Number of occurrences in corpus: 960
Genesis A 228a | þæs þe us seċġaþ bēċ. / | Þonne | sēo æftre || Ethiopia / land |
Genesis B 258b | ǣm lēohte ġe·sċerede || | þonne | læte% hē his hine lange wea |
Genesis B 270a | n and cræft || māran hæfde / | þonne | sē hālĝa God || habban mih |
Genesis B 315a | ·hwelċ, || fȳr ed·nīewe, / | þonne | cymþ on ūhtan || ēasterne |
Genesis B 370b | / wesan āne winter-stunde, || | þonne | iċ mid þȳs weorode. / Ac li |
Genesis B 405b | mid his worde be·bēad. || | Þonne | weorþ hē him wrāþ on mōd |
Genesis B 406b | hwet hīe fram his hyldu. || | Þonne | sċulon hīe þās helle sē |
Genesis B 407b | and þās grimman grundas. || | Þonne | mōton we hīe ūs tō ġungr |
Genesis B 412a | æfdon ūre setla ġe·weald, / | þonne | hē mē nā on lēofran tīd |
Genesis B 430b | recaþ his ġe·bodsċipe, || | þonne | hē him ā·bolĝen wurðeþ; |
Genesis B 476b | u% / on þone hēan heofon, || | þonne | hē% heonan wēnde. / Þonne w |
Genesis B 477a | || þonne hē% heonan wēnde. / | Þonne | wæs sē ōðer || eallinga s |
Genesis B 487a | his līfes nēotan, / sēċan | þonne | landa || sweartost on fȳre. / |
Genesis B 523b | stōd, / self-sċeafte guma: || | ‘Þonne | iċ siġe-drihten, / mihtiġne |
Genesis B 553b | e bodsċipe / selfa seċġe, || | þonne | iċ of þȳs sīðe cume / ofer |
Genesis B 561a | ordum hīeran, / þū meaht his | þonne | rūme || rǣd ġe·þenċan. / |
Genesis B 564b | īsie. / Æt þisses ofetes. || | Þonne | wurðaþ þīn ēaĝan swa l |
Genesis B 619b | ne sidu / lǣst mīna lāra, || | þonne | ġiefe iċ him þæs lēohtes |
Genesis B 624a | ran sċulon || aefter libban: / | þonne | hīe lāþ ġe·dōþ, || hī |
Genesis B 635b | ll wā / þe hine ne warnaþ || | þonne | hē his ġe·weald hafaþ. / Su |
Genesis B 660b | c betere / tō ġe·winnenne || | þonne | his wiðer·mēdu. / Ġif þū |
Genesis B 826b | on þīnum% hyġe hrēowan || | þonne | hit mē æt heortan dēþ’. |
Genesis A 963b | ġran / fremena ġe·hwelcre || | þonne | sē frum-stōl wæs / þe hīe |
Genesis A 1103b | an / fyll and feorh-cwealm, || | þonne | iċ forþ sċêo’. / Þā wea |
Genesis A 1207b | n dôþ, / ġunge and ealde, || | þonne | him God hira / ǣhta and æt-wi |
Genesis A 1300b | habban / mid sunum þīnum, || | þonne | sweart wæter, / wanne wæl-str |
Genesis A 1355a | ūtan bēoþ || earce bordum / | þonne | sweart racu || stīĝan on· |
Genesis A 1540b | -tācen / maĝon sċēawian, || | þonne | iċ sċūr-boĝan / mīnne īew |
Genesis A 1826a | te wlītan || wlance maniġe, / | þonne | æðelinga || eorlas wēnaþ, |
Genesis A 1833b | ostor min, / līċes mǣġe, || | þonne | þē lēod-weras / fremde friċ |
Genesis A 2190b | en bearn / frætwa healdeþ, || | þonne | þīn flǣsċ liġeþ. / Sċēa |
Genesis A 2395a | idese biþ || eafora wæcned. / | Þonne | iċ þās īlcan || ōðre s |
Genesis A 2790b | fe dǣleþ / on lāste þē, || | þonne | þū of līċe / ealdor ā·sen |
Genesis A 2858b | u mid sweordes eċġe, || and | þonne | sweartan līeġe / lēofes lī |
Genesis A 2922b | ēofre% his / sibb and hyldu || | þonne | þīn selfes bearn’. / Ād st |
Exodus 325a | m libbendum || lange þolian, / | þonne | hīe tō gūðe || gār-wudu |
Exodus 373b | ·teled rīme / mis-miċelra || | þonne | menn cunnon, / snotor sǣ-lēod |
Exodus 410a | f-daĝas || lēofran ne wisse / | þonne | hē hȳrde || heofon-cyninġe |
Exodus 429a | s word, || wīdra% and sīdra / | þonne | be·fæðman mæġe || foldan |
Exodus 544a | el-stede || maniĝum dēmeþ, / | þonne | hē sōþfæstra || sāwla l |
Daniel 249b | t ġe·slōh / miċele māre || | þonne | ġe·met wǣre. / Þā sē līe |
Daniel 275a | || ealles ġe·līcost / efene | þonne | on sumera || sunne sċīeneþ |
Daniel 347a | ynsum, || wedere ġe·līcost / | þonne | hit on sumeres tīd || sended |
Daniel 429b | īen on þǣm lāðe || lenġ | þonne | þū þurfe’. / Hēt þā sē |
Daniel 491b | þanc / māra on% mōd-sefan || | þonne | ġe·met wǣre, / oþ·þæt hi |
Daniel 512b | welċe ēac þā fuĝolas, || | þonne | his fiell cōme. / Hēt þonne |
Daniel 513a | þonne his fiell cōme. / Hēt | þonne | be·snǣdan || selfes blǣdum |
Daniel 517b | t eft cyme / grēne blēda, || | þonne | God selle. / Hēt ēac ġe·bin |
Daniel 522b | t mihtiġra / wīte wealdeþ || | þonne | hē him wiþ mæġe. / Þā of |
Daniel 557a | | þæt ǣr fæste stōd, / and | þonne | mid dēorum || drēamlēas b |
Daniel 569a | asne || on wræc sendeþ, / and | þonne | on·hweorfeþ || heortan þī |
Daniel 590b | e þēode / wyrċan bōte%, || | þonne | hīe woldon selfe, / firene fæ |
Daniel 635a | e·þanc, || tō mann-cynne, / | þonne | gumena weard || in ġielpe w |
Daniel 716a | htiġran || mannum tō friðe / | þonne | Israela || ēċe drihten. / Him |
Christ and Satan 34a | r·sċrifen hæfde%! / Clipaþ% | þonne | sē ealda% || ūt of helle, / w |
Christ and Satan 78b | ·fēl%de. / Hē spearcode%, || | þonne | hē sprecan on·gann / fȳre an |
Christ and Satan 80a | e% biþ swelċ fǣġer drēam / | þonne | hē in wītum || wordum% indr |
Christ and Satan 150a | e we sindon || un-ġe·līċe / | þonne | þe we ġō in heofonum || h |
Christ and Satan 162b | flēah / ātre ġe·līcost, || | þonne | hē ūt þurh·drāf%: / 'Ēal |
Christ and Satan 175a | || mē ðǣr wierse ġe·lamp / | þonne | iċ tō hyhte || āĝan mōst |
Christ and Satan 207a | || ġe·munan sōþ and riht, / | þonne | we tō hēah-selde || hnīĝa |
Christ and Satan 209a | an-wealdan% || āra% biddan. / | Þonne | be·hōfaþ || sē þe hēr w |
Christ and Satan 211a | m || þæt him wlite sċīene / | þonne | hē ōðer līf || eft ġe·s |
Christ and Satan 212b | ·sēċeþ, / fæġere% land || | þonne | þēos folde sēo; / is ðǣr w |
Christ and Satan 275a | l, || þæs iċ selfa wēold, / | þonne | iċ on heofonum || hām stað |
Christ and Satan 291a | ĝan || helpe ġe·līefað%. / | Þonne | hē ūs nā for·lǣteþ, || |
Christ and Satan 322a | wæs þæt eall full strang, / | þonne | wæs hira ealdor, || þe ðǣ |
Christ and Satan 355a | þæt is sē% selfa) for God. / | Þonne | bēoþ þā ēadĝan || þe o |
Christ and Satan 358a | e || (þæt sind word Godes), / | þonne | hīe be·fæðmeþ || fæder |
Christ and Satan 382a | endes || hēafod ġe·sāwon. / | Þonne | wæs þǣm atolan || þe we |
Christ and Satan 388a | an fereþ || fæġere% lēoht / | þonne | we ǣfre ǣr || ēaĝum ġe· |
Christ and Satan 539a | him þæt ġe·hrēowan mæġ / | þonne | hēo ende-stæf || eft ġe·s |
Christ and Satan 596a | an%. || Þǣr is cūðre līf / | þonne | we on eorðan mæġen || ǣfr |
Christ and Satan 603a | setu / ġond foldan sċēatas. / | Þonne | of þisse moldan || menn on· |
Christ and Satan 606b | mǣst / hlūd ġe·hīered%, || | þonne | hǣlend cymeþ, / wealdend mid |
Christ and Satan 608a | n þās weorold færeþ. / Wile | þonne | ġe·sċēadan% || wlitiġe a |
Christ and Satan 612a | ard || ræste ġe·stīĝaþ. / | Þonne | bēoþ blīðe || þā% in bu |
Christ and Satan 619a | ealdre || ēċe ræste%.’ / | Þonne | standaþ þā for·worhtan, | |
Christ and Satan 22b | p wiþ þæs grundes; || gang | þonne | swā / oþ·þæt þū þone ym |
Christ and Satan 26a | sē swearta eðm. / Wāst þū | þonne | þe ġeornor || þæt þū wi |
Christ and Satan 27a | wiþ God wunne, / siþþan þū | þonne | hafast || heandum ā·metene / |
Christ and Satan 38a | | Hwīlum hrēam% ā·stāh%, / | þonne | hē on þone atolan || ēaĝu |
Christ and Satan 48b | esan gryre / dēofla meniġu || | þonne | up ā·stāh. / Wordum in wītu |
Andreas 4b | m ā·læġ / camp-rǣdenne% || | þonne | cumbol hniton, / siþþan hīe |
Andreas 9b | fyrd-hwate, / rōfe rincas, || | þonne | rand and hand / on here-felda | |
Andreas 142a | m-sċuwan || dēofles lārum, / | þonne | hīe unlǣdra || eafoþum% ġ |
Andreas 152a | esan || līċ and sāwle, / and | þonne | tō·dǣlan || duĝuþe and |
Andreas 252a | as anliċe || êa-līðendum, / | þonne | hīe on flōdes fæðm || ofe |
Andreas 347a | t ēow || sē hālĝa bēad, / | þonne | iċ ēow mid ġe·fēan || fe |
Andreas 399a | de || ofer laĝu-fæsten, / and | þonne | ġe·bidan || beornas þīne, |
Andreas 409b | e·hwǣm, / folcum fracuþe, || | þonne | fīra bearn, / ellen-rōfe, || |
Andreas 412b | ǣste / hlāforde æt hilde, || | þonne | hand and rand / on beadu-wange |
Andreas 512b | , / sċipum under sċealcum, || | þonne | sċūr cymeþ, / brecaþ ofer b |
Andreas 655a | heorcnodon || hālġes lāre. / | Þonne | eft ġe·wāt || æðelinga h |
Andreas 891b | weorðan, / hēan hwearfian, || | þonne | heonan gangaþ.’ / Þā wæs |
Andreas 924b | ræc / mīnra for metode || mā | þonne | iċ sċolde?’ / Him andswarod |
Andreas 1089a | stes. || Nyston beteran rǣd, / | þonne | hīe þā be·lidenan% || him |
Andreas 1178b | f fæstenne / manncynnes mā || | þonne | ġe·met wǣre. / Nū ġē maĝ |
Andreas 1309a | n þæt dimme reċed; / sċeall | þonne | on nīed-cofan || niht-langne |
Andreas 1428b | -ġe·dāl / lēofre miċele || | þonne | þēos līf-cearu.’ / Him þ |
Andreas 1484b | ǣ-glēawra / mann on moldan || | þonne | iċ mē telġe / findan on ferh |
Andreas 1500b | fte / forhte ġe·weorðaþ, || | þonne | hīe fæder ġe·sēoþ / heofo |
Andreas 1519b | ċele / ġiefum ġār-daĝum || | þonne | eall ġimma cynn. / Þurh his h |
The Fates of the Apostles 49b | drēam, / līf-wela lēofra || | þonne | þās lēasan godu. / Swelċe T |
The Fates of the Apostles 88a | || wuldres þeġnas. / Nū iċ | þonne | bidde || beorn sē þe lufie / |
The Fates of the Apostles 92b | ·ðearf / līðra on lāde, || | þonne | iċ sċeall langne hām, / eard |
The Fates of the Apostles 103a | ene swā //L// tō·glīdeþ. / | Þonne% | //C// and% //Y// || cræftes |
Soul and Body I 3b | , / hū þæt biþ dēopliċ || | þonne | sē dēaþ cymeþ, / ā·syndre |
Soul and Body I 15a | , || weoroda drihten. / Clipaþ | þonne | swā ċēarfull || ċealdan r |
Soul and Body I 50b | n / on þǣm miċelan dæġe || | þonne | eall manna cynn / sē ān-cenne |
Soul and Body I 54b | / ne nǣniĝum ġe·sibban, || | þonne% | sē swearta hræfn, / siþþan |
Soul and Body I 68b | ē / hweorfan on han-crǣd, || | þonne | hālġe menn / libbendum Gode | |
Soul and Body I 77a | re sēlre || swīðe miċele / | þonne | þē wǣron ealle || eorðan |
Soul and Body I 86a | ste, || ðǣr swā God wolde, / | þonne | þū ǣfre on moldan || mann |
Soul and Body I 88a | fulwihte || on·fōn sċolde. / | Þonne | þū for unc bǣm || and-wyrd |
Soul and Body I 89b | / on þǣm miċelan dæġe, || | þonne | mannum bēoþ / wunda on·wriġ |
Soul and Body I 92a | le menn || fyrn ġe·worhton, / | þonne | wille drihten self || dǣda |
Soul and Body I 97a | m-dæġe || drihtne seċġan? / | Þonne | ne biþ nan nā tō þæs lȳ |
Soul and Body I 99b | sundrum / riht ā·ġieldan, || | þonne | rēðe biþ / drihten æt þǣm |
Soul and Body I 101a | wæt dō wit unc? / Sċulon wit | þonne | eft æt·samne || siþþan br |
Soul and Body I 103b | æt flǣsċ-hord, || sċeall | þonne | fēran on·weġ%, / sēċan hel |
Soul and Body I 122b | rȳmeþ, / wyrmum tō wiste, || | þonne | þæt werġe / līċ ā·cōlod |
Soul and Body I 124b | r / weorode mid wǣdum. || Biþ | þonne | wyrma ġiefel, / ǣt% on eorða |
Soul and Body I 127a | , || mōd-snotora ġe·hwǣm. / | þonne | biþ hyhtlicre || þæt sēo |
Soul and Body I 132a | | þæt hīe ǣr lange wæġ. / | Þonne | þā gāstas || gōde word sp |
Soul and Body I 145b | þū ne þearft sċamian, || | þonne | sċādene bēoþ / þā synfull |
Soul and Body I 156a | er-bedd cure. / Wolde iċ þē | þonne | seċġan || þæt þū ne sor |
Soul and Body I 158a | | æt Godes dōme. / Mōton wit | þonne | æt·samne || siþþan brūca |
Homiletic Fragment I 7a | ortan, || hord unclǣne. / Biþ | þonne | þæs wammes ġe·wita || weo |
Homiletic Fragment I 23b | ndiaþ / sāre mid stinġe%, || | þonne | sē sǣl cumeþ. / Swā bēoþ |
Homiletic Fragment I 27a | m, || fācenlīċe þenċaþ, / | þonne | hīe æt nīehstan || nearwe |
Homiletic Fragment I 46b | ōton / gāstum tō ġēoce, || | þonne | god wile / eorðan līfes || en |
Dream of the Rood 107a | and his englas mid, / þæt hē | þonne | wile dēman, || sē āh dōme |
Dream of the Rood 115a | on þām bēame dyde. / ac hīe | þonne | forhtiaþ, || and fēa þenċ |
Dream of the Rood 117a | an onġinnen. / ne ðearf ðǣr | þonne | ǣniġ || ān–forht wesan / |
Dream of the Rood 128b | || sēċan mōte / ana oftor || | þonne | ealle menn, / wēl weorðian. | |
Dream of the Rood 139a | || līfe ġe·feċċe / and mē | þonne | ġe·brinġe || ðǣr is blis |
Dream of the Rood 142a | ǣr is singal bliss, / and mē | þonne | ā·sette || ðǣr iċ siþþ |
Elene 49b | d lǣsse / hæfdon tō hilde || | þonne% | Hūna cyning; / ridon ymb rōfn |
Elene 50b | cyning; / ridon ymb rōfne, || | þonne | rand dynede, / camp-wudu clyned |
Elene 74b | welċ / ġe·īewed ǣnlicra || | þonne | hē ǣr oþþe sīþ / ġe·sǣ |
Elene 388b | dera lāre, || nǣfre furður | þonne | nū, / þā ġē blindnesse || |
Elene 8b | weard, / ealre sibbe bearn, || | þonne | þū snūde ġe·cȳþ, / min s |
Elene 35a | unryhtes || andsæc fremede, / | þonne | ūð-witan || ǣht be·sǣton |
Elene 51b | īewde, / beorht on blǣde. || | Þonne | brōðor þīn / on·fēng aeft |
Elene 88a | -cwide, || wiþ godes bearne. / | Þonne | þū ġe·earnast || þæt þ |
Elene 180b | ce, / beteran wiþ·hyċġe, || | þonne | hē bēga be·nēah?’ / Him |
Elene 209b | ele%, / open eald-ġe·winn, || | þonne | þēos æðele ġe·wyrd, / ġ |
Elene 492a | || mīnum folĝaþ, / and þeċ | þonne | sendeþ || on þā sweartesta |
Elene 739a | dan-ġeard || mǣre weorðan, / | þonne | æt sæċċe mid þȳ || ofer |
Elene 740b | ġe / fēonda ġe·hwelcne, || | þonne | fyrd-hwate / on twā healfe || |
Elene 746b | deþ / briġdels on blancan, || | þonne | beadu-rōfe / æt gār-þræce, |
Elene 834a | olcnum || winde ġe·līcost, / | þonne | hē for hæleþum || hlūd ā |
Elene 842a | rede, || tēon-līeġ nimeþ, / | þonne | drihten self || dōm ġe·sē |
Elene 848b | ra, / þrīstra ġe·þanca. || | Þonne | on þrīe dǣleþ / on fȳres f |
Elene 877a | urh þæs dōmes fȳr. / Mōton | þonne | siþþan || sibbe brūcan, / ē |
Christ A 13a | || and sē cyning selfa, / and | þonne | ġe·bēte, || nū ġe·brosn |
Christ A 155b | s; / ne lǣt þe be·hindan, || | þonne | þū heonan ċierre, / meniġu |
Christ A 191a | e. || Ġif iċ sōþ sprece, / | þonne | sċeall Dauides || dohtor swe |
Christ A 254a | | hāt on·tȳnan, / and ūsiċ | þonne | ġe·sēċe || þurh þīn se |
Christ A 322a | u || foldan nēosan, / and hēo | þonne | aefter him || ēċe standaþ% |
Christ A 422a | ; || ac þæt wæs mā cræft / | þonne | hit eorð-būend || ealle cū |
Christ B 525a | sēċan || sīde herġe, / and | þonne | ġe·dēman || dǣda ġe·hwe |
Christ B 674b | spēd / ġiefeþ æt gūðe, || | þonne | gār-ġe·trum / ofer sċield-h |
Christ B 763b | holdan / wunde ġe·wyrċen, || | þonne | wrōht-bora / on folc godes || |
Christ B 791a | ǣde || dōm þȳ% rēðran%, / | þonne | eft cymeþ || engla þēoden, |
Christ B 797a | re ansīene || ēċes dēman. / | Þonne | //C// cwacaþ, || ġe·hīere |
Christ B 807b | nna dæl, / //F// on foldan. || | Þonne | frætwe sċulon / byrnan on bǣ |
Christ B 824b | es word. / Biþ nū eornoste || | þonne | eft cymeþ, / rēðe and riht-w |
Christ B 827a | u || middan-ġeardes / bifiaþ% | þonne. | || Beorht cyning lēanaþ / þ |
Christ B 832a | cene, || wrāðliċ andlēan, / | þonne | mæġena cyning || on ġe·m |
Christ B 839a | oþ·īewed || eġesa māra / | þonne | fram frum-ġe·ēape || ġe· |
Christ B 842b | ūdan tīd / lēofra miċele || | þonne | eall þēos lǣne ġe·sċeaf |
Christ B 844b | rēate / be·hȳdan mæġe, || | þonne | herġa fruma, / æðelinga ord, |
Christ C 878a | Him weorðeþ blǣd ġiefen. / | þonne | fram fēowerum || foldan sċe |
Christ C 899a | ċe, || englum% and dēoflum. / | Þonne | samnunga || on Syne beorh / sū |
Christ C 902a | ieppende || sċīnan lēohtor / | þonne | hit menn mæġen || mōdum ā |
Christ C 903b | hyċġan, / beorhte blīcan, || | þonne | bearn godes / þurh heofona ġe |
Christ C 924b | eorðeþ / forht on ferhþe, || | þonne | hē frēan ġe·sihþ / ealra |
Christ C 934a | hte, || tungol of·hrēosaþ. / | Þonne | weorðeþ sunne || sweart ġe |
Christ C 945b | le / mid hira frēan faraþ, || | þonne | folca weard / þurh eġesan þr |
Christ C 953a | re% || foldan ġe·sċeafte. / | Þonne | heard ġe·bræc, || hlūd, u |
Christ C 960a | sume niðer, || ǣldes fulle. / | Þonne | biþ untwēo || þæt ðǣr A |
Christ C 964a | mǣstan || mæġen-earfoþum, / | þonne | eall þrīe || on efen nimeþ |
Christ C 981b | wǣġe, / wætere windendum. || | Þonne | wihta ġe·hwelċe, / dēora an |
Christ C 985b | ōwan, / flōdas ā·fȳsde, || | þonne | on fȳr-baðe / swelaþ sǣ-fis |
Christ C 989a | eax. || Þǣr biþ wundra mā / | þonne | hit ǣniġ on mōde || mæġe |
Christ C 1007a | s wōm || wielme for·bærned / | þonne | mehtiġ god || on þone mǣra |
Christ C 1017b | ĝende, / hearde on·drǣde, || | þonne | sēo hālġe ġe·cynd, / hwīt |
Christ C 1022b | ost / weorðeþ on weorolde, || | þonne | wuldor-cyning / þurh þrymm þ |
Christ C 1027a | te || mann-cynnes ġe·hwone. / | Þonne | eall hræðe || Ādames cynn / |
Christ C 1029b | te / eardes æt ende. || Sċeal | þonne | ānra ġe·hwelċ / fore Crīst |
Christ C 1058b | þ / bringan beorhtne wlite, || | þonne | bryne costaþ, / hāt, heoru-ġ |
Christ C 1061a | synnum || fore siġe-dēman. / | Þonne | sēo bīeman stefen || and s |
Christ C 1069a | -haman || liðum on·fengen. / | Þonne | weoroda mǣst || fore wealden |
Christ C 1076a | ðle || þe hīe inn lifdon. / | Þonne | bēoþ bealde || þā þe beo |
Christ C 1101a | noste || ealles ġe·manian%, / | þonne | sēo rēade || rōd ofer eall |
Christ C 1115b | aĝon him selfe || ġe·sēon | þonne, | / open, or-ġiete, || þæt hē |
Christ C 1166b | ne him / on·ġēan ġyrede, || | þonne | god wolde / ofer sīne ȳðe g |
Christ C 1216a | on gode, || un-ġe·sǣlġe, / | þonne | Crīst siteþ || on his cyne- |
Christ C 1221a | ter rihte || rodera wealdend. / | Þonne | bēoþ ġe·samnod || on þā |
Christ C 1232a | e folc, || ārna ne wēnaþ%. / | Þonne | biþ gǣsta dōm || fore gode |
Christ C 1253a | weaxeþ || wynsum ġe·fêa, / | þonne | hīe þæt yfel ġe·sēoþ | |
Christ C 1255a | iltse || metodes ġe·nǣson. / | Þonne | hīe þȳ ġeornor || gode þ |
Christ C 1262a | mōd-lufan || metodes willan. / | Þonne | biþ þām ōðrum || un-ġe |
Christ C 1272a | nende, || wǣrhþo drēoĝan. / | Þonne | is him ōðer || earfeþu sw |
Christ C 1284a | mæġ || eall þurh·wlītan. / | Þonne | biþ þæt þridde || þearfe |
Christ C 1288b | r for·hoĝdon / tō dōnne || | þonne | him daĝas lǣston; / and be hi |
Christ C 1301a | t þā folc sēoþ. / Wǣre him | þonne | betere || þæt hīe bealu-d |
Christ C 1307b | e / saĝaþ on hine selfne, || | þonne | hē þā synne be·gǣþ. / Mæ |
Christ C 1334a | grimman tīd || gode līċie, / | þonne | hē ofer weoroda ġe·hwelċ |
Christ C 1351b | fēngon% / on mildum sefan. || | þonne | hīe him þurh mīnne naman / |
Christ C 1353a | de tō ēow || ārna bǣdon, / | þonne | ġe· hira hulpon || and him |
Christ C 1359a | || Eall ġē þæt mē dydon, / | þonne | ġē hīe mid sibbum sōhton |
Christ C 1362a | ange brūcan.’ / On·ġinneþ | þonne | tō þām yfelum || un-ġe·l |
Christ C 1365a | l-wealda god. / Ne þurfon hīe | þonne | tō metode || miltse ġe·wē |
Christ C 1372b | æġe, / þæs æl-mihtĝan, || | þonne | hē ierrunga / on þæt frǣte |
Christ C 1395b | / sċieþþendum sċaðan%, || | þonne | þīnum sċieppende. / Nū iċ |
Christ C 1439a | rinc || eċedes and ġeallan. / | Þonne | iċ fore folce on·fēng || f |
Christ C 1488a | or || on þīnra handa rōde / | þonne | ġō hangode? || Hwæt, mē |
Christ C 1491a | m || on bēom ġe·fæstnod%, / | þonne | sēo ōðer wæs || þe iċ |
Christ C 1515a | mid dēoflum ġe·þolian.’ / | Þonne | ðǣr ofer ealle || eġeslicn |
Christ C 1524a | an sċulon.’ / Ne maĝon hīe | þonne | ġe·hīenan || heofon-cining |
Christ C 1527a | ā ǣr wiþ gode wunnon. / Biþ | þonne | rīċes weard || rēðe and m |
Christ C 1559a | tras || on þās lǣnan tīd. / | Þonne | mān-sċaða || fore metode f |
Christ C 1565b | ēo, / facen-tācen fēores. || | þonne | firena bearn / tēarum ġēota |
Christ C 1566b | a bearn / tēarum ġēotaþ, || | þonne | þæs tīd ne biþ, / synne cw |
Christ C 1568b | sīþ dōþ / gǣstum helpe, || | þonne | þæs ġīean nele / weoroda we |
Christ C 1591a | gǣstum || ġeorne hīeraþ. / | Þonne | heofon and hell || hæleþa b |
Christ C 1600b | an nellaþ, / menn on mōde, || | þonne | man fremmaþ%, / hwæt him sē |
Christ C 1602b | e·sette, / lāðum lēodum. || | Þonne | līf and dēaþ / sāwlum swel |
Christ C 1606b | rne menn / sweartum sāwlum. || | Þonne | synna tō% wrace% / sċyldiġra |
Christ C 1612b | on, / heard and heoru-grimm. || | Þonne | hell nimeþ / wǣrlēasra weoro |
Christ C 1623a | wīĝenne || synna tō wīte. / | Þonne | hāliġ gǣst || helle be·l |
Christ C 1634a | un% || heofon-rīċes þrymm. / | Þonne | þā ġe·corenan || fore Cr |
Vainglory 13a | rīme || druncen% tō rīċe, / | þonne | maniġe bēoþ || mæðel-he |
Vainglory 18b | n reċede / mid werum wunie, || | þonne | wīn hweteþ / beornes brēost- |
Vainglory 29b | is selfes / swīðor miċele || | þonne | sē sella mann, / þenċeþ þ |
Vainglory 32a | . || Biþ þæs ōðer swice, / | þonne | hē þæs fācnes || fintan s |
Vainglory 64a | || swā hit riht ne wæs, / and | þonne | ġe·settan || on hira selfra |
Vainglory 67a | rþ him sēo feohte tō grimm / | þonne | biþ þām ōðrum || un-ġe |
Widsith 100a | f lengde || ġond landa fela, / | þonne | iċ be sange || seċġan sċo |
Widsith 103a | ene cwēn || ġiefe bryttian. / | Þonne% | wit Sċilling || sċīran reo |
Widsith 106a | earpan || hlēoðor swinsode, / | þonne | maniġe menn, || mōdum wlanc |
Widsith 120a | oft ðǣr wīġ ne ā·læġ, / | þonne | Hrǣda here || heardum sweord |
The Fortunes of Men 13b | ār hǣþ-stapa; || hin-sīþ | þonne | / mōdor be·murneþ. || Ne bi |
The Fortunes of Men 24b | biþ / wæstm wudu-bēames. || | Þonne | hē on wyrt-truman / sīġeþ s |
The Fortunes of Men 52b | hand / medu-ĝāl mæċġa; || | þonne | hē ġe·met ne cann / ġe·mea |
Maxims I 42a | biþ sār on his mōde, / onġe | þonne | hē hit ana wāt, || ne wēne |
Maxims I 55a | ne. / Swā biþ sǣ smilte, || / | þonne | hīe wind ne weċeþ; || / sw |
Maxims I 56b | oþ þēoda ġe·þwǣre, || | þonne | hīe ġe·þingod% habbaþ, / |
Maxims I 57b | on ġe·sundum þingum || and | þonne | mid ġe·sīðum healdaþ / cē |
Maxims I 95b | will-cuma / Frīesan wīfe, || | þonne | flota standeþ; / biþ his ċē |
Maxims I 102b | frēoþ hīe fremde manna, || | þonne | sē ōðer feorr ġe·wīteþ |
Maxims I 107b | ap-ēadiġ mon || cyning-wīc | þonne | / lēodum ċīepeþ, || þonne |
Maxims I 108b | þonne / lēodum ċīepeþ, || | þonne | līðan cymeþ; / wuda and wæt |
Maxims I 109b | wuda and wæteres nyttaþ, || | þonne | him biþ wīċ ā·līefed%, / |
Maxims I 116b | þæt ġe·dēfe dēaþ, || | þonne | hit ġe·dierned weorðeþ. / H |
Maxims I 169a | aþ sundor-sefan. || / Langaþ | þonne | þȳ læs || þe him cann lē |
Maxims I 183b | ġe·nēah tæfles mannes, || | þonne | teoselum weorpeþ. / Seldan on |
The Order of the World 25a | pēd || māran ġe·seċġan, / | þonne | þū hyġe-cræftiġ || on hr |
The Order of the World 29b | eorc / furður ā·spyrġan% || | þonne | him frēa selle / tō on·ġiet |
The Order of the World 68a | || sellan wolde. / Ġe·wīteþ | þonne | mid þȳ wuldre || on west-ro |
The Order of the World 90a | || heofon and eorðe. / Bēoþ | þonne | ēadġe || þā ðǣr inn wun |
The Riming Poem 72b | / flēan flǣsċe ne mæġ, || | þonne | flān-hred dæġ / nīed-grāpu |
The Riming Poem 73b | æġ / nīed-grāpum nimeþ, || | þonne | sēo nēaht% be·cymeþ / sēo |
The Riming Poem 75a | nd mec hēr eardes% on·cann. / | Þonne | līċ-hama liġeþ, || lima w |
The Panther 35b | de%. / Simle fylle fæġen, || | þonne | fōdor þiġeþ, / aefter þām |
The Panther 40a | te, || slǣpe ġe·bisiĝod%. / | Þonne | ellen-rōf || up ā·stondeþ |
The Panther 49a | elicra || eorðan frætwum%. / | Þonne | of ċeastrum || and cyne-stō |
The Whale 13a | nd sum || ēaĝum wliten, / and | þonne | ġe·hȳdaþ || hēah-stefn s |
The Whale 16a | aras || sundes æt ende, / and | þonne | on þæt eġ-land || up ġe· |
The Whale 19a | ste, || strēame% be·wunden. / | Þonne | ġe·wīciaþ || wēriġ-ferh |
The Whale 24a | -mōde, || ræste ġe·liste. / | Þonne | ġe·feleþ || fācnes cræft |
The Whale 27a | eardiaþ || wederes on luste, / | þonne | samnunga || on sealtne wǣġ / |
The Whale 30a | , || grund ġe·sēċeþ, / and | þonne | on dēaþ-sele || drenċe be |
The Whale 38a | ĝan || wīċ ġe·ċēosaþ. / | Þonne | þæt ġe·cnāweþ || of cwi |
The Whale 51a | wlanc, || wrætlicran ġīen. / | Þonne | hine on holme || hungor bisi |
The Whale 53a | āĝlæċan || ǣtes lysteþ, / | þonne | sē mere-weard || mūþ on·t |
The Whale 60b | da ċeafl / ġefylled biþ; || | þonne | fǣringa / ymbe þā herehuþe |
The Whale 71a | reaht || fremedon on unrǣd. / | Þonne | sē fǣcna || on þām fæste |
The Whale 76a | f-daĝum || lārum hīerdon, / | þonne | hē þā grimman || gaman be |
Soul and Body II 3b | , / hū þæt biþ dēopliċ || | þonne | sē dēaþ cymeþ, / ā·sundra |
Soul and Body II 15a | od, || ende weorolde. / Clipaþ | þonne | swā ċēarfull || ċealdan r |
Soul and Body II 39a | | gæstes drinces. / Þǣr þū | þonne | hoĝode || hēr on līfe, / þe |
Soul and Body II 47b | / on þām miċelan dæġe, || | þonne | manna cynn / sē ān-cenda% || |
Soul and Body II 51b | r, / ne nǣngum ġe·sibbra, || | þonne | sē swearta hræfn, / siþþan |
Soul and Body II 63b | þē / hweorfan on han-cred, || | þonne | hālġe menn / gode libbendum | |
Soul and Body II 72a | ǣre selle || swīðe miċele / | þonne | þe wǣran ealle || eorðan s |
Soul and Body II 80a | yrm-cynna || þæt wierreste, / | þonne | þū ǣfre on moldan || mann |
Soul and Body II 82a | fulwihte || on·fōn sċolde. / | Þonne | þū for unc bū || andwyrdan |
Soul and Body II 83b | / on þām miċelan dæġe, || | þonne | eallum mannum bēoþ / wunde on |
Soul and Body II 86a | le menn || fyrn ġe·worhton, / | þonne | wile drihten self || dǣda ġ |
Soul and Body II 90a | m-dæġe || drihtne seċġan? / | Þonne | ne biþ nǣniġ tō þæs lȳ |
Soul and Body II 92b | sundran / riht ā·ġieldan, || | þonne | rēðe biþ / drihten æt dōme |
Soul and Body II 94a | me. || Ac hwæt dō wit unc, / | þonne | hē unc hafaþ ġe·ed-byrded |
Soul and Body II 95a | || ōðre sīðe? / Sċulon wit | þonne | æt·samne || siþþan brūca |
Soul and Body II 97b | æt flǣsċ-hord, || sċeall | þonne | fēran on weġ, / sēċan helle |
Soul and Body II 117b | hēafod / wyrmum tō wiste, || | þonne | biþ þæt werĝe / līċ ā·c |
Soul and Body II 119b | r / weorode mid wǣdum. || Biþ | þonne | wyrmes ġiefl, / ǣt on eorðan |
Guthlac A 1b | iþ ġe·fēana fæġerost || | þonne | hīe æt frymþe ġe·metaþ, |
Guthlac A 4a | þ þām līċe ġe·dǣleþ. / | Þonne | cwiþ sē enġel, || (hafaþ |
Guthlac A 27b | īĝan, / ǣr oþþe aefter, || | þonne | hē his ǣnne hēr / gǣst be· |
Guthlac A 72a | god || be·mūtad% weorðaþ, / | þonne | þæt ġe·ġiernaþ || þā |
Guthlac A 126b | þās weorold / ūtor lǣtan || | þonne | þæt ēċe līf. / Ōðer hine |
Guthlac A 168b | ġesa / māra on ġe·myndum || | þonne | hē menniscum / þrymme aefter |
Guthlac A 185b | -cræft, / mund-byrd meahta, || | þonne | meniġu cōm / fēonda fǣr-sċ |
Guthlac A 190b | / enġel hine elne trymede, || | þonne | hīe him ierre hweopan%, / frec |
Guthlac A 212a | in-treĝum || tīdum brūcan, / | þonne | hīe of wāðum || werġe cō |
Guthlac A 279b | llan rǣd / mann ġe·lǣran || | þonne | þēos meniġu eall. / Wē þē |
Guthlac A 333a | bæd || sāwla ġe·hwelcre, / | þonne | hē tō eorðan || on þām |
Guthlac A 349b | odes willan / framne fundon, || | þonne | flyġe-rēowe / þurh nihta ġe |
Guthlac A 356a | e wæs þæt an-ġinn swelċ, / | þonne | hine enġel || on þām ānad |
Guthlac A 384b | ĝes setl / medumre ne māra || | þonne | hit menn dūġe% / sē þe on |
Guthlac A 388b | lufian / eorðan ǣht-welan || | þonne | his ānes ġe·met, / þæt hē |
Guthlac A 392b | er / ne lȳthwōn lēoðode, || | þonne | on lyft ā·stāh / ċear-gǣst |
Guthlac A 400b | s wynne. || Hwelċ wæs māra | þonne | sē? / Ān ōretta || ūssum t |
Guthlac A 444a | ȳtmestan || ende ne sċōde, / | þonne | him sē dryhtnes || dōm wīs |
Guthlac A 511a | ymeþ stēor of heofonum. / Mē | þonne | siġe% sendeþ || sē ūsiċ |
Guthlac A 567a | || swā biþ fēonda þēaw, / | þonne | hīe sōþfæstra || sāwle w |
Guthlac A 737a | . || Oft hē him ǣte hēold, / | þonne | hīe him hungriġe || ymb han |
Guthlac A 759a | e·witnesse || wendan þurfe, / | þonne | hīe on ġe·sihþe || sōðe |
Guthlac A 770a | || þæt sēo lufu cȳðeþ, / | þonne | hēo on mannes || mōde ġe· |
Guthlac A 812a | rēoweþ || aefter hin-gange, / | þonne | hīe hweorfaþ || on þā hā |
Guthlac B 1035b | a swice / sāwol-ġe·dāles || | þonne | seofon niht / frist-ġe·mearce |
Guthlac B 1038b | ċeþ / dæġ sċrīðende. || | Þonne | dōĝor bēoþ / on mold-weġe |
Guthlac B 1059b | ·healdan, / dēore frætwe, || | þonne | him ġe·dēmed wæs. / On·ġe |
Guthlac B 1126b | ele / mæġen-þeġnes word, || | þonne | ǣnġes mannes lār, / wera ofe |
Guthlac B 1212b | e. / Simle iċ ġe·hīerde, || | þonne | heofones ġimm, / wynn-candel w |
Guthlac B 1247b | efe / miċele maniġfealdran || | þonne | ǣniġ mann wite / on līfe% h |
Guthlac B 1321b | wæs ǣnlicra / and wynsumra || | þonne | hit on weorolde mæġe / stefn |
Guthlac B 1350b | þroht þēoden-ġe·dāl, || | þonne | sēo þrāh cymeþ, / wefen wyr |
Deor 31a | ēas || earfoþa% dæl. / Mæġ | þonne | ġe·þenċan, || þæt ġond |
Wulf and Eadwacer 10a | d-lāstum || wēnum doĝode; / | þonne | hit wæs rēniġ weder || and |
Wulf and Eadwacer 11a | er || and iċ rēotiĝu sæt, / | þonne | mec sē beadu-cāfa || bōĝu |
Riddles 1 3a | || hwā mec on sīþ wræce, / | þonne | iċ ā·stīġe strang, || st |
Riddles 1 8b | eorðan, / wæl-cwealm wera, || | þonne | iċ wudu hrere, / bearwas blǣd |
Riddles 14 14b | iĝan / on% wiċġe weġaþ, || | þonne | iċ winde sċeall / sinċ-fāh |
Riddles 16 2b | samod wiþ þām sæċċe, || | þonne | iċ sēċan ġe·wīte / eorða |
Riddles 16 5b | eþ, || hīe bēoþ swīðran | þonne | iċ, / and mec slītende || sō |
Riddles 2 8b | d sande, / wāre and wǣġe, || | þonne | iċ winnende, / holm-mæġene b |
Riddles 2 14a | ǣġde || of brimes fæðmum, / | þonne | strēamas eft || stille weor |
Riddles 20 6b | hwīlum / selfum tō sacce. || | Þonne | iċ sinċ weġe / þurh hlūtor |
Riddles 23 3a | iht || on ġe·winn sċeapen. / | Þonne | iċ on·būĝe || and mē of |
Riddles 23 7b | ·lǣteþ, || iċ bēo lengre | þonne | ǣr, / oþ·þæt iċ spǣte, | |
Riddles 28 11a | || and nā wiþ spriceþ, / and | þonne | aefter dēaðe || dēman on· |
Riddles 3 2a | fæste ġe·nearwaþ, / sendeþ | þonne | || under sal-wanges% / bearm þ |
Riddles 3 27b | winnes, / hop-ġe·hnāstes, || | þonne | hēah ġe·þring / on clifu cr |
Riddles 3 41a | m || and ġe·breca hlūdost, / | þonne | sċearp cymeþ || sċēo wiþ |
Riddles 3 51b | cynne, / brōĝan on burgum, || | þonne | blace sċotiaþ / sċrīðende |
Riddles 3 60a | s or-leġes || ōr anstelle, / | þonne | ġe·wīte || wolcen-ġe·hn |
Riddles 3 63b | de / hēah hlōð-ġe·crod; || | þonne | hnīġe eft / under lyfte helm |
Riddles 3 73b | te, / oþþe hwā mec rǣre, || | þonne | iċ restan ne mōt, / oþþe hw |
Riddles 3 74b | oþþe hwā mec stæþþe, || | þonne | iċ stille bēom. |
Riddles 30a 7a | s and wīf || wlance cyssaþ. / | Þonne | iċ mec on·hæbbe || and hī |
Riddles 31 21b | um. / Hafaþ hire on healse, || | þonne | hēo hord waraþ, / bær, bēa |
Riddles 37 5b | e. / Ne swilteþ hē simle, || | þonne | sellan sċeall / innoþ þām |
Riddles 39 4b | ft hafaþ / māran% miċele, || | þonne | hit menn witen. / Hēo wile ġe |
Riddles 40 19a | fore eom || ǣġhwǣr cēnra, / | þonne | hē ġe·bolĝen || bid-steal |
Riddles 40 24a | n stence || strengre miċele% / | þonne | rīeċels || oþþe rōse sī |
Riddles 40 26b | weaxeþ; || iċ eom wrǣstre | þonne | hēo. / Þeah þe līlie sīe | |
Riddles 40 28b | blōstman, || iċ eom betere | þonne | hēo; / swelċe iċ nardes sten |
Riddles 40 31b | ġhwǣr, / and iċ fulre eom || | þonne | þis fenn swearte / þæt hēr |
Riddles 40 42b | a%. / Iċ eom miċele ieldra || | þonne | ymb-hwyrft þēs% / oþþe þē |
Riddles 40 48b | ūtan; / iċ eom wierslicre || | þonne | þēs wudu fulla / oþþe þis |
Riddles 40 51b | brǣdre, / and wīd-ġielra || | þonne | þēs wang grēna; / folm mec m |
Riddles 40 54b | ardra iċ eom and ċealdra || | þonne | sē hearda forst, / hrīm heoru |
Riddles 40 55b | forst, / hrīm heoru-grymma, || | þonne | hē tō hrūsan cymeþ; / iċ% |
Riddles 40 59a | on gaman || ġīenā swētra / | þonne | þū bēo-brēad || blende mi |
Riddles 40 60b | ; / swelċe iċ eom wrāðre || | þonne | wer-mōd sīe, / þe% hēr on h |
Riddles 40 66b | mæġ framlīcor || flēoĝan | þonne | pernex% / oþþe earn oþþe ha |
Riddles 40 74b | / Hefiġere iċ eom miċele || | þonne | sē hāra stān / oþþe unlȳt |
Riddles 40 76b | , / lēohtre iċ eom miċele || | þonne | þēs lȳtla wyrm / þe hēr on |
Riddles 40 83b | r brǣdre / and wīd-ġielra || | þonne | þēs wang grēna: / iċ ūtor |
Riddles 40 92b | Māra iċ eom and strengra || | þonne | sē miċela hwæl, / sē þe g |
Riddles 40 94b | n sīene; || iċ eom swīðre | þonne | hē, / swelċe iċ eom on mæġ |
Riddles 40 96a | on mæġene || mīnum lǣsse / | þonne | sē hand-wyrm, || sē þe hæ |
Riddles 40 105b | / Māra iċ eom and fǣttra || | þonne | ā·mæsted swin, / bearh belle |
Riddles 43 12a | || him þæt bām sċieðeþ, / | þonne | hīe fram bearme || bēġen h |
Riddles 44 4a | eard, || stede hafaþ gōdne; / | þonne | sē esne || his āĝen hræġ |
Riddles 6 5a | , || swā iċ him nā hrīne, / | þonne | mec min frēa || feohtan hāt |
Riddles 6 9b | ah, / swelċe þæs ōðres, || | þonne | iċ eft hira / ofer dēop ġe· |
Riddles 7 1b | 7 / / Hræġl min swīĝaþ, || | þonne | iċ hrūsan trede, / oþþe þ |
Riddles 7 5a | and þēos hēa lyft, / and mec | þonne | wīde || wolcna strenġu / ofer |
Riddles 7 8b | swinsiaþ, / torhte singaþ, || | þonne | iċ ġe·tenġe ne bēom / flō |
Riddles 8 6b | m bringe / blisse on burgum, || | þonne | iċ būġendre / stefne styrme; |
The Wife's Lament 4b | wes oþþe ealdes, || nā mā | þonne | nū. / Ā iċ wīte wann || mī |
The Wife's Lament 35a | ibbende, || leġer weardiaþ, / | þonne | iċ on ūhtan || ana gange / un |
The Judgment Day I 7a | mæġen-cyninga hīehst, / wile | þonne | for·bærnan || breĝu mann-c |
The Judgment Day I 29a | || on·sæġd weorðeþ, / and | þonne | ā tō ealdre || or-leġ drē |
The Judgment Day I 30a | | or-leġ drēoĝeþ. / Hwā is | þonne | þæs ferhþ-glēaw%, || oþ |
The Judgment Day I 38a | Hāt biþ ā·cōlod. / Ne biþ | þonne | on þisse weorolde || nemþe |
The Judgment Day I 60a | dæġe, || dyneþ up-heofon. / | Þonne | weras and wīf || weorold ā |
The Judgment Day I 61b | , / eorðan iermþu, || sēoþ | þonne | on ēċe ġe·wyrht. / Þonne b |
The Judgment Day I 62a | þonne on ēċe ġe·wyrht. / | Þonne | biþ ġe·cȳðed || hwā on |
The Judgment Day I 70a | hire sīe sweġel on·ġēan, / | þonne | hē ġe·hierweþ full% oft | |
The Judgment Day I 73a | hine inn fealleþ. / Hē þæt | þonne | on·findeþ, || þonne sē f |
The Judgment Day I 73b | þæt þonne on·findeþ, || | þonne | sē fǣr cymeþ, / ġond middan |
The Judgment Day I 76a | eorod || wiers ġe·sċaden%, / | þonne | hē on þā swīðran hand || |
The Judgment Day I 81a | rolde || weorðan mōte. / Wile | þonne | for·ġieldan || gǣsta driht |
The Judgment Day I 85a | miċele drēoĝeþ; / him þæt | þonne | ġe·lēanaþ || līfes weald |
The Judgment Day I 102a | || ealle tō sprǣċe; / bēoþ | þonne | ġe·ġæderod || gǣst and b |
The Judgment Day I 104a | || Sōþ þæt wile cȳðan%, / | þonne | we ūs ġe·mittaþ || on þ |
The Judgment Day I 105b | t ðǣre rōde, || seċġaþ | þonne | rihta fela, / eall swelċe unde |
Resignation 18b | hīerde, / rīċum drihtne, || | þonne | min rǣd wǣre. / For·ġief m |
Resignation 28b | mā fremede / grimmra gylta || | þonne | mē god lifde. / hæbbe iċ þo |
Resignation 29a | nne mē god lifde. / hæbbe iċ | þonne | þearfe || þæt iċ þīne s |
Resignation 35b | tlīcor / bēte bealu-dǣde || | þonne | be·bodu wǣron / hālĝan heof |
Resignation 43b | ll unfȳr faca; || feorma mē | þonne, | / wyrda wealdend, || on þīnne |
Resignation 46b | n, / ġēoca mīnes gæstes. || | Þonne | is gramra tō fela / æfstum ē |
Resignation 47b | æfstum ēaden, || hæbbe iċ | þonne | / æt frēan frōfre, || þēah |
Resignation 56b | ten / englas ofer·hyġdiġe || | þonne | ēċe Crīst. / Ġe·luĝon hī |
Resignation 59b | mec and ġe·stīer him, || | þonne | storm cyme / mīnum gǣste on· |
Resignation 60b | gǣste on·ġeġn; || ġōca | þonne, | / mehtiġ drihten, || mīnre s |
Resignation 87b | es þanc / mōd-earfoþa || mā | þonne | on ōðrum, / fyrhtu on folce; |
Resignation 114a | aft hǣle || foldan ...unian; / | þonne | iċ mē tō fremþum || frēo |
Resignation 117b | Gīet biþ þæt sēlost%, || | þonne | mann him self ne mæġ / wyrd o |
Resignation 118b | wyrd on·wendan, || þæt hē | þonne | wēl þolie. |
The Descent into Hell 62a | on þissum bendum || bīdan[] / | þonne | moniġe bindeþ || brōþor· |
The Descent into Hell 67a | þ ne mæġe || ellen habban, / | þonne | hē his hlāfordes || hyldu |
The Descent into Hell 90a | eald-fīnd || ealle on wynnum / | þonne | hīe ġe·hīerdon || hū we |
The Descent into Hell 114b | nn-cynne / oft æt-īewdest, || | þonne | him wæs āre ðearf. / Þū me |
Azarias 63a | ynsum, || wedere on·līcost, / | þonne | on sumeres tīd || sended weo |
Azarias 86b | isan āh / metod þon māran || | þonne | hē wiþ manna bearn / wyrċeþ |
Azarias 92a | e·earniaþ, || elne willaþ, / | þonne | fēran sċeall || þurh frēa |
Azarias 126a | elċ || ġeorne be·healdeþ, / | þonne | mere-strēamas || metodes rǣ |
Riddles 30b and 60 7a | wīf || wlance ġe·cyssaþ. / | Þonne | iċ mec on·hæbbe, || hīe o |
The Husband's Message 13a | trēowe findest. / Hwæt, þeċ | þonne | biddan hēt || sē þisne bē |
The Husband's Message 32a | || þæs þe hē mē sæġde, / | þonne | inc ġe·unne || æl-wealdend |
The Ruin 42a | þæt wæs hȳðeliċ. / Lēton | þonne | ġēotan || [] / ofer hārne st |
The Ruin 47a | ] || ðǣr þā baðu wǣron. / | þonne | is [] || / []re; || þæt is c |
Riddles 63 2b | eall / fæġere on·þēon, || | þonne | iċ eom forþ boren / glæd mid |
Riddles 63 8b | illa[]ð l[] || / []fullre, || | þonne | iċ forþ cyme. / [] || / Ne mæ |
Riddles 66 1b | Riddles 66 / / Iċ eom māre || | þonne | þēs middan-ġeard%, / lǣsse |
Riddles 66 2a | þēs middan-ġeard%, / lǣsse | þonne | hand-wyrm, || lēohtre þonne |
Riddles 66 2b | þonne hand-wyrm, || lēohtre | þonne | mōna, / swiftre þonne sunne. |
Riddles 66 3a | ēohtre þonne mōna, / swiftre | þonne | sunne. || Sǣs mē sind ealle |
Riddles 71 7a | īpe || sē þe gold wiġeþ, / | þonne | iċ īeðan sċeall || []fe, / |
Riddles 73 19b | smæl, || sīdan fealwe / [] || | þonne | mec heaðu-siġel / sċīr be· |
Riddles 85 3b | t·samne. || Iċ eom swiftre% | þonne | hē, / þrāĝum strengra, || h |
Riddles 91 4a | þæt mē on·ġēan sticaþ, / | þonne | iċ hnītan sċeall, || hring |
Riddles 91 9b | bbe, / hīerde þæs hordes, || | þonne | min hālford wile / lāfe þiċ |
Riddles 93 32b | bord, || [] / []dēaðes d[] || | þonne | dæġ-candel, / sunne [] || / [] |
Riddles 94 2a | 94 / / Smeþr[]ād, || / hīerre | þonne | heofon[] || / [] || glædre þ |
Riddles 94 3a | ne heofon[] || / [] || glædre | þonne | sunne, || / []style, || / smēa |
Riddles 94 5a | nne, || / []style, || / smēare | þonne | sealt-ry[] || / lēofre þonne |
Riddles 94 6a | þonne sealt-ry[] || / lēofre | þonne | þis lēoht eall, || lēohtre |
The Phoenix 31a | m || on ġe·writum cȳðaþ, / | þonne | ǣniġ þāra beorĝa || þe |
The Phoenix 48b | les cyme, / dryhtnes dōmes, || | þonne | dēað-reċed, / hæleþa heols |
The Phoenix 99b | ce niht / wann ġe·wīteþ; || | þonne | wāðum strang / fuĝol feðeru |
The Phoenix 125a | þ || sweġle tō·ġēanes%. / | Þonne | biþ swā fǣġer || fuĝoles |
The Phoenix 128b | dorlīcor / beorhtan reorde, || | þonne | ǣfre byre mannes / hīerde und |
The Phoenix 142b | -rodor / sǣġed weorðeþ. || | Þonne | swīĝaþ hē / and hlyst ġe· |
The Phoenix 153a | eard, || wintra ġe·bīdeþ. / | Þonne | biþ ġe·hefiĝod || haswiġ |
The Phoenix 156a | , || foldan ġe·blōwne, / and | þonne | ġe·sēċeþ || sīde% rīċ |
The Phoenix 161b | mid him / wēsten weardaþ. || | Þonne | wāðum strang / west ġe·wīt |
The Phoenix 182a | || þenden weorold standeþ. / | Þonne | wind liġeþ, || weder biþ f |
The Phoenix 188a | wearm, || weorodum līehteþ, / | þonne | on þām telĝum || timbran o |
The Phoenix 192b | fe, / feorh ġung on·fōn. || | Þonne | feorr and nēah / þā swētost |
The Phoenix 208b | dum. / Siteþ sīðes fūs. || | Þonne | sweġles ġimm / on sumores tī |
The Phoenix 211b | / weorold ġeond·wlīteþ, || | þonne | weorðeþ his / hūs on·hǣted |
The Phoenix 214b | īemeþ / swēotum swæccum, || | þonne | on swole byrneþ / þurh fȳres |
The Phoenix 216b | este. / Bǣl biþ on·ǣled. || | Þonne | brand þeċeþ / heoru-dreorĝe |
The Phoenix 219b | neþ, / fyrn-ġēarum frōd. || | Þonne | fȳr þiġeþ / lǣnne līċ-ha |
The Phoenix 221b | īðe, / fǣġes feorh-hord, || | þonne | flǣsċ and bān / ād-līeġ |
The Phoenix 226b | e·clungne tō clīewenne. || | Þonne | clǣne biþ / beorhtost nesta, |
The Phoenix 230a | n || and sē bryne sweðraþ. / | Þonne | of þām āde || æpples ġe |
The Phoenix 234b | lǣde, / sċīr of sċielle. || | Þonne | on sċæde weaxeþ, / þæt hē |
The Phoenix 236b | dd, / fǣġer fuĝol-timber; || | þonne | furður ġīen / wrīdaþ on wy |
The Phoenix 240b | wæs, / beorht ġe·blōwen. || | Þonne | bræġd weorðeþ% / eall ed-n |
The Phoenix 248b | fōdor-þeġe ġe·fēan%, || | þonne | forst and snāw / mid ofer-mæ |
The Phoenix 253b | ǣne biþ / sǣd on·sāwen. || | Þonne | sunnan glǣm / on lenctenne, || |
The Phoenix 265a | e eard, || eft ġe·sēċeþ. / | Þonne | biþ ā·weaxen || wyrtum on |
The Phoenix 267b | ewe, / ġung, ġeofona full, || | þonne | hē of grēote his / līċ lið |
The Phoenix 271a | || aefter bǣl-þræċe, / and | þonne | ġe·brinġeþ || bān and ys |
The Phoenix 273a | lāfe, || eft æt·samne, / and | þonne | þæt wæl-rēaf || wyrtum be |
The Phoenix 274b | , / fæġere ġe·frætwod. || | þonne | ā·fȳsed biþ / āĝenne eard |
The Phoenix 276a | enne eard || eft tō sēċan. / | Þonne | fōtum ymb·fēhð || fȳres |
The Phoenix 285b | ylmde, / asċan tō ēacan. || | Þonne | eall ġe·ador / be·byrġeþ b |
The Phoenix 288b | īwe / ðǣre sunnan seġn%, || | þonne | swēġles lēoht, / ġimma glad |
The Phoenix 295a | xled% || wurman ġe·blanden. / | Þonne | is sē finta || fæġere ġe |
The Phoenix 303b | ·līcost, / glādum ġimme, || | þonne | on gold-fæte / smiða orþancu |
The Phoenix 320a | e him þæt ēad ġe·fēþ. / | þonne | hē ġe·wīteþ || wangas s |
The Phoenix 324a | manna || ġond middan-ġeard, / | þonne | samniaþ% || sūðan and nor |
The Phoenix 331a | ġerran% || ofer fuĝla cynn. / | Þonne | wundriaþ || weras ofer eorð |
The Phoenix 335b | ewe / frætwe flyht-hwates. || | þonne | fuĝla cynn / on healfa ġe·hw |
The Phoenix 348b | ġ / drȳmendra ġe·dryht, || | þonne | duĝuþa wynn / of þisse eorð |
The Phoenix 354b | ōmor-mōde / eft tō earde. || | Þonne | sē æðeling biþ / ġung on |
The Phoenix 364b | intra biþ / þūsend urnen. || | Þonne | him weorðeþ / ende līfes; || |
The Phoenix 371b | ewe, / feorh aefter fylle%, || | þonne | framlīċe / þurh briddes hād |
The Phoenix 426b | isses fuĝoles ġe·fær, || | þonne | frōd of·ġiefeþ / eard and |
The Phoenix 453a | dōmlicum || dryhtnes cempa, / | þonne | hē ælmessan || earmum dǣle |
The Phoenix 485b | nde cymeþ / dōĝor-rīmes, || | þonne | dēaþ nimeþ, / wiĝa wæl-ġ |
The Phoenix 491a | s cyme || foldan be·þeahte. / | Þonne | maniġe bēoþ || on ġe·mō |
The Phoenix 495a | drihten, || dēman mid rihte. / | Þonne | ǣriste || ealle ġe·fremma |
The Phoenix 501b | faþ, / þrēatum þringaþ, || | þonne | þēos weorold, / sċyld-wyrċe |
The Phoenix 504b | ·hwelċ / forht on ferhþe, || | þonne | fȳr briceþ / lǣne land-welan |
The Phoenix 508b | swelġeþ / landes frætwe. || | Þonne | on lēoht cymeþ / ældum þiss |
The Phoenix 511a | fēaliċ || fuĝoles tācen, / | þonne | anweald eall || up ā·stelle |
The Phoenix 520b | as hweorfaþ / on bān-fatu, || | þonne | bryne stīġeþ / hēah tō heo |
The Phoenix 522b | maniĝum / eġesliċ ǣled, || | þonne | ānra ġe·hwelċ, / sōþfæst |
The Phoenix 533a | nan || and hē selfa mid, / and | þonne | aefter līeġe || līf eft on |
The Phoenix 539a | ele || milde ġe·weorðeþ. / | Þonne | hlēoðriaþ || hālġe gæst |
The Phoenix 544a | mid hira wēl-dǣdum. / Bēoþ | þonne | ā·merede || manna gæstas, / |
The Phoenix 557a | a, || on grēotes fæðm, / and | þonne | aefter dēaðe || þurh dryht |
The Phoenix 589a | eorodum || on wuldres byriġ. / | Þonne | sōþfæstum || sāwlum sċī |
The Phoenix 648a | eardum, || god-bearnes meaht, / | þonne | hē of ascum || eft on·wæcn |
The Phoenix 654b | , / fæġerum fold-wæstmum, || | þonne | ā·fȳsed biþ. / Þæt sindon |
Juliana 36b | esa / māra on ġe·myndum, || | þonne | eall þæt māðum-ġe·steal |
Juliana 100b | brȳd-guman, || sē is betera | þonne | þū, / æðelra for eorðan, | |
Juliana 110b | ena god / ġeornor be·gange || | þonne | hē ġīen dyde, / lufie mid l |
Juliana 203a | llen || ġe·dwolan fylĝest, / | þonne | iċ nīede sċeall || nīða |
Juliana 324b | ām grorn-hofe || ġeornfulra | þonne | iċ. / Þonne hē ūsiċ sende |
Juliana 325a | fe || ġeornfulra þonne iċ. / | Þonne | hē ūsiċ sendeþ || þæt w |
Juliana 332a | ene || ǣġhwǣr ġe·fēran. / | Þonne | hē on·sendeþ || ġond sīd |
Juliana 403b | rel, / inn-gang ġe·openod, || | þonne | iċ ǣrest him / þurh earh-fæ |
Juliana 415a | | ymb þæs gæstes for·wyrd / | þonne | þæs līċ-haman, || sē þe |
Juliana 438a | a% cyning, || hiht staðolie. / | Þonne | iċ bēom on·sended || wiþ |
Juliana 528b | e / mǣĝum on ġe·maniġe, || | þonne | iċ mīne sċeall / ā·ġiefan |
Juliana 542b | yrċe, / ed-wīt for eorlum, || | þonne | þū ǣr dydest, / þā þū of |
Juliana 657b | e rūne / þurh mōdes myne. || | Þonne | ēow miltse ġiefeþ / fæder |
Juliana 697a | ġe mē || helpe ġe·fremme, / | þonne | mē ġe·dǣlaþ || dēorost |
Juliana 705b | rēðe, / siĝora sellend, || | þonne | synnum fāh / //E// //W// and / |
Juliana 715b | sīðodon / ansund on earde. || | Þonne | ārna be·ðearf, / þæt mē s |
Juliana 726a | mend || and sē dēora sunu, / | þonne | sēo þrīness || þrymm-sitt |
The Wanderer 39a | cwidum || lange for·þolian, / | þonne | sorh and slǣp || samod æt· |
The Wanderer 45a | ĝum || ġief-stōlas brēac. / | Þonne | on·wæcneþ eft || winelēas |
The Wanderer 49a | āw, || hæġle ġe·menġed. / | Þonne | bēoþ þȳ hefiġran || heor |
The Wanderer 51a | e. || Sorh biþ ġe·nīewod, / | þonne | maĝa ġe·mynd || mōd ġond |
The Wanderer 60a | sefa% || min ne ġe·sweorce, / | þonne | iċ eorla līf || eall ġeond |
The Wanderer 70b | Beorn sċeall ġe·bīdan, || | þonne | hē bēot spriceþ, / oþ·þæ |
The Wanderer 74a | hæle || hū gǣstliċ biþ, / | þonne | ealre% þisse weorolde wela | |
The Wanderer 88a | ·weorc || īdlu stōdon. / Sē | þonne | þisne weall-steall || wīse |
The Wanderer 103b | n% bindeþ, / wintres wōma, || | þonne | wann cymeþ, / nīpeþ niht-sċ |
The Gifts of Men 26a | || of ġe·mete hweorfe / and | þonne | for·hyċġe || hēan-spēdi |
The Gifts of Men 56a | s wīsa, || ofer wīdne holm, / | þonne | sǣ-rōfe || snelle mæġene / |
The Gifts of Men 59b | æftiġ / goldes and ġimma, || | þonne | him gumena weard / hāteþ him |
The Gifts of Men 63a | miþ || maniġe ġe·fremman, / | þonne | hē ġe·wyrċeþ || tō wera |
The Gifts of Men 71b | on ġe·þylde || þæt hē | þonne | sċeall. / Sum dōmas cann, || |
Precepts 64b | d, / and ā sōþ tō siġe, || | þonne | þū seċġe hwæt.’ / Niĝo |
Precepts 75b | taþ / swīðor ā·sīĝan, || | þonne | him sīe selfum riht.’ / Teo |
Precepts 82b | īeċed, / meahtum spēdiġ, || | þonne | hē mān flīehþ. / Ierre ne l |
The Seafarer 8a | ht-wacu || æt nacan stefnan, / | þonne | hē be clifum cnossaþ. || Ċ |
The Seafarer 65b | ran sind / dryhtnes drēamas || | þonne | þis dēade līf, / lǣne on la |
The Seafarer 84a | iefan || swelċe ġō wǣron, / | þonne | hīe mǣst mid him || mǣrþa |
The Seafarer 94a | an for·ġiefene / Ne mæġ him | þonne | sē flǣsċ-hama, || þonne h |
The Seafarer 94b | m þonne sē flǣsċ-hama, || | þonne | him þæt feorh losaþ, / nē s |
The Seafarer 102a | ġēoce || for godes eġesan, / | þonne | hē hit ǣr hȳdeþ || þende |
The Seafarer 116b | swīðre%, / metod mihtiġra || | þonne | ǣnġes mannes ġe·hyġd / Wut |
The Seafarer 118a | || hwǣr we% hām āgen, / and | þonne | ġe·þenċan || hū we þide |
The Seafarer 119a | | hū we þider cumen, / and we | þonne | ēac tilien, || þæt we tō |
Beowulf 23b | wunien / will-ġe·sīðas, || | þonne | wīġ cume, / lēode ġe·lǣst |
Beowulf 70a | miċel, || menn ġe·wyrċan / | þonne | ielda bearn || ǣfre ġe·fru |
Beowulf 248b | e·seah / eorla ofer eorðan || | þonne | is ēower sum, / secg on searwu |
Beowulf 377a | cumen, || sōhte holdne wine. / | Þonne | sæġdon þæt || sǣ-līðen |
Beowulf 435a | ǣpna ne reċċeþ. / Iċ þæt | þonne | for·hyċġe || (swā mē Hy |
Beowulf 469b | lf·denes; || sē wæs betera | þonne | iċ. / Siþþan þā fǣhþe || |
Beowulf 484a | gūðe || mid gryrum eċġa. / | Þonne | wæs þēos medu-heall || on |
Beowulf 485b | d, / dryht-sele drēor-fāh, || | þonne | dæġ līexte, / eall benċ-þe |
Beowulf 505b | ġe·hēdde under heofonum || | þonne | hē selfa): / ‘Eart þū sē |
Beowulf 525a | tānes || sōðe ġe·lǣste. / | Þonne | wēne iċ tō þē || wiersan |
Beowulf 534b | āhte, / earfoþu on ȳðum, || | þonne | ǣniġ ōðer mann. / Wit þæt |
Beowulf 573b | oft nereþ / unfǣġne eorl, || | þonne | his ellen dēah. / Hwæðre mē |
Beowulf 678b | talie, / gūð-ġe·weorca, || | þonne | Grendel hine; / for·þon iċ h |
Beowulf 880a | a, || būtan Fitela mid hine, / | þonne | hē swelċes hwæt || seċġa |
Beowulf 934b | fēore / bōte ġe·bīdan, || | þonne | blōde fāh / hūsa sēlest || |
Beowulf 1033b | n / sċūr-heard sċeþþan, || | þonne | sċield-freca / onġēan gramum |
Beowulf 1040a | hilde-setl || hēah-cininges, / | þonne | sweorda ġe·lāc || sunu Hea |
Beowulf 1042b | læġ / wīd-cūðes wīġ, || | þonne | walu fēollon. / And þā Bēow |
Beowulf 1066a | rēted, || ġiedd oft wrecen, / | þonne | heall-gamen || Hrōð·gāres |
Beowulf 1104a | swā ġe·þearfod wæs; / ġif | þonne | Frēsna hwelċ || frēcnan% s |
Beowulf 1106a | r-hetes || myndġiend wǣre, / | þonne | hit sweordes eċġ || sēðan |
Beowulf 1121b | lton, / benn-ġeatu burston, || | þonne | blōd æt-sprang, / lāþ-bite |
Beowulf 1139b | yn-wræce / swīðor þōhte || | þonne | tō sǣ-lāde, / ġif hē torn- |
Beowulf 1143a | wiernde || weorold-rǣdenne, / | þonne | him Hun·lāfing || hilde-lē |
Beowulf 1179b | ĝum lǣf / folc and rīċe, || | þonne | þū forþ sċyle / metod-sċea |
Beowulf 1182b | rum healdan, || ġif þū ǣr | þonne | hē, / wine Sċieldinga, || weo |
Beowulf 1285a | e wīfes, || be wǣpned-menn, / | þonne | heoru bunden, || hamere ġe· |
Beowulf 1326b | d-bora, / eaxl-ġe·stealla, || | þonne | we on or-leġe / hafolan weredo |
Beowulf 1327b | or-leġe / hafolan weredon, || | þonne | hniton fēðan, / eoforas cnyse |
Beowulf 1353b | ræd, / nefne hē wæs māra || | þonne | ǣniġ mann ōðer; / þone on |
Beowulf 1374b | tīĝeþ / wann tō wolcnum, || | þonne | wind styreþ, / lāþ-ġe·wīd |
Beowulf 1385b | æt hē his frēond wrece, || | þonne | hē fela murne. / Ūre ǣghwel |
Beowulf 1455a | bītan ne meahton. / Næs þæt | þonne | mǣtost || mæġen-fultuma / þ |
Beowulf 1484a | Hyġe·lāce on·send. / Mæġ | þonne | on þǣm golde on·ġietan || |
Beowulf 1485b | n, / ġesêon sunu Hrǣdles, || | þonne | hē on þæt sinċ staraþ, / |
Beowulf 1487b | de / bēaĝa bryttan, || brēac | þonne | mōste. / And þū Un·ferþ% l |
Beowulf 1535a | es. || Swā sċeall man dôn, / | þonne | hē æt gūðe || ġe·ġan |
Beowulf 1560b | yst, / būtan hit wæs māre || | þonne | ǣniġ mann ōðer / tō beadu- |
Beowulf 1579b | West-Denum / oftor miċele || | þonne | on ǣnne sīþ, / þonne hē Hr |
Beowulf 1580a | ele || þonne on ǣnne sīþ, / | þonne | hē Hrōð·gāres || heorð- |
Beowulf 1609a | e·mealt || īse ġelīcost, / | þonne | forstes bend || fæder on·l |
Beowulf 1671a | ġe·dēfe wæs. / Iċ hit þe | þonne | ġe·hāte, || þæt þū on |
Beowulf 1741b | dæl / weaxeþ and wrīdaþ. || | Þonne | sē weard swefeþ, / sāwle hie |
Beowulf 1745a | boĝan || firenum sċēoteþ. / | Þonne | biþ on hreðere || under hel |
Beowulf 1822a | ūs wēl dōhtest. / Ġif iċ | þonne | on eorðan || āwihte mæġ / |
Beowulf 1824b | an tilian, / gumena drihten, || | þonne | iċ ġīet dyde, / gūð-ġe·w |
Beowulf 1836a | e biþ manna ðearf. / Ġif him | þonne | Hrēð·rīċ% || tō hofum |
Beowulf 2032a | sēo brȳd duĝe. / Mæġ þæs | þonne | of·þynċan || þēodne% Hea |
Beowulf 2034a | ġe·hwǣm || þāra lēoda, / | þonne | hē mid fǣmnan || on flett g |
Beowulf 2041a | as || and hira selfra feorh. / | Þonne | cwiþ æt bēore || sē þe b |
Beowulf 2063a | e%, || cann him land ġearwe. / | Þonne | bēoþ ā·brocene% || on bā |
Beowulf 2114a | nġe; || hreðer inne wēoll, / | þonne | hē wintrum frōd || worn ġe |
Beowulf 2433b | āwihte, / beorn on burgum, || | þonne | his bearna hwelċ / Here·beald |
Beowulf 2446b | rīde / ġēong on gālĝan, || | þonne | hē ġiedd wrece, / sāriġne s |
Beowulf 2447b | edd wrece, / sāriġne sang, || | þonne | his sunu hangaþ / hræfne tō |
Beowulf 2453b | um on innan / ierfe-weardas, || | þonne | sē ān hafaþ / þurh dēaðes |
Beowulf 2460a | ǣr ġō wǣron. / Ġe·wīteþ | þonne | on sealman, || sorh-lēoþ g |
Beowulf 2544b | e·dīeġde, / hilde-hlemma, || | þonne | hniton fēðan, / standan% stā |
Beowulf 2572b | san hwīle / mǣrum þēodne || | þonne | his myne sōhte, / ðǣr hē þ |
Beowulf 2579a | on bāne, || bāt unswīðor / | þonne | his þēod-cyning || þearfe |
Beowulf 2634a | n, || ðǣr we medu þǣĝon, / | þonne | we ġe·hēton || ūssum hlā |
Beowulf 2686b | ġe, / swenġe ofer·sōhte, || | þonne | hē tō sæċċe bær / wǣpen |
Beowulf 2742b | ra / morðₒr-bealu māĝa, || | þonne | min sċæceþ / līf of līċe. |
Beowulf 2867a | | þe ġē ðǣr on standaþ, / | þonne | hē on ealu-benċe || oft ġe |
Beowulf 2880b | n; / simle wæs þȳ sǣmra, || | þonne | iċ swurde dræp / ferhð-ġe· |
Beowulf 2891b | sēlra / eorla ġe·hwelcum || | þonne | edwīt-līf. / Hēt þā þæt |
Beowulf 3051a | end wintra || ðǣr eardodon. / | Þonne | wæs þæt ierfe, || ēacen-c |
Beowulf 3062b | wrāðlīċe. || Wundor hwǣr | þonne | / eorl ellen-rōf || ende ġe· |
Beowulf 3064b | fēre / līf-ġe·sċeafta, || | þonne | lenġ ne mæġ / mann mid his m |
Beowulf 3106b | ġearu, / ǣdre ġe·efned, || | þonne | we ūt cymen, / and þonne ġe |
Beowulf 3107a | , || þonne we ūt cymen, / and | þonne | ġe·ferġen || frēan ūsern |
Beowulf 3117a | ġe·bād || īsern-sċūre, / | þonne | strǣla storm || strengum ġe |
Beowulf 3176b | herġe, / ferhþum frēoġe, || | þonne | hē forþ sċyle / of līċ-ham |
Judith 329b | e·frætwod, / mǣrra mādma || | þonne | mann ǣniġ / aseċġan mæġe |
The Paris Psalter 101:4 2a | || þǣmþe hræðe weornaþ, / | þonne | hit biþ ā·māwen || mannes |
The Paris Psalter 101:19 1a | eġene || slīðe wǣron. / / # / | Þonne | biþ on Sione sæġd || sōþ |
The Paris Psalter 101:24 1a | || wended siþþan. / / # / Þū | þonne | bist sē īlca, || sē þū |
The Paris Psalter 102:15 1a | f-daĝas || lǣne sindon. / / # / | Þonne | hē gāst of·ġiefeþ, || si |
The Paris Psalter 103:27 2a | ram him || ǣfre ā·wendest, / | þonne | hīe ġe·drēfde || dēope w |
The Paris Psalter 105:34 1a | e || bealde ġe·hīerde. / / # / | Þonne | hē his word-ġe·bēot || w |
The Paris Psalter 105:34 2b | munde; / hrēaw hine sōna, || | þonne | hīe hīenþa druĝon, / aefter |
The Paris Psalter 108:10 3a | ūt weorpe || earme þearfan, / | þonne | hīe tō his hūse || hlēowe |
The Paris Psalter 111:9 3b | earle þindeþ, || oþ·þæt | þonne | biþ, / þæt firenfulra lust | |
The Paris Psalter 114:4 2a | r || cnyssedon ġe·nēahhe, / | þonne | iċ naman dryhtnes || nīede |
The Paris Psalter 117:8 2a | en || ġeorne tō þenċanne, / | þonne | on mannan wese || mōd tō tr |
The Paris Psalter 117:9 2a | hten || ġeorne tō hyhtanne, / | þonne | on ealdor-menn || āhwǣr tō |
The Paris Psalter 118:6 1a | | elne healde / / # / Ne bēo iċ | þonne | on ealdre || ǣfre ġe·sċyn |
The Paris Psalter 118:9 3a | rǣdran || rǣd ġe·mittan, / | þonne | hē þīne wīsan || word ġe |
The Paris Psalter 118:72 3b | / þīnes mūðes ġe·met, || | þonne | man mē ġiefe / ġeare þūsen |
The Paris Psalter 118:92 4a | ċ on mōde || mīnum hæfde, / | þonne | iċ wende || on weorold-līfe |
The Paris Psalter 118:117 2b | / Ġe·fultuma mē fæste; || | þonne | bēo iċ fæġere hāl, / and i |
The Paris Psalter 119:1 2a | drihtne || dīerum clipode, / | þonne | mē costunga || cnyssedon ġe |
The Paris Psalter 119:6 3a | bbe mid him || sōðe hæfde; / | þonne | iċ him spēdlīċe tō || sp |
The Paris Psalter 119:6 4a | || sprǣċe and hīe lǣrde, / | þonne | mē earwunga || ealle on·fuh |
The Paris Psalter 121:5 2a | sǣton æt dōmum; / þū eart | þonne | dēma, || Dauides hūs, / þæt |
The Paris Psalter 122:2 2a | an sint || ealra ġe·līcost / | þonne | esne biþ, || þonne on·drys |
The Paris Psalter 122:2 2b | līcost / þonne esne biþ, || | þonne | on·drysnum / his hlāforde || |
The Paris Psalter 122:3 2a | an gāþ || earmre þēowan, / | þonne | hēo on hire hlǣfdīġan || |
The Paris Psalter 123:2 1a | rdie inn || āwa drihten. / / # / | Þonne | ūs mānfulle || menn on·ġi |
The Paris Psalter 123:3 1a | || ġif hīe swā maĝon. / / # / | Þonne | ūs þāra manna || mōd iers |
The Paris Psalter 124:3 3a | fulra tān || furður gangan, / | þonne | hē sōþfæstra || settan wi |
The Paris Psalter 125:1 1a | Paris Psalter: Psalm 125 / / # / | Þonne | drihten wille || ġe·dōn ae |
The Paris Psalter 125:3 1a | e tungan || tela wynsume. / / # / | Þonne | hīe ġond þēode || cweða |
The Paris Psalter 125:6 1a | snīðaþ aefter. / / # / Cumaþ | þonne | mid cumendum || cūðe mid bl |
The Paris Psalter 126:4 1a | s hlāf || swīðe ǣton. / / # / | Þonne | hē slǣp sileþ || swīðe l |
The Paris Psalter 126:6 4a | ealre || ǣfre ġe·sċended, / | þonne | hē on gatum grēteþ || his |
The Paris Psalter 127:2 1a | s tīd || lustum gangaþ. / / # / | Þonne | þū þīnes ġe·winnes || w |
The Paris Psalter 131:13 1a | þe% iċ hīe wēl lǣre. / / # / | Þonne | hira suna || swelċe mōton / |
The Paris Psalter 136:1 3a | sittaþ || and sāre wēpaþ, / | þonne | we Sion ġe·munon || swīðe |
The Paris Psalter 136:7 1a | Edōm sint || eall libbende, / | þonne | þū Hierusālem || ġe·gōd |
The Paris Psalter 138:21 3a | āhwǣr ēode; / ġe·lǣd mē | þonne, | || līfes ealdor, / þæt iċ o |
The Paris Psalter 140:1 3a | hrǣdlīċe || holdre stefne, / | þonne | iċ bēne tō þē% || bidde |
The Paris Psalter 140:2 3a | eaht, || swā rīeċels biþ, / | þonne | hit ġīfre || glēda bærna |
The Paris Psalter 140:3 2a | ā·hafenes || handa mīnra, / | þonne | iċ þe ǣfen-lāc || ēstum |
The Paris Psalter 142:5 1a | n || hearde ġe·drēfed. / / # / | Þonne | iċ on mōde || ġe·myndgode |
The Paris Psalter 142:6 1a | weorc || hoĝode ġeorne. / / # / | Þonne | iċ mīne handa tō þē || h |
The Paris Psalter 143:16 3b | īðe, / of þissum on þæt || | þonne | wendaþ. / / # / Hira sċēap wǣ |
The Paris Psalter 145:4 1a | || þe hīe þōhton ǣr. / / # / | þonne | biþ ēadiġ || þe him ǣror |
The Paris Psalter 146:10 2b | nēatum, / hræfnes briddum, || | þonne | hēo hrōpende / him ċīeġaþ |
The Paris Psalter 149:5 1a | um sileþ || mǣre hǣlu. / / # / | Þonne | on wuldre ġe·fēoþ || wēl |
The Paris Psalter 52:7 3a | f Sīone || nemþe selfa god, / | þonne | hē his folc || fæġere ā· |
The Paris Psalter 52:8 1a | ede, || hāliġ drihten? / / # / | Þonne | Iacob biþ || on glædum sǣl |
The Paris Psalter 53:4 1a | on ġe·sihþe. / / # / Efne mē | þonne | god || glēawe fultumeþ, / is |
The Paris Psalter 54:6 3a | fiðeru swā culfran, / and iċ | þonne | recene || ræste siþþan. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 55:8 1a | e || hæfde ġe·nēahhe. / / # / | Þonne | on hinder-ling || hweorfaþ m |
The Paris Psalter 55:8 2b | aþ mīne / fēondas fǣcne, || | þonne | iċ mē friðu tō þē / wordu |
The Paris Psalter 57:6 2a | ðan || wætere ġe·līcost, / | þonne | hit iernende || eorðe for·s |
The Paris Psalter 57:9 1b | . / / # / Sōþfæst blissaþ, || | þonne | hē sīþ on·gann, / hū þā |
The Paris Psalter 57:10 1a | ra || fǣcnum blōde. / / # / And | þonne | man cweþeþ || on his mōd-s |
The Paris Psalter 58:6 2a | ne eft || inn ġe·ċierraþ, / | þonne | hīe heardne || hungor þolia |
The Paris Psalter 58:8 1a | āð sweord and sċearp%. / / # / | Þonne | ġe·hīereþ hwelċ, || hwæ |
The Paris Psalter 58:16 1a | , || fela gnorniaþ. / / # / Iċ | þonne | þīne strengþu || stundum s |
The Paris Psalter 58:17 3a | lpe æt þē || hæfde simle, / | þonne | mē costunge || cnysedon ġe |
The Paris Psalter 61:3 1a | , || iċ ne forhtie wiht. / / # / | Þonne | ġē mid māne || menn on·gu |
The Paris Psalter 62:4 2a | milde mōd || miċele betere / | þonne | þis lǣne līf || þe we lī |
The Paris Psalter 64:12 1a | e || dēawes and reġnes. / / # / | Þonne | þū ġēares hrinġ || mid |
The Paris Psalter 64:12 3a | mnesse wilt || folcum dǣlan, / | þonne | bēoþ þīne feldas || fylde |
The Paris Psalter 64:13 1a | as || fylde mid wæstmum. / / # / | Þonne | on wæstmum || weorðaþ mæs |
The Paris Psalter 64:14 4a | gas || weorðliċ on hwǣtum; / | þonne | hīe cynlīċe tō þē || cl |
The Paris Psalter 64:14 5a | || clipiaþ sōna, / and þē | þonne | lustum || lofe þanciaþ. |
The Paris Psalter 65:9 3a | e, || swā man seolfor dēþ, / | þonne | man hit ā·sēoðeþ || swī |
The Paris Psalter 67:8 1a | aþ || on eorð-sċrafum. / / # / | Þonne | god gangeþ || for his þæt |
The Paris Psalter 67:10 2a | eġn || wolcen brinġeþ, / and | þonne | ā·sċādeþ god || sundor-i |
The Paris Psalter 67:14 1a | eneþ || beorhtan golde. / / # / | Þonne | hīe sē heofonlica cyning || |
The Paris Psalter 68:4 1b | e. / / # / Hira is miċele mā || | þonne | iċ mē hæbbe / on heafde nū |
The Paris Psalter 68:11 3a | ta || inn ġe·fēollon. / / # / | Þonne | iċ mīnum fēore || fæsten |
The Paris Psalter 68:14 1a | ā þe wīn druncon. / / # / Iċ | þonne | min ġe·bedd || tō þē, me |
The Paris Psalter 68:14 3a | la līciendliċ, / and þū mē | þonne | on meniġu || miltsa þīnra / |
The Paris Psalter 68:33 2a | ofan gode || līcie swīðor / | þonne | æðele ċealf, || þēah þe |
The Paris Psalter 69:2 1a | uma || æt feorh-þearfe. / / # / | Þonne | bēoþ ġe·sċende || and s |
The Paris Psalter 70:8 2a | þū mē, || wuldres ealdor, / | þonne | mē ielde tīd || inn ġe·s |
The Paris Psalter 70:8 3a | elde tīd || inn ġe·sīġe; / | þonne | mē mæġen and mōd || milte |
The Paris Psalter 70:10 3a | || swā swā ġīemelēasne; / | þonne | we hine for·grīpen || and h |
The Paris Psalter 70:19 4a | a fela || oft on·cnyssedest; / | þonne | þū ierre þīn || eft on· |
The Paris Psalter 70:20 2a | orc || snēome tō·brǣdest, / | þonne | þū ġe·hwierfdest || and h |
The Paris Psalter 70:21 2a | e·fēoþ, || wynnum lofiaþ, / | þonne | iċ þe sinġe, || siĝora we |
The Paris Psalter 71:6 1a | || wunaþ him ēċe. / / # / Hē | þonne | ā·stīĝeþ, || swā sē st |
The Paris Psalter 71:8 1a | fen || hlūtor mōna. / / # / Hē | þonne | wealdeþ || wera cnēo-rissum |
The Paris Psalter 71:16 1a | dæġ || ēac blētsiaþ. / / # / | Þonne | æðele ġe·trym || eorðan |
The Paris Psalter 71:17 1a | hīeġ || ūte on lande. / / # / | Þonne | biþ his nama || ofer eall% n |
The Paris Psalter 71:17 4b | biþ his setel ǣr || swelċe | þonne | mōna. / / # / And him biþ eorð |
The Paris Psalter 72:9 1a | as || findaþ sōna. / / # / And | þonne | cwǣdon: || ‘Hū% weorðeþ |
The Paris Psalter 74:3 2a | || and hire eardend mid; / iċ | þonne | hire swyre || simle ġe·trym |
The Paris Psalter 74:8 1a | s on·fēhð þe hē ann. / / # / | Þonne | hē of þissum on þæt || þ |
The Paris Psalter 74:8 1b | ne hē of þissum on þæt || | þonne | on·ċierreþ, / nille hē þā |
The Paris Psalter 74:8 5a | oldan || firene wyrċaþ; / iċ | þonne | weorolde ġe·fēan || wynnum |
The Paris Psalter 75:6 1a | || āhwǣr wiþ·standan? / / # / | Þonne | þū of heofonum dōm || hide |
The Paris Psalter 75:6 2b | n / mid ġe·sċote sendest, || | þonne | hēo swīðe bifaþ; / þonne t |
The Paris Psalter 75:6 3a | | þonne hēo swīðe bifaþ; / | þonne | tō dōme || drihten ā·rīs |
The Paris Psalter 75:7 2a | ht || mæġen andetteþ, / and | þonne | þā lāfe || lustum þenċe, |
The Paris Psalter 76:12 2a | efn || strang on hwēole. / / # / | Þonne% | līeġette || līexan cōmon, |
The Paris Psalter 77:33 1a | ara gang || ēac unnytte. / / # / | Þonne | hē% hīe sāre slōh, || þo |
The Paris Psalter 77:33 1b | nne hē% hīe sāre slōh, || | þonne | hīe sōhton hine, / and ǣr l |
The Paris Psalter 77:37 1a | fæstne ġe·lēafan. / / # / Hē | þonne | is mild-heort || and mann-þw |
The Paris Psalter 77:58 2a | % ierre% || oft% ā·weahton, / | þonne | hīe ofer-hydiġ || up ā·h |
The Paris Psalter 77:70 1a | im on·fenġ hræðe. / / # / Hē | þonne | fēdeþ || folc Iacobes / and I |
The Paris Psalter 77:71 1a | ierfe-lāfe. / / # / And hē hīe | þonne | būtan facne || fēdeþ siþ |
The Paris Psalter 80:13 4a | eĝas mīne || wolden gangan, / | þonne | iċ hira fīend || fielde and |
The Paris Psalter 81:7 1a | | and æðele bearn. / / # / Ġē | þonne | sweltaþ || samod mid mannum, |
The Paris Psalter 82:12 2a | ira ansīen || āwa sċeamie, / | þonne | hīe% naman þīnne || nīede |
The Paris Psalter 82:13 3a | fe || weorðþ ġe·drēfde, / | þonne | hīe naman þīnne || nīede |
The Paris Psalter 83:9 2b | danne / ānne dæġ mid þē || | þonne | ōðerra / on þēod-stefnum || |
The Paris Psalter 83:10 3a | hēan gange || on hūs godes, / | þonne | iċ on firenfulra || folce ea |
The Paris Psalter 83:11 3a | ld-heort || mōde sōþfæst, / | þonne | him god ġiefeþ || ġiefe an |
The Paris Psalter 84:11 2a | msum god || fæġere drihten, / | þonne | ūs eorðe sileþ || æðele |
The Paris Psalter 85:3 1b | . / / # / Miltsa mē drihten, || | þonne | iċ mæġene tō þē / þurh e |
The Paris Psalter 85:6 1a | þē || stundum clipie. / / # / | Þonne | mē on dæġe || deorc earfo |
The Paris Psalter 85:6 2b | oþe / carelīċe cnyssedon, || | þonne | iċ clipode tō þē; / for·þ |
The Paris Psalter 85:11 1b | / Heorte min ā·hliehheþ, || | þonne | iċ þīnne hālĝan naman / fo |
The Paris Psalter 87:5 2a | ndode || wrāðe slǣpe / sīen | þonne | ġe·worpene% || on wīdne hl |
The Paris Psalter 88:8 3a | m meaht || ana ġe·stīeran, / | þonne | hīe on wǣġe || wind on·hr |
The Paris Psalter 88:17 1a | ning || ēac sē hālĝa. / / # / | Þonne | þū ofer ealle || undearnung |
The Paris Psalter 88:25 1a | | ēcre hǣlu.’ / / # / And iċ | þonne | frumbearn || forþ ā·sette / |
The Paris Psalter 88:30 1a | u || blīðe ne healdaþ. / / # / | Þonne | iċ hira unryht ġe·wrece || |
The Paris Psalter 88:33 1a | ǣr ġe·trīewe.’ / / # / Þū | þonne% | wiþ-sōce || sōðum Crīste |
The Paris Psalter 89:6 4a | , || oþ·þæt ǣfen cymeþ, / | þonne | for·wisnaþ, || weorðeþ t |
The Paris Psalter 89:10 2b | ūre winter / ġunge-wifran, || | þonne | hēo ġeornost biþ, / þæt h |
The Paris Psalter 91:2 1a | n || hæleþa cynnes. / / # / And | þonne | on morĝene || mæġene seċ |
The Paris Psalter 91:6 1a | afaþ || ǣniġ dysiġra. / / # / | Þonne | forþ cumaþ || firenfulra þ |
The Paris Psalter 91:9 1a | nryhtes || ǣror worhton. / / # / | Þonne | ān-horna || ealra ġe·līco |
The Paris Psalter 92:6 2a | ce sindon || wǣġa% gangas%, / | þonne | sǣ-strēamas || swīðost fl |
The Paris Psalter 93:13 1a | ǣfre for·lǣtan. / / # / Hwelċ | þonne | ġīenā || ġe·hwierfed bi |
The Paris Psalter 93:20 1a | his || fæst on drihtne. / / # / | Þonne | him ġieldeþ || god æl-meht |
The Paris Psalter 95:5 2a | du || hilde-dēoful; / heofonas | þonne | worhte || hāliġ drihten. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 95:13 1a | eorðan || ealle dēmde. / / # / | Þonne% | hē ymb-hwyrft || eorðan fol |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 41b | riānes / ġe·dwola lēofre || | þonne | dryhtnes ǣ. / Hēt Iohannes, | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 3a | nnytne ġielp || āgan wille, / | þonne | iċ hine wolde || wordum bidd |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 14a | tsunge || ġielpes sċamian, / | þonne | hine þæs hlisan || heardost |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 23b | n tiliaþ / ofer þēoda mā || | þonne | ēow ðearf sīe? / Þēah ēow |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 30a | | dēaþ þæs ne sċrīfeþ, / | þonne | him rūm for·lǣt || rodera |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 67b | aþ aefter dōĝor-rīme, || | þonne | hē hafaþ dryhtnes lēafe. / H |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 68a | hafaþ dryhtnes lēafe. / Hwæt | þonne | hæbbe || hæleþa ǣniġ, / gu |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 27b | eallunga / swīðor stirian, || | þonne | him% siĝora weard / his ġe·w |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 74a | sċeaft || mearce healden. / Ac | þonne | sē ēċa || and sē æl-miht |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 101b | sċeafta. || Wǣre hit, lā, | þonne | / murĝe mid mannum, || ġif hi |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 47a | æt him sē weald on·cwiþ; / | þonne | hīe ġe·hīeraþ || hlēoð |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 56b | wā dēþ ēac sēo sunne, || | þonne | hēo on siġe weorðeþ, / ofer |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 67b | his ġe·cyndes || cymþ tō, | þonne | hit mæġ. / Nis nū ofer eorð |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 77a | ume || ðǣr hēo ǣror wæs; / | þonne | hēo ǣrest sīe || ūtan be |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 78a | t sīe || ūtan be·hwierfed, / | þonne | hēo ealles wierþ || ūtan b |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 14 11b | māre, / hord-ġe·strēona, || | þonne | hē hider brōhte. |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 1b | þe wille anweald āgan, || | þonne | sċeall hē ǣrest tilian / þ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 16a | | ǣġhwelcne mann. / Hwȳ ġē | þonne | ǣfre || ofer ōðre menn / ofe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 11b | e dūne / fisċ-nett ēowru, || | þonne | ēow fōn lysteþ / leax oþþe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 16b | mid hundum / on sealtne sǣ, || | þonne | ēow sēċan list / heorotas an |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 19b | wuda sēċan / oftor miċele || | þonne | ūt on sǣ. / Is þæt wundorli |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 42b | yseġran, / unġesǣliġran, || | þonne | iċ þe seċġan mæġe. / Hīe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 45a | sċipes || tō ġe·winnanne; / | þonne | hīe habbaþ || þæt hira hy |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 46a | hira hyġe sēċeþ, / wēnaþ | þonne | || swā ġe·witlēase / þæt |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 2 7b | ō þā / sette sōð-cwida, || | þonne | iċ on sǣlum wæs. / Oft iċ n |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 103b | awened. / Ġif þæt nǣre, || | þonne | hēo wǣre / for·druĝod tō d |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 125a | wā same || uppe ofer rodore. / | Þonne | is þæs fȳres || frum-stōl |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 139b | re on nānre ne mōt || nēar | þonne | on ōðre / stōwe ġe·steppan |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 218a | , || hwierfþ ymb hīe selfe. / | Þonne | hēo ymb hire sċieppend || m |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 221a | eallunga || ān hire selfre, / | þonne | hīo ymb hīe selfe || sēċe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 223a | || hire selfre be·nēoðan, / | þonne | hēo þæs lǣnan || lufaþ a |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 257a | ldend, || tō þē cuman, / and | þonne | mid openum || ēaĝum mōten / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 5a | þe we seċġaþ ymb. / Sē þe | þonne | nū sīe || nearwe ġe·hefte |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 27b | ā·blendaþ on brēostum, || | þonne | hīe hīe beorhtran ġe·dōn |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 37a | tan, || līfes wealdend. / Ġif | þonne | hæleþa hwelċ || hlūtrum |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 40a | lēohtes || hlūtre beorhtu, / | þonne | wile hē seċġan || þæt ð |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 22b | anc / lēohtre and beorhtre || | þonne | sē lēoma sīe / sunnan on sum |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 23b | oma sīe / sunnan on sumera, || | þonne | swēġles ġimm, / hādor heofo |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 18b | ufan / siþþan weorðan || and | þonne | sam-tenġes / æt þǣm æl-ċe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 25a | rum steorrum%. / Siþþan þū | þonne | || þone up ā hafast / forþ o |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 27a | enne, || þū meaht feorsian; / | þonne | bist þū siþþan || sōna o |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 30a | heofon || be·hindan lǣtst, / | þonne | meaht þū siþþan% || sōð |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 48a | fre eft || ðǣr ān cymest, / | þonne | wilt þū seċġan || and sō |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 55a | | fæste standan.’ / Ġif þe | þonne | ǣfre || eft ġe·wierðeþ / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 22a | na || tō fultemaþ. / Ġif man | þonne | wolde || him ā·windan of / þ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 24a | clāða ġe·hwelcne, / and him | þonne | of·tēon || þāra þeġnung |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 26a | aldes || þe hē ǣr% hæfde, / | þonne | meaht þū ġe·sēon || þæ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 30a | iċ his nā beteran. / Ġif him | þonne | ǣfre || unmendlinga / wēas ġ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 35b | æt him þynceþ || þæt hē | þonne | sīe / be·cropen on carc-ern, |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 45a | ofer·metta, || unnytta saca. / | Þonne | hīe ġe·bolĝene% weorðaþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 64a | || ā under·þēodan. / Sċeal | þonne | nīede || nearwe ġe·būĝan |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 70a | ā || winnan on·ġinnan, / and | þonne | on þǣm ġe·winne || þurh |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 71a | winne || þurh·wunian forþ, / | þonne | næfde hē || nāne sċielde, |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 25b | þonan / mere-henġesta || mā | þonne | ǣnne / ferede on fīfel-strēa |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 79b | wulfum wurdon, || ne meahton | þonne | word forþ·bringan, / ac hēo |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 82a | on eaforas, || ā grymetedon% / | þonne | hīe sāres hwæt || seofian |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 84b | ðlīċe / ierrunga rȳn || ā | þonne | hīe sċoldon / clipian for cor |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 94b | e·līċes / eorð-būendum || | þonne | inn-ġe·þanc; / hæfde ānra |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 112b | e·hwelcum / mōdes unþēaw || | þonne | met-trymness / lǣnes līċ-ham |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 12b | relt, / ymb-hwyrft lǣssan, || | þonne | ōðru tungol, / for·þǣm hī |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 40b | re gange / under sǣ swīfe, || | þonne | hēo on setl glīdeþ. / Hwā i |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 42b | ne wundrie / fulles mōnan, || | þonne | hē fǣringa / wierþ under wol |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 81a | wriġen mid || wunode lange, / | þonne | iċ wāt ġeare || þæt hīe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 20b | rht, / cymeþ ēastan up || ǣr | þonne | sunne; / þone% manna bearn || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 29b | oda his / naman on·wendaþ || | þonne | niht cymeþ, / hātaþ hine eal |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 33b | eþ / ieldum oð·īewed || ǣr | þonne | sunne. / Habbaþ æðele tungol |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 70a | || wēl forþ·brenġeþ / hit | þonne | hē wile, || heofona wealdend |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 72a | eft || eorð-būendum, / nimþ | þonne | hē wile, || nerġende god. / A |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 3 3a | eþ || þæt sweorcende mōd, / | þonne | hit þā strangan || stormas |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 3 4b | bēataþ / weorold-bisgunga, || | þonne | hit winnende / his āĝen lēoh |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 19b | his mōd-ġe·þanc || mā up | þonne | niðer / habban tō heofonum, | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 11b | ēafaþ / beorhtan lēohtes, || | þonne | hit ġe·byrian mæġ / þæt s |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 51a | elf-wille || sīĝan lǣtest, / | þonne | iċ wāt þætte wile || weor |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 9a | tre || grymme ġe·drēfeþ, / | þonne | hīe ġe·mengaþ || miċela% |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 10b | aþ hran-mere; || hrēoh biþ | þonne | / sēo þe ǣr gladu || an-sīe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 36a | or-trīewe || ǣnġes gōdes, / | þonne | þe for weorolde || wiðer-we |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 3a | das || and þus selfa cwæþ: / | þonne | sēo sunne || sweotolost sċ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 9b | westan / wind under wolcnum. || | Þonne | weaxeþ hræðe / feldes blōst |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 11b | ton. / Ac sē stearca storm, || | þonne | hē strang cymþ / norðan and |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 25b | de, / of hira stede styrede, || | þonne | hīe% strang dreċeþ / wind un |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 42a | enn wīse || būtan wendinge. / | Þonne | hē eall for·sihþ || eorðl |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 45a | þe ðǣr aefter cumaþ, / hine | þonne | ǣg-hwonan || æl-mehtiġ god |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 51b | sīn-gāle / ġīemen gǣle, || | þonne | him grymme inn / weorold-sǣlþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 33a | blīðra || on brēost-cofan / | þonne | hē swelċes morðres% || mǣ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 46b | Hē hæfde him tō gamene, || | þonne | hē on ġielp ā·stāh, / hū |
Metrical Psalm 92:6 2a | clice sindon || wǣga gangas / | þonne | sǣ-strēamas || swīðost fl |
The Rune Poem 46a | annum || simle biþ on hyhte, / | þonne | hīe hine ferĝaþ || ofer fi |
The Rune Poem 91a | eġle || eorla ġe·hwelcun, / | þonne | fæstlīċe || flǣsċ on·ġ |
Solomon and Saturn 23a | f ed-wītes || ȳða heafdum. / | Þonne | him biþ lēofre || þonne ea |
Solomon and Saturn 23b | m. / Þonne him biþ lēofre || | þonne | eall þēos lēohte ġe·sċe |
Solomon and Saturn 27a | wiht cūðe. / Fracoþ hē biþ | þonne | and fremede || frēan æl-mih |
Solomon and Saturn 39b | n intingum, / eġesfullicran || | þonne | sēo ǣrene gripu, / þonne hē |
Solomon and Saturn 40a | || þonne sēo ǣrene gripu, / | þonne | hēo for [XII] fīra || tȳde |
Solomon and Saturn 69b | ġearde, / staðole strengra || | þonne | ealra stāna grīpe. / Lamena h |
Solomon and Saturn 91a | hwone || fæste ġe·standan. / | Þonne | hine on unþanc //R// R || ie |
Solomon and Saturn 96a | lǣċe gōd. / Wendeþ hē hine | þonne | under wolcnum, || wīġ-steal |
Solomon and Saturn 98a | iþ æt biþ æt heortan wā, / | þonne | []e hangiende || helle wīsċ |
Solomon and Saturn 100a | ænġestan || ēðel-rīċes. / | Þonne | hine for·cinnað || þā ċi |
Solomon and Saturn 104a | an, || feorh ne be·murnaþ%. / | Þonne | //S// S cymeþ, || engla ġe |
Solomon and Saturn 116a | him biþ þæt dēoful lāþ. / | Þonne | hine I and //L// L || and sē |
Solomon and Saturn 120a | || þæt hē on hinder gæþ. / | Þonne | hine //F// F and //M// M || |
Solomon and Saturn 126a | æs hīe oft ġielp brecaþ. / | Þonne | hine æt nīehstan || nearwe |
Solomon and Saturn 134a | riendes || ġunges hræġles. / | Þonne | hine on lyfte || līf-ġe·tw |
Solomon and Saturn 152b | nnes, / handa ġe·hefeĝaþ || | þonne | hē æt hilde sċeall / wiþ l |
Solomon and Saturn 159b | simle hē sċeall singan, || | þonne | hē his sweord ġe·tēo, / Pā |
Solomon and Saturn 162b | ū ġiefe / feorh and folme, || | þonne | his fēond cyme’. / ‘swīce |
Solomon and Saturn 166a | || helle tō·middes. / Hāteþ | þonne | hēah-cyning || helle be·tȳ |
Solomon and Saturn 197a | ah iċ nā sprece%. / Wāt iċ | þonne, | ġif þū ġe·wītest || on |
Solomon and Saturn 103b | . || / ‘swīðor miċele || | þonne | sē swipra nīþ / sē hine ġe |
Solomon and Saturn 109a | hwīle || leaf bēoþ grēne; / | þonne | hīe eft fealwiaþ, || fealla |
Solomon and Saturn 111a | || weorðaþ tō dūste. / Swā | þonne | ġe·feallaþ || þā þe fir |
Solomon and Saturn 121a | ġe·hīere.’ / ‘Wā% biþ | þonne | þissum mōdĝum mannum, || |
Solomon and Saturn 130a | rapas’. / ‘Ac hwā dēmeþ | þonne | || drihtne Crīste / on dōmes |
Solomon and Saturn 131b | Crīste / on dōmes dæġe, || | þonne | hē dēmeþ eallum ġe·sċea |
Solomon and Saturn 132a | ·sċeaftum?’ / ‘Hwā dearr | þonne | drihtne dēman, || þe ūs of |
Solomon and Saturn 147a | ’ / ‘For·hwon ne mōton we | þonne | ealle || mid an-mēdlan / ġeġ |
Solomon and Saturn 153a | e mæġn%.’ / ‘Ac for·hwon | þonne | leofaþ || sē wiersa lenġ? / |
Solomon and Saturn 159a | þæt? || Gōde oþþe yfele, / | þonne | hīe bēoþ þurh āne || ide |
Solomon and Saturn 164b | e sīdan ġe·sċeafte || and | þonne | eft mid sorĝum ġe·wīteþ. |
Solomon and Saturn 166b | ?’ / ‘Mōdor ne rǣdeþ, || | þonne | hēo maĝan cenneþ, / hū him |
Solomon and Saturn 172b | e·lōme / grymme grēotan, || | þonne | hē ġung færeþ, / hafaþ wil |
Solomon and Saturn 179b | h sēo mōdor ġe·weald, || | þonne | hēo maĝan cenneþ, / bearnes |
Solomon and Saturn 197a | ena biþ || worn ġe·samnod. / | Þonne | snotorum menn || snǣd oþ·g |
Solomon and Saturn 203a | f hē hit ġe·þenċan cann, / | þonne | him sīe seofon daĝa || simb |
Solomon and Saturn 223b | rengra%, / wyrd þe warnung, || | þonne | hīe winnaþ oft / mid hira þr |
Solomon and Saturn 226b | ē ġāra / Filistina witan, || | þonne | we on ġe·flitum sǣton, / bō |
Solomon and Saturn 249b | all heofona rīċe || and him | þonne | on healfum sittan, / tȳdran% h |
Solomon and Saturn 271a | enden hīe libbaþ’. / ‘Is | þonne | on þisse foldan || fīra ǣn |
Solomon and Saturn 281a | mid þȳ þe hit dæġ biþ. / | Þonne | hine ymbe·gangaþ || gāstas |
Solomon and Saturn 293a | ld || ierre ġe·worden. / Swā | þonne | feohteþ sē fēond || on fē |
Solomon and Saturn 297a | on wōh spaneþ. / Ġe·wīteþ | þonne | wēpende || on weġ faran / en |
The Menologium 23a | endes, || brōhte tō temple. / | Þonne | þæs ymb fīf niht || þæt |
The Menologium 32a | | ċeorlum and eorlum / (būtan | þonne | bīses || ġe·boden weorðe / |
The Menologium 33b | weorðe / feorþan ġēare; || | þonne | hē furður cymeþ / ufor ānre |
The Menologium 37b | rēðe, / Hlȳda hēalīċ. || | Þonne | sē hālĝa þæs / ymb [XI] ni |
The Menologium 58b | frōfre, / dryhtnes ǣrest; || | þonne | drēam ġe·rist / wēl wīde |
The Menologium 90b | tūne, / wearme ġe·wederu. || | Þonne | wangas hræðe / blōstmum blō |
The Menologium 106b | le nēah, / mynstre mǣrum. || | Þonne | mōnaþ bringþ / ymb twā and |
The Menologium 115b | a%, / weorold-ġe·sċeafta. || | Þonne | wuldres þeġn / ymb þrīe-tī |
The Menologium 130b | metodes, / ealdor-þeġnas. || | Þonne | ǣdre cymþ / ymb twā niht þ |
The Menologium 143b | īewed / fæġere on foldan. || | Þonne | forþ ġe·wāt / ymb þrīe ni |
The Menologium 153b | ·golden / ēċe tō ealdre. || | Þonne | ealling biþ / ymb tīen niht |
The Menologium 169b | sēlost, / dryhtnes mōdor. || | Þonne | dæġena worn / ymbe þrīe-tī |
The Menologium 173b | fte, / on ēċne ġe·fēan. || | Þonne | ealling cymþ / ymb þrīe niht |
The Menologium 210b | nd sōhte, / up-engla weard. || | Þonne | ymbe eahta niht / and fēowerum |
The Menologium 218b | wǣre, / fūs on forþ-weġ. || | Þonne | folcum bringþ / morĝen tō ma |
The Menologium 226a | orn-wiĝan || blētsunga his. / | Þonne | ymb fēower niht || þætte f |
The Judgment Day II 29a | orum, || recene tō tēarum, / | þonne | iċ synfull slēa || swīðe |
The Judgment Day II 71b | ustum? / Ac sē dæġ cymeþ || | þonne | dēmeþ God / eorðan ymb-hwyrf |
The Judgment Day II 107a | m-hīew || and dwolma sweart. / | Þonne | stedelēase || steorran hrēo |
The Judgment Day II 111a | ·nipu mæġe fleċġan. / Ēac | þonne | cumaþ hider || ufan of heofo |
The Judgment Day II 113a | n%, || brēġaþ þā earman; / | þonne | cumaþ uplīċe || ēored-hē |
The Judgment Day II 117a | d || meahte and þrymme. / Sitt | þonne | siġel-beorht || sweġeles br |
The Judgment Day II 124b | foran dōm-setle || dryhtnes | þonne; | / stent herġa% mǣst% || heort |
The Judgment Day II 127a | d, || meahtlēas, ā·fǣred. / | Þonne | samod be·cumaþ || of sweġe |
The Judgment Day II 129a | rod, || ēċne ymb·trymmaþ. / | Þonne% | biþ ġe·bān miċel || and |
The Judgment Day II 135a | || ġe·teald wǣron ā-wiht. / | Þonne | eallum bēoþ || ealra ġe·s |
The Judgment Day II 143a | menn || ypte oþþe cȳðde, / | þonne | biþ eallum || open æt·samn |
The Judgment Day II 152a | id þȳ || eall ġe·fielled. / | Þonne | fȳren līeġ || blāweþ% an |
The Judgment Day II 158a | īe || hēr ā·feormod%, / and | þonne | þider cume, || þearle ā·c |
The Judgment Day II 159a | ume, || þearle ā·clǣnsod. / | Þonne | fela mǣġþa, || folca unrī |
The Judgment Day II 232a | æfe || biernaþ and eornaþ. / | Þonne | deriende || ġe·dwīnaþ heo |
The Judgment Day II 234a | , || ġe·wītaþ% mid ealle; / | þonne | druncenness || ġe·dwīneþ |
The Judgment Day II 239b | yldiġ sċyndan% || on sċade | þonne%, | / and sē earma flīehþ || unc |
The Judgment Day II 242a | slūman || slincan on hinder. / | Þonne | blindum be·seah || biterum l |
The Judgment Day II 244b | ofest% on līfe || lāþ biþ | þonne, | / and þæt wērġe mōd || wen |
The Judgment Day II 252b | s þēodne ġe·þēon || and | þonne% | mōt / habban heofon-rīċe%; | |
Psalm 50 11b | e mann, / cāsere cræftiġ, || | þonne | cumbol-ġe·bræc% / on ġe·wi |
Psalm 50 74a | ȳsopan || ealne ā·hlūtra, / | þonne | iċ ġe·clǣnsod || Crīste |
Psalm 50 80a | ðse || forþ-weard tō þē; / | þonne | bēoþ on wenne, || wealdend, |
Psalm 50 114a | end, || heofon-rīċes weard; / | þonne | tunge min || trēowfæst blis |
A Prayer 14a | ; || wā him ðǣre myrĝþe, / | þonne | hē þā handlēan || hafaþ |
A Prayer 19a | wēl him þæs ġe·weorces, / | þonne | hē þā handlēan || hafaþ |
A Prayer 23a | mē, || tīr-ēadiġ cyning, / | þonne | iċ mīnre sāwle || sweġele |
The Seasons for Fasting 28a | stenu || fēower hēoldon / and | þonne | offredan || unmǣne nēat, / þ |
The Seasons for Fasting 63a | man Iunius || ġēarum nemde. / | Þonne | is þæt þridde || þinga ġ |
The Seasons for Fasting 87a | þēodliċ dēmeþ. / Ġif þe | þonne | seċġan || sūðan cumene / br |
The Seasons for Fasting 169b | ūsla weard / costian durre, || | þonne | hē Crīst dyde, / weoroda wuld |
The Seasons for Fasting 192a | s-dǣde || eall ġe·gladian. / | Þonne | is ðearf miċel || þēoda m |
The Seasons for Fasting 224a | n, || mǣða be·dǣled. / Hīe | þonne | sittende || sadian ā·ġinna |
Bede's Death Song, West Saxon Version 2b | wierðeþ / þances snotora, || | þonne | him ðearf sīe / tō ġe·hyċ |
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 9b | ·þanc / æl-tǣwe biþ || and | þonne | þurh his inn-ġe·hyġd / tō |
Metrical Charm 1: For Unfruitful Land 3a | þþe on lybb-lǣce. Ġe·nim | þonne | on niht, ǣr hit || / daĝie, |
Metrical Charm 10: For Loss of Cattle 1a | tle / / Þis man sċeall cweðan | þonne | his ċēapa hwelcne% man for- |
Metrical Charm 10: For Loss of Cattle 6a | m Christi. And ġe·bide þē | þonne | þrīwa ēast and || / cweþ |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 63a | lūpan, || eall sealt wæter, / | þonne | iċ þis ātor || of þē ġe |
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 4a | sius, Constantinus, Serafion. | þonne | eft þæt ġealdor, þæt || |
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 6a | onne on þæt swīðre ēare, | þonne | bufan% þæs mannes || / molda |
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 7a | s mannes || / moldan. And gā | þonne | ān mædenman tō and ho hit |
Metrical Charm 5: For Loss of Cattle 1a | æt þīn ċēap sīe losod, | þonne | || / cweþ þū ǣrest, ǣr þ |
Metrical Charm 6: For Delayed Birth 2a | / mannes byrġenne and stæppe | þonne | þrīwa ofer þā byrġenne | |
Metrical Charm 6: For Delayed Birth 3a | þā byrġenne || / and cweðe | þonne | þrīwa þās word: || / þis |
Metrical Charm 6: For Delayed Birth 7a | ðǣre lāðan lambyrde. / And | þonne | þæt wīf sēo mid bearne an |
Metrical Charm 6: For Delayed Birth 8a | hlāforde || / on ræste gā, | þonne | cweðe hēo: || / Up iċ gange |
Metrical Charm 6: For Delayed Birth 12a | , || nealles mid fǣġan. / And | þonne | sēo mōdor ġe·fele þæt |
Metrical Charm 7: For the Water-Elf Disease 1a | nn biþ on wæter-ælf-ādle, | þonne | bēoþ him þā hand- || / næ |
Metrical Charm 8: For a Swarm of Bees 7a | þan% for·weorp ofer grēot, | þonne | hīe swierman, and || / cweþ: |
The Battle of Finnsburh 40a | e% medu || sēl for·ġieldan / | þonne | Hnæfe guldon || his hæġ-st |
Waldere B 21b | inges rēaf / tō hæbbenne, || | þonne | hand% wereþ / feorh-hord fēon |
Waldere B 23a | m. || Ne% biþ fāh wiþ mē, / | þonne | [] unmāĝas || eft on·ġinn |
Waldere B 30a | rnunga || ǣr ġe·þenċeþ. / | Þonne | mōten% wlance || welan brytn |
The Battle of Maldon 33a | || mid gafole for·ġielden, / | þonne | we swā hearde || hilde% dǣl |
The Battle of Maldon 195b | ore burgon, / and manna mā || | þonne | hit ǣniġ mǣþ wǣre, / ġif |
The Battle of Maldon 213a | þe we oft æt medu sprǣcon, / | þonne | we on benċe || bēot ā·hō |