mas noun masc nom sg irreg_adj3 indeclform
mas noun masc nom sg irreg_adj3 indeclform
Number of occurrences in corpus: 95
Genesis B 286b | rincas; || mid swelcum mæġ | man | rǣd ġe·þenċan, / fōn mid |
Genesis B 318a | c% || habban sċoldon. / Worhte | man | hit him tō wīte, || hira we |
Genesis A 1956a | -berendra || forht and ācol, / | man | for metode, || þe him aefter |
Daniel 20b | es mæġensċipe, || swā nā | man | sċyle / his gāstes lufan || w |
Andreas 694b | n þōhton / metodes meahte. || | Man | eft ġe·hwearf, / yfel endelē |
Andreas 767b | a stān / mǣlde for mannum. || | Man | wrīdode / ġond beorna brēost |
Dream of the Rood 73b | ǣġer feorhbold. || þā ūs | man | fiellan on·gann / ealle tō eo |
Dream of the Rood 75a | eġes·liċ wyrd! / bedealf ūs | man | on dēopan sēaðe. || hwæð |
Elene 358a | | and þā werĝan nēat, / þe | man | daĝa ġe·hwǣm || drīfeþ |
Elene 29b | elf ne mæġ / on mold-weġe || | man | ā·spyrian. / Nǣfre iċ þā |
Elene 188a | ē hwīle nū / þurh morðres | man | || mannum dierndon.’ / Iudas |
Elene 273a | be·bēad hræðe / þæt hine | man | of nearwe || and of nīed-cli |
Elene 316b | ĝor-cynn on sweġele, || þe | man | seraphin / be naman hāteþ. || |
Elene 433b | unlȳtel || and ġe·farenne | man | / brōhton on bǣre || beorna |
Christ C 889b | slǣpe þȳ fæstan. || Þǣr | man | mæġ sorĝende folc / ġe·hī |
Christ C 1283a | ā þæt sċīre glæs, / þæt | man | īeðost mæġ || eall þurh |
Christ C 1306b | ǣre sāwle, || hwæðer him | man | sōþ þe lyġe / saĝaþ on hi |
Christ C 1308a | þā synne be·gǣþ. / Mæġ | man | swā þēah ġe·lācnian || |
Christ C 1379a | -mehtiġ: / ‘Hwæt, iċ þeċ | man | || mīnum heandum / ǣrest ġe |
Christ C 1421b | n / folcum tō frōfre. || Meċ | man | folmum be·wand, / be·þeahte |
Christ C 1600b | aþ, / menn on mōde, || þonne | man | fremmaþ%, / hwæt him sē weal |
Wulf and Eadwacer 18a | reþ wulf tō wuda. || / þæt | man | ēaðe tō·slīteþ || þ |
Riddles 35 11a | ġeatwum frætwaþ. / Wile mec | man | hwæðere sē·þeah || wīde |
Riddles 40 47a | | frætwum goldes, / þēah hit | man | ā·werġe || wīrum ūtan; / i |
The Wife's Lament 27a | | fǣhþu drēoĝan. / Hēt mec | man | wunian || on wuda bearwe, / und |
The Descent into Hell 94b | a cyninga. || / [] || nū ūs% | man | mōdġe þe / ā·ġeaf fram ū |
The Phoenix 243a | ndrod, || sumes anlīċe / swā | man | tō andlēofne || eorðan wæ |
Juliana 40a | || ġeorn on mōde, / þæt him | man | framlicost || fǣmnan ġe·ġ |
Precepts 18a | fre frēonde þīnum, / mæġe | man | ne ġe·þafa, || þȳ læs |
The Seafarer 109a | meahte ġe·līefeþ / Stīeran | man | sċeall strangum mōde% || an |
Beowulf 25b | ll / on mǣġþa ġe·hwǣre || | man | ġe·þēon. / Him þā Sċield |
Beowulf 1048b | māðmum, || swā hīe nǣfre | man | liehþ, / sē þe seċġan wile |
Beowulf 1172b | ildum wordum, || swā sċeall | man | dôn. / Bēo wiþ Ġēatas glæ |
Beowulf 1175a | orran || þū nū hafast. / Mē | man | sæġde || þæt þū þe for |
Beowulf 1398b | htiĝan drihtne, || þæs sē | man | ġe·spræc. / Þā wæs Hrōð |
Beowulf 1534b | pe mæġenes. || Swā sċeall | man | dôn, / þonne hē æt gūðe | |
Beowulf 2355b | s / hand-ġe·mōta%, || ðǣr | man | Hyġe·lāc slōh, / siþþan |
Beowulf 3175a | ā hit ġe·dēfe% biþ / þæt | man | his wine-drihten || wordum he |
Judith 291b | þe / on flēam sċacan. || Him | man | feaht on lāst, / mæġen-ēace |
The Paris Psalter 101:23 3b | ū hīe% on·wendest, || swā | man | wriġels dēþ, / and hīe bēo |
The Paris Psalter 102:15 2b | unian wīde-feorh%, || ne him | man | siþþan wāt / āhwǣr elles | |
The Paris Psalter 103:22 1b | / Mæġen-weorc on morĝen || | man | on·ġinneþ / and þæt ġe·e |
The Paris Psalter 104:30 3b | ; / ne meahte þā on moldan || | man | ġe·rīman, / þe ðǣr on fol |
The Paris Psalter 108:19 2b | , / and ġyrdelse, || þe% hine | man | ġe·lome ġyrt. / / # / Þis is |
The Paris Psalter 111:5 1a | simle æt þearfe. / / # / Glæd | man | glēaw-hydiġ, || gōd and mi |
The Paris Psalter 118:72 3b | s mūðes ġe·met, || þonne | man | mē ġiefe / ġeare þūsende | |
The Paris Psalter 118:126 2b | / Þis is wynne tīd, || þæt | man | ēac wēl dō, / drihten ūre; |
The Paris Psalter 130:4 1a | wīðe ġe·fēonde. / / # / Swā | man | æt mēder || biþ miċelum f |
The Paris Psalter 140:4 2b | en, / mūðe mīnum, || ne lǣt | man | sprecan, / and æðele dor || y |
The Paris Psalter 143:5 1a | t wiþ || ǣfre hæfdest? / / # / | Man% | biþ mearwe ġe·sċeaft, || |
The Paris Psalter 144:3 1b | # / Miċel is drihten, || hine | man | mæġene sċeall / holde mōde |
The Paris Psalter 145:7 2b | þāra manna bearn || þe ǣr | man | ġe·bræc, / swelċe þā ġe |
The Paris Psalter 55:1 1b | mē drihten, || for·þon mē | man | tredeþ, / and mē ealne dæġ |
The Paris Psalter 57:10 1a | ǣcnum blōde. / / # / And þonne | man | cweþeþ || on his mōd-sefan |
The Paris Psalter 63:6 1a | mān and unryht. / / # / Gangeþ | man | maniġ || mōdiġ on heortan, |
The Paris Psalter 63:8 2b | eall him manna ġe·hwelċ || | man | on·drǣdan / and weorc godes | |
The Paris Psalter 64:1 2a | , || drihten ūser, / þæt þe | man | on Sion || swīðe herġe / and |
The Paris Psalter 65:9 2b | e fȳre / sōðe dōme, || swā | man | seolfor dēþ, / þonne man hit |
The Paris Psalter 65:9 3a | wā man seolfor dēþ, / þonne | man | hit ā·sēoðeþ || swīðe |
The Paris Psalter 78:3 2a | lōd || on byriġ lēton / swā | man | gute wæter || ymb Hierusāle |
The Paris Psalter 83:11 2a | þ || ġeornast ealles, / þæt | man | sīe mild-heort || mōde sō |
The Paris Psalter 91:1 1a | : Psalm 91 / / # / Gōd is, þæt | man | drihtne || ġeare andette / and |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 39b | is cræftes be·niman, || þe | man | on·ċierran mæġ / sunnan on |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 53a | rþ-ġe·witene; / nāt nǣniġ | man | || hwǣr hīe nū sindon. / Hw |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 14 4b | wæs, / ǣhta unrīm || and him | man | erġan sċyle / ǣġhwelċe dæ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 21a | | þæt we witan ealle, / þæt | man | sēċan sċeall || be sǣ-war |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 43a | wan sċeall. / Hū mæġ ǣniġ | man | || andsware findan / þinga ǣn |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 49a | ādsċipes? / Nis þēah ǣniġ | man | || þætte ealles swā / þæs |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 22a | r-wina || tō fultemaþ. / Ġif | man | þonne wolde || him ā·winda |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 16a | þearfe, || sume neod-fræce. / | Man | ana gæþ || metodes ġe·sċ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 37b | s / weorþ on weorolde, || ġif | man | his willan on·ġeat / yfelne m |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 51a | ia || swefele bierneþ, / þæt | man | helle fȳr || hāteþ wīde, / |
The Death of Edgar 23b | dend, / rodera rǣdend, || þā | man | his riht tō·bræc. / And þā |
Solomon and Saturn 156b | mǣrþu. || For·þon nǣniġ | man | sċyle / oft or-þances || ūt |
Solomon and Saturn 12b | ǣniġ, / þone mearc-stede, || | man | ġe·sēċan, / fuĝol ġe·fl |
Solomon and Saturn 272b | eorðan cynnes, || þāra þe | man | āĝe, / þe dēaþ ā·bǣde, |
Solomon and Saturn 275a | -cwide || ā·runnen / and hine | man | ānnunga || ūt ā·banne?’ |
The Menologium 73a | naþ || tō ūs cymeþ, / þæt | man | reliquias || rǣran on·ġinn |
The Menologium 229b | aĝon / hāliġra tīda% || þe | man | healdan sċeall, / swā be·bū |
Maxims II 45a | folce ġe·þēon / þæt hīe | man | bēaĝum ġe·byċġe. || Bri |
The Judgment Day II 84b | s; / nū is hāl-wende || þæt | man | hēr wepe / and dǣd-bōte dō |
The Judgment Day II 144b | ·līċe ā·līefed || þæt | man | lange hǣl. / Ufenan eall þis |
The Judgment Day II 148a | ðǣr nan fore-steall, / ne him | man | nā ne mæġ || meaht for·wi |
Psalm 50 16a | þōhtas. / Ġe·lamp þæt him | man | on·sende || sāwla nerġend, |
The Seasons for Fasting 49b | enes, / on þǣm mōnþe || þe | man | Martius / ġond Rom-wara || rī |
The Seasons for Fasting 62a | | þæs þe mē þynceþ, / þe | man | Iunius || ġēarum nemde. / Þo |
The Seasons for Fasting 70a | e, || mīne ġe·frǣġe, / þe | man | September || ġe·nemneþ. / W |
Metrical Charm 10: For Loss of Cattle 1a | n þonne his ċēapa hwelcne% | man | for- || / stolenne%. Cweþ% ǣ |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 26a | h ne ġe·sealde / siþþan him | man | mæġ.an || tō mete ġe·ġi |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 31b | m snīcan, || tō·slāt hē% | man%; | / þā ġe·nam Woden || [VIIII |
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 1a | Against ā Dwarf / / Wiþ dweorh | man | sċeall niman [VII] lȳtle of |
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 2a | ȳtle of·lǣtan, swelċe || / | man | mid ofrað, and writan% þās |
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 5a | þæt || / hēr aefter cweþ, | man | sċeall singan, ǣrest on þ |
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 8a | on || / his swēoran, and dō | man | swā þrīe daĝas; him biþ |
Metrical Charm 5: For Loss of Cattle 1a | or Loss of Cattle / / Þonne þe | man | ǣrest seċġe þæt þīn ċ |