Number of occurrences in corpus: 63
Genesis A 105a | eworden || ac þes wida grund / | stod | deop and dim || drihtne fremd |
Genesis A 156b | / widlond ne wegas nytte || ac | stod | bewrigen fæste / folde mid flo |
Genesis A 160b | aldaþ / stowe gestefnde || þa | stod | hraþe / holm under heofonum || |
Genesis A 208b | iwra gesceafta || neorxnawong | stod | / god and gastlic || gifena gef |
Genesis A 214b | id winde || hwæþre wæstmum | stod | / folde gefrætwod || heoldon f |
Genesis B 241b | drihten / stiþferhþ cyning || | stod | his handgeweorc / somod on sand |
Genesis B 522b | elode || þær he on eorþan | stod | / selfsceafte guma || þonne ic |
Genesis B 686b | htnes heora / willan bræcon || | stod | se wraþa boda / legde him lust |
Genesis A 1397b | / ferede and nerede || fiftena | stod | / deop ofer dunum || se drencef |
Genesis A 1701b | h / samod samworht || on sennar | stod | / weox þa under wolcnum || and |
Genesis A 2075b | leode ræswan || him on laste | stod | / hihtlic heorþwerod || and h |
Genesis A 2923a | | þonne þin sylfes bearn / ad | stod | onæled || hæfde abrahame / me |
Daniel 40a | m || on eþelland / þær salem | stod | || searwum afæstnod / weallum |
Daniel 524b | æþeling || him þæs egesa | stod | / gryre fram þam gaste || þe |
Daniel 556b | afeallan || þæt ær fæste | stod | / and þonne mid deorum || drea |
Daniel 636a | gumena weard || in gylpe wæs / | stod | middangeard || æfter mandrih |
Christ and Satan 127b | mne / fah in fyrnum || fyrleoma | stod | / geond þæt atole scræf || a |
Christ and Satan 39b | wes gast || þæt he on botme | stod | / þa him þuhte || þæt þano |
Christ and Satan 44b | gemunde || þæt he on grunde | stod | / locade leas wiht || geond þ |
Andreas 254b | gegrette || se þe on greote | stod | / fus on faroþe || fægn reord |
Andreas 375b | / wædo gewætte || wæteregsa | stod | / þreata þryþum || þegnas w |
Andreas 737b | geweorc || þæt he on foldan | stod | / stan fram stane || stefn æft |
Dream of the Rood 38b | efyllan || hwæþre ic fæste | stod | / ongyrede hine þa geong hæle |
Elene 113b | / holtes gehleþa || hildegesa | stod | / þær wæs borda gebrec || on |
Guthlac A 215a | o gelyfed || ðurh lytel fæc / | stod | seo dygle stow || dryhtne in |
Guthlac A 323b | swa modgade || se wið mongum | stod | / awreðed weorðlice || wuldre |
Guthlac A 474b | ste gemynd || he wið mongum | stod | / ealdfeonda || elne gebylded / s |
Guthlac A 746a | ig ond onmod || eardes brucan / | stod | se grena wong || in godes wæ |
Riddles 56 9b | getenge || ðam ðær torhtan | stod | / leafum bihongen || ic lafe ge |
Riddles 88 9a | geond || /fgeaf / ac ic uplong | stod | || ðær ic // / ond min broðo |
The Phoenix 45a | und || wið yðfare / gehealden | stod | || hreora wæga / eadig unwemme |
Juliana 567b | orogiferne || ðær seo halie | stod | / mægða bealdor || on ðam mi |
Juliana 589b | s herges || ða gen sio halge | stod | / ungewemde wlite || næs hyre |
Juliana 592b | lic ne leoðu || heo in lige | stod | / æghwæs onsund || sægde eal |
Beowulf 32a | || lange ahte / ðær æt hyðe | stod | || hringedstefna / isig ond utf |
Beowulf 145b | wið eallum || oððæt idel | stod | / husa selest || wæs seo hwil |
Beowulf 726b | / eode yrremod || him of eagum | stod | / ligge gelicost || leoht unfæ |
Beowulf 783b | g / niwe geneahhe || norðdenum | stod | / atelic egesa || anra gehwylcu |
Beowulf 926a | ðelode || he to healle geong / | stod | on stapole || geseah steapne |
Beowulf 935b | h / husa selest || heorodreorig | stod | / wea widscofen || witena gehwy |
Beowulf 1037b | n under eoderas || ðara anum | stod | / sadol searwum fah || since ge |
Beowulf 1416b | ynleasne wudu || wæter under | stod | / dreorig ond gedrefed || denum |
Beowulf 1434b | ewinnes || ðæt him on aldre | stod | / herestræl hearda || he on ho |
Beowulf 1570b | / lixte se leoma || leoht inne | stod | / efne swa of hefene || hadre s |
Beowulf 1913b | ang / lyftgeswenced || on lande | stod | / hraðe wæs æt holme || hyð |
Beowulf 2227b | ær ðam gyste || gryrebroga | stod | / hwæðre earmsceapen || / || |
Beowulf 2313b | ht hofu bærnan || bryneleoma | stod | / eldum on andan || no ðær ah |
Beowulf 2679b | ille || ðæt hyt on heafolan | stod | / niðe genyded || nægling for |
Beowulf 2769b | oðocræftum || of ðam leoma | stod | / ðæt he ðone grundwong || o |
The Paris Psalter 104:33 3b | him þær egesa || angryslic | stod | / / # / he hi wolcne bewreah || w |
The Paris Psalter 81:1 1a | lter: Psalm 81 / / # / god mihtig | stod | || godum on gemange / and he hi |
The Paris Psalter 92:3 2a | | eorþan getrymede / swa folde | stod | || fæste syþþan / / # / gearu |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 28a | leodfruman || læstan dorsten / | stod | þrage on þam || þeod wæs |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 134b | þuren || forþæm hio þrage | stod | / ealra gesceafta || under niþ |
Metrical Psalm 92:3 2a | eorðæn getrimede / swæ folde | stod | || festæ siððæn. |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 58a | estan || ofer werðeode / crist | stod | ofer adle || ængan cundes / ic |
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 5a | tel spere || gif her inne sie / | stod | under linde || under leohtum |
The Battle of Finnsburh 35b | t and sealobrun || swurdleoma | stod | / swylce eal finnsburuh || fyre |
The Battle of Maldon 24a | rþwerod || holdost wiste / þa | stod | on stæþe || stiþlice clypo |
The Battle of Maldon 27b | am eorle || þær he on ofre | stod | / me sendon to þe || sæmen sn |
The Battle of Maldon 143b | hringlocan || him æt heortan | stod | / ætterne ord || se eorl wæs |
The Battle of Maldon 150a | elredes þegen / him be healfe | stod | || hyse unweaxen / cniht on gec |
The Battle of Maldon 271a | wealdan moste / þa gyt on orde | stod | || eadweard se langa / gearo an |