
Beowulf 1888a | sē þe oft maniĝum sċōd. / | Cōm | þā tō flōde || fela-mōdi |
Beowulf 1973b | ind-ġe·stealla, || libbende | cōm, | / heaðu-lāces hāl || tō hof |
Beowulf 2009b | fangen. || Iċ ðǣr furðum | cōm | / tō þǣm hrinġ-sele || Hrō |
Beowulf 2073b | ofer grundas, || ġiest ierre | cōm, | / eatol, ǣfen-gram, || ūser n |
Beowulf 2103b | māðmum || siþþan morĝen | cōm | / and we tō simble || ġe·set |
Beowulf 2124b | mōston, || siþþan morĝen | cōm, | / dēaþ-wēriġne, || Deniġa |
Beowulf 2188b | æðeling unfram. || Edwenden | cōm | / tīr-ēadĝum menn || torna |
Beowulf 2303b | oðlīċe || oþ·þæt ǣfen | cōm; | / wæs þā ġe·bolĝen || beo |
Beowulf 2359b | bēaten. || Þonan Bēow·ulf | cōm | / selfes cræfte, || sund-nytte |
Beowulf 2404b | þ beorna; || him tō bearme | cōm | / māðᵤm-fæt mǣre || þurh |
Beowulf 2556b | e tō friclan. || Fram ǣrest | cōm | / oroþ āĝlæċan || ūt of s |
Beowulf 2669b | er þǣm wordum || wyrm ierre | cōm, | / atol inwitt-gæst, || ōðre |
Beowulf 2914b | ĝas, || siþþan Hyġe·lāc | cōm | / faran flot-herġe || on Frēs |
Beowulf 2944b | ·ġēaton, || þā sē gōda | cōm | / lēoda duĝuþe || on lāst f |
Judith 50b | ǣghwelcne || þe ðǣr inne | cōm | / hæleþa bearna || and on hin |
The Paris Psalter 104:14 1a | ĝan || wierĝþe settan. / / # / | Cōm | þā ofer eorðan || iermþu |
The Paris Psalter 105:10 5a | rencte, / þæt þāra ǣfre ne | cōm | || ān spell-boda. / / # / Siþþ |
The Paris Psalter 117:24 1a | / # / Ġe·blētsod is, sē þe | cōm | || ofer bearna ġe·hwelċ / on |
The Paris Psalter 68:2 1a | , || hafaþ lȳtle spēd. / / # / | Cōm | iċ on sǣs hryċġ, || ðǣr |
The Paris Psalter 84:10 1a | clyppeþ. / / # / Upp of eorðan | cōm | || æþelāst sōða, / be·sea |
The Paris Psalter 95:12 5a | ċan dryhtnes, / for·þon hē | cōm | || on cyne-þrymme, / þæt hē |
The Paris Psalter 97:8 1a | yhtnes; / for·þon hē ēadiġ | cōm | || eorðan tō dēmanne. / / # / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 30b | or·þǣm hit his ūtan || ne | cōm | āuht tō þē, / ac iċ ġeorn |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 59b | e Aulixes, / cyning Þracia, || | cōm | āne tō / ċēole liðan. || C |
The Battle of Brunanburh 37b | ac sē frōda || mid flēame | cōm | / on his cȳþþe norþ, || Cos |
The Death of Alfred 1a | # The Death of Alfred / / Hēr | cōm | Ælfrǣd, || sē unsċeðði |
Solomon and Saturn 170b | n sǣlum || sē þe of sīðe | cōm | / feorran ġe·fēred; || nǣfr |
Solomon and Saturn 212b | s ēðle, || þanon hit ǣror | cōm. | / Hit biþ eallinga || eorl tō |
The Seasons for Fasting 92b | e% heald || þæt þe sūðan | cōm | / fram Romana || rīċes% hīer |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 31a | % || wiþ niĝon ātrum. / Wyrm | cōm | snīcan, || tō·slāt hē% m |
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 9a | him biþ sona sēl. || / Hēr | cōm | on gangan, || on spiderwiht%, |
The Battle of Maldon 65a | orod tō þām ōðrum; / ðǣr | cōm | flōwende || flōd aefter ebb |