A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: ġemyne

Number of occurrences in corpus: 6

Juliana 721a ec neodful || be noman mīnum / ġemyne mōdiġ || and metod bidde / þ
Precepts 93b fan. || Swā þū, min bearn, ġe·myne / frōde fæder lāre || and þ
Beowulf 659a ġe·heald || hūsa sēlest, / ġemyne mǣrþu, || mæġen-ellen cȳ
The Judgment Day II 92a iefnesse || ġearugne tīman. / Ġe·myne ēac on mōde, || hū miċel
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 1a # The Nine Herbs Charm / / Ġe·myne þū, muċġ-wyrt, || hwæt
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 23a þæt him bēġra bōt sīe. / Ġe·myne þū, mæġþe, || hwæt þū