- Sievers
- Scansion: xxx / | / x
- Type: 0
- Bliss
- Scansion: xxxSxx
- Type: d1c
Places with this scansion (sievers)
- Genesis 1024
- Genesis 1103
- Genesis 1282
- Genesis 1302
- Genesis 1880
- Genesis 1894
- Genesis 1918
- Genesis 1949
- Genesis 2038
- Genesis 2052
- Genesis 2082
- Genesis 2098
- Genesis 2144
- Genesis 2224
- Genesis 2502
- Genesis 2660
- Genesis 2896
- Daniel 185
- Daniel 249
- Daniel 306
- Daniel 475
- Daniel 491
- Daniel 512
- Daniel 525
- Daniel 669
- Christ and Satan 121
- Christ and Satan 565
- Christ and Satan 639
- Christ and Satan 704
- Andreas 438
- Andreas 511
- Andreas 575
- Andreas 1050
- Andreas 1178
- The Fates of the Apostles 120
- Soul and Body I 98
- Elene 25
- Elene 174
- Elene 319
- Elene 325
- Elene 393
- Elene 410
- Elene 568
- Elene 579
- Elene 643
- Elene 1128
- Elene 1278
- Elene 1286
- Christ 25
- Christ 410
- Christ 476
- Christ 535
- Christ 684
- Christ 781
- Christ 794
- Christ 854
- Christ 1149
- Christ 1155
- Christ 1260
- Christ 1300
- Christ 1336
- Christ 1372
- Christ 1492
- Christ 1552
- Christ 1567
- Guthlac 168
- Guthlac 256
- Guthlac 373
- Guthlac 552
- Guthlac 594
- Guthlac 623
- Guthlac 645
- Guthlac 709
- Guthlac 855
- Guthlac 1000
- Guthlac 1001
- Guthlac 1337
- Azarias 89
- Azarias 135
- Azarias 184
- The Phoenix 395
- The Phoenix 410
- The Phoenix 543
- Juliana 214
- Juliana 301
- Juliana 328
- Juliana 505
- Juliana 649
- The Wanderer 41
- The Gifts of Men 100
- Precepts 82
- The Seafarer 99
- Widsith 85
- The Fortunes of Men 12
- The Order of the World 29
- The Order of the World 86
- The Whale 44
- The Partridge 14
- Soul and Body II 30
- Riddles 1 2
- Riddles 2 8
- Riddles 6 4
- Riddles 8 6
- Riddles 25 7
- Riddles 28 2
- Riddles 4 31
- Riddles 4 51
- Riddles 4 83
- Riddles 55 15
- The Wife's Lament 1
- The Wife's Lament 10
- The Wife's Lament 24
- The Judgment Day I 19
- The Judgment Day I 46
- Resignation 16
- Resignation 18
- Resignation 28
- Resignation 68
- Resignation 76
- The Descent into Hell 16
- The Descent into Hell 84
- Riddles 60 14
- The Husband's Message 31
- Riddles 65 5
- Waldere, Fragment II 16
- The Battle of Maldon 199
- The Battle of Brunanburh 51
- The Death of Alfred 9
- Solomon and Saturn 228
- Solomon and Saturn 377
- Solomon and Saturn 433
- Solomon and Saturn 521
- The Menologium 44
- The Menologium 122
- Maxims II 9
- The Rewards of Piety 10
- The Rewards of Piety 51
- The Gloria I 50
- Psalm 50 154
- The Seasons for Fasting 206
- Bede's Death Song, West Saxon Version 2
- The Metrical Epilogue to MS. 41, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge 9
- Metrical Charm 12: Against a Wen 2
- Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 1
- Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 23
- Metrical Charm 6: For Delayed Birth 10
Places with this scansion (bliss)
- Genesis 35
- Genesis 925a
- Genesis 1004a
- Genesis 1006a
- Genesis 1023a
- Genesis 1234
- Genesis 1283a
- Genesis 1338a
- Genesis 1704a
- Genesis 1842a
- Genesis 1883a
- Genesis 2082
- Genesis 2144
- Genesis 2363a
- Genesis 2446a
- Genesis 2743
- Genesis 2780a
- Genesis 2883a
- Exodus 8a
- Exodus 123a
- Exodus 270a
- Exodus 380a
- Exodus 419a
- Daniel 1a
- Daniel 6a
- Daniel 31a
- Daniel 160a
- Daniel 220a
- Daniel 306
- Daniel 598a
- Christ and Satan 3a
- Christ and Satan 62a
- Christ and Satan 137a
- Christ and Satan 420a
- Christ and Satan 624a
- Andreas 86
- Andreas 130a
- Andreas 142a
- Andreas 166a
- Andreas 215a
- Andreas 386a
- Andreas 427a
- Andreas 464a
- Andreas 469a
- Andreas 478
- Andreas 643a
- Andreas 704a
- Andreas 712a
- Andreas 820a
- Andreas 927a
- Andreas 936a
- Andreas 966a
- Andreas 992a
- Andreas 1004a
- Andreas 1044a
- Andreas 1137a
- Andreas 1170a
- Andreas 1175
- Andreas 1267a
- Andreas 1293a
- Andreas 1521a
- Andreas 1559a
- The Fates of the Apostles 45a
- The Fates of the Apostles 68a
- The Fates of the Apostles 114a
- Soul and Body I 17a
- Soul and Body I 82a
- Soul and Body I 98
- Soul and Body I 122
- Soul and Body I 127a
- Soul and Body I 156
- Dream of the Rood 121a
- Elene 25
- Elene 200a
- Elene 225a
- Elene 451a
- Elene 498
- Elene 517a
- Elene 619a
- Elene 798a
- Elene 900a
- Elene 912
- Elene 1147a
- Elene 1292a
- Christ 25
- Christ 183a
- Christ 191a
- Christ 284a
- Christ 370a
- Christ 410
- Christ 445a
- Christ 505a
- Christ 638a
- Christ 659a
- Christ 878a
- Christ 901a
- Christ 922a
- Christ 1011a
- Christ 1078a
- Christ 1119a
- Christ 1149
- Christ 1201a
- Christ 1229a
- Christ 1290a
- Christ 1293a
- Christ 1357a
- Christ 1372
- Christ 1397a
- Christ 1456a
- Christ 1488a
- Christ 1578a
- Guthlac 6
- Guthlac 31
- Guthlac 166a
- Guthlac 168
- Guthlac 225a
- Guthlac 281a
- Guthlac 316a
- Guthlac 342a
- Guthlac 385a
- Guthlac 459a
- Guthlac 478a
- Guthlac 645
- Guthlac 674a
- Guthlac 709
- Guthlac 822a
- Guthlac 855
- Guthlac 886a
- Guthlac 918
- Guthlac 927a
- Guthlac 1000
- Guthlac 1037a
- Guthlac 1099a
- Guthlac 1183
- Guthlac 1185
- Guthlac 1232a
- Guthlac 1240a
- Azarias 91a
- Azarias 184
- The Phoenix 151a
- The Phoenix 350a
- The Phoenix 368a
- The Phoenix 378a
- The Phoenix 395
- The Phoenix 424
- The Phoenix 453a
- Juliana 40a
- Juliana 89a
- Juliana 204a
- Juliana 270a
- Juliana 278a
- Juliana 293
- Juliana 319a
- Juliana 519a
- Juliana 596a
- The Wanderer 28a
- The Gifts of Men 37a
- Widsith 85
- Widsith 93a
- Widsith 131
- The Fortunes of Men 54a
- The Order of the World 70a
- The Whale 19a
- The Whale 44
- The Whale 52a
- The Whale 82a
- Riddles 2 8
- Riddles 8 6
- Riddles 15 14a
- Riddles 15 17a
- Riddles 2 22a
- Riddles 23 15a
- Riddles 26 13
- Riddles 27 6
- Riddles 28 2
- Riddles 28 3a
- Riddles 35 7a
- Riddles 36 10a
- Riddles 4 14a
- Riddles 4 30a
- The Wife's Lament 1
- The Wife's Lament 21
- Resignation 16
- The Descent into Hell 36a
- The Descent into Hell 56a
- The Descent into Hell 84
- The Descent into Hell 107a
- The Descent into Hell 135a
- Alms-Giving 8a
- Riddles 88 21a
- Beowulf 115a
- Beowulf 354a
- Beowulf 471a
- Beowulf 480a
- Beowulf 627a
- Beowulf 646
- Beowulf 739a
- Beowulf 843a
- Beowulf 963a
- Beowulf 1020a
- Beowulf 1071a
- Beowulf 1143a
- Beowulf 1272a
- Beowulf 1344a
- Beowulf 1363a
- Beowulf 1414a
- Beowulf 1490
- Beowulf 1592a
- Beowulf 1756a
- Beowulf 1772
- Beowulf 2194a
- Beowulf 2218a
- Beowulf 2298a
- Beowulf 2351
- Beowulf 2373a
- Beowulf 2475a
- Beowulf 2534a
- Beowulf 2569a
- Beowulf 2869
- Beowulf 2916a
- Beowulf 2939a
- Beowulf 3013a
- Judith 102a
- Judith 250
- Judith 259a
- Judith 270a
- The Battle of Finnsburh 36a
- The Battle of Maldon 51a
- The Battle of Maldon 258a
- The Battle of Maldon 266a
- Solomon and Saturn 228
- Solomon and Saturn 355a
- Solomon and Saturn 358a
- Solomon and Saturn 483a
- The Menologium 122
- The Judgment Day II 22a
- The Judgment Day II 34a
- The Judgment Day II 199a
- The Judgment Day II 209a
- The Judgment Day II 222a
- The Judgment Day II 226a
- The Judgment Day II 282a
- The Judgment Day II 283a
- The Judgment Day II 288a
- The Rewards of Piety 10
- The Lord's Prayer II 88a
- The Lord's Prayer II 111a
- The Lord's Prayer III 29a
- The Creed 23a
- The Creed 52a
- Fragment of Psalm 50 10a
- Fragment of Psalm 50 12a
- Fragment of Psalm 89 1a
- Fragment of Psalm 102 2a
- The Kentish Hymn 19a
- Psalm 50 8a
- Psalm 50 130a
- Psalm 50 156a
- A Prayer 31a
- Thureth 7a
- The Seasons for Fasting 11a
- The Seasons for Fasting 28a
- The Seasons for Fasting 48a
- The Seasons for Fasting 79a
- The Seasons for Fasting 132a
- The Seasons for Fasting 151a
- The Seasons for Fasting 217a
- The Seasons for Fasting 224a
- The Metrical Preface to the Pastoral Care 12
- The Metrical Preface to the Pastoral Care 14
- The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 10a
- The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 24a
- Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 1
- Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 23
- Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 24a
- Metrical Charm 6: For Delayed Birth 10